#lula tbb
hira492 · 6 months
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melymigo · 3 months
If you are around Twitter/X, you might have seen this tweet about the production guide for the Ahsoka Series Part I. If not, well, I will summarize for you: the document includes the concept art, assets, etc. of the series episode.
On the Lothal Tower Quarters page (where Sabine has her workshop), there is a visual guide to the wall paint graphics where you can spot what seems to be a doodle of Wrecker and Crosshair drawn as tooka dolls and a 99 in aurebesh. Lula and another mini tooka doll are there too.
It seems that Omega met Sabine. I mean, it is obvious that, at some point, she would meet her because of Hera and the Rebellion.
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tlmtwelve · 3 days
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Lula's ready for her swimming lessons!
Week 8 Prompt: @summer-of-bad-batch
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onesleepybeetle · 1 month
Sleepy Omega takes a nap on Pabu.
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She probably sleeps better on a ship, but I couldn't help drawing her in a nice cozy bed.
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fanfoolishness · 4 months
Casual Hunter and Lula-Porg have arrived at Disneyland!
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doodlingfoolishness · 4 months
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I love them your honor 🥰🥰🥰 Pencil version + pencil with color accents.
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Omega from Season Three of The Bad Batch & Boba Fett from Attack of the Clones (April 14, 2024) at El Paso Comic Con Modeling by NJ, & Bee (with Finnix in the background), photography by Matt
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climberjedi · 2 months
Crash Landings and Relativity
Description: While crash landing, Omega reflects. Everything boils down to relativity.
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alabyte · 8 months
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I'm in love with this little Lula doll and the fact that my friend made this from scratch just by herself is just so precious I can't 🤧🤧🤧
She doesn't have tumblr or smth but if you want you can check her VK page here!
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datatechs · 1 month
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You know who it is 🙂‍↕️ the icon, the wonder, ✨️Lula✨️
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clonegirlie · 3 months
Well for may the fourth I decided I would made Tech’s googles for my Lula because I miss him sm
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They are not perfect but I think they look cute idk
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hira492 · 2 months
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"Whatever we want, kid...Whatever we want"
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melymigo · 5 months
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soluscts · 1 year
I impulsively decided to sew myself a Lula plushie by hand :D Started two days before my vacation, finished her the day before and successfully took her with me‼️
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alligatorpie1945 · 2 months
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Hunter made her promise to check in at least once a week. She'll never tell, but calling them is her favorite part of the day.
Prints available here
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fanfoolishness · 4 months
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So tonight I lost my goddamned mind and sutured a Lula outfit for a Porg
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