#telstar the joe meek movie
Con O'Neill Ranked- Day 7 (Maybe?) Of Con's Work
I didn't see a tier list online for his projects, so I made my own! If I'm Missing any please let me know! I tried to keep it where Con is a main/side character that is important to the plot. With plays/musicals I kept it to ones I could find bootlegs of.
You can rank based on his role, the project itself, ect.
Personally, I just went with my gut. No changing my answers, there are so many ties, I will regret posting my personal rankings as it will change in the next hour, but that's okay!
The usual suspects and anyone who's scrolling past, I would love to know where y'all rank some of his work :
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Joe and Val are at war for S tier, it swaps every minute. Projects listed in my order.
Telstar the Joe Meek Movie, Uncle (BBC),
Our Flag Means Death, Cucumber (BBC), Blood Brothers, Scarborough Ahoy
Dancing Thru the Dark, Kisses in the Dark (it's a free radio show on Spotify and apple), Vengeance is mine
Chernobyl, The Batman.
Unranked but soon to be watched:
Happy Valley, 3 Steps to Heaven, The Bible, Bedrooms and Hallways, and Ordinary Lies
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okayish-omens · 11 months
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Con O'Neill and JJ Feild in Telstar: the Joe Meek Story (2008)
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frooogscream · 5 months
*Building a lil Joe Meek trap by putting a blond twink (myself) under one of those cardboard boxes held up with a stick* psss pssss pssss come here tiny mentally ill man 🫴
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napswithcat-blog · 5 months
Telstar: The Joe Meek Story. Con O’Neill 2008. Based on the true story of music producer Joe Meek. This film is so beautiful and tragic and devastating. Con’s performance is flawless and stabs you right in the heart. This is another one that makes me want to hold Con while he cries and pet his hair and make sure he’s ok. Joe tries so hard and just gets ground down and screwed over by life and people he trusted at every turn. Like the real story, there’s no happy ending here. Just the knowledge that sometimes, no matter how hard you try, life is just fucked. But that’s not the takeaway from the this movie. No. Something unique and exquisite comes from Joe’s tortured mind. He does change the world of music, even as his talent is not recognized until long after his death. Joe Meek is a beautiful and tragic character, brought to life by Con O’Neill’s unparalleled and heartbreaking talent.
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sunnibits · 1 year
what tv show/movies are those queer con oneill character from? (the ones you mentioned in your edit) the only one i know is izzy lol
ohoho allow me to expand your knowledge to some of his many other roles!
Michael - Scarborough Ahoy! (you can watch it here!)
Terry - Bedrooms and Hallways (you can watch it here)
Joe Meek - Telstar (you may be able to watch it here or on some other streaming service)
Val Pearson (my beloved) - Uncle (you can find an excellent compilation of his scenes here)
Cliff Costello - Cucumber (there’s a fun compilation of some of his scenes here)
there’s also these two mega drive links here and here that were made by a very generous person I found on twitter which include the sources of almost every character on his list, as well as several other pieces of his filmography that you can watch! it can be a bit finicky to use but it’s an excellent collection :)
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archonofdivinity · 8 months
Hi anyone traversing the Joe Meek tag for whatever reason.
I don’t care if you only care about him because of the movie. He was a damn good sound engineer, and a tragic figure because of homophobia and ableism, where he could have been supported but wasn’t due to the era.
He was able to write the entirety of Telstar WITHOUT knowing how to write notation or even play an instrument himself.
He would turn up his loudspeakers when his landlords told him to quiet down.
He influenced audio compression and using the studio as a musical instrument. He pioneered space age and experimental pop.
He produced all his music in his three floor studio. He was a pioneer in sound engineering. He would distort his music when other sound engineers would make it as neat as possible.
He worked with singers like Tom Jones, Shirley Bassey, and even Screaming Lord Sutch, the founder of the Monster Raving Loony satire political party.
Please stop putting just your simping for Con O’Neill in the tag. There’s more to Meek than just being played by a popular actor in a biographical film.
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shoeshineyboy · 1 year
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deathbyotpin123 · 11 months
Looking up what other roles Con O'Niell played I come upon Telstar The Joe Meek story. Guess I could check it out. Aw this is silly and funny- wait. Joe Meek was gay? *checks wikipedia* Oh. Oh, this is gonna end sad with the mental illness. Poor man. Well, I spoiled it and it's no longer that funny but at least I'm now prepared and the movie won't surprise m- WOAH THERE GAY SEX
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nickiheadon · 2 years
sincerely hoping that i can use Con O'Neill's sudden popularity as a vehicle for my Joe Meek obsession
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Watching Con O'Neill's Filmography: 'Telstar: the Joe Meek movie'
This movie needs Warnings for: Murder, graphic and accurate depictions of Suicide, depictions of depressive episodes, psychotic-of-body episodes, assault, manic moods, some nudity(nothing below the waist), semi depicted sex. Mentions of hate crimes, entrapment from a police officer, homophobic language, period-accurate (1960's England) homophobia, outing.
Con is a fucking genius, and yeah, I'm glad I waited until I was out of a bad headspace to watch this. I was finally pushed after listening to a podcast where he talks about his experience filming the movie. It reassured a lot of the hesitancy I had and made me appreciate how he must have made this.
Every actor kills it, and yeah, a few unfortunate actors are in this but play a small enough roll it shouldn't matter. Go in fully informed about triggers and how to keep yourself safe.
God, the fact that everyone went on to either disappear or revolutionize pop and rock music is so fucking depressing. The whole 'what happens to musicians' line just came true.
The movie never covered how much debt he owed, but god. The 3 million given a few months after his death just might have paid off. If he'd just stayed around for a bit longer, he might have built a better support system with people who could call his bullshit out.
As for the romance, god. You get that Joe Meek tended to attach himself to anyone who would listen. In the interview that made me watch the movie, Con said he'd listened to all this guy's work and a ton of it was puppy love-based music.
The guy who chose him just so happened to be young and unwilling to sacrifice his career for possibly being associated with him. Starting fresh and keeping Joe close as a 'friend' in the eyes of the public. Both members of the shitty relationship here are at fault for poor communication and abuse. But god, it just aches. I read it as a kid who slept with someone powerful and got too close. The lonely target is too willing to be taken advantage of for a taste of companionship.
If Joe had people around him who worked like he did maybe he could have had other influences. All the people in his life relied on his music to make money, and once he started to fall behind. Once society moved on, it was already too late. Just to survive everyone else had to move on.
The fading motif is amazing.
That moment Heinz goes to go back into the car, and the audience expects him to fade away, but Meek reaches out and grabs his hand in public. Desperate to keep him here since everyone else was leaving around him. Just fucking killed me.
The tragedy is knowing that if he'd just listened to the world around him. Stopped trying to make songs that worked in the 50s in the new era of the 60s, he could have survived. Everyone else saw this, but Meek just couldn't see it.
Other artists of the 50's era also had this split, which was why pop/rock was predominately younger, giving the new genera a shot.
Modern mental health specialists suspect real-life Meek of having schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with 'psychotic rages'. Con does play him like this, and it's so fucking refreshing.
I have both been diagnosed with BPD, and have schizophrenia-like symptoms from major depressive disorder, and yeah, a few scenes really hit home. It can feel like you are alone, being shoved into a corner. Hating yourself and not understanding why everyone hates you.
When in reality, much like Joe does in the movie, you are causing pain in the life of those around you. Sometimes people need to leave your life for a bit, and you don't get why. You don't realize how rude or mean you are in the moment. There are other things, but this is a general list of my initial thoughts.
Of course, a mentally ill person isn't just their illness. They never are, Joe also has a personality. Con plays a Joe Meek that is so desperate to be loved and accepted. He wants the things everyone else gets to have, success, money, and top hits without seeing how others around him could helm. His only want in life is a success; he never thought he'd get to love. His pride causes his downfall; it's never just his fault when things go wrong.
He'll have screaming scenes and be spitting and angry. In seconds he'll be sad Con O'Neill once again, portraying a sad broken man, with a smile and tears in his eyes, and AHH. I'm excited to rewatch this movie.
I feel for the landlady and Patrick. We don't know what really happened, obviously, but if that's how things ended...shit.
The cinematography is amazing, besides some bits that are very of its age. It feels era-appropriate. I'm excited to go do research about the inaccuracies. I want to look into if, after the outing, Joe started to really spiral. What the before and after were like.
(This bit was added a bit after watching. This was the first Con movie I'd watched, so I didn't have this rating scale like his other works)
Con: Fucking 10/10. Joe obviously isn't my favorite Con character, but it might just be my favorite performance. Knowing that he was stage Joe, and was chosen to be Joe in the movie. Even if his name wouldn't fill seats at the time, was the right choice. Even though this is in a mid-late era compared to other things I watch in this series, it feels like a masterclass in acting. We get to see every shade of emotion Con is able to produce and it has heavily influenced how I appreciate him as an actor.
Everyone accept Con: 8-9/10. I can't think of any actors being awful and I couldn't find too many reports of inaccuracies from real-life people about their screen counterparts.
Editing: 8/10. Semi stuck in the era it came out in. There were a few scenes that felt a bit stuck in 2008, but other than that. The music choices, fun montages, and hard cuts were smooth and helped the story along. I personally love the cuts where we see future/present Joe having his breakdown, then showing exactly how Joe got to this headspace.
Music: Stellar. I personally can't stand a ton of music from this era, but god, the movie made everything feel so fresh. I knew where half of these bands ended up, and still, it felt new and exciting to see their start.
Overall: Personally a 10/10. I fucking love this movie, as a depiction of some of the struggles I've worked very hard to work on. Seeing a character you go from disliking to empathizing with. Would I recommend it to anyone? God no. You really need to evaluate just how heavily the warnings I gave above will be an issue. (If you've read this, haven't watched it, and want to ask about warnings, don't be afraid to message me)
Do I enjoy it mainly for Con? Maybe, but given that he's the character on screen for 70% of the movie I don't feel like that's a wrong 'bias' to have.
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mostlymovieswithmax · 3 years
The Sunday Movie Marathon - 49
Episode 49 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast is out now! This week we talk a bit about new Netflix show, Squid Game as well as films: The Dirties (2013), Telstar: The Joe Meek Story (2009), and Blade Runner 2049 (2017).
Give it a listen!
Click for YouTube
Click for Spotify
YouTube: The Sunday Movie Marathon
Facebook: @sundaymoviemarathon
Twitter: @sundaymoviepod
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dxcstrange-stuff · 5 years
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Joe just went "twang twang twang"
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constant-brain-fog · 2 years
The Con O’Neill Cinematic Universe got updated besties 😎
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Added Peter from Dancin’ Thru The Dark as well as Joe Meek from Telstar! Both were absolutely tremendous movies that moved me, and gotta be honest, Dancin’ Thru The Dark might have become one of my favs! (what can I say I am a sucker for a good 90s movie 😌)
Had to change Mohg’s placement a tiny bit but I think it worked out well 😎
Closeups under the cut
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measuringbliss · 3 years
Hi, welcome to this blog! It's a mess. You'll see me ramble about 70s comics, then reblog gay shit right after that. So here's a masterpost to make it easier to navigate!
Masterpost index:
French Politics
Pacific Rim
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Comics (Spider-Man, Dracula, Romeo)
Video Essay: Lesbian car ads and those gay scientists from PacRim (they're gay)
Coriolanus/Sejanus Fanvid
Disco Elysium: Underwear Meta
Mario's sexualization
Why did Agent Smith call Neo "Tom" in The Matrix Resurrections
Resident Evil 8 & Queerness
Succession S1: Ortolans, The Thing, TomGreg
The Life is Strange fandom is weird and here's why
Tier lists:
Life is Strange (minus LiS2)
Disco Elysium
Fire Emblem Fates guys
Resident Evil guys
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Not a TL, but still a ranking: The bears in Unicorn Wars
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Tropes (NSFW)
Thirst Meme
Electronic music recs
(Writing idea) Gay superhero pining stuff
You've shifted gender pronouns, sweetheart. Not that I'm judging.
Crappy GIF of Telstar's Gayngst Moment
Joe Keery's Chest Hair and Tits (Very Important Content)
That time I reblogged a wonderful Actor!Mark & Engineer!Mark fanart with a kinky tag and the artist approved of it
each letter of my name as a chill video game music (+ playlist!)
TLoZ:BotW NPCs Opinions
Bear drawing
4 music albums recommendations
I Want You Back 2022 Movie Review
You should watch Chuck NBC
The Suicide Squad + Peacemaker Episode 1
Peacemaker Episodes 2-8
Hannibal: the viewer's participation
Writing for yourself vs for others
Thoughts during Telstar aka the gay Joe Meek movie
That ball shaving rant
Progressive, dynamic soundtracks are awesome
So I watched Our Flag Means Death (S1)
Drag Race France: Episode 1
FE3Houses Golden Deer
Fire Emblem Fates's writers were COWARDS
Peter Parker's quantum sentient inflatable butt in the Civil War comics era
Thoughts about sexualized men in media
Wolverine hooking with random women
I can call Dumbledore queer if I want and there's nothing you can do about it. Go touch some grass.
Succession S1 is bad
Succession S2 is much better!
Fandoms before and nowadays: Glee compared to Buffy and Hannibal
Memories (1995) has a bad first part but great second and third parts
AI The Somnium Files + Nirvana Initiative: Rant about heteronormativity, also the writing is mediocre
Sex in slash (NSFW)
That not-gay-but-actually-gay game
Spider-Man 2 Insomniac: Harry's sexuality, role in the narrative and the symbiote
Spider-Man 1 Insomniac: The characters lack edge and it's uninteresting as a writer
Harry (and Peter) liking men is fits the narrative
Every episode of Succession be like
Year in Review:
Spotify Wrapped 2022
Reading through:
His Dark Materials, Book 2 (Part 1/Part 2)
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kevinspaceyarchives · 6 years
hello! is there a movie (or even just a video) where kevin does an english accent? (i know he plays an irish character in ordinary decent criminal) thanks in advance! i love your blog and thank you for still being here!
Aw, thank you! xo 
He’s got an English accent in Telstar: The Joe Meek Story: (he’s at the 1:59 mark in this clip)
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