#teen wolf parrish oneshot
Pairing: Jordan Parrish x Reader
Words: 865
Written: October 13th, 2022
Posted: October 13th, 2022
Warning: N/A
Authors Note: please enjoy this piece I wrote, while having a bad insomnia episode.
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As you walked through the forrest, it was nearly silent. The only sound being the soft crunch of almost crisp leaves, being crushed under your foot. The birds had fled south in preparation for Winter, all the white, the wind barely wanting to whoosh around. There was a nippily, chill looming around, not yet committing to staying around just yet. Similarly, a new threat to Beacon Hills, was looming in the same way. Not yet wanting to show its face, yet still letting the supernatural creatures know, it could come at any moment. When they least expect it. 
A nervous sigh passed through your lips. With all the things that have been going on, it was hard to concentrate on any type of positive thought. Your mind had been whirling around as if if were a hurricane of thoughts and opinions. It wasn’t until the hair on the back of your neck stood at attention, that the possibility of not being out in the woods alone crossed your mind. Your body began shaking gently, almost as if vibrating like an alarm, warning, warning, danger approaching. 
Flexing your hands, you prepared for a small fight for life. Luckily, you had been practicing combat with the pack, all the guys wanting to make sure you would be able to protect yourself, regardless if they were there or not. Aside from their determination, you were driven by your own determination, one that drove you to not need to depend on anyone else to save you, but yourself.
As the unknown assailent came closer and closer, the more your body went into fight or flight. The thought of fleeing quickly passing through your mind, before shaking the thought from your head, realizing it was too late. Letting out a low, warning, growl, you began surveying your surroundings. It wasn’t until the soft crunching stopped, that you had the thought to quickly turn around.
It was in that moment, you were face to face with perpetrator. Growling, you swiftly lifted your hand and attempted to scratch them. Your movements coming with your eyes squeezed shut in fear. The being, caught your wrist, yanking you closer to them before turning you and pinning your back to their chest as they tightened their arms around yours.
“You know,” A familiar, safe voice rang through your ears. A whimper of relief passed through your lips as you visibly relaxed into the hold. “Your attacks would, probably be more successful, if you kept your eyes open.” The tip of their lips gently traced along the shell of your ear, earning an involuntary shiver to wreck through your body, as the hair on the back of your neck returned.
“Jordan!” You whisper yelled, voice filled with faux anger. “I could’ve really hurt you!” You gave a gentle, teasing, slap to his available hand.
The vibrations of his gentle laughter, wrecked through to your chest, overwhelming you with a warm and safe aura. 
“Stop laughing!” You began giggling along with him. Neither of you had moved from your previous position of your back against his front.
“Sorry, Y/N.” He gently blew hot air in your ear. “I couldn’t help it.” He gave you a playful squeeze.
Frowning, you knew this meant he would be pulling away. Since moving to Beacon Hills, Jordan was basically attached at your hip. Neither of you knowing what to do about the lingering, unsaid, feelings and tension that surrounded you both. 
The sound of his chuckles, brought you warmth, and comfort. All the while butterflies erupted in your stomach. “It seems you need to practice your fighting abilities more.” He gave you a toothy grin, as he spun you around, leaving his hands gently on your hips. 
Groaning, you crossed your arms along your chest, giving him a small pout as you rolled your eyes. “Come on, jordy.” You whined. “Just admit how good I’ve gotten since I’ve started training!”
Continuing his grin, he gave your hips a playful squeeze. “If I did..” His voice trailed off, leaving a hint of melancholy in the air. “Then I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with you..” He stated as if the most obvious thing in the world.
Letting out a soft gasp, you dropped your arms down in surprise. “What…What are you saying?” You gulped. Searching Jordan’s eyes, you were hopeful. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before he was ready to say something, only to be interrupted by another member of the pack.
“Y/N?” “Jordan?” Called a familiar voice. “You guys out here?” 
As the voice became louder, so did the owner of the voice. Naturally, it would be Stiles to ruin the one moment, Jordan was about to admit something to you. Letting out a heavy sigh, you shook your head, removing yourself from him. 
“We should-“ Both you and Jordan spoke at the same time. 
A smirk made it’s way back to your lips, quickly replacing the frown that was upon your lips. Turning towards Stiles, you both made your way back to the pack. While walking back, Jordan’s hand brushed against yours, leaving you with one word to sum up your feelings. Hope.
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heliads · 2 years
Newcomers to Mystic Falls
Based on this request: "Teen Wolf and Vampire Diaries crossover. Jordan Parrish x fem!reader, Y/N Salvatore. After breaking up with Lydia, Parrish learned that Mystic Falls was looking for a deputy sheriff and applied for the job. Because he’s a Hellhound, he is drawn to death, and learns the town is full of supernatural beings."
masterlist / part two
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You stare at the patterns of light crisscrossing your ceiling. About one hundred and seventy years of being alive, and mornings don’t seem to get any easier. You’re seriously considering just staying in bed and blocking out the world yet again, but the sound of breaking glass downstairs makes you grit your teeth. When you don’t check on obvious warning signs like that, you tend to get in trouble, either with your brothers or some latest evil ready to kill you.
You stumble downstairs, rubbing a tired hand over your eyes as you glare balefully at your twin brother.
“Damon, it is eight o’clock in the morning. You usually aren’t even awake at this point, let alone day drinking already.”
Damon glances at you from his position sprawled out over a couch. “Rude. You could have at least started with ‘good morning’ or ‘hello,’ not with the same complaints.”
You roll your eyes. “I’ve been spending too much time with Stefan, that’s my fault. Can you at least explain why your bottle of bourbon has fallen out of favor and been hurled across the room?”
Damon follows your line of vision to note the shards of glass clustered on the floor, fallout from the bottle’s impact with the wall. “Ah, that. Well, none of us are perfect, and I happen to be blessed with what some people might call anger issues, so the bottle had to go.”
Under your reproachful gaze, he sighs and throws up his hands. “Fine, I’ll fix it.”
You wait until he pulls himself, slothlike, from the couch and stumbles over to the glass shards. Damon picks each dagger-sharp piece up like it’s the hardest of burdens to bear, tossing them in a nearby receptacle.
“There? Do I get an award for best brother of the year?”
You laugh. “Stop killing people every other day, and we can talk about that.”
Damon grumbles. “Your standards are too high.”
You cross the room to grab a coat and pull on some shoes. “Yeah, yeah. See you later.”
You reach for the doorknob, but Damon appears out of nowhere, blocking your avenue of escape thanks to his unnatural speed.
“Hold on a minute. Where are you going?” He asks, and you give him a look.
“Out. I was talking to Liz Forbes and she says she’s got a new deputy sheriff who moved here from Beacon Hills, California. I was thinking about taking a trip down to meet the guy.”
Damon frowns, tapping a finger against his replacement bottle of bourbon. “Beacon Hills. Where have I heard that name before?”
You let him suffer in silence for a few moments, then give him the answer. “It’s got a reputation for being just about as supernatural-heavy as Mystic Falls. From what I hear, they’ve got enough werewolf packs fighting over the same turf to give Klaus Mikaelson a holiday.”
Damon nods slowly, although the frown remains. “Why the hell would someone move here from Beacon Hills? That’s a long flight just for a new job.”
You tilt your head towards the door. “That’s why I’m going to check him out. Could be nothing, Liz said he seemed like a nice guy on the phone, but I figure a little advance warning couldn’t hurt. Worst case scenario, he’s a hunter fresh from a werewolf killing frenzy who decided to try his luck here. Best case, he’s just some guy who got sick of rent prices.”
Damon shrugs, moving to the side so you can reach the door again. “Best of luck in figuring him out. Want me to tag along?”
You toss him a grin over your shoulder as you unlock the door. “I planned on talking to a person, not a dead man, but thanks for the offer.”
Damon chuckles as you leave. “Any time!”
The trip over to the sheriff’s office is quick, and soon enough you’re heading inside. Sheriff Forbes appears to have been waiting for you, as she walks over to you with a smile.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you. Thanks for stopping by.”
You nod. “Yeah, no problem. I appreciate you telling me about this.”
She lifts a shoulder. “He seems like a nice guy, but in a town like this, I feel like it wouldn’t hurt to double-check. He’s in my office filling out the last of the paperwork, but he should be out in a moment or so.”
Like clockwork, the door to Liz’s office opens and a young man steps out. He appears to be in his early twenties, with close-cropped dark hair and bright green eyes. He nods at Liz, then studies you a little closer. He’s one of the cuter potential hunters you’ve seen, but you’ve long since learned that appearances can be deceiving.
Liz clears her throat. “Thanks for finishing those, it’s always good to have a record for these kinds of things. Y/N, this is Jordan Parrish, our new deputy sheriff.”
Jordan extends a hand to you, and a moment later, you shake it. “It’s nice to meet you, Jordan. I’m Y/N, Y/N Salvatore.”
Jordan cocks his head curiously to the side. “Salvatore, huh? I swear I’ve heard that name before.”
You hope your smile doesn’t look too much like a grimace. “Mystic Falls is rich with genealogical history. The Salvatores were one of the oldest families here, you might have seen the name on a few buildings around town.”
Jordan nods slowly. “That must be it. Well, if you’re a friend of the sheriff’s, I’d like to be a friend of yours.”
Your smile loses its edge. “I think I’d like that as well.”
A phone rings from Liz’s office, and she turns towards it. “Excuse me a moment while I answer that, will you? It’ll be just a second.”
The two of you nod, and Liz hurries to pick up the phone. The second the door to the office closes behind her, though, Jordan looks at you with a new sort of determination.
“Excuse my candor, Y/N, but I’ve barely been here a couple of hours and I’m already noticing things about this town that don’t seem quite right. You seem nice enough, and I wouldn’t mind having allies in uncertain territory. Do you know anything about Mystic Falls that you think I should know as well?”
Jordan’s gaze is deep, and seems to see straight through you. He must know about the vampires; certainly their existence, if not the fact that you’re one too. No one asks questions like that if they don’t know. However, you’re hesitant to reveal yourself until you absolutely have to do so.
You swallow hard. “I don’t think so. I mean, people can be secretive, but I think that just comes with familial pride. Have you heard anything to make you think otherwise?”
Jordan doesn’t answer at first, and when he does, his words are stilted, as if he’s carefully choosing what to say. “I’ve heard a few rumors. Can I count on you to tell me if I hear anything else?”
You nod, but you’re saved from a response by Liz returning from her office. You take this as your excuse to leave, and Liz walks out with you. You swear that Jordan’s eyes don’t leave you until you’re gone from the room, and even then, he could be staring at you through the very walls.
Liz speaks to you under her breath. Apparently, she must be picking up on your need for secrecy, or perhaps Jordan asked her the same sorts of strange questions.
“So, what did you think? Is he a vampire?”
You shake your head cautiously. “I don’t think so, but I don’t think he’s human. Something about his heartbeat was a little off. The beats were stronger than a human’s typically are. He’s not a vampire, but he’s something. I don’t know what yet.”
Liz sucks in a breath. “Shoot, I was worried about that. Should I find excuses to keep him out of the office for a while?”
You consider this. “I don’t think so. Besides, if he isn’t working, he’ll be looking into things, and I’m afraid to leave him searching for too long. I think all we can do is wait and see how things turn out. I’ll talk to Caroline and the others, make sure they stay on guard.”
Liz nods. “I’ll tell you if I see anything strange.”
You do your best for a reassuring smile. “Thanks, Sheriff. We don’t know that he’s a threat just yet, but it can’t hurt to be ready for anything.”
Despite your attempts to relieve Liz’s stress, you can’t seem to shake your own. On the way back to the Salvatore home, you get a call from another friend. This time, it’s Bonnie, and she sounds nervous. You change your course, and end up meeting her in the woods near the old Salvatore crypt. Not the best choice of scenery, given your already rampaging nerves, but at least it’s quiet.
Bonnie looks relieved when she sees you approach. “Thanks for meeting me. I didn’t know who else to call.”
You nod. “Yeah, anytime. What’s going on?”
Bonnie glances around to make sure there aren’t any errant hikers who could possibly overhear, then turns back to you. “I had this dream last night. It was one of those dreams when you can’t tell if you’re awake or asleep because everything feels so real it’s crazy. I can’t remember a whole lot from it, but I do remember that someone was coming, someone powerful. Someone who was so connected to death that they might be forged from hell themselves.”
You let out a slow breath. “That’s not the best thing I’ve heard all morning.”
Bonnie shakes her head. “I did a spell to try and see if there was anyone new in town, and I picked up on something. I think they’re here now, but the second I tried to look closer, something found me and abruptly broke the connection.”
Your brow furrows. “I didn’t think someone could end your spell without your approval.”
Bonnie spreads her hands. “They can’t. Whatever this thing is, they’re far more powerful than the typical vampire. The last thing I got from the spell is that this newcomer was near the sheriff’s station, and Damon said that you were stopping by this morning.”
Your eyes widen. “Yeah, because there’s some guy who moved here from Beacon Hills. Do you think the threat could be the new deputy sheriff?”
Bonnie bites her lip, thinking. “It’s the only option that makes sense. I think I want to try the spell again, see if I can draw him here. You’ve seen him face to face, so do you mind stepping in to help me locate him?”
You nod, holding out your palm face-up. “Absolutely. Let’s figure this out.”
Bonnie takes your hand, closing her eyes and starting to chant under her breath. The ground seems to rock under your feet, a wind surging up out of nowhere to rustle the leaves on the trees. Your clothes whip under the force of the sudden gale, but Bonnie keeps going. You do your best to think about Jordan, all that you’d seen this morning. You keep him firmly in your mind, and the spell deepens.
All of a sudden, you hear a sound split the clearing. It sounds like a growl, not like that of a werewolf but worse, far more frightening. A pair of glowing eyes appear in the woods, along with the scent of charring smoke. Bonnie drops your hand and ends the spell, but it’s too late. The monster is here.
It steps into the clearing, and through the gaps in the branches, you can see it. This is Jordan Parrish, but he’s different. His gaze burns with fire, and he walks with the weight of something utterly inhuman. Jordan spreads his arms and he bursts into fire, illuminating fangs erupting from his mouth.
Bonnie gasps. “He’s a hellhound.”
You don’t know much about hellhounds, but if it scares Bonnie, that’s not a good sign. Jordan turns towards the sound of Bonnie’s voice and hurls a handful of fire towards her. Using your vampire speed, you manage to pull her out of the way just in time, and set her down on the other side of the clearing.
Jordan charges, but you block his path. The fire on his arms burns you, but the skin is already starting to reknit. You stand your ground, and call out to him in the hopes that he can still hear you.
“Back off, Jordan! We’re not trying to fight you, just figure out what you are.”
The beast that was once Jordan Parrish snarls, but you can see it starting to revert back into a human. It closes its eyes, and when the lids open again, the fire is gone. A few moments later, all traces that Jordan had been anything other than his usual self are gone, other than a persistent smell of smoke and the fact that his shirt is now riddled with holes from the sheer force of his fire.
He eyes you suspiciously. “What are you? No human can heal like that.”
You want to laugh. “You just erupted in fire, and you want to ask what I am?”
He nods. “Yes.”
You sigh. “Fine. I’m a vampire, Bonnie’s a witch. We know you’re a hellhound, but why are you here?”
Jordan seems to accept this. “I needed a new place to stay, and something called me here. A lot of death has taken place in this town, hasn’t it?”
This time, you do laugh. “That would be an understatement, but yes.”
You remember that you’re not alone, and glance over at Bonnie. “I think I can take it from here. Can you tell Elena and the others that we’ve got a new friend?”
She nods, looking faintly disturbed by what you’ve just seen. You can’t entirely blame her.
When you glance back at Jordan, you notice that he’s regarding you with a faint smile. “You can take it from here?” He asks, repeating your words.
For some reason, you feel the need to defend yourself. “Yeah, as long as you’re not trying to set the rest of us ablaze. Want to head back to the sheriff’s station? I’d love to see you try and explain to Liz why you had to leave in the middle of the day.”
Jordan nods, grinning. “I’m assuming people don’t have as many problems with mysterious disappearances around here. What’s your story, by the way? Were you checking me out this morning because you thought I might be another vampire?”
Your mouth falls open. “I was not checking you out, I was making sure you weren’t a threat. It’s a reasonable concern, thank you very much. I’ve been a vampire for a while, and that’s just what you do.”
Jordan accepts this, although he’s still wearing that same smirk. “So what do vampires do? Other than eliminating threats, of course.”
You narrow your eyes at him, but he appears to be sincere. “Drink blood, cause problems, all that. My brothers, Damon and Stefan Salvatore, are also vampires. We all turned back in 1864 thanks to some vampire named Katherine who liked both of them at the same time. She always bothered me. We could have been amazingly good friends, but she seemed to think that she could win over my brothers by making an enemy out of me. It was so annoying.”
Jordan chuckles. “Well, she was wrong there. I’m not sure I’d like to ever have you as an enemy.”
You hum in approval. “That’s what I thought. Anyways, what’s your story? Hellhounds don’t just turn up out of nowhere.”
Jordan’s expression turns contemplative. “No, they don’t, do they? I came here from Beacon Hills, but you already know that. I had a good group of friends, mostly werewolves, but I helped them fight their latest bad guy and there just wasn’t much reason for me to stay, especially after–”
His voice trails off, and you get the feeling that there was another reason contributing to Jordan’s departure, perhaps centered around a breakup. This shouldn’t make you happy, but for some reason, it does.
Jordan continues a moment later. “Point is, I wanted a new start, and this place seemed interesting enough so I came. I have to admit, you guys do a good job of staying undercover. I had a few suspected vampires that I’d heard about before, but they fit in well. Out of curiosity, most of the vampires seem to be enrolling themselves at the high school. Why don’t you?”
You give a delicate shudder. “If I’m cursed to stay on this earth for so long, why would I waste my time in high school? Regular humans already hate it, and they only have to go through it once. There’s no good reason I should subject myself to it over and over again. I don’t understand how my younger brother finds the motivation to do it, but I suspect it has something to do with Elena Gilbert, his latest crush.”
Jordan grins. “I can understand that. Does this mean you haven’t found a suitable crush to keep you in high school?”
You arch a brow. “Absolutely. Why do you ask?”
Jordan shrugs a little too casually. “No reason. If you’re free, though, I might not mind getting a drink sometime. It would be nice to spend a night with someone when you don’t have to lie about being a human.”
You break into a broad grin. “Jordan Parrish, are you asking me out?”
He’s smiling too, now. “Maybe. Are you saying yes?”
You pretend to consider this. “I think I am. See you at seven?”
“Sounds perfect,” he says, and you can’t help but agree. Perfect indeed.
requested by @thornyrose463
teen wolf tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @rafecameronswhore, @bellabadacadabra
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Teen Wolf Masterlist
This is the new Teen Wolf masterlist, as the old one was made with the old post editor and I prefer the new one.
If you find any incorrect or missing links please let me know!
Here is the link to my Main Masterlist
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
All Imagines - - All Oneshots - - All Headcanons - - General Tag
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Pack:
Imagine - Being a Phoenix and being part of the pack
Imagine - Scott and The Pack Helping after you start to teleport randomly
Headcanons - Spending Halloween with the Pack
The pack finding out you and Derek are dating (McCall!Reader)
- - - - -
Derek Hale:
Gif Imagines:
Cracking dumb jokes until you get him to laugh
Derek confessing his love to you
He discovers your self harm scars
Family Headcanons
Actually, I just missed you (angst/cute)
Pull (angst/romance)
Don’t Leave Me (angst)
More That Friends (angst/fluff)
It’s weird that we’ve been friends for so long, but…. (platonic/cute)
Boner (Yes that kind; suggestive)
Why are you looking at me like that? (humor/fluff)
You’ve been pouting ever since I went on that date, what’s up? (fluff)
How come I always call you when I can’t fall asleep? (fluff)
The pack finding out you and Derek are dating (McCall!Reader; humor/cute)
Flirty - Love/Hate Relationship
Stuck in the woods (Halloween; action)
Christmas Proposal - Part One & Part Two (romance/fluff)
Ugly Christmas Sweaters (humor/fluff)
I told you to bring holy water for a reason! (action/angst/fluff)
Three times I tried to scare you and the one time I succeeded  (humor/cute)
Our First Christmas; (cute/fluff)
Light (cute/romantic)
- - - - -
Stiles Stilinski:
Imagine: Being Lydias sister and Stiles likes you instead
Being stuck in quarantine with your boyfriend Stiles
Pumpkin Carving with Stiles
Are you trying to turn me on? (Aged up; NSFW/Suggestive)
No I can’t hang out I’m on a date and you know that (cute)
It’s just a cut, really! (kind of angst)
You’re blushing so hard... (cute)
- - - - -
Scott McCall:
Imagine: Being a Phoenix and being part of the pack
Imagine: The Pack Helping after you start to teleport randomly
Imagine: Scott inviting you to his house for Christmas
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - First ‘I love you’
- - - - -
Peter Hale:
Imagine - Sparring with Peter
I accidentally called you my girlfriend/boyfriend today… (cute)
I’m holding your hand because the move is scary alright? It’s a terrifying…rom-com (fluff)
Three times I almost kissed you and the one time I did (angst/fluff)
Stargazer (comfort/cute)
Fear of Losing You (action/bit of angst and fluff)
- - - - -
Jordan Parrish:
Gif Imagines:
Being Jordans younger sister
Being a newly turned werewolf and Parrish helps you
Jordan being protective to the point of almost going “Hellhound”
Did you think I forgot? (cute)
You know who to call (humor)
Fake date (fluff)
Secrets (general)
- - - - -
Theo Raeken:
Headcanons - Being best-friends with Theo
I need a place to stay/Why aren’t you afraid of me? (angst/cute)
Squeaky Chair (humor)
Movie Night Jealousy (angst/cute)
I Made a Promise (angst)
Couples costume (cute)
Halloween Maze Race (humor/cute)
- - - - -
Lydia Martin:
Headcanons: Being Coach Finstock’s kid and having a crush on Lydia
Halloween Party Decisions (general)
Locked Out/Couples Costume (angst/cute)
Three times I almost said “I love you” and the one time I did (cute)
Lets run away together/Are you drunk? (cute)
Safe (angst/comfort)
- - - - -
Coach Finstock:
Headcanons: Being Coach Finstock’s kid and having a crush on Lydia
Run!/They’re not answering cause they’re dead (humor)
Tired (platonic/humor)
Brett Talbot: Imagine Brett being overprotective
Nolan: Imagine Nolan Holloway being overprotective and clingy
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Teen Wolf Masterlist
*️⃣ I currently don’t write for this fandom anymore
💫 AU | 🖤 Angst | 💚 Angst With A Happy Ending | 🎄 Christmas | 🐻 Familial | 🌟 Fave | 💛 Fluff | 🎁 Gift | 🎃 Halloween | 💙 Hurt / Comfort | 👤 No Reader Insert | 🌼 Platonic | 🌈 Pride | 🎵 Songfic | 💕 Soulmate AU | ❗ Trigger Warning | 💘 Valentine’s Day
Free Spirit [Stiles x OC] [Finished]
Stiles Stilinski
Dating Stiles Stilinski 
Dating Stiles Stilinski Being Scott’s Sister 
Stiles Notebook Headcanon 👤
Stiles Mannerism 👤
Stiles With Glasses 👤
Stiles’ Sister Has Panick Attacks And Depression ❗🐻
Stiles Being Late 🐻
Sweet Tooth Stiles 🐻
“Don’t you roll your golden eyes at me!”
“You turned my girlfriend into a werewolf, you little fucker”
“No, I won’t kill you and drain you dry. You watch too many horror films”
“If I were a character in a book, I’d be shipped with everyone in fanfiction”
“Stiles, I love you. But stop treating me like Lydia ‘cause I’m not her!”
“How is leaving so easy for you?”
“Go away, I don’t want to see you right now…”
“Do you want to talk about my ex or do you want to paint my body?”
“Theo, this is my boyfriend Stiles. And Stiles, this is my brother Theo”
“I killed her… It’s all my fault” “It wasn’t you, it was Void”
“I love you! I love you so much!” “But you love her too…”
“I swear I didn’t mean to touch your butt”
“Hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but I’m not a good girl anymore”
“She never misses, she never quits and never loses”
“Let’s make out, Stiles. Right here, right now” “What if we get caught?”
“I’m one of the assassins, Stiles. I’m very sorry”
“Let’s go on a double date”
“You kissed a girl and it wasn’t Y/N?!” “It was CPR, Scott!”
“Oh, yeah? Fight me!”
“Let’s skinny dip!” “You wanna kiss? My lips are freezing”
“What else do I have to do to prove myself to you?”
“The cold never bothered me anyway!”
“I’m not a Martin, and I’m definitely not Lydia”
“Boo!” “Don’t do that! You have claws and fangs and just… just don’t do that!”
“Don’t cry, I hate when you cry”
“You’re not Stiles” [Gif Submission]
“Just answer it, please. They obviously wanna talk”
“I’m so sorry, but I think I just bled on your Jeep”
“Vampires? There’s vampires in Beacon Hills now?”
Something Else 💛
I’m Batman
Prank War
Friend 💙🖤💛
I Know 💙💛
Just Ask Her! // Part 2 💛
Now You Know 
He’s A Ninja 
Not So Bad // Part 2
I’m Sure  // Part 2
Broken Heart 💙
Save Her 💚💙
Only You 
Surprise! 💛
Still The Same 
Blow Me Away 
No Stiles 
She’s Taken 
You’re The Best
Too Strong 💙
Perfect Bait [Nogitsune!Stiles] 💚
I’m Here For You 💙
Such A Nerd 
Favorite Obi-Wan 💛
Cupid 💛
Our Song 💕
Stay In 💛
Time Bomb 🎵💚
Scott McCall
“I don’t care what you are. I love you, you love me, that’s all that matters”
“I’m going to protect you no matter what”
“I’m mad at you” “I know, but I’ll make it up to you, I promise” [Gif Submission]
You’re a Freaking Werewolf!
Little Notes 💛
Heartbeat 💛
Anchor 💙
In Your Arms 
Lydia Martin
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve had. Of course I’m in”
Derek Hale
Gif Imagines
Rainy Day In 🌈
Dating Derek Hale
“You lay your hands on her and I swear I’ll kill you myself”
“They can break me, kill me. But God help them the day they come for her”
“I want a kid” “Mama Hale”
“Did he just… Did you bite me?”
I Hate You
Heart Memory [Young!Derek] 💚 // Part 2
Mr. And Mrs. Hale 
Stop Calling Me That 
Comfort 💙
Theo Raeken 
“All I want is her to love me the way she used to”
“Was I just a pawn to your power scheme, or was it real?”
“Please don’t leave me”
“I wish you had told me sooner. Maybe then you wouldn’t be in all this trouble”
“Why did you help me?”
“You promised you’d never leave me. Where are you now then?”
Don’t Touch Her 💙
Jordan Parrish
“Didn’t you once say that not all monsters do monstrous things? I call bullshit!”
“I’d do anything to protect you, just call my name and I’ll be there”
“I loved you more and you walked away because you were scared!”
He Didn’t Know 🎵💙
Liam Dunbar
Dating Liam Dunbar
Gamer Liam 👤
“You need to wake up ‘cause I can’t do this without you”
“You’re my mate and I love you”
“I didn’t want the world. I just wanted you, don’t you get that?”
I’ll Do It For You 💛
Your Eyes 
Isaac Lahey
Gif Imagines
Road Trip 🎁
Dating Isaac Lahey
“I’m never gonna be good enough for you, am I?”
“Are you really taking his side right now?”
Full of Surprises 💛
Chris Argent
Dating Chris Argent And Being Scott’s Sister 
“I think I’m in love with you”
“So is that a yes?”
“May I have this dance?”
“You mean the world to me, and I know I’m not always the best but I love you”
“So… I can I take you home?”
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you”
“Well, this is awkward”
“You deserve so much better… You deserve to be happy”
“I don’t understand this sport, what’s the point?”
“I hate you!” “No, you don’t”
“You’re drunk. And you’re not gonna like that you said that to me”
“Where else does it hurt? I’ll kiss it too” “Right here”
Aiden Steiner
“What did you do? It should have been me!”
“You have such a hot ass” “And you have such a hot everything”
“You’re cute when you’re jealous” “I wasn’t jealous!”
“So… there is a mistletoe above us…”
“Wait, you’re an alpha too?” “I don’t think this is gonna work out”
Ethan Steiner
“Hey, have you seen the… Oh”
Jackson Whittemore
“I wish I could hate you”
Allison Argent
Dating Allison Argent 
“You look cute when you laugh”
Brett Talbot
“So you’re telling me that you’re a werewolf”
Peter Hale
“You used me! Did you ever even love me?!”
Mason Hewitt
“Tell me a secret”
Gif Imagines
Rivalry With Hayden 
Becoming A Chimera 
How They Cheer You Up
How They Are Protective 
They Catch You Singing 
They Comfort You On Your Period 
What They Like About You 
New Look 
Dance With Me 
Don’t Cry 
I’ll Protect You 
They Scare You 
Merry Christmas 🎄
First Kiss 
Original Pack’s Hogwarts Houses
Dark Side Supernatural Girlfriend 
“It’s all gonna be alright, you’re safe now” ❗
“I feel… out of place”
Don’t Leave Me // Part 2 💚
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twdeadlyrecs · 4 years
teen wolf fic rec
updated ↬ 05/02/2021  ♢ remember these aren’t my fics ♢ all credit goes to their respective owners 
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♢ new life
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♢ being stiles’ older sister and secretly dating parrish would include...
♢ concealed
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♢ but..? ♢ courage to tell the truth
♢ no matter what
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@justauthoring ♢ @hedakylo​ ♢ @pennylanefics​ ♢ ​ @demxters​
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years
It’s spooky season.
Got a Halloween request? Send it In
Headcanons, preferences, imagines, oneshots, fics, drabbles, blurbs, smut, angst & fluff.
You can request as many as your heart desires. FEM!READER ONLY!
Create A Candy Wreath
Bob For Apples
Scavenger Hunts
Local Psychic
Palm Reader
Werewolf Tag
Flashlight Tag
Lantern Making
Playdough monsters
Pumpkin Patch
Haunted House
Halloween Costume Party
Corn Maze
Pumpkin Carving
Matching Costumes
Trick Or Treating
Decorating The House
Roleplay According To Costumes
Tricksters Watching
Halloween Candlelit Dinner
Bake Halloween -Inspired Treats
Visit A Haunted Attraction
Go See A Horror Movie
Jump Scare
Scary Stories
Play Sexy/Scary Dress Up
Watch Scary Movies
Late Night Corn Maze
Ghost Tour
Picnic At A Graveyard
Tell Scary Stories By The Campfire
Scary Movie Marathon
Late Night Walk In The Cemetery
Jump In A Pile Of Leaves
Make Candy Apples
Pick Pumpkin From Pumpkin Patch
Bobbing For Alcohol
Camp In The Backyard
Surprise s/o With Sexy Costume
Haunted Hayride
Ghost Hunt
Costume Shopping
Smores By The Fire
Paint Pumpkins
Make Jack O’Lanterns
Road Trip To Spooky Destinations
Alien AU
Angel AU
Affair AU
Amnesia AU
Angel/Demon AU
Apocalypse AU
Assassin AU
Asylum AU
Alien Invasion AU
Alpha/Beta/Omega AU
Betrayal AU
Banshee AU
Blackmail AU
Bonnie & Clyde AU
Cabin In The Woods AU
Castaway AU
Criminal AU
Crossroad Demon AU
Cowgirl AU
Cowboy AU
Criminal And Accomplice AU
Dragon AU
Dark Fantasy AU
Demigod AU
Double Agent AU
Demon AU
Dead/Death AU
Demon Hunter AU
Damsel In Distress AU
Demon Slayer AU
Dimension Hoping AU
Dark Angel AU
Enemies To Lovers AU
Enemies AU
Fantasy AU
Fae AU
Fake Relationship AU
Fake Dating, AU
Fake Marriage AU
Forbidden Love AU
Fairies AU
Fairy AU
Fugitive AU
Fallen Angel AU
Guardian Angel AU
Ghost AU
Greek Gods AU
Genie AU
Goddess AU
God AU
Hero/Villain AU
Hanahaki Disease AU
Hitman AU
Hunter AU
Heat {also known as Mating Cycle} AU
Hunters Dating
Hybrid AU
Horror Film AU
Imaginary Friend AU
Immortal/Human AU
Immortal AU
Incubus AU
Jealousy AU
Kidnapped AU
Lost In Space, AU
Love Affair AU
Love/Hate Relationship AU
Love Triangle AU
Love Spell AU
Love Turns Them Evil AU
Lured Into A Trap AU
Lost In The Woods AU
Mob!Boss AU
Mafia AU
Medium AU
Mutant AU
Mistaken Identity AU
Magic AU
Maid AU
Merman AU
Mermaid AU
Murder Mystery AU
Merpeople AU
Mythological Creatures AU
Mobster AU
Mad Scientist AU
Mythology AU
Medieval AU
Nephlim AU
One Sided Love AU
Outlaw Couple AU
Pirate AU
Protector AU
Prisoner AU
Post Apocalypse AU
Possessed AU
Possessive AU
Roaring 20s AU
Rivals To Lovers AU
Resurrection AU
Rival AU
Reincarnation AU
Runaway AU
Reapers AU
Supernatural AU
Superpowers AU
Secret Identity AU
Secret Admire AU
Spell AU
Soulmates AU
Secret Relationship AU
Spy AU
Space AU
Stalker AU
Stripper AU
Siren AU
Succubus AU
Secret Agent AU
Secret Spy AU
Superhero AU
Telepathy AU
Time Traveller AU
Thief AU
The Little Mermaid AU
Time Travel AU
Time Travelers AU
Unrequited Love AU
Vigilante AU
Vampire/Werewolf AU
Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU
Vampire AU
Vampire Hunter AU
Villain AU
Weakness Turns On Lover AU
Witch AU
Wizard AU
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Taking The Kids Trick Or Treating
Fandoms I write for
Adam Cole
Aj Styles
Andrade Cien Almas
Buddy Murphy
Bobby Fish
Drew McIntyre
Elias Samson
Finn Balor
Kyle O’Reilly
Roderick Strong
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
The Miz
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
Triple H, 
Alexa Bliss
Becky Lynch
Billie Kay
Candice LeRae
Charlotte Flair
Dakota Kai
Mickie James
Peyton Royce
Sasha Banks
Stephanie McMahon
Tegan Nox
Zelina Vega
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Sylvie Brett
Gabby Dawson
 Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg Gerwitz
Kevin Atwater
Kim Burgess
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
 Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
Clark Kent
Lena Luthor
Kara Danvers
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Ella Lopez
Dan Espinoza
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Bruce Banner
Sam Wilson
Carol Danvers
 Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
 Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Malia Tate
Jordan Parrish
Chris Argent
Isaac Lahey
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
 Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
 Freya Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Kai Parker
Damon Salvatore
 Katherine Pierce
Tyler Lockwood
Bonnie Bennet
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Harry Styles
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jensen Ackles
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Itching to write for Jordan Parrish! Send some requests!!
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 years
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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Daily Drabble [Theo Raeken] [Isaac Lahey] [Scott McCall] [Young!Peter Hale] [Jordan Parrish]
Dat Kink [Brett Talbot] [Derek Hale] [Isaac Lahey] [Liam Dunbar] [Scott McCall] [Theo Raeken 1.0] [Theo Raeken 2.0]
First Kiss [Brett Talbot]
Having Sex with Theo Raeken 
Autum Sceo
Brett Talbot Headcanons
Brian Headcanons
Disaac Headcanons
Disaac Oneshot
Isaac Lahey Headcanons
Mole Worship Sceo
Poly!Pack Ponderings [In Heat] [More]
Quicky [Derek Hale]
Rehabilitate (Disaac)
Sceo Starting Out
Scruff Sceo
Sexting Sceo
Some Sceo
Valentines Sceo
Theo Raeken Headcanons
Time to Get Naughty
What’s In A Tattoo
Wedding [Brett Talbot] [Theo Raeken]
Dragons [x] [x]
Prompts [x]
Band AU [Vol 1] [Vol 2]
Tiny Headcanons [x] [x]
Liveblogging [1.1] [1.2] [1.3] [1.4] [1.5] [1.6] [1.7] [1.8] [1.9] [1.10] [1.11] [1.12] [2.1] [2.2] [2.3] [2.4] [2.5] [2.6] [2.7] [2.8] [2.9] [2.10] [2.11] [2.12] [3.1] [3.2] [3.3] [3.4] [3.5] [3.6] [3.7] [3.8] [3.9] [3.10]
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chillassimagines · 5 years
alright, back at it again with a new request list, I will get done with this before Christmas because I have Christmas special imagines just in time for the holidays 🙌🏼
#1 Sleepy Time Pt 2 with Chris Halliwell Smut
PART ONE: https://chillassimagines.tumblr.com/post/188612935632/sleepy-time-chris-halliwell-smut-requested
#2 Cole Turner Oneshot
BASED ON: https://chillassimagines.tumblr.com/post/180556178947/imagine-requested-once-upon-a-time-you-and-cole
#3 TEEN WOLF BIRTHDAY SEX PART THREE BITCHES (ft. Malia, Stiles, Theo, and Parrish)
PART ONE: https://chillassimagines.tumblr.com/post/176975393682/part-one-requested-liam-finally-it-was-your
PART TWO: https://chillassimagines.tumblr.com/post/177544626507/requested-scott-scott-get-up-scott-you
#4 Jedikiah Office Smut
#5 Jeremy Fluff Imagine
#6 Lucien Castle Angsty Smut
#7 Lucien Castle Series ‘REMEMBERANCE’ begins (a requested ongoing series between requests from here on out, estimated 3 parts)
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heliads · 2 years
The Hellhound and the Shadowhunter (Part Two)
Based on this request: "After the party at the end of part one, the reader and Maryse have repaired their relationship. There’s a one-year time jump. Y/N and Jordan are back in California, and are married with a baby boy named Benjamin Parrish. Y/N and Jordan visit New York so that Y/N’s siblings can meet Benjamin."
part one / masterlist 
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Your husband finds you standing in a corner of your kitchen, clutching a perfectly typed invitation like it’s a sacred talisman. Although you’re the head of the California Shadowhunter Institute, and are thus kept quite busy with the day to day errands of the western Nephilim, he’s been coming home later and later as well. As it turns out, being a hellhound in a place that’s host to both werewolf packs and angelic warriors tends to attract a lot of supernatural foes, and he’s been forced to use every available minute of the day to make sure his friends will be alright.
Jordan still manages to come into the house with a smile, however tired. It slips into a frown when he notices the paper in your hand, the way the envelope at your feet has been scrawled over with protective runes. Most Shadowhunters in the area would just pay you a visit at the Institute, but someone’s taken the time to write.
He eases into the room, pressing a kiss to your head so he can steal a glance at the paper in your hand. “What’s that?”
You smile over at him, taking in the trepidation in his voice. “It’s good news, actually. Might be the first time in a while that I’ve gotten good news from New York.”
Jordan arches a brow. “We’ve gotten word from New York? How are they doing? How’s Alec?”
You laugh at his question. Alec has always had a rather good friendship with Jordan, something about the fact that they’d both turn into the most fearsome warriors imaginable when it comes to protecting the people they care about. The events at Alec’s almost wedding last year only solidified their camaraderie.
“Alec is great, actually, that’s why he’s writing. He’s getting married, but this time for real.”
Jordan looks delighted. “Don’t tell me Magnus finally proposed. I thought they’d never get around to it.”
You bite back a grin. “You know, you’re awfully involved in this. I seem to recall both of us dreading a trip over to the New York Institute the last time he was getting married.”
Jordan waves a hand dismissively. “That was before, and your family is much cooler about the whole ‘children dating Downworlders’ thing now. I hate to say it, but I’m almost excited to see the in-laws. Honestly, we should have them visit more often.”
You smile contentedly at him. While you were in New York, you had the opportunity to really talk with your family for the first time in a long time. You were inspired by your twin’s courage in standing up to your parents, so you figured you could use a little luck yourself.
The end of the night had found you and Maryse Lightwood walking through the corridors of the New York Institute, just catching each other up on everything that had happened over the last few years. You’d shared your thoughts on plenty of past grievances, such as your mother’s excessive expectations for Alec and yourself, as well as her attitude towards Jordan.
To be honest, you hadn’t been sure how well it would go. Maryse is a classic Shadowhunter, she always has been. She follows the rules because it keeps her in a safe sort of spotlight. No one looks twice at someone they think they can trust.
Still, that conversation had revealed much about your mother that you hadn’t even begun to realize before. Over the course of a couple of hours, your shoulders lost their stiffness, and you talked with her, the real sort of talking you’d only managed with Alec, Izzy, and your younger siblings before. It was as if you were looking at Maryse through a window newly cleared of fog, and you only wish that you could have achieved that sort of reconciliation a lot earlier.
She admitted that she was quite proud of you for all of your work with the California Institute, even if it was far away from home. Also, she finally started seeing past Jordan’s life as a hellhound for the wonderful man that he is, and they’ve quickly grown close.
There’s another person that’s been helping your relationship with your family, too, and he’s a beautiful little boy sleeping two rooms down. Benjamin Parrish, born about six months ago, is everything you could have hoped for in a son. 
At first, you were afraid of how the Clave would react to a boy that’s half Shadowhunter and half Downworlder, but looking at your child, you know that you would risk the entire race of Nephilim and their criticisms just to keep him safe. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for him and Jordan.
Needless to say, you’re actually quite excited to go to your family once again. Jordan feels the exact same way, and soon enough, you find yourself touching down in New York. It’s been about a year since you visited for Alec’s supposed wedding to Lydia, but it feels like you could have never left. You hated that, once, how it seemed like you’d never be free of this place, but now it feels more like a happy memory welcoming you home.
The city and its blazing lights aren’t the only ones delighted to see you back. Izzy all but sprints to you once you first walk through the doors with Jordan, and Alec and the rest aren’t far behind. Through the haze of thrilled Lightwoods, you see Magnus approaching through the crowd and starting to talk with Jordan. They’ve been getting along well, too, something about the shared exhaustion of trying to date a Lightwood. Heaven knows you and Alec haven’t made it easy for them.
Then you’re enveloped in a hug by Maryse, who looks towards Benjamin with shining eyes. She told you once that she’s been terrified of continuing on the family legacy, because with every successful generation there’s twice the pressure on the following children to keep up the good work of everyone else. 
The way she looks at your son now, you know for a fact that she can finally relax. You’re okay, you’re all okay. The family will stay strong, and not just through tradition. There is more than one way to live a proud life.
You arrived a few days early, but the day of the wedding arrives sooner than you thought. You can’t help but compare the two ceremonies in your head. The first time around, Alec had practically been tearing his hair out due to nerves, but he hadn’t been able to realize the reason why he was freaking out so much until Magnus showed up to interrupt the wedding.
Alec now, though, is practically a different person. You regret the distance between your Institute in California and Alec’s home here more than ever. When did he start shedding some of that ice around his heart? When did he start letting himself live? 
There are moments when Alec is laughing at a joke Magnus or Izzy makes that you almost don’t recognize him. There is a darker, quieter boy that has been permanently retired to some part of Alec’s mind. Your twin doesn’t need that permanent shield up around him anymore, and you couldn’t be happier to see it.
At last, the day of the wedding arrives. You take a seat in the chapel besides Jordan, with baby Benjamin in between the two of you. Apparently, your child knows enough to stay quiet during the ceremony, and just watches everything around him with the quiet delight of a dreamer. The light fading in through stained glass windows paints his hair and skin with bright colors, and his eyes shine like precious stones.
There is nothing you wouldn’t do for him, your son. When you were younger, you wondered if you wanted children. Even though it was surely expected for a Lightwood, you were never certain. Part of you never knew if you’d survive long enough in a world crawling with demons in monsters to even truly consider the question, or if you’d marry for anything other than title.
Looking at Jordan, though, you couldn’t be happier. You took your risks, but they’ve paid off, all of them. You are here with a husband who loves you, a husband who chose you because he’s willing to fight off the entirety of his chaotic world just to pick you again and again and again. You’d do the same thing for him.
And, up ahead of you, you get to see your twin brother make the exact same choice. The walls of the chapel are bedecked with flowers and plants, making the whole scene look like something out of a fairytale. This could be nothing but a blissful dream, but even the illusion of seeing your brother marry the man he loves would be worth the lie.
It’s true, though, all of it. For once, it is wonderfully true. You can’t stop a few happy tears from trickling down your cheeks during the vows, and then the ceremony is complete and everyone is clapping like they’ve just witnessed a miracle. Looking between your sister and brother and family, you might have. 
Alec finds you after the ceremony, smiling so hard you almost think you’ve met a stranger. You hug him, pulling him close and hoping that you can silently communicate just how happy you are that he’s found this epilogue to his life, because you don’t think that you could put it into words if you tried.
“Thanks for coming out,” he says, “I’m so glad to see you. Honestly.”
You laugh. “As if there was a chance that I wouldn’t come see you get married. I couldn’t be happier for you, Alec. I’m so glad you got to have this, after everything that’s happened recently.”
Alec shudders. “Tell me about it. I was never really sure if this day would come, although I hoped like hell it would.” He chuckles, scratching the back of his head awkwardly before continuing in a rush.
“You know, I was always jealous of you for being able to go. I’ve never been able to say that without sounding jaded before, but it’s true. I remember watching you take off for the California Institute and wondering when I’d get something like that for me. Especially after you found Jordan. It seemed unreal, how happy you were.”
You reach forward, taking his hands. “And look at you now. You have Magnus, who loves you more than anything. You’ve still got your family. You’re still Perfect Alec, but you get to take whatever risks you want to.”
Alec snorts. “I was hoping you’d forgotten that nickname. I haven’t heard that in years.”
You smirk. “Never. I’d say it’s especially true now, though. Look around you, Alec. This is what you’ve always wanted, and it’s not an exaggeration or a luckless hope. Let yourself breathe.”
He smiles, looking out through the room until his eyes land on Magnus. “It is good, isn’t it? We won. At everything.”
“Yeah, we did, didn’t we?” 
You’re not looking at Magnus anymore, or even Alec. Instead, you’ve just seen Jordan around a group of people. He’s holding your son in your arms, and smiling like he’s just seen a sunrise for the first time. He meets your eyes across the room, and his face lights even more, if possible. You do have it pretty good, don’t you? You wouldn’t change a thing about it. There’s no way to make this any better than it is.
teen wolf tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @rafecameronswhore, @bellabadacadabra, @watchreadfangirlrepeat
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Julie and the Phantoms:
platonic!JATP x reader:
My sister’s ghost band and me
Reggie Peters x reader:
Returning home
Dead and Alive
After the show
Luke Patterson x reader:
You & I
The Irregulars:
Billy x female OC:
Royalty (you can also read it on ao3 here)
Teen Wolf:
Theo Raeken x reader:
Imagine Isaac coming back to Beacon Hills and making you choose between him, Theo and Liam, when you like them all equally.
Imagine being chased by a supernatural creature and saved by Theo
Isaac Lahey x reader:
Imagine Isaac coming back to Beacon Hills and making you choose between him, Theo and Liam, when you like them all equally.
Home is not a place but a person
Miniseries: Wounded - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Liam Dunbar x reader:
Imagine Isaac coming back to Beacon Hills and making you choose between him, theo and Liam, when you like them all equally.
Last Moments
Ruining your dates
Jordan Parrish x reader:
Don’t worry. It’s cute. (Part 2)
Brett Talbot x reader:
Soulmate’s tragedy
Peter Parker x reader:
First time meeting Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Jace Wayland x reader:
Girls night out
The 100:
Bellamy Blake x reader:
The bet
John Murphy x reader:
The bet
Imagine Murphy looking at you like you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen
Nowhere boys:
Jake Riles x reader:
Getting her back... kinda
Cheryl Blossom x reader:
“Nice jacket, Blossom!”
Bad idea
Jughead Jones x reader:
“Jughead Jones is an asshole!“
Nothing Breaks Like a Heart - Part 2: My reason for this - Part 3: This Next Chapter
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina:
Ambrose Spellman x reader:
About work, marriage and love
She makes the first step
Lying awake
Trust gone
Nicholas Scratch x reader:
Just like the first time
Mood swings
Should have seen it coming (Part 2)
Brotherly concern
Head vs Heart
Young love, true love
Drunk confessions
Blood, tears and little assurances
Another Spellman moves in
The first ‘I love you’
Harvey Kinkle x reader:
Bad day
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley x OC:
This Love I Have Inside
204 notes · View notes
make-me-imagine · 7 years
Prompt: “I am personally offended you didn’t get me to be your fake date”
Requested by anon :)
Characters: Reader x Parrish. Mentioned Peter x reader
Gender: Neutral
Prompt from THIS list. Feel free to send one in :)
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“What is wrong with you Parrish? Your acting all huffy” the deputy had been annoying you all night. You were already having a rough day. Your sister came into town, demanding that she meet your new boyfriend that you didn’t have.
When she showed up you were with Peter. So naturally, she assumed he was your boyfriend, to your dismay instead of denying it, he went along with it. You assumed it was because he liked seeing you squirm. Plus now he had an excuse to embarrass and flirt with you. You hated him.
“I’m just-” Parrish was struggling getting his words out. “I am personally offended you didn’t get me to be your fake date, okay? I mean, Peter? You asked Peter?” as soon as the words left his mouth he started to blush.
After a moment of silence you started giggling “Your jealous? That’s what your in a huff about? Parrish, I didn’t ask Peter to be my fake date, he’s the one who told my sister that he was my boyfriend. I didn’t even have the chance to say he wasn’t!”
He looked over at Peter and your sister who seemed to be laughing at something “What are you gonna do?” 
You turned your body to face the others as you thought to yourself for a moment “Well, I’m gonna let the night play out. And when my sister leaves I am going to kick his ass and then fake break up with him. And the next time my sister comes to town asking about my boyfriend, you can take the part.” you said surprising Parrish.
Parrish looked at you still with a slight blush on his cheeks “Like...your boyfriend boyfriend, or fake boyfriend?” 
Hearing your name being called by your sister. You looked Parrish up and down “You can decide that for yourself Deputy.” You smiled at him as you walked away.
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ao3feed-thiam · 5 years
Lights of His Life
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Ig77Tx
by Sweetest_Thiam
Theo and Liam have had a good life living in a house together as friends, but when Theo gets a call from Melissa about an abandoned baby girl - one that's evidently his - his life changes drastically in more than one way.
Words: 3286, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Melissa McCall, Scott McCall, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Jordan Parrish, Minor Characters, Original Child Character(s)
Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar & Theo Raeken, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Accidental Baby Acquisition, parenting, Theo loves his daughter, he also loves liam, Mates, Werewolf Mates, this was supposed to be a oneshot, Ferris Wheels, Heartbeats, Minor Scott McCall/Kira Yukimura, Minor Lydia Martin/Jordan Parrish, Fluff, More angst than intended
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Ig77Tx
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Crossovers Masterlist
💫 AU | 🖤 Angst | 💚 Angst With A Happy Ending | 🎄 Christmas | 🐻 Familial | 🌟 Fave | 💛 Fluff | 🎁 Gift | 🎃 Halloween | 💙 Hurt / Comfort | 👤 No Reader Insert | 🌼 Platonic | 🌈 Pride | 🎵 Songfic | 💕 Soulmate AU | ❗ Trigger Warning | 💘 Valentine’s Day
DC & Marvel
Loving Gestures 💛 
Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy XV & My Hero Academia
Final Fantasy VII, Gof of War & Marvel
Not Childish Squad On Halloween 🎃
Brooklyn 99, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, God of War & My Hero Academia
Childish Squad On Halloween 🎃
My Hero Academia, Heroes & Marvel
S/O With A Migraine  
Final Fantasy VII & Final Fantasy XV
Comforting You
The Maze Runner & Divergent
Gladers Factions 👤
The Maze Runner & Glee
Gally In The Glee Club 👤
The Maze Runner & Teen Wolf
Thomas And Stiles Are Twins 👤
Teen Wolf & Divergent
The Pack Factions 👤
Sherlock & Big Bang Theory
Sheldon Holmes 👤
Final Fantasy VII & Final Fantasy XV
Cloud Meeting the Chocobros 👤
Final Fantasy VII & Marvel
Cloud & Steve Being Reunited Old Friends  👤
Marvel & God Of War
Avengers In Midgard  👤
X-Men & God Of War
Kratos vs Wolverine 👤 
Final Fantasy XV & The Lunar Chonicles
Chocobros + Rampion Crew 👤
Teen Wolf & The Flash
“Someone’s jealous” [Stiles Stilinski & Barry Allen]
Final Fantasy VII & Final Fantasy X 
“Guess I didn’t think that through” “When do you? 👤 [Cloud Strife & Tidus]
Supernatural & Teen Wolf
“You’re dating a hellhound?! Of all the creatures…” [Dean Winchester & Jordan Parrish]
DC & Marvel
“Who do you choose?” [Diana Prince & Natasha Romanoff]
Final Fantasy VII & The Legend of Zelda
“Cut it out!” 👤 [Cloud Strife & Link]
“Stay with me, please” “Don’t go” [Cloud Strife & Link]
The Flash & Teen Wolf
Old Wounds [Barry Allen x Reader]
The Flash & The Maze Runner
You’re The Voice  // Part 2 [Barry Allen x Reader]
Teen Wolf & Paper Towns
Stay With Me [Stiles Stilinski x Reader]
Lost & The Flash
My Deepest Secret // Part 2 [Barry Allen x Reader]
Glee & The Maze Runner
New New Directions
Jurassic World & The Hunger Games
For You [Peeta Mellark x Reader]
Final Fantasy VII & Final Fantasy X
Don’t Say It [Tidus x Reader]
Marvel & Supernatural
In Another Dimension 
Final Fantasy XV & Marvel
Contradictory Feelings [Spider!Prompto Argentum x Reader]
Supernatural, The Maze Runner & Teen Wolf 
Supernatural Night At Beacon Hills 🎃👤
The Hunger Games & The Maze Runner
Tributes In The Scorch 👤
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ao3feed-sterek · 6 years
Fuck That. I’ll Just Get A Cat!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2yoV8MX
by The_Muse
Jennifer is dumped by her girlfriend of ten years in the worst way possible and rents a room in
Words: 3415, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of It is what it is what it is. A series of unconnected Oneshots staring Jennifer Blake.
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jennifer Blake, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Marin Morrell, Kali, Ennis, Braeden, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Laura Hale, Jordan Parrish
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Jennifer Blake/ Malia Tate, Braeden/Jennifer Blake, past Derek Hale/Kate Argent, past Stiles Stilinski/Malia Tate - Relationship, Past Jennifer Blake/Kali
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Human, Derek is terrible at communication, Stiles is a horrendous flirt, Jennifer dates around but sucks at it, The guys just need to cut out the middle man, Jennifer is the middle man and she is not impressed, Scott McCall mentioned, Allison Argent mentioned - Freeform, Lydia Martin briefly appears, Canon Bisexual Character
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2yoV8MX
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fandomimagines1 · 4 years
Hi! If you are taking requests, can you do a Teen Wolf oneshot where the reader (female) is dating Jordan Parrish and Monroe's army comes after her because she is one of the surviving Chimeras (half wolf, half lion maybe?) and the pack has to rescue her and lots of fluff with Parrish please??????
Hi, I would have loved to do this request but I haven’t watched Season 6b which is where Monroe’s army is involved so I don’t know anything about them sorry. 
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