#teony love
aphverse-confessions · 7 months
teony is such an underrated queen and i wish we saw more of her tbh.
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moonlit-escape · 1 month
Katelyn: behind every girlboss is another, bigger girlboss
KC: they call this a pyramid scheme i think
Lucinda: I think they prefer the term mlm
Teony: i think you're thinking of wlw
Aphmau: Wulti level warketing scheme
Katelyn: good work, gals
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mangotelevision · 3 months
Jo9 simple backstories and power overviews
There's not a lot we know about the jury so all of this is very headcannon-y for warning. Some of this might clash with cannon so I'm leaning for this to be more so a part of my rewrite.
Zane Ro’meave (unofficial title: Zane the Undying)
Deemed leader of the Jury of Nine by Lorde Garte, his father, and instead of choosing a ninth guard for his squad he declared himself as worthy enough for the position. Still remains the ninth member of the Jury of Nine to this day and refuses to choose another as he believes one could not wield the power like he does, also refuses to take an official Jury title, feels as though it is beneath him and people should fear his name and his name alone.
Zane was never a guard, never took the oath and never trained as one, took the Jury Leader position per his fathers request after he finished his studies and became the High Priest of O'khasis. He has no knowledge or skill in weapons of any sort, physically he is weak, he uses others to accomplish the things he wants, his conviction and manipulation is his greatest advantage.
Has had the gift of foresight since he was a child, a magic that allows him to read people's thoughts and see fractions of moments of the future. He believes his powers come from the heavens and the stars, that he has a divine right to rule because of his power. He receives something akin to prophecies of the future, vague visions of what will come to pass, these visions have never been wrong- and he cannot change anything no matter how hard he tries. So he desires to seek out a magic that can, something that will provide him with the strength to alter fate.
(He can’t read Aphmau's mind and she has changed a future Zane saw, it was small and minute but it changed, she did something that resulted in his vision being wrong. Zane is never wrong. This is why he is so enamored with her, why he wants her dead- because she’s stronger than him, because she can change fate. It is a power he wants so desperately and if he can’t have it then no one can.)
Janus the Silver Death
Most everything about him is unknown, he is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. He hides behind his helm, and the only person to ever see under the mask and live to tell of it is Zane. Janus is thought to be an elf in some form, no one knows if he’s a full elf or half and he never answers when asked. He is the oldest member of the Jury, no one remembers how long he’s been there, and rumor has it that he’s been protecting the Lords of O'khasis for centuries. It is unclear if he was a guard or not before his Jury position.
Janus wields twin broadswords, one frost and one fire. Expert fighter, no one has ever seen him lose a fight. Although more often than not he relies on his Jury abilities. He is a necromancer of sorts, he possesses the ability to bring back those that his enemies have slain- the more people his opponent has killed, the harder they’ll fall.
It is unknown if he has powers that exist beyond those gifted to him through the Jury.
Katelyn the Fire Fist
Katelyn was sent to the Guard Academy after an “incident” per Lord Garte’s orders. No one is quite sure where she came from or what this incident was but it's largely thought to have been of a violent nature, something bloodied and bruised, although her early life is largely a mystery and she changes the story each time she’s asked. She was exceptional at the academy, a prodigy in combat, but after many disciplinary actions and detentions, Katelyn was expelled due to “excessive violence” and declared unfit to be a Guard. Was placed in the Jury Reserves, where she stayed until a member of the Jury had a more than suspicious death and she rose the ranks per Lord Garte’s orders. She stands as the youngest appointed Juror in recorded Ru’an.
Specializes in hand to hand combat and wields weighted adamantine gauntlets brazened with wyvern claws. Katelyn has magic that exists outside of her Jury powers, she’s a half-witch with a blood magic known as dragon's fire, which gives her the ability to use the fire of a wyvern while being virtually fireproof herself. She is not a traditional witch and cannot be taught any other spells or enchantments, all spells cast from her hands will always fail.
Her Jury power is that of absolute agility, possessing limitless agility, with her balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes and strength transcending virtually all other beings. With this power, time moves far slower to Katelyn and she has the endurance to keep it up for prolonged periods of time- no one has ever outpaced her in a fight.
Has a quick temper and doesn't work well with others, easily angered and her fire often burns too hot for her own good, oftentimes more than a little too eager to start a fight.
Lillian the Phantom Sword
Raised in Nahakara Village alongside her cousin Ivy, Lillian became a guard through traditional means. She went to the guard academy when she became of age and excelled in her studies, graduated top of her class and made high Jury List. Served as a guard in her home of Nahakara Village, where she remained second in command until Ivy finished her own guard training.
Lillian became cursed by unknown means while exploring the enchanted forest with Ivy, resulting in her reflection gaining a consciousness and a life of her own. Hears her reflection talking to her, telling her to kill and destroy, overall not good things. She ignored it for as long as she could before eventually stepping down as head guard to seek out someone who could help. She finds Zane, who's idea of helping is bringing the reflection to the physical world and combining the real Lillian with the reflection. The two can switch fronts at will, but the reflection is always in charge, she is always in control in the back of Lillian's mind talking and telling her what to do. Lillian is but a vessel for her reflection.
She wields a simple guards sword without her shield, believing it to be too bulky in combat. Lillian is an expert level swordsman, the above average guard will not win, fighting with her is often thought to resemble a dance with her graceful movements. Her Jury power is that of illusions, she can conjure things out of shadow and mist, make people see things that aren't there. Her powers are significantly stronger and her illusions far more believable when her reflection is casting them.
The reflection is forever grateful to Zane for freeing her and giving her the control and strength over a physical body, she'll obey his every order, she is indebted to him. The reflection of Lillian is his most loyal guard.
Ivy the Venom Scythe
Raised by her cousin Lillian's parents in Naharaka Village, Ivy never cared to be a guard, she was content with her own devices, researching and experimenting with her poisons and potions. Ivy was always in and out of trouble, always some misfortunate adventure she roped Lillian into, who more often than not got them out of said trouble. She joined the guard academy after much convincing from her cousin, her havoc showed no mercy to the school and although she graduated on the Jury List it was not without a few official warnings on her record.
Joined the ranks as a guard of Naharaka with her cousin, was difficult to work with and a shitty guard, always skipping patrol to continue with her experiments. Lillian was more often than not the one who got in trouble for Ivy’s disservice to the guard code, she was the one who encouraged her to be something she’s not after all. Was formally reprimanded and assigned her second strike to her guard record after being caught lacing her sword with poison. After Lillian was cursed and fled from her duties, Ivy left also and joined the Jury Reserves in O'khasis where she was assigned to a Jurors Team and allowed to experiment with her poisons and venoms as she saw fit. Was later appointed to the Jury through traditional means after a member stepped down.
She wields a large poison laced scythe, leaning very far into her self-assigned grim reaper motif. Her Jury powers are similar to a curse, she has the ability to take the life force of anything she touches, her body acts as a poison and she can spread that poison to others. This has an effect on anything living, ranging from plants to animals she can turn anything to dust and bones. She possesses immunity to all poisons, venoms and toxins and has a vast and incomprehensible knowledge on anything relating to such topics.
Ivy’s a wild card, someone Zane can’t easily control. They don't exactly see eye to eye but Ivy is here for a good time not a long time so she’ll do whatever he asks of her as long as it’s not boring.
Jeffory the Golden Heart
Became a member of the Jury through traditional means. Went to the guard academy to learn to protect others, excellent guard, the Golden Boy of the academy in the years he attended, perfect record and perfect marks, graduated early and managed to land a spot on the Jury list. Went back to guard his home in Skysted before transferring to O’khasis per Garte’s request, became head guard and general of the O’khasis military after a few years of service.
He's a brave soldier, loyal and kind hearted. His devotion to those he loves and the people he has to protect knows no bounds. Jeffory is the people's soldier, everyone adores him, the Golden Boy of O’khasis. After one of the Jury of Nine stood down to retire, Jeffory was given the mantle.
Fights with a very untrational choice of weapon, and his mastery of the glaive is something short of a marvel. He’s a flashy fighter, eager to show his skills and yet he is kind all the while. His Jury powers are simple and often overlooked, he possesses the ability of imprisonment, allowing him to create a barrier that can capture and imprison humans, creatures, anything, with little hope or no chance to escape. (functions similarly to the golden lasso from the original series) Although he uses this as more of a pocket realm, like a mythical handbag to store things in. He has no magic or other powers outside of his Juror title.
Knows that the Jury is corrupt and he worries he’s starting to become just like the others, he fears the day he’ll be just as bloodthirsty, just as power hungry. He’s concerned that the Jeffory that he has become has lost his heart of gold, and it scares him.
Ivan the Hallowed
Warlock hailing from a small mountain village, Ivan got into a lot of trouble with his magic as a kid, always felt as though he had to prove something, as if the world owed him a great debt. The Village sent him away to train as a guard in an attempt to keep him out of trouble and his head out of his magic books, believing they knew what was best for him. Ivan wasn’t a particularly great guard, unpopular and unskilled in the protecting front, but he seemed to make up for it with his fighting. After his training he was assigned to the Village of Pikoro, where he continued with his magic studies- the village was often known for its distast and distrust of magic, he was exiled shortly after his arrival.
Was offered the position of Jury member by Zane, even without making the Jury List post graduation. The High Priest was enamored with his ability to cast complicated spells, he had seen nothing quite like it, he wanted to study it, cultivate it as his own. Ivan’s magic is strong, impressively so. One of the brightest spell casters Ru’an has seen in centuries, although his magic is volatile and unstable: this instability seems to be his driving force, his bragging point as his spells don’t have to adhere to the normal laws of magic.
He seemed to have gained no excess powers after obtaining the title of Juror. He’s the most recent addition, so he feels like he has something to prove that makes him dangerous. Doesn’t take orders well and tends to do his own thing. Zane only keeps Ivan around out of his usefulness, once it has expired it’s not unlikely Ivan will as well.
Ein the Beast Slayer
Abandoned and taken in by a tribe of werewolves, Ein was raised and trained by the creatures of the moon as one of their own. Until a violent incident with a rival pack resulted in his adoptive family banishing him, afraid of his strength. They feared that which was stronger than them, the things they couldn't control. He joined the guard academy, he held the vengeful desire to become stronger. Graduating with decorated honors and a position fairly high on the Jury list, he took a position in a Village close to his old home. Early into his guard career, Ein slaughtered the werewolves from his pack, the ones that took him in as their own, raised him, betrayed him. He made them understand true strength, gave them a real reason to fear him. He now wears the skull and fur of the alpha werewolf.
Ein went on to kill nearly hundreds of werewolves, bringing their population to such a decline it caught the attention of The High Priest, Zane Ro’meave. Zane heard of his deeds and sought him out, mysteriously, a member of the Jury resigned and Ein took their place.
His Jury powers are a curse, it’s a blood beastman curse that allows him the ability to shapeshift into any animal that he’s consumed the blood of. It is unknown if this trick will work for humans. His weapon of choice is a battle ax, although he often prefers to do Zane's dirty work as one of the beasts in his collection. Ein loves the chase, he lives for the kill.
Teony the Bright Blade
Became a member of the Jury through traditional means, raised in the village of BrightPort Teony joined the Guard Academy and excelled in her studies. Often referred to as the brightest mind of her generation. Graduated with high honors, Jury List and signed to the Jury Reserves, where she swore her allegiance to the O'khasis Guard. Served as second in command of the O’khasis Military, until becoming a member of the Jury of Nine alongside Jeffory the Golden Heart, the two were given their titles during the same ceremony.
Teony has immense skill over any and all weapons, she has a mastery of the craft of fighting.
Her Jury power is a summons- she can conjure weapons, knights, animals, most anything she needs out of light. These beings hold no physical form in the hands of others, weapons will disappear if she is not the wielder and the animals will vanish if they are cut through.
No one outside of the Jury has ever bested her in a battle of skill, she is the expert amongst experts, specialist in all weapons and can summon any of her choosing to wield. She is noble and strong, like Jeffory she is a true guard, her loyalty knows no bounds. And similarly, she often fears she is doing the wrong thing, helping the wrong people. Her oath to the Guard code outweighs her oath to Lord Garte, her nobility will always come first, her duty is to save people and protect, where there is darkness she shall be the light. Just like Jeffory, her heart of gold will be her downfall.
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sparkleface42 · 2 years
The closest is glass Ivy
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Teony, my beloved!!!! I love her so much. And I apologise for the hair, I know it's not the best, i am still exercising- any criticism is appreciated ^^
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zuzucatboy · 1 month
it's the year 2050, it's not mystreet anymore, it's wokestreet.
Instead of love~love paradise, it's now called love is love paradise.
Teony is now Theyony.
The maid cafe is now called slayed cafe, and instead of serving coffee, they serve cuntry, and on Tuesday nights, the employees do slam poetry.
Garroth Ro'meave is now Gayroth Ro'meave.
Katelyn already had blue hair and now, she has pronouns. She's in a relationship with nonbinary Transvis, and, they're pregnant. Who? Both. Because woke.
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starhvney · 1 month
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𝐂𝐖: very crude language and shit talk from ivy, paranoia, threats of violence, reader nearly spirals into an anxiety attack, implications that reader has anxious attachment tendencies
𝐀/𝐍: hey guys! meant to get this chapter out earlier today but i had too much caffeine and made myself sick oopsies! anyways i hope you guys enjoy this one! we're getting back to that good old drama
𝐖𝐂: 6,000+
𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑: @arienic (thank you nics!)
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“this is so exciting!” teony grins, clapping her hands from where she stood next to you and katelyn. “i care more about academics than athletics, but i honestly love the sports festival! it’s so much fun!”
you hum happily in agreement, eyes drifting around at the school’s outdoor scenery. honestly, it's insane how beautiful of a spot it was placed in, with phoenix drop’s mountain range and tall forest trees spanning right from the school’s backyard. the whole student body is packed in the area from the soccer field all the way over to the baseball field, everyone in their athletic uniforms and the colorful wristbands that indicated which class they were in.
glancing behind you to check on aph and nana as the little freshman chat away, you catch a glimpse of ivy’s minions and aaron, who is a short way away, talking by the stairs. the tall junior seemed like trouble just from his looks alone—and you were pretty opposed to him already just from aphmau’s complaints of the boy all year—but his seeming compliance with lily’s flirtatious giggling set your opinion in stone.
your attention shifts back to your friends next to you, a sense of comfort relaxing the tenseness that had begun to build just from the glimpse of those people. after talking about everything with aphmau, you both had decided to come clean to all of your friends about the issues you’d had since day one with both ivy and gene.
you’d almost felt silly for hesitating so long to tell them, especially with how defensive and fired up they had gotten. lucinda’s reaction was definitely the funniest, the redhead immediately offering to slip a potion that would make someone throw up slugs into all of their lunches. you’d denied the offer through your laughter, as tempting as it was, and you have to stop yourself from giggling again at the thought of gene or ivy pale in the face and spitting out snail slime.
katelyn snorts, pausing in her warm-up of one-legged squats—an impressive feat you had unashamedly been staring at her do for the past five minutes—to look over to the academia queen herself.
“of course it’s fun!” she energetically hops in place with a fiery and determined look on her face. “i’m gonna own the juniors in volleyball this year.”
teony raises an eyebrow and tosses her hair over her shoulder as she looks at you, lips pursed in amusement. “our class lost to that class when they were sophomores last year.”
you nod in understanding, giggling when katelyn pumps her fist angrily into the air.
“and the only reason we lost to them was because i had won all the events prior,” she defends. “i was completely exhausted from the heat.”
teony’s hands are on her hips, eyebrows raised, and expression like a scolding mother. “so then i hope you learned your lesson for this year, right?”
she scoffs. “oh, i definitely have!”
“good, i’m glad. now you know—”
“i’ve been training all year to carry the team completely on my back.”
teony groans, leaning against you as she rolls her eyes. “kate, sweetie, that is not the lesson! it’s teamwork.”
“uh-huh, yeah that too, whatever,” katelyn responds, and from her distracted expression you’re not even sure she truly heard what had been said. instead, she grabs onto one of your arms and one of teony’s, dragging you both off into the track field. “now let’s go crush some classes!”
“wh-hold on!” teony laughs, turning back to wave at aphmau and nana as they stare at the three of you like abandoned puppies—or in nana’s place, a kitten. “good luck my darlings!”
“i’ll catch you both later! good luck!” you call after the two, sparing a wave as katelyn bulldozes her way through the grass.
she at least also spares one last look over her shoulder, though instead of a shout of encouragement, it’s a competitive laugh and grin. “pray you two don’t have us as an opponent this year. i won't go easy just cause we’re friends!”
teony sighs as the three of you make it closer to your classmates, lolling her head over to give kate an unimpressed stare. “i get your competitive and all, but i don’t think intimidating those two cuties was necessary.”
grabbing a stray volleyball from the ground, she scoffs and rolls her eyes, walking a ways from you both and tossing it up to start preparing. “oh, whatever. they know it’s tough love.”
teony looks to you with a disbelieved shake of her head, giggling at the blue haired girl’s antics.
“you know, you—woah!” she stumbles back, barely receiving the ball that kate had spiked down at her and sending it straight past her legs.
there’s a thunk of ball meeting shoulder and a familiar yelp of pain, before you see travis crumpling down to the grass and dante sprinting off while cackling. 
“what the—?! why were you sitting right behind me, dude?!” katelyn questions, seeming more bewildered than anything.
teony’s eyes drift from the scene ahead to you from the corner of her eye.
“were they…?”
“…i think so…”
“uh, sorry!” travis quickly stutters, stumbling up to his feet and waving his hands with an awkward braced smile. “i was just—dante, don’t leave me!" his voice comically cracks at the end as he sprints after his friend, the two looking like clowns as they run away.
“uh, what’s going on here?” a smooth voice breaks your stunned silence.
“oh, hey garroth. i don’t know, actually.”
the baseball captain is standing right next to you, blinking in confusion between the two boys as they run away and the three of you. he breaks out in an amused little grin at your deadpanned words, scratching the side of his head.
“well, okay then. are you excited to compete?”
you shrug with a nod, looking up at the boy. “sure! gets us out of class, so that’s enough for me. are you?”
“yeah… but i still can’t believe they haven’t set up a baseball portion for this competition.” he sighs. “like, we have kickball, but no baseball? not cool.”
you can’t help but giggle at the dejected look on his face, his love for the sport honestly endearing.
“well, baseball is a hard sport for normies like us to play, you know? gotta leave it up to the professionals like you,” you muse, nudging his side with your elbow.
a cheeky grin forms on his face, and you swear you see the tips of his ears turn a bit red in color. he opens his mouth to reply to your compliment before another loud thud–this time off in the distance–catches both of your attention. a soccer ball is rolling away from aaron, while aph seems to be telling him off with clenched fists. 
“hm?” garroth frowns, and you’re already walking over to the scene.
he catches up just a second after, tilting his head in concern as you both speed-walk over to the girl. you make it to nana first, raising an eyebrow in confusion to the pink-haired meif’wa who stood awkwardly distant from the two. she shrugs at the both of you with a pout on her face before you can even ask, golden irises darting at the taller boy as he seems to mockingly laugh at aphmau while walking away.
garroth shrugs at you before walking forward first, while aph continues to huff with clenched fists and muttering under her breath.
“how dare he just… ugh!”
“aphmau, are you okay?” the blonde asks in concern, and the girl whips herself around, eyes a bit wide in surprise.
“oh, it’s you two, hey,” she says, clearing her throat and fixing her hair with a flustered expression. “um, i’m fine, it’s just…”
“you should stay away from that guy,” garroth says suddenly. “i’ve heard he’s nothing but trouble.”
your eyes stay narrowly trained on the delinquent in question, as he walks through the field towards the concession stand with his hands shoved in his pockets. 
“oh trust me, you don’t need to tell me that twice.” aphmau crosses her arms with a scoff. “he’s in my werewolf class with me, and he’s nothing but a huge jerk.”
garroth nods with an understanding hum, before his eyebrows snot up on his forehead. “wait, you’re a werewolf?!”
aphmau and you glance over to him, before bursting out in giggles.
“oh! no, i’m not! i thought i told you what happened, garroth.”
“huh, laurance reacted just about the same, now that i remember,” you recall, covering your mouth as you recover from the small laughing fit. 
garroth sighs, his deep voice bordering on a whiny tone. “how come you guys always tell laurance everything but never me?” 
aphmau’s eyebrows raise, and she quickly waves her hands. “it’s not that i didn’t want to tell you! it just never came up!”
“yeah, garroth,” you coo, leaning over to wrap an arm around his side and pat him soothingly on the back. “laurance just knows more 'cause he yaps more and asks more questions.”
garroth snorts.
“…don’t tell him i said that.”
“oh, i definitely will.”
aphmau chuckles drily. “so to make a long story short, garroth, my registration was all messed up and i couldn’t change out of the werewolf class even though i didn’t sign up for it and i’m not a werewolf. and i’ve been stuck with sitting next to that aaron jerk all semester.”
he hums, eyebrows furrowed. “oh, i see. well i’m sorry you have to deal with tha—”
“garrith, there you are!” a high-pitched, nasally voice pierces right into your ear from behind you, making you flinch away from the friendly side hug you still had the blonde in.
aphmau stares at you with a tense half smile, eyes darting behind you before you turn yourself. carmine hair bounces against ivy’s shoulders as she tilts her head, giving an—in your opinion—eerily forced smile up at garroth. 
oh, nah. it is 9:30 in the morning.
garroth offers a smile in return, taking a small step back from how close she had bounded up to him. “oh, ivy! it’s good to see you.”
so laurance clearly has not told him yet. 
ivy tilts her head in seemingly innocent wonder. “what’re you doing talking to this freshman?”
and apparently you’re not here. cool.
garroth turns to the two of us, the unaware “prince” gesturing to the girl as she burns holes into our figures with her bright eyes. “have you two met ivy? she’s a friend of mine.”
she quickly latches onto his words, quickly adding on before you or aphmau can open your mouths. “yes, i’ve been his friend since we were freshmen.”
you resist the urge to side-eye aphmau, instead keeping your composure as she speaks up first.
“oh, i see… so you've been friends for a long time, then.”
“yes, we have,” she preens, her smile sharp as she looks between you two with a satisfied twinkle in her eyes.
garroth nods politely. “yeah, ivy’s really sweet.” he looks over to her while gesturing to you. “i’ve been friends with these two since we were little kids.”
it takes everything in you to not smile in your own satisfaction when her eyes just about bulge out of her head for a split second, her smile tensing. “oh, really…! that’s so… cute!”
garroth chuckles. “isn’t it?”
“yeah, isn’t it?” you can’t help but chime in, and ivy’s eyes flock to you with a flare of barely veiled annoyance.
“it sure… is…” she says through gritted teeth.
man, she’s losing it. you’d almost feel second hand embarrassment for her if you weren’t reeling in the satisfaction of it. 
“so! i meant to ask,” aphmau chirps, doing a very good job of ignoring her history with ivy’s wrath. “where’s laurance at?”
“he’s already playing a soccer match. his team went first against… the junior class, i think…”
she blows her bangs away from her face. “oh, so the competition has already started, huh?”
“speaking of which, garrith, we should go warm up! our team is next!” she glances over at you, eyes darting down your figure and back up to your face. “you’re not on our team… are you?”
“ah, unfortunate. she’s pretty good at sports,” garroth says, throwing a small smile your way. 
“thanks, garroth. i’m sure you guys will do great.”
“okay, come on garrith!”
garroth’s smile falters as he awkwardly looks over to her. “oh, right. but, uh… ivy? it’s pronounced gar-roth.”
“i know, garrith, but we really should go!” she insists, grabbing onto his wrist and tugging him along with her.
he keeps his smile though it falters into an uncomfortable and slightly forced one. letting her guide him along, he looks back at you two with a wave.
“see you both later. good luck.”
“yep! you too!” aphmau grins, and you wave back with a smile yourself.
the two walk off toward the sophomore class’s flag football group.
you look at aphmau.
she looks at you.
“...a mess.”
“for real.” aphmau agrees, sighing and rolling her eyes.
“well, i’m gonna go to the restroom. you up to play?”
“yep, i’m on the team for soccer. what about you?”
“ooh, i bet you’ll crush it. kate’s having me play for the volleyball team. good luck!”
aphmau smiles, waving excitedly. “you too!”
thankfully the school has some restrooms outside, making your walk much shorter. by instinct you walk down to the furthest stall, clicking the door shut. before you could even turn around the door swings open again, ivy’s shrill voice bouncing off the concrete and tiled room.
“who the fuck do those two think they are?!” she snips, her tennis shoes clicking against the floor as she pushes on each stall door to check inside.
“they think they’re hot shit,” a more mellowed voice says. was that lily? or the alex girl that rarely talked…?
ivy’s feet stop just before your stall, spinning around to pace over to the sinks. “i thought i saw her come in here… whatever. i came in here to fix my hair anyways. ugh. i thought i told them to stay away from him! those… whores!”
you suppress the urge to scoff.
“well… you did tell them, and then she gave you a black eye.”
ivy makes a seething noise. “that bitch! she didn’t even show anything! i know i broke her nose!”
“whatever. if gene still has those pictures like he says he does then it doesn’t matter. we can ruin their reputation within a day.”
this seems to calm her rage. just slightly.
“yeah, that’ll get them away from him. plus if we circulate the other rumors around like we talked about then garrith won’t even want to be near them.”
“oh, yeah. that reminds me… i heard that those two were hanging out with garroth at the fall festival a couple of weekends ago.”
“what?! from who?!”
“there's no way! that's just gene trying to get under my skin! i thought he was on our side!”
“whatever. we just need him to be enough on our side to get those pictures out. and even if he doesn’t, we can still spread rumors.”
“yeah! yeah… i’m sure they sleep around anyways. with how they beg for garrith and that laurance’s attention it’s pretty obvious they want that kind of attention. they’re so pathetic, especially aphmau. that little cunt is just begging for one of them to—”
hell no.
your hand races forward to click open the lock, and you throw open the stall door against the wall. it clangs before creaking and wobbling in the now pin-dropping silence of the bathroom as you slowly walk out of the cubicle. the three girls are standing there, looking a bit shocked and surprised at your appearance.
well, ivy and lily, at least. alex looks as blank-faced as usual.
without a word you walk to the door, eyes glued to ivy’s while you resist the urge to punch out her other eye. cracking open the door you pause, looking back to the girl once again and taking in a rageful breath.
“you better fucking hope i don’t catch you alone, ivy.”
you turn out of the bathroom and slam the door shut, teeth clacking together and fists clenched as you walk towards the temporary volleyball court set up near the soccer field.
damn. you forgot you had to pee.
“woah, you look pissed.”
travis appears by your side, looking genuinely concerned with raised brows and curious eyes.
“kinda hot.” dante appears on your other side, biting his lip and waggling his brows.
the brace-faced boy sends a scorning glare to his friend. “dude, not her!”
“chill! i’m just messing around… sort of. besides, gene’s mentioned her a few times, so i know she’s cool. can’t blame me for shooting my shot.”
you sigh and shake your head, some of the tension leaving your shoulders as you fall victim to the goofy antics of the dorks next to you.
“gene’s mentioned me, huh?” you ask, glancing at dante. “i forgot he’s your brother.”
you press your lips together. that’s right, maria. guess she still thinks you’re “friends” with gene.
he grins. “yeah, he’s pretty cool. he talks about you to my mom sometimes. you both hang out often?”
your eyes dart to travis, who is looking at you nervously.
“…we haven’t lately.”
“oh, that’s too bad, i guess,” dante hums.
“you’re sure you’re not mad? it’s not at me from earlier, right?!” travis worries, cutting off the topic of gene to your relief. 
“huh? no, why would i be?”
he deflates in relief. “uh, nothing! never mind, never mind.”
“…alright. well, what sport are you two heading to?” you ask, rolling your shoulders back.
“well… we actually are the refs for the volleyball match.”
you raise an eyebrow. “both of you are? how’d you manage to get out of having to compete?”
“we both signed up as volunteers, just like some kids are doing the concessions,” dante says rather smugly, lifting up a candy bar and waving it in the air.
“great… you two wouldn’t have any ulterior motives here, would you?” you narrow your eyes, looking over to travis. “perhaps with a certain captain in mind?”
“what?” travis stutters. “you’re the second one to accuse me of that! i’d never purposefully screw up the scorecard to get her to yell at me!”
the principal’s voice cuts through the stadium speakers. “our 3rd round of events today is soccer and volleyball! for soccer, we’ll have the freshmen versus our juniors, and for volleyball, we have sophomores versus seniors! good luck out there!”
you spin on your heels, walking backward onto the sand court and motioning towards the two boys with your fingers in an 'i’m watching you' motion. katelyn—to no one's surprise—is already there and fired up, hyping up teony to do her best as she stretches her arms. her head whips to you when she catches your figure from the corner of her eye, rushing forward to grab you.
“dude, where were you? come on, the game’s gonna start. you’re the outside hitter, okay?” she says, and you simply nod along as your previous anger seems to bubble up and surface again.
this should be a good way to release some steam.
teony gives you a strange look before getting in position at the back of the court. you must not have been hiding your expression as well as you thought you were.
the match went pretty well, and once katelyn realized you were putting your full force into your spikes she consistently set the ball towards you, leaving your dominant arm sore and chest heaving.
“hey! good job!” laurance calls from the sidelines, grinning brightly. his face was sheened with a layer of sweat, strands of his caramel hair stuck to his cheeks and forehead.
garroth stands next to him, looking out of breath like he had just sprinted across the campus field. he grins, holding up two big thumbs up at your team.
“um, that wasn’t game point,” travis pipes up, making all of you turn your heads to the boy.
immediately he looks nervous, tapping his fingers together and waving the flimsy score board in his hand. oh, travis. that’s one way to get your crush’s attention… that’s for sure.
“what?! there’s no way! let me see that!”
deciding to stay out of…whatever was going to go down there, you jog over to the boys with a smile.
“hey! how’d you guys do?”
“decent. i’m not too into football, and my teammates didn’t seem as into the game, either.” garroth shrugs.
“not too bad for me, either. you know i love soccer, so it was just like a fun practice for me.” laurance says, glancing over to the field. “the game aphmau was playing just ended, she did pretty good too—especially against that aaron guy. it was kinda funny seeing her zip around him.”
you chuckle at the thought. “yeah, i bet.”
“what a close call for that soccer game! but the winner of the soccer match is the freshman class! the mvps of this match are aaron from the junior class and aphmau from the freshman class! man, i can't wait to see what else goes on in this tournament today! it is such a heated rivalry!”
you look over to the field, watching as little aph herself shoots a sassy look to aaron and walks off with attitude in her steps.
“there she goes!” garroth muses.
“baby’s first medal?” laurance adds, and you whip your head to him with a wide smile.
“baby’s first medal!”
“baby?” garroth questions, looking lost as ever as he looks between you two.
katelyn’s shout and a loud thud meets your ears.
“this judge is bogus! he’s clearly blind!”
“katelyn! you can’t just hit people with volleyballs when you’re upset! i’m pretty sure you’ve hit travis alone on three different occasions!”
“i don’t care, this is stupid!”
travis groans from the ground, and teony sighs as she helps him to his feet. “…i’ll take you to the nurse. kate, go… walk it off while they figure it out.”
“…that’s katelyn for you,” garroth murmurs as she stomps over to you three. “you alright?”
“yeah.” she puffs out her lips in annoyance. “i kinda feel bad for blowing up on him, but it’s like he was keeping the wrong score on purpose!”
“well, it’ll be fine. you did really good regardless, kate!” you say, very carefully choosing not to say a word about travis’s intentions.
“yeah, both of you did,” laurance chimes, eyebrows raised with an impressed stare. “i just kinda was able to catch the end of the game, but you didn't look like you were holding back on those spikes at all.”
katelyn nods, crossing her arms.
“yeah, i’m for sure forcing her to join the team next year. she’s good.” she glances over to you. “but you did seem a little off. you good?”
shrugging, you awkwardly cross your arms. “uh… about that…”
“did something happen?” garroth frowns.
“i had a run-in with ivy in the bathrooms.” you admit. “she was saying really nasty stuff about me and aph… and i think she’s planning on spreading some rumors around about us.”
“…what? are you sure?” his frown deepens. “ivy wouldn’t do that, would she?”
kate and laurance look over at him with blank stares.
“did you not tell him, laurance?” katelyn scoffs.
“tell me what?” garroth asks impatiently.
“not yet… ugh…” the brunet groans, grabbing onto garroth’s arm and beginning to drag him away. “let’s talk, man.”
“okay?” he stumbles along, the lost look in his eyes still highly apparent.
“great, now i’m even more mad!” kate seethes. “where is she?!”
“woah, woah!” you wave your hands before steadying them on her shoulders. “just chill for a second. i already threatened her today, let’s not get into any trouble.”
she sighs. “fine. but if i catch her by herself it’s not gonna be pretty.”
“that’s what i said.”
“oh!” she suddenly yanks your arm, pulling you along like a woman on a mission towards the track. “there’s lucinda! we’re telling her right now!”
“are you serious?” lucinda scoffs, legs crossed as you all sit at the top of the bleachers. “look, i know you rejected the potion in the food idea, but an overdose on laxatives is an option, too.”
you rub your eyes, glancing down to the track where aphmau was warming up for her race. “as tempting as it is, i want to let her destroy herself. she thinks because she’s more popular than we are that everyone will have to believe her. but as long as you guys and the rest of our friends know the truth, her rumors won’t mean anything and she’ll destroy her own reputation.”
“leaving it up to karma, huh? that’s fair.” lucinda sighs, leaning back on her arms. “i guess. still wanna make her shit her pants, but to each their own.”
“lucy!” you laugh, leaning into her shoulder.
“no, no, she has a good point,” katelyn says, before leaning forward. “oh, there’s prince charming.”
you glance down, garroth’s golden curls coming into view as he hops his way up the bleachers stairs to your direction. his eyebrows are pulled together as he keeps his eyes trained on the metal steps.
kate stands with a sigh, pulling lucinda up with her. “come on. i think they need to talk alone for a second. plus, i want some chips from the concessions before my next game.”
“fine, i could go for a snack, too.” the redhead sighs, waving her fingers at you and squeezing your hands. “bye, my love!”
you wave the two girls off, before shooting over and patting the seat next to you for garroth to sit. he slinks down into the spot, sighing and leaning forward on his elbows while staring out at the track.
he straightens up with a deep breath, turning to you with a troubled expression. “i didn’t mean to sound like i didn’t believe you earlier, i was just surprised.”
you smile at the genuine guilt in his eyes. sweet garroth.
“i know. sorry i didn’t tell you about everything sooner.”
“it’s… okay. laurance explained it all.” he frowns. “i just feel bad.”
you intake a breath to reply, but he cuts you off, raising his hands up.
“not because i think it’s my fault. trust me, laurance lectured my ear off about that.” he leans back, sighing. “just… i feel like i could’ve, like, protected you a bit from all of that if i had known.”
“promise you’ll tell me if you’re having trouble from now on?” he grabs onto your wrist, looking pleadingly into your eyes with his own. “please promise me. you’re one of my best friends.”
“i promise.”
“good. i promise i’ll tell you everything, too.” he leans forward, pulling you into a hug. “i know we don’t remember much from our childhood, but we’ve been friends for a long time, right? i promise i care way more about you than whatever anyone else at this school has to say about you.”
“…thank you,” you whisper. something about his genuine care has you blinking back the urge to cry, gulping from the surge of emotions that gathered in the base of your throat.
you both pull back from the hug, and garroth smiles that stupidly dazzling smile. “of course.”
the track’s starter gun startles you from the heartfelt moment, making you both jump in place as you look down at the relay race below.
“wait… is aphmau going against aaron at the end? who the heck thought that was a good idea?” garroth blinks, staring at the two in bewilderment. “the guy’s over a foot taller than her!”
you hum in equal confusion, slowly standing and making your way to the stairs. “yeah, that is weird… c’mon. let’s get closer.”
the teams are already on their third hand off by the time you’re both at the bottom of the bleachers, the two runners making their way to aphmau and aaron before handing off the batons. instead of the taller boy completely leaning aph in the dust, he surprisingly keeps her pace before seeing to a stop in the middle of the track.
“huh?” garroth murmurs, and it seems aphmau carries the same sentiment as she slows, turning to aaron with a baffled look of her own.
they’re too far from you to hear what they were saying, but based on his smug look and her peeved expression, his act of stopping seemed more like a taunt than an act of sportsmanship.
aphmau sends a sassy remark to aaron and that seems to stop their strange standstill, as the six-foot-something junior takes off sprinting towards the finish line. she turns, amber eyes wide and mouth agape in shock as she stands in place and watches as he passes the finish line in seconds.
“i can’t believe you fell for that,” he snickers, seeming to deeply relish the look on her face before turning and waltzing away with a smug look on his face.
aphmau’s face contorts from one of bafflement to one of absolute infuriation, and she takes a few steps forward like she was about to go try and tackle the guy herself.
“wh—you! i’m gonna—!” she fumes, unable to even get a sentence out in her frustration.
“woah, aphmau! stop, it’s over!” garroth calls out, trying to calm her as he waves his hands while you both jog over to her.
“he tricked me!” she insists, nose wrinkled like she’d swallowed something bitter.
“...i'm not sure what happened there, but you both ran a good match.” he rubs the back of his neck, chuckling. “well, until the end, that is.”
aphmau deflates, tensely laughing away the rest of her frustration. “yeah… thanks garroth.”
he nods proudly, crossing his arms. “you’re welcome.”
the rest of the festival flies by, with thankfully not many more appearances from ivy’s group or even sightings of the shadow knights. after freshening up in the locker room, you’d waited thirty minutes on the bench, occasionally sending aph a few texts.
you: are you coming to the locker room before walking home?
delivered, 3:42
you: hello?
delivered, 3:55
you: are you okay??
delivered, 4:00
when ten more minutes had passed with no response, you’d felt the anxiety you’d been suppressing come in full force. with hands jittering and head a bit dizzy, you pushed through the girls locker room doors, beginning your search of the now empty school.
from each of the classrooms you knew she had classes in, to all of the bathrooms, and even the cafeteria, she wasn’t anywhere in any rooms of the school you searched. you even ran back outside, searching the outdoor bathrooms—and even briefly looking in the boy’s restroom in your desperation—to no avail.
calm down. you’re on campus, there’s no way something awful happened to her on campus.
hands shaking, you pull your phone out again, attempting to call her phone one last time. staring at a spot in the grass, you listen to the dial of the phone ringing while a faint buzzing in your ears blocked out any other ambient noise.
“your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system. at the tone, please recor—”
ripping the phone away from your face, you hang up and catch your breath that you didn’t realize you were holding.
it’s okay. it’s okay. she probably walked home and her phone died or something. you can walk to her house and check with sylvanna, and if she isn’t there… then you can panic.
quickly you find yourself super walking down the sidewalk to your house, eyes drifting to each black vehicle that passed on the road and steps stuttering anytime one of them seemed to slow.
you hate this feeling. the one you felt anytime you went anywhere back in your old town. the weak shakiness of prey stuck in a hunter's trap desperately trying to escape it but unable to find the strength, and unknowing of when the hunter was going to come find you. it was a sick, nearly paralyzing rush through your nervous system, crowding your head and making you both aware of everything and too dizzy to focus on one thing.
did they find you again?
were you risking your friends’ lives by being around them?
did they get aph?
did you kill her when you chose to be her friend?
“wait for me!”
you almost faint from how quickly you turn around, eyes wide as you focus in on aphmau clumsily running after you—face red and hair frazzled.
“o-m-g, that was so embarrassing!” she heaves, stopping in front of you. “sorry i didn’t respond to your text! you won’t believe what just happened to—oh—!”
you reach forward, pulling aphmau into a tight hug. suddenly you hear the birdsong in the trees again. the rushing of cars on the street next to you. your blood is suddenly swirling in your head.
“woah… are you okay? you’re shaking, like, really bad…”
a second passes before you pull away, taking in a gulp of air. “yeah, i’m fine.”
“and you’re really pale,” aphmau says, thin eyebrows pinched together before she gasps. “oh, did i worry you? i’m so, so sorry! i can explain what happened on the way, okay?”
her eyes are full of a worry you hadn’t quite seen before. did you look that upset?
“okay, yeah. i’m fine. i’m fine.” you reassure, wiping away the cold sweat from the back of your neck with a grimace.
aphmau hums, the noise shaky and unsure, before reaching out to take your free hand. “okay. maybe you can come have dinner with me and my mom tonight! i think she said she was going to make empanadas tonight. you know what those are, right?”
“great! well, my mom’s empanadas are the best, so you can try them! oh yeah, i was gonna tell you what happened, right? so…”
you don’t mean to, but your focus drifts from aphmau’s actual words to just the sound of her voice, eyes drifting to the sidewalk ahead. the feeling of her smaller hand holding yours was somehow comforting despite how it gently and barely seemed to even squeeze yours.
you still feel high-strung, but as the initial adrenaline finally leaves your body you feel a wave of exhaustion and… a bit of embarrassment. it seems a bit dramatic, what you just did. after all, aph is perfectly fine right here. you were acting like an overly anxious parent or older sister, and the two of you aren’t even related to each other.
“…and she shoved me in the locker! can you believe that? what kind of girl fake cries in the boys' locker room and then traps another girl in there?! i thought she was really in trouble!”
“wait, what?” you blink, whipping your head over to her as you process her words. “who did?”
“ivy! she shoved me in the locker! and i didn’t have my phone 'cause it was still in my bag, so i just had to wait there until—guess who?!—aaron let me out! she stuck me in aaron lycan’s locker!”
a wave of anger resurfaces, sending black spots into your vision. once again, another problem caused by that insufferable prick.
“i’m gonna fucking kill her.”
“what!” aphmau laughs, squeezing your hand. “woah, your face is scaring me! calm down!”
she swerves you off the sidewalk and into her yard, pulling you closer to her front door. “let’s think about empanadas instead! mhm, mhm! and pepsi… and ice cream… and we can watch a movie or episode of something before we have a very calm and peaceful rest for school tomorrow.”
“…okay.” you sigh, pulling in a tense breath. “okay. that sounds nice… let’s do it.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
tag list: @orinlin @pain-in-the-ashe @youmake1mistake @arienic @wasting-away-on-the-internet @angelhyperfixates @remiechu
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idcpxseur · 1 year
random hcs/things i may make canon in my rewrite
zane, travis, laurence, gene, and aaron all have piercings
zane and travis has eyebrow, nose, ears, lip piercings. laurence has brow, lip, and ear piercings. aaron has his tongue and nose pierced. gene has his tongue, ears, eyebrow, and lip pierced
aphmau HAD her ears pierced but she forgot to wear earrings so they closed up
(zane took her to get her ears pieced and she held his hand for dear life)
gene, zane, lucinda, and nicole have tattoos
garroth and aphmau cannot be trusted alone in the kitchen, they need constant supervision or there will be a housefire
laurence teaches travis and dante to cook
aphmau, the ro'meaves, travis, nana, and laurence are all multi-langual
aph (spanish & english), nana (japanese & english), and laurence (italian & english) are all bi-langual. the ro'meaves (french, english, german) are tri-langual and travis (italian, french, english, and japanese) is quad-langual
travis is an language junkie and loves learning about different languages
katelyn is hard of hearing and everyone on mystreet is learning asl to support her
aphmau and lucinda are the only people on mystreet w/o siblings
aphmau has a collection of minibackpacks
teony went to study abroad for college and now lives in london. she keeps in regular contact with the main cast
aaron often works out with katelyn after he gets closer with people
from shortest to tallest its: aphmau (5'1), nana (5'2), travis (5'5), zane (5'7), vylad (5'8), nicole (5'9), dante (5'10), lucinda (5'10), laurence (5'11), garroth (6'), katelyn (6'), and aaron (6'3) being a fucking giant
zane is being taught witchcraft by lucinda
aaron constantly bumps into doorways because hes so tall
aaron, zane, katelyn, and lucinda all have rbf
lucinda is black but shes albino, hence her natural red eyes (she dyes her hair red)
nicole has cerebral palsy
zane, nana, and aaron have autism
laurence and travis have adhd
aphmau has both
laurence, zane, katelyn, and aaron are the designated drivers
dante, travis, and nicole can drive if needed
garroth and aphmau can drive but wont usually
nana and lucinda are banned from driving
laurence is part mei'fwa
(is this bc him = chat noir in my head? yes)
garroth and katelyn have werewolf in their bloodline, hence their inhumane strength
ok thats it im goin to bed. toodles!
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saltedriceball · 3 months
How I imagine the Mystreet characters
Because they’re block-shaped in the show, but my 12 yr old ass imagined them as real people. 🕺
* I mainly kept up with Aphmau when I was 10-12 years old, I fully stopped watching after Mystreet 5 *
* I didn’t watch MCD 🙊 *
*this is mostly PDH (my fav, I was 12)*
It’s just Jess.
Kawaii Chan
Like average height
5’4” ish
Thick thighs save lives
Whole wardrobe is baby pink and white
Idk grown me thinks she was a cam girl (in Mystreet, not Phoenix Drop ✋)
And she made bank too
She’s not very athletic, but she’s just like blessed proportion-wise
Pale, but not as much as portrayed
Idk I always thought she’d actually be Japanese since she uses Japanese terms
Pin straight hair she curls only at the bottom
Like ribbon
Quite tall
Muscular but in like a
~she’s a runner she’s a track star~
Type of way
She just looks athletic
Flat though
Paler than KC
Her hair is wavy-curly naturally
She kinda lets it just flow or it’s in a ponytail
Quite chubby
Idk how anyone watched that show and thought
*man who despises the outdoors, hates exercise, and enjoys sweet things*
“Must be tall and skinny”
The fan art I viewed in middle school legit surprised me.
He was definitely super duper skinny in high school
Adolescent metabolism and all
He is definitely like 5’8”
He is very pale
Does indeed burn almost immediately in the sun
Has an emo boy hair cut
Like Anthony from Smosh way back in the day
He also has piercings: lip, ears (multiple), septum, eyebrow)
Also has tattoos
Freckled, especially on his body
He has random scars from injuries growing up
Inflicted by his brothers
Mostly Garroth
But also quite chubby
Just kinda in the middle
Like 6’
Overall just a big guy
Just looks like he gives good hugs
He also has a beard
Not a big floofy one
But it’s there
He looks very Northern European idk
Has a lot of arm hair, and it’s very blond
So you don’t see it until up close
Also pale
And very freckled
Also wears a watch
And his outfit is the most average outfit for a man
Khaki shorts, a white tee, a plaid button up unbuttoned, a watch, and sneakers
This outfit could be spotted on an elementary schooler’s spring picture day
Or on my literal father 👨🏻
His hair is quite curly
Not in a spiral curl, but more of a wavy-curly way
This man is brown imo
Very tall
Like 6’3”
Super skinny
To where he looks even taller than he is
Just built like that ya know
His hair is a pony tail as an adult
But it was in a Superman sort of curly situation in high achool
I get the vibe he likes being outside
Doesn’t work out, but loves a good hotgirlwalk
A little more like the common fan art of 2016
Tall, but only like 5’10”
Absolute beefcake of a guy
But also like has some body fat
He is not rock hard, but you can see his muscles
I imagine he has thick thighs
Fat ass too
But that’s just how his body fat distributes, so like yeah he has visible abs
Idk that’s all I’ve got
There was enough consistent fanart in my atmosphere at the time that that’s how I imagine him
Never thought too hard about him
His hair is definitely curly
More than Garroths
He has especially big eyes
He’s like lean muscular
Just very average white guy
Like 5’11”
Looks young for his age
Absolute 2014 tumblr girly
Owns something with galaxy print
Very thin
With tig ole bitties
Wears thigh high socks, mini skirts, and tank tops with sweaters
Has the swoopy bangs of the era
Poses in up angle selfies like 🙂
So her head looks like a raindrop in the photo
Edits her ig photos to look more aesthetic
Girl next door
Well done, natural make up
Straightened hair
Smiling a lot
Even if it’s fake
Idk her character that well
Never thought too hard about it
But she’s like supermodel pretty
I only remember high school him
But he was like
Young guy skinny
Like you could see he had arm muscles in a tank top
In an old 5SOS type of way
His head is actually boxy shaped
Like 5’11”
Never thought too hard about adult Ein
Her hair is dyed with spells
It’s styled well, in a Jessica rabbit hairstyle
It’s curled
Body shaped like a coke bottle
Hourglass for days
She’s just hot
Hi why was this cast so white washed
His hair is not naturally black
It’s like medium brown
It’s also straight but he gets it permed
Wears eyeliner
Lots of bracelets and piercings
Tall guy like 6’1”
She spends a lot of money dying her hair that color
Tall like 5’10”
Her dress is floor length
And loose
Could command a room
Barbie doll
Hi Ken
Built like an upside down isosceles triangle
Back muscles for days
Looks like he could do triathlons in Ancient Greece
Like 6’5”
This man is good to look at
Michi but pink
The most golden retriever man you could imagine
Like 6’3”
Athletic muscular
The most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen
Tall like 5’11”
Long legs
Don’t know don’t care
Miscellaneous really
Wasn’t in the show enough
Nick Bean dyed pink
Drake Bell in his Drake and Josh era precisely
No more no less
Except he always has a scarf even if it’s hot out
Aphmau, tall
Button nose
A really petite lady
Her hair is black but with gray sprinkled in
The most smiley lady you ever did see
Mother gothel if you breathed life back into her
Forgot about him for a sec
Ok gears turning
Very calm energy
Idk he wasn’t that relevant for me
Also in the 2014 tumblr girly category
But a little more Bethany Mota with it
A little less galaxy print
A little more Jennxpenn vibes
Wears hella eyeliner
Her outfit is black cutoff jean shorts, an oversized shirt so you can see her white tank top underneath
Her hair is naturally that light
Wears converse only
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silliestgoobr · 1 month
Okay so with the resurgence of my street/ aphmau becoming more popular again with the new confirmed season of my street under way, the freaky little worms in my brain keep pestering me to make this post like this.
(Warnings: none really. Travis kinda freaky?? But not for serious. Also, one small mention of vlyad and the penjamin)
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Rip (insert character) they would have loved (this thing)
Rip Kawaii Chan u would have loved booktok
Rip Cadenza u would have loved dress to impress
Rip Sasha u would have loved shoplifting from big corporations
Rip Garroth u would have loved being the little spoon
Rip Travis u would have loved Megan thee stallion
Rip Gene u would have loved 12$ bottomless margarita nights at Applebee's
Rip Genes liver u would have hated 12$ bottomless margarita nights at Applebee's
Rip Rylan u would have loved five nights at Freddy's monopoly
Rip Slyvana u would have loved life 360
Rip Ziana u would have loved BRAT 💚
Rip Blaze u would have loved pre work out
Rip Laurence u would have loved the newest season of love island
Rip Dante u would have loved young gravy
Rip aphmau you would have loved 2020 anime tiktok
Rip Zane u would have loved the unicorn cat from the Lego movie
Rip lucinda u would have loved Astrology Cafe
Rip Zenix u would have loved bitching about the new gen 4 monster high designs
Rip Katelyn u would have loved Drew Afualo
Rip Ein u would have loved shitty toxic alpha male podcasts
Rip Aaron u would have loved saying "no more Mr nice guy...😈🐺‼️"
Rip Dottie u would have loved early 2017 roblox tycoons
Rip Daniel u would have loved being a soft boy in 2020
Rip Vlyad u would have loved re chargeable cart batteries
Rip Teony u would have loved Chappel Roan
Rip Travis u would have loved taking the BDSM test at sleepovers
Rip Nicole u would have loved calling yourself a misandrist to make shitty men upset
Rip Eric u would have loved YouTube shorts
Okay guys sorry if I missed anyone but my brain is literal mush and I have no one to share my silly little aphmau headcannons with and it's driving me crazy so I'm posting it here lol!! Lmk if anyone wants more... I have so many Kawaii Chan/Nana/KC ones bc she's so :3
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snekverse · 2 months
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Jury of Nine lineup!! Snek's rewrite lore under the cut ;)
An elite force designed to act as humanity's moral compass and the upholders of Avon's beliefs, the Jury was originally composed of the original Divine Warriors (sans Shad, as the Jury wasn't formed until after his banishment). Positions on the Jury were originally granted to those wielding one of the Divine Relics, but over the years as mankind became cruel and corrupt, and as they strayed from Avon's ideals, Jury positions were given out to cherry picked soldiers, often hand picked by the High Priest/Priestess who is representative of Avon herself, and the agenda they uphold is no longer Avon's, but that of O'khasis.
From a storytelling perspective, I want each of the current Jurors to reflect/represent/relate to one of the Divine, and I'm still a little on the fence on whether or not I want to show that via unique uniforms (similar to the way they are in canon) - let me know which you guys prefer! might even set up a poll for it later
From left to right the characters are Zane (Avon), Janus (Kebek), Katelyn (Menphia), Jeffory (Esmund), Ivy (Roska), Teony (Aenia), Ivan (Enki), and my OCs Edric (Kul'zak) and Della (Absol)
I'd love to go on forever about this lol but this post is already pretty long.. if you wanna ask me anything about this or about my rewrite in general I'm ALWAYS excited to chat.
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sammygems · 2 months
been thinking about Aphmau and MCD and other Aphmau series, especially about the Jury of Nine.
i've always wondered if we count Zane as a member of the Jury of Nine, or if he's a 10th person who is in charge of them. cause if he's counted as a member, there's 2 more unaccounted for members who were never revealed, and if he's a 10th, there's 3. i've personally always loved the idea of Teony being a member, but who would the other 1 or 2 members be?
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thatluckycanadian · 2 months
Mystreet Season 7 Predictions
Hello :D I used to love Mystreet, and since the final season has been announced, I wanna talk about predictions! - Ein comes back. I really want to learn about Ein's past, cause I really liked his character as a kid. I'm kind of hoping he has amnesia and moves into the same street Aphmau and the others live in, and being utterly confused when they act hostile. - All sorts of Phoenix Drop High characters come back (ie, Teony, Ivy, Kai) Characters from Phoenix Drop High have barely been in Mystreet, and I really enjoyed their interactions with the main cast. I mainly want Kai to be there because I lowkey ship Kein, and really want Kai and Ein interactions, but if the other PDH characters are there too, it'd be cool. - Aphmau learns about the Irene stuff from Season 6 - We learn more about Michael, Zach, and Elizabeth We never really understand Ein and Zach's relation. I believe it was implied that Ein and Zach was Son and Father, but a few people have been saying that Ein and Aphmau aren't half siblings, and that Ein isn't Zach's son, but those people also ship Einmau, so- Are Zach and Elizabeth together? - Lucinda and Melissa get together or just more Melcinda moments. - More Laurence. Garroth and Zane interactions They were funny in the earlier seasons. And I just really want Garrence moments with Zane as the 3rd wheeler. - Ghost remembers what happened in her past, or atleast remembers her name. Was it ever confirmed that she was Emmalyn? And that's all I have thought of for now. I'll add more at a later date. If you guys want me to add anything to this list, please tell me in the comments :)
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goat-guy-tm · 6 months
I often go back and fourth on the idea of "Jesson were cowards for not making any trans and/ir disabled characters" and also "thank god Jesson never made trans/disabled character cause they would in now way write them well".
I mean hell, their openly gay characters were definitely....something. The only outright well written gay character was Teony, but like....she never ad a girlfriend? Hell they gave Katilyn one only to then revoke her bi card, but Teony, THE OPEN LESBIAN never got one?! And don't get me started on Guy. Love him, but I NEED THAT TWINK OBLITERATED
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xerith-42 · 7 months
Redesign the Nine
[This post is very long. Just a heads up.]
I'm a member of the Jury of Redesign, proud member of fleshing out previously left to rot or forgotten content. It's a hobby. A passion. I have and will continue to go into entire novellas to describe the inter personal relationships of characters we know next to nothing about, but what about characters we know literally nothing about?
We know only 6 members of the total 9 that belong to the Jury. Technically seven if you include Garroth, but that last for like twelve seconds, that doesn't count. And one of them is only made known as a member in Rebirth (which I really like and I like Rebirth). That means there's three entire characters just waiting to happen! How have I never thought of this before?!
This idea really struck me when I was looking at the Jo9 wiki page and saw this comment
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The rest of the comment goes on to their whole theory about Ein killing Blaze, but I am mostly against the idea of killing Blaze because nobody ever gives it enough story significance, weight, and meaning. Only I get to kill Blaze, you all lost your privileges.
That's not what's important though. What's important is that I actually love Teony and Ein. I think they're some of the most wasted Aphverse characters, and that's saying something considering how I literally never shut up about Blaze. So let's flesh them out in a... different setting.
I imagine Teony being in a very similar situation to Katelyn and Jeffory. She has someone she deeply cares about that Zane knows about and is threatening to put in danger. For Jeffory and Katelyn, it was family. For Teony, it's similar, but just a slight flavor different. A gay flavor different.
Teony belongs to a high ranking noble family in O'Khasis, like one step below the Ro'meave family. Originally the plan was for her to be married off to one of the Ro'meave heirs (probably Zane), but then she did something weird. She uhh... She started training to be a guard. And got strong enough fast enough that nobody could really stop her because Teony would just challenge them to a round of armed combat about it despite being literally 12.
So she was allowed to go to guard academy and go through full training. She was never going to be a lord, and she could still easily join the Jury and serve the same purpose with less arranged marriage. Also if they tried to arrange Teony into a marriage she might just pull a sword on them about it. She learned very quickly that her parents wouldn't be allowed to abuse or control her if they feared her. Caused a different kind of trauma compared to the other children of nobles.
And then she found out she was gay. While she was at the academy the person who was writing the Jury recruitment list was the newest member of the Jury herself; Ivy the Venom Scythe. Teony fell in unending sapphic love from first sight. Even if she had become wise to her parents controlling nature in search of power, she still respected and revered the Ro'meave family, and the Jury of Nine. She was set up for it, and she wanted that. And now that she was finally experiencing love for a member of the Jury of Nine.
As always, things in Teony's life were set up for perfection. And she was such an overachiever, are you kidding me? Top ranks in all her classes even though she didn't need to. She would half ass it sometimes and still get the highest scores on every test. When she put her all into something, there wasn't any competition. She was just showing off for Ivy, and she did not hide that in the slightest. Ivy was fully aware that Teony was not only showing off, she knew that Teony was in love, or at least lust with her. Teony is not subtle at all, it's just not a concept to her yet.
On the last day of her training at the academy, Zane Ro'meave himself shows up. I imagine Zane and Teony were almost sort of childhood friends. Zane didn't really like having friends, but he and Teony were personable and able to get along when they were forced to spend time together by their parents. He has a sort of fondness for Teony in a "I'll see where you're going with this" sense. He's heard how passionate she is about fighting and being a guard. And he knows it's not for a violent sake, but because of that nobility that is her bloodline and the baseline of her identity as a person.
She may be overzealous, she may be a know-it-all, she may be a show-off, but Teony always fights with honor. She always showers her classmates a great amount of dignity and respect when they fight her. To her combat is an art form, one that she takes very seriously. She won't attack unless provoked, and more often than not will just skip the talking it out phase and just jump to the dueling stage because that's the part she understands best.
She's autistic. That's what I'm saying. Teony is an autistic lesbian. Look at her go! However, Zane is terrible and evil and so is Ivy. When telling him the candidates, he brings up that Teony is a no brainier. Which is when Ivy tells him that Teony is in love with her and was fighting to earn her attention. She willingly threw away some of her nobility in the name of love. Which means she can do it again if provoked to.
What better way to provoke her than to give it to her and then threaten to take it away? Zane and Ivy literally manipulate Teony, putting her on the Jury, assigning her to work with Ivy, and Ivy starts actively feeding into it in a rather coy way just to drag her along. And right when Teony is ready to fess up, her parents show up at the Ro'meave manner. Teony remembers what they expect of her. That they don't know the truth about her.
She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt they'd disown her. Jury members aren't supposed to have family anyway. For a minute she thinks about outing herself to sever her ties. But then she learns that her mother is pregnant again. She... She has a little sister on the way. And if she cuts ties with her family now, she'll never get to meet her. She doesn't know Zane invited them at first, but when he talks to her later, she pieces it all together.
Zane says he'll let her family live, even let them be known as her family if she wants, but she isn't allowed to be with Ivy in any non-professional manner. Otherwise she'll give herself away, and while he doesn't exactly threaten it, Zane makes it very clear he will out Teony to her parents if she doesn't do as he orders from now until the end of time. It's then that Teony realizes she's trapped. She went from one gilded cage to another.
Until it got to be too much for her. Remember how Jeffory was apparently on the Demon Warlock Island in Gal'ruk? And it was literally never explained. What if he was there to find her? What if it became too much for Teony after meeting her sister, and she ran away? Zane doesn't know what happened when Teony met with her younger sister, but it was enough to shake her that she barely responded to Zane's taunting when she returned. And then she left that night.
Jeffory was sent to follow her trail. And he actually found her before she managed to break the Demon Warlocks curse. On a completely different continent, no guard escorts, and no way that Zane can hear them, they talk openly. They confide in one another. And they work together, as friends, to break the curse and get themselves back home. Teony moves to a different island in Gal'ruk, and tells Jeffory to give Ivy a letter the next time he sees her.
And he's not allowed to let it leave his hands unless it's Ivy taking it. No messengers. No leaving it somewhere she'll find it. Jeffory never learned the contents of that letter, but he did manage to deliver it to Ivy. Only she and Teony knows what's contained in those pages.
(Final note, idk what her funny anime villain name or her weapons would be. I would love council/jury/anyone to give input here. Same for the next member)
Ein being a big heroic softie is the best thing ever to me you don't understand.
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Much like the doll anon, this anon changed my life. I love this idea so much. Listen, I like unrelentingly evil characters, just look at Zane. But that's the thing. Zane's already there. And so is Janus. And Ivy. And probably Lilian. And another character I've yet to get to. And even more characters when we get out of the Jury. We need more innocence that becomes corrupted in the Jury, everyone likes being evil too much.
So I want to make Ein a big ol' softie. He grew up in the Brightport Wolf Tribe with his best friend eventually turned lover Blaze. They mostly stayed within the confines of their tribe, which was small, but spacious enough for two wolf children prone to rough housing to get their energy sufficiently out. It was only when they were older that they started waking up to the... less than ideal circumstances of their relationship.
After being friends and being incredibly close and physically affectionate, when the two started thinking about mating and all that dumb romantic nonsense, it just made sense that they would be with each other in that way too. It's how they got through everything else in life. It was at the ruiner and creator of gay romances, that Irene forsaken Guard Academy that things got... worse.
Because Ein is definitely a very well rounded fighter. He's decently studious, wanting to keep up on speaking both the werewolf language and the more common language, and making sure that Blaze does the same. But Blaze finds these things to be dreadfully boring and doesn't put in more effort than Ein makes him. This is fine when they were kids and their plans weren't more ambitious than protecting their tribe. But their Alpha wanted to see if humans and werewolves could truly get along.
If anyone could prove that werewolves are just as human as they are, it would be these two dorks. But uhh, people are racist. And homophobic. So it doesn't go great. Couple that with the fact that the academy prioritizes individual excellence over collective greatness and suddenly things are just doomed to go wrong for these two. Ein naturally excels, and Blaze who's used to having someone to rely on starts falling behind without the consistent support system.
That was his emotional support nerdy jack of all trades boyfriend! How could you take that away from him? And Ein is stripped of his absolutely pure of heart dumb of ass boyfriend. They don't even get to stay in the same bunks as each other, and barely have any classes together. It's just awful. But Ein finds... something else. After doing particualrly well on a certain test, one of the teachers pulls him aside and tells Ein he might be able to qualify for the Jury of Nine position. Or at least be their bench warmer.
Ein's ambitions in life never went too far beyond the borders of their childhood home. He was the one who always pressured Blaze into going further than they were allowed, but Blaze was easily convinced anyways. But Ein was always an ambitious person. He just didn't know enough about the world to realize them. The highest he'd ever gone was thinking "Wow, it'd be cool to be the Alpha." And like that's it.
Suddenly he's told that if he somehow gets better than he already is he could hold one of the highest positions in the entire fucking continent. It's a no brainier. He has to go for it. He doesn't realize it means he's only being further isolated, pulled away from his few meet ups with Blaze to study, to practice, to do something that only a top student does and a near drop out student doesn't.
In fact the last time they see each other is, like with Teony, the day before the Jury posting for their class. Ein is sure he's on that list. Maybe not the top spot, but defiantly in the top five. Just as he's about to go introduce himself to Zane Ro'meave, try and make a good impression to sweeten his chances, he gets intercepted by Blaze.
Who just hands him a letter. And he whispers a single word under his breath as he's leaving; "Goodbye."
Ein reads the letter immediately, heartbroken to read that Blaze flunked out and is going back home without him. Blaze says he's proud of Ein for being able to go so far, and hopes he gets on the Jury. Ein knows he's lying. He tries to chase after Blaze, to try and make it up to him, but then suddenly Zane's there. He's caught Ein in a dangerously vulnerable moment, and while Ein manages to recover, he never gets the chance to wipe the tears from his eyes.
He never learns what rank he got on the Jury list. Just that he was one of the two who were filling vacant seats from this class. It's painfully bitter sweet. It's everything Ein wanted, but he realized that he never made room for Blaze in these dreams of grandeur. He tried to help Blaze at first, but Blaze eventually rejected his offers. And Ein couldn't even blame him. He'd been ignoring and neglecting the most important relationship in his life. And if Ein keeps going down this path, he realizes he'll destroy it even more.
In spite of that, he accepts the invitation and starts working as a Jury member for Zane. One month into his stay at the Ro'meave Manor as Zane's personal body guard, Zane asks him an odd question. A name he's apparently heard Ein muttering to himself and in his sleep. "Blaze."
Ein tries to say it's nothing, just an old friend he was thinking of reaching out to. That's when Zane makes it clear that Ein has absolutely no control here. Because he saw what happened between them. He asks if this old friend happened to be the one that gave him "that love letter". Ein tries to find it where he keeps it tucked into his armor, but Zane is holding it. He knows everything. And he's known the entire time he's had Ein in the Jury. It was all a test of loyalty.
If he reaches out to Blaze, he will fail. And again, Zane doesn't directly state what the penalty is, but he makes it abundantly clear that it's death for both Ein and Blaze. Ein was always easiest controlled when he was isolated. After this he was only paired up with two members of the Jury Zane trusted enough. Lilian, and the last member of the Jury. We'll get to him in a second.
As a result, Ein desired but never sought freedom. He knew Blaze was capable of a great life, he had a future, and was probably going on incredible adventures without him. He never forgot where he came from, and who he accidentally left behind. When Zane and Lilian disappeared... Ein was set free. His leash was just dropped for the first time. Mr. Mysterious wasn't even there to pick it up.
And he ran straight home.
There's only one threat that's unknowingly standing in the way of Ein's happiness. And his name is
Zachary the Plague
Nobody knows where the title came from. They don't want to. Zachary is one of the oldest members, sometimes referred to as the "shadow member" of the Jury. He's rarely seen, and scarily little is known about him.
And that's because he doesn't directly work for Zane. Unlike the others, who were all put under Zane's command after the other Ro'meave heirs died, Zachary stayed under the command of Garte. He did work for Zane here and there, Garte didn't get out much and was content to leave it all to Zane. And Zachary took a liking to Ein when they met, and when he requested that Ein train under him for some time, Zane wasn't in a position to object.
The only people who would be able to give more insight into Zachary are Garte, Janus, and Ein. Garte won't talk. Ever. Zachary is his most trusted guard, and that is all anyone needs to know. Janus just says they respect Zachary. It says enough given what it's known that Janus values. Ein freezes when he hears the name. Even when he says it.
He's only told Blaze what he knows, and neither one will willingly give up this information. He's a quiet fear in the back of Ein's mind, but Zachary stayed with Garte. Even when Zane disappeared, he stayed with Garte. He was never relieved of his duties officially or unofficially. The reason he abandoned Ein is because Garte told him to. He always followed orders.
It's unknown where he or Garte are now.
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the original series for rhys is My Inner Demons, a minecraft roleplay by Aphmau on youtube! i know this because i am stuck in aphblr lol
also, sidenote since i will talk about my wife at any opportunity, Jess {the og creator} has a character named Teony whomst i love. that's my wife!!! I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be Black since she's drawn with afrocentric features {i hope that's the right word} by all of the fans but whoever made her minecraft skin made it like eveyone else so it just looks like she flattens her hair :( i personally like giving her braids. she's in mermaid tales, mystreet {including phoenix drop high since that's just the highschool series in the same universe}, and i could have sworn that she was in another series but that may just be all of the rewrites I've been doing lol. i can put my wife everywhere!! also i love my wife, did you know i love my wife? i think Teony was my first crush on a girl and i didn't even know it <2
she's super nice and smart and is canonically gay! she got crushes and stuff in series :D
I hate to say this, but I might need you to send a picture because I tried looking Teony up and all I'm getting is Minecraft and Genshin type characters 😭 and none of them look Black so I'm not sure they're the right ones or if I'm looking at the right thing 😭
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