#teacher representation
crookshanks23 · 5 months
Thank you to Matt Arnold for giving us some excellent teacher representation on this podcast during teacher appreciation week.
(Loving the new season so far. Excited to see where this goes).
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haliaiii · 4 months
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heartstopperthoughts · 8 months
The Heartstopper teachers mean everything to me.
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fisherrprince · 6 months
Okay so okay so hmmm. The "shadow" of the Dark Knight is meant to be some representation of a part of one's soul, specifically the darker emotions and reflections of oneself, so would Alisaie's be Alphinaud since they're twins? Someone she constantly compares herself to and finds herself Lacking In Relation To Him (In her own mind, he is smarter, he is kinder, he is more rational, he Knows What To Do More Than Her), which would force her to slowly learn that You Are Good Enough As You Are Alie-
grabs you slowly pulls you towards my wip folder looks around. it looks like wol. it looks like the wol the strongest the best the winner until they confront it and it changes shape into just alisaie, just herself she’s competing with. the wol pushes her to be better, she pushes herself to be more. the wol is what she wants in a teacher. herself is what she needs to confront
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
I have seen a wild amount of people complaining about the context of Wind Breaker and how "unrealistic" it is for the characters to go to school but without any teachers or adults being shown or protecting them and... First of all, realism is not what you're going to find reading a Shonen and if you want a full-on high school experience, read another manga. It is very common to skip those details as a writer because they are not interesting in the slightest and they have confirmed multiple times that all of their grades are awful, so you won't get a silly little arc about them studying, because they directly don't. To say it is "unrealistic" is to ask for boring, pointless, plotless occurrences in a Shonen manga about fighting. Are people even hearing themselves when they complain?
But it's not only from a writer's perspective skipping what's unimportant that justifies the lack of teachers and responsible adults, but the plot itself. At first, it is confusing, but I think you only have to look a bit deeper into the cultural context of the story to understand why there aren't teachers/adults shown.
I'm around chapter 100, so I am not sure this gets explained further in the manga, but my theory as to why they behave this way is pretty simple, honestly: They are poor and in ruins, and adults with the power to change things do not care about them. Easy as that.
Whether it is real or just an exaggeration of what's actually going on, it has been shown countless times (especially in Umemiya's backstory, explaining directly how authorities don't care about the kids or anybody, really) that the whole city is made for outcasts and left to rot by the government. It is not some apocalyptic bullshit, it is stuff that happens every goddamn day in real life. They go to school but they aren't shown studying and the place itself is a mess. We only see Umemiya running the school but it is confirmed that there's staff and somebody grading them somehow, despite never being shown studying or doing anything other than patrolling. But they have shown us that the city used to be extremely problematic and chaotic and only recently have things started to change for the better. Most villains and even main characters are orphans and live on their own. There's a whole arc about a group of kids being left to rot in poverty without any means to study or live a normal life. Even our main character lives on his own in a horrendous apartment. Like--
I believe you have to be blind to not see that, if this isn't just literally some people turning their backs against poor kids in a place in ruins, it is at least an exaggeration of these things happening in real life. Because they could have classes and teachers and everything you want in the manga to make it more realistic, but this is, after all, from the perspective of teenagers who can't rely on anybody but themselves. There's only so much a teacher can do, and we know most of them do nothing for these kids. So if it is "unrealistic" perhaps you aren't aware of what damn hyperboles and metaphors are, but this is from the students' points of view, and when you live in a place like this, it doesn't matter how many teachers there are or police, because they won't help. So they are directly erased from the story to be replaced with Sakura's point of view of Umemiya running the whole place.
So I think that instead of looking for realistic interpretations of their high school experience, perhaps you should empathize a little with the actual real high school experiences of people like them.
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dont-hug-me-its-yuri · 2 months
Yay!!! Happy Disability pride month gang! Have some head canons! (Some of these only really apply to the human versions I have of them so I’ll clarify when it does apply to them as objects aswell)
I’m mostly doing main characters like the teachers and the main three in this post but I’ll probably make one for side characters if anyone wants that :3
l Sketchbook l Uses crutches due to muscle weakness in their lower legs (<- Human) and Autism
l Tony l Cane user due to weak and frail bones, Visual impaired but refuses to use glasses they do use a monocle on occasion though, Autism, and Anger issues
l Shrignold l Autism and seasonal depression
l Colin l Visually impaired as a human and wears glasses (still wears glasses in object form but doesn’t technically need them) and Autism
l Steak l Missing his right eye after the electricity episode covers it up with a white eyepatch though
l Spinach can l Leg amputee, uses a wheel chair to get around (Human), Autism, adhd, and minor speech impediment
l Bread Boy l Autism, deaf and mute
(Fridge doesn't have any disabilities btw)
l Lamp l adhd and depression
l Briefcase l Visually impaired and uses glasses (canon) and autism
l Brendon l autism and depression
l Coffin l needs reading glasses (seemingly canon??), autism, ptsd and depression
(The twins also don’t have any disabilities)
l Warren l Autism and attachment issues
l Choo Choo l Cane user (Canon)
l Electracey l Autism and adhd
Main three!!!
l Yellow guy l Autism and adhd
l Duck l uses reading glasses, cane user due to chronic pain, autism and ocd
l Red guy l Autism and depression
Every character is neurodivergent!!!
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Btw seeing gringos trying to dance tango or salsa is so 🫥🫥
Like I don't mind at all bro go off but like put some flavor in there I AM BEGGING i swear u won't die WHERE IS YOUR SOUL DO YOU NOT HAVE A HEART
#tango specifically gives me so much cringe but bc they have such a weird and wrong idea of how tanho is really like#i do not enjoy seeing it butchered#but i do not mind that other people dance it per se i just wish they cared a bit more about how it's traditionally danced#i was thinking about this seeing a gymnast the other day that had i think salsa in her routine?#(idk bc the volume was so low i just had to go by a bit of what i heard and her movements)#SHE WAS STIFF#all her routine was so beautiful and elegant and then that part... it was definitely there#but then i saw a YouTube video nd it was one of those where they teach how to dance x latinamerican rhythm#but the teacher is always yanki and the steps are all numbered and there's squares on the floor telling u where to step#and LISTEN i know it's useful to have a visual representation or a guide at first to figure out the movement#but please that's just at first u can't just go through life overthinking merengue bc u're gonna look dumb#even the teachers look like they are trying to hold a penny between their ass cheeks without it falling while they dance#u have to let go and just feel it at some point#some of our dances are so much more about the feeling or connection with your partner than about the technique#technique is still important but like#i would enjoy much more watching someone who doesn't know every dance so just does a couple basic steps but FEELS the music#and is just enjoying themselves while dancing#than seeing someone who spent an entire year learning every step and turn but they look petrified and scared while dancing#nobody is out to get u sweetheart u can let go PLEASE u're scaring the kids
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Idk who needs to hear this but its NEVER too late to identify as genderqueer and you dont have to show "signs" as a child. I feel like in media, trans people are often shown to know from childhood that they are trans. There's this idea that to be trans, a child needs to show distain to things stereotypical to their afab. To be allowed to be trans man, 6 year old you had to hate dresses and barbies. To be a trans woman, 6 year old you had to hate hot wheels and haircuts.
Well that's bullshit. You can be trans and figure that out as a 20 year old. Maybe as a 40 year old! Even 60 year old people still come out as trans at their age. And many people who come out as trans in later years actually were fine with stereotypical agab stuff. So what if you were fine with wearing dresses as a kid and you are afab? Doesn't make you a girl by standard! You can be genderqueer, trans, nonbinary, bigender, whatever. Your childhood experience with gender does NOT have to define who you are now!
And as a final note, does anyone know and wanna recommend some good trans media (including books) where they discover themselves later on in life? Would love to see stuff like teen self discovery stories where they didnt know as a child.
Submitted June 13, 2023
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I got more of the Heartstopper teachers in my life. I am not disappointed!
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Reach Out to your local body of Gods and Earths in City/State or even country.
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originalhaffigaza · 4 months
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
“This will anger the right people,” said the writer, revealing the gender of a main character’s spouse 2/3rds of the way through the book.
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steven1123x · 2 months
Behind The Scenes - Chapter 22: First Day Of School
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Steven and Rose were at Target getting things for Steven’s first day of school, which was in a week. Rose had enrolled her son in California Elementary School. Steven was excited, but nervous because of his past experiences with kids making fun of him when he was seven.
Steven and his mother parked at the store to get school supplies.
Steven and Rose walked in, they were in the back-to-school aisle, and Steven saw a shopping cart pass by him at full speed.
Steven sees a very chubby kid with two front buck teeth, no ears, short blond hair, and pink skin, (except on the shoulders and the torso which is a bright yellowish-apricot color, where his clothes usually cover him). He wears a neon green T-shirt with short purple sleeves, blue shorts, and dark blue boots.
The second boy used to have long hair all that was left now were tiny strands, He had a big forehead, small, and somewhat crooked teeth, with spaces in between some, and big eyes and big pupils as well. The boy wears a black t-shirt, cut-off jean shorts, and dark red boots.
The third boy has an enormous rounded square head, brown hair, a bright cyan t-shirt, and tan-yellow shorts. He wears very tall socks, along with dark blue sandals. He also seems to be very skinny.
“CLARENCE!” the second boy said, laughing, The third boy was trying to get stuff for school but he kept putting it back. Steven sees them and walks over to them.
“Hi! What’s your name? I’m Clarence! These are my friends Sumo and Jeff!”
“Hi, I’m Steven!”
“Hello, Steven,” Jeff said, waving. Steven smiles at him.
“Hey, Steven! wanna get in with Clarence?” Sumo asked. Steven looks at the boy in the red shopping cart, Steven smiles and gets into it with him.
“Ready guys!” Sumo asked, gripping the handlebar of the cart.
“Yeah!” Steven and Clarence both cheer. Sumo started running at full speed, both boys laughed as all three of them were having fun.
Rose, on the other hand, was picking School Supplies for Steven. Rose put some clothes in her cart. She was walking to get school supplies and some new clothes for him.
Rose looks up ahead, a boy races past her with two other boys in a shopping cart.
Steven laughed along with Clarence as they were having the time of their lives. Jeff ran behind them with some school supplies in his arms. “Guys! Come on, where am I going to put these!”
“Put them in my shirt!” Steven said, lifting his shirt, Jeff almost freaked out because of the gem in his navel.
Jeff tried not to cringe at that. But he was fascinated as well. The boy had to ask it. “Doesn’t that hurt, Steven?”
“No, I wasn’t born without a belly button. So my mom took me to the jewelry store and we bought a Rose Quartz gem.”
“Uh, guys that’s not a—“Jeff was cut off by Sumo. “Aw come on man! Hey guys. Let’s go get pizza!” Sumo said, Steven and Clarence both cheer. Jeff sighed.
“What about Back To School shopping? My mom gave me her card.”
“You can do that! were going to get pizza!” Steven yelled back, already running out the doors with his new friends and now walking to the Pizza Hut that was across the street.
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Jeff walked into the Pizza Hut and opened the door, Target bags in his hands as he walked up to the counter with them. “Guys! I have my mom’s card!” Jeff said. Steven was bouncing on his heels, Clarence did the same thing. All three of them ordered pizza, Jeff got cheese pizza. Steven got pizza with mushrooms.
“Hey, Steven. Why won’t you get pepperoni?” Clarence asked the boy.
“Oh, because I am vegetarian.”
“What’s that?” the boy asked.
“It means a person that doesn’t eat meat, Clarence,” Jeff said. Steven nods. he was right.
“Oh, so how long have you been a vegetarian for, Steven?” Jeff asked.
“Since I was six,” he said.
“How old are you now, Steven?” Clarence asked the boy.
“I’m eight,” he said Jeff nodded, concerned for Steven, but he brushed it off.
They all ate pizza and talked.
“So, Steven, have you lived in California your whole life?”
The boy looks at his pizza, his eyes dart back to Jeff. “Um…. I moved here from Deleware… Something happened…” Steven said, Jeff knew, he knew from the sound of his voice.
“Did…. Did you lose your house?” Jeff asked sadly. Steven nodded. He put his elbows on the table and he covered his eyes with the palms of his hands. Jeff got up, sat next to him, and put a hand on his back.
Clarence and Sumo looked at each other in sadness for their new friend. Clarence ran up to him and hugged Steven, Steven shut his eyes and let it out. He’s been holding this in since yesterday.
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Steven, Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo all went back to Target, Steven saw his mother.
“Oh, you guys are back! how was it?” Rose asked, getting starry-eyed.
“It was fun, Mom, Oh. These are my new friends, Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo.” Steven said.
“Oh, hi guys! Where are you going to school?”
“Oh, we're going to California Elementry School,” Jeff said, Steven’s eyes went starry and hugs them.
“Oh my gosh! we're going to be in the same school!” Steven laughed with joy, he was so happy. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow!
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Rose opened the door to Steven’s temporary bedroom, the boy was sleeping peacefully, and his head of curly hair was seen as he had his back turned to her, Rose smiled softly and whispered in his ear. “Steven…”
Steven’s eyes opened, and he sat up. “Good morning, Steven… Time for school,” she told her son gently. Steven got out of bed and stretched.
Steven went out into the hallway and the bathroom.
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Dressed in a bright red T-shirt with a star on it, Steven was in Misty’s car. It was seven in the morning. They had to get to the school by eight. Rose was basting rock music from her phone in the car, connected to an AUX cord.
Steven’s eyes went starry as they entered the school, there were a lot of kids walking or getting dropped off by their parents.
Steven and Rose both see the entrance to a building named "California Elementary School." The building has a modern, minimalist architectural style with white walls and a flat roof. The entrance is centrally located, featuring a pathway leading up to a gated entrance with glass doors. The name "California Elementary School" is displayed above the entrance.
To the left of the entrance is a large tree with a thick trunk and a broad canopy, providing shade to a section of the front yard. The front yard consists of a well-maintained lawn with some small shrubs and a few benches placed along the walls of the building.
To the right of the entrance, a digital signboard is mounted on the wall, displaying school-related information. Additionally, there are a few posters or notices on the wall near the entrance.
In the foreground, there is a parking area with marked parking spaces and a blue curb, likely indicating a designated drop-off or handicap-accessible area. The sky above is clear with a few scattered clouds, suggesting a pleasant day. The overall scene is tidy and welcoming, typical of an educational institution. The image shows the entrance to a building named "Whittier School." The building has a modern, minimalist architectural style with white walls and a flat roof. The entrance is centrally located, featuring a pathway leading up to a gated entrance with glass doors. The name "Whittier School" is displayed above the entrance.
To the left of the entrance is a large tree with a thick trunk and a broad canopy, providing shade to a section of the front yard. The front yard consists of a well-maintained lawn with some small shrubs and a few benches placed along the walls of the building.
To the right of the entrance, a digital signboard is mounted on the wall, displaying school-related information. Additionally, there are a few posters or notices on the wall near the entrance.
In the foreground, there is a parking area with marked parking spaces and a blue curb, likely indicating a designated drop-off or handicap-accessible area. The sky above is clear with a few scattered clouds, suggesting a pleasant day. The overall scene is tidy and welcoming, typical of an educational institution. The image shows the entrance to a building named "Whittier School." The building has a modern, minimalist architectural style with white walls and a flat roof. The entrance is centrally located, featuring a pathway leading up to a gated entrance with glass doors. The name "Whittier School" is displayed above the entrance.
To the left is a large tree with a thick trunk and a broad canopy, providing shade to a section of the front yard. The front yard consists of a well-maintained lawn with some small shrubs and a few benches placed along the walls of the building.
To the right, a digital signboard is mounted on the wall, displaying school-related information. Additionally, there are a few posters or notices on the wall near the entrance.
In the foreground, there is a parking area with marked parking spaces and a blue curb, likely indicating a designated drop-off or handicap-accessible area. The sky above is clear with a few scattered clouds, it is a pleasant day. The overall scene is tidy and welcoming, typical of an educational institution.
Rose parked in the parking lot, turned off the car and they both went inside. Steven was holding Rose’s hand as he had on a bright red backpack with a bunch of yellow stars on it that matched his shirt. Steven wore his pink flip-flops as they entered the building.
Elementary school-aged kids were walking around the halls. Cyan blue lockers lined the halls, Steven’s eyes were starry again as he and his mother walked to the office a few feet by the front doors.
Steven and Rose both walk into the front office, it was big and spacious, Rose sees the secretary. The secretary looked up and removed her glasses. “Oh, hello,” she said.
“Hi, I called about enrollment for my son.”
The woman finds his file on her computer.
“Ah, your. Steven Quartz Universe. Correct?” she asked, Steven nodded.
“I just want to let you know, that your son has a beautiful middle name.”
Steven blushed when he heard that.
“Thank you, I gave him that,” Rose said, smiling at her.
"Alright, Steven you will be in Miss. Amin’s class.” Steven smiles. “Steven, do you want some help getting to your class?” His mother asked.
“Yes, please,” Steven said. Rose smiled and held his hand as mother and son both tried to find his classroom. Rose looks at the paper. Which shows his class Schedule and locker number.
“Okay, your locker number is twenty-two. And your class is….” Rose paused as she kept walking, Steven looked at the hallway. Rose got to the door.
“Here it is!” She said, then opened it. Steven’s eyes went starry as he saw the classroom. “Wooah, look, Steven!” Rose smiles. Steven giggled and ran to a table.
This classroom has a well-organized and inviting appearance, designed to facilitate learning and engagement. Here are some key features:
The classroom contains several rectangular tables arranged in clusters, each with multiple chairs. This suggests a setup conducive to group work and collaborative learning.
Each table has name tags and worksheets or booklets, indicating assigned seating and prepared materials for the students.
The walls are decorated with bulletin boards, one of which has large, visible labels such as "EVERY DAY COUNTS," suggesting an emphasis on daily activities or goals.
There is a large window at the back, allowing natural light to fill the room, creating a bright and welcoming environment.
Below the window, there are various potted plants, adding a touch of greenery and a natural element to the space.
Shelving units along the walls are filled with bins, books, and educational materials, providing easy access to resources.
There is a whiteboard or bulletin board at the front with additional materials pinned up, likely used for instructional purposes or displaying important information.
The tables have tennis balls on the legs, which likely serve to reduce noise and protect the floor.
The ceiling has exposed beams and fluorescent lighting, typical of many classrooms.
Overall, the classroom is thoughtfully arranged to support a dynamic and interactive learning environment, with ample resources and a focus on both individual and group activities.
Steven finds his seat with a name tag with the names ‘Clarence, Jeff, and Ryan’ on it. “Mom, look! Clarence and Jeff are in my class! but… who’s Ryan?” Rose was confused by that too. “I don’t know, Steven. We have to see,” she said then stood to her original height.
Rose and Steven both see the teacher enter the classroom with a coffee cup in her hand. Steven looks at her.
The woman is smiling and standing outside the door. She is wearing a white headscarf that covers her hair and neck. Her attire seems to be modest, with the headscarf being a prominent feature. And her expression is friendly and welcoming.
“Hello!” Rose said, shaking the woman’s hand. The woman shook her hand. “Hello, I am Miss. Amin, you must be Steven.” she knelt to his level, putting both hands on her knees.
“Hi,” Steven said, shaking her hand.
“Are you excited for your first day with us?” Steven frowned and then looked at the floor. Miss. Amin darts her brown eyes back to his mother in concern.
“Oh, Steven had a bad experience at his last school. He got bullied a lot.”
“Oh, we make sure that won’t happen,” she said.
"Miss. Amin, where are you from?” Steven asked. The teacher smiles. And tells him.
“I am from Palestine,” she says. Steven’s eyes went starry, he never heard of a teacher from that country before. He has a teacher who was from Africa, but that’s it.”
“That’s nice, I am from another planet,” Rose said casually.
“Excuse me?” she said, she thought she didn’t hear right.
“I am from another planet.” Steven looks at her and nods.
“Okay, that’s fine. you're not going to…. Probe or harvest my organs?” she asked nervously.
Rose tried not to laugh then she cleared her throat. “No.” Miss. Amin sighed in relief and then smiled. “Well, Steven. We're happy to have you in my class. Sorry if this is personal. But, what race are you exactly?”
“We’re a race called Gems,” Rose said. Steven walked away to look at the stuff in her classroom.
“Okay.” the woman looks at her wedding ring.
“So you're married to another member of your species?”
“No, I’m married to a human. And Steven is half human, so he’s a hybrid of a gem and human.” The teacher nods.
“Alright.” Then the bell rings, and kids start filing in. Clarence walked in and was wide-eyed.
“Steven!” the boy said.
Steven turned around and ran up to him. “Clarence!” he hugs him.
“Guess that they're going to be good friends already. Steven! I have to go now, I’ll see you later!” Rose said. Steven hugs his mother.
“I love you mom.” Rose kissed him on the cheek.
“I love you too. Oh, I will not be picking you up. Tony or your father will be picking you up.” Steven nods.
“Can I hang out with Clarence after school Mom? please?”
“Are you familiar with California yet?” Steven thought for a moment and sighed. “No…. But I will be with Clarence and his friends! And I have a full battery!” Steven said pulling out his phone and showing her that the green battery on his iPhone was fully charged and green.
“Alright, you can go with them, Steven. But if anything goes wrong, You call me or your dad, even the Crystal Gems right away. Aright?”
Steven nods and hugs her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Rose giggled and kissed his cheek.
“Have a good day, Steven!” Rose said, leaving the classroom.
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A|N: Hey guys. I’m back with a new chapter! This chapter was so much fun to write! AND NEW CHARACTERS, YAY! I can’t wait until the next one. Anyway, bye, guys!
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princemick · 5 months
throwback to the time a 15 yr old student of mine asked 'are you non-binary?' in a random empty classroom as I was helping them out w an assignment.
and then when I said yea and asked y she asked and wondered she went shy but entausiastic and answered with 'oh a few friends of mine are too and I was just wondering! thats cool!' and we had a lil convo abt why I didn't tell the class at large.
like the way kids r so fuckinf accepting and are just curious nowadays as I have an emotional puddle
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poetryintheraw · 1 year
Shout out to Full Metal Alchemist for having a chronically ill woman who can consistently beat up both the main characters. (Also shout out to her supportive himbo husband- he didn't do anything, I just love him)
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sspiderj · 8 months
thinking about the a+ i got on my sapphic slasher story i wrote for english
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