#tbh I didn't expect to get so detailed with the story in any of these posts. don't expect it every time
goshdangronpa · 1 year
Can a Danganronpa story really be a Dangaronpa story without anyone getting horribly killed? Okay, so there’s Danganronpa IF … but "I DISAGREE: An Ibuki Mioda SDR2 Protag Swap AU" isn’t like that! It may be an alternative take on one of the games, but characters will still suffer and perish. After a whole bunch of entries to get the plot moving, here’s the lead-up to the first victim of this storyline.
What Ails You is What Impales You: The Killing Game’s First Victim
Last time, I spoke highly of the students who volunteer to treat the infected. Fuyuhiko drops his combativeness to be a true team player. Hajime, who can’t even remember his talent, finds ways to make himself useful. Byakuya demonstrates true leadership by working alongside everyone instead of just supervising. Ibuki brings a contagious zeal to labor during the day and downtime during the evening. Mikan especially steps up as the leading medical authority, overseeing patient care while also investigating the Despair Disease.
Unfortunately, all their skills and efforts aren’t enough to stop the illness from worsening. For one, they’re not in a proper hospital. Their only supplies come from Rocketpunch Market, whose sundry selection means limited medical resources. For another, all they can really do is target symptoms. Much of the treatment involves urging the patients to rest, which isn’t easy. Peko’s operating on sheer inertia, refusing to exert herself for anything that doesn’t interest her. Chiaki is flat-out uncooperative, needing locks on her door and the whole staff present for each encounter. Kazuichi is actually too cooperative, eager to slay dragons or whatever heroic actions might help (his requests are denied).
Worst of all, Nagito’s health swiftly nosedives. At first he’s as energetic as Chiaki and Kazuichi, babbling conspiracy theories to (and sometimes about) anyone in earshot. His mania is soon missed: by the second morning of quarantine, he’s barely even conscious. By the third, he’s comatose. Mikan discovers some truly alarming pre-existing conditions that, in tandem with the Despair Disease, is bringing him to the brink. As the person with the most experience, she largely leaves the other patients to the other volunteers and dedicates herself to staving off his death.
Everyone’s getting worn down, and not just because of the increasingly stressful patient care. All that proximity to the patients brings up the additional concern of contagion. By the third night of quarantine (I’ve stretched the disease period longer than in SDR2 for better pacing), none of the staff seem sick yet. But if what Monokuma said is true, it’s just a matter of time. What little information Mikan’s been able to glean from research hasn’t shown them how to cure or really prevent it. If even one of them falls ill, they’ll go from relieving the burden to becoming the burden.
That’s how Mikan’s already starting to feel. The Ultimate Nurse can only do so much with such insufficient resources to save Nagito and defeat the virus. Not helping is that Monokuma suggested, without confirming one way or the other, that if a patient dies from the disease, their caretaker(s) may be held responsible ... perhaps, even, considered guilty ...
It could be worse, though. For the first time in her life, someone else actually seems to care about her. Ibuki tries her best to support the nurse, who’s so appreciative that she ends up falling asleep by her new friend’s side on that second night.
No one’s scandalized by the two walking out of the same hotel room on the third morning for long, though, after they see Nagito’s dire state. By the third night, Mikan’s on the verge of collapse herself, and with too many lives depending on her, she can’t afford to rest.
The only thing that could help is a miraculous breakthrough … but of course, as a suddenly severe Fuyuhiko reminds them on the third night, there’s always Monokuma’s solution.
On the fourth morning, Ibuki finds Mikan at her side again, snug and warm. Everyone’s first instinct is to check on Nagito. Amazingly, he’s sitting upright, gazing out the window at the hotel swimming pool. All signs point to a full recovery, with any chatter about societal collapse and living in a simulation extinguished.
The instinct to celebrate is curbed as the group realizes what such an instant reversal must mean. Everyone, including Nagito, rushes back out to the hallway. Fuyuhiko skips Kazuichi’s door, despite it being adjacent to Nagito’s room, and tosses aside the furniture blocking Peko’s door. She’s alive and serious, asking for the return of her sword. The staff had confiscated it for patient safety.
No time for that right now. Mikan opens Kazuichi’s door. He’s shaking with terror, not even able to speak - back to his old, cowardly self. Even his jumpsuit is zipped up again.
A shriek from outside the hotel isn’t quite loud enough to be heard within its halls - not for normal ears, anyway. As the others pry open the last patient’s door, Ibuki rushes out to find Hiyoko pointing at the tip of the outdoor stairway. Blood drips down the steps from the unmoving body of Chiaki Nanami. Next week, the trial.
PREV: Group Bonding in the Time of Despair Disease
NEXT: The First Trial
23 notes · View notes
naomihatake · 11 months
In search of freedom (Ch. 6)
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6. Where are you when I need you the most?
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⠀⠀➺ fic masterlist
⠀⠀➺ Chapter 5 ; Chapter 6 ; Chapter 7
⠀⠀⠀⠀She's been searching for freedom her entire life and everytime she thought it was laying right in front of her eyes, she was mistaken. She was running around the East Blue, seeking herself and her dreams, meeting people she never forgot. No matter how much she traveled, she could only catch a glimpse of peace before realizing everything would crumble at her feet.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Maybe it was destiny that brought her on that ship with three strangers — foolishly, that's what she tried to believe when the moon shined beautifully and hope settled in her chest, squeezed by the same ribcage where feelings were blooming.
Pairing: female!reader x OPLA Zoro Roronoa
Warnings for this chapter: angst, graphic depictions of deaths and fatal wounds, vomiting, self-harm, brief suicidal mention, canon-typical violence. (proceed with caution since it's getting a tiny bit gore)
Word count: 9,1 k (I'm proud of myself tbh)
Theme song: fic spotify playlist (click on the link)
A/N: I'm sorry for appearing with a new chapter 9 days later and I hope the wait was worth it. I dropped more details about the Witch's past in this chapter and some interesting interactions with her other crewmates. The next week I'm free, which means there's a chance I might most two charters until next Sunday <3.
I'm always open for opinions and comments. Whatever you want to tell me, just do it, even all you feel like doing is leaving a heart in my comments or inbox. Every interaction is appreciated and thank you so much for sticking to this story till now <3
The reader is referred to as "Witch" because I have no intentions of using "Y/N".
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A warm palm touched her shoulder and squeezed reassuringly, but with no effect. The witch turned her head towards Luffy, her glassy eyes betraying her. It made their captain frown with worry. The sound of her real name slipping from between his lips stung worse than expected. 
"It'll be alright," he smiled. "Zoro is a strong swordsman."
With horror painting her features, she shook her head and placed her shaking hand over his, gripping gently. 
"You don't get it, Luffy, do you?" her voice came out like a whisper. "It's not just any dwell and that man isn't just any swordsman. I've seen plenty of people dying in front of my eyes, the crew I used to be part of, they didn't hold a chance against—"
She sank her teeth in her lower lip and looked up, blinking away the tears. Her breath was shaking and the grip on Luffy's hand got tighter. Slowly, she inhaled deeply, body trembling as her lungs swallowed the morning cold breeze. 
Both Usopp and Luffy were frowning, listening intently to her words. 
"This won't end well," she concluded. "He willingly got himself in danger. Zoro is nothing but some prey for Mihawk."
Luffy's sympathetic gaze didn't help her, it didn't ease her worries as he hoped. Her panic was fed by each single thought passing through her head, by each memory making a nest in the present. 
"I've met one single Warlord in my entire life and he destroyed half of the strongest crew I ever knew at that time. I know who they are, I know their tactics, I know they're not to play with."
Both of her hands were clasped around Luffy's shoulder, turbulent eyes meeting his. The tips of her nails dug lightly in his skin, but he didn't wince or move. 
"Yes, we are strong, but still not strong enough for them," the witch intentionally lowered her voice so it wouldn't crack into sobs. "Please tell me you know I didn't argue with him because I like to. Please tell me you get what I mean, Luffy. I'm scared."
She was barely aware of her admission, but it was hard to hold back. The witch wasn't a scaredy-cat, she didn't run away, pride filled her being all too well to ever lose a battle, be it against herself or others. That time, however, she was scared out of her mind for the swordsman. 
Luffy gave her the sweetest smile she's seen in ages and squeezed her shoulder again. "He will be alright." 
She let her head tilt forward, hands falling back to her sides. His faith was greater than her fears, but he couldn't erase the panic settling in her bones. 
"You have no clue how much I wish you were right." 
It hurt. Her chest hurt and something was crawling up her throat, differently than back in Syrup Village. It made her feel nauseous, it bubbled in her stomach and gripped at her neck, it constricted her lungs and air punctured their tissue. 
Zoro just walked out of the galley exactly when the sun could be barely seen rising up from the waters. The bandana was wrapped around his head and his earrings chimed like a melody, making her head turn towards him. 
The same horrified gaze from hours ago was stuck on him and yet he chose to ignore her, passing by without even casting a glance. 
She stood there when Usopp, Luffy and Zoro walked by, her back turned to them. The witch had to collect the pieces of her broken heart before daring to glance at a list fight on the swordsman's side. Mihawk was already waiting for them right in front of the restaurant. 
She couldn't watch another dear person die. Not again. 
Her fingers dug painfully into her palms, until her nails left crescent marks on the skin, until it hurt so badly the tears in her eyes couldn't fall. Their synchronized steps beat like drums, just like her heart. 
Everything was blurred out. She didn't dare look until she heard swords clashing. Like a snap, her head turned. 
Mihawk stopped Zoro's attack with one small knife. 
He had no chance against the warlord, just like she guessed. 
No, she thought. I can't be pessimistic now. Maybe at least he'll get out alive—
But pirates don't just let their dwell partners live, the other side of her conscience commented. 
Each one of Zoro's attacks were either stopped or dodged so easily by Mihawk, who seemed like he was playing rather than fighting. He was so light on his feet, body moving like a feather between Zoro's blades. 
The warlord sent her green-haired crewmate flying back with a mere push of his knife when he blocked yet another one of his attacks. When Zoro got back to his feet and rushed towards him, Mihawk continued dodging each one of his attacks. 
The witch could only hear a muffled conversation from a distance. She didn't even notice when Nami passed by her until she saw orange strands of hair bouncing in her vision. 
The navigator didn't come from the restaurant, as she should've since she searched for a drink — or that's what she said. She walked from the other side of the dock. Her hands trembled by her side and she walked slowly, fearfully, her body so stiff, until she stopped behind Luffy. 
The witch focused for so long on Nami, her gaze fell on Zoro only when the right side of his chest was penetrated by Mihawk's knife. 
Air got stuck in her throat and time stopped in its tracks. Her feet were stuck right where they were and she couldn't move an inch. 
Zoro, his name lingered in her thoughts, the sound of it along with the sweet chiming of his golden earrings. 
Time stretched like an elastic. Seconds passed by at an agonizingly slow pace, as if the Universe itself decided to torture her with that image. 
Swords. Corpses. Blood. Fear. 
The witch let out a shaky breath while she trembled like a leaf in the breeze. 
Zoro made a step back, the knife slipping away from his flesh. With a few other steps, he fell to his knees, with his swords digging into the wooden battens to keep himself steady. 
Mihawk curled his fingers around the hilt of the sword on his back. 
It seemed like he decided to end it all right then and there. 
The witch didn't know if it was her imagination when Zoro seemed to glance towards her for a brief moment. All she knew was that her heart sank into her stomach and she could hear the audible cracks of her soul. The green-haired man took his white sword, placing it in between his teeth. 
His gaze moved back to Mihawk so quickly she could barely register it. Her stomach turned upside down and her chest tightened when she saw Zoro rotating his other two swords faster than the brain was able to comprehend. 
Mihawk and Zoro jumped into the attack at the same time. She didn't know if their swords collided or not. 
Zoro fell to his knees again, panting. The swords in his hands crumbled into pieces all the way to the hilt, right in the middle of the runes the witch drew hours ago on the blades. His Wado Ichimoji fell from between his teeth. 
He didn't stop there. Of course that fucking idiot didn't stop. He used the white sword to get up, resting his weight into it until he finally stood straight again, turning to Mihawk. Carefully, he sheathed his Wado Ichimoji. 
With his arms held in the air and hands curled into fists, Zoro didn't let go of his word as he proudly admitted:
"Wounds on the back are a swordsman's greatest shame."
The warlord said one word the witch didn't hear and then, with a swift motion, his sword cut deeply through Zoro's chest. 
The green-haired man fell on his back, eliciting a shout of his name from Luffy. 
His name was all the witch could hear while she rushed to his side, tears blurring her vision, tears she couldn't afford to show. 
Just like he did a few moments ago, the witch got to her knees, eyes focused on the t-shirt getting soaked in Zoro's blood. 
"Fucking dammit," she spoke in a hoarse voice, hands trembling. 
He was bleeding heavily, the dark blue nuance of his shirt replaced by dark crimson. The wound started from under his left clavicle and curved through his chest, all the way to the right side of his ribs. Without a second thought, the witch took off her unbuttoned shirt and folded it, just to press the material on his large wound. 
"Monkey D. Luffy," Mihawk said. "what's your goal?" 
"I'm going to become the King of the Pirates," Luffy responded through gritted teeth. 
The witch's burning gaze raised to the warlord who stood tall meters away, putting his sword back in place on his back. Her fingers ached to touch her revolvers and shoot holes through that man until she's satisfied, until the monster lurking in the depths of her soul had its blood thirst quenched. However, her hands remained pressed against her shirt, trying her best to stop Zoro's bleeding. 
She's always been revengeful when people dear to her heart were harmed. Revenge she never denied, a trait of hers she's accepted long ago. 
"That's a much more treacherous path than even defeating me. This world could use a few more wild cards."
"Go fuck yourself," the witch let out with wrath burning in her eyes. 
She clenched her jaw and her eyebrows knitted together into a deep frown. Anger filled each corner of her being, blinding her almost all the way up, filling her to the brim. 
One more drop and she would lash out. 
Zoro's safety was more important than her rage and she was completely aware of that. The wounded swordsman was the only reason why she stood still by his side. 
"It's too soon for him to die," and with that, Mihawk's gaze fell back on the green-haired man. "Roronoa Zoro, grow strong and come find me. I'll be waiting."
Fucker, the witch's thought wasn't voiced out that time while the warlord walked away. 
"Luffy," Zoro spoke in such a soft voice. 
The witch and Luffy immediately looked back at him. He was struggling to breathe properly, that mere motion probably making his entire body ache painfully. 
"If I fail to become the world's greatest swordsman," he faintly spoke, barely able to open up his eyes. After some greedy gulps of air, he continued: "you'll be disappointed. Right?" 
With a shaky breath, Luffy smiled at him as tears gathered in his eyes. 
"You could never fail me." 
The witch could feel her body shake when she realized the swordsman's life was hanging on a thread. 
"Never again. From now… until I beat him," Zoro continued talking in between panting. 
The witch wished she could tell him something, anything, but all she could do was continue pressing her shirt over his wound. Looking at him in that state made her heart squeeze in the cage made of ribs, wishing she could be in his place and take his pain away. 
With trembling hands, he somehow managed to draw his Wado Ichimoji out of its scabbard, holding it up as he looked up at the blue sky. 
"To become the greatest swordsman… I will never lose again!" he let out with a shaky breath, voice scratching at the witch's eardrums. 
One of her hands curled around his shoulder and squeezed firmly, intending to bring his attention to her only for a second. 
"I'm sorry about what I said, alright?" she gulped down hard, her voice cracking. "You need to live, yeah? I know you'll become the greatest. I'm sorry, Zoro, I'm sorry." 
She was sorry for lashing out at him. If they were to part ways in that moment, then she'd rather make sure he never believed she was mad at him, that she didn't hate him even for a second. It was a feeling her heart wasn't capable of harboring towards him — never him. She would've ripped her ribcage open and given him her heart if she could. 
The witch could only hope his tired and pained self heard her words, even as his eyes closed immediately after his arm dropped to his side along with the sword. 
"You better stay alive," she whispered while looking down at him. 
Her words became muffled from his perspective. All he heard was his name being spoken multiple times by Luffy and Usopp. 
The witch has been sitting on the floor of her shared room with Nami for a while now, ever since the navigator started reading. Zoro laid unconsciously on her bed, bandages wrapped around his torso. For a long time, she didn't even dare look at him. 
She will be eternally grateful for Zeff's help — the chef cook of Baratie who snitched Zoro up and told them to do whatever was necessary to keep him alive, be it telling stories or singing sea shanties. 
Despite the fact that Zoro's wound wasn't bleeding anymore, her heart still screamed at her. 
With knees pulled up to her chest and her forehead resting in between them, she wrapped her arms around her stomach, subconsciously protecting herself from God-knows-what. She couldn't sleep either, despite listening to Nami's alluring voice as she read from a book. 
The bandage on her upper arm was worn out and it's been longer than a day since Zoro wrapped it. It was dirty with blood from the time when she intentionally squeezed it before sobs could leave her lips. 
Nami stopped reading, but the witch didn't register the lack of sounds surrounding her until she heard a voice. She didn't bother to raise her head, keeping her eyes closed as she responded:
"Can you say that again? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." 
"Pull yourself together," Nami whispered. 
The witch knew that if she'd look up, she'd see a scolding or maybe a worried pair of blue eyes staring at her. 
"I will when the situation asks for it," plainly, she dismissed the navigator. "Until then, I couldn't give less of a fuck."
She was aware of her position, of how small she looked, curled like a ball against the wall, hugging herself and praying to every God she knew that the swordsman would wake up. It was pathetic, but there was no wiser way to hide her overwhelming pain. Wrapping around herself sounded like the most helpful option. 
"There are a few things you two should talk about when he wakes up," Nami closed the book with a small thud. 
"I'd tell anyone anything if I knew he'd wake up," this time, her voice trembled lightly. 
The witch swallowed the lump in her throat that's been sitting there uncomfortably for hours, with no positive effect. The only way to even her breathing was by holding the air in her lungs for a few seconds and letting it all go with a long exhale. 
Only then, the witch raised her head. She looked deplorable, with disheveled hair and sunken eyes, dark circles under them from the lack of sleep. Her chapped lips were red because she ripped the skin off with her nails again. There was no sign of life on her face. 
Obviously, she's had better days. Everyone did, probably. 
"Maybe it's because I'm sorrow-drunk and can't bring myself to hide it anymore, but I have to tell you something."
She's been debating on whether or not she shall tell Nami about her suspicions ever since she pulled out those two cards out of the tarot deck. 
"I know you're hiding something, but you can't hide it from me."
The truth has been spoken. With her heart beating loudly in her eardrums and threatening to break her ribs, she continued. 
"I know. You're planning betrayal."
The navigator's eyes widened as panic flooded in her soul. The orange haired woman had no clue where all this came from, didn't know how fuck she found out about that, when and why—
"I didn't tell anyone."
"Aren't you getting ahead of yourself?" came out Nami's sharp response. 
"I never expected you to admit it, if I am to be honest."
The witch rubbed her palms over her face and sighed heavily, as if a weight was pressed on top of her body. 
"I also know there's more to the story. I don't know what or who you're protecting yourself from, I have no clue exactly why you're doing all this, but there's one thing I know for sure: the world is sitting on your shoulders, yet you refuse letting us help you carry it."
Nami stiffened in her chair. Her back straightened and her empty gaze pushed the witch out of her thoughts. 
"Are you jumping to conclusions because of some stupid cards?"
"They definitely know more than me."
"Did you read you should treat your paranoia in there too?"
"While I admit there are times when I have crippling anxiety," the witch calmly stated, "I'm one hundred percent sure this isn't just a fairy tale. It's your choice to tell me or continue to keep it for yourself."
"But?" her voice lowered dangerously close to snapping. 
"But we're not your enemies, Nami, and you know that well."
Not an answer the navigator expected, definitely. 
"Zoro is unconscious on the bed and you're talking in metaphors — have you all gotten insane on this ship?" 
"If I did, it was long before stepping on The Going Merry," the witch let out a stiffled laugh. 
She dropped her forehead on her knees again, squeezing herself tighter in the embrace. The witch wasn't any less panicked than Nami, since opening up such a discussion scared her deeply. It was better than hiding and lying, though, and it felt less guilty. 
"Why did you tell me this?" Nami asked with a whisper. "Be it right or wrong, why would you?" 
"You don't deserve to be lied to, Nami. It makes me feel bad — hiding this from you made me feel like garbage from the start."
Even then, a gram of her guilt vanished. 
"You're weirdly honest. You're aware this will haunt you one day, aren't you?" 
"It's been haunting me since I got born," a sour smile painted the witch's face. 
"The devil must've put some kind of curse on you." 
"I only believe in evil spirits, sorry."
She didn't know where that soft laugh came from. Maybe it was her way of copying with the anxiety, with the pain. All she knew was that she hoped Nami wouldn't hide from them forever. 
"Is there anything else you want to accuse me of?"
Faster than Usopp's snapping, Nami was once again serious, and the witch didn't have to look at her to figure it out. 
"I never accused you. I know I'm right, but I'm not aware of the entire truth. You, on the other side, are aware of your own reality and I believe in your judgment. I hope you'll make the wisest decision and I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart." 
"That's rich coming from someone so suspicious."
She's always been that way, the witch had to admit it. It wasn't only anxiety or tarot readings, there were times when she was straight up acting and thinking like a paranoid and it was cutting years off her life. Worrying and thinking over and over again, being hyper aware of everyone's actions, including her own. 
Nami resumed her reading, her voice strained this time, as if she forced herself to talk out loud. Each syllable sounded rougher than the other, but that didn't stop the navigator from telling that story. 
The witch wasn't paying attention, instead focusing on the moments spent with all of them, just like last night, when they were all eating and teasing each other. She needed to talk to Zoro, to tell him again that she's sorry. 
Maybe he didn't hear me clearly before he fell unconscious, she wondered. She moved one of her arms and curled her fingers around the wound on her bicep. It stung good. If it could stop the stream of tears threatening to fall, then it was good, no matter how much it hurt, how the pain sunk deep into her bones, making her flinch. 
There was something she wanted to clear out with Nami, but before the witch could speak, approaching steps made her mouth close shut. The presence felt light once her senses registered it, like a sparkling piece of hope — Luffy. She remained like a statue, breathing so slowly it was barely obvious she was still alive. 
"Why did the king have to kill him?" he asked innocently. 
He was referring to Nami's telling. 
Without even having to glance up at him, the witch knew he was feeling unwell. There was no light in his voice and he sounded unsure of himself, so disoriented. 
"Sometimes, when you are in charge, you have to make the tough decisions," she muttered between gritted teeth. 
The witch knew where this conversation was heading. 
"Why does everybody keep saying that?" 
Luffy's voice desperately tried to reach out to the orange-haired woman.
Judging from the creaking of the chair, Nami got up from her seat as she spoke:
"Because you could've saved Zoro. He didn't have to fight Mihawk, but you let it happen. "
A few seconds of silence filled the room with thick tension. 
"Look at her," Nami pointed with her chin towards the witch. "It looks like if he goes, she goes too. If one of us crumbles, everyone does. Look at us, at how we're handling it, at how Zoro does or, better said, how he doesn't handle it."
The witch couldn't understand why she was suddenly part of their conversation or why Nami took her side and tried to protect her from some unknown entity.  Probably, she really looked worse than she thought. A sense of relief patched up one of the countless wounds under her skin when she figured out the navigator said all those things because she cared.
At the very same time, she knew Nami's words must've made Luffy suffer greatly, pushing her to raise her head and give her friends her entire attention.
"Nami," the witch intervened gently. 
"You're in no place to talk," she cut her off quickly, her eyes like turbulent seas. "We're all a mess and it's all because of his stupid decision. But he could've been stopped," Nami turned her head to Luffy again. 
"Nami, stop it," the witch furrowed her eyebrows. "Fighting will do no good. We've argued enough last night, there's no need for that anymore."
Nami was panicked and stressed out of her mind as well. Everything gave her away: the trembling hands, the shaking voice, tone close to breaking in a million pieces with each word, even the tears that gathered in her eyes. However, no drop rolled down her cheek. 
"Tell me, Luffy," Nami vehemently continued with a tensed expression. "Would you see him like this? He might die."
Stop saying that, please, the witch thought as she took in another breath. He knows. Everyone knows. Please, stop saying he'll die because I might believe it too. I want to believe in him, not in whatever life changing lesson the universe gave me. 
"And I'd do anything to save him," Luffy whispered with a tender smile on his face. 
Me too. I'd rip my heart out of my chest and give it to him. I'd rip off my flesh and put it on his wounds. I'd die if I knew my life would be given to him. 
"Anything," Luffy continued. "Except stand in the way of his dream." 
God fucking dammit. 
"We all have dreams, but we outgrow them," Nami clenched her teeth after she spoke. 
"Is that really what you think?" Luffy's smile held so much hope. "Don't you have a dream?" 
"Yeah. Right now, is for Zoro to not die in my bed," the navigator let out in a strangled voice. 
"Isn't there something that you want? Something more," the straw hat whispered. "More than anything else in this world."
When the witch looked at Nami, it was obvious she was on the verge of tearing up, her nostrils flaring. Her eyes were already bloodshot. 
"Not everyone gets to follow their dreams."
Nami didn't wait for any of them to respond before she walked out of the room. The witch got to her feet and tried to catch the navigator's hand in hers, but she wasn't fast enough. All she could do was glance at Luffy and place both of her palms on his shoulders, just like he did at the crack of dawn. 
He looked at the witch with a hopeful and equally worried gaze. 
"I know you meant the best when you encouraged him to follow his dream, Luffy," the witch squeezed his shoulders. "It's alright. Nami knows that as well. She's worried, like all of us. We all said hurtful things to each other lately."
His lips trembled when he attempted to say something, but he didn't dare to anymore. Instead, he searched for reassurance. 
Was he in the wrong? Did Zoro get hurt because of him?
"It's not your fault," the witch continued with a tiny smile on her face. "I promise you. Everything led up to this. It couldn't have been avoided, unfortunately. No one could've stopped Zoro — you know he's a stubborn asshole."
Luffy scoffed. 
"You know I'm right."
"I do," the straw hat nodded shily. "I think…" he gulped down, looking at his feet. "Maybe I can clean his sword for when he'll wake up."
"I'm sure he would be grateful about it. I'll stay here a bit longer."
She didn't let go of Luffy's shoulders until he moved away. Just to ease her concern, he smiled faintly at her before leaving the room. 
Looking down at the unconscious pirate hunter, the witch couldn't believe her eyes. She gulped, not even daring to grasp at his hand, scared he'd break even because of a feather-like touch. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes for a few seconds, opening them again only to see the same man in the exact same position. 
She was scared for him, for his life. She didn't want to be a nuisance and stop him from doing what he believed would bring him happiness. Or maybe that word was too much — but winning against Dracule Mihawk would've made him proud, it would've fulfilled a promise he made to someone long ago. She didn't know who was at the other end of the promise, but he seemed to be a man of his word, so trying to stop him turned her into a selfish person. 
Her eyes were locked on his face, brushing with the back of her hand some small droplets of sweat on his forehead. She was worried out of her mind, now regretting she didn't do more to stop him, to make him change his mind when he was maybe too drunk to think twice. 
"Be careful, Zoro," the witch told him back then, her gaze betraying the worry crippling through her entire being. 
She was right. He should've been more careful. He should've been less reckless, should've listened to Nami and her, even if Luffy encouraged him to chase his dream. Was it really worth it? 
Once again, she sighed. She was selfish, greedy, it was wrong to think that his dream wasn't worth the entire world. Heck, even she would do anything for him, just to see him open his eyes again, just to hear another bored or witty remark coming from between his lips.
Instead, he was silent and still, only the slow movement of his chest visible as he breathed. It was the only thing that managed to bring her an ounce of comfort.
At least he was alive, she continued telling herself. 
It was clawing at her heart, messing with it, her thoughts roaming around, jumping one on top of another. She was overthinking again, the worst habit she could've had — or that's what she silently believed for years. 
The witch should've fought with him to death back then, when he was stubborn enough to throw Nami's words at her while they argued. Maybe it would've made him change his mind. As she continued looking at him, she worthlessly tried to take some of the blame for what happened. 
Hidden under his bandages, the same wound made the woman standing by his side believe she saw the Death Reaper, even if he was the one unconscious on a bed. 
Carefully, she sat down next to him, without taking her eyes off of him even for a moment. 
"You're kind of worrying us all, y'know? Luffy is in denial of your possible death and Nami seems restless. Usopp is too silent for his usual self," she whispered. 
Her first instinct was to touch him, but her fingertips hovered above his hand. She didn't know if it would've been right to seek the warmth of his skin while he wasn't even awake. All the witch could do was hope that deep down in his soul, he felt and heard all of them. 
"I'm worried too. No. Worried is an understatement. I'm terrified," the words trembled as they left her lips, the same chopped lips she sank her teeth into. "I'd rather have you call me an idiot," she chuckled sourly. 
With slow and careful gestures, she gathered enough courage to caress his hand with her fingers, feeling small cuts here and there. He was still warm, which eased a few of her worries. 
She made a long pause, staring at the seemingly lifeless man she would give her life for.  
"Remember when we drank together on the deck, two nights ago?" 
A fragile smile appeared on her face at the reminder of that night. She stole the last drop of his bottle before he could finish it with a grin, playfully nudging at his ribs. He failed to threaten her about how she owes him something for that. He was handling his liquor better than her and yet, he couldn't hide his smirk or the sparkle in his eyes. 
That night, bottles later, the witch got dizzy and tipsy. At first, she almost fell into a sea of melancholy after she shared pieces of her with Zoro. She doesn't remember how, but he got her laughing way too easy with his remarks and some silly stories. 
"You're flushed already," he pointed out back then. 
"You're kinda rosy in the cheeks as well, swordsman." 
At that time she damned the alcohol for the soft gaze she had when she looked at him. Her eyes were sparkling with adoration when they danced on his face, peace sinking in her very bones in his presence. She shouldn't have drank. It was so obvious that she had a soft spot for him, that he had a special place in her heart not even a month after they met. 
And who was at fault for her drunken state that night? Roronoa Zoro, obviously. He was at fault when she giggled and talked too much about too many things at once, so much more passion in her words than usual — was that even possible? he thought to himself. She always had a light and warm way of talking, her voice many times giving away her feelings. 
A promise was a promise, even if she didn't wholeheartedly accept it from the beginning. She surrendered quickly and told him that yes, she owes him something, maybe a secret. 
The witch remembered everything the next day, but acted like her memory had faded. The realization hit her hard the next morning, when she figured out her irrational fear of sharing secrets. She shouldn't have made that promise, so she played dumb, as if the conversation they had was forgotten about. 
"Maybe it's not exactly a secret, but I like it when you call me by my name."
Maybe he hears me. 
"I didn't hear my name being spoken for a long time. It makes me emotional every time, with no exception."
You're a crybaby, he should've said. 
Her hand fully settled on top of his while the witch continued to slowly rub her fingertips into his skin, trying to bring herself back to earth even if her thoughts were sailing through unfortunate memories. 
"I wasn't called by my name for years after my father became a pirate," she continued the story that started during their drinking night. "He aimed to become an Admiral and he was part of the Navy Forces for half of his life. For a long time, he thought he could do better than his comrades and hoped he could change the corruption that took place in the Government and the Marines. Insane, right?" she let out a sour chuckle. "An Admiral becoming a pirate. Everyone called him insane."
Once again, she smiled at the faint memories of her father's warm smile. There were details she didn't mention that night on the deck, like the status of her father in the Navy. 
"I didn't reach ten yet when he left. He considered it would've been dangerous to stay with us and, if I am to be honest, mom would've kicked him out of their home."
Their home, because that place was never her home. 
"Calling me by my name would've meant he still has ties with me and someone might've taken advantage of that."
Nine years ago, the witch was a child who only learnt how to use a kitchen knife for cutting vegetables. That child has been stripped of her innocence a few years later. 
"A few times a year he would visit me. He would hide from the Marines, while I would hide from my mom. I still remember how he was so much happier. He looked younger, like he was living his teenage years and not his thirties. Except for a few days I'd stay with him and his crew, he was roaming around the seas. He never judged a single soul, believing it wasn't his job to do so, even if he would protect anyone who needed help. He changed the meaning of a pirate in a good way."
She turned her head towards the window, watching the blue sky mingling with the sea and the port of Baratie where people were walking on the wooden battens. 
"He was caught by the Marines while he visited me and killed in the center of the city," her voice lowered to a gentle whisper, just like the breeze coming from the open window and giving her goosebumps. 
She remembers that moment all too clearly, eyebrows knitting together as she squeezed Zoro's hand lightly, hoping it would bring some comfort to her shattered heart. 
A life that felt like an eternity already made her believe her name was like damnation for anyone who said it. A few syllables being spoken and you'd be cursed to die one way or another, since her mother refused to call by the name her father chose when she saw light for the first time. Her father and his crew were the only ones calling her name so dearly, with honey latched onto their voices, treating her like a daughter. 
She was someone's daughter when she was with them. And now, by Luffy's side, she was someone's friend. 
"I don't want to watch you die too," only then she looked at him again. "Don't die on me. Don't leave us alone."
There was determination in her tone, mingling with pain and sorrow. Half of her believed in him the same way she believed the sea was blue and that leaves were green. The other half drowned in anguish. 
Zoro seemed almost serene, despite the small frown that never left his face. She took in a deep breath and moved her hand away from his, only to lean over and rest her elbows on her knees. 
She needed some fresh air. 
The witch got up and left the room in a hurry, before tears would've slipped down her cheeks. She pushed it all aside, holding it in, since there was no time to weep at anyone's grave. Zoro was still breathing, even if half dead. 
He will get better. He had to. 
She walked into the galley. Standing up in front of the table was Sanji, wearing only his white and blue checkered shirt, the black jacket suit abandoned on the armrest of the couch. He was cutting some vegetables, skillfully holding the knife. 
On the cushions sat Luffy, cleaning Zoro's white sword, just like he said. Meanwhile, Usopp was the one to notice her first, leaning with his hands prompted onto the wooden table. Nami couldn't be spotted anywhere. 
The sound of her own name almost made her flinch. The witch blinked quickly, looking at Usopp. Both Sanji and Luffy looked at her then. The latter had some deep puppy eyes — her heart aches at that look alone. 
"How is he?" 
"Unconscious," she breathed out softly.
She let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair, her eyebrows pulled together. 
"I suppose you haven't eaten anything since yesterday," Sanji smiled gently. "Anything I could make for you?" 
"I appreciate it, really, but I don't have an appetite," she dismissed him with a faint smile of her own. 
"You could use some energy, you know," Usopp mumbled. 
"You, Luffy? What would you like to eat?" Sanji got back to chopping the vegetables. 
"I'm not hungry right now. You could make something for Zoro. He'll surely be hungry when he wakes up!" 
Their captain still had hope bubbling in his chest and it was the only thing keeping them all afloat. 
However, the witch couldn't bear to think about it anymore. She spotted her shirt hanging on a nail in the wall, close to the couch. With a quick gesture, she grabbed at it, intending to put it on herself until the heavy scent of blood filled her senses the second time that day—
The shirt was soaked in Zoro's blood from the time when she used it to stop the bleeding of his wound. Nausea crawled up her throat and she unintentionally dropped the piece of cloth when she became aware of the sickness settling deeply in the pitch of her stomach. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
With a hand covering her mouth, she rushed out of the galley, on the deck, the doors shutting harshly behind her. She leaned over the railing as the acidic taste made its way up her throat and on her tongue. 
A disgusting sensation, truly. 
She's seen blood before, she saw countless corpses laying at her feet, but nothing could compare with the vision of a dear person giving their last breath. She couldn't believe she vomited because of blood, such a normal occurrence in her life.
But it wasn't just any kind of blood — it was Zoro's and it sunk into the material of her own shirt. 
She will have to throw it away. There's no way in hell she would manage to ever wear that again, even if it would be clean and smelling like lavender.
Tears clung to her eyelashes when she opened her eyes again, looking down into the sea. She was breathing heavily and she regretted swallowing her own saliva, as the awful taste lingered in her mouth unpleasantly. 
Warm fingers touched her shoulder and before she saw whose hand it was, there was a glass of water being shoved towards her. When she glanced up, she saw the blonde waiter. 
"Thank you, Sanji," she took the glass from his hand, sipping slowly as the gentle weight on her shoulder disappeared. 
"If I knew such a beautiful lady was waiting for me to wake up, I would've opened my eyes much sooner."
The waiter — who could apparently also cook like a professional — said that in a somewhat flirtatious tone. Also, there was compassion lingering in his honeyed voice. 
"If Zoro would hear you, he would've thrown you overboard."
The witch didn't even notice her on the deck until that moment, her head snapping towards the navigator, her eyes sparkling with hope as she gripped at the glass in between her fingers. Nami was a few meters away from her, with her back facing the sea and her hands curled around the railing. 
The witch has seen Nami's expression countless times when she looked in the mirror after a crying fit. The same bloodshot eyes and puffy eyes, the red tip of her nose and the husky voice. 
"I don't remember you having sea sickness," Nami pried into her soul. 
The witch looked towards the water at the bottom of her glass, ashamed of her own reaction. 
"Because I don't have sea sickness," the witch whispered weakly, basically admitting her vulnerable state. 
She was more than just thankful Sanji chose not to elaborate on the reason behind her reaction. There was still acid sitting on her tongue, even after she gulped down the last droplets of water from her glass. 
"Where are you heading to?" 
The witch noticed when Nami straightened her back and walked away, towards the dock. 
"Maybe I can find another drink at the restaurant," Nami waved the back of her hand at the witch. 
That sounded very familiar to a lie for some reason, but was it the witch's place to comment? 
Familiar fear made its way through her body, scratching underneath the skin, whispering in her ear like a mantra the same phrase her mother has always told her: "there's nothing you can do about it, so accept it." 
Those words always unsettled the young witch deeply. She heard that voice everytime she hid in a room with the books her grandmother left behind, pages filled with tarot and palmistry, the promise of real magic, different from the fairy tales. It sounded and felt palpable, her eyes sparkling. Those books were her treasure, a future filled with freedom. 
The same words were being shouted in her ears by the ghosts when her body stiffened in its spot. She wanted to scream while the man who was her father was dragged away by Marines, this time on the port of Baratie, not in her hometown. 
The deafening yell she wanted to let out was silent. Her lips didn't even part and her awareness slipped away as she continued to see blood pooling at her father's feet, his signature royal blue coat painted in crimson. As if her vocal chords broke before she opened her mouth, no sound left her lips. 
"He deserved it," sounded so clear in her ear, as if her mother stood right beside her, watching the same scene unfolding over and over again.
No, no, I can't let him die! I need to do something! Please, dad, you can't—
The man who stood proudly was dying, his body decomposing right before her eyes. A sickening view, as the skin melted off the meat, leaving only bones and tendons behind, covered by heavy clothes, two empty holes in his cranium instead of beautiful sparkling eyes. Blood dried on the white bones and sunk into the material of his coat and it flowed towards her, to the tips of her boots—
"Luffy! Arlong is here and he's after you, we have to leave now!" 
The witch gasped loudly, her eyes snapping open. Nami, who just entered, was panting heavily, fingers gripping at the edge of the doorframe. 
Who's Arlong? 
She noticed Luffy who just got up from the chair he was sitting on, right by Zoro's side. Usopp had his fingers curled around one of the ropes holding the bed in the room hanging in the air. 
There were no dead corpses around. Gosh, that nightmare was scary as hell. Her heart still drummed in her eardrums, blood rushing through her veins at an alarming pace. 
She managed to get on her feet, her palm glued to the wall to support herself. 
"Where do you think you're going, Luffy?"
Nami was panicked. Her fear grew steadily, just like fire, and she was on the edge of cussing out that entire bunch of confident idiots. 
"We can't let Arlong hurt people just because of us. He might kill everyone if we don't step in."
Luffy was rarely so serious, but the situation asked for it. However, the navigator was anything but happy with his suicidal decision. 
The witch turned her head towards the unconscious swordsman. She took in a deep breath, calming the waters threatening to destroy her mind. Then, her warm gaze raised back to the navigator who squeezed the map in between her trembling fingers. 
"You'll stay here and protect the ship, Nami," Luffy smiled reassuringly. "I trust you."
The orange haired woman searched for a different reaction from the witch, but received the same determination. 
"Have you all grown insane?" she whispered in horror. 
The witch made slow steps towards her and engulfed her in a warm hug, wrapping her arms around the navigator's body. She squeezed her gently, resting her chin on Nami's shoulder. 
"Something is troubling you greatly. Don't lie to me," the witch whispered in her ear softly. "You've got something in your head and you're pushing all of us away. We trust you, even if it'll bring us our death."
That's what scared Nami the most. 
The witch parted just to look into Nami's troubled blue eyes. 
"We'll be alright. We have to be. We'll figure it out together."
She had no clue how much Nami wanted to believe her, but it was impossible to do so. The navigator knew better what danger awaits them in Baratie now that Arlong appeared, that monster—. 
Right. That's what pirates were: monsters. So why did the ones in front of her look like friends instead of demons stealing her life away? 
The witch squeezed her shoulders and smiled so warmly, so calmly, different from the agitation they would face. 
For one second only, Nami dared to believe. Then, it crumbled to her feet when Luffy and the witch left her room with one glance back at Zoro. 
The witch found herself in the restaurant once again. Her fingers gripped tightly at the gun she held, finding comfort in the familiar weight settled in her hand. On purpose, she stood behind the other three men, sharp eyes scanning her surroundings carefully. They were lucky they chose to enter from the first floor, since she could easily hide. 
She wasn't hiding for the reasons some would think of. The witch intentionally stood on the side, analyzing the situation. First of all, she had to find the smallest opportunity to find a weak spot for that fishman. From her spot, still glued to the wall and hidden from everyone's eyes, she focuses on Luffy's conversation with Arlong. 
"I expected someone… bigger," Arlong commented with a wide grin, sharp teeth on full display. 
He could definitely be classified as scary, but the witch didn't want to admit that to herself. Was he dangerous? Of course. 
"Me too," Luffy commented. 
Alright, maybe Luffy had far more confidence than she thought, since he dared to make fun of that fishman, angering him. It wasn't enough that Luffy was hunted down by Arlong, he had to make him angry as well—
What was she scared of? 
She took in a deep breath and a few seconds were enough for her heartbeat to beat at a normal pace. The witch didn't have enough time to worry about consequences, she had to find their weakness quickly and act on it. 
While her focus slipped from them, Luffy was already walking down one of the two pairs of stairs meeting up at the first floor of the restaurant. Arlong threatened the straw hat about something and the first thing she heard was the deafening sound of a shotgun. 
The same sound was followed by a soft chiming filling the silence. 
Her chest tightened since no groan of pain could be heard from anyone. When she glanced at the people downstairs, she saw Zeff — the cook who stitched Zoro up — with a gun pointed at Arlong. However, the fishman only turned his head back and cocked an eyebrow at the cook. 
The bullet was most probably what caused that chiming sound. It seemed like fishmen's scales were bulletproof. 
Fucking great. Her long range fighting style wasn't to her advantage. 
An ounce of fear uncomfortably gnawed at her courage. The witch hated that helpless sensation, as if there was no escape, as if that was her dead end. 
Her fingers gripped tighter around her gun, until the skin turned yellow. 
I can't chicken out now. I don't have the luxury of turning my back against a fight in such a critical situation. 
She swallowed the lump in her throat after she bit so hard onto her lower lip she tasted copper on her tongue. 
Everyone has a weakness, right? Fishmen must have one as well. 
On the floor below, Luffy threw his stretchy arms at Arlong, with his hands curled into fists. Zeff was harshly thrown into a table that broke down, making Sanji jump into action as well. Usopp was the only one that remained upstairs, uselessly hiding behind the decorative wrought iron railing — he could be easily seen. 
Crouching down to Usopp's level, the witch slowly walked towards him with the gun still in her hand. When his eyes fell on her, he blinked like a confused owl. 
"Guns don't work!" he whisper-shouted at her, horror painting his features. 
With a sigh, she grinned cheekily. 
"Are you running, scaredy-cat?" she taunted him with an arched eyebrow. 
"Are you insane?" he frowned when she was a few inches away from him. "You can't seriously believe your gun is gonna do any damage to those monsters." 
Glancing down between the iron bars of the railing, the witch spotted other two fishmen getting up from their table. So there were three in total. 
With an unusually serious tone, she stared into Usopp's eyes, determination oozing out of her. 
"You can't run now, Usopp. I hope you're aware of that."
"Even you hesitated for a second!" 
His nervous demeanor and his over-thinking habits got the best of him at that moment. He was equally scared and amazed by the witch's courage. 
"That was before I realized there's no going back. Usopp," she lowered her tone, fingers gripping at his shirt to bring him down from the clouds. "If you choose to run away, you will never become a brave warrior of the seas. Do you hear yourself? We're not running anywhere. We have to fight if we don't want to leave Luffy and Sanji to deal with the fishmen on their own." 
She wasn't exactly good at motivational speeches, but that seemed to shake his soul well enough. 
"Now help me find out their soft spots so we can bring those idiots down before they destroy this entire restaurant and eat us alive." 
Bullets couldn't penetrate their scales. She didn't know if blades could work any better either. Also, Arlong alone had the highest bounty in the East Blue, not his friends. He was most probably much stronger than them. 
If she could bring down at least one of the other two fishman, it was also a win. 
Then, an idea popped into her head. 
Their eyes. 
They didn't have anything protecting their eyes except for the fact that they were sunk into their faces. With her aim, she had a chance to shoot one of them. She had to take advantage of the fact that no one knew she was there and making a plan. 
Taking in a deep breath, the witch placed the gun between the iron bars and aimed at the fishman with ridiculously big lips. She wasn't exactly that far away, but she had to concentrate. One single miss and everything would go down, since her presence would be obvious and her hand to hand fighting skills weren't that well developed against raw strength. 
She waited patiently, Usopp still by her side. Once the fishman stood still, turned towards her, she pulled the trigger of her gun. 
The bullet struck his eye and he groaned in pain, receiving a proud smile from the witch who quickly hid behind a table from upstairs, dragging Usopp with her. Her heartbeat was so fast in her ears it could leave her deaf. 
She had to pull herself together. 
"You've got good aim," Usopp's voice trembled. 
"Thanks," she breathed out heavily, eyes closing for a second. 
There was an entire tornado in her soul. The witch knew there was no place for running away, but she was equally aware of her disadvantage against fishmen who fight with their fists. 
Zoro would've loved the thrill of this fight. 
But he wasn't there to joke about her being a scared little lady. 
And Nami wasn't there to yell into her face and tell her to wake the fuck up and help her find a better plan. 
Before she had a chance to notice, Usopp was crawling down the stairs on the left once an idea popped into his head, or that was what the witch thought. 
She felt a certain presence walking up the stairs on her right and her eyes widened. The other fishman spotted her.
"Here you were, wench," he spoke with a growl. 
She didn't have enough time to scramble to her feet before a rough hand wrapped around her neck and lifted her up in the air, pushing her against the wall. She could barely even groan when her breathing was restricted by the awfully strong grip the fishman had on her throat. 
Her gun fell from her hand and hit the floor with a weak sound. 
Uselessly, her fingers grabbed at the muscled blue arm holding her up, feet a few inches away from the floor. Compared to him, her grip was weak, insignificant. 
The witch was never the type to necessarily wish to live, but she certainly didn't want to die in that moment, when others' lives were hanging on a thread. 
Also, she didn't want that ugly fucking fishman with big lips to be the last sight before she closed her eyes forever. 
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Tag list: @emelia07 @dimplewonie @tfamidoingwithmylife @murnsondock @the-skys-musical-echo @conspiracy-crows @hallow33nz @ramae17 @gaslysainz @bunntsu @katt58 @katiemrty @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @freyademartel @boofy1998 @ponyboys-sunsets @melsunshine @loveyluv7 @waddlingwanderer @jesssssmaybankk @nadlx33333 @yoong1c0re @untoldshortsofthefandoms @mizzy-pop
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cleostoohot · 2 years
Cleooo im the anon that promised to write my void success story!
Sooo this is my journey:
I found out about the void in late june, it was my 12 year old sister that had told me about it/loa, (i'm 17 btw) and at first I was like "no this is fake, no way" during the course of june-the day i entered the void i had only actually tried to enter 5 times, each time i flipped over and went to sleep. I would constantly doubt myself and procrastinate the void i was like, "nah, i'll do it tmr instead" etc. what got me together was the fact that my sister kept telling me how good our lives would be like when we entered (I was struggling much more than her). She was more interested in manifesting without the void. Anyways I imagined myself with the life of my dreams gave myself pep talks and on september 19th I told myself "fck it, I'm entering the void tonight"
This is how I entered:
I meditated to clear all the thoughts out of my mind (I did the 444 breathing method, inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4, exhale for 4)
Once there were NO thoughts in my mind I begin to affirm ("I am in the void", "I am the void" were the ones I used)
After about 2-3 mins (I can't remember exactly) I felt like I was being sucked into darkness, complete fcking darkness
I kept affirming for about another minute then I got that floating feeling and by that point I knew I was in the void
I was in complete darkness ( i didn't see any stars btw) , I couldn't feel anything or hear anything, I felt like I was pure, just..me it's hard to explain but tbh it was he best feeling ever
I used the blanket affirmation: "I have all my desires from my notes app" and then I was outta the void
the feeling coming out of the void was... CRAZY i've never experience before.. it was surreal
Now onto the good stuff, what I manifested (A LOT):
Desired mansion
Desired face
desired body
desired voice
instantly entering the void
perf self concept for me n my sis
desired biological mum and dad
no depression
desired friend grp
desired wardrobe
desired things from my pintrest board
a wish diary
holiday to france and shanghai for christmas
desired grades (a+ ofc)
Getting desired scholarships
Meeting famous people
never in danger
$10 mil
my family n friends always being safe
desired apple products
omg this took me AGESS!!
i'll prob post another longer and more detailed post later on but expect my sister's success story soon ;)
love again,
-rosie 🧡 🧡 🧡  (ps. I'll be back soon)
her other post
great job my love you deserve it!!! i love receiving success stories in my inbox! keep ‘em comingggg
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66sharkteeth · 6 months
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hmmm weekly thoughts on this week's episode. tbh, i was far more excited about FP this week so that's where most of my focus was. i don't dislike this episode, but I know people tend to check out on Jericho backstory, and yeah, sure enough, there's not a ton of hype. But that's okay, I was at least expecting it this week (unlike last week which still kinda breaks my heart haha).
So just to clarify a few things, that frankly, I have clarified before, but people don't remember these little details from over a year ago-
Mostly the other colors of blanks: There have been other colors of blanks throughout the series. You saw different colors in Rex's home town. You saw different colors in Jericho and Mikiah's flashbacks. You saw different colors in Charlie's prison escape. You saw different colors in the club scenes. Almost any scene w/ crowds of developing blanks, I try to throw in at least a couple of other colors other than purple.
Blanks are simply different colors based on what region they're from. Hence why they're all green in certain parts of the story, like Mikiah's flashbacks, because they're just green in that region. There's no deeper meaning, except for the red blanks. We just see purple most commonly because they're purple in Glory City and that's where 90% of the story takes place. But even then, if you re-read, you'll see different colored developing blanks throughout the story.
Anyway... if I ever reboot CoB again, absolutely getting rid of that detail since I can't seem to get it across haha. I thought regional variants would just be cool but all it seems to do is confuse people.
I think that's all for this week. Other than pointing out Kallie's the reason Jericho doesn't know sign language. She was supposed to teach him, so he didn't wanna learn it from anyone else (like Claude).
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marleyybluu · 10 months
Wax on, Wax off
Rio Martínez x woc!reader
Content warning: reader is pregnant (yes, another one), waxing while pregnant, just a whole lot of intimate and cute moments tbh, everyone’s in love, talks of pubic hair(?- shouldn’t be a warning cus we are all grown)
A/N: we should know this but this is not like propaganda that you need to have a bald cooch. It’s yours, you do what you want with it it’s beautiful either way this is just a cute little story. Probably spelling mistakes and you should know why… hehe:)
Also I don’t describe the reader in detail but as usual a woman of colour is in mind.
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(Not my gif, )
"You better know what the fuck you're doing Martinez." You scold, pregnant and with a fire attitude. Rio just looks at you with those eyes that go "Yes darling, whatever you say." And then shakes his head at how crabby you were. It wasn't your fault... entirely. It was mostly his. You two had just gotten married, went on a month long honeymoon and came back with an extra guest. He was a lot sooner than you two had planned but it worked out anyway.
Aside from the usual pregnancy... uh... problems, you were over the moon. Rio was extra attentive to your needs and like the brave soldier he is, he volunteered to help you with your greatest challenge.
Your bush.
You weren't a posed to the natural nature of the human body, but sometimes you appreciated a "cleaner" look. You had a wax lady, your aesthetician, that you've been going to for years but she was on vacation and you didn't trust anyone else near your coochie like you did her so you decided to wait until she got back.
The timing was terrible, you were eight months and couldn't see a fucking thing with your belly in the way, so whatever was below wasn't really your problem. But now you were getting closer to the nine month mark and it was crazy how fast your hair seemed to have grown. Your bush was back like it was the eighties. And like the whiny pregnant wife you were you complained to your husband not expecting him to do anything you just needed to vent but then one day he comes home with a package in his hand and you don't question him about it, you let him tell you.
"I bought a wax kit off Amazon."
You wanted to laugh thinking it was a joke, he didn't need to wax anything of his, he was fine, he was perfectly trimmed. Not too hairy and not too bald. Your eyes damn near roll under the couch when you realize it's for you. You cried at how sweet the gesture was but told him it was okay (even though it wasn't.)
Now, here you are, laying on top of a towel, on top of your bed waiting for the wax to heat up. "What does Ciara usually do?" He asks as he stirs the wax with the popsicle stick. You sigh wondering why you let him do this. "When it's like this she usually trims it shorter, it's easier that way. Somewhat easier." He mumbled something like "okay, got it." Under his breath and you smile widely, this was so cute, he seems determined and it made your heart swell. You reassure him, "I believe in you baby, don't worry."
You feel a kiss on your leg. "Thanks mama, I won't hurt you."
"I know." You know. So you just relax.
Rio grabs a small pair of scissors, a pair of gloves and gets to work clipping and snipping as carefully as possible. And just like that he was done. "You want me to... take a pic and show you." He laughs but you say no. "I trust you."
The reassurance was comforting. "Alright, does she... wax now?"
"No she usually puts baby powder on it and then the wax."
He runs off to the baby's nursery to steal the baby powder, sprinkles it and wipes off any excess powder which surprised you. You didn't have to tell him to do that. He turns down the heat on the little pot that the wax was in, he looks around and sees your notebook on the nightstand and grabs it, waves it over the wax in an attempt to cool it down in fear of it being too hot for you. You scroll through your playlist, it was a little too quiet for your liking.
"¿Estas listo?" He asks and you give him two thumbs up, he chuckles. You do the butterfly position as best as you can. "You okay?"
He nods at your confirmation and... goes for it. He remembers you saying to start at the mound— the mons pubis— so he did, slowly spreading the wax on one small section like a tester strip. He waited until it hardened. "Use one hand to pull my skin taut and the other to rip off the wax... but don't rip it." You remind him. "Got it." He says quietly. He counts down in his head and, yoink!, it was off and a smooth, hairless spot was left behind. Not bad, he thinks to himself.
You say, "Wow, didn't even hurt."
Rio smiled proudly, a little glad you couldn't see how happy your comments were making him. He applied another warm strip on your pussy, but this one was a bit bigger than the last and waited, repeating the same process as before. You hum along to Ari Lennox and tap your fingers on your belly. "Any names for the baby?" You ask. "Are we bad parents for waiting this long to come up with a name?"
Rio chuckles at your question. "Probably," He shrugs taking off another patch of hair. "Still don't like Leo?"
You blow raspberries. "No."
"How about Dustin?"
Now it's turn to blow raspberries. "You know our kid isn't white right?"
You snicker at him. "Fine. Noah?"
He tilts his head. "Not bad. I don't mind that."
"Christopher Junior, and we call him CJ for short."
Rio laughs. "That's the one. That's his name. Settled."
"You are out of your mind, sorry." He knew you never liked the Juniors.
You two bounced off baby names as he continued. Talked about who he would look more like, what sport would he prefer to play, you argued maybe he'll be a spelling bee kid instead and Rio smiles at your optimism of what your child or children could be. You chat and before you know it he tells you that you're done. Front and back. You try to sit up and pout, you wouldn't be able to see it anyway, your eyes burn with incoming tears. Fuck, why did this pregnancy have to make you so sensitive?
Rio hears your sniffles. "I'll take a picture, darlin', don't worry."
He snaps a photo and hands you the phone. Wow. You were bald.
"Rio... this is crazy. You got every single hair." You giggle zooming in. "Did I?" He asks fighting a grin, he takes off his gloves and tosses them in the trash can inside the bathroom. "Should get you to do my brows next."
"Sixty bucks."
You scoff. "Your child is inside me, that's payment enough."
"Alright, moms discount." He surrenders, he kisses your knee. He winks up at you but his eyes quickly divert between your legs, your sex glistening under the light. But he knew the rules. Twenty-four hours. He places your leg on his shoulder, kissing your skin, his hand wavers over your heat. Temptation. The urge to slide his finger in there. You lick your teeth. "Twenty four." You remind him.
You glitch when you feel his fingertip between your folds. "Twenty... four..." He repeats closing his eyes. "Thank you for helping me." He assists you in sitting up and you rest your head on his chest. "I love you so much," You pucker your lips and he kisses you. "You're too good for me."
He sucks his teeth. "Nah, you're too good for me. I love you so much too."
"What do you want to do now?" He asks putting away his equipment. You smile mischievously. "Up to watch some hair tutorials?"
If you liked this fic, feel free to like this fic.
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No tags again. I’m just… tired rn lol sorry
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winterandwords · 2 months
Writer interview tag
Thanks to @deanwax and @sergeantnarwhalwrites for the tags!
This is a loooong one, so I'm going to leave it as an open tag for anyone who wants to do it. Remember to @ me so I can see your answers. Blank template is under the cut 💜
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📝 About you
When did you first start writing?
Forfuckingever ago. Seriously. My childhood was littered with 'books' written on folded and stapled sheets of printer paper.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I read pretty widely and definitely enjoy reading the genres and themes that show up in my writing, among many others.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
I don't try to emulate anyone, but I'm sure I'm influenced by what I read as much as anyone else is. Someone once described my writing as "if Anne Rice wrote a Bret Easton Ellis book" and I chose to take that as a compliment.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
I have a desk in front of a window with a view that I'm in love with. Rolling farmland reaching to mountains in the distance. I've looked at it daily for almost three years and the novelty still hasn't worn off.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Absorbing stories from other places. Books, TV shows, films, the persistent horrors of existence.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Yes, but not intentionally. And the when is as significant as the where. I didn't notice this until someone else pointed it out and now I can't stop seeing it.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Drugs, violence, organised crime, fuck the system, weather symbolism, nice coats. No surprise at all tbh.
📝 Your characters
Would you please tell me about your current favourite character?
I can't choose between my children.
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Most of them, honestly. If I had to pick one, it would probably be Brett from November Breaks and Spin Cylinder because he's the one with the most of me in him, but it would be a total disaster because the parts of me I dumped on him aren't exactly the best parts.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I don't know that I'd dislike any of them, but things would get frosty and weird pretty fast if I was in a room with Gillen from Bridge From Ashes and Name From Nowhere.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
There is no process. They just arrive in my head and I write about them to stop them yelling at me.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Obsessive tendencies, rejection of authority, masochism, recklessness, enthusiasm for recreational drugs.
📝 Your writing
What’s your reason for writing?
It makes me happy. I wish it was deeper than that, but it isn't.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
When someone notices some tiny detail I put in there and didn't expect anyone to pick up on. When someone connects with my characters. When someone feels seen because of something I wrote.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc)
I've never really thought about it. Maybe if reading my writing gave someone else the courage to write what they wanted instead of what they've been told they should write? I struggled with that a lot so it would be cool to help someone else through it.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Character voice, I think? Dialogue? I don't know.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
See previous answer 🙈
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question)
It's cheaper than therapy.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yeah. If I was the last person on earth, at least my characters would keep me company while I lost my mind.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I write what I enjoy and I assume that if I enjoy it, someone else will too. No matter what you do, there's going to be someone else out there who'll get a kick out of it.
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About you When did you first start writing? Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write? Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared? Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse? Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about? Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Your characters Would you please tell me about your current favourite character? Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life? Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them? Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters. Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Your writing What’s your reason for writing? Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers? How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc) What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others? How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question) If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write? When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
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hawke-jpg · 2 months
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At @moominhands behest here is my game list thing! <3 Reasoning under the cut:
Favorite game of all time: If i absolutley have to pick one it'd have to be Shadow of the Colossus, tho runners up are definitely ICO, FNV, Okami, Windwaker and Twilight Princess. it's hard to choose just the one honestly there's so many more too, but this game was so influential and i sunk so many hours into just exploring the world and taking in every tiny detail, it and ICO really changed my perspective on games in general.
Favorite Series: Dragon Age, it's camp and has a lot of issues, but it gave me extreme brain rot and i love it a lot.
Best Soundtrack: ICO, this game has barely any music! But when it does, it really goes all out, the resting theme and the erie music before the final boss are my favorites.
Favorite Protagonist: Hawke, from Dragon age 2, this is surprising to absolutely no one.
Favorite Villain: Dormin from SOTC, I love this thing, is it even really a villan? who knows but it's very cool and i love the voice acting for it! runners up are the shadow creatures from ICO for similar reasons and The Master from Fallout 1.
Best Story: Night in the Woods. This was really hard to pick tbh i could've put a few in this spot but this is one of my favorite story focused walking sims and i love to revisit it.
Have not played but want to: Disco Elysium, I've attempted to play this game on console very briefly once but couldn't get used to the controls. Now that i have a PC I'm planning to play it but i need to be in the right headspace for big CRPGs as i find them hard to get into so, i just need to wait till the time is right to play it. I also want to play Hades.
You Love, Everyone Hates: The Last Guardian, everyone hated this game SO MUCH, especially at launch.. Heaps of streaming people who had only ever played Shadow all expected it to be SOTC again but when it turned out to be much closer to ICO with only some elements of Shadow people just hated it so much for what it wasn't. This game much like ICO can be frustrating at times but it's really good and had a lot of love put into it, the A I of the Creature Trico is especially cool as it learns depending on how you interact with it and becomes more responsive and easy to direct. It's certainly not a game for everyone but it didn't deserve the amount of disdain it received on release.
You Hate, Everyone Loves: (please don't kill me for these I don't actually hate them they're just not for me) Kingdom hearts, I tried multiple times to play these games and i just couldn't get into them, they're just not for me i think, i don't really find the gameplay or story elements particularly engaging. Sad! a lot of my friends really love these and seem to get a lot out of them. I never had the chance to play them as a kid though so i feel like i may have had different opinions if i'd started playing them earlier. Last of us 2, The weird opinion split when it released between bigots who hated it cause women and queer people were in it and then the other people saying it was the most profound piece of media ever was really frustrating because it kind of shut down a lot of good faith criticism. I think the main problems i have is that it came out in a really depressing time where something with such a bleak and unsatisfying ending came across as a bit gauche even though the devs couldn't have anticipated it. And that there's a bunch of good elements about it that just didn't really stick the landing for me, or were handled poorly imo. Personally the overall message it's going for via it's gameplay and story had already been done, and done better over 10 years prior (see Shadow of the Colossus; Ico was a stated main inspiration for the first last of us and i'm pretty certain Shadow was for part 2 considering the parallels), and it would've been quite ground breaking back then but now it's not so much. Again this is personal opinion of how it's just not really for me.
Best Art Style: Okami! Kind of self explanatory, even on ps2 this game's graphics still hold up because of that art style, and i love how it was incorporated into the gameplay.
Favorite Ending: Zelda: Twilight Princess, love this game, the climactic boss rush and the story conclusion is so good, it's such a long game and the characters go through so much it all really wraps up nicely even with it's melancholic tone. This was the first Zelda game i fully finished so the ending had more of an impact on me too because of that.
Favorite Boss Fight: Crimson Helm, from Okami, this guy is super fun to fight, cool design, great arena, always a good one to revisit.
Childhood Game(s): my first ever game was Duke Nukem DOS on the floppy disk on my dads old computer, it's a side scroller that's sound effects are drilled into my brain. Frogger i got later on the same computer once dad upgraded his for work, it was the first game i ever finished. and Nintendogs i got much later again with the old clunky silver DS, i played this game way too much.
Relaxing Game(s): Lil Gator Game, it's so fun and cruisey to play, really charming and great controls. Flock, I only played this recently but it's so fun, very pretty, you just fly about and spot new creatures to list in your encyclopedia! A Short Hike, really great chill vibes, i love revisiting this one every now and then. Proteus is also a good one.
Stressful Game: Mass Effect 2, I love these games but they're so stressful trying to avoid people dying from random dumb choices you make hours prior omg! 2 is especially bad for it off memory, i remember writing up a strategy sheet for that last big level so i could avoid people dying.
Game you always come back to: Drakan The Ancients Gates, I love this one, it's a bit janky but it's got a really weird and interesting world, with a weird plot and bizzare character design.
Guilty Pleasure: The Dog Island, this game is so silly but i played so much of it as a kid it was kind of ridiculous, so i really enjoy revisiting it every now and then, it's also kind of bizarre in terms of how the story is written.
Tons of Hours Played: Baldur's Gate 3, I've only played it through twice but it's stacked up a bunch of hours, really good tho! others that I've spent way too much time with is Dragon age Inquisition, Animal crossing NH and NL, and of course SOTC but i dont actually have the hour count for that one, i can only assume.
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jess-the-vampire · 1 year
What's weird about the whole "They didn't have time to focus on Caleb and Evelyn's backstory" argument is that a good chunk of "For the Future" relied on using Boscha and Kikimora, two antagonists who were irreverent by the end of Season 2. If there was time to focus on them, why not just cut them out so the plot is focused more on the Hexsquad learning more about Belos' past while trying to evade the Collector's forces?
honestly i'm not sure why the backstory wasn't higher on the list of things to cover in the finale
like it would be one thing if there wasn't that much focus on it, so there were no expectations for it to get more then it did, but the show kept on adding stuff to this backstory and keeps drawing attention towards it
so the fact it gives it so much attention and then leaves it entirely to be inferred is really strange to me
like this is the main antagonist's backstory, and you almost entirely can miss most of it if you're a casual watcher of the show, that's how vague it is and how much of it consists of details you can miss
like i said, i don't hate the idea of a story you can figure out in the bg, but there was SO much focus on it and so much not clear, that it's so unusual how dropped it is
like even in regards to Philip himself, it's basically not treated as relevant to his own motivations, so you kinda just wonder why give it the focus they do if they didn't really wanna use it that much?
like maybe i could forgive that on the basis of them wanting to save it for a spinoff or something, but even so, not having any payoff for it in the main series is a little irritating. Especially since the team didn't know if they would get a spinoff to tell the story at all.
tbh i think both kiki and bosha were already fine where they ended, i was satisfied with kiki's last big scene being her finally disavowing belos and playing a part in his failure, and bosha....well she hasn't mattered much since s1 and that was fine. I'm not sure why they got time....but others who needed it did not.
tho after the last posthoot, i almost get the vauge idea the crew doesn't have a full wittebane backstory.
It sounds like they have some outline for what happened, but not a full detailed story, given how dana sounded like she was spittballing the love story off the top of her head, it kinda leaves me wondering just how much thought HAD been put into the story compared to the fans.
and as someone who is working on the wittebane collab project and got assigned a role about continuity and detail, trust me when i say trying to figure out a cohesive timeline where all these details make sense is painful.
(Ex: EaE seems to be post fight cause philip is already making grimwalkers, and the door when eda found it had a scratch on it, implying it was damaged in the fight. Cept in EaE philip supposably just gathered the ingredients, so the portal wasn't made yet so like🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ )
it's a genuinely interesting story that i can't help but get the impression the crew didn't care as much about compared to the fans, which kinda stinks because the villain backstory should have a bit more thought put into it since it drives the plot as much as it does.
i love the crew, but this is a case where i do feel their priorities were skewed a little and i personally don't know why they put as much focus on caleb as they did given it doesn't get a true conclusion in the show. It does add for hunter's character and gives a plot reason to get back to the isles but outside of those two things it's kinda almost irrelevant in the end, especially with philip.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 6 months
Because @drawnfamiliarfaces got me into their AU rabbit hole of a variant version of the Teen Heroes™, I hope they don't mind of me making my own variant (I'm self-conscious, please excuse me-).
First and foremost, I can't draw, at least not to the extent of completely fleshing out a sketch out of my ass (ok- I can, but only a single eye, and even then it looks like shit to me-). I can draw clothing better than making a full body to make a whole ass scene. Comics are out the window cuz I will suffer.
Second, it'll probably be more on writing than making fanarts.
Third, I didn't watch the majority of the other characters' respective shows. I watched Danny Phantom a bit because of Nicktoons, and Ben 10 because of the same person who got me into starting this whole thing. I'll probably get my own snips and bits of necessary info from the wiki, but don't expect any accuracy, and I'd appreciate if anyone could dump some info that could prove to be very necessary for me.
Fourth, this is an entire AU itself, so I'm mostly not gonna follow canon at most. There will be stories I will try to twist to my liking.
Fifth, ships. Yes, but bear with me here; thanks to my overconsumption of media, I will be putting just a few ships that I think are neat, but if anyone disagrees with me or didn't like how I didn't mention a ship they like (cuz I barely knew shit about the characters), then please just either move away from my blog, or block me entirely to avoid unwanted conflict. We all have our interests that make us happy, the least you could do is to respect and/or completely don't interact.
Sixth, the clothing are gonna filled with my own personal headcanons, mostly their clothing when they battle (the characters themselves too, but I'm gonna focus more on the clothes because I'm a fashion illustrator). Danny, Ben, and Randy are gonna wear heels because yes.
The ships involved;
Tigerghost (Manny Rivera from El Tigre x Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom) (I completely blame izbubbles for this one)
Benrex (Rex Salazar from Generator Rex x Ben Tennyson from Ben 10) (surprised? Probably not lmfao-)
Jimmytimmy (Timmy Turner x Jimmy Neutron) (first and foremost; no, none of the Nicktoons (Jimmy, Timmy, SpongeBob, and Manny) except Danny and Jenny are part of this team. Danny and Jenny still go on missions with the NU team because duh. And second; they're only here as some sort of filler and cuz I really love Nicktoons since most of them I have watched)
Headcanons involved (will get expanded in due time I swear-);
Trans Danny
Anodite Ben (still wields the Omnitrix. His anodite powers are pink too)
Dani and Dan are Danny's kids (under a different name because they have to go through a re-birth process that I'll touch upon later)
Ben's necrofriggian children now comes to earth to live with their mom (like I said, I'm not following canon)
Randy is still ninja, but because this AU involves a 3rd power/skill, I'll have to twist a bit of the canon my way, especially when it comes to the Ultimate Lesson and memory wipe
There will be some Genshin Impact references here and there, because I do play them, and I love it-
Ghost King Danny (by extent, Ghost Princess Dani and Ghost Prince Dan)
Fashion designer Ben (his sassy and confident nature could be more of a use tbh)
Primal Iudex Randy (he and Furina would get along nicely-)
Pearl Keeper Jake
Side gig magician Rex (leave me be, I think it's neat-)
Engaged Rex and Ben (all of the members are adults over 20, so don't be surprised)
Sandra Tennyson is French, so that makes Ben half-French by heritage
Ben and Randy are pen pals turned close friends by the time Ben moved to France (yes, I made Randy somewhat French here for this reason, but I'll have to put in more details later)
Rex won't lose his memories, but he'll get short-term amnesia often, which just need something to trigger the old memories back
Everyone is under the same universe
Danny's ghost team are Sam-Tucker-Valerie-Jazz and his parents (Valerie deserves better than what was given to her by canon)
Yes, Maddie and Jack knew Danny became a ghost from the very start, but they didn't treat him any differently than he was before; if anything, they felt guilty that their son had paid the price for their ignorance and neglect
Phantom Planet do not exist, and it shouldn't have been to begin with, but whatever
Valerie had always been part of Danny's gang. In terms of Shades of Gray, I'll have to change a lot of things, that includes her father's job (he didn't get fired), so I have other things in mind regarding Cujo
Cujo became Danny's pet dog later on, cuz you can't tell me these two aren't made for each other
Members from oldest to youngest, I do hope @drawnfamiliarfaces wouldn't mind me using their headcanon as well (eldest Kim, youngest Randy). I think they're really neat.
Please keep in mind that none of this follow canon whatsoever, they follow my headcanons and versions. Character backstories are written purely by my own personal headcanons too. I'll probably add actual canon when I didn't have anything good to offer, but this is what I could put for now.
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sunny12th · 5 months
2, 6, 8, 15 for dany!!!
Under the cut <3 ty for asking
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Dany is never what anyone expects her to be, narratively and from a meta standpoint. We don't expect a female character, far removed from the main point of magic in the story, to find her own magic and be a destined hero. We don't expect a child rape victim to have a lusty, consensual, and fun romance with a side character. She was not expected to survive khal drogo or the red waste. She was not expected to pivot at every turn and find a third way. And we didn't expect the very real consequences to come from her actions in slavers bay. No one expected the wide spread consequences across Essos from her actions - a slave revolution brewing. No one thought we'd get to see what might happen when a revolutionary character actually commits to the revolution and then has to handle the fallout. That feels so rare to me. She exists so far removed from what the average fantasy reader, or reader in general, would expect to find in a book and I think the fandom takes this for granted sometimes.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Not going into detail but- isolated childhoods with not very good siblings, messy family history, and a whole heaping of desperation. Looking back, it's pretty blatant why I latched onto Dany when I first read agot back when I was like 14/15. Projection and cathartic healing babeyyyy 🔛🔝
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
In another ask, I said that I hate when the fandom uses Dany's family/ancestry as evidence for her impending madness. Along with that, I also really dislike the notion that Dany should have not acted at all to free the Unsullied and other slaves because she didn't have a clear enough plan to handle the fallout. This idea that, because she couldn't do this Perfectly she should not have done it at all. For obvious reasons lmao. One reason I like Dany is that doing nothing goes against her character and usually leads to negative consequences for her, as in Meereen.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I'm not overly invested in any of Dany's ships tbh. That being said, my fave is Dany/Jhogo. I am probably one of 3 people that like them. grrm is an excellent writer when he cares to be one but he didn't care for the Dothraki. Why are none of the bloodriders allowed any interiority or ... personalities. Or anything that might let them feel like distinct characters that warrant the level of proximity and relevance they have to Dany. 'blood of my blood' - was this supposed to mean something? Because it couldve meant a lot! especially to a character like Dany, with no blood relations and desperate for family. Besides Jorah, the bloodriders and her dothraki handmaids are the characters she spends the most time with since book one.
Anyways, Jhogo has a bit more personality than the other bloodriders, he's 'of an age' with Dany (all the bloodriders are around the same age), and it just has so much potential. The royal guard/royalty trope but outside the culture we usually see this is. And!!! They've seen each other literally at their lowest. They survived the red waste together, sacked cities together. Jhogo is held hostage for her right now, along with Daario. I can't pull up the quote right now but Barristan remarks that Jhogo is indispensable to Dany, or smth like that, in his POV chapter. They grew up together, learned how to be strong together. If grrm had cared, they couldve been a top tier romance. It wouldn't have felt rushed or like they were pulled together through fate. Could've just been two lost kids growing into love. But this wouldve required grrm putting effort into the Dothraki characters and he's made it abundantly clear that he doesn't feel the need to do this.
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riddlerosehearts · 5 months
all right so, some more thoughts on act 2 of baldur's gate 3 now that i finally replaced my hard drive and have been able to play again! this is basically all about like the very end of act 2 because i enjoyed it but just didn't really write things down for most of it.
so first of all i actually kind of love ketheric thorm and the tragedy of his character. i love villains who are willing to destroy themselves and the world for the sake of their family 💖
however i wish that if you talked to him about his wife and passed the checks to try persuading him to repent you could actually change the outcome of things. like what if you could save him and recruit him.... i honestly really think my tav would've felt a bit of empathy toward his situation and wanted to save him if they could, and also personally i just find him more interesting than halsin or even jaheira asdkjfghsdf
i'm sure jaheira is a lot cooler to people who know her from previous baldur's gate games but having 2 druids feels a bit redundant when there are so many other classes and she and halsin both become recruitable a little too late imo, especially given that halsin kind of has nothing to do after he finally joins you. ketheric would be an even later addition but sorry i just think he's so cool and that making one of the villains redeemable + recruitable would've been neat!
ANYWAY i also love the fact that even though i was spoiled on a lot of random bits and pieces about the different companions' personal stories before i started, i was not really spoiled at all on the actual main plot of this game lol. it just makes it that much more exciting getting to see how it all unfolds.
i also wasn't spoiled on the details of wyll's pact and now that he's finally talked about it, i love his character even more!! he's literally like if a disney prince loved his home and its people so much that he sold his soul to save them. i wish we could've had a full flashback when he agreed to show us what happened like the ones we get when we see into shadowheart's past.
i also wish he got more appreciation from fans and had a more complete romance but we all know why he doesn't 😔
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i think this is literally the first "stereotypical horny bard" dialogue i've come across omg 😭 didn't actually pick this because it would've been ooc for elenion to say but i will say i think it would've been really funny if there was like. romance-specific dialogue here because you have such insane first meetings with every companion. i'm just imagining elenion going "love at first sight? i suppose so, although for me it was more like love at first hand" and leaving isobel wondering wtf that's supposed to mean
all of this confusion and going back and forth about whether to trust the dream guardian... and they were a mind flayer the whole time!! tbh that actually does not make elenion automatically stop trusting them because we've met omeluum and he didn't seem bad, but what does kind of make them lose trust in the emperor is the whole "encouraging you to turn into a mind flayer" thing... yeah, not doing that.
actually though i found out a while ago that something was up with the dream guardian but like. i was expecting them to turn out to just be fully evil and wanting to try and manipulate us more directly after the reveal, not for them to be acting like a nice friendly heroic mind flayer, so that does come as a surprise!
i wish i had thought to take lae'zel with me to the astral plane in case she would've had anything to say about orpheus while we were there... but oh well, i didn't really have her on my team during act 2 and she wasn't relevant to basically any of its story so i missed her a lot and i am so proud of her now for how she told off vlaakith.
??? halsin just tried to confess his love to elenion and said he thinks they feel the same way and i mean... at least he was very kind and understanding when they rejected him but i am baffled because i haven't really had him in the party at all and. like. when he asked them to tell him a secret they even said they didn't feel like there was anything to tell because they didn't wanna open up to him too deeply (well, and also because for some reason the only other option is to say you're afraid of krakens), but now he thinks they're in love with him? 😭 i've heard that it used to be extremely easy to accidentally romance gale but i do not understand how this happened with halsin. oh well.
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oh yeah also i got this dialogue from wyll and i wish there was an option to say that you're anxious about being back or something. because elenion has been sort of avoiding visiting home and only going back very infrequently for a very long time and he and wyll are close so i imagine that wyll knows why that is. but i ended up just picking the first option and imagining that wyll is too polite to question it.
anyway, i've stepped into rivington and am ready to start exploring it but i'm going to end this post here for now!
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djservo · 6 months
not only did you beat me but i am horrifically late.. how embarrassing for me! however(!), i have finally made it to ask you the oh so important question: how much chocolate did you eat over the easter weekend? do you get a long weekend in the us? oh and i guess how did your march reading go? any spring time specific reads or other things you’re looking forward to?
FEELS GOOD TO WIN ONE!!!! 😪👏 tbh I'm not that big on sweets + easter treats especially seem like overload to me BUT I've been rationing a bag of cadbury mini eggs for the past week and it's been a delight in my day!!! pep in my step!! my work gave us friday off + IIRC they do the same in schools too? but I also took off thursday bc I was going to a wedding with friends so extra long weekend praise be 🏝️ oh yes and the reading part!!
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Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
I think I was halfway thru this during our last round-up and I already knew it was gonna be my fav Morrison thus far but Wowwwwwowow an already gripping story and then the final third just smacks ya outta nowhere and floors you!!! which is wild because I was already completely into it when things were unraveling in the way of slice of life / reckoning with family history and curses - such a fleshed out setting and cast of characters - but then it twists into this epic adventure at the very last second and it's just crazy how something already so layered can get even dizzier, and how complete it still feels! not overdone or rushed at all, just complete magic!!
Of Death. Minimal Odes by Hilda Hilst
there's just somethin about Hilda!!! perfect balance between bare bones simplicity + profundity to me - maybe it's striking because of how simple it is, or conversely reads as straightforward (a minimal ode if U will) because it's as if she's speaking truths that could only be articulated in a surreal way. WHO KNOWS !!! similar to my experience with With My Dog Eyes I was left with this certain ennui where it seemed like something didnt click immediately but then ofc I thought about specific lines for days and weeks after + craving more of her writing. a slow burn of affection! and the translation is so beautiful!! got me thinking about how a translator isn't ever Just translating, but also has to wear the hat of the author they're translating which is so beautifully layered to me + I have so much respect for it as an art itself
Girls to the Front by Sara Marcus
I was excited for this bc riot grrrl is interwoven in so many things/people I admire but it fell pretty flat. didn't care for Marcus's uneven prose throughout which felt peppered in as an afterthought + it was clear which topics/bands/figures Marcus favored in how much more attention + depth she gave them, which maybe is inevitable when you're personally connected to a subculture but I feel like if you're describing a book as "an epic, definitive history" of a movement, you shouldn't be so blatantly biased? it's also kinda funny in an ironic way how she condenses the experience of queer women and WOC feeling left out in a matter of like. 4 pages total. then goes back to essentially a Kathleen Hanna love fest (whomst I also love!!! but that's not what this book should've been!!) then again, I don't expect a white woman to sufficiently examine and/or encapsulate the intricacies of intersectionality so whatevz . flopperoni
Assata by Assata Shakur
I've had a copy of this for yearssss but I'm kinda glad I waited til now because it made me think so much of Leila Khaled's memoir at parts in their undying loyalty to the cause and unashamed criticism of the radical groups they longed to be apart of - in this case, the BPP and its gendered hierarchy - and it's just nice to be able to have this bridge between revolutionaries + revolutions, the embodiment of fighting the same struggle / no one being free until everyone's free. powerful and unflinching yet completely grounded and lucid in reflection - no detail felt out of place and no indictment felt gratuitous. completely demoralizing at parts (as if the american justice system could seem any more like a joke) and particularly bleak to see how relevant so much of this feels decades later (but also unsurprising when you think about america's enactment + sustaining of brutality as a well-oiled machine, the very core of its existence). just all around special and profound
for april I planned to read some short story collections but already I feel myself straying + craving something juicier so I may just let this be another wildcard month as far as ~theme goes like sorry but the heart wants what it wants and in this case it's bret easton ellis seediness!! happy spring!!!
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billdecker · 1 year
So it's after 6am and I've had barely any sleep because my mind is racing so here's why my party went to shit. Hopefully getting this out somewhere will make me feel better. I'm sorry this is so long.
It started off feeling a bit ahhhh because my dress was a scratchy sensory nightmare. I also wore make-up. I never wear make-up because I hate how it feels on my skin so I was already feeling a bit horrible. So i changed out of my dress and felt a bit better.
Also, I invited my sister and she never showed up. I asked her to just pop in for an hour because she deserves a break (my eldest niece is going through some terrible puberty emotional stuff; been expelled from school; sister has a very misogynistic bf who does nothing to help her in the house so she's balancing everything and close to breakdown herself). So I felt upset about that but got over it and I completely understood why. It's a good job she didn't come along after all.
Things changed when alcohol happened (obvs). We had a couple of drinks and were singing along to some angry 90s girly pop and I felt really happy. I decided I didn't want any more drink for a while which BFF didn't like and kept trying to pressure me to drink more. I think that's when I started to kinda disconnect??
Anyway, she then spent wayyyyy over an hour (probably two hours tbh) just talking to my husband about her boyfriend. Telling D her bf's entire life story including really intimate details. Her bf is a musician in his spare time and he's currently working on an album. She wanted to end my playlist so we could listen to his youtube back catalogue of black metal songs. D is an expert on dealing with people who have drunk a lot (sadly; his dad was an alcoholic) so he was kinda handling all of this while I was sitting there feeling like a billy no mates at my own party. Honestly, she didn't look at me once. I'm sitting on the other settee on the other side of the room like that fucking John Travolta staring around meme.
Then when she did involve me (like, over an hour later) she starts comments about mine and D's intimate life and she's showing me all of these photos she's taken of me and saying how sexy I look in them all and I have to change them to my profile pic. I did not look great in them. I hated every single photo. Then she grabs the glowstick dick (this is a long story, it's a tradition that we make a dick out of glowsticks when we meet up) and starts rubbing it against me telling me to do stuff to the dick and pretend it's D, and if I don't wanna pretend it's D then pretend it's a couple of the men I've talked to online. I used to chat to blokes online for a bit of fun. D knew about it and never had a problem with it. It was all consensual fun stuff. I told her in confidence and didn't expect it to be brought up. I was just slowly feeling humiliated. By this point she's drunk a bottle and a half of rum (I KNOW. I only got the second bottle in bc I'd had the first for a while, sealed, but was worried about it) and I've had three drinks that I've slowly sipped over five or so hours so I'm still very sober. But I could feel myself spiralling. Like, my social battery is running out and I can't socially mask any longer so I said I was going to sit in the bedroom for five minutes because it's cooler and I'm gonna take off my make-up.
And I knew right then I just won't be able to go for the tattoo on Thursday. I don't have enough social energy left to do it. My mood has only started to get better after getting pierced. I know my own limits and I know I can't do it. Thankfully my other BFF is on the other end of Whatsapp. She's wise and really helps me to put things in a logic way when I'm spiralling. So she said to just be firm and say I'm going to bed because I'm tired and I need some rest.
So when I calmed down I did that and I thought I'd be honest about not being able to go to get the tattoo. Then things just got worse. She started saying I have to go and get it; that she, D, and my dad will practically drag me outside to do it. That we can make a whole day of it by visiting the park and then the pub (this is literally the worst thing I can do). And I'm trying to be firm and assertive and not mask and lay down my boundaries. I said no, I can't do it. I know a couple of days before I need to do something if I can do it or not. Like when I've been to the dentist or I got pierced, I might have been an anxious wreck but I knew deep down inside that I could do it. I know I can't do this. My mind won't change. She started arguing that I'll feel different on Thursday and I'm letting myself down (the other worst thing to say to me). She starts saying we should get some more rum tomorrow and have the party again because I've ended it early and it's not a proper party. Also that if I'm still drunk I'll get through the tattoo easier (wtf no). And I'm no fun, and I've been planning this for a year only to end it early by basically being a boring old fart.
By this point, I'm crying. I'm sitting there feeling like I'm being told off by my mum. She's saying all the stuff my mum would when I'd have a meltdown about having to go to family parties or if I just didn't want to go sit outside. BFF is completely ratarsed just having a go at me. She hasn't even noticed I'm crying. So I just stood and announced I was going to bed. I texted D from the bedroom to ask him if he could tidy up all of the buffet food and decorations. I lay on the bed and just silently sobbed until I kinda passed out.
I woke up when D came to bed and then I cried some more. I asked if she'd said anything about the tattoo or me coming to bed and she said she wanted to hatch a plan with him to force me to go outside. Then she started to talk more about her bf and their life and stuff that made D feel very uncomfortable. I'm going to have to do something nice for D or buy him something nice as a thank you for dealing with it all like an absolute pro. I cried into him and then had a really good chat with my other BFF about everything which made me feel better. I thought maybe I'd feel better after some sleep and I do, but in the way that it's just given me even more clarity that I definitely can go do on Thursday. My mood is still terrible and all I want to do is cry.
Tbh I just wanna stay in my room. She's here til Friday and I don't know how I'm gonna face her. D is going to cancel the tattoo for me later today and say I have covid. I might reschedule at some point and get a different tattoo just for me to celebrate my birthday. I'm so mentally drained I don't know how I'm going to get through my actual birthday on Saturday. I wanted to visit my parents but I can't even see myself leaving the flat. I feel crushed tbh. I hadn't seen her for five years. She hasn't changed. She's always been this loud and gone on and on about the men she's seeing (on my wedding day she spent 12 hours on myspace chatting to a boy she fancied, so she has form) but I think since realising I'm potentially autistic, my understanding of my behaviours has changed so I have boundaries now to prevent further mental breakdowns being worse in the long run. So I've really changed. I'm not just willingly going along with shit. I don't want to mask and I don't want to people please.
If you read this, thank you. She's here til Friday and I don't know how I'm gonna get through it because now I just wanna stay in bed, watch comfort TV, and do some work on my writing. I'm 40 years old in three days time. I'm too old for this sort of stuff to be happening. This stuff is shit that should happen 20 years ago. I just wanted a cute day where I listened to all of my favourite songs, had a beige buffet, and it was all good vibes.
Thank you all for your very sweet comments too. I kept coming to check on here to give my anxious hands something to do and reading them really made me smile while all of this stuff was going down. I have some of the best followers xxxx
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not-poignant · 11 months
10 for palmarosa (would love to hear what interested you about this pairing)
Hi hi anon!
I don't have a fancy answer tbh for this:
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Because I didn't like any of the other pairings, and because Raphael is a pretty 'thin' character in terms of details, so I knew it would be easier to craft him up in the way I wanted to, because there's honestly so little about his past, and even his general character, that it would be easier to keep him 'in character' while making him the kind of love interest I wanted him to be.
I find Raphael really intriguing and interesting as a character. It helps that he's not human, that he has a monster form (cambion) which is frankly pretty hot (hey wings! Tail! Horns!) and I like that idea specifically of Astarion being with someone who is...more suitable to what he is now - a vampire spawn. Astarion's kind of been expected to be extremely humanoid, even ashamed of his appetite, and I think a devil would be like 'why are you not just killing people? Why are you not feeding more often? I don't get it, you're not a high elf anymore and haven't been for 200 years.'
And you can't really do that with any other character except really Dark Urge or Dark!Companion (sort of) in a pairing. And I don't want to write a durge story.
I also really liked that it left me free to character assassinate my player character, Temter, because I just really enjoy doing that in writing? I like exploring things I wouldn't necessarily pick as game options because they make me too sad. Temter in the game I identify with. Temter in my writing I don't, and I can do what I want with him, which makes him more interesting as 'hero but ultimately shitty boyfriend.'
Also honestly thinking about how all the companions would react to the pairing makes me happy.
It gives me a lot of reasons to also explore areas that are never really explored like Baator, Avernus, even Waterdeep etc. because Raphael has portals there. I'm not limited to Baldur's Gate and locations we visit in Baldur's Gate, and that gives me more scope for creating original characters and locations than a more standard pairing. And I do like a fair bit of creative freedom in fanfiction, especially when I'm also trying to be pretty canon compliant.
...I actually had a longer answer for this than I thought!
(And I also just like... don't ship Astarion with anyone else? Like yes, with my player character, sure. And Gale for fun? Sure. But seriously in the 'I read fics of this pairing' sense? No one. I don't ship him with Halsin, or Gale, or Wyll, etc. Even if I were to pair him with someone else in the future, it still likely wouldn't be a companion so much as like, Underdark Sebastian or something - the majority of mainstream pairings for Astarion are all pairings I'm extremely 'meh' about except for in-game - I haven't read a single fic in the fandom I've liked so far, and that's not anyone else's fault, I really think that's just because I so actively don't ship him with anyone that the game and/or fandom suggests as the main shipping options for him).
From the fanfiction / AO3 meme
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mooncalfe-art · 11 months
Greetings !
Well. I have to say. The arc *Damage Done* was quite a fascinating one ,with issue 143 and 144 being the high lights to me tbh.
I will be focusing on 144 this time, takeing into account that it's the end of this arc and it did tied everything up quite intriguingly.
First of all. Loved how it ended. It was left pretty open for interpretations and theories ,yet, didn't feel incomplecte and made sens in the current context.
Second of all. The potential for new arcs is absolutely crazy. Like. It was already made clear that you do have something in mind for Alopex...but, after that finale, I didn't expect to see soooo much intriguing details that can play in her story.
Mushroom haveing the dragon scale and the fact even Venus said she was powerful had me extremely interested for future development. Same can be said about the fact Al is going with the little ones to Alaska. I mean...every time she went there, some very important and personal stuff happened to her.
First was with Saki, in which he destroyed pretty much everything from her past life. Then, was the fight with Kitsune, that was trying to make her into a slave. And now...well, I can only imagine for the moment what will happen, seeing that now she also has the company of the little ones...with one of them haveing quite a great and impressive source of power on her.
Speaking of that power....is that dragon scale going to do something... literally anything about the fact that ..you know..Mushroom still has those human limbs (which..I think are taken from little kids, seeing that it fits her perfectly. ...Again, not sure about that part yet .) attached to her. Still not fully ok with that part tbh.😅.
Another curiosity I have about the issue is...why was Leatherhead on the same train with Alopex and the little ones? Is that going to get any follow up as well? Also. Very happy with the fact that Leatherhead is alive and well. Him being a future allie to the turtles is something that I really wanted to see again.
The part with Barlow was satisfying ,even tho, I would love to see the version in which he dies thanks to Leatherhead....especially for everything he did.
...Tho. Haveing him as an actual lad rat dose fit as a nice poetic justice.
I can't wait for the road to 150 and to find out more about Armaggon and how can he be stopped...even if it's not permanent. Also. Is Raph, Mikey and Jeny going to take part in this new arc in any important way? Or it will be more about Leo and Don ( along with Bob, Carmen, Lita, Venus and April)?
And, was that part with Raph and his road trip somehow infuence by what was said by Kitsune in issue 139?
PS. Again. Overall 9/10 for this arc and a 9.5/10 issue. Can't wait for what's next.
Thanks as always for reading, glad you liked it! :D
You'll have to wait and see what Mushroom does with her dragon scale. She has some sort of connection with Leatherhead so that may be why he's following her and the Claw clan! ;)
The next arc is mostly Don and Leo but Mikey will make an appearance, and there are future time period versions of the Turtles that show up, too. Any further details than that I can't reveal yet!
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chrimsone · 11 months
Hallo! I keep forgetting to link my fics n tumblr but I didn't forget this time!
So fun stuff, I used a clip of my own Crucible match for this chapter. And that clip resulted in a mercy after four minutes! Omg it's crazy how much is happening in such a short amount of time. I promised a friend I'd like show my process for this chapter and I am using this post as an excuse to the process lol.
So first I needed a source video of course. And I couldn't really just take some match off the internet cause I did want to be specific with what I had equipped. I knew I gave Rin an Arc Logic earlier so I had to grab myself an acceptable copy of one. But the Scout of hers isn't based off any in-game one tbh. But I have a massive love for Perseus-D so I decided to just use that as an acceptable replacement. Since Rin is mostly based off how I play the game normally, I ran the usual gear I wear. Wasn't gonna be a problem if knife hands got used at all in the match. After that, I just had to hope I queued into either the Jav-4 or Convergence map. Those two are my favorites and that's where I wanted her first match to be! Happened to be Jav-4 first.
The fun part was trying to adapt this without the Strand stuff lol. Since at the point of my story not even Stasis has been discovered. Anyways after getting the video then I kinda write out what I experienced on some sheets of paper. Think of it as a rough draft. The starting of me translating what I experience into text form.
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From there I take that and then put a City Children lens on it. This goes into an actual doc and since this can be more detailed as I give myself notes and ideas for actual writing. Here's a snapshot of that cause it does take a few pages worth of text.
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After this I start actually writing the chapter. While that happens I do cross out the text on the second draft doc. Just helps my eyes from glazing over as I look over all the funny words. Honestly doing all this helped me actually realize some of the callout names for Jav-4! Since the radar provides a name for an area, and to keep my mental map proper I ended up figuring out a decent chunk of the names! Who knows I might actually use them when playing lol.
Pretty much any chapter that focuses on the action has this kinda process to it. The Sundial went thru it! Tho since I didn't have a good PC back in Dawn, I never saved a video of one of those runs. Esoterickk is a true god I used one of his videos on it for reference. Which was still kind of fun! Had to interpret someone else's perspective.
Uh, I guess that's it for this chapter! The process details ended up taking a lot more time to write down than expected lol. If I'm lucky the next chapter won't be 7k words and get out a little quicker. It's not combat focused this time so I don't really need to go thru this process! Though. I have has to use another Esoterickk vid on the Corridors of Time as my memory is fuzzy. Fun hint-hint on what the next chapter is about hehe
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