#tellius headcanons
enbyleighlines · 4 months
Leanne/Naesala. affection
Ooooh, cute suggestion!
I imagine that, in public, Naesala isn’t a very affectionate partner. He has a reputation to uphold, after all. In fact, at times he can appear downright cold.
Leanne doesn’t mind, for two reasons.
Firstly, she knows that he’s secretly a huge clingy cuddlebug in private. Whenever they’re alone, Naesala wants to be touching, whether that means holding hands or snuggling. He loves to hold her and play with her hair, gently combing out the tangles and experimenting with different types of braids.
Secondly, Leanne can read Naesala’s thoughts and feel his emotions, so she knows just how painful it is for him to keep her at arm’s length.
Additionally, while he won’t initiate any sort of affection with her in public, he isn’t going to push her away, either. Leanne can nuzzle up under his arm or teasingly poke him, and while he will complain about it, he never explicitly tells her to stop.
Thank you for the adorable prompt!
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theia-eos · 3 months
Recently I have read your story "Foundation of the Empire" and I absolutely loved Zahira! Unlike Dheginsea, she seems to be an approachable person lol
I hope it's not rude of me to ask but do you have any more lore/headcanons about her and her tribe? If you do I would be delighted to hear about them!🤍🤍
Oh! Uh, thank you! <3 I'm very glad you enjoyed the story and her, and I don't think it's rude at all, thank you for asking so politely (and I actually need to edit that story to fix a few details).
Anyway! Everything about her could be (very) generously described as extrapolation from the games, but is basically all made up. No canon material follows the cut.
Since Almedha and Kurth get their dark teal hair color from their father, she has long wavy black hair and dark eyes. She's a black dragon too, but in the art with Ashunera there seems to be a Zunanma that is draconic in nature, and it seems to have a green/blue shade (though it could be just the lighting and my copeium).
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So I imagine that there were more types of laguz outside of Tellius than what we saw in the games (I also add in owls to throw in a fourth bird laguz. And perhaps more! That's just all I've got). In particular, I imagine that there were blue dragons in Hatari before the flood, and so Zahira is part blue dragon (like Ena is a red dragon, but has a lighter color scheme because of her white dragon heritage so Zahira had a more midnight/navy color to her). Not enough to effect her children with Dheginsea much visually. She had a younger brother who died in the Flood. I imagine that the blue dragons were known for their intellect over their strength, and it was a blue dragon leading Hatari long before the Flood who first ended the laguz slavery of beorc that Nasir alludes to in Path of Radiance.
I kinda sometimes like to imagine a prequel game, or maybe a few "gaiden" chapters in the Tellius duology that you could unlock, about the war between Ashera's champions and Yune's forces. In that vein, I imagine Zahira served Ashunera before the Flood and when Ashera seeks to destroy Yune, Zahira serves as the last stand for Yune. Zahira doesn't want the conflict, in fact it's very clear that she's distraught about how things have gone, but she's very powerful and she can't let a piece of her precious goddess be destroyed. In a way, she feared either half being the one left standing and losing the spark that made Ashunera so special, as what Yune alludes as what happened to Ashera.
Zahira could be like the Camus, I guess, trying more to force the conflict into a draw than killing unnecessarily, fighting against her own chaotic bloodlust (especially fighting for Yune). Altina is moved by her devotion and spares Zahira when they finally defeat her, and Zahira is relieved when Lehran and Altina convince Ashera not to destroy Yune. It takes a good long while for Dheginsea and Zahira to fall in love (Rajaion isn't born for like at least another 400 years at my best estimates, so they are like mountains growing into each other and evening out their worst characteristics), but she goes to Goldoa to help him with the other dragons to keep them from fighting the other laguz or beorc left standing. She is heartbroken at the significant loss of life, she saw the beautiful large world with her goddess and now it's almost all gone because there was always conflict.
In the end, while she's more personable than Dheginsea, she's so desperate to ensure a world in which Ashunera can come back that she has the same sort of problem in that she hesitates to want to take action in case in causes conflict and more unnecessary death (thus creating more conflict and unnecessary death). Seeing the way her beloved goddess fell, destroyed most of the world, and split in two in grief over war affected™ her. Possibly also feeling like maybe she chose the wrong side and led to a larger loss of life than if she had made the "correct" decision from the start. She's just more open about how much she empathizes with the people outside of Goldoa suffering, which would probably be more frustrating to deal with as she's not doing a lot to make things better at the same time. Soan writes to her because trying to get anything out of Dheginsea is like trying to get blood out of a stone at that time, but he's pretty frustrated with her also doing next to nothing despite her sympathetic words. In essence, she's what the writers of Radiant Dawn tried to convince us Elincia was like (I still do not buy it). If she was around to have a character arc, it would be learning to trust fully in her own convictions again.
Also, Dheginsea mentions seeing her when he dies, so she's obviously dead before the games. Ena's parents also are dead, which is why Nasir feels so responsible for her. Since laguz don't get sick, illness is out. Given Kurthnaga's fear of blood, I imagine there was a conflict of some scale within Goldoa that Kurthnaga saw that traumatized him. At some point in the timeline, there's a point when Begnion is basically fighting every other nation. Dheginsea calls for a truce and has the treaty signed in Goldoa, but doesn't seem to leverage that to end laguz slavery, as slavery continues for nearly another 150 years. If there was any time for there to be conflict in Goldoa, maybe outrage over seeing what was actually going on because there's no way a peace negotiation is held in Goldoa without the Goldoan citizens finding out about that war (assuming the issue of laguz slavery was kept out of the general knowledge of the citizens of Goldoa), I think it would be at that point in time. Ena's parents and Zahira die in this conflict, and Nasir feels responsible for not being able to help save Ena's parents somehow.
Yune says she doesn't bless her forces like Ashera did during the war, so Zahira is left more mortal than Dheginsea. I imagine she dies in front of Kurthnaga, who is very young at the time. It feels a bit too big a thing to happen in the history without every being talked about, but it's what I'm thinking right now. With the way laguz are, I imagine it would have been a smaller, more direct coup than what Ludveck attempts against Elincia in Radiant Dawn so, while bloody, it is over quickly. Dheginsea is the strongest, and still rules. Since he's already lost her over their shared desire to avoid conflict, he double downs on the feeling, where I think at that time she is gearing up more towards trying to make a few waves seeing that things being left as is was only making things worse.
If Zahira is alive closer to when the games happen, she would have gone with Rajaion to rescue Almedha and her grandchild from Ashnard. Seeing Almedha lose her powers and having a Branded child, and wanting to comfort her child, Zahira would have told Almedha the truth about the Branded and would have fought tooth and nail for both Almedha and Almedha's son to be treated fairly, consequences be damned, it's too close to her heart. She loves her children fiercely, perhaps even obsessively, and teaches them to treat all laguz and beorc fairly. She might also be the reason Goldoa backed the founding of Gallia, as that is a thing that happened that seems out of character for Dheginsea in a "maybe there can be peace if they all live separately from each other" kind of way (though Dheghinsea also could have decided that on his own. It just doesn't feel like him from what we see of him. Could also have been Rajaion/Almedha being young, rash, and bold). She absolutely would have adored Ike, especially given how protective he is of her grandson. If she was alive in Radiant Dawn, then she would side with Ike and Micaiah, but would neither attack nor be attacked by Dheginsea, Lehran, or Ashera. She would be more motivated by her desire to preserve life than bow to an incomplete goddess in that instance. The joy she would have talking to Nailah and hearing about what Hatari achieved after the Flood would restore her youth.
In the end, she was sad messy woman for a sad messy world. Thanks for the ask, and hope you found it interesting at the very least!
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loubatas-art · 4 months
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gloamvonhrym · 7 months
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I forgot to share FETransExchange janaff on here. twt post @ my person gakufigure, who requested transmasc janaff trying different hairstyles. you know this fool is high maintenance and indecisive as hell
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vellatra · 8 months
Get thee a friend or sibling you can do fandom roleplay with!
Seriously. It's awesome. I used to live with a bunch of siblings who were (usually) into the same fandoms as I was, and truly did not know what I had until it was gone. The FUN. The DRAMA. The RIDICULOUS HEAD CANONS. The UTTER SILLINESS that was had. I miss it so much. So I'm reminiscing, and thought y'all might enjoy a peek into some of the tidbits from those old stories, specifically the Tellius ones.... (spoilers possible)
One time Izuka basically invented a time machine potion and the senators tested it on Jarod. He promptly went back to pre-PoR Daein and adopted smol street urchin Petrine, and got into mischief with several members of what would later be the Dawn Brigade, and also went back to the flood era and played around with the Three Heroes, and got into all kinds of other shenanigans
Ulki stalks Naesala mercilessly
Nealuchi is, for reasons unknown, highly suspicious of anybody with green hair whose name starts with "S". Soren, Sothe, Stefan, all of them are untrustworthy. But also Kurthnaga, because for some reason Nealuchi believes his true identity is the long-lost Princess Sarsaparilla
Leonardo swears like a sailor
Rajaion repeatedly Darth Mauled his way out of the grave and got into hijinks, mostly with Bertram/Renning. One time he got Ashera to un-stone everybody by literally just asking politely
Oliver has asked Naesala how much he'd charge for Ena's baby
Jarod had a crush on Lyre once
Volke and Petrine were secretly married and had a few kids. Sothe was their long-lost firstborn.
Izuka will never forgive Bertram for stealing his nachos
People would frequently walk in on Sephiran and catch him listening to "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry
Greil is obsessed with goats. Also he is the GOAT.
Jarod haunts the Merc's laundry room
...And so much more
Ahhh, the nostalgia! XD
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chaosisdying · 1 year
sooooo I saw that there's fe trans week...
I wanted to draw something everyday but I'm slow as fuck sooo
take this celebratory Soren!
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glowingbadger · 3 months
Volke………. Omg that’s my favorite nicotine addict fr, can I get C L and U for him? :3 Congrats on 2k, you deserve it and more!
Ahhh Volke, what an absolute man, always a pleasure the rare chances I get to write about him~
Alphabet prompts - Volke (FE 9/10)
C (cum), L (location), U (unfair)
NSFW 18+
Cum: it all depends on the situation for Volke. He's a practical sort, so while he does enjoy the sight of his cum dripping down your thighs or pooled on your chest, he's very cognizant of time and place. If you've secreted away in some alley or the back of a bar, he'll groan and remind you that you had better be ready to take it down your throat or deep inside of you if you don't want to look a mess when you return to your allies. He's not particularly expressive and doesn't make a big production of it when he cums, but you'll notice the way his muscles tense, his cock pulses, and his eyes lock on you with an intense heated stare.
Location: Volke is a man who's used to "making things work," as it were, so he's fairly flexible and not picky when it comes to where he gets to indulge in your body. One plus side to the military march is that you two can get lost in the crowd at night, and no one will be any the wiser if you set up a tent a little ways from the main body of troops so he can fuck you dizzy before bed. But if there's no real privacy to be had, he's an expert in finding hidden nooks and crannies, so you'll have no trouble secreting away somewhere so he can press you against the wall and smother your moans with his lips.
Unfair: once again, it really depends on the circumstances; Volke certainly does enjoy a measure of control, so seeing you helplessly whimpering and pleading for him is definitely a thrill- but getting to overwhelm and completely satisfy you is delicious in its own right. Ultimately, he likes to mix things up, and ensure that you're never quite certain of his moves until he has you wrapped around his incredibly skillful fingers. Either way, he wants it to be fun. Volke doesn't want his sex life to ever become stressful or involve baggage, so as long as there's ultimately a sort of relief about it all, he'll try anything.
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lunar-soren · 2 years
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shadows of a bloody legacy
but what if both of them were ashnard's sons. what if that was why almedha so desperately clung to pelleas — protecting the one of her twin sons she could recover, even to the point of madness. what if.
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randomnameless · 9 months
Goddamn, the jump to a fully-3D game fucked over 3H hard when it came to it's boss variety; out of 27 paralogues across all the routes, 9 of them have unique bosses that aren't used elsewhere in the game, with the other 18 paralogues having Jeritza, Hubert or Catherine, generic fodder with slightly-amped stats pretending to be bosses, or no bosses at all.
Honestly, the Jeritza and Hubert inclusions may be my least favorite method of the three; it puts them in stories they have nothing to do with character-wise just for the sake of not making it too obvious that the side content is severely lacking in unique bosses, while also needlessly increasing Jeritza's already-comically-high amount of fights from 7 to 8 and Hubert's actually-reasonable amount of fights (post-route split at least, but i don't think it's too fair to count the prologue sparring matches as proper mini-boss encounters) from 3 to 5.
Bar the boss variety, what seriously pissed me is the lack if special battle convos with the bosses.
Flayn'n'Seteth have no lines against Maurice or worse, Nemesis himself!!!!
Heck, you could even make lines between Kostas and Leonie, Kostas going all uwu "you noble brats don't know what it is to be born a commoner !" and Leonie rekting him, because she wasn't born a noble, and yet, she's not killing children because someone paid her to do so (tfw jerry is a mercenary who kills people for money :()
Granted, I'll give credit where it's due, Tru Piss has the most battle convos, and reading them is a blast.
I'd have prefered for Flayn to have more convos against her classmates (maybe a special one with Linhardt who might have guessed who she is!), but it's Tru Piss for you.
But for the paralogue, ultimately, yes. Jeritza, or Hubert, or a random NPC. Man, imagine having to fight Leopold or Whodislava in a paralogue, like Grégoire was sent to "negotiate" with the Brigid people, or Leopold is the one rounding up the "imperial militia" in Hrym when Ferdie and Lysithea visit for their paralogue...
But no, we don't have any side or NPC character, and imo, it also participates in making Fodlan so bland - no NPCs, only the same two guys for some reason...
At least in the Yuri paralogue, we have Myson!
But he doesn't have a sprite :(
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fiery-emblems · 1 month
i think you would enjoy my absurd headcanon that tellius' black dragons (like lobsters) just Continue To Get Larger and Gain More Fuck Power as they age. legend has it that if a black dragon gets beyond a certain size then the energy expended in the transformation/the sheer weight of their Huge Form will kill them but no one really knows due to the fact that it takes FOREVER to get that BIG
They just grow suuuuper slow which is why Dheginsea is so much larger than everyone else. It makes sense 😂
Also who knows what they're upper limit is or what the maximum lifespan of a black dragon actually is. Dheginsea was the oldest one and he didn't even get close to dying of old age 🤔
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Personal headcanon is that since the Fates games never name the continent the game takes place on, it's on Tellius to the far east. Hatari is near Nohr and Wolfkins are some offshoot of Wolf Laguz.
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enbyleighlines · 2 months
Ike/Soren, festivals?
Ooooh, nice prompt!
Normally, neither Ike or Soren are one to seek out festivals. They’re both introverted, and don’t really care for the things that festivals offer. However, they are often invited along to festivals, by friends or family members, and while Ike’s initial reaction is to be like “Hmm, sounds like too much trouble,” Soren is actually the one who convinces Ike to go.
And that’s not because Soren wants to go. Rather, he knows that Ike will always end up genuinely enjoying himself.
Ike is a serious man, who tends to take on a lot of responsibility, so he’s not very inclined towards activities like festivals. When he does want to relax, he prefers to stick with quiet, isolated activities, like going hiking, camping, or fishing.
That being said, Ike also really loves people, especially the common folk. He loves both how complex and how simple they are. He loves seeing how diverse humanity can be, and yet how they are bound together by ties of friendship, community, and love. Though excessive social interaction tends to drain him, he enjoys being surrounded by people, watching them, and feeling like a part of something bigger. He especially loves seeing his friends and family enjoying themselves. So while attending a festival is not his preferred means of relaxation, and while he wind up exhausted by the end of it, he does genuinely find the experience fulfilling. It helps to renew his appreciation for life and the people who inhabit the world.
Soren understands all this, which is why he will push Ike to attend all sorts of festivities whenever the opportunity arrises.
Soren himself finds people watching cognitively stimulating, if for very different reasons. It helps him to understand other people better, when they were such a mystery to him before. Additionally, he feels obligated to tag along, because someone needs to keep track of the time, remind people to take much needed water breaks, and dissuade everybody else from spending too much money on overpriced garbage.
So they go, and Ike enjoys himself, and Soren finds satisfaction in Ike’s enjoyment, and they have a good time.
Afterwards, however, comes the burnout. Ike and Soren generally need a full day to recover, restricting social interactions to the bare minimum, even with one another. Thankfully, they require few words in order to understand each other. So they will just hang out, not talking, just existing next to one another while they wait for their social batteries to recharge.
Thanks again for the prompt!! I love my introverted boys.
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theia-eos · 2 years
What is Lehran's relation to the Heron Royals?
Just a lot of thoughts on the Heron Royal Family and Lehran's possible relation to it based on canon information. I have English Literature and Creative Writing degrees. No amount of lack of information in the source material can stop my hyperfixation!
Rambling and spoilers below the cut, as always. The rambling is more dis-jointed than usual.
The first thing I wantwe will need to contend with is Lehran's relation to the heron royal family:
Reyson: We, that is, the descendants of Lehran, we have a gift...Through the power of the slumber galdr, we have the ability to suppress the chaotic energies of the dark god in the medallion. Chapter 25, Strange Lands, Path of Radiance
Lehran had children with Altina, lost his powers of galdr and transformation, and was stated to have died shortly thereafter. Are the heron royals really his descendants?
Well, to answer that, we need to know which word Reyson was using in the Japanese script. Now, as I have said many times before, I'm a fair bit too dyslexic to learn to read Japanese properly, but I can muddle around with google translate and work done by fans with actual Japanese reading comprehension.
私たちエルランの末裔は…… (Google Translate says: We, the descendants of Erlan...)
Reyson here is using the word "末裔" or Matsuei. To read a more in-depth explanation about matsuei and how it applies to Priam/Ike and Marth/Anri, please check out this amazing analysis by XKAN of Kantopia, the tl;dr is that matsuei implies that they are of the same bloodline, but given the fact that Intelligent Systems uses matsuei and shison (another word for descendant that seems to imply direct lineal descent) rather interchangeably with Priam, and uses shison on Marth being Anri's descendant despite the fact Marth is directly descended from Anri's brother Marcelus rather than Anri himself, there is absolutely no clarity to be gained here as to how they are related, but they are almost definitely related...somehow. Pls no discussions on Ike/Priam. We are not here to have a debate on that. Thank you.
The other clue we get is from when Rafiel talks to SephiranLehran in the endgame of Radiant Dawn:
Rafiel: It is you… Now that I’ve seen your face… I know that you once went by another name. Sephiran: You are mistaken. I am known as Sephiran, and nothing else. Rafiel: You have closed your heart. Why? Sephiran: …I have nothing more to say. Nothing. Chapter 4-F-4, Rebirth, Radiant Dawn
Rafiel seems to have some recognition of Lehran. I don't know why. By all accounts, Rafiel should have never met Lehran before. So then why? Well, the herons and the dragons are both said to be able to sense the state of their loved ones from far away.
Reyson: It's not your fault. Please don't apologize. I know Leanne is alive. These battlefields are filled with chaotic energy, but I can still sense her… It's faint, but I know it's Leanne. Tibarn: Which is all the more reason for us to hurry. There may be other ways to finish this, but crushing Daein is the surest. Reyson: Agreed. Ike: Reyson, is this mysterious power that you use to sense Leanne something only herons possess? Tibarn: It's not something any of the hawk clans have! That is a certainty! Reyson: That's not true, Tibarn. The power may differ in potency between us, but all laguz possess it to some degree. Tibarn: Ah, so it's just that my sense isn't developed, is that it? Reyson: The power is distributed something like this…Among the bird tribes, it's very strong in the heron clan. Among the beast tribes, I've heard it's most developed in the cat clan, though not as strongly as in the herons. As for the dragon tribes… It's said they may be equal to, or even surpass, the strength of the herons. Chapter 26, Clash!, Path of Radiance
Ena: We dragons have the power to sense the presence of our allies. If that ally is someone we care for very much, then we can communicate telepathically. With the sending stone, we can use this telepathy across extreme distances. Chapter 3-F, From Pain, Awakening, Radiant Dawn
Even more interesting is what Ena says in the Extended Scripts, available on Serenes Forest.
Ena: Yes. We dragons have the power to sense the presence of our own kind. In particular, if we share blood ties with someone… or care for them very much, we can know their condition… as well as understand their thoughts, even across extreme distances. Ike: When Nasir felt your presence at Crimea… and when Reyson could sense Leanne’s presence, it was because of this ability? Ena: That’s right. The heron clan… possess that same ability. With the sending stone, we can increase the natural strength of this ability, so that no matter how far apart we are, we can communicate using telepathy. Chapter 3-F, From Pain, Awakening, Radiant Dawn, Extended Scripts
So even if they don't know the person well, if they share blood ties, they're likely able to sense them. Thus, when Rafiel sees Lehran's face, he's able to tell that this man is someone else. Or he saw a portrait of Lehran somewhere. Idk. I don't make the rules. I'm only explaining my headcanons here and showing the canon evidence I'm using to support myself.
So, if they are related, how so? Did Lehran have a wife before Altina? Did she die in the Flood?
I think it's more like the devs are doing the whole "descendants, but not like literal descendants" thing again like they did with Marth/Anri, in that Lehran is likely their uncle/grand uncle/great-grand uncle/great*whatever many times*grand uncle. And yes, the technically correct term is grand uncle and not the "great uncle" that is used colloquially. If you use great uncle, I will never correct you. I don't have the energy and I use great uncle when speaking so people know wtf I'm saying, but I'm trying to pretend to have standards here.
So which one is it? Great question. This is the father of the herons we see in game and King of Serenes, Lorazieh:
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My moderate guess for his apparent age is 60ish, maybe 50ish. Based on my previous work on laguz aging, Lorazieh could be anywhere from about 400-700! What a range!
The Great Flood happened about 803 years prior to Radiant Dawn, and the pact was formed about 780 years prior to Radiant Dawn, and the war against Yune happened a little before the pact forming. Therefore, Lorazieh would not remember those events. However, since Reyson is using the variation of descendants that implies a more distant relation, I wouldn't think Lorazieh and Lehran were brothers. I think Lehran would at the very least be Lorazieh's grand uncle.
My take is that around the time of the war against Yune, Lehran had a younger sibling that was a child still, and their parents died in the flood. I believe that this sibling is someone who, when Lehran has a child twenty-ish years later and is going insane, is too young still to help console Lehran at all, someone young enough that Dheginsea, Soan, and Altina can convince that Lehran died and had no child, or otherwise convince them to go along with the lie that Lehran died and had no child.
I would then need to fix Lorazieh's age to determine how many generations could have passed between Lorazieh and Lehran's younger sibling. I'm going to fix Lorazieh's age to 497 years old in Radiant Dawn, looking 58 or so and born in the year 151.
I'm not touching Lehran's age in this post (because that's complicated, I am also not touching his appearance of black hair/black wings here where the heron royals have white wings and blonde hair because that's another theory), but with the Great Flood happening in the year -155, I'll say the younger sibling was born in the year -161, making them 6 when the flood happens, 30 when the war against Yune happens, and about 40ish when Lehran's child is born. So they would be about 6-14 in apparent age.
So that's about 300 years between the two of them. With the way herons age, that could be Lorazieh's parent or great-great-great grandparent. I will pick the most distant option just for space's sake. But did Lehran have a younger sister or younger brother? That brings me to my next point.
Naming Conventions of the Royal Family
There seems to be a theme of heron royal family names. Lehran and Lorazieh start with "L." The sisters of the current generation also have "L" names: Lillia and Leanne. The brothers have "R" names: Rafiel and Reyson. I should note that there is no "R" or "L" in Japanese, the sound the language uses exists somewhere in between those two letters, but the character representing the sound is most commonly translated as an "R." That said, Japanese game developers often know what they want it to be in English, and the Japanese versions of the Tellius Recollections books have the names spelled out in the English alphabet using L or R, so we'll consider the differentiation between "L" and "R" to be completely and wholly distinct for the herons. I just want you to know I considered that angle.
In Japan, there's a tradition (iirc, it's an older, more archaic one) of taking a portion of the parent's or parents' name(s) and giving it to the child (Japanese names being formed from one or more kanji, so one or more kanji are taken from the parent(s) names and given to the child). While the Fire Emblem games are supposed to be sort of equivalent to medieval Europe, Japanese values and traditions show up as at least a subconscious bias in the writing of the games (see: Three House's dowries that work the exact opposite of European dowries, but function in the way Japanese dowries did), so it wouldn't be too surprising to me if the names of the heron royals worked in a similar fashion, in this case taking the first letter of one of the parents. I would assume that the daughters inherit the first letter of the father and the sons the first letter of the mother.
Given that Lehran has the letter "L," then, I would assume the younger sibling then was a brother, who had a daughter, who had a son, who had a daughter, who had a son named Lorazieh.
Since the princes of the current generation start with the letter "R," then, it would be safe to assume that the mother had a name beginning with "R" if were going with my above deductions. (We dont have to, but I am.)
As Rafiel is listed as the first prince, Reyson the third prince, Lillia the third princess, and Leanne the fourth princess, we know that the current generation had at least 7 children. More over, when Reyson is describing the family he lost he says:
My mother, my brother, my elder sisters… Even my infant sister, Leanne! Chapter 17 Part 4, Day Breaks, Path of Radiance
In Japanese, he says:
He uses the word 姉たち, anetachi, which Google says is elder sisters, while 兄, ani, seems to be either generic "brother" or "older brother" according to Google. Since we know Reyson is the third prince and Rafiel, the first prince, was not in Serenes during the massacre, we know the second prince was likely there and therefore it is safe to believe that Reyson has no other, younger, brothers. Reyson describes Leanne as "小さな私の妹" seeming to use the words "小さな" (small) and "妹" (sister/little sister). I don't know if "infant sister" as in "my literally infant sister" is the vibe of that phrase, and given that Leanne is described as Naesala's "childhood friend" and he jokes about being as handsome as always with her and Tibarn asks her if she remembers him, I don't think she was literally an infant during the massacre. I think at most it was meant as "my baby sister" as when I describe my little sister as my baby sister, despite her being old enough to drink (which should be illegal. She cannot be that old), but I am not familiar enough with Japanese to determine the correct translation. I will simply hold fast to the point that I doubt Leanne was meant to literally be a toddler/infant during the massacre given the way she is described and talks to the other characters upon waking. Either way, it's a safe bet that Reyson is the second youngest of the family and Leanne is the youngest.
Given that Rafiel is designed with an apparent age of 24, Reyson an apparent age of 22, and Leanne an apparent age of 18, making them approximately 115, 95, and 65 respectively, I don't feel like there's enough room for Rafiel to be old enough to have four other siblings within twenty years, given that there's thirty years between Reyson and Leanne, and I will do what I want with the approximate ages.
The Most Recent Generation of the Heron Royal Family
Using all of the above, this is what I view as the most recent generation of the royal family. Did Lorazieh have siblings? Perhaps. However, Serenes founded itself as a kingdom in protest of the war Begnion was waging against Kilvas and Daein in 470. There are a lot of wars waged by Begnion whenever a new country forms. (Timeline translated by VincentASM on Kantopia)
So I imagine that one way or another, Lorazieh is the last one of the white winged herons left until he marries his wife and has Rafiel, thus making the white winged herons the royals of Serenes. If you look at the below, you can see that I have written that Rafiel is born shortly after the kingdom is established, and I imagine Lorazieh married shortly after forming the kingdom of Serenes. I also don't know why I decided to throw twins in there, for some reason I had it in my head that if Leanne and Naesala have an A support, they have twin children (and twins appear if there is a history of twins), but upon re-examining the epilogue, that does not appear to be stated as clearly as my head had tricked me into believing. But I'll still stick by Leanne having twins and having twins as older siblings as a head-canon.
Lorazieh - King, born 150 (495/498) apparent age 58 Rheanna - Queen, born 167 (458 at death, 478/481 if alive) apparent age 54 (56) Rafiel - First Prince, born 474 (171/174) apparent age 30 Laila - First Princess, born 490 (135 at death, 155/158 if alive) apparent age 24 (28) Rosaire - Second Prince, born 502 (123 at death, 143/146 if alive) apparent age 25 (27) Lorelle - Second Princess, born 502 (123 at death, 143/146 if alive) apparent age 24 (26) Lillia - Third Princess, born 517 (109 at death, 128/131 if alive) apparent age 23 (25) Reyson - Third Prince, born 548 (97/100) apparent age 22 Leanne - Fourth Princess, born 564 (71/74) apparent age 19
Also, for Reyson, one of the wikis states that he's 97 in POR and 100 in RD, but there's no evidence to support those ages that I can find. However, it fits in well enough with his apparent age based on my aging chart, so I'm just going with it. If anyone knows where that comes from, I'll be happy to have that information, but I couldn't find anything to support it from official sources.
The Heron Royal Family Tree
Without further ado, here is my take on the heron family tree from Lehran's parents to the current generation of heron royals. I am including my headcanons on the spouses, so Rafiel married Nailah (though that's more or less official), Reyson married Tibarn, and Leanne married Naesala and had two children with him (twins, b/c I've been believing that since 2007 by mistake and I am not able to get rid of that image now).
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Pretty much every date there is made up by me.
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aloneditee · 10 months
Sephiran and Zelgius Timeline UPDATED
Instead of just having a jumbled idea of the timeline of sephiran and zelgius's relationship I decided I was going to spend my day off writing up my idea of how their timeline works based on cannon information with my own little headcannon flair because i can and you can't stop me.
*THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO @theia-eos FOR COMMENTING WITH THE RADIANT DAWN ARTBOOK TIMELINE I HAVE USED IT TO UPDATE THIS TIMELINE WITH MORE ACCURATE INFORMATION* I also had to remove some sentences because tumblr gave me a fuckin character limit while editing this for some reason
Bold = explicit canon
unbold = rough estimate canon/ guess
italics = headcanon
urple = sephzelg highlight reel (gay thoughts)
red = year
Complete timeline after the keep reading thing:
625: Misaha’s assassination and the serenes massacre → lehran villain arc. Lehran presents the medallion to ashnard and enters daeins service under the guise of a “wise man”
626: “daeins sudden change” → this is likely when the bloodpact began its effects and the deaths of the daein royal family. I THINK THIS IS WHEN SEPHIRAN AND ZELGIUS MET
Zelgius was serving in the Daein army under general Gawain for a few years. While sephiran is serving as a wise man under ashnard's father he meets zelgius and zelgius confides in him and they agree to be with each other when zelgius eventually leaves the daien army.
Later that year Gawain dips out of Daein with Elena. Zelgius despairs that his Master left him. Zelgius would then enter sephirans service.
627: Ashnard becomes the king of daein, (This was originally when I thought zelgius joins sephiran but I found out Gawain actually left BEFORE Ashnard became king according to the radiant dawn artbook).
I assume Sephiran leaves Ashnards service after Ashnard gets what he wants. Seph doesnt fuck with his bad vibes.
627~635: Sephiran and Zelgius do a bit of travelling and make plans for big evil or something. Sephiran still being a travelling sage and zelgius being a knight not connected to any army until he joins the Begnion military perhaps a decade later
During this time sephiran scaffolds information about himself and his past to zelgius. I do genuinely think that sephiran eventually opens up about everything to zelgius (and vice versa) including him being lehran and the origin of the branded.
634: assuming ike is around 7 when his mom died, this would be around the time point where Gawain touched the medallion and lehran and zelgius saw the aftermath. 
The reason why I think ike is 7 years old here (*he's born in 628*) is because that is how old soren would have been too according to his own timeline (based on his support convos), and those two met the day before the gawain medallion shenanigan occurred
Idrk when seph and zel join begnion as dukes. Based off of the artbook zelgius was actually born into a begnion family before fleeing to daein so maybe he reclaimed the cador family name or something. Sephiran claimed to be from a long line of mages (Persis) and somehow become a noble through this so called mage lineage.
637: sephzelg 10 yr anniversary
635: Sanaki is born. Sephiran may or may not be a senator at this stage
Sephiran begins to rise up the senate ranks through rizz and zelgius rises up the army ranks
At some point between 635-640: sanakis parents are killed by the senate probably
640: sanaki (5 years old) becomes the empress of begnion and sephiran becomes the “senate leader” aka prime minister 
the event lekain talks about when sanaki would stfu during formal proceedings and they discover sephiran has insane babysitting skills occurs right after sanaki becomes the empress i think
645: beginning of mad kings war. At this point in time sephiran and zelgius would have been together for around 18-19 years
Black knight shenanigans. Sephiran travels tellius and gathers intel
Sepiran gets captured in crimea by daein military, probably waited for zelgius to go save him hence why he wouldnt fucking move when ike rescued him lmao
Black knight scraps ranulf, sephiran steps in and tells black knight to stand down
Sephiran eventually returns to begnion, tells everyone to get their fucking shit together, sends zelgius to go help ike (black knight still be existing). Zelgius’ group stays in daein while ikes group goes to crimea. BK does multiple warcrimes in the meant
646: Nados castle falls on the black knight. Sephiran rescues him and uses is epic healing skills to get zelgius to recover before the battle between ikes team and ashnard in the final chapter
646: End mad kings war. Sephiran annoys the shit out of ike by laughing at him for no reason. The black knight is “defeated”. Sephzelg 20 year anniversary aww
646-648: new evil world ending plan just launched
648: war part 2 electric boogaloo
Summer 648: Black knight return arc, sephiran is set to go to daein and tell jarod to stop being a cunt or something but gets thrown in jail before he got the chance to????
Autumn 648: Sephiran captured by the senate while zelgius is at war doing war stuff
Zelgius saves sephiran from jail part 2 electric boogaloo and the two of them start a cheeky uprising in bengion.
Zelgius and sephiran made a pact to die together in the tower. I think they made this agreement way in advance and they knew that was the end goal no matter what happens.
Winter 648: zelgius vs ike gay on gay violence. Zelgius dies. Sephiran either also dies or lives. pain and suffering
~1848: Ashunera returns. Lehran may or may not be there to greet her. Hope he dies soon
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voiceoftheabstracts · 7 months
Silly Yune Headcanons
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For a Dark God coming from one of the most horrific continents that suffered for thousands of years. Yune seems to be the most sane part of Tellius when it comes to its history
After reading her personality description where she is described as whimsical and bubbly,Yune would burst into laughter over even the worst of jokes,whether it be offensive or simply 'Why did the chicken cross the road?'
She likes catching all of the other Gods off-guard by being a silly goose
In Summer,Yune will barge through every sand castle she sees
If you upset her,she will pout and stomp her foot which causes a world-scale earthquake for a while before walking to a corner and sit down,facing the walls. Which lasts for about hours or minutes depending on how you got on her bad side
She is the type of God to eat a cookie,make an exact copy of said-cookie just to eat another cookie which she made herself
Yune is a heavy sleeper as much as Ashera,throw her sleeping body into a warzone and the only results you'll get is her rolling to the other side
Her hair is pretty fluffy and soft to brush
"Your honour (Ashera),Yune has done nothing wrong. She was just in a bad mood and wants sleep." - Lehran,probably
She's the only God to use slang words like "Yo"
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aptericia · 10 months
For those interested, here's the video:
Angry rant below the cut!
Ok, so I actually don't mind the person's main points, which seem to be that a) at a time when it was harder to get LGBTQ+ representation into video games, the Tellius duology was pushing the boundaries and being progressive, and b) the author of the video likes a lot of gay ships in Tellius. Those are perfectly fine topics to make a Youtube video about. My main issue is that the author just... doesn't seem to know what "canon" means?? They refer to Elincia & Lucia's romantic paired endings (with Geoffrey & Bastian respectively) as canon, despite the fact that both are significantly harder to get than their unpaired endings, which screams amatonormativity to me. They also refer to Ike & Soren's romance as "so canon", and although their paired ending is at least a bit easier to obtain than those other two, it's still very much not the default, AND IT'S NOT EXPLICITLY ROMANTIC BY ANY MEANS. There are also a bunch of other comments, like "oh I see x relationship as this so I can imagine this pairing as canon". That is literally not what that word means please, it's okay to say "fanon" or "headcanon" or even "opinion".
They also use a lot of absolutist language such as "definitely fucking", "definitely has the hots for __", etc., or that a specific straight ship "could never be together", and say they're shocked they even have to explain why Ike and Soren are "so in love with each other". Maybe it's just me, but I find statements like that very irritating in what is clearly an opinion piece, because it feels like they're saying other opinions aren't valid.
I also found it mildly irritating that they just got some of the lore wrong... they claim that [SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!] the Black Knight kills Greil because Sephiran told him to... while in reality Sephiran only asked him to obtain the medallion, and the BK fought Greil to the death because of his own personal reasons (wanting to surpass his former teacher)
Everything I've mentioned so far is something that personally annoys me, nothing blatantly harmful, and I can at least understand why they included it in the video. What really drove me into a rage is the statement that "Ike is, at the very least, asexual". Like I'm sorry. The fuck is "the very least" supposed to mean???? That asexuality is a "lesser" form of queerness than homosexuality???? (Also note that the author equates asexual with aromantic, but as a non-SAM aroace I don't feel qualified to speak on how harmful or not that is) And then they immediately turn around and say that the Ike/Soren romance is canon????
There are a bunch more irritating off-hand remarks near the end of the video, such as implying that people who disagree with the author only do so because they don't like slash pairings, claiming that "everyone" would ship a pairing if it were straight, etc. I also loooooove how they blatantly skip over the discussion of Kyza's transgenderism, and also make the claim that there are no people of color in Tellius, like wtf????? idk I could talk more about both those issues but they aren't related to the video's topic so whatever I guess :/
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