#tbb on Pabu
floofyroro · 29 days
With my ✨golden birthday✨ approaching, I think I’ll finally post part 1 of my Crosshair/fem!reader fic this week. 👀
I’m itching for feedback so I think this will be good motivation to polish and edit this week so that it’s ready to be uploaded by Sunday evening, CST.
Here’s a sneakpeek in the meantime.
Consider it a small taste of what’s to come. 🤫
The Herbalist
Summary: A year after rescuing Omega from Tantiss, Crosshair is still adjusting to life on Pabu. You're the island herbalist who has just returned from a year-long pilgrimage on Naboo. As you familiarize yourself with the island newcomers, you grow close with Omega, who becomes your little helper in the gardens. Somehow, you continue crossing paths with her intimidating brother and you find that you're drawn to his elusiveness. (Slight AU because Tech is alive.)
His name is called amidst the clamor of the crowd and Crosshair squints as he scans his surroundings, only to find Omega waving from a corner stall. The humidity clings to Crosshair as he parts through a throng of people and he’s lost track of how many times he has cursed the climate. The familiar training blacks he’s worn for most his life were recently confiscated by Omega, in the name of ‘relaxation.’ 
You need a fresh start. I think most things hold memories, whether good and bad, she had argued.
After that, their unconventional squad were given the island’s finest garments made of kelpcotton and linenfiber, courtesy of Shep. The boys knew it was all Omega’s doing as it has her fingerprints all over it. Crosshair shoves thoughts of his beloved training blacks aside when he’s met with Omega’s eager energy as she stands next to another stall.
She’s practically beaming as she holds a jar up to him. It’s seemingly filled with an organic mixture of sorts, the contents rolling to one side due to Omega’s tilted grasp on it. She then pops the lid open and a waft of earthy aroma hits Crosshair’s senses immediately. 
“Do you recognize it?”
Before Crosshair can even respond to Omega’s prompt, his brother interjects.
“Our evening tea!” Tech leans in closer to sniff. “We made our last brew just last night. Excellent thinking, we’re in need of a restock.” He winks at her then, and Omega nods in resolve, snapping the lid shut. 
She then motions behind the stall, bringing attention to you. 
That overpowering aroma of tea hits Crosshair's senses once more. You emit an air of quiet confidence as you stand surrounded by what he surmises is your livelihood; hanging foliage, dry and fresh alike strung together, creating a cascading effect around your stall. Vitality is the word that resounds in his mind, perhaps due to the nature of the items you’re offering to sell. 
And maybe due to the healthy glow of your skin.
Omega tugs at his sleeve, drawing his attention from you. 
“You’ve been sleeping better at night, right?” 
He pauses to consider. It’s been evident that the past two weeks have garnered the most restorative rest Crosshair is able to experience. Nightmares still plague him most nights, but considering his sleep over the past three years, the difference is night and day. He ignored Wrecker’s comment the other evening that he no longer resembles a human skeleton and that his skin has lost that dull, transparent sheen to it. 
One could also blame that on the relentless sun, Crosshair had countered. 
Or on the meditation! Omega had chirruped.
So, Crosshair waits for Omega to continue because surely she has some sort of agenda to share. 
“Well, that’s thanks to the herbalist,” Omega finally says, pointing to you. “She’s been showing me how to take care of the island’s garden plots and greenhouses.” 
A connection is made then; when Omega wants a break from training, whether that be piloting with Tech or hand-to-hand with Hunter, she’ll disappear from the household until it’s time to commune for dinner. She almost always returns with tousled hair and a thin layer of dirt coating her skin. Your name is mentioned in passing during their evening meals but Crosshair has never thought twice about you. Now he’s putting face to name and realizing that she’s been assisting you all along.
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zaana · 1 month
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adding echo, tech and omega!
here's the first three (x)
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lornaka · 3 months
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Omega and her little brother :>
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gil-estel · 1 month
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scenes from a pabu vacation
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mantellmix · 1 month
Omega is the amalgamation of all the people she loved.
Omega is all her brothers. 🥹
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hira492 · 24 days
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"Whatever we want, kid...Whatever we want"
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verc0pa · 2 months
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blew up his own domicile i cant believe him
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havoc-7 · 1 month
“Tech told me all about your…SPARKLING personality” I wanna know what Tech told Phee about Crosshair that made her so confidently sarcastic in that moment, like
Tech: oh yes, our brother Crosshair. Best sniper in the GAR, possibly the galaxy. He always kept an eye on us through his scope while we were on the battlefield.
Phee: that’s ni—
Tech: sure, he is cold and unyielding and incredibly stubborn and a little arrogant, but he always means well. He does like to pick fights with regs, but you can’t blame him, after being bullied all his life.
Phee: I guess we all have our—
Tech: there was that time where he got super upset with Hunter for not murdering that Jedi on Kaller. Then he tried to convince us to murder civilians. But he abandoned us for the Empire after that, so it wasn’t really a repeating problem.
Phee: wait—
Tech: that was when he shot Wrecker. Oh, and he tried to roast us alive in a spaceship engine. That was all under the influence of the inhibitor chip, though. Supposedly he’s had it removed since then. So his murderous tendencies have probably chilled out a little bit.
Tech: he also used to eat glue.
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saltyseaturtle · 2 months
It's like poetry...
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... it rhymes
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131-vr · 2 months
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I miss Tech, Still ignoring the last two episodes, I have a bad feeling.
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evesartblog · 3 months
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Because the blondes in this show ARE badasses 💅
Bonus doodle: Crosshair is an honorary member because of his white hair ✨✨
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lilacjunimo · 3 months
the lowest of low quality but I still see his smile which is what matters :)
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vivaislenska · 9 days
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I’m obsessed with The Beach Batch living together on Pabu and said obsession is beyond help 🙂. Looking at this now, I’m sad I made his jeggings so loose boooo
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lornaka · 1 month
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He's a Disney prince ♕
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gil-estel · 2 months
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family vacation on pabu after the war
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pockafwye · 13 days
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Incoming holomessage from Tech
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