#tbh anyone interacting with us is a blessing
ellecdc · 3 months
but fr though i have a real request. can you do a poly! marauders (or literally any ship im indecisive) with a southerner fem reader who has a thick accent and uses a lot of southern phrases (i’m from alabama and projecting hard). i feel like a lot of their interactions would go along the lines of
reader- oh darling bless your sweet little heart you’re so pretty
james (or anyone of them tbh)- you think i’m pretty 🥰
reader who just called him stupid six ways to sunday in southern -yeah for sure 😀
anyways i love love love your works literally S tier, Shakespeare could never, Poe wishes level stuff and i eat it up fork and knife medium rare every time. 
Okay I’m sorry but I truly have nothing else to add because everything about this ask was perfection.
First of all, you are SO sweet and SoooOoOOO funny I literally cackled when I read this.
Reader: bless your heart ..
Sirius: awe thank you 🥰
*reader who just sort of told him to go fuck himself in southern*: 🤨
Also all I can think of now is this one post I saw online where someone’s southern coworker said to them “with my luck, it could be raining titties and I would get hit in the face with dick”
God that’s funny - you send me any other thoughts of convos with southern!reader and the crew, PLEASE 🤣🤣🤣
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squiddy-god · 1 month
Mmmmmm more twst x hsr thoughts but this time
Twst mc/yuu getting transported into hsr
Imagine it's after graduation, Crowley after years finally finds the best solution for everyone! You can travel back and forth between your world and twisted wonderland, amazing right? Wrong because the moment you step through the mirror your tumbling face first onto the floor of... A train? Huh? And staring back at you is 5- no 6 very confused faces a tall older man with brow hair that seems to be starting to grey, a beautiful woman with red hair, a cute girl with pink hair- a guy with black hair and another person with grey hair- and of course the most adorable bunny thing you have ever seen
The older man- welt- is immediately asking your business and where you came from- cane and black hole at the ready
You try to quickly explain that you came from the mirror- now mysteriously in the corner of the astral express lobby. And that you were just trying to get to your home world- rather home universe
You are confirmed not a threat and allowed to stay on the astral express, therefore becoming a nameless
When you aren't helping with trailblazing you travel back to twisted wonderland, telling the others about your adventures in this new world (deja vu anyone?)
The shenanigans are crazy, trying to explain that you went from a modern world, to medieval wizard BS, to the future is a harrowing experience already
Even funnier if you end up getting some kind of elemental ability/blessings from a aeon because now you finally have a leg to stand on
Whether or not the blessings work in twst is up to you
Some funny things I can see happening :
Welt being truly horrified at Crowley and his negligence
You/yuu managing to drink himekos coffee because you have suffered lilia's... Everything tbh
Showing March your magic camera (I feel like the camera isn't talked about enough in the twst fandom) and all the pictures you have taken
Grimm being jealous of the cat cakes because every time you come back you smell like them and also have pictures with them
Grim getting jealous of pompom (vise versa)
Being unfazed by the stellaron much to everyone's shock and dismay ("grim would probably try to eat it")
Being unfazed by boss fights and explaining that at least 8 people have tried to kill you and that's being on the low side
Seeing silver-wolf and thinking "ah shit not again" because it reminds you of idia
Being on the loufu and meeting Jin Yuan like "if I had a nickel for every :3 general I met with a sword son I'd have two nickels"
Seeing dang heng in his IL form and immediately blurting out "HORNTON?!" because Obviously
Telling malleus you met two new dragon
This interaction :
Twst!nameless : *completely unfazed by entering the dreamscape, honestly a little on edge*
Sunday : you seem on edge despite also seemingly being unfazed by entering the dreamscape for the first time, is something perhaps bothering you?
Twst! Nameless : well I've been in a dreamscape before- long story with a dragon- and the last time I was in one I fought in a war-
Sunday : WHAT????
Alternatively twst! Nameless being suspicious of Sunday for the entire time and once he reveals everything its just "see! Never trust a traumatised religious man with grey hair!" Rollo flash backs are real
Or twst! Nameless going "the last time I attended a important singing event/competition with a beautiful singer someone turned into a monster and everyone almost got poisoned and died, the whole place was wrecked... Thankfully we had a dragon to help but-" *the entire penacony quest happens* "I spoke to soon and cursed us"
Just another chaos maker on the astral express
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the-cookie-of-doom · 5 months
I remember when you were posting about your Kim/Wik Twins AU and I was so hooked! There’s so much potential for angst in this AU😩🤌 I always wondered if there was anything new going on with this WIP.
PS: I’ve been following your blog for a little while (I don’t interact bc im shyy) and I love all your Kimchay WIPS and little excerpts you’ve blessed us with (they make my day everytime I see one). So I want to personally thank your brain for all these wonderful ideas and just thank you for being you 😊
send me an ask and I'll tell you about one of these WIPs!
Oh anon, you're a darling! This was so nice to wake up to <3 I actually haven't worked much on that AU since originally posting it, but you're right, there is so much angst potential in this AU between Wik and Kim. One of the inspirations from it actually came from World of Warcraft, and how the character Varian was split into two people, the other one being Lo'Gosh. I really loved how it wasn't just "this is the good side vs. the bad/feral side." Varian was polite and charming and good at socializing, but he was also vain and easy to manipulate (which was the point of splitting him), whereas Lo'Gosh was definitely a barbarian, but he was also all of Varian's strong will and ambition/motivation, and passion. I hadn't seen that kind of character splitting before, because it's usually an easy shorthand for doing a good/evil thing.
So for the purposes of this fic, Kim isn't just all the evil mafia while Wik is the sweetheart singer. Wik is very driven and tbh a little selfish, he's kind to his fans but ultimately very cold, because he grew up in a world where anything he cared about could be used against him. Both of them are still calculating in clever, but it's Wik that begins investigating Chay, intentionally using his stardom as an in, and purposefully manipulating him to get more information. He takes it to a stronger degree than we actually see from Kim in the show.
Whereas Kim is the quieter, more contained side. They both love music but Kim prefers guitar/piano over singing because he doesn't want to draw attention to himself the way Wik does, although he does write a lot of poetry/lyrics. One of the betrayals from Wik leaving is that he stole Kim's songs. The other is that he left Kim behind. He loves his brother more than anything, and Wik leaving him without so much as a goodbye was devastating for him.
Here's your slightly less than 500 words!
“You left me!” “Would you have even come with me?” Kim’s voice breaks on a desperate, “Yes!” He wants to take it back as soon as the word leaves his mouth, too honest in the heat of his moment, chest heaving with the weight of it. The only good thing about the admission is that his brother is too stunned to reply; Kim takes satisfaction in that, in the implication of it, as Wik realizes the depth of his own selfishness.  “Kim…” “I would…” Kim swallows. Days of captivity have left his throat dry. It hurts, speaking these words aloud, tearing them out of his chest to release them after all these years. “I would have. If you asked me to, I would have.”  He would have followed his brother anywhere. They were always meant to be together. Kim and Wik, two halves of the same whole, mirror images down to their names. Until Wik decided he couldn’t bear his own reflection anymore.  “Kim, I’m sorry, I didn’t know—” “How could you? You only ever think about yourself.” Kim laughs. It’s wet. It hurts, like everything else about this damned conversation. Maybe Wik was right; they were better off alone. “I thought you knew me better than anyone, but you don’t know me at all.” Maybe Wik never did. What a horrible time to realize how truly alone he really is.  Wik doesn’t speak for a long time. Neither does Kim, keeping his head bowed and his breaths measured, cracked ribs aching with every rise and fall of his chest. What a cruel joke that the first time they’re sharing a space in years, something Kim has longed for since the day Wik left, and it’s only because someone else has forced them together.  “I don’t think you would ever leave the family,” Wik eventually says, his voice quieter than Kim has ever heard it. “You’re not like me, Kim, you never wanted to leave.” Of course he didn’t. Why would Kim ever want to leave his brothers? But at least if he had, Kinn and Tankhun would have had each other. They wouldn’t have been alone, not like Wik is now. Not like Kim is, forever missing his other half. Neither of them were meant to be alone. "It doesn't matter anymore." "Yes it does. Kim. I never meant to hurt you. I—" But there's no more time to talk because their captors are walking in, and Wik is throwing himself in front of Kim, both of them bound and unable to put of any kind of fight. Not that it would have mattered; Wik already got himself kidnapped. Too nosy to stay out of the family completely, but apparently the idealistic fool didn't bother to keep up with his martial arts. Still. Despite blaming him for the current predicament, Kim is a little bit touched that Wik is trying to protect him now. Too late to matter, maybe, but it's something.
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phew, ok gonna just ramble for a minute! for the last couple of days i've been getting so caught up in my milex feelings and the letdown after the anticipation that i almost forgot to be properly excited for this trip 🙈 but now that i'm actually in dublin, after listening to arctic monkeys and miles tunes on the flight and getting hyped about seeing my one of my best irl friends from london again for the first time since june, it's much easier for me to put things in perspective, thank goodness!! i'd have kicked myself later if i spent my time here moping (which i've kind of been doing these past two days) instead of being excited about getting to see my all time favourite band play again (twice!!) AND with miles as well, and just have a fun trip with my friends in dublin (even though it'll be raining cats and dogs, but we'll be in the pub most of the time anyway 🍻)
after the london gig in june i really thought that was it for a couple of years, so to have been given this extra opportunity to see them again so soon is insane and an absolute blessing. i'm SO fucking excited, i can't even tell you 😭 these will be my 8th and 9th arctic monkeys gigs to date, and i'm still just as hyped as i was 10 years ago, and i think that's worth reflecting on for a minute ❤️
i'm putting some more musings about the milex situation under the cut for anyone who might be interested in a different perspective, but mostly it's just for me, to be able to untangle the mess that my mind has been in these past few days. also, please know that i'm definitely not trying to invalidate anyone's concerns or diminish anyone's feelings, because lord knows i've been feeling all the things the past few days and all those feelings are very (very) real!
i guess what i just keep coming back to is the fact that arctic monkeys (or alex, really, lbr) asked miles to be the support for these four dates when they absolutely didn't have to do that, and that if there was any bad blood between them then they totally could've asked anyone else. but they didn't, they asked miles! and miles agreed! it's much more likely that the fact that they're not playing together is due to logistics (with the orchestra and limited rehearsal time) and wanting to highlight miles's new album than any personal reasons tbh. they're professionals doing their jobs first and foremost, and while obviously we'd love a display of sentimentality, if that doesn't fit the show for whatever reason then it makes sense they don't give us that. i'm sure it's all been discussed and agreed on between them, and that they're doing perfectly fine behind the scenes. it's true that miles shows us a lot of himself, but alex and the other boys do not, so it also makes sense to me that what miles shares about them/their interactions with him is limited too, much as i'd love to see him gush about them and post bts footage. i always find that i get easily swept up in emotions and conjecture when i'm watching things unfold from a distance, through the tumblr/fandom lens, but i forget sometimes that that is a heavily coloured lens, and that real life is often very different, despite what social media etc. may seem to show. and for me personally, i've noticed that sometimes it's really good to break out of the bubble for a bit and see things from a different perspective, so i'm glad i was able to do that before my shows!
also, on a side note, i've seen some people being disappointed that alex didn't dedicate bodypaint to miles but just gave him a shoutout, but to me the distinction doesn't matter too much. he mentioned miles when he didn't have to, and miles stayed to watch the boys do their thing after his own set, and he didn't have to do that either if he wasn't feeling it. the fact is that recently there have been more and more signs that our boys are actually growing closer again than they seemingly have been for a few years, and while obviously i just want them to give us everything and announce a tlsp reunion and also profess their undying love for each other while they're at it, maybe their doing what they can right now, and they just need a bit more time to get to where they once were. we all need time to heal, or something like that, anyway. i obviously don't know anything, but this possiblity seems just as if not more likely to me than the other option (which would be that any of this is a sign they're growing further apart, instead), so i'm good with that for the moment.
anyway, this is just me talking to myself on the plane and creating some perspective for myself, but maybe someone else might find it helpful too, who knows. in any case, i'm going to do my best to enjoy it all to the fullest!! and while obviously getting to see them do something together would be brilliant, it would just be the cherry on an otherwise already really fucking delicious cake ❤️
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colorisbyshe · 26 days
Monthly Music 08/24 Hehehe
Albums/Multi Song Section:
Taemin released a mini album. Honestly, listen to all of it, even the more ballad-y fare but honestly... Sexy In the Air is a track EVERYONE should give a shot. It's what it says on the tin--sexy. Highlights: Horizon, if you like Kavinsky but want a kpop, energy-infused twist, try this out! (ITS A REACH BUT!!). Crush has some MJ-esque delivery that is very enthralling. Deju Vu is for the people who want to feel songs vibrate in their bones and in their [redacted]
Tinashe released her follow-up to the (superior) BB/Angel! My faves are No Simulation, Thirsty, When I Get You Alone, + No Broke Boys. Chill, alt R&B. Ethereal, sensual. Tinashe and Taemin should collab or at least do choreo to each other's songs tbh. NBB is a modern reimagining of No Scrubs
Foster the People is baack. BIASED REVIEW because I'm a longterm fan. See You in the Afterlife (oddly cunty??), Feed Me (cuntier except some of the instrumental could've been produced on Gene Belcher's random sound keyboard), Paradise State of Mind (Tame Impala knock off, mayhaps), & Glitchzig (discordant, extraterrestrial).
Fromis_9, a kpop group, has had a mini release. Here's a mini review: Supersonic & Beat the Heat have a throwback appeal. Simple, joyful pop with a non-obtrusive vocal power behind it. Talent wins <3
JPEGMAFIA released a new album and it's... beyond explanation? Alt hip hop with an amazing infusion of rock, gospel, dance elements. Dark, funny, slick as hell. Highlights: i scream this in the mirror before i interact with anyone, sin miedo (my fave, I think), don't rely on other men, vulgar display of power, Exmilitary (great use of samples), JPEGULTRA! (denzel!!!!!!!!! HORNS!!!!!!!!1), either on or off the drugs (one of my faves, absolutely), & loop it and leave it. If you're like "that's a lot of songs," okay well the entire album is good. 9.9/10 album
Recent Releases:
"Feel The Way" Peggy Gou. Just a solid dance track.
Ibibio Sound Machine's Black Notes is groovy and vocally ascendant.
"Leave" Low Hanging Fruits is Krock that feels straight out like... mid 2000s alt-pop rock. Just lively and lovely.
My blog title was taken from a Chase & Status song, so of course I need to shout out their collab with Stormzy, "Backbone." Just goes hard, is grimy as hell, and goes WUB WUB.
Want something that goes harder? Petit Brabancon, Japanese metal supergroup, is back and "Gankou" is... growling and intense and also just kinda fun.
Not here for music that might be a bit scary? "Edge of Saturday Night" The Blessed Madonna, Kylie Minogue is some eurodance to take the edge off.
If you like that track, try "Urallineed" by Jazzi Bobbi for some vaguely dancy indie pop. Love her voice.
This could've gone on the album review but honestly... Monkey Majik's new album is kinda Maroon 5-y and doesn't deserve a full shout out but give HYLMN a listen if you want to hear a fun, misremembered rip off of Blur's Song 2. Also, I guess the song Imposter.
"Check" by Flo is like... the kpop tracks inspired by Tinashe but... not kpop. Does that make sense? American, Fifth Harmony-esque song that feels like a kpop GG ripping off American Tinashe. A perfect feedback loop. Delectable.
"Out of Touch" Four Year Strong. Throwback, pop punk sound with a modern flourish.
"Nissan Altima" Doechii. As a Nissan driver, I had to rec this lmao. Great song, great flow, GET YA TITS SUCKED
"Tokyo" Sable Hills. Screamo :3 The guitar fucks
Older tracks: Keep Away by Carly Rae Jepsen (song to sway to), Bloom by Macico (the Japanese sound Harry styles tried to rip off), Thanks for Your Time by Gotye (dour and sensual) and Miss Fatty by Million Stylez (music to shake your ass to)
Posting this early because I know more music (Chungha, Bree Runway) is coming and uhhhh this post is already too full
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yellowymellon · 9 months
SO UM I GOT A THEORY ABT LUOCHA (Dk if anyone talked Abt this but tis just for fun 👁️)
When Jing yuan called luocha an abundance abominations I gasped, it was like a grand reveal, but after I calmed down I thought...what if that's his way to insult luocha? Maybe it's just a derogatory term...
And now I have a silly theory ;3
I'm proud to say since I reject to acknowledge the Otto in luocha from day one I've always noticed that aside from the fact he's an Otto expy he looks like yaoshi a lot.
He said he's a "doctor" but we all clearly saw that he has straight up healing abilities. Mind you that his 'healing' is a broad term, he could even fix xueyi who isnt made of flesh, and to that Dan Heng understood right away that that was a blessing of the abundance.
So that made me think about Jing yuan's words...it makes sense for luocha to be blessed by yaoshi but what if he actually is their emanator.
I don't think everyone who is blessed by yaoshi would get called by Jing yuan an abomination even degradingly, and it seems he knows something Abt luocha we don't (nothing unusual Abt Jing yuan lol)
No matter how luocha's attitude is to yaoshi, they are still an aeon who pities and 'loves' creation. They hate pain and hurt and generally answer prayers.
So with that in mind, the fact that luocha is an Otto face but not quite, it could be that he either at some point prayed for yaoshi or that yaoshi took pity on his suffering aka the loss of someone dear to him who might or might not be the coffin person. It also could be that yaoshi just created him as a pure abomination! Maybe specifically to become an emanator.
I mean bro got the abyss flower how do u explain that in HSR? 😭
Also a very sus interaction imo is when putting luocha and blade in a team, he tells blade (I don't remember his exact words but) that he regrettably can't help him with his immortality thingy. And I always bully him (affectionately ofc-) and say nobody asked!
Why would luocha assume, or think he has the powers to reverse or break the blessing/curse of an aeon??
It's the going out of dev's way to have an interaction between luocha and blade when they should've never met even if they know about eachother (elio knowing the real culprit and luocha knowing the stellaron hunters are in the luofu for example)
He's also very fixated on how death can be overcomed, not in an Otto obsessed way, but kinda in a certain sure way, like he knows it can happen. How?? 🤨 I'm sure yaoshi themselves can't 🤨🤨
In conclusion
There isn't much to back this 'theory' so it's just for fun, I also believed his powers come from the coffin mostly. His ult is the coffin... doing stuff and whatever is inside is probably an abundance abomination as well (you could see the thorns in his animated light cone).
Also off topic kinda- but I don't believe it's kallen tbh. They have a somewhat bittersweet antagonist relationship where they use eachother for their end goals and they seem to be wary of eachother. So if a kallen exists Id like to think she's dead, and his journey is to revive her. Which would be another Otto story I refuse to have HOYO ISTG
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If I rewrote the last part of Honkai (with the self-imposed rule of keeping the lore/endgoal relatively intact, my thoughts would be different if I’m allowed to do anything tbh) I would add an arc between ER/EE and the moon arc.
We deserved a proper WS arc. Instead of Suddenly, Stigma Is Done, we could’ve had a build up to make us suspect not everything is at it seems. Get Mei to breathe, cope with losing THIRTEEN friends to a Herrscher, and re-evaluate what she’s doing in WS— her leaving in the epilogue and Kevin going yeah you can go xoxo was anti-climactic as hell, I feel so blueballed 💀.
So basically (and keep in mind I’m making this up as I go, it’s a first draft type of idea)
First off I hate the last two acts of EE so I’m throwing those out. Reconstructing Elysia doesn’t magically revive anyone, it basically just gives Mei admin power over ER as its heir (you know? what they intended for her. No because of you the player bullshit. It’s all because of Mei, it’s always been HER arc.)
Mei fights HoC herself, complete with the FCs fighting by her sides as signet hallucinations and symbolism of “they finally were allowed to fight all together through her”. Mei pins down HoC, sees the FC hallucinations all smiling at her, telling her to do it, they were happy to have met her, they bless her etc… and Mei deletes ER herself. Her enemy and her friends melt away, destroyed permanently. The epilogue is Mei finding passed out but intact Klein and picking her up, and Kevin showing up at the exit but remains stoic (taking Klein from her?). We can even keep the bit of why he didn’t step in, but nothing about STIGMA or quitting.
After that we get to see some Mei downtime in WS, she gets a visit— Raven learns what happened with ER from her, they get to mourn and reminisce about the people they both knew properly before moving on with the plot.
WS hides its plans from Mei, which she starts suspecting, and she gets sent in a mission that lets her actually CLASH with the good guys— maybe with Fu Hua, to give her some much needed screentime? It could be interesting as well to have them ACTUALLY TALK, and to show how things have or haven’t changed after Mei got to hang out with a much younger Hua. Hua tries to get her to defect but Mei refuses, saying she still needs answers— and Hua admits her memory has too many holes for her to give her what she wants. Only WS, MOTH’s heir, has the answers.
Also, Mei mentions the Realm, confusing Hua, and Mei realizes she forgot that. It hurts. She shuts up because it’s gone, and she feels guilty for taking Hua’s chance to meet her dead friends again away. Kevin doing it was such an an afterthought in canon it was dumb.
We get some scenes of the main gang as well, Kiana keeping up with Durandal’s training, since I don’t have the CCP to worry about have Bronya and Seele secretly wonder if Durandal has a crush on Kiana because she’s acting so weird. (the truth is stranger than fiction, girls). Some clashes between SS and AE now that they have to work together, which Theresa tries to manage. Since I said I’m keeping the lore mostly intact, have Bronya and Seele bring up Bronya’s harsh childhood and talk about what they know of their biological parents. Dark Seele admits she only started waking up regularly when Seele was at the orphanage so she actually has zero idea. They talk about Cocolia and Sin a bit as well, where they stand with them etc.
Meanwhile! After that mission, Mei gets called out for not doing her job right because she was soft on her old friends, and she starts thinking about leaving for good soon. She interacts with a Gray Serpent, who is cryptic as usual but commands her for being their most promising agent despite her soft heart. She briefly bumps into Hare (the real one) and gets a weird feeling from her, thinking she looks a bit like Kiana, and she basically exudes depression. I want her to also have a talk with Jackal, and mentioning Mobius (maybe she assumed Klein would try to find work in a familiar setting but she’s not there, she’s already on the moon preparing things) just so we can close ER ch2’s plot thread of Jackal causing Mobius to go stir-crazy by saying they never found the real Mobius in reality.
Some time passes, more regular gang shenanigans that starts foreshadowing the moon plot and AE’s plans to deal with Finality (like Kiana asking about the battleship onscreen instead of just telling us she did later). The events for them can be jumbled around a bit, it’s just to avoid them getting completely sidelined and get the more secondary characters some scenes to shine in.
Back to Mei. She’s already gone through the database, ER is a bust, she’s missing her final answer because of HoC’s bullshit— but Hua was right, there’s still someone at WS who can give her answers. She’s been mulling it over and she’s going to do it today.
Mei confronts Kevin one on one (yes she booked a formal meeting). Mei knows him well now; she has his signet too, she spent time together with his sim, and she realizes that after everything she can try and force the answers out of him, since she’s now proven herself. What is Honkai? What is the Will? What really happened to Elysia? What is he hiding?
Kevin is reminded of Dr.MEI, contemplating how utterly different they are despite looking alike— and he actually starts talking. I’m gonna think harder about the exact content but for now here’s what I think he says.
First he tells Mei about the samsara they’re in, and how she’s got Dr.MEI’s spot in this samsara, emphasizing that each iteration is different but starts on the same basis, much like how Mei and MEI’s lives took radically different turns and they became extremely different people, despite being born with the same face under similar circumstances.
Mei shook (1) but she remembers that one eyes closed photo she saw of MEI, and how they indeed looked alike.
After Kevin reveals how Finality turns back time, he broaches that this is their last cycle, their last chance, because Elysia broke Fate and they traded passing down extra knowledge and strength to the embers of the new civilisation against Humanity getting more tries to survive Honkai, so they’re not going to be able to bunker down and try again with their civilisation revived.
Mei asks how Elysia managed it, and I’m gonna change her death back to what it was built up to be because I don’t like what we got. Elysia was a Herrscher the entire time, infiltrated MOTH and revealed herself as the 13th, becoming the common enemy of Humanity. Five of her closest friends came to fight her off— Kevin, Eden, Vill-V, Aponia and Mobius.
(I’m confident they only removed Mobius because they couldn’t give her a green flower, which is stupid. She was stated to have been there in earlier ER convos.)
From this point on, the tale becomes Kevin’s memory projection, so Mei gets to watch it play out.
Elysia ran away from the base after a very public “eruption”, and they believed maybe it was a sliver of sanity left in her before she completely lost it— but soon she would come back because after the three last cities got nuked there was virtually no human left to kill besides MOTH staff. So they had to strike first.
There’s an epic fight where Elysia seems to have completely lost her mind and they finally manage to pin her down— and Mobius reveals to Elysia they came to capture her alive, claiming it’s for her experiments on a live Herrscher but it’s pretty obvious it’s because they’re all completely worn out emotionally and they just want their friend back.
Elysia is shocked, because she has been acting this whole time hoping that she would be able to restore Humanity’s confidence and unity when they beat her without horribly cruel collateral, in preparation for HoFin who she can feel is going to descend extremely soon— and she was also going to use this to return to the Cocoon to give the humans a chance to survive.
This makes her break character and they realize she’s ACTUALLY for good conscious and has been acting and they’re not too happy about that, feeling she’s betrayed them, and she spills the beans.
She reveals she’s not the 13th, but the Herrscher of Origin who has been walking among humans before the Herrscher of Reason even descended. She joined MOTH so Humanity wouldn’t lose too early, hoping that, given some extra help and time from her, they’d surpass Finality.
Elysia apologizes for picking RIN as a Herrscher, wondering if Sakura would forgive her, expressing grief about finding someone compatible enough with Honkai not to go crazy, only for her to die and then take Sakura and so many humans with her. It turns out she’s been sporadically intentionally influencing the Cocoon, hoping that it would bring a more optimal outcome— but picking a MOTH Soldier didn’t work, splitting the core into 1000 pieces to make it easier on the human mind to utilize didn’t work, making the Herrscher an anti-energy type was a complete and utter disaster…Despite the relative success of the MANTIS program, the Honkai’s embrace never led to coexistence.
In her eyes, every Herrscher’s violence is a “choice” of humanity, instincts amplified by Honkai’s embrace (so like what happened to RIN in the end), as much as the response to fight them was… and here they are.
Tumblr media
This little italics conversation that they changed occurs.
They question whether everything about Elysia was a lie, but she denies it, saying that she (and by extension, the Honkai) loves each and every one of them sincerely, and that she always wanted to create a paradise for Humanity, even if she never really was worthy of being called a human.
Mobius is big mad— telling her that she’s just as human as any of them, she laughs and hides her pain and plays pranks and loves others, and all she did was betray both herself and them by “letting nature take its course”.
Surprisingly Elysia says she’s right. The Honkai is arrogant to play with Humanity’s fate like this, even out of love, and as an extension of it she made the same choice… but it was never fair. Humanity should write its own story, and evolve in the ways they like, not the ways the Honkai wants.
And so Elysia tells them she’ll do what she should have done a long time ago, and returns to the cocoon, rearranging the stars and breaking Fate.
It’s the end of the memory, and Mei is stunned and a bit emotional (even here you can’t escape watching Elysia die multiple times, sorry). She asks Kevin what exactly, then, is Honkai.
“You heard her didn’t you? You got to know her. You already know.”
“It’s that love of hers. What we know as “Honkai” is her embrace.”
(to be continued…)
Feel free to send asks or reblog/reply with feedback, questions etc. I wrote this all in one shot.
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generisydtoo · 9 months
Splitting up Team 7....Let's get into it
Disclaimer❗️: I'm not trying to dog on anyone who makes alternate team headcanons for fun. I have my own thoughts ofc, but as long as you're truly not hurting anyone, it's not that deep. I'm sharing my thoughts on this since I've seen this take a few times over the years, but do with it what you will!
As always, you're free to share your thoughts! Just be sure to keep it respectful :)
Tbh, it baffles me when ppl say that Sakura (bc that's usually who's removed from the team in these takes) or anyone else on Team 7 would've had better development if they were assigned to a different team. I think people fail to consider that Team 7’s close, consistent proximity and becoming teammates was one of the key reasons why they were able to get past their initial impressions of each other and form a deep bond.
This is only one example, but as far as we know, no other team went on any dangerous missions like Team 7 did to the Land of Waves. Granted, that was an outlier since that mission was supposed to be a C rank; however, it was vital to their individual growth. It shaped their perceptions of each other as teammates and of the shinobi world as a whole. If Sakura, Sasuke, and/or Naruto were placed on a different team (assuming little-to-nothing else was changed in the series), I'd deem it unlikely that they would've grown to be the shinobi they became, although not as quickly.
If you want, you can view this through the lense of recent media, particularly the YA genre. There are many reasons why they tend to be set in middle/high school (though I think that's starting to change and expand, thank goodness), one of them being the outcomes of forced, consistent proximity.
The characters are placed in an environment where they're (more often than not) forced to interact; it's not like college or other settings where you can simply leave if you don't want to be there, especially without it being fair to others in your group. While it’s ultimately up to them to choose whether or not they want to become more than acquaintances with their classmate(s), their relationship has a higher chance of forming due to being consistently around each other.
The same applies to Team 7 and honestly, the other Rookie 9 teams. They were all placed on their teams- a learning and training environment with forced, consistent proximity- for a reason. Ino-Shika-Cho being placed together since they're THEE Ino-Shika-Cho trio (if any sensei had messed that iconic trio up....bless their hearts fr), and Team 8 all being trackers.
For Team 7, it was also so they could all learn and benefit from each other in some way. Naruto could benefit from Sasuke’s proficiency in ninjutsu, Sakura's intelligence, and both of their calmer personalities(give or take with Sakura) seeing as he got the lowest marks at the academy and misbehaved a lot. Sasuke could benefit from Naruto and Sakura's social and outgoing personalities seeing as he got low scores in cooperation and teamwork.
While Sakura performed well in her academics, she slacked greatly in anything pertaining to using physical strength. She could benefit from Sasuke and Naruto's taijutsu and battle skills seeing as she got low marks in taijutsu.
I think it's also worth noting that Sakura is a balance of their personalities while having her own. While she's not always on 10 like Naruto was, she was able to be social and upbeat and like him. She wasn't emotionally cold or nonchalant like Sasuke, but she was able to match his calmer "think first, act later" demeanor. Ofc, they've all had their moments and didn't act the same way all the time. I love that Team 7 can share one brain cell at times, lol.
As I said in the preface, I'm not trying to down anyone making alternate team headcanons for fun. That being said, it's just odd to me that people claim that placing them on different teams would suddenly "fix" their characters. Becoming a team was an integral part of their characterization, with each of them serving a unique purpose in one another’s growth. (This includes Sai too, though that may be a convo for another day.)
Like the title says, this was a starting "Let's get into it" post. I have more specific thoughts on this take, but these are my initial thoughts for now :).
Sources: The academy report cards are only in the physical fanbook. You can find an online transcription of it here and photo scans here!
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 months
🦋's Post show thoughtsssss
Superb Acting, as usual
Thankful for our Helaena sighting, no matter how short. My heart went out to her when they got mobbed, my poor girl😭
Aemond serving cunt, I kinda giggled when in that first scene at the beginning hehehe
Honestly I really wanted that scene with Aegon to show him saying something along the lines of he loves him in his own twisted way, blah blah, some loyalty or remorse or something. But god forbid we have the greens actually liking each other.
I'm actually looking forward to Otto coming back, tbh, like him or not the man was a powerhouse- Aemond knows what's up (not always)
Gwyane really said yea girl ya'll kinda fucked up in this place ngl, thank god I wasn't raised here lol
I may not have been Viserys's biggest fan, however, to see Paddy again was surprisingly welcome.
Alys slayed, I can't wait for her and Aemond to meet, I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure for this to happen.
I really wanted to see a fallout of the mobbing with Alicent and Helaena, particularly with Aemond, to see some kind of regret of something in him, but again, god forbid they give Aemond some level of complexity. Only thanks to Ewan's skill as an actor do we get any depth, but we get not one shit from Ryan Condal.
Poor Aegon, honestly.
Even though I'm tired of Daemon at Harrenhall, I really hope that the direction it's gonna take is him getting to the point where he's back to being the ultra loyal uncle-husband, SEND HIM HOME TO HIS WIFE, DAMMIT
Now, the Mysaria and Rhaenyra kiss. I know this could potentially be divisive amongst fans, however.....it was hot. I'm sorry, but....it was hot. I kinda wanted more, this is way better than seeing Alicent and Crispy. I felt the chemistry between them but I rlly thought they would leave it ambiguous. Again, not a fan of this overarching narrative of Rhaenyra being this holy blessed chosen one, and the greens are all one dimensional assholes who hate each other, but- that was hot. Give us them scissoring next episode k thanks.
Despite the general issues, I am curious for next episode.
Excited to see your thoughts (can't believe there's only two more episodes) I'll miss these post show asks but alas we shall find more things to discourse over <3
One of my highlights of the week is you coming to my asks after the episode has aired. I can't believe that after this one we only get to do our thought dumps twice more! :(
Here are mine!
I have to get this out of the way first, because it was my absolute favourite part and I cannot stop thinking about it; Rhaenyra and Mysaria!
I've had a feeling something like that would happen from their very first encounter, all of their interactions just feel very charged. It was hot AF and I hope we get more of that. Such an interesting dynamic.
Aemond had a little more screen time this episode and, as usual, Ewan slayed. He ran that small council meeting like a fucking drill sergeant and seeing him all hot tempered and mean was...UGH.
I think Aemond's reasoning for dismissing Alicent from the small council was similar to Criston's for not wanting to name her as Regent - he wants to keep her out of harm's way and protect her from the horrible decisions they are going to have to make moving forward.
The way he set Larys up was so fucking good, and I am frothing for the return of Otto. I just know he is going to deliver some absolutely incredible lines next episode.
The exchange between Aegon and Aemond at Aegon's bedside was so well acted by both Tom and Ewan - Aegon's fear and Aemond's unsubtle threat of "this is the version of what happened and you better not tell anyone otherwise" - I do think it's stereotypical sibling rivalry, but the context makes it so much darker.
Aegon and Larys's exchange was amazing too - Larys just laying it out there, basically saying "you are going to look deformed and people will judge you for it" - so powerful, and yet so sad to see Aegon's realisation that he's changed forever.
I have a huge gripe with the writers for what they have done with Sylvi. Yes, her relationship with Aemond was purely transactional, and it has now ended, however, Aemond has been vulnerable with her, spoken to her of things he's not told anyone, so he wouldn't take kindly to the untruths she's spreading around Flea Bottom. I think he would have her killed, not just for treason, but out of fear of what she might tell people about him. However, Michelle Bonnard isn't going to appear again this season, so that is yet another gaping plothole created by the writers.
I'm so bored of Daemon's story arc. Alys is the only part of it holding my interest. It's heavily implied that she had a hand in killing Grover Tully, and I am wondering if she did that to actually help Daemon, or if she has another agenda. Is she going to work with Daemon to help cross Aemond, or does she simply want to take them both down because of their callous attitude towards small folk? I am genuinely excited about her character and storyline.
Cute as it was that Seasmoke claimed Addam, it is yet another glaring oversight from the writers - give us some indication of what's happened to Laenor! Should we just assume he's dead?!
It was cool to see the groundwork being laid for Sheepstealer, though I am still annoyed they gave Nettles' storyline to Rhaena.
Anyway, overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I think this one and episode four have been my favourites so far!
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12bleupwhat12 · 1 year
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Kaneko Rie (金児利恵)
“My name is Kaneko Rie, 18 years old. I’m currently doing my entrance exams… well… was.”
Character Description
An odd and respectful prisoner, to a certain extent. Rie has a warm and friendly demeanour, like an open book in a different language, however often unconsciously getting on people’s nerves with her intellect. Her knowledge on certain subjects like math and medicine are far beyond her age, unsettlingly so. When interacting with her seniors or those in a higher position, she will talk respectfully and use formal honourifics. While with those younger than her, she takes a much more laidback approach, falling into an older sister role. This habit however complicates her language with the guard, shall she be formal? Or treat Es their age?
Name: Kaneko Rie (金児利恵)
Name meaning: Kane (金) golden/metal. Ko (児) child. Ri (利) value. E (恵) blessing.
Age: 18
Birthday: October 15th
Height: 163 cm
Blood type: AB
Text colour: Fern green (#85A834)
Occupation: Highschool student
T1 song title: Optimised Design
T1 voice lines
“Murderer, huh? Well you say ‘tomato’ I say ‘tomato.’ You’ll soon understand right?”
“Quite the place you got here! Hey, you’re not gonna be strict about tidiness, yeah? Oh… yeah of course, we’re in a prison.”
“You sure have a nice job going for you, must be making your folks proud.”
“Feel bad about what I did? Well I never thought about it… I don’t know…”
“D—‘t worry, y—‘ll be safe s—on”
T1 relationships (Template by @clover0101 :D)
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Oh em gee, Bloop made a MILGRAM oc :0 Tbh, I’ve wanted to make a oc for this fandom for a lonnnggggg time, but now I finally got my lazy ass to make one. Anyway, I’ve slotted her in as the 11th prisoner in canon MILGRAM because I’m too lazy to make 9 more and 1 guard (it’d be fun but naux), so I’m keeping her here or if anyone wants to adopt her into their ocgram, ofc 🤭🤭🤭. Anyway, feel free to ask questions, I am prepared >:). Alsooooo, what she doing at the bottom? what’s that glitch line? Smth to do with her sin perhaps???
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
hi lets show some love for our mutuals. tag your favorite mutuals and tell them why you love them
oooh bet u thought i forgot about u anon. i didn’t. i’ve been here. scheming and plotting. and i am soooo full of love to give. hold onto your hats
i’m putting the gushing under a cut because this post is getting too long haha whoopsie
@tisziny my darling beloved and dearly cherished friend. one of the first people to reach out to me and i am eternally grateful for their wonderful heart and friendship. my sweetest cheese! 🧀 an incredibly skilled writer and artist who i sincerely admire <3 not enough words to describe my love for them tbh
@skysofrey kaitlin my beautiful and cherished friend and wife. we were cut of the same cloth and then separated at birth but we defied to odds and joined forces anyway! so insightful and kind and sweet and hilarious and overall wonderful (and also sooooo pretty have u guys seen my wife she’s sooooo pretty wtf) 🖤💜❤️
@blackbeardskneebrace miles blackbeardskneebrace the absolute marvel that you are <3 so incredibly nice and extraordinarily talented! every time they post art it adds 100000 years to my lifespan and puts tears in my eyes. genuinely astounding
@blakbonnet despite the angst and antagonising me for Ed’s beard, i will always love Meow with my whole chest. and she can do it all!!! she writes, makes art, makes gifs! she’s even funny and smart and hot and NICE! save some for the rest of us babe come on <3
@gentlebeard ohhhh my sweet wonderful Ella (now with a new and improved url!) so incredibly kind and friendly! always willing for a hot makeout session in the bathroom and will gladly kill someone to defend your honour (i’ve seen her do it). makes edits that make you laugh and then WHABAM!! another that makes you feel like your lungs are being pulled out. love you ella <3
@snake-snack-stede we all know that olivia is the funniest mfer on this whole idiot website. it’s literally not even a contest. but did you guys know she’s also extraordinarily talented? she makes art and animates and makes edits that are gorgeous to look at. also i’m in love with her. she’s the sweetest candy apple at the fair and i’m a snot-nosed kid with an appetite.
@flightoftheconnie sex on legs. i become hot and flustered and feint when i think of her. makes me blush and giggle and kick my feet and she’s funny and smart and hot enough to be in a gallery but she’s here with us instead. give her kisses or die by my sword
@bizarrelittlemew we may not talk often but goodness gracious do i adore you 🥹 my god you’re hilarious and you make some of the most gorgeous gifs ive ever put my gay little eyes on. and yet another blessing to the world of ofmd fanfic <3
@saltpepperbeard JODI!!!!!! if jodi has a billion fans i’m one of them. if she has 100 fans i’m one of them. if Jodi has 0 fans then i’m dead. literally so sweet and kind and enthusiastic and an absolute treasure. and my GOODNESS can she write!! her work feels like a warm hug (just like her!)
@sherlockig literally too hot to be on the hellsite with us but we are so blessed to have her. an absolute TREASURE to this fandom and to anyone who knows her. the amount of lockscreens i’ve got that are just alexz screengrabs is absolutely insane. thank you for all your work i love you forever
@dickfuckk josh — a living breathing legend. any time you need a file? a link? an image? josh has got your back. one of the funniest people i’ve ever interacted with. also makes edits devastating enough to kill a man <3
@xoxoemynn Em my wonderful Cherub From Heaven!!! pure charm and grace, and one of the most enthusiastic and delightful people i’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. such an accomplished and skilled writer as well!
@vampirebutterflies my #1 date to the observatory and my partner in crime <33 so effortlessly funny and kind and has the best taste in music ever. every single song they’ve sent me has been an absolute banger and has been put in the frequent rotation (huge shoutout to Vacations)
@bunnyandthejets my dear and darling friend Bunny who is so incredibly kind and sweet. has been so vocally supportive and enthusiastic since we met and i’m so grateful to have her friendship and support. she’s also made me cackle like an insane person on enough occasions to be criminal.
@wearfinethingsalltoowell don’t let the angst fool you, Joy is actually wonderful and a ray of sunshine <3 i’m convinced she just enjoys causing us pain for fun. she’s creative and wonderful and the World’s Number One Olu Enjoyer (and therefore objectively correct)
@sassygwaine is one of those unabashedly kind souls who simply oozes love into everything they do and create. so genuine and resilient and smart!!! writes like an absolute dream too
@chocolatepot a complete sweetheart who was one of my first friends in this fandom, and who has been consistently friendly and supportive ever since. unwaveringly kind and nice. also her writing. oh my god. 😭 a huge inspiration to silly little me
@jellybeanium124 nina is so effortlessly hilarious. she’s had me giggling and twirling my hair on numerous occasions. she’s also full to the brim with good and correct takes. (also a Button’s truther and the world needs more of those.)
@awkward-fallen-angel heather is just soooo lovely!! another one of the people that’s been here since the very early days and i’m always so grateful for her insight and enthusiasm and the sheer joy she puts into everything.
@stedebonnets i mean this so sincerely and with my whole heart: Ara is one of the nicest and most loving people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. an absolute angel who drops in to consistently check on her friends and spread love and joy. we need more Ara’s in the world. also has one of the most beautiful ofmd tattoos i’ve ever seen <3
if you haven’t been included in this list, please know that i love you so so so dearly and that i genuinely am just a little bit stupid (on account of the short term memory issues lol). if you’re feeling left out, send me a message and i’ll say something sooo niceys about you 🥹 i love you all. thank you for being here. <3
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sisterssafespace · 9 months
Assalam ‘alaykum sister…
First of all I want to thank you for this safe space you’ve created, I was looking for someone to advice me in real life but I couldn’t find anyone, alhamdulillah I remembered this blog.
In these past two months I’ve been getting to know a guy with marriage in mind.
It’s the first time he hadapproached a girl so he’s a bit clumsy but I feel like he tries his best.
Lately we were discussing about mixed friendship, mind you, we both live in Italy but I was born and rised here while he was rised in Egypt.
I lived my whole life in contact with the opposite gender so I kind of created my boundaries (religiously speaking) and found my balance.
During these discussions I brought how in the future InshAllah, if Allah grants me a family and a house I want it to be always full of friends (by friends I meant man and women) or how I like to play cards during breaks in uni with my male colleagues (I’m a stem major). He was quite bothered by this, he said that he knows himself and knows that these things will be a problem for him in the future.
He went on bringing up how in Islam it’s not permissible to have these kind of close interactions to the opposite gender, I know it shouldn’t have but it kind of irked me. We decided to genuinely look up these things and understand if we can arrive to an agreement
I have a really bubbly personality… I fear that if I was to compromise on this I’ll lose a part of me. But I don’t want to end things with him because I got attached (I know I shouldn’t…)
I’m 23 and I don’t know if I’m making the right choices, I fear I’m hurrying myself to get to know another person while I’m lost between uni and trying to form my own views about the world while trying my best to preserve my deen.
In your opinion, what’s the approach I should take? Which things should I keep in mind while getting to know another person?
May Allah grant you all that your heart desires and may He nourish your life. Allahumma amin
Assalamualaikum habibty, First of all, thank you for the sweet words at the beginning of your ask, may Allah swt use us for the benefit of our ummah and the women of our ummah ameen. I also want to express how impressed and proud I am of the way you speak, which can only reflect the growth, sophistication, and politeness you have; I really loved how you speak and voice your thoughts! May Allah swt bless you! If we were to know each other irl we would have absolutely been friends because you sound mature, calm, confident, warm, and especially elegant in the way you speak to others and very respectful, Allahuma berik laki I am totally inn love with your manners! And that is why I will allow myself to speak to you as your older sister if you accept that.
So, I have a couple of points I want to tackle. Firstly, and most importantly I need you to be completely honest with yourself and with Allah swt. How so? Now in your ask you kept mentioning that you want to preserve your deen the best that you can, you struggled a bit and then you found your balance etc etc, and then you said that you don't want to lose a bit of your personality or a part of yourself by giving up these friendships for this guy. Let me tell you sweetie, you shouldn't! You shouldn't give up ANY part of you for any guy, but you HAVE TO give up whatever it takes FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH SWT. What I mean is if you were to stop the free mixing (because playing cards with guys is free mixing, let's call a spade a spade and name things for what they really are) because a guy asked you to, it will not sit well with you if you are not convinced deep down that it is impermissible and plain wrong for Muslims to do so, and you will end up resenting the guy whether it is this potential suitor or the next guy or just your future husband, in general. The thing is, you remind so so so much of my old self, tbh the community I was raised in doesn't differ much from the Italian community and basically my whole life I was friends with guys and it came very naturally to me because that was the norm in my environment so I do know and I do understand very well your position right now; however, it is simply not permissible my dear, now that you have access to this piece of information you can't just overlook it - you can ask any Sheikh or Imam, in Islam we do interact with the opposite gender but with rules and restrictions, Allah swt instilled these conditions or boundaries to protect us, not to ruin our lives or make us less of who we really are. And let me tell you something that I have also experienced firsthand, whenever you give up something or a certain relationship in your life FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH SWT, Allah WILL replace it with another relationship a billion times better; for me for example, when I decided to give up my mixed friendships, Allah swt made me meet the most amazing sisters who completely changed my life and continue to do so and to be there for me, to teach me and inspire me everyday! But I know it is not easy to give up your lifestyle and what you were used to, and basically, that's all you've known since forever, but honey, you have to always remember that Allah swt puts us to test, to check the level of honesty and sincerity when we say that we do believe. This is your test and you have to prove to Allah swt that you are sincere in your faith and obedience to your Creator. I just need to highlight that if you choose to do this and cut off your 'extracurricular' interactions with the opposite gender, you need to have the intention that you are doing so for the sake of Allah swt and not for the sake of this guy; which brings me to my second point:
YOU ARE STILL YOUNG! There is so much you need to learn and discover about your own self, your faith, and work to be the best version of yourself you can be. Personally, I don't approve of getting attached to a guy so soon and biding your life to his choices or decisions, especially that there is nothing serious between you two. You did say he approached you with the intention of marriage, well he might as well approach your family and make it halal, that's one - and two I honestly do not believe that a guy in Italy hasn't approached a girl for a serious talk before but idk, Allah knows best. So to wrap up, as an older sister, I advise you to take a step back and evaluate your life, and ask yourself " is it worth it?" these friendships and this 'fun' is it worth the moment where you're gonna stand up in front of Allah swt on judgment day and be asked about it? talking to this guy right now, is it worth it? Always consider the moment you're going to be asked about whatever you're doing in front of Allah swt and decide if it's worth carrying on.. P.s. About you always dreaming of having a house full of friends and hosting parties and having fun, I just want to say there is fun on the halal side of things, in shaa Allah one day when you have your own home and your own family, you can host your friends still and make a separate gathering, all the girls together all the guys together, you will meet a wonderful community and you will befriend a lot of amazing women and you can all be friends and it will be your social circle and you'll visit each other and your husbands will be friends and your kids will be like cousins and everything will be better than you could have ever imagined, only because it is a situation and a scene that pleases Allah swt so He swt will bless it :')
Work on yourself, on educating yourself religiously, on getting closer to Allah swt, on becoming a better version of yourself and you will see your life transforming to a level you wouldn't have ever dreamt of my dear! May Allah swt bless you immensely and help you see rightfulness and make the right decisions in life!
I hope to hear from you soon!
Fi Aman Allah,
A. Z.
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WAIT UR THE ‘demitri and eli take a gay little road trip to find miguel’ GUY?? I LOVE THAT FIC OMG
YES HI I'm That Guy!!! That's my fic!!! Thank you for still noticing and reading it!!! <3 <3 <3
TBH it hasn't been getting a lot of comments or interaction lately, so I wasn't sure if people were still following it or really thinking about it much D: I definitely am going to continue and I have pretty solid plans up through about Chapter 13, but I got caught up in good old Adult Things (got a car part stolen and had to speedrun finding a job, and by some insane miracle I landed a good one???) and had to sorta get my life together for a while. I was also pretty bummed and discouraged that the Elimetri fandom kinda fizzed out after S5, and the hype that was there after S3 and S4 seems few and far between these days </3 And when someone DOES show up and get hyped about my boys, it always seems like they get bored after like 2 weeks and vanish into the ether again D: I feel like an immortal roaming the ruins of a once great and thriving civilization akjsalksufhdulrh
BUT ALL THAT TO SAY this is really encouraging <3 <3 Love that people are still invested, and now that my life has stabilized a bit, I may actually get Chapter 7 done ^^; The canon Mexico plotline was the most underwhelming thing I've ever seen in my entire life (and Season 5 as a whole and I just...did not really Vibe for a lot of reasons), and it's frustrating because like!!! Why would you introduce this grand epic quest for Miguel to find his dad and learn about his Dark Past™️ and then have it be over in 5 minutes and reveal nothing interesting whatsoever about Hector!!! Like if the point was to have Johnny prove he could be a good father figure to Miguel after all and to cause conflict between Miguel and Sam, then there were like...ways to do that without yeeting Miguel to another country with no ultimate character development or narrative payoff :/
And they really expect me to believe Miguel and Robby sat in petty stony silence the whole several-hour drive home and didn't even try to talk through ANY of their issues??? Didn't have ANY road trip bonding whatsoever??? WHAT A FUCKING WASTE. LAME.
ANYWAYS. I know a lot of people were against the Mexico subplot from the jump (mainly because of the potential problematic directions the show could go with it I think), but I might have been in the minority in being excited for it and thinking it had a lot of potential to see a world outside the Valley. Potential which it...did not fill at all. Like at least show us what sketch-ass shit Hector actually DOES!!! My god!!! Also not Robby being like "I wanna make things right with Miguel!!!" and then...clearly not doing that. Like considering their apartment brawl later was the first time Robby has shown onscreen remorse for what he did to Miguel, Robby didn't even apologize in the car ride on the way back??? Or speak a single word to Miguel about the whole, like...Paralysis Incident??? For all Miguel knows, Robby was tagging along just for kicks ajhdsukhfuyh
The whole thing is a mess tbh. I blame rushed production for S5. Deadass thank god for the writer's strike??? Maybe with more time for the writers to actually do their jobs, S6 will give its plotlines some room to breathe.
SO YES, long story short, I wanna do this plot thread some justice and also have my OTP be gay as shit the whole time <3 And give Miguel the epically dangerous adventure of self-discovery he deserves while ultimately still showing him he is very loved and does not need his shitty biological dad!!! God bless!!!
Thank you again for sliding into my inbox about this fic, I am always looking for motivation to keep going with it :D
(For anyone who doesn't know, the first 6 chapters of the fic in question are posted on my AO3, SummerPhlox!)
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tacitusauxilium · 5 months
tagged by: @icyexecutioner (cause the moment I saw it on my dash, I HAD to do it! oOo)
tagging: anyone who is a female with a male muse!
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
let's see--i just finished playing p3p for the first time in 2012 and began to look on tumblr for fanart. saw there were RP blogs and it looked absolutely fun to interact and to create scenarios i've always wanted to see! and noticed that Fuuka was barely on tumblr. in a blink of an eye, i began to rp her and well...here you go~
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
hmmm... fight scenes. because they are so difficult to type out and while it's a blessing to have someone who cannot fight, i WANT to write them but a bit scared to do it tbh.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
angst. oh god i am good at crushing people with my angst then and now. i will say my sexual stuff has gotten better and really wanna write more of that--a huge fan of hurt and comfort stuff, too!
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
they pop up in my head or when i'm talking to a friend or listening to music--something just motivates me and i just have to type it down before i forget. or if someone asks me a question about fuuka, i try to make it into a headcanon post if possible.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
depends. i usually just have background noise because of my almost 3 year old, but if i need to get focus, i will turn music on and let myself go to town!
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
i like to plan my replies out--if it's an important thread, that is. besides that, i will usually wing them, then re-read it to make sure it made sense, and then post it lol
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
omg yes i do! i need more tbh--i want to experience ships that make me think on my toes and/or ships that have characters not talking to one another but a few times (a la Shinji).
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
you can call me Brittany, but back in the day I was called Kiki because i had the hair-do of Kiki from Kiki's delivery service--my husband coined the term tbh.
i am 30 but will be 31 next month!
may 25th~
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
teal, pink, purple, and white.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
tolerate it, maroon, exile, and the 1, all by taylor swift. i am on a taylor swift binge and i love it.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
uhhhh... i think i watched the Barbie movie.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
the apothecary diaries--just finished the dub for season 1. SO FUCKING GOOD
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
maroon--taylor swift
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
the chewy chips ahoy cookies that just break off so easily in your mouth--omg.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
spring--love the flowers blooming and the rain that falls that helps me sleep~
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
uhhhh...i think i have a lot of friends tbh. best friend? i think it'll have to go to @segnisacfessis as of recent with us RPing on discord and doing fuuka/shinji and chidori/junpei stuff lol
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mistavybe · 6 months
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🎶 It’s our Anniversaryyyyy… 🎶
I honestly cannot believe i’ve been on this app for 14 years today! Kinda wild to think it’s been this long tbh 😱.
It has been a crazy ride, but in retrospect I wouldn’t have it any other way, for better or for worse 🙏🏾.
Some of the most important people in my real life now like @entirely-of-flaws and @soulsistrin I actually met first on this app, and for those blessings alone I will be eternally grateful.
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I’m also grateful for some of the posts i’ve done on here that wound up becoming downright infamous on this here platform lol… anybody remember my viral Tim Burton post back when that problematic Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children came out?
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Thanks to this post of my opinion about the subject, I had literal Nazis in my Inbox and Replies arguing with me for like… years lol! Tbh I still get occasional Alt-Right pushback on this one up to now which is wild considering the original post went up in 2016. 🤦🏾‍♂️ (Feel free to peruse My #TimBurton Tag for more on that lol)
Tumblr was also where I came to process my grief after losing legends that I admire(d) whose sudden passings rocked me to my core 😥.
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RIP Prince! And RIP Chadwick Boseman! 🙅🏾‍♂️
Anyway, I say all that to say “Wow! Can you believe i’ve been on Tumblr for 14 fricking years?! 😱”
Thanks to everyone who i’ve met on or offline from here, to anyone who has read and/or interacted with any of my Posts or Reblogs… thanks to my Tumblr community.
RIP to those I encountered on here that are no longer with us in this life 🙏🏾.
And long live those of us who continue to persevere on this particular platform and on the Hellhole that is the Internet in general.
Here’s to… another 14 years? Do we think Tumblr will even be around that long? I kind hope so tbh. Here’s to many more years!
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Now go stream “Anniversary” by Tony Toni Tonē and have a great day/week/month/life! 🔊🎶
(Fun Fact: Tony Toni Tonē’s now-classic song “Anniversary” was actually recorded in my country - Trinidad And Tobago - back in the early 90’s, along with the test of their iconic album Sons Of Soul. I actually got to meet the Tonys while they were here recording because we worked out of the same studio at the time and they were bice eboufh ti let mr and my crew bzck then sit in on some of their sessions, which helped me learn so much and become the musician/songwriter that I am today! 🙌🏾)
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yukikorogashi · 9 months
me trying to form words in my pudding mess of a brain rn more like call the heckin police and turn me in... bUT THAT BEING SAID. 2023's ending so it's time to scream !!!
hooboyyyyy where does one even start with becky ??? do i go back to when we first met what felt like decades ago? :0c perhaps i go back to when we were born, yea? EITHER WAY, from the day the world was blessed with your presence, it's been an EXCEPTIONALLY better place, and any of us who get to call you a friend (or even just an acquaintance) are so so sooooooo so so lucky! u.u i will never not be absolutely floored by the fact that i know someone so sweet and so selfless who i get to call a bestie and rely on for so many things... what did i do to deserve you ??? heck if i friggin know, man <3 all i do know is that i'm so grateful that i know you, and it forever means the entire world to me that you forgive my transgressions and continue to support me throughout all of my disasters; thank you
not only that, but you're one of my fave writing partners eternally !! <3 we've discussed this so many times, but i'm just so stoked that we can literally take ANY muses from ANY fandom and throw them together; doesn't matter who they are or how the interaction will work. we make it work !!! and EVERY single time, the dynamic is so incredible and always immediately full of depth that can be difficult to establish without the amount of dedication we put into it ;w; you are so insanely creative and talented, becky, and all of us who get to witness that are the lucky ones here <3 i'm always just squeaking and screeching on my end when i see anything from you on the dash; writing, art, headcanons, ooc posts... you bring such a liveliness and cheer, and i can't thank you enough for brightening my life!!!
i hope you have a fantastic end to 2023, and here's to 2024 treating you right <3
2023 is almost over!
With the final month of the year here, it’s your chance to send the mun or muse something you’ve wanted to tell them! Whether you haven’t had the chance to or you’ve been too shy, now’s the time to say what you feel, and don’t hold back!
Dang gir, if this is you struggling with words, then I can't wait to be further blown away when seeing you at your top game AUEHUAW!!!
Not to be a broken record if not that stubborn returning tennis swerve, but DAMN-- where do I even start when it comes to the magnificence that is my bestie Sammy??? The day we met was truly the beginning of the one of the bestest things that could have ever happened to me. As one of the most gosh darn amazing human being on this very planet was going to end up being such a dear friend of mine. A friend whom I would readily defend with a shovel in hand, if ANYONE does her wrong in anyway! And to be loved so dearly and supported by her too is just... I'm just so lucky tbh. 😔 It's so funny how we both remain so floor and are constantly going "What did we do to deserve them???" @ one another, because lord knows I STILL keep wondering this myself. I just know that I likely did something right, to be blessed like this. 8^)
And, Sammy... you are a treasure... one of the most precious beings in the whole wide world to me... ;; For any rocky roads that we may end up needing to drive through... it's always worth it when we both fight to make it to the end together (... Gdi, I hope that actually made sense, ROFL!!! B-But I think you know what I mean, bestie!!! 😭 You have always been fantastic at deciphering my caveman talk too so AUWEHUAW!!!) And of course I will always support you and all the amazing things that you so generously bring to the table!!! Ya know I'm one of your biggest fans-- and heck, it's not like I'm sneakily fighting in the background with a few others over that number one fan spot so... 🤫
And oh gosh, no matter how many times you say that, catch me here with a hand over my heart! 😭❤️ You know YOU are one of my most favourite of writing partners (LIKE DUH!!!), forever and always! You are one of the most fun beans to scream to about anything, and truly-- the fact that we can take any muses from any fandom and throw them together like THAT really just shows how incredibly well we work together??? And honestly, I can't thank you enough, for always being such a wonderful plotting and writing buddy. Again, I really am one of the lucky ones, though. To work so well with honestly? One of the most talented dang writers I ever have the honour of knowing!!! You are always so fun to talk to about absolutely anything, and how enthusiastic you always are about anything I gotta share always means the world to me. And again, I hope I am able to return that all in some way and properly express how much I truly appreciate you! ;u; ❤️
Hey, I can't thank you enough for just being you, Sammy. For being such a constant blessing in my life over these years. Honestly, I'm just left speechless every time I take a step back to just look at the entirety of this beautiful friendship I have with you. I'm so lucky to know you, we are all so lucky to know you... I love you, gir. ❤️
Have a fantastic year end yourself, bestie! Thank you so much for taking the time to send this like homg-- And well, catch me here already looking forward to spending another year with you!!! Just holds your hands now!!! 😔❤️
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@magnifiico ❤️💕
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