Outfit number 3 from Axis Power Hetalia, Prussia as a Teutonic Knight! ⚔️ I think this is one of the outfits where I made most pieces myself! The pants and long-sleeved T-shirt were bought, but the cape and tabard were made by yours truly~ Those garments are mostly straight lines, but long straight seams are the best way to learn! ⚔️ This was both very easy and very hard to make. There are very few full body official artworks out there (and with webcomic they tend to be quite… scrunchy). It does open up the possibility for artistic freedom (and to make difficult things a bit more my level 8D ). The patterns for both the cape and the tabard were drafted with the help of various online sources and made with white terlenka. The fabric is a bit more forgiving than cotton for capes and such, since it doesn’t wrinkle that easy~ ⚔️ I did add my signature satin-stitching application for a bit more oomph. Made with black terlenka, ironed on with vlies-o-fix and stitched with a silver grey border. The crosses are modeled after the iron cross. I’m not sure it existed during the time of the crusades, but since it is a Prussian symbol, it fitted the character quite well. (it’s origin is not German and it’s definitely not a hate symbol, though it tends to get appropriated for such purposes, unfortunately…) ⚔️ Swipe to the back for those scrunchy artworks (of scrunkly little Prussia xD ). I do have to say, the anime screenshot is newer (from 2016-ish), so some colour choices might be off. (I mainly used fanworks and historical reproductions of knights for references back in 2011, so that was also a fun deep dive 8D) ⚔️ #hetalia #axispowershetalia #aph #aphprussia #aphcosplay #aphprussiacosplay #teutonicknightprussia #teutonicknight #2011 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVoswdo8cH/
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photo-snap-stories · 8 months
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Zamek Książąt Mazowieckich, Ciechanów (część 1 z 2)
Kiedy zaczęto budować zamek ciechanowski, a było to ok. roku 1355, na Mazowszu, które było osobnym księstwem, panował książę Siemowit III z linii Piastów Mazowieckich. Na pozostałych terenach Polski kończył się wówczas proces zjednoczenia, po tzw. rozbiciu dzielnicowym. Rządził tam, ostatni król dziedziczny, Kazimierz Wielki, także z linii Piastów, który „zastał Polskę drewnianą a zostawił murowaną”. Na ziemie polskie najeżdżały wojska z państw sąsiednich, a szczególnie Krzyżaków (Zakon Rycerski Najświętszej Marii Panny) z północy, Czechów z południa i Litwinów ze wschodu.
Mazowsze było szczególnie narażone na najazdy litewskie, które pustoszyły zimie księstwa, aż do 1385 r. Dwukrotnie był palony Ciechanów, który był stolicą Ziemi Ciechanowskiej.
Forma zamku – prostokąt o wymiarach 48 x 57 m – z jednym budynkiem przy bramie południowej (dla załogi), dwóch wieżach od strony wjazdu i olbrzymim, pustym dziedzińcem przypominała wczesnośredniowieczne zamki z Bliskiego Wschodu – zamki bizantyjskie. Miał on podobne przeznaczenie – służył do schronienia ludności miasta, wraz z najcenniejszym dobytkiem w okresie zagrożenia przez wroga. Jedyną drogą do zamku, od strony miasta, przez bagniste rozlewiska rzeki Łydyni był drewniany most, o długości prawie 300 m., łatwy do demontażu.
Zamek ciechanowski był praktycznie nie do zdobycia i nigdy nie został zajęty przez wrogów, chociaż takie próby podejmowali Krzyżacy, czego dowodem są znalezione w fosie zamkowej, w trakcie badań archeologicznych, dwa miecze i inne fragmenty uzbrojenia rycerzy zakonnych. Zamek pełnił wówczas (na przełomie XIV i XV w.) rolę obronnego zamku granicznego, gdyż granica Państwa Krzyżackiego przebiegała wzdłuż rzeki, tuż za północnym murem zamku.
Castle of the Mazovian Dukes, Ciechanów, Poland (part 1 of 2)
When the construction of the Ciechanów castle began, and it was around 1355, Mazovia, which was a separate duchy, was ruled by Prince Siemowit III from the line of the Mazovian Piasts. In other areas of Poland, the process of unification was coming to an end, after the so-called district breakdown. It was ruled by the last hereditary king, Casimir the Great, also from the Piast line, who "found Poland made of wood and left it made of stone". Polish lands were invaded by armies from neighboring countries, especially the Teutonic Knights (the Knights' Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary) from the north, Czechs from the south and Lithuanians from the east.
Mazovia was particularly vulnerable to Lithuanian invasions, which ravaged the Duchy's lands until 1385. Ciechanów, the capital of the Ciechanów Land, was burned twice.
The form of the castle - a rectangle measuring 48 x 57 m - with one building at the southern gate (for the crew), two towers from the entrance side and a huge, empty courtyard resembled early medieval Middle Eastern castles - Byzantine castles. It had a similar purpose - it was used to shelter the city's population, along with the most valuable possessions, when threatened by the enemy. The only way to the castle, from the city side, through the swampy backwaters of the Łydynia River, was a wooden bridge, almost 300 m long, easy to dismantle.
The Ciechanów castle was practically impregnable and was never occupied by enemies, although such attempts were made by the Teutonic Knights, as evidenced by two swords and other fragments of the knights' armament found in the castle moat during archaeological research. The castle then (at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries) served as a defensive border castle, as the border of the Teutonic State ran along the river, just behind the northern wall of the castle.
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lukegiallo · 1 year
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quando Amici ti regalano i #cavalieriteutonici e non sanno che hai una predilizione per i #cavalieri #teutonici. #thatsfriendship #italeri #italerimodels #teutonic #teutonicknights grazie a @claudio_fabbricatore e @manu_scan #luke_giallo💛 #storiediluke (presso Teutonic Castle Ruins, Torun) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLBXIfNGhV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mygrimmbrother · 6 years
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A busy day but here's today's #inktober offering: day 22 - a Teutonic Knight. These armoured warriors, originating from Prussia and the Baltic states took part in The Crusades of the 13th century. Ballpoint and brushpens on A5 watercolour paper #inktober2018 #ink #drawing #sketch #teutonicknight #crusades #medieval #illustration #mattsoffe #art #knight #warrior https://www.instagram.com/p/BpQCFLmn4fv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dqaoqftnnboh
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belleganlaya · 4 years
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Inktober 2020 Day 14 • Armor Deus Vult in Spades #inktober #inktoberarmor #inktober2020 #inktoberday14 #armor #deusvult #knight #teutonicknight #spear #spade #spades #wolf #characterdesign #characterart #penandink #penandinkdrawing #penandinkart #inkart #inkartwork #brushpen #kuretakesumibrushpen #wolfram https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5GiKBFi6z/?igshid=1x3gzd4ijuhtm
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church26 · 5 years
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Happy Tuesday everyone! Invaders 30 "Five Against The Flying Death!" July 1978. Life is good! #igcomicbookfamily #igcomicbookcommunity #igcomicbooks #marvel #marvelcomics #youtube #youtubecomicbookcommunity #igfamily #youtubefamily #invaders #captainamerica #namor #submariner #humantorch #unionjack #spitfire #teutonicknight #derfliegentod https://www.instagram.com/p/B4NNqCmhXN6hlXemTzuixFhlfKA2tJblcaGakE0/?igshid=5v4mmwsefekn
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terenceharrington · 5 years
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#Peiper #Porsche #911 #stuttgart #German #teutonicknight #stinkingwolf (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzEMDmnH4m5giolKonbVmsvd035QQ4sctcuHgU0/?igshid=5pjf8yqgva7v
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bartholomaus · 4 years
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Cetatea Feldioara, restaurarea nefericită!
1. Sus, fotografie de pe la 1900 (E.Fisher). La mijloc, propunerea logică - după opinia mea - a restaurării/reconstrucției părților dispărute recent ale cetății. Jos, restaurarea cetății fotografiată în august 2016
2. Detaliu a gravurii lui Ludwig Rohbock din 1864. Aici am numit câteva din nemulțumirile mele
3. Comentarii pe marginea restaurării peste desenul meu
4. Vedere aeriană a cetății la finele anilor 90. Porțiunea de zidărie din apropierea turnului de vest era mai înaltă decât în urma restaurării.
5. Fotografia lui Emil Fischer. Una din cele mai bune surse documentare, a fost ignorată în restaurarea recentă
Recentul caz all restaurării cetății de la Feldioara. Proiectul a fost elaborat de unul din cei apreciați arhitecți ardeleni, Szabo  Balint din Cluj. Din motive absolut de neînțeles, acesta a ignorat toate documentele iconografice (gravuri și fotografii) refuzând să refacă pinioanele triunghiulare ale turnului de vest al cetății, înlocuindu-le cu o suprafață de șipci de lemn ce amintesc de o casă de coloniști canadieni. Respectivele pinioane triunghiulare sunt ușor de ghicit pe numeroase imagini de epocă pînă în perioada postbelică  (anii 50). Dacă nu dorea să folosească zidărie la completarea turnului putea măcar să completeze cu lemn văruit , care să dea aspect de zidărie. O a doua eroare gravă (nu am studiat monumentul în detaliu acum), după părerea mea, este nerefacerea porțiunii zidului de vest, prăbușită parțial în ultimii 50 de ani și pentru care existau- de asemenea -nenumărate surse iconografice. În acest caz, purismul excesiv, de a nu completa cu nou peste zidăria veche, chiar dacă știm exact ce era acolo, a compromis total silueta cetății. Siluetă care, ca și cazul peisajului imediat înconjurător și al altor elemente ce definesc vizual monumentul, dau valoare (sau nu) acestuia. Ca și în cazul văruielilor perfecte cu vopseluri lavabile moderne, a acoperișurilor din țiglă uni, de aceeași culoare. Cum ar mai arăta castelul Bran, văruit cu lavabilă albă, acoperit cu țigle industriale noi și cu fundal de blocuri de beton? Cazul cetății Feldioara este de-a dreptul deprimant! S-au ignorat numeroase urme arheologice din zona turnului de intrare, care completate cu desenele și gravurile din sec al 19-lea ar fi putut desăvârși minunat restaurarea, spre mai buna înțelegere a aspectului cetății. Zidul mic, cu contraforți care proteja aleea care lega cetatea mare (vezi desenul) de cetatea mică nu a fost reconstruit nici măcar pe o scurtă distanță și probabil urmele lui chiar dacă au fost găsite nu au fost înțelese. Turnului de vest i-a fost luată orice șansă de a îi fi completate vreodată cu zidărie pinioanele triunghiulare, datorită inelului de beton turnat pus pe coama zidurilor. Iar ”gaura” lăsată în zona unde zidul cu mașiculiuri se prăbușise în vremuri moderne este de neînțeles! Ceea ce este mai grav este că există idei nu prea ok de restaurare și pentru Saschiz, despre care voi discuta în curând.
Ar trebui să începem să dăm nume. Și să arătăm cu degetul! Prea s-au întâmplat în puțin timp, multe aberații de restaurare: Neamț, Mălăiești, Deva, Rupea, zidurile Mediașului, ale Brașovului, chiar si parti din Sibiu,Târgșor, Capidava (!!!!!), mai multe biserici săsești fortificate... Nu mai merge așa. Și sistemul e prost, dar și proiectele/avizele sunt jale. Atâta incompetență parcă n-a existat niciodată în restaurarea românească
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That time I took vows in a Holy Order. Everyone was doing it, it was all the rage. #medieval #balticcrusades #crusaders #teutonicknights #oathbound #paladin #holyorder https://www.instagram.com/p/B7s6rdfnQJj/?igshid=tprc6mqau9zb
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This rainy day needs some sunny shots of Teutonic Knight Prussia~
Costume by me
Photo by @wflartbeta or @zoef_costumes
#hetalia #axispowershetalia #aph #aphprussia #aphcosplay #aphprussiacosplay #teutonicknightprussia #teutonicknight #2011
(I need to make some extra steps to get my post from Instagram to Tumblr, so it's a bit weird at the moment. Tumblr has addressed the problem and is looking into it. Instagram has... complete radio silence after multiple attempts to contact someone...)
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For God! For the Order! #knights #knightarmor #knight #knightfall #vikings #viking #norse #templer #templar #teutonicknights #teutonic #teutonicorder #cosplay #reenactment #medievalreenactment #medievaltimes #medievalmarket #medieval #medievalrealm #ritter #crusaders #mittelalter #insta (hier: Zitadelle Spandau) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Kt28pKpyh/?igshid=1tvfusjnbsud5
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dutchmn007 · 4 years
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New artwork for “The Marscher Lords:Brotherhood or Death”; shortly to be uploaded the the website. #filmmakers - If you want it done YOUR way YOU have to do it!!! ;<) #filmmaking #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #livingthedream #actors #actorslife🎬 #actorslife #medieval #medievaltimes #knight #knights #mongolia #teutonic #teutonicknights #teutonicorder #prussia #poland #pacificislander #filipino #movie #film #innovative #innovation (at Annapolis, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5w5vULJ0JJ/?igshid=1fvov4ekmsdxe
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draculachronicle · 5 years
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Bran Castle and Dracula – The True Story draculachronicle.com/2018/06/10/bra… #Dracula #VladtheImpaler #VladȚepeș #BranCastle #MiddleAges #MedievalHistory #RomanianHistory #BramStoker #TeutonicKnights #draculachronicle https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Y8ilEn23H/?igshid=1czv09t6pyyem
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thesharktribe · 6 years
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Knight of Glory. I wanted to do a white colored knight but use slightly different palettes to show majesty and high social status. I like to think that this is an evil character, despite the facade, though. I feel good about this one. #colorblind #knights #teutonicknights #rpg #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #characterdesign #procreate
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saber-scorpion · 6 years
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This 'fig was the August 2018 reward for my Patreon supporters! patreon.com/saberscorpion Wait 'til you see September's minifigure... #LEGO #minifigures #knight #crusaders #deusvult #brickarms #brickforge #teutonicknights #medieval https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxI3TqFvLP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rkvufzbfow3n
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