#tfp one shot
bloominglegumes · 5 months
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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disclaimeryikes · 27 days
Need more fics (send me your own writing even) of tfp soundwave adopting some random sparkling on earth. Like I have the plot but not the writing motivation right now
- Sparkling shows up on earth (groundbridge malfunction? Terrans esq situation? Just a baby for some reason? That's up to you)
- autobots vs decepticons, who can reach the sparkling first. Decepticons do, to the autobots dismay.
- autobots over hear vehicons, believe the sparkling is getting lowkey tortured. They comm megatron to see the sparkling and like proof that it is okay. Megatron informs them it's 100% fine and go luck getting it back
- "What do you mean good luck getting it back?"
- Megatron turns the camera around, Soundwave (I personally hc he gets a different frame to accommodate the sparkling because host coding is telling him 'new symbiote, new symbiote') is entertaining the sparkling. Whether it be tickling their stomach, bouncing them on his knee, or having them tucked against his side while watching monitors.
- autobots lowkey flabbergasted.
From there it's just classic silly sparkling shenanigans but I feel like for a bot who takes care of lil guys we don't see it alot.
I think it would also be cool for a fic where he kidnaps the prime kid(s) and then realizes that not only are they sentient but actually sparklings.
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cyberrose2001 · 2 months
(Not a request dw) Just imagining rn how Ratchet (TFP but also especially TFA) would react to a reader, who usually acts shy and innocent, saying all kinds of dirty depraved shit while high on painkillers/anesthesia after surgery
I'd imagine it'd go similar for both TFP and TFA Ratchet
You just got your wisdom teeth out and you get dropped off at the base to recover, still doped out on anesthetics with a bandage wrapped around your chin and cotton buds stuffed in your mouth, then you spot Ratchet
Whether or not you had the hots for him before, you either do now or you're suddenly struck by cupids bow with the poison tip of confidence because hot damn is he looking like a juicy slab of porterhouse. Your sexy home doctor, your angel with the antibiotics
You'd be confined to the couch as Ratchet takes one look at your beaten up jaw and holds his helm in his hands because what the frag did he just sign himself up for
"Heeeeyyy how big is your dick?"
"My what?"
"I'm juuss curious, I bet it's thick too heheheeee."
"Primus help me, what did they give you?"
"I don't knowwww but I know what yoooou can give me-"
"Please stop talking before you rip your stitches out."
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merlinfromberlin · 3 months
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Never have I ever seen a smile this fake.
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errolluck · 5 months
Summary: Megatron had finally recovered from his coma and everything seemed to return back to normal in the Nemesis. But while he was glad to have his leader back, that was not enough for one Decepticon…
Pairing: MegaSound (Megatron/Soundwave) [Transformers Prime]
Warnings: None! Just lay back and enjoy the fluff :)
Word count: 3.7k
English isn't my first language. Sorry in advance for any grammatical error.
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Megatron walked across the Nemesis halls, his footsteps reasonating across the ship. From time to time, he encountered a pair of Decepticons, they would greet him and continue their ways.
Since he had woken up from his coma, the other Decepticons treated him with more respect and fear than before, and that was saying something when talking about fearing Megatron. Maybe having witnessed Megatron’s strength and resilience by surviving the impossible had brought back an old admiration that many in the Decepticons had lost time ago, especially after him disappearing for three years in space.
As he walked through the empty hallways, Megatron spotted the coming slender figure of Soundwave, his most loyal and fearsome warrior.
He hadn’t said it out loud, but he had missed Soundwave a lot. As they got closer, Megatron could feel his spark beating faster. Soundwave’s sighting was enough to make him feel like that.
When they finally encountered each other in the middle of the hallway, both stopped in their tracks. Megatron’s crimson optics stared at Soundwave’s visor, his spark accelerating with each second that passed.
“Soundwave” Megatron greeted the communications officer softly. The Decepticon returned the salute with a head nod.
They both looked at each other for some moments, in complete silence. Megatron opened his mouth, trying to formulate something, but nothing came out. He started to walk away but, suddenly, he felt something pulling his hand.
Megatron looked down and saw Soundwave’s fingers holding his hand tightly. The red optics then changed their focus to the Decepticon that refused to let go; Soundwave was giving his back to Megatron but his posture gave the Decepticon leader an idea of what was happening.
“Soundwave?” Megatron asked, their hands still joined in a tight grab. “Do you want to tell me something?”
Soundwave turned around to look at his leader. There was a second of silence before Soundwave let go of Megatron’s hand and, before the leader could say anything, laid his visor in Megatron’s chest with his arms dropped.
Surprised at first, he let Soundwave lay on his chest for a few minutes; it had been a long time since Megatron had such a close interaction with Soundwave and he could feel a warming but comforting sensation rising up inside his chest. Megatron put his hand under Soundwave’s visor to lift his head up and looked at him.
“Now, Soundwave, what is it that you want from me?” Megatron asked. “It’s not usual of you to be this needy.”
Soundwave made a click and played an audio of someone else’s voice.
“Together” Soundwave played the recording as he moved his head to the side, indicating that he wanted to go somewhere else.
Megatron stared at him for a few minutes, thinking about the proposition that had been made to him.
“I see… You want to spend time with me, am I right?” A quick nod from Soundwave confirmed Megatron’s assumption. He smiled. “And I can correctly assume you have already planned out all of the activities you wish to do with me today?”
Another nod was Soundwave’s response, Megatron made a noise of satisfaction.
“Oh, my dear Soundwave…” He let go of Soundwave’s visor slowly. The communications officer leaned his head forwards just to feel Megatron's touch for a little longer on his chin. A silver claw caressed the black visor before letting go. “Let's get out of here.”
. . .
Soundwave and Megatron, both in their alternate modes, flew together across the clouds and the infinite blue sky. It was sunny outside, but some gray clouds in the distance threatened to cover the light with rain and lightning.
They were side by side, with Megatron following each change of direction Soundwave made. A growing curiosity invaded Megatron, who’s mind started to wander around the possibilities of what his communications officer had planned for them that day.
What could possibly this planet made of dirt have that picked Soundwave’s interest, to the point he wanted to share it with him?
The silent Decepticon started to descend and Megatron followed him. They were heading to a canon full of steam, making the visibility a little harder as they landed slowly. As the ground came closer, Megatron managed to spot several pools; he assumed those were the reason for the exaggerated amount of steam there was around them.
With a quick move, both Decepticons transformed back into their normal forms. They had landed in the ground of rock above the giant cloud, just some meters away from a fall that, if someone slipped into it, could lead to serious damage.
Soundwave looked back at Megatron, almost as if he was expecting permission from his leader to continue on his plan, or, maybe, he just wanted to check up on him.
Whatever it was, Megatron nodded and followed Soundwave as they started to crawl deeper and deeper into the canon. Megatron raised an eyebrow, now more curious than ever to see what Soundwave was planning and why he had brought him there.
It took a while, but finally they were able to walk into a natural path of rocks that the time had formed. Soundwave turned around to look at his leader and pointed to something. Megatron’s optics followed his hand and saw the reason why Soundwave wanted to come here with him.
Just a little below them there was a giant hot spring, big enough to fit at least ten robots inside of it. Warm steam came out, surrounding Megatron and Soundwave, leaving a nice sensation in their systems.
“Reminds me of the oil baths back at Cybertron” Megatron turned to look at Soundwave with a grin. “Now I understand why you wanted to bring me here.”
He moved his head, inviting the other Decepticon to go in with him. Megatron slowly but surely jumped into the warm waters, feeling a complete relaxation of his structure; he closed his perceptors. Soundwave followed shortly.
“Oh, this feels good…” said Megatron as he lowered his head, letting only the superior half of his face above the water. “Won’t you agree, Soundwave?”
Megatron opened his eyes again, and found a cube of energon in front of him; he raised his body again and grabbed it with curiosity. Megatron looked at Soundwave for an explanation, but saw that the other Decepticon had also a cube of energon to drink himself. The leader grinned.
“Ha! You really planned this out, didn’t you?” Megatron said before sipping the beverage.
. . .
They spent hours in the springs. Megatron and Soundwave, reunited once again, spend the time talking (this more on Megatron’s part), watching old recordings and enjoying each other’s company.
The warm ambient along with the calming sounds around them made both Decepticons forget all of their worries and stress. It was almost as if the war and constant battles against the Autobots were nonexistent, that Megatron never disappeared for three years and that his coma never happened. It was just them and that’s all they could care for.
Soundwave was laying on Megatron's chest, snuggling and holding onto his leader with his long arms as Megatron caressed his black visor with one of his claws. He was purring softly, creating small vibrations that reached Soundwave’s spark, making him feel complete and in calm once more. The Decepticon buried his head into the warlord’s chest as much as he could; how much he had missed him…
“Soundwave…” purred Megatron, picking up Soundwave’s attention. He lifted his head to watch his leader, but kept holding Megatron, refusing the idea of letting go of him even a second.
Megatron leaned his head and landed a soft, delicate kiss on Soundwave’s forehead, making the other Decepticon’s spark beat faster in joy.
They stayed like that for a few more minutes. It wasn’t until the sun had started to set in the horizon when both robots crawled out of the spring. Water dropped from their bodies, leaving a trail behind them as they walked away from the canon.
“That was good,” said Megatron, looking at his partner beside him. “What's next?”
Before Soundwave could show to Megatron what he had in mind, a shot from a blaster flew just barely above their heads.
Megatron turned quickly to look where the fire had come, unconsciously putting himself in front of Soundwave in a protective stand, charging his cannon while his perceptors analyzed the surroundings, looking for threats. Soundwave also changed his position, ready to attack anything that dared to hurt Megatron.
There was a second of dead silence before multiple shots were fired against the Decepticons. Megatron reciprocated the fire, blasting his cannon against the bushes where the attackers were shooting.
“We are too exposed here!” Megatron yelled at Soundwave, seeing a blue shadow run to the other side as a yellow blur went the opposite direction. They had been expecting them. “Soundwave, retreat!”
Soundwave wanted to disobey for a second, to put himself before Megatron and gain time for his leader to escape.
But as always, he did as Megatron said. Soundwave ran off and, with a swift jump, he transformed into his alternate mode before flying away.
For a moment, he heard nothing but the fire of the ongoing battle behind. For a moment, he was alone once more. For a moment, he didn’t feel Megatron.
Then, suddenly, after crossing the sky full of doubt, Soundwave finally heard another jet behind him. The familiar roar of Megatron's motors made his spark gain calm again.
Both Decepticons flew back to the Nemesis in silence, side by side.
. . .
“Those damn Autobots... It almost seems that they have nothing else to do, other than bothering me.”
Megatron had been injured in the battle against the Autobots. As he tried to avoid Bumblebee’s quick fire that aimed for his head, a shot from Arcee had landed on his arm, leaving a nasty black burn on it.
Knockout had checked him up immediately (to Soundwave’s insistence) and said it would eventually fade out, since it wasn’t as serious as it seemed at first. Still, the surprise attack, plus Starscream's comments on the situation, had ruined Megatron’s good mood. Now he was in his personal quarters, sitting on his berth with Soundwave, as the communications officer took a look at his newly adquired injury.
Megatron growled before looking at Soundwave. His third-in-command had been just staring at his arm, carefully pressing his thin fingers on the black mark, trying to comfort his leader. Megatron’s gaze softened at the view; with his other arm, he put his hand on Soundwave’s chin, lifting up his head so he could talk to him.
“I hope you aren’t very upset about what happened, Soundwave” said Megatron. Soundwave didn’t nod or shake his head, but Megatron could read that his partner wasn't pleased about how things had turned out with his plan, probably feeling guilty about his burn mark. “It wasn’t your fault.”
Soundwave just laid his head on Megatron’s shoulder as an answer. The leader corresponded by pulling him closer with his arm, feeling the warmth of Soundwave’s chest. They stayed in that position for a few minutes, without saying anything.
A loud thunder striked in the sky, the sound echoing inside the room. Megatron and Soundwave raised their heads, hearing the rain from the outside pouring against the walls of the ship, creating a constant tapping on the walls.
The leader looked down, where Soundwave continued to look away, listening to the rain. His posture was more relaxed than moments before the thunder and his focus seemed to be finally on something else that wasn’t the warlord’s injury.
Megatron then had an idea:
"Let’s go, Soundwave," he said to his partner. The communications officer lifted his visor, staring at Megatron curious. Megatron got up from the berth and inclined his head, inviting Soundwave to follow him. "I have an idea you might enjoy."
Soundwave just nodded before leaving the berth and walked out from the dark room along with Megatron.
. . .
The door of the Nemesis’ roof opened and both cybertronians walked out. The rain poured intensely with lightning painting the sky with white for a second before a loud thunder clashed.
“This noise makes you believe that you were back in the middle of Kaon’s arena, won’t you agree, Soundwave?” Megatron extended his arms, letting the rain fall against his body. The noise sounded exactly as a roaring audience, full of cybertronians that demanded a bloody spectacle.
Soundwave looked at his leader. The combined noise of the pouring water and thunder transported the communications officer back to the first time he and Megatron met, when they were the best gladiators of all Kaon, feared and adored by other bots who looked up at them with shine in their optics.
Who would have thought that his most brutal combat that ended in a draw had been the best thing that could have happened to him? If he hadn’t fought Megatron that day, he would have never met the cybertronian he would give his life for.
Megatron turned around, with a smile painted all over his face. He leaned over his body, adquiring a fighting stance.
“If I know something to cheer you up,” yelled Megatron above the rain, moving his hands towards him, inviting Soundwave to engage in combat, “is a good training session!”
Soundwave stared at him for a couple of seconds. Then, his posture went from his usual calmness to a more predatory and alert position. He extended his feet with force, stomping the ground: Soundwave had accepted Megatron’s challenge.
“Come on, Soundwave!” Megatron was filled with joy and excitement. “Give me your best move!”
Soundwave stayed still for a few seconds, analyzing the situation. Then, as fast as lightning illuminated the sky around them, he charged towards Megatron at full speed. The warlord had seconds to block Soundwave’s attack, covering with his arms as the communication’s officer lashed out with quick and spontaneous hits.
The Decepticon leader smiled with surprise. He knew that Soundwave was fast; back at their days in the Pits of Kaon, Megatron always found himself impressed by how Soundwave used his speed to take advantage over his opponents.
But now, he was surprised how faster Soundwave had gotten. His new slender frame let the Decepticon to move at an impossible speed, allowing him to launch multiple punches and dodge every attack that Megatron tried to land on him.
“You haven’t lost the touch, Soundwave!” Megatron grined. With a quickmove, he stopped a punch from the other Decepticon mid air. His red optics shinned in excitement. “But I’m still full of surprises.”
Grabbing him with both of his hands, Megatron raised his third-in-command above his head and slammed both of their bodies against the Nemesis’ roof.
Soundwave recovered quickly, regaining freedom of his arm. Taking advantage of Megatron’s lower position, Soundwave grabbed his leader’s hand and twisted his arm behind the gladiator's back.
“Argh!” Megatron growled in pain. He moved his leg, kicking Soundwave down, freeing his arm from the communications officer's grab. As Soundwave tried to get up, Megatron launched himself against the Decepticon.
Their bodies clashed against each other and rolled around the metal roof, trapped in a ball of punches and kicks. Both tried to bring the other down, but their strength and combat skills were immaculate, making a cycle of back and forth between Soundwave and Megatron, both trying to win the battle.
Suddenly, Sundwave managed to get Megatron off him, throwing him to the ground. But before he could move away, the leader grabbed him by the leg and dragged him down, the Decepticon landing at his side.
Both cybertronians stared at each other, their bodies dropping the water from the rain that continued to fall on them.
Then, Megatron started laughing, covering his face as he giggled uncontrollably. Soundwave remained silent but his visor projected the image of a smiley face, showing that he shared the same emotion as his partner.
“Another tie!” Megatron crackled. “I should have expected that!”
The Decepticon continued laughing for a couple of seconds before getting up off the ground. Megatron offered his hand to Soundwave and helped the communications officer get up, pulling him easily.
“That was intense” Megatron’s legs felt weak after all of that combat and his arms were heavy. “How are you?”
Soundwave just nodded, as he analized his leader, his visor going up and down. Realizing Megatron's tiredness, the Decepticon offered support to his leader by putting his partner's arm on his shoulders, giving a better stability to Megatron.
If any other bot had made the same action, this would have enraged the warlord beyond words; showing weakness was something he despised with all his spark and reciprocated with violence to anyone that dared to think he was vulnerable.
But Soundwave was different. He always respected Megatron’s boundaries, not abusing his trust and supporting him as much as he could.
He felt safe around Soundwave.
“That’s enough water for one day,” said Megatron, closing his optics as the rain continued to pour down on them. He laid his head on Soundwave’s shoulder, letting his partner guide him back to his quarters. He purred, satisfied. “We should rest a little now…”
Soundwave was as quiet as always, but now walked with a more peaceful step, letting Megatron support his weight on him as they both got inside. He made a soft click and started playing an old cybertronian song that both him and Megatron used to listen under the pits of Kaon, waiting for the next combat to begin.
As they walked together across the Nemesis, exhausted from the training session, a reassuring, warm feeling filled their sparks. No words were needed to know how much they valued each other’s company.
. . .
Knockout wandered around the Nemesis, on his way to Megatron’s personal chambers. As a doctor, he had the responsibility of checking on his patients from time to time after an injury, even if they didn’t consider it necessary. He knew that Megatron probably wouldn’t be pleased to see him at such late hours, but he preferred to be denied and just walk back to his laboratory than to be seen by Megatron as an unprofessional bot.
He finally spotted the door to Megatron’s quarters. Knockout walked without rush to them, just wanting to finish quickly and go back to his own stuff.
“Lord Megatron, I have come to check on your injury” explained the doctor as he knocked on the metal door, making an echo that resonated a little bit more than usual in the empty corridors.
There was no response from the other side. Knockout was expecting that.
“I will leave if you don’t want a check-up,” said Knockout, “but as a doctor, I highly recommend doing–”
Taking him by surprise, the metal door opened as he was finishing talking. Knockout was confused at first, having not expected Megatron to agree, but quickly recovered his laid-back composture and walked in.
“Sorry to interrupt your rest, Lord Megatron, but it is my duty to check on–”
Knockout stopped right on his tracks.
In front of him, was the fearsome warlord laying on his berth with his perceptors closed. Megatron slept in such deep slumber that not even an explosion could have woke him up at that moment. His chest went up and down, creating a soft growl as it slowly moved.
Seeing his master, usually a brutal and merciless figure, in such a vulnerable position was a rare, and even strange, sight to Knockout. One thing was seeing Megatron in a coma, with his expression still but constantly frowned, making Megatron intimidating even while being unconscious.
But this. This was different.
Knockout’s initial surprise made the doctor only focus on Megatron at first, but now he realized that he wasn’t alone in the room:
Caressing the Decepticon leader’s head that laid in his lap, Soundwave was staring at Knockout. Even in the darkness of the room, the doctor could perfectly distinguish Soundwave’s visor, reflecting his image slightly.
“Soundwave…!” Knockout almost yelled the name because of his surprise, but quickly remembered Megatron’s sleeping presence and quieted down to a whisper. “Sorry, I... I didn’t know you were here.”
He received no response from Soundwave. The communications officer just kept staring at the doctor, making him feel a little nervous.
Knockout cleared his throat, remembering the reason why he was there in the first place.
“I just wanted to check up on Lord Megatron’s arm, it is my job after all.”
Soundwave looked in his usual silence at Knockout until, after a couple of seconds, he just pointed his view down, where Megatron was laying his injured arm, his hand looked as if he was trying to reach something in his sleep.
Knockout took that as a signal to approach. He walked up to them and kneeled to inspect the injury, his optics moving along the burn, analyzing how it had developed since the initial diagnosis.
“Everything seems fine,” said Knockout, pulling himself up. Soundwave followed his movements, “it was just external damage, nothing too bad, especially for our leader.”
Soundwave made a simple nod, followed by more silence between the two robots; the only noise in the room was Megatron’s breathing. Knockout took Soundwave’s silent stare as a sign he had to go now; he had done his job and there was no other reason why he had to stay more. It almost felt as if he had interrupted something sacred and had to leave to restore it.
Knockout cleared his throat again and started walking away.
“I’ll should go now… Goodnight, Soundwave” Knockout waved at the communications officer. As he was at the doorstep, he looked back at the pair.
Megatron had pulled himself closer to Soundwave, now grabbing one of his hands with his own bigger claws while his body curled more against the slender body of his partner. Soundwave had started to caress Megatron again, but kept an eye on Knockout.
The doctor just looked away and left the room in complete silence. The door closed behind him as soon as he stepped out of the chambers and both Decepticons were only at each other’s company again.
Soundwave slowly pulled himself down with Megatron on the berth. As he curled to recharge, feeling Megatron’s arm slowly pulling him closer into the cuddle, Soundwave felt complete.
He no longer feared losing Megatron to a coma, to the Autobots or to the infinite space outside the Nemesis. He was with Megatron again, and, as his consciousness faded, entering the recharging state, Soundwave felt happy, safe in Megatron’s arms.
He tilted his visor, closing the gap between his face and Megatron’s chest and fell into a deep slumber.
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ny000mdraws · 1 year
“I’m sorry…” [Part 1/2]
A TFP AU comic about what happened to Brainstorm and Hot Rod.
Context: Brainstorm and Perceptor were sent on a scientific expedition with Hot Rod as protection. Unfortunately, they got ambushed by Decepticons.
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Next Part
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“Strictly Professional”
(Knockout x Reader-insert)
Takes place after the events of Season 1 Episode 11: Speed Metal. An event that left Knockout without his driver-side door.
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“Do you know how difficult that is to replace!?”
(Y/N) were bored. Painfully bored. Looking outside a mahogany-lined window pane, you had a stunning unobscured view of the sunset. The rolling hills were a lush green, and the sunset painted the sky gradient hues of gold, crimson, and lavender bordered by a tree-line comprised of spruce, pine, and cedar. It was a gorgeous view you had seen again, and again, and…. Again. (Y/N) sighed. Growing up in a stunning villa in upper New York state had its perks, but despite being able to do whatever you wanted you never seemed entertained. You see, money can buy a lot of things: houses, luxury cars, private jets, trips around the world, etc. But it could never seem to stop the ever-constant boredom you often experienced as nothing was ever unexpected. As if something else was missing.
You looked at your phone to see a reminder you had set for the Exotic Car Show you were attending that evening. You were mostly ready as it was, just touching up your makeup a bit. Then you grabbed your phone and clutch purse before making your way down the spiral staircase to the front doors. You had chosen to dawn an elegant but edgy silver dress with an asymmetrical hem and a single sleeve on the right arm. Your footwear of choice were classic black heels, but with a reasonable pump-height so you didn’t break your ankles. The doors were held open by your family butlers, as you made your way to the curb of the driveway at the front of your family villa.
Your family’s wealth came from a combination of significant shares in various luxury-brand car manufacturers; your father being on the board of directors for Mercedes, and your mother the Logistics Manager also for Mercedes. Obviously the same workplace is how your parents met. Throughout your life, your parents had given you the world, albeit requiring you to maintain a job. So you work alongside your mother as her assistant. For the past month, your mother had been off who knows where in Europe on a business retreat. While you had been invited, you knew it would be nothing but hanging around other snooty rich business-types whom were always dull company. Also, why were rich guys always old and/or ugly?
Your chauffeur was waiting with the car door open. You entered the vehicle and soon you were off to the car expo. On the drive, you had been reading up on the potential reveals and demos that might be at the event. You were primarily excited about the exotic vehicle demos, as you had an appreciation of exotic cars. The horsepower, design, curvatures of the body frame, were nothing short of thrilling.
As your ride pulled up to the event, you exited the vehicle as your chauffeur assisted you. You acknowledged the chauffeur curtly, before entering the event space. There were a few minor celebrities taking photo ops; some wannabe playboys posing near their cars with groupies and models; and then the actual cars themselves scattered about a massive lot. Each vehicle had an attendant to provide information as well as prevent unwanted touching of the cars. You passed a silver Bugatti Chiron, a brand new Corvette Stingray, luxury Jaguar and Cadillac models… But something else caught your eye. A glint of red made you turn and approach a vehicle off to the side.
As you got closer you saw a stunning bright scarlet Aston Martin One-77 with white highlights. You couldn’t deny that this was a sexy-ass car. “Damn…” (Y/N) muttered. You approached the luxury vehicle and drank in its sleek form, the curvature of the design, the stunning richness of the paint job. As you walked around the car, you were jarred at the realization that the driver-side door was completely gone. “What the fuck happened to you?” (Y/N) exclaimed, “Who in their right mind wouldn’t have replaced that by now?” Come to think of it, it was odd that this one car in-particular lacked an attendant which all other cars had present.
With the missing door, the temptation to climb inside was intense. The one thing her family wasn’t big on spending money on were cars. Your parents thought that spending money on lavish vehicles was an unnecessary expense. Fucking ironic. Even if you couldn’t have it, you were going to briefly experience the thrill of having such a stunning vehicle. You climbed into the driver’s seat and drank in the elaborate console, the impeccably clean interior, it even smelled brand new. You gently ran your hands over the steering wheel, imagining what it would feel like to drive it. As you indulged yourself for a moment longer, suddenly you found that the seatbelt was latched around you. “What the fuck? …When did i…?” (Y/N) said in confusion.
Before you knew it, the car shifted into gear and peeled out from its spot. Multiple attendees of the event panicked and flung themselves out of the way. (Y/N) shrieked once before desperately pumping the brakes, but to no avail. When you tried to move the gear shift into neutral, you found that it didn’t budge at all. After a few minutes of sheer terror and panic, you were no longer at the exotic vehicle venue, but instead on the outskirts of the city in a maze of alleyways. As the vehicle finally came to a stop, you heard strange sounds akin to shifting parts and an electronic sound. Before you knew it you were aloft in the air. In the hand of a giant robot who was giving you a highly-offended glare. You were frozen. You struggled to comprehend the situation, wondering if you might have lost your mind.
“Humans have no sense of respect! It’s bad enough that I’m missing a part, but now you decide it’s a bright idea to climb into a vehicle you don’t know” the Decepticon exclaimed. It talked (Y/N) thought. Knockout looked down at the tiny human in his grasp, “I hope you enjoyed the brief joy ride, but I think now I’ll punish you for daring to touch me.” With his free servo, Knockout’s servo transforms into a buzzsaw. You begin to panic, squirming briefly in the grip of the large metal hand around your waist before pausing. “WAIT! WAIT A SECOND AND I CAN HELP YOU!” (Y/N) shouted. The Decepticon raised an optic ridge and paused, “Oh? And how could an insignificant human as yourself possibly help me?” You took a deep breath to compose yourself, clearing your throat before speaking further. “I can replace your missing door. I have resources.”
Knockout was clearly interested in where this was going, as he had been having a nightmare trying to replace that door. “Go on…” You continued, “My job is literally ordering supplies and parts for luxury and exotic cars, I’m pretty sure I can order a replacement for you. Aston Martin One-77 right?” Knockout thought to himself for a moment, wondering when he would have such an opportunity to make himself whole again. The Decepticon turned his helm back towards the helpless human within his grip, “Correct. I see you do know your vehicles, human. If you can indeed supply me with the replacement part I require, I will hold off on exterminating you.”
(Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief, “I can make the call right away, if I would be allowed to reach my phone? And t-trust me, I’m not stupid enough to try to run in these heels.” “So now you make wise decisions. Very well.” Knockout chided before slowly lowering (Y/N) to the ground and releasing you. You briefly adjusted your dress and hair before opening your phone and making a call. You didn’t attempt any funny business, and reached out to one of your business contacts at Aston Martin Works. After a brief amount of small talk, you ordered the part and arranged its delivery. As you ended the phone call, you returned your gaze to the massive robot before you. “Alright I had the part ordered for you. And With express shipping.”
Knockout looked down at you, surprised you hadn’t soiled yourself as most humans would have by now. “And how am I supposed to receive this part? For all I know, if I let you out of my sight you’ll disappear and I’ll be left high and dry” he mused. Finding your confidence you replied to him calmly, “The part will be shipped to my home address at 11am sharp tomorrow. To prove I’m good for it, you can drive me home so you’ll know where to knock if I’m lying.” The Decepticon scientist was taken aback by this human. Giving up her home address so willingly confounded him. Knockout could easily decimate her and her entire home, yet this human was so willing to cooperate despite her best interest. “…You are a very strange human. You do understand I will squash you if you’re lying?” He placed a servo on his hip sassily. You watched his mannerisms and couldn’t help but grin slightly, he was so sassy.
“You are a giant transforming robot with a buzzsaw hand, and I’m not an idiot. I’ll keep my word. Besides, you’ll know exactly where I am since you’ll be taking me home. And stop calling me ‘human’ my name is (Y/N)” you smirked. Knockout raised an optic ridge, albeit impressed with this strange human. “Very well… but touch anything and I will crush you” he said before transforming back into vehicle-form. You took a pause before climbing into the driver’s seat, being careful not to touch anything. As the engine starts, you had expected the same aggressive driving as your previous abduction. To your surprise, the drive was fast but smooth. You tried to avoid speaking as much as possible, not wanting to push your luck, so instead you thought. You thought about the events prior to your encounter and pinched yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming. It could’ve been worse to be honest. You could’ve been kidnapped by an ugly white pedophile van. At least you were taken by a sexy Aston Martin.
After what felt like brief moments, your captor arrived at the gates of your family estate. You punched in the security code in the keypad and the gates opened. Knockout pulled up to the front doors and parked. As you tried to exit the vehicle, the seatbelt wouldn’t unlatch and you looked back. “Remember, I’ll be close-by until our deal is seen through” Knockout hummed. You paused, “You sure are untrusting for a robot. I don’t have a car of my own so no worries on me going anywhere.” With that, the seatbelt released and you were able to make it inside of your home. As you climbed the staircase towards your room, you couldn’t help but clutch her chest. You felt a surge of adrenaline and you knew it wasn’t fear. No, this felt more like butterflies… You went into your room and immediately climbed into your bed. As your eyelids felt heavy, your only thoughts were of the intoxicating voice replaying in your mind. Until you fell asleep….
You felt slightly groggy as you awoke the next morning. Slowly as you climbed out of bed you remembered the last night’s events. Just to be sure you hadn’t dreamt it, you rushed to your window to look at the driveway. Sure enough, you saw the red and white Aston Martin parked there. A brief double-honk was audible, and you realized the robot could see you from the window. Your phone buzzed and as you opened it, you saw a security notification from the gates. You approved access and a delivery vehicle made its way up the driveway and delivered the part you had ordered. You made your way outside and signed for the delivery and the delivery employees carefully loaded the part into the Knockout’s trunk. As soon as the delivery men had departed from the property, you approached the driver’s side door and leaned forwards, “Looks like I came through on my promise. Think that makes us square?”
Knockout hesitated briefly before replying, “We shall see. After all you are technically a loose end, knowing of my existence and all. We will see if you’re worth more alive than dead.” As you lingered a moment longer, you couldn’t help but ask a question that had been burning within, “Just in case you do decide to continue doing business with me, may I at least know your name?” Dead silence was the initial response and it lingered in the air for what felt like an eternity. “You may address me as Knockout.” With that, Knockout revved his engine and quickly drove down the driveway and onto the main road. As he gained more distance between himself and the villa, Knockout questioned what he was to do about this human. He could’ve just killed her and be done with it, after all he did have the part he had needed. But a part of him didn’t want to end this odd human. He brushed it off as a start to a strictly professional relationship, and a potential supplier if he needed any more replacement parts in the future.
A couple months later….
After your first encounter with Knockout, you felt reinvigorated. That fateful encounter provided you with more excitement and adrenaline than you had ever experienced. After you had provided Knockout with the spare part, you were certain you would never lay eyes upon that robot again. To your surprise, you would have many more encounters with him. Apparently there were other giant robots whom Knockout would get into battles with, and would result in him needing replacement parts. With each encounter, you found yourself enjoying his company more and more. Finding both yourself and him to be fellow automobile enthusiasts. Your conversations even included some witty banter and jokes here and there. More than anything else, you found that your heart fluttered every time you laid eyes on him. You weren’t quite sure why, but nonetheless you enjoyed being around Knockout.
It was a Thursday afternoon and you had met with Knockout at your villa to provide another spare part, as Knockout had lost a side-view mirror in a scuffle with what you knew as “Autobots.” You had wanted to attempt a more friendly relationship with Knockout, but never wanted to risk it. Today was the day you decided to be bold. After all, you had sent the staff home early. You approached Knockout at the curb of your driveway, “You know, there is an International Auto Show being held in New York tomorrow night that will consist of the most expensive and luxurious vehicles from across the planet. I’ve got a ticket, but I’m afraid I’m short on a stunning ride to show up with.”
Knockout transformed from his vehicle mode and towered over you. He raised his optic ridge, wondering what on earth she was getting at, “You do understand I’m a highly advanced cybernetic being, not a taxi service? Besides, our relationship is strictly… professional and exists because I’ve chosen not to squash you. Yet.” You nod your head as you watch his body language. “Mhm. Mhm. All true, except for the fact I don’t think you’d want to squash me. I think you’ve gotten fond of our “professional” relationship,” she uses air quotes and smirks. “That and I don’t think a vehicle enthusiast such as yourself would want to miss out on an exclusive reveal of new models before the rest of the planet. A shame you’ll squash me and never experience it,” she says with an open smirk.
Knockout turns towards (Y/N) and gives her a look, a servo on his hip in his sassy mannerism, “Now now, I didn’t say no. Honestly it would be embarrassing if you showed up in anything less stylish than yours truly.” You could feel your heart skip a beat as you tried to reply in a nonchalant manner, “So you’re saying yes? I guess it’s a date then. The event starts at 7, so we should get an early start since it’s an hour drive.”
Knockout chuckles briefly before replying, “I’ll be here at 7. Always best to be fashionably late.” He smirks before transforming, the shine from his polished chassis gleaming in the light of the setting sun. He dramatically peels out of the expansive and large driveway before leaving the property. As the Decepticon’s frame disappeared from view, (Y/N) sighed softly to herself, “Always so dramatic…”
As Knockout began his drive back to the pickup coordinated for the Nemesis, he couldn’t help but have his gaze linger at the quickly disappearing villa in his rear view mirror. Perhaps the relationship between him and this human was a bit more than… strictly professional.
If you enjoyed this please give it a like. If you want a continuation, lemme know! ❤️
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‼️ Energon / Blood warning ‼️
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Look, I know I almost never do this journaling stuff, but lately things have just gone off the rails. I could talk all day and Emma would just think I’m crazy- but this time, I wouldn’t blame her.
It was a tough day at work ( the birds thought It’d be funny to try and peck my eyes out apparently, and the patrons had just been rude all day) so I decided to take a walk by the docks before I went home. It was late, obviously, the sun was setting, all that jazz; but honestly, none of that matters. It was when I got to the dock that afternoon that things really went off the rails; one of the fishing boats either forgot to pull up its net or completely malfunctioned and dropped it back into the water. That’s would’ve been fine and all; if it wasn’t for the fact that the DAMN THING WAS THRASHING AROUND. So I naturally stick my head under the water to see what is going on; and I see the biggest creature that I’ve ever seen in real life. I couldn’t make out what exactly it was at the time, but it was covered in bright reds and blues and was clearly stuck in the net.
So, in possibly the stupidest move since napoleons invasion of Russia, I take off my shoes, grab my work knife, and dive under. I could hear the noises it was making; they were high pitched wines and clicks, making it very clear that it was in distress. Once I got closer I realized that, whatever it was, it wasn’t a normal animal; it had hands and a head like a human, but the tail and wings of a manta ray (I didn’t stop and consider any of this at the time; only after I got out of the water did I realize what exactly I had been looking at). It was twisted in the net and its wings were being constricted by the thin wire. I could see it was crying and that its eyes were bright red. I ended up cutting the net off of it and it rushed past me so fast I nearly forgot which way was up. Then I got out of the water. As you do, I suppose.
I have absolutely no idea why I did any of this if I’m being honest; the entire thing felt like some sort of fever dream or trance, like I had no control over my own body. Maybe it was some sort of human instinct, maybe it was some sort of magic, or maybe it wasn’t either and I’m just an idiot. Either way, I ran into some sort of mermaid today and I feel higher than a kite. No one would ever believe me, and honestly? I don’t believe myself either.
I’m tired, this entire entry was rushed, and I need to go lay down and think on this; I hope the little guy is alright though, he seemed really stressed out…
Sorry this is so bad guys 😞 I’m having a sort of writers block right now, so I might rewrite this later, but I do quite like the drawing!
As you can tell, little Orion has gotten a oceanic makeover! I think he’s adorable, to be honest. You’ll be seeing more of him this month, as well as more of his little human friend- I hope you’re all having a good mermay!! See you soon!
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sayuricorner · 2 months
Scum Villain’s Self Saving System X Transformers Prime AU: Cybertronian!Original Shen Qingqiu in TFP: One-shot 1: An uneasy alliance
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing! ^^'
Warning 2 : This one-shots collection content references to: child slavery, child abuse, implied sexual assault, suicide, depression, abuse, toxic relationships, mental issues due to isolation, sexual references, “papapa” moments(possibly) ect…
Yep! You're not dreaming I am now writing one-shots for my SVSSS X TFP AU! ^^
For a long time I have a tons of ideas which were running around in my head so I decided to take the plunge and write some one-shots!
I just hope I got the characters's personalities right, especially Shen Jiu's, characters like him are hard to write! T_T
So let's start with the first one-shot which take place when Shen Jiu transmigrated in Transformers Prime!
He remembers it clearly…
The conference turned into a trial, the shadows of his past coming back to haunt him, the little beast’s return, the water prison, the endless pain, Qi-ge’s sword shards…
And then nothing…
This is where he was now trapped: an endless blackness of nothingness.
He can’t see anything, he can’t hear anything, touch anything, he could try to scream as loud as he wanted no sound could come out of his mouth.
All there was in this void, for the gods only knew how long, was him and his thoughts, his memories from back when he was alive, the memories of his sins, of his crimes, of all the lives which were lost because of him…
Clearly, this was his punishment, even in death a scum like him can’t get the peace of the reincarnation cycle.
Condemned to exist in an endless void, forced to remember how a monster he was over and over again… How fitting.
If only he hadn't survived the Qiu household… If only he hadn't been born at all…
Qiu Haitang wouldn’t have been filled with anger and vengeance…
Liu Qingge would still be alive…
The little beast wouldn’t have been killed and replaced by the monster because of the mistreatment…
Ning Yinying wouldn’t have been bewitched by the monster’s and Xin Mo’s influence…
Cang Qiong Mountain… His disciples… The other Peak Lords… They wouldn’t have died…
Yue Qingyuan… Qi-ge… He would still be alive…
Why does he have to exist and ruin everything?
Why did he had to let his jealousy and rotten personality blind him? 
…Why did his existence have to be the source of so much pain?
Shen then noticed something, a light appearing in the void and growing bigger and bigger.
And before he could react at all ,Shen Jiu found himself wrapped and blinded by the light.
When he regained consciousness, Shen Jiu found himself in what seemed to be a forest and… Alive?
How? HOW?This doesn’t make any sense! Did he reincarnate? Then why does he remember his previous life? Was that another sick trick of the monster  to make him suffer even after having moved on to the next life?
To reincarnate but always remember his sins?
As Shen Jiu tried to find an explanation to his situation, he realized something.
For some reason, everything seemed “smaller”, VERY much smaller, it was like he was in the body of a giant.
And speaking of his body, Shen Jiu looked at his hands, much to his shock and horror, instead of seen human hands he was seeing long metallic claws.
“W-What?” Shen Jiu asked in disbelief, he then frantically looked at his, apparently, new body as much as he was able to since there was no sign of anything which would permit him to have a clear look.
To his stupor, his body was now of metal, some parts of his limbs now having sharp edges and his whole body was a mix of green, silver and black and he could feel two, apparently, long things glued on his back.
Shen Jiu was extremely confused, not only was he reincarnated with all his memories from his first life but he was also reincarnated as some sort of non-organic being of a kind he never saw before.
Just what was he reincarnated into? Some kind of weird metallic golem?
But as much as his brain was filled with thousands of questions, Shen Jiu quickly shaked his head to pull himself together.
Despite his “peculiar situation” it was not the time to ramble about it.
He was now in an unknown place with absolutely no knowledge of what or who he could find.
He needed to gather information about this world, to know how things works around here, he had to, to be able to survive in this new world.
For some reason, he has been given a second chance at life and Shen Jiu was not someone who wasted such an opportunity!
Even if he perfectly knew he didn't deserve it.
So far, a lot of unexpected things had happened to Shen Jiu ever since he got his “second chance”.
After some times exploring his “new environment” he had spotted some other “golems of metal” like him and noticed that they seem to be able to transform into weirder metallic things to move or fly.
The most logical thing would have been to try to communicate with those creatures to learn more, but Shen Jiu decided against it.
His first life has been filled with nothing but pain, anyone he came in contact with ended up ruined because of his rotten existence one way or another and backstab and hurted him in return.
What made him think this vicious cycle wouldn't happen in this new life? Why would things be different?
For his survival and for others’s sake it was better that Shen Jiu stay away.
So why did he end up in this situation?
All Shen Jiu had done was explore what seemed to be an abandoned fortress of metal he found while wandering around, hoping to find information or any kind of resources and the second he knew he got tackled by surprise by someone, who turned out to be one of those metallic golems. 
Unlike the other Golems he saw, this one seemed to be very similar to him but also with differences.
The golem’s figure was slender and sharper than his new form, he was gray and silver with a little bit of red and his red eyes(?) were looking at him in deep anger.
“-I said: Who are you? Who sent you?”
With the being becoming impatient, Shen Jiu decided it was better to respond before the golem lost his patience.
“-This one is called Shen Jiu! And as for your last question: nobody “send me there”, I came here on my own decision!” He explained cautiously “I didn’t expect to find anyone, much less another golem, though, I thought this place was abandoned!”
The “golem”’s eyes(?) went wide and its face morphed into a consterned expression.
“-Golem? GOLEM?!” The being loudly huffed in consternation and bewilderment as he quickly got off Shen Jiu.”I am Starscream! I am no mere golem! I am a Cybertronian! A Seeker! Just like you are!”
This made Shen Jiu even more confused.
“-Cybertronian?... Seekers? what’s that?” He asked as he slowly got up before quickly internally scolding himself.
Showing this kind of stupid ignorance show weakness and bring troubles, if he want to survive he can’t let his guard down.
As for the “Cybertronian” his question seem to had made its expression even more stunned in shock.
“-”What’s that?”?! That's what you are, you fool! Did your CPU got severely glitched for you not even knowing what our species's name is?”
Shen Jiu became tense at the “Cybertronian”’s outburst and just stared at him in silence, staying on guard for anything which could happen.
After a few seconds of silence the being spoke.
“-You... you actually really have no idea what I'm talking about?” the named Starscream asked him, now calmer but his voice was filled with suspicion.
“-This one... does not understand any of your words!” Shen Jiu said formally in wariness.
Starscream narrowed his eyes at him.
“-Hmmmm… What did you say your designation was?”
“-... Shen Jiu!”
“-”Shen Jiu”... That sounds like a fleshling name. But you're clearly not organic. But you also don’t seem to even know that you’re a Cybertronian…”
Starscream circled slowly around Shen Jiu without taking his eyes(?) like a hawk stalking a prey, looking at Shen Jiu’s appearance.
“-Though I don’t remember having seen a Seeker quite like you before… Those green optics… I never saw a Cybertronian with such color… And your frame…”
Shen Jiu tensed even more at the tone in the “Cybertronian”’s voice and the look in his “optics” which send shivers down his spine.
he saw that kind of look before, in his first life, back when he was just “little nine” and the slavers thought they would “sell him for a good price”, back when Qiu Jianluo put his hands on him in ways even more disgusting and hurtful way than any of his beatings could have done, back when he was Wu Yanzi’s disciple and some of his former “master”’s “acquaintances” would look at him with hungry eyes when he began to become older, back when he was a Qin Jing Peak disciple before his scummy reputation started when some of the other male disciples were whispering about his “peerless beauty”...
… Back when he was locked up in the water prison and Luo Binghe have done those “things” to him…
Whether as a “Cybertronian” or a human, Shen Jiu had no desire for such attention, especially from men! Thank. You. Very. Much!
Starscream seemed to have noticed his growing discomfort as the “Seeker” quickly regained his composure.
“-Hum-hum… Anyway… Now if I may ask, where do you come from? I can guess that since you’re completely oblivious to what a Cybertronian is, Cybertron doesn’t ring any bells to you?”
The former Peak Lord shaked his head.
“-Nothing! Let’s just say this one came from somewhere very… Very far away!”
“-I see, You don't know what you are, or seemingly anything about our kind, yet you're undeniably a Cybertronian, and a Seeker at that. And you’re apparently very far away “from home” and are most likely lost…”
He paused for a moment, seeming to reflect before a smirk appeared on his face.
“-Well, “Shen Jiu”!” Starscream started slyly. “In that case, perhaps we could help each other? How about we make an alliance?”
“-An alliance?” Shen Jiu asked suspiciously.
“-Yes, an alliance! You see, our kind is capable to transform as means of transport, which is only possible thanks to a mechanism called a “T-cog” which also permits us to scan alt modes and as well to use weapons! Due to “unfortunate circumstances” I lost my T-cog which made me defenseless and, by doing so, put me in a very bad position! So here’s what I propose: You help me survive and find ressources, which will also be beneficial for the both of us, and in return, I'll teach you everything you need to know about being a Cybertronian and a Seeker. What do you say?”
Shen Jiu stared at Starscream in hesitation, he shouldn’t accept, this was too good to be true, everything about this Starscream was screaming “untrustworthy”!
No one he ever interacted with ended up trustworthy, at one point they all end up stabbing him in the back and be his downfall and even if it’s wasn’t the case right from the start, with his rotten being the risks that Shen Jiu end up ruining him like he had done to many before.
He can’t take a risk.
But at the same time, he was in an unknown land, in a new body he doesn’t understand nor knows how it’s work meaning that even if he is very careful, his lack of knowledge on his environment and body will most likely put him in very dangerous situations and destroy his efforts to survive. Having someone to teach him everything he need to knows about his new form and this world would guarantee him bigger chances of survival.
In other words, his options were extremely limited.
Guess he had no other choice.
“-This one... accepts your proposal, Starscream.”
“-Excellent!” The Seeker answered, smirking, as he extended a hand.”I believe this partnership will be beneficial for the both of us!”
Shen Jiu stared at the hand, hesitant, before letting a soft sigh.
He nodded slightly and with still a lot of wariness he took the hand.
The deal was sealed.
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valarianflood · 1 year
OP Doesn’t Like Blood
“Ok left foot on… Green!” Raf said to the other humans on the plastic board and three autobots on painted dots.
There was laughing and giggles from all. Ratchet was annoyed as usual till bulkhead lost first and he chuckled. Optimus stood near his friend watching over the monitor.
“Miko? You ok?” Her guardian asked from the sidelines.
“Why are you laughing?” Arcee asked to her cackling partner.
“She-! Eheheheh she fell on her fa ha hace!”
“Oh shu’up.”
“Oh shit.”
“Uhh that’s bad right?” Bulkhead more asked because he didn’t know what to say knowing full well this was bad because of Jack’s reaction. 
The other bots untangled themselves to see what was going on. Ever curious and hearing the negative reactions Optimus and Ratchet looked over too.
Raf hopped off the balcony he sat on with the spinner. “I’ll get you a tissue.”
At the bots shocked faced Miko pulled her hands away from her face and waved calming motions saying, “Ahm fine, ahm fine. Dis is no’sin’.”
Optimus’ optics shuttered tight. Miko’s face was 𝓻𝓮𝓭. Humans could alter hair and skin to be different colours, he knew that was common, but Miko didn’t look like 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 before she exclaimed. This fluid ran down her face from both olfactory cavities over her intake and down her chin. Her hands were covered in it and some had dropped onto the floor forming small puddles.
A booming clang echoed through the base as Prime collapsed on the steel floor. Ratchet rushed over scanner in hand. Before he could spiral into panic the autobot leaders optics flickered on as he gave a light groan.
“Optimus? Are you alright?” Arcee asked holding out servos unsure how to assist.
“I- …what happened?”
“You went into abrupt involuntary stasis.”
Ratchet helped Prime to his peds as he clutched his helm crest, the fall rattling his processor and making him dizzy. He grounded himself in the colourful dots on the floor, reminding him of where and when he was. Looking up Miko had a hand over her face, some white cloth held to it.
She flung her arms out as she comically said, “everyone’s hitting the floor today!”
With all the attention on him, this time everyone saw Optimus’ optics widen, flicker, and roll back slightly, prompting Ratchet to tighter grip his friends arm and Bulkhead to jerk behind their leader and catch his upper back before he hit the ground again.
“Woah!” Miko quickly put the tissue back to her face to not make a bigger mess on the floor
“Ratchet what’s going on?” Arcee’s question came out like a statement.
Jack looked between the autobot and human a few times before a light bulb clicked in his head. “Blood…”
“What?” Ratchet looked up at Jack’s whispered murmur.
“It’s- he’s- the blood!”
Bee offered an inquiry that Raf helpfully answered just as he realized what Jack was trying to say. “Some people don’t do well around blood. It can make people quezy, freak out, or…” Optimus’ optics once again came online though his frame was slow to catch up. “Faint”.
Ratchet scoffed. “That’s absurd. Optimus has seen bots torn in two with no reaction.”
“…pardon?” Optimus heard his name but not much else was actually understood.
“Yeah but that was 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓰𝓸𝓷, this is 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭. It’s- I don’t know it’s…” Jack was still a bit in shock and not quick with words.
“Its organic,” Ratchet said disgustedly.
Ratchet raised a brow plate, surprised at the boys agreement.
“It’s humans getting injured versus bots. I think we all know how he is about us getting hurt.”
Adding onto the elder boys statement, “plus ‘blood fainting’ is really common. Apperantly it even stems across species,” Raf added, smiling at the curious revelation.
“Miko, go clean yourself up.” Arcee pointed as she gave the bossy order.
“Old friend, what is happening to me?”
“Optimus have you ever seen blood before?” At his friends slightly puzzled look he added, more insistent, “live, human blood?”
Optimus searched the ground out of focus thinking. He’d seen humans in fights but… none had ever- those puddles…
Ratchet quickly turned his friend away when he say his gazing near where a Miko had stood. “Jack I believe you are correct. Pleas-”
The boy quickly dropped to wiping the rest of the blood off the floor.
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jaronxlordashcombe · 4 months
okay, y'all it's time to get your pencils and pens and keys on your devices working. The fanart was fantastic I will be rating at the end of the month! If you are late or didn't see the fanart one text me so you can submit it by June 30th.
COMPETITION: Starts June 6th and ends June 11th, post any of the fan fiction any time, tag, text or tell me so I can see and read each and every one! Write about anything you want to do with Jaroden. It may be a chapter to an existing story or a short one-shot, or even a beginning to a story!
Have any questions just ask.
Reblog to get the word around!
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Optimus Prime X FM Reader (One Shot)
"How Is He Falling For Her?"
-So, most people that know me, know that I'm obsessed with transformers and Optimus. I wrote this 13 long page one shot of the Optimus from TFP (Transformers Prime). And I was kinda talked into posting it ...SOOOOO... We're here now 😅. This has no specific plot but I just wanted my brain to feel pretty after writing this.
Warnings: Mentions of sexual assault themes, fluff, and a little bit of spicy stuff at the end.
Word count: 3,619
Song Inspiration:
-Isabel LaRosa - I'm yours
-(Sped Up Version)
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Optimus to others is seen as a prime, a leader, a bot with a kind spark, and at some points even cold. He doesn’t mean to be mean, he just probably doesn’t know how to have fun. Or perhaps even relax. While Optimus is seen in such a way, (y/n) knows deep down how he truly feels about his team. She has always grown some type of connection with Prime. The more time that they spend with each other, the more Optimus starts to feel things. Feelings that aren’t familiar to him, but at the same time, intoxicating. Even when you do the littlest things, he can’t help but look. When you talk about your passions, when you laugh, say an idea that helps out missions, the way how you encourage others to do their best…
The way how you look into his optics makes him feel like time has stopped, and only for you two.
When your (H/C) hair shines in the sun when the sunrise comes up and makes your eyes turn into a hazel color shimmer.
Literally, everything about you makes every fiber in his metal body, melt and crumble away, he is torn by your beauty and the fact that you were human. He was only an Autobot, nothing could ever happen.
Until one night you went to ask Optimus for a favor, which he quickly approved of. It makes Optimus happy because he always wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
However the request was rather odd, you asked him if he could give you a ride with one other person because they asked you out on a date to the movie theaters. You didn’t want to go but you also didn’t know how to say ‘no’. You couldn’t ask any of your others friends because they would only say just go by yourself.
Optimus is still rather confused about the term “Date”.
“(Y/N), I'm afraid your human terms are still rather confusing. Can you please educate me on this term?”
“Well, for humans when two people seem very interested in each other or are just really close friends, and want to spend more time together just one on one, they go out together to do something fun and usually romantic.”
Optimus understood a little bit more.
“Interesting, but this “Cody” friend of yours from school, I think I recall that you didn’t like his company.”
It hit you at that moment that Optimus must have overheard you complain about Cody to the others and the bots, about how he’s really cool to hang with as a friend but sometimes tries to flirt with you and it makes you icky on the inside.
“Yes, but I just need to be able to deal with him for the rest of the week that way we can get along while we finish this last project for my college class.”
“I need you, Optimus, I need like a third wheel in case something goes wrong.”
Optimus now looks at you with the most love-sick optics after he heard that first line come out of your mouth.
He kneels down on the ground to get closer to you. With his face inches away from yours, he smiles.
“Don’t worry Lady (y/n), I will be there to accompany you and your ‘Date’.”
He says as he rolls his eyes at that last comment.
You laugh and feel some weight lift off your shoulders.
“Thank you thank you Thank you!”
As you said that, you get on your tippy toes to place a kiss on his metal cheek. And walk away without looking back at him.
“I promise I’ll make this up to you. See ya later.”
When you left the room, the prime was still in shock, he goes to touch the side where you kissed him, and starts to overheat a little.
“No need (y/n), you already have.”
He says to himself as he smiles in adoration. -Time skip-
It was finally time for your date with Cody but he texted you to let you know he still needed some more time to get ready so that meant you still had more time to yourself. But you were dreading it even more as every second passes by.
Optimus sees your discomfort, so he walks in front of your view.
“(y/n), are you alright? you seem uneasy.”
“Yeah, I’m totally fine, just a little nervous.”
He didn’t buy your strong act, he knew that you didn’t like this.
“Don’t worry, m’lady, I will be with you the entire time, you won’t be alone, plus I promised to protect you.”
Heat suddenly started to rise in your face, he just called you M’lady.
“Thank you Optimus, also where did you learn that word from?”
“What word?”
“M’lady, You’ve never called me that before.”
“Oh, well I did some research last night with Raph on how dates work, and this term was mentioned as a form of respect to the females and to make them seem like a goddess. Do you think it was wrong for me to say such?”
“OH of course not it's totally fine, I actually kinda find it sweet, nobody has ever really said that to me before. Probably because I’m not pretty enough.”
Optimus’s face contorts in a look of disbelief.
He chuckles.
“Oh, but on the contrary, I highly doubt that, I think you are extraordinarily, beautiful.”
He says as he gives you a smirk and looks you up and down.
This made you feel red in the face. You looked away from him to try to compose yourself.
“Ehem, thank you Optimus, I could say the same about you too.”
“Thank you, and since you like the name, maybe I should call you that more often.”
“Sure if ya want.”
“Very well, M’Lady.”
You think to your self god why did he have to make that sound so sexy?
Miko comes to walk in to see you off.
“Hey, guys are you almost ready for that date?”
Confused by her question.
“What do you mean Miko? I am ready.”
“Seriously you're going in that? No offense.”
“It’s just jeans and a sweater.”
“Yeah, I know but aren’t you supposed to wear dresses and stuff to dates?”
Oh, shoot she was right I was too focused on trying to be on Cody’s good side that I forgot to completely sell it.
“Good call Miko let me go get changed real quick.”
You run off to your dorm area in the base.
-Time skip to when you got done getting dressed.-
You only just popped on a nice simple dress that you barely wear because it’s only for special occasions, it was one of your favorites tho, though it was a blue dress with flowers all over it and it had a little bit of fluff to add style and volume. You loved how easy it was to move in it. While looking at yourself in the mirror, you wondered what a certain someone who think or say if they saw you in this.
Finally, as you walk out. You go to call Optimus he was talking to ratchet at the time but when he turned around to look at you, you see his optics slightly get bigger as they scan your figure.
"Hey, what do you think?" You say as you twirl. And oh how he loved to see you do that in slow motion.
He feels like he could stare at you for hours. He smiles at you with a smile you would see rarely. The kind that makes you feel lovesick.
"Extraordinary" He whispers to himself
He stumbles on his thoughts and words.
"You look, magnificent M'lady."
Now it was your turn to stumble on your words. You pulled your gaze away from Optimus and started to get light-headed. Does he really think I’m pretty enough to be called magnificent? How am I possibly going to make all this up to him?
As you overthink and contemplate your self Optimus can’t help but keep looking at you, he almost thought there was something missing, not that you needed any changes to your beautiful outfit but still, he wanted to try to help you in a certain sense.
“If you will excuse me for a moment I think I got something.”
“Um sure, I’ll be here.”
Optimus goes to walk to his bathroom to grab your flower crown that you gave to Optimus, as a thank you for saving your life. It did not fit him at all but he kept it safe and close to him because it meant a lot. Once he retrieved it he went back to meet with you and saw that you were on the phone with someone while looking at yourself in the mirror to make sure everything was okay.
“Alright Cody, we’ll… I mean I’ll see ya soon, bye.”
“-Okay bye sugar-” You hang up and look in the mirror again fixing your hair a bit.
“Do you think I should put my hair up?”
Optimus smiles and walks over to you and kneels down behind you so that the both of you were looking in the mirror
“No, because there wouldn’t be any room for this."
You hum in confusion and then saw Optimus gently put the flower crown on your head, it fell over a little bit on one side but you fixed it.
“Haha awwww, you kept it this whole time?”
“Indeed it is very special to me.”
You turn to look at Optimus with the biggest grin on your face. And you can see how his gaze slowly softens at you as every second passes by. Unfortunately, the moment has to be ruined as Miko runs in saying that you guys were going to be late.
Breaking away from each other's gaze Optimus goes to transform into his vehicle mode, he opens his driver's side door for you to get in. When you got in you then guided Optimus in the direction of Cody's house. The closer you were getting to his place the more nervous and uncomfortable you were getting. Optimus broke you out of your thoughts when he spoke to ask you a question.
“(Y/N), from what I collected from the web there are usually two different types of movie theaters, one indoors and one outdoors. Which one are we going to?”
You thought to your self ‘dang he was fast to look that up.'
“We're going to an outdoor one, that's why we’re picking up Cody.”
Optimus hums to your response but it sounded like he was annoyed by that. “What?”
“Sorry what?”
You start to worry again and start to feel bad that you practically threw Optimus under the bus.
“Do you not like this idea you know if you don’t feel comfortable with him sitting in your seat then I can just-”
“No need, even if I feel some discomfort it doesn’t matter, because I made a promise to you, that I will stay with you the entire night. You matter more.”
You let out a breath of relief at his response. But feel conflicted to ask him a question again.
“Wait so if you're fine with him being in your seat then why did you hum like that earlier?”
“It's because I wasn’t fond of the idea of him getting to look at you the entire night while I would much rather do that.”
Oh dear god, this bot is going to be the death of me.
“HAHA, Optimus are you getting jealous, that's so sweet.”
I had to laugh it off, I lowkey can feel my cheeks burning.
“Maybe I am.”
He said with a bit of a cocky tone in his voice.
Optimus’s Pov:
When we finally pull up to Cody’s house, (Y/N) got to go knock on his door. When he came out he had this stupid grin on his face and went to go hug her. I felt some rising anger in me because she looked like she didn’t like the physical contact. I really perform my arms around her.
When they got to my vehicle Cody tried to get in the front seat, but I locked my door before he could get the chance.
“Hey uhh, the door is locked did you leave the keys inside?”
“Uh no here let me check.”
Oh for the love of the primes let her drive.
“OHHH I’m sorry I forgot this truck only allows me to drive it because of fingerprints and voice activation, plus you don’t have a license to drive semi-trucks so I’ll just take us there,”
I can’t believe she just came up with that excuse for me, it's like she knew. I love this woman.
When she got into the driver's seat she placed her hands on the steering wheels and stepped on the peddle to start driving. There were some points where I was in control but at other points, she took care of me. The entire drive though Cody was actually on his phone, for the most part, he made small takes here and there. But when he would try to make a certain comment to (y/n) to try to impress her or get a reaction, she would fake laugh it off and grip tighter on my steering wheel. I could sense her hands her a little unsteady, so since I have heating sensors, I wormed up the steering wheel to let her know I was here and that it was okay. She relaxed a little bit and smiled to herself.
When getting to the drive-in movie theater and they get their ‘popcorn?’ a very odd name for a type of human substance. The movie that Cody picked was the notebook, it was one of those movie nights where humans go to watch classic films on the big screen. (y/n) mention before actually, it was one of her favorite movies that make her cry every time. Once we parked into our parking spot (y/n) pulled out her blanket and put her knees up to her chest, something that she does on a daily when she feels like it or feels anxious.
While we were watching the movie I could sense that Cody was staring at (y/n) for a time longer than he should have. I could sense her sinking into my seat feeling a little uneasy about this.
“Are you enjoying the movie?” She asked.
“Not really it’s lowkey kinda boring.” He replies
“Oh well, I’m sorry.”
That little– He gets to spend at least 2 hours with her and you say something as inconsiderate as that. If it were me I would watch this movie a thousand times if it meant I got to sit next to her.
“You know I have a better idea.” He comments out of a sly evil tone.
(y/n) doesn’t look over but replies with a ‘what’.
“We could go someplace else and… try something new in our friendship.”
When he said that he reaches over to graze her arm with his disgusting hands.
She flinches away and gets ready to say something.
“You mean like mini golf hehe.”
She replies trying to shake off whatever he was applying.
“Not really, I was thinking something more, personal.”
Then when he started to move his hand to her thigh, that's when I snapped.
I made the seat that he was sitting in jolt up enough for him to get his hand off of her and hit his head.
I then opened my door and made the seat kick him out. Then when I did that I drove backward out of the parking spot and drove away from the perv.
“OPTIMUS! What was that? You could have blown your cover.”
“My dear, I will explain to you why I reacted in such a manner but wait until I drive to a more responsible area.”
“Trust me, please.”
She takes a second. “Okay, I trust you.”
“Thank you.”
The drive there was quiet, I could sense that the shaking she had felt earlier had calmed down.
I pulled into an abandoned gas station that she and I tend to go to a lot because it was close to her house.
She steps out and I take a moment to transform into my bot form.
“Okay, let me hear it.” She says to me in a demanding stance with her arms crossed, I felt bad for making her unpleased but at the same time, I found her anger surprisingly attractive and intriguing. I’ve never really seen her like this, she usually always has a calm demeanor or a smile on her face.
“uh eh, me first, (y/n) does he do this to you often?”
“No that was just the one time, but he always tries something to get me to sleep with him.”
“I never want you to see or speak to that piece of scrap ever again. I swear if he touches you again I’ll-”
“Optimus, I’m okay I swear, I’ve dealt with thugs like him before and survived.” She states in a manner of cockiness but I know deep down that she hates the fact that she has to deal with such.
“No, it’s not fine (y/n), what if he seriously did something and I would never see you again?”
(Y/N) Pov
Oh, I see what this is about.
“You really care about me huh?”
“Yes, indeed I do.”
“Can you pick me up real quick?”
Optimus doesn’t question it so he does what you ask of him.
He holds you but you weren’t close enough.
You say, and when he brought you closer, he lifted you near his ear because he thinks you want to tell him something.
But you don’t say anything, instead, you place a quick kiss on his cheek plate. He froze for a moment and goes to stare at you.
“What was that for?” He asks with a smile forming across his face.
“It's me saying thank you, thank you for always being there when I needed you, thank you for saving me. Why? Should I have not done that-”
Without a chance to say anything else. Optimus goes to put you back down, panic started to well up within you thinking you made a mistake. But your overthinking was interrupted when he spoke.
“I really shouldn’t be doing this because it takes too much of my Energon but.”
And then just like that Optimus transforms into his holo form but his solid one. Your eyes widen, you’ve seen his holo form before. His slick back hair with some white strands on the side, red leather jacket, combat boots, and joggers. One or two tiny scars on his face. One on his eyebrow the other just right on the tip of his upper lip. And his beautiful blue eyes that were staring right back at you. They were usually so calm but they looked intense this time, hungry…
Optimus walks up to you to close the distance between you two and goes to put one hand on your waist and the other on your cheek to hold your face. He looks at you with pleading eyes, then you nod your head for his consent. And he gently goes to kiss you patiently. But at the same time, it was rough and hungry, like he had been waiting all this time to be this close to you. But you felt the same feeling right back at him.
You break away with heavy breathing trying to form words and all you could get out was his name. His true name…
“Shut up-*”
He huffs out and goes to close the distance again. He just couldn’t get enough. At this point, you guys were fighting for dominance, his hands Rome around your fragile frame as your Rome around his hair and his well-built chest.
What feels like minutes pass by you both start to calm down and pull away from each other. After catching your breaths, Optimus goes to look at you and lays his forehead on yours.
“Where did you learn that name from?”
“Ratchet told me, I think it's a very fitting name. But where did you learn to kiss like that or even know what kissing was?”
“I’ve been on this planet for a long time, and besides-” He starts to get close to your ear.
“A true prime never reveals his secrets.”
His distinctive voice and sly tone sent shivers down your whole body, when he backed away his face a little, you saw one of the most devilish smiles you’ve ever seen him make. It was hot.
You become even more flushed and go to bury your head into his chest, he chuckles and holds you tighter, and looks up at the stars.
“You’re very beautiful when your face turns red you know that?”
“Shut up.”
You laugh.
“Should we head back to base?”
You ask.
“Hmmm, perhaps we shall stay here a bit longer, I want to keep holding you.”
“But what about your Energon?”
“Okay 5 more minutes, okay?”
you reply in defeat.
“Good, that will also leave me time to kiss you more.”
You laugh out loud and try to pull away but Optimus still holds you in his grip smiling to himself trying to get close to your lips again.
You think to yourself after that night, what will become of you and Optimus’s relationship? Friends with benefits? Something more. But at the same time, you just don’t want to care or worry, you’re just finally feeling some form of happiness for the first time in a long time.
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errolluck · 5 months
Summary: It had happened. What Soundwave feared the most had become a reality. What would he do now that he was alone? Now that the only cybertronian he would die for... was gone?
Pairing: MegaSound (Megatron/Soundwave) [Transformers Prime]
Warnings: Major character death, slight mechanical gore (not graphic), blood.
Word count: +1700
English isn't my first lenguage. Sorry in advance for any gramatical error.
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It couldn't be true. This wasn't real.
Soundwave stood in the middle of the battlefield. Energon leaked from his shoulder and injured leg, leaving drops of blue on the ground below the Decepticon.
This battle wasn't supposed to end like this. Clashing metal and gunshots could be heard all around him from the ongoing conflict. Soundwave knew they were losing; beside him a soldier fell dead to the ground with his chest destroyed.
But he didn't react to that or to the screams of his comadres that were succumbing to the Autobots or to the fire that had almost hit him in the head. No, he didn't care about that at all.
Because infront of him, there was the scene he never thought it would ever happen:
Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots and last remaining Prime, holding a sword that was impaling Megatron through the abdomen.
Megatron's arms dropped as he coughed energon from his mouth in a dying breath. Optimus pulled out the sword with quick movement, making Megatron hunch back in pain as the sword sliced again his insides. He wandered around for a few seconds before falling on his knees, looking at Prime with shock and anger in his optics.
Soundwave dropped his own weapon, creating an echo when the metal of his sword hit the ground of stone. It was a dangerous move to make in the middle of a battle, but his mind wasn't focussing on logic at the time.
He rushed in a silent worry to his fallen leader, now laying in the ground as a pool of energon formed below his body. Optimus saw Soundwave approaching, but before he could do or say anything, a group of Vehicons attacked him from behind, forcing Optimus to change his focus to the opponents.
Megatron, ignoring the new overwhelming fire near him, breathed heavily as he turned around to look at the coming robot and his beating rushed when he recognized the slender figure of Soundwave, running to his side. The old gladitor of Kaon opened his mouth, trying to form a cohesive sentence to his most loyal soldier, but the only thing that came out of his throat was energon.
Soundwave kneeled beside him. His head moved quickly form side to side, analyzing the injuries to see what he could do to help his fallen leader, to make Megatron survive this battle.
But there was nothing. His visor flooded with negative answers as he saw Megatron bleeding to dead infront of him; Optimus' sword had destroyed more than met the eye.
He looked at his leader; his visor was black and emotionless as always, but Megatron could read Soundwave's feelings perfectly at that moment.
He always did.
Megatron just looked back at Soundwave and, with his fading force, he managed to grab one of Soundwave's hands that was laying on his silver chestplate.
There were no words between. But a silent plead existed in Megatron's eyes that Soundwave understood perfectly.
Don't leave me.
Soundwave grasped Megatron's hand tightly. He could only watch as the gladiator's spark vanished second by second and the red optics closed slowly. Soundwave never moved until Megatron's chest went cold and with it, his existence in the universe.
Megatron had died.
With a quick change of his arm to the shotgun, Optimus finished the last of the Vehicons that ambushed him with a single but precise shot to the chest; a quick death. He breathed heavily under the mask, tired of the exhausting combat, but turned around, remembering Soundwave running towards his position just seconds before being attacked.
The communications officer was kneeling besides Megatron's body, with his visor laying on the gladiators chest while one of his hands grabbed Megatron's unmoving claws. Soundwave wasn't crying, he wasn't screaming, but his silence carried more pain than a thoundsand words could ever do.
Optimus aproached slowly, transforming his hand back into normal.
"Soundwave" he called. The Decepticon didn't looked back, he didn't even flinch at the voice of Optimus Prime like other Decepticons would have.
But he was listening, and mind started racing, bringing back old memories:
He was working overnight, focussed completly in his job. All the other Decepticons knew that it was better to let him do his job alone; Soundwave always appeared so cryptid to others, that even without saying a word, he made other shiver and fear him.
Except one.
Heavy footsteps approached behind him. But Soundwave didn't turn around; he knew just by the noise who the footsteps belonged to.
"Working late again?" Megatron's deep, dark voice echoed through the empty room. His metalic feet created a powerful and imposing noise even when he wasn't trying to intimidate.
Soundwave nodded, continuing to work on the Iacron codes. The Decepticon leader walked up to his side and stood there; Megatron stared at the screen and then at Soundwave's quick fingers, alternating between them for a couple of minutes before walking again behind Soundwave.
"You are my most loyal and effective warrior, Soundwave" he whispered as he layed his head closer to Soundwave's hearing perceptors. "The last thing I need from you is collapsing out of exhaustion"
Soundwave's hands stopped moving across the keyboard and looked back Megatron. Their size and built was incredibly different, but at the same time, when they were together, it fit like a puzzle.
Megatron stared at Soundwave's visor. He layed his head and both decepticons shared an affectionate headbut. Soundwave felt Megatron's chest purring, deep and slow, like a old but powerful engine from a tank, as the leader moved his head with Soundwave's.
"Don't overwork yourself" Megatron purred before stepping back. "That's an order, Soundwave"
Soundwave saw as he walked away, leaving a warm sensation in his spark behind even after Megatron had left the room.
"I know you were extremely loyal to him, Soundwave"
Optimus voice brought back Soundwave to the present. He still didn't move to look at the Auotobot leader.
"But it's time to change, you know that" spoke Optimus with calmness. His expression changed to something between pity and frustration as he looked at the dead body. "Megatron chose to continue in this dark path that led to his demise... I don't want you to do the same and end like him, Soundwave"
Soundwave's grasp on Megatron's cold hand strengthened. Another memory flooded his mind as the battle around continued:
He was laying beside Megatron. He could feel as Megatron's chest went up and down, slowly, as his leader reacharged.
The Deception army had tons of rumors and myths about Megatron. One of them, is that he didn't need recharging and was fulled only by anger and his constant need of conquer.
But as unstopable and dangerous as Megatron was, he was still just another cybertronian, with the same needs as anyone else. That included recharging from time to time.
Megatron slept in private. He didn't like the idea of being vulnerable in an exposed environment, especially with Starscream nearby. Sometimes, he would just lock himself in his private quarters and recharge for a couple of hours before returning.
But other times, he and Soundwave had a moment of peace where they would lay with each other and recharge as long as they could. Soundwave adored every second that he could spend with Megatron, even if it was just seeing him recharge and feel his spark's beating.
Soundwave snuggled even more close to Megatron, laying his visor on the leader's chest and letting himself enjoy the peace and quiet of the moment.
Back in the present, he was laying his head in the same place, but now the only thing he felt from Megatron was cold and an eternal silence from his spark.
"Soundwave, please..." begged Optimus. "I understand your pain; Megatron was a friend to me once, even a brother... But we must let go now and look into the future of both Decepticons and Autobots"
Soundwave listened to the Prime's words as a brewing anger started to grow beneath his chest:
There he was again, with Megatron. Both were in their alternate forms, flying through the black, empty space around them outside the Nemesis.
They flew with a synchrony that even the most graceful cybertronians back then could have just dreamed of archiving. There was no previous practice or warning needed for them to move in harmony as they danced across the stars.
In one moment, both of them transformed back into their normal forms, with Soundwave floating a little above from Megatron. They looked at each other with something stronger than the Allspark itself.
Megatron extended his arms as Soundwave descended slowly to him. Once he had catched his partner, Megatron laid his head on Soundwave's visor, smiling with his perceptors closed.
"I love you" purred Megatron as he and Soundwave shared the same warm and calmness from their sparks.
They both drifted in space, caring about nothing else but each other's company. That was all what mattered to them at that moment.
Optimus looked at the Decepticon. He hadn't responded or even moved since he had finished talking. The air was charged with smoke and cries of the battle, surrounding both cybertronians. There was now a big puddle of energon below Megatron's dead body.
Then, out of nowhere, Soundwave looked at him. And Optimus, for the first time since he had gotten close to Soundwave, felt daggers of fear as time seemed to froze between them.
Soundwave's silence was charged with something more powerful and dangerous than anger or sadness: Hate.
The Decepticon played a recording of Megatron's voice, a full sentence without other clips that wasn't directed towards Optimus, but made the message clear to Prime.
"You mean more to me than you could ever imagine, Soundwave..."
That was more than enough than any other word that Soundwave himself could have said at that moment. Optimus looked at him, his eyes showing pity.
"Very well, Soundwave" Optimus changed his arm to a sword. His voice carried pain. "I'm sorry"
Soundwave grabbed tightly another weapon that was laying on the ground and both robots charged against each other.
As energon flew around them and the swords clashed in an echo, Soundwave could just think about one thing, having processed everything inside his head:
He would be loyal to Megatron, even if that meant dying with and for him.
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keef-a-corn · 2 years
Perhaps I should stop just talking about writing fics and give you a little piece of the action?
Also Ratchet having a soft spot for Bee is one of my weaknesses. ESPECIALLY FOR TFP.
Napping Spot
Ratchet sighed, looking down at the tired bot that chose to sit by his work space. Bee managed to keep most parts of his frame clear from the space Ratchet occupied, pressing up against the cold metal.
“I doubt that’s comfortable.” The medic hummed, deciding that his duties could be delayed for just a moment. Bee let out an incoherent string of little beeps and buzzes. Ratchet took a moment, trying to translate what the scout had said, a puzzled look plastering his face as he came to the conclusion that Bee hadn’t actually meant anything, instead he was just making sounds.
Ratchet laughed softly, bending down to the smaller bot’s level and scooping him up into his arms. Bee let out a content buzz as he gladly accepted the medic’s warm embrace, resting his helm on Ratchet’s shoulder. The older mech couldn’t hold back the smile that the youngling triggered, Bee was forever a weak spot for the team and the medic was no exception.
“Get some recharge, Bee.” Ratchet instructed, his voice laced with a comfort that was reserved for the Scout. Bee’s wings shifted slightly, telling Ratchet that the bot was obeying the instructions. It was barely even a minute later when tranquil chirrs of a recharging youngling filled Ratchet’s audio field. Carefully shifting Bee into a more convenient, yet equally as comfortable position, Ratchet went back to doing his work. It may have taken double the time as he was only one handed, but that was a moment that Ratchet wouldn’t have traded for the world. His little youngling back in his arms for a nap.
Not my best work, but a good improvisation ya know?
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Hello fellow Transformers nerds! Care to give this post a little tap and say hello?
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Yk what I love ab trying to find tfp references? You either get shitty quality screenshots from the show/pictures from the ref book or other peoples fanart, who clearly had the same problem, and decided fuck it we roll and just winged it.
In conclusion I noticed that every single piece of fanart has a different design bc everyone just gives up and makes it up on the go💀
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