#I told someone a small amount of information on this last night and then was up until 4am vomiting
diapause · 1 year
not that I've spoken about things this personal on here in years but I'm very likely going to the police soon with hard evidence of what was done to me as a child so. wish me luck
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pathologicalreid · 6 months
next of kin | S.R.
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disaster strikes and you and Spencer try to take custody of your younger sister
part two
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: angst content warnings: actually might be gn! but i'm too scared to say it is. death, orphan-ing, funerals, child custody issues, blood, general cm violence, like actually an abhorrent amount of death. sorry i killed your parents for the sake of my fanfiction can we still be friends? word count: 3.33k a/n: this is the fic that this post is about. i am in fact my own worst enemy. i hope y'all like it actually genuinely i am most definitely overthinking this. if your name is maya im sorry that sucks.
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“What did your parents say?” Spencer asked, walking into the conference room that the local precinct had offered to you.
You had been staring blankly at your phone since you got off the call with your mother, “Uh, they said thanks, but no thanks.”
The uneasy feeling had settled in your stomach as soon as you found out the team was being called to your hometown, and you had been nauseous ever since you found out the UnSub’s pattern.
Married couples with an older child who had moved out and a younger child who was still at home.
Your little sister was a surprise, you had incorrectly assumed your parents were done having kids.
Until today, you wouldn’t have traded Maya for the world, but now you sat in fear of your family being targeted by a serial killer. Hotch had offered them a protective detail, but they declined. Self-righteous as they were, they told you it wouldn’t feel right for them to accept help that couldn���t be offered to everyone.
Clenching your jaw, you stood at the table, “I’ll go by later and check in on them.”
Spencer had met your family twice by now. Last Christmas he had tagged along to meet them and celebrate with your family before the two of you spent New Year’s with his mom. Then, while your sister was on Spring Break, they flew out to Virginia, and you and Spencer had shown your family around Quantico and the District.
Maya had loved Spencer, partially because you loved him, but mostly because of his magic tricks.
“Do you want me to go with you?” He asked, stepping up next to you and placing a hand on the small of your back.
You sighed and shook your head, “No, not if you’re needed here.” You reached up and cupped his cheek, smiling softly, “Thank you for offering, Spence.”
He nodded affirmatively, “If you change your mind,” he offered. Gently, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before the two of you returned to the rest of the team.
The fact that your parents lived only five minutes from the police station gave you some relief, but you still felt tightly wound. Everyone had noticed. You just needed this case to be over.
The porch lights were on when you got there, and you used your house key – which you had never taken off of your keychain - to open the front door. “Hey, kiddo,” your dad greeted from the couch. A peek into the kitchen showed you that your mom was wiping down the counters. It all felt so eerily normal.
It was dark by the time you had gotten there. Maya was already asleep, but you tip-toed into her room anyway and kissed her goodnight before going back downstairs. Once you had hugged both of your parents and told them you loved them, you made your way back to the police precinct.
By nearly three in the morning, there was no new information, and the team was starting to consider calling it a night until the police chief got a call.
“We just got a call. Lady reported shouts coming from her neighbor’s house at 86 Meadowbrook,” he informed you, putting his hands on his hips and looking around at the team.
None of them even spared him a returning glance, everyone’s eyes were on you.
Blinking rapidly, you nodded assuredly, “I have to go get Maya.” You didn’t even recognize your voice even as you said it. It couldn’t have been your voice. That was the rasp of someone far away from you.
All of the other voices around you were muffled, you couldn’t hear what people were telling you, let alone understand them.
Maya. Maya. Maya.
Brown eyes. There they were, right in front of your face. “Let’s go get her,” Spencer whispered.
You had been speaking out loud. Repeating your sister’s name like a prayer without even realizing it.
Hotch let you go with them, but he made it abundantly clear to you – and the rest of the team – that you weren’t working this case anymore.
Surrounded by reverent voices in an SUV, JJ drove while Spencer stayed in the back with you. He held your hand tightly in his.
The house was closed off with police tape. Bright yellow plastic fluttered in the wind as you watched your team and other emergency personnel enter and exit. At your insistence, Spencer went in to get Maya, it felt like it had been hours before he walked out, carrying her in his arms.
Carefully, he brought her to you, and you pulled her close to your chest, blocking her eyesight as two body bags were brought out of the house.
You didn’t hear anything after that. You just let yourself be moved to wherever you needed to be, holding your kid sister as she cried for your parents.
They had to take their bodies to the hospital even though they were already gone, and you needed to be the one to confirm their identities. Spencer stayed with Maya while you were busy. She had cried herself to the point of exhaustion, you were grateful that she was sleeping, and then you felt cruel.
By sunrise, she was still asleep, and you had been set up in that same conference room from earlier. Sitting across from you was a social worker, a representative of the state. Your lips had parted in shock as you looked at her, “What do you mean they denied my request?”
In an attempt to be helpful, JJ worked with you to file an emergency request for custody of Maya, and the case worker had just told you that the request was denied. “The state doesn’t believe your request is valid,” she told you.
Your mouth went dry, “I don’t…” you glanced over at your little sister. “Our parents were murdered last night, and they won’t let me take custody of my sister?” You asked indignantly, peering at the social worker. It wasn’t her fault, somewhere in your grief-ridden brain you knew that, but you couldn’t help the feeling that she was somehow your enemy.
“They don’t believe you can provide her with a stable living environment,” the social worker, Brittany, explained.
Narrowing your eyes, you responded, “A stable living environment like a foster home? I’m her sister. We’re family – the only family each other has left.” You stood up, excusing yourself for a moment before walking out of the precinct. Once you were outside, you promptly hurled into the bushes.
That was how he found you, to the side of the building with your hair haphazardly moved out of your face, dry heaving into the shrubbery. Gently, Spencer placed a hand on your back before starting to rub small circles on your back, “You should eat something, love.”
You just shook your head in response, you weren’t hungry. “They won’t let me take her,” you whispered morosely, straightening up, you kept your back facing him.
“What?” He asked, his hand abruptly stopping its movement on your back.
Taking a deep breath and sitting on the curb, you looked up at Spencer. “The state thinks I’m not stable enough to take her in,” you said, resting your chin in your hands.
Your boyfriend crouched down so that he could sit next to you, “Are you going to challenge it?”
“Of course I am,” you cried. “But what happens to her in the interim, Spence? She gets placed with whatever foster home here and I go back to Virginia? I see her when the family court resolves this in two years?”
Treading carefully, Spencer cleared his throat, “What are you going to do?”
Defeated, you shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m…” your voice trailed off. “My parents are dead, Spencer,” you murmured softly, tears welling in your eyes.
He reached out and wrapped his arms around you, “I know, darling. I know. I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t think I can do this alone,” you whispered, leaning gently into him.
Spencer turned to kiss your temple, “It’s a good thing you’re not alone then. I’m not going anywhere.” He waited for a moment before continuing, “Give me something to do. Give me a job to take off of your shoulders.”
In the end, you let Spencer take over funeral planning. He thanked you for trusting him before the both of you went back into the precinct.
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You had just hung up with a family lawyer who had offered to take your case, letting your phone drop to the floor, you let your arms hang at your side. Someone had taken Maya to get breakfast while you spoke with the lawyer.
At the sound of the phone falling to the floor, Spencer stepped into the conference room, letting the door click shut before him. “Hey, what did he say?”
Pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes, you took in a deep breath, “Um, he said he’d be willing to take the case if I could put together a case plan to present before the judge.”
Before that phone call, you didn’t know what a case plan was, you could’ve gone your whole life without knowing what a case plan was.
“I need a year-long plan for how I’m going to prepare to have Maya in my custody, but he said a year is the best he can do,” you said, staring blankly at the wall ahead of you. “A year?” You whispered aimlessly, “I’m not waiting a fucking year to take custody of her. I have to take her home, Spence. I have to.” It wasn’t your intention to snipe at him, but you felt like you couldn’t help yourself.
The events of the last twelve hours threatened to take you down, but you had to stay strong for Maya.  
Taking a shaky breath, you looked up at Spencer, “Why is it that every time I convince myself that it’s going to be okay, I get tossed to the ground again?” You asked him.
Maybe because you weren’t fully convinced. Maybe it was because it had only been seven hours. You needed to remind yourself of that.
“She’s a ward of the state?” Spencer asked for clarification, holding you tightly.
Nodding absentmindedly, you rested your head on his shoulder as he swayed gently. “She can stay with me until after the funeral, and after that, she has to go with the social worker.”
The sad look on Spencer’s face told you that he was running out of ideas, and you were coming to the very same conclusion. “We could get married,” he offered.
“Stop, Spence,” you said, shaking your head. You couldn’t believe this was where he was going.
He shrugged helplessly, “I’m serious, Y/N. If we get married, they might think we’re stable, as a couple. They might give us custody.”
Your shoulders slumped, “I don’t want to get married just to get custody of my sister.” It certainly wasn’t that you didn’t want to marry Spencer, just not like this.
He nodded understandingly, “I know, but I’m just saying. If that’s what it takes, then I’ll do it.” Placing a comforting hand on your knee, the two of you sat in silence for a moment. “Do you have any ideas?” He asked you carefully.
Looking through the blinds of the conference room, you saw the rest of the team coming back to the precinct. Setting your jaw, you nodded, “I might.”
Opening the door, you had Maya go in with Spencer while you approached your Unit Chief. “Hey,” Hotch said, a glint of sympathy in his eyes. “How are you holding up?” He pulled you away from the people, wanting to give you privacy.
This wasn’t fair, they were still working on an active case. A case that was disturbingly close to you, and yet, you felt you were out of options. “I need a favor,” you blurted to him, wringing your hands. Your nervous energy made it impossible for you to stay still.
Hotch nodded, “What do you need?” He asked, studying your composure with the eye of a profiler.
You took a deep breath, “I was… I need you to call in a favor with someone. Anyone, really. The state won’t let me take custody of Maya, but I can’t let her become a ward of the state. Not when I’m right here, ready, willing, and able to take her.”
“Okay,” he responded, not even pausing to think about it.
Taken aback, you looked at him curiously, “I- that’s it? I had groveling prepared.”
He nodded almost imperceptibly as if he was trying to tell you it wasn’t necessary. “You’ve been a part of this team for years and not once have you ever asked for anything in return for everything you do for everyone else. This is the least I can do,” he told you.
You couldn’t help it. Overwhelmed, you tackled Hotch in a bear hug, “Thank you.” Your voice was low, “Thank you so much.”
Succinctly, Hotch hugged you back before you pulled away, “I’ll go make some calls.”
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It was the smell.
The smell that you’d sensed countless times before on the job, the metallic tang of the blood. It should’ve been mostly dried by now – you supposed you were more susceptible to the scent, considering it was your parent’s blood, but it put you on high alert.
Emily had brought you by so that you could pack a bag for Maya, but you found yourself stuck on the landing. To one side, there was your childhood bedroom and Maya’s room. On the other side, there was your parent’s room.
“Y/N?” Emily called your name from downstairs, “Are you alright?”
No, you wanted to say, but you bit your tongue, scanning the house you had grown up in. “This doesn’t belong here,” you told her, glancing behind you as she made her way up the staircase.
You didn’t have gloves, so instead you pointed at the figurine that was resting on the bookshelves, a little bear facing in the direction of your parent’s bedroom door. “This is in the wrong spot?”
Nodding, your eyes followed the ceramic bear as Emily picked it up with a gloved hand. “It’s mine, it should be in my room,” you informed her. Your parents never changed anything about your childhood bedroom, not since you moved out. “It was like it was watching them,” you thought aloud.
“Do you think the UnSub did it?” She asked you gently, her voice was low but steady.
Blinking rapidly, you kept your eyes focused on the figurine, “Little Bear,” you murmured, “They called her Little Bear.”
Emily shook her head in confusion, dark hair swaying as her head moved. “Who was called Little Bear?”
Dropping the bag you had packed to the floor, you buried your face in your hands, “I should’ve seen it sooner.” The victimology, it all suddenly made sense to you. “When I was a kid, there was a family like mine. A brother who was in his twenties when his parents had another baby, a girl. They called her Little Bear.”
Realization dawned on Emily’s dark features, “Like this bear?”
You picked up the bag and started making your way back down the stairs. “Their mother made those figurines. The parents died in a fire two weeks ago – they left everything to the younger sister. It was all over the news. God, I should’ve figured it out sooner.”
“Hey,” Emily said sympathetically, “You had other things going on. None of this was your fault.” Her voice was stern, harsher than you’d ever heard her, as she pulled out her phone and called the team.
Your teammate drove, passing the police station on the way to drop you off. They left for the takedown, and you felt yourself floating into the precinct. Maya was waiting in the conference room for you, watching cartoons on someone’s laptop.
Kneeling in front of your little sister, you tapped the space bar, pausing the video. “Hey, kiddo,” you whispered, reaching over, and smoothing her hair away from her face. “How are you feeling?”
She had cried herself to sleep earlier, and you felt like you hadn’t been around enough. Maya sat up on the couch and rubbed her eyes, they were red, but not teary. “I miss mommy,” she told you, pouting slightly.
You nodded gently, moving to sit next to her before you pulled her into your lap. At six years old, she was all gangly limbs, just starting to grow into her own person. Just old enough to understand death, “I know, baby. I miss them too.”
“They wouldn’t lemme go home,” she continued, leaning her head on your shoulder. “I wanted Thumper,” she whined, sounding younger than she was.
Looking up at the light, you silently begged for your tears to go away. “I got him for you,” you told her, reaching into your bag and producing the small stuffed bunny that you had given her as a baby.
You savored the way her eyes lit up as she grabbed the stuffed animal from you.
“So, you and Thumper are gonna come to stay with me in Virginia. Do you remember going there? You said you liked it?” You kept smoothing her hair back as she held her toy.
She was silent for a moment, “Will Spencer be there?” She asked quietly.
Smiling slightly, you nodded, “He and I live together, so he’ll be there with us.” Slowly, you started rocking back and forth, trying to soothe the both of you simultaneously.
“As long as he doesn’t pull money out of my ear,” she answered succinctly, shutting her eyes as she leaned up against you.
There was approximately an hour before you watched the team return to the precinct, slowly, you laid Maya down on the couch before walking out. “It was a clean shoot,” you heard Rossi tell Morgan, and one look at the rest of them told you everything you needed to know.
The team went back to the hotel, and Spencer filled you in on the funeral arrangements he had made on your behalf. You were about to try to get some sleep when Hotch approached you and told you he needed to speak to you.
“I called a good friend of mine on your behalf, and he gave me some information. We were able to work out a plan,” he told you, sitting across from you in the hotel lobby.
You were about to tell him that a case plan wouldn’t work, but he held his hand out, telling you to wait.
He nodded before he kept going, “He was able to file an emergency request to grant you temporary custody of Maya, and it was granted.”
You felt sick to your stomach, “She’s mine?”
“Temporarily, you’ll have to take care of some formalities back in Virginia, but you have full custody of her,” he informed you. “You’re being granted family leave, and I’ve encouraged Reid to apply for it as well,” Hotch told you, reaching out and placing a hand on your shoulder. “I am… I’m sorry that you’ve had to go through this but thank you for coming to me when you needed the help.”
You nodded absentmindedly, your head still whirling with the information that you had just been given. Stumbling, you walked back to your hotel room that you were sharing with Spencer and Maya.
The funeral was planned, the custody issue was solved, all there was left to do was…
“Baby?” Spencer said softly as you swung open the door, “Everyone else took Maya to get ice cream, I figured it couldn’t-“ his voice broke off at your first sob.
Everything you had held in came bursting out, all of the grief and stress and exhaustion nearly knocked your legs out from underneath you.
But Spencer was there to catch you.
part two
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1K notes · View notes
atzloverr · 1 month
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Chapter 6 - Selfish Desire
Warning: this chapter includes yandere themes, kidnapping
Selfish desire masterlist
Your mind was all over the place.
Maybe it was the lack of food in your system, or perhaps just the huge amount of information being thrown at you all at once.
What boggled your mind the most wasn’t even the fact that you were kidnapped, it was who kidnapped you.
All those vague answers to your questions, his mysterious demeanor and those long, uncomfortable stares. It all made sense now.
Park Seonghwa had planned this all along, and his partner in crime was a monster who tortured the boy who was in love with you.
You had no perception of time in this dark, isolated basement, but it felt like an eternity had passed since Yunho left for dinner.
You had already checked every corner of the dimly lit room for any kind of means to escape, but only grew more frustrated when you found absolutely nothing. The only sense of comfort you had was Yunho’s hoodie around your body.
You felt sick at the thought of those two monsters undressing you, tying you up and leaving you all alone. If what Yunho said was true, they must truly be sick.
If they think this is any way to treat someone they “love”.
For what felt like the past hour, you had sat in your loneliness in a corner of the basement. The one furthest away from the stairs. You occasionally heard the sound of footsteps from above you, but no other sound could give you any more clues to where you were, or what was really going on.
Your head snapped up from where it rested on your shoulder when the door was slowly opened. As much as you wanted to stay calm, your own body betrayed you, making your breathing pick up in fear.
You didn’t know what to expect, but the person who showed up was the last one you wanted to see.
And he was all alone.
His slippers made a flop sound when he walked over to you slowly. You didn’t dare to move an inch, or even take a peek at his face.
As he made his way to where you were sat, you could see that he now wore silk pajama pants, colored a deep blue. You were guessing it was nighttime then.
“(Y/N), please don’t make this more difficult than it has to be,” he sighed. You finally dared to raise your head to meet his fierce gaze.
He was smiling.
This time, not a big grin, but a small, tired smile. He almost looked like he pitied you, which did nothing to calm the anger brewing inside of you.
“Why are you doing this to me?” your voice sounded out in a small whisper.
He sighed deeply once again, kneeling down to your level, sitting in front of you on his knees. You were too tired to try and fight him, and he knew that too.
“Yunho practically begged us to let the two of you spend the night,” Hongjoong told you ignoring your earlier question. “I was so sad to deny him, but the way you acted, trying to hurt me… I just can’t let it go unpunished,” he said, pouting slightly, as to try to look sad for you. As if this wasn’t all his fault.
“And don’t think I don’t know about his little crush on you,” Hongjoong giggled.
Your eyes widened against your own will.
“Oh you’re so cute (Y/N)! did you honestly think I didn’t know?” he laughed. You could swear you had run out of tears, but your eyes proved you wrong as the man in front of you laughing mockingly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell him that you know his little secret,” he promised, stroking your hair. His hands on you were disgusting. All you wanted was to push him away from you as quickly as possible, but you couldn’t move at all.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked again while tears slowly trickled down your cheeks. Hongjoong’s thumbs gently wiped them away.
“You’ll never understand, will you?” he said, still having that smile, even as his tone became harsher. Meaner. “Stop asking stupid questions, and then you won’t have to rot in this basement.”
Your bottom lip trembled. Maybe this is exactly what he wanted. To see you this weak and fragile. As much as your mind told your body to move, it was as if you were in a trance, looking into your captor’s eyes.
“Looks like you’re staying down here for tonight darling,” his smile grew. You shook your head, not wanting to be in this cold basement anymore. “But look, I brought you something!” he said excitedly.
He stood up and picked up something from the floor. Huh. You must’ve missed it when he put it down.
“I’m not so cruel, am I?” he asked rhetorically, holding up something, blocking the small amount of light you had.
You felt your eyebrows knit together as he held up the large blanket in his hands. Your large blanket. “What, how-“ you started, feeling the tears continue to stream down your cheeks.
“I know you can have trouble sleeping at times, so I brought you something to make you feel more…” Hongjoong smiled. “At home.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
This might’ve been the worst night of your life.
Even with the rain pouring outside, and your thick blanket wrapped around your body, you were restless.
Your body was so tired, but your mind couldn’t give you a wink of sleep. The fear consumed your entire mind, leaving you shivering slightly.
Was this what Yunho had to go through? Sleeping alone in a cold and empty basement with thousands of questions, but zero answers?
You could tell hours had passed, and the morning was near. Light came through the basement door, illuminating the room better, serving as a sign that the day was near.
You dreaded the moment that door would be opened once again, but at the same time, wanted company, answers and most of all, food.
Your stomach was growling at you. The last time you ate was dinner before your shift, which consisted of instant noodles… You didn’t want to, but a part of you regretted fighting back when you were given food.
Maybe food was a privilege here, something that you needed to earn. It wouldn’t shock you if Hongjoong took away basic human rights here, such as food or water.
Thankfully, there was a small bathroom in the basement, so that right was still in your grasp.
You curled yourself into a ball, still trying to find that sleep you so desperately needed. That’s when you finally heard those infamous footsteps coming from above you. From what you’d connected so far, Hongjoong’s steps were the roughest. These steps however, were almost silent. You wanted to think that it was Yunho, but something told you that it might’ve been the third party involved in this.
If you weren’t so on edge, you probably wouldn’t have picked up on the person slowly unlocking the door and stepping inside. The person slowly made their way down the stairs, so quietly that you couldn’t really hear how many steps they had left.
You decided to go with your best bet.
Playing dead.
Or more accurately, fake sleeping. As a kid, you had easily learnt how to change your breathing to make your fake sleeping believable.
You were facing the opposite wall of the basement, so you still didn’t know who was behind you.
A deep sigh was heard as the man sat down.
You knew exactly who that sigh belonged to. You had heard him make all kinds of noises, anything to avoid speaking.
He seemed to keep himself at a distance from you, maybe some attempt at respecting your boundaries? It seemed ridiculous if you thought about it.
“(Y/N)” His deep voice sounded out, slightly raspier than normal. “I-“ he started, breath catching in his throat. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
You opened your eyes in confusion.
Seonghwa sniffled quietly. “I love you,” he told you. You couldn’t believe the words coming out of the man’s mouth.
I must’ve finally managed to fall asleep. This must be some kind of weird dream…
You had to know if this was purely your imagination or not, so you turned around to look at Seonghwa, without thinking it through.
He gasped in surprise at your sudden glance.
“I- I thought-“ he stammered. You recognized this behavior. He was going to start panicking again. Just like that time at your place. Just like that time in school.
Your place.
The corner.
It all came rushing back to you. Had you simply forgotten that you had a life back home?
Surely someone had to go looking for you, right? Maybe a missing person poster was going to be put up for you too.
Now, you were the one panicking, not your project partner in front of you.
“Hey, (Y/N), please calm down,” Seonghwa urged you, trying to shake you back into reality. Your breathing only picked up even more. The only thing capable of bringing you back to reality was the harsh slamming of the door, and the rushing footsteps that came after it.
Hongjoong stopped in his tracks when he saw the scene in front of him.
“Seonghwa,” he called out. Seonghwa’s head snapped to the side. “Leave us,” he demanded, eyes fixated on your form.
You watched with wide eyes as Seonghwa immediately obeyed, and rushed past Hongjoong, up the stairs. You flinched when the door was slammed closed once again.
The two of you ended up in a silent staring contest, not muttering a word to one another, until you finally mustered the courage to be the first one to speak.
“So you order around Seonghwa as well? Maybe I wasn’t so wrong to say you did this to him as well,” you said, still not breaking eye contact. Hongjoong raised a brow at your bold statement.
“You do not know anything about our relationship, so don’t go trying to make me a villain when you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Your eyelid twitched at his rudeness. “Well then please indulge me, what is your relationship like?” you challenged.
Hongjoong stepped closer to you, still keeping his stare linked with yours. His hands gripped the soft blanket around you, and you soon realized what he was trying to do. “Stop it!” you yelled as he roughly pulled the blanket from your grasp. He harshly threw it behind him, and what he did next only made your will to fight him stronger.
“Hey, stop it you pervert!!” You tried to stop him from taking Yunho’s hoodie off of you with all your might, but his hands seemed to be made of steel.
“You don’t deserve to wear this,” he said, eyes wide with adrenaline and anger. As he finally snatched it from you, he pulled it close to his face, inhaling deeply. Was he… smelling it?
You crawled further away from him in disgust. You attempted to cover up your body, now only in your underwear. “Oh, are you cold? Are you embarrassed?” Hongjoong mocked. He was still smelling the hoodie, hiding his nose and mouth, but his eyes showed you that he was in fact smiling.
You already felt the goosebumps creeping up your body. Just as Hongjoong picked the blanket up and was about to leave, you spoke before your mind could comprehend it.
Hongjoong stopped in his tracks, looking back at you. “P-please can I keep the blanket? It’s really cold down here,” you begged. You didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. Seeing you like this, kneeling on the floor in front of him.
He made a pause, pursing his lips in thought. A small ray of hope appeared, as you anticipated his answer.
“Hmm, let me think,” he smiled. “How about… No!” He laughed as he continued walking away from you.
“It was a cute attempt though,” he said on his way out.
Your eyes dropped to the floor beneath you. You hugged your knees in a small attempt to get some warmth, but already missed the fabric of Yunho’s hoodie against your body.
The door closed behind Hongjoong, the sound echoing in the basement. You were fearing those punishments that Yunho had told you about, but even as you made him angry, he just took away your human rights. First it was food, now it was warmth. You sighed in defeat.
Guess the waiting game was about to begin again.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Yunho looked around the room, the anxiety creeping up on him. You, all alone in that dark basement he had spent so many nights in, he couldn’t bear the thought of it.
Even after begging Hongjoong and Seonghwa to let you sleep in his room tonight, they just reminded him who was in charge.
“You had to go through this too, didn’t you?” Seonghwa cooed, slowly dragging his fingers up and down Yunho’s arm. “It’s only fair she gets the same treatment!” he continued, smiling.
Yunho looked at the clock on the wall. It was five o’clock in the morning. Why on gods green earth would someone be up at this time.
Yunho’s breath hitched at the realization. Were they going to do something to you? He listened idly for more sounds of footsteps, having learned how to identify them by now.
Hongjoong was walking down the set of stairs leading to the first floor. Yunho couldn’t help but put a hand to his mouth in fear when the basement door was opened harshly. Hongjoong’s loud stomps were heard as he went down to the basement.
After minutes of silence, Seonghwa’s footsteps were heard outside of Yunho’s door. Had he also been down there?
The door to his bedroom was opened carefully, and Yunho couldn’t explain the look on Seonghwa’s face as he entered the room. Without any words being said, Seonghwa placed himself on the bed, next to Yunho.
The two locked eyes as Seonghwa’s weight made the bed dip slightly.
“What’s going on?” Yunho asked. Seonghwa snuggled closer to him, sighing. “Don’t worry about it.” Seonghwa’s hand found Yunho’s hair, running his fingers through it lovingly.
Yunho was left puzzled, unsatisfied with the answer. “Can I please meet her again today?” Yunho begged, looking into Seonghwa’s eyes with a pleading look. This time, he was happy to earn a silent nod from the man in front of him.
Finally, he could close his eyes and rest. Knowing that the two of you will reunite soon.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The basement suddenly lit up when the door was opened. It had been what you guessed to be a few hours since Hongjoong decided to deprive you from the warmth, and now you could only hope that he had miraculously changed his mind.
In your line of sight was Seonghwa, carrying a tray of food. Breakfast, you presumed. You. eyed him with caution as he set down the tray about a meter away from you.
It was a traditional Korean breakfast, which honestly, made your mouth water just from the look of it. However, you weren’t going to let yourself get fooled this time.
Seonghwa was about to take his leave when you let your suspicions get the better of you. “How do I know this isn’t drugged?” you asked, reading his face for any clues.
“You don’t,” he deadpanned, turning on his heels to leave you. “Can you at least give me a reason to trust you?” you tried.
He paused in his movement. “Maybe not a reason to trust me, but a reason to eat it,” he suggested. You tilted your head in confusion. “If you finish it, I’ll let you meet your little lover boy,” he smiled.
You bit your lip. “How do you know about that?” you questioned. Seonghwa chuckled, but still stood with his back facing you, ready to leave you any second.
“I think many people knew about it, only you were too dense to figure it out!”
He walked away from you swiftly.
“Can you promise me?”
His head snapped around once more, asking you to elaborate.
“Promise me that I’ll get to see him,” you demanded.
You could basically see his smile as he answered. “Sure darling. I promise.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, that breakfast might’ve been the best thing you’d eaten in a long time.
You didn’t exactly have the economy to buy yourself luxurious ingredients like these, so it was truly a blessing to feel the tastes on your tongue.
You were hesitant at first, but once you took a bite, you couldn’t stop yourself.
Seonghwa just gave you a satisfied smile when he picked up your empty tray.
Now you just sat there, staring at a wall, silently anticipating Yunho’s arrival. You wondered how long they were going to keep you down here. What was their plan? What were they trying to do when they decided to kidnap you?
Seonghwa’s confession of love was not what you expected, but it seems what Yunho had told you about them was true after all.
Finally, the door was opened again. You got a peek of the main floor’s inviting warm lighting, being such a contrast to the dull and dark basement. Hongjoong appeared, hands behind his back, with that smile on his lips which you had already learned to hate.
You anxiously watched, and almost jumped up in joy when you saw Yunho’s tall frame enter the basement. Yes, you still felt very ashamed in your barely dressed state, but right now, none of that mattered.
You immediately threw yourself in Yunho’s embrace, holding him tight. For some reason, seeing him made you feel like everything was going to be okay. He didn’t have that bandage over his eye anymore, which also comforted you.
Yunho’s arms wrapped around your cold body, and his knitted sweater reminded you of home. Home. That’s what Hongjoong called this place. Home. What a disgusting use of such a warm word.
You threw a sharp glare at Hongjoong when he separated the two of you, giving Yunho a small back hug.
“I can’t believe Seonghwa would be so foolish as to give you a reward for merely finishing your food,” Hongjoong scoffed from between Yunho. Yunho looked apologetically at you.
“But I’m a man who keeps my promises, and my beloved’s promises,” he added. “So we’ll let you guys spend some quality time together,” Hongjoong giggled.
You rolled your eyes at his attempt to sound genuine. “I figure you’ll have to get to know each other better.” Hongjoong walked around Yunho, so he could get a clear view of you. “After all, you’ll be spending the rest of your lives together,” Hongjoong said, his eyes staring directly into yours.
You refused to let yourself react to those last words, knowing it was some sort of bait. There was no way he meant such a thing, no, he simply wants you to think that. Right?
Hongjoong slowly stepped away from the two of you, his boots loudly indicating his every step up the stairs.
You locked eyes with Yunho, whose eyes were distant and cold. When you heard the door close and lock, you immediately began where you left off.
“Oh (Y/N), I’m sorry,” he mumbled into your hair as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. “You haven’t done anything wrong, Yunho?” you answered confused.
He started sniffling silently. “No i-it’s just—“ he began, but his sobs interrupted him. “I don’t want this for you.”
You shook your head, only hugging him tighter.
The second you untangled from the hug, Yunho immediately took his sweater off, offering it to you again. You couldn’t even protest, you knew you needed it more than him.
The two of you sat down in the corner you had started to feel at home in, and that’s when the questions started throwing themselves out of you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Yunho had over the last 20 minutes or so, explained “how things work around here.”
You listened attentively as he explained the ways to stay out of trouble, and what could happen if you do get in trouble.
“Yunho, can’t we try to escape this place? There must be some way for us to get out?” You held Yunho’s warm and big hands as you suggested it. His eyes traveled to the floor.
“Do you remember when I told you that I tried to escape once?” You nodded.
“Well…” Yunho sighed. “I don’t want to tell you this but, it wasn’t worth it in the end.”
You raised an eyebrow. Yunho’s lips formed a straight line before he sat down on his knees. Without warning, he pulled up his shirt, exposing the skin underneath. You wanted to look away as he suddenly showed his bare skin, but the second your eyes found what he showed you, they just couldn’t look away.
Yunho had bruises and cuts all over his stomach, not to mention the bandaged part on his left side.
“He stabbed me.”
His eyes met yours, and he could only explain the look on your face as sheer terror. You put a hand over your mouth in shock.
“I can’t let that happen to you (Y/N). I just… can’t,” he whispered. “But I promise you (Y/N), one way or another, I will get you out of this place.”
“Yunho,” you called, looking into his intense eyes. “I won’t leave you behind, okay?” you told him, tears pooling in your eyes.
Yunho blinked, and then threw his arms around you. This time, he didn’t hold back his sobs as he collapsed in your arms.
next chapter
help this is kinda long………… hope you enjoyed anyway!!!
(requests are opennn)
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vampirebloodie · 11 months
Nightmares | Mark Hoffman x Reader
Summary: You are a surviving player in an interrogation and Mark helps you with the pressure of the police and with your motherhood
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Nightmares about that night still haunted your thoughts when it was time to go to bed. He was right, you made a mistake and paid for it. A mistake that in your eyes was perhaps not so serious, but in John Kramer's mind it was. You were a professional thief, but you acted that way out of pure survival. Your mistake was robbing a woman, who was later revealed to be Jill Tuck, John's ex-wife, you stole a small amount of money, but the scare you gave her made her feel sick and end up in the hospital, you didn't realized that she was pregnant.
But you were reborn, as he said, you learned from your mistake and survived, with several injuries, but you survived. The police wanted you to make a statement saying more about that night, but what could you say? Accuse a dead man? Have you been marked as a future player before your game? You should reveal your crimes and possibly go to prison? Had Jigsaw tried to touch your son?
“Whenever you want, miss Y/N.”
The detective looked at you with a certain judgmental look, you couldn't take the small, cramped room any longer. Ubneeded some air to breathe before you panicked right then and there.
“I don’t know if i feel comfortable telling everything that happened.”
“You know that a statement could help the police a lot, right? We want to know who the apprentices are, you have good information.”
The detective tried, unsuccessfully, to pressure you into saying everything, but you were afraid of what might happen if you told everything, afraid that whoever set it up would come after you because you said it.
“I did some things wrong, maybe that’s why Jigsaw came after me.”
“It’s his modus operandi, Jigsaw never messes with an innocent person.”
You were a little uncomfortable with her judgment, but you just tried to ignore it as much as possible.
“Whoever attacked you was wearing this?”
The woman suddenly threw a pig mask under the table, you felt your throat close and your breathing become more labored and your heart beat faster every second. With tears in your eyes, you left the interrogation room, running through the hallways as you heard the woman's voice calling you.
You felt your back hurt from the impact when you hit the ground, you had just bumped into someone, a little dizzy you felt someone pull you up and lift you up.
"Are you ok?"
He was a tall man, probably also from the police since he was wearing a badge. No matter how much he asked, it wasn't like he cared, he kept a cold look on his face. As if he already knew you.
“Detective Hoffman. This is Y/N, she was giving a statement. Y/N, can we...”
The detective interrupted the woman before she could continue.
“Agent Perez. That's enough. I’ll take it from here.”
The woman gave you one last look before leaving. You couldn't hold back the tears and broke down, the detective suddenly hugged you, comforting you, you let go of the tears that had been trapped for days while he lightly stroked your hair.
“I-I’m sorry...”
Without giving you time to respond, he left, pulling you by the arm through the corridors of the police station. A little rough, perhaps. Maybe he is a bipolar.
“If I were you i wouldn't say much, they say he comes after those who talk too much. By the way, i think there’s someone in my office who will want to see you.”
It sounded like a threat to you, but maybe the trauma was just making you too scared of anything. You went to Hoffman's office, who turned to get coffee from his desk.
“Do you want to drink something, coffee, tea? I think it will help you relax a little.”
You got the tea, since that happened and you didn't sleep well at night, the fear of something happening again was greater, that pig mask.... Amanda Young.... Oh yes, Amanda was with you on the day of Jill's accident, you owed her a certain amount of money, the threats she made to you were making you upset and scared, you had a sick son, you couldn't let him be hurt because of your mistake, so you decided to obey her and steal Jill.
After these events Amanda had disappeared, until you discovered that she had also escaped from one of the traps.
“Where is he?”
“Look at him there.”
Your son came out of the bathroom with a toy dinosaur in hand. You immediately ran towards him and picked him up, hugging him tightly and kissing his face over and over again.
“My baby, I'm glad you're okay, I was so worried.”
You tried not to cry. Maybe you weren't as good a mother as you promised his father before he passed away.
“Mommy, uncle Mark took care of me! He’s the one who gave me this dinosaur, look!”
He smiled showing the green dinosaur to you, you looked at Hoffman who had a slight smile on his face.
“Oh yes, he is so pretty. Thanks for taking care of him, Detective Hoffman, thank you very much. How do you say it, son?”
You released the boy who quickly ran and hugged Hoffman's legs who hugged him a little awkwardly, he didn't seem to have much use with children.
“Thanks uncle Mark!”
“You’re welcome, you’re welcome. It was nothing, Y/N, i couldn’t leave him helpless alone.”
"Thanks again. Well, it's late, i think we're going to home. Goodbye, Hoffman.”
You picked up your son again and turned to walk away when he grabbed your hand.
“You know it's dangerous to walk alone now, don't you? Let me take you home. My work is over.”
Clearly a gentleman, he was right, going to the train station at a time like that wasn't very pleasant. You just agreed and then went to the parking lot together.
The walk home was silent, your son had slept on the way, he looked so tired. When you didn't sleep, he didn't sleep either, especially with the nightmares that made you wake up screaming in the middle of the night.
“We’re here. Thanks, Mark.”
You smiled and got out of the car, going to grab your son from the backseat. Hoffman also came out and opened the back door.
“You must be tired, i'll take you inside. Do you mind?"
Okay, after all, taking an unknown man to your house might not be a good idea. But he was from the police and he was armed, if anything happened he could defend you.
“Hmmm, okay, i don’t mind.”
He took the sleeping boy in his arms and you entered the building, where you went up the stairs until you stopped in front of your door, which you soon opened.
“His room is here.”
Hoffman placed the boy on the bed and covered him with the colorful sheet.
“I owe you one.”
“You can pay now, i just need your number.”
He gave you his cell phone and you laughed, putting in your number and saving it in your contacts.
“Debt paid, miss Y/N, sleep well and lock everything up. Was a pleasure to meet you"
"The pleasure is mine..."
He said goodbye and then left the house, closing the door. You locked everything and lay in bed with your son, still silly. Hoffman was an interesting guy, who knows, maybe the two of you would get along?
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(theories and reactions)
Sorry this is late, I didn't have time to listen to the episodes last night 😭
Pre - Case (Sam, Celia, and Alice):
Celia classified the case as "dog?" Idk, it's been bothering me (like it was with Sam) because it had no cross-reference whatsoever. Putting that aside, this scene, it felt like Celia was manipulating Sam a little bit? Like the tone she had while asking Sam what he was worried about felt werid. It could be just me but idk.
Yay! Establishing and respecting boundaries about the Institute! /pos
Helen tried to eat Celia, so it makes sense that she would bring a big knife to their meeting. "It is remarkably easy to buy an axe in Central London."
Also, can we take a moment to appreciate the word "Magnussing?" It was very clever on Alice's part, and I have a feeling that will become a new word in the language of the OIAR.
Case (Chester):
This case is Eye-related, mainly because of [Error], but it also feels like the End a bit? Not just because Rumins's father and Jarrod died, but when Rumins's father died - so did his love of running and his relationship with Jarrod.
The line "...if I took my eyes off him, something truely awful would happen." reminded me of Graham in TMA, the person that told his neighbor to keep watching and was later taken by the Stranger (specifically a Not-Them). Maybe Rumins is Eye aligned?
Jarrod's statememt (or at least the fragment we get) "They're coming now and getting close and when I slow and when I stop they will catch me and they will hurt me." makes him seem like he was a victim of a fear before [Error], as he is forcibly giving a statement. Perhaps he was a victim of the Hunt (his running reminds me of prey running from a predator)?
[Error] is an Archivist!!!! (Annabelle Cane theory fell through, but failed Archivist theory still stands lol)
Post Case (Alice and Gwen):
Alice realizing that [Error] is from the Archives!!!
I really like the Alice/Gwen back and forth here, even if it was a small bit. You can really see how each character shines through here!/pos
Post Case (Helen):
Helen is getting a section dedicated to her because something feels off with her.
Helen yay!!!!!!!!!!! (She is my favorite character from TMA so I am so happy)
Helen feels like she's reading off a script? IDK how to put it, but it feels like she's trying to manipulate Sam and Celia with a facade. When they start talking about the Institute, her voice lost it's softness, and it feels more real. I might be reading into this way too much, though.
She seems to have a good amount of information on the Institute. I wonder if she will have a reoccurring role...
Institute requirements - big basement, security options - what was the Institute doing? What kind of experiements were they partaking in?
Helen hasn't had contact with the Institute in 20 years, and she assumes all contacts are out of date, and she can't share them because of a GDPR. She could be hiding something. I wonder if she's had contact with Gertrude since she was firm about nor giving up contacts. Maybe she wants to try to steer them away from information, like Gertrude?
She is giving Celia and Sam real estate information that relates to the Institute, violating her GDPR... She is most definitely manipulating them in some way. We know that she wants to be featured in the documentary, but I wonder if there's more.
Also, her laugh - it is very reminiscent of the distortion. It says so in the transcript, lol. I wonder if this is a different path for her, sort of like Gerry. With Gerry, instead of being traumatized, he's happy. Maybe with Helen, she feels more in line with the Spiral as time went on. So instead of being forcibly turned into the Distortion, could this be a path where she slowly Becomes on her own? It would be cool to see how the Distortion could come to be, without forcing someone to it's heart.
Post Case (Sam and Celia):
Sam is worried because he and Alice let out [Error], which is to be expected, but Celia? It feels like she's more disappointed here, not knowing how to outplay [Error], since they don't act like Jon. It's a bit suspicious on her part.
Celia is very nervous around Helen, which makes sense because, again, Helen tried to eat her.
Sam and Jack are so cute, I love his little impression of Helen!
Celia said she felt like they were being watched - perhaps [Error] is on to them?
The Celia and Sam scene - where they flirt and kiss - it felt wrong to me? This could be because I'm demi romantic and sex - adversed ace, but it didn't feel right. Sam is awkward during their conversation and seems uncomfortable at first, while Celia is not. It feels like Celia is manipulating him again. She's trying to get closer to Sam and pushing him further down the Magnussing route in order to figure out how/why she is in the TMAGP universe.
I might add more to this later, because I feel like I'm missing things....
Overall though, I really liked the case and the character interactions, especially with Helen and Alice/Gwen!
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chee-shep · 1 year
Headcannons of Kaigaku and/or rGenya running into s/os bad Ex?
I haven’t written for Genya yet, but he is one of my favorites >w< I even went and made a banner for him in case I write for him more. I love doing those banners, I think using Canva for making transparencies is fun (though I had to do a pro free trial since I can’t get into my work's Canva at the moment >w<.)
For Kaigaku in his human form bumping into them and his demon form hearing about them.
Also, this format is odd to me. Is this head canons or more of a imagine/scenario? I have no idea… I like the idea of scenario being the word for it…
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Human! Kaigaku Running into his S/O’s bad Ex:
Kaigaku knew about your ex, since it was part of the reason you felt hesitant in the relationship at the beginning
He was actually worried about acting like them, or becoming like them
The two of you were walking through the streets of small town since he had a little break.
He had stepped aside for a moment to grab you some sweets from a vendor when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
When you turned around and saw you ex you quickly tried back up, but that was hard to do in the crowded streets.
He continued approaching you, but Kaigaku came back in time to push him back, telling him to ‘fuck off’ as he put his arm around your waist
Kaigaku isn’t going to let this ass walk all over you again, and Kaigaku would make it clear that he was your boyfriend now.
There’s a 50/50 chance that would be enough to scare your ex off.
If it didn’t, Kaigaku had no problem getting his hands dirty, he’d find it as revenge on your behalf.
You might even have to peel Kaigaku off of him to keep him from getting a murder charge
In the end, you won’t be worrying about your ex coming back…
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Demon! Kaigaku hearing about his S/O running into their bad Ex:
The night was the same as any other as you sat outside under the moonlight waiting for Kaigaku.
When Kaigaku arrived he could tell something was off about your mood.
When he pried for the information, you mentioned that you had run into your ex, he was confused
You actually hadn’t mention your ex to him before
And oh, he was pissed when you told him about how he had treated you.
You mentioned how today he came back, begging for you to take him back, claiming he was ‘sorry’ for everything he did
His teeth were gritted through your whole story
He managed to calm down for the rest of your time together, but he wasn’t letting this go.
Kaigaku was running a bit late the next night, and when he did make it he had some blood on him.
When you asked who he ate this time (it’s a bit of a joke between you two) he shrugged and said, “nobody important”
When you heard you ex had vanished the next day you knew exactly who Kaigaku’s meal was last night
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Genya Running into his S/O’s bad Ex:
Genya didn’t do much talking in your relationship, despite the amount of time you two spent together he was still shy
You did most of the talking, and some of that talking was about your ex
He seemed uncomfortable during that talk, even angry
Of course he was! How could someone treat you like that?
Either way, you were both glad he was out of your life now
The two of you were walking down the street in town
You were holding Genya’s hand, so he was flustered and not fully aware of things at the moment.
He only snapped back into his senses when someone bumped into him hard
Genya snapped at the guy, and when he turned around you couldn’t help but gasp
Genya immediately knew that you knew this guy, and figured out that this must be your ex
He also found out your ex wasn’t too bright, since he starting spewing insults at Genya (a guy who towered over him)
Yeah, he wasn’t even close to a challenge for Genya
Genya really would’ve loved to pummel him into the dirt, but he didn’t want to have you watch or wait for him to be done.
After knocking his ass out with one hit, you and Genya continued
It was only a bit before Genya got flustered again with you now thanking him while hugging his arm.
Ah, my fingers hurt form so much typing, thanks for everyone’s patience~
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yaeggravate · 10 months
Theory: Kaeya's Mom is a Scion of Nabu Malikata
you know it's funny how we've gotten zero information about the other half of kaeya's family… unless??
warning: slight crack
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Kaeya: According to the merchant I bought it from, mysterious spirits called Jinn often live in lamps like this, and this lamp in particular once housed a very powerful Jinni.
in kaeya's hangout, we are gifted a mysterious lamp. kaeya says the merchant who sold it to him claims it once housed a powerful jinni. this lamp is called Mysterious Lamp of Fate Ordained. (remember this.) kaeya then explains what the jinn are as if he just discovered brand new information which is odd because kaeya has told klee a story about a jinni trapped in a lamp before.
aforementioned story is a reference to the story of The Fisherman and the Jinni from One Thousand and One Nights and also to the in-game book The Shepard and the Magic Bottle, a four star quest item that permanently stays in your inventory.
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both stories concern a jinni being freed from a magic bottle upon which they grant three wishes. curiously, kaeya uses the last wish of the in-real-life story instead of the game's. in his version, the jinni gets trapped, in the book of the game, the jinni stays freed.
Kaeya: He said to the Jinni, "Wait, how could your massive body fit inside such a small bottle? I won't ever believe it unless I see with my own eyes!" The Jinni became angry, and said, "Mwahaha. Foolish boy, you dare question my powers!?" The Jinni then returned inside the bottle and the boy swiftly sealed it shut.
The Shepard and the Jinni The young man hesitated for a moment, and asked the last question. "What's it like to live in a bottle?" Seemingly having never heard of such a question before, the spirit was slightly surprised before she answered slowly.
strangely enough, it's not the first time kaeya has been connected to lamps. in the furniture description for Trusty Portable Lamp he went around telling children that the souls of fireflies are trapped inside lamps.
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No thanks to the Cavalry Captain's jests, a rather morbid children's tale exists in Mondstadt concerning these lamps. The nuns have had to explain to the kids that no, these lanterns do not contain the imprisoned souls of fireflies.
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furthermore, his ascension material is The Spirit Locket of Boreas. probably just another coincidence but nothing can ever be taken for granted when it involves this guy. perhaps all of these strange associations with imprisoned spirits is foreshadowing something bigger, who knows.
still, in the context of his hangout, kaeya's gift being a lamp is actually pretty random compared to gifts of other companions.
so i started thinking, the play and the intaglio showed us his ties to the alberich clan while the other routes showed his ties to mondstadt so it stands to reason that we should have hints towards the unknown maternal side of his family right? could this be the lamp?
before we dive into crack territory let me explain what the jinn are first. they're spirits born from night-blue water lilies that were nourished by nabu malikata's blood. jinn can take the appearance of blobs like dori's spirit or that of humans, and they can even reproduce with them as seen with everyone's most behated lamp, liloupar.
we have no idea how kaeya seemingly dodged the curse but what if he was blessed by a jinni? maybe someone made a contract with a jinni and this is how he's able to age normally. it could even be connected to his lucky coin that can land on any side he wishes. if guoba can be a stove god, it's not too far-fetched to think the coin could house some kind of spirit.
Kaeya: Of course, this whole arrangement hinges on a preexisting amount of trust between the two of us. I can't just get any strange coins to listen to me.
also, liloupar said something interesting about jinn being able to take someone's pain away from them:
Jeht: Can Jinn feel pain too? Liloupar: The Jinn have little need for a vessel, and even less need for senses. But should we begin to connect with others… Then we will take from them their pain… Even should we not comprehend the source of it.
who knows, perhaps this could even extend to a curse.
moving on to the good stuff:
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these tcg cards show an unknown woman wearing the Vourukasha's Glow artifact set that is associated with nabu malikata. her outfit resembles nilou's outfit, which is modeled after nabu malikata's, but is noticeably lacking the horns nabu malikata was said to have.
the description for this card is Scions of Khvarena, which means that this lady is most likely just a follower or heir of nabu malikata.
(however, columbina, who is very likely to be a seelie survivor like nabu malikata, has bits of dark pink hair and is also lacking the horns, meaning we can't exactly determine that this woman isn't nabu malikata.)
in any case, the loading screen for khvarena is also called Scions of the Khvarena and it tells us something interesting: that khvarena can dwell inside humans.
Scions of the Khvarena Thanks to the nourishment of the Amrita, the Khvarena split apart to manifest countless forms. Some can find themselves dwelling within individual humans, while others might develop an awareness of their own…
khvarena are spirits that can purify abyssal corruption. they were created by nabu malikata. another interesting bit of trivia is that khvarena used to be localized as Soul Light.
taking a gander here but what if this lady and other human heirs of the khvarena are people who have the khvarena inside of them? i have actually speculated about this before that kaeya's mother might have had khvarena inside of her which ended up neutralizing or suppressing kaeya's curse.
you see, khvarena can reverse the effects of the abyss. and it was said that the oasis could cure all ills. though i should add, it probably isn't very effective on khaenri'ahns who are already cursed, as we've seen with dainsleif who was actually there recovering at the amrita pool but is still zombified.
(khvarena is green energy, and what i found curious is that the lamp kaeya gives you actually emits green smoke when you touch it. kaeya's favorite drink is death after noon, which is green due to the absinthe within. in literature, absinthe is known as The Green Fairy...)
to me, the most intriguing part is that khvarena is based on khvarenah, the divine royal glory.
Khvarenah is an Avestan word for a Zoroastrian concept literally denoting "glory" or "splendour" but understood as a divine mystical force or power projected upon and aiding the appointed. The neuter noun thus also connotes "(divine) royal glory", reflecting the perceived divine empowerment of kings. The term also carries a secondary meaning of "(good) fortune"; those who possess it are able to complete their mission or function.
when you read this, does it not remind you of kaeya's character? we all know by now that kaeya is associated with nobility/royalty, and good fortune (with his lucky coin and some of his dialogue).
Mona: Kaeya Alberich? He's a Pavo Ocellus. Destined for greatness and grandeur… and to hide ugly realities behind a layer of charm and elegance. He believes he has made a clean break with his past, but one day fate will catch up with him. When it does, he will have a major decision to make.
we don't know what kaeya's name is derived from, but it could be from the legendary Kayanians, who were also said to possess khvarenah!
anyway, back to the scions, i think it's possible that the following tribes are the scions of khvarena.
The matriarchs of the Tanit, Uzza, Shimti, and other tribes besides all refer to themselves as "Daughters of the Flower Goddess."
the Flower Goddess is nabu malikata who also calls the khvarena daughter of flowers, meaning these tribes are very likely to be the scions.
"My Khvarena, daughter of flowers…"
and like the lady on the card, matriarch babel of the tanit tribe has light pink hair.
(though, as a reminder, unbeknownst to her, babel was not actually born into the tanit tribe so we can't use her as a reference as she most likely did not have the blessing of khvarena, which is what i suspect is the reason she had to use poor JEHT.)
unfortunately, there's zero information about the other two tribes but shimti caught my eye here.
Ashima was a West Semitic goddess of fate related to the Akkadian goddess Shimti ("fate"), who was a goddess in her own right but also a title of other goddesses such as Damkina and Ishtar. 
shimti means fate!!!
mysterious lamp of fate ordained!!!!
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peacock accessories, gold accents and dead mom sidebraid!!!!
Traveler: I never knew you could inherit eye patches. Kaeya: My! (Traveler), how could you not know such common knowledge! This is no different from children inheriting their hairstyle from their parents!
kaeya last name shimti REAL you heard it here first-
ok you can laugh now but wouldn't it be nice if kaeya's mom turned out to be a pretty pink haired lady who is a descendent of nabu malikata? i think it would be nice 😌.
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prentissvest · 1 year
Gut feeling
BAU x reader (platonic)
warnings: mentions of suicide, guns, blood, deaths, knifes, slit throats, case stuff
And like that, I fell to my knees. Hand clinging to my throat. Then, blood streams down my hands.
Three days earlier…
“We have a case” the four words that plague all of our minds, the words that begin to make us prepare for the carnage we are about to see on the screens that haunt us, we get to see death, murder, massacre. It's a hard job, one that I signed up for nonetheless, but a hard one. 
We sat around the table as Garcia face us as to not look at the screens, “this case came in about 20 minutes ago, someone is going into people's houses during the night and cutting their throats open” Garcia explains as she presses the button for the tvs to show us the crime scenes. “It looks like the unsub is making the family watch, leaving the parents for last so they can live with the guilt of their childrens death” Derek says pointing to the middle photo which showed four chairs placed as if they were around a table with rope hanging from the armrests, dry blood staining the wood. 
‘It says here that there have been four other cases of this all over texas, why haven't we been notified before” Hotch says with annoyance in his tone “the police department believed that it was suicide, people taking their own and familys lives but at the recent scene there were the words ‘see you soon’ smeared in the fathers blood on the wall and forensics have said that he was the last to die as the unsub wanted him to feel the grief of his family’s death before he killed him” Reid says while looking at the case file. 
“okay , wheels up in 30” 
I began to pack my go bag when Emily walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder, “hey, you doing alright” “yeah.. Something just feels off about this case” i joined the team around 7 months ago but they quickly accepted me with open arms, Emily looks at me her worried expression slowly falling “well im sure if there is we will figure it out, everything is going to be ok”
The flight was about the same as any other, most people were looking over the case file and crime scene photos, I was one of them. The words ‘see you soon’ were engraved in my mind with the amount of times i had read it. The everlonging question. Who is he talking to? Was it supposed to be the victims talking to god, eachother or him? Talking to us. I shiver at the thought. There was not too much information on the case but we could work with it. The same pit in my stomach still sat there, I can't place my finger on it but i'm sure everything will go perfectly smoothly.
We got to the police station and got directed to a small room for us to work. Hotch sent us off in groups morgan and emily went to the morgue to get the autopsy report, hotch and rossi spoke to local people and police department and reid and i were to go to the crime scene.
When we got there a few things popped out at me immediately, the door had no sign of forced entry yet there were scratch marks at the keyhole which showed that the unsub tried to pick the lock but had difficulty doing so, yet this was not shown on any of the other reports and the unsub is clearly not devolving as the scene itself was much more evolved then the others. 
The other thing i noticed was the dust outlines on the mantelpiece, it looked as if a photo had been taken, it was right in the middle so im guessing a family photo, but it was not found at the crime scene which means that the unsub had taken it but once again this was out of the ordinary from the other 4 scenes. I told spencer what i had seen so far and he agreed with me it was obvious that the unsub was not devolving but might have been in a rush or under more stress then last time as the scene itself was not sloppy but what we had found made the pit in my stomach much deeper.
We all gathered back together at the station, Emily and Derek said that there were hesitation marks on both of the children but last time there was a straight clean cut, we all shared and it seemed that something was off on this set of murders, the pattern still being there but small aspects changed. We began to think about where he might strike next as the last four have been in the same circle of two towns and we have a feeling that it wont move away from that circle as it seems to be that the unsub is comfortable being there and it is a known space so we called garcia and asked her to find identities of men living around and in those two towns who are around the age of 18-29, recently lost a close family member, and with a past history of violence against woman, possibly in the close  town or family members. 
Garcia found a few names pop up and a couple fit the criteria so we split into groups and set off to each house. Hotch and I went to the house of Mark Charlie, age 27, recently out of prison for aggravated assault and mother passed recently due to a heart attack. We knocked on the door but there was no answer so I slowly turned the handle and the door creaked open. I slowly get my gun out of the holster while Hotch does the same. Footsteps can be heard from the room next to us so i signal for hotch to wait behind me while i check, there he is Mark sat in a chair slightly turned “Mark Charlie FBI” i say waiting for him to make a move “i know who you are Agent, i've been watching you and your team, good work i must say but you really need to search.. Further "I look too Hotch confused while he just mouths to me to keep him talking while he goes outside to update the team that the unsub is here as our coms went to static when we walked in. I think to myself, okay he is a textbook narcissist, he thinks he's better than us, so the only way to get to him is to make him think that he is.
“What do you mean Mark?” I say with an overbearing confused tone. “Well.. your partner, Hotchner, didn't even check the other room” he says with a manic smile on his face “HOTCH” i scream but before i could say anymore i fell to my knees, my hands to my throat, blood streams down. Marks and the other figure run away, I try to scream out for help but no noise comes out, a tear falls down my cheek as my head hits the floor, no longer able to hold myself up. Everything begins to go black but the last thing I see is Hotch running towards me.
part 2
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altair214 · 2 years
It's kind of a thing at this point that Hob Gadling has an irrational hatred for hatred of Shakespeare born of jealousy because Dream walked out on one of their meetings with him. But what if Hob actually loved Shakespeare’s plays because he used them to try to find out more about his stranger and just got obsessed. Obviously, Hob had put together that his stranger had probably helped Shakespeare write better plays.
So what if when Shakespeare started to get recognized, Hob decided to see what all the fuss was about, after all he used to be shit. But when he saw that his plays were actually good, he put two and two together. He suspected that his stranger had something to do with this, exactly what he wasn't sure. But in order to figure out what was going on, Hob spent the twenty years afterwards watching as many of Shakespeare's plays as he possibly could, trying to get to know his stranger through the plays. Of course, he wasn't exactly sure what he was looking for because he knows so little about him. But nonetheless, he tried to find Something and inadvertently became almost an expert in Shakespeare's plays and grew to love the play, though he was always rather salty that Shakespeare had stolen his stranger’s hard earned attention away from him.
When he lost his fortune, he was not able to see many plays or read much for a long time, but in the time that he was on the streets he would recite what he could remember of the plays to those who would hear it and he would occasionally make some small amount of money that might feed him for a little while.
After their conversation in 1789, he had confirmation that his stranger had helped Shakespeare and his passion in trying to find out more about him through Shakespeare’s work was reignited. He doesn’t have confirmation for anything but he does have a few theories.
1: Hob wonders if  his stranger might be fae, this is inspired by the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, he wasn’t sure. It didn’t seem quite right but it was a theory.
2: He wasn’t sure what sort of deal the one with Shakespeare was, other than that it wasn’t for his soul, but he could use the information that he had gained immortality at no cost to himself. So perhaps the deal was something similar. Hob only met with his stranger once a century to tell him about the last 100 years as part of his deal, (and he wasn’t even sure if that was required anymore, regardless he was happy that they were still meeting as he wanted to get to know his stranger more). So perhaps the deal was similarly benign, maybe Shakespeare had to do some task for him. Maybe he had to dedicate a play to him.
3: The fair youth sonnets were a subject of Hob’s fascination, if for no other reason than the possibility that they might have been about his stranger. He had no proof, nor was he sure, but he thought it a possibility and it both delighted him that his stranger could have been the subject of such work, and inspired jealousy in him. Still, Shakespeare was long dead and he was alive and so was his stranger, even if they met only once a century. 
4: There were certain lines in Shakespeare’s works that with some irrational certainty, for he knew very little about his stranger, he felt his stranger’s personality and feelings about the world shine through. Such as, “We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with sleep” from The Tempest, or “There’s nothing in this world that can make me joy. Life is as tedious as a twice told tale, vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man;” from King John. His stranger had never struck him as someone in love with life and had always seemed to Hob as other worldly.
There were other quotes that reminded Hob of his stranger such as, “How like a winter hath my absence been from thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year. What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen, what old December’s bareness everywhere!” This quote in particular struck Hob especially during the years he spent in poverty 20 years after their meeting in 1589 and when he was stood up in 1989.
Fast forward to 2022, Hob is a history professor who specializes in medieval English history and he’s quite well known as the guy around the campus as the guy you go to when you need any help with anything regarding Shakespeare. He’s known for having an odd relationship with Shakespeare, complimenting his work and then insulting him for being an attention stealing twat in the same sentence. 
When his stranger walks into the New Inn 33 years late, calling Hob his friend, Hob has many questions but is a patient man. Dream introduces himself properly and in as little detail as possible, explains why he missed their 1989 meeting. He also says that he will grant Hob a favor that is within his power as an apology for missing their last meeting, to Dream’s surprise, Hob only asks that they meet more often than once a century. 
After their meeting, Hob has some serious suspicions about the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, after all, it had his friend’s name in it. He now knew that his friend was not fae, but the title of the play could not just be a coincidence. After all, it was June when he had met Shakespeare. 
One day, about three weeks after they reunite in the New Inn, Hob is teaching a class and happens to be talking about Shakespeare’s plays and inspiration that would have inspired his plays. Then on total coincidence Dream walks in, standing at the back of the lecture hall as Hob rambles on about the plays. One of the students asks Hob what his favorite quote is, to which he replies, “For you, in my respect, are all the world. Then how can it be said I am alone when all the world is here to look on me?” from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It was after saying this that he realized that Dream was standing at the back of the classroom with a small but fond smile upon his face. After making eye contact, Hob started stuttering through the rest of the lecture, which was cut short.
Afterwards, Hob went to greet Dream. Dream tells him that he was not aware of his love for Shakespeare. To which Hob, while very red in the face, tries to explain his fascination with his work without giving his obsession with learning more about his friend away. Dream gets the point however, and says that he was not aware of how curious Hob was about his existence, though does not sound at all displeased at this fact. Hob, blushing and stuttering, admits that he is very curious about his friend and would learn all that his friend would tell him. Dream replies saying that Hob need not rely on looking for clues in plays written over 400 years prior. Hob is thrilled and the two of them go on a walk to Hob’s flat together. 
Eventually they get their shit together and confess to each other, through Shakespearian sonnets of course.
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reigningqueenofwords · 5 months
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Word count: 937
Read on AO3
Part 2 of Lightening and Arrows
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Clint smiled at you as the pair of you danced. “Are you glad you agreed to be my date?” He asked. 
You pretended to think. “I am.” You chuckled. “Thank you.” You smiled. “For helping me out of my head. I’ve really enjoyed myself tonight.” 
“Anytime.” He grinned. “I am always up to show a pretty lady a good time.” He playfully flirted. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You teased. 
The two of you danced for a couple more minutes before he led you off the dancefloor, his arm around your waist. Feeling eyes on him, he looked around and spotted an annoyed looking Thor. He couldn’t help but smirk at the God. Sending him a wink, he turned back to you. “Would you like a drink?” He asked. 
You smiled. “Sure.” You agreed, letting him lead you to the bar. “Can I get a martini please?” You asked the bartender, while Clint then ordered a beer. 
Thor watched you and Clint flirt at the bar and shook his head. Briana swallowed awkwardly. “Can we dance?” She asked Thor, hopeful. After all, she was his date. He had been the one to ask her to go with him. He had seemed so excited until he saw you with Clint. 
He took a moment, then turned to her. “Of course.” He agreed, offering his hand to her. He gave her a soft smile as she took his hand. 
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“Alright, now the part of the night we’ve all been looking for!” Tony got on stage, getting everyone’s attention. “The Avenger’s Auction! Can I get my teammates up here, please?” He grinned as he saw them all making their way towards the stage. “The first date that’s being auctioned off is…Captain America! Come here, Rogers.” He motioned for Steve to come stand with him. “You know the drill, ladies and gentleman. Bidding starts at five grand for a date with this handsome guy.” 
Steve looked at Tony and sighed. He reminded himself this was for charity. He smiled out at the crowd, knowing that this auction always got charity an insane amount of money. A hand lifted, the first bid put in. He wondered how high things would go. The year before someone bid fifty thousand for a date with him. 
You watched as bidding went quick for Steve. When bidding ended, you were glad you weren’t sipping a drink. The winning bid was a hundred grand that year. “Wow.” You breathed. 
“Oh, over double last year’s winning bid!” Tony laughed. “Nice. Don’t worry, you’ll get your money’s worth.” He smirked, making Steve lightly slap his arm. “If you’d just like to make your way over to Happy there. He’ll get your information.” He told the winner. “Rogers, back to the others.” He was loving this. “Who should we ‘sell’ next…?” He asked, laughing even harder as people actually called out names. “Oh, lively bunch this year.” 
Finally, he called up Bruce. He shyly went up, giving the crowd a small wave. He was so sweet, and you hoped he felt the same love that Steve did. The bidding didn’t go as fast, but people seemed to want him, too. You giggled as you could see him look a bit surprised, and a bit bashful, as the bidding grew. Finally, the winning bid was seventy-five thousand. 
One by one, the Avengers were auctioned off. Nat went for twice what Steve did, surprising no one. Tony outbid everyone for Pepper, amusing you. Clint got just about what Bruce got, and when he slipped back in line, he teased you. “You didn’t bid for my hand?” He whispered, making you giggle. 
“I didn’t realize I had to pay for it.” You nudged him. 
He pretended to think about it while Tony rambled on. “I guess you can get it for free.” The two of you snorted at how that sounded. 
“Since she’s been miss giggly with Legolas over there…Y/N, come on up!” Tony smirked at you as you blushed. “Don’t be shy, you can go back to flirting with the elf after.” 
You made your way to stand next to him, not seeing the look Thor had as Tony opened up the bidding. He was clearly not a fan of auctioning you off. You chewed on your lip, confused as to why bidding was going like it was. It was making you a bit self conscious, if you were being honest. 
Tony was confused, too. He felt you would have gotten nearly as much as Nat! “Fine, since you clearly lack taste, I’ll bid!” He announced, hoping that would egg the others on. “I bid a hundred thousand!” He grinned, looking around the room. “Going once….going twice…sold. To me.” He kissed your cheek to try to relax you. He’d likely gift that ‘date’ to Clint or Thor. He hadn’t decided who yet. “Back to line, Y/N/N.” He told you, and you hurriedly went back to standing with Clint. Your cheeks were red, but mostly out of embarrassment. Your friend had to place the winning bid. No one else was really bidding. It had only been thirty thousand before that. “Alright, Thor! Get on up here.” He motioned to the God. 
Clint gave you a small smile after he nudged you to look at him. “Night’s almost over.” He reminded you. 
“Thankfully.” You sighed, wanting to get home, and into a hot shower. You weren’t even paying attention to the auction anymore. Thankfully Thor was the last one up. After that was finished, things would start winding down. You would slip out, getting an Uber back to the tower.
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armpirate · 1 year
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: You were awful on anything related to flirting, guys and sex. He was the perfect ladies man. You wanted to get rid of your virginity. And he was there to help you with everything you needed. You didn't have the best start, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have the best of the endings.
Warnings: first time attempt, vaginal sex, hints of trauma and abuse)
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Ever since they started, I did a good job ignoring those nightmares. But yesterday everything felt so vivid, so distressing, that I forgot where I was and who I was with. I've also tried to give it a meaning, it could be one of my insecurities acting up whenever I'm around Jungkook. But it stresses me the fact that the house seems familiar. I have the feeling it actually exists, and I've been there at least once, I can even remember the smell of musty wood. And that would mean those nightmares aren't actually made up, but a memory.
Or maybe I'm just thinking too much about it.
I'm brought back to reality when one of the customers snaps his fingers at me, smiling satisfied when he finally gets me to look at him and pay attention to what he wants.
The fact that my boss is here should've made me be more aware of the environment I'm in and how I can't space out whenever I feel like it. Thank god Jim is too lost in his own world and the group of people he's been paying attention to for the past thirty minutes to even notice it.
And just as expected, he leaves after there are only two tables left. I gotta say he's stayed around longer than he usually does whenever he comes around. Usually he only comes mid-shift, and when he leaves depends on whether we have everything under control or everything is a chaos because of the big amount of people. Like what happened today.
It's Saturday, so it isn't surprising there were a hell lot of customers. Also there isn't a better mix than drunk assholes pushing your buttons and sore legs because you wanted to have fun the night before, and said pain gets multiplied by twenty because you have to walk and stand for eight hours.
I start picking up all the empty glasses when the last table has already paid and is about to leave. Although two knocks on the crystal door, after I see them standing up and leaving, makes me think I will have to fight a drunken asshole because he won't want to leave. It isn't totally a weekend if that doesn't happen.
—We're closed —I inform, not lifting my gaze to the door.
—That's why I'm here.
His voice is so recognizable, it makes me smile instantly to know he's here. Jungkook enters the bar, taking off his jacket while he makes his way to the counter just to leave it there along with a small plastic bag he brought. I don't need to tell him, he walks to the other tables just to do the same thing I'm doing.
—Should I start sharing my tips with you? —I joke—. Every time you come here, you end up cleaning.
—Artist in the morning and pub cleaner at night —he frowns—. Sounds like a lame superhero parody.
—It fits you perfectly then —I tease him.
—Low blow, cocktease —he points his finger at me.
I simply shrug, unable to hide my smile. Not even when we are in silence. It's crazy what he's able to do only with his presence.
—What's the plan for tonight? —I dare to ask.
—We're traveling back in time.
I'm taken aback by his response. Is it going to be one of those weird thematic dates, similar to parties based in the eighties and stuff like that? If so, he should've told me before so I could've gotten something ready.
—You didn't live your teenage years like everyone did —he walks to the counter, and supports his elbows on the surface—. So I thought, how can someone go on adult dates when they haven't gone on average dates first?
—You mean I'm back to being sixteen?
He nods and smirks, before speaking again.
—And you'll pick what kind of crush I am: the bad boy you're sneaking to see or the high school crush.
—Which one were you?
—Neither —he snorts—. I told you I was a donkey. I wasn't lying. I didn't like studying, but I did what I was told to. Normal dude.
—Then play that —I shrug—. I'm on a date with the normal donkey—I fake a disappointed tone.
—Hey, the normal donkey is a sweetheart —he tries to defend himself.
—That's why I picked him.
He looks down and smiles, trying to hide his face from me. Although I can catch a glimpse of his pink cheeks before his locks get in the way.
✸ ✸ ✸
When we're finally done with tidying up the bar, I go to the bathroom to change my black t-shirt to a salmon one and a denim jacket. When I meet him again, he acts shocked and surprised to see me, looking at me from head to toe.
—You look beautiful.
—You're so annoying —I hit his arm, making him chuckle.
—Shall we go?
After nodding, I lead the way outside. Although I stop in front of the door to set the alarm and close it. When I turn around, he's already on his motorbike, waiting for me while holding the handlebar.
—The donkey knows how to ride a motorbike? —I joke, walking up to him.
—The donkey has a dark past, so he's also the bad boy your parents wouldn't want you to date.
—You're taking this too seriously —I cackle.
I hop on the motorbike, noticing while I'm still placing myself behind him how the purple is already fading. Although I really like this color on him, I'm already missing his natural hair color.
Jungkook doesn't tell me where we are going, or what's the plan. He starts the engine and starts driving, only dedicating me a soft smile before. Unlike other times, I like the idea of not knowing what's to come. And the concept of our date is heart-warming, I wouldn't have thought of something like this myself. So the fact that he did means a lot to me.
And I'm going to be honest, when he said he was planning the typical teenage date, nothing came to mind. But when he parks his motorbike in the parking lot near the port, and asks me to follow him until we stop in front of a small sign that has "Bowling & Games" with pink neon lights, I know he put a lot of thought into it.
—Is it open?
—Yup —he smiles proudly—. I spent all evening trying to find a place that was open at this time, and I found this. The bowling is closed, but we can spend some time at the arcade.
Honestly? He could've told me to take a stroll around my neighborhood and it'd have been fine by me. So the fact that he put so much effort on it only makes it even better.
—So this is how you won girls over? —I finally ask when we get to the arcade side of the establishment.
—This is how I desperately tried to win girls over, yes.
While we are at the arcade, we don't talk much. Most of our conversation is reduced to insults and threats, and several dares while we're competing against each other. How competitive we both are isn't good, and clearly neither of us are good losers. Proof of that: we've played on the hockey table six times already, and it's always because the other wants a rematch.
I know all his moves, I know how nervous and impatient he is getting by the way he jumps on his place and twists his tongue against his cheek. He also cracks his neck on both sides, and gives me that challenging look trying to intimidate me.
Ater his confident look turns into an annoyed one when I score the third goal and he's still at zero. He keeps talking to himself, pouting his lips as he usually does when he's ranting or complaining about something. And I find it funny and endearing enough to have me slipping my hand away from the lodge, just so he can slip the disc a few more times.
That smirk and challenging look comes back to his face when we are in a tie. But he obviously doesn't leave it there.
—Cocktease, I told you I'm an ace at this. See how I ascended? —he bends to get better movements— I was the best at this back in Seoul. Don't feel disappointed.
—What do you mean? —I ask annoyed— I let you score all those goals. We'd have finished the match by now.
—It's alright. You don't need to make up exc...
While he's talking, and trying to lecture me, I hit the disc and make it enter his lodge as he tremendously fails while trying to block it.
—What did you say about being an ace and shit? —I tease him, crossing my arms over my chest.
—I was distracted —he looks around—. And I was tired of this game after playing so many times.
—Sure, mr. Ace.
We play most of the games there, and probably we would've played them all if we hadn't been kicked out of the place after Jungkook was caught getting on the basketball game to move the ball in and out the basket constantly just to break the record.
Was it my fault? Probably. I told him he wouldn't be able to break the record, and he took the challenge. But it was totally worth it just to get that picture of him climbing over the crystal wall, with his legs parted, while trying the hardest he could to get the highest score. I'd dare him to do it again only to laugh with him like this.
—He kicked us out, but let's see who breaks the record now.
And that only makes me burst into a harder laughter, that forces me to hold onto his arm just to keep the balance.
When we both stop laughing, Jungkook leads the way to the port and asks me to check my bag. I open it, thinking I won't find anything, but instead, I find a transparent plastic bag filled with ice cream shaped sweets.
—There are no ice cream shops open so late, so I had to improvise —he snatched the bag away from my hands.
—When did you put it in my bag? —although I like the surprise, I'm way too curious to let that slip.
—It was on the counter. I saw it when I was putting the glasses inside the washing machine —he informs me—. I didn't think we'd find the plastic bag on the motorbike when we came back, so your bag was the plan B.
—Smart boy.
He smiles wide, opening the bag and finally letting me pick one of the sweets, just so he can pick another one.
—Oh, ice cream and taking a walk? —he nods— I like it.
We start walking, getting closer to the port and filling the silence with the sound of the wood of the boats cracking because of the movement of the water. He pats my arm, and I open the plastic bag for him so he picks another one.
—How long have you been in New York?
—Five or six years —he scrunches his nose, smiling nervously while trying to remember—. I started the degree at twenty, but joined the military service a year later... Wait, I was seventeen when I graduated, that in Korean age is nineteen and I'm twenty-eight, almost-twenty nine...
He gets lost trying to remember when he did whatever he did, his eyes are up, almost as if he were trying to sneak them inside his brain to get a glimpse of the information he seems to be missing.
—Five years ago —he finishes—. I asked to be transferred after my parents moved here because of Soo, so I finished the degree here.
—How was it? I bet it was difficult at first —we walk side by side, at a slow pace.
—It was —he nods—. But it could've been worse. I started working with Mark almost as soon as I landed in the US, and by the time I graduated, Mark had already turned me into a partner in the studio. I also met Leslie there, so I found myself with a girlfriend and a new group of friends quite fast.
—Do you miss Korea?
—Sometimes —his hands slide through his hair, taking the long locks away from his face so he can look at me properly—. We should take a trip one day. I bet you'd love it.
I can't hide the smile on my face that forms after he says that. Jungkook didn't say that I should go once and visit the country, he said we both should. The two of us together. And whether he's just saying it because it just ran through his mind, or whether he actually wants me to go with me, it's still special for me the wording he used.
—What about you? Do you miss New Jersey?
—Not really —I play with the plastic bag—. I didn't do anything to miss it. I made no memories there, so I don't think there is much to miss.
—Aren't your parents there?
—I haven't talked to them since I moved out. They were devastated when I told them I was going to move here and I was going to study Fine Arts —I tilt my head—. Actually, I did see them when my grandma died, but we didn't talk much —I chuckle—, if not at all. But yeah... it's not like we talk every day and we count the days until I get a few days off so I can see them. They haven't made the effort to come and see me either. I guess it's fine.
It's fine. I will forever be grateful for how hard they worked so I could get everything I needed, and I can't say I feel nothing for them. They will forever be my parents, and if they ever needed something I'd rush wherever they are to give it to them, but some relationships aren't meant to exist. It's better this way than us three forcing the happy family image.
—I'm sorry to hear that.
—Don't be. It's okay.
We stay quiet for a few minutes, although I keep seeing him trying to get the conversation started. He moves his head trying to find the right way to bring up the topic.
—Did you... —he thinks the question— Did you meet someone the week we didn't talk?
—Why? —I giggle— Would you be jealous if I said I did?
It starts as a joke, I meant it as a joke in a dumb attempt to be funny. But his fast "yes", with no hesitation nor doubt in his tone, makes me pause.
—That week I was too busy thinking about you and cursing your existence.
—That's why my ears were beeping all the time.
I see Jungkook laughing, and at the same time his steps also slow down until he stops walking. I look at him, waiting for him to say something. But I'm not ready for the look he's giving me right now. The street lights reflecting in his pupils just make it seem as if I could see the stars through his eyes.
—Fuck it. I can't go slower with you —he mutters.
Before I'm able to react his hands are wrapped around my neck and his lips are locked with mine. My eyelids fall closed when the softness of his lips make me drunk enough that I want to fully enjoy him. His taste mixed with the metallic taste of his lip ring has always had it easy to make me go down bad, but tonight it feels different.
The kiss doesn't go crazy, we don't lose our senses the way we usually do when we end up in this situation. We just kiss and enjoy this beautiful moment until he breaks the kiss. Jungkook's forehead rests on mine, our breaths mixing while our lips are still rubbing against each other.
—Shall we go to my place?
—We always go to your place —I giggle, my arms still wrapped around his waist.
—That's because I like having you there.
He places a soft kiss on the tip of my nose, and holds my hand before he starts leading the way back to where his motorbike is placed.
✸ ✸ ✸
I wasn't nervous when he parked the motorbike and kept being touchy and kissy while we were on the lift. I started being nervous when he made me wait outside of his apartment, and closed the door right on my nose. No explanation, no warning. Just a "Give me a second", with a worried look and the door being slammed.
That, and what happened yesterday only makes me think the worst for a quick second. The worry disappears fast though, as soon as he opens the door again and Jungkook has a radiant smile while the rest of his house is still dark.
He invites me to get in, moving his body away from the door and opening a small gap -big enough so I can walk past it with no problem. And I swear nothing would've prepared me for the way my heart squeezes with such emotion when I see everything he has prepared for me. The path of rose petals from his door to the bedroom, his house only being lit by some candles strategically positioned so he wouldn't need to turn on the lights... This is only for me.
—I know it's a cliche —I hear him on my back—, and something way too used in movies. But you deserved something special, and I couldn't find anything else that could've made it bet...
I interrupt him. I turn on my feet and pull him closer by the neck, shutting him up when my lips collide against his. It's a cliche, it's something that was overused by movies, but it's something he's done for me. He could've done nothing. He could've taken the step last night when I first told him I was ready, he could've gone on with all of it without doing any of this. Yet here we are.
We don't need to speak. The intensity of the kiss and our shaky breaths are loud enough for the both of us. I'm not aware of how big he is, compared to me, until he pushes me and corners me against the door. There's something about my head resting against the wood, his hand pulling my hips closer to his body and his tongue doing those magical moves while we're kissing that make me lose my head.
I'm ready to give him everything.
It just takes us a few minutes more to start taking our clothes off in between kisses and playful bites. Soon everything's gone and we are left only with our underwear. And there's no room for shyness and insecurity. It's just the two of us and this moment. Jungkook picks me up with barely any effort, both of his hands holding my thighs and lifting my body as if I weighed nothing.
Jungkook leaves me carefully on the bed, as if I were the most precious thing in this room and he didn't want me to break. He hovers over me, kissing every bit of skin he finds from my cheeks to my pelvis, leaving my body full of wet kisses. Unlike other times, he doesn't look at me like a prey, he's trying to make it as thoughtful as possible.
He starts sliding my panties down my legs, and he also takes off his boxers so we both are equally naked. He crawls up over my body again, kissing my lips slowly, but with such intensity that I'm convinced I'll go crazy. One of his hands is cupping my cheek, while the other is wandering all over my body, tracing my curves as if he were painting them until his hand finds the knee.
—Open your legs a bit for me —he demands with a raspy voice.
That tone goes straight to my core, that throbs and clenches around nothing, eager for him, eager for what's to come.
His hand moves up my leg again, and disappears in between our bodies until his fingertips meet with the wetness of my pussy. He groans on my lips, kissing me again, while two of his fingers slide in between my folds.
—You're beautiful.
His thumb ghosts my clit in circles, teasing me while two of his fingers are tempting my entrance. He smiles satisfied when I lift my hips, asking for more. And he gives it to me with no hesitation. His digits dig inside, opening me up, stretching me out with delicacy. They move in and out with a slow pace, but he makes sure they are knuckles deep inside of me every time he gets the chance.
Just the image of the tattoos of his fingers disappearing slowly is enough to make me moan right now.
—You're taking it so well, baby.
The combination of what his eyes are showing is confusing and exciting. They're dark, showing the self control he's putting himself under not to fuck my brains out right now; but at the same time, they're filled with care and admiration, as if this first time will forever be marked for us two. And that, that's the duality I always talk about when it comes to him. And seeing it mixed in his eyes for the very first time is the hottest thing I've ever seen.
—Are you ready?
—Yeah —I'm not aware of how nervous I am until I hear my trembling voice.
—If you ever want me to stop —he warns me—, just say it. I won't get mad. Remember communication and knowing your limits.
My heart beats faster when I see it happening. He leans toward the night stand to pull out a shiny wrapping. And I can't look away while he's opening it up with his teeth, taking out the condom to roll it down his cock. Nervousness hits my body right at the same time excitement does.
Jungkook's eyes fall on mine again, looking for reassurance as his cock is lined up towards my entrance. The tip rests against it, and it must be pretty obvious everything that I'm feeling right now, because he cups my cheek again and leans to kiss me again.
I know he's doing it to distract me from the pain, he just wants to make it easier for me. But that darkness suddenly puts my body in alert mode. And it only gets worse when he invades me. I stop feeling him, I stop being aware he's the one trying to make me feel good. Panic installs in my brain, and everything just stops working for me. I'm unable to follow his kiss, or move my hands on his back to encourage him to go further. Instead, I break down crying.
—Stop —I ask him, pushing him by his shoulders—. Please, stop —my voice sounds desperate.
And he does.
He pulls out when I first ask him and cups my cheeks, trying to make me look at him. But I'm too deep into that darkness that I can't find a way out. Every bit of arousal, excitement and confidence I felt vanished the moment I closed my eyes to be replaced by fear, insecurity and desperation to get out of here.
He's able to knock me back to this, to where we are when he hugs me and makes my head rest on his chest. The repetitive, yet soothing sound of his heart beat drags me back here, yet I seem unable to stop crying.
—I'm sorry —I manage to say in between sobs—. I ruined everything. I'm sorry.
—Shh —his fingers dig on my scalp, trying to get me to relax under his touch—. You didn't ruin anything.
That dark feeling doesn't leave me though. It's not like all the other times we were able to brush it off and just go on. It stays with me, it doesn't leave, and some disturbing images keep flashing in my head. It's like those nightmares finally made their way to real life and I can't seem to ignore it nor stop them.
None of us try to talk about it, he knows it's not the moment for it, and I'm too disturbed right now to speak more than just two words together. Jungkook holds me tight, enough to let me know that he's here, that I'm safe. He just comforts me while I'm desperately crying on his chest. Everything keeps replying in my head until it suddenly stops. I'm not aware when I fall asleep, but everything just goes black and stops. 
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We’re Burned For Better - Chapter Eleven
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Chapter 11
Aemond and Aelora did not speak to each other for a full day after their wedding night, nor did they look at each other.
They didn’t look at anybody.
Aelora returned to her new chambers, which happened to be in the room adjacent to Aemond’s. Alicent had grown increasingly worried about her son’s well being. When she was informed of his nightmare where he screamed himself awake, she confided in Aelora. To make her feel better, and prevent herself from having to give up her own chambers entirely, Aelora agreed to take the room next to his, so that she’d be there if he screamed like that again.
She wasn’t pleased with this, but it was better than sharing his bed.
From what her handmaidens told her, Aemond returned to his chambers soon after Aelora had left them, barring the door and not stepping out till the next morning. Not before ripping all the blankets and sheets off his bed first and throwing them outside his door, however.
Neither left their chambers till the following morning, having gone an entire day without eating or drinking except for what little things were left in their chambers.
Aelora had ordered a bath be drawn for her, and she scrubbed herself clean for what seemed like hours before crawling into bed. She laid there for a day, hardly being able to sleep. When she finally had enough of wallowing in her own self pity, she forced herself to dress and make herself look presentable.
She resumed her daily duties, and assumed Aemond did, as well.
It was not lost on her that nobody bothered her the day after her wedding. Even Aegon let her sulk in her chambers, never sending for her to sit through a council meeting or some other arbitrary matter with him.
Aemond and Aelora were left alone, and they couldn’t have been more grateful for a day of solitude.
Aelora was the first to arrive at the Small Council meeting, and she found Aegon waiting for her in the council room. He grinned when he saw her, standing up to greet her.
“Aelora. Marriage agrees with you, darling.”
“Have some decorum,” she said passively, narrowing her eyes at him. “I look terrible. We both know it.”
Aegon chuckled, coming over to take her arm. “There will be no meeting today.”
Aelora resisted the urge to slap him as she let him lead her out of the room.
“I wish someone would have told me, Your Grace. I wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of getting ready.”
“That’s precisely why you weren’t told,” he informed. “You’ve endured your duties with grace, and I allowed you and my brother a day’s rest, but it’s been long enough. I have a kingdom to run. You both still have parts to play.”
Aelora fought to not roll her eyes. “If you have a kingdom to run, why is there no meeting today?”
“We got a surprising amount done in your absence,” Aegon mused, but his face grew solemn and his voice grew quiet. “You were screaming in your sleep last night. Did you know that?”
Aelora closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “No, Your Grace, I did not. I barely slept at all, and I certainly don’t remember screaming. How do you know this to be true?”
“Aemond came to me this morning. He said to tell the Maester to brew enough Essence of Nightshade so that at least one of you could get some sleep. You’ve both apparently left your guards with quite the earful this week. But it’s no matter. You’ll each find a bottle of the elixir in your chambers tonight. Do be careful, in my experience it is very potent indeed.”
Aelora tried not to show a reaction to his words. But the thought of Aemond, hearing her scream in the next room over…it made her physically ill.
Did he consider waking me up, I wonder, she thought. Does he even care enough to?
“Have a lot of experience with Essence of Nightshade, then?” She asked, choosing to ignore the first half of his words.
“You’re not the only one who has a hard time sleeping, Princess. Sometimes, no dreams are better than the alternative.”
Aelora stopped in her tracks, considering his words. Aegon stopped as well, releasing her arm. He waited for her to speak, eyeing her like he could analyze every thought in her head.
Her words surprised him.
“Well, I expect to have many sleepless nights from now on. Should you find yourself in the same position…I suppose I can lend an ear. Might as well put it to good use.”
Aegon grinned, raising a brow. “Did you just invite me into your chambers?”
“Absolutely not!” Aelora retorted, scoffing. “I invited you to send for me, should it become necessary. It’s an offer to be used sparingly. You may be the King, but I am not one of your toys.”
Aegon raised his hands in surrender, stifling a laugh. “Alright, alright, calm down. It was only a joke. Very devoted to my brother, I see. Barely a day of being married and you’re already fighting for his honor.”
“I took an oath, Aegon. I may not like it, but that means something to me.”
Aegon nodded, solemnly. “I know. You wouldn’t be here if your oaths didn’t mean something to you. It’s a shame they couldn’t save you.”
He bowed his head, leaving Aelora alone in the corridor.
Aelora didn’t know what to do with the rest of her day, now that it seemed free for her to use.
Aegon wasn’t going to bother her again, he only wanted her awake and out of bed. She didn’t know where Aemond was, or if he wanted to see her. Alicent had not visited since the night before the wedding. Aelora figured that the only people who’d actually be excited to see her was Helaena and her children, so she went to find them.
She didn’t have to look long. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera were in the courtyard, toy swords in their hands. Jaehaerys was trying to attack his sister with it, but Jaehaera was proving to be a difficult task to conquer.
Aelora nearly laughed at the sight, covering her mouth with her hand to stifle it.
“It’s not fair! Jae is taller than me,” Jaehaerys pouted.
Before Aelora could cut in, another voice filled the courtyard from the opposite side that she couldn’t see from where she was standing.
“A knight should be capable of fighting a man of any stature, short or not. But don’t worry, little Prince. You’ll grow to be a foot taller than her, if not more. It is only a momentary disadvantage.”
He had stepped into her view now, standing behind Jaes to position his body into better form. Jae was giggling, gripping the hilt of the sword like she was fighting an actual battle.
“It’s not my fault I grow and you don’t,” she said, lunging to smack her sword against his. “Finally, a game I can beat you at.”
Aelora tried to sneak away. Really, she tried her hardest. But then she heard Helaena call her name, and both the children turned her way.
“Aelora!” Jaehaerys said, running to clutch at her skirts. “Come play with us.”
Aelora bent down to pick him up, ignoring the eyes that she could feel staring at her form, piercing straight through her.
“Don’t listen to your Uncle,” she said. “He knows nothing. You may grow taller than your sister, that is true. But for now, you must learn to fight with what you have, not what you will.”
“Did you learn to fight?” Jaehaera asked, dropping her sword.
Aelora set Jaehaerys down, joining her family. She bowed her head towards Helaena, smiling at the baby in her lap. She did not turn her eyes to Aemond, who remained frozen where he stood. She could feel his stare, burning into the side of her face as she spoke.
“I did, Princess. My Father expected it of me. I trained alongside my brothers. Ser Criston and Ser Harwin saw to it that I was properly educated in the art of combat. I am decently skilled with a sword, and a bow and arrow. I’m best with a dagger, though.”
“Could you beat Uncle Aemond?” Jaehaerys asked, looking up at Aelora in wonder.
She smiled at him, finally turning her eyes to Aemond. He didn’t say a word, only bowing his head in acknowledgment.
“Not in this dress, Jaes.”
“Try,” Jaehaera asked. “You just said to fight with what you have, not what you will.”
Helaena grinned, deciding to meddle in her family’s affairs. She always had a watchful eye and could sense tension when it brewed. Better to bend it to your will, than watch it break.
“She’s right, Aelora,” Helaena grinned, pointing to the toy swords lying in the grass. “It’s the same weapon, equal chance. Do you expect an attacker to go easy on you, because you’re wearing a dress?”
“Equal chance? I said my Father made me train, I didn’t say I was well versed in fighting. Aemond has trained nearly every day for as long as I can remember. I don’t see how that’s fair.”
“Excuses, excuses,” Jaehaerys mused.
Aelora playfully shoved his shoulder, picking up the toy sword. She looked it over, before tossing it back into the grass.
“Alright, children. I’ll play if your Uncle will, too,” Aelora nodded, meeting Aemond’s gaze. “But if I’m going to fight, it won’t be with toys. It just so happens your Uncle carries two swords, strapped to his waist. Those will suffice.”
Aemond shook his head, his face serious. “No. I will not fight you, nor will I do it with a real blade.”
“Scared of getting cut, husband?”
You made me bleed, she thought. Now it’s your turn.
Aemond narrowed his eyes, his jaw clenching. “Quite the opposite. I don’t intend to hurt you.”
Aelora grinned, slowly walking towards him. She stopped just in front of him, wrapping her hand around the hilt of one of his swords. She pulled it slowly from its sheath, standing on her toes so she could speak softly in his ear. Her voice was laced with venom, sickly sweet.
“I cannot promise the same.”
She held the sword in her grip, backing up a few paces. Raising it, she motioned with her hand for Aemond to join her.
Aemond glared, not moving. “I will not fight you.”
“We’re not fighting, we’re demonstrating. It would do you well to raise your sword.”
Without warning, Aelora lunged for him, scarcely missing his shoulder before he leapt out of the way. She wouldn’t have cut him, not with the angle she thrust the sword. But still, Aemond faltered.
He pulled his sword from its sheath, gripping it tight. His voice was deadly serious.
“You would cut me? An unarmed man?”
“You’re well armed,” Aelora retorted, moving into a fighting stance. “Come on, then. Our Queen and her children want a show. Let’s give them a show.”
Aelora swung again, and this time, her sword hit steel.
Aemond was stronger than her, that was clear. He pushed her back, making her stumble. She quickly kicked off her shoes, feeling the grass beneath her feet as it was trying to poke through her stockings.
I’m wearing heels. Another reason as to how this is unfair, she thought.
Aemond may have been strong, but Aelora knew him well. He always kept his opponent in front of him, at the risk of his backside. Having one eye, it left him conscious of blind spot. Aelora used that to her advantage. Yes, he was stronger than her, but she was quicker than him.
She spun around to his backside, drawing her sword near her. In the time it took him to spin around, Aelora had already gotten too close.
He barely had the time to stop her sword before she pressed it flat against his chest, pushing as hard as she could. Aemond managed to press his forearm into her chest, sliding her far back enough that he reached his sword up, pressing it against hers.
It formed an “X” between their bodies as Aelora pushed, having to use both hands to try and disarm him.
But Aemond wouldn’t let her. Try as she might, she couldn’t overpower him. She grunted, trying to break through his brace, and for the first time, he saw her anger.
Her true anger.
She wanted to hurt him. Injure him, no…that wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted him to see how much he hurt her, and how hard she was willing to try to make him understand. She didn’t have the words to tell him how much she hurt, how she felt like she was being eaten alive from the inside out.
She couldn't tell him, but she could show him.
And he was seeing it now, watching the rage in her face as she struggled, an angry cry coming from her throat.
But what of his rage?
What of his rage, and his guilt, and his sorrow? What of the life he gave up to do his duty to his family? His duty to her.
Here Aelora was. The girl Aemond had always wanted to marry. The girl he pictured spending the rest of his life with, the girl he loved for as long as he could remember. The girl he never dreamed of hurting, and the girl he never dreamed would one day want to hurt him.
Here she was. Fighting him, trying to make him feel what she feels. It was breaking his heart. He knew how she felt. After everything, how would he ever be able to explain to her how he feels?
He held his gait, keeping pressure against his sword. Aemond leaned in close as she pushed, his voice unsteady. It was barely a whisper.
“Why do you have to make it so hard?”
His words shocked Aelora. A whimper left her throat, and she faltered, releasing just a bit of pressure on her grip. It wasn’t much, barely an inch of movement. But it was enough. Aemond couldn’t catch himself quick enough, unable to recover his hold.
Before either of them could realize what had happened, Aemond’s sword slipped.
It dragged across the bridge of her nose, skipping over the skin before continuing to slice another jagged cut diagonally across her left cheek.
Aelora gasped in shock. It was quiet for a moment, and no one spoke. Not Aelora, not Aemond, not Helaena, or her children. But then, Aelora felt the blood begin to seep from the wounds. She didn’t even feel the wound itself. Adrenaline was coursing through her body, preventing her from feeling any pain. But she could feel the blood beginning to drip down her face.
Aemond looked at her in horror as he dropped his sword, immediate regret on his face. He reached for her, but she flinched, taking a step back.
“I didn’t…You know…I would never—“
“I know,” Aelora quickly said, tilting her head back. “I know.”
She believed that. She really did. He wouldn’t physically harm her, not intentionally. That was never his way. Fire and blood may be his words, but fire is all he was ever after. He most certainly was not after her blood.
“Aelora,” Helaena cried out, immediately calling for her handmaidens. She ushered her children to go with them, before rushing to Aelora’s side.
“Call for the Maester!” Aemond yelled over his shoulder, and the guards rushed down the corridors as he turned back to Aelora.
“I’m fine,” Aelora said, pushing Helaena’s hands away from her face. “Really, Your Grace. Don’t get blood on your dress, leave it to the Maester.”
“Fuck that,” Aemond said, gently cupping her jaw. “I don’t give a shit about getting blood on my clothes. Stay still.”
Aelora wouldn’t meet his gaze, but she let him turn her face in his hands. She could hear the sound of the guards returning, along with the jingling of the chain around the Maester’s neck. Aemond was pushed back by the Maester, but he stayed close. Helaena held Aelora’s hand, letting her squeeze it when the Maester was too rough with the torn skin.
“You won’t need stitches,” he finally said, and everyone let out a sigh of relief. “But it will scar. All I can do is try and lighten it, and ease the pain.”
Aemond made a sound of despair, looking down at his feet. It will scar.
The guards came to guide Helaena back to her chambers while the Maester worked, wiping away the blood on Aelora’s face. She felt him rubbing ointments and pastes into her skin, but she paid him no mind. She could only stare blankly.
“Keep it clean and dry, Princess,” she heard him say, regaining her attention. “Should you have any concerns, send for me. Do you want anything for the pain? I can bring you milk of the poppy. We can try a few remedies to lessen the scarring, as well.”
“No. I do not need any of it, but I thank you for your concern. You may go,” Aelora said, and he nodded, bowing his head at her and Aemond as he left.
It will scar, she repeated in her head. Let it, then. I have no reason to hide it.
When he was gone, Aelora turned her eyes to Aemond. He was already watching her, grimacing at the angry flesh across her nose and cheek. He had this far away, glassy stare on his face.
I’m so sorry, he thought, although he couldn’t get the words out. I wish it was me. That, he could say.
“I would bear it for you, if I could. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
I never mean to hurt you.
“You already bear a scar,” Aelora said, shaking her head. “It wouldn’t be fair to ask you to bear both, would it? No, it wouldn’t. Now we match. At least I got to keep my eye, though. Unfortunate odds, for you.”
Aemond scoffed. “It’s not the time for jokes, Aelora.”
“It’s either laugh, or cry,” she said, holding her head up high. “And I don’t plan on crying in front of you ever again.”
Aelora left him in the courtyard, where Aemond stood in silence for a full minute. When he finally forced himself to move, he bent down to pick up his swords so he could resheath them. He slid Aelora’s back in its sheath, before bending down again to reach for his sword. The steel caught the light of the sun on its tip, drawing his eye to it.
It was still slick with Aelora’s blood when Aemond picked it up.
A/N - Getting into it, now. I hope you’ve enjoyed the story so far, please let me know what you think! Any feedback and comments or critique is welcome. I’ll have a new chapter up for you soon :)
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milliestars4 · 1 year
A court of the unforseen
Chapter 12
“The need for control always comes from someone that has lost it.”
It was the thought of losing control that would bring even the strongest of soldiers down into the pitfall that was their mind. The thoughts would swarm the conscience until the dam broke, and their sanity with it.
A tether snapping, and the whole world just collapses.
Fire and night triumphant was a burning cascade of flames igniting Eris Vanserra’s every pore. The anger lighting a cannon of unconcealed fusillades, their force beating a hole in every prudent thought his body would use as a last defence, pleading with his power to spare the High Lord.
The High Lord that had lost all control.
The High Lord that had no control over their power.
Eris was fucked.
By the fucking cauldron, Eris could not rid the shadowsinger from his thoughts. It was like the mother had cursed his very being with vivid imagery of Azriel after every blink.
A primal instinct to help and protect was discarded the moment the Illyrian had left his chambers, but some lingering feeling Eris couldn’t place was prominent in the beat of magic flowing through his body.
The snap at Akiro was also running rampant along with every other pitiful action he had committed that night. It was his party, solas, he was only worried for Eris.
But everything was all bombarding enough, and Eris couldn’t catch a break.
A small part of him meant it, though - his facade was too complicated and thought through to be abandoned now. Eris had already humiliated himself to keep the mask from slipping.
If only there was a world where Eris could figure himself out. Figure out how to conceal this gods forsaken magic stealing his mind from his grasp by every passing moment.
If only he were a boy again and could seek gentle solace in the safety of his mother’s arms.
If only this never happened, if this were all a dream and he had never become the mess he was now.
If only.
Oh gods, his head.
Azriel roamed through the halls of the House of Wind tirelessly. No amount of pacing could ease his rising panic, though. The clutch some cursed emotion had on his chest squeezed hard, hard enough to snatch his stoic persona and perfect icy gaze from him as Cassian swaggered into the foyer.
The mask slipped, but snapped back up in an instance, to the idle eye, it was a movement gone unnoticed, to Cassian, it was a rare sight; the Shadowsinger a mess of intrusive thoughts and a shortness of breath.
Cassian feigned ignorance, but Azriel saw through it.
“Rhys told me about your accident.” The armchair groaned under the General’s weight as he slowly eased onto it. “Who would’ve guessed you get ambushed.” Humour laced his tone, but it came with genuine relief as an aftertaste.
“Busybody.” Azriel tried his best to smile; to seem unbothered, but his head pounded. Shadows swarmed his neck, leaving cooling trails in their wake. Their aim was to alleviate, but just made him shiver, ergo hurting his fragile head more.
“Don’t play coy, brother. You can talk to me.”
“Did Rhysand send you to see if I had another story to tell? To see if I missed valuable information during my alibi?” Azriel was half joking, a smile blooming. But he knew Cas wouldn’t just start some idle conversation in such a way; he was sent on some sort of mission by Rhys.
“I do care, you know. You aren’t alone in this world.” Cassian supplied, that insufferable look of pity shining in those identical hazel eyes. Azriel could not stand that look. It made his skin crawl.
Darkness pooled at his wings, death incarnate to a weak mortal with innocence streaming through their minds.
To Cassian, though, this was his brother. Much to Azriel’s dismay, Cassian understood him; shit , Rhysand did, too.
“I don’t want to have this conversation, Cas. Just ask Rhys?”
“I want to ask you.”
Azriel wasn’t in the mood for confrontation, wasn’t in the mood for lies compiled in attempt to break through his icy facade. So Azriel was a coward, once more; Azriel ran from his issues and those who cared for him by winnowing away.
Eris had to get away, the walls were closing in on him, and his magic was about to cascade into an eruption of rage-filled fire.
The walls were getting to close, his thoughts were running rampant to the point where a string of sentences in his head would only state his unease, his inability to contain the simple stoic sanity.
It was all getting too much, too hard to stay in control of what was his own body.
Eris Winnowed away.
He didn’t know where he went, or if he’d come back from the gap between reality and the endless pit of darkness and unknowing.
Eris didn’t care if he came out on the other side, he just needed to get out.
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
I am here again with more questions!! For the ship ask game,
pre-relationship; 2, 3, 4, 5
General; 1, 2, 5, 6 & 8
Love; 1, 9
(Hope these aren't a lot, if they are just feel free to answer the ones you want!)
(Don’t worry about the amount! I appreciate the questions!)
(Note: Even though the asks are not in takeover format, I’m going to answer everything from Yelan’s POV)
What was their first impression of each other?
Yelan: My first impression, hmm? I would say I can tell a lot about a person when I first them, especially if they have their guard down. But my first encounter with Rina was from a distance, so we didn’t actually meet face to face. At first, I thought it was strange for someone to be out so late at night, away from the city. But, after I saw how she handled those Fatui, let’s just say I was…intrigued. As for Rina’s first impression of me? I can only guess.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Although we’ve never explicitly discussed this, I’m sure Rina did first. I’m not one to fall easily, and I’ve never been very interested in deep romantic attachments, at least before her. I’m also basing this on the fact that her tells of a crush were very obvious to me when they appeared.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
*sigh* From past experience, I’ve learned that resistance doesn’t last. For me, it was more denial than anything. But I had to be honest with myself, because if the truth was that I cared for her, it would affect my life and hers. Mostly, I was worried about people using our interest in each other against her. Fortunately, we’re both good at keeping secrets.
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Hmm, I’ve never thought about it. Well, I’d imagine that, to put it plainly, my life would be the same, just…without her in it. But…*looks around quickly* I really like coming home to a warm apartment, smelling freshly brewed tea, and being greeted with a hug and the scent of glaze lilies. It’s…nice. I work solo most of the time, but I enjoy having a partner.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did they go about it?
Rina did, and she was very forward about it. It was during Lantern Rite, while the fireworks were going off and everyone’s attention was on the sky. They pulled me into a darker corner and handed me a glaze lilly. She said something along of the lines of that she planned to ask me out for weeks, on the day, and that it would make her very happy to try a relationship. As expected, the flower wilted the next day, but we’re together now.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
With Lady Ningguang’s permission, Rina took me up to the Jade Chamber. Imagine my surprise when, as we’re up there, fireworks in the shape of a heart start going up. Rina got noticeably flustered and muttered that someone named Yoimiya was probably responsible, but I found it cute. Afterwards, we sat together, looking over the city and talking for hours.
What is their height difference? Age difference? Do either matter to them?
(Rina: Honestly there is no canon information, so I imagine they’re around the same age and height. Yelan is around 5’9”, Rina is 5’7”. And no, it doesn’t really matter to them.)
How do their personalities complement each other? How do they clash?
I’ve been told that I’m more aloof and unapproachable, while Rina is more friendly. I simply think being a little suspicious of people’s intentions right off the bat is necessary in my line of work. However, having a relationship like ours has been beneficial to our work, not just personal life. While I often use threats to extract information, Rina has the ability to make people let their guard down, lure them into a false sense of security. This, however, has led to us having small disagreements on our methods. But we’ve agreed to disagree. She has her methods, I have mine.
Who takes the lead in social situations? How are they around each other's friends?
We both handle our own, though I’m better at handling strangers, and Rina is better with friends. Mostly because in my line of work, the relationships I have aren’t as simple as “having friends”. Rina has met a few of my colleagues as she works with them too. I’ve met quite a few of her friends, and they seem to respect me, not necessarily like me. Although, that could be because I’m introduced as “co-worker”, not “girlfriend”.
Who said 'I love you" first, and what was the situation?
…I felt love before I said it. Rina was assigned a solo mission, and, seeing as at that point she was an important part of my life, I expressed that I wanted her to return safely despite how capable she may be. She smiled, said “don’t worry about me. Worry about them.” I may have not said it in the moment, but I know she knew.
What reminds them of each other?
Whenever we go to the beaches of Liyue, we collect starconches. One time, Rina found one that she claimed “looked almost like a heart” (it didn’t) and she gave it to me. I…may or may not have said starconch on my nightstand. Even though it definitely doesn’t look like a heart.
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onceuponanaromantic · 2 years
fortune favours the bold
(Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial​‘s prompt: The Last House on the Left. Here you get a bit of Seph from my WIP, A Match Made in Hell’s backstory, though as per normal, no need for the context to understand this. Enjoy!)
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If she wanted to pull this off, it would take everything she had ever learnt about deception.
             She squinted at the glittering lights, the bustling crowds, and ran her fingers through the pink chiffon of her skirt. The champagne-coloured draperies all over the elegant ballroom were lined with gold, all the better to catch the lights falling off the grand chandelier up above. The doors themselves were closed, with no obvious lock, but she knew better than to try them.
             After all, even if this was not declared outright, this was a celebration of her capture.
             They weren’t looking at her directly. None of the vampires were, and she had become particularly sensitive to being watched. It had only taken one slip, after all, and it had cost her everything she had fought so hard for.
             She pretended to sip from the flute in her hand, grimacing as she dripped a small amount into a plant as she swept past. The roar of conversation never rose beyond a concerted murmur, but still low enough for her not to be able to make out exactly what everyone was saying. She fought the urge to press her hands onto her ears, still unused to the added sensitivity to sound.
             “And you must be our lovely guest of honour!” She turned to look at the small woman behind her. Her eyes were dark as night and malevolent, even as she smiled with all of her white teeth and her blood-red lipstick.
             “I am.”
           The woman hooked her arm through hers, her heels narrowly avoiding her feet. “Stephanie or something, was it? It’s so nice to have you here with us.”
             “Seraphim.” The woman waved her off, the jewelled blue hem of her skirt swishing as she strode, dragging her along.
             “Can I call you Steph? It sounds so much nicer.” She grinned again, dragging her forward.
             “Actually, I was mostly wondering where the bathroom was?”
           “Oh, let me join you, I was just about to go myself.”
             She dragged her through the ballroom, looking elegant and sweet as she smiled at the other guests, but with a grip hard enough that she would have bruised if she still felt things through her skin.
             The woman continued to talk to her, trying constantly to elicit more information about her. She smiled politely, hiding her discomfort by parrying each question with all the grace of someone whose training consists of excessively nosy relatives.
             “I’ll meet you outside here, shall I? It’s so nice to have met you.” The woman darted off towards one of the toilet cubicles, her heels clacking on the marble tiles.
             She slipped off her shoes.
             She waited for the sounds of the toilet to drown her out and then she ran.
             She had only a few minutes until her absence was noticed, so she had to hope that her calculations about this place were correct. She slipped past the servant’s entrance, careful not to dirty her shoes as she murmured her own apologies, twisting between dishes and people alike.
             She closed her eyes and ran for it as soon as she got to the exit, before slowing down just outside towards the back. No doubt, they would have been told what she looked like, even if it was as a guest, which means she had to change her appearance.
             “Enjoying the party?”
           She relaxed her stride, put a smile on her face as she nodded to the security guard. He didn’t smell like the horrid iron, bitter earth scent of the other vampires, just cigarettes, so she took her chances with asking how to hail a taxi.
             The moment he turned away to go inside, she ran again.
             She knew about the sight she must be making, her chiffon dress flapping in the dark as she ran, barefoot, down dirty alleyways and through the puddles of lamplight as she took off towards somewhere they wouldn’t expect her to go.
             She reached her location quick enough, not even out of breath despite having crossed nearly half the island in an hour. Granted, if she could, others could too, but that would require them to actually understand the damn island. Which they didn’t, or they would have caught her a lot sooner.
             “Sorry, uncle, can tell me how to get to this place ah?” She stopped at a void deck, next to a stone table. The old man looked at her, squinted at the address on the tiny piece of paper she had in hand, and looked back at her. She shivered under his gaze, but stood firm.
             “You go seventh floor, turn left, last unit.” He looked her up and down again, probably wondering why she was here. “Your boyfriend ah? Don’t go right ah, they got some big dog.”
             “Thank you, uncle!” She said, before slowing her speed to something a human could reasonably run at and running off towards the lift.
             It was a gamble to hope they would still take care of her, with everything she had become. If they threw her out, she didn’t know where to go. Maybe she would try breaking into a school again and hiding somewhere. Anywhere was better than going back.
             The lift door dinged open. As she walked through the fluorescent lighting, with the chirping crickets finally registering in her ears after she relaxed from having gotten far enough away, she pressed her fingers tight enough to the bodice, adjusting it before it tore. She cursed, but gave up, finally reaching the door.
             She rang the doorbell.
             Someone yelled from inside. She waited.
             The door opened.
             “Whose delivery—Seph?”
           She looked at the tired girl wearing a school T-shirt and shorts, eyebags in full display and hair a mess, through the metal grille. “Hi, Erin. Can I come in?”
             “Sure. What the hell happened to you?”
           “A lot. But you don’t have to make any promises, I just… needed somewhere to go.”
           “Of course.”
             The door swung closed behind her.
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munsontm · 2 years
“you really don’t have to do that, not for me.” — stevie
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What he'd learned about Steve over the last year was that, on the outside, he didn't want people to make a fuss over him. But beneath all that handsome muscle, hair product, playful tongue and atrocious taste in clothing was a man craving a bit of sweetness in his life. He wanted a little taste of domesticity and romance, which had never been a part of Eddie's life. His parents never wanted him, and they made that clear regularly until the authorities eventually took him out of their clutches, handing him over to his uncle. But the damage was done by then. He had a good relationship with Wayne, but it would never be perfect domestic bliss, leaving Eddie to wonder if he might not be able to give Steve what he desired. It didn't stop him from trying, though.
The small apartment above his tattoo studio had been filled with lit pillar candles, and there was a veggie lasagne bubbling away in the oven that would hopefully be edible. He followed the recipe perfectly, yet these things still had a way of going disastrously wrong. Eddie himself was the highlight of his romantic gesture, or at least he hoped so. He answered the door dressed in a pair of black skinnies with a long-sleeved fishnet top beneath a perfectly fitted black crop top. An outfit he knew Steve would appreciate greatly.
"Hey, baby," he said upon closing the door and noting how Steve's eyes roved over him before he realised the candles lining the walls and floor. It was cute how his face slowly lit up at the sight, and Eddie chuckled when told he didn't have to do all of this for him. "Of course I did. You've showered me with enough romance, Steve. It's high time someone gave it back to you." He pecked Steve's cheek and took his hand, leading him into the small kitchen adorned with pale fairy lights. "Not bad, right?" Feeling proud of himself, Eddie gestured about the room while he retrieved a beer from the fridge for his boyfriend, handing it to him once opened.
For a moment, he was concerned that Steve might hate it. That he'd been wrong to take it this far. But before he could finish opening his own bottle, a pair of strong arms wrapped around him from behind, whispering loved up praises in his ear that brought a smile to Eddie's lips. He turned in the firm grasp, greeted by a similar expression. "I just wanted to do something special for you, s'all. I know relationships aren't exactly...I'm not great at them...because....well, you know why." His smile faltered a second at the awful memory of being drunk off his ass, spilling his tragic backstory to a guy he knew was in love with him.
The information was meant to drive Steve away, but it only brought him closer. How could he not fall in love with Steve after that? Steve didn't see a broken person, just someone who needed desperately to be loved but was afraid to let it happen. Things moved slowly between them after that, baby step by baby step, until Eddie eventually felt comfortable calling Steve his boyfriend. "And you're the only guy who stuck around. All the others decided I wasn't worth the trouble. I don't really blame them, though. I wouldn't stick around me either." His lips curved again, black-painted fingertips reaching up to push some hair out of Steve's handsome face that was gently illuminated by the soft lighting around them. "I just wanted a night to thank you." Eddie's tone fell into an intimate whisper with wide doe's eyes fixed on Steve as he spoke words meant only for his ears. "---Thank you for loving me." Not giving up on me. He kissed Steve, putting every ounce of tenderness his body could give, which was a surprising amount for a self-proclaimed cynic.
"Will you still love me if I give you food poisoning?" He asked, a giggle following when their lips parted. Eddie stayed close, within kissing distance, arms wound around Steve's neck. "It looks okay, I think." A slither of anxiety crept into his expression, only to be quickly wiped away almost instantly. "I got a bunch of those marble cupcakes you like so much with the chocolate frosting for dessert---and in case the lasagne is a complete failure. Sound good, big boy?" God, he hoped so. He'd never been so eager to please someone in his entire life. To see Steve smile and just be happy and content. He wanted to give that to him so badly, and he wanted to be the reason for it too. Maybe forever if Steve would let him.
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