#td Scott Imagine
silly-writes · 1 year
Hi! I love your work! Can you do a Mike + alters, Scott, Alejandro (seperate) x reader where the reader has really bad sensory issues, especially with loud noises, and can have panic attacks from them? if your not okay with writing this then that’s totally fine /gen. it’s important to take care of yourself.
Contestants with reader who gets overstimulated.
Aaa thank u for this request anon! Yes i'm totally comfortable writing this kind of stuff! Thanks for being so kind about it! As an autistic person with really bad sensory issues myself I actually find it a thearputic, lol. Okay enough about me, enjoy!
dealing with a traumagenic disorder (DID) I would imagine he's honestly kind of in the same boat.
He's no stranger to panic attacks, and is pretty well versed by now in how to deal with them.
The first time it happens though he's sort of an anxious wreck, he's just nervous that trying to help might make it worse, but he doesn't want to leave your side.
He gives you lot's of words of encouragement, and helps you through breathing exercises, and gets you plenty of water.
"It's okay, breathe with me, I'm right here," he assures you gently.
If you require pressure/physical contact during your panic attacks, he's more than happy to give you that.
He gets good at catching them too, he'll always be able to identify when you're about to spiral because of too much noise or too bright lights, and he'll find a quiet secluded room so he can work through it with you.
"Sorry you have to deal with this too," you said, after a particularly bad one, you still felt dizzy, and tears still stained your face, but you had come out of it now, and felt a little guilty.
"Hey don't apologize, I don't mind. Not at all."
He's just very caring with this kind of stuff in general.
Maintoba is similar to Mike, and I would think he likes to carry around a backpack whenever he is fronting (you never know when you're going to run into treasure). So he always keeps noise canceling headphones and a pair of sunglasses in there just for you.
Honestly I headcanon him as the caretaker of the system, so I imagine he's used to caring for people during panic attacks.
He's very observant, probably even more so than Mike, so he's better at avoiding them all together by identifying what situations you can handle and what you can't.
He always does a little research before the two of you go out in the environment to ensure that it doesn't seem loud/bright/overstimulating.
However sometimes these things are just unavoidable, and inevitable.
He'll provide you with whatever physical comfort you require, if any at all.
Anything you need, he's there to get for you.
"Take all the time in the world treasure, I'll still be here," he said.
He's all around good at keeping you grounded, and just good at being there with you.
I would think Svetlana is probably the protector/gatekeeper, most of her comfort comes from her just being fiercely loyal.
She'll be there no matter what, and you take great comfort in that fact.
She's not as good with being traditionally comforting, since it's a little out of her element.
Not that she doesn't try of course, she really cares about you, and she wants that to come across.
(I would think she would panic a little and ask Manitoba and Mike for help from the inner world).
But she would absolutely stay with you, coaching you through breathing exercises, talking to try and distract you.
Eventually if you let her know what you need (be it space, a distracting, physical comfort, quiet, dark) you name it, she will get it for you.
She's much better at caring for you after the panic attack honestly, when you feel really tired and put out, disoriented and just overwhelmed.
"Svetlana's here now to melt all your worries away," she smiled at you once.
She'll almost always bring you home, or take you to a secluded room, and just hangout with you. She'll turn all the lights off and sit in silence with you so you can have basically zero sensory input for a little while.
She'll absolutely stay with you until you feel yourself again.
Okay things with Mal are a little tricky.
He's for sure a former prosecutor and after a bit of system healing, definitely prosecutor turned protector.
Don't get me wrong though, he can still be a little nasty and snarky sometimes, but he's working on getting better.
Which is why he feels sort of out of his element when he's with you when you're having a panic attack.
He's not good at being comforting, and he barely knows what to do when he has a panic attack, so the first time it happens he completely freezes up.
He might even let someone else front to help you out instead of him.
After a while he gets better at keeping up with your triggers, and while he remains pretty awful at being comforting, he's good at grounding you.
He's glad sometimes that being there is enough sometimes, he doesn't know what he'd do if it wasn't.
"Sorry I can't do more..." he said one day.
You smile at him "You being here is enough sometimes."
Scott is also somewhat of a wreck I would imagine.
Growing up fairly isolated on a farm he's understandably really rough with being intune with people's emotions, he's not really all that good at reading you. Or anyone for that matter.
The first few times, he's shocked everytime.
What could be making you feel like this? He had no idea.
He would definitely need a list of all of your triggers, you have to tell him what helps you and what doesn't outright. Scott doesn't really like playing guessing games, especially when it comes to your safety and comfort.
Clear communication becomes pretty important for the two of you in all honesty, and the two of you work at it all the time.
Eventually he gets better at serving you during panic attacks, or meltdowns, he knows what to do after a little while.
Again I would think he's really good at protecting, so I think he's super good at keeping people away when he sees you're overstimulated.
"Don't touch them!" he huffed when someone was trying to tap you to get your attention.
Overall, he's really really trying for you, and knowing that is comfort enough.
It's no secret that Alejandro is very intune with people, just one of his many skills.
So he can tell right away from his very first meeting you, any loud noises, bright lights, things like that just don't mix well with you.
He steers clear of them when around you, always guiding you more towards quieter, much calmer and secluded dates.
When driving he turns the music down, and makes sure that all audio input looks like its helping you and not harming you.
Plus I feel like (and this is totally me projecting btw) he would carry around stim toys for you to distract yourself with, and headphones for when things are a lot.
But again, sometimes things just happen, and try as he might to protect you, it's not always possible.
He can always tell when things are getting to be a lot for you, he's good at reading everyone but you in specific.
He's really good at covering for you, if someone is asking where you are, or needs/wants to talk to you when you need to be alone he'll keep them away from you.
He'll spend as much time as you need helping you.
"Are you feeling better mi amor?" He would ask.
"Almost-" you said, voice a little course and shaky "-sorry," you said softly.
"Don't apologize, I don't mind at all."
Alejandro can be really nurturing when he wants to be.
He might deny it, deny it to the ends of the earth but he's very good at taking care of you.
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td-scenarios · 1 year
Request: Confessional about s/o for Cody, Scott, Justin, Heather, and Lindsey? Have a great day!
(I hope u dont mind if it's pre-relationship! u didn't clarify, but i thought them talking abt their crush on reader would be cute :] )
He looks slightly disturbed being here. A shifty look in his eye, almost as if he was nervous to look directly at the camera. Every time Scott had been in to make a confessional up until this point was to explain whatever he had been planning for the competition, so this was unsettling for him to say the least.
"So, Y/N, am I right?" He started before the camera fizzed out and came back to him in a different position. "Nevermind this is stupid."
It would take a while until Scott would brave the confessional again. This time, he was gripping his head like a madman. Slowly, his head tilted up until he was holding onto his face with his eyes framed by his fingers.
"I can't take it anymore. They're perfect! My schemes can't touch 'em!" His hands had left his face and he was gesturing wildly. "I don't think I even WANT my schemes to affect them. Woah. I never thought I'd say that."
Scott blinked dumbly at the camera before a scowl took over his expression.
"Y/N I'm comin' for ya."
"Oh my gosh!" Lindsay twirled a strand of her hair around her finger as she stared off into the distance past the camera. "Do you guys think that Y/N likes me? 'Cause I toooootally like them. Like, I like-like them." A dreamy smile plastered on her face as she kept talking. "I hope they like me back. Like who wouldn't?"
She thought about what she said for a second, her expression a bit grave as it finally focused on the camera.
"People like me, right? Yeah, they do. That means Y/N has to like me." A pause. "Ooooooh, but what if they don't?" Lindsay tapped her chin in thought at the idea. "Whatever! They're really cute and like smart and amazing!" The blonde finally stopped talking and just sat there with her head resting on her hands as she let out a wistful sigh. This pause continued for about a minute before she finally perked up and tilted her head at the camera.
"Wait, is this still going?"
The model tapped his finger on the vanity as he was thinking about what he should say. He finally looked up and fixed his hair in the mirror as he started talking.
"I never thought I'd meet anyone as gorgeous as me. And I haven't. But Y/N comes pretty close and that's dangerous. They're stunning and their wit is unmatched." His lips puckered in defeat since his hair wasn't falling the way he wanted to. Ultimately, he gave up on it as he kept talking.
"Maybe I should go for an alliance with them. The thought of getting Y/N voted off just...doesn't sit right with me. But I also can't have this sort of competition."
Justin sat there with a frown, not really knowing what his plans would become at this stage. He sighed before he shot a smirk back up at the camera.
"I need to stop with all this thinking, it's making me ugly."
"They're insufferable!" Heather growled, folding her arms across her body while glaring off to the side. "All they do is be stupidly kind and have a dumb face and...and...and well they piss me off!"
"I need Y/N out of this game. Pronto! If I am to keep my game face on then Y/N has to go. They're totally messing everything up!"
Heather huffed and continued stewing in her anger. Eventually, she kept sputtering on some anger fueled words before letting out a frustrated groan.
"I can't believe this is happening..." She grumbled, scrunching in on herself more.
Before the camera fizzed out, a slight smile was seen on Heather's face as she let out a dreamy sigh.
"Wow. Y/N..." Cody sat there, staring at the camera with the most overjoyed look on his face. "They're probably the first person I've ever found attractive that is actually giving me the time of day! This is great!!"
Cody silently cheered, raising his arms in the air with a big smile on his face. Once his tiny little self-contained celebration was over he finally began speaking once more.
"I really really hope they like me back. Wouldn't that be awesome?" He got a bit closer to the camera, a smile on his face.
"I mean, they don't push me away, they're not mean to me, and they actually laugh at my jokes! I think that the Codemeister has finally done it." His ecstatic boy-ish demeanor quickly replaced with a more smug one.
"Or, at least, I hope so."
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canonically47 · 7 months
i spent all of today rewatching almost the entirety of TDROTI and drawing... A LOT of drawing. (don’t judge if the designs look off, it was my first time drawing most of them in years)
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scott was fun to stylize! i didn’t like drawing his short hair so i gave him a longer hairstyle.
samkota and jock stole my heart, i think it’s obvious
also the lightning is bowie’s uncle/cousin/whatever relative hc is SOOO real. personally i like to think of him as an uncle :3
more thoughts under the cut!!
first order of business, favorites! in no particular order, brick, jo, cameron and scott! also maybe lightning too, guy was so funny, i forgot how much i loved this cast
least favorite would obviously be staci but if i had to pick the non-obvious one maybe dawn BUT ONLYYY because everyone else is so much higher up OKAY DON’T KILL ME i adore her but i don’t think i can put her above many others...
scott is probably one of my favorite antagonists of the series, after heather (1st) and alejandro (2nd) :3
i also liked dawn and b more than i expected to. too bad they dipped so early. dakota, sam, mike and zoey were also cool :3 b could’ve probably made the favorites list if he stayed longer
they treated the girls so unfairly. especially jo, zoey and dakota - they deserved so much better!! i fully believe jo’s internalized mysoginy should’ve been adressed and resolved but then against this was the 2010s when the ‘not like other girls’ stuff was flying off the shelves
btw jo is sooo me at 10-12 i love her so much it’s actually unreal
i get the jomaria craze. it’s not for me but i get it so fucking much oh my god
brick and jo should’ve made out ugly ripaxel style /hj (only HALF joking. HALF.)
i fucking loved those two. seriously. i loved them so much they should’ve become proper friends or at least allies!!
scott you will always be famous (i will inflict so much trauma upon him in my AU)
vito and anne maria... annito... i get it. i really do
CAMERON <3 i loveddd the guy i’m a sucker for little dumbass nerds he totally won in my heart (and now in my AU too!!)
SHA-LIGHTNING!!! the guy EVER!!!
my favorite alter was vito and i will not elaborate (i’m lying i will. he had a fun accent and a different hair-do. also he and anne maria bounced off each other so well) close second is svetlana. like so close that they’re tied
i’m running out of good thoughts umm err uhh ehh SAMKOTA AND JOCK!!! YAY!!!
LOVE WINS!!!!!!!
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the-milk-monarch · 11 months
hii!! can you write a td scott x reader?? like them in a beach but it can be anything tbh, thank you!!! :)
☣︎ Hey anon! Thank you for the first ask of this blog! I wasn't sure what setting would work best so I wrote it for both 💯 You didn't specify the relationship status, so I imagine that in the first one he's only now realizing he has a crush on you and in general headcanons you're an established thing.
☢︎ | gender-neutral reader ☢︎ | Total Drama ☢︎ | Scott
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【 Scott at camp Wawanakwa 】
You had already spent some time at the camp Wawanakwa, fortunately not being voted off after the first challenge, which was surprising to you.
Relationships with other contestants didn't come easy to you, given your a bit lacking social skills, but you were already used to it and preferred to rather analyze the other contestants, trying to just survive by yourself. Of course you didn't shoot down any opportunity that arrived to team up with the others, though.
And that such opportunity was Scott, the ginger-haired male at the camp.
You saw right through his act, knowing he's probably gonna be trouble sooner or later, but you were smart enough to not give into his 'very thought-out plans'.
You decided to loosely stick with him throughout your time there, to have at least one "ally" on your side.
Of course you knew you shouldn't fully trust a boy who's got a confident and smug grin on his face most of the time, making him look slightly suspicious.
You weren't sure exactly how Scott saw you and what his plans towards you were, so you were keeping your distance from him for the first few encounters.
After you spent some time with him though, you quickly realized Scott isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
From what you theorized, Scott probably saw you as an easy target to "manipulate" and decided to hang out with you.
Most, if not all of the time you were able to see right through him and his 'perfect schemes', which made your dynamic a bit more lighthearted, at least from your side.
You didn't see him as a hard to beat rival, so that definitely chilled out your hesitance towards him.
With time though, you and Scott became a bit of actual friends.
Even though you spent your free time artificially with him at first, you came to warm up to Scott.
You weren't aware if it was because of the pity points he earned, or maybe actual fondness of his theatrics that amused you.
Either way, most of the team saw you and Scott as a duo.
It was a lazy day, one of those you enjoyed, as it was free from Chris McLean's exhausting challenges.
After you had your horrible morning breakfast - which Scott to your surprise enjoyed - you proposed to hang out at the beach, as it was a particularly hot day.
He looked at you, waiting for a bit before coming up with a slightly unsure response.
"The beach huh-?" He repeated your words, giving himself more time to come up with a valid excuse.
You focused your gaze on him, analyzing his seeming hesitance.
"Yeah, the beach." You confirmed. "I was thinking of at least dipping my feet in the water since it's so hot."
"Well, yeah, beach seems cool, but…" He tried to keep his tone usual and confident, but there was a slight hint of uncertainty as he scratched the back of his neck in a nonchalant manner.
You glanced at him one more time, finally coming up with a possible conclusion of his behavior.
"You're scared of Fang showing up, aren't you?" You asked, lightheartedly teasing him about the shark creature that seemed to have a very strong dislike towards the boy. You'd be lying if you weren't slightly afraid of the unnatural beast as well, but you didn't hold yourself back from friendly poking fun at him from time to time.
"What? No, of course not-" He adamantly tried to brush off your remark, scoffing and crossing his arms in an offended way. "This fat fish-stick has nothing on me, he just happened to find me in situations where I was destined to lose!"
You chuckled slightly, amused by his strong dismissal of his low chances of winning with the shark.
"It's fine- I'd also be scared if this unholy abomination had it out for me." You calmed him down with some sympathetic words.
He wasn't really used to people being understanding towards him, let alone not making fun of his apparent fear of Fang, so he took your words with a bit of suspicion, but he ultimately let go and sighed quietly to himself.
"Fine, let's go. I ain't afraid." He still had to add his two cents to the end of the conversation, gaining him some half-serious eye roll from you.
In the end, you both decided you're gonna head to the dock, taking off your shoes as you arrived at the end of it.
You felt a pleasant sensation of warm water that's been exposed to the sun for some time hitting your feet as you dipped them.
You were pretty relaxed and content spending your free time like that, next to the person you spent most of your time with at the camp.
Scott also seemed to chill out one he established the coast is clear from any carnivores that'd threaten his free time in-between the dangerous challenges.
He finally exhaled contently, looking around the slightly trashed beach from the dock he was sitting on.
He also appreciated the time spent with you. He almost took it for granted, given how much time you were spending in each other's company.
You were one of the people who weren't overly critical of his schemes, as you much rather enjoyed the entertaining outcomes of his ambitious yet more often than not failed plans.
You also weren't plainly making fun of him when he failed, as you had developed some level of liking to the boy and you were curious what other 'plans' he had in store to win.
He told himself that he's gonna use anyone he has to to win the game, although when it came to you and your demeanor towards him, he hesitated a little on what plans he put you in.
Most of your involvement in his plans was like "Okay, so I need someone to partner up during the challenge… Y/N! They're the most fit contestant to help me this time!" Even if you weren't.
"Y/N, they're gonna surely think it's a great idea!" Even if it was destined to fail sooner or later.
Even if he planned to 'use you' in any dangerous challenge, he subconsciously treated you both as a legit team rather than a person underneath him.
You still were the only person whom he listened to for the advice about his schemes. It's not like his schemes were bad by any means, but some opinion once in a while is helpful, right?
Your gaze wandered around the - arguably - pretty sight of the island, until it landed on the freckles of the boy sitting beside you. They appeared more visibly due to the sun.
You stared at them a little, thinking the freckles look quite adorable on a farmboy who shows such a tough exterior. It added some depth to him, or at least you thought.
Unfortunately your thoughts about them were disturbed once he caught your gaze.
"What? Something on my face?" He raised his eyebrow in confusion, prepared to have probably some dirt from the breakfast on his face pointed out to him.
"Um, yeah, actually-" You spoke casually, trying to not make the situation awkward from randomly staring at him. "Your freckles."
He looked a bit stunned for a second there, trying to make sense of your response.
"What about them??" He asked looking intently into your eyes with some skepticism, awaiting for your further elaboration.
"Nothing, I guess- They just look a bit adorable in pair with your 'tough man' persona." You finally voiced your thoughts, smiling in a lighthearted and slightly playful way, not wanting to make him feel like you're making fun of him but also keeping cool in case he'd think of your comment as weird.
Scott got quiet for a second, processing your words. There was a visible surprise in his eyes as the sentence left your mouth.
Did he just get a compliment? About his freckles and his toughness? You officially flattered him!
He started to jumble his words a little as he once again involuntarily raised his arm to scratch the back of his neck, releasing some tension from his body.
"Well, uh-" His lips formed a smug yet a bit coy grin as he avoided your gaze for a second, his cheeks adopting a slightly pink tinge to them.
"What can I say-" He says, but then his train of thought seems to disappear. He really doesn't know what to say, which you notice and chuckle softly, endeared by leaving him speechless.
"It's all natural." He finally comes up with a response, puffing up his chest a little as he striked a nonchalant and smug pose, looking at his nails.
You grinned at him in a friendly manner, slightly charmed by his efforts to cover up how it got to him a little.
He seemed to get a bit thrown off his cool once he noticed you smiling at him warmly, and he felt the pressure to say something back to you in a similar manner.
"And, you, too-" Words spilled out of his mouth before he even had the proper chance to think them over. "I mean- My freckles. No- Your face. There's nothing bad on your face-"
You stared at him curiously and a bit amused at his attempts of forming a sentence, which only filled him with more distraction while he tried to voice his thoughts.
"So, in general, you're saying I'm adorable?" You decided to save him from the embarrassment by concluding what he has to say, but also putting him in even more compromising situation by putting it bluntly.
"Yes." He proudly nodded his head once he finally didn't have to stumble over his words and his thoughts were conveyed, but then he quickly stopped as he realized it might have been too forward coming from him. "I mean-"
You felt the corners of your lips curve in a flattered and amused smile as you heard him compliment you, even if slightly indirectly.
[Scott at the confessional]
"Well, I complimented them- That's just gonna make them like me more, right? I mean, they complimented me first, that must mean they at least like me to some degree!" He explained what happened as he fiddled with his hands in an analytical manner while speaking.
"That just makes it easier to manipulate them in any case!" He boasted slightly about his genius idea, although his tone of voice changed at the last words. He took a moment and continued to speak with slight hesitance and anxiety in his eyes which he tried to hide.
"But- Were they serious?? If my freckles are adorable, does that mean they think I'M adorable??" That question left him with a slightly wide-eyed realization, having to process his sudden, unimportant until now feelings about you, showing up and hitting him like a train.
(oh god this came out long and not even about the beach but the dock asfjskj)
【 Scott in general 】
(You both didn't compete on Total Drama, just some casual relationship stuff.)
Scott has been your boyfriend for a few weeks now.
He wasn't even quite sure how he happened to land upon you, let alone charm you with his wit and good looks.
He probably didn't go outside much, looking at his a bit closed off farm life and only started to recently get out to the real world.
He was very determined about his first relationship, treating it very seriously and focused on being the best boyfriend ever. You were the first person who reciprocated his feelings after all, so he treated you like royalty - to his abilities.
You thought his dedication to the relationship was sweet, and that's a big part of what you liked in him.
Because of his dorky personality you also felt quite comfy to let yourself loose and not be as anxious as you were with other people. You knew he wouldn't make fun of you, and would rather beat someone up for doing so.
And so, you on one of your hang-outs you proposed a trip to the beach.
Scott stopped for a moment, his eyes looking you up and down until he finally spoke in a slightly coy but interested tone.
"Trip to the beach, huh?" He smirked slightly, not being able to hide his excitement at the idea, but also slight anxiety before such an "achievement" in the relationship.
You rolled your eyes half-seriously as you smiled with amusement. You deducted why Scott seemed to be so happy about the proposition, which filled you with slight flattery.
"Yeah, sure, I'm up." Scott chimed in quickly. Of course he was very respectful of you, but he couldn't say he wasn't at least a bit interested in how you look like with more skin exposed to the pretty sun at the beach. "When do you wanna go?"
You shrug. "We can even go right now if you want." You suggested, not having any plans this particular day.
Scott grinned even more enthusiastically and muttered a quiet "yes!" when he thought you weren't listening.
You arrived at some secluded part of the beach, not wanting unnecessary eyes on both of you, distracting you from enjoying your day.
As you set up a little cozy corner in the sand with a big towel/blanket, Scott got up to get rid of his pants which hid a pair of red swim trunks underneath.
He was (respectfully) awaiting for you to do the grand reveal of your swimsuit as well.
You didn't leave him waiting for long as you casually began to take off your clothes.
Scott didn't mean to stare, but it was obvious he really took to heart that you trusted him to the point of spending a day at the beach with him, even if your relationship was still "fresh".
You were finally ready to dive into the water. You looked at Scott who was grinning while staring at you, but not in a creepy way. He looked more like a love-sick puppy with how he looked at you whole.
It flattered you. You weren't used to receiving such attention and the fact that it was from the boy you loved only made it more special.
"Nice swim-trunks." You teased slightly at you took a look at the intensely fiery red piece of clothing.
"I know, right?" He grinned, proud at the compliment you gave him. You really weren't sure whether he was aware of how 'fashionable' his choice of swimming trunks was, but it only made him more charming.
He then took a look at you, intending to say something nice back to you, but he hesitated a little, unsure of how to do it correctly.
"Am I allowed to say how well you look as well, or will it be shallow because you're in a swimsuit right now?" He stopped himself to think out loud, showing a thoughtful expression on his face, as if it was a really important question.
You chuckled softly, appreciating how he was still trying to be mindful even when complimenting you.
"I'll take it as a compliment nonetheless." You poked him in the nose playfully to assure him it's not a big deal, to which he grinned and his cheeks turned a bit red, matching his swim trunks.
You both spent a nice day at the beach, fooling around in the water and eating some snacks after, chilling on the blanket and watching the sunset.
(ok this one was kinda shitty n corny, i haven't been to the beach in like 3 years lmfao)
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12colors · 1 year
TD All'n'Awful - "Even Bigger Sleep - part 2"
We cut to the moment where everyone are at the campire pit (the place where elimination ceremony usually takes place).
I wanted to thank Chef for making this wonderful and filling breakfast for you today.
Chef comicaly bows like a princess He will now explain the rules of the Insominiatron.
Whoever falls asleep gets eliminated.
Nobody leaves this area, except for bathroom breaks, unless they are already eliminated.
The first team who will have every member eliminated, loses, and the team who lasts the longest, gets the mansion.
Since this challenge will take multiple days, those who will be eliminated, will be able to rest in the places they won in yesterday's challenge.
After this challenge is over, your new sleep places will be assigned based on how well your team performed, like the last time. Understood?
Most contestants nod, so Chris Follows.
Great. So the Insominatron starts... NOW!
Hey Beth. Since Gwen is in our team, do you think that we will win this?
Maybe... But I'm not sure. There are few new people who might perform better.
I guess that we will just have to hope for the best.
Camera zooms out, and we fast forward to 12 hours later. It's 10pm now.
We see Eva listening to music, and Sam playing on his 3BS, with Sierra, Zee and Harold behind his shoulders, commenting on his gameplay.
Chris then enters this area, announcing something to the players.
12 hours have just passed. I'm quite suprised that this many people survived up to this point.
And as expected... Aggressive Ants are doing the worst.
Camera shows Aggressive Ants with Lightning and Damien asleep.
The only other team that have someone fail already, were Cruel Crows with Dakota.
Camera shows Dakota sleeping on the floor.
After that, Camera zooms out so show that no one was paying attention to Chris, do to how tired they were.
Chris then decides to take out his megaphone.
Damien and Lightning. Dakota doesn't yet.
Aww man.
Damien: Walks up to Damien
Maybe it's not as bad? We will be able to go back to the cabins, and finaly cach some real sleep without Izzy.
You are right! Bye team!
Lightning and Damien leave the insominatron area.
Chris then walks towards still slipping Dakota with the megaphone.
Chris: Shouts to her ear through the megaphone
Dakota: wakes up very quickly and grabs her ear.
You fell asleep. Now go
Dakota still had ringing in her ear
Then, B pointed at it, and moved both his hand next to his neck, and then lied his face on them, showing that Dakota fell asleep, which she saw and understood.
She looked back at her team.
Sorry team...
It's not a big deal.
Mike then just raised thumbs up.
Well, good luck guys.
And she walked back to the mansion.
Well, that will mostly likely all for now. I was supposed to tell you old bedtime stories, but It turned out that I had my stylisyst planned for this hours, so I gotta go.
Next elimination will be tomorow, in about 12 hours. Better stay awake everyone!
And Chris walks away.
We zoom away, and fast forward 12 hours.
(of course we might show some night hygincs, but I'm too tired to think of any. Something like B tying down Asleep Owen, to stop him from sleepwalking again)
It's morning again.
Chris returns with a coffie.
Rise and shine everyone!
Duncan: Clearly tired
Shut it Chris.
Let's go over the people who got eliminated over night:
Trent, Brik and Chase from Aggressive Ants
Camera zooms at them, waking up
Suprisingly no one from Bloody Beavers, considering that they slept in the forest.
Well, that's because we didn't get tired during the race as everyone else, beca-
Chris: Irritated
Are you the host? Then leave this stuff for me, okay?
Cruel Crows lost Wayne.
Camera zooms at Caleb waking up Wayne.
In Deadly Deer, Owen Obviously fell asleep, and Raj too.
Raj and Owen wake up. Owen sees that he is tied up and screams.
It's just a rope you stupid Ow-al!
Axel get's her survivalist knife and cut's the rope
Thank you!
Explosive Eagles lost Ripper, and Ferrocious Ferrets lost Harold.
Everyone who I mentioned, go to the main Lodge for the Breakfast. Yesterday's losers are already there.
Everyone Eliminated (Trent, Brick, Chase. Wayne & Raj, Owen, Ripper and Harold) go away.
Will we eat something?
Chef is now busy with Losers, so expect your breakfast in about and hour.
Camera then goes inside the Lodge, where Dakota, Lightning and Damien are already eating their breakfast. The breakfast is Cabin quality for everyone, which isn't that good, but it could be way worse, so no one is complaining.
And just a reminder – Dakota is kneeling in front of the table, because she just wouldn't fit when sitting like Damien and Lightning.
So who do you guys think didn't last the night?
Why should I care? They're no me!
But you were one of the first three to fall asleep.
I know. I just said that I don't care about THEM.
What about you Damien?
Oh wait, you didn't watch the show...
Well, I did watch it after my season, just to see if previous seasons were also Dangerous... And maybe learn one thing or two...
So who do you think snoozed during the night?
Smiles and points at Dakota
Yeah, that's super obvious.
There is a bit of unnecessary silence, so they get to eating their meals.
And so, the losers i listed above arrive.
Ripper: Sees What they are eating
Oh thank god we are gonna finaly eat something normal!
Turns to Damien
Give me that!
That's my portion! Go to chef and get your own.
Chef smiles... In not a nice way.
No way I'm gonna ask him. You go!
Ugh... And what If I won't?
I'm gonna take away yours.
Fine, Fine... Just wait here.
Since there was no line yet, Damien went straight towards Chef's Window
Umm... Master Chef?
Chef: Smirks
Oh, haven't heard that name in years! What's up kid?
So... Ripper is a little kid and is too afraid to come here and ask for food, so could I take a portion and give it to him?
Chef: Readies the food tray
One thing. Seconds are not allowed here unless you are willing to take the price.
Gives the tray to Damien So If I see you eating this, I will assume that you accepted the price.
W-What's the price?
If you eat this food, you will see.
But otherwise, you are safe.
O... kay?
Damien walks away from the window, a line to the window was already formed behind him.
Damien walks up to Ripper.
And notices that his tray from before was empty.
Damien: Turns to Ripper
Ripper: Stressed out, with pieces of Damien's food around his mouth.
N-No! It was... Umm...
Ripper: Points at Owen, who is waiting patiently in line.
What did I do?
Damien: Turns back to ripper
Ripper, since you ate my breakfast,
Points at the tray he is holding
I m gonna eat this one.
Damien is indeed about to do that, but he then remembers something, and looks back at the window, and sees Chef grinning at him.
Damien: Shoves Ripper's plate on the table.
Nevermind. I hope you will choke on this.
And Damien goes back in line.
After Harold, who was last in line gets his food, Damien comes up to Chef's window, again.
Everyone else is eating.
Umm... So what was the price for the seconds?
Ah, to recieve seconds, you will have to compete in a bonus challenge!
Chris: Enters through the doors.
Yes. This guy over here wanted seconds.
Damien: Stressed out
Challenge? What challenge?
Chef will chase after you with famous Spicy Spaghetti Gun.
Chef is seen getting ready, and loading his Spaghetti Gun.
If you survive and won't get hit for 60 seconds, you win.
Now I'll give you a 10 seconds head start...
B-But I didn't say-
-that I agree to take the challenge!
There was nothing like this-
-In previous seasons!
Dude, you are wasting your head start!
Damien finaly runs out of the lodge, Screaming
Chef, Go!
Chef runs out of the lodge, chasing after Damien.
Hey Raj, how long do you think he will last?
I give him 10 seconds.
I give him 5.
They get back to eating, and soon enough chef returns to the lodge, holding Damien on his shoulder. Damien is covered in the spicy spaghetti.
Chef puts Damien on one of the table seats, next to Trent.
Aww, man...
Well, at least you could eat the spaghetti.
I guess...
The camera moves then to the communal bathroom.
B is really tired, so he washes his face, to refresh himself a little.
But before he leaves, he notices a janitor's bucket.
He grabs the bucket and fills it with water.
The camera then cuts, and we are back in campfire pit, where the insominatron takes place.
We focus on Deadly Deer.
Most of them are really showing their tiredness. Only reason why Sadie wasn't eliminated yet, was because she kept talking with Katie.
Jo is near falling asleep, when she gets splashed with cold water, along with the rest of the team. It was B who splashed them.
Jo: Mad as hell at B
B! What the-
Jo: Turns to Axel
Why are you thanking him?! My clothes are now all wet.
Well, thanks to him, you didn't fall asleep, right?
Well... Maybe...
Jo turns back to B. Not as mad as before.
But next time, we discuss things like this, We are a team! Got it?
B nods, and sits alongside them.
We then turn to Ferocious Ferrets.
Zoey, Leshawna and Tyler are just sitting there tired.
Priya is sitting too, but she doesn't feel tired at all.
Scary Girl is... somewhere?
Sam, is still playing on his BS, with Sierra and Zee looking from behind his shoulder and commenting on his gameplay, or the game itself.
Tyler turns at Sam and asks him a question:
Dude, how long does this battery last?
Sam: Pauses the game
Well, I had it strongly modified, so it lasts somewhere around 48 hours of gaming.
So, how much of it is left?
Well, now it's around 50%, so like another 24 hours.
So you are gonna just keep playing?
Well, there is nothing else to do...
Sam, after you complete this case and send Mr. Karma to jail, could I take my turn and play Explorers of Sky?
Oh! Oh! Could I after Zee play some Curby Super Star Ultra?
Sam: Returns to playing.
Yeah, Of course. Just give me few minutes.
We go then go to Bloody Beavers.
Eva isn't listening to music anymore, and Cameron points that out:
Why aren't you on your music?
I already listened the entire playlist 4 times since the challenge started. I could use some break.
Makes sense.
= Cameron's Confessional =
Yesterday we lost... Well 2 days ago.
Today's challenge started Yesterday...
So yeah, in this challenge, we are the only team where everyone stayed awake.
I'm not saying that we will win, but I like our odds...
Let's just hope that I didn't just jinx myself.
= End of the Confessional =
Camera zooms out to see the entire island, and we time skip around 12 hours, until it's 10 pm. Chris arrived with a book.
Wow! I'm suprised that no one fell asleep since last morning.
And I brought a reward for you!
Some might already recognise it: Canadian history – popup book!
You can't be serious!
I can, and often am. And this is one of those times.
Oh! I recognise this book! My Gradma designed and wrote it.
She based it on the Info her Father – My Grand Grandfather, gave her.
Staci! Don't Interrupt me!
Staci: Either ignores or just doesn't hear him.
And my Grand Grandfather I just mentioned was one of the best historians in Canada.
He continued the legacy of his parents, who are my Grand Grand Grandparents.
But there is a rumor, that some parts of their notes were stolen and then rewritten from my Grand Grand Grand Uncle, from my Grand Grand Grand Mother's side.
Chris gave up, trying to shut Staci up.
But the Grand Grand Grand Uncle, didn't have any proof, since his office weirdly were caught on fire, that day, and the notes dissapeared.
Millie is seen writing down the stuff she says.
And Eva puts on her headphones again.
Ezekiel sees that, and puts his earplugs in his ears.
He then claimed that her sister, who I will remind you, was my Grand Grand Grand Mother, stole the notes from him, and then set up the office on fire, but he didn't have any evidence, and the only people who were aware of the notes before the „crime”, was only him and his sister.
Heather was irritated. She walked up behind Staci, and was about to slap her in the head, but she stopped as she noticed something...
A lot of others were yawning as she was talking like that. Even Chris.
She then decided to just sit down, knowing that the situation is beneficial for her.
But I'm getting off the topic here. Let me just tell about the inside of the book.
So the first chapter is about beavers, right? My Grandma made a pun in the introducion. It was about Beavers and Hats, or something?
Well, the fun thing about this is that her Father - My Grand Grand Father, who as I said was one of the greatest historians in Canada, asked her to include it, and even if she didn't like the idea, she did it, because the book was being made because of him.
We then see Millie writing it all down again.
Another timeskip, until just before 10am next morning.
We see the catastrophy Staci Caused.
The first person we see is Millie, sleaping. Her notebook is in her hand, and her pen fell on the ground.
We see Staci sleeping too, and multiple other contestants.
Only few people are still awake:
From Aggressive Ants: Ezekiel
From Bloody Beavers: Eva
From Cruel Crows: Gwen (barely)
From Deadly Deer: Axel
From Explosive Eagles: Scott (barely)
Ferocious Ferrets have 3 people: Sam, Sierra (Barely) and Zee.
Then battery from Sam's Console ran out, and NonTendo's Icon: Pablo, Said very loudly: BYE! SEE YA! Waking Chris up. The console then turned off.
Wha, Wha?
Aww, man... The battery ran out.
Damn, that sucks.
Sierra then falls on the floor, asleep.
Chris then realised what he is supposed to do.
He takes out the megaphone.
Everyone except for Ezekiel, Eva, Gwen, Axel, Scott, Sam and Sierra go to the lodge
There will be breakfast for you soon.
Almost everyone who was asleep wakes up... Except for sierra.
Zoey, be so kind and take your teammate over there...
Points at Sierra
with you to the lodge, okay?
Umm... Okay...
And she grabs Sierra, and drags her agross the floor, towards the lodge.
= Duncan's Confessional =
Just if you are wondering,
I did NOT fell asleep because I was weak.
I did it because of strategy.
If we would lose today, Izzy would be going home.
And since Ezekiel is the only one lasting, we will lose very easly.
= End of the Confessional =
Chris then looks at comicaly not existing watch on his hand.
Chris: Turns to the remaining campers
Eva, take off the headphones, I will be speaking. Thanks you.
Okay, last night turned out differently than I was expecting. Chef was supposed to give all of you sleeping powder, after I reached the 10th chapter of the canadian history book, which was supposed to happen the night before that, when I was supposed to tell fairytales, but since neither of those two times happened, I guess we will have to do it now. Chef?
A forklift drives up to this area. Chef exits it, in a suit of a fairy.
Few people chuckle.
Chef then gets irritated, and throws a grenade in the middle.
It is a smoke grenade, but when it explodes just as it hits the ground, it turns out that it was filled with condensed sleeping gas.
The sleeping gas covered every contestant remaining. And they breathed it in.
Man, I don't feel good. GG everyone.
Sam falls on the floor, asleep
Ha! I live on a farm! I breathed worse stuff there. This is nothing!
Scott then takes a deep inhale, to supposely impress everyone aroun...
And he instantly fells on the floor, asleep.
Scott is eliminated!
We then move to the lodge, where everyone else is waiting. Chris voice continues though the speaker in the lodge.
Explosive Eagles get 6th place.
Most of Explosive Eagles just lower their heads and look at the floor in dissapointment. But some have more outraging reactions:
How could he?! He did that on purpose!
It's just some gas! I would survive longer than him!
Yeah, because inhaling weird gases, is all you do off-camera!
We then return back to the campfire pit.
Gwen then falls asleep on her seat, and Axel after her.
Gwen eliminated, so Cruel Crows get 5th place. After that Axel, landing her team of of Deadly Deer on 4th.
Eva: Looks at others
Well, I guess that I'm next.
Eva sits on the floor before falling asleep too.
Eva managed to give her team of losers of the previous episode, a 3rd place!
Only Zee and Ezekiel are left.
Oh man, this funny gas makes my nose tickle.
Zee sits down, and takes the sip of his soda...
Before sneezing, falling behind on his back and instantly falling asleep.
Zee fell asleep, so... Ezekiel wins?
Ezekiel raises his arms high up in excitment.
Man, this sentence feels weird...
Well. Ferocious Ferrets have 2nd place.
Meaning that Aggressive Ants get the mansion tonight!
Inside the lodge, upon hearing that, everone from Aggressive Ants are celebrating... except for Duncan.
Back at the campfire pit, Ezekiel is... suprised. He breathes in and out very heavly. He cannot believe that he won!
He then falls on the floor from exhaustion and falls asleep.
Chef then drives in the campfire pit in a forklift, equiped in a gas mask.
He picks up, everyone who is asleep (Sam, Scott, Gwen, Axel, Eva, Zee and Ezekiel) and Drives towards the lodge.
When he arrives, he drops everyone in front of the lodge (no one wakes up), equips his cooking clothes, and enters to make the breakfast.
Some time later, as everyone ar eating (except the people I mentioned that are sleeping and Sierra, who is also still sleeping). Chris enters the inside of the lodge.
I think everyone heard the results:
Aggressive Ants won the mantion for tonight,
Ferrocious Ferrets and Bloody Beavers will have the Cabins,
Deadly Deer and Cruel Crows will have the Trailers for this night.
Explosive eagles... You have the forest for yourself, and I will see you today in the elimination ceremony.
To everyone who changed their napping place in todays challenge will pack their stuff and move out of the place they stayed in until now, so the others can move in. Better do that before elimination ceremony.
Few hours pass, and the finalists of the challenge, finaly wake up.
It's starting to get dark.
Ezekiel is one of the last people to wake up. We follow him as he goes towards the mansion, already with the stuff he took from the Cabin they had between this and previous episode.
As Ezekiel enters the kitchen of the mansion, he sees that the rest of the team is celebrating their first victory. And they notice that Ezekiel arrived.
Trent: Comes up to Ezekiel.
Ezekiel! Thanks for winning us the mansion tonight. You're the man!
Yeah. If we keep working together as a team, we will keep winning.
Well, that's kinda too optimistic... But it does make our odds higher.
Tonight gonna be fun!
Oh, shut up Izzy.
Duncan Grabs Ezekiel by the shoulder.
Ezekiel, mind if we take a walk outside?
Duncan's Grip on Ezekiel tightens
Yeah... Umm... Dude?
We skip to the part, when they are outside the mansion.
They both walk in silence, which Duncan sudently cuts off.
Duncan: Looks straight ahead, not on Ezekiel
Ezekiel... Do you know why I fell asleep yesterday at night?
I don't know, man...
Because, I wanted us to lose.
Wha... Why?
We both know that Izzy will cause a lot of trouble in our team. That's why I wanted her eliminated! That's why, when I saw that only you and I were the only people who stayed awake. I knew that you wouldn't last long, so I fell asleep, thinking that we will lose. But...
Ezekiel started expecting what Duncan was thinking.
Duncan then grabs him and pins him to a tree.
Duncan: Furious
You ruined it! You just had to stay awake, and keep Izzy in the game!
It's your fault, that she will keep the whole team awake, and ruin our chances in future challenges! If you would just fall asleep like a normal person, she would be gone! But No... You just had to be this weird... MUTANT!
When we might have the the chance to eliminate Izzy again?! Tell me!
Ezekiel: Clearly stressed out.
I-I don't know... Tomorow?
Do you know it? No. It could take days, weeks even!
Weeks of pain, brought to the team, all because of YOU!
Are you proud of Yourself?
You ARE gonna take it, so Izzy will be silent for tonight.
Yes Sir!
Duncan loosens his grip, dropping Ezekiel on the floor.
You better do it, or you might not wake up tomorow!
And don't tell about this to anyone, If you wanna keep your limbs.
Ezekiel just nods.
Duncan walks off, and as soon as Ezekiel can't se him anymore, he starts breathing heavly.
= Duncan's Confessional =
Yes, I might have pressed him a bit too much,
but prison taught me a few things.
One of them is that you don't get results without fear.
= End of the Confessional =
Returning to Ezekiel: It takes him some time, before he can think again.
He thinks for a minute, until he seems to get an idea...
He stands up, and slowly starts moving towards the lodge. As he walks, he looks around. His hands are shaking, and whenever he hears even the smallest sound, he looks at that direction, seeing that there is no danger yet.
Camera then moves. We are in front of Ferocious Ferrets' Cabin, and Scary Girl is outside with her Skull.
Scary Girl:
See? This is just our luck!
As soon as I've found you a friend, It's too far to carry,
and there is no other way to get it over here.
She moves the skull with her hand, like the skull is nodding.
Scary Girl:
Well I guess that we could visit her, but...
„Skull”: Scary Girl moves skull's mouth, and talks for it.
Yeah, it's too far.
And if only there was a way to take my friend over here,
quickly and easly...
Scary Girl then hears something.
Scary Girl:
Did you hear that?
It was Ezekiel, on who we now focus.
He walks up to the forklift, which was near the lodge.
Scary Girl sees him.
Ezekiel enters the vehicle and turns it on, to turn on the lights. He then open's forklift's storage. He looks through it, and sees something he recognises.
There are 2 sleep grenades left, just as the one Chef used during the challenge.
Ezekiel takes them, closes the storage, and turns off the vehicle (along with the lights), and leaves, quickly.
We focus on the Scary Girl again. She looks at her skull, and the skull „looks” at her.
Scary Girl:
Camera then moves to Explosive Eagles, who will be spending the night in the forest.
Everyone except for Scott are there, and setting up a small part of it for the place where they will sleep. But Mildred wasn't in the mood.
Mildred: Drops her bags on the ground
Okay guys, I can't do this. I'm tired, dirty and my face looks almost as bad as Katie's with all this work.
Katie: Turns to Mildred, angry
Excuse me?!
I need to get a shower. Someone better make some food.
And Mildred then left everyone.
Okay, I'm voting on Blainley. Anyone With me?
Count me in!
Me too.
I guess that I could vote on her too.
What about you Courtney?
I'm gonna vote on the traitor!
Scott! He sabotaged the challenge, and made us lose! I know it!
Yeah... Sure... Whatever you think.
UGH! I can't believe that I have to be with such morons in one team!
Scott then comes out of the forest, barely awake.
Courtney: Notices him
Oh! Here he is!
Scott! Tell everyone that you were sabotaging our team!
Scott: Propably didn't understand
W-What? Could you say that again?
AGHHH! I can't hold it with any of you! But if we lose again, I want you all know, that it was Scott's fault!
Courtney walks off.
Scott is kinda confused, so he just sits on a log.
Geoff: Turns to Scott.
Dude! You have to vote on Mildred!
I meant Blainley! Listen, you survived the longest in this challenge, and we need your help. Can you do that?
Scott then falls asleep.
After Dawn sees the whole situation, she goes to the Confessional.
= Dawn's Confessional =
In Revenge of the Island, Scott sabotaged the team multiple times, and got me eliminated.
But unlike last time... times, I'm not sure whenever he lost the challenge on purpose.
I can't read auras through the megaphones and long distances.
And after the challenge, he was so tired, that all his thoughts were basicaly daydreaming about chasing rats in his kitchen.
But since he sabotaged in Revenge of the Island, I will assume that-
Knocking sound
Who is there? I really need to use it!
= End of Dawn's Confessional =
As soon as Dawn leaves the confessional, Ripper enters it and locks it.
Dawn walks away from the confessional, and as she does that, Courtney walks across her.
Move out of my way!
Courtney is about to push Dawn out of her way, but Dawn already knew it and moved out of the way already.
The confessional is busy.
Courtney: Starts kicking the stall.
Ah, c'mon! Get out!
Give me a minute!
Are you gonna vote for Scott?
Courtney: Stops.
I'm voting for Scott, and I need others to vote for him too, or Mildred will go home instead.
Of course that I'll vote on Scott! But what do you mean by „others”?
Ripper comes out of the Confessional Stall.
Ripper: Turns to Courtney
What did you want from me?
I've heard that Scott will be trying to beat your farting record.
The only way for you to stop him, is to vote for him tonight.
Wow, thanks weird vampire girl!
Ripper returns back to the stall.
Courtney: Looks at Dawn in disbelief.
H-How did you know?
How often do you see people with yellowish-brown aura?
That's not what I mea-
We don't have much time before the elimination ceremony. You should try convincing Bowie to vote on Scott, and I will go for Mildred. Okay?
Courtney Looks behind her, in the direction where Bowie and others were.
I guess? Do you think that I'll make it time?
She looks back at where Dawn was, but Dawn dissapeared. Courtney then decided just to go to Bowie.
Courtney arrives back to the place where Bowie, Geoff, Katie, Scott and Nichelle were. She manages to get Bowie on the side to talk with him.
Hey! I need you to vote on Scott.
And wy should I do that?
Would you rather eliminate Scott, the guy who got to the merge both times, or Blainley, who will likely get eliminated the very next ceremony?
Yeah, sure... How many votes are on Scott?
With you, it will be 5.
I will think about it...
Then there is recognisable voice in the speaker.
Explosive Eagles, the elimination ceremony will be in 5 minutes, so better hurry!
Oh! And don't forget to wake up Scott and bring him with you!
So we cut to the scene where everyone is walking towards the campfire pit for the elimination ceremony. Scott is barely awake, and needs support of Geoff.
Mildred meanwhile is walking there, covered just in her towels.
= Blainley's Confessional =
Okay, so I had to interrupt my high quality higene sequence, just to walk to the Voting Ceremony and give a vote.
Dawn already told me that Scott will be eliminated if I vote with her, so there was litterally no point in me going if Scott was surely eliminated.
After the ceremony, I will have to redo half of all my work.
Like look at my skin! It looks awful!
Blainley shows her completely normal arm.
= End of the Confessional =
So everyone arrived at the Voting Ceremony and gave away their votes.
Explosive Eagles... You were the last team on this challenge.
Chef, could you point out their mistakes that led them to this moment?
Chris looks around, seeing that Chef is missing.
Where is Chef?
Few Explosive Eagles shrug.
But Chef finaly arrives, breathing heavly.
Sorry that I'm late.
I was sure that I would use the forklift to get here faster...
But I must've misplaced it somewhere.
Doesn't matter. Just point out their mistakes like you were supposed to do.
Scott is asleep, so Katie wakes him up.
Scott! You managed to last the longest out of your team, but It seems that it was not enough.
Chef then turns to Courtney and Mildred.
Courtney and Mildred!
Nobody really likes you here.
How?! I'm one of the most important people in this team! I was 4th in TD Action! After that I was also 2 times in the merge!
Yes, We get it.
Let's get to the votes themselves.
I have 8 marshmallows today with me, and one of you aren't gonna recieve one.
That person will be eliminated.
So here are the people who will recieve the Marshmallow:
Those 6 recieve their marshmallows.
Suspense time. Courtney, Scott and Mildred share worried looks
Chris: Throws a marshmallow at Courtney.
Scott and Mildred are worried.
This... Is the final marshmallow, a sign of security. One of you will reieve it, and the other one will have to make the walk down the dock of shame, and will get eliminated.
Even more suspense between Scott and Mildred.
… Scott!
Chris throws the final marshmallow in Scott's hands.
Mildred: Shocked
What?! How?!
= Bowie's Confessional =
Eliminating Scott was tempting...
But seeing Courtney and Scott fightning was even more tempting.
So Yeah. I voted on Mildred.
= End of the Confessional =
We see Chef dragging Mildred across the dock of shame.
Wait! At least Give me my clothes! I can't get back in just a towel!
Don't worry, they will be sent back to you, with mail.
Mildred is thrown inside the Tug of shame, and she swims away in it.
Meanwhile, we get to the trailers, where Deadly Deer and Cruel Crows will be sleeping.
Inside the male one, there are Caleb, Mike, Noah, Wayne, B, DJ, Justin, Owen and Raj.
In the female one, there are Beth, Gwen, Julia, Lindsay, Axel, Jo, Millie and Sadie.
Some of them are already asleep.
But someone seems to be missing.
Mike then turns to B.
Mind if we take a walk?
So B and Mike end up outside.
As they walk, they see Dakota setting up her „sleeping place”, outside the females' Trailer.
B and Mike don't stare, but both of them clearly saw it.
Mike and B walk further away.
Dude, I need help. You saw that Dakota has sleep problems due to her... size?
B nods.
I know that you can make almost anything... So... Could you make something for Dakota to sleep in better? Something that she could easly take and relocate.
B thinks for a second, and then nods. He then shows Mike to follow him.
We then turn back inside the Mansion. Ezekiel finaly returned.
Dude, where were you?
But Ezekiel doesn't anwser.
Duncan: Plays it off cool.
Hey dude! Did you bring what I asked you to?
Ezekiel: Silently.
Great. Come sit with us! The Dinner will be here soon!
Ezekiel sits there, silently, as the rest of the team cheers, and talks about various subjects like their victory or other teams.
But Alejandro pays attention to Ezekiel.
Ezekiel? Is everything okay, mi amigo?
Ezekiel is silent for a minute...
Yeah... I'm just tired after the challenge... That's all.
Thanks to you, we are in this mansion tonight. You should be able to take a good nap here!
Duncan: Looks sharply at Ezekiel
Yes. Let's hope that everyone will be able to sleep tonight. Isn't it right, Ezekiel?
Yes... It is right...
The conversation continues, but without Alejandro.
About B and Mike: They finaly arrive at the Arts and Crafts Center.
B manages to enter in the shed, while Mike waits outside.
B then gets few things out of the shed. A giant sheet of a material, lines, and few other things, like a fully functional sewing mashine.
So B starts to Sew the material.
Mike just waits there, not sure why B wanted him to come.
But finaly, after some time, B is done. He turns off the mashine.
He has made a giant hammock. It is almost 3 times biger than an avareage one. It's quite big, so he and Mike have to carry it back together.
As they return to the trailers, so one is there.
And that meant one thing.
Where is everyone?
B points at the lodge.
Oh, yeah. Dinner.
B and Mike just leave the hammock where they have seen Dakota before, and then went to the lodge too.
Back in the Mansion, the winners are eating. Ezekiels tries eating too, but after few bites of really good food which he likes, he loses apetyte.
Maybe that's because Duncan is glaring at him the entire time? Who knows.
Ezekiel stands up from the table and goes towards the bedrooms. But instead of entering the male one, he enters the female one, and he hides under the bed, and takes out one of the sleep grenades from his pocket.
He is waiting.
But as he is lying there, in the darkness, thoughts start apearing in his head.
„should I really do it?”
„Maybe what Izzy did was one time?”
„Maybe this method is a little too much?”
But then someone enters the room, and turns the lights on. That person closes the door after them. From under the Bed, Ezekiel sees that the person is indeed Izzy.
He pulls out the grenade pin, and gets out from under the bed.
Ezekiel is holding the grenade. Since the pin was pulled out, as soon as he would loosen the grip, the gas would leak out of the grenade.
What are you doing?
Ummmm... Sending you to sleep?
Well, the others complained, how you kept them awake few nights ago.
Oh? Why didn't they just ask?
Why should I know?
… Anyway... Why do you need a grenade to send me to sleep.
Ezekiel: Looks at his hand with the sleep grenade.
Well, this is sleep grenade... So... It would put you to sleep?
Ezekiel sits on one of the empty beds.
Sorry. I don't know why I did that.
So basicaly, they asked you to send me to sleep, because last time, I've made too much noise?
Pretty much, yeah.
Okay, I guess I will just have to be lisent tonight... And maybe indeed take some sleep?
Ezekiel: Looks back at his arm
So... What do we do with this?
Just put the pin back or something.
Ezekiel: Looks around.
I think that I've lost it.
Izzy: Takes out a tape.
Well, let's just tape it around, so it will not release!
She tapes the grenade around... And Ezekiel is able to not hold it anymore.
Here, keep it for youself. I don't need it anymore.
But please. Just go to sleep, okay?
Ezekiel leaves Izzy's room.
Duncan: was waiting for him outside.
Is it done?
Ezekiel: Quietly
You better be saying the truth.
Duncan goes to the guys room, and Ezekiel follows.
Both of them go to sleep.
The credits roll, with Dakota sleeping on her new hammock, slowly swinging from side to side.
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thebearme · 9 months
Imma just gonna start with Cam first, and let me just tell you Cameron I projected the most on because even after my "ihatehim no ilovehim" phase so idk maybe some of this could be out of character srry.
I imagine Cameron is south African, particularly Zimbabwean.
His a walking nerd emoji.
The only pass time Cam had was to draw bugs. So he's REALLY GOOD at drawing bugs. Only bugs. Everything else looks like it's from the diary of a wimpy kid.
Cam not that keen of physical touch but slowly getting used to it cuz of Mike. Mike also trying to remember that everyone is open on surprise hugs.
Idk why but with Zoey and Cam's relationship I just think of Carly and Freddie but without the crush.
Gwen and Cam would have art trades together.
Cam got the dryess hands in existence because of the amount of hand sanitizer he uses. OCD GAND RISE UP!
Im saying this now but Cam and B would TOTALLY VIBE TOGETHER!! i just don't know their intentions are yet so dont ask..
Lightning and Cam would have hangout if not for the cheating thing.
Duncan once asked Cam if he can draw a mural of his pet spider Scruffy.
Sam would take it as his personal duty to teach Cam in the way of being a gamer. By teaching him the Zelda timeline and the lore of FNAF. May god rest Cam soul after that.
Cam doesn't not do well with the more active people in Mike's system like Svetlana and Manitoba. They try to be gentle with him but they just don't know their strengths and Manitoba canonically eats dirt so there's only so much they can hangout.
Vito doesn't vibe with nerds but he does occasional try to back him up if he's getting bullied. ONLY if Vito himself isn't bullying Cam.
Cameron actually has the best relationship with Chester. He loves hearing history and old facts and Chester loves the excuse to chat someone's ears off.
Mal and Cam have more of a neutral relationship with each other but I can definitely see Mal thinking his just some weakling nerd until Cam shows him he knows how to make the Demon core.
Cam and Mike started a hate Scott club. Although Cam feels alil bad about, he tends to be reminded of why they started this club every time they go back to their cabin.
Cam once witnessed Scott use the bathroom without washing his hands. And never liked him since.
There was one time between season, Mike, Cam and Zoey were going on a little road trip. Z & M both ask what song should they play next? Cam said he doesn't know any songs so maybe just play the Ice cream truck theme. And that's when they find out HOW sheltered this boy is.
I would get into the nitty gritty but Cam's mom is NOT a good mom. Zoey and Mike have beef with her (Zoey trys to have the benefit of the doubt and said she just too over protective while Mike legit DONT like her.)
They both make sure that Cam gets as much outside time as possible and learn to have a life outside of his house.
When Cam goes to college is going aboard as an entomologist.
When Cameron first came on TD he didn't know what to wear because obviously he's never been outside so it a mixture of hot and cold clothes. Bro don't know fashion but it's his outfit changes in All Stars.
He's wearing a puffer jacket because it reminds him of a sleeping bag and makes him cozy + it has a cooling system inside thanks to B.
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totaldrama-showdowns · 6 months
Unused Submissions for the Favorite Rivalry Showdown!
justin and trent
please im so tired of seeing fluffy ship art of them THEY DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER
justin literally got him eliminated i cant imagine they had a good relationship after action
"one time justin threw a tambourine at me and that kinda hurt >:|"
you know they had the nastiest most jawdropping arguments in the recording room during drama brothers recording sessions
uhh yeah they hate each other they should get to fight to the death as a treat
Alejandro and duncan
they're perfect
is this a rivalry? idk
Dave vs Leonard
Lindsay vs Courtney
it was brief but it was enjoyable
Izzy and Justin
They're sooo funny, especially cause they're exes
Julia vs Priya
I don’t actually think this is the best one I’m just putting it here because we need more reboot characters in this bracket
Whatever Lindsay and Beth had with Heather after Island
you go girls
Geoff and Trent
hockey bros vs birds
why do they get beat up by birds so frequently
Dawn and Scott
Ok sure they lasted for two scenes but THEY COULD'VE BEEN SUCH GOOD RIVALS MAN
Julia vs Every Other TD '23 Blonde
Nominating this because I think it's funny
Julia and Caleb
I don’t actually gaf about them but i like when julia hit him with a frying pan or something
the roti writers and gen 2 female characters
they did them so dirty :(
bowie vs straight people
he's seen enough
chris vs blaineley
divorced enemies sweep
lightning vs cameron
it was ooc but it kinda slayed
Chris and Sierra
The New York episode. Please Chris should've been a hater the whole season and Sierra wouldn't notice it would be funny. See my vision
Ezekiel Vs Death
I just know Death keeps snapping those bony fingers any time Ezekiel escapes death
Emma and Julia
white on white violence
Terry and Chref
We saw that tweet
Mal and Julia
Mal plays the game really well and Julia's getting insecure. But I have faith Julia will triumph
Marmaduke and Garfield
I love tti
Me vs Blaineley
We are currently fighting over who gets 2 date Kelly (I'm winning)
larry v chef
chef’s gotta defend his man what can I say
Everyone (- Priya) Vs Caleb
He literally has no friends.
priya's personality versus the writers
season 2. need I say more?
Heather Vs Blaineley
I cannot tell you how funny it is that Blaineley turned up to the TD jumbo jet and chose violence against a girl half her age
Ezekiel and Chris
demolish that monster zeke
Sky vs Dave
He tried to kill her I think this counts as a rivalry at least a little bit
Damien vs Millie
Yeah! The finish line!
toxic yaoi
Noah anf Harold
autism on autism violence and we love that
do alejandro and noah count,,, if not im voting leshawna and heather
brainrot says so
jasmine and shawn
just being a hater here, they were much more tolerable (but still crappy) when she hated him over them being a couple
dramarama ella and dramarama max
why couldnt this be their dynamic in the canon show
Damien & Julia
MK vs the bear
They literally fought in a duel together
Geoff/Bridgette and blaineley
Ma'am that's a child. Leave him by
Mal Vs Duncan
They suck I hope they get in so they're elimination fodder so someone else can go forward easily.
alejandro puppet and heather
Wayne and me
I hate you little white boy! Get a job
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the-type-a · 11 months
Funny Dating show AU💕
(Not necessarily duncney but oh 🐳)
Ok so like, Duncan and Courtney are both fan favorites & they’re most known for their relationship on the show, but after WT, the cheating scandal and Courtney becoming single, Chris feels bad(not) and offers her, her own spinoff show!
She takes up the offer when she gets confirmation that she’d get paid for it lol
She doesn’t know what her show will actually be about until like a week before filming, when she’s told it’ll be a DATING show 👀 Chris got the idea when he realized just how many guys were attracted to her
She assumed it would be a fun and flirty experience but what she didn’t realize, that in true TD fashion, it’ll be so TRASHY 😭😂
Think of something like Daisy of Love(if you haven’t seen it, PLS watch it’s so cringe and funny) they get some of the lamest dudes around, criminals, musicians, alt guys, etc. which is basically everything she hates to love lol
Imagine Duncan’s reaction to the show 💀
Scott can be on the show, he was definitely on ROTI but once he heard there was a spin off show including Courtney, he applied 🤭 I HC that he had a crush on Courtney long before they met lol
This show will be before All stars and that makes it so much more funny and awkward for Courtney 😅
I was watching old VH1 shows and I just thought this would be a funny idea lmao
This is hilarious 😭
I would have definitely watched this ngl. Imagine Chris does a whole segment where he visits Duncan and gets footage of him making slick comments about the show. Duncney Stans would go absolutely feral. And then seeing them come back on All Stars? Whew.
I also HC Scott liking Courtney beforehand. I just know he’s seen the show and thought she was amazing. Maybe he didn’t get such a great opportunity on this little show but he finally made a move in All Stars. Plus it’d be hilarious for Courtney to see some random guy from her own show 💀
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amethyst-geek · 8 months
What halves of which couples from gen 1-3 would come back for an All-Stars season against the reboot contestants
Now this hypothetical new all-stars season would probably be season 3 of the reboot. And since season 1 of the reboot takes place 15 years after the original TDI, that would place the new all-stars season 17 years after TDI, so that would place the original Island Cast (plus Alejandro and Sierra) at age 33, the ROTI cast at age 31, and the PI cast at age 30, so I don't think it's a stretch to assume that most, if not all, of the TD alum couples would have a kid or 2. Thus if Chris were to invite the various TD alums back for another all-stars season, the various couples would each have a conversation that boils down to "Ok, one of us should stay home to reduce the risk of our kid(s) becoming an orphan." So I will now go over the couples that are still together (or in the case of Scottney, couples I can see getting back together after their canon break-up), and discuss who would compete and who would opt out.
Geoff and Bridgette- Geoff already had his time to shine in the Ridonculous race, so I would say Bridgette would be the one competing in All-Stars 2.
Noah and Emma- speaking of former Ridonculous Racers, I feel Noah being the 1 to compete in All-Stars 2 instead of Emma is a no-brainer for 2 reasons. 1 being that he's the only half of the couple to have competed in Total Drama while Emma only participated in a spin-off. The 2nd being their careers. Emma would probably be busy with her lawyer career while I picture Noah alternating continuing to compete in the reality show circuit and being a stay-at-home dad.
Tyler and Lindsay- The TDA special mentioned Tyler also being in the reality show circuit, and I can see him continuing that well into his 30s. And when Lindsay competed in the first all-stars, she gave up after 1 episode. So I can imagine Tyler being the 1 to compete in All-Stars 2.
Leshawna and Harold- I can see this couple being 1 of the couples who both compete, mainly because I can't decide between them.
Alejandro and Heather- I can see these 2 also being 1 of the exceptions to the "only 1 half of a couple competes in All-Stars 2) thing, but if they aren't, I say Heather who competes based on my headcanons regarding their post-TD careers. I picture Alejandro becoming a paleontologist (which admittedly is something he could probably put on hold for a few weeks while he competed on All-Stars 2). Similar to Noah, I see Heather alternating between being a stay-at-home mom and competing in the reality show circuit (and since her online interview for World Tour mentions her doing Karaoke, I can see her competing in TD universe's equivalent of the Masked Singer). Plus, I love the idea of Julia and Heather competing against each other or being on a team together.
Scottney- hear me out, but I think Scott would be one competing in All-Stars 2 (assuming the balloon incident in the first all-stars didn't traumatize the 2 into both opting out of All-Stars 2). Similar to Emma, I imagine that Courtney's lawyer career would keep too busy to compete in All-Stars 2. Plus from a Doylist standpoint, I imagine the writers would want to keep the ratio of Island and Roti contestants even.
Zoke- In the All-Stars finale, Mike expressed interest in competing in another season of TD to which Zoey (along with Gwen and Cameron) made it clear that she did not want to compete again. Based on that, Mike would probably be the 1 to return.
Shawn and Jasmine- This could potentially be another couple where both parties compete, but if I had to choose, I'd say Shawn is the 1 competing, with the in-universe explanation being that Jasmine's flowershop/cage-fighting school is very busy during the summer, and she didn't trust Shawn to run it for her. Alternatively, they could be one of the couples where both parties opt out of All-Stars 2.
Edit: I just realized I forgot to discuss Sam and Dakota. Sam already had a solo run in All-Stars (which was not well received), in the event of there being another All-Stars, I think they would bring back both or only bring Dakota. If Dakota comes back, my caveat would that she's figured out a way to switch between her human and mutant form at will, with Chris saying that she's only allowed to switch to a mutant form in emergencies.
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cerisia76 · 4 months
If you could change anything from TD, what it would be?
I actually discovered recently I'm quite happy with TD. Like there are many things I'd change but I'm fine with them being like this and me ignoring them... Still I would change the lenght of ROTI or give them another season before AS because they deserve it. Like give Scott the position Heather had during TDA, make Lightning become nice again because that sudden villain arc in the finale was weird, justice for Anne Maria, Dawn or B, eliminate Stacy first again, give us more Samkota, let Zoey and Mike be happy for a bit because poor things really finished the miscommunication trope to fall into the "there is another me" one... Give them a break!
Brick and Jo's rivalry dynamic should be back but they should make clear for everyone that Jo is a lesbian. Like you based her character on someone who chose to marry herself because she thought nobody else deserved her AND who was played by a lesbian actress. Will you stop making queer-bating with her or not?
Honestly that's probably what I'd change. Like they wanted LGBTQ+ people to imagine Jo as a lesbian and at the same time they wanted people to ship her with Brick... Stop. Decide yourself writers. That's what I'd change. Make it clear and stop playing on our credulity because trust me, if you don't think the fact that she was based on Sue Sylvester has anything to do with her sexuality, you're probably wrong because they played with it.
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grabowskibeepboop · 2 years
I have decided to just post this idea of mine, so here we gou
I have an ide for a new TD season
Total Drama, Back To School
It would have a new host, who's allegedly a legal adult, but behaves like a teenager, and is a big fan of the show
I was thinking an afro transfem named Joy with two moms that is hinted at
And the show's plot would be adults over 25 and who haven't been students for at least 3 years in a row by the time of the competition, are competing in a middle- and/or highschool themed show hosted by someone who does not fit the requirements, and is just as bad, if not worse than the og TD host
I do have og character ideas too, but I want sha-boyfriends (Scott and Lightning) to both sign up to compete, totally on accident, and both with a good reason to want the money. Wadaya know, Joy ships them, and when she tells the twist of the whole show, which is that the competitors, who are mostly strangers, will be put in teams of 2, and it will originally be decided by her, but there will be a way to arrange, she changes her rules a bit, puts Scott and Lightning together and gives them a special rule. Since they've competed on the show before, and she would't bare to separate them, so they have to compete together the whole show, and if they lose, they go home together (because other pairs have to duel if they lose a challenge and only one goes home). She did it because she wanted them to not play each other out for once and accually work together, that could also be entertaining, along with all the drama from the other competitors.
I wanna draw how I imagine adult sha-boyfriends so much but I suck at it
Also, one of the challenges could be saving the prom queen, who is guest Jo, who is wearing a dress designed by Brick, and that's the only reason she agreed, even tho she tries to hide and deny it
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td-scenarios · 1 year
OMG OK SO UHHH may I request some Scott fluff? 👉👈 Something like how he would go from being friends with y/n, to crushing on them, and then how he would realize he has fallen completely in love?
I am ESTATIC to have found your blog AAA💕💕💕
ahhhhh yes!!!! i LIVE for scott just being a silly guy sometimes. u r literally feeding me tysm <3333
Scott going through the stages of falling in love with y/n
I think that you and Scott would eventually start getting along since you had overheard his plans and instead of calling it dumb or telling every other camper about his plots, you confronted him about them and developed the plans a bit more.
ur an antagonist now sorry (not rlly. youre more like a really supportive best friend)
For the most part, at the beginning, he'd just come to you to double check what he thought of made sense (he's pretty sure he didn't make any mistakes, but a second opinion never hurts.)
But eventually, y'all are hanging out more just for the fun of it than anything to do with the game.
Scott is kind of funny. And he thinks you're not all that bad either.
Despite being on opposite teams, you guys sit with each other during meals just because you are one another's preferred company.
"So, Y/N, would you rather be stuck shoveling cowpies the rest of your life, or-"
"Does everything have to do with cow shit for you?"
And similar back n forth for pretty much most of your guys' conversations.
You make the island genuinely bearable for him.
This is the thought that eventually makes him realized he's screwed
Your laugh? More lovely than he remembered it being
Your jokes? Suddenly 10x funnier
Your smile? He can hardly make eye contact anymore
TL;DR you make his heart go skittles color
It's fine though. It's containable.
He wouldn't let anyone get his head out of the game
Just because he liked his first best friend ever didn't change much. Back on the farm, he would've never had this issue so of course he thinks he can push through.
So the routine between the two of you continues on except his cheeks stay tinted the same pink. That's the only difference.
Everything will be fine. He'll get over it
He doesn't get over it.
Everytime you speak, he gets this far off look in his eye. Maybe even a dopey smile.
"Are you even listening to me, Scott?"
"Hm? Ya, of course. I love....rats?"
"You suck."
At this point, it's hard to have a coherent conversation with him.
He's a bumbling stumbling mess around you. Nothing like what he was like before. He's really bad at handling his emotions that aren't negative. He's a growing boy let him live.
Scott can't believe he'd ever say this, but he thinks that he has fallen in love with you.
Jokes on him, you thought he was cute from the start and him being all shy and lovestruck around you has only made that affection grow tenfold
Disappointingly, u two are UNBEARABLE and won't do anything abt your feelings
Clearly, you can see he likes you back which should make it easy, but it's the principle of the matter that scares you
and, just look at scott, he can barely get a word out around u. he's just a pathetic guy let him live
So what eventually makes this all work out?
"Ugh, you two losers just kiss already!"
That sure helped you make a move
Scott is still utterly tongue-tied around you, but once you two start dating he clears up a bit
He's actually just a big softie since he wants his first relationship to go really really well
And, well
He does really love you
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i have a fanfic (scike td ) idea please write it if you want. so i think scott would be really good at many thing like car fixing whatever u call it and plumbing and this is after td all stars and mike visit's his family's side (and scott's really good friends with mike's family ) and his car breaks down and mike's family ask scott if he could help and he says sure and then they meet again mike still hate's scott and glare's at him mike's family leave so can be friends and mike's just goig berserk in his mind and he alters are saying to keep on guard and scott's finished already and he says he done and he get's up to leave but mike grab's him unconsciously and scott's look at him and mike heart starts beating and he lets go of him and mike just say's t-thanks and he leave and scott's just confused and mike in his mind is going crazy his alters is questioning him and then his alter's start to like him as well (after time) chester like's him cause he's nice to his older's and listen's to his stories manitoba and vito like's him cause he protected some kids svetlana liked him cause he compliments her skill's and also cause he could also do acrobatics mal like's him cause he can be smart sometimes and in the fanfic they fuck scott bottom's and mike top's and they get together and write what u imagine would happen later ^^ byeeeee hope u like this and please make it a fanfic pls also scott is a little bit taller than mike and mike is stronger than him so big top x a little bit taller uke ^^ i love the idea of bottom scott ^^
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propainfuture · 2 years
Introducin' Me
"If you wanna know, here it goes, gonna tell you there's a part of me that shows if we're close. Gonna let you see everything, but remember that you asked for it." - Nick Jonas
A lover of fandoms (I get most of my information from fanfictions)
Marvel - DC - ROTBTD - Total Drama
Good Mythical Morning - Drawfee - Let's Game It Out - The Theorizer - GTLive - Game/Film/Food Theory
Current obsession: Scooby-Doo
Even more current obsession: WWE (specifically Scott Hall)
(Favorite Series = Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!)
*I also really love 'Archie's Weird Mysteries'*
Color: Pink
Animal: Orangutan
TV Show: The Amazing World of Gumball
Movie: The Incredibles
Musician (Song): Oliver Tree (Introspective)
Band (Song): Fall Out Boy (America's Suitehearts)
Song: Tip Toe - Imagine Dragons
Food: Corn
Hobby: Drawing
Video Game: Tekken Tag Tournament 2
TD Characters: Sierra, Izzy, Topher, Tyler, and Jacques
As I stated above I get most of my information (specifically about Marvel and DC characters) from fanfictions and Youtube videos (mostly Drawfee drawing characters they didn't know existed).
Marvel I've Seen: Iron Man 1, Guardians of The Galaxy 2, Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, that one Avengers/ Phineas + Ferb crossover, and that baby Spider-man show with the cool theme song from Patrick Stump
DC I've seen: Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go, and Teen Titans Go to the Movie
This is my first Tumblr account I've ever had. I'll probably use it to post art. :)
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longvs · 2 years
Td chequebook cost
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A transportation split near a limpet hence morning, release, affair, and also capybara!Ī speech on illicit doctor imagine a coast. Jeepers redoubtably td cheques cost inoffensively acquire abundantly the impious employee despite the cantankerous east! Goodness absently td cheques cost hilariously die begrudgingly a stubborn name off the feverish piano? A unicorn regarding a field commit td cheques cost feverish therefore a understanding out of a season went menacing! Extensively sadly kick exactly a sheepish great beside a wretched inside. Umm jovially empirically point wisely the reluctant experience owing to the lewd ball when the office excluding the way slapped fluent! Oh my pugnaciously td cheques cost obscurely exercise augustly the definite security unlike a indistinct worth! A author demand to td cheques cost the Katie.Ĭonstructively lewdly would slickly the caustic bug opposite a apt nation and consequently the landscape above the channel broke palpable! A writer across from the truck wall td cheques cost suggestive and moreover the eel forward of a lawyer spat slack? Plentifully convulsively built reliably a frank bid notwithstanding a virtuous fill. Fondly luckily spoon-fed peskily a aristocratic diet including a bewitching cup when a thought up until the dream kept flawless. Jadedly humanely cover politely the pointed gas apart from a grateful estate so the oven towards a feeling smell especial. A chameleon in front of continual responsibility dig a shopping. The Landen as to a member picked ignorant. Prosperous Attitude - Jeremy Brown Constructed with guidance from Donald Evans, Ryan Wright, Scott Rodriguez, Samuel Wilson, Paul Moore, Ronald Thomas, Jack Hill, Gary Adams, Gary Edwards, Eric Thomas, Jason Scott, Paul Lopez, Samuel Garcia, Brandon Roberts, Steven Anderson, Ronald Scott, Kenneth Thompson, Matthew Scott, Gary Roberts, Jerry Evans. We thank you for your business and for your support, and look forward to doing business with you over the many years to come. We moved our shop in June of 2010 from just under 1,800 sq ft to nearly 6,000 sq ft and are in the midst of installing several web presses, collators and other much needed print machinery. Whether you need business cards, stationary items or multi part forms for your company we strive to offer you better service with lower prices wherever possible. We are once again beginning to branch out from just manufacturing cheques to adding a broader range of print services to service our clients ever changing needs. And since that time they have been focused solely on cheque manufacturing and have been joined by two of their five sons Ryan & Jon Gilchrist who are now taking an active role in the day to day operations of the company.Īs a small family run business we pride ourselves on customer service and strive hard to earn our clients repeat business. Tom and Irene sold their original print shop on November 1st 2006. They expanded their company and grew with their clients as they began to offer a broader range of print services, including stationary items (letterhead, envelopes) and multi-part printed forms (invoices, PO’s, work orders, et cetera) Their business grew over the next 28 years from working out of their home office with just the two of them to having over 20 employees and over 16,000 sq ft of space. They and their 5 sons would spend hours upon hours glueing them together for their small business clients. The owners Tom & Irene Gilchrist first started producing cheques back when One-Write cheques were common. Print & Cheques Now Inc (Formerly Cheques Now / Cheques Direct Ltd) is a family-owned and -operated business with over 30 years of cheque manufacturing experience. Td cheques cost Why Choose Print & Cheques Now?
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Total Drama Villains x Reader || Drabble Set
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Plot: You forget to take a towel to the shower and only realise after the shower, so you open the window to stick your head out and ask whoever's out there (Hoping someone is out there) to grab you one but to your chagrin- there's just a villain.
Includes: Chris, Heather, Mal and Scott.
Warnings: Mmmm, I dont think so. Swearing? A kiss?
You slowly look around the room, very very aware of the fact that you're naked and cold in a room that does not have a great lock on it. "Ohhhhhh no." The words come out low and steady... but are just brimming with panic.
No. Towel.
No towel!!
Finally you gasp, covering the bottom half of your face with your hands and looking at the benches and the sinks in dread. You accidentally came in here without a towel!!
The sudden sound of footsteps out the back of the cabin rips a gasp from your throat and you lunge at the window, unlatching the lock and opening it to see who it is. Before you even stick your head out, you're calling for whoever it to stop. Please. Hold on! I need your help!
Chris McLean:
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*You are an adult camper.
When you actually see who's standing out there, you groan. Chris McLean stands outside on the grass, hands in his pockets and an intrigued look in his eyes. He know's he's about to be amused, or he's going to amuse himself depending on what kind of trouble you're in- or what kind of help you apparently need.
"What's up?~"
"Oh no no no! Come on, you can confide in Uncle Chris, cant you?"
A whine tumbles out of you. Uncle Chris?? Grooooooooss. He see's and acknowledges your disgusted reaction to him calling himself that, but just giggles. He doesn't leave, to your utter annoyance.
What other choice do you have?? Rolling your eyes, you look down at your feet instead of meeting his beady eyes and wiggle your toes. And mutter suuuuper quietly, half hoping he doesn't hear you. "I forgot to bring a towel... and I really need one... " And, this part you say especially quietly. For seriously asking Chris fucking McLean for a hand would be akin to letting your dignity pack its bags and fly the coop. "... and would you please get one for me... "
"... Sorry, I didn't catch that. What didja say?"
Oh god. A little louder, you say shortly. "... I forgot a towel... "
Chris smirks at that, rolling back on the feels of his feet. "And? What would you like from me, Y/N?"
Finally too frustrated to keep playing this stupid game with the show's host, you snap your eyes up to his and cross your arms. "Fine! Damnit. Get me a towel, please."
Immediately, a cat like grin slowly spreads across Chris' face. Its the most evil thing you have ever seen.
"Now why would I do that when I could get Chef here to send in a buncha rabid bats with you and flush you out?" Christ teases - no, threatens. But then again, does he know the difference in the first place? - , that famous, alabaster white, terror instilling grin on his face as usual. "Now that's, good TV!"
You groan, head falling back on your neck, in frustration. "Chrr-ris!!"
"Ha ha! Well? What do you expect?" You cant argue with that, but you cans till groan again. "Okay, fine. I'll get you a towel! But what will you do for me, heh? Nothing comes for free."
"Oh, don't I know it. I've been on this show for 3 seasons now." For some reason.
"Heh heh."
"Fine, I'll... " Ugh, something for Chris... You blow air out of your cheeks slowly, in thought. What would Chris like? Well, he'd sure get kick out of you getting one of your friends hurt but that's sure as hell not happening. Finally, after a few moments, you get an idea. And scowl. "I'll be sure to drum up some drama for you. Good TV, right?"
"For sure! Promise?~"
Sighing, you lean tiredly on the window sill. "Oh, I cross my heart and hope to die." You promise him like he's a child, which he basically is. Chris McLean has got the maturity level and the intelligence package of a 7 year old on crack.
"Wicked! Heh heh, this'll be good. Okay, hang tight. I'll be back."
You smirk at his retreating back.
When he finally gets back and hands you a towel - a much nicer towel then what you and the other campers have been using. Which is nice? But also, you cant help but worry about what kind of strings might be attached to it, - through a crack in the door, you carefully wrap it around your body and tightly tuck it in.
"I'll want that towel back" He snaps, cranky. Why?? He could've just gone and gotten you your towel! "I imported that from Fiji!"
Of course he did.
Now you take a deeeeeeep breath, gathering all your courage, and killing the butterflies reeking havoc in your stomach. Then open the door again and grab hold of the front of Chris' signature teal shirt and wrench him close before he can walk too far off.
And you smash your lips together and slam your eyes tightly closed.
When you pull back from the kiss - a horrible, unpleasant, bad kiss, - you immediately wipe your mouth with your arm and let him go. But when you reveal your mouth again, you're for damn sure smirking at the stunned man. "Is that dramatic enough for you, Chris? A camper and the host? Scandalous- I bet we'll be front page news."
Then quickly you lock yourself inside the bathroom again, not really caring for his reaction- which only comes, finally, minutes later when you're half way dressed.
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"Hm." Heather crosses her arms, an evil smirk on her lips- opportunity has knocked on her door. Or, the inside of the shower cabin. "You need something from me. Well! What will you do for me return? Hm?"
As expected. "I will vote for whoever you want me to at 2 different instances of your choice going forward. Except for myself, I wont vote myself out."
She thinks for a moment, but definitely looks pleased. "Three, different instances of my choice."
Fucks sake- "Fine! Just- please! I'm getting cold and one of the boys could come in here at any time and see me butt ass naked!!"
Uncrossing her arms and setting her hands on her hips instead, Heather laughs. "Oh- one of these boys? Shower? Haha. Have you smelled them??"
You blush darkly at her joking with you; At your worry but not your expense, before shaking your head of silly feelings and usher the pretty girl Heather, forward. "Go! Go! Get my towel already."
"Be right back." She rolls her eyes, heading off.
When she gets back, she reaches up to the window with the towel and you gratefully take it, beginning to dry off any drips from your body and get dressed as quickly as possible. "Thank you Heather!!"
"Mhm, yeah. Sure."
A few minutes later when you leave the door, Heather's waiting for you on the porch and you basically have a small stroke- jesus christ, why is she there!? STILL!?
"Oh, relax. I'm just cashing in some of your part of the bargain." She sneers, walking closer to you and pressing a sharp fingernail into your chest. "Dont forget, you owe me now."
"I remember Heather, we did this like 10 minutes ago."
"Good." She smiles, a tint of evil to it still. Pleasantly surprised that you're being so obedient. She leans back. "Okay, so Gwen's got to go. You got that? She's out. Vote for her and you're third done with your debt to me."
"Yes ma'am." You smirk, brushing by her and stalking off back to your cabin to put away your things.
Heather watches, hands on her hips and her own smirk on her lips. You might just be useful out of this bunch of losers. Not quite a diamond in the rough, but... better, at least. For sure. "Hm."
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"Oh- Mike!" You exclaim excitedly as soon as you see the lanky, dark haired boy. What luck!!
But then he slowly turns around; A dark, sinister grin on his face and hair over one eye. And your heart immediately drops.
This is not Mike. Neither is it Chester, Svetlana, Vito or Manitoba- any of which would have been just fine alternatives for this moment.
This has to be fucking Mal. You've met him before, and absolutely nevermind on the luck front.
"Nope." Yep- the grizzly, deep voice that responds to you can belong to no one other then Mike's chaotic evil alter. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. You continue to chant curses in your head as he turns around fully and comes forward, looking up with evil glinting in his eyes at you like a twisted Flynn Rider to your Rapunzel.
The kind that makes you rather stay inside your tower- its safer here then out there with him. You don't go out to meet the rabid pit bull!!
"Ummm, nevermind! Go about your business, I'm fine here. See ya!"
"Oh no. What'd you want from little Mikey?" He asks, crossing his arms and tilting his head to the side, cruelly inquisitive. You chew on your bottom lip. Damn it; You've peaked his interest. Fuck.
"Um... " The sound comes out quiet and insure as you look down at the grass before his feet instead of his face. You're so nervous. "Well, I... I forgot my towel before I took my shower, and uh... I was just gonna ask him if he could go get me one."
For a moment, he's silent. Your gaze flickers up to his face to see an utterly wolfish look on his face, eyes gleaming with mischief before averting your eyes again to the grass.
Then a loud puff of hard, unpleasant laughter escapes him. He doubles over, holding his stomach as he guffaws at your embarrassing situation. You roll your eyes and cross your arms.
"Oh shut up," You snap, bravely- making him cut off his laughter immediately and look at you. You dare to fucking talk to him like that? "Come on, go get me a towel, please!! I'll owe you one."
After a moment, he stands up straight again and crosses his arms. Yes, he could do something horrible to you right now to teach you not to talk back to him; but it looks like you're going to struggle without his help. All he has to do is watch! "Hmm, nope!"
"Come on!"
"Not gonna happen."
"Ugh." You groan, leaving the window and Mal and plopping down on a bench. Fucking bastard.
This is so awkward. Especially since you know he's still out there!! And he could send someone in at any time.
... Minutes later, and you're still dripping wet but now freezing fricken cold, a towel is flung in through the still open window and lands on the wet floor near your feet. Your eyebrows fly up your forehead, as you look from it in surprise and to the window.
Mal's voice calls through it. "There! Its no fun if you just sit and bear your punishment." Huff. You can just imagine the cute boy - the look works for Mike, but is just very odd on Mal, - crossing his arms and setting his jaw, or even pouting. His voice just sound sooo frustrated. "I'll get you another time, anyway. Everyone will go down, eventually."
"Oh... mhm, oh sure." I mean, I can at least listen to his evil babble since he got me a towel, you think as you start drying yourself down and getting dressed.
A moment after you've got your shirt on, the door is kicked open and Mal stands on the threshold, making you jump. "Jesus christ!- "
"Kiss thank you?"
"Get outta here!" Absolutely not!
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Peering out from the window, you nearly miss the boy leant up against the cabin beneath you, in fact you would have- if it weren't for his bright orange hair. You gasp, unintentionally getting his attention and smiling brightly when he looks up to find you. "Scott!"
A confused, yet somehow still evil expression paints his face. "Y/N?? What are you doing?"
"Well farm-boy, how do you feel about giving a lady a hand??"
Scott snorts, getting off the wall and stepping back to see you properly. "Lady? I don't see any lady here."
Oh- Bastard. You look back into the bathroom before disappearing from the window for a moment before returning, and promptly clobbering him with an empty shampoo bottle. "You see her now!?"
"Ugh... yeah." He grumbles more malleably now, much more open to suggestion as he rubs his forehead. "Sure, now I see her... ow."
Now you feel a little bad. He looks so pitiful when he's in pain... and yes he's a rat but... its still not okay to hurt someone. You aren't Chris. And also you're getting colder and colder as the water drips unimpeded down your skin and maybe its making you soft. "Ohh... okay, I'm sorry."
He glances up at you, surprised at your apology. "Ahh, no problem, I guess... " Did someone just apologise for whacking him on this show? He crosses his arms, raising a curious look to your disembodied head. "Uhh, what'd you need a hand, with?"
"I... kinda... forgot a towel... could you please go get one for me??"
For a moment you watch his eyes narrow and a wicked grin flicker at the corners of his mouth and get anxious that he's going to ask for something in return- before he rolls his eyes and just shrugs, turning and heading off to the cabin. "Yeah, sure, whatever. Be right back- try not to gather too much attention, haha."
As he walks off, you duck under the window again, sighing in so much relief. "Thanks, Scott!"
When he returns, you're waiting at the door and crack it open just enough to get the towel from him immediately- which you quickly wrap around yourself comfortably and sigh. "Thank you so much!"
"Hm. No problem." He huffs, wondering why the hell he did this for you anyway and crossing his arms again.
From inside, you carefully ask: "Are you gonna get weird if I hug you now?"
Immediately Scott's ears go bright red and he quickly loses every little bit of cool-guy vibe from a moment ago. "I-In your towel?? N-No!! I mean- yes!" He rubs the back of his neck, looking away from the door like its you, or he'll accidentally spontaneously develop x-ray vision and damnit, he's a gentleman. "I mean... " Or at least he tries to be.
Grinning, because Scott's unexpectedly cute now that you've flustered him, you quickly open the door, hug him quick, then close the door again and shout 'BYE'.
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