#tech-centric cities
stealingyourbones · 2 months
Posting it seperately bc I think it's a good question besides the original OP getting mad at my responses: Where would Danny go if he were taken away from his parents whether it be temporary or permanent? - Aquaman/Atlantis. If the Fentons want to travel to the bottom of the Marianas trench to a Atlantian city, they would have no way to follow and catch him. The amount of high tech it takes to take a human piloted vessel to that depth AND with the permits you need? They’d never be able to catch their son again even if they tried. If Danny stays in his ghost form to not get folded like a tin can under the crushing depths, they could find where he is but can’t do shit about it. He would be under the protection of King Arthur and they have their own laws. The US government can’t get Danny either as he’s in international waters/Aquaman’s kingdom. It’s the perfect place to go while waiting for the entire GIW laws to get tossed.
Additionally, just anyplace besides the US. There’s many Metahuman rights acts in different countries and with the Anti Ecto Act not enacted there, he falls under the category of a Metahuman (usually a person who undergoes a super traumatic accident and gets powers associated with said accident. Danny fits this to a T.)
I’m not too sure of Non US centric heroes but Danny could move to Canada, the UK, Europe, those are the most hero filled non U.S. Places that come to mind. Solely on the DP aspect of things:
If not his parents, most likely his Aunt, Vlad, or other relatives we haven’t heard about would take care of him.
If he’s running from GIW in angst like fashion, since he’s it’s the closest other country it would make the most sense to get Vlad to fly both of them to Canada. I don’t doubt Vlad has a cabin up north for ice fishing n such. Vlad might make the stipulation that Maddie must come with as payment for helping Danny. Of course Jack in his oblivious self goes too.
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sibillascribbles08 · 8 months
Man I've written 26 fics for rise, that's insane, anyway here's a master post, sort of? I realized some people either A) may not know how many different fics I've written or B) not realized "oh he wrote that" sooo
One Shots
Don't You Care? – Donnie and Leo centric, post-movie. Donnie isn't always great with feelings, and when he fails to understand Leo's, he tries to find a way to fix it. Doing so forces him to unpack some of his own thoughts on their victory over the kraang as well.
To Bridge a Canyon of your Own Design – Splinter centric, post-movie, a bit of a retrospective on his relationship with his sons, his depression, and him trying to move away from his unhealthy coping mechanisms.
I Didn't Vote for You – Leo's the leader now, and Donnie always finds ways to argue with him about it. Leo wants to find out why Donnie has such a problem with how he's trying to lead the team, but it turns out that isn't the problem. It's simply the fact that Leo's the leader at all.
I'd Give Anything – Donnie-centric. A slightly alternate take on the movie's ending where instead of just firing a drill into the portal, Donnie jumped in, and ends up losing an arm in the process. But he has to kind of piece all of that together as he recovers in the med bay, talking to each of his family members.
Grappling With Things Beyond Your Control – Gift fic for my friend Bat! Donnie-centric, post season 2. Suddenly getting ninpo with no prior training causes Donnie's powers to start to run amok, and on top of that he has to help his family not only find a new home but move into one. It's a lot to balance, maybe too much to balance.
Four Turtles in your Corner (Store) – A silly fic about April being out of supplies for her period, and in desperation sends the boys to go get her some. I'm sure four reptilian mutants have competent knowledge on what humans need for things like this.
Now Lie In It – Big Bang fic! Takes place during season 2. Leo won't sleep, and ends up getting on Donnie's nerves. The softshell's solution to the problem is a simple sleep potion, but when he pours too much into Leo's tea his brother won't wake up. Time to force April and Draxum to go find an antidote while he hides his mistake from the rest of his family. (it sounds angsty but it's comedic, actually)
What Will You Leave Behind – Big Bang fic! Doomed timeline, Raph centric. Raph is the first of his siblings to die during the war. And while he does everything he can to be their ever present pillar as they eventually follow after, he can't help but loathe the fact that the ones still down there are suffering and he can't do anything to help.
My Words Died With You – Gift fic for Bat! Doomed timeline, Donnie centric. Donnie quit speaking when Raphael died, months later he still isn't. His family tries to help him cope with this, even Raphael does from the afterlife, but it may not be enough.
VHHB series
(These are all post-movie)
My Roommate the Troubled Time Traveler – Casey and Draxum centric. Casey Jones Jr. isn't coping too great with being in the present, and trying to live in the lair isn't helping. So Mikey has the GREAT idea to convince Draxum to let Casey be his roommate. The alchemist thinks this is a terrible idea, but he might be able to help the kid far more than he realizes.
Violet Hues and Holly Blue – Donnie centric. 8 months after the kraang invasion and Donnie's been the reigning champ in the Battle Nexus for a while, in his attempts to improve his mystic abilities. But this draws the attention of a business focused wasp named Holly Blue who offers to help sell his tech designs in the Hidden City. Donnie ends up agreeing, having to keep that secret from his family too, but eventually they're going to find out. (This is only a partial summary haha sorry, fic is heckin long)
Missing Pages – Just some VHHB extras, but hey it features Big Mama being herself, Lou Jitsu maiming some people, Donnie dealing with past blood on his hands and uuuuh Leo and Holly becoming friends (what a mood whiplash)
You Are Loved – Two-shot fic about the Caseys (of the Senior and Junior variety). Casey Jr. wants to know why his ninpo sprung up so suddenly, and in his search to find out discovers his family is much closer than he realizes. Meanwhile Cassandra is struggling with her place among the Hamatos, it doesn't help when she finds out they're keeping a pretty big secret from her. Hopefully they can make it up to her.
The Sun and Icarus – Mikey-centric. He's been doing pretty good at developing his mystic abilities lately, but now they're starting to explode, pretty violently. And it turns out if this keeps up the whole ordeal could just kill him. Better find a way to put a cap on it, or something to that effect. (Wow more power overloading fics from ME)
Girls' Night – April centric one shot, also April/Sunita. She's just trying to have a fun night out with the girls, inviting Holly Blue along for the ride, but maybe that was a mistake because in her attempts to playfully tease the wasp, she's suddenly forced to confront her own crush.
And For my Next Trick – Leo-centric one shot. Leo's getting frustrated with his lack of progress on his mystic powers, and with Hueso's advice decides to shift his focus to a different kind of magic, stage magic. With Hueso Jr.'s help, he plans to put on an entire show, which should be fine if some other magician doesn't show up to steal the show.
Look Up Hero in the Dictionary – Raph centric. Raph's feeling a bit too idle in the city lately, with only minor crimes going on, but in his wish for something exciting a strange explosion happens at an apartment building. He attempts to help everyone escape, but a yokai holding the building together stays behind, and on top of that charges Raph with the task to take care of her child. Have fun taking care of a powerful psychic seven-year old, Raph.
What You're Made Of - Casey Jr. centric. Casey is getting frustrated with discovering weird things about his body like skin problems and peanut allergies. Draxum suggests he find out who his other parent is to get an idea of his genetic history, but when he finds out who it is, he's kind of ticked off that his family never told him. (this is a bio dad Raph fic for the record).
Off Colors AU (Separated AU)
Off Colors: Contrasts - Covers season 1. Leonardo's spent most of his life believing he's an only child because his little brother was kidnapped when they were only toddlers. But a rescue mission to the Hidden City with his best friend April results in him finding out he actually has three siblings. And in the span of a couple of weeks he finds out all of them are alive and, unfortunately, working for bad guys. He's going to try everything he can to stop them and convince them to come home, but it may be a fools errand.
Other Chaptered Fics
An Alien Invasion Happened but That's Not Really What This is About - Long ass title. Jason-centric. Hi I wrote a novella sized fic about what happens to this kid during and after the events of the movie. Watch him attempt badly to cope with trauma while also fixing his relationship with his very queer dad who loves him a lot.
Artificial Phoenix – Lou Jitsu died in the arena but then Big Mama said no no no! So Draxum brings him back to life while mutating four turtles so Lou Jitsu said NO NO NO! And he took them and ran. Alternate take on the events of the show, where Splinter is undead and unmutated, and unfortunately does not keep his soul in his body the entire time, leaving his sons grieving and desperate to get him back.
Jasonnie things
Not Part of the Plan – Donnie centric. Despite knowing time travel exists, Donnie is still surprised to find his future self in his lab. But his excitement at the possibilities is swiftly crushed as his future self has an easy time embarrassing him. He hopes he can at least gather some useful information in the process, but he slowly begins to wonder if he even wants answers to all these questions.
You Have to Let Him Go – Donnie centric also sad as hell. I literally just wanted to write about how Donnie's husband hecking dies. Read this if you want to be miserable. (or if you hate Jase I guess ??? alskdjf man got char grilled (I have to make jokes to keep myself from being upset shh))
I'll Put the Knife in Your Hand – Well, now that Donnie heard about his possible future husband, he's determined to at least get to know the guy. Unfortunately his family is far more cautious about this than he seems to be. AKA Four times Donnie's family believes Jase is planning to stab him in the back, and the one time he actually does.
ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND - Donnie is messing around with his mind machine again, and in the process ends up erasing part of his memory. Specifically the memories about Jase, and Jase is barely handling this well. Good thing Donnie's brothers who totally and absolutely are on good terms with Jase are there to help. Maybe.
Dual Dragons - Collab fic with @there-wolf ! A fic in which our versions of Jason end up encountering each other and even switching universes temporarily, giving them a window into how their life could be different (for better or worse).
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liekadae · 3 months
Spirits and Yokai AU sounds cool!
I wanna know more pls :>
Yes so...!! It's actually more a Cyberpunk/Yokai AU that I'm thinking of
Especially with the incredible base that joel is building, and then right next to him is impulse and bdub's city, like that kind of setting is impossible to pass up.
I like the contrast of an entirely tech-dependent city and people and then some sort of monster/yokai. (I'm thinking like that one episode of Love Death a Robots but cyberpunk instead of steampunk) so obviously there's a lot of environmental themes you could naturally build into a story like that.
But also I've been thinking a lot about humanity; in a tech centric society obviously people would do the whole body-modification-integrate-with-technology-stuff and would that make you less human? and when faced with a god-like creature then what? who is more human; a half-machine or a half-creature? What even makes you human then?
Or something like that?
Anyway, I'm probably not going to write a lot for it until the season goes on for longer because I want to see how the two cities turn out. I really want the setting to become its own character
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he1ian · 2 years
masked chimes au master post
(by boatem, convex-solos and me)
[convex centric superhero au where everyone other than joe hills suffers, is evil or both]
[disclaimer: this au is divided into 3 acts, as far as act 1 is kept light-hearted, act 2 and 3 bring up dark topics (manipulation, strong violence, death unhealthy relationships, etc.) so if it's not your jam, proceed with caution! or don't proceed at all]
[it also has elements of shipping (cubscar, bigren, biggri, solidaritimes) so, keep that in mind]
[also grian uses she/her. cause why the hell not]
designs (so far):
• jingler & (act 1) jangler
• stress, (act 1) scar, joe
• (act 2) jangler , cub, grian
• bigb, ren, doc
• cleo
• vault busters (iskall & mumbo)
• false, jimmy, pearl
• mother spore
• jingler & jangler (act 3)
• gem / dawnbreaker
• etho
the world is kept in modern times ableit not realistic, some people have hybrid body parts however it doesn't majorly affect their life, they're mostly just design choices
character roles (act 1):
- jingler: cub's persona, an undefeated supervillain, terrorizing the city for fun
- cub: scar's roommate, studied medicine but works retail, tired
- scar: cub's roommate, works at anything as anyone (barbie LOL) hence has money to support both him and cub, childhood best friend of mumbo and grian, extremely full of himself
- grian: a detective working on the case of the jingler, childhood best friend of mumbo and scar, crushes on bigb
- jangler: scar's hero persona, created for the sole purpose of fighting against the jingler, offers his help to grian (who in desperation, accepts)
- ren: in a day to day life he's the owner of the shop cub works at but has knowledge in spy gadgets, gets called for special jobs - currently working in espionage helping grain, has an unofficial thing going on with bigb
- doc: tech guy, met ren when he was tasked to create his prosthetic after an accident in the past, currently working in general tech helping grian, (later creates weapons for jangler to use)
- pearl: grian's boss, should've fired her on probably 5 different occasions
- iskall: villain (retired supervillain), currently focusing on robbery rather than causing chaos and violence
- mumbo: villain, iskall's sidekick, childhood best friend of scar and grian, was NOT made for the role of a villain but is scraping for money (rip), has no interest in harming anyone, he's just in for the cash
(they don't really go by any specific names and are rather seen as a complete duo of vault busters)
- stress: retired supervillain (who worked alongside iskall), currently living a peaceful life as an owner of a flower shop
- bigb: owner of a bakery, has an unofficial thing going on with ren, like the only genuine fan of the jangler
- false&jimmy: sheriffs (as in, police level) assigned the case of vault busters
(jimmy and lizzie are blood related and grian is their adopted sibling)
important events (act 1):
- scar and cub didn't know each other before living together. cub met scar one evening when the latter was going home after one of his many jobs, they briefly talked. scar spiked cub's interest as despite clear signs of a crime committed on his clothes were visible, scar didn't mention them at all. he later found out that scar was looking for a flatmate and offered himself.
- grian is overworked, not even close to revealing the identity nor capturing the jingler, without thinking too much about it she rambles about the case to scar whenever they meet for a friendly chat. that's when scar gets the idea to become the jangler ("someone would have to be insane enough to face jingler in combat") but not really because he cares about the greater good of the city - he sees it as an easy opportunity to get fame. [🟣][🟠]
- jangler would've easily lost to the jingler if it wasn't for the fact cub recognizes his roommate (it's painfully obvious really, he doesn't understand how no one else sees it, cartoon logic) and after some dodging he flees the battlefield leaving scar behind. for the first time, someone has survived a duel with the jingler.
- even though he never actually comes close to harming or even scathing the jingler, grian's new companion sparks fresh hope into her and the future of the case. her and her team of doc and ren start working on more complicated tech and weapons. (the success also makes grian not even consider scar to be the new hero. she greatly undermines his abilities).
- [ending of act 1]
jangler is awaiting the arrival of the jingler when the vault busters stumble upon him. past urges awaken in iskall as he senses a perfect opportunity to fight the only undefeated enemy of the jingler. long story short, they fight, mumbo messes up scar's face on accident (which leaves the left side of his face covered in burn scars), cub arrives and saves scar. [here's a fic of the scene written by our friend!]
character roles (act 2):
[if someone isn't mentioned, their role stays the same][the vibe turns a whole 180° from now on]
- cub: scar's boyfriend with no genuine feelings of love towards him, treats scar as his science project
- scar: cub's partner, borderline obsessed with him, craves all his attention
- jangler: now a supervillain working alongside cub, loves playing with fire
- ren: fucking dead (the jingler kills him 🙏)
- grian: a detective throughout the first half of the act. after jangler leaves and ren dies, the case is in shambles; gets demoted to vault busters' case and false with jimmy take her place
- mother spore: grian's vigilante persona, created after her demotion and finding out the identities of jingler and jangler. decides to take matters in her own hands and forms the resistance
- joe: silly character with massive plot armor [best explained here], film uni student who wants to make a movie about jingler and jangler for their thesis, best friend of cleo
- cleo: film directing student at the same uni as joe, accompanies him in his observations and recordings, admires jingler's ability to unnoticeably lead a performance, best friend of joe
- stress: accidentally gets roped into grian's resistance, reveals her knowledge of heroes and villains
- mumbo: the wettest rag of a character, gets his leg chopped off by the jangler (😢), retires as a villain after that
- iskall: after mumbo gets injured he blames himself for it (it's the second time his companion suffers meanwhile he leaves unscathed) - he turns himself in
- jimmy: now working on the main case, convinced there's a thing between him and scar - scar however uses jimmy's infatuation to gather information that might help him and cub [🟠]
- bigb: ren's death takes a huge toll on him, grian gets closer to him
important events (act 2)
- after the fight with vault busters, cub saves scar and takes him to his hiding spot. he reveals his identity and offers scar to join him instead. cub tells scar how actually weak he is and that people don't consider him great. he also offers that beside him, he will get a taste of real fame.
- scar and cub burn the old outfit of the jangler together. it awakens scar's love for fire meanwhile cub showcases and offers the new suit - revealing his plan has been in the making for a while. [🔵]
"Scar treats being the Jangler as a performance. He doesn’t really treat all the atrocities he commits with the seriousness they should have."
- in the meantime while scar heals, jingler keeps on the down low but isn't restless. during one of his shifts cub messes up and while chatting with ren, mentions information about the latest doings of the jingler only classified people would have access to. he's forced to and murders ren.
- grian is the person to break the news to bigb. they become closer.
- scar makes sure to make his return and reveal a big thing. the jingler calls grian and doc to announce he's holding the jangler hostage. upon arrival, they reveal there's no hostage. scar only craved an audience. after this scene, grian loses the case.
- the jangler takes mumbo's leg just basically as a revenge. lol. he didn't want to kill him but wanted to make him never forget.
- joe becomes one of the victims of jingler and jangler. or better said, was supposed to. the guy doesn't seem to be able to die and after a while the duo becomes so fascinated by him they just let him live. he offers to make a film about them, thinking of them more of as actors than threat. cub out of curiosity and sheer ridiculousness agrees and scar considers what he's doing to be a performance anyways. (joe never finds out their identities though)
- scar and grian end up in an argument over jimmy and cub which results in scar revealing to be the jangler. he promises grian that he will kill her. you can read a fic of this scene here!
- after finding out about mumbo's injury iskall feels incredibly guilty and turns himself in. he's judged only for his present crimes and gets a community work sentence (grian figures out mumbo must've been the other vb member but stays quiet. how she isn't fired is anyone's guess).
- cub and scar go into hiding and grian decides to take matters into her own hands, directly this time. she forms the resistance and mother spore.
[a great fic of one of the fights between mother spore and the jingler and jangler, by vexcraft our beloved]
- [ending of act II]
once again, a big fight, jingler and jangler are against the resistance (yet again)
this time the resistance comes out as victorious and the fight ends in cub getting gravely injured and scar turning himself in, considering it the better option than letting cub die.
act III (general info)
[this part is still a big work in progress so not many things are settled on]
- the main premise is basically that scar and cub end up in jail (losers). cub loses an eye after the fight with grian (both him and scar losing what matters more to each of them - cub utility and scar, appearance).
- scar doesn't cope well with being away from cub and not knowing his state
- false and jimmy interrogate them
- they manage to escape but as i said, it's only a brief outline, no details on when and how yet
[the post will get progressively updated]
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catonator · 8 months
Funny heading to a blogpost on videogames that’s some sort of reference
Look, I already used the ctrl+alt+delete quote in a blogpost title. It’s February 2024, and it’s already a very wild year for gaming. We’ve had more layoffs than with the entirety of 2023, games shown off at events seem to be stagnating, interest in the art is waning. Youtube is filled with “modern gaming sucks” doomer blackpill videos. It’s a miserable time.
Is gaming just over?
Well, no. Of course not. The Sonic franchise has lingered for decades despite consistent failure. Games are more resilient than that.
Humanity’s relation to computing is still pretty fresh, and I’d say that despite the size and scale of a lot of it, we’re still going through major growing pains. Concepts like video games, the internet and special effects are still pretty new, despite being around for twice or thrice as long as most of the people reading this have been alive. Internal combustion engine -powered cars were invented in 1808, made mass produced in the 1910s, and even then it took until the 1950s for them to be common enough for the US government to bother designing cities around them. In the present day, many have come to resent the car-centric design mentality, even though the driving (no pun intended) factor behind them was mainly the same as with technology today: scientific and technological progression is unquestionably good, and therefore new and successful ideas should be pushed and relied upon as hard as possible. What could possibly go wrong?!
Video games are far from the only medium which is seeing similar problems. Movies have suffered greatly from a capeshit infestation, in which the abuse of VFX artists is valued over, you know, basics of good filmmaking, and the general public is clearly sick of it. On the internet, we’ve decided that megastructures like Twitter are better than forms of communication we’re good at, and it’s gone horribly wrong. We’re still learning the “do”s, “don’t”s and “who the fuck thought this was a good idea”s of tech.
Games as an artform are as alive as they ever were, but the sheer scale of the operations has grown to a point where nobody can really understand it. The numbers behind playerbases and the money traffic have so many zeroes that you can’t even fathom the number. Even if I used some metaphorical figure, like 20 000 cars. Shockingly, despite how console sales haven’t really increased in numbers (the top selling console of all time is still the PS2), most of the top-grossing games of all time are relatively recent. This implies that the behaviour of consumers has shifted from purchasing a variety of different kinds of games into purchasing fewer games of fewer different kinds. And I don’t think it’s a case of customers deciding to shift over naturally.
In the past decade or so, the gaming industry has decided sensible experiences are a way of the past, and the future is making games for debt and making back the money with horse armour and other garbage the general public doesn’t really want.
But we’ve seen this shit before. In the 90s, 3D was “the future”, and 2D pixel art or hand-drawn art in general seemed to go the way of the dodo for polygons and ““realism””. About a decade later, 2D art would see a resurgence and in some cases overtake the big lads in lasting impact. In the end, people crave personal stories, varying ideas, and interesting ways to tell them. Not much has changed since ancient Greeks, besides that the medium of storytelling has largely shifted from some guy standing on a stage, trying to explain another world, to electronic devices actually showing us the other worlds.
I think as we play out the Icarus stories in real time, we’ll also learn when boundaries are pushed too far, and the scale of the bullshit simply collapses in on itself. When that happens, the public is forced to step back and reevaluate the ways we thought were the future, and what really is better for all of us.
When a storm flattens a forest of dead, decrepit trees, the sun and rain can now reach the ground and cultivate a new generation of different plant life. Once hidden beneath the dead corpses, now able to grow and bloom in a way the old generation never could. You should just keep doing what you think is right. Now’s the time more than ever to be the backbone of a better industry, for many applications of tech, from games to communication. And it’s better, if the backbone comes from the grassroots, and isn’t defined by the megacorporations. Because those cunts will never learn from their failures.
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qserasera · 6 months
Tumblr media
DOMINION; an absolute throne AU mix for orv
'they say there are two kings of the absolute throne'
+ also yjh/kdj-centric in this slightly darker AU +based off of my original post idea turned fic here +cover art also drawn by me
Song List below
{01 Straight for the Kill- UNSECRET, Anna Renee | 02 Gods - NEWJEANS, League of Legends | 03 Endgame- Klergy | 04 Golden Throne - The Tech Thieves | 05 In the City - Kevin Rudolph | 06 Untouchable - ITZY | 07 NOTORIOUS - Neoni | 08 Only Getting Started - Royal Deluxe| 09 New Things - ZICO, Homies | 10 Who's in Control - Set it Off | 11 Immortal - Stileto, Silent Child | 12 Checkmate (Stage Version) - THE BOYZ | 13 Give me the Night - Des Rocs | 14 Equal - ODESZA, Låpsley | 15 Anything You Want - HYDDE, MOONZz | 16 Follow Me (I'm Right Behind You) - Haley Reinhart | 17 Sinners (feat Thomas LaRosa) - Ari Abdul, Thomas LaRosa | 18 Holy (Hollow & Caster Remix) - Roniit, Hollow, Caster | 19 Destiny - Kim Jang Woo }
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yuebings · 8 months
nothing speaks to you in the night
relationship: yuuji & everyone, minor itafushi
word count: 21,208
rating: T
tags: alternate universe- canon divergence, hurt/comfort, fix-it of sorts, depowered yuuji, yuuji centric, Yuuji’s Fun Adventure: How To Live After You Die, Everyone Else’s Fun Adventure: How To Get It Through Yuuji’s Thick Head That We Care About Him
The last flare of sunlight outside has faded into a spark at the horizon’s edge. Dusk, and the birds have come to roost—Yuuji can hear the clicking and fluttering, the gentle rhythm of their bodies as they settle under the awning outside his window. He stares out the dark glass as he attempts to calm himself, looking for a hint of foot or beak and finding nothing but the city.
It’s been one week since he fled Jujutsu Tech. Not a single person has come to drag him back.
Stripped of his cursed energy and wracked with guilt, Yuuji leaves Jujutsu Tech in the dead of night.
read on AO3
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threewaysdivided · 10 months
for the ask game: 💥🤔📚
if we can only do one, your pick :)
(Fanfic writer ask game)
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
I've talked about some other changes in a previous ask, but I think Danny Phantom could have been improved by either re-writing the episode Memory Blank or at the very least, cutting a couple of the jokes. The base-premise is potentially interesting but it was definitely one of the ones where the show did characters dirty for the sake of jokes.
If I had to leave it mostly as-is, I would at least want to ditch the two random insert jokes where Danny "remembers" using his powers to peep in the girl's locker room. Not only is the base joke a gross, sexist "boys will be boys" gag, it also just feels really jarring and almost out of character for Danny in particular. That's not to say that Danny isn't canonically chauvinistic in other ways at times, but this one doesn't jive with how he reacts to similar situations (and behaviors from Tucker) in other, more character-centric episodes. The abrupt musical punctuation feels more like a sudden insert of Fairly Odd Parents humour and I would say it's probably only there because this kind of "adorkable misogynist" punchline is a common staple in both Butch Hartman and Steve Marmel's comedy styles.
Ideally though, since the main purpose of the episode is to give Danny his marketable DP insignia, I would rather do a full re-write around all three trio members actively trying to design a logo for Phantom. Rather than doing Danny and Tucker dirty by making them into boring butt-monkeys who live empty lives without Sam (and doing Sam dirty by making her seem like a weird stalker who changes Danny's suit without his knowledge or consent) we could have had an episode that let the icon have actual symbolic meaning for the whole of "Team Phantom". It's sad that one if the most iconic symbols of the show ends up being tacked onto a character assassinating goof-story when there were so many ways it could have been great.
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
Going to go with a soft no on this one.
For one thing, I believe the best stories happen when someone has a specific story to tell, and at the moment my Deathly Weapons fanfic is the main story I feel the need to make exist. As a mystery nerd, I guess I could maybe do a decent detective story involving Batman or Gotham, but on the other hand I don't think it would be the kind of story Modern DC wants to sell.
From a practical point of view, I also think the things and stories I find the most fascinating within the Danny Phantom fandom would probably be too tonally serious to "fit with the brand" of official canon material. (Although it has been awesome to see some of the Phandom olds getting ascended to the level of official canon creators with the AGiT comics!)
As for Young Justice Animated I think I'm one of several fans who wouldn't mind being tagged-in (or at least a fly on the wall) if DC/Warner Bros ever decided to give it the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood treatment, kick Greg Weisman's Whedon-worshipping incel ass out the door and let some of the prominent staff who were dropped after Season 1 have a do-over to continue the story they were actually setting up. I think there was a lot of potential in that initial cast, and there were some really cool character-centric standalone episodes that could have come from things like digging into Artemis and Jade having a diegetic connection to Alice In Wonderland while living in the same city as Jervis "Mad Hatter" Tech. But as it stands, I found Weisman's multi-season vandalisation of his colleagues' work to be so egregious that I ended up blocking both the main series tag and his name for the sake of my blood pressure. Look, even when he's not writing like the kind of man who probably fantasises about impregnating his colleague's daughter, the Nostalgia-Critic-level incompetence at basic narrative coherence is just exhausting.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
For today's tasting, I would like to recommend Developmental Milestones and the broader Cor Et Cerebrum series by @audreycritter. Actually, let's just make that a general rec' for all Audreycritter's DC stuff.
I really like their interpretations of the Batfam and Superfam. They do such a good job of capturing the humanity of these characters in their non-cape moments, and I love their approach to dialogue. I think it speaks volumes to the strength of their character-writing that, despite not being a reader who generally goes in for Original Characters, I have become deeply obsessed with their on-call OC Batdoctor Kiran "Dev" Devabhaktuni. He is indeed the light of my life. Developmental Milestones is Dev's focus story but plenty of others put the focus on the canon DC roster if you prefer.
Go enjoy seeing Bruce get yelled at by a deeply affronted, potty-mouthed British Doctor with a heart of gold, though he'll stringently deny it.
Thanks for playing!
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Draco-centric fics or at least pieces where he's empowered and in control? And... not like a whump fic or something 😅 swear these things hide in some stories like jumpscares.
OR, do you have scrumptiously delicious AUs to rec? I'd be so positively grateful!
Hello anon! This took a minute but here are a few recs for you. Enjoy!
Empowered Draco:
The Slytherin Urn by @icmezzo (E, 4.5k)
Nothing turns Harry on quite like redemption.
check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous by @lqtraintracks (2014, E, 8k)
Harry's had a crush on Malfoy for months now. But it will take a bar full of his friends, some Firewhisky, wagers made on his behalf, and Malfoy himself to get him to act on it.
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley (E, 9.6k)
Draco Malfoy is a brilliant freelance cursebreaker and the only one who can help the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a very dangerous case, but more importantly, he's wearing six-inch heels, and Harry cannot handle it, he really just can't.
Countdown by dysonrules (2013, M, 15k)
When the Wizarding world is plagued by random outbreaks of Dark Magic, the Ministry assigns Curse-Breakers to assist Auror teams on their missions.
Heal Thyself by astolat (T, 47k)
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.”
Against All Odds by momatu (E, 53k)
Beauxbatons is hosting the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe, and Harry has promised to enroll Teddy as his birthday present.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 (E, 91k)
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (E, 99k)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life.
Never Grow a Wishbone by ShanaStoryteller (T, 123k)
Draco returns to Hogwarts. He has a duty to his blood and his name and his house, and he will fulfill it.
Any Instrument by @dictacontrion (E, 131k)
Draco Malfoy wouldn't go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case. Being asked to figure out why Harry Potter can't control his magic might be exceptional enough to qualify.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by @firethesound (E, 150k)
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
Mad Blood Stirring by provocative_envy (E, 3k)
It's not like they've been angrily hooking up on the sly since meeting at a Juniors skills camp in fucking Manitoba four years ago, except that's exactly what they've been doing.
Big Hands by @fw00shy (E, 4.5k)
Draco Malfoy is a pianist who's just moved to Paris. Harry Potter, his new roommate, has the biggest hands he's ever seen. Draco is immediately obsessed.
Settle in in my slow-burning heart, orphaned (NR, 10k)
Five years after the war Draco is working a tech developer job in the Auror Office, and it's all great except this one thing: Harry Potter works there, too.
And Save Me From Bloody Men by @blamebrampton (T, 10k)
Draco Malfoy once watched others fighting to stop the world falling apart. This time, he's not just watching.
The Pirc Defence by @sleepstxtic-drarry (E, 10k)
They were rivals, and they were lovers, and they were the greatest chess players of their generation. Exactly in that order.
The Virtues of Hygiene and the Binary of Labour by @piarelei (E, 15k)
Draco does what he always does every autumn; packs his bag and follows a path back home. This time, Potter just happens to travel the same roads.
Give Me a Quiet Mind by @wellhalesbells (T, 16k)
Draco is Weasley’s assistant. Except for the week he’s not. Whose brilliant idea was that again?
Black Coffee on a Lonely Night by Femme (M, 21k)
Draco owns a café in the city. Harry's a MP who comes in every morning, newspapers in one hand, BlackBerry in the other, and orders a triple espresso macchiato.
Burn the Curtains and the Wine by @nerdherderette (E, 24k)
There are two versions of Harry Potter: the wizard who is the Ministry of Magic's most dangerous and successful assassin, and the husband who leads a staid life of domesticity with a reformed Death Eater.
The Boy Who Died by @magpiefngrl (E, 27k)
Harry dies in the forest. Sixteen years later, he comes back to life.
Seasons Change by JulietsEmoPhase (E, 30k)
Muggle AU. When Draco meets his family's new farm hand, he doesn't realise how much his life will change.
The Thrill of the Chase Moves in Mysterious Ways by @veelawings (E, 32k)
Draco solves crimes that don’t technically belong to him and Harry tries not to fall in love. Co-Starring: Hermione, High Heels, and Hiccups along the way.
Rush (For A Gap That Exists) by @sleepstxtic-drarry (M, 42k)
A story of love and loss that grew amidst the most infamous rivalry in Formula One history: the story of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.
I could be wrong, I could be ready by harryromper (M, 57k)
Harry Potter left Britain after the war and didn’t look back. Ten years later, when Gringotts discovers a vault containing his parents’ belongings—including their badly spell-damaged wedding rings—he’s forced to face up to friends and family who’ve grown in ways he could never imagine, a wizarding London rebuilt beyond his expectations, and the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s the entirely unforeseen problem of Draco Malfoy.
In the Bleak Midwinter by @the-fools-errand (E, 105k)
After serving in the border wars for the ever-expanding dominion of Lord Voldemort, Draco and his cousins have returned to Hogsmeade to resurrect the old Black Family name in crime.
Synthetic Bonds by mypetelephant (M, 116k)
Harry has always been the golden boy of Malfoy Corporation, earning the respect of Lucius and the resentment of his high school rival, Draco. But Lucius has a business proposal that involves Harry becoming a Malfoy..by marrying Draco.
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airplanned · 1 year
Healing of the Ocean
It's bittersweet and healing when Yona takes the Sheikah tech away.
Onshot. Yona-centric. 1,800 words. Rated E for everybody. Not betaed, we die like men
The Eastern cliffs of Hyrule rose even higher than Yuna remembered, jutting straight upward hundreds of feet.  She found it so strange and wonderful that the Zora of Hyrule could remove themselves so thoroughly from the ocean.  It seemed they enjoyed their rivers and lakes, their water so bright and airy compared to her own home on the ocean floor.  Her memories of visiting Zora's domain as a child were of sweeping arches and walkways that glowed a lovely blue and seemed to defy gravity.
Such a different way to live!  The world certainly was full of marvels, and she was lucky enough to behold a small fraction of them.
Their navigator swept their ship south, and Yona watched as the cliffs gradually lowered and flattened until they were finally able to turn in at a bay.  A pair of Hylian lookouts caught sight of them at the bay's mouth, waving their arms in greeting before remembering to switch to a large flag to wave them in.  Yona laughed and waved back, as did the rest of her delegation.  Their first look at the good people they had come to aid.
Although the dock was clearly hastily made, it bustled with activity.  The Hyruleans had seemed to have no idea of the size or construction of the Zora ships--the long, cutting catamarans, the wide flat deck with holes to drop down into the water for a swim, or the tiered layers of wide, short sails.  But their engineers had clearly paid close attention to the designs that were sent to them, and the dock suited perfectly.  Behind the dock, the beach quickly turned into a stretch of flat grassland on which they were gathering the machines.  The long legs of squid-like guardians dangled out of the back of horse-drawn carts.  Piles of toppled turrets.  Great, curved sheets of mesh.  Swirls of tan rock like mast-heads.  Slabs of stone with constellations dotted across them.  And above them all loomed the Divine Beast that she'd seen only in sketches.  
The elephant knelt on the ground, its trunk lifted, one side completely removed to show the interior like a giant's doll house.  People scurried over it, lowering heavy devices from inside with a crane controlled by a team of Gorons.
Yona had read the letters, of course, but to see the extent of it all with her own eyes took her breath away.  There were so many machines.
Her mind raced with images of the reefs that would grow over the guardian's husks, coral wedging into the crevasses in vibrant colors that maintained the original swirls.  She could picture the towers they could build from the strange stone that could withstand the pressures of the sea floor.  In her mind, she saw a city of domes and arches, with schools of fish shimmering as they circled the minarets.
She barely pulled her eyes away as she and her delegation stepped off the ship, and she pulled herself into the present to greet the approaching welcome party.  At the front was a short blond woman, who Yona knew must be the Princess Zelda with whom she had exchanged so many letters.  Beside her was a stooped Zora with a sting ray countenance, who beamed at her with rheumy eyes, and a woman with white hair and bright red glasses, her lips pinched in worry.
"Your Highness," Zelda greeted, pressing her hand to her chest and bowing her head in the traditional greeting of Yona's people.  "Our warmest welcome to Hyrule."
"My dear Princess Zelda, I'm delighted to be here."
"I hope your journey was not too strenuous."
"Not at all.  The weather was pleasant and your country is as beautiful as I remember it."  She looked around to the distant mountains and grinned.
"Thank you."  They fell into step together, heading away from the ship and towards the machines.  
The Zora man hurried to her side, "Lady Yona, surely you would like to see where you're staying first?  We've made arrangements for a private area for you and your countrymen."  She was prepared for accommodations on land, but he pointed towards a kind of pagoda built over the water.  The pillars and roof were wood, but a wall of machine parts had been sunk into the water around it as a wave break.  How delightful!  "King Dorephan was adamant that you receive a feast.  Hearty Hylian bass, delicate snails steamed in lotus blossoms."
Yona laughed.  "That is all amazing!  You and your king are too kind. I am beyond grateful.  But...if we have to walk past the machines, it seems silly not to see them first.  I'll tell you truely, I have heard so much about them that I can hardly contain my suspense."  
Her mother had warned her not to be over eager about the devices.  This was a somber occasion, and there might as yet still be grumblings about handing them over.  The queen felt that they should act as if they were doing the Hyruleans a humble favor and downplay any advantage they received from the agreement. 
But Yona could tell from Princess Zelda's letters that she had a deep fondness for the machines, and Yona was certain it would put the Hylian monarch's mind at ease if she conveyed a true appreciation for the gift.
Her honest interest paid off because the Hylian princess gave the machines her own warm smile.  A bit sad.  A bit proud.  Understandable considering all the mixed emotions.
"Of course," she said.  "You can see that Vah Ruta has already arrived.  But she didn't have to travel far.  You can see her resting place from here. We only had to bring her down the cliff and across the river."  Zelda pointed at a plateau across the way.  "Vah Naboris is on a barge on her way here as we speak.  We expect her in another few days, but she will take extensive dismantling because of all the electricity.  She would be the greatest safety hazard to your people.  Vah Rudania is more difficult to transport, and the Gorons have a plan to bring her mostly over land.  And then the Rito have no choice but to dismantle Vah Medoh and bring her peace-meal.  Most of her left wing is over there."  She pointed at a distant pile of the strange rock.
"Such industriousness," Yona said.
"Yes," Zelda said.  "In all our rebuilding efforts, it seems the only thing everyone can agree upon is that we want the Sheikah technology gone."
"Only because it stopped working," the white haired woman muttered.
As expected, not everyone was happy to see the machines gone.
Yona pretended she hadn't heard, and Zelda did as well.
She paused next to a pile of the squid-like machines--guardians--and hauled one around so Yona could see inside.  She barely touched it before five workers ran over to do it for her.  "We removed the interior wiring, and we have a plan to clean everything of contaminants before you bring them into the water."
Apparently a large part of the negotiations for the machines was that most of the technology--inert as it was--would be removed first, so that the Zora would not be able to reverse engineer them as weapons.  Yona did not care about the weapon technology.  It sounded frightful and as if it appealed to a person's greatest vices.  But then her country was not as consistently plagued by magical evil as Hyrule was, and she could not begrudge their attempts to defend themselves.  Such defenses would have no use in her homeland.  No, Yona simply wanted the raw materials to fabricate new structures.  Until recently, their city was a marvel, but a typhoon five years ago dashed their palace and swept away their homes.  With a lack of materials, people had taken to living in sunken ships like scavengers and squabbling over what remained of the reef.  Many left for warmer shores.  
They needed to reclaim their former stability and prosperity.
Princess Zelda led her to the kneeling elephant, where she watched in fascination as the Gorons lifted out a machine that must way several tons, carrying it through the air on pulleys without even the help of the ocean's buoyancy.  "Our engineers will explain the pumping systems to you and your people."
Yona was diplomatic enough to smile and say a simple, "Thank you.  Such technological advancements will be a great help to my people."
Vah Ruta was another source of strife.  This time among the Hyruleans, because it seemed the Zora claimed ownership of Vah Ruta and wanted to give the Divine Beast to the ocean Zora regardless of its military capabilities.  Perhaps because of its military capabilities.  The rest of the Hyruleans thought the weapons should be destroyed forever, all the races of Hyrule jointly surrendering their claims.  There was no word for weeks while the people of Hyrule debated among themselves, and then the ocean Zora were informed of the compromise: that they would receive Vah Ruta with her water pumps and ice-creating abilities in tact, but the lasers and the ability for it to rain ice shards from the sky would be removed.
What a difficult situation for Hyrule.  And for them to turn on each other at such a difficult junction was sad to see, and yet it strengthened her heart to see that they were able to come to an agreement in the end.  Hopefully they could continue to stand together.
"Ho there!"
They turned to see a Zora man trotting towards them, covering a great deal of ground in easy bounds because he was so very tall.  The strength of his form and the ferocity of his shark countenance were balanced by the delicacy of his attire, and when he flashed a shining grin at her, any trepidation she felt at addressing someone so very large vanished.
"My lady Yona," he said, pressing his hand to his heart and bowing.  "Please forgive my late arrival."
"May I present Prince Sidon," Princess Zelda said, and Yona gasped.
"But you were so small the last time we met!" Indeed, he'd been a head shorter than her and a bit round. 
He threw back his head and laughed, and such a sound was something worth cherishing.  "Indeed!  Has the princess shown you Vah Ruta?  Although she was put to ill intentions, she is a marvel.  In the end she was our defender, and my sister loved her dearly.  Despite that, we must see her go so our people can heal.  I feel secure entrusting her to your capable hands."
"I swear to you that we will take excellent care of her, and treat her with all honor and love."
"My deepest thanks," he said, and the sincerity in that statement was enough to banish any doubts she may have had.  This was right.  With this they could find healing.
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coworkingspaceinpune · 6 months
From Startup Hubs to Creative Enclaves: A Guide to Coworking Spaces in Pune
Pune, known as the "Oxford of the East" and a budding hub for startups and creative professionals, boasts a vibrant ecosystem of co working spaces. These spaces offer more than just shared desks; they foster collaboration, innovation, and community-building. Whether you're an entrepreneur, freelancer, or part of a small team, here's a curated guide to some of the top Coworking spaces in Pune:
The Mesh: Located in the heart of Pune's business district, The Mesh offers a contemporary workspace designed to inspire creativity and productivity. With state-of-the-art facilities, flexible membership plans, and a focus on networking events and workshops, The Mesh is ideal for startups and small businesses looking to thrive in a dynamic environment.
E-Square Coworks: Situated in the bustling business district of Baner, E-Square Coworks is a tech-centric co working space in Pune catering to startups and IT professionals. Boasting high-speed internet, ergonomic seating, and modern amenities, E-Square Coworks provides a conducive environment for innovation and growth. Additionally, regular networking events and mentorship programs add value to its vibrant community.
Workbay: Nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Kothrud, Workbay offers a laid-back yet professional workspace for freelancers and small teams. With its minimalist decor, ample natural light, and cozy ambience, Workbay promotes focus and creativity. From hot desks to dedicated cabins, Workbay provides flexible membership options tailored to individual needs.
91springboard: With multiple locations across Pune, including Kalyani Nagar and Yerwada, 91springboard is a leading co working chain catering to startups, freelancers, and corporate teams. Boasting spacious work areas, high-tech conference rooms, and a vibrant community of entrepreneurs, 91springboard fosters collaboration and growth. Regular events, workshops, and mentoring sessions further enhance the co working experience.
The Daftar: Tucked away in the quaint lanes of Koregaon Park, The Daftar exudes a cozy yet professional vibe. This boutique co working space caters to freelancers and creative professionals, offering a tranquil setting amidst lush greenery. With a mix of private cabins, open desks, and meeting rooms, The Daftar provides the perfect balance between focus and collaboration.
Locus Cowork: Situated in the up-and-coming neighborhood of Hinjewadi, Locus Cowork offers a modern workspace tailored to the needs of IT professionals and startups. With its contemporary design, high-speed internet, and 24/7 access, Locus Cowork provides a conducive environment for productivity and innovation. Additionally, amenities such as gaming zones, nap pods, and wellness programs promote work-life balance.
S.PACE Coworking: Located in the bustling commercial district of Shivajinagar, S.PACE Coworking is a vibrant workspace catering to freelancers, startups, and corporate teams. With its flexible seating options, modern amenities, and community-driven approach, S.PACE Coworking fosters collaboration and creativity. Regular events, networking sessions, and skill-building workshops add value to its diverse community.
Whether you're seeking a collaborative environment for your startup or a tranquil space for focused work, Pune's co working scene offers a diverse range of options to suit every need. From tech-centric hubs to cozy enclaves, these co working space in pune embody the city's spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. So, whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, Pune's co working spaces are ready to fuel your creativity and drive your success.
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violetjedisylveon · 7 months
Amnesia Chapter 15 - Trouble Arrives
Omega centric au
Summary: The bad batch arrives on Massanii and stirs up some trouble with the locals.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: 🚫stalking, tracking, swearing, threats of violence🚫
A/N: I haven't started season three so don't give me any spoilers. Anybody know where I can watch it that isn't Disney plus? I wanna watch it this week. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!
Bad Batch Amnesia AU Masterpost
Ao3 link for the whole story
Clone Force 99 arrived on Massanii in a day's time. Sneaking past the sector's own security had proven to be a serious challenge since it wasn't recorded anywhere and they were thoroughly unprepared for the sector's defense.
Echo was convinced that officer had only let them through for shits and giggles, they were no real threat to anyone, and they'd most likely be followed very closely.
There were only a few imperial escort vessels stationed in the capital city, but nothing else. The sector could handle it's security just fine.
The marauder landed about three clicks away from the town where the photos had been taken in an empty field.
They still needed a plan, Hunter had forgotten to make one in his rush to get here.
"So? What's the plan?" Echo prompted his little brothers.
Hunter opened his mouth, then closed it. He had no idea what he was doing.
"Information gathering should come first. We want to know what we're dealing with here, both in terms of the people and the Pantoran we'll be talking to." Tech said.
"More like harassing." Echo grumbled under his breath.
Hunter gave him a side glare, which he ignored.
"I'll go-"
"No." He, Tech and Wrecker said in unison, cutting the former sergeant off.
"You are not mentally stable enough to handle this." Tech stated bluntly.
"You also look horrible, you'll scare everyone off." Echo added.
"I will go instead." Tech said.
Hunter tried to interrupt but Echo just spoke over him.
"Sounds good, I'll do some digging around with the locals." He said.
Again, Hunter tried to get a word in. This time Wrecker spoke over him.
"What should I do?" He asked.
"Keep Hunter on the ship." Echo ordered.
Hunter tried to object but Echo was faster.
"Maybe make him take another nap. He needs it." He added.
"Hold on!" Hunter shouted.
Echo made a point of looking down at him.
"Hunter, you're in no shape to do any good, you look like a walking corpse." He said before his little brother could object.
Hunter scowled at him, clearly thinking about ignoring him and going out anyway, he was probably going to pull rank. Echo placed his one hand firmly on Hunter's shoulder.
"Stay here, Ori'vod's(big brother's) orders."
Freyu caught a glimpse of the trooper, at least she thought he was a trooper, his armor was very different from the typical model, that had been tailing her whenever she came to town for the last week.
The first few days they had just watched her, occasionally showing up in a different spot but mostly stationary. She had felt the eyes on her the whole time.
Then they had moved and followed her a bit more and today, they were definitely following her.
They might have been trying to be inconspicuous, but their bright armor gave them away. Still, she carried on like she was unaware of her new shadow. She was way too observant to have not noticed them.
The Empire clearly had their eye on her, aside from the obvious that her brother and mother were once Jedi, she didn't know what they wanted or why she was so interesting to them. That definitely didn't warrant stalking in her opinion.
It was especially bad today because she'd brought Omega, disguised of course, with her. She had a very bad feeling about that trooper seeing Omega.
She rounded a corner and headed back to Alask's stall where Omega was waiting for her. The trooper followed her.
Freyu stamped her irritation down and booked it to Alask.
"Someone's following me." She said quickly in Massanese before they could come into hearing range.
"Do you know why?" Alask asked.
"No, think it's some Empire bullshit." She shook her head.
"Freyu!" Omega erupted from the back fo the stall and charged at her, slamming her body into her with a hug.
"Have fun with Alask, Jicelli?" She asked.
Fear briefly flashed through Omega's warm brown eyes before she nodded.
"Yeah, I had lots of fun!" She said, voice shaking.
Freyu heard and sensed the trooper closing in on her and pretended to still be unaware, right up until they got just that bit too close for comfort.
She turned on him with her arms crossed, smirking at the surprise she could see in his goggled eyes.
"Can I help you with something?" She prompted dryly.
"I…" he briefly glanced at Omega hiding behind her.
"I have a few questions for you." He said eventually.
Freyu groaned dramatically and scrubbed her face.
"I already got interrogated, your boss said you'd leave me alone after that." Freyu said.
"Yes, well there is something they forgot." He told her.
Freyu raised an eyebrow at his blatant lie. He wasn't a trooper, he was more likely a very bad bounty hunter. She gave his mind a subtle suggestion of confusion.
"Really? Where's the warrant?" She asked.
He froze for a second.
"Can't make me do anything without one of those." She said.
He glanced at Omega again, Freyu glared at him.
"You're talking to me, remember?" She reminded him.
He glanced at her with narrowed eyes.
"What is your name?" He asked.
"Go ask your boss." She snapped.
The man glowered down at her, she glared right back and tapped her foot irritably.
"Are you done? Gonna leave me alone yet?" She asked after a moment.
He didn't give her any response. It didn't even look like he was looking at her, his eyes flicked around slightly. He must've had some sort of H.U.D. in his helmet, so he was scanning her at the moment, she cocked her head at an angle that covered part of her tattoos. If he was going to scan her, she wasn't going to make it easy.
"If you aren't about to fuck off, then tell me what you really want." She said.
The man glanced away from whatever display he was looking at and frowned.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Doesn't matter, fuck off." She ordered.
"The Empire-"
"Like I'm buying that, if you really worked for the Empire, you'd know my name." She cut him off.
"What? Do I look like someone who takes chances like that to you?" She asked, gesturing to the scarred side of her face.
"Now, if that's all, I've got to get going. I'm a very busy person." She said, waving him off dismissively.
"C'mon Jicelli, time to go home." She told Omega.
She put a guiding hand on the younger girl's shoulder as they started to walk away.
"Bye Alask, see you around." She waved to her friend.
She shot a glare over her shoulder at the man staring after them. She had a bad feeling about him.
"I don't wanna come to town for a while." Omega whispered to her once they were out of earshot.
"I think that's for the best." Freyu agreed.
Tech returned to the marauder hungry and frustrated with his lack of results over the past week. The most important thing he had learned was that the Pantoran was hyper vigilant and she was very wary of strangers.
He had tried running a scan on the markings she and the younger girl shared, seeing as they were family it could have given him something to work off of, but she had moved and concealed too much of it to be useful.
It seemed she was a very intelligent, cautious, and possibly paranoid, person.
With the context of the tattoo over her eye, she likely had good reason to be. Old Pantoran tattoos with simple slashes across the face were often done to symbolize betrayal.
As interesting as that was, he still had no leads on who she was and if the girl with her was his vod'ika.
Hunter won't be pleased. He sighed.
He could hear the argument before he opened up the hatch.
Echo and Hunter couldn't do anything else these days.
Hunter whipped towards him as he came in.
"Report." Hunter demanded.
"Nothing." Tech said shortly.
Echo groaned and threw his hands up, leaving the cockpit.
"Nothing? You have been out there for a week and you've learned nothing?" Hunter asked darkly.
Tech made a point of checking his mostly blank datapad before meeting Hunter's angry gaze.
"I did learn something, that Pantoran is smart and cautious. I am fairly certain that she will not be bringing the child with her for her next visit." Tech stated.
"Is that better?" He asked dryly.
He went around Hunter to the bunks so he could grab something to eat and go to sleep for a week.
Echo was in his hammock with his arm over his face.
"I don't suppose you learned anything useful?" Tech prompted his brother once he sat down to eat.
"She's a doctor of some kind, didn't really get much other than that. The locals trusted me about as much as she trusted you." Echo sighed.
"This is going to be difficult." He groaned.
"Really? I thought that much was obvious." Tech smirked at his older brother's glare.
Freyu sat across from Omega, legs crossed and hands resting on her knees.
They were meditating, it helped soothe Omega after a stressful event. She could sense the tension in Omega from their little run in earlier today.
Meditation was something she had started doing with her brother when he was around. He had said it would help her focus and it kinda worked. She had mostly used it as a way to check on Maatsu when he wasn't home.
She had stopped after he died since her mind would instinctively search for someone she couldn't find anymore. She had been a bit more regular with it lately but she was still training herself out of searching for Maatsu.
It was certainly helping Omega, and helping her understanding of Omega's condition.
Freyu didn't think her initial diagnosis of dissociative amnesia was correct anymore. She hadn't had much information at the time, so it was an easy enough mistake to make, but after almost four months of Omega living with her, it seemed a lot more like memory repression.
The memories were still there, somewhere locked off in her mind, they came to the surface in a confusing mess that was extremely difficult to make any sense of, but they were still there.
She hadn't ever had any real interest or reason to look into Omega's repressed memories, even when she started acting strange. Though her quick healing was certainly odd, she didn't need to find an explanation for it.
Until today.
The run in with that clone or bounty hunter or whatever was unsettling. The way he kept trying to get a look at Omega, it gave her a very bad feeling. He wasn't the first bounty hunter to go after Omega, she needed to know why so she could make a decision on what to do next.
She needed to get into Omega's head without triggering her, and she couldn't tell Omega exactly what she was doing. With the Empire and bounty hunters watching them, it was dangerous to reveal herself.
Though Omega probably suspected something was odd about her, she clearly knew when not to ask questions.
"Next time you go to Mlikix, can I stay home?" Omega's quiet voice broke through her thoughts.
Freyu smiled and nodded.
"Of course, if that's what you want." She said.
She felt Omega's tension melt away. While at the same time a stubborn nugget of some emotion remained.
"Thanks." Omega said softly.
"It's not a problem at all, Meg'ika." Freyu said.
Freyu didn't go to sleep when she put Omega to bed. She had far too much to do.
First on her nightly to-do list was to check the ammunition stocks hidden in various places around the house, and make sure the weapons stored with them still worked. They hadn't been checked or cleaned in a couple of years, so she should probably give each a quick cleaning.
She also had to check the security system and the house's defenses. Tesi had been managing them the last seven years, she could probably tap the droid to give the system a bit of a boost and a warning for intruders.
And once all that was done, she needed to make notes of what she had seen poking around in Omega's head today.
Then of course she had to train and stay on top of her orders. She could take a nap sometime before Omega woke up.
Freyu nodded to herself and went about her busy night.
She wasn't going to be caught with her guard down this time.
Freyu checked her surrounding before she stepped out into the street. That clone bounty hunter guy wasn't here today, she was safe enough right now.
She'd thought about telling the Empire about it's misbehaving troops, but she decided against it, she didn't want any more attention from them than she already had.
She crossed the street to Cai's shop. Someone in the family was always there, and she could easily contact him through it. And he was probably working somewhere nearby.
Eppur was sitting at the desk, he was definitely the type for the more in door side of work, but all of them took turns, Massii couldn't stand to be inside for too long.
"Freyu." Eppur eyed her with narrowed eyes.
"What have you gotten yourself into that you come here to contact us and not the ranch house?" Eppur asked, straight to the point as always.
"I'm being followed by someone, I don't know why." Freyu explained quickly.
She hadn't gone to their ranch because she didn't want to drag them any further into a possible mess than she had too. If someone was really stalking her, it was best for her to be discreet about everything.
"Would you like to borrow one of our birds?" Eppur prompted.
"If he's comfortable with that, I would greatly appreciate it." Freyu nodded.
"I'll let him know, head on back to pick a bird." Eppur told her.
Freyu quickly slipped behind the counter into the back room. There were a few birds of prey, but that wasn't the true purpose of this room.
She waited in the bird room until Cai came in through the back door.
"What do you need?" Cai asked.
"I need eyes, ears and information."
Freyu left the shop with a basket of the family's products, including a new blanket for Omega from Xillyn, xir first professional blanket.
She spotted something out of place immediately.
A human disguised as a droid. It was a decent disguise, though it wouldn't work on any species that could smell or sense what was really in there.
She got that same gut feeling she got with that bounty hunter impersonating a trooper from him.
He spotted her and started walking her way. Freyu headed towards the market, both for the safety in numbers there and to gather some things she needed for a surprise. She picked up her pace, but he caught up with her quickly.
She cursed her height.
"May I have a word?" The stranger asked politely.
Freyu rolled her eyes and kept walking.
"Have two, Fuck off." She snarled.
“I really do need to talk to you.” He said.
She whirled around, vibroblade in hand, and faced him.
He wisely didn't get any closer and actually took a step back.
“I don't know what your deal is with me and my sister, but you better fuck off before I really get pissed.” She growled.
“I'm just trying to talk.” He insisted, putting his hands up in defense.
Freyu glared at him. He may have only been talking but she knew the other wanted something from her.
“Tell your buddy to come out.” She ordered.
He hesitated a moment before motioning for his companion, the same guy who had been stalking her, to come out. The companion moved slowly and carefully, afraid of setting her off even more.
“Whatever you want here, you won't get it. Whoever you think my sister is, she's not. And I would be greatly appreciative if I didn't have to kill anyone, I just polished my blades and I don't want to deal with the bodies right now.” She said.
The disguised man lowered his hands and glanced at his companion. His companion gave him some signs, Freyu glowered at the pair.
“I'll do my best to convince them, I can't make any promises. I am very sorry for the inconveniences we've caused you.” He said.
“I won't poison you then.” Freyu said.
She sheathed her blade and continued down her path towards the market, catching the pair's confusion as she left.
“Did she say poison?”
“Yes. I did say she makes medicine, she must work with toxic healing plants.”
“That sure is good to know.”
She made a mental note to poison her blades for her next trip into town, just to be safe.
I finally got them all on the same planet! It only took 15 chapters but I did it!This is where the fun begins alright!I'm so excited to be at this point in the story!
I realized Omega's situation is definitely more memory repression than any type of amnesia, so it's actually memory repression that she has, I'm still gonna use the name amnesia because that's what this is always called and in all my files it's amnesia and that's too many to change.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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estellardreams · 8 months
Lore Bits for Starlight City (Niko Prime AU)
Acrux has a very strict dress code that's often enforced. All clothing must appear tidy and no color is allowed. All you get are varying shades of black, white, and grey.
As a way to rebel from this, the resistance resorted to dying their clothes using confiscated colors hidden in trash dumps or packages.
Acrux majorly takes the role of Mr. Dr. Eggman, except he's a lot more cold, calculated, and manipulative.
If you were to put Elektra and Cove into placements since it's a trio for a council and not a squad of five, Elektra is similar to Babble and Deep with an increased edge to her while Cove is more like Don't and Done-It, being a lot more analytical, tech savvy, and has a natural common sense/intuition.
1221 was sold to the Council by some shifty people in the past. He was basically a child slave the majority of his life and has some branding on his right arm to signal that he is "1221". He never knew his real name at any point... Not like it mattered.
All organizations under the Council are naturally corrupt. And many small businesses, despite not being monitored as much, pose friendlier environments than what goes on outside.
In an attempt to maintain control, Acrux resorted to siphoning out the population's natural magic. He put it to use as a back-up power for the city if something happens to the energy crystal.
Now for Character Centric Tidbits:
Ophelia's nickname is Opal.
Raven sometimes makes gliders, however they all crash.
Raven usually paints graffiti on the walls with anti-Council Propoganda.
Raven gets into trouble the most. But she's also the resistance's best member for stealth missions and discuises. Unfortunately some of the hair dye never washed out but she's not too bothered by it.
Ophelia used to own a Bakery, but eventually handed it over to her closest friend as she became more prominent in the resistance.
Ophelia despises Acrux with a passion. If word of anyone who's wronged by him reaches her, she'd make him pay for it.
Nox is a very prominent author within the black market. He often sells his books to buyers to pay for food and a place to stay at. He's not fond of the Council for authorizing such horrible treatment to him while in a Mental Hospital.
Nox prefers writing Fantasy, Mystery, and Thriller novels. He has about 30 published works of varying lengths. The longest book he's written has a total of 565 pages.
1221 never had much socialization. But while under the Council's control, he was treated... Decently. Not great, but passable. Got food, got work, was treated like a child but it's fine. The one thing he somewhat lacks is sleep.
Elektra is an adrenaline junky. She's also leaps into fights very often and loves going into the front lines.
By complete opposite, Cove is a natural strategist who would rather stay on the sidelines and direct coordinated attacks then just wing everything.
Elektra has lightning powers. Cove has water powers.
Niko still has Tachophobia. Which makes it even worse when he's forced to run and keeps closing his eyes to stop himself from panicking.
Acrux often uses hypnosis to interrogate anyone suspicious. But Niko is the first ever person to prove immune to his special glove.
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dogtoling · 1 year
Something about splatoon worldbuilding that I think about a lot is how mixed-species areas would accommodate for how unique each species is from each other, like I imagine with certain restaurants an inkfish that breaks their food into smaller pieces wouldn't enjoy the same foods as a fish who swallows their food whole and the body types vary so much that I feel like there's only so many space for species specific sections for clothes at stores.. I think the only thing I'm sure of is that the main form of transportation would probably be by train because out of every other option I can think of it's the best suited for size differences. Also if they don't use cars or roads it could mean more room for walking=more room for the different sized species to fit. Like zootopia but to the extreme because it's not just fish or something
We barely see ANY of it in the games but this is very true, the differences in biology, size, body functions and a bunch of other things are really insane in splatoon. Probably the most obvious case of accommodating other species, in this instance larger species, are the huge doors in the Deepsea Metro. But other than that we haven't seen a whole lot of architecture or accommodations for species with no hands or fingers, or no arms, or no legs, or no eyes, et cetera. All of those exist and are supposedly quite common.
One thing that makes me crack up is that i'm pretty sure it said somewhere that the new escalators and renewed train station in Inkopolis Plaza were at least partially put there to make it more accessible to people with disabilities, and I think I remember there being an elevator, down to the platform, but... they still only have escalators down to Inkopolis Plaza from there. Like, are you going to take a wheelchair on the escalator? And even aside from a wheelchair there's probably a lot of species that can't work with an escalator for other reasons. One of the reasons being that the escalators are SO NARROW that basically anything larger than the average teenage inkling wouldn't even fit in it. Bro, Mr. Coco could pick up this thing with 1 claw
i kinda went on a tangent there but basically a lot of the architecture is obviously HEAVILY inkling-centric, given that squids make up the vast majority of the population in Inkopolis. I would really like to see more architecture, city- and tech design that takes into accounts the needs and limitations of other species. Like, have you ever thought about how on EARTH an Octostriker could navigate a city layout or like, LIVE somewhere? They probably have some kind of solution for that in the Octarian domes but if you take an average human-type city and work with that, it's just not happening.
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rainyraisin · 1 year
Hey so I’m gonna be silly and share this Donnie-centric ROTTMNT fic I was writing a while back. It’s incomplete so it ends very suddenly but even though I probably won’t be continuing it, I really like what I wrote so I wanted to share it :) (I put a break so it wouldn’t fill up y’all’s feed gbhjbhgbhh)
They have to be perfect.
Those words repeated through Donnie’s mind like a mantra as he simultaneously welded wires and worked out the code needed for his newest project. It didn’t need as much as other things he’d worked on, but whenever he made a mistake, it was hard to fight the urge to start from scratch. It was his first time working with mystic technology, and he couldn’t mess it up.
After the incident in Witch town, he realised tech was...limited in what it could do, at least for now. And the Hidden City happened to be further along in its advancements than the surface. It was a hard decision, but after a bit of pushing from Mikey, Donnie made the decision to ask Baron Draxum for aid on his newest project. He knew the man had offered them to his soldiers before, and that he might know what made the things tick. The turtle despised asking for help from their former enemy, especially one that threw Leo off a roof (although he’d never tell his egotistical twin that was his reasoning), but it was his only option. After all, if he stepped into Witch Town, he’d be thrown right back in jail. And he didn’t think Mikey and Papà’s lawyer shtick would work again.
The goat yokai had been of great help, and he was almost done with Leo’s cloaking broach. He felt the worst about what he had put his twin through, so it was only fair to work on his gift first. His youngest brother had to be made aware of his plan’s in order to help him confront the Baron, and he’d aided Donnie in the design aspect of things, so his was being made second out of appreciation, with Raph’s third and Donnie’s own last.
His last ‘gifts’ were...questionable, to say the least. He’d wanted to help his brothers in their weaker areas so they wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore, but the way he’d gone about it wasn’t the best. More like...completely insane. The helmet was probably the least harmful. The most it did was distract Raph and probably make him insecure about his plans for a while. Not that either of those things was a good outcome, but it was better than completely ruining Mikey’s fighting style and making him feel that Donnie didn’t have any faith in him. Don’t even get him started on Leo’s shock collar. He knows now that delivering shocks when his twin made a pun was despicable of him. The softshell couldn’t begin to believe that Leo forgave him one bit for that. Raph and Mikey might be a bit more forgiving concerning their ‘gifts’, but that still didn’t mean-
“Whatcha workin’ on there, Don?”
Donnie flinched, twisting his chair around to face whomever had entered his lab. He was met with the slightly confused face of his eldest brother. Both a relaxing and terrifying sight. “Uh...nothing! Nothing whatsoever, my dearest Raphala! Why would I be working on anything? Nervous laugh.”
A fantastic lie, probably his best work. You’ve done it again, Donatello! There’s no way Raph could see through-
“You’re a terrible liar, Donnie.”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about! I’ve been practic- I mean, I wouldn’t lie to you! Never have and never will! I don’t even know what a lie is!” He attempted to spin his chair back around so he could get back to work and hopefully escape the hole he’d dug himself into, but Raph grabbed the top and bent down so they were at eye level.
“You don’t have to lie to me, bud. I like seeing all your little doo-dads.” Raph’s genuine grin showed Donnie that he wasn’t trying to be condescending, although just the fact that it was him saying it was enough to make the softshell believe him. If it was Leo, he wouldn’t believe him for a millisecond.
“Exhausted sigh. Fine, but you better not tell Leo about this!” He jerked his head towards Raph’s fist and his older brother immediately let go so Donnie could spin around and grab Leo’s almost completed cloaking broach, before turning back to Raph and presenting it. “It’s not done yet, but here. You know that broach Sunita uses to look human? I thought if I made some for us, we could maybe go on the surface during the day. Hang out with April in public without having to constantly worry about humans discovering us for who we really are.”
Raph’s brow narrowed as he inspected it, before he gently placed it back on the table. “Absolutely not.” Donnie’s face fell as his brother looked his way. “Mutants have been going missing. We haven’t seen Meat Sweats in ages. What if the government are getting wise to us? If those things fall off in public and everyone sees us out in the blue, who knows what’ll happen? Maybe after all this dies down, but not right now. I don’t want to risk losing you guys.”
“What? But I’m just trying to-”
“I’m not gonna argue with you on this, Don!” The snapping turtle shot back before his face softened once more. “Stop making the broaches. Please.” Before Donnie could even try explaining himself, Raph left the lab. His chair turned once again as he crumpled up a blueprint and threw it in the trash.
Well. At least he had one less broach to work on.
“Why do I have to be blindfolded for this? It’s just one of Don’s inventions, I see like twelve of those a day.” Leo complained before trying to right his mask.
Mikey yanked his arm back down, almost knocking his older brother over. “Because Don wants it to be a surprise!”
“Then why aren’t you wearing your mask backwards?”
“Because I’m his favourite.” The box turtle grinned, sticking his tongue out at the slider. He was lucky Leo couldn’t see.
“I will neither confirm nor deny that.” Came Donnie’s voice from inside the lab. “Now, Mikey, if you please?”
“BootyyyShaker9000! Three y’s in booty!” He confidently stated, although he was still relieved when the lab door opened to reveal his purple brother behind it.
"Is that your password for everything?" Leo questioned as Mikey dragged the turtle into his younger twin's lab.
"It's also his username for everything!" Mikey answered instead, figuring Donnie was busy finding Leo's surprise.
"Great, now I'll have to change all of my passwords." Donnie feigned annoyance, but he knew his younger brother was just trying to help.
"What, to BootyyyyShaker9000 with four y's in booty?"
And his older brother was just trying to mess with him.
“Please, I’m not a dum-dum like you. I’d never change it to something so easy to guess. It’ll take you forever to figure out my new and improved passwords. Well, when I change them.”
“You’re not going to change them at all, are you, Don?”
How were they seeing through him so easily lately?
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” He had hoped that would wipe the smug grin off his twin's face, but the fact that it remained told him he would have to at least consider changing his passwords. At least the ones that were said aloud.
And that was where I stopped writing yhjbhgvjhhvg- if anyone likes this I might pick it back up again or at least share the plan so y’all know where it was gonna go but yeah!! This is it!!! This is actually what my human rise designs were originally for, except for Raph as his cloaking broach form wasn’t going to be involved here. I’d share the art I made for this here but it’s from back when I drew on my phone and it probably looks awful lmao
This isn’t the only rise fanfic I’ve written, I also started one for an English assignment like back in October, but sadly I do not have access to that 😔😔😔💔💔💔
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5mind · 1 month
Send '📁' for a fun fact about my muse's canon! Can be about my muse, their universe, behind-the-scenes facts, anything goes!
📁 The Agency is more technology-centric and most if not all of its fulltime employees use tech developed by their RnD department. If you see a villain (i.e. slugsneaker) with little to no tech usage, there's a chance they're not actually Agency employees. Maybe working with them, but it's likely a temporary arrangement.
📁 Manmade monsters that are organic in nature do show up and they're almost always created by or indirectly caused by another villainous corpo that's based in Brine. But since the cities are connected sometimes there's just some fucked up fungus beast roaming the outskirts of Bayfloat or some shit.
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