#tbh anyone could tell and if they don't then that's just dumb
fuck-customers · 20 days
I desperately wish I could explain to my coworker that really wants me to become a manager for whatever reason that the main reasons why I don't want to become a manager are:
1. If I become a manager, I'd have to work under the store manager, who I don't have a shred of respect for. I think she's nice, but is a complete moron who couldn't run a store if her life depended on it. Up until now, I encounter her every 4th or 5th shift for 20-30 minutes. Very minimal interaction.
2. Building off of point 1, our store manager just doesn't do shit that is her job to do or assign someone to do to run a store. I do that shit because it bothers me on a personal level and the dumb bitch undoes it and I redo it. Tbh it's kinda fun, because I'm petty. If I were a manager, I would not have the time to do these things. (These things being price tagging the merchandise at the front end. It's asinine that 90% of the products in the store don't have prices. I suppose if I were a manager, I'd have the freedom to roam the store to tag other aisles, but managers are given long lists of tasks to do and I'd never have spare time)
3. If I became a manager, I'd be a lead and the chain of command would be store manager-->assistant store manager-->me. And I HATE the assistant store manager. 1000x worse than the store manager. I actually don't mind the store manager as a person, I just think she's an absolute moron and a shit manager. However, the assistant store manager is a CUNT. I genuinely hate her, but as a non-management employee, I don't have to interact with her too often, as she's usually working in the back of the store. But if I were a lead, I'd have to work with her and report to her.
4. I am doing shit to sabotage the store and our store manager, because she won't do her fucking job. I've reported the store to OSHA (and they got a big ass fine el em ay oh) I've been stealing customer receipts out of the garbage to write bad reviews on the store survey that our DM reads and I've also submitted fake negative customer reviews to corporate about our location specifically. If I became a lead, I would not have the time or opportunity to steal the receipts and I would have more eyes on me because I would now be a Manager who is In Charge.
I also have several other reasons that I've given (lead isn't a full-time position and my hours would not increase at all, but I'd be doing 10x the work for $2 more) but these are my real reasons, which I obviously can't tell her or anyone at work.
Posted by admin Rodney
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all-pacas · 4 days
The fact that when 13 needs help, she calls Chase. Why does she call him? Why doesn't she call someone else? She needs someone to deliver her a portable ultrasound, and okay, you could argue Foreman is a bad call because he's her ex and would pry. That House would just refuse. Taub would have been a good pick tbh, he would drop it off and just go home no questions asked. But no, she calls Chase
(And I love that call. "You doing anything?" "Oh, yeah, I'm just about to go out," Chase lies blatantly, asleep in bed with a book on the crusades on his chest. Like the loser he is. I don't know that it was done well but I love how S7 examines his Dumb Whore tendencies: it isn't really him, it's a rebound. He does it again when he gets stabbed.)
And of course the second he shows up he immediately sees through 13's excuses and pushes his way into the apartment. Because we love Chase's observation skills triumphing over his laziness.
13 tells Chase the prison backstory. Like! It's kind of glossed over. She hasn't told this to anyone else. She doesn't hide it. I killed my brother. It wasn't murder. Chase is just pacing, you just know he's twigged as hell, he's so anxious all at once as she tries to brush past it. The idea that 13 kind of had to tell him to explain Darrien's presence but she's also — House is the only other person who knows.
CHASE: Have you talked to anybody about it? I mean, are you okay?
Like we know this immediately triggered something in Chase, but 13 doesn't, and seeing him so anxious and pacing and ignoring the bleeding dying woman as 13 works, it's just. Incredible. It's good. He cares immediately, he's relating to this immediately.
But I love seeing them work together. Like they just immediately go in sync, Chase offering suggestions and 13 doing the work. They're just. It's nice.
SIDE NOTE: House says he called everyone before he called Cuddy. We see him call 13 and Taub. Chase is off picking up drugs, we don't see House call him, but like. He had to have called Chase first, right? Did Chase not pick up? Did he blow him off because he already was dealing with someone bleeding to death in someone's apartment??
The way they fight oh my god. The way 13 just is trying to fucking murder Chase. She punches him, she claws and shoves him, and then he just clocks her and stares horrified as she falls to the floor. Like it's an actual fight, it's brutal, it's so good. They hurt one another. I can't explain it but I love how brutal it is, that they both walk away with bruises, that it isn't pretty. Incredible. Amazing scene.
CHASE: You were defending your friend beyond all rationality, granting her the right to die in your bedroom. Was it really all because of a promise? 13: That word means something to some people. CHASE: Not that much. […] CHASE: You promised your brother you'd euthanize him and you think you won't feel bad about it as long as you can blame it on the promise. That's why you have this twisted obligation to keep all promises… or your carefully constructed defense mechanism could crumble down. 13: I saved my brother from a lot of pain.
!! Chase keeps bringing it up, he keeps bringing up her brother, not out of I can't believe you did a murder or I can't believe you went to prison but: you must hate yourself. He's calling her out on her coping mechanisms, he's calling her out on her guilt, and it's so fucking clear what he means is I get it but he's not saying that part. 13 killed her brother and now has to believe she did the right thing, no matter what, no matter how she feels. She's taking away her own agency: it was for a promise, it was his decision, she had nothing to do with it, it's fine, it doesn't feel bad. Chase killed Dibala and told himself it was for the greater good, it was morally just, it was the right thing to do, it doesn't feel bad. And it nearly destroyed him. And so he's pushing and pushing at it. He never goes 13 went to prison! he never goes it's so crazy you did that! Whenever he brings it up it's only in the context of how worried he is about her. Has she spoken to someone? Is she coping? Is this healthy? Is she okay? He's so worried. He cares so much.
I adore 13 and Chase running out of ideas with Darrien and calling dad. Most sibling coded of all time. Just. And the fact that House doesn't allude to also being in the hospital, actively bleeding and in pain, just, yes, we gotta help bail you two idiots out. Beautiful moment.
Chase getting 13 ice and coffee and still feeling guilty for punching her out, and 13 not blaming him at all. Like. You know. Don't beat people up. But in this one case I totally approve. Because I love it.
13: Darrien had to shoot that kid. It was the right thing. Completely justified. But it didn't matter. She destroyed her life trying to forget. I'm afraid that's what's gonna happen to me. CHASE: You really should talk to someone. 13: I've talked to a therapist. It didn't help. CHASE: Well, maybe you should talk to someone who isn't a therapist. 13: Do you really think you have any idea what it's like to live with something like this? CHASE: Let's grab a coffee.
Since the second Chase found out, this is what it's been leading towards. I love that he doesn't answer, he doesn't say a thing, but this is what he's been thinking all episode, why he's been pushing, why he's been so worried and caring: talk to me. Tell me you're not okay. Tell me everything isn't fine. And 13 holds it back until the end of the case, until it's over and she has no distractions. It's not at all clear Chase himself has talked to someone about Dibala, btw. He probably hasn't.
And how insane is that. He never told Foreman or House; they figured it out. He told Cameron: she left him. (Imagine being 13, hearing this. Realizing the timeline. She went to their wedding. What did she think happened when Cameron just … left? How quickly does she figure it out now?) House told Chase to talk to someone, Chase tried Confessing, but whenever he's tried to tell anyone it's gone terribly for him. I don't think he has talked to anyone. But he repeats House's advice to 13: talk to someone. (Talk to me.) He's offering her what he never got. And their situations are different, hers is much more sympathetic and easy to accept than his. Chase never goes I never got help or you have nothing to feel bad about or implies he doesn't think it's a big deal: his entire reaction is just empathy. He wants 13 to get what he didn't get, he wants to help.
The song that plays over the end of the episode is Bon Iver's Flume. And as much as you can apply it to House, and Cuddy, and Wilson, and all of that — it's a song about feeling isolated, feeling alone and being afraid of letting go. Of holding on to things that stain and hurt. The lyrics that play while 13 and Chase are having their coffee in the conference room, though:
i wear my garment/so it shows now you know
And I just! I love! Them! The ways 13 and Chase are so alike and so damaged, the way Chase reacts with empathy and care and wants her to have what he didn't, the way they know one another's secrets and worst moments and rely on one another so easily. 13's secrecy is a meme, in and out of universe, but Chase is absolutely no better: he won't even admit he's Catholic when talking to a nun. They're private to faults, they mask by sleeping around and taking risks and pretending not to care, they hide their hurts and then somehow, they punch one another in the face and know everything. I'm just. I'm so obsessed with them. I want them like this always.
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cfr749 · 5 months
Initial Thoughts on Chenford in 6x07
All right... I'm feeling... a lot at the moment, so just sharing my initial reactions before seeing anyone else's. I'm sure my feelings will evolve. Also this turned into a GD essay and I'm sorry.
The Good
Grey acknowledging that Lucy was going through a lot ABOVE & BEYOND the break up. I just wish he'd mentioned the shooting, too. Lucy deserves to be more than her relationship with Tim and I need to actually see that in the future.
Lucy laying out 2 key things in her conversation with Grey - how easily Tim walked away and that he had no right to make that decision for her
Prior to the last scene (see The Ugly below), I thought Tim's interactions with the therapist were reasonably well done; if only therapy was that easy in real life lol
"You've always got a home with me" - I loved this final scene between Lucy and Tamara. I don't really have feelings either way about Tamara at this point, and this still hit me right in the heart.
Smitty's poll made me laugh, but also another solid indicator that these writers / producers do in fact really enjoy laughing at the expense of the fandom and shippers (which, whatever, I don't care that they do, I'd prob do the same; but it does irk me when people act like these writers should be worshipped because of all the things they "give" us)
The Tim
"I'm not depressed. I broke up with her."
"I was her TO." Not her friend, cuz god knows Tim has yet to deal with the fact that he started banging his former Rookie I suppose.
I dunno whether to put this in The Good or The Bad at this point; it depends on where they take it, so instead Tim gets a section all about why he's a dick.
To be clear, I do not like that Tim is a dick. But I actually do kind of like that it is very clear TO THE AUDIENCE that Tim is being kind of a dick. Do I still think people will bend over backwards to defend him? Of course they will.
From my perspective, I love Tim, I understand that he thinks he's doing the right thing, and has lots and lots of trauma. I've never seen Tim as a character that magically healed at some point between Seasons 1 & 5 (please see his storyline with his dad, his ongoing issues with UC work and unwillingness to confront or deal with them, his feelings about therapy historically, his inability to dump Ashley, etc. etc.). He's never been perfect and he doesn't need to be.
All of those things are true. None of those things give him a free pass to be kind of a dick. He still has to take accountability for how he treated Lucy (which, to be clear, was like sh*t).
The Bad
Lucy being petty AF with the invites to Tamara's dinner - let her be ANGRY, but give me villain Lucy over this dumb sh*t.
Lucy having no one other than Grey to talk to.
Others acting like Lucy is actually kind of pathetic (why do these writers love sh*tting on her so much? girl could not be down and kicked any harder at this point) -- Celina / Nolan and the double dumping crap, Lucy thinking Grey paid actors and him telling her she was out of her damn mind
The last interaction between Lucy and Tim. I am so angry for her. I needed to see that from her, but instead it felt kind of like her being dumped / a kicked puppy all over again. We got it, thanks. What's next? Lucy being incredibly happy with the hottest man on earth? I'm here for it tbh. Lucy plotting Tim's murder? Also here for it at this point. LOL.
The Ugly
I could not hate the implication of that final scene with Tim and the therapist and the door shutting more. There was ZERO reason they couldn't have had him show up during the day, and it actually disgusts me that they are pushing this line again, but especially with Tim. I am literally NEVER this dramatic, but in this case I really hope they did that to just get a reaction, because if anything were to actually happen between Tim and the therapist, I'd be 100% done with this ship and show as would a whole lot of the audience (I think). If I kept watching, it would only be to see Lucy be absurdly happy without Tim.
Well, what'd I miss? What did y'all think?
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kakesuki · 3 months
One of the things I'll never forgive anyone for is people hating Kevin for leaving Jean. Don't get me wrong, I love Jean with my whole life and I would kill for him, but how is what happened to him Kevin's fault??
They were both childs trying to grow up in a messy environment, helping each other out like they could. Kevin couldn't take Jean with him; first because the only reason they let Kevin go was because he was 'broken', so no reason to let Jean go out. And second because Jean would probably not even follow him?? I have this clear memory of Jean saying it himself.
The day Riko broke Kevin's hand Kevin lost EVERYTHING. My man did his best to go out and start again far away from the raven's. He lost his career, the sport he loved so much which also was literally all he had left of his mother, lost Riko (denying that Kevin still liked him is just dumb tbh.), lost the people he grew up with.
Baby trained like the other Ravens. He had more 'liberty' but it was still shitty for him too!
Kevin couldn't force Jean to come, couldn't protect him either, and he was sure as heck not going to stay there. For me, the fact that as soon as jean went out Kevin went out of his way to tell Jeremy about him is MORE than enough.
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bandgie · 10 months
Hey, I have an idea. How about skz members reaction to you being the Dom for the first time
perfect idea I must say!
MDNI 18+, edging, overstim, chastity use, rimming, strap ons, bondage, fem!reader, bottom!skz, dom!reader, exhibitionism mentions, fleshlight use, mutual masterbation
Chan - loves it idk what anyone says. he's such a hard worker, he needs some time where he just lays there and takes everything you give him - you do have to tie him up a bit though, he keeps gripping your hips when you ride and fucking you to his liking - I imagine his hands tied behind his head and his biceps flex everything you sink onto his cock. you might even put your underwear in his mouth to muffle his moans (he looks so good) - takes longer to cum when you dom, but it feels so much better. it's like he's constantly at that high just before he orgasms. hurts so good
Lee Know - taken back honestly, might even decline your request the first time. he can't though, it intrigues him. - he'll have you start off slow, he doesn't think he can bottom right from the get go. I imagine he has you suck him off for as long as you want. - overstimulating Minho is literally seeing that gates of heaven. doesn't matter how red or swollen his pretty cock gets, he's much too prideful to tell you to stop - he's surprised by how much he likes it, he'll absolutely let you eat his ass like this. bro has no shame when it comes to cumming
Changbin - slut oh my god, do whatever you want with him he's been waiting for you to dom. put a cute little chastity over his cock so he can't get hard - he'll leak and leak, but you'll just make him eat you out for hours. he'll complain about wanting to cum, but he only does it to see you get mean. telling him he's a dumb slut who can't wait - hop on his thighs like you're gonna ride him, but put a dildo between the two of you. ride that instead, gripping his shoulders and making him suck your tits. his little cock is still in that god forbidden chastity, but he moaning like you're really fucking him - loves it, overall. you just need give him a bunch of aftercare
Hyunjin - he's a service dom and he's a service sub, so he loves fucking you either way - similar to Changbin in that he'll do whatever you want, but different in that he doesn't it because he only cares about you pleasure. - you like to test this out, sometimes you won't ever make him cum when you dom, but Hyunjin doesn't complain one bit. he is really hard though, his dick is leaking so much that you take pity and let him cum even when you tell him you won't - I don't hyunjin is really surprised or super turned on, he just loves you period. in any way shape or form. - he does it like when slap his balls though oops
Han - loves it when you dom for the first time, and you do it everytime after that, works out the best - do not let this man cum! he loves when you edge him and it doesn't matter how much he's begging do not let him cum! - really likes rimming and when you use a strap. it can't be too but though, 4 inches max. he's totally the type to complain that it's still too big and that it hurts, but he loves it when you tell him to take it - tbh he might just come from anal play, whore! you can't let that slide, you didn't give him permission. now you're gonna make him cum until he can't feel his dick anymore
Felix - first thing he thinks is 'why didn't we do this sooner?' and he's so right. lix is a good sub and he listens obediently. you could even play with him in public and he'll do what you say. - for the first time, you need to go slow with him. everything is new and both of you need time to adjust. safe words are a must, safe gestures as well - unlike Han, Felix can take bigger straps. his ass is literally a pussy with how easily it takes your silicone cock. he was built for dick honestly, moans prettily too - likes when you edge and overstim him, he can't choose a favorite. just please squeeze his balls he sounds so cute when you do - I firmly believe you can use a double ended dildo with him after some time
Seungmin - loves it when you dom, I don't know why I dont see that a lot. he's a huge tease, and when you finally threaten to dom him, he loves the challenge - you both degrade each other. Seungmin may physically surrender to you, but he never will verbally. he needs to get the last word even when your fingers are wrapped around his throat. - you like to push him, and he loves it when you do. wear a nice sized strap and fuck him like that. get a fleshlight and stroke his cock with it. he goes insane, he can't even speak - 'no smart ass reply this time huh?'
I.N - girl...he doesn't even know he likes it - like minho, he's dismissive. he actually forgets you even asked him until you're riding him one night. maybe it would be nice, to see what you can do - the next time you guys fuck, he'll ask what you have in mind. he's a little scared you might say something outlandish, but you actually mention mutual masterbation! - oh that's easy to him! how is that even a dom thing? - then he realizes the challenge when he watches your pussy cream on the dildo you're fucking yourself on. he's so jealous, mad even. all he gets to use is his hand while you have a surplus amount of toys to cum on - he begs and constantly asks to fuck you, but you tell him no over and over again. it doesn't matter how many times he's cum in his fist, it's nothing compared to your hot pussy - then you make him eat you out after. making sure to clean your pussy up real good. that's when he cums the hardest, untouched.
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mysumeow · 6 months
Hi! I'm new to this but may I request (and this might be a bit specific) Lyney x male/gn reader(whichever you prefer) who has regenerative powers similarly to Ajin (in which they are basically immortal and fully regenerate once they die) and is pretty reckless because of it, I just imagine Lyney not being able to take their eyes of reader due to them getting into lethal trouble most of the time while adventuring. (Love your work :D, Feel free to ignore if not interested)
──Lyney with a reader who's reckless wherever they go and whatever they do.
WARNINGS ❪ Reader death mentioned, reader gets repeatedly injured (very mild descriptions of it). GN pronouns and body. SUMMARY ❪ Reader has the special ability to regenerate whenever they die. Reader has fun with this power, but it's not as fun for the magician they befriended. WORD COUNT ❪ 698 (bullet point list format) A/N ❪ HI ANON IM SORRY FOR TAKING TOO LONG FOR THIS AAAAAAAAA tbh, i dont know this character :c so i based this drabble (?) only on what you described. I hope the reader was reckless enough alhdsfsalkjfhjkldskjaf
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ♡ 🌷 . . MASTERLIST
The poor magician is constantly on edge because of your recklessness. And you nearly sent him into cardiac arrest the first time he found out about it.
You were Lyney's stagehand, in charge of rope work and inspecting that the props were firmly attached and in place.
Let’s just say you didn’t check that your safety equipment was correctly secured.
Given that your place of focus was up there, at least 20 meters (65.6 feet) away from the wooden floor, when you fell... It was a rather distressing sight.
Lyney felt beyond guilty about what happened, even if it wasn’t his fault. He was both relieved and bewildered when he found out you were fine?
A fall from that height would render anyone with broken bones beyond repair, and you left the hospital on your own? Without needing a wheelchair or anything?! You walked out of there as if nothing had happened.
“Ohhh, right. I forgot to mention that. For some reason, I can’t die.”
You were immortal, and you were confessing that ability like you were talking about the weather.
“But… But I saw you covered in blood and...” He couldn’t finish his sentence; the mere memory caused chilling goosebumps.
He always keeps an eye on you when you’re about to climb the scaffolding.
“You’re going to get yourself into a mess again,” He worried, rushing to your side once he noticed the hook that goes into your gear seemed flimsy. “This needs a replacement,”
“But your show is tomorrow,” You objected. “Besides, if something happens, I’ll regenerate. No biggie,”
“Your ability is unmatched, but it must still hurt a lot when you get into that trouble,” He insisted, removing the swivel snap hook from the gear before you could further object. “The forge sells these items. It won’t take more than a couple of minutes to buy one,”
Unfortunately for a troublemaker like you, sooner rather than later, the magician picked up on your habit of running into situations.
Once, you came back after lunch with concerning burns on your arms.
“Look, I picked up some bulle fruit. They’re fresh. Want some?”
“What happened? Dear archons, those look like second-degree burns?!”
“I ran into some trouble with some dumb gardemeks. I gave them a good beating,” You boasted. “They did sneak behind me and hurt me, but still,”
“If you want to go after them, go ahead with it,” Lynette said, noticing her brother’s anxious face.
You wielded both a vision and a weapon, so he knew you were more than capable of defending yourself, and yet he couldn’t stop going after you to make sure you were alright.
“Lyney!” You greeted him as you were about to go back to the theater. “What’re you doing here? Ah—don't tell me I took too long to return!”
“None of that. Geez, it’s a miracle I found you in one piece,” He sighed and rubbed his temple. “You’re a magnet for trouble wherever you go,”
“C’mon, I can’t be that bad.” You laughed.
He also remembered that time you were adventuring. You know, being cooped in the city could be boring sometimes.
The sibling’s schedules were free for that couple of days and thought it would be a fun experience.
The moment they finished setting up the tents, they noticed you had run off somewhere without them knowing.
“Do you guys think these berries are edible?”
Spoiler: they weren’t…
Often, it’s Lyney bandaging you up.
It was customary for Lyney and Lynette to carry bandages and band-aids with them when they rehearsed their show. It’s not uncommon for blisters to appear on any part of their body after an intense rehearsal or to sprain an ankle occasionally.
Now, having you around, there was even more reason to store them.
Before you could scurry away from him, Lyney called you with a stern voice.
The usual flirty and teasing side of the magician disappears when he catches you trying to hide a cut or a scrape.
“’Tis but a small cut,” You assured, laughing nervously. “O-Ow—!”
The disinfectant stung as he applied it to your jaw. “How did you even—forget it. Knowing you, you were probably careless,” He undid the band-aid's wrap and grabbed your face, preventing you from moving away.
“There you go,” He smiled, pleased with himself, the band-aid in place. “You can go back to work,”
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dairy-farmer · 1 month
Just had a thought about TimKon cuckolding kink: it all starts when Kon comes back from the dead and finds Tim in Paris and they have their heart to heart only for Tim to tell Kon that he understands if he doesn't want to date Tim anymore, bc Tim found out a few months after Kon died that he's pregnant - and considering they both know 100% that Kon is completely sterile, there's no way he's the baby daddy
And like, he was dead, so it wasn't TECHNICALLY cheating on Tim's part? Tbh I'm not sure who the baby daddy would be, but I really wanna say Ra's. If it doesn't work, timeline wise, then I could easily see Tim and Dick angry fucking before Tim leaves to go find Bruce and gets pregnant from that. Not the point tho
Kon finds he doesn't really mind Tim having someone else's baby. It's not like Kon could have gotten him pregnant instead, after all, and he's always wanted a family, especially with Tim. As Tim progresses in his pregnancy, they both find they're more and more turned on by Tim's pregnancy as time goes by. When the baby is born (and a carbon copy of Tim, so no one assumes Kon isn't the baby daddy, his being sterile not common knowledge among anyone that isn't the core four), they're both in love with her and with each other. Despite that, Kon finds that he misses Tim's big baby bump and heavy tits that he had while he was pregnant. They talked about it a little bit before the baby was born, but never decided if this would be their only child of not
At the very least they should wait until they aren't teenagers. Right? But then the baby if five months old and Tim is working on getting his pre-baby body back (or as close as he can get it), and Kon can't take it. He tells Tim he wants them to have another baby. This is when they discover that they have cuckolding kinks, and then later after Kon gives Tim permission to sleep with whoever in order to get pregnant, Kon learns he has an indefinitely kink as well, bc Tim reveals that he slept with A LOT of people with no idea who knocked him up. Kon finds this so hot and so... life continues on
They have more and more kids, convincing everyone they're just dumb teenagers who can't keep it in their pants long enough to wait for Tim to get birth control, when really they intend for these pregnancies to happen. Tim sleeps with many people, some capes, some strangers, some family and friends, and most of them are under the impression that Tim is cheating, and so they keep hush-hush out of shame. This helps with any allegations of who the baby daddy could be, so no one questions Kon's parentage
By the time they start slowing down, they easily have kids in the double digit numbers by now, a handful of them sharing a father. People seem to have caught on but are too embarrassed to say anything, bc some of the babies Tim has popped out are... well, clearly NOT Kon's, based on prominent features like skin color or hair color/texture. They're both super into it tho, and have a completely healthy relationship with each other and all of their babies, besides
tim and kon using the shame other capes have at having had an affair with tim while KNOWING he was married to kon to make sure they keep quiet is SO good especially if kon was actually listening while it was happening. he used super hearing and xray vision to be able to listen and watch while tim was getting knocked up again with one of their babies 🥺.
even years later when its clear that kon is not the father of all of the babies because of the powers they start getting but the people who suspect they're the biofathers still don't say anything because they can't possibly admit to the affairs they engaged with together with married person especially if they were ALSO married. (clark looking uncertainly at one of tim's babies that looks SO similar to jon)
just kon and tim having a breeding, infidelity, AND cuck together- they really are made for each other ❤️
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AITA for breaking up with my BF because I suck my thumb?
alright, to preface this. I am autistic and I got a bit of an oral fixation and this just happened by the time of me writing this .
I, 22(FTM), and my (20M, ex-)Bf were hanging out in my room about a week ago. we were both laying down in bed. I was faced away from him watching tiktoks and he was behind me doing whatever, well at some point in my mindless scrolling I stuck my thumb in my mouth to just like, chew on a little - I've always done this since I was a tiny child and it always brings comfort to me, I know it's childish but it's not hurting anyone and frankly childish is good imo. well at some point my ex looks over my shoulder to start watching tiktok with me and we were only cuddled for a minute when he suddenly VERY LOUDLY in my ear goes "what the fuck", We were watching a dog video so I was like WHAT? WHAT IS IT? and he just rolls away from me and goes "that's gross" and infuriatingly I had to press him for a bit what he meant and he just pointed at my finger, that was admittedly looking a little wrinkly, but I was already annoyed by his dramatics that I just told him to shut up - I was a little defensive alright, cuz my older brother used to make fun of me for everything I did and especially when he "caught" me sucking on my thumb, it's a sore point for me tbh. but this sparked his annoyance with me and me and him got in a spat. it was a very stupid argument, something we would've had as a "joking" fight if either of us were in a better mood but it ultimately boiled down to him demanding I stop doing that around him and me telling him to fuck off which ended when he had to go to work at night, literally it lasted HOURS.
well we stayed together for a little longer yk, I kept justifying it, it was a dumb fight I can admit that but in the week following I noticed I wasn't fidgeting around him, I wasn't even laying down, always sitting up in bed or in a chair. like I just couldn't relax around him after that? it's such a small thing, literally wouldn't have mattered if he brought it up in any other way or just kept it to teasing but instead he Told me I had to stop and that it was gross. so yesterday when we were hanging out again, I broke up with him. he was really upset and without saying "don't tell me not to suck my thumb, bitch" I explained that I didn't feel like I could be myself with him (which I couldn't and it takes me forever to be actually comfortable with people).
but he figured it was more or less because of our argument and told my mom (they're both friendly, he thinks their closer than they are) well my mom said, while she thinks he's a dumbass for trying to get her on his side, I'm also a dumbass for breaking up with him for that reason, even after I explained that's not the reason, just the catalyst. but now she's told my siblings and they're saying it was kinda a dick move and it's got me thinking, so AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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washy0uaway · 11 months
Kiss City Pt. 3
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!Reader Word Count: 1.6k Chapter Summary: Sweet baby fluffy Frankie watches over you as you get to know each other. Series Summary: The thing you expected least on what you swore was a day set out to be cursed by the universe, was Frankie. A/N: I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get another part up, and didn't really intend for this to be such a slow burn lol. Life has been, well.. life. Absolutely slammed at work and fighting some dumb health stuff, but I plan to carve more time out for these two more regularly. Cathartic for me tbh <3 Also a bonus that people have been enjoying this - thank you so much for sharing/liking/following! Series Masterlist | Part 2
*I'M ALSO STARTING A TAG LIST!* I haven't kept track of anyone that's already asked, but will going forward! Respond to a post or shoot me a message if you'd like to be added :) xx
After a short walk back to Frankie's truck (where he somehow managed to hold every door open for you without dropping your hand), you've agreed on tacos for dinner. Finding yourself in his passenger seat again, you glance at the clock to notice it's not even 1pm - hours until a suitable dinner time you think to yourself.
After he closes the drivers side door and starts the truck, he once again hands you his phone for you to enter your home address this time and you're off (Fleetwood Mac now playing over the stereo).
You fall into a comfortable silence the first few minutes, and Frankie thinks he's subtle as he steals glances at you each time he looks to take a turn or check his mirror. Not subtle at all, but cute nonetheless.
"Can I ask you a question?" he finally breaks the silence first. "Of course" you offer. "How did you know I'm not a creep? Back in the lobby, I said I'm not a creep and you said, 'I know,'"
Your laugh is the hardest he's heard yet, and though he's smiling next to you, he asks again.
"I'm serious!" he half jokingly exclaims. "I'm sorry, that's just not the question I was expecting. I don't know, you..." your voice trails off as you've looked up at him and your gazes lock again, now stopped at a red light. A soft sigh escapes your lips and you offer him a sweet, slight smile.
"You just seem like a good person," you continue and he almost scoffs. "Now I'M serious!" you insist, "I have to admit I was pretty pissed before I met you earlier, but you've gone out of your way to make up for it and make sure I'm okay - you've taken care of me."
He shrugs and turns back to focus on the road as the light turns green and tries to play it off. "Can't have you dyin' on me is all, wouldn't look good on my record you know?"
"Of course," you agree. "Can't have me dyin' on you."
The remainder of the drive is pretty quiet, and when you pull into your driveway and unbuckle your seat belt, Frankie is somehow already out of the truck and rushing to open your door for you. You try to protest and insist that you're not entirely useless, and he tells you the same thing he told you as he carried you inside your office building.
"Maybe I want to."
You can't argue with that, so instead take his hand as he helps you out of the truck. You only let go to dig in your cluttered tote bag for your keys. After unlocking the door and letting him follow behind you, you drop your bag and keys to immediately take your shoes off and let out a long sigh.
"How ya doing over there, champ?" Frankie asks as he closes your front door behind him.
"Honestly, exhausted. I don't really know what the plan for the afternoon is but I could use some serious couch time. We could put on a movie?"
"That sounds great, and probably exactly what you need right now."
You point him in the direction of your living room and explain you're going to throw on some sweats and grab you both something to drink, telling him to "Make yourself comfortable."
... which he definitely hasn't done when you walk into your living room, setting two glasses of water on the coffee table. His back is to you as he studies your walls intently. Photos of you as a kid (with people he imagines would be sisters or cousins), posters from concerts, bizarre art prints, all adorn your walls. But your bookcase is what he zeroes in on, as he's completely oblivious to the fact that you're making yourself comfortable on your couch behind him.
There's a range from classics like Dracula or Pride & Prejudice, to biographies of people he's never even heard of, then histories of music genres, and more - all sorted alphabetically in an almost overflowing book shelf.
A meow breaks his focus and he turns to see you sitting cross legged on your couch in lounge shorts and a comfy crop top as your cat, Beans, hops up to join you.
"Having fun?" you ask, after introducing your pet. "Yeah, sorry, you .. you uh, can tell a lot about a person by their books, is all." "Yeah?" you prod, "what did you learn about me?"
You'd propped an elbow on your bare knee, resting your chin on your fist looking up at him, wide eyed and almost sultry. This time, its your gaze that almost melts him, and he has to force his jaw shut before continuing the conversation.
"Well, you obviously read a lot," in a few steps he's sitting down next to you, Beans on your opposite side.
"Which I like in a person," he continues. "But most of your books are about things I know nothing about. I mean, an auto biography of J.M. Barrie? Who the fuck is J.M. Barrie?"
Your laugh startles Beans, who hops off the couch and saunters off in search of his food dish. Frankie makes a mental note that he wants to do that more often - make you laugh.
"He wrote Peter Pan, Frankie! You've never heard of him?" "Okay, don't hate me, I fully would have guessed that Walt Disney wrote Peter Pan."
You tsk and playfully shake your head, "Maybe you need to borrow the book then," giving him a side eye that nearly knocks him out.
"Gladly," he agrees, and you reach for the remote to put on a movie.
"What are you in the mood for?" you ask as you mindlessly start scrolling through streaming apps.
"Whatever you want, I'm just here to keep you company. What's your go-to comfort movie?" he suggests, and a near devious grin spreads across your face.
Knowing already exactly which app to find it on, you pull up the first, original Nightmare on Elm Street.
"THIS is your comfort movie?" He shifts his legs and body toward you in disbelief, pointing at the screen.
"Yup." you smack your lips as you say it, smiling up at him with pride. "Fall asleep to it most nights."
"You fall asleep to Nightmare on Elm Street?"
"Sure do! Hey, you're the one that told me to put it on."
A chuckle escapes him as he settles into the couch, draping his arm to rest loosely on the top of the couch behind you.
"I'm not complaining, you're just full of surprises, hermosa." You blush at the term, pressing play on the movie. "I like it though," he admits, now focusing on the TV in front of him.
"Yeah, yeah, just watch the movie, Morales." You kid, as you drape the blanket that had followed you to the couch over both of your legs.
Frankie decides a few minutes in, he'd rather watch you watch the movie. You're animated, talking along with the lines as characters say them, having clearly seen it countless times.
Stealing gazes at you periodically, he brings his arm resting on the couch down into his lap. He doesn't trust himself to not fully wrap his arm around you, and though he doesn't think he's misreading you, doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
After letting out a long yawn though, you sleepily lean over and rest your head on his shoulder, eyes heavy.
He doesn't turn his head to look down, but you feel his eyes on your sleepy face.
"Is this okay?" you ask, lazily turning your head and looking up at him from beneath your lashes.
"Of course," he promises, face now only inches from yours.
You might have been nervous if you weren't so exhausted, but you quickly drift to sleep.
If you knew he was sitting next to trying not to freak out, biting his knuckles, you definitely would have been nervous. You began leaning more of your weight onto him as you fell into a deeper sleep and before he knew it, you were curled up at his side with your head in his lap and his arm draped over your waist.
Time passed quickly and it was safe to say, Frankie was focusing on anything but the movie. The credits began to roll and he hadn't even noticed until you started to slowly blink your eyes open.
"Is it over already?" your sleep stained voice asked, shifting on the couch to look up, your head still in his lap.
"Yeah, I guess it is." Frankie reached down to brush a stray hair out of your face and the look in his eyes made your heart jump.
He'd softened quite a bit over the short time you'd known him, but this look was different. Endearing, like he was in awe of you.
You had leaned your head into his hand as he brushed the hair out of your face and made eye contact with him.
The look you shared was telling - like you had an entire conversation in a glance. Both of you had agreed with this look, "you fascinate me, I can't believe I met you today," and "there's no where else I'd rather be than on this couch with you, and it scares me shitless how attracted I am to you already." All unspoken, but mutually understood, somehow.
You laid for a moment, head in his lap, cradled by his hand, not breaking eye contact.
"You wanna watch the second one?" you ask, gaze and tone still serious.
He really laughs this time, and you're grinning when he looks back down.
"Sure I do, sweetheart." Knowing goddamn well he'll still be watching you instead, he grabs the remote.
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part-time-pixie · 1 year
Plot twist - I say Chloe’s love interest in the winx AU…. Should be Kim….. 😱😱😱😱😱
Beauty and the beast but they’re BOTH beauties AND beasts in a way???? Chloe can be… Chloe and Kim can be kinda dumb.
Kim could help Chloe learn to care about people and be more social and make friends and be loyal, while Chloe would help Kim be more aware of his impact on others and he can USE “pushing his weight around” for his cause.
I know a lot of people don’t like the Chloe/Kim ship, but I think with their friends supporting them and the fact that they’re in separate schools in this AU (so Kim has to learn to be his own person without Chloe leading him around by his nose and Chloe cant just use Kim and has to learn her own life lessons on her own as well) would really make for an interesting set up for a good Chloe/Kim foundation.
I don’t see a lot of that ship. But pairing Chloe with Kim still leaves you with a lot of other pairing options. Or you could also just leave some people single - not everyone HAS to be paired up! That’s another thing I don’t often see explored.
And I don’t mean something like Alix being aro/ace, because I do see that fairly often. I mean just having someone choose to be single. They COULD be in a relationship, but they’re not interested in anyone at that point in time, or they want to focus on themselves first, or their career, or they’re just not interested in a relationship right now. It would be interesting for a side character to be in that position. I know that shipping is fun for the main characters of course, but maybe someone like Max, Alix, Zoe, or Sabrina may choose the single life! 🤷‍♀️
Sorry this got long lol
Can you tell I LOVE and am super invested in your winx AU already 😅
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^ actual princess in this AU
Honestly the best part about AUs to me is to explore different dynamics!! Even if I'm personally not a huge fan of a ship, it's still fun to throw characters into all kinds of scenarios and see what happens ✨ and the Chloe/Kim dynamic would work really well here, I agree!
And I also think it's nice when characters in media choose to be single (which is why I liked Frozen and the fact that they didn't give Elsa a love interest dsfds). This is actually something I feel like fits for Luka, too!
I enjoy picturing AUs like visual novels tbh, where each character has different romance options and we can explore their love stories together 😂 or their single lives~
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11queensupreme11 · 5 months
Ok so I scrolled back enough to see what the ao3 person said and urm oh boy…
The first part that miffed me was calling Percy childish 💀
Like she’s a teen what do you expect out of her, rational and poised composure ? Also Og Percy was an absolute boyflop himself ! Like bro would’ve gone along and acted like a cute uwu baby if it meant he would live to see another day ! Another thing I disliked was the Girlboss comment, like you can absolutely girlboss to the sun and back and still be flopping to hell and back along the way. Her perception of girl boss is probably some tough tomboy who acts like piper from the sounds of it ngl.
Also Percy is in an alternate universe with Volatile ass gods as they lovingly pointed out 😊
And so if you’re in an unknown place with very unstable and dangerous folks that can and will be more then happy to zap you, if it means swallowing your pride and acting like a kid then you will do it ! Like that place isn’t screaming gorgeous gorgeous stable folks.
Percy knew he could handle the Pjo gods to some extent but there are obviously more powerfull ! Like they’re not playing around anyone can see that.
Like if you were off fighting monsters math is gonna be the last of your worries and not everyone is a math wizz like you 🤨 go one drop some fractions let me see em since you’re so smart.
And last but not least IM ( fully ) North African so I have very much the right and pleasure of telling you that us African folks can tan like hell ! I’m pasty but if you put me in the sun for long enough I’ll look like Percy and Adriana. Because believe it or not people come in different shades and the sun can and will darken our skin tone !
Also Percy isn’t Greek from her dads godly side while her mom has the African decent so yeah no wonder she’s tanned she’s got other lineage 🤨 most demigods usually get simple traits from their folks like eye color, hair or something that just smiller. And it was stated gods don’t got the dna so it’s mostly from the mortal parents
Also fan art is FANart ! See the FAN part ? People who like the fanfic are gonna draw it how they see it fit if you don’t like it then don’t look at it simple. We’re not all in some little gc conniving about the skin tone and all of us draw it how we see fit.
Getting pressed and over a skin tone sounds like a them Issue, they’re half Greek so they should know that there are Greek that are Afro-greek ! Like is the math not mathing ?? If you’re half of a nationality shouldn’t you be aware that other people can be too ?
Anways that comment felt very dumb ( and I hope I didn’t come off as too mean but I do stand my point that it was stupid as hell )
Im glad you keep doing what your doing Queenie and don’t listen to idiots like that 😕
percy's a goofball and a girlflop, but her cringy ✨uwu daddy✨ act is literally just that... an act she's putting on in order to survive 💀 she got inspired by the FLs of the isekai manhwas where they get evil daddies and gotta act cutesy to be spared from death, that's really just it 😭😭
and yes, it was a very dumb (and lowkey racist tbh) comment. so far, they haven't replied back and i don't think they will 😌
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kimtaesss · 2 years
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Summary: your ex boyfriend from 2 years ago has returned. Despite wanting to avoid him at all cost it’s impossible when you both share the same friend group. To make things worse, he has come back with a girlfriend.
Pairing: Taehyung x reader ; Yoongi x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, exes to (?), exes au
Warnings: starting with a flashback (again 😭); honestly this chapter is mostly flashbacks of how their relationship was before; y/n being a simp for Taehyung and Taehyung only; y/n is just a sad bitch tbh; a bit of Jimin’s and Yoongi’s perspective and yeah! Oh! Just a little fyi some phrase are repetitive cause they kind of share the same brain 🙄. Mini reunion between Taehyung and y/n at the end of the chapter ( but not really). Next chapter you’ll see the reunion of y/n and Taehyung!
Authors note: honestly I’m not really satisfied but I am? Let me know if I should rewrite this chapter tbh 😭 Also its 6 in the morning so if there’s some typos let’s just ignore that. I’m pretty sure I got them all though so fingers crossed.
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Chapters: m.list | 01 | 02 | …..
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"I-I don't think I can make it across" You yell as you pay attention to the ground. You're too scared to pay attention to anything else, even the voice of your boyfriend.
You've always been a homebody, you hated being outside, and being adventurous. Well, you didn't have that growing up, so you guess that added onto your lack of courage. And maybe deep down you wanted to try new things, but again, you had no one to share that with.
But Taehyung, your boyfriend, is trying to stop that cycle. He wants you explore the world, and not just with anyone, with him.
"It's okay! I got you" Taehyung yells back but with a more soft tone. He wants you to feel comfortable enough to take a risk. But he also needed you to hear him. He wants to make sure you know that he's got you, no matter what.
"No! You just- you go ahead and have fun. I can just stay back and wait for you" You move your hands all over the place, almost like you're shaking off water. And that was a dumb mistake, as you clumsily began to lose control.
You were standing on top of a rock, and you're not exactly the lightest human being. You're also not very coordinated, so you tend to fall a lot. But Taehyung still managed to convince you to do this, you're still not even sure what this is.
You trust Taehyung. Just as much as you love him. So, you didn't think you'd be feeling scared to the point where you feel dizzy. But here you are, feeling exactly that.
He never did respond to you. Technically, you did tell him to leave so you shouldn't feel mad or disappointed. But, you guess deep down you wanted him to fight for you.
Yup! You're being dramatic again. You definitely need to grow the fuck up.
"Ahhh" you scream as you kick your legs, and move your arms like some crazy person. You felt arms on your waist, and you could have sworn that you were about to get kidnap.
That was until you heard that deep voice, with an adorable laugh. Immediately you felt as ease. He didn't leave you. He didn't.
"You came back!"
"I never left. I'd never leave you"
Those words. It made you feel seen. It made you feel important. You almost wanted to cry, knowing that you have someone who is willing to put with you. It sounds silly, and you know it. But sometimes it's nice to know you're needed or wanted.
That day ended up with you both falling into the water. Well, actually Taehyung pushed you to fall on your own, but you dragged him down with you.
"I'm so going to be sick tomorrow" you laugh as you continue to splash water and throw some towards Taehyung.
"It's okay! That just means that I can cuddle you all night, and never leave your side"
"Gosh. You're so clingy sometimes" You say, even though you love when he acts clingy. It just means he’s not tired of you yet.
He laughs and carries the biggest smile you've ever seen on anyone. The way his eyes were shining, and staring directly at yours. Your heart beat kept rising, you could literally feel your heart beat out your chest. You were head over heels for Taehyung. You were happy knowing that you had found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.
"I am. I really am"
You continued to stay in the water for hours, just laughing and playing silly little games. He had brought back the happiness you were so desperately were trying to find.
You were beginning to realize how life is so beautiful when you share it with someone.
Who knew dreams can turn into nightmares?
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"Hey, y/n. It's me Taehyung"
Did you hear that correctly? Was your ex-boyfriend really on the phone? It didn't make sense, like at all. Still in shock, the phone slid down your hands, and fell onto the ground. You were in complete shock. This was most definitely not something you had planned happening. You're almost one hundred percent sure, that Taehyung also didn't have this planned.
"Hello? Y/n?!"
Taehyung tried to yell loud enough for you to hear him. He knew that the phone had slipped out of your hands, well because you were quite predictable when it came to reactions. But the yelling couldn't knock you back to your senses. Maybe it was the fact that this did not feel real, this felt more like a dream.
However, it was a dream you wanted to wake out of. This wasn't what you wanted nor needed right now. You were about to go outside and have your friends either hype you up, or maybe make some dumb comment that made you laugh. Either way, you'd take it. But now things took a drastic turn. Your hear a knock on the door, and shivers ran down your back. Immediately, you regained yourself, well sort of. You technically were now more aware of your surroundings, but your mind still felt foggy, and shaky.
"Are you going to show us the dress or not?! I can't promise I'll be nice, but I promise to tell you the truth!" The whine in his voice, yup! It's Jimin. Even though, you technically regained your senses, your mouth felt like it was glued shut. You couldn't let a single word slip out of your mouth.
"Okay! You leave me no choice but to come in there and see you butt naked! Is that what you want?"
Still no reply from you. You were once again in a frozen state, and all the effort to escape this mess was undone. You hear a loud noise, and you instantly knew that Jimin was in fact trying to break in. He didn't know about your current situation, but why was the idea of having him in the room with you making you more nervous? Is it because things could end horrible, and the whole birthday dinner would be ruined or... could it be something else? You just didn't know.
"Dude..what are you doing?" A new voice appeared and you could really differentiate who was who. Your mind was still stuck on the voice that you heard a couple of minutes ago. His beautiful deep voice, you missed it. You missed him.
"Trying to open the door. Duh?" Jimin was questioning Yoongi, rather than actually making a comment. He had that sarcastic tone, like he was answering a dumb child.
Usually you'd laugh to that. Or at least crack a small smile, but it seems like the things that are suppose to make you happy, only make you more sad.
"Why don't you just use the key?" Yoongi spewed back. He was also carrying that sarcasm with him. You just knew they were going to argue about this for days. These two, as much as they loved each-other, they are too petty at times.
At times it feels like Yoongi and Jimin are the exact same person. The only difference was, Jimin had no boundaries and Yoongi at least attempts to be respectful. Although he also has his few bad moments, and ideas.
"There's a key?" A smack was heard and that again brought you closer to your senses but not completely. Why did he say your name like that? And why couldn't you stop thinking about it? You wanted to do nothing but cry. For days, weeks, months or fuck it, years. You wanted to release the very few emotions you've tried to hold back.
"Y/n! Please help! Yoongi just hit me in the back of the head" Jimin continued to plead for your help.
"Yeah, well maybe stop being a dumbass and you won't be smacked" Yoongi's hot breathe, and extreme close proximity to Jimin's ear, lead to Jimin's outburst.
"Snitch" Jimin attempted, again, the key word was attempted to whisper. But if you heard it and there was a door in between you. Then, Yoongi was already planning Jimin's funeral.
You know. You know you're being ridiculous. You're 23 years old, and you're locked up in your room, crying for an ex boyfriend. And it hits you even more knowing that Taehyung hasn't cried for you, or had break downs while he was working like you.
You know that no matter how you're feeling, Taehyung was happy. He beat you. It's not like it was ever a competition, but you know that feeling when you see your ex boyfriend move on, and he seems to be doing better in life than you? It's almost like you were never needed, and instead you were setting him back.
You make yourself believe that you were the problem, even if you weren't. Of course, you had your moments, but who knows. Maybe, you're making yourself a saint, and were actually the reason behind the break up.
God. Some days, you just want to climb onto the highest mountains and just jump right off them. You doubt the pain would ever amount to the one you're currently feeling.
No. You need to get your shit together, and snap out of it. He has moved on, so it shouldn't be hard for you to do the same. But it's just a bit harder when you weren't the one who gave up, the distance never took away the love you had for him. It only increased it.
No. You shake your head, as you try to shake off those thoughts that keep haunting you. It's time to focus on your present self, and the dress that is attempting to cover your flaws. As it turns out the first time you "figured it out" , you had your dress inside out. Luckily there was no one with you, because that was truly just a brain fart moment.
"I-I'm going. I just need to figure out the straps" your voice was a little too squeaky. It was making your entire body cringe. And you hate it. You hate that your voice was tiny; you hate that you're acting like a child when they don't get what they want.
Even when you attempt to fix the straps on the dress, you're moving like a sloth. But you manage to do it, and you couldn't be more sad. It's just... it's too hard for you to act like everything was fine.
See, Taehyung was your go to person. He was the first person that made you feel comfortable in your body. He was the first person who would go out of his way, and drop you off food at work. He was the first person who could read your mind. He knew you. He exposed you to things you've always wanted but never had the guts to try on your own.
And trying on a dress was one of them. You never enjoyed putting on tight clothes. Not unless you were around Taehyung. It's not like you depended on him for a lot of things, and you probably sound like some desperate women who always need a man’s approval. And you don't and aren't.
But Taehyung let you take your time, and never pushed you to do or be someone you aren't. He would always reassure you, take pictures of you, and made sure you are able to appreciate yourself in them.
"Bitch you're slow as fuck! Hurry up!" Jimin's throwing a tantrum again. You hear the stomping and the knocking on the door, and it managed to crack a little smile on your face.
You walked towards the door, not even caring to take a look in the mirror again. Of course, you were afraid of breaking down, because let's face it you were an insecure person. It hit you even more, knowing that Taehyung was going to see you in this very dress.
Your hand grabs the door knob and twists it a little before you actually open the door. You take a deep breathe before you eventually open the door, and let your two stupid friends walk in.
The looks on their faces, made you feel some type of way. You weren't sure if you should be more insecure or if you should be over the moon. It definitely made you more self aware.
"Is it that bad? Or do I look bad?" You're roaming your hands all over your body, almost like you're fixing it up. Even though it's clearly ironed and nothing needs to be adjusted. You're just a nervous mess right now. They're too quiet.
"Oh. My. God. Let's fuck!" Jimin said that with no hesitation. It made you choke the very air, you depended on to live. Your throat was becoming dry, as you continue to cough.
"That's- I was not excepting that comment." You're not sure if you should take that compliment too serious. Well, you know that you and Jimin will never fuck. He just likes to play a lot. But still, you guess you meant if you were even attractive enough to do you know…that.
"Dude! You are so going to make Taehyung's girl jealous" Jimin let's just about anything slip out of his mouth. He even allowed Yoongi to punch him. Not that Yoongi ever needed permission, but he sure did not put up a fight.
"Do you ever just think before you speak? This isn't about Taehyung or his girl. This is about y/n! Which by the way, you look... gorgeous."
"Thanks Yoongi. It really means a lot" You sway your body, as you took in that compliment. Yoongi does compliment you, but it's on rare occasions. And usually you have to ask him, but today, he took the initiative. So you guess, you guess you look decent.
"I'm sorry y/n. I know you are your own person. I just- I didn't think. You look amazing, really! I mean I'd marry you, you know... if I was into you."
Yoongi gives Jimin a "what the fuck" look. But you just end up snorting and laughing like a maniac. Now, they are both giving you a "what the fuck" look.
Now there's tears streaming down your face. You were sad, but those tears weren't sad tears. They were more like, you're grateful to have two friends, who despite being idiots. Are always supporting you, and making sure you feel somewhat comfortable.
"I'm so sorry! Did I make you cry?" Jimin's panic mode, looks like a mother losing a child in a store. It's just hilarious seeing him all stressed out and worried.
"Nice going, dick head" Yoongi says as he rolls his eyes. He was so over Jimin and his stupid comments. He really just wanted to slap tape on his mouth and hope that would shut him up.
"At least I get head"
But Jimin just continued.
"Oh gosh. I'm leaving this conversation"  You continue snorting as you walk to the kitchen. You needed a drink or maybe some pills to calm the arising headache you're getting from being in their presence.
"Can you bring back wine, while you're at it" Jimin shouts, as if your apartment wasn't small and had thin walls. He holds a mischievous smile, and you are shivering from the very thought of it. Jimin when he's drunk, is not the best influence.
And you drunk? Well... you're definitely a follower.
You just hope you can wake up for work tomorrow. Or you guess today. You needed a distraction before the stupid birthday dinner. Well, it's not actually stupid. Taehyung is.
Taehyung. How you wish you could turn back time.
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Jimin ended up passing out after only one glass of wine. He probably had some earlier, he usually lasted longer than that. As for Yoongi? He was taking pictures of you, and attempting to guide you.
"I think it might be better if you... I don't know, put your leg forward? That's hot. Right?"
"I don't know" you shrug to emphasize your confusion. "You're supposed to tell me that" you laugh, as you see him constantly squint and attempt to find your angle. He is trying his best, and that's all you could ever really ask of him.
You continue to move around, or pose in a way, that doesn't look like you have back problems. Or shows just how poorly you can walk in heels, and apparently standing in heels is also a huge struggle for you.
You almost want to give up. In fact, you should. You know that keeping those photos in your camera roll, will be for no reason. You'll never have the courage to truly admire the details, without having something bad to say about them. And if by chance, you happen to look through your camera roll, you'll wake up with puffy eyes and stuffy nose.
"I mean... you look good" Yoongi hesitated for a while to make a comment, which lead him to stutter. You can see the instant regret and embarrassment all over his face. He even curses under his breathe, clearly ready to leave out the very door he snuck into earlier.
"Thanks" You simply reply, as a small smile plasters on your face. It felt forced but at the same time, you know you wanted to smile. He seemed... somewhat genuine about it. Still, his effort definitely lighten your mood.
"Anyway, I should...probably go" he points behind to Jimin and then the door. "He's drunk and I have work tomorrow. Or I guess today?" He freezes realizing how bad he fucked up. Yoongi takes a while to fall asleep, and now looking at the clock, he knows he'll end up showing up to work, without any sleep. He sighs as if had been holding his breathe in for a couple of hours. He's dreading leaving, knowing that he'll have to leave straight to work.
You understand that in so many ways. In fact, you're debating yourself if you should call out of work. It's not for any particular reason. Okay, you're lying again. It's the pain and shame in showing up in a place, that held so many memories.
Taehyung always felt like you're other half. Literally and figuratively. He was always with you, whether that be in mind or standing right beside you. He would always go with you to work and pick you up, just so you don't encounter some creep. Taehyung was half of your heart. He shared this bond with you, that at times it felt like you were seeing your exact reflection.
But when he left. In a way, he left with your heart and identity. You had no idea who you were without him. Maybe, that's why you decided to not reply back to him on the phone. You were unsure of how to respond to him, without remembering all those memories and words that were floating around your heart. You're afraid of admitting that the man you were talking to, or ignoring was not your Taehyung. It was just a different version of a man you used to or…still love.
God. How did you go from work to missing Taehyung? Your mind sure likes to play games with you. Yoongi is the one standing in front of you. Showing you just how much he cares. You should have the decency of keeping him in your thoughts rather than Taehyung, who is no where around.
"Thank you" You blurt out of nowhere. You kind of scared yourself, to be honest. You weren’t exactly sure where that came from.
Yoongi placed Jimin over his shoulders, grunting as he attempts to keep a good hold on him. But once he hears your voice again, knowing you were deep in thought, he turns around. Or attempts to have a better view of you, just as you of him.
"Don't. Thank Jimin, it was all his idea"
"I will. But I'm thanking you right now"
"Why?" Yoongi questions, clearly taken a back by your hard stance on thanking him.
"You made me forget about him. You made me think of me. I didn't think that was possible, even if it was just for a spilt second"
"You're an amazing person, you should think of yourself more often. Plus, it was you who made it possible"
"What?" You snort as you lean onto the wall behind you. "How? How did I make it possible?" You question him as if there was no possible answer to your question. Deep down you felt like there wasn't.
But he sure finds ways to surprise you. It made you feel all giddy inside, knowing that you still had someone who went above and beyond to make you feel like a little kid again. He made you feel... well, you're not sure if you can accurately describe it. But it sure felt nice.
"It's just easy to compliment and make someone feel special when they already are" he turns back around, as your eyebrows furrow. You were trying to take in his words, and the meaning behind them. It felt like he sprinkled your open wounds, with fairy dust. And the wounds were slowly closing.
He gives you one final look back. "Good night y/n"
"Good night" you whisper as the door slammed closed.
Instantly your body was sliding down the wall. As your brain was rebooting itself, and your tears were streaming down your face. You could feel everything and nothing all at once.
You're special? Like you?
Maybe just to him. Maybe he was just being a good friend, and managed to say the right words. Even when the right words felt wrong, especially the way it took your breathe away.
You stare in front of you. You stare at the broken glass that was left from earlier or yesterday. The glass that was holding up, the picture of you and your supposed soulmate.
And just like the glass, you were scattered on the floor. You were fragile enough to break with one sentence. You were broken enough to understand that no matter how much love and praise you get from others, you'd flip everything, and rain on your own parade. You loved yourself enough to hear those praises, but hated yourself to the point of turning those praises into pain.
Because if you were so damn special you wouldn't be in the place you were in. And he wouldn't be in the arms of someone else.
Even if he called you. Even if he contacted you first. You were always going to be his second option.
He managed to move on. without you.
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"Jimin wake up" Yoongi rocks Jimin's lifeless body, well it felt that way anyways. Jimin was passed out. He's not even sure how he managed to do that, especially after only one damn drink.
"Mmm later" Jimin managed to slip out of his mouth, but it still sounded a bit slurred. Thankfully, Yoongi can speak hung over Jimin.
But just like Yoongi can understand Jimin, he knew the only way Jimin would wake up is if someone threw cold water to his face. Well, that or a slap. And because it was Jin's birthday dinner today, Jimin could not have any marks on his face.
After a couple of buckets of water thrown at Jimin's face, Jimin managed to wake up. A little bit too much for Yoongi's liking, seeing as Jimin can not shut up.
"I just know it's going to be super awkward, and I'm going to bust out laughing because of it. Like it's already weird enough that's Taehyung is going, but he had to bring some girl he just started dating. Like does he even think of y/n and her feelings like-"
"If you say like one more time, I'm going to strangle you to death" Yoongi interrupted as his head was starting to hurt from Jimin's constant blabbering. He knew that he had good intentions, but it's 10 in the morning, and honestly speaking, just the idea of seeing Taehyung is making him annoyed.
He's also a bit disappointed. He used to be close to Taehyung, but then he had to pull this little stunt.
He still remembers how Y/n had been knocking at his door at 3 in the morning. Her mascara was splattered all over her face. Her eyes were black, almost like she had been in a boxing match and lost, bad. The way her hair was sticking out, and clinging onto the corners of her face from her constant crying.
She looked so out of it. It hurt. It hurt to know that he couldn't protect her, even if he couldn't do anything to prevent her from feeling that heartache.
And the worst part was that Taehyung went mute when it came to explaining why he dumped her.
"Hello?! Are you even listening to me? God. I need a new fucking roommate, I'm amazing to talk to" Jimin didn't pay attention to Yoongi, and the way his face immediately changed.
"Sorry. What did you say?" Yoongi didn't even recognize himself. His tone, his voice. He felt and sounded so weak.
"Dude. Did you just apologize to me?" He points to himself as he stares behind him, in case he missed someone's presence.
This only annoyed Yoongi. He was always annoyed, and he hated it. For once, he wanted to feel okay. He wanted to stop this rage he carries with him. He wanted to feel nothing.
"Yeah? It's no big deal" His annoyance carried throughout his voice. He almost wanted to cry, because of how overwhelmed he felt.
How he hated emotions.
"It is if it's coming from you! You never apologize. Not even when you dropped food on my bed" 
"I guess" Yoongi shrugs, as his eyes roll back. It was his way to disguise the tears that wanted to pounce out his eyes. Even that expression felt like too much, but it was just this strong feeling, that he couldn't describe it differently.
Why was he acting like this? He should just act tough, be the man he's suppose to be. Or whatever his father used to say.
"What's wrong?" Jimin questioned, after feeling that tension between him and Yoongi. He wanted nothing more than to hear Yoongi's truth. But he knew that won't happen any time soon or ever.
But he cared. He cared so much that it physically hurt him to see Yoongi like this. And he knew why, or at least deep down he had a feeling.
It was the same reason as his. He missed his old friend. He missed laughing at the same movie, because you guys could never agree on one, and resort to one you watched ages ago.
It was a comfort movie. It was. Until it wasn't.
"Nothing" he shrugs it off. "What's wrong with you?" Yoongi's throws back the question. But he could guess the answer that was going to slip out of Jimin's mouth. It would be the same as his.
Knew it.
They both stayed quiet. They were used to this, the silence. It was different before, but that was a different time. It was a time where the trio were together, where the trio would do everything together.
See, when Taehyung left and dumped y/n, in a way he also dumped his friends. At least Jimin and Yoongi. They never got an explanation either, so the pain and anger y/n feels, they feel twice as much.
They knew him longer than y/n, but still he didn't act like he did.
And they try to hide it. They try to hide the fact that Taehyung broke their hearts too. Taehyung was their glue in a way. He was the one to convince Yoongi to be a bit more out there and enjoy life. And he helped Jimin understand when it's necessary to act like an adult.
He was the perfect person to put Jimin and Yoongi in their place. The only difference was they both didn't mind it. And when he left. It was difficult for them to help or guide the other one out.
"I missed him" Yoongi wanted to blurt out. He wanted to shout. Taehyung was like his little brother, and when he lost him because he did lose him. He just wasn't ever himself.
But he chose to stay quiet. As did Jimin.
They simply gave each-other a knowing look, as their eyes began to reflect their inner pain. One smile and they went their separate ways.
Sometimes it was better to leave than stay.
Maybe they had more common with Taehyung than they thought.
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You woke up with the biggest headache and you knew it was a foreshadow for todays event.
You didn't want to get up. You didn't want to see him, even though you've been waiting for this exact moment since he left.
You even typed up a couple of messages to send to Taehyung  before you eventually read them over and deleted them.
You wanted to know what he was going to say, and honestly speaking you would have sent them but you were afraid that it would be at a bad time. Or his girlfriend would see it and blame him or you for it.
You just didn't want to jeopardize Jin's birthday. And maybe you were afraid of the answer you'd get. Maybe it was a mix of both.
Sometimes you wonder if he's the same person.
Has anything changed? Well, apart from coming back and with a partner.
Has he dyed his hair the color he has always wanted? A lighter brown. Although the color sounds plain and quite common, Taehyung loved it. He said he found warmth in that color. He felt it every-time he would see that exact color in your eyes.
Has he been taking the writing courses he was saving up for? He used to walk around the streets holding your hand, showing you places, and making sure to bring a pen and notebook with him. He would bring you a pair as well. That way, you could write down what you saw, and your way of seeing the world compared to his. He wanted to learn a side of you, that only you can see. He wanted to make sure to learn and appreciate your vision.
Has he saved enough money for a car? You remember as you took bus rides to your dates, he would pick up pennies, nickels, dimes, and a couple of buttons because he couldn't see very well at night; and place them in his pocket. At first you were confused but then one day you asked him, and from that day forward, you both got to understand each-other in ways you never thought you could.
"Every-time I see a penny, nickel, or dimes on the ground, I have to pick them up. I know it sounds crazy, and I'm probably thinking too big, but I'm saving them up for two things."
And that's when you would butt in and ask him a very original question, "what are the two things?"
"Well they both involve you. Can you guess what it is?" Taehyung would always throw back a question to you, because he knew you'd get impatient and he found your annoyed face to be the cutest thing to ever exist.
"Come on! Just tell me! You know I suck at guessing. I'll probably just say something dumb too"
And as you went on with your whining, he would stare at you with pure adoration. Almost like he were looking at a cute puppy. He couldn't get enough of you. He didn't care if you or anyone else thought he was being extra or sappy, he just wanted to admire you every day.
"Well... okay! One is for a car"
"A car?"
He nods his head. "Yes! A car." He continues to admire your face, the features on your face were so perfect.
"That's great! I have a couple of coins that I can give you! It's not a lot but it's a step closer to reaching your goal. But wait, you said it involves me. How?"
"Well… honestly, I just want to be able to take you on dates without having to embarrass you. I know dating someone who uses a bus as a transportation isn't cool, so.. yeah."
"Woah. Slow your roll there buddy. Do you really think I care if you do or don't have a car?"
"No, I know you don't but I care. I mean I just- I see couples, where the guy picks them up in their own car, and takes them out and stuff. And all I can offer you is a bus ticket." He scoffs. "I want to give you what you deserve"
"Taehyung you've given me more than what I deserve. I mean I have you, and I clearly do not deserve you. And I didn't date you because of what you do or don't have. I'm with you because I know your heart, and I know that if I'm ever feeling down, you'd be there besides me, holding and making me feel better"
You can't see it because you're talking with so much speed and emotion. But something flipped in Taehyung's heart. He felt this urge to get on his knees and ask you right there to be his forever. He felt this urge to let you know, that if anyone doesn't deserve anyone, it's him. He didn't deserve you.
He didn't.
"You do all this without a car. You do all this without asking for anything back, even though I know I have a lot to repay you but-"
Your mouth was shut with a kiss. Taehyung had been hearing every single word that came out of your mouth, and each one touched his heart. He felt like he won a lottery, finding someone like you. And he knew that if he were to ever have to let you go, it would be one of the most excruciating pain he's ever felt.
You shake your head as you try to snap out of that memory. You don't even want to think of a time where you felt like you were going to be together for a long time.
You didn't even get to hear his second choice, if he were to save enough money.
It didn't matter anyways, and it shouldn't. It's been two years, so these random memories and past feelings should have been out of your system a long time ago.
You take a quick glance in the mirror, and get up with speed. You decided that today was it. Today was going to be the last day you cry and think of Taehyung. Because if you don't, you'll grow up old and sad.
And it feels stupid when you think of it. But maybe then you would convince yourself to let go. After all, today isn't your day, it's Jin's.
That old man is getting older and you need to appreciate his friendship and your other friends, before time passes by and you lose them too.
You've clearly been distant from them for a while now. You stopped going out with them, and meeting up with them in general. You always seem to use work as an excuse, and of course they never commented on it but they knew. They knew you were just drowning in your sadness.
But like you said, today was the last day. You're going to be more productive now. You'll fold your blankets, and fix up your bed. Maybe even clean your room a bit, since it looks like a tornado hit.
Your life was starting again today.
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It only took a couple of hours, but you managed to clean your whole apartment, and just thinking about it makes you want to tear up. You thought for sure, you'd give up half way through cleaning, like you always do.
But for some reason, you didn't today. You accomplished something on your own, with no help. And it made you feel proud? happy? Maybe both. Because for the first time, you didn't rely on someone, and maybe you're over exaggerating, but for once you didn't care.
You were trying to let your emotions be valid.
Of course. You’re worse than today’s weather. You kept changing your mind. Because just like that, your happiness turned into nervousness.
You took a quick glance at the clock on your wall and it was time for you to get ready. You suddenly feel a slap to your face, as you're wanting nothing more then to call your two friends over.
So much for being independent and not needing to rely on someone anymore.
You walk towards the kitchen table, because you remember that was the last time you had your phone. And unknowingly form a pout, when you realize that your phone was indeed not anywhere near the kitchen area.
You sigh as you scan all over the rooms, under the couches, and even cross your fingers for someone to text or call you. But your phone is drier than a desert. And that was no where near an exaggeration, because it was the truth. its your fault though, you never answer peoples text or calls.
A knock on the door was heard, and you just knew that Jimin was behind that door. You also knew that he probably brought extra clothes, like some tights that would look "sexy" on you. Because Jimin likes to think that tights go with everything. And he also just has a weird obsession with tights if you really think about it.  
Or worse, he's brought an even sluttier dress, because he just thinks that if you wear something slutty, you're automatically not sad anymore.
To be honest, the logic is there. Just not when it involves someone as insecure as you.
You also don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing your shocked face as you open the door, so instead you yell, "the door is open come in!" And continue searching for your damn stupid phone.
You decide to go back and check the kitchen one more time, and funny enough it's sitting right where you first had left it. You really need to get your eyes check, it's started to getting embarrassing.
As the door opens, you look through your messages and see one message from Taehyung. You debate if you should open it as your finger is placed right on top of the message. But instead choose to place your phone down on the counter and shut it off.
"I would have thought that the second time was going to work. I guess that’s why they say the third times the charm"
That voice. That bad humor. That deep awkward laugh. That feeling in your heart, when you think of  him.
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taglist: @bjoriis @btsbangers @kimxhanbin131 @got7usernames @gotjimin13 @laylasbunbunny @rjsmochii @jhopeshopee @taeriffic @shydestinyyouth @tarahardcore @bloodline1632 @turnthepageandbeburnt @starbtslove @whoa-jo @starlight-night0 @taebangtanbabe
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pouralaura · 29 days
writer interview game
tagged by @pricemarshfield, thank you as always for giving me the opportunity to talk about myself
When did you start writing?
pretty much as soon as I could hold a pencil tbh - I was always the kid who had notebooks full of stories featuring my friends as characters; said friends would always be eager to read my latest updates. I started trying my hand at fanfiction around age 11 or 12, always written in a shitty wide-ruled notebook.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
themes/genres? not really. I write what I want to read. I'd say the biggest difference between what I write and what I read is length - I don't write plot well for more than a couple of chapters. I can do vignettes, shorts, or a few chapters up to 20k words or so and that's as far as the plot part of my brain gets, oops
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
here's a link to my favorite fic of all time. be warned; it's Mad Men stepdad/stepdaughter (very distant, everyone is of age). I've read it a thousand times and it's influenced my writing style so fuckin much. this author writes a lot of stupidly good shit too if you like this one
I don't really get compared to anyone (at least, not to my face) which is fine. I don't know if I want to be.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
it's wherever I am, but mostly at my office desk in our spare bedroom with my rainbow glowy mechanical keyboard and a nice-smelling candle. sometimes I listen to nine inch nails
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
read something else, by someone else. look at somebody else's art. find something that speaks to you in something you didn't do. search for that point of connection, that thing that you feel too, and let it make you think differently about something you've been looking at the same way for a while
also watch a horny tv show or movie that helps too
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
indecision, reluctance, stubbornness, hot old men. this is not surprising to me
What is your reason for writing?
to entertain myself, first and foremost. like I said, I write the stuff I wanna read. and I don't think I had a good reason for writing until I started doing that. I always used to write what I thought I was supposed to write, or what would make my friends ooooh and ahhhh. I guess I still do that to some extent but it's sickos only baby
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I love when someone points out a favorite line. it's usually one that I had in my head for a super long time; one that I wrote first, before anything else. makes me feel Understood
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
as just some guy! because I am! I've made such good friends on the internet from writing my dumb bullshit, please feel free to be one of them! love to chat and share opinions and invent scenarios and what-ifs. I'm also just a thirty-year-old woman sitting in my little house doing my silly little job and it's really fun to meet people who are also doing Exactly That but make time to create in a similar way.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I've been very kindly complimented on this numerous times and I think it's fairly accurate - if I write a character, I take Great Pains to ensure that their voice is accurate. I exploit their flaws for views. (raphael I am talking about you) I make it funnier and sadder until it feels real - or, as real as I can make it in a fantasy setting.
How do you feel about your own writing?
it's better than it's ever been because, again, I am finally writing what I want to read. it's visceral and silly and fun and horny in a way that makes me really proud of myself!
I think all my writer buddies on here have been tagged already, but if I missed you or you wanna participate please feel free!
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dinxieyinxie · 9 months
I beg ya tell me about your OC Yonal and Snape, I need to know about them.
omg,, my heart is so full rn qwq i didn't really expect anyone would be interested in them so idk where to start DFHFDHJ
Yonal isn't fully fleshed-out yet but I made a post sometime ago about them to kickstart their story and a snippet of their friendship with Snape but I'd like to add a few new info for their lore (I did mention that I'd delve deeper into their friendship) so buckle up!
(I am not well-versed with words so lmk if you'd like me to clarify something! ><)
Their friendship is something these two weren't expecting at all tbh and the fact that they managed to build such a strong foundation is somewhat peculiar to me, in a way that they have the most contrasting personalities that it even clashes from time to time but still having that "homey", cozy feeling about it. Yonal being carefree and chaotic, the type to just "go-with-the-flow", and thinks that the glass is half-full while Severus is completely on the other side of the spectrum, with him looking at everything realistically and pessimistically at the same time. I could describe their relationship as:
Sun and Moon
Yin and Yang
Achilles and Patroclus
Red String of Fate
There's more but they're basically rocking that "opposites attract" typa energy HAHAHA
Yonal is most of the time, if not, completely, unaffected by Severus' attitude but rather he (Yonal goes by he/they!) chooses to respect and understand why Severus is like that and would even offer insight in which Sev would always be taken aback. (Not saying Linx is a dunderhead but he can be quite clueless LOL) I like to think Severus learns to accept Yonal the way he is and even appreciate it (He wouldn't outright admit it tho)
There's a lot of things Yonal and Severus don't particularly agree in but there are a few that allows them to connect with each other like the thirst for knowledge, great interest for the Wizarding World, socks, dead-beat dads, loneliness, and other things that I cannot think at the top of my head rn hehe
Idk if I've mentioned this already but even though Yonal loves being an absolute headache to Severus, he deeply respects that raven-haired mf and wouldn't dare ruin their deeply-rooted friendship in any way. I explained in this post how he's willing to bend his habits for him and it is still true to this day!
What fascinates me about them is that they definitely keep each other grounded in a sense that they have that ability to calm each other's turbulent souls, which opens to a lot of vulnerable moments. Something that both of them don't really allow themselves to be in. I like to think they'd grow closer as they confide with one another. Sometimes, home is a person.
Back in the day, they had underlying feelings with each other but these two dumb mfs didn't want to poke and probe in fear that it might end the bond that they have so they set these emotions aside but it does slip out sometimes teehee! In present times, the old flame ignited on its own and over the course of the time they have together, I think it's safe to say that they'll eventually finally confront these feelings and get it over with. But for now, I'm evil and love to hurt myself so im subjecting them to a slow-burn love (angst included!) <333
There's much more that I want to spew but I think that would be for another time. Honestly, I just want Snape to be happy bc God forbids he have peace in his depressing life
As a treat, here's a silly one I made uwu
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mayisgoingnuts · 2 months
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JJD-fying Random Characters (PT 5)
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(PS this shit is WAY longer than the past ones because I got way too excited midway)
On that one scene, Dexter managed to contain himself and not panic inside the box that Jaune brought, what made them simply throw it away as fast as possible instead of throwing it in the oven,, they were more traumatized rather than protecting themselves tbh, just,, JUST THROW THAT DOLL AWAY.
On that way to escape Lila's house and go kill something, him and JJD finally meet up again, she IMMEDIATELY recognized his voice but also how weirdly aggressive he is (more than he normally was), what only made him go from top 3 to top 1 on her list
Howeverrr of course: "I'm a doll, you dumb bitch!" and she couldn't do anything. But that's why we got magic on our side right
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JJD was acting like a damn hungry puppy asking for help to Atticus cuz she knew damn well that he could, but of course her own goals are just a bunch of stupidity to him. His ass wouldn't waste time on her and she'd need to di something to deserve it
And despite not doing almost anything in the cult she CAN be useful as FUCK, she simply chooses to do only the bare minimum, and oh boy the ammount of sacrifices he got for some time (until a certain date that was like a deadline). The girl was DETERMINED.
Sooo yeah, Atticus did tried to trick her and not give anything in the end but she let it clear that if she reached the date and Atticus don't keep his promise, she'd get him infront of the whole cult. Would she die? Of fucking COURSE. But does she has the guts to do so?? YES ASWELL. He had a reputation to keep-
So Atticus did it like giving a phone to distract a brat and went "alr take this shit don't tell anyone and go have fun"
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The amulet basically get supernatural beings (like demons or ghosts or monsters in general) to feel the sensation of tickling aswell, nothing more and nothing less. Silly and dumb BUT it was Dexter's doom cuz now JJD's dreams came true
You can easily count that as kidnapping to be honest KAJDHDK,, JJD just took him to herself, that's it. Where she goes he'll go and the other way around. Did Dexter liked it? Bruh he was pure NERVES in the beginning, he never felt so much rage, every opportunity he had to try killing her he would give it a shot (yes, she let him have a knife and never took it from him)
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Buuuuut it kinda got less worse with time? It began with the fact that the first time he was going nuts because of his needs JJD actually leaved and brought him like, 2 stray cats for him to kill and then went back to sleep. He thought she was messing with him but he noticed it was for real when he tested her and she once again began to walk around with him searching for animals to kill (wanting or not she knows how it feels to have a need, she wouldn't call it empathy but "basic logic")
And after some time JJD is A LITTLE more sufferable and her "peaks of boredom" weren't as bad, still annoying as fuck but now that he basically don't got the physical consequences of it it's way better,, although he still hates them. JJD is unable to shut the fuck up after all /silly but asides from that she's less of a bitch than he imagined
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Dexter would still not be sad or mad if JJD died and neither would she if he died-DIED (but she avoids because Dexter benefits her A LOT) and it's kind of a consent that they're getting along SOMETIMES to not make things annoying for both of them, plus he managed to get a few things that staying with Skid or even as a human he wasn't allowed to have, such as just satisfy his needs without having to be careful about it/dealing with consequences, a bodyguard 24/7 and the privilege of going to places and do whatever shit you want because they'll never get you
Those mfs are the definition of "unhealthily healthy", I have NO other ways to describe it, they're both weirdos /aff and I love both of them so much
Mayhaps they can grow into an actual friendship but now that depends on timelines and shit that I like to create ksbdjshdjs
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Taglist: @merwynsartblog @clownazon @dismissivedestroyer @jonesy-squish
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j0kers-light · 5 days
hi Chaos!!! I'm not sure if you self ship, I’m sorry for assuming if you don't! Pls don't be mad at me! I just wonder how you would interact with J since you have such a kind and bubbly personality! Can we get a Chaos x J fic if its not too much trouble?
His Lighthouse: Compromise (LedgerJoker x Chaos fic)
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Omg anon me? Bubbly?🤣
You're the fourth person to ask me for a Chaos x Joker fic over the years. Tbh, I don't self ship and I doubt it'll be what you are expecting... this was weird to write. I despise writing in first person, you can probably tell. Sorry not sorry. It might even read weirdly but it can't be helped. 🤷🏾‍♀️
The people wanted a glimpse into Joker and Chaos' relationship.. so here ya go. Enjoy I guess? I decided not to tag anyone since its a self ship and not related to the series. 🖤✨
I couldn’t tell you exactly how Joker and I came to be.  
Like the ever-changing tides, we simply collided and haven’t ceased to drift apart. He would brag about holding me hostage and eventually falling head over heels and I would provide a more sensible story. 
The dumb clown crashed into my living room and never bothered to leave. Something mundane I assure you brought us together. No matter the truth, Joker was attracted to my chaotic nature like a moth to a flame. He called me his ticking time bomb. I called him my headache. A match made in heaven said no one ever.  
Yet somehow, we work. Just barely.  
His top three placed a bet on how long I would aggravate Joker until he killed me off. As the days turned into months, they were in awe how I remained alive. It baffled them how my dull indifference could coincide with Joker’s madness.  
We defied the laws of the universe being together until suddenly we clashed. A ticking time bomb indeed.  
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“Who’s the kid?” 
Whispers spread around the hideout; each one growing increasingly more curious about the female blissfully unaware of the attention she was receiving. It was a rare sight to see any outsiders at the hideout, but a girl?  
This was new.  
Not like I cared about the leering glares sent my way.  
I had my headphones on, music on full blast, as I moseyed my way down the maze-like hallways. I probably should ask someone for help to avoid going in circles, but I had time to kill.  
Frost was ever gracious to give me vague directions on how to get to Joker’s office. It was obvious he wanted me far away from the hideout and Joker.  
Too bad that wasn’t happening. 
Frost had better accept the fact that I was a fixture in Joker’s life and learn to get along with me. 
I knew my blue hair would turn heads and I fed into the stares by flicking a few strands over my shoulder.  
Honestly, the attention put an added pep in my step. If I had cared a bit more, I would have dressed up for the rare occasion, but I thrived best in sweatpants and a baggy hoodie. At least I had some sense to take my bonnet off. My bare minimum would have to be enough.  
I didn’t help quell the whispers with my beat-up Converses and my huge cow print tote bag filled to the brim. It was bigger than me and I looked fresh out of high school because of it. To make matters worse, I blew a bubble of gum as I turned the corner, right into a common room filled with men. 
All eyes turned to me as well as every weapon in the room. I hardly batted an eyelash. 
“Mm well, this is awkward. Does anyone know where Joker’s office is?” I calmly asked. I really needed to work on reading a room.  
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Eleven minutes later, the man of the hour walked in followed by his loyal three.  
Joker and I hadn’t been together for long yet I already had the joy of meeting his top brass. Frost and I butted heads like siblings. I think Mac is secretly terrified of me and I rather not talk about the walking STD named Neo.  
No, my focus was solely on Joker.  
It was usually my job to apply his makeup and the fact he did it without me stung. I tried not to let it affect me and failed miserably.  
I wasn’t the clingy type by no means, yet I found myself missing Joker in ways that scared me. I hate hugs, yet I had to fight the urge to not run over and tackle him. This man was changing me and I didn't know if it was for the better.
I watched Joker like a hawk from my tiny chair prison in the back of the room.  
Two goons flanked my side since they labelled me an intruder the moment I walked in. They refused to believe I was here to see Joker and thought letting him to deal with me personally was the right course of action.  
I couldn’t wait to see the smug grins fall from their faces. That is, if Joker was actually happy to see me. It felt like ages since I saw him last.  
None of Joker’s goons knew he and I were in a relationship, so this visit was a surprise for everyone.  
My eyes followed Joker as he sat down in the front to start a meeting or something. I did not want to wait around for him to finish, so I announced my presence in a subtle way.  
I smirked knowing full well that Joker heard my bell anklet the moment I shifted my foot. It was one of the first gifts he gave me early on in our relationship.  
“I should put a bell on ya, Chaos.” This was said after he almost sucker punched me for ‘walking up on him.’ I needed something to signal my arrival since I was too light on my feet.  
Joker would hate himself if he accidentally hurt me in self defense, so he commissioned an anklet with a bell for me to wear. I didn’t mind the soft chime. Overtime, it became another key feature that identified me.  
Watching Joker’s eyes widen was the highlight of my night. I waved as I popped another bubble with my gum. “Hi.”  
Frost looked ready to have a heart attack, and the rest of the goons held their breath, waiting to see how this would play out.  
Much to their dismay, Joker was at a loss for words and couldn’t react properly.  
I remember he said none of his past lovers visited his hideouts. I decided to be the first to prove a point. Unbothered by the room full of attention, I reached down to grab my bag.  
The two goons keeping me prisoner watched helplessly as I stood up, “I brought you dinner and a piece of cake.” I said aloud.  
I dug out a lunchbox and boldly walked up to Joker. He had yet to say anything, so I rolled my eyes and opened the bento for him.  
Joker and just about everyone else was captivated by my soft voice. There was something about it that immediately calmed the nerves and made you listen.  
“Its your fav. Mongolian beef with steamed rice and um p-pickled veggies.”  
Apparently, Joker’s shock wore off after hearing that. He visibly shook his head clear and reached for my wrist that was steadily pulling out food containers. “What’re you doing here?” He hissed.  
Everyone was listening so I didn’t see the point in whispering. I still had my headphones on, and the noise cancellation wasn’t helping me with my own volume control.  
“Is you deaf? I just said—” 
Without warning, Joker ripped my headphones off. Now he had my full attention. “I thoughT I told you to stay away from.. this. My err criminal stuff.” Joker said.  
In the background, Mac and Neo were trying their best to kick everyone out of the room but it was impossible. Everyone was trying to be nosy.  
It wasn’t every day that the boss interacted with others much less a woman. And their curiosity skyrocketed when I arched an eyebrow and caught an attitude. 
“That ain’t got nothing to do with me. I’m trying to be more open and show that I actually care about you, but what’s the point if you don’t appreciate it?”  
Joker pinched the bridge of his nose. He already knew where I was going with this.  
This was just a continuation of our earlier argument—the exact reason why he stormed off to his hideout and cut off all communication with me.  
“I. Appreciate. The. Gesture but did ya have to make a big show of it in front of my men?” Joker asked. He had a reputation to uphold and me barging in like I owned the place didn’t help with graphics.  
As if I cared. Jokers’s reputation was the last thing on my mind.  
“Ion care about them! I came here with food— that I made out of the goodness of my heart, and you’re being ungrateful. Oh my God, what more do you want from me?!”  
Joker tried to interject, “I told you want I want.” 
I had enough and raised my voice.  
“Then ya ain’t getting it! I’m sooo sorry you fell in love with an asexual person, but I warned you. Don’t cry me a river now, Justin!” 
“Who is Justin?” Joker asked.  
“Its a song title Joker. Don’t change the subject.”  
He quickly stood up from his chair, causing it to fall over. “We are not having this arg-u-ment here.” And then he started walking away.  
I follow him out of the room ignoring the crowd watching our fight unfold. I had tunnel vision and Joker was the only thing on my mind.  
“Oh really? Where else are we gonna have it? You don’t answer my texts or calls. You refuse to come back to my apartment. You’re running away as we speak.”
My words must’ve got under his skin because Joker stopped in his tracks. “I am not running.” 
I huff and stare him in the eye. Did he not see the problem here? “Then face me! Get angry! Scream, yell. Do anything besides brushing me off!”  
Joker grumbled something under his breath as he looked around. “I can’t.. talk to you when you’re like this.”  
He finally said so I could hear him and that only made me more frustrated. “Ohhhhh blame it on me! You’re a coward Joker, you know that?”  
A gasp to my right made me turn and address the men gawking at me in horror. I didn’t like having an audience anymore when I was discussing personal issues. I took out my anger on them.
“And what y’all staring at? Don’t y’all got some crime or something illegal to commit? You can go! Goodbye!” I watched as they scattered off until its just me, Joker, and Frost left in the hallway.  
The latter eyeing his boss pensively. “You good Boss?”  
Frost and I may not see eye to eye, but he didn’t want me dead. The way Joker was acting, I was tempting fate with each breath I took.  
“Leave. Now.” Joker growled. He locked eyes with Frost and a single nod was passed between them. Whatever that meant.  
That left me and Joker alone in the hall and looking at him made the wind in my sails deflate. He looked angry, more so than I’ve ever seen him.  
I yelped when Joker grabbed my wrist and tugged me down the hallway without a single word.  
My cries for him to slow down went ignored as he shoved me into a room and slam the door shut. My heart was in my throat. Joker pinned me to the door with no escape possible.  
He was shaking in anger, but I wasn’t afraid. This wasn’t my first time on the receiving end of Joker’s murderous glare. I could handle his insanity with a bit of my own.
“Mm... I can’t even do what I want to ya.” Joker teased. His eyes swept me over, giving away his dirty thoughts.  
I roll my eyes, “Only you would get turned on by my genuine anger. You're such a freak.” I jump at Joker hitting the door as a warning. 
“Watch. It. Any other names ya got in that pretty little head of yours?”  
“Joker.” I say, only to gasp when he said my name in the same  cautious tone.  
He was serious. I cleared my throat and tried a different angle.  
“I... um. I understand if you want to b-break up with me. No one really gets the whole asexual thing and um.. you’re right. I t-treat you more like a friend than a partner and I.. I um—” 
Talking was hard to do with Joker kissing my neck. It tickled and Joker must have noticed because he started nibbling my neck here and there to amp up the sensation. “Keep talkin, pretty girl.” 
“I can’t.” I let my head fall back against the door.  
Joker was cheating by using my sensitivity to touch to his advantage. He kept kissing and biting my neck as his hands slid down and held me closer.  
I couldn’t stop the soft whimper I made, and Joker knew then that he won.  
“I don’t.. wanna break anything, bunny. All I’m asking is… mmm, is for moments like.. this.” He pulled away after a final kiss behind my ear.
He liked seeing my skin painted red by his lipstick and my glassy eyes helplessly staring up at him was the cherry on top.
Only he got to see me in such a state. Joker’s finger caressed my cheek as he spoke.  
“You told me you aren’t sex repulsed so uhhhh.. some contact is okay right? Soooo, can I kiss ya doll? Is that okay?”  
I looked at Joker thinking it over. 
His eyes were practically glowing as his fingers make a detour to curl around a strand of my hair. He loves the hue, he told me countless times it reminds him of the city skyline at night, but to see the pure fascination for my curl pattern, is something else entirely.  
He loves playing with my hair, it’s one of the rare physical acts I let him do.  
I don’t mind some affection if it’s platonic, (and even then, I have a limit) but the intimacy Joker desired was just too much for me to handle. We'd been together for months with no romantic contact. I was perfectly fine with that but Joker had reached his wits end. He put me on the spot and demanded to know what I felt for him.  
And my honest ace reaction was to blurt out, ‘I don’t like you like that.’ 
Rejection gave him the impression that I didn’t want him which was far from the truth! I wanted him with every fiber of my being.  
Joker didn’t understand why it was so difficult for me to love him. He was ignorant until I came out and told him.  
That was weeks ago.  
And now I was face to face with his newfound logic. Both of us changed in the time apart. Joker seemed to be more understanding of my spectrum, and I was willing to compromise and test my limits with intimacy with him.  
All that remained now was to give Joker permission. With four words I did just that.  
“I’m a bad kisser.” I mumble.  
Joker snorted and traced my lips with his thumb. “Let me be the judge of that.”  
For months, J wondered what my lips would feel like against his. He could honestly say it was worth the wait. 
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