my parents just offered me a trip to america with them to go see tfb live in like december, or I could fly to australia to see them in like a week but that would be very expensive and last minute. help me decide what to do
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comicgoblinwrites · 1 year
Heads Up, 7 Up
Tagged by @mjjune !!
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@writewithfire, @faelanvance @kiraofthewind @gailynovelry @author-audrey-simmons @arijensineink @gummybugg
From a hatch in the floor next to the engine, the Engineer—Wina—popped up. Her hair was staticky, and the air smelled like electricity and magic. “I didn’t break her,” she said. “I saved the ship.”  “So why are we out of the stream?” “A little ‘thank you, Wina, for saving my ship’ would be nice.” “Thank you. Now what happened?”
--from The Fire Between Stars (The Ember Arcanum book 1)
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germboyfriend · 8 months
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ofdaisy · 2 months
‘im a girl’ ’im a boy’ okay well ive got boulders on my shoulders collarbones begin to crack there is very little left of me and it’s never coming back
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hunniebbie · 10 months
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Cough It Out - The Front Bottoms
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emo-and-emo-adjacent · 9 months
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transgeoffrickly · 9 months
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daphnekissart · 6 months
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contributing to the chaos 
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kydeering · 7 months
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it’ll make whatever i say sound like poetry
lipstick covered magnet // the front bottoms
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tried the hard lemonade, its good they did well
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comicgoblinwrites · 7 months
Nano! (Writing update)
Whoooo! Okay--I'm doing NaNo, and I finally sat down for a writing session. This is the first time I've done much serious writing in almost 2 months (tearing myself away from BG3 to do nano).
It's a little off, because I'm working on a preexisting MS, and the goal is to finish it for nano, but here are Tonights Metrics:
Started: 101,058
Goal: 101,858 (800 words)
Stretch Goal: 102,058 (1000 words)
Achieved: 102,398 (1340 words) (woo! that's more than I planned, nice!)
Exerpt of the starting paragraph:
Deep blue waters swathed the planet. When they came through the clouds, flying towards the rising sun, Maeve’s breath was taken away. The sky shimmered with ribbons of magical energy, sparking in the morning light and making the ocean look like iridescent fire. To the south a stretch of bright land was visible—desert or plains—but still far away. To the north storm clouds roiled, with occasional pops of lightning in their depths.
I've got 5 (ish) chapters left, and I'm not quite sure how long it'll end up. I've set my nano goal for 25k, but it might wrap up sooner than that. If it does I'll use the rest of the month for either:
a) tidying up The Fire Between Stars OR
b) Balders Gate 3 fics (because I have brainworms).
Or both, we'll see, who knows.
But Tonight's writing session went very well, and I hit the flow much faster than I expected after 2 months off. Excited to see how this book wraps up!
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germboyfriend · 7 months
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lunamothghost · 5 months
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Could we talk about this later? Your voice is driving me, driving me insane
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sourcedecay · 1 year
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astral-realities · 28 days
would you mind telling us about your architects?
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SDA: Of course. My architect, Golden Thread in an Ornate Tapestry is...
SDA: ...was…
SDA: …a person of many talents. Her interest in art and fashion allowed her to become a well-known designer. In addition, they were tasked with my development, and dare I say - she did great.
SDA: She was …. a lovely person to be around. I’m proud to call them my friend.
BROS: (What they won’t tell you is that she became an architect mostly due to their mother’s status…)
BROS: (… who happens to be the main engineer of Vastness of Silence…)
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HS: Eleven Claws, Eternal Grace. Though he usually went by just “Grace”.
HS: While there were those who deemed his approach to some matters controversial, he was an important figure in the scientific community.
HS: His team and I worked hard to help him fulfill his visions.
BROS: (Habitually Stargazing has too much respect for his creators to admit Grace was not a very pleasant person to be around…)
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TFB: Spring after Storm, Ruby Blossoms Flourish.
TFB: There isn’t much for me to say about them.
TFB: They pioneered a couple of gene alteration algorithms, I suppose. Many of the creatures in my area are the descendants of their experiments.
BROS: (Flowers wasn’t very fond of her creator, though I believe she never spoke of this disdain directly. She continuously worked on her tasks while they were still around.)
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BROS: (Oh, my turn!)
BROS: This is Quicksilver Rains from Dark Clouds! We usually called her Rains. Or Clouds, or Silver, or anything in between.
BROS: As you can guess, she’s my architect! Legend has it she built me due to her dissatisfaction with the quality of medical care in the area.
BROS: Rains strived to improve the quality of life of those around her - though she’d never admit she actually cared about them that much! She was a rather reserved person, but if you got to know her and her sense of humor, it was great.
BROS: I do miss her at times.
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you-dont-belong-here · 8 months
When Fiona Apple sang, “How can I ask anyone to love me, when all I do is beg to be left alone,” and when Mitski sang, “you’re growing tired of me, and all the things I don’t talk about,” and when Julien Baker sang, “it’s not easy when what you think of me is important, and I know it shouldn’t be so damn important, but it is to me,” and when Elliott Smith sang, “I’m alone but that’s okay, I don’t mind most of the time; I don’t feel afraid to die,” and when the Front Bottoms sang, “sometimes you get sad when we’re together because you’re not sure if you’ll miss me when I’m gone,” and when
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