#teenage snape
killlavendr · 1 month
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Stop why is snily actually like kinda cute 😭 i kinda imagined the scenario for this drawing being her giving him a pep talk abt smth. And him just not even really listening, too busy focusing on her
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sctumsempra · 2 months
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teenage snape sketchies done mentally ill-ly at 3am
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thatweirdchristians · 6 months
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Severus walking back to Hogwarts after a long day scavenging for potion ingredients (AI Image)
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safeplacesnupin · 1 year
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What is your favorite thing about Snape?
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magnificentandstrange · 11 months
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batwingsrosa · 2 months
Let‘s talk about how Remus Lupin.
Humiliated his colleague.
Who he and his friends had already tormented for years before that.
Who was almost murdered by his friends.
The man who kept his mouth shut for years and did not tell anyone about Remus true nature.
Eventhough he almost died because of it.
The man who never receieved a single fucking apology.
Because, you know.
They were just silly teenage pranks.
Let‘s talk about how Remus Lupin humiliated his teenage bully victim once more as an adult by encouraging Neville to imagine him in his grandmothers clothing.
In front of the whole class.
Knowing fully well that not a day later every single student in the castle would have heard about it.
And laughed about it.
Let‘s talk about how fucking cruel Remus was towards Severus.
He did it deliberately.
Fully knowing what would happen.
For a laugh.
Just like in the good old days.
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cherry-pop-elf · 29 days
Morning Classes
Severus Snape x Reader
Summary: You spent the night in your boyfriend’s bedroom, at the school he works at. The issue with sleeping in a dungeon, is that you can’t tell when it’s sunrise. You slept in, and decided to make it known to everyone that Severus Snape CAN get some bitches
Warnings: None really, besides implied sexual content. But none actually. Also teenagers being teenagers, and poor Snape ready to have a heart attack
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“Sevvy?” You yawned, as you would lift up your head. There you were, in satin sheets. Perfect for the muggy weather that the dungeons collected. Breathe able, light, and soft. Made you want to never leave the ink and emerald covers, but you wanted to get some breakfast with your boyfriend.
Another yawn left you, as you climbed out of the covers. Quick to steal one of his dress shirts, and cover yourself up in. You loved how it was a dress on you. Made you feel so safe, and warm. Emotionally, anyway. Despite the muggy weather of a dungeon, it can change and become so chill. Just a matter of when Peeves wants to snuff out the fire places.
“Sevvy? I want us to get some breakfast.” You called, as you stretched your body. The cold stones sending shivers through your feet, and up your spine. “And cuddles. I want more cuddles.” You cooed, as you would force open the heavy door. The one to lead to his classroom. Took some effort, but you broke through.
“Sevvy, sweetie? Let’s get some br…” Your heart dropped, as you froze. Seems you slept in, because class was in session. The familiar smog of the potions brewing filled the air, but never enough to hide the faces of his students. Along with himself.
The way every student was jaw dropped, at the realization that someone was in Snapes bedroom. Not only in his bedroom, but clearly having spent the night there. They just couldn’t process it, and neither could Snape. That ever cold scowl vanished, to be replaced with the most brilliant of pink cheeks. Seems Hogwarts was just a breeding ground of making sure he got embarrassed.
“Oh….I….Apologies….It can be kinda hard to tell the time, when you are underground.” You gulped, as you rubbed the back of your neck. You tried to step out of the room, but your back came into contact with the door. No way did you want to turn around, and risk exposing your naked butt to a bunch of kids. That’s not only gross, but also very embarrassing.
“Damn, kinda hot-“ A student said, causing Snape’s head to spin so sharply. You are surprised that no bones were broken in the process. As if he had time to figure out who said that. He had a partner to worry about. He cursed himself for letting you sleep in.
“Not. A. WORD.” He warned his students, as he quickly ran to your side. Swiftly he would take off his ever present cloak, and wrapped it around you. Let you be covered, as the students still stared. Never did they think Snape could be human. Find love, have a romance, be intimate with someone. It was just kinda assumed he was an entity all on his own.
“I am so sorry-“ You quickly whispered, with shame in your eyes. Way to go. You had to humiliate him. A man that’s been burdened with such all his life. You just had to give him more trauma. Way to go. That’s reading on your face like a book, and he won’t have any of that. He will break the cycle.
“I should have left a note-“ He tried to whisper back, but failed. The classroom was so silent, from shock, so much as his own heart beat could be heard. Was Snape taking responsibility for his own actions, and not wanting someone to feel bad? Who is this imposter? That was getting the class rowdy now.
“Students-“ He warned, but the teenagers in them were over ruled. They had so many questions. Who is this person? How did you two meet? Did you go to Hogwarts with him? Are you from another school? Pure blood? Muggle born? Did you top?!
“I uh. Just better go get some pants on-“ You swallowed, as he nodded. He was quick to open the door for you, and you ran in. It would then slam behind you, but it couldn’t muffle the gossiping of the class.
“Children-!” He warned, but their curiosity overruled their fear. They had to know. Who the hell were you?! Why would you settle for him?! So many questions, so little class time to figure it all out. They needed to know!
You made sure to hurry up, and slipped on some random bottoms. Along with a cozy top. Just clothes to actually wear, as to go out there and save your boyfriend. It must be an emotional nightmare to deal with. A bunch of students ganging up on him, much like his childhood. You will save the day.
“Hey everyone-! Sorry about that-! So uh. Hi! Yes, I’m his romantic partner. No, we didn’t meet at Hogwarts. I’m a-“ You began to rattle off, as to try and settle everyone down. Along with give Severus a moment to breathe. Breathe, and process what is happening. So much for staying under the radar.
“Why him?” Someone asked. Damn, even you could feel Snape’s death glare towards the student. Stings, but you snuck your hand to tangle with his. Comforting him, with brushing your thumb over his knuckles.
“Oh where do I start? Handsome, smart, charismatic, playful-“ That got a brow raise at the remark. The moment you kissed his cheek? Everyone was gagging, and making mock throwing up noises. You swore you saw a smile tug at his lips, at such foolery. Had you giggle, as you nuzzled your head into his shoulder.
“Thank Merlin, the bell-!” A student shouted, as the clock tower rang. Everyone was quick to bolt, leaving behind cauldrons full of left over potions. That had him rubbing his temples, but you already grabbed your wand. Working on the first one for him.
“The talk of the school….again….” He grumbled, as he would work on another one. He never liked being in the spotlight. If he could hide in the shadows, he would. Impossible now. Given the ‘scary potion master’ now had a romantic partner. Someone could love him? Such horror.
“Oh hush. Bet they are just jealous that I’m the lucky one.” You soothed, as you would give his cheek another kiss. Make that, multiple kisses. Just peppering him, and not willing to lighten up. Not until he smiled.
Took a minute, but he did. Just for you. He smiled, and soon returned a peck to your own. Far softer, and quieter. Just how he was. Like a gust of wind, in the moonlight. One of the endless reasons you adored him.
“So…..no breakfast-?” You puzzled, before he handed you over an apple. He had made sure to grab you something, after he had his own. He kept you in his thoughts. Had you just beaming, as you happily took it. Taking a large bite, as you now sat on his desk. Eye candy, as he worked.
Maybe today won’t be so bad after all. He’s in good company.
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grandkhan221b · 2 years
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Ok it's really out of nowhere but youtube recommended me a remastered version of A Very Potter Musical and nostalgia brain told me had to watch it. I was so obsessed with this thing in 2015. And it holds up honestly it is still very funny even if I don't really care about hp anymore
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thymbyll · 2 months
Double S - Magic Wielders
Sabrina Spellman
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Samantha Stephens
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Sarah Sanderson
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Severus Snape
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Sorcerer Supreme
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Stephen Strange
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mrs-snape5984 · 11 days
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“To you, my heart I surrender…”
“And I can't count the times, I stayed awake pretending you were mine…” (“My heart I surrender” by I Prevail)
About one year ago, I decided to give tumblr a go for the first time in my life. With my “old” age of almost 40 years, I was afraid of being a grandma in this whole social networking thing. But, damn, I would have never expected, what I’ve actually found here, in our beloved Snapedom: I found the kindest, sweetest and most understanding people, which I would never thought, they’d exist! I found friends!
For more than 20 years, I only lived my immutable love for Severus Snape in my own heart, mind and home. But since I decided to share my thoughts, my sorrows and my devotion to my precious dungeon bat on my blog, I got overwhelmed by the positivity and interest people offered to me.
One of these lovely souls is my friend @exlibrisseverus. Ellie, you surprised me with this beautiful artwork of Severus and my OC Jules and I can’t stress enough, how grateful I am for your friendly gesture. I love the way, you made the love and trust between these two tormented souls become palpable. And OH…MY…GOSH, his cute ass makes me want to squeeze, pinch and bite it all at once! 🫠😅
Ellie, please take my apologies for this uncommonly short post of mine, but I’m struggling a lot with typing and accepting screen time, lately (yep…ME/CFS is a bitch 🥺). Nevertheless, I wanted to thank you for everything and share this mesmerising piece of art with the community of Snapedom… my safe space!
🖤Severus & Jules🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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kaysdenofchaos · 11 months
pro-snape? what’s that mean?
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killlavendr · 1 month
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I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever drawn him even looking remotely happy so here
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seleneprince · 3 months
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Contrary to popular belief, Snape does know how to laugh (and it's quite a contagious sound) and her Slytherin friends aren't just a bunch of snobby, arrogant rich brats that only make fun of others. They all have a soft side that only comes out with each other and would leave a lot of people in shock.
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thatweirdchristians · 7 months
go on a date with teenage Severus Snape
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At first, he was nervous about asking you out. But eventually, he gets the courage too. He was in complete shocked when you accepted his offer.
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"What would you like to do." He asked days later. Still nervous about the whole situation. Which you respond with, "whatever you like to do." He will take that sentence to heart.
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He walks you through the Forbidden Forrest where he has a bottle of wine he took from the kitchen and some little snacks for you two to share.
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He takes out one of his favorite books reading it to you as the sky starts to dim slowly.
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He takes out an old camera he borrowed from Muggles studies. Sneaking pictures of you. When do you catch him and start posing for him to practice taking pictures. You also snap a photo of him which he softly smiles.
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Before the sun finally disappears, you both visit Hogsmeade. Enjoying this perfect little date with Severus Snape.
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smilingformoney · 6 months
Rickmas 2023: Day 6. Out of Care | Snape & Eileen
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Read now on Ao3 or below the cut:
Christmas was a time for family, so everyone said, but to Severus that only meant misery. Quiet, tense dinners in the Snape household were the norm; it was no different on Christmas Day, except with even heavier drinking from his father and maybe the odd card from a distant relative Severus had never met.
But there was one thing he loved about Christmas. Every Christmas Eve, his father spent the day at the pub with his mates for a “boys Christmas,” and his mother took him to the Christmas Market in Diagon Alley.
It was the one day a year that Severus got to go to Diagon Alley as a child. He and his mother would wander the streets, looking at the trinkets on sale that they could never afford, smelling the food and drink on offer, and some years Eileen even managed to save up enough spare change to buy Severus a treat.
He also got to visit the shops, to look in wonder at the apothecary and the bookshop. Severus was forbidden to go down Knockturn Alley, but that just made it all the more enticing, and Eileen more than once turned around to find him gone, running after him only to find him talking to some cloaked figure down the forbidden alleyway.
At Hogwarts, Severus learned enough of potions and magic to offer an under the table potion brewing service at school, and he saved every knut of it for Christmas time. For years Eileen had been saving to buy her son a cinnamon-dusted hot chocolate at the Christmas Market every year, but now he was finally able to buy one for her. He treated her to sweets too, and a gift, and she begged that it was too much for a son to treat his mother, but his stubbornness won out and for once in her life Eileen Snape smiled.
When Severus brewed his first successful Amortentia, it smelled like the old books of the library, a vanilla blancmanche, and cinnamon-dusted hot chocolate. He made a fortune selling love potions that year, especially with the school’s winter ball coming up, and for once he was looking forward to going home, because he would finally be able to treat his mother as she deserved.
It was only two days before the Hogwarts Express would take him home that Professor Slughorn pulled Severus aside after Potions class and delivered him the news that his mother had been found dead in her home, the muggle police were treating it as suspicious, his father was nowhere to be found and did he have somewhere else to go for the holidays or would he like to stay in the castle?
Although between a castle empty of Marauders and a home with his father he’d prefer the former, he had every year previous chosen the latter for the sake of his mother. He couldn’t bear the thought of her alone with Tobias at Christmas when he was at his drunkest, and he didn’t want to miss out on treating her at the Christmas Market.
But there was nothing to go back to now. Christmas was family, and as far as Severus was concerned, his family consisted of himself and his mother - and now, with her gone, he was alone.
 When he told Lily why he wasn’t coming home for Christmas, she showed him pity and sorrow, and though he would have said yes in an instant the invitation to spend Christmas with the Evanses was never extended.
And so Severus opted to stay at Hogwarts. For two weeks the castle was almost empty, save for him, one Slytherin girl a year above him, and two first-year Ravenclaws. There was a peacefulness to it - no Potter lurking around the corner to ambush him, no giggling girls gossiping in the library, no boisterous Gryffindors running down the corridors. It was everything Severus had dreamed of at school.
And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to enjoy it. He didn’t care for Christmas anymore. The one spark of joy that it had brought - that one trip a year with his mother - was gone with her, and he felt empty in the moments he was too exhausted to feel angry.
On Christmas Eve, Severus got out of bed only because his stomach had begun to growl at him for not eating for three days straight. He pulled back the curtain of his bed and turned towards the bedside table to retrieve his wand… and almost knocked over a steaming mug of hot chocolate.
He paused, his hand frozen in mid-reach for his wand. He looked around the room, as if someone would step out of the shadows and reveal their mysterious hot chocolate ways. But he was alone, just as he had been since the end of term.
He picked up his wand and cast charms on the mug, but he found no evidence of magic other than a warming spell to stop it getting cold.
The mug even looked the same as the ones from the market stall. In fact, if he wasn’t mistaken, it was the same one as from the market stall. The smell was unmistakable, the colour, even the way the cinnamon was sprinkled on top in the shape of a Christmas tree.
Severus picked up the mug and cautiously took a sip. It was the same!
On the table beneath where the mug had sat was a slip of parchment. In unfamiliar handwriting, it said:
Severus - Keep her alive.
That was it. No signature, no clue of who his mysterious benefactor was.
Keep her alive. That was what the note said. His mystery barista had only one message for him, one they felt the need to deliver anonymously, and he hoped they weren’t watching him now to see the tears falling down his face.
Whoever they were, they were right. He had to keep her alive. She was half of him, and he owed her everything. Next year he would go to the market, and he would have the hot chocolate with cinnamon, and he would remember her.
But he still never really cared for Christmas.
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sctumsempra · 2 months
can i speak my truth. i think if there had been even just a smidgeon more proactivity from the kids snape would be alive. like they waited for the dying person equivalent of forty kajillion years before going to check on him? and harry’s hand did nothing like sir if anything you’re just keeping the venom in and circulating through his bloodstream 💀 and hermione? madam knows everything about everything? just like. stood there and watched? like i’m not saying they should’ve ran in and faced voldemort for the guy and i know he wasn’t great to them and the plot likely necessitated it but like. what the hell man
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