#terra (mentioned)
strawbyarts · 7 months
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i will take any chance to draw these two <3 thank you anon
i lost the reference pic oops
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kinsey3furry300 · 22 days
My top 5 hairstyles from The Owl House that I am very normal about.
Luz, specifically her in the season 2 finale, and post time-skip.
While in season three Luz spends a lot of time wearing a hat or in Halloween costume, which means we don’t get to see her hair, I still fucking LOVE what the animators did to her hair late in season two/ end of season three, specifically, the little mini-pony tail she’s rocking when she rescues Amity. It’s got a very 1700’s short Queue/ gentlemen’s club-tail pirate vibe to it, giving the whole scene a swashbuckling and romantic vibe as Luz literally climes up onto the balcony of her love interest’s boudoir to rescue her from her evil and overbearing mother, It’s wonderfully practical, romantic, tomboy-ish and playful, and seems like a direct fuck you to Bellos who also wears his hair in a similar tied-back style.
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look at those pants tucked into tall boots and tell me they weren't thinking pirate.
It hints at a volume and springiness of hair that make you realise that the animators and design team actually considered Luz’s Afro-Latina roots before promptly forgetting that again for most of season 3, only to bring it back for the post time-skip Luz. 9/10
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Amity, specifically the change in hair colour.
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This is just great character design: using the character’s visual design to communicate information about her to the audience: her hair is neat, prim, proper… restraining, very tied back, not at all free, and not only is it clearly a dye job, but a bad one, with the visible change in colour at the roots. You can tell from her hair, she is not happy with who she is at that point in her life. She’s had her hair done to blend in with the twins and her mother, be a part of a matched set, and you can see how she doesn’t care for it or she would have done something about those roots: bits of the real her, bits of her father’s influence, bleed through without Amity even realising. And then… BLAM.
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Change to a purple do, the colour of abominations reflecting her talents and passions, which incorporates hints of her natural brown hair deliberately and thoughtfully. It’s even called out by the twins that her mom would hate it. It’s also a very similar colour to the purple on the Bi pride flag, and seconds after Luz see’s her with it for the first time, Amity kisses Luz for the first time. New hair, new her. It’s a colour that pairs well with the blues and purples Luz typically wears, and close to the shade you would get if you colour-averaged the Dominican Republics’ flag (thought that’s probably just a coincidence). It’s Amity rejecting who her mother wants her to be, and embracing the person Luz sees her as, and I Love it. 9.5/10
Principle Bump
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You mean to tell be that Pallisman was hiding yards upon yards of the most beautiful silky flowing hair I’ve ever seen in a cartoon? Sir, you can not just drop that much swag mid-way thought season two, and not in the presence of minors, it’s just too sexy. 10/10.
And speaking of too damn sexy… Eda Cawthorne, the Owl Lady.
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Oh my god yes. Just yes. Chef’s kiss perfection. Hair so voluminous it has dominates the outline of the character creating a distinct silhouette even at distance, hair that bobs and move in the action sequences with it’s own weight an gravity. I’m amazed she can walk, let alone strut, given that her centre of gravity must be a foot behind her head. Hair so voluminous you struggle to hide it when you’re in disguise, and so magical it has it’s own pocket dimension for storage and/or is just so big you can keep stuff in there like a handbag.  By the Titan, drown me in your hair Owl Lady.
Special shout out to the pre-curse Eda hair as well: Flaming red, with her golden eyes, her narrow, pointed face and (even for a witch) huge pointed ears and the two hanging bits at the front that look like fox-tails? You just know Raine took one look at this and the carved their Fox Pallisman the very next day (and while it’s cannon that carving Owlbert was an attempt by Eda to reclaim some positive association with owls in her mind post-curse, the fact Raine looks like an owl with their big round glasses and little round face must have been on Eda’s mind:  it’s my headcanon they carved their Pallisman’s to look like each other.)
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11/10, perfect character design.
And finally, Vee, particularly right at the end of season three.
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audioandart · 3 months
Have you considered doing an analysis on Aqua’s Theme in Kingdom Hearts? (If you haven’t already) First playing BBS it’s almost shocking how dismal her theme can be until you know her story, I’d be interested to see how you discuss it
oh my god! Oh my god! My first request! wormthejay I would be ECSTATIC to do an analysis on Aqua's Theme. The BBS version 🫡
Also, normally these analysis wouldn't delve super deep into this sort of thing, but you're right about the shock value of her theme. Ventus sounds sad, but you know from the start of the game he's had a rough time of it. Terra sounds determined, which he is the entire game. Then you get to the end of the game and their theme is suddenly a double meaning. Ventus' theme always sounded sleepy (like a lullaby). Terra's theme always sounded a little desperate, but then there's Aqua. The entire game her theme doesn't really seem to make sense, as it either doesn't fit or it implies Aqua is that sad the entire game (which the novel actually implies she is, but we're focusing on the game rn.) Then you get to the end of the game and boom. Everything makes sense completely. Anyway I'm supposed to be doing music lol I got carried away 😅
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Aqua's theme is very sad, like we said. It starts with this piano melody in the F Major scale, that, if you remember back to Dearly Beloved (KH1) edition, with the higher pitch, makes for a sad sounding song. (The more flats in a scale, the more sad it'll usually sound. F Major has 1 flat.) This piano carries through the whole song, and starts as the main melody but very quickly turns into the background melody once the violins (and likely other assorted strings) come in. The violin starts similar to the piano, a high sad sounding melody of it's own. Both the violin and piano sound a bit frantic with the speed of their notes, all quicker and adding a sense of desperation, (however it is different from Terra's. When I eventually get to his theme I'll explain.) However, the violin eventually switches to a slower note series, calmer, and it's lower now as well. This could be seen as Aqua's resignation at being in the Realm of Darkness, but in terms of the song it sounds like the desperation has taken a back seat (as the piano is still there in the background) to the feelings of the piece. Sadness is being focused on completely now. And yet, starting with the switch to a slower violin, there is a brass section in the background that occasionally plays a few notes. Brass is often used for triumphant, heroic, or determined music. In this case, the brass is very much a determined instrument. It plays what could be thought of as a musical cherry on top, a piece of determined (perhaps even hopeful, though it doesn't quite reach that level) strength on top of the sad sundae. It also joins the background melody on occasion, much softer than it's usual playing. There is an undercurrent of determination with the desperation. And then it repeats, as video game soundtracks often do.
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This piece sounds like Aqua's journey in BBS start to finish. She starts desperate and sad, she's chasing after Terra and having to convince Ventus to go home, and neither are listening. She's worried Terra is falling to darkness. Etc etc Aqua had a real terrible time. Suddenly, final battle and she loses both of them. Still very desperate, looking for how to get them back. She fights Xehanort while he's possessing Terra, ends up in the Realm of Darkness. She realizes she can't get out and so, resigns herself to her fate. That is where the slower violin comes in. And now she has all the time in the world to focus on how she feels and how much she misses home (in a place made of darkness which very much pulls out all your worst feelings. Yikes.) But even with all that has happened, she feels determined to get home and get back to her friends. She walks on for a decade, fighting, to return to what is essentially her family. No matter what happens, she moves forward.
Also, if we're gonna include the novel here, (just as a little treat,) she feels inadequate of the title of Master. She feels some imposter syndrome. There's where part of the sadness in the beginning is coming from as well. Great theme! It conveys SO much with THREE INSTRUMENTS. (Technically, the violin is actually the whole string section, but you get the gist.) Dearly Beloved did well with the few it had as well, but Aqua's Theme conveyed a whole arc. Praise be to Yoko Shimomura!
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pestopastaenjoyer · 1 year
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mazeheart · 30 days
@starsdrew 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒆 ( 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 ) ⬎
[ blood ] + reverse beast boy & tara
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tara wasn't sure she could handle seeing him right now ; but right as she was going to tell beast boy off , red caught her eye. " come here , " she pulled on his arm , pulling him closer to her so he wouldn't be the one to run away. " you're bleeding. " concern washed over her ; so much so , all other thoughts escaped her. " why ? are you okay ? did someone do this ?? "
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Botanic Tournament : Honorary Mentions !
This is a bracket made with rejected submissions. Here they're legit.
Explanations here
Round 2 Part 2 Poll 7
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Explanations underneath
Sakura (Chiyo's surname) is written with kanji that don't mean cherry blossom
Propaganda for Chiyo :
Propaganda for Terra :
"she's plant themed and rides around in a big venus flytrap. also she's kinda the worst but in a fun way"
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carnivalls · 1 year
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writing some of eve's relationship with her dad. did you guys know it was this bad
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talisman975 · 7 months
Almost forgot to share this dating quiz I made a while back and figured it would be perfect for Valentine’s Day
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missazura · 11 months
they had a whole comic run with the teen titans cartoon why on earth didn't they make more with slade in it
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agentplutonium · 5 months
For the prompt post: Terra/Caelus in a modern/no magic/human AU 👀 just them being them in a different font
Jumping ahead in the cue a bit because I'm trying to write a separate thing for them and I need to work on their characterizations.
For those who don't know who Terra/Caelus are, they are my two god characters in the universe that I am building. Where this is a human/no magic AU I'm not gonna talk about the facts that I have about them to catch people up to speed (but I WILL give them if someone asks, I will tell you so much if you ask I can't shut up about them) and we'll see where this goes.
Anyway, moving on, and I'm not paying attention to anything specific this time around so it will be under the cut ^^
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
"Love," Caelus said quietly, poking his head into the room. "Are you awake?"
"No," Terra grumbled, turning away from the door.
"Oh, okay," Caelus said. "Guess I'm going to the farmers market by myself today. That's fine, you need your rest--"
Terra was turned back around in a heartbeat, making Caelus chuckle. "We're going to the farmer's market?" She asked.
"That's what we agreed on last night, yes," Caelus confirmed.
"Who's gonna be there?"
"Well, there's no way to know for sure, but I heard through the grapevine that the smoothie maker you love so much--"
That got Terra out of bed, squeaking in excitement. She rushed around the room, clamouring to get ready. Caelus openly laughed this time, the sound reverberating in his chest.
"I'll get our bags ready," Caelus said, dipping back out of the room.
By the time he was ready, Terra came tearing out of the room. "Come on, let's go," she said.
"Shoes," Caelus said.
"Right, that would be important." She bent to grab her sandals, and Caelus raised an eyebrow.
"You sure you want to wear those?" He asked. "You know how much walking we have to do."
"It goes with the outfit, I'll be fine," Terra said. Caelus just sighed, a small smile spread across his face. He already packed her sneakers, just in case.
When Terra straightened again, Caelus held out a granola bar. "I'm not even hungry," Terra countered.
"You will be in about five minutes. It takes fifteen until we're there, and then probably another ten before we get any kind of food in our hands," Caelus said. Terra took the granola bar with a huff, rolling her eyes.
Caelus kissed her cheek before opening the door. Terra flounced through, smiling. As he was closing the door, she spun back around.
"My bag--"
Caelus held it out to her.
"Oh. Well, thank you. What about--"
"It's all in there. And I have the keys," Caelus answered.
"I really can take care of myself," Terra said.
"You can, but you were busy and excited, and I know that you get forgetful when you're like that," Caelus reasoned, turning to lock the door. "Besides, it's you. I don't mind taking care of you."
"Well, thank you anyway," Terra said. Caelus didn't have to look to see she was flustered. He could hear it in her voice.
"You'd do the same for me," Caelus reminded. He turned back to her, reaching his hand out, "Come on, let's get going before it gets too busy."
Terra took his hand, smiling. There wasn't much conversation between the two of them on the walk down, but that was fine by Caelus' means. He got to watch Terra take in the scenery, munching on the granola bar that he gave her. She was as handsome as ever like that, early sunlight making her glow. There would be a few things along their walk that would spark dialogue between them, usually in the form of Terra remembering a fact that she told him about certain landmarks or ones that were tangentially related to whatever train of thought she had in her head. It was always something new with her.
For example, they were passing by a construction site that had been there for ages, and Terra gasped.
"Did you know that this is gonna be the new Playhouse?" Terra asked. "Cause I did not until I was looking it up a few days ago."
"I actually did not know that," Caelus hummed. "I had never thought about where it was moving, just that it was."
"I also found out that a lot of people were upset they're moving the old one," Terra said. "Which, I get, but also that building is so old. They're building a new one because it's getting unsafe to be in there. Not to mention the new one is gonna have, like, three different-sized theatres, so it actually allows for more events to happen."
"Interesting," Caelus mused. He was never sure what ever prompted Terra to look up this information, but it was entertaining.
Once they got to the farmers market, Terra bolted for a food truck, tugging Caelus along. It didn't take as long as usual to get some food, and they were sitting at their usual picnic table in no time. A few of their friends found them, and they joined as well. Caelus hadn't seen the three in a while, it was a nice surprise.
"We've been out of town on a contract," was the explanation given by Ases.
"Can't separate the three of you, huh?" Terra teased.
"We're just that good," Amos said, slinging his arm around Ditia, the third in their group, who rolled their eyes.
"Oh!" Ases said, drumming against the table briefly, "Terra! Did you see the new mugs?!"
"New mugs?" Terra questioned. "Where?"
"I have to show you, come on," Ases said, as she reached across the table to grab Terra's hand.
"I'll be right back," Terra said hurridly to Caelus, just managing to kiss him on the cheek before being pulled off. Amos shouted after them, jumping up to follow.
Ditia sighed, resting their elbow on the table so they could put their head in their hand. "Never a dull moment with them, huh?"
"Never," Caelus agreed, smiling. "Wouldn't change it though, would you?"
"Never," Ditia parroted, giving a smile of their own.
"They're gonna come back with so many mugs," Caelus murmured, before going to take a sip of his smoothie.
"So many mugs," Ditia agreed, laughing. "five bucks says they come back with matching couple mugs."
"Yours or mine?" Caelus asked.
"Both," Ditia said.
"You know what? I'll take you on that one," Caelus said, reaching out his hand. Ditia shook it firmly.
"Brave, knowing our partners."
"Just Terra or just double A, maybe. But it's unlikely that they all come back with the same idea," Caelus said.
"We'll see about that," Ditia said, sipping their coffee.
It was fifteen minutes before Caelus saw Terra again. It was clear that the group went to more than just the mug stand, and Caelus chuckled. However, when he saw two mugs in her hand, two in Amos', and one in Ases, he groaned.
Ditia laughed, "hand it over, big guy," they said, holding out their hand.
"How'd you even know?" Caelus asked, fishing out a five-dollar bill.
"They were talking about it when we saw the stand earlier," Ditia said, pocketing the money. "I knew they'd convince Terra if she found the right set."
"That's cheating."
"That's gambling, my friend," Ditia said.
"Caelus!" Terra called out now that she was close enough. "Look! They had matching mugs!"
"I see that," Caelus said.
"They have cats on them!" Terra said, placing them down in front of him. They did in fact have cats on them, one sporting a black cat and one an orange cat. "I think they fit us perfectly."
"I think they do too, Love," Caelus said, tone soft.
"It was really Double A's idea, they were getting matching mugs for them, and they said that I should look too," Terra said.
Caelus glanced at Ditia, who winked. "You don't say."
"Look at what else I got," Terra said, starting to unload the tote bag she no doubt also bought.
Caelus smiled, settling in for the explanations that were going to accompany each item. He really couldn't go to the farmers market without this situation. However, he wasn't about to tell Terra no. He'd listen to her ramble for ages.
He wouldn't change this for the world.
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storm-driver · 2 years
gonna become a square enix executive so i can get exclusive access to kh4 stuff, and when the marketing team starts splicing together the worst trailer in the world to show you guys, ill whisper "psst don't watch that it'll be full of so many spoilers" and ill make my own trailer of all the shit i got to see instead without revealing the most important and plot-heavy stuff
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idkhow2usetmblr · 1 month
[I have the feeling I'm missing someone, but I'm not sure...]
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globlingoober · 2 months
I don't know if I asked you this before but I don't remember so the answer will be new either way :D
Favorite and least favorite event horizon scene from any book and favorite character except for beeduo GO
OOO!! Okay I think my favorite scene has to be in De Terra and it’s the whole dancing on Tubbo’s planet where Ranboo is wearing the skirt and everything. After that it’s actually the first time Tubbo gets his braid done because I was screaming the whole time in half happiness half insanity.
Least favorite scene? Is probably the sewer slide attempt. For obvious reasons I was stressed 😭
Favorite character is 10/10 Tubbo’s mom. I adore her and she is my spirit animal. I love seeing art of my beloved middle aged bee mom with her earrings and flower skirts.
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recusant-s-sigil · 1 year
ok but Riku and Ansem having a heart-to-heart (ha) while possessed about how similar they are.
Xemnas recognizing Riku and that their pasts are basically the same (using darkness to leave their prison surrounded by water), even if he barely remembers the time on the islands from his Xehanort half and even the Terra part recognizes him a little from the bequeathing so it coalesces into that strange familiarity that you get from someone you met in a dream.
YMX knowing about Riku from time travel shenanigans but it’s not until they actually meet for the first time in Traverse Town that he’s like “oh” and starts to tug at both of their insecurities because “Riku is just like me” so he knows how to get under Riku’s skin.
Even the old man sees something of himself in the silver-haired boy standing before him in the Keyblade Graveyard; the same curiosity about the world in his oddly familiar soft green eyes. He also sees someonething else in the kindness Riku shows toward his friends, the quiet determination to always be there for them and protect them when they need it, especially Sora. Reminiscent of someone from another’s memory he holds, one from long ago.
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"I like Raven.”
“That’s it,” he muttered.
Her hands didn’t falter tying the friendship bracelet. The confession was not necessarily a surprise or altered her perception of any current happenings. 
“Your arm is the dead,” she countered.
He huffed out a sorry as he turned to her in thought. It was strange to have someone not follow up on his admittance. Cyborg would’ve threw in some type of puns with a whack to the back; Robin would’ve nodded his head asking his plans; Raven, he already knew the answer. His shoulders slumped and he forced himself to cross his legs-he didn’t want to leave Starfire.
“Oh, Star,” he sighed dramatically, “I don’t ever know what to do.”
“You should do the working of that,” she muttered leaning closer to study the knot.
Now he remembers why he likes hanging out with her. 
“Maybe I should try hanging out with Tera?”
She slapped his wrist then shook it between both hands in excitement.
“Tera? You have other friends outside of the Titans,” she beamed.
“Ouch, that’s cold Star,” he pretended to wince, “Whatever did I do to you?”
“The nothing, I am merely excited for you to socialize,” she fell against his shoulder peeking up, “you must tell me about this Tera. You are friends. Do they know of the Titans? Can they do battle? Do they like shiny objects?”
“Uh, we might be a little bit more than friends,” he shrugged, “She was for a time a member. She’s killer at controlling the Earth so don’t let her hit you with rocks or drag you into mud. Now, shiny objects I mean not really?”
He knew he was blushing as the girl peered closer before resting against him once more. She must’ve been satisfied with his answers for the time being.
“You might be more than the friends.”
He blinked down at her with confusion as death loomed over him. His eyes surveyed the room for lurkers and he began to shift the newly built bracelet.
“Shit,” He inhaled, “Maybe I shouldn’t bother.”
He felt her face scrunch against his collarbone. A deep exhale release made him itch for another smoke break.
“You do know what more than friend’s means right?”
“We may not have the same terminology on my planet but I am aware enough to understand courting rituals of Earth. Tera is a friend if not more yet less than a partner.”
It jarred him the velocity and speed in which she was adapting. Perhaps, Robin might not be able to slip under the radar as he might have hoped. It almost filled him with amusement at the possible chance of a distraught Dick.
“I…we’re not like that anymore. She’s weirdly into older men. Specifically, one we have to battle on an on and off basis.”
“Hm,” she pouted.
“I mean I could probably turn myself into an older man if I put my mind to it but not worth it. My hips are amazing right now and so don’t want to fuck up my best features,” he sent her a wink.
“It would also be unfair to give something you are not. I quite like this Beast Boy,” she patted his leg, “You are much more of the appealing than the men of older ages. As you said, best features.”
She nodded determinedly. Dude, did he not love her. Not the romantic type or maybe the platonic type or there wasn’t enough words to put in the awe of Starfire. She truly is out of this world. 
Sometimes, the Titans felt like the Doom Patrol and here he was sitting with Rita after an argument with Chief. The don’t change hanging softly between them much like the tires before the fall. It’s unnatural dig into folding…
“Man, no one said we were cuddling today. Raven is going to be so Jealous. Especially Robin if that kid ever comes out of his room,” Cyborg smiled down at them, “Then again i haven’t seen or heard from him all day.”
“Probably punching something,” Beast Boy grumbled back, “Just get in.”
He couldn’t help the slight grimace at the small metallic squeak as  Cyborg folded his arms.
“Could’ve just told me I need to grease up my parts a bit, “ he flashed a look at Starfire, “A joke. Not gonna put that on my parts.”
She did not know the amusement behind grease. It was most definitely hot if Robin’s slight yip was to say. Was that the joke he was trying to tell? She offered a slight smile as he peered around the room.
“Do you desire something Friend?”
“Desire? Meat. Could always go for some meat,” he laughed, “Nah, I'm just playing with ya. I came in here for something then got distracted by your friendship bracelet huddle. Hurt you didn’t invite me.”
“Maybe next time,” Beast Boy scoffed.
“I’m gonna hold you to that, BB. Now, I know it had something to do with my parts.”
“Haha, real funny Man,” he rubbed his neck, “You know maybe I’ll remember after getting something to eat.”
He began to amble towards the small kitchen quarters when a small hand grabbed his. Looking down he was greeted by Starfire’s wide eyes as she beamed at his acknowledgement. Not releasing her hold she began to tug at Beast Boy’s elbow. She managed to drag him up to Cyborg’s amusement.
“We should go to the festivities at the harbor,” she laughed.
“The carnival,” Beast Boy queried.
“Hm,” she agreed, “That way we can control our day of friendly bonding and Cyborg can do the feasting on multiple delicacies. There is also a shop that might be of use to you in the regards of the parts you are looking for.”
He could see Cyborg contemplating the offer to a degree. They wouldn’t turn down her suggestions but they still had to play the part of wager.
“Girl, have I ever told you we should keep you? Well, we should. Cause this little lady is crushing it with these suggestions.”
“Like a personality hire?”
“Nah, just cause they got personality doesn’t mean their ideas are good. ‘How about we don’t do’ way ahead of you on that one smiley.”
“So, why are we hiding behind a funnel cake stand?”
Cyborg huffed as being shushed as he shared his treat with her. Their friend had violently yanked them behind a booth with no explanations. Sure, he was hiding from someone but he could’ve just used his words.
“Me and you are going to battle after this. Gonna kick your ass on game night for that stunt.”
“Shh, we don’t need to be seen.”
“Boy shush me one more time.”
“I am the confused, are we hiding from a supposed criminal or…” she trailed off.
They blinked as Beast Boy turned on them with a frown. Something or someone had upset him which wasn’t right.
“I may or may not have used a ring when we first hung out.”
“I didn’t know how she’d react to me being,” he paused, “so, I used this little ring before she joined the team.”
“And you saw her,” Cyborg sighed.
The boys sat in contemplative silence as Starfire watched them in confusion. Sure, the no longer looked the same minus her but from the clues she assumed it was about this Tera. Her brows furrowed as she stood to peek around the stand. She knew she couldn’t identify the girl and did not wish to. However, Beast Boy had mentioned she spent time with an older villain of the Titans. The thought made her frown in apprehensive sadness.
A hand tugged at her shoes forcing her to look down at them. His eyes were wide with unease and she slunk down to apologize with hints of other plans they could do. They could find another activity, there’s this diner, the shoreline on the island was nice, or the new season of a show was on. He shook his head each time with a twitch of a smile. It was nice to have someone consider his feelings. Not as an afterthought. I mean Robin was great at it but you know not him.
Tera would’ve told him to keep going not let anything stop him. Especially not his worry. No, he could just push those emotions aside just like Raven told him. Maybe, he should avoid her for a while too. Nope, that’s unfair to the team but Starfire is standing up. She’s offering her his hand and a nod to the exit. She’s giving him an outing from all of this together. As a group because Cyborg seems to be suggesting something similar. Didn’t someone say something about a mechanics store? 
It doesn’t matter cause he can smell it before spotting it. The greenish smoke tumbling from her location and the civilians scattering. They’re trampling each other in an attempt to escape then the communicators are lighting up. Except starfire has already launched them into the air forcing them to settle on a roof at the end of the pier. He can’t look away or relax or breathe and he tries. He’s vaguely aware of her slinking next to him mumbling something and stroking his shoulder blades.
He is extremely aware of the six red eyes meeting his and then the blonde hue over their shoulder. A choked sob escapes him and he shifts into small, small enough to be ignored, small enough to curl into a tight unpentetrable ball. He tries ignore the tongues lashing out in an aim to hurt him. Tries to ignore the hands on him in comforting movements cause he knows it isn’t Starfire. He knows it isn’t Cyborg. So, he curls in tighter just not enough to avoid the red streak across the pier.
Starfire, in all her warrior training, does not understand the situation. She knows the gas in causing distress. She knows her friends have been affected as Cyborg has been shut off and Beast Boy a small armadillo settled in a space he cannot roll off the roof. 
Fear gas is not a thing on her planet or common to jump city according to her friend’s coms. She already spoke to Robin and against his warnings she flies closer to the source. Hovering above the fumes she takes in the strange masked figures, the man in a strange mask, another with swords, and a blonde girl: Tera. She cannot help the groan as she plummets into the fog. Perhaps, on a normal fear gassing the assailiants could see throught it. The weather is not on their side today and not this God the team had mentioned. For they got her, eyes glowing with a tight lipped smile. 
“Surely, there is nothing worth raiding at a carnival. Is your leader out of commission for a while?”
She narrowly avoids a rock from impaling her skull. A frown threatens to over take her as she fires off a starbolt in the assailiants direction. She hits her mark from the girl’s scream. She’s proud of it.
“Fascinating, everyone will succumb to their fears,” a scarecrow like beings gwaffs.
She blinks at the dispersing fumes  and offers him a small grin.
“You are the one to create this, yes? Mighty impressive.”
The thing seems to preen in ecstatic wonder of her fears. 
“Unfortunately, I have already dealt with my fears,” she lunges forward.
The thing is clearly human and small and a sword in coming upon her. Exactly in time for a clash of colors to intercept. 
“Didn’t think you were one to team up with an Arkham patient like him. Not being very picky anymore, huh?” 
“Missed me, Scarecrow?” He throws a smirk over to them, “Way to go, Star.”
“Ah, Batman’s original,” Scarecrow bit out.
Her hand wrapped around his throat glowed with a sizzle: a warning.
“Silence,” she hissed, “Robin you are, alright?” 
“The first of three,” his accomplice sighed, “doesn’t it wound you, Robin? To know how easily replaceable you little birds are?”
Robin tightened his muscles at the jab. With feet planted on sturdy wood he felt as if the safety net was pulled from beneath him. He didn’t know about the third Robin until this week. Yet, all of Gotham’s villains knew first hand. Typical.
“I’m fine, Star. Focus on taking out the others. I’ll handle Slade.”
He stepped in to swing his bo staff down. The heavy clank of opposing metals ricocheted off the silent tussle and flare of radiation green. There was no point in hiding his snarl as he pushed back.
“He didn’t even let the body turn cold before he got another,” Slade huffed a chuckle, “Not even a phone call but I wouldn’t do it to you. You can simply ask Tera.”
“No thanks,” Robin spit, “Teaming up with a criminal isn’t where I see myself tonight.”
“Always the difficult one, Robin. Too bad it was an easy decision on his part,” Slade swept him off his feet, “Heard the last Robin was an easy kill. The old Bats didn’t even come for him.”
“The only thing that did was a crowbar,” a pitchy gravel came from his right.
He hissed at the insults and the possible truth he didn’t want to know. Instead, he pressed his pulsating knee into the floorboards and glared at the floating girl beside him. Her sunflare gleaming eyes and rock fragments floating beside her made him twitch. Sometimes, she reminded him that the Titans had failures. Not a this person is a mistake but that you couldn’t save everyone.
“Cheap shot. Shame you can’t get women your own age, Slade. Have to get one young enough to never question you?”
Tera’s growl almost ate away at the guilt he felt.
“My dear boy, She came onto me,” Slade’s fist met empty air as Robin dodged, “Surely, you knew many pondered about yours and the Bats relations.”
He lunged for the man with a battle cry as a fist rammed into the masked man’s side. The sudden shift caused him to transform into a tumble as he watched Tera get knocked into the railings. With enough force she burst through them and the fumes began to disperse as the wind picked up. He distinctly heard the sirens in the distance and the pinging of his com. His eyes squinted at his fiery friend as she sped to him before he could bark an order.
Slade had gotten away and they let him. He felt the surging rage overcome his pain before he was pulled into her embrace. Her mumblings about defeat, the team, civilians, drifted in and out of his ears as he clutched at her forearms. He knew the pain would not flow through her no matter how hard he squeezed. Still, he tried not to crush her  in his distraught state. That man always knew how to get to him, so, he stood and limped over to his old ‘friend’ with an impish grin.
“A bit far from home. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get a good upgrade for your short stay here,” he drapes a hand on the bagged man’s shoulder.
He almost stifles a laugh at the fear coming from the Fear gas creator. Being attacked by an angry Alien girl with a warrior background and perceived immunity had to be terrifying. Of course, Robin wouldn’t know the feeling. He was after all just that good.
“Oh, we should wait with him, Robin. The Scarecrow seems to enjoy our company,” Starfire beamed through slitted eyes.
He rolled his eyes at the quip before nervously stepping back for the upcoming officer to replace them.
“Nah, he’ll be fine with them. We should check on our the others.”
“Oh yes, our Friends,” she gasped tugging him along.
Another complicative feeling swelled within him for the day. He was glad she saw the team as her friends. He watched her call for them as they left the fog. 
“Yeah, Star?”
“Are you, alright? You did not have protection against the gas.”
“My mentor had me exposed to Fear gas multiple times to build up immunity,” he rubbed his neck.
“That is the awful,” she mumbled.
“I guess. Although, Fear gas is practically a biweekly occurrence. Have to treat it like the flu or else you’d never manage,” he shrugged.
She hummed in response before stumbling over to their frends laid upon the beach. It seems Raven has found them and decides to let them soak up the sun. He shakes his head at the scene before him. Cyborg is in the process of starting up and Beast Boy is an armadillo. Robin tries not to think too hard about it as he trudges behind Starfire.
His eyes do drift over to the squad cars stationed behind the dunes. Officers tuck against the sleek metal as they eye the oncoming pair in uncertainty. They weren’t afraid of Robin; no, it was the strange sunkissed girl towering over him. Her eyes flickering in and out of a green glow as she tries to calm down Beast Boy.
They couldn’t have one normal day as expected, however, a frown tugs his sunglasses down. Beast Boy must’ve managed a strong hit due to his senses; Cyborg needs to finish rebooting, and Starfire seems unaffected. The young Alien must’ve escaped the toxins due to her genetics, he told himself. Then again, it was hard to tell as Aliens weren’t welcome in Gotham. He rubs his gloves in thought because for someone to not be affected…
“He will not do the uncurling,” Starfire mutters to him, “The antidote should be working, yes?”
“It might kick in later or throwing him off guard. Going from fear to disillusioned is brutal and he feels safe in that form. We shouldn’t push him.”
Starfire seems to accept his response as she merely stroked the green armadillo. She had long since pocketed the magical charms her friend had worn. He’d get it back when she was certain he was fine. Her lips curl as she watches Robin head towards the dunes. His hand stretches back for hers to grab and she did. 
The day did burn her out though not as much as her friends, she chides herself. Maybe, she wouldn’t do the suggesting of outings anytime soon.
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aitsuheart · 1 year
Chapter 6 - Don't Think Twice One Shots
A scattered dream that's like a far off memory
Summary: Riku misses Sora and can't help but see Sora wherever he goes. The island replays memories in his head. Once he finally finds Sora in the Quadratum, something unexpected happens.
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Quadratum au, Sora/Riku, memory loss
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50036125
Alone with Sora, Riku had said, "We'll be the darkness." Since the realm of light was safe, Sora carried him down to the beach. It was just them together in the dark margin. "I was jealous of you," but it was way more than that. Something almost unspoken— a feeling hiding in plain sight.
That was the only time it was them alone, but they managed to find a way out— a door of light appeared.
Like shooting star, they returned— falling through the ocean. Kairi, Mickey, Donald and Goofy, waved them over.
But it was the night of a real shooting star that he made a promise— a promise Sora must have forgotten, but it was still real to him. "What if a shooting star hits the islands?" said Sora at only four years of age. "If a shooting star comes this way, I'll protect you." Riku told him confidently, swinging his toy sword before giving him that necklace, he never took off.
Sora is his light, his strength comes from him. He was going to protect his most precious person. Like another promise he made, "I wanna be strong one day. Like that kid who left—he went to the outside world. I bet he's really strong now..." he told the stranger at five years at age, "I bet it's out there somewhere. The strength that I need... Strength to protect what matters."
But he has the strength now, Riku knows that. All those memories proves that.
He will find him.
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