#tell him to put down that candle and go break up with his gf
sadpanda · 5 months
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Shannon Diaz I need you to possess this doppelgänger and tell your husband he’s gay
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weenwrites · 3 years
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FNF Tabi Proposing To His S/O & Vice Versa
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Pairing - Romantic Category - Headcanons Trigger Warnings - None
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The two of you had been in a relationship for a good while now. When he even began to think of proposing to you, he had to think about this for a long time, given that his previous relationship ended horribly for him.
Of course he trusts you and knows that you won’t use him or anything, but there’s still a bit of underlying worry that you’ll show your true colors and use him. That’s just his paranoia talking, though. He knows you and he trusts you and he loves you. If he wants to get married to you, that’s just the risk he has to take.
He spends a good while planning this out, saving up to buy you a ring and to book a meal at a nice restaurant. He even plans out in depth and detail what he’s going to say to you. He wants his words to properly express how he feels about you, and to be true to the heart.
The proposal occurs at a candle-lit table underneath the full moon. As you were chatting casually he said he needed to tell you something important. Just as you asked what it was, he got out of his chair and knelt down on one knee to take a small box out of his pocket. It didn’t take long for you to piece everything together.
If you accept his proposal, he’ll be so very happy that he was able to find happiness after all that had happened to him. Honestly he thought that he’d never find another lover again, not after what went down with him and GF. But nope! Here you are, you’re proof that he can recover from what happened to him, trust people again, and love again!
If you deny his proposal, perhaps you’re not ready yet, or for some other reason entirely, then uh… Granted it’s awkward because he saved up and planned for all of this, and you uh, said no. Regardless of why you said no, he’ll accept it and just… Put the ring away for now. Congrats you made it really awkward!
But if you were the one to propose to him instead, of course he’ll think it’s all a trick at first. That all of it this is to just to get closer to him, then use him, and break him again. You reassured him with a rather lengthy speech of sorts that you weren’t going to do anything bad to him, and to explain your reasoning for why you’re doing this.
After listening to your speech, he could just tell that you were being completely sincere and honest with him. The look in your eyes, your body language, the way you said it all, it all gave off the feeling that you weren’t planning anything “sinister” for him if he said yes. Eventually he let his stern and stoic demeanor slip and accepted your proposal!
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mollymauk-teafleak · 3 years
Hurt Prompt:
'You're not dying, it's only a sprained ankle' - widomauk (aka: Molly hurt himself and is now trying to get Caleb to pity him) 💜🧡
I am so sorry this has taken so long! But my lovely gf chose this out of my prompts list for my next little fic so here it is, some modern au widomauk family cuteness!
This fic is also on Ao3 if anyone would like to leave a comment!
Caleb had gotten too used to solving his problems with spells.
He wasn’t very strong so he used a levitation spell to carry his books and papers. His daughter Una wouldn’t sleep so he conjured dancing lights to soothe her and help her forget her nightmares. His son Trinket fell and skinned his knee so Caleb dropped the temperature of his palms and held them to the injury to soothe the pain and still the sniffles. Frumpkin wouldn’t stop scratching the arms of the sofa so a quick prestidigitation made sure Molly would be none the wiser. Caleb was very good at magic, after all.
But it meant that, when he found a problem that wouldn’t bend to any spell, he was a little lost.
At least he could float the mug of tea up the stairs without spilling. It bobbed just above his finger as he made his way up the stairs, deftly dodging toys left scattered by their children and several socks that had escaped the laundry basket, managing to make it unscathed to their bedroom. Frumpkin padded after him, bell on his collar jingling.
“Liebling?” he called softly as he pushed the door back, “I brought you some tea.”
A low groan from the bed was his answer, from the bundle of blankets that had replaced his husband. It shifted, a few crocheted throws sliding down in a wooly avalanche, the curved tops of two horns appearing, followed by a sleepily blinking set of red eyes.
Caleb smiled sympathetically and moved closer into the dim room, only a sliver of afternoon light coming in through the drawn curtains. With his free hand, he summoned a small ball of light and sent it drifting above the bed so he could see better. It was the same cluttered room he’d left an hour or so ago, the same cluttered room they spent every night in. All his books piled in neatly organised stacks that made sense only to him, Molly’s scented candles filling different corners of the room with different smells, scarves draped on nearly every available surface, a closet stopped with equal numbers of thick woolen jumpers and crop tops. Frumpkin sprang onto his usual perch, which was wherever Molly’s favourite cardigan was resting so he could get the maximum number of ginger hairs on it.
“I’m sorry to wake you but the healers said I should check on you every hour,” Caleb set the mug down on the bedside table, perching on the edge of the bed, mindful not to sit on his husband’s tail which was thrashing unhappily, “How are you feeling?”
“Depends,” Molly’s voice was even more raspy than usual, muffled by his blanket horde, “Help me decide which kid gets the high heeled boots in the will and I’m sorted.”
Caleb swallowed his chuckle as best he could, “I don’t expect Una will ever grow big enough to fill them so Trinket will probably get more use. But you’re not dying, Liebling, it’s only a sprained ankle.”
“Only,” Molly scoffed, sitting up straighter, more blankets falling away. He was wearing one of Caleb’s shirts from the university. He'd always preferred to sleep in his husband’s clothes, “You don’t go to the hospital for only anything!”
Caleb smiled sympathetically and moved closer, though he was careful not to jostle the brace wrapped foot that poked out from under the duvet at the bottom of the bed, balanced on a pillow.
“That is true,” he allowed, “Pike did say you were lucky not to break i t.”
“Exactly!” Molly pouted, reaching over for the mug, “And it hurts…”
Caleb patted the tiefling’s uninjured leg, “You can have some more painkillers in forty three minutes. And at least now we have learned a lesson about watching where we’re going on a stage, ja?”
How someone could look so haughty when their injury was entirely their fault, Caleb didn’t know, but Mollymauk managed it.
“Take me through it again?” he chuckled, still rubbing his shin, “Yasha didn’t quite give me all the details.”
In fact, all she’d said when she’d called Caleb to tell him Molly had been carted off to the emergency room mid-rehearsal was that he’d ‘been an idiot’. Not that Caleb would be repeating that.
Molly hunched his shoulders, “Um...we were rehearsing for the show, we’re doing Romeo and Juliet for the summer production. And I was, ah...paying very close attention to Vax’s choreography for the ballroom scene and just wanted to make sure I was getting it absolutely right, exactly as he was telling me to do it over and over and over again…”
Caleb tilted his head knowingly, “You were taking the piss out of him.”
“I...might have been doing an impression,” Molly started to hunch back into his blankets, “Allegedly. You’ll have to question witnesses.”
“Uh huh,” Caleb noncommittally rearranged the covers around Molly’s legs to keep out drafts, “And then?”
“Then. I wasn’t looking where the edge of the stage was and I fell into the orchestra pit.”
So Yasha had got it pretty accurate.
“And now my ankle is all gross and swollen and I can’t walk on it and I’m bored and it hurts!” Molly put more emphasis on that part, throwing his hands out exasperatedly and newly upending his tea.
Caleb smiled in sympathy, moving so he was leaning against the headboard too, stretching his legs out next to his husband’s. Instantly Mollymauk slumped against him, resting his head on his shoulder.
“It’s really shitty,” he mumbled into Caleb’s cable knit sweater.
“I know, Liebling,” he turned his face to kiss the top of Molly’s head, “And I’m sorry I don’t have the spells to fix this, I did look them up but they’re just not my domain and if I got something wrong...but you’ll be feeling better before you know it. And until you do, I’m right here for you.”
“Even if I’m a bit of an idiot? Not that I’m saying this was my fault or anything…”
Caleb grinned, “Come on now, Mollymauk, if I’d cared about you being a bit of an idiot we’d never have had a second date.”
Molly’s tail immediately flicked him on the thigh but he could have sworn his husband was muffling laughter against his shoulder.
Caleb paused, hearing a clatter that was rapidly increasing in volume, a smile growing on his face as the sound of two little feet and four scrabbling sets of claws got louder. He threw an slightly apologetic glance in Molly’s direction, “Sorry, Liebling, I said they had to wait a little and then they could follow-”
He was interrupted by the door bursting back and their children tumbling in, giggling and whispering to each other. Una ran in on all fours, as usual, she hadn’t mastered the wobbly toddler walk the same way her brother had.
“Daddy!” Trinket yelled before clearly remembering Caleb had told him that Molly would appreciate some peace and quiet, dropping down to a still loud stage whisper, “Daddy!”
“Hey there kiddos,” Molly smiled, brightening a little as Una pounced up onto the bed and curled up tightly under his arm, Trinket needing a magical assist from his papa to join them at the foot of the bed, “Sorry if I scared you there, I promise I’m okay.”
“Hurt bad?” Una murmured, staring at his support with wide yellow eyes like two gold coins.
“Well,” Molly ran a gentle hand through her dark hair, smiling demurely, “It’s not exactly comfortable...I’ll be okay, darling.”
“You will!” Trinket beams, bouncing on his knees excitedly, pulling something from behind his back with a flourish that meant he could only be Molly’s son, “Cos we got this!”
The tiefling blinked, eyes widening as he took the card in his hands, bringing it close with the kind of reverence people usually reserved for pieces of priceless art. It was made from a folded piece of paper, that Caleb unfortunately recognised as one of his marking sheets from work, that was already bowing under the weight of all the glitter and glue on it. Somehow it was both simultaneously dripping glue and shedding glitter on the blankets, the adornments surrounding a lovingly drawn portrait of someone very purple, with enormous horns and a tail curled into a heart. One of this figure’s legs was wrapped in a bandage and words were scrawled in a heavy hand around them. We love you daddy!
Molly gave a soft chuckle, closing his eyes a moment so they didn’t look quite so full of tears. He reached out to bring Trinket close to him too, bundling both his children close.
“Thank you, babies,” he murmured, voice a little thick, “That does make me feel so much more okay.”
Caleb watched them fondly before folding them into his arms too, so he could embrace all of his little family at once.
Maybe he had gotten too used to fixing problems with spells, maybe he did struggle when he couldn’t just wave his hands and knit everything back together. But fortunately, he had two experts who were willing to show him how.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
First Time - John B Routledge
Request: Could you write a John b imagine where y’all have been dating for a while and he wants to take the next step in the relationship (do the dirty lol) but he doesn’t know your a virgin so you distance yourself from him a little bit and he’s all worried that he did something wrong. But when he asks kie she tells him that his gf is a virgin and is afraid she won’t be good enough and live up to his past hookups. You finally tell him and then y’all do it (smut?) and it’s all cute/romantic/fluffy. 
A/N: Smut.
Outer Banks Masterlist
♡ ♡ ♡  ♡
You and John B had a ‘full disclosure’ relationship. He didn’t want any secrets and neither did you. In theory it was a great idea, in practice it was a little harder to manage. And it wasn’t so much that you were keeping a secret from him as you were just withholding information that was immediately important to the future of your relationship. 
In other words, John B had been dropping hints that he wanted to have sex but he didn’t know that you were a virgin. It would have been one thing if you weren’t ready, you would’ve told him outright that you didn’t want to have sex yet, it was too soon, but the truth was you were ready. You had been together for the better part of a year, longer than any of your friends had waited to have sex and you were still not there yet. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to have sex, I mean, I think about it all the time. I was thinking about it earlier today when we were out surfing.” Not knowing which else to talk to you’d unloaded all your feelings about John B on Kiara. Who was understanding and interested, to a point. 
“Gross. Now I’m just gonna think about you thinking about having sex with John B every time we’re together.” Kiara pointed out. 
“Well I am! And can you blame me. I have a super hot boyfriend and I know he’s had sex before!” 
“Have you not?” 
“No.” You had dated a few guys before but either the relationship didn’t last long enough or you weren’t comfortable enough with them to want to take the next step. “I don’t want it to be some thing where it’s just cause everyone else is and then we break up three days later.” 
All in all the only step you saw as an option moving forward was avoidance. Full disclosure was fine when the thing you had to tell him didn’t set you back in experience. You’d heard JJ talk about different escapades of his own and John B always seemed to joke and laugh about them as if he had done all the same things. And you knew how wild pogue parties got sometimes, you’d been to them before John B had gotten together with you and could remember wishing secretly that you could be bold enough to fully take part. You knew girls flirted with him and anyone of them was probably ten times more experienced than you. 
Even Kiara was more experienced than you. Not that you were entirely surprised by that. You were pretty sure everyone had already gotten that first awkward time out of the way so they could actually enjoy sex. But not you. You wanted it to mean something, even if it was awkward, and you wanted your second time to be with the same person. 
Which was never going to happen because you avoided John B like the plague when you realized what he wanted. You avoided him until he made it impossible to avoid him any longer. 
It was on a Friday night, when you were home alone watching reruns of a Disney Channel show that you were too old for and attempting to finish a pizza by yourself when he showed up, banging at the door. Everyone was supposed to be down at the boneyard for a party that you claimed to be too sick to go to. In truth, you didn’t want to see John B and figured the best way to do that was to stay home. 
Except, of course, he knew where you lived and he was a good enough boyfriend to know something was the matter. 
You stood staring for a full five seconds before you said anything and then it only consisted of, “what are you doing here?” Not the most intelligent of ways to start a conversation with someone you’d been avoiding. 
“Look I don’t know if you’re trying to breakup with me or something. I talked to Kiara and she said I needed to talk to you so if that’s it then just get it over with, please?” John B said, standing in the doorway looking desperate. 
He’d been racking his brain for weeks trying to figure out why you had suddenly started pulling away. John B was sure everything was fine. You told each other everything so what was going on that you felt like you couldn’t tell him all of the sudden. 
“I’m not trying to break up with you.” You said, though that would’ve been the easy way out. If you didn’t break up with each other than he would never know that you were a virgin...an elaborate scheme in which neither party got what they wanted but you had been watching a lot of kids tv until just now. 
“You’ve been avoiding me.” 
“I know, I’m sorry.” You let him come inside, shutting the door and moving passed him into the living room to clean up. You were embarrassed enough that he had shown up, he didn’t need to witness your attempts at eating your feelings. 
“I don’t understand what happened,” he admitted, “did I do something wrong?” 
“No, no, it’s not...it’s me.” You sighed, dropping the pizza box back onto the coffee table, full disclosure your only option, “I know we said we’d tell each other everything but I was avoiding you cause I didn’t want you to find out that I’m a virgin.” 
“That’s it?”
“John B! It’s a big deal.”
“Okay yes sorry, but if that’s it, if you feel like I’ve been pressuring you-“ he immediately thought of all the times in the past weeks that he’s hinted toward wanting to have sex and suddenly couldn’t help worrying that he’d come off as pushy and impatient when he hadn’t meant to be. 
“No, no. You’re not pressuring me. I want to I just...you’re more experienced than me and I thought if you knew, if you saw that I was inexperienced you’d not want to be with me.” And you really didn’t want to die a virgin. 
“I don’t care about that. I mean, I do...care about you feeling comfortable and safe but not about whether or not you’re a virgin.” John B said, “I may have experience with other girls but not with you. This is new for both of us.” 
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped at his words, “you’re so cheesy sometimes.” 
John B rolled his eyes at you. “How about we just take things slow, watch tv or something? Nothing has to happen tonight.” 
You knew that was true but you weren’t exactly committed to the tv. “Can we watch TV in my room? I’ll just clean up?” You offered. 
“Of course,” John B headed down the hall to your bedroom while you fixed the living room and put the pizza in the kitchen 
You weren’t wearing the cutest ensemble in the world but it would do. John B had seen you in worse than your tie dye pyjama set. In your room John B had taken the clothes off your bed and thrown them onto your desk chair. Though neither of you had expressly said you were going to do anything other than watch movies together it was obvious that neither of you cared to bother with movies. 
“Do you remember when I told you the cheesiest thing you had ever done was fake breaking down and then producing a fully prepared picnic for us to star gaze in that field?” You asked, leaning against the door frame of your bedroom, arms crossed under your chest.
“I remember that you told me it was romantic.” He said, taking a seat on the edge of your bed, pocketing the lighter he’d used to light the candles on your nightstand, desk, and bookshelf. 
“Romantic, cheesy, this definitely takes the cake.” You replied, walking over to him. You stood between his legs and put your hands on his shoulders, the nervous energy you’d had around him lately bursting into butterflies in your stomach as you leaned down to kiss him. 
This was really happening. 
John B wrapped his arm around your waist and used his other arm to pull himself back further on the bed as you climbed onto his lap. Your hands went in his hair, tugging at the ends of his curls as you kissed him. You kept telling yourself that you’d done this a million times, there were multiple scenarios in which the two of you made out in your room. The only difference this time was that you didn’t want to stop him when he pulled your shirt over your head.  
The heat, coupled with the fact that you had been totally alone watching TV and eating pizza meant you had forgone wearing a bra, something you thought was totally obvious but that John B clearly wasn’t expecting. He’d been eying your chest when he pulled your top off but he snapped back up to look at you when he realized you weren’t wearing a bra.
“You can look.” You laughed, jokingly taking his face between your hands and tilting it down toward your chest. “but don’t just look.”
He glanced back up at you, leaning forward and kissing you briefly before he looked back down at your chest hands moving up your sides gently fondling your breasts.  
“You are so beautiful,” he said, kissing you one more time.  
His thumbs ran over your nipples, still a little soft, fingers pressing into the soft skin. He leaned his head forward and your arms draped over his shoulders again, tilting your head and back just enough to give him full access to you.  
John B kissed your neck, lips trailing down your skin. He laid a chaste kiss in between your breasts before he turned his attention to the left side first. His tongue darted out, tracing a circle around your nipple before closing his mouth over it. The sensation made you arch your back more, pushing yourself into him. You rolled your hips the way you’d seen girls do before, grinding against him. His right hand gripped your hip suddenly, maybe a little too forcefully, and you leaned forward again, hands gripping his shoulders.  
Without warning you pushed him back on the bed, his head just missing the wall that your bed was pushed up against and his eyes went wide. You climbed off his lap, taking a tentative breath and reminding yourself that this was John B and he loved you.  
“Holy shit,” his voice came out as a whisper when you pushed your shorts and underwear down at the same time, stepping out of them and standing, totally naked, in front of him. It took all of three seconds before he was sliding off the bed and guiding you back to it.
“What are you doing?” You laughed and he pushed you to lie down, your legs hanging off the edge of the bed.  
“Eating you out, if that’s okay with you?” He said, pulling his shirt over his head, “it’ll help you not hurt as much the first time.”
“Can’t say no to that.” You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching as John B dropped to his knees at the edge of your bed. He kissed your left knee and then your right before lifting your legs over his shoulders.  
He started on the left side, kissing your inner thigh and sucking on the skin there as he made his way toward the apex of your legs. As he got closer you shifted, moving yourself toward him ever so slightly. He wound one arm up and laid it across your waist, pushing you into the bed. “Stay still baby,” as he spoke his lips brushed across the soft skin where your thigh met your center. John B hovered for a moment over your core, breath fanning out over you and making you shiver slightly.  
“John B...” you whined, both annoyed and aroused by the slow pace that he was keeping.  
He shushed you, playfully nipping the skin of your right knee and you dropped your head against the bed at the feeling of him so far away from where you needed him.  
“John,” you stretched your right arm out, brushing through his hair before gathering a section in your hand and yanking just enough to get his attention, “you’re going so slow.”
“I’m savoring the moment,” he replied, laying his cheek against your thigh, stopping altogether.  
“Savor faster.”  
“Okay.” He shrugged, your legs bouncing slightly, before he leaned forward and licked up to your clit, sucking it between his lips. You smacked your hand against the bed before gripping the comforter in your free hand, the feeling of his mouth on you more than you had ever experienced. He swirls his tongue around your clit once more and then slowly drags his teeth against the sensitive nub, smiling when you sucked in a sharp breath and whimpered.  
John B licks over your clit again and the hand you have in his hair tightens as you try to push him closer to you. He let go of his grip on your leg and without warning, slips his finger inside you. A series of ‘oh my gods’ falls from your lips as he slow pulls out, only to add a second finger. He continues to suck your clit as he pushes his fingers in and out, angling them up as he did. You don’t last long, when he bites down on your clit again you clench around his fingers and cry out, coming hard. John B licks and kisses you as you come off your high, unable to stop the smile that crosses his face as you spasm around his fingers when he pulls them out.  
Trying to catch your breath you pick your head up to look at him, still kneeling between your legs. His eyes meet yours and he pops his fingers in his mouth, licking your cum off them and grinning at you as he does. His lips and chin are glistening slightly in the candlelight of your bedroom and as cheesy as you told him it was before you’re incredibly turned on right now.  
“Do you want to keep going?” John B asks, carefully shifting your legs off his shoulders, kissing each of your thighs. He stands up, waiting for your signal to keep going with the night.
“I swear to god if you stop now-” you said, still somewhat dazed as you looked up at him.  
He nods and undoes his pants, sliding them down his legs first, pushing them and his socks off at the ankles before looking back at you. He kneels onto the bed beside you, slipping one arm beneath your legs and the other beneath your head before he shifts you so your head is laying at the top of the bed. You let out a surprised squeak as you were moved, grabbing his arm to steady yourself.  
“Sorry, just want you to be comfortable.” He apologizes, pressing a kiss to your lips. The kiss is saltier than before and you realize your tasting yourself on him. You poke your tongue out, running along his lower lip before taking it between your teeth and tugging gently.  
Once he pulled away from the kiss he stood again, slipping off his underwear before moving onto the bed, resting between your legs. His eyes closed and he bit his lip, groaning as his dick slipped between your folds. John B rolled his hips, pressing himself further against you, brushing your clit as he did. You grabbed his shoulders in surprise, pulling him closer.  
“Please John B, I need you,” you begged, lips brushing against his ear.  
He held himself up his elbow using his other hand to pull one of your hands away from his shoulders. He guided both your hand and his between your bodies, wrapping your hand around his dick. You ran your hand up and down, fingers a little loose around him but he didn’t seem to mind, eyes closing again as his hand tightened on your wrist.  
“That feels amazing,” he muttered, pressing kisses along your neck and collar.  
“Should I-”
“I won’t last,” he admitted, moving his hand back to cover yours. He opened his eyes, looking right at you as he helped you guide him inside of you. He pressed in slowly, watching you for any sign of discomfort. His fingers laced with yours and he pressed your hand into the bed above your head, leaning down to kiss you as you adjusted to the feeling of him inside you. “I love you,” he said, kissing along your jaw.  
“I love you too.” You said, tilting your head to catch his mouth in another kiss.  
Slowly, John B began to move his hips against yours, pressing kisses against your neck as he did. You moaned, nails pressing into his back at the feeling of him sliding out and back in. He picked up the pace, sucking a bruise into the skin of your neck. He released your other hand, moving his hand down between your bodies and pressing his thumb against your clit. Your nails dug in more and you practically screamed as felt yourself coming again so quickly. John B thrust faster, pushing himself over the edge just after you, not lasting nearly as long as he usually did. The feeling of being with you for the first time too much for him.  
As you caught your breath, he pressed kisses against you collar and the top of your breasts. He pulled out slowly, savoring the feeling of you spasming around him as he did, your eyes shut tight and your breathing labored. He kissed you one last time before he rolled over, laying beside you.  
“Are you okay?” he asked, rolling onto his side and propping himself up on his side and running his free hand along your stomach, feeling your muscles tense and then relax under his touch.  
You hummed, smiling at him, eyes clouded in a haze. “Amazing.”  
“Good,” he kissed you. “I love you.”  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @louisolos @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @finecelle @vitaminekabc @tiredfeels @g4bster @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @pensysto @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @hvitost @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @kwjune @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @siwiecola @regev1408 @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @averagxfangirl @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii @oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @marteenuhh08 @x-lulu @kitkat0609 @ceruleanjj @yoxsh06 @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn @jjmaybankswife @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @poguesnobx @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @copper-boom
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seita · 4 years
— bnha abc's: hitoshi shinsou [fluff edition.]
the fluff version for shinsou! these were pretty cute even tho fluff is the hardest genre for me to get into sigh
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·    
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⤑ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧! | 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬  
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
∴ he’s a pretty chill dude; introverted and a home body ∴ so he derives a lot of pleasure from relaxing activities ∴ he loves to play video games and watch movies with you ∴ of course, if you want to do something else he’s more than willing to do it ∴ he’ll get pretty tired in the process tho ∴ so when u get home expect a sleep shinsou attached to u as he naps
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
∴ confidence ∴ he finds confidence more enticing than any physical trait he could ever admire ∴ he thinks it’s so beautiful watch you smile, happy and without a worry ∴ it’s something he wishes he had himself ∴ so seeing you experience it fills him with satisfaction. ∴ makes him feel proud
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
∴ he’s not very good at vocally comforting you ∴ but he’s an ace at physical comfort ∴ he’ll hug you, hold your hand, rub your back -- anything to let you know that you’re okay ∴ if you don’t like physical contact when you’re upset then ∴ he rlly won’t know what to do about that ∴ he’ll sit there and like,,,,just wait for u to be good ∴ he’ll just stay by ur side
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
∴ will want to move in together once you’ve been together for like 2 years or so ∴ he’s very eager to start a life with you, a deep relationship ∴ he won’t want kids until WELL into the relationship ∴ he’s not willing to be with you and then 4 years later you got a kid, no ∴ u better believe there’s gonna be a loooooong wait for kids
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
∴ it’s a pretty even playing ground ∴ he’s always willing to compromise with you ∴ he doesn’t believe he’s always right or he knows what’s best ∴ he wants you to speak up for yourself and voice your thoughts to him ∴ but he’s not opposed to putting his foot down if he feels it calls for it ∴ if he feels like you’re doing something stupid or dangerous or he doesn’t like you doing something then he’ll tell you ∴ he won’t necessarily tell you no but...he’ll make you know he doesn’t approve ∴ and he expects you to do the same for him. it’s only fair.
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
∴ he’s a quiet fighter ∴ he doesn’t like to yell, he remains calm ∴ he’s not above removing himself from the situation if he feels it’s escalating either ∴ lets you know when the fight needs to end ∴ he won’t end it when you have an actual problem ∴ but if it’s a stupid thing to fight over like doing chores ∴ he’ll call it off and prefer to come back to the topic when you’re calm ∴ and if you don’t stop he will leave completely ∴ he’s not willing to sit there and listen to you scream and yell at him over something that doesn’t call for it. ∴ in this way, he needs someone who can match his energy. ∴ he forgives easily as long as you weren’t ridiculous ∴ if he had tried to stop the argument but you wouldn’t settle down ∴ you’re gonna have to work for him to let it go tbh
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
∴ he’s quiet in the relationship ∴ so he also has a quiet kind of care ∴ but he pays very close attention ∴ he’s very in tune to your emotions and actions ∴ so he notices the little things you do for him and appreciates every single one of them ∴ he makes sure to thank you and give you a kiss when you make him lunch, complimenting on it when he gets home so you can feel appreciated ∴ he knows what he has and he knows he’s lucky to have it ∴ not the type of guy to take anything for granted.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
∴ he shares things he thinks you should or need to know ∴ like he won’t come home from hero work and relay the gruesome details of what happened ∴ but he will let you know he fought a villain and everything was okay ∴ he doesn’t keep any secrets he thinks will backfire on him ∴ if his secretary flirts with him he comes home and relays the information to you ∴ the last thing he wants is for you to find out 3 months later that another woman was making moves on him ∴ he’ll want to discuss things with you, hear your thoughts and move on from there ∴ but he’s always keeping secrets in the form of surprises from you ∴ he does that quite a lot lmao ∴ but it’s really hard, he feels guilty hiding things from u
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
∴ shinsou isn’t the type to change himself for someone ∴ but if there’s something he does bothers you, he’ll listen and try to see what he can do ∴ but his core principals and morals are his alone and he won’t be with anyone who can’t except them ∴ he’s a pretty open guy so helping him with problems is pretty easy ∴ you don’t have to dig deep to find out what it is that makes him tick ∴ as a result, it’s easy to communicate and share thoughts between the two of you
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
∴ he does not get jealous easily at all ∴ he feels protective by all means ∴ so if another man is hitting on you, he’ll swoop in with the sole purpose of getting you out of that situation ∴ he won’t feel threatened by another man’s interest in you unless you’re reciprocating the flirting ∴ and if you are, for reasons other than teasing him, he’ll only feel betrayed and be upset at you
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
∴ a heavenly kisser ∴ he’ll cup your cheeks, cup the back of your head, give you soft caresses while he does it ∴ a big fan of forehead kisses too ∴ your first kiss with him was soft -- more of a peck, really ∴ and his cheeks were red while he did it lmao ∴ not really into wet, sloppy kisses so ∴ his kisses are usually very sweet and slow
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
∴ gives a pretty chill confession tbh ∴ inside, he’s a wreck but ∴ outside, he wants to appear confident ∴ when he asks if you’d like to go out on a date with him ∴ he’s fully expecting you to say no and he steels himself for that ∴ but you say yes and he’s...... ∴ wow. ∴ elated. ∴ great! he’ll make it the best date ever
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
∴not too into the idea of marriage ∴ its not that he doesn’t want to get married ∴ if you do want to get married, you’ll have to bring it up and he’ll think about it ∴ it’s just that he doesn’t see why he needs a piece of paper to show his devotion to you ∴ you don’t have to be tied together by law to be happy ∴ plus if u break up its cheaper lmao
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
∴ kitten 80% of the time lmao ∴ he’s also fond of terms like ‘beautiful’ or ‘pretty girl’ ∴ you’ll also get the occasional princess or sweetheart out of him. ∴ if he’s feeling playful he’ll call you shit like cutie, sweetiepie, or some other overly sweet endearment
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
∴ on surface level he appears to be a block of stone lmao ∴ to his friends they would deadass be like “wait you’ve had a gf for a year wtf?” if he told them lmao ∴ but!!!! once people do know he’s in love ∴ they notice little things like the way he smiles softly at you, the adoration in his eyes when he looks at you ∴ he doesn’t come out and be like IM HITOSHI SHINSOU AND IM IN LOVE ∴ but in private he’s more than a little affectionate ∴ he’s very sweet and caring.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
∴ he tells those he feels need to know ∴ but he doesn’t mind who you tell at all ∴ it’s not like he’s ashamed or keeping it a secret ∴ he’ll talk about you when asked but he’s not the type of guy to just pop up in a convo to boast about you ∴ but!!! when he’s with friends, he’s not shy at all to give you little pecks or hold your hand ∴ he loves you and you love him ∴ there’s nothing wrong with people seeing that
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
∴ he can cook really well ∴ he always cooked for his mom at home so he just has all these recipes memorized ∴ and he really enjoys it as well ∴ so you don’t even have to ask him to cook, he’ll already be in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove with a smile on his face
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
∴ not very romantic tbh ∴ he does small things to make you happy like bringing you back your favorite food, getting tickets to a movie you really wanna see, things of that nature ∴ he’s not really into the whole candle-lit dinner with roses or anything like that
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
∴ he believes in anything you want to do ∴ however, there’s only so much he can do to actually help you achieve your goals ∴ he’ll held you study if you need it but he can only do so much ∴ if you need support or encouragement he’s there 100% ∴ but he also believes in your independence and confidence of your own abilities.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
∴ it can be either way ∴ depending on your own desires ∴ he’s perfectly fine with spontaneity ∴ or routine ∴ he’s a man who adapts easily ∴ just tell him what u want and he’ll make it happen!
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
∴ he’s very in tune to you ∴ he pays more attention than you might even think he does. ∴ he’s empathetic and always willing to listen to you, helping you find solutions to problems or doing his best to comfort you when you had a long day ∴ he expects you to be the same, however ∴ you don’t have to be good at comforting ∴ but he wants to know you’re there for him as he is for you
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
∴ he takes all relationships in his life very seriously ∴ he devotes all of himself to both his friends and lover ∴ this means, however, he makes sure to give everyone his time ∴ he devotes time to his friends and time to you ∴ this means, you need to accept the fact he likes to have time with just his friends and have fun ∴ if you’re the type that overly clingy and don’t like him going out with his pals without you ∴ he’s gonna get tired of that very quickly ∴ the way he sees it, there’s no reason. ∴ however, there are exceptions to everything ∴ he’s willing to drop things if you need him or if something comes up you want to do with him ∴ he’s good at managing his time so he’s not gonna be spending 90% with his friends and 10% with you. ∴ he balances his relationships ∴ don’t feel bad though, you get the most of his time anyway lmao
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
∴ he actually really likes going shopping with you ∴ a lot of guys complain about how its boring sitting there or carrying your bags but ∴ shinsou doesn’t see the problem ∴ you model cute clothes for him and ask his opinion ∴ carrying your bags is literally nothing to him, what’s the big deal ∴ 10/10 shopping bf
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
∴ he very much loves to show his affection physically ∴ when you wake up, you get a kiss. ∴ when he leaves for work, you get a hug nd kiss. ∴ he’ll text or call during the day to check in and tell you he loves you. ∴ when he gets home, he kisses you again ∴ at night, you best believe you spend hours wrapped up in his arms
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
∴ he’s the type to text and call when he misses you and can’t see you. ∴ you’ll know he misses you because he literally comes out and says it ∴ won’t beat around the bush ∴ once he gets his hands on you again u have one clingy shinsou on ur hands.
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
∴ he’s not going to go out of his way to do the impossible ∴ he’s not going to change himself because you want him to ∴ and he’s not going to risk too much for it either ∴ like if his mom doesn’t approve of you and it may hurt his relationship with her then ∴ .......u gotta go boy thinks family > girlfriend ∴ sorry
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·    
© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x18: Despair
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The entire fandom preparing for this episode
We literally start off right where we left off last week. Jack is a ticking time bomb. Sam hauls his nephew/son into the war room. Team Free Will freak out and try to come up with a plan. Jack wants to get far away from them. “Don’t let me hurt you.” AGGHH. We’re fine. It’s only 2 minutes into the episode, WE’RE FINE. Dean insists that they’re not giving up on him, and we love a good 180. 
Billie pops up and tells them all that she can’t stop what’s happening to Jack, but she can help. 
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She sends him to the Empty where he promptly explodes. 
Billie explains to the trio that the Empty was the only place/entity that could absorb that kind of power. Jack could survive --and the Empty could survive, but it won’t be happy. Billie points out that the Empty will want her, but can’t get to Earth without being summoned (coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool). 
Billie wants God’s book back from Sam. Sam Fucking Winchester confronts Billie about her end game plans of restoring order --and sending all of them back to their death. Billie tells Sam that if they want Jack back, he’ll give her the book. 
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Petty, petty, sullen Sam brings Billie the book, but throws it on the table instead of handing it to her, and we love him and his insolent little heart. 
She grabs the book and starts to open it. Cas wonders what she’s doing. 
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She tells them that God’s book has a new ending. Dean’s done and wants Jack back. 
Meanwhile, the Empty recorpealizes and is D O N E. She drags Jack to her and just as she’s about to HURT HIM, he disappears. 
He’s home, but Billie claims him. Dean doesn’t like that idea so he grabs Death’s scythe before she can ditch the bunker with the kid. He slices her arm and she sends him flying. Billie disappears without the book, her scythe, or Jack. 
Later, the Brothers Winchester take a moment in the library. Dean apologizes for pulling a gun on Sam. 
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(Listen, if we’re going full Bicon clown with Dean these next couple of weeks, this shot reminds me SO MUCH of the shot of James Dean from Giant.)
He also breaks down that Chuck is probably now all powerful, they’re on Billie’s hit list, Jack’s powerless, and Michael’s in the wind. They toast to their impossible odds. 
*Charlie and her cute GF Alert*
Stevie, the cutie from episode 3 is making perfect scrambled eggs for Charlie, and I’m dying inside. Charlie suggests a hunter’s date, and they smile and ARE CUTE, and I’m dying inside. The eggs are perfect, but this story isn't. Stevie just poofs away before Charlie’s eyes. 
Cut to Dean and Sam checking out Charlie’s place to piece together what happened. Charlie tells the brothers that she didn’t see or feel anything before Stevie disappeared. 
Outside, Cas waits with Jack. Cas asks how Jack is doing. 
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Jack feels “strange”. He doesn’t know how to feel now that he’s not needed for the big plan. Cas assures him that he wasn’t there to get absolution from the Winchesters. “We don’t care about you because you’re useful or you fit into some grand design. We care about you because you’re you.” BRB CRYING. 
Jack is crying, I’m crying, and the world is crumbling. Jack is scared, and Cas, gripping his son’s shoulder, tells him that he’s scared too. 
Inside, the brothers tell Charlie that they think that Billie’s killing people that shouldn’t be on Earth. Charlie gets upset and admits that she promised herself that she wouldn’t do “the love thing” again. Sam gets a call from Bobby. More people are disappearing. Dean points out that no one is safe. 
Sam instantly thinks of Eileen AND WE HAVE EMOTIONS. They take off to find Eileen. 
Sam texts Eileen as they drive, but doesn’t tell her what’s up. Sam watches the dots...until they disappear. Hahahahahahah, NOPE.
They get to Eileen’s place and find her purse and phone on the sidewalk. 
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She’s gone. “If I let myself go there, I’ll lose my mind.” AND WE’RE RIGHT THERE WITH YOU SAMMY. 
Sam activates action mode. He tells the others that they need to protect the other hunters from Alt World. Dean tells Sam that he should do this, but he’s going to make Billie pay. “I’ll go with you, Dean,” Cas volunteers. OF COURSE. 
We jump to a close up on Donna and her fabulous D-TRAIN license plate. Readers, I love her. She talks to Sam over the phone. She’s found a silo they can ward up and hide out in while Dean and Cas try to take out Billie. When Sam hangs up, he notices that Jack’s looking unrooted and gives him a job to do. Jack “has to drive” so that Sam can do work. Jack scooches over to the driver’s seat, ready to do something at last. Readers, I love Sam.
Dean and Cas arrive at the bunker and make plans to barge into Billie’s library. Dean plans to trash the place like a particularly unruly raccoon who breaks into a kitchen, until Billie arrives to stop them. He grabs Death’s scythe and they’re off. 
When Sam and Jack arrive at the silo, Donna tells Sam that she’s there for him - whatever he needs. 
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The hunter network is on high alert, and Bobby’s got his AU crew holed away in the silo already.  Charlie pulls up, transformed from her sunset bright t-shirt into apocalypse world Charlie again.
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Sam joins the crew in the warehouse and reconnects with Bobby, who immediately informs him that Sam’s the boss of the operation. When Bobby told the hunters that Sam wanted them to head to the silo, “they came running, no hesitation.” ….Excuse me, I have something in my eye. They’ve warded the whole silo with every warding they can throw at it, and Sam’s using one of Rowena’s spells (EXCUSE ME, I HAVE SOMETHING IN MY EYE) to bolster the strength of the sigils. 
Jack and Donna are painting sigils together, when Jack notices a plant. She recommends pulling it to protect the warding, but when Jack extends his hand it withers and dies.
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Dean and Cas creep into the library, where Billie stands waiting for them. Dean tells her that they’re after her because she’s been killing off his friends. Her only reply is, “Interesting.”
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Dean jabs Billie in her wounded shoulder, and the pain is high enough that Dean can get the upper hand. She holds the scythe at bay with just her hand, and Dean orders her to call off the hits. Billie laughs right in his face. She’s not killing anyone! Dean’s little papercut to her shoulder is enough to kill her, so her only plan at this point is to kill herself a Winchester and go out in a blaze of vengeance. 
Sam powers up the warding in the silo, ready to defend against Billie. Meanwhile, Billie thinks Chuck’s the likely one who’s been disappearing people. Quickly enough, a little girl is the first to disappear. As her family breaks down into full freak-out mode, all the hunters hiding out in the silo flash away. ALL OF THEM.
Hey, if I have to suffer, you have to suffer.
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Sam, Jack, and Donna can only watch this with horror and then Donna looks down at her hands. She smokes out too. NOOOOOOOOOO!
Billie power-smacks Dean across the room. It’s vengeance time! As much as I don’t want Those Two Idiots™ to die, it is lovely to see Billie storm around in battle-Death mode. 
Dean and Cas race into the bunker without a plan, Billie in pursuit. It’s only moments before Dean is buckling. As he collapses, we reveal Billie on the balcony. I do love how this is framed!
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She’s clutching Dean’s heart in her grip and pursues them through the bunker. “I’ve got you,” Cas tells Dean as he supports him. HELP, I’ve been murdered by emotion!
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Cas directs them to the dungeon, grabs Dean’s pocket knife from his back pocket (I’m FINE, btw), and slices his hand. Quickly, he wards the door with a sigil, and Dean recovers instantly.
That is, he recovers physically. Emotionally, he is in ROUGH SHAPE. While Billie pounds away at the sigil, Dean realizes that they’re trapped. He blames himself - he was angry and needed something to kill and that’s ALL HE KNOWS HOW TO DO. f r o w n y f a c e
Dean’s in a pretty bad headspace. He thinks Billie’s going to break in and kill Cas, then himself, and then EVERYBODY ELSE. He apologizes, while Cas puts his strategic commander-of-garrisons brain to work. There is ONE thing that Billie’s afraid of. 
Readers, it was at this point that Boris and I were shouting our usual gleeful shit at the TV. Things like, “Lay one on him, Cas, and the Empty can come!” And then CAS SAYS, “I made a deal.”
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“Kiss ‘im,” I murmur while wondering WHAAAAAAT IS HAPPENING when Cas brings up the “moment of true happiness” requirement. At this point, I’m thinking they’re in the dungeon and it’s full of spellwork supplies probably. So, like, I guess they’ll light some quick candles and summon the Empty? 
We fall silent as Cas starts talking about FEELINGS. “The one thing I want, it’s something I know I can’t have.” He says this RIGHT TO DEAN’S FACE. RIGHT IN OUR FACES. “Happiness isn’t in the having. It’s in just being. It’s in just saying it.” 
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We stop breathing.
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And then Cas murders us forever when he shifts to talking about Dean. He knows Dean sees himself as a killer, a “blunt instrument.” But Cas sees him differently, and his way is true: Dean cares more than anyone Cas has ever met. He’s powered by love and not anger. “You’re the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. Ever since we met. Ever since I pulled you outta Hell, knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam. I cared about Jack. I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean.”
Cas is crying and we are murdered dead in our beds by this show. 
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Dean thinks it sounds like goodbye. “That’s because it is,” Cas tells him. And then he follows up with one last thing. “I love you.” 
And...it’s there. The love we’ve seen in his eyes for eleven seasons is there, out loud, and centered on Dean. We joke a lot at ShirtlessSammy about the need to just KISS ALREADY but this flayed us in the way a kiss could never do. It heightens everything. Castiel’s care for Dean, his loyalty and friendship now have a new layer - that of textual, unrequited love. We’ve obviously been personally clinging to the destiel train car for quite some time, but laying out Castiel’s feelings and saying it’s enough for him to acknowledge them out loud is SO POWERFUL. As a love story, it’s tragic beauty. As a personal coming out story, it’s just BEAUTY. 
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With this dropped between them, Dean can read the writing on the wall. “Don’t do this, Cas,” he begs. Immediately, gooey sounds begin to squish out from the brick wall behind Dean. 
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The empty swirls in, and Billie breaks through the door at last. Cas grasps Dean by the shoulder. “Goodbye, Dean,” he says, hurling him away from the twin threats. 
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In an instant, the Empty advances, swallowing Cas and Billie and retreating back into the wall without so much as a howdy. (Please join me for a displeased hiss at Billie’s apparent demise.)
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Sam and Jack emerge from the silo, shocked. Sam tries calling Dean, while Jack looks around. Jack wonders if it was just the people in the silo who disappeared. 
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The camera POV pans out to abandoned playground equipment, still-spinning bicycle wheels, and cars left behind on the road. It’s the end of the world, and suddenly the world feels too big. Too lonely.
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We cut to Dean. He’s on the floor in the same place Castiel threw him. His phone rings. It’s Sam. Dean stares at it, before dropping it to the floor. He pulls himself inward, and the episode ends on the sounds of choked sobbing.
Boris and I are monsters, as WE end the episode entirely too jubilant for words. Here’s to being right! Readers, while Boris can’t fully hope for a happy ending (gotta protect that heart), Natasha has zero doubts. We’re getting them back, damn it! And love’s gonna light the way.
Never Gonna Quote Me Away (From You!):
I don’t wanna hurt you. Don’t let me hurt you.
To somehow
I wanted to make things right. And now I don’t know why I’m here
Let’s go reap a reaper
I brought a bucket
I guess this is the part where I say, “Hello, boys”
It’s you, Dean. It’s always been you. Death defying. Rule breaking. You are everything I live to set right. To put down. To tame. You are human disorder incarnate
You think that hate and anger - that’s what drives you. It’s not. Everyone who knows you sees it. Everything you have ever done - the good and the bad - you have done for love.
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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skycollides · 4 years
If you write for Tiggy (if not then EZ!) one where he’s being kinda pissy and rude to reader his gf and she doesn’t say anything about it, but the others confront him? Then he like does her nails or something for her lol tyyy
Painting Nails and Spilling Beans
Ez x Reader
Authors note: I apologize in advance for grammar mistakes
English isn’t my native language.
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
Warning: swearing , heartbreak, happy end
Words: 1.983
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You’ve been worried about your boyfriend Ez for a week now. He’s acting n to his usual self. Not having a proper conversation only short answers and when you ask him what’s wrong- the answer is aways nothing and you can’t stand it. He usually tells you when somethings bothering and you find a solution for the problem together but not this time. On top of that he hasn’t been at home for 2 days now and you’re getting worried since he isn’t answering any of your calls. So you decide to text Angel hoping he can tell you about his whereabouts.
Hey Angel,
do you know where your
brother is. I can’t get a
hold of him?
Hey Y/n,
yes I do. We’re all
here at the clubhouse.
Come over and join the
party. I have missed 
having you around.
Great so he can party with the guys but not return your calls. Is the first thing that comes to your mind after reading Angels answer. You get dressed and do your make up before heading to the scrap yard. Once you arrive you already hear the music blasting and see people outside of the clubhouse. It looks like the party started hours ago. A voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
’’Hey sweetheart’’ you hear Bishops voice.
’’Hey Bish’’ you say and give him a hug.
’’It’s good to see you. It’s been awhile’’
’’That’s true. Have you seen Ez somewhere?’’
’’Yes they’re inside. Go on we can catch up later.’’he smiles.
’’Thank you Obispo. Yes definitely.’’ you say and return his smile.
You head inside the clubhouse and hear Angels laugh. You look in the direction where it’s coming from and see Ez there with him so is Coco.
You make your way over and Angel is the first one to notice you.
’’Hey stranger! I’m happy you made it’’
’’Hey guys good to see you. Erm Ez can I talk to you?’’ you ask him and he completely ignores you continuing talking to Coco. Your face drops and Angel has a confused look on his face. He looks at you and you shake your head not wanting to spill your and Ez’s problems there.
’’Ez I gotta talk to you!’’ you say louder and grab his arm. He shakes your hand off his arm and looks at you before he starts to speak.
’’Can’t you take a hint. What do you think why I haven’t been home? I don’t wanna talk to you. Hop off my dick for goodness sake and leave me alone. Go and annoy someone else.’’ he says rudely before he gets up to get a new beer. You stand there not understanding what’s going on. He never raised his voice at you or been so rude to you before. Tears are streaming down your face and Angel tries to hug you but you move backwards. You turn around and leave the clubhouse in a hurry. You practically run to your car trying to get away from there a fast as you can.
As soon as you get home you go straight to your bedroom locking the door behind you before you let yourself fall onto your bed and cry yourself to sleep.
After you left: Clubhouse
’’What the fuck was that?’’ Coco asks confused.
’’I have no fucking idea. All I know is that she is the sweetest girl I’ve ever met and she doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.’’ Angel says not understanding what is going on with his brother. Seeing you in tears breaks his heart. He has seen you as the little sister he never had ever since Ez brought you to the family dinner about a year ago.
Bishop enters the clubhouse and make his way to Angel and Coco.
’’Is there a reason why Y/n left in a hurry crying?’’ he asks with an eyebrow rising
’’My brother is an asshole I thinks that pretty much sums up what happened.’’ Angel says.
Ez comes back and the 3 men stare at him.
’’What?’’he asks.
’’What? This all you gotta say? What the hell is wrong with you?’’ Coco says.
’’Nothing and I would appreciate it if you all would stop ask me this all the time’’ he says and storms out of the clubhouse. The three of them stare at each other not used to Ez acting like this.
’’I’ll talk to him’’ Angel says and leaves the clubhouse. He sees the lights on in Ez’s trailer so he walks there opens the door and slams it shut behind him.
’’I talk you listen Ezekiel. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you but you need to stop lashing out on everyone like this. There is something wrong we ll can see it. You can say there is nothing wrong as often as you want but none of us believes you. It is not our fault that you feel like this and especially not Y/n’s. She is worried about you because she loves you and you act this way? Dud be happy you have a woman like her in your life. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. I won’t have it. She’s like the little sister I never had and I hate so see her like his all sad and shit Ez get it together!’’ Ez looks up to his older brother and Angel sees the change in his eyes. Tears are starting to form.
’’I fucked up didn’t I?’’ he asks his brother quietly.
’’Yes you did but we can fix this. You stay here and tomorrow morning you go home and talk with Y/n tell her finally what’s bothering you if you’re not comfortable talking to me about it. But more importantly apologize to her.’’ Angel says and pats his shoulder before leaving Ez alone in his trailer.
Next Day - Your Pov.
You wake up with a bad headache from all the crying before. You take fresh clothes and make your way towards the bathroom hoping the painkillers are still there. You reach the bathroom and open the door and there he is. Ez is standing in the middle of the bathroom looking at you with wide eyes. You drop your clothes wanting to leave Ez stops you and pulls you in his arms.
’’I’m sorry mi reina. You don’t deserve the shit I put you through the past week and especially not what I did last night. I feel ashamed for how I talked to you last night. All I can do is apologize and promise you it won’t happen again baby. I love you so much.’’ he end his speech with kissing your head. You look up to him and see tears in his eyes. You give him a short kiss on the lips and say:
’’Be happy I love Ezekiel.’’ you say and he lets go of you.
’’Wanna hop in?’’ he says nodding towards the bathtub and now you realize your surroundings.
The tub is filled with water and there are candles standing there along with a cup of your favorite tea. You nod and get undressed before you sit down and lean back with your eyes closed.
’’Mind if I join you?’’ he asks but you turn him down.
’’What makes you think I want you in here with me after last night’’ you and his smile fades.
’’I was suffering last night now it’s your time to suffer Ezekiel. Go and get chair.’’ and Ez dies as he’s told hoping it will help him to get out if the dog house.
Once he returns you open your eyes and look at him.
’’Can you hand me a painkiller? My head is killing me’’ you say and once again he’s does as he’s told.
’’Now Ez over there’’ you say and point your finger to the box where you keep all your nail polish.
’’open the box get the purple one and please start doing my nails’’ you say and look into his eyes. He nods and gets the purple nail polish before sitting down. He takes your hand and give you a  massage. After he is done he kisses the back of your hand and starts to paint your nails. When he is done you look at your hand and you’re quit happy with the result.
’’Wow I’m impressed Ez. More hidden talents I should know of baby?’’ you say with a smile.
’’Well you’ve got a lifetime to find out Y/n’’ he says and you nod.
’’Sounds good’’ you say before turning in the tub sitting now on the other side so he can start with your other hand. After he finished the second hand he put the polish back to where it belongs and takes the chair back to the kitchen. He shortly returns to you and you’re already out of the tub wrapped up in your fluffy towel. You open your arms for Ez and he glad excepts your hug.
’’Thank you! I really needed this’’ you say and kiss his lips. He returns the kiss taking your head in his hands pulling you closer. You move back and sit down on the floor. He looks down at you and you ask him to sit next to you. Ez sits down and you start to speak.
’’Will you tell me what’s going on now?’’ you ask and he nods.
’’You read about the guy in the newspaper the one who killed himself?’’ he says and you nod.
’’It wasn’t suicide. I made hit look like it. He became a threat to the Galindos and Emily asked me to do something about it. I wasn’t supposed to kill him. It was an accident you have to believe me.’’ he practically begs. You can’t believe what you’re hearing. You’re more shocked about the fact that he is still talking to his Ex than the fact that he killed someone. 
’’I don’t know what to say Ez.’’ you say shaking your head before getting off the floor, taking your clothes and leaving the bathroom. You head to the bedroom and close the door behind you. Once you’re dressed you pull out a pack of cigarettes and head out to the back yard. You sit down and light one up. You usually don’t smoke only when you’re completely stressed out which is now the case. Your thought are running wild. Is he cheating on you? How long has he been talking to his Ex behind your back? Do the others know? A bunch of questions are that stress you out even more. You hear the door open and Ez makes his way towards you. He sits down you ask him the questions that have been haunting you for the past 15 minutes.
’’Are you cheating on me? with Emily?’’ you ask anxiously.
’’No mi reina I would never do you hear me never I swear.’’ he says.
’’Does anyone know what you did?’’
’’Only Emily. I didn’t tell her but it was clear to her that it wasn’t suicide. The only other person who knows is you baby. I trust no one like I trust you. You’re the only one I completely open up to. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bother you with this shit. So I thought pushing you away I wouldn’t feel the urge to tell you. I love you Y/n!’’
’’Do me a favor and stay away from her Ezekiel. She is up to no good. And please don’t push me away like this ever again. I love you Ez more than you know.’’ you say and lean your head on his shoulder. The both of you sit there in silence simply enjoying each others company. You’re happy Ez finally told you what’s bothering him now the both of you can move on from what’s happened.
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - How A Star Is Born ch.VIII
A Hercules AU, founded by @evaroze, whom this fic is a gift for. I hope y’all like it!
ch.VII - ch.IX
AO3 link
A year after Dipper’s first victory and it felt like Gideon had died a thousand deaths.
Dipper became the most famous hero in all of Greece. He defeated every single monster or villain he had come up against, from angry warthogs that he served to the king on a grill, to wicked shapeshifters, to mad ex-girlfriends of Stan’s. No foe could stand against this hero in any way, shape, or form, and unfortunately this was very bad news for Gideon and Bill.
Bill left his minion alone to smoke and recover from being burned alive, shaking with red anger as he watched the fallen god press his hands into concrete with his teacher by his side, smiling proudly. “I can’t believe this! How is that little twerp still alive?!”
“W-W-We still have time…” Gideon whimpered, curled up and lying on his side.
“I’ve got twenty-four hours to get rid of this bozo!” Bill screamed as he towered over his slave. “The scheme I’ve been setting up for thousands of years is going up in smoke thanks to you! And all you can say is WE’VE STILL GOT TIME?!” And Bill snapped his fingers once more and Gideon was engulfed in flames, crying and yelling in unbearable pain.
Pacifica, with her back to the chaos, was smiling at the hero and enjoying the show all around her. “Tough luck, looks like Dippin’ Dots is hitting every curve you throw at him.”
Bill’s red instantly went away as he stared at the young woman before him. His eyes squinted happily and he floated to her side. “Hm, maybe I haven’t been throwing the right curves at him…”
“Don’t even go there.”
“See, Llama, he’s gotta have a weakness, everybody’s got one. We just need to find out Pinetree’s.”
“I totally did my part,” Pacifica scoffed. “Make Marshmallow over there do it.”
“He couldn’t handle him as an infant.” Bill sneered. “I need someone who can… handle him as a man.”
“Look, I’ve sworn off man-handling.” Pacifica snapped and walked away.
“Well, hey that’s good!” Bill laughed, making the young woman stop. “Cuz that’s what gotcha into this jam in the first place, isn’t it? You sold your soul to me to save your father’s life. And how did the guy thank you? By throwing you out when no one wanted to marry you and give dowry? He hurt you real bad, didn’t he? It hurt that no one wants the bratty little Llama, didn't it?”
“I get it, I learned my lesson, okay?” Pacifica croaked as she held her forehead.
“Hey, hey,” Bill cooed and placed a friendly hand on either one of her shoulders. “I tell you what, since I feel sorry for you, I’ll make you a new offer. You give me the key to taking down Wonderboy, and I’ll give you the thing you want more than anything in the whole Multiverse: your freedom.”
Pacifica’s eyes widened and her pupils shrunk as her mouth hung open.
Through the fast-pacing, slightly-overwhelming year, the Temple of the Gods became Dipper’s sanctuary. At night, he would sneak away from prying eyes and visit his family, feeling all of his stress and pressure melt away.
Now not only bound to a small journal, Dipper and Mabel could talk more freely. Even more so now that Dipper funded a statue of the young muse to be put in the temple, and now a Mabel made of stone could hug him and punch his shoulder and talk and skip around him, even if she couldn’t feel his warmth or if she risked breaking bones, but he had god-like strength, so who cares? Their bond became even stronger as they swapped stories and got to know each other very well. Many times Mabel would happily sit criss-cross and listen and watch as her twin brother retold his victories to her.
This evening, however, Dipper seemed very tired. He sat at the foot of the huge statue of the Ruler of the Gods and Mabel looked down at him softly before sitting next to him in her statued-form. “Hey, what’s the matter?”
Dipper blinked and shook his head. “N-Nothing!”
Mabel smiled cockily and poked his ribs to lightly tickle him. “C’mon, you can’t hide anything from me. What’s up?”
The young hero sighed and leaned back with his hands on the steps behind him. “It’s just… I’m the most famous person of all in Greece, right?”
“And I’ve beaten every monster I’ve met, right?”
“I’m even an action-figure.” Dipper added as he threw his hands up in the air.
“Yeah,” Mabel said slowly. “So?”
Dipper looked at his long-lost sister and asked her heavily, “So why am I not a god?”
Mabel’s eyes widened in realization before she looked down at her long dress. “Oh.”
“To rejoin the gods, I gotta become a true hero.” Dipper restated. “What, am I missing something? Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” Mabel said quickly and patted his shoulder reassuringly. “You’ve been doing great! And hey, you’ve only been at it for, what, a year? You’re just… not there yet. Remember, there’s a difference between being a hero and a true hero, but you’ll get there one day, I know you will.”
Dipper smiled at her and said, “Thanks, Mabel. You’re right. I just have to be patient.”
“Besides, you’ve got plenty of time.” Mabel reminded him with a giggle. “It’s not like you’re gonna die soon or something.”
Dipper laughed alongside her, though he couldn’t quite shake the desire that he would rather be home sooner or later.
Dipper walked back to his very large house after going through the lush garden. He had tried not to have a home so big but he had earned so much gold that even after donating to the orphanage he grew up in and many other causes like feeding the poor and providing housing for the homeless, he still had more money than he knew what to do with and Stan seemed to really enjoy living in the lap of luxury, so they met halfway and had a very nice house that was big but not so big that they required five maids.
Dipper entered his home and could see candlelight coming from down the hall. The old man must still be awake. The young hero smiled and moved down the hall to tease his teacher, but as he turned a corner, he was met with something that scared him much more than any monster.
“STAN!” Dipper dashed to him and was on his knees, the old man lying on the cold floor with a dripping candle by his side, a miracle the house hadn’t been caught on fire thanks to being made of stone. “Stan, can you hear me?!”
Dipper helped the unconscious man sit up to get a good look at him. He appeared more dead than alive, but the hero refused to believe it. He scooped the old man up in his arms and ran as fast as he could to the doctor, praying to the gods that Stan would be okay.
Mabel was humming to herself as she emerged from her room, having finished meditating and projecting herself onto a statue to talk to her brother. She grew worrisome, however, when she saw her great-uncle sitting at the front steps of the temple, holding his face, covering his eyes, and breathing heavily, like he was struggling with his emotions.
“Grunkle Ford,” Mabel said softly as she hurried to his side and put kind hands on his shoulders. “What’s the matter?”
He looked up at his niece with heavy, shining eyes that refused to cry. “It’s Stanley. He’s running out of time.”
“These things happen,” A doctor calmly explained. “As a person ages their bodies start to fail them gradually over time. From what we can tell, Stan had a heart attack. Slight damage to the heart, nothing extremely life-threatening, but a good sign that his time is running out. I wouldn’t quite count the days yet, but I would also advise you value your time with him while you can. I’m so sorry.”
Dipper was now left alone to dwell on the news. He knew Stan wasn’t exactly young, but he always seemed unstoppable, so lively, that the idea of him dying was scary and already made the young hero very mournful. He made himself get up from his stool in the hallway to enter the door his teacher was in, but he was surprised to find Stan standing up and slipping on his cloak. “There you are, let’s blow this joint already.”
“Stan!” Dipper scolded. “What are you doing out of bed?!”
“What, I’m fine now, kid.” Stan waved Dipper’s worries away casually. “Relax. Let’s just go home, I got a bottle of expired grape juice waiting for me.”
“Stan, this is serious!”
“Look, I don’t blame you for being worried, but I need you to trust me on this.” Stan said firmly with kind brown eyes, giving Dipper a firm pat on the shoulder. “I’m fine, okay?”
“But…” Dipper allowed Stan to lead the way out of the room and throughout the hospital for the quiet night. “But… you’re dying.”
“In a way we all are, kid.”
“Dipper, listen to me.” Stan interrupted and gave the young hero a stern look as they walked down the street of Thebes. “I’m an old man, I’ve lived a very long life. I’ve known I was dying for a long time, but none of that matters to me. All that matters is that you become a true hero and get to be with your family, whether I get to see it or not.”
“But… I want you to see it.” Dipper sighed. He was very tired. He could feel so much on his shoulders, he always felt like the entire world was on his shoulders, and as they days wore on it was getting harder to ignore. He sat at a large fountain in town-square and looked at his mentor heavily. “I know you won’t be around forever, but… you’re like family to me, Stan. I want you to see me become a true hero. I want to make you proud. I want you to see me in the stars like you want.”
“Hey hey,” Stan sat next to him slowly and patted his back. “Way to get all sappy on me, hero. And where’s all this coming from? I am proud of you. I’ve always been proud of you. Since day one, I’ve been so proud of you and happy I got to teach you. I know you’ll make it someday, I know you’ll be up in the stars and be with your sister, and that’s good enough for me.”
Dipper smiled sadly, a bit overwhelmed but still appreciative. “Still, I… Am I doing something wrong? I thought I’d be a true hero by now? What more can I do?”
“Being a true hero is something you gotta discover for yourself.” Stan said and poked at Dipper’s strong chest. “You gotta look inside all this squishy stuff. Dig a little deeper. But you got something I’ve never seen in anybody, and I know that’s gonna make you into a god someday, just you wait and see.”
Dipper still couldn’t shake the feeling like he didn’t want to wait for someday to come, but he still smiled and thanked Stan for his words.
Miraculously, despite his lifeline being short, Stan was just as energetic and lively as always the next day. Dipper tried to talk him into resting, but the old man refused and was there for all of Dipper’s obligations. Stan was right by his side for the opening of the newest gym, he happily partake in lunch with Dipper and the mayor of Thebes, and in the afternoon they went home to change into nicer togas for a modeling show.
Stan said something about a quick nap and went to his room to snooze the warm afternoon away. Dipper chuckled and was nearly scared to death when a soothing voice from beside a pillar said, “Oh this is what heroes do on their days off?”
Dipper grinned and greeted her warmly. It had been a long time since he had last seen her. “Wow, Pacifica! It’s great to see you again, I… I missed you.”
Pacifica approached slowly and smiled slyly at him. “Thanks, Dippin’ Dots. Man, you look good, but rough. When was the last time you had a break?”
“Oh, I rest, Stan…”
“You know I never really thanked you for saving my life, did I?” Pacifica interrupted. “How about dinner?”
As much as a date with such a beautiful girl made Dipper want to do a backflip, his immediate concern was leaving Stan alone for too long. “Oh, I dunno, Stan’s got the day booked and…”
“He’ll be okay, he’s taking a nap, isn’t he?” Pacifica asked. “He can rest, you can get some fresh air and some food. Come on, my treat.”
Dipper smiled sheepishly and she put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, baby blue eyes sparkling at him like a beautiful spring sky. Swallowing, the young smitten hero nodded. “Okay, sure.”
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breanime · 5 years
OT3 Headcannons (Sirius x Reader x James)
Crediting @sonofhistory for the awesome OTP Questions (you can find the original post here) 
*This is for my Sirius Black x Reader x James Potter OT3. You can find my story HERE--it’s n*fw, so read with caution)
Warning: some of these are ~steamy~ in nature
*gifs not mine* (but look at our bad boys)
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1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? James rocks the Ferris Wheel, you freak out, and Sirius alternates between rocking and scolding James for scaring you. The three of you hold hands the entire time, much to the confusion of those around you. 
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time? Um... James and Sirius both have a HIGH sex drive, Sirius has better stamina then James, though, so he can go for a few rounds with no break. Sirius is also more open to doin’ it anywhere, anytime. However, that doesn’t mean James ain’t down to clown--cause he is. The three of you tend to find yourselves stuffed in closets or under bridges because one of the boys just couldn’t keep his hands--or words--to himself. Lovable lil pervs. 
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? James LOVES bathing together, preferably in the tub so he can hold you both and get held. He loved to be in the middle with Sirius behind him and you in his lap, kissing on you both. Sirius actually likes to make it relaxing, washing your hair and lighting candles and playing soothing music. James is usually the one who goes into it with...less than pure intentions, but YOU’RE the one who almost always initiates the sexytime. You just can’t help yourself, they’re both all wet and warm, and their hair is all soft and...mmmmmm......
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? You like to be naked, and they both yell at you to put clothes on, but for different reasons. James does it because he doesn’t want the neighbors seeing you--that’s for him and Sirius only, and Sirius does it because he can’t concentrate on anything when you’re walking around like that. 
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? James. Sirius usually broods until someone goes to him and forces him to talk things out. James is usually the loudest in an argument, and therefore gets banished to the couch until he winds down. You tend to barricade yourself in your room when you’re mad at either of them, and the boys have to try to get you out. But whatever the case, you all usually try to resolve the problem before the night is up.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep? JAMES. He has the two most beautiful people on the blanket who love him, of course he takes photos of them! Plus you look like an angel when you sleep, and Sirius is a living piece of art, so James has to appreciate it!
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? James said it first, to the both of you at once. He’s the most emotionally stable and open, so it was very easy and natural for him to come out and say it. You usually say “I love you” as a goodbye, when you’re leaving the house or at the end of a letter. Sirius says it in the middle of a fight, when emotions are high and he starts feeling like things are getting out of his control. He also says it when you and James are falling asleep, softly in your ears or whispers it into James’ hair. He’s really just a soft boi at heart. 
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts? YOU. 100% you. You wear Sirius’ leather jacket and James’ Quidditch jersey ALL the time. They think you look simultaneously adorable and hot when you wear their clothes. Sometimes Sirius wears your underwear, and it drives you and James BONKERS. He looks better in them then you do. 
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? James wakes you up for the cool dream, all wide eyes and low whispers while Sirius listens intently and you grumble and complain about being woken up. Sirius has nightmares the most often, usually about his own family, and you and James sing him to sleep. Sometimes it works right away, and sometimes the two of you put on full performances (complete with costume changes); either way, it relaxes Sirius, and you and James are happy to do it. 
10) Who is more likely to cheat? None of you? Just... no. None of you. 
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship? James, mostly. You usually make fun of yourself for dating them, and Sirius is usually the one saying “a terrible decision, really” when either of you say you love him. 
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen? Sirius! He’s a rich bitch who always had plenty of resources, but too many rules, so now that he has his own place with the loves of his life, he’s always down to start chucking food. 
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer? James initiates them, but you’re usually the one who takes it up a notch and starts impersonating Mariah Carey. Sirius, however, is the better singer out of all of you.  
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? In order of the questions: You, James, Sirius, You again. The three of you are almost always touching in some kind of way. 
15) Who likes writes the others name on their wrist? You. You have Sirius on the right and James on the left. 
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed? You become one hell of a seductress once that liquor gets in ya, and James is already loud, but once he’s drunk--you and Sirius have to resort to kissing him to shush him. What a drag ;)
17) Who is more protective? All three of you are protective of each other. You’re more vocally protective of Sirius to his family, but James is quick to defend Sirius to Sirius. Sirius is very protective of you and James (don’t pity the dead, Harry, pity the ones who insult or offend Sirius’ bf/gf), and has been known to make things physical if he feels it’s necessary. In the end, all three of you are protective, because all three of you know that the ones you love deserve to be protected. 
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? We’ve already covered that you and James sing Sirius to sleep sometimes, but James sometimes tells you stories or about how much he loves you when you’re sleeping, and Sirius tends to jump in and add in his two cents. 
19) Who drives and who has the window seat? As wizards/witches, you don’t drive much, but Sirius drives his motorbike. He’s considering adding another sidecar, but for now, one rides in the sidecar while the other rides in the seat behind him. 
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed? You hold the title for the sleepiest bitch in the world, so you’re always falling asleep in places that aren’t in the bed. Sirius and James alternate carrying you to bed--yeah, they could use magic, but then they wouldn’t be able to hold you close and hear your little sleepy “thankyoubaby” as they laid you in bed. So they carry you. It’s a win-win. 
21) Who cuts the others hair? You do. You’re the only person alive who Sirius trusts with his hair, though James doesn’t really mind who does his hair most of the time. 
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day? James is horrible at sexting because he just can’t seem to stop himself from making everything into a pun. Sirius is...really, really good at it. Like, disturbingly good. You’re the one who sends the boys messages throughout the day, and you’re really good at knowing when one of them needs an encouraging message and sending them an owl at just the right time. 
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry? Sirius is CERTAIN that he isn’t good enough for the two of you, that you and James would be better off without him, that he’s just getting in the way. He gets more and more comfortable with his place in the trio as time goes on, though. James is terrified that he’ll fuck up and lose both of you, and needs constant reassurance, even though he comes off as the most sure. You’re the one who thinks you’re going to mess up, ruin your relationship and friendship, and the boys are always telling you not to worry, that you’re perfect and they love you. All in all, you’re all a bunch of insecure idiots who love each other dearly. 
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them? James. He slow dances with you and plays air guitar with Sirius. Sirius ballroom dances with you both--he’d been trained as a child, and he’s also the one who picks you up and kisses you. You’re usually the one who’s running around and grabbing asses. 
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? BOTH of them! You’d think you’d be used to it by now, but you’re not!
26) Who kissed first? Sirius and James kissed first, then Sirius and you, then James and you, and then all three of you. The first time the three of you kissed, soft and slow, James had said: “Shit. Why the hell haven’t we done this sooner?”
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark? Either of the boys--they’re always hungry. You’re the one who’s waking them up because you heard a noise, or you’re too cold, or you want a drink of water. One of them, usually whoever’s closest to you, will mumble “ok, baby”, take your hand, and take you wherever you need to go. 
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them? James writes horrible songs that make you cry from laughing, Sirius writes gorgeous songs that just make you cry, and you walk around the kitchen banging a pot with a spoon while screeching their names over and over. Your house is...not a quiet one. 
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires? James does the stunt, usually with Sirius’s help, and you have to patch them up. 
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute? Sirius is embarrassed, you and James nearly pass out with how cute he looks. 
I hope you liked it--I don’t...I don’t even know, ya’ll haha! 
Taglist: @lexxierave @loveintheroyalfamily @suchatinyinfinity@fanfictionrecommendations-com  @maxslime-blog @elanor-of-imladris@songforhema @lucielandss @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @themadhatter92@realduckvader @the-blind-assassin-12 @christinawxxx @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @luminex3 @littlemermaidprobz @ashkuuuu@luckysstrikes @carlaangel86 @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso@teacuplotus @iaintnofurry @thesumofmychoices @ymariejp @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan @whovianayesha @holamor @drinix @rhabakoli @stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens @starkrobb@marauderskeeper @charlylama @thesandbeneathmytoes @gollyderek
Sirius Taglist: @thebabblingbookworm @khuangpu13 @miss-nerd95 @thesumofmychoices @belladonnarey
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erasethedarkness · 6 years
Could I get a hc/scenario where present mic has a gf, going through a depressive episode, calling herself a burden/useless etc?
Hello, Hizashi’s Hurtin’ Anon! I’m sorry I took so long with responding to this request. I hope you’ve been well, and if you’ve been going through your own depressive episode, that help has been at your side. It’s been a while since you submitted this, so my hope is (if you were feeling depressed before) that you’re feeling better now, and that this scenario helps with making things just a bit kinder and brighter.
Reader: Female
Scenario: Every Friday, Present Mic stops by your place to spend time with you. It’s simply one of the view rituals you could count on in your relationship. This Friday, he found a complete dark home and was drawn to the bathroom by the sound of running water and a song, where he found you sitting in the shower, sobbing. 
Words: 1401
Song Inspiration: Crash and Burn - Savage Garden
If you need to fall apart, I can mend a broken heart…
Was there anything better than a Friday afternoon for a teacher? Present Mic always looked forward to it because it marked the end of the work week for one of his jobs- but more importantly, it was the beginning of your time together. Every Friday, he would stop by your place after finishing up at U.A., no matter how many times he saw or missed you during the week. This was the one constant you two kept during your relationship, and it was the brightest part of the week, especially when you two were unable to see each other.
By now, he just started letting himself into your apartment. You knew to expect him around this time; it was like clockwork after all. As soon as he was allowed to leave the campus, he was on his way to you. Sometimes he’d take an extra five minutes to pick up flowers or something small but dear, and other times he’d rush just to have an extra five minutes with you. Today, he wanted as much time with you as possible. He missed you, and somehow, it felt like more than usual.
When he let himself into your place, he stopped in his tracks, his smile falling to a confused expression. The rooms were completely dark. You even went through the extra effort of drawing the blackout curtains together, and closing the blinds. He heard the shower running, and the soft, melancholy lullaby of The Swan by Saint-Saëns, a chill jolting down his spine as worry prompted him to close the door and approach the bathroom. The running water and gentle music suggested someone was in there, but he couldn’t make out a single light or any other sign. This was so very unlike you that he was genuinely concerned that something happened. Did a villain break in? Were you alive? His worried heart pounded fiercely.
“(Y/N)?” Yamada called out gently, knocking on the door. He waited, holding his breath in his chest, hoping to hear your voice. His hand came to the door handle and he turned it, surprised that it was unlocked. When no response came, he took a deep, shaky breath. “(Y/N), I’m coming in.”
To his surprise, he found a single candle lit on the sink, your phone face down next to it with the piano accompanied cello piece on repeat. Just barely, he was able to make out your silhouette as you sat in the shower with your knees hugged to your chest. It looked like your head was resting on them, either bowed or looking to the side- he couldn’t tell. But what he could tell was that you were crying, despite trying to use the sound of the shower and song to mask it.
“Hey, lover… What’s wrong?” His voice was incredibly gentle as he stepped to the bathtub, sitting down with his back against the wall and leg pressed against the ceramic basin, the curtain still pulled between you two.
Hearing your voice, he sighed silently in relief, though the tension in his body didn’t unwind at all. The amount of devastation in your voice was insurmountable and agonized him in ways he could never explain to someone who had never been in love.
“I’m here, (Y/N). Like always, y’know?” He pulled off his fingerless gloves and took off his jacket, slipping his hand beyond the curtain and offering it to you. When you didn’t take it, he sighed and gently stroked your shin with his knuckles, trying to reach through to you. “I’m always here for you, babe…”
You sniffled and choked on a sob as you felt his caress, water beating down on you as if they were the words tearing you apart in your head. Your shaky hand came down from your knee and took his, holding it tightly as your body trembled. He squeezed back, loosening up just to squeeze again, setting a steady and calm rhythm to help ground you. Only your sniffling and gasping accompanied the perfectly tuned strings, the cello, piano, and water coming together in their own symphony as words failed you. Ever patient, Yamada sat with you in the bathroom, letting you take as much time as you needed to come around to him. No matter what, he trusted you to come back, even from the darkest parts of your head and heart.
“Hizashi… I’m so sorry…” The words came slowly and through gasps that showed just how hard you were sobbing.
“Why are you sorry, hon…?” He gave your hand another squeeze, running his thumb over your knuckles.
“I’m sorry I’m so-…” you choked up on the words, finding them harder to say to him than to yourself. “I’m so…”
“Wonderful?” he filled in, knowing that wasn’t where you were going, but where he wanted to take you instead. “Fantastic? Oh- you’re so lovely!”
“No… No, I’m not!” you cried out, letting go of his hand and clutching your head as water cascaded down your face, overtaking your tears. “I’m worthless!” Once you said it, it felt impossible to stop. “I’m a complete waste of space, Hizashi. I don’t deserve you. You don’t- you don’t need such a terrible burden like me. You deserve so much better! I’m just… I’m just…  I’m nothing,” you cried. The words ached coming out of you, your chest incredibly tight with pain, heart and head fully believing every word you said. Hearing nothing in return, you convinced yourself that the man you loved finally realized he was well out of your league. You cried harder, eyes shut tightly as you curled up into yourself as much as you could, trying so desperately to disappear beneath the water, wishing it could wash all of you away.
Your head snapped back as you felt something brush against your sides. With the dim light of the candle hardly shining past the curtain, you struggled to make out the legs that slid out from either side of you. Undressed, Yamada slipped into the shower behind you. His fingers gently pressed against your ankles before sliding up your shins to your knees.
“That’s not true, (Y/N),” he whispered gently to you, his soft voice cutting through the blanketing sound of water. You felt his chin against your shoulder as he leaned his head against yours, his hands crossing each other as he wrapped his arms around you. “Even if I could never put a price on you, that makes you invaluable, not worthless.” A soft kiss met your skin, his lips lingering as he spoke into you. “If you want to insist you’re nothing, let me remind you that nothing is perfect, and that’s exactly what you are to me: perfect.”
Quietness fell between you two as he held you close. You could feel his heart beating against your back. Over and over, he faintly placed kisses against your skin and hair, replacing each one as it was washed away. His hands traced over your body in loving caresses, giving you as many physical sensations as he could to draw you back to him. Each slide of his fingers called up goosebumps, a completely different touch than what the shower provided. He strummed his fingertips along your body and through your hair, drawing lines that somehow matched the melody of The Swan, the song continuing to play in an endless loop.
“I don’t deserve someone as wonderful as you,” you whispered coarsely, your throat in tough condition from such intense sorrow.
“Sure you do,” he corrected you with an almost playful tone. “If anyone deserves someone as wonderful as me, it’s you, (Y/N).” You could feel his smile against the back of your neck as he brushed your hair away to kiss it. “You’re my leading lady- the silver screen star that makes and breaks this movie we’ve all been cast in.” 
His hand came up to your face, finger and thumb at your chin as he turned you to look at him despite the darkness. Just barely, you could make out that broad smile beneath his little moustache that you adored. “…and I’m your biggest fan,” he reminded you, softly kissing your lips. “I love you, (Y/N). There’s no one else who could even compare.”
…and when it’s over, you’ll breathe again.
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honeylikewords · 6 years
Miguel or Poe trying to plan a birthday surprise for their gf.
Oh, thank you for the prompt! I’ve been just dying to write some cute Oscar-boy stuff (and it’s Oscar’s birthday today, too, as of yesterday!), and today’s been stressful, too, so this will be a good calm-down. I’ll write a little something for both boys!
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Poe’s big plan is a surprise party. All her friends, all of his (or, at least, the group of his friends that she gets along with), family, and their pets, if he can swing it. Anyone and everyone to celebrate his little love! After all, Poe’s a big fan of pulling out all the stops and making a big deal of his beloved, wanting everyone to admire her and see how wonderful she is.
He’s actually quite the clever little tactician, managing to take his sweetheart out for a full day of activities that don’t exhaust her but keep her sufficiently busy so that their apartment can be opened up by Finn (with a copy of Poe’s key), letting the guests in to set up the apartment with decorations and food and gifts, getting everything in order before the guest of honor (and her man) come home.
Poe keeps her distracted all day long, and at some point he almost starts to forget about the party; just spending the day with her on her birthday is a celebration in and of itself. He accompanies her as she mills around shops and explores the city, laughing with her, gawking at overpriced goods with her (“They want fifty for this?,” he hisses, holding up a neon lamp in a hipster boutique. “I could make us one for five!”), offering to buy her things here and there that she always politely refuses.
“You gotta let me spoil you, baby,” he coos as he places his hand on the small of her back, doing his best approximation of a puppydog pout. It’s a very, very good pout. “Your birthday comes but once a year!”
“And you always try to drag it out into a week-long thing,” she replies, “And you give me all these gifts, and it’s very, very sweet, but I don’t want you going out of your way for me! It’s not necessary to make a big fuss over me!”
“Starlight, I go out of my way for you because it’s a good thing to do for someone you love.” Poe slips his hand around hers and squeezes, meeting her gaze with firm but loving eyes. “I don’t want to overdo it, because doing too much might end up making you unhappy, but doing something to show you that you matter to me? That I care about you? That, for you, I’d go to the ends of the universe and back just on a whim of yours? Well, you know,” he smiles, leaning in to kiss her temple, “I think that’s necessary. Because I wanna show you, the world, and myself just how much I love you.”
“Aw, sweetheart!–”
“And that is why I am buying you this, right now,” Poe announces as he grabs an oversized plush of a marshmallow Peep bunny down from the shelf– she’d been admiring it earlier, making that sad little face Poe notices she always makes when she can’t justify to herself buying something she likes– and makes a break for the counter. 
“I AM DOING THIS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!,” he yells behind him as he runs. She reaches a hand out to stop him, to call and tell him to not waste his money, but he’s already out of range and headed straight to the register.
As they’re walking out of the store (Poe’s arms viced around the gigantic yellow bunny-shaped stuffie, making it hard for him to walk without periodically leering his head around the side of the Peep’s enormous ears), she brushes her fingers along his forearm, a quiet, intimate gesture. 
“Yeah?” His voice is slightly muffled by the Peep.
“…I love you very much, and I appreciate everything you do for me.”
“C’mere,” he smiles, sticking his head out from behind the Peep and puckering his lips, making his dearest smile as she leans in to kiss him. “I love you, darling, to the galaxy’s edge and back. Further, even! To the edge of the physical realm and back! To the void of antimatter and back! To the–”
“I know, baby,” she laughs. “I know.”
When they finally get back home, Poe pretends to struggle to unlock the door.
“What with my hands being rather full,” he grins at her, hoisting the Peep up in his arms. “Would you mind getting it? Keys are in my front pocket.”
She reaches in and finds the keys– while Poe makes comedic little gasps and waggles his eyebrows at her, murmuring “my, my, ma’am, can’t even wait ‘til we’re indoors” before getting shushed firmly– then unlocks the door, swinging it open.
She is then met with a loud chorus of voices, all joyously announcing “SURPRISE!”
As she stands in shock, Poe sets the Peep down and steps up behind her, smiling from ear to ear, the handsome crinkles around his eyes bunched together as he puts his hand against her back and rubs his thumb up and down her spine, absorbing the beauty of her wonderstruck face.
“Happy birthday, princess,” he whispers.
She tosses her arms around him and laughs as the guests all surge forward; it’s a shock, but she’s so grateful for her clever, kind, over-the-top man as she greets her guests, holding his hand and reeling with surprise.
Poe never leaves her side during the whole affair, even as all the guests mill around the apartment and dole out the birthday wishes. He holds her hand and stays near her, watching her with glee as she reacts joyfully to the festivities. When the time comes for the cake’s candles to be lit and the song to be sung, Poe is front and center, leading the chorus, his voice the loudest, strongest, and loveliest.
“Happy birthday, my darling,” he sing-songs, “Ha-a-a-ppy birthday to-o-o-o yo-o-o-o-u!”
She glows in the candlelight, her smile shining warm and bright back at him, and Poe’s heart fills with pride and love, an unmatched adoration. She looks so beautiful when she’s happy, and Poe is thrilled beyond words to have been able to be part of bringing this happiness to fruition. 
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Miguel’s birthday surprise is a little less social. Miggy is more of a recluse, more of a private person, so he doesn’t feel up to inviting a huge group of people over and dealing with the headache of a party. Instead, the surprise he plans to bestow on his beloved is this: a trip for just the two of them, away from Nueva York.
It’s not a long trip– the obligations of heroism prevent him from straying too far for too long– but it’s enough to, hopefully, refresh his spirits and show her that he cares about her enough to set aside time for just them.
However, the logistics of planning such a trip means there’s a great deal of secrecy and evasion needed on his part. Miguel tries his best to be subtle, but logging her information for the plane tickets and booking hotels without her noticing is a bit of a feat, sometimes. She can be so darn inquisitive, and he feels bad lying to her, or pretending that he’s not doing something big like this for her.
He wants her to know, but he also doesn’t want to spoil the surprise. He knows she’ll love it (she’s been talking about wanting to get out of the city and visiting the smaller, quieter nature-near towns elsewhere in the country), but still he frets, hoping he’s doing this right. After all, it’s not like he’s had all that much practice celebrating birthdays, whether his own or others; his family life had been far too harsh to allow for birthday joy. But he wants her to have a wonderful, special time with him, and feel the depths of his love, so he buckles down and makes the necessary arrangements.
“That’s funny,” his girlfriend says, hanging up the phone and turning to him, her brow knotted a little, “That was work.”
“Mm? What’d they say?”
“They said that I don’t need to come in next week; something about the office being closed for fumigation.”
“Odd,” Miguel says, trying not to smile at his own cleverness– he’d called in for her and asked for her to have the week off, then asked his beloved’s friend, the receptionist, to tell that fib– then joins her, tangling fingers together.
“But I suppose it’ll be nice to have you all to myself for the week,” he continues, softly petting her cheek and winking at her. “Birthday’s coming up and all, so… perhaps the lovely lady wants a whole week’s worth of festivities?”
“Oh, lord, no,” she snorts, batting his hand playfully. 
“Really,” teases Miguel, “No week-long bacchanalias? No swinging-from-the-chandeliers Gatsby-grade galas? No exorbitant gold and jewel-encrusted tiaras to mark the birthday princess’s passing through the streets?”
“Miggy, come on!”
“I know, I know,” he abates, kissing her cheek. “But at least promise to let me take you to dinner, hmm?”
“Dinner would be a delight,” and she punctuates her sentence with a peck on his lips before sighing and relaxing her head onto his shoulder, swaying with him for a moment.
Miguel puts a hand on her head and strokes along her hair, admiring the texture, the weight, the scent and warmth of her. She cuddles into him, and he kisses her forehead, silently soothing her.
When her birthday finally rolls around, Miguel puts on a nice suit– not overfancy, but still good enough to let her know he considers the occasion upscale– and takes her to dinner at a quiet, higher-end restaurant. They talk over dinner, laughing and sharing stories, anecdotes from the week, memories. As they’re paying the bill, polishing off the last remnants of their plates, Miguel casually mentions that he wants to leave Nueva York, get some fresh air.
“We could go,” she says quietly, moving some garnish around on her empty plate with her fork, hesitant. “I have the week off, you know, and we could just… I dunno, get in the car, go on a road trip? Get a motel, I dunno…”
“Sweetie,” Miguel offers, taking her hand and suppressing a laugh, “I assure you, a motel will not be necessary.”
“Do you… not want to go? It’s okay, it was a silly idea, anyway–”
“Don’t be so hasty,” says Miguel as he reaches into his coat, pulling out an envelope, his smile so wide that his fangs are visible. “I never said I didn’t want to go.”
He places the envelope on the table and nudges his chin at it, a nonverbal cue for her to open it. She looks between him and the envelope, almost as if waiting, but slowly opens it and pulls out its contents.
Two airline tickets and a receipt of reservation at a hotel out in the countryside, far, far from Nueva York. She looks at the names on the tickets: hers and Miguel’s, side by side. She blinks, then looks back at him, her eyes beginning to water.
“Miggy, really?”
“All paid for, set and ready. The plane’s scheduled for tomorrow, if you’re ready.”
“I… I don’t know what to say!”
“A ‘yes’ and ‘let’s rush home to pack bags and then do some birthday canoodling’ would be music to my ears,” Miguel jokes, putting his chin in his hand and grinning at her. “But if it’s a ‘no’, I can get refunded on all of this and buy you something better.”
“Miguel, there couldn’t be anything better than being with you,” she smiles, leaning over the table to kiss him enthusiastically. “Let’s go, let’s get our bags! Oh, I just can’t wait!”
“Me either! A hotel room all to ourselves… think of the mischief we’ll make!”
He laughs as they stand from the table and rush to head home, her hand in his, an adventure awaiting them. She seems to gleam with anticipation, her eyes glittering with mirth and impatience, and Miguel’s heart beats fast to see her so gloriously excited. He feels her pull him in for a big kiss as they hail down a taxi to get home, and his eyes fall shut, his thrill rising in his belly.
This may have been a birthday surprise for her, he thinks, but, God, is it as much a gift for himself to be with her like this.
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the-kipsabian · 6 years
Also sparkleharper and/or spaceharper
sparkleharper ~
Who offers their jacket when the other is cold?jared. this smol thing on his side cant be cold, nope he wont allow. his sparkles will keep him warm lol
Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up?idk how many times i can repeat myself, but mads will just. yell. and she cant pick up jared so yep
Who compliments the other in front of everyone?jareddddd. mostly cause thats just what he does tbh. and mads doesnt need to say anything to compliment him in front of everybody tbh, everyone already knows how fantastic the school senpai is lol
Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun?i think in this case the puns fall on mads to deliver? being the courteous gentleman that he is, jared laughs. pretty much every time, not even depending whether he gets it or not tbh
When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?jared puts up a “fashion show” for mads, completed with a photoshoot session of goofy outfits and expressions and googly eyes. when jared needs to distress, mads sits him down, asks him to ramble to her about any recent d&d games and help him plot some really stupid and lighthearted side quests while having a relaxing cup of tea and some kit made cookies
If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear?blue. lots of blue. mads wants jared to wear his blue shirt (”its pretty and its soft and you look so nice in it”) and jared insist she wears one of his shirts (”cause its adorable, they are so big on you”) and her favorite pair of blue jeans. i dont think i need to say why anymore at this point lol
Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go?for this, i wanna say mads? jared obviously isnt too keen on introducing anyone to his family, and while mads is very hesitant about this, especially since this is a super well-behaved boy its. gonna get very awkward considering what kind of a bunch of normies my family is mmmm. but jared is a good boio underneath all that rich senpai stuff, so it would probably go very well in the end, actually
In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer?jared is too pretty to work as a coffee shop employee sssooo hes the customer, and mads is the daydreaming waitress woo
When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person has their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ECT.jared definitely. has at least one arm flung around her at like all times. if he needs to be more discreet in like a more public place or whatnot, he holds her hand under the table
What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy?jared definitely tries to befriend the stray cats tbh. mads takes his encouragement about herself to heart and whenever jared is feeling down or just generally missing her, she send him little video messages to cheer him on and selfies she wouldnt sent to anyone else cause jared keeps saying he loves seeing her and that makes him happy so dang it shes gonna push past her comfort zone to be more comfortable with herself and make him happy
What would they do to celebrate their one year anniversary?jared would arrange something very elaborate tbh. take her to dinner, possibly see a movie, go to the arcade, win her everything she wants, walks in the moonlight.. literally anything that he can think of, and he would fit it into either one day or over the weekend, if mads seems like shes gonna get exhausted by it
When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another?i feel like they both had like. hard time actually recognizing when it was love tbh? like yeah mads first falls for him cause of aesthetic reasons, and jared is playing the senpai card of loving every girl, so you cant really tell on the outside when its actually love or when either of them develop like real feelings, but at some point it just. kinda becomes obvious that oh shit i. love this person?? and yeah its jared who definitely says it first tho. its like an offhand remark at first and mads is like ‘what did you say’ and jared repeats it and realizes that oh heck i. actually do mean this??
Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss?jared does this as a combo, mads sneaks in little kisses when hes piggybacking her around tbh
Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist?i feel like mads would do that? jared is more about more expensive presents, while mads cant really afford that so she has to pull something selfmade together and yeah, that happens. its mostly like ambient sounds and background music tbh, stuff she thinks will inspire him and what he could use for d&d games and maybe some more upbeat stuff for the fashion shows and for better days
Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars?they could both do this tbh? mads wants to surprise him so she arranges a little cuddling under a blanket while stargazing moment, and jared just does this a lot in general
spaceharper ~
Who offers their jacket when the other is cold?jeff. mom friend habits kick in and they kick in hard. this has also probably been established somewhere in the canon of this route anyways lol
Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up?im gonna keep repeating myself but mads. except that she yells. put her down yall pls
Who compliments the other in front of everyone?mmm i wanna say jeff? but its like. really soft things and its done in almost unnoticeable fashion, like its just really offhand comments like “oh shes so sweet” etc. unless its something that she has given him a permission to share about her writing. then jeff will lose his freaking mind cause eveRYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS THING MY GF DID OMG
Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun?i’d imagine jeff is more of a pun man out of these two. he does it very casually tho, like most of the time its not on purpose or he doesnt put much emphasis on it, so most of the time mads just misses it. if she gets it tho, she will most likely laugh
When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?jeff arranges some cuddle time, with the help of kit builds a blanket fort, gets some scented candles, and they just cuddle up with some strays and play animal intersection. if its jeff that needs destressing, mads will literally cling onto him until he sits down and just takes it easy - which is her cue to throw a blanket on him, get jeff a cup of tea and just sit down and talk about random nonsense with him to make sure he takes a break from everything
If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear?onesies all day every day. jeff in a hamster onesie, and mads in a fox one
Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go?jefffffff. i think ive crossed this topic enough times by now tbh lol
In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer?mmmm i’d say jeff is the customer? i could see him working in a coffee shop tho, but this pair feels better to me with mads behind the counter tho
When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person has their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ECT.jeff does what mads feels comfortable at the moment. usually its just limited to hand holding, tho if they are in relax mode, like playing games and mads doesnt wanna be too cuddled up but still wants to be close enough to jeff, there will at least be her legs in his lap
What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy?jeff brings sweets and stray cats. hes also always available for cuddles and advice when needed. mads sends him stupid pictures of her with googly eyes and gets him hamster related gifts cause they made her think of him
What would they do to celebrate their one year anniversary?STARGAZING WITH CANDLE LIGHT PICNIC NEXT QUESTION
When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another?jeff helps her through some rough times and shes like. oh heck i like this boi like. LIKE him. oh dear goodness me what do. jeff comes somewhere afterwards as they spend more time together and thats where the whole ‘you wanna join hidden club’ thing comes along and only after that jeff has it in him to actually tell her how she feels mmmmalso it would. probably actually be mads who tells him first? jeff has hard time opening up about his feelings even if they are there, so it falls on her to confess about it first yay
Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss?both honestly? tho jeff needs to be sitting down for this lol, but yeah they both do it. its just a cute little way to show the other that hey im glad youre here
Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist?probably both? with both asking help from luke cause oh my god wHAT DO
Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars?mads? its one of those nights when jeff really needs to destress and she knows how much he likes space and stars and stuff so she basically drags him out to just lay on the grass and stare up at the sky like yes pls jeff tell me about your plan to shoot hamsters into space again tho i mean when you put it like that its not like. super romantic pfff but you know it doesnt need to be romantic as long as it makes him happy
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cb-143 · 6 years
Xeno-T Reaction: Their s/o is obsessed with Harry Potter
@huis-totally-innocent-smirk:  Guten Abend meine Liebe❤ Can I please have a ToppDogg reaction (ft. Jenshe) to their gf being a huge Harry Potter fan? Like she sometimes just randomly says some spells or wears a HP houses cape (yano what i mean i hope) etc etc
The TV was heard in the background, some commercial for dish-soap was on, but Sehyuk didn't really mind, as he was typing away on his phone. You were currently in the kitchen, cutting tomatoes for the salad you'd have for dinner. So as Sehyuk was doodling around on his phone, he focused on the rhythmic sound of your cutting. He didn't know why, but those sounds sounded so domestically.. reassuring to him. So when the sound suddenly stopped, he looked up, meeting your dreamy eyes with his confused ones. Still holding the knife that was now dripping tomato-juice, you walked into the living room and pointed at the TV that now showed the Warner Brother's Opening sequence, and was loudly playing Hedwigs Theme. "Harry potter" you whispered, happy and mesmirised.
"What did I marry?" whispered Sehyuk back in a shocked voice.
He was annoyed at you. He wanted to go on a date with you, but all you wanted to do was watch those darn movies. It ended up with him leaving out of anger, and you crying your eyes out in the shower. When you came out of the shower and went back into your bedroom with only the towel on, you were surprised to find Jenissi sitting on your bed.
"I-I'm so-" you went to apologise, but Taeyang stopped you. He pulled you towards him, the towell sliding off in the process, and you fell on your bed. Pinning your hands down with his large, strong hands, he immediately started to attack your body with his mouth, kissing and licking in all the areas he could reach. He aggressively nibbled on your neck, determined to leave a mark there. You were so overwhelmed, felt so good. Your head felt so cloudy, you didn't even notice when Jenissi reached below your bed to pull out something from below. You only noticed when even more pleasure ran through you as Jenissi turned on the vibrator he held against your clit//the head of your cock.
"Who needs Hogwarts when you can just get a hitatchi wand?"
"Tell me again why I have to do this?" It was a while back, before Xeno-T even debuted as Topp Dogg, when you had dragged him with you to be one of the first ones to buy the new book. Since Hojoon loved his pottery glasses, you had made him fully dress up as Hojoon Potter, had even drew him the scar and bought him the full on outfit, with wand, broom, and co. Now you stood in front of your local book store, all dressed up, and waiting. While it was cold, and it was late, and there are several other things he could be doing right now, Hojoon thought that this had something cute. He got to spend time with you, do something with you that's connected to something the both of you love. He might be freezing to death,  but at least he was going to die with his favourite person... if only they let them into the bookstore!!
"Can we really not get in? They have to know how cold it is, right? Have you tried alohomora?"
He knew what a big fan of Harry Potter you were, so when you went to London to spend your holiday there, he took you to the 'Making Of Harry Potter' Warner Brothers Studio Tour. You had a blast going through it, and Sangdo enjoyed it too: He took so many pictures of the things they had on display, or of you in front of certain things, or of the both of you. What seemed the most beautiful and amazing to not only him but you as well though was the big model of the Hogwarts Castle in the last room of the tour. It was gigantic, there were stairs leading all around it as you walked from top to bottom. Sangdo thought it looked best from below, and went to capture the castle from this angle – dropping his camera in the process. You were shocked, hoping he didn't break his camera. When Sangdo stayed on his knee for a moment, just staring at the camera, you were even more worried. You asked him about the camera, but all he did was to look at you, a blush on his cheeks, and smiling shyly. He took your hand in his, fishing something out of his pocket with his other hand, when he asked you the question. "Y/N Y/L/N.. Will you marry me?"
For your birthday this year, Yooncheol went all out. He knew how much you love Harry Potter and that you've always loved it. So he got many, m a n y decorations. He used empty toilet roll things and covered them up in tissue, making candles out of them, which he then hung onto the ceiling in your kitchen. On the inside of the toilet lid, he put a picture of the moaning Myrtle. He printed out lots and lots of pictures, some random ones like a picture of the Hogwarts Express, some ghosts of Hogwarts, and some pictures you'd find in the lovely castle of the school. There were so many things, it took him hours to plan, to make/build, and to put everything in it's place, he almost forgot to make you a cake (which was in the shape of a snitch). When you finally got home to all of this, you were so shocked, so overwhelmed. You were speechless, and Yooncheol didn't know if it was good or bad. He stood there kind of awkwardly, until you jumped onto him, hugging him tightly to thank him for what he had done. "Do you like it, baby? Happy birthday..."
When you first suggested having a movie night or a full on movie marathon, Byungjoo didn't think of something like Harry Potter. He knew you loved the series, and how often you had re-read the books, but he didn't think you'd actually do a Harry Potter marathon. He had imagined a shorter series, something that didn't have 8 films, and wouldn't take up so, S O many hours. When it finally came to it, and you told him about your actual magical plans, he was still really hyped for it. Watching movies was fun after all, so, what should go wrong? Well, he found out how it could go wrong shortly after.
Not only did you whisper every single word the characters said when they said it, which was kind of creepy to him, but you also hummed the music, the melodies and everything, when they were heard. He was freaked out enough by that, but managed to fall asleep nonetheless. When he later woke up, you were on the 6th movie, still wide awake, eyes glued to the screen, and a piece of popcorn on the corner of your mouth. How were you even doing this? ”Wow..” Byungjoo decided to change the course of the evening. He leaned forward, capturing the piece of popcorn between his lips, pulling it into his mouth with his tongue, before kissing you.
"Let me show you the magic I can do."
He was playing one of these quiz-duel-games on his phone, but since he's definitely not the smartest, he needed your help. The fact that he didn't know the answer to the current question made you ask yourself why you did not break up with him yet: "What's the address of the Durselys in Harry Potter? A) Privet Drive 4, B) Linguster Way 7, C) 221B Baker Str, D) Privet Drive. 10." "Are you serious?" you'd practically yell at him, "It's literally in the first line of the book! 'Mr. And Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much' it's basically history! Basic knowledge!" you went on a full on rant, Jiho zoning out about half way through, only coming back to you mentally to hear "[...] and if Ron had never tried to make Malfoy spit out slugs, then obviously he wouldn't be with Hermione now, and also..." Honestly, by now Jiho just wished he had never asked you. The time for his game had run out already. 20 years had passed since you started ranting at him.
"I.. I only wanted to know the answer to the question?"
You had a discussion (more like heated argument) about which movie is the surperior, Harry Potter or [insert any literally any other movie title, hp always wins]. Sanggyun was behaving almost ignorant, not understanding your point of view, and not wanting to understand that Harry Potter was, is, and will always be one of the best book and movie series. "I just don't get," he started, sighing, "what you like so much about it? It's seven books. My series only has like 3 and it's enough to tell the whole story." - "oh, oh you want to know what I like so much about it?!" Sanggyun nodded frantically. "Well aren't I glad you asked! Give me a second!"
You came back an hour later with your laptop, on it a Power-Point presentation with 64 slides, detailed graphs, examples, animations, fancy effects and everything. You proceeded to show Sanggyun everything you had written down, everything you found out, to show him just how great Harry Potter is. Sanggyun found it both hilarious and cute that you went through so much, went to such lengths, just for a few fictional characters. He couldn't even be mad at you. He had to let you win.
"I love you, babe. You're even more extra than me."
You dragged him to a convention near your home. You were so excited for it, as was Sangwon, it was the first convention you'd go to, and it was all based around Harry Potter! You cosplayed as [your favourite character] and made Sangwon cosplay as Newt Scamander.
At first, you both had so much fun looking at all the other people cosplaying, looking at all the booths with merch and other kinds of things.. then after a few hours, Sangwon asked to go home the first time. His feet hurt. But this was a one time thing, and you couldn't come back to this again. Sangwon understood how much you loved Harry Potter, so he agreed to stay a bit longer.
Then, you came to another big thing with merch on it, and it had the coolest, cutest, and just best merch out of any of the booths you had seen! It had t-shirts with some really rare quotes (ones out of the books, even!), had figurines and plushies, different kinds of sweets... there were so many things, and you felt pumped, like you were in heaven. You were smiling so wide, felt giddy, as you pointed out one thing after the other to Sangwon.
"And that, that quote on that one, is from the second book, and it's something Ginny said to Harry, and it's sooo legendary, and oh!! Do you see that cat over there? Oh my god that is Crookshanks!! That is soo adorable! Oh my god we have to get that! Please please please??"
Sangwon felt so exhausted, his feet hurt so much, and he just wanted a bed, a nice drink and some sleep. But in his tired state, he found you even cuter than usual. He smiled softly, nodded, already pulling out his wallet. He loved that you were so passionate about it, and your smile was so cute to him that he couldn't even be annoyed at you.
*too tired and awkward to speak, shhh*
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servabrs · 7 years
BTS reaction to coming home and getting spoiled by you
A/N: Hello! If it isn't too much could you do a BTS reaction to coming home and their gf has prepared their favorite meal for them, has a hot bath ready, and gives them a full body massage after they've had a long, tiring day? If not, I understand. Thank you :) Jin / Kim Seokjin
“Princess, what are you doing there?” Jin asks as he enters the kitchen, just returning home from a long day of filming. “Thursday is normally my day to cook something for us!” he states as he comes closer to you glimpsing at the food you are preparing. “I know.” you chuckle, turning around to him, soflty grabbing his neck to pull him down into a kiss “But I want you to really take care of yourself, and you already worked so hard today. Now it’s my time to spoil you, so why don’t you get comfortable in the living room. Dinner is nearly ready.”. Suprised he smiles at you, gently rubbing his hands up and down your waist leaning down to soflty kiss your forehead before he leaves to the living room. Just as you arrive at the dining table, a plate with a huge lobster on it, Jin lights up the final candle before opening up his favourite white wine. “You’re too good to me, princess.” he softly states, reaching for your hand to gently squeeze it thankfully. “Only the best for you!” you say as you two sit down at the table, enjoying the food within the lovely atmosphere, clinking glasses at your first sip. As you two finished your meal you get up to clean up the table, shushing Jin away as he attempts to help you “You can go to the bathroom, babe. There is a flower bath waiting for you!”. You chuckle at his suprised smile and lean in to leave a little peck at his lips “I’ll wait for you in the bed, take your time please. I really want you to enjoy it.”. After you cleaned the kitchen, including the dishes, you head to the bedroom, preparing your last suprise for the day. As Jin finally steps into the bedroom, only a loose towel wrapped around his waist, radiating a beautiful smell of flowers, you pat on the bed, signaling him to lay down. “I thought you would really deserve a massage. So please get comfortable and tell me where it hurts.” you say as you shift in your seat, ready to go to work. Smirking, Jin takes a seat on the bed and leans forward to you, faces only a breath apart, leaving you flustered. “My lips.” he chuckles and you playfully hit his arm before you give in and lean closer, connecting your lips for a gentle kiss. After detaching himself from your mouth he softly whispers “But next time, it’s my turn to spoil you again, princess.” Suga / Min Yoongi
Quite absorbed in cooking you don’t even notice Yoongi came home from work until you hear his voice say “This smells really good”. Startled you turn around and smile at him, saying “Oh, welcome back! I’m preparing Bulgogi, but I still need some time.” and turn back to the kitchen counter. “Do you need help?” Yoongi asks as he steps behind you, putting his arms around your waist. “No, but I have a hot bath ready for you. Feel free to use it while I’m cooking.” you answer and place a kiss on his cheek. Yoongi raises his brows “What’s up with you today?” as he slowely lets go of you. Sighing you reply “You’re working so hard, I’m afraid you’re not resting enough. It’s important to treat yourself from time to time. Now go and take a bath, I need to get this done.” focused on preparing the meal. “Okay, okay. I’m on my way.” Yoongi chuckles as he walks into the bathroom and remains standing in front of the with candles decorated bathtub, taking some time to enjoy the sight you created for him. Meanwhile you start setting the table with tableware you’d normally use for feasts and light some pretty candles you’ve bought for this occasion. After arranging all the food you’ve prepared on the table you take a break and sit down, waiting for Yoongi to finish his bath. “Thanks for preparing a bath for me, is dinner ready?” Yoongi asks as he steps out of the bathroom, about ten minutes later, only dressed with a towel around his hips. You nod your head with a grin on your face and get up, taking a quick look at the table to see if everything’s as perfect as you intended it to be. “Okay, I’ll just put on some clothes.” he says, hurrying to the bedroom. “Don’t stress yourself!” you call after him and take place at the table. Yoongi finally returns with a cute smile on his face and says “This looks really good, Y/N.” as he sits down and starts filling his plate with food. Seeing him eat properly feels so satisfying you can breathe easily again “I have another surprise for you when we’re done eating”. Immediately Yoongi looks up from his plate, asking “What, there’s more?”. You nod and give him a smirk as you reply “Yes, I’ll give you a full body massage until you fall asleep”. And for a few seconds Yoongi just looks into your eyes and smiles, not being able to find any words for his happiness. “I’m not telling you often enough, but I am so glad you are mine, Y/N.” J Hope / Jung Hoseok
“I’m back, Y/N.” Hoseok says as he enters the apartment, already hearing your footsteps. Hurrying you slide across the floor, almost falling, and run up to Hoseok to engage him into an affectionate hug as you whisper into his ear “Welcome back, dear.”. After appreciating your arms around him for a while Hoseok lets go of you and cups your face in his hands, saying “Are you that happy to see me?” with a bright smile on his face. Happily you nod and start showering his beautiful face with pecks that make him smile even more “I hope you’re hungry, cause I prepared tons of gambas for you”. Hoseok gazes at you in disbelief, asking “What, really?” as he takes your hand and walks into the kitchen, seeing the well-laid table “You really did that. Thank you so much.”. Proudly you grin up to him and place another peck on his cheek, mumbling “Have a seat, you’re going to get spoiled tonight”. Not waiting any longer Hoseok takes place and enjoys having dinner with you, talking about work and how sorry he feels that he doesn’t have much time for you lately. As soon as he finishes eating you stand up and take his hand, saying “I have something else I want to show you.”. With a clueless look on his face Hoseok stands up as well and follows you into the bathroom, where he sees the hot bath you prepared for him, decorated with flower petals and a pleasant smell emitting from the water. “Oh, Y/N! I don’t know what to say, you don’t have to go that far for me. I’m happy enough with just having you around.” he says shyly covering his wide grin with his hand. Chuckling you answer “Why are you acting all embarrassed now, just enjoy it!” and start unbuttoning his shirt. “Yes, uhm, I can do this myself, Y/N” Hoseok responds and stops your hands from moving any further, not being able to hold back his smirk. Seeing his face you can’t help but gently pinch his cheeck, saying “What kind of thoughts are you having, huh? I still have something to do while you take a bath, see you later!” before turning around and leaving him alone. “We’re not taking the bath together?” Hoseok calls after you, alreading knowing the answer. While your precious ray of sunshine is busy relaxing in the bathtub you wash the dishes and clean the table before preparing the bedroom with shining aromatic candles and wait on the bed for Hoseok to find you. “Here you are!” he says after finishing his bath “I see you have another surprise for me”. Slowely you get up and pull him next to you on the bed, whispering “Oh, yes. I’ll provide you with the best massage of your life”. Hoseok smiles softly in response, letting his hand glide over your cheek “I can’t wait for that, Y/N.” Rap Monster / Kim Namjoon
You’re already waiting at the door for Namjoon, since you heard him enter the staircase and open it for him as soon as you hear the sound of his keys. “Welcome home, Namjoon.” you smile and step aside for him to enter. “Hey, babe.” he says as he steps in and leans down to place a kiss on your forehead. “We’re having Tonkatsu today, but you might want to take a shower first.” you respond while closing the door. Namjoon starts smiling shyly “Why, do I smell?”. You chuckle and shake your head as you pat his shoulder “Don’t worry, I just need you to go to the bathroom while I’m cooking”. Confused Namjoon walks away and a few seconds later you hear something like a surprised “Ehhh!” coming from the room. Amused by his reaction you step behind him and rest your head on his shoulder, saying “Ta-dah! While I’m cooking you can enjoy your hot bath”. Namjoon immediately turns around to you, pulling you close to spoil your mouth with a long kiss and only lets go from your lips to whisper “You’re the best, Y/N!”. Perplexed by his strong reaction you feel your face turning red and look aside “Well, you’re working even harder than usual lately, so I thought I’d give my best too.”. “I really appreciate it.” Namjoon says as he detaches himself from you, then adding “I’ll take my time and enjoy the bath you prepared for me!”. With a big smile you nod and leave him alone to cook the Tonkatsu you promised earlier, having just enough time for that plus setting the table until Namjoon walks into the kitchen, already dressed in comfortable clothes. “You’re already done?” you ask. Namjoon grins and sits down at the table, replying “I couldn’t wait to eat your food, that’s why.”. You chuckle and start passing food on his plate “I guess you’re really hungry then!”. Namjoon nods in response and joyfully shoves the food in his mouth, clearly enjoying the meal. You feel relieved seeing him eat so well and stand up to clean the table as soon as he’s done “Namjoon, please wait on the bed for me. There’s another thing I want to do for you tonight”. He raises his brows as he gets up, saying “I’m looking forward to that.” before leaving. A little while later you enter the bedroom just to see that Namjoon already fell asleep waiting for you. “He had a long day of work after all.” you think as you put a blanket over him, softly kissing his head. Jimin / Park Jimin
“Hey, babe!” you jump up in joy as you hear the frontdoor opening up. As you enter the hallway you face a rather messy Jimin, scarf up to his nose and beanie low to prevent him from the cold. Before he can peel off his jacket, you wrap your arms around him, nuzzling your face into his neck. Chuckling at your affection he gently holds you tight, soflty kissing your temple. “I’m sorry you had to wait for me, kitten. Practice took us so long since we’re so tired lately with all the performances.” he apologises after you let loose of him. “Don’t worry, due to your stress I want you to really relax this evening. I made your favourite meal!” you say in anticipation as you walk back to the kitchen. “My favourite? But it changes all the time.” Jimin questioningly asks as he hangs up his jacket. Amused you stick your head back through the doorframe to smile at Jimin “I know. That’s why I made pork, duck and chicken!”. With a beaming smile he follows you into the kitchen and sighs as he hugs you from behind, trying not to disrupt you handling the food “You know me better than I know myself.”. He chuckles and nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. As you serve the food on the dining table, Jimin lights up a little candle, winking at you as you just roll your eyes and laugh at his cute idea. After finishing the food and cleaning the dishes Jimin drags you to the sofa, turning on the TV to watch something rather unspectacular, actually just wanting to cuddle. The moment you got comfortable on the sofa laying halfway down, Jimin gets on top of you, head cuddled into your chest. “Thank you, Y/N. I love you.” he says as he looks up to steal a kiss from you. “Anytime, babe!” you answer, gently letting your hand wander through his hair as he curls up on top of you. Bending down you kiss the top of his head whispering a soft “I love you too.” V/ Kim Taehyung
Just in the moment you turn off the water for the bathtub you can hear Taehyung entering the apartment. “Y/N?” he soflty calls for you, checking if you are still up, unsure since it’s already late. Quickly you get out of the bathroom to greet him in the hallway, a huge grin on your face, happy to suprise him. “Hey, how was your day, babe?” you ask him as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him in for a firm hug as you gently press your lips against his. “Way better now that I see you!” he chuckles a response, stealing another kiss from your lips. Taehyung looks really tired and exhausted as you let your fingers wander around the contours of his face, gently stroking his cheek with your thumb. “Come here!” you say as you drag him to the bathroom, not able to see him this tired any longer. Confused he follows you and crooks an eyebrow as you are heading to the bathroom, not knowing what to expect. “I want you to relax, ok? Like, really relax!” you say, tightening the grip of your hand around his as you open the door to reveal the prepared bathtub. Classical music is softly playing from the radio you set up and the humid air is slighty scented, nearly unnoticable, as the water steams in an inviting way. In the muted light Taehyungs face begins to glow as he takes in the scene and your hopeful expression turns into a smile as soon as you see him smiling himself. “Let’s get in!” he says and instantly starts to undress himself but as you start to walk out he holds onto your hand “Where are you going? You have to get in as well!”. You slightly chuckle and respond “I want you to relax, I won’t be much help with that.”. But Taehyung just holds onto you closer and you chuckle at his big puppy eyes. Unable to resist you strip out of your clothes and slowly get into the hot water, positioning yourself at one end as Taehyung joins you seconds after. He positions himself between your legs, back facing you so he can lay down, his head resting on your chest as you start to massage his shoulders. “This is so much better than alone.” he softly whispers looking up to you with loving eyes and all you can do is respond with the same gaze. Your hands slowly travel over his back as you start to massage up and down his spine “Everything for you.” Jungkook / Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook is suprised as he sees the lights still on as he enters the apartment after a long evening at an award show. He quietly gets in, trying not to make a noise as he gets greeted with a scent of freshly baked Pizza from the kitchen. Getting rid of his jacket and shoes, he is suprised to see no one on the kitchen as he peeks through the doorframe. “Y/N?” he softly calls out your name as he steps into the living room, as the perfectly set dining table gets into his vision, napkins neatly folded. Not getting any response Jungkook walks through the living room, planning on searching for you in the bedroom as he notices a glimpse of hair on the sofa. His lips form a soft smile as he sees you curled up on the soft fabric, holding tight onto the alarm clock, obviously fallen asleep. Gently he kneels down infront of the couch, caressing your face with his hands as he softly wakes you up “Hey sleeping beauty, I’m back home.”. Slowly your eyes flutter open, clearly confused what is going on and why you are in the living room. As you slowly get up you realise why you are here and the moment your gaze falls onto Jungkooks soflty smiling face you can’t help but smile yourself. “Hey.” you whisper against his lips before you connect them with Jungkooks, glad to finally have him back home. “I am so sorry, I guess I fell asleep waiting for the food to get ready.” you say with a guilty look on your face. “Don’t be sorry Y/N! And having a look at your alarm the Pizza is ready in 5 minutes.” he states, grinning down on you as he helps you to get up from the sofa. “Please get comfortable babe, I want you to finally get rid of all the stress you had lately.” you shout as you get back to the kitchen. As you come back with the Pizza in your hands his smile seems to brighten the whole room, enjoying every bite of it as it would be his last. You chuckle as he finishes nearly all his food in an instant, proudly grinning at you when he is completely done but as he gets up to clean up the table you stop him. “Please Jungkook, I’ll handle that. Why don’t you get into the bathtub? I already let you in a bath with your favourite soap.”. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close and kisses the tip of your nose “What would I do without you?”
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traveling-madness · 6 years
everything for shi(t)p(ost) :)
 @lyesander you asked on anon and then openly told me it was you come forward. Anyway this is under the cut because it got. Really long.
- How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?a. You know how kittens pile on top of each other? Usually they sleep like that. b. Clara wakes up at 5am in the morning, Craig does…not do that, She makes breakfast goes for a run showers and is usually gone for work before he’s even halfway awake and on one hand he hates that but on the other being awake before 7 is too haaarrrd. c. She also leaves him notes every morning but usually the note asks him to do at least one thing and that’s so much work :(.
- How’s their team work? Do they share well?a. Depends on what the teamwork is for. b. Sharing love? Yea. Sharing blankets/the tv/ Clara’s attention? Craig.exe has stopped.
- Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?a. Clara at everyone she knows: “This is my boyfriend and I love him.” Craig at everyone he doesn’t know, strangers, baristas, waiters, gas station employees: “This is my girlfriend she loves me.” b. They aren’t gross teens making out in public but they are holding hands or her arm is around him or he is sprawled across her lap in a booth at Burger King.
- First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?a. He called her sexually frustrated and she punched him in the fucking face. b. It was Not.
- Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?Clara calls him shitlord and their in-jokes are strangely specific memelike phrases and things like Clara still having a plastic poop emoji from Mcdonalds glued to her dashboard.
- Any tasks that are always left to one person?Clara has taken full responsibility for loading the dishwasher and taking out the trash. Craig is in charge of making dinner at LEAST once a week and unloading the dishwasher after it’s done. They switch off on everything else by which I mean Clara does most of it.
- What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?a. Clara’s least favorite thing about Craig is he doesn’t do jack shit and she is significantly worried about his lack of motivation. Craig’s least favorite thing about Clara is that she smells like wet dog but other than that she loves him and so she must not have any flaws. b. They’d both change these things, Clara for Craig’s own good and Craig also for his own good.
- What do they like best about their partner?‘Willing to date me’ is pretty high on both of their lists. On a more lighthearted note they have a lot of similar interests, they’re good at bouncing humor off each other, and they can both provide the amount of affection the other one needs (which is… a lot).
- Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?Mmmm kind’ve? Religion isn’t hugely important to either of them. It’s pretty clear that they want to get married at some point but It only came up once when Clara was on pain killers. Clara can’t have kids and that’s fine neither of them have an interest in parenting. Death, no, they don’t talk about that because thinking about it is terrible.
- Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public?a. Clara. b. Both of them but Craig more often because he does not have a fucking job. c. Depends on the job; Clara fixes what she knows how to and Craig is tasked with figuring out the rest, which he can do, he just doesn’t want to. d. Almost exclusively Clara. e. Clara. f. Both of them but Craig is actually better at it when he wants to be.
- Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?Yes, to both. A lot of holidays are spent at Sketch’s company parties, (or more accurately his mom’s company parties.) They haven’t actually had their first anniversary yet but that’s coming up and will probably be cute as shit.
- Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?There hasn’t been yet but like let’s be honest it’s a solid ‘probably.’ Not anytime imminently soon though.
- What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?Video games and movie nights are probably the most common. Mostly because they cost the least amount of money and take the least amount of effort. Sometimes they get crazy and go to an arcade or go bowling. Or to the Y across town because swimming is one of the few things that involve physical activity that Craig actually likes doing and Clara will capitalize on that as much as possible.
- Anything they both dread?The other one dying/disappearing, which sounds obvious but sometimes it gets to the point where Clara is overwhelmingly paranoid about leaving the room for a few minutes because what if he gets sucked back into his own dimension and she never sees him again?? That and part of Craig has flat out convinced himself that that Clara is a godsend and he couldn’t survive life without her. (He could but try convincing him that his worth isn’t dependent on people loving him)
- How adventurous are they?Their most adventurous moment so far was exploring an old abandoned military fort in the town Clara used to live in.
- Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat? Secrets/lies like Craig sometimes still skims her diary or Clara blaming farts on the dog. Or when Craig says he ‘forgot’ to do what ever chore he was supposed to do that day when in reality he just made a conscious choice not to do it. Or when Clara doesn’t tell him she’s disappointed that he’s not doing anything with his time because she doesn’t want to sound like rev!Clara. Neither of them would cheat on the other one though. Ever. 
- What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?a. Craig doing something to ruin her career so she wouldn’t have any reason to leave his side for more than an hour at a time ever. b. in a healthy world yea but it wouldn’t actually be because a week later she’d be like “oh no you’re still crying… I don’t forgive you but you are sad so I’ll pretend it doesn’t matter : (”
- What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?a. When they do go out it’s pretty eclectic; anything from going to an arcade to setting up a candle lit dinner… in a burger king. b. They’ve been dating since last May and that’s not going to change any time soon c. No. Never. At all. It’s probably kinda unhealthy.
- What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?a. Craig doing something stupid. Clara saying something sarcastically that sounds a little too close to rev!Clara’s go-to drags. Craig not having a job vs. Clara putting in way too much time that she doesn’t have to a her job. b. Clara is almost always the one to actually address the problem, and puts a lot of planning into how she phrases the conversation. Craig is… capable of having those conversations, but his go to approach is more along the lines of vying for pity based attention because he knows if she feels bad for him she won’t actively be angry, he’s not even always conscious of doing it, and it’s usually on impulse. This is starting to improve, and Clara’s gotten much better at recognizing and addressing it. Unlearning toxic shit takes time but she’s still gonna call him out on it. c. Parroting ‘I-love-you’s back and forth while sometimes crying. Usually a good few hours chilling on the couch watching movies. Whoever was wronged picks the movie and whoever fucked up makes dinner- that’s not a rule it’s more of an unspoken agreement. 
- What does their home look like? Their room?Bad. Not the actual apartment like it’s a pretty nice apartment they’re just both shitty at cleaning. See also:Mads-02/28/2018 he lives in a house full of dog fur and grease stains lye-02/28/2018 doesn’t mean he likes it but he’s also too lazy to clean it himself so it’ll be likeclara: (comes home from work)craig: your house is grossclara: then clean it you slut.
- Do they share any interests or hobbies?Vidya game. They’re both roller coaster fanatics also. Those are the biggest things that they both really like independently but also when you spend enough time with someone you love some of the things they like will start to remind you of them to the point you like them vicariously. The best example I can give is Clara used to hate the fucking Hallmark channel in all it’s heteronormative glory but now she actually enjoys like at least three of the movies. Maybe four.
- Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?Craig’s LACK of work does, it’s something Clara is really, REALLY frustrated over and she’s still a little unsure how to convey that without it coming off guilt tripping. At the same time Clara works overtime much more often than Craig would like, which is to say more than once or twice a month. He’s not any better at addressing this than she is though, he tends to do shit like pretend to be sick or actually make himself sick (the latter only once at least) so she’ll stay home.
- How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?Hugs have a 60 second absolute minimum in this household. Kisses have a two second record minimum but it’s usually at least 5. They are absolute dicks to each other but 99.9% of the time it’s fully communicated to be just that. Teasing. Flirting is terrible romantic gestures are go big or go home. Unless you count Clara making the WORST romance puns and Craig holding up his phone sometimes with ‘love my gf’ memes and going “that’s us babe!” or the one time he tried to lay seductively across the table when Clara got home and her immediate response is “So I guess we’re ordering take out again?” Comforting is either ‘I will hold you for 17 hours non-stop’, ‘you like food right? I’ll make some food’, or both.
- Any doubts about the relationship?Not that they don’t tune out and bury as deep down as possible!
- How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?a. As Much As Possible. Another thing that’s not entirely healthy. b. They share most feelings, until it’s something negative and significant about the other, then they aren’t so good at it. Working on it, but not good at it.
- How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?Craig was the one who told Sketch at least because Clara genuinely could not figure out how. I’m assuming the question means like, mutual friends. Clara’s family is touch and go, not too big on Once-lers in general. Her mom likes Craig a lot though and her dad tolerates him which is saying something. Craig’s family doesn’t exist in this universe. 
- Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Well actually I can say for certain they don’t have kids. Clara physically can’t have kids, or at least not safely, and more importantly can you imagine either of these fucking losers trying to parent anything? Terrifying.
- What are their vacations like?The closest thing to a vacation they’ve gone on is driving like 2 hours to Rhode Island/Connecticut once and then another 2 hours to Vermont for Thanksgiving.
- How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?Bad. Mostly because if and when anything bad happens to one of them, the other subsequently flips shit. Clara is a little better at flipping shit INTERNALLY, but don’t let her fool you she is very stressed over her boyfriend coming down with the common cold and yes she DOES need to go home over her lunch break to check on him and NO she is not babying him what the fuck are you talking about.
- Could they manage a long distance relationship?They would INSIST that they can, and maybe they could for a few weeks, but after that things would go pretty bad pretty fast.
- Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?a.They are the couple that would attempt to finish each other’s sentences but fail horribly. Like, really badly, like, inserting words that don’t even make sense badly. “We finish each others-” “Chores, so you’ll clean the kitchen so I can go watch Pretty Woman while it’s on Starz? Thanks!”  “No!”b. Ok so Craig is from Texas, very rural tiny ass town in Texas, and unlike Sketch he has done next to nothing to not SOUND like someone from a very rural tiny ass Texas town. After living with him for several months Clara now says y’all’d’ve, y’all’d’n’t’ve, I’d’n’t’ve, and both ain’t and y’ain’t entirely unironically. She very rarely realizes this is happening. c. Clara knows because she’s good at reading people, Craig knows because he’s good at still occasionally reading her diary and just not telling her.
- Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?They have had to climb a fence and bail halfway through a game of paintball because Craig shot a kids father who was NOT in the game.
- What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?Craig goes with chocolate because that’s yet to fail, that and just, money he talks Sketch into giving him. Sketch has a habit of giving Clara money and she won’t accept it from him without a fight so at this point he’s reached a state of “I’ll give it to you IF you give it to Clara/put it towards food/rent.”Clara spoils the SHIT out of Craig now that she has a steady job and income. She has gotten him, so far, A Nintendo Switch, an Xbox 1s, and a fucking PS4. Now it should be noted that she also has unlimited access to all of these and tends to beat him at most games played on them, so the selflessness of buying them is debatable.
- Do they have any pets?Sticks!!! But he’s really just Clara’s dog that Craig lives with because being provided with love and affection from Clara is worth being allergic to her dog apparently.
- Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?It’s tough to say whether it’s their BEST qualities, but overall they bring out more good in each other than bad. I’m not sure about a fatal flaw but a pretty big one is just, not addressing negative emotions around any aspect of their relationship enough out of fear of losing each other. They aren’t the picture of a perfect relationship by any means either, Clara has an obsession with feeling needed and depended on, and because of this is a massive enabler who pretty much does everything for him. Including things he can very easily do himself. Craig, who doesn’t want to do jack shit and constantly needs to be loved and validated, is very ok with this.
- What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?This sounds really disgustingly cheesy but listen they are very in love. Like frighteningly dedicated to one another in love. This is a double edged sword. 
- How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?They would deadass take a bullet for each other they are Ride Or Die™ let’s be real.
- What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?a. Uhhh synopsis; Craig’s a sex positive ace and Clara was a virgin until age 26. They are,, I think my most vanilla ship actually? If that says anything lmao. Other than Craig crying after sex on occasion. Lots of eye contact and being as close to each other as possible, less sex more ‘cuddling but with orgasms’. b. Craig has a fucking praise kink and Clara just so happens to never shut up when it comes to giving said praise so jot that down. c. Refer to a, there’s a shit ton of stuff they won’t do I’m too lazy to list all of it.  Listen anyone who actually cares can send asks to my nsfw blog because like. I know the answers. It’s probably sad how many answers I’m equipped to give here.
- Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they we’re in love?a/b. That’d be Craig who kicked off the relations hip with the class act of asking “hey wanna make out?” c. That’s not something that happens all at once, for anyone really. It’s a slow realization of ‘oh fuck I’m in love I guess.’
- Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?Define special because the most prominent memories are of shit like jumping the fence at the paintball place or the time Craig pretended to drown. Also the first time Clara said “I love you” then immediately buried it in a mouthful of spaghetti. 
- Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’re drunk? Does it happen often?Nah, other than like, holiday company parties they get invited to. Clara doesn’t drink at all anymore, or at least not without strong supervision, and she definitely doesn’t get drunk anymore. Craig’s just not crazy about alcohol in general, unless it’s got a gallon of sugar it doesn’t even taste good. 
- Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?Constantly. There’s some stuff that Clara will draw the line on, and that’s usually when it’s a manipulative situation. But we all know that Craig will put up with just about any shit if it means validation and attention. THIS Clara doesn’t give him too much shit to put up with though, she just kinda smells like wet dog.
- Do they talk often? What about?Yea but not always about things the need to. They talk about their days or plans for the next week or how they’re doing in general, and they will delve into some levels of sharing insecurities but like I said there’s definitely some things they should talk about but haven’t.
- Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?Maybe there was some need for privacy for the first month of living together but honestly at this point “Clara I ate half a pint of ice-cream and on a very related note we are out of toilet paper” is just commonplace conversation. They will hang out for an entire day sitting on the couch eating corn chips wearing each others sweatpants like it’s safe to say they’re comfortable.
- Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?They both wanna marry each other like a lot, like I’m surprised it hasn’t come up more because let’s be honest it’s harder to leave someone when you have to go through a bunch of legal paperwork-. I think the most heartbreaking thing is that all of Craig’s family and friends live in an alternate plane of reality that it seems like there’s no way of getting back to, and if there WAS a way of getting back that would mean choosing between his home and his Clara, who is much better than the Clara back home. There’s some regrets in the making with the whole Clara not sitting down and telling Craig he NEEDS to get a fucking job. 
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nataliedanovelist · 5 years
GF - Beauty Within the Fallen ch.VII
Summary: Two misfit twins come across an enchanted castle, home of a mysterious beast, and slowly begin to form a strong bond that just might survive through anything. Even evil demons.
AU and artwork belong to the beautiful and very talented @artsycrapfromsai​. Go give her some love, guys!!!
ch.VI - ch.VIII (finale)
Dipper, Mabel, and Waddles hastily traveled through the forest. They may have a map leading them to Fiddleford and then to the village, but the wolves might still come. Dipper led the way with a lantern he had borrowed from the castle and the map Ford had given to them. Mabel looked ahead and screamed before running with Waddles at her heels. Dipper looked up from the map and nearly dropped it in shock.
He hurried to the tree Mabel was kneeling at and examined Fiddleford. He looked more dead than alive, his skin pale, almost blue, and heavy bags under his eyes. He must have been searching for them this whole time. Without a single word, much like how they helped Stan when he was hurt, the twins stood on either side of Fiddleford and helped carry him out of the woods. It was the middle of the night when they arrived home. It would have been comforting if the circumstances weren’t so dire. Fiddleford might be dying. The children quickly worked together, fixing medicine, building a fire, dressing their guardian warmly and putting him to bed, until they finally admitted defeat to sleep and curled up with Fiddleford in his bed. ~~~~~~~~~~ The first thing Fiddleford noticed was how warm he felt. And better, much better. Oh. No. No, no, no! Did he die?! Is he in heaven?! He can’t die yet! The children! He wanted to quickly jump up and act, but his body was weak and he ached. Oh. Okay, good. He was still alive. He forced his eyes open and though his vision was blurry, he smiled weakly to find the kids at his sides. Mabel and Dipper both beamed at him, perfectly safe and okay. Mabel was dressed in her blue peasant dress and cloth headband, Dipper in his navy-blue nest and hat with an orange shirt. He gave Fiddleford his glasses and he croaked, “Welcome back.” “Kids,” Fiddleford sat up and slipped on his glasses, then wrapped each child up in a tight hug, which they happily returned. “Oh, thank God. Thank God. I thought I’d never see y’all ‘gain.” “We missed you, too, Fidds.” Mabel cooed. “You’re finally awake…” “What on God’s green Earth happened t’y’all?” Fiddleford asked as he loosened his hold. “You wouldn’t believe it, Fidds!” Mabel cheered as she sat on her knees next to him. “There was this beast in a castle and a talking hammer and an axe and a teapot and all sorts of magic inside and a poor journal who couldn’t talk or eat or sleep and…” “But the beast and the journal - Stan and Ford - are our friends. They took care of us.” Dipper cut Mabel off. “Well, everyone in the castle did, but the guys are awesome! They’re twins, like us, and under a curse.” “And we have to help them!” Fiddleford blinked, completely and utterly confused, but then he smiled. “I believe ya.” The twins are a bit surprised, but then again, they were talking to one of the most open-minded people they knew. “You do?” They asked at the same time. “O’course.” Fiddleford said. “I always said this world’s gotta lotta thangs we don’t quite get. Some thangs are just different, like us. N’ I trust y’all enough to know ya wouldn’t lie ‘bout this. Now, y’all said they’re under a curse?” “Yeah, and to break it, Stan the beast has to fall in love with someone and they have to love him, too.” Mabel answered. “We were gonna try to help by finding a match for him, courtesy of the best matchmaker in the world!” “Hm, well, if…” Fiddleford stopped when he thought he heard yelling coming from outside. “Did y’all hear that?” “Yeah, what’s going on?” Dipper asked and they went outside to investigate. ~~~~~~~~~~ Stan sat on Abuelita the armchair, watching the sun set behind the woods. His mind was elsewhere. Ford, his journal closed, noticed this and wished to help or comfort him, but the beast, back in his normal attire of red cloak over a white shirt and dark pants, was too distracted to open a journal and read at the moment. The sun was now gone, all light but from candles lost, and Stan sighed. He needed to say something. He cautiously opened the journal and said, “I’m sorry, Stanford. I’m sorry I couldn’t set you free.” Stanley, was the only word for a while, but then Ford managed to write more. You were willing to let me go. Thank you. “No,” Stan shook his head. “It’s my fault you’re trapped.” Don’t blame yourself. I’m the one that summoned Bill in the first place. I fell for his easy flattery, but you saw him for the scam artist he is. “I didn’t exactly make this curse easier for you.” No, perhaps not. Ford admitted, but then quickly added, But your heart was in the right place. You’ll never admit this but you were afraid. I understand; when the curse was first brought upon us neither of us knew how to respond. Accidents happen, Stanley. “Yeah, and I’m chop full of ‘em.” Even still, I won’t lie to you. All those years you never opened me, kept me in that glass container, I nearly went insane. There were so many times I didn’t know if I existed anymore. That wasn’t even the worst of it. All I could do was listen and watch you suffer alone. “I know, I know!” Stan growled. “That was probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done, and I’ve done some really stupid stuff, and I’m sorry.” It’s alright. I forgive you. I should have been a better brother to you. I should have seen your pain and done something about it years ago. “And now you’re gonna die like this.” Stan said darkly. As will you. “Who cares?” I do! And those children care, too! The tiniest of smiles flickered on the beast’s face. His memory brought back those kids for a moment, a beautiful, glorious moment. Dancing with them, reading stories, teaching Dipper how to fight and hugging Mabel close to his furry chest. You miss them, don’t you? Stan sighed, a tired old man. “Yeah. I love them.” I know you do. And because you love them, they will be with you, in your heart, for evermore. Stan, once again, cracked a small smile at that. He had no idea if they found Fiddlebucket or not, or if they ever made it home, but he hoped that they were safe and happy. Do you wish to see them? Ford asked. Look at my hand. You can see them whenever you want. Stan, excited, closed the journal and looked at the six-fingered hand. He grinned at the sight of the children, standing at a front door with an old man with a long beard and big nose. His smile dropped when the children looked scared and uncertain. He watched as echoes of voices grazed his large ears. “What’s going on?!” Dipper asked. “What are you all doing?!” “Dipper!” Lazy Susan gasped. “Mabel! You’re okay!” “But… how…” Blubs stuttered. “Gideon says you were kidnapped by some beast in a castle!” “What?!” Mabel gasped and shook her head wildly. “No, no! He saved us! He saved our lives! He’s our friend!” Stan beamed with pride. Lil’ Gideon paled. “I… I don’t understand. Y-You were t-t-trapped by a monster!” “He’s not a monster!” Dipper snapped. “Mabel’s telling the truth! The beast wouldn’t hurt anyone. He gave us a place to stay and took care of us.” “Yeah!” Mabel said as she and Dipper left the porch of their home to talk to the angry crowd. “He’s sweet and kind and gentle. You don’t have to be afraid of him. He’s a very good person. He even liked Waddles!” “No, I don’t!” Stan growled with a smile, unheard by everyone except for Abuelita and Ford. The old armchair rolled her eyes, knowing her boss was lying. Gideon’s face reddened, his chubby face curling inward in fury. “Of course! The beast has them under his spell! I’ve heard of dark magic like this, but never before seen it with my own eyes!” “What, no!” Mabel cried out. “Officers, you don’t believe him, do you? You won’t let this happen, will you?” “Sorry, kids, but we trust Gideon over a couple of odd-balls like you.” Blubs said coldly, arms crossed over his chest. “And nothing short of a miracle could ever change that.” “NO!” The kids shrieked and turned to Fiddleford. “Fiddleford, tell them!” Dipper called. “Tell them it’s not true!” The angry mob laughed. “You’d put your word on a loony old man?! The same guy that destroyed the town three times just this month?!” Durland cackled. “I done rebuilt it every time!” Fiddleford defended. Gideon stood on his dazzling white horse and called out to the townsfolk, “You see?! The spell spreads! Look at what the monster has done to our poor friends!” “He’s not a monster, Gideon,” Mabel snarled and pointed at the white-haired boy. “YOU ARE!” “ENOUGH!” Gideon hopped down and grabbed her wrist so tight she winced in pain. Stan growled dangerously. Dipper yelled and was about to act, but Ghost Eyes grabbed a hold of him. “Don’t worry, Mabel, once I kill the beast and the spell is broken, you shall finally be my queen! Keep them safe! Lock them away! We can’t have them gettin’ in our way!” “NO!” Mabel cried out as a big beefy man grabbed her and shoved her, Dipper, and Fiddleford into a cart and it was locked up. “HELP! HELP US!” Dipper rammed his body against the iron doors to try to escape, but it was useless. “The beast will come after us all! He’ll come after us in the night!” Gideon called out to the crowd, who cheered and yelled. “I say we kill it!” “YEAH!” “NO!” Mabel cried as tears ran down her face. “DON’T HURT HIM, PLEASE!” “We're not safe until he's dead!” Northwest concluded. “He'll come stalking us at night!” Mr. Valentino gasped. “Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite!” Manly Dan cried out, hugging his three sons so tight their faces turned blue. “He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free!” Lazy Susan feared. “So it's time to take some action, fellas!” Gideon called out. “It's time to follow me!” And the crowd began to gather guns, torches, pitchforks, and chanted “kill the beast” courageously into the night. Stan stood up quickly and left the armchair, throwing the door open. “Soos! Wendy! Get over here!” Soos and Wendy hopped over as quick as they could. “We’ve got a code Piertotum Locomotor! Man the boundaries! Protect the castle! Get ready for battle! Go, go, go!” And the beast left to organize the attack, all the while he couldn’t shake away the blossoming feeling that those kids were willing to risk their lives for him. Maybe he was worth it, after all. ~~~~~~~~~~ Even after the mob marched away, Dipper continued to throw himself against the doors, making loud bangs but no progress. “DIPPER, STOP!” Fiddleford grabbed him and rubbed his shoulders. “You’ll hurt yourself, calm down.” “We have to do something!” Dipper cried out. “This is all our fault! They’ll kill him! We have to help!” “Hush, boy, hush.” Fiddleford hugged him and rubbed circles into his back. “We’ll think o'somethang. We are three geniuses, after all.” Mabel looked out the window, though the bars, and tried to find something that could help. Her eyes dazzled at the sight of her pig as he ran up to the cart and oinked. “WADDLES! Waddles, we need your help! Go get us a pry bar! You can do it, Waddles, go find one! Good pig!” “Mabel,” Dipper scolded. “He’s just a pig! There’s no way he even knows what a pry bar is!” “C’mon, Dipper, have faith!” “No, no! YOU need to be realistic! I love Waddles, too, Mabel, not there’s no way he’s gonna…” The pig squealed with joy and the three humans peered down to find a ring of keys in his mouth. Mabel gave her brother a sassy look. “Well, it’s not a pry bar.” Dipper quipped. Waddles tossed the keys in the air and Fiddleford put his arm through the window and caught them. He pushed himself against the door and started to fiddle with the lock and the keys. “One of these gotta be it…” ~~~~~~~~~~ Manly Dan led the team to chop down a huge pine tree and cut it so they could use it as a battering ram. The mob hoisted it on it’s shoulders, following Gideon on his noble steed and Ghost Eyes marching beside him. “Take whatever booty you want, but the beast is mine!” He called out, using the map Gideon had woken up with in his fist to find their way. Gideon grinned to find the castle before them and they ran up to the giant doors. Miraculously, it only took one hit and the doors flew open, giving the invaders a false idea that this would be easy. They found the castle filled with items in the lobby, like a rich yard-sale. Gideon left his horse outside and led the crowd into the dark and quiet castle. Books, chairs, chests, dishes, nearly every type of item surrounded the unafraid villagers. Ghost Eyes leaned down to whisper to Lil’ Gideon. “Aren’t you worried this place might be haunted?” “Don’t lose your head, Ghost Eyes.” The bodyguard picked up an axe from a table and held it, ready to attack anything that may come his way. “NOW!” The axe cried out, and the castle lit up with life as the battle began. Drawers smacked people in the face. A coat-rack boxed with one of Manly Dan’s sons and won quickly. Pots fell on people's heads and clashed with metal spoons and pans, making their ears ring. A chest consumed people and dumped them back outside like dumping out trash. Grenda stood from the second floor and cried out, “GRENDA’S JOINING THE PARTY!” and she fell on top of Ghost Eyes. Gideon dodged out of the fight and went up the stairs. Three men were coming towards her to attack, but Grenda had cloth and material swarm around them and soon they were dressed in drag. Two of the boys screamed in horror and ran, but Tad Strange only stared ahead and said calmly, “This is fine.” Robbie was kicking tea cups and trying to squish them, but Candy hung from the above chandelier and spilt boiling hot tea on the crowd. Wendy was running away from Manly Dan’s own axe, but Soos came out of nowhere and hammered him in the face, knocking him out cold. Melody burst through the doors of the ballroom and shot her keys like bullets. Meanwhile, using Ford’s given map, Dipper, Mabel, Fiddleford, and Waddles were running up to the castle and gasped to find the battle before them. “Hurry!” Mabel cried out and they hurried up to the front door. Fiddleford used his banjo to swing at people’s heads. Waddles bit people’s ankles. Killbone was about to go after Fiddleford for helping the enemy, but Lazy Susan hit him over the head with her rolling in, knocking him out cold. “Susan?! But I thought…?” “I’m sorry, old friend, I just didn’t wanna be locked up.” Lazy Susan explained as she and Fiddleford fought back-to-back. “Claustrophobic. Plus I could’ve very well fight the bad guys locked away, could I?” “Ah, gotcha. Well then!” Fiddleford swung his banjo and hollered, “Fight like a hillbilly, woman!” Mabel and Dipper punched people and shoved them out of the way as they hurried up to the West Wing to make sure their friends were okay. ~~~~~~~~~~ Minutes prior, Gideon cautiously opened the door, a bow and arrow in his chubby hands. His eyes immediately landed on the handsome journal on the table. He noticed the six fingers on the golden hand and he hypothesized that this journal must have the answer to undoing the spell Mabel was under. No wonder it was so well cared for while everything else in the room was ruined beyond repair. Gideon walked into the room to take the journal, but the door slammed behind him and he spun around, arrow ready to shoot. His eyes widened at the huge gray beast before him, peering down at him with cold brown eyes and on all fours like an animal. “Last chance, kid.” The beast growled warningly. “Get out before things get ugly.” “You mean uglier than you, never!” Gideon declared and shot his arrow. Stan dodged it, but soon saw that it was a distraction so the little troll could run to Ford. The beast tried to get their first, but just a few feet shy and Gideon had the journal in his chubby hands. “I got it! I got it!” “Give it back.” Stan snarled. “Why?” Gideon asked coldly with a wicked smile. “Why’s it so important, monster?” “Just give it to me.” Stan was careful to sound firm, but he looked in no hurry to hurt a kid or his brother. Gideon opened the journal to find it blank. He flicked through the pages roughly, losing his temper, and when he concluded that the answers he was looking for were not here, he ripped a page out and yelled in fury. Stan grunted and sunk, like he was in pain. Gideon noticed this and grinned as an idea came to his twisted mind. This journal must be the source of his powers! Destroying it would free Mabel! Gideon ripped out another page, then another, and another. Stan growled on all fours and curled in on himself in overwhelming pain. He tried to shake his head and clear away the distraction, but he could practically hear Ford’s screaming in his ears, even if it was only his imagination, and it was maddening. “Stop it… stop it… STOP IT!” Stan gnarled at Gideon. “Or what, huh?” The child mocked. “What are you gonna do, huh? Huh?! Face it, foul creature, without this book you’re nothing!” He laughed and tore out another page. Gideon suddenly cried out in pain and dropped the journal. Stan huffed and puffed to try to compose himself. He looked up to see Dipper and Mabel standing in front of him, facing Gideon, both of them wearing scary looks and Dipper had his fists curled and ready to strike again. Gideon rubbed his pale chubby cheek. “Ow! What the… how did you…?” “Doesn’t matter.” Dipper snapped. “You’re leaving. Now.” “Oh, am I, boy?” And Gideon ran to him to punch him. While the boys punched each other and fought, Mabel hurried to Stan and petted his shoulder, trying to soothe him and help him feel better. “Stan? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Hazy still, Stan weakly looked up at the girl and smiled. “Mabel… you came back.” “Of course we did.” She looked back at the fight and saw that Gideon was having a slight advantage. He shoved into Dipper and they both fell through and broke a window, toppling down the roof. Mabel and Stan yelled with worry and ran after them. The boys tumbled and rolled, punching and slapping each other. Dipper fell on a balcony and groaned with ache while Gideon squealed and kept on going. He fell on a slanted roof and staggeringly got up. Like a scrawny cat, he climbed up to Dipper and kicked him in the jaw. Dipper quickly rolled up on his feet and used the lessons Stan had taught him to fight. Mabel quickly slid down the slanted tile roof and jumped into the fight. She punched Gideon in the jaw and found that his stuck-up traditions made him not hit a girl. She and Dipper took advantage of this weakness and worked together to beat up their enemy until he fell and didn’t get up. He rubbed a swollen black eye and looked up at the angry pre-teens before him. The beast, he noticed, was over on the next roof and letting the twins handle their own battle with a huge smile. “Listen, Gideon,” Mabel said coldly. “It’s over. I will never ever be with you.” “Yeah!” Dipper backed up and Mabel kicked him in the head, just hard enough to knock him out cold. Stan hopped down behind the twins and had his hands on his hips. “Nice technique, pumpkin.” “Stan!” They both cried out with relief and ran up to him. Stan got on one knee and engulfed them in a hug. Mabel nuzzled her face into his fur and Dipper held him tightly. “We’re so sorry, we tried to stop them but they wouldn’t listen to us!” The boy said. “It’s okay, kid, it’s okay.” Stan soothed and rubbed his back as he purred. “I know.” “You know?” Mabel gasped with a huge grin. “Ford! He showed you, didn’t he?! You asked to see us, didn’t you?!” Stan shrugged and put the kids down to ruffle their hair. “What can I say, I missed you knuckleheads.” Mabel squeezed his paw. “We missed you, too, Stan.” Meanwhile, Gideon’s one unswollen eye opened yellow and slit, like a cat’s. He rose and flexed his fingers and arms, getting used to his body. Standing with his back to the happy reunion, he began to cackle evilly. A chill ran down Stan’s spine. His grip on the twins tightened. “I know that laugh.” Dipper’s jaw dropped. “No… it couldn’t be… it’s impossible...” Gideon turned around and they saw his eye. Stan growled protectively and hunched over the kids. “Bill Cipher.”
Author’s Note: I have nothing to say. Except the code Stan used as a reference to the spell McGonagall used during the Battle of Hogwarts. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope y’all enjoy an upcoming chapter full of angst!
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