#teela he-man 2021
tired-demonspawn · 3 months
i feel his "WHY?!???! because???? the bones????" in my bones
bro has golden material this is like the 5th time nobody got one of his quibbles, i feel his pain in my heart.
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hellothere-war · 2 years
Skeletor:What dose he man love the most?
Teela:But dinky doesn’t have a sist- WAIT YOU MEAN ME!?
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bleucaesura · 3 months
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I draw other stuff sometimes too 😅
This is from way back in 2021. I’d just watched the first part of Masters of the Universe: Revelation and I really enjoyed Teela (Orko was pretty fantastic too).
A little voice told me to draw these two strong ladies lol So of course I listened.
I don’t know if they’re anyone’s ship or not… But I feel like they’d be more good friends and bestie battle partners than anything sexy 😊 Maybe like platonic romantic girlfriends ❤️ I’ve got a few of those myself lol
Plus… Catra would scratch Tesla’s EYES OUT if she made a move on her woman 🤣
I know I’m dating myself here *cough* 👀 but I grew up on the original He-Man and She-Ra. That’s not to say I remember really ANYTHING that happened in the stories 🤣 But I LOVED the reboot for She-Ra and enjoyed what I watched of He-Man.
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Masters of the Universe Revelations
by Mattel (2021)
Man-At-Arms is a staple character from the Masters of the Universe story. He’s the inventor, the warrior, He-Man’s council, & father to Teela.
This version of Man-At Arms is from the MOTU Revelation series, and it’s a pretty good figure.
My only issue with the toy is that the left arm guards can be a little loose at times, and just kind of swivel around the arm and you have to occasionally readjust them.
I love the head sculpt.
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killershark82remake · 10 months
the latest hyperfixation, everyone
ok so,
now that I have mostly calmed down from the rage at technology, here is what I was trying to post yesterday:
Okay so I've seen He-man before right? I did not really like it all that much. I tried the earliest versions, didn't like it. I saw the 2002 series and thought it was okay. I saw the anime looking one from 2021 and thought it was funny (Mark Hamill you genius). and I've seen she-ra the reboot (gay as hell my favorite fuck yea) and tried the og series for that too.
now when I looked at the 3d looking animated one you would think "you wouldn't get into it if the others didn't do it for you" and normally you would be right.
I really do hate the way he-man looks
the disproportionate body I hate it so much. his arms are way too buff and his legs far to skinny to be capable of supporting an upper body mass that insane.
I do not like it.
I surprised myself because despite that I did end up liking it because of the storyline.
like who came up with this? oh my god? it perfect?
Adam is related to skeletor, skeletor at first is a Twink with a cursed bone hand (mozenrath looking fucker) then when he gets even more cursed he somehow buffs out and loses more skin? like how does that work?
Adam has memory loss and has been missing for ten years. the second he learns he's royalty he's like 'hell no I don't want shit to do with that' hes so real for that honestly.
cringer is like his dad? he has an adopted sister who is also cringer's other child?
cringer not having his claws because they were stolen by a poacher because he refused to fight to the death in his slave fighting rings? Cringer keeping the name cringer because he finds strength in what he did? there's a slavery recovery arc going on there and I love it.
cringer calling Adam and krass his cubs? omg?
randor grieving still years later and not being the best king? him learning Adam is alive? him following teela to the underground and learning about people he didn't know existed or that he was unintentionally neglecting? seeing everything that slipped through the cracks? him trying to change to do better by his people? god tier.
everyone in the group is adorable and doing their best.
the dynamic between everyone is hilarious. especially skeletor and adam
also it is not a secret to skeletor to random that Adam is he-man. I find that an interesting choice and they make it work.
besides the disproportionate he-man, my only complaint is that they kept jumping from arc to arc, it was too fast paced and tried to fit so much that it felt like some storylines came out of nowhere. each season only had like 8 episodes each so they were trying to fit it all in. if they had the normal season if maybe 20-25 episodes they could have fixed their pacing and resolved arcs and storylines better and gone more in depth with their characters.
that said for the time they did have they did great with their characters.
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birindale · 2 years
Mattel on the creation of She-Ra
Janice Varney-Hamlin, former Mattel Director of Worldwide Marketing Fashion Dolls, was interviewed in the 2021 book “The Toys of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”, regarding her involvement in the creation of the She-Ra line in collaboration with Filmation. This interview is reproduced below in its entirety, featuring references to Greek mythology, a red-haired Adora, and hypothetical virtual reality powers. Never a dull moment with this franchise
You were director of worldwide marketing for fashion dolls at Mattel during the 19802. What did the role entail?
It was everything, actually, the way Mattel was set up. The way we were organized, project management reported directly to marketing, and we had corresponding members of cost accounting, packaging, and legal. The people on my team were responsible for those aspects of the brand. It was sort of a category management role.
Can you tell me how the Princess of Power line started and what your role was in it?
It's interesting because when I first started at Mattel I was part time, and still in college. I ended up finally getting in there full time, and I reported to a guy named Jack Beuttell. He came from a P&G background and funded an attitudes and usage study for Barbie. So we learned about the brand and what Barbie could do. One of the gaps was that Barbie couldn't be an action hero, a mom, or a fantasy doll. We looked for opportunities to grow flanker brands. Competition always came for Barbie, but never lasted. When it left it created a vacuum in the market, and we would create more products and suck up all those dollars.
Did you look to He-Man for ideas to create this flanker brand?
Barbie had plateaued--she stayed at less than $100 million for years. That's why we fielded the study. Jill Barad was there. We couldn't quite get a line going because we couldn't get it past buyers, because buyers didn't believe that little girls would buy it.
We tried to do it on our own first, outside of He-Man. Then we determined we wanted to take a second attempt a few years later because there was a belief we should operate from strength, and what was our strongest action brand? It was He-Man.
The boys' side of things developed She-Ra, but she was underwhelming. So then the girls' marketing side took over and it was quite a political battle from there. We did a lot of research on it and came up with this character, this female doll. We came up with She-Ra as a way to tie in with He-Man. We gave her a war cry and transformation powers just like He-Man had. The important thing with She-Ra was that she not only had to look beautiful, but also be beautiful within.
I've heard that a big proportion of the kids who played with He-Man were girls? Did that drive the creation of the She-Ra line? [[note: ~40% of MOTU sales at the time]]
No, didn't drive it. We already had the research that said girls were interested in this type of thing. It just reinforced what we already knew.
How successful was She-Ra compared to Barbie and He-Man?
She performed like a flanker brand. She was important because her job was to create and deliver on new play patterns for girls. We didn't expect her to outperform He-Man or Barbie. It was a nice flanker brand for girls to do role play and hair play. The sales volume didn't compare but we were pleasantly surprised with how well she performed.
All the female characters had to have fashion play and hair play elements, as well as some kind of feature. Catra had a claw. She-Ra had a costume change and a sword. She-Ra's horse had a transformation capability.
I've heard that early models for She-Ra were based on Teela. Is that true?
Yes. The misstep there was Teela was part of He-Man's world, which was rightful, but she had no characteristic features that appealed to traditional doll play, like rooted hair and clothing. She also lacked the transformation, the traditional world of role play. When She-Ra transformed she became superpowerful [sic]. She was empowered and she empowered others.
The marketing behind the He-Man line was all about empowerment for young kids, who often felt powerless in their relationships with adults: "I have the power." What was the driving theme behind She-Ra?
I think it was empowerment, and also making the world a better place for those around her. She took care of animals and people. She was a nurturer.
To your earlier point, Barbie wasn't either of those things.
Exactly. I was a lit major, there was this literary book called Bulfinch's Mythology [[note: this was written in 1867 expressly to unite Greco-Roman myth with contemporary (that is to say, Victorian) English literature. If you love expurgation and the British Empire it may just be the book for you]]. It covers archetypes through Roman and Greek mythology. A lot of our characters were modeled after those gods and goddesses, like Athena and Venus. Those were the inspirations. Even She-Ra herself looks like what you might imagine Athena to look like. That or Venus.
The original renderings for She-Ra had red hair, but it didn't test well for little girls.
In many ways She-Ra was ahead of her time and served as a strong, action-oriented role model for young girls. How do you think She-Ra fits into the world of today?
I think she's a good fit. I think she fits right in. I'm completely amazed with how mesmerizing she was. She has really maintained her original characteristics and inspiration. It's classic. Just like the mythical characters we emulated.
She stands for a lot of goodness. We took great strides to make sure that happened. Even in the research we did, we discovered that it was really important to young girls that She-Ra was a good person and did the right thing.
Every generation has notions of violence. That was played back to us by kids. Even with her enemies like Catra, she may try to scratch you or be mean to you. But little girls would still feel Catra should be forgiven. It was never a fight to the death.
Do you have any fun stories from your time on the brand?
When we did the press event in New York, we hired a model who rode on a white horse down the middle of the street; she actually rode bareback down the street with her entourage of people dressed as the characters. We went to a hotel, and Andy Warhol showed up at the press event. He invited us to his club for the evening. He thought it was the most amazing thing, and he loved the costumes. Apparently he had read about the press event that day and just showed up.
What was your personal favorite character?
I would say She-Ra was my number one and Catra was my number two. Actually, I would say probably her horse as well. She-Ra, Swift Wind, and Catra, in that order.
It was really a fun line to work on because you're making the stuff up in your head. There was another person I worked with, Cathy Larson, who was incredibly creative. I just really liked working with her. We came up with all these things. She was in the sales department, and I brought her in halfway through. We would just make up the story line and characters.
With something like She-Ra, you get to swing out creatively. With Barbie there were a lot of guidelines, and standards. We had some pretty fun meetings about She-Ra. Going from Barbie meetings to She-Ra meetings, it was a totally different attitude, more creative and more fun.
What about the Evil Horde? How did that come into the picture?
We were great toy designers, but that did not mean we could produce a great TV series. There were certain things we didn't get about the entertainment industry. One of the areas to bridge the gap between He-Man's and She-Ra's world was to infiltrate characters that weren't in our product line. When story lines from the cartoon came back, they were completely different from storybooks we were developing at Mattel. We had to make the two come together. We didn't want three different story lines for the same thing. That was one of the things, to have cross over characters that appeared in both places.
There was a lot of resistance to that, more on the boys' side. They had more restrictions too, and we were more or less an open book.
What can you tell me about the She-Ra cartoon?
We knew there had to be an animated series for the brand. There weren't a lot of strong female characters in cartoons at the time that had these abilities. Maybe a few, like Supergirl and Wonder Woman, were predecessors. But in terms of integrating her into He-Man's world, it was really important. We lucked out, we met with Lou Scheimer at Filmation.
So how did the She-Ra line come to an end?
There were two different challenges. First, She-Ra sales were slowing. The second problem was we shipped to much product into the marketplace. This was over my pay grade, but we would ship product based on what retail would buy, not on what would sell through. That creates a problem going to next year. If there's too much inventory left over, it creates the sense that the toy line isn't successful. At the end of year two that happened. Something similar happened in He-Man--they overproliferated [sic] characters that didn't even make sense.
What did you do after She-Ra ended?
I went and worked on other products because I was able to grow the Barbie business. It had been stagnant for twelve years. Jack Beuttell and I were able to introduce secondary dolls, more new dolls each year, to create synergy and new roles for Barbie. For example, we put out Golden Dreams Barbie, with a golden convertible, coordinated outfit, golden make-up, and we would advertise everything in one commercial. That created a halo effect which would sell the whole thing. Jack came up with that, and after he left I continued it.
If you could do She-Ra, how would you approach it this time?
I'd make her more modern. Her powers would have to do with AI and virtual reality. She would be in the modern era. I would retainn certain aspects of her. It would be traditional but also embrace technology in an exciting way and in a global way. It would be incredibly inclusive with world cultures.
Anything else?
I think She-Ra's a classic. I used to think, "Why do people want to talk about this?" It's because She-Ra is an empowered, self-confident woman. She empowers other people to be confident and do the right thing. One thousand years from now that will still be an important characteristic to have. Regardless of your background, do the right thing. I hope that's what she stands for; that's what she was designed to do.
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
You know about your 2018 She Ra meeting the 1985 one, I can imagine the MOTU Netflix having a crossover that centers on Horde Prime of the 85 show messing with the multiverse and it brings in 2018 Catra, 2018 Angella, 2021 Duncan/Man-At-Arms and 2021 Ram Ma’me/Krass as 85 Adam works with them to bring all three home. Also 2018 Catra being taken the moment she was in Horde Prime’s ship and said crossover expands on her redemption.
Thanks for the ask!!
This sounds like such a funny set up! Anyone from the newer shows in the 80/85 show is always hilarious.
Angella would bond with Randor and Marlena but have a few words for the Sorceress. She’d also probably want to know more about Eternia because it’s Adora’s home world.
2021 Duncan would have a giant shock (and so would Krass but for different reasons). In this universe, he’s an adult, Teela is his daughter and he’s a mentor to Adam. Also not everyone uses the power of Grayskull which confuses him.
Krass is both shocked at how different the universes are but also because of Adam. He’s so different in the 80s world but somehow similar. She’d also be shocked to know that that worlds version of her is a guy.
Krass: I sound like a guy. A really buff guy.
Catra, especially pre redemption Catra, is beyond confused. On the one hand, she’s glad to be off Prime’s ship and free from him. On the other, she needs to get back for Adora. When she talks to Adam about Adora, he says that he can take her to her. Catra is reluctant because she isn’t sure how any universe’s Adora would feel about her but she goes to meet 1985!Adora.
It’s an experience.
Catra now has a lot to talk about with those in the 2018 universe.
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rptv-drawings · 1 year
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MOTU + Peanuts mashup: Teela as Peppermint Patty
Back in 2021 there was a Halloween #motudrawingchallenge for "The Great Pumpkin" which I missed, but was inspired by. So I decided I would make He-Man MOTU characters into Peanuts characters just on my own.
I had already planned which characters I was going to draw and had finished my first drawing when a week later a new drawing challenge ("Masters of Spring") came out. Coincidentally, the theme for one of the challenges (for May 3) was Peanuts / Charlie Brown. Fortuitous!
My third drawing in this series was a no-brainer. Both characters (Teela and Peppermint Patty) have athletic/physical prowess. Both have a slight romantic affinity for the main characters (He-Man and Charlie Brown, respectively). And just like Peppermint Patty often gives Charlie Brown a hard time, Teela sometimes gives Prince Adam (He-Man's alter ego) a hard time.
Additionally, like Teela, Peppermint Patty is a red-head.
Because Peppermint Patty wears sandals, I decided to give Teela sandals; however, I drew them in a classical Greek style to better go with the style of Masters of the Universe.
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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craftyandy · 3 years
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https://youtu.be/NDPSDBi1big #heman #mastersoftheuniverse #hemanrevelation #moremotu I wasn't gonna watch it until I heard a cry of a thousand supposed fans. DONATIONS https://streamlabs.com/furrydays/tip
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koringus · 2 years
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girlboss and malewife
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chalkdaws · 3 years
just gals being pals
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demigoddessqueens · 3 years
Christmas came early
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What's in store for season 2
Season 1 has left me hyped for the second one. There's a lot of setups for possible plotlines.
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1. Avionians and Merfolk. King Randor mentioned that the Eternos does not need help from them. I wonder if something happened to cause the rift between them or maybe it's Randor's inability to accept help, ''strong leader does not need any help'', ''I need to do everything alone'', mindset. With all of the army under Keldor's control they need to find help, a new army, maybe even some new masters. Which leads me to. . .
2. The gang is now split up and they will have to find each other. Teela, when Sorceress, can ''just think about something and that happens'' but I wonder if she's able to teleport when she doesn't know where people she wants to be teleported to are. Eldress is using all of the power she has left and doesn't know where they might pop up, so she wont be of much help wherever they might find themselves. (At least for some time.)
3. When separated, one group recruits Bird people while the other recruits Merfolk.
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4. Keldor is power hungry, he has one kingdom and will go after the others.
5. Keldor asked for a Battle Cat of his own, he might get Panthor.
In the 2002 version Tuvar and Baddrah were turned into Two Bad. In 2021 version they are the guards that showed up through the season 1. Skeletor might give them ''his power'' in season 2.
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Ram Ma'am doesn't have her nemesis yet.
Adam/He-Man - Keldor/Skeletor
Duncan/Man-At-Arms - Kronis/Trap Jaw
Teela/Sorceress - Evelyn/Evil-Lyn
Cringer/Battle Cat - R'Qazz/Beast Man
Krass/Ram Ma'am - ? ? ? ? ? ?
Her parents died when their ship crashed. We don't know why it crashed tho. I can imagine the person that was somehow responsible becoming her enemy.
6. Evelyn/Evil-Lyn has been shown being concerned at the ending of season 1. I bet she's not happy with being Skeletor's puppet. None of them are. They will probably try to break free. Try to overthrow him or, not necessarily become heroes, team up with the heroes.
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ReAction Figures
Masters of the Universe
Teela (loose)
by Super 7
Just decided to buy Teela from ebay back in 2021, something, something. I don’t remember when, so I’m just squeezing the figure here.
There’s not much to say about this figure; she’s a 3.75in figure, done in the same way as the old Star Wars Kenner toys from the 80s. 
Teela’s got 5P articulation, and she’s dressed in her snake armor, however the head is a separate piece allowing it to swivel, and her only accessory is her snake staff.
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At the end of the day, I enjoy the novelty of a Masters of the Universe character done in the style of the 80′s Kenner Star Wars toys (much like how Funko did it with the He-Man toys) but in the stores these things go for like $15+ and that’s just too much money to ask for for something like this.
I get it, that most of the money is probably going towards licensing fees of the IPs, but this toy shouldn’t be more than $10 at retail.
I love the idea, but the price point just doesn’t make it worth it.
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emperorsfoot · 3 years
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