#teenager with emotional problems
needlebeetles · 14 days
I am seeing a bit of straying from the source material in the Kipperlilly Copperkettle tag tonight, so I’d just like to say: She thinks magical hardship specifically gives students an unfair advantage at Aguefort, not having an association with the magical generally. So, Kristen Applebees the literal chosen one of a god, Adaine Abernant, Oracle of Everyone, and Fabian Aramais Seacaster, son of an incredibly rich pirate who later becomes an incredibly powerful demon, would not fall underneath this rule. Riz Gukgak, whose dad got eaten by a dragon, would. I will concede that experiencing magical hardship does can give characters a kind of automatic questline, (“your dad is cursed? go uncurse your dad!”) but also like. This questline comes at the expense of having experienced magical hardship. Riz’s dad is dead.
Kipperlilly (so far, I do suspect there might be something up with her family, cause kids who want so badly to have something loudly fucked up happening to them usually have something quietly and mundanely fucked up happening to them) lived a relatively comfortable, if boring, life, but grew jealous over the fact that other adventurers got cool meaningful quests while she and her party were killing rats in the starting area (by choice).
There is very much a “stigma” against normies in Elmville, and while I can’t blame Kipperlilly, teenager, for getting caught up in that, it’s literally fine to just be an accountant, or a janitor, or a librarian. Or a middling adventuring party. Kipperlilly Copperkettle is a theatre kid jealous of child celebrities, and while that’s like. Fair and fine, she’s not a martyr for having all these big emotions centering around being mundane and not going on incredibly traumatizing quests where the world ends if you fuck it up. She’s a teenager internalizing the social values of the place she grew up in and getting mad about not fitting them without confronting the fact that these values are flawed and harmful, because she’s a teenager (which is, imo, a much more interesting narrative).
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egophiliac · 3 months
What's your favourite Disney movie? And does your preference for the dorms have any influence on their movies and vice versa? Like I know you love Diasomnia so is Sleeping Beauty high up there for you?
I'm just asking because Snow White is actually my favourite Disney Princess and her movie is my favourite yet Pomefiore is my least favourite dorm (but Lion King and Savanaclaw are both in my top two) and I was wondering if it's similar for you?
yessss someone else whose favorite princess is Snow! ❄️
that said, it's hard to say what my favorite movie is, because I'm one of those annoying people who's like "well it depends" (on different aspects, on my mood, on the phase of the moon, etc). though out of the ones represented in Twst, I think it probably is Sleeping Beauty! I think it's really pretty and just a delightful movie! it hits a nice sweet spot for me of being kind of...gently grounded while still having that floaty-fairytale feeling, if that makes sense also I might have had a huge villaincrush on Maleficent that is being massively projected onto Meleanor, shh
although I actually sort of hated Diasomnia at first (l-look, they didn't have cards at first and all we had to go on were the website descriptions that make everyone sound horrible). so I dunno, maybe the influence helped win me over to them! or maybe just because, like everything else in Twst, they were unexpectedly enjoyable in practice?
(I don't think there are any that had a negative influence either, because I am also one of those annoying people who's like "well I don't have a least favorite, I like everybody!") (sob. it's true though.) (I just, I just love characters so much --)
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spaciebabie · 7 months
being 18 and 19 was the worst being a teenager in general was the worst my sincerest apologies ta anyone going thru that rn
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hootiee · 8 months
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friendly reminder
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bwabbitv3s · 1 year
Good Godfather Vlad AU - Part 2
Part 1 Those that asked to be tagged. @kaitouhime @krzys2000 @moobloomrights
~This took a few drafts to get it where I wanted. Vlad is really hard to write as getting the help he needs while still being really new to all the sudden changes. ~
Ice Machines and Fudge
The one that manages to corner him first is their daughter Jasmine. She catches him in the ice machine and vending machine room at the hotel at 3am. He is rather impressed with it as he can’t escape by using his powers as there is a CCTV camera to stop people stealing from the vending machine. 
“You need to talk to Mom and Dad tomorrow, or Dad is going to try to break into your room.” Jasmine says straight away. 
“I beg your pardon?” Vlad responds.
It is 3am, he has not slept well the last two nights. Had a very long video session with his therapist that left him emotionally drained. He just wanted some ice for a cold compress for his headache. The last thing Vlad was expecting was for a teenager to materialize out of the dim shadows between the vending machines. If he had not known better he would have suspected she was a ghost. 
“They are both spiraling from the revelation that they left you feeling abandoned for the last decade. They thought they were doing the right thing in respecting your boundaries and not pushing into your life until you reached out. Your lack of response back even years later never deterred them. They took it as a good sign that you never asked them to stop sending letters. ” Jasmine pauses for a moment.
“Dad sends you an invitation to Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, we all sign it.” Jasmine trails off a bit. 
The ice bucket nearly falls from his hands at that new sucker punch to the gut. Vlad’s family had always been small and after his parents passed he never had anyone to get together for the holidays with. Until Jack found out and dragged him to every single family holiday since. He would always play devil's advocate in the yearly debate over if Santa was real between Maddie and Jack. It was always good fun and they used the most bizarre physics equations to explain their case. At least until the accident, how many Christmases had he missed. 
The ice machine thumps as more ice fills the basin. The static humm buzz of the fluorescent lights fill the air. Jasmine does not press him to respond, just waits for him to collect his thoughts. 
“I don’t know if I am ready to face them.” Vlad says softly.
“Sometimes we are not ready for things. We just have to do them anyway as if we wait to be ready it will never happen.” Jasmine says. 
“You are quite insightful for your age.” Vlad responds. 
“Thank you.” Jasmine.
“Now how do I keep them from trying to smother me while I try to piece things back together.” he continues ending with a wry smile. 
“Well first off, fudge always works with Dad.” Jasmine smiles back. 
“He always did have a massive sweet tooth. I swear he used to live off nothing but fudge and coffee during exams.” Vlad fondly reminisces. 
“Mom is harder and I don’t think you want to be shouting out ghost, while pointing in random directions to distract her.” she embarrassingly tells him. 
“I don’t think that would help very much with this. She is more than likely to drag me after a ghost sighting.” Vlad chuckles. He pauses for a moment before a memory alights. 
“Does she still fiddle with rubix cubes?” Vlad asks. 
“Rubix cubes?” Jasmine asks, confused. 
“Your mother in college used to keep a rubix cube to occupy her hands with. Creating patterns and solving a rubix cube was seen as smart and impressive so it did not get taken away from her. She said it helped her focus on things and ground her emotions.” Vlad tells her. 
“I never knew that. That could work if you need to escape her manhandling.” Jasmine confirms. 
“Well if I am going to face them tomorrow at the brunch I should get some sleep. I will see you and your family tomorrow morning. Have a good night.” Vlad tiredly thanks her. He has to stifle a yawn at the end.
There is a teenage boy staring at his hotel room door, a very familiar looking boy. He feels a flush of warmth inside as he realizes just who has tracked him down. The boy stiffens and turns to look down the hall at Vlad. What an odd pair they must make in this dim hotel hallway. Vlad in his dark silk pajamas and matching housecoat holding a slightly melted bucket of ice. The boy, Daniel, in an oversized NASA hoodie space print flannel pajama pants with a small box?   
“Your sister beat you to it. I fear you are too late to warn me about how your parents are ready to ambush me into restarting our friendship. I have consoled myself to facing them tomorrow at brunch and the emotional encounter it will be.” Vlad dramatically sighs out. 
From the way Daniel untenses that was the right move. His hands fiddle with the small box. 
“Did she catch you in the stairwell or the elevator? I know she has been working on her elevator pitch all day.” Daniel jokingly asks.
“Her elevator pitch was put to good use in the ice machine room. Trapped me between the exit and the vending machines.” Vlad tells him. 
“I did not think she had it in her to actually stalk you. I thought she was going to just stay in the elevator and wait for you to use it.” Daniel laughs out. 
Not that it would have worked as Vlad had been turning invisible and phasing up the elevator shaft to precisely avoid encounters. 
“Never underestimate a determined young woman. Now how may I help you, Daniel?” Vlad asks. 
“Well Jazz did the hard work already getting you to face our parents. Here take this.” Daniel says stepping forwards and offering out the small box. 
Vlad takes the small box which appears to be a chocolate box of some kind. It is fairly heavy for its size. 
“Dad has not had this brand of fudge before. It should give you a solid ten minutes of him running it through his ranking system before he remembers what he had wanted to do. It won’t stop the hug but should allow you the time to remind him to let you keep your feet on the ground for it.” Daniel quickly says. 
“That is very thoughtful of you Daniel.” Vlad thankfully says
“Just Danny, Daniel makes it sound like you are going to give me detention.” Danny embarrassingly jokes. 
“Danny then. Thank you for this. I know it must be hard to find a chocolate maker that Jack has not tried the fudge for.” Vlad says. 
“Glad to help. Well I am still getting over the time zone change and need all the sleep I can. Night Vlad, good luck with Mom. I have yet to find anything to really stop her so you are on your own.” Danny says cheerfully before he sprints down the hall to the elevator. 
Vlad looks after as Danny turns a corner then disappears from sight. He sighs before unlocking his hotel room. It seems that at least the children have decided to help him take things at his own pace. He sets the box gently onto the bedside table. Put the ice that has not melted into the cold compress bag for his headache. Sets up his laptop and begins the searches for the closest store that has rubix cubes. 
If one happens to go missing from inventory the next morning. Along with several bills totaling more than the cube are found in the empty cash drawer when they go to open the register for the morning, well that is just a wonderful coincidence. 
Now with a Part 3, and Part 4
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xcal1bur25 · 4 months
It's my hot take that the most infuriatingly tragic part of the whole Artoria and Mordred dynamic is that Mordred was actually the perfect heir, one who could bridge the gap and be the leader Britain both needed and wanted, whereas Artoria could only ever be the former.
However, Artoria's perfectionism, the impossible standard that she held herself to, meant that she would judge even a perfect clone of herself as an unworthy heir. And Mordred isn't a perfect clone of Artoria, Mordred...is a flawed one. A version of Artoria who laughs loudly and rages louder, who wears their heart on their sleeve, whose love of battle is second only to their loyalty to their people. A version of Artoria who is, unlike the original, undeniably, unquestionably, human.
It's the perfect irony. Artoria's true heir is a homunculus who is more human than she ever seemed to be. A weapon forged with the sole purpose of destroying her that hardly needed convincing to swear undying loyalty to her kingdom and ideals. Every bit as brave, every bit as selfless, every bit a born leader (after all, the rebellion did not gather around Mordred out of nowhere) as their father. But also, not an inhuman machine, someone who could laugh and celebrate with their soldiers as much as lead them. One who could be seen to share in their people's anger and joy and grief and everything in between. Everything their father was, and everything their father didn't realize she needed to be, despite an origin and upbringing designed to create the exact opposite.
But because of Artoria's perfectionism, because she saw every bit of her own humanity as the thing that would destroy her country, instead of saving it. She could not understand that for all a king must exist for their people, a king must be of their people as well. Artoria looked her perfect successor in the face, she looked the solution to all her ever-growing problems in the face, she looked the embodiment of all the humanity she was trying to pretend she didn't have in the face,
and she said no.
And for that, Camelot burned.
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willbyersapologist · 11 months
ik this has been said b4 but i don’t think ppl realise that in s4 Mike is still the sweet caring boy he was to Will in s2 (which we can clearly see in the scene in Will’s room [s4]) he’s just repressing that part of him bc it “isn’t normal”
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I feel like a really traumatized four year old masquerading as a teenager.
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thirtyskeletons · 1 month
playing through p3 again, especially with how reload has recontextualized some characters and relationships, has quickly made junpei into one of my favorite characters
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cryptideye · 9 months
"people should be nicer to men :/ the poor babies are just going to slip and fall down the incel and alt right pipelines otherwise!!!" you know what plenty of people have been absolutely evil to me and yet somehow i never had to hate minorities and women about it... makes you think
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maskyartist · 1 year
Thank you thank you THANK YOU for bringing system! Augustus into my life. That is SO real to me now I will never be the same again /pos - a fellow system <3
THERES THE REASSURANCE I NEED TO BUILD ON THIS THANK U FELLOW SYSTEM HOLDER!! :D or user idk all the terms >3> i just got bitches livin here rent free ANYWAYS
for funsies imma use ur ask to talk about the roles the different parts of Augustus's system play n sorta when they showed up :D
His system isnt TOO big. Augustus's mind sorta segmented things in a way he could understand. small numbers mean easier solutions, so his issues were cut into four equal slices essentially. Someone to handle each of the parts he couldnt deal with himself
They also dont have real names. Just titles. It keeps things tidy in Augustus's brain so he doesn't really "humanize" them as human as they are. hell he doesnt even think about em as other personalities, he just thinks people have other people in their mental worlds who take over the body when ur too out of it to do so urself
as for the system members!
The Princess: Definitely first to show up. Similar to Raz, Augustus needed a friend when he was a kid. he also needed a person who could take on his "girliness" for him so he could be a boy. This brings in our Princess, who houses all that sweet sweet childhood trauma! along with happy childhood memories :D she's got mood swings, going from merciful princess to "I will stab you with my tiara", she's a kid she's got a lot of emotions!
The Acrobat: For handling all those weird feelings in ur teen years. They're about 14, struggling with gender identity, and is Augustus's "voice" while they do side shows for money. they're around for most of the Starlight Circus, so they're in for the long haul. They hold a lot of Augustus's more emotional trauma, and is a bit of a wimp. got that awkward growth spurt hunch and tends to trail off when they speak
The Ringmaster: Augustus just got his scars and he cant handle that kind of pain and having to relearn how to see. Introducing our Ringmaster! A strong willed grown man who knows exactly how to execute a routine and expects perfection >:( A big frowner for sure, very protective of Augustus. he's his backbone basically, able to finally give Augustus ground to stand on so he can stand up for himself. he's also a fast learner, helping Augustus get used to having only one seeing eye :D
and finally we have Maligula, who handles all of Augustus's water and psychic based issues and joys. unlike Lucrecia's Maligula which is more a coping mechanism she made to defend herself, Augustus's is a fully realized...creature. not a person, but a creature who lives deep within the waters of the flooded circus and takes on all that heavy trauma of the Grulovia Dam Flooding, his failures, his biggest problems...he's sorta Augustus's main protector essentially, blocking him from doing much outside of his usual routines that ARE deemed as "safe". its why starting him on Psychic training is a bit difficult when you have a literal monster holding you back out of fear of you or your loved ones getting hurt
again this is all mostly based on my experiences and also how i internalize my own system stuff, so take all this with a grain of salt, im not an expert, yadayadayada, but i just think it's kinda neat!
plus theres no way in hell Augustus knows he has DID he thinks this is just How The Brain Works and theres like a whole team of highly trained psychologists like "No bestie this is somethin WAY different"
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isfjmel-phleg · 8 months
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sarinatendouji · 2 months
it’s kind of concerning how a fair portion of the oshi no ko fandom is blaming aqua for all the incest as if he’s still an adult and thus still able to be held responsible for ruby’s actions. just because ruby was a minor when she died does not excuse her from responsibility for sexually harassing and emotionally manipulating her brother 😐
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theprinceandthewitch · 8 months
... The way i know these alternate versions of Adrien and Marinette are going to have a healthier relationship than the originals, but theyre gonna try framing it as a bad thing because they're "EEEVIL."
They're going to have open and honest communication with each other [since it looks like they're still choosing to work together as a team] and Claw Noir is gonna display some form of agency in his actions but the writers will be like "NO, this isnt good! Adrien can't have any agency of his own because he's too emotional and he exists just to be a pretty prize Marinette wins after defeating the villain."
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bravevolunteer · 13 days
1:30am. plagued by thoughts of michael and everything going on in his tiny 10-13 year old head :(
#like obviously. problems and issues then on and before SKDJFMG#but yeah while a lot of his behaviors as a young teenager are influenced by home life (ranging based on portrayals but i always make sure#it’s got similar roots and feelings) as well as social standing a LOTTTTT OF IT is very extremely tied to mental illness that did not get#acknowledgement or treatment.. that was the age his very intense depression started to come in Swinging along with increased anxiety/panic#and. neurodivergence is still a greyer area because it’s definitely there in the way i write him but how it mixes with ptsd#(plus the question of how much of that is just. Me LMAO) always has me ??? about making the call i’ve talked about this#BUT YOU GET THE POINT THERE’S A LOT!!!#he’s gutwrenchingly depressed and in pain and has been TAUGHT by observance and emotional neglect and [insert other aftonisms here] to Bury#that and is so convinced his emotions are a sign of weakness and That’s Why He’s Not Good Enough so he compensates however he can#and there’s no excuse for what it snowballs into but ohh my god JUST GET THAT BOY ON SSRIS#he didn’t even have the words for so much of it but there were so many aspects of himself that he was utterly convinced made him wrong#his actions become as drastic as they do because it’s EVERYTHING around him reinforcing the root problem#how am i supposed to sleep when im sick about him#⁂ ・゚: i was looking for a job‚ and then i found a job‚ and heaven knows i’m miserable now ➛ ooc
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catsauce-1 · 18 days
i have beef with my boyfriend
not my bf but uhhh a little vent
i was curious and asked this guy i liked how he'd feel if i was born a boy and he said it'd be kinda different
and i asked if he would treat me different or if he'd see me different and he said he would
i have a lot of emotions rn and i know its not really good to say stuff like this on the world wide web when you're not thinking, but i am thinking
im thinking and feeling and those dont always go together
hhhhhhh sigh noise
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