theia-eos · 2 years
What is Lehran's relation to the Heron Royals?
Just a lot of thoughts on the Heron Royal Family and Lehran's possible relation to it based on canon information. I have English Literature and Creative Writing degrees. No amount of lack of information in the source material can stop my hyperfixation!
Rambling and spoilers below the cut, as always. The rambling is more dis-jointed than usual.
The first thing I wantwe will need to contend with is Lehran's relation to the heron royal family:
Reyson: We, that is, the descendants of Lehran, we have a gift...Through the power of the slumber galdr, we have the ability to suppress the chaotic energies of the dark god in the medallion. Chapter 25, Strange Lands, Path of Radiance
Lehran had children with Altina, lost his powers of galdr and transformation, and was stated to have died shortly thereafter. Are the heron royals really his descendants?
Well, to answer that, we need to know which word Reyson was using in the Japanese script. Now, as I have said many times before, I'm a fair bit too dyslexic to learn to read Japanese properly, but I can muddle around with google translate and work done by fans with actual Japanese reading comprehension.
私たちエルランの末裔は…… (Google Translate says: We, the descendants of Erlan...)
Reyson here is using the word "末裔" or Matsuei. To read a more in-depth explanation about matsuei and how it applies to Priam/Ike and Marth/Anri, please check out this amazing analysis by XKAN of Kantopia, the tl;dr is that matsuei implies that they are of the same bloodline, but given the fact that Intelligent Systems uses matsuei and shison (another word for descendant that seems to imply direct lineal descent) rather interchangeably with Priam, and uses shison on Marth being Anri's descendant despite the fact Marth is directly descended from Anri's brother Marcelus rather than Anri himself, there is absolutely no clarity to be gained here as to how they are related, but they are almost definitely related...somehow. Pls no discussions on Ike/Priam. We are not here to have a debate on that. Thank you.
The other clue we get is from when Rafiel talks to SephiranLehran in the endgame of Radiant Dawn:
Rafiel: It is you… Now that I’ve seen your face… I know that you once went by another name. Sephiran: You are mistaken. I am known as Sephiran, and nothing else. Rafiel: You have closed your heart. Why? Sephiran: …I have nothing more to say. Nothing. Chapter 4-F-4, Rebirth, Radiant Dawn
Rafiel seems to have some recognition of Lehran. I don't know why. By all accounts, Rafiel should have never met Lehran before. So then why? Well, the herons and the dragons are both said to be able to sense the state of their loved ones from far away.
Reyson: It's not your fault. Please don't apologize. I know Leanne is alive. These battlefields are filled with chaotic energy, but I can still sense her… It's faint, but I know it's Leanne. Tibarn: Which is all the more reason for us to hurry. There may be other ways to finish this, but crushing Daein is the surest. Reyson: Agreed. Ike: Reyson, is this mysterious power that you use to sense Leanne something only herons possess? Tibarn: It's not something any of the hawk clans have! That is a certainty! Reyson: That's not true, Tibarn. The power may differ in potency between us, but all laguz possess it to some degree. Tibarn: Ah, so it's just that my sense isn't developed, is that it? Reyson: The power is distributed something like this…Among the bird tribes, it's very strong in the heron clan. Among the beast tribes, I've heard it's most developed in the cat clan, though not as strongly as in the herons. As for the dragon tribes… It's said they may be equal to, or even surpass, the strength of the herons. Chapter 26, Clash!, Path of Radiance
Ena: We dragons have the power to sense the presence of our allies. If that ally is someone we care for very much, then we can communicate telepathically. With the sending stone, we can use this telepathy across extreme distances. Chapter 3-F, From Pain, Awakening, Radiant Dawn
Even more interesting is what Ena says in the Extended Scripts, available on Serenes Forest.
Ena: Yes. We dragons have the power to sense the presence of our own kind. In particular, if we share blood ties with someone… or care for them very much, we can know their condition… as well as understand their thoughts, even across extreme distances. Ike: When Nasir felt your presence at Crimea… and when Reyson could sense Leanne’s presence, it was because of this ability? Ena: That’s right. The heron clan… possess that same ability. With the sending stone, we can increase the natural strength of this ability, so that no matter how far apart we are, we can communicate using telepathy. Chapter 3-F, From Pain, Awakening, Radiant Dawn, Extended Scripts
So even if they don't know the person well, if they share blood ties, they're likely able to sense them. Thus, when Rafiel sees Lehran's face, he's able to tell that this man is someone else. Or he saw a portrait of Lehran somewhere. Idk. I don't make the rules. I'm only explaining my headcanons here and showing the canon evidence I'm using to support myself.
So, if they are related, how so? Did Lehran have a wife before Altina? Did she die in the Flood?
I think it's more like the devs are doing the whole "descendants, but not like literal descendants" thing again like they did with Marth/Anri, in that Lehran is likely their uncle/grand uncle/great-grand uncle/great*whatever many times*grand uncle. And yes, the technically correct term is grand uncle and not the "great uncle" that is used colloquially. If you use great uncle, I will never correct you. I don't have the energy and I use great uncle when speaking so people know wtf I'm saying, but I'm trying to pretend to have standards here.
So which one is it? Great question. This is the father of the herons we see in game and King of Serenes, Lorazieh:
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My moderate guess for his apparent age is 60ish, maybe 50ish. Based on my previous work on laguz aging, Lorazieh could be anywhere from about 400-700! What a range!
The Great Flood happened about 803 years prior to Radiant Dawn, and the pact was formed about 780 years prior to Radiant Dawn, and the war against Yune happened a little before the pact forming. Therefore, Lorazieh would not remember those events. However, since Reyson is using the variation of descendants that implies a more distant relation, I wouldn't think Lorazieh and Lehran were brothers. I think Lehran would at the very least be Lorazieh's grand uncle.
My take is that around the time of the war against Yune, Lehran had a younger sibling that was a child still, and their parents died in the flood. I believe that this sibling is someone who, when Lehran has a child twenty-ish years later and is going insane, is too young still to help console Lehran at all, someone young enough that Dheginsea, Soan, and Altina can convince that Lehran died and had no child, or otherwise convince them to go along with the lie that Lehran died and had no child.
I would then need to fix Lorazieh's age to determine how many generations could have passed between Lorazieh and Lehran's younger sibling. I'm going to fix Lorazieh's age to 497 years old in Radiant Dawn, looking 58 or so and born in the year 151.
I'm not touching Lehran's age in this post (because that's complicated, I am also not touching his appearance of black hair/black wings here where the heron royals have white wings and blonde hair because that's another theory), but with the Great Flood happening in the year -155, I'll say the younger sibling was born in the year -161, making them 6 when the flood happens, 30 when the war against Yune happens, and about 40ish when Lehran's child is born. So they would be about 6-14 in apparent age.
So that's about 300 years between the two of them. With the way herons age, that could be Lorazieh's parent or great-great-great grandparent. I will pick the most distant option just for space's sake. But did Lehran have a younger sister or younger brother? That brings me to my next point.
Naming Conventions of the Royal Family
There seems to be a theme of heron royal family names. Lehran and Lorazieh start with "L." The sisters of the current generation also have "L" names: Lillia and Leanne. The brothers have "R" names: Rafiel and Reyson. I should note that there is no "R" or "L" in Japanese, the sound the language uses exists somewhere in between those two letters, but the character representing the sound is most commonly translated as an "R." That said, Japanese game developers often know what they want it to be in English, and the Japanese versions of the Tellius Recollections books have the names spelled out in the English alphabet using L or R, so we'll consider the differentiation between "L" and "R" to be completely and wholly distinct for the herons. I just want you to know I considered that angle.
In Japan, there's a tradition (iirc, it's an older, more archaic one) of taking a portion of the parent's or parents' name(s) and giving it to the child (Japanese names being formed from one or more kanji, so one or more kanji are taken from the parent(s) names and given to the child). While the Fire Emblem games are supposed to be sort of equivalent to medieval Europe, Japanese values and traditions show up as at least a subconscious bias in the writing of the games (see: Three House's dowries that work the exact opposite of European dowries, but function in the way Japanese dowries did), so it wouldn't be too surprising to me if the names of the heron royals worked in a similar fashion, in this case taking the first letter of one of the parents. I would assume that the daughters inherit the first letter of the father and the sons the first letter of the mother.
Given that Lehran has the letter "L," then, I would assume the younger sibling then was a brother, who had a daughter, who had a son, who had a daughter, who had a son named Lorazieh.
Since the princes of the current generation start with the letter "R," then, it would be safe to assume that the mother had a name beginning with "R" if were going with my above deductions. (We dont have to, but I am.)
As Rafiel is listed as the first prince, Reyson the third prince, Lillia the third princess, and Leanne the fourth princess, we know that the current generation had at least 7 children. More over, when Reyson is describing the family he lost he says:
My mother, my brother, my elder sisters… Even my infant sister, Leanne! Chapter 17 Part 4, Day Breaks, Path of Radiance
In Japanese, he says:
He uses the word 姉たち, anetachi, which Google says is elder sisters, while 兄, ani, seems to be either generic "brother" or "older brother" according to Google. Since we know Reyson is the third prince and Rafiel, the first prince, was not in Serenes during the massacre, we know the second prince was likely there and therefore it is safe to believe that Reyson has no other, younger, brothers. Reyson describes Leanne as "小さな私の妹" seeming to use the words "小さな" (small) and "妹" (sister/little sister). I don't know if "infant sister" as in "my literally infant sister" is the vibe of that phrase, and given that Leanne is described as Naesala's "childhood friend" and he jokes about being as handsome as always with her and Tibarn asks her if she remembers him, I don't think she was literally an infant during the massacre. I think at most it was meant as "my baby sister" as when I describe my little sister as my baby sister, despite her being old enough to drink (which should be illegal. She cannot be that old), but I am not familiar enough with Japanese to determine the correct translation. I will simply hold fast to the point that I doubt Leanne was meant to literally be a toddler/infant during the massacre given the way she is described and talks to the other characters upon waking. Either way, it's a safe bet that Reyson is the second youngest of the family and Leanne is the youngest.
Given that Rafiel is designed with an apparent age of 24, Reyson an apparent age of 22, and Leanne an apparent age of 18, making them approximately 115, 95, and 65 respectively, I don't feel like there's enough room for Rafiel to be old enough to have four other siblings within twenty years, given that there's thirty years between Reyson and Leanne, and I will do what I want with the approximate ages.
The Most Recent Generation of the Heron Royal Family
Using all of the above, this is what I view as the most recent generation of the royal family. Did Lorazieh have siblings? Perhaps. However, Serenes founded itself as a kingdom in protest of the war Begnion was waging against Kilvas and Daein in 470. There are a lot of wars waged by Begnion whenever a new country forms. (Timeline translated by VincentASM on Kantopia)
So I imagine that one way or another, Lorazieh is the last one of the white winged herons left until he marries his wife and has Rafiel, thus making the white winged herons the royals of Serenes. If you look at the below, you can see that I have written that Rafiel is born shortly after the kingdom is established, and I imagine Lorazieh married shortly after forming the kingdom of Serenes. I also don't know why I decided to throw twins in there, for some reason I had it in my head that if Leanne and Naesala have an A support, they have twin children (and twins appear if there is a history of twins), but upon re-examining the epilogue, that does not appear to be stated as clearly as my head had tricked me into believing. But I'll still stick by Leanne having twins and having twins as older siblings as a head-canon.
Lorazieh - King, born 150 (495/498) apparent age 58 Rheanna - Queen, born 167 (458 at death, 478/481 if alive) apparent age 54 (56) Rafiel - First Prince, born 474 (171/174) apparent age 30 Laila - First Princess, born 490 (135 at death, 155/158 if alive) apparent age 24 (28) Rosaire - Second Prince, born 502 (123 at death, 143/146 if alive) apparent age 25 (27) Lorelle - Second Princess, born 502 (123 at death, 143/146 if alive) apparent age 24 (26) Lillia - Third Princess, born 517 (109 at death, 128/131 if alive) apparent age 23 (25) Reyson - Third Prince, born 548 (97/100) apparent age 22 Leanne - Fourth Princess, born 564 (71/74) apparent age 19
Also, for Reyson, one of the wikis states that he's 97 in POR and 100 in RD, but there's no evidence to support those ages that I can find. However, it fits in well enough with his apparent age based on my aging chart, so I'm just going with it. If anyone knows where that comes from, I'll be happy to have that information, but I couldn't find anything to support it from official sources.
The Heron Royal Family Tree
Without further ado, here is my take on the heron family tree from Lehran's parents to the current generation of heron royals. I am including my headcanons on the spouses, so Rafiel married Nailah (though that's more or less official), Reyson married Tibarn, and Leanne married Naesala and had two children with him (twins, b/c I've been believing that since 2007 by mistake and I am not able to get rid of that image now).
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Pretty much every date there is made up by me.
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reyson-needs-an-alt · 2 years
I'm adding another headcanon to one of my posts about Reyson's family. In my last headcanon post I talked Reyson and his other siblings and where they get their hair from. It felt like a pattern, which got me to thinking about their names. Lillia and Leanne have L names like their father Lorazieh, so does that mean Rafiel and Reyson have R names like their mother? If so I wonder what her name is. I can't really remember if they talked about her in the game, so if they did please let me know. Or if you have any headcanons or theories yourself I'm more than happy to hear about them.
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Once or twice a year, I get the irrepressible urge to read. Old stories, old blogs...just before Christmas, I shared Yuan’s old “In Bleak Midwinter” story. And thus did the reread begin.
I’ve read everything. I read Yuan’s blog. I read Lucius’s blog. Lorazieh’s, Naesala’s, Lehran’s, Rutger’s, Impa’s. I read Esla’s blog. Esla, who hasn’t had a proper post since 2016. I found stories I forgot I’d ever written. I found old puns that made me laugh. I found old angst that made me cry.
It’s been two and a half years since I last felt able to write. But the spark has been rekindled. Not just for Yuan, but for writing.
After the plague comes the renaissance? Perhaps. I make no promises. But...perhaps.
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alittlbirdietoldme · 1 year
It was a lovely day with clear skies in Serenes Forest and Wilson had stretched his wings and tail feathers and was ready for another fun day. Ah! Almost ready! Need to wrap the scarf round once… twice… done! ‘Always keep warm’ Geitz would tell him. Geitz was the kind Beorc who took care of him, but he has to leave the forest for days at a time for merciny work for the Aposslil. He used to be lonely when Geitz wasn’t around as Swallow Laguz did not come from this country and the other birds used to stare at his tail feathers. But it wasn’t that way anymore now that he made another friend. A nice white bird named Lori. He never flew ahead and would walk with him, listen to him, and sometimes they would sing together too! Wilson wondered what fun things they would do today! 
The little bird jumps over the tree stump, and runs through the thicket and round the trees to where he would usually find Uncle Lori. Sure enough he could hear his singing and so he followed the music to find him perched on a low hanging branch. Wilson slowed as he approached. As much as he wanted to climb up and give him a big hug, he didn’t want to interrupt his singing and so stared up at the heron and nodded along to the melody
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sereneshymn · 2 months
hc + loss
one word headcanon prompts | accepting
────── ❀•°❀°��❀ ──────
At the risk of exposing myself, suffice to say I'm currently in the middle of writing a drabble that will showcase how Rafiel handles loss (once it's posted, I will edit this reply), but to put it simply, he generally handles it in a typical Heron fashion: badly.
Herons are highly emotionally attuned and negative emotions, both in themselves and in others, tend to translate into suffering and illness in them. Their intensity will vary depending on exactly what happened and how heavy it was, and it can range from headache and nausea, through collapsing and being out of commission for a prolonged period of time, all the way to death.
In the story, we mostly see the more extreme end of this spectrum, as the main mentioned loss that the Herons had to deal with was the Serenes Massacre, which... well. Yeah. We don't know a lot in canon about how Reyson took it in the beginning, but we know that King Lorazieh ended up comatose and was bedridden for more than two decades, and as for Rafiel...
The way he describes feeling as though he got possessed, and the way he doesn't remember at all how he ended up in the Desert of Death while attempting to get to Serenes (which, looking at the map of Tellius, is in the completely opposite direction), rings of essentially going insane. This is on top of the fact that he was supposed to have already lost the ability to fly at that point - although, considering that he may have had to make it through freakin' Daein to get where he got, I'm gonna say that he most likely regained it temporarily during that time. Not that going so delirious that he forcibly pushed himself past a disability speaks well of how well he took it. The fact that Nailah was able to bring him back from the brink is nothing short of a miracle.
So yeah! He handled it better than expected, considering he didn't die of all that grief at the very least, but he certainly did not handle it well. And while it can be said that participating in the war may have made him stronger in some aspects, it's unlikely that it has made it any easier for him to deal with matters such as loss going forward.
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reprisalet · 1 year
𝙧𝙚𝙮𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙙𝙡𝙖𝙣.
personal information
gender: cis male
age: 101
height: 6’0”
crest/holy blood: N/A
class: heron laguz (default POR/RD class)
affiliation: knights of seiros, newly-united kingdom of the bird laguz tribes 
personal history
Begnion Year 548 - born to King of Herons Lorazieh of Serenes Forest and his wife, the second-youngest of at least four children (Rafiel and Lillia older, Leanne younger); he had a fairly uneventful upbringing as a prince within the forest, and during his childhood years he and his younger sister fostered a friendship with King Naesala of Kilvas
Begnion Year 625 - Massacre of Serenes forest, the people of the Begnion massacred the herons of Serenes as ‘revenge’ for an empress the herons never murdered; Reyson and his father were, at the time, assumed to be the only survivors; rescued by King Tibarn of Phoenicis and sheltered along with his father within the kingdom of hawks
Begnion Year 626 - piracy and pillaging perpetuated by the Hawk and Raven Tribes against the Begnion Empire (by hawks) and all human ships (by ravens), actively encouraged by Reyson, as acts of vengeance for the massacre
Bengion Year 645 - Mad King’s War, Reyson:
is sold into slavery by Naesala, manages to escape the estate of Duke Tanas
reunites with his sister (Leanne) in what he still considers a genuinely miraculous occurrence
reconciles with Begnion after Empress Sanaki’s heartfelt apology and began early steps in mending beorc-laguz relations
joins with the Greil Mercenaries/Crimean Army and aids Princess Elincia in reclaiming her occupied homeland
Begnion Year 646 - End/aftermath of the Mad King’s War; returns to Phoenicis with Tibarn
Begnion Year 648 - Laguz Alliance goes to war with Begnion Empire, Reyson (and Serenes by extension) allies with the Laguz Alliance, fighting against Begnion and the Kingdom of Daein, until such time as the war escalated far enough to wake the goddess Ashera
Begnion Year 648-49 - After the reversal of Ashera’s Judgment, Reyson assists the newly united bird tribes in making their home in Serenes under King Tibarn; he finds himself well-suited to politics
Begnion Year 649/Imperial Year 1181 - took a position at Garreg Mach Monastery as a Knight of Seiros in pursuit of self-betterment and growth, to see/experience the word beyond the borders of Tellius
personal information
interests. harp-playing, other instruments, singing, gardening, training, flower pressing likes. open skies, ocean breeze, father/siblings, neutral colors, forest animals, seeing combat dislikes. enclosed spaces, dark places, time-wasting, being perceived as weak status. second prince of serenes / knight of seiros close allies. tibarn, naesala, leanne, rafiel, ike, janaff, ulki (toa-specific friends tba as he forms more rp connections)
dining hall preferences
[ or: maybe just don’t invite him to dine with you if there’s meat involved ]
likes. Sweet Bun Trio, Peach Sorbet, Country-Style Red Turnip Plate okay. Saghert and Cream, Vegetable Pasta Salad, Vegetable Stir-Fry dislikes. Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Daphnel Stew, Gronder Meat Skewers, Derdriu-Style Fried Pheasant, Onion Gratin Soup, Grilled Herring, Fish and Bean Soup, Fruit and Herring Tart, Fisherman’s Bounty, Fish Sandwich, Two-Fish Saute, Bourgeois Pike, Sauteed Jerky, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew, Sweet and Salty Whitefish Saute, Super-Spicy Fish Dango, Sauteed Pheasant and Eggs, Garreg Mach Meat Pie, Cheesy Verona Stew, Pickled Seafood and Vegetables, Gautier Cheese Gratin, Cabbage and Herring Stew, Small Fish Skewers, Fried Crayfish
dining hall quotes
favorite dish. “i could eat this every day and never tire of it.” other dish. “i’m happy to have been invited to dine with you.” least favorite dish. “unfortunately i cannot eat this. please, have my portion. no—i insist. i’ll not repeat my mistakes.” with tibarn. “it has been some time since we have been able to sit down and have a meal together, hasn’t it? we should do this more often.” with naesala. “careful. this one will steal the food from your plate if you turn away.” with rafiel or leanne. “is the food to your liking? here, let me fetch us more.”
teatime guide
favorite tea: sweet-apple blend, honeyed-fruit blend conversation topics: a place you’d like to visit. animals around the monastery. capable comrades. close calls. dining partners. dreamy knights. gardening mishaps. hopes for your future. music. our first meeting. overcoming weaknesses. past laughs. plans for the future. the view from the bridge. the last battle. working together. you seem different. you’re doing great work. 
teatime quotes
greeting. “thank you for inviting me. i will admit, i haven’t taken much time to relax lately. this should help.” favorite tea. “ah, this is delicious. i’ll be wanting a second cup soon.”
“did you need something? my wings are unusual here, i know, but don’t stare too long or i’ll suspect ill intent.”
“keep staring at me like that and you’ll be wearing this tea soon enough.”
“oh? can i help you with something?”
“i see.” 
“let me see that.”
“what’s in these desserts…?”
“ah, do you hear that? the wind blowing through the trees…”
“i think that some of the others are still worried about me. if someone mentions it, tell them i’m fine, would you?” answer: sigh, admonish
“the architecture here is rather imposing, is it not? why do temples to goddesses always reach so… high?” answer: chat
“it pains me to admit it, but I used to be a bit… hot-headed. i believe i’ve calmed down since meeting ike. why are you giving me that look? if you think I’m bad now, just know i was once worse.” answer: laugh, praise
“fódlan’s goddess seems so distant. but she hears prayers given through song, so if you require a strong voice to add melody to your own, i am here.”  answer: blush, nod
“i have a lot of work to do, for the knights. it’s nice to actually be able to give back for once, rather than just be assisted by others.” answer: disagree
“there’s a lot more room to fly than you might think in this place. borrow a mount from the stables and take to the skies with me sometime.” answer: chat, nod
“i’ll admit it, a break like this was good for me. invite me again sometime, won’t you?”
gift guide
favorite gifts. carnation, watering can, training weight, owl feather disliked gifts. smoked meat, hunting dagger
disliked gift. “you’re… uh... it was very kind of you to think of me.” liked gift. “for me? i don’t know what to say.” favorite gift. “i will treasure this. now what shall i get you in return?”
lost items
item one. silver bracelet. description. an ornate piece of silver jewelry. the metal knotwork is like nothing you’ve ever seen. though it appears delicate, it shows no sign of breaking when held. location found. knights’ quarters common area.
item two. sheet music. description. heavily annotated sheet music, clearly handwritten and many-times revised. written using the grand staff, so this likely belongs to a pianist or harpist. location found. chapel.
item three. white feather. description. what a pretty feather! but you haven’t seen any all-white birds around the monastery, have you? location found. bridge.
owner. “ah, yes, that is mine. embarrassing that i misplaced it so easily.” not owner. “is this a joke? do you think i would own something like that?”
monastery lines
choir practice. “there is something nostalgic about this. now if only these students could all actually harmonize…” cooking. “i’m not very good at this. but let’s see, if we add this… and a little of this…”
bad. “i will get it next time!” great. “just so.” great. “i understand now.” perfect. “i will continue with this momentum.” when praised. “this was the result of my determination, that’s all.”
stable duty. “let’s get this done quickly. the horses are well taken care of, but we can always improve upon what comes before. if you like, i can tell you which horses like you best.”
weeding / clearing rubble. “this is rather intense work, is it not? but i will not drag you down.”
sky watch. “how high can you fly? i think we will have a better view if we go this way.” ( with tibarn ) “we’re to patrol together? then i will stay by your side. lead on.”
failed. “how embarrassing… i will endeavor to improve for next time.” passed. “i’m pleased with this result. should i get back to work?”
approach. “pardon me…” question. “I have been told by a number of people recently that they are… concerned with how close to the front lines I am getting. While I recognize my own limitations, I simply can’t provide any useful support from the back. Also, I do not want to be given special treatment. How should I best allay their concerns?”
> “i’ll put you where you’ll be of the most use.” ( best answer ) > “people are just worried about you. you need to understand where they’re coming from.” ( worst answer ) > “there are many things to keep track of on the battlefield. let your friends know that the circumstances may change from moment to moment, but that you trust them and expect them to trust you, too.” ( ok answer )
“i’m very interested in the faith magic of this land. there are many ways to heal a wound, and i want to become better at them. would you give me a chance to explore how it reacts with my galdrar, and help me with this method of study?”
zero to two stats up. “forgive me… i have disappointed myself most of all…” three or four stats up. “i am improving, though this battle is rather chaotic.” five stats up. “ah, there is strength within me after all.” six stats up. “i feel as though i can keep fighting. the spirit of order is with me, it seems.” upon reaching max lvl. “i think… i may be at my peak. a shame.”
“i’ll put this to good use.” “i'm learning much.” “now tell me what to do with this.”
“If this is the path to true strength, I will follow it.”
battle quotes
white clouds chapter one. three houses  retreat quote ( mock battle )
“ugh… forgive me, but i’ve exhausted myself with this…”
white clouds chapter two. familiar scenery first kill
“oh, my. did i… actually do that?”
full/high hp. “show me where to go.” medium hp. “i’m fine. don’t give me special treatment.” low hp. “i can keep going… i’m not weak…”
“not quite!”
“get back!” “unforgivable!”
“well, how about we try this? follow my lead, now.” “we are stronger together.”
“let me lend you my voice!”
“well done!” “impressive.”
“i will repay you.”
casual. “ugh... i've done all i can to help you... forgive me for retreating early…”
classic. “so this is as far as i go… rafiel, leanne, father… forgive me, i did not mean to reduce our numbers further…”
advice box
question. “since coming here, i have received a number of meaningless compliments on my appearance. despite what hard work i have been doing as a knight, it seems my wings or my face are the only things people notice. it… is reminiscent of a rather unpleasant time. how do i quickly convey that i’m not an object to be coveted?”
> people are only paying you compliments because they’re intimidated by you. don’t be so uptight.
> try punching them in the nose.
> you don’t owe them any politeness. just tell them firmly to leave you be and don’t start a fight.
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asktellius · 2 years
Friends Through Thick and Thin
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Stop being a sad sack, Mr. Lehran!
This is another ancient comic strip I drew back in... probably 2018 or 19? Lehran has moved in with Dheginsea and is trying to come to terms with the loss of his galdric powers. "Grandpa" is a reference to Lorazieh - we have a headcanon that he adopted Lehran and the three heroes after the great flood, finished their upbringing, and cheered them on in battle. It has spawned many cute ideas. :)
Digitally modified for legibility - and to cut out other sketches around this comic. :)
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enbyleighlines · 10 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 11
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It's time to push around some priests!
I absolutely adore how Tellius has so many cartoonishly evil villains. Schaeffer especially is so much fun to hate.
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Regrettably, I underestimated the boss, and wound up losing Boyd to a crit from his killer bow, so I had to do this map twice. Whoops...
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On my second go, I hatched a plan that would allow me to take down Schaeffer without any risk of getting one-shot by a critical hit. I first left an unarmed Soren in Schaeffer's killer bow range, knowing that he's immune to critical hits so long as Ike is adjacent to him. Then on my next turn, I had Ike deal the finishing blow, with Reyson hovering nearby in case I needed someone to make a hasty retreat.
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Schaeffer's defeat lines are so funny. You don't get more cartoonishly evil than this.
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Here's a visual of what everything looked like. I actually had to use Reyson to give Ike a second turn, because he wasn't able to kill Schaeffer in one round. I also had to put that priest in the lower left corner to sleep at one point, because I accidentally left Boyd in his range with a two-handed weapon.
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Now it's time for this scene! I wonder if the writing on the wall actually translates to anything, or if it's just random gibberish that's been copy and pasted.
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Do we ever find out just how many siblings Reyson has? Is having a ton of siblings a heron-only thing? Or was Lorazieh and his wife just overambitious? I feel like, with how canonically frail herons are, that childbirth would be difficult for them.
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How does one translate a name into a different language?
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Ranulf has returned!!!
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I think this may be my favorite thing Ranulf has ever said. He is such a fucking charmer. Ugh, my heart.
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I snorted at Ranulf calling Soren a "nervous little staff officer". Most people consider Soren moody and detached, but I think this is the first time someone has described him as "nervous". But I think it makes sense if Soren always seems nervous around the laguz.
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And now we finally get Ike and Soren's relationship to A rank! Huzzah!
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I also got Mist and Boyd to B rank at long last. And it looks like Boyd is the one who started crushing first. Unsurprising, really. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Boyd's love language is dunking on people and being dunked on. It's only natural he would fall in love with Mist, who dunks on Boyd like she's getting paid for it.
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Yay! The infamous Aimee and Soren scene! I always wondered about this bit, though. What do you mean, there's only one of these in all the world? Then how does one also exist in Radiant Dawn? Is this a mistranslation?
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Next was the bridge map! I could have looked up a map about which squares to avoid, but I was too lazy to do that, and instead relied on my memory. Which turns out was a bad idea, because I still fell into a bunch of holes! Even so, I didn't have any problems with this map.
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Lucia! Behold, a true bicon.
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I had to get Petrine and Soren's dialogue. I am a little sad we never get to learn more about Petrine being Branded. How does she feel about it? Has she experienced discrimination before? Surely her experiences have influenced her fanatic hatred of the laguz. And perhaps her overconfident personality is her overcompensating for a secret self-loathing? Idk, I think it would be interesting if they explored that.
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I decided to give the killing blow to Boyd, as a bit of an apology, both for letting him die to Schaeffer, but also for putting provoke on him so he would take all the hits from the ballistae.
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Ike and Ranulf's C-rank conversation was immediately available after this map, so yay! And man, maybe it's just my shipper goggles blinding me from the obvious, but um, how else am I supposed to interpret this line other than Ranulf hitting on Ike?
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Ike being so unbelievably tickled by Ranulf's stupid puns gives me so much life.
And that's part 11! We are getting into the endgame, and I'm starting to get nervous. Will I defeat the Black Knight? If I don't, does it count as letting Nasir die? Does that go against my "no deaths" rule?
Ahhhhh, let's hope all goes well.
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generalzelgius · 2 years
        It had been a few years since his Lord Sephiran’s plans had failed and Tellius was slowly healing from the trauma and banding together to move forward in harmony. Zelgius had survived what he thought was his final battle with Ike and had returned to his master for support who was relieved of the good news and promptly decided to return home to the Serenes Forest, begging Tibarn and King Lorazieh to forgive Zelgius, that everything he had done were his own wishes, and if they could forgive him, then it should be extended to Zelgius, too. They eventually acquiesced and Lehran and Zelgius had moved into a small cottage at the furthest edge of the forest both for their privacy and peace of mind. It was better this way. They both wanted to stay out of trouble and although everyone was always polite to their faces there was always an underlying sense of discomfort and that they didn’t truly belong anywhere. Not after everything that had happened. 
        The only reasons Zelgius left the safety of the cottage was to run errands such as collect wood for their hearth, fetch supplies, gather food, etc. He tended to do this all efficiently and as rapidly as possible so that he could return back to Lehran in one piece. The less others saw of him, the better, he thought, though perhaps they were not as hated as they were led to believe. They did get visitors at times such as the Apostle Sanaki or Micaiah, but their time was always brief, as they were very busy and had duties to attend to. Even so, it was always nice to see a familiar friendly face. Even if both of them thought they didn’t deserve it. 
        On this particular day Zelgius was gathering fruits out in the forest, placing them into a woven basket that Lehran had made in his spare time, which was basically all of his time now. The Serenes Forest was difficult to tread about on foot, not a lot of paths to be found, and the roots of enormous trees often in the way. He had gotten lucky and found some fruit that had fallen to the ground. There was no way he’d be able to get those up above. He could try climbing, but that would likely expend a lot of his energy and end up in a disaster. He decided he would just go back home and hope that Lehran had enough fruit to make that dessert he had been wanting to try for. However, he didn’t notice his foot had got caught beneath one of the tree’s roots and when he tried to move, he fell forward, dropping the basket and all the fruit he had just gathered, landing hard on the ground with a thud, even though he broke most of his fall by reaching out with his two hands. Ah, it seemed even here in the forest there was danger....
@heartwilled liked for a starter !!!
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regnumaves · 1 year
A Flower, For You ❁ Tibarn & Leanne
Flowers and flower arranging are not things that Tibarn considers himself knowledgeable with. While King Lorazieh, Reyson and later Leanne resided in Phoenicis, it was normal that the Hawks, while out gathering food for them, would also bring some flowers to decorate their rooms. It’s not something they think much about themselves, but when trying to help their brethren feel as welcome and comfortable as they could in spite of the tragedy they endured, small gestures of camaraderie and understanding like that went a long way.
Doesn’t necessarily mean Tibarn has learned anything of note about the art. So when the rumor about the flower vendor setting up shop at the marketplace in preparation for the whole Ethereal Ball thing reaches his ears, his interest is not immediate.
It’s only when he realizes he might find a certain someone there that he, as usual, puts his current affairs on hold to take a trip to the spot to see if he is correct - and true to form, he is; even among a sizable group of students, that pair of snow-white wings is easy to spot.
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(“Hello there, Leanne.”)
The few words of ancient tongue that he can speak feel a little funny on his lips - though he has remembered and preserved what little he could, it nevertheless has been years since he last used it. Chuckling, he drops it quickly.
“It’s nice to see you. Figured I’d find you here. How have you been?”
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lightofcreation · 2 years
[ ☂ u asked for it ]
Send me a ☂ to find my character in a dark alley in the middle of a storm, beaten and bloody
This ask is over seven years old. I’m answering it anyways.Readmore for length–I….think………..do readmores still exist? …….they don’t. Oh. Dear. It has truly been A While.
and...my line spacing seems to be broken? I’m going to need to redownload xkit, aren’t I XD
— — — — —
Pain was not something Lehran was unfamiliar with–although, generally, he was more accustomed to the emotional sort than the physical. Physical pain was usually fleeting–as soon as Lorazieh saw the blood, the bruises, the knife, he would step in. He was never forceful about it. Occasionally Lehran wished he would be. That he would at least make it seem like a struggle, rather than a simple matter of calmly placing his own hand over Lehran’s, cradling his head to his chest, and waiting for him to uncurl his fingers of his own accord. Once Lorazieh had control of the knife, he would place it safely out of reach, and begin mending whatever damage Lehran had done to himself. The pain never lasted beyond a dull ache of new healing the next morning.
This. This was quite different.
For one thing, this pain was not confined to his arms, the way most of the wounds Lorazieh tended had been. For another, it had not been self-inflicted. If it had been, he would not have been in an alley in East-Ashera-Nowhere in Daein, in the freezing rain. He coughed, flecks of red mingling with the slush and the mud.
The pain was everywhere.
His chest ached most insistantly, and the tang of iron on his tongue was a testament to the damage. That was the worst of the blows he had received–straight to the solar plexus, likely enough to crack bone. His head ached as well–bleeding, surely, where the stone had hit him? But he couldn’t find the strength to lift his hand to check. He could, with great concentration, flutter his wings under his cloak just enough to be confident that they had not been broken. That was all he dared do with them, in Daein. If anyone found out that he was a laguz here…he closed his eyes.
You’ve been chasing death for centuries, Lehran, would it really be so bad?
It was not exactly the death he had hoped for. Something quicker and more painless would have been ideal, but he supposed that beggars could not be choosers and he ought to be grateful that it was finally his turn. Finally…he coughed again, trying not to imagine the worried look on Lorazieh’s face as the weeks passed and he still simply did not return. Lorazieh was a worrier. Lorazieh…deserved better than that. Deserved to at least know…what became of him. Closure, if nothing else.
Perhaps death was not to be found here after all.
One muscle at a time, he tried to move. A twitch of the fingertips, a halfhearted attempt to curl his fingers. Even that hurt. His arm couldn’t support his weight, and he slumped back into the bloodied snow with a groan. What are herons made of? Spun glass? He could hear Altina’s voice as if she were standing beside him. Shattered glass would at least leave an attacker’s fingers bleeding. He wasn’t sure that he’d even managed that–the Reaper card he carried was not exactly a fast weapon.
He was surprised he could hear them–surprised that his consciousness wasn’t taken up completely by the pain, and the sound of the sleet. Did he call out for help? He wasn’t sure he could. Would it even be wise? He forced his eyes open once more, trying to see who the footsteps belonged to. Perhaps…perhaps he could guess by appearances if the stranger meant harm. Pitiful, a heron who couldn’t tell by soul.
The decision was made for him. 
The footsteps approached. They were heavy–a soldier, perhaps. A little late to drive off the bandits, he thought dryly. Or, as dryly as one who had been laying in a puddle for Goddess-knows-how-long could. His eyes slipped closed once more. Heavy…everything was heavy. Footsteps, his limbs, his eyelids…
“What in the–”
He recognized the sound of armor, and guessed perhaps that the man had knelt.
“Can you hear me?”
Lehran tried to speak, but all he managed was another pitiful, bloody cough. Was that an answer? He wasn’t sure. He tried again, and rasped a “Yes” that sounded as if it had been drowned in a bucket and dragged over cobblestones.
“What happened?”
Bold of the stranger to assume that Lehran had the capacity to explain much, when it had taken a great deal of effort to even confirm that he was anything approaching conscious. He breathed as deeply as he dared, and wheezed on the exhale, “Thieves…”
More armor sounds. Suddenly there was a hand on his throat, and his eyes snapped open. He felt the pressure of his cloak wrapped around his wings, the instinct to flare them out foiled only by the way he’d fallen and pinned them in place.
“Calm down,” the knight said, one armored hand holding the gauntlet and glove that belonged on the other. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Who…” Lehran coughed.
“Zelgius,” the knight answered, withdrawing his hand from Lehran’s throat. “Of the Daein army.”
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laguz · 9 months
poor lorazieh got a gay son AND a thot daughter 😭
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tsukai22 · 11 months
Half an hour before the reveal...
...of the Mythic Hero in FEH, I figured I'd post my long list of potential candidates that I keep:
(SPOILERS for all FE games)
Prominent Mythic character candidates for each game: Shadow Dragon - None Valentia - None Jugdral - Loptous, Forseti Binding / Blazing - Nergal, Athos Sacred Stones - Morva Tellius - Sephiran/Lehran (Creiddylad), Ashunera, Dheginsea Awakening - None Fates - Anankos, Rainbow Sage Three Houses - Thales TMS - M-DEUS (Dies Irae) Warriors - None Three Hopes - Epimenides Engage - Lumera, Sombron [Fell Surge], Nil/Rafal Heroes - Everyone
Non-prominent Mythic candidates for each game: Shadow Dragon - Anri, Artemis, Mostyn, Iote, Marlon, Cartas, Ordwin Valentia - Forneus Jugdral - 12 Crusaders, Salamander, Galle Binding / Blazing - Aenir, 8 Legends Sacred Stones - None Tellius - Lorazieh, Solhaut, Hols Awakening - None Fates - Cadros, Moro, the 12 Dragons Three Houses - 12 Heroes of Fodlan, 4 Apostles, (8) Children of the Goddess, 10 Elites and a partridge in a pear tree TMS - None Three Hopes - None Engage - None
I'm obviously going to have missed a bunch, but oh well.
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phoenicishawkking · 6 years
headcanon: Serenes Massacre, Reyson & Lorazieh, Tibarn’s scar There is one visit to Serenes Forest that Tibarn remembers vividly: though he did not know it would turn out to be his last.
As relations between Phoenicis and Serenes were always blooming, King Tibarn visited often to maintain their diplomatic bonds. However, as the journey from Phoenicis to the northwest corner of Begnion is not one to be taken lightly, Tibarn always stayed a few weeks, leaving his vassals Ulki and Janaff to tend to the Kingdom in his absence.
It was through discussions with King Lorazieh that Tibarn learned of the world of Beorc. As the Hawk tribe are naturally isolationists, it was through Lorazieh that Tibarn was able to form his opinion of Beorc. The peace-loving Lorazieh had never disparaged Beorc, leaving a lasting impression on Tibarn’s opinion.
There is one visit that Tibarn remembers vividly: though he did not know it would turn out to be his last at the time. He had been sleeping in the royal guest room, a night like any other, resting his body after a long day of discussions. A sixth sense had awoken him, as his nostrils started to fill with the blunt stink of soot and his ears bled with screams of anguish. Rushing out of his room, his eyes could only take the fierce intensity of orange, a blazing inferno, as far as he could see.
Jumping down from his perch, he raced to find the Royals. A nameless Heron he had helped, moving fiery trees trapping the Heron within his home. With the obstable removed, Tibarn instructed him to take flight-- to get as far away from here as they could. Before he could finish, a loud crack resounded as an ancient tree buckled, weakened by the fires. It fell towards them, possibly pulverizing both had Tibarn not turned to protect them with the brunt of his right arm. Tibarn roared as sharp and burning branches and dug into his face and arm, shoving the tree away and repeating his command.
It sickened Tibarn to see countless Heron feathers tinged with disgusting colors of soot black, this fire tainting their hearts and bodies. Many could not gather the strength to move, Tibarn found-- their compassion for the hearts of their suffering brothers and sisters sapped all of their energy.
There was little self-hatred Tibarn carried within his heart, but he would never be able to forgive himself for transforming into a hawk and leaving many behind to seek King Lorazieh and his sons and daughters. Even though he knew he could never save any of the Heron he had abandoned, he had turned his back on people who had needed help: a shame upon Hawks.
How great was his joy when he found the King and Reyson; Tibarn had never felt more grateful for his eyes than at that moment. A sharp dive brought him to the two as he immediately assessed the situation: Lorazieh seemed unresponsive, and a very sickly-seeming Reyson attempted to invigorate the King with a song. Gripping Reyson’s arm, Tibarn barked: “Your siblings?” With just a shake of the head and an anguished face as a response, Tibarn knew what he had to do. “Can you fly?” A nod.
Hoisting Lorazieh up onto his back, he pulled Reyson to his feet. “We’re going,” Tibarn commanded. He hadn’t heard Reyson’s muted answer, drowned by the chaos around him, nor had Tibarn asked, but he knew what the words were: names. Leanne. Rafiel. Lillia. “No time,” Tibarn growled, yanking the Heron up, his strength easily overpowering Reyson’s best attempts at escaping his grip.
With two powerful flaps of his wings, he takes the two up and out of the fire. It was only in the air that he could realize the scope of the situation: no Heron would have the endurance to fly far enough to escape this inferno, especially not their sickly physical state. It simply covered too much area. Tibarn could very well be carrying the last two members of the race. 
It was a thought that kept him going, keeping exhaustion at bay as he made for Phoenicis. He looked down at Reyson, who had become dead-weight, having fallen unconscious. He was lucky Herons were as light as they looked, or Tibarns rescue would never have worked. 
He tended to his own wounds and the Herons during stops in Goldoa, concerned that the Herons might never wake up from their coma. When he reached the sea, he worked to clean the Heron’s feathers with its waters as he rested for the last stretch to Phoenicis.
It was within Phoenicis’ royal rooms that Tibarn nursed Prince Reyson and King Lorazieh, waiting anxiously for both to awake. He deemed himself their protectors, and solemnly swore that nothing could ever overcome either them again.
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reyson-needs-an-alt · 2 years
You know as far as I know, Reyson's older sister Lillia was only mentioned in the game. I wonder what she looks like. Does she have straight long hair like Reyson or wavy/curly hair like Rafiel and Leanne?
I have a headcanon that she has long straight hair like Reyson. It would make sense if she did. Rafiel is the oldest and he has wavy hair, and Leanne being the youngest she ending up getting wavy hair like him. I also like to think they inherited their wavy hair from their mother. So if that is the case and it goes in a pattern then Lillia being the second oldest would mean that she inherited straight hair like Reyson from their father Lorazieh. Or I could be thinking to much into it and she could have wavy hair like the others. I do hope if feh ever puts her into the game that she has long straight hair like Reyson.
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randomnameless · 3 years
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For all the Lambert simps out there :
If the man had been a better husband Duscur would never have happened.
Ergo, if he had been a perfect husband like my man Ionius, Dedue would still have a sister, or something.
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