#tcw fancomic
ahsokas-left-elbow · 4 months
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first art posted to tumblr since 2014...feels...good. (sry for the crunchy quality)
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amarcia · 1 year
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Don't try and test me.
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
Lyrics: The girl I used to be – Fishy Bishie
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paperback-rascal · 5 months
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STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
My personal headcanon is that Tech got Echoed AKA Empire used his knowledge/experience/memories to train CXs troopers - that's why clone assassins got so good at fighting the batch - they're flash trained based on Clone Force 99 tactics. Following that headcanon of mine... CX2 was, to a degree, Tech... just as he was Crosshair, Wrecker, Hunter and Echo or more precisely... what Tech knew about his brothers and their capabilities/fighting style.
But I also believe showrunners are aiming to have Tech rescued in a different show (or a tie-in comics or a book) to have another property tied tightly to Filoniverse... also to strengthen my theory - J. Corbett admitted that she loves Marvel's Winter Soldier movie - make of that what you will.
The ending of TBB s3, in my opinion, teases an idea of a show circling around rebellion in which Omega will be at least secondary/supporting character so I think they'll make her rescue her fallen brother in her own show as a minor plot point or at least a TBB cameo.
I don't care either way as long as CF99 will be properly reunited.
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ukiyoebirds · 2 days
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Get Sassed in Amazing Technicolor, Ventress.
Original inks can be viewed here.
May need to click on the image for better quality.
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cakbanedraws · 10 months
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Welp, the first chapter of "The Hunter and The Pirate" already done. This is the first time I make my own fancomic. If you enjoy the first chapter you can like and reblog it. Yeah, reblog is much appreciate to do.
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mothask · 2 years
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@blitzythefanvergentpitsterthings asks: Why? 
Everyone asks why. But never how?
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hikimekaku · 2 years
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Will of the Force -- Chapter: ?? (right before Order 66)
...unfortunately, they didn't see each other again.
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catgirlmagneto · 2 years
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(original dialogue from brooklyn 99) my first real comic yay! click and zoom for a better quality. 
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pokecatt · 4 years
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Lema gives the lowdown on the situation with Krell's aftermath.
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swzines · 3 years
Galaxy’s Stories
Mandokar: Women of Mandalore (November 2024)
Just Like the Simulations: SW x Video Game Zine
Myth’s Unwritten (Summer 2025)
Zines in Interest Check:
Scarlet Roses: TBB Vampire AU
Zines with Open Apps:
Tales of the Clone Wars (Contributor Apps Sept. 6 - Oct. 4)
Zines in Creation Phase:
The Aftermath: A TBB Apocalypse AU Zine
BATCHED: A Happy AU Clone Trooper Zine
Changed: Batch Twins Zine
Finding Home: Chiss Ascendancy Zine
Nightfall: An Obikin NSFW Zine
Pabu Days: Bad Batch Zine
The Protocol Pages: A SW Droid Zine
Same Eyes Zine
Song of the Captain: Rex Zine
Zines with Pre-Orders Open:
Starlight: A Phase 1 THR Zine (Oct. 13)
Zines in Production/Shipping:
Cosmic Love: A Tech x OC Zine
For a Fistful of Credits: Wild West AU
Forgotten Chapters: 2003 TCW Zine
Rebel, Rebel: Women of Star Wars
Zines with Leftover Sales Open:
Pretty Boy Pinup Zine - Issue 1 - Anakin
Free Zines:
Star Wars Coloring Book
Far Far Away Zine
Fashion in the Stars: A Star Wars Fashion Zine
Flying Solo: A Star Wars Solo
Never Tell Me the Odds: Star Wars x D20 Zine
Fancomics (Any Stage):
Hyperlane Nomads (Ongoing)
Star Wars Destinies (Complete)
Anthologies (Any Stage):
Reylo Fanfiction Anthology
If we are missing a zine you are aware of please message us when you can.
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sheev-pap-smear · 6 years
  captaingondolin  Re-watching...
The in-story explanation is Good! It’s not just Palps being Palps that obscures the Force, but their own actions. The Council is so frustrating because they are supposed to be wise! And the good guys! You can rant about clones forever because on the one hand I, a fandom gremlin, love every last one of my armoured children, but on the other hand /screams forever about human rights violations
I Love Every Single One Of My Sons And Would Protect Them With My Own Body. Like we’ve all done the math. The clones were first commissioned 10 years prior to Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith takes place 3 years later, which makes each and every one of them no older than 13 (and most a lot younger, based on the high death rate on Geonosis and subsequent battles). The Jedi looked at literal children and decided “well, if we’re fighting droids we’re technically not killing people, even though the TEENAGERS we’re fighting alongside will definitely also die, but since they were made for this i guess we might as well use them”. What kind of twisted Christopher Nolan fuckery did they go with to say ‘hey as long as it’s not our weapons killing them we’re still morally pure uwu’ like no ho? just because they had no past before they became soldiers doesn’t mean u can throw their lives around without the divine judgment of the universe responding in measure. humans packbond, you fucking ‘no attachment’ assholes, each and every one of those clones had someone that cared, and even if they didn’t that sTILL doesn’t give you the right. yoda if they’re each unique in the force then did u ever consider giving them a choice? i mean a real, actual choice and not just letting them believe “it’s what we were made for”. this isn’t something you put off until after the war, you walnut, because millions of people won’t have the choice by then
and let’s be fuckin real, do u honestly think the republic would have kept fighting for as long as they did without the clone army? if ya assholes had conscripted people who had families outside of the army, who had lives and loves outside of their fellow soldiers, do you honestly think the planets of the republic would have accepted that for any length of time? convenient, isn’t it, that the people who faced the brunt of the war were purposefully isolated from the rest of the galaxy, whether in the jedi temple of coruscant or the training halls of kamino. 
and speaking of sending kids to the front line, u know who else stood shoulder to shoulder with the clones? fucking padawans. Ahsoka fucking Tano, aged 13 when she first became Anakin’s apprentice, and Bariss Offee. The padawan that Savage Oppress slaughtered who frankly looked 11, at best (or his species’ equivalent). people who learned what being a jedi meant on the battlefield - strategizing, sneaking around, leading troops and watching them die under your command, learning how to feel helpless instead of hopeful and resigned to violence instead of against it. ( @swdestinies did a fancomic and one of the panels shows a clone finding out how old Ahsoka is and...is pissed THE FUCK off, it’s great).
And the end is so...so terrible. Watching tcw is painful not just because we already know how it ends, but because the ‘whatifs’ that the characters themselves ask speak to endings that didn’t happen but could have. because either way, the war will end, but “we’re soldiers. what happens to us then?” And Rex is fUCKING RIGHT, because even in a universe where the jedi prevail, that still leaves millions of clones without a home beyond kamino and a purpose beyond the fight. there’s no harm in their accelerated growth because there��s no point to their existence beyond the war, but for those that do survive, it means fighting the last fight and then standing at the ready, waiting for your owners to decide what happens to you next. who will house you? feed you? clothe you? Who will spare the time to show you how to sleep on a normal bed, eat real food, walk among civilians without looking like a soldier, show you how to have a purpose and a life beyond destroying clankers and holding brothers’ bodies in your arms? and in the end that doesn’t happen, the jedi don’t win, but the clones are still obsolete. Sent back to Kamino to train new troopers, but not clones, because once you’re an authoritarian empire you can conscript all the troops you’d like and your subjects won’t dare argue, so who would waste the money on clones? And do the clones come to their senses after 66? or do they remain trapped in a haze, believing that their proudest moment is when they brought their general down? the empire discards them just as quickly as the republic decided it would the second they agreed to the clone army. 
We all knew what we were getting into when we started this journey. We knew how the prequels ended. I didn’t think I’d like the clones because of what happened in Return of the Jedi - then we got Rex, and Cody, and Waxer and Boil; the relationship between Bly and Secura, the closeness of Domino Squad. We got Umbara, and Ringo Vida, and now i’d sacrifice every jedi that thought this was a good idea if it meant saving the younglings they dragged into their war
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paperback-rascal · 5 months
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STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
So my theory about why only Hunter said goodby to Omega was that the creators didn't want us to know that, in-between the (final) time skip, the batch found and rescued Tech... I mean... they definitely plan to produce a special TV episode or write/draw a (comics) book tie-in, right?
Pretty please, Disney overlords?
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paperback-rascal · 6 months
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After few drinks at 79's to celebrate the victorious mission, Anakin teaches Crosshair how to braid hair.
apparently, it's not my first work about Crosshair being CF99's barber -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 4 months
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Even when sick, Tech is the walking, talking encyclopedia and by the looks of it, he hit the nail on the head with his theory!
This comics takes place in my Kix is the Clone Force 99′s medic AU -> [LINK] <- and was drawn in relation to this post -> [LINK] <- by @warsamongthestars
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 months
would you think CROSSHAIR gets nightmares of kamino? Because of the sound of waves??
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OP's question is tied to this comics strip of mine -> [LINK] <-
My fanart masterlist -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 months
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What if Crosshair has aversion to raw seafood (especially fish) after being stranded on Kamino for 32 rotations? Let's face it - raw fish were most likely his main source of sustenance after rations run out (if he even had any).
There will be most likely a journey ahead of him, as people of Pabu seem to be predominantly fisherfolks. He could have a hard time going to the lower levels of Pabu or at least avoiding going out at certain times of the day when fishermen unload their catch.
Also as calming as fishing together might seem to Wrecker, first few times were extremely taxing for the sniper.
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STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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