#{headcanons and meta: talon}
quiisquiliae · 4 months
Tal is basically the human equivalent of a barn cat.
Independent af
Needs a job to do
Destructive when kept inside for too long
Needs enrichment from the outdoors
A good hunter
Half feral
Sticks around if you start feeding him
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vm-haunts · 21 days
Crossover Headcanons: Worldbuilding Edition
A collection of DPxDC headcanons from myself and various posts, in no particular order.
Green stuff
Dionesium is, or is one of the main decay byproduct of, ectoplasm. It is the defining element in Lazarus water.
Lazarus water is a naturally occurring compound that amplifies certain effects of ectoplasm. Concentration of ectoplasm in the waters is surprisingly low despite the appearance.
College trio as the Doctor Three. Who lead the study on dionesium in Gotham University at some point.
Talons created by the Court of Owls are a special type of liminals, and communicates within themselves via a dialect of ghost speak.
Realms stuff
Infinite realms, or pockets within it, had been observed and accessed before, by different civilizations under numerous different names.
The Kryptonians used the realms as a means of banishment, which they called the phantom zone.
GIW stuff
GIW is operating under All Purpose Enforcement Squad (APES), headquarters in mount Rushmore.
Anti-ecto Acts is a set of old laws dating back to civil war era, only brought back into practice in recent years.
Liminals have significantly higher chance of activating metagene. May or may not be causing the metagene mutation in the first place.
Anti-ecto Acts might be intentionally exploited as a backdoor to meta protection acts.
Ring stuff
Pariah Dark's ring of rage turned into the phantom ring after Danny officially claimed it. It enhances all emotions of the owner equally.
Danny lost his ring at some point and it became known to the lanterns as the phantom ring.
In the hands of realm ghosts the phantom ring glows green regardless of the emotion it is enhancing, as ghosts are beings of pure will. Otherwise it is black with a faint white glow. (Can't believe this one matches up, I love lore stitching)
Balance stuff
Danny bears both Life Force and Death Force in equal amounts. His only way to accessing them is channelling a mixture of the two to power his ghost wail.
Ghost Wail infused with both acts like a simple sonic attack. But if powdered only by death force it's functionally the same thing as Void Wind, which 'negates the power and immortality of the gods. Enabling it to shut down any form of arcana used against it'.
Dark Danny only process death force as he no longer have a human side for balance. His death infused wail could be how he destroyed the world without much interference from magic users.
Danny's Wail can be infused with only life force instead, which would eviscerate ghosts. Possibly only possible when he is in human form.
Glitchy stuff (not really DC related)
Dark Danny's attack on Clockwork's tower created some pretty severe glitchs in time (ha) across all of the living realms.
As the clocktower take damage some universes collapsed together, and some timelines became contradictory and paradoxical (typical comic reboot am I right?😅)
After Dan finally calmed down he becomes the ultimate errand boy for clockwork. Showing up an fixing things he broke under the guidance of the ghost of Time.
Stranger stuff
Dan got sentenced to Life (literal) in an alternate ending of glitch in time, which capped his destruction and eventually calmed him off.
Reformed Dan is doing social services as penance, in the DC multiverse he goes by the alias of Phantom Stranger.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Hey, uh, about the "retcons" in Overwatch's story, do you know which ones are genuine retcons and which ones are additional lore added into the story?
That's a good question, because I've been in this fandom for 6 years and I've seen a lot of people call things retcons that were really just lore reveals that went against fanon. Like for example, when Moira was introduced to the game, a lot of people were saying that it retconned Mercy being the creator of Reaper, when that's not true--a lot of people headcanoned the idea of "Mercy created Reaper" into fanon because Reaper had an elimination line for Mercy that said, "Don't forget, this is all your fault" but it was also never clear if that was an elimination line he had for Overwatch members in general, or if that was referring to something else, or if it was just a taunt. In any case, there simply weren't enough details on Reaper's condition before for Moira's addition to the cast and her corresponding lore of giving Reaper his abilities to call Moira's entry into the lore a retcon. (Also it's just fucking dumb to saddle literally every medical science thing Overwatch was up to onto Mercy I mean come on, people.)
Reaper having a family? Also definitely not a retcon, we see him stalking what is presumably his son and his family in the Christmas "Reflections" comic way back in 2016--and his family is mentioned again in Ana's "Bastet" short story.
Is the Cassidy Name change a retcon? I mean there had been hints at Cassidy using pseudonyms before in certain voice lines and also in the "Joel Morricone"/"My name's not Joel" bit with Sombra. But anyway I think the meta factor of not wanting to associate a fan favorite character with a predatory Blizzard employee is justifiable enough to just... hand wave the name change. I mean they still have the old name on his "Trainhopper" comic so I guess the Pseudonym lore bit is just there so they don't need to worry about changing it back in older media---but also that just shows that Blizz is lazy as hell because if I can edit and replace over a 1000 mentions of Cassidy's old name in my 300k+ word main fic continuity, I'm pretty sure they can edit a 10 page comic.
I feel like they've also always been a bit iffy on the whole status of God AI's, particularly Anubis. Like the lore says "Anubis and other god programs were quarantined in Egypt" but we never hear anything about any other God AI and it's Anubis that kicked off the omnic crisis, apparently, But I'll have to read the Sojourn novel to be clear.
For me the most egregious and clear retcon is the changes they made to Widow in what is clearly a hamfisted attempt to give her more 'agency.' In the previous lore, as we see in Ana's comic "Legacy," Overwatch thought Amélie Lacroix was either kidnapped again or dead following the death of Gérard LaCroix. She disappeared off the face of the earth (presumably doing super secret assassinations for Talon) and basically didn't appear again until she put Ana's eye out. In Widowmaker's new bio, which came out with Overwatch 2, they say that the police were pursuing Amélie as a suspect in Gérard's death and Amélie willingly went to Talon because she had nowhere else to go and quote, "Killing Gérard made her feel alive." Like, when you're being pursued by the cops, and you've literally already been brainwashed to kill your husband, I don't think there's actual agency there.
For me the old Widow backstory was a lot better because it made her scarier and more nuanced as a character, it made the stakes feel higher in the universe, and it doesn't make the timeline confusing with what Moira was up to at the time. And also Widowmaker taking out Ana's eye is vital to Ana's character because Amélie is part of the body of Overwatch's failures. All of Ana's thoughts leading up to the point where Widowmaker takes her eye out indicate how Talon has been in Overwatch's blind spot, both figuratively and literally. So all around it's just kind of a dumb choice that turned a genuinely eerie character who partially represents the failures and vulnerabilities of Overwatch into a boring generic Femme Fatale.
But yeah anyway I would say, compare the new Overwatch 2 bios to the old comics and kind of make your own judgments from there.
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kulay-ng-banaag · 1 year
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As the saying goes, "the personal is political." I think it perfectly encapsulates the meaning of "kasarian" from below the surface.
SOGIESC* Headcanons for HWS Philippines
CW: mature language, mentions of hate violence
*Sexual Orientation + Gender Identity & Expression + Sex Characteristics
If SOGIESC was a new term for you, don't worry, it was relatively new to me as well! SOGIE as an acronym was already cemented into the PH-based lexicon, much of it thanks in part to what would evolve to become the SOGIE Equality Bill. The inclusion of SC I first encountered in my copy of an anthology of PH queer studies (which I opened at last to write this very post out of spite). In retrospect, the intersectionality of the LGBTQIA+ movement and feminism was undeniable.
I intended to solely write on my gender identity & expression (GIE) headcanon for Piri, but further reading led me to realize that within a Philippine context, it was interchangeable with sexual orientation (SO) — and to a degree, sex characteristics (SC). In addition, I did not intend to challenge Western notions of queer theory & its spectrum of labels, only that the framework they provided simply did not fit neatly for the postcolonial conditions that shaped the framework within which the Philippines is situated.
In layman's terms — bakla, gay, and bisexual were all situated within the same spectrum, even if by all Western definitions they should not. It's very messy! But hey, it lived up to the dictionary definition of "queer" (though it must be reiterated that queer as strange/odd/peculiar started out as a pejorative).
All that being said, we would have to temporarily set aside our Western understandings, if not completely unpack and let go altogether, in order to accomplish meaningful PH queer studies. I'm also going to admit that this ended up being so hard to explain in English.
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Speaking of unpacking!
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Not me unironically using this iconic GIF of MCU Captain America, of all people!
This should have been a GIE headcanon post but it became more than that. I never felt the need to back my thoughts with academic jargon because, at the end of the day, an individual's gender identity was to be accepted, because the opposite choice was dehumanizing.
But far too often I would swim around the Piri tags only to come out shaking my head in disbelief at the implied iron grip on the gender binary. I understood and wholeheartedly accepted that this was the mere product of our conservative educational upbringing that aimed to uphold a certain image of an ideal society, which, unfortunately, included normalizing the concept of the gender binary. (Cue me side-eyeing my own alma mater.)
It must be understood that it was that very social environment that shaped the characterizations of the fem!Piri OC lore of yore. I entered the fandom in a different creative circle and was not as invested in fanfics (BECAUSE I WAS BORING FOR CARING TOO MUCH ABOUT MY STUDIES) and roleplaying. I could certainly vouch, however, that none of us had the depth of gender discourse that the high-school teenagers of today had.
In fact, much of (Western) queer theory was developed in the 90s — smack when we were born! Aside from the sorely obvious fact that none of us would be capable yet of comprehending such information, it was discourse deemed a threat to the sacred and predominant power structure that was the Roman Catholic Church. Believe me when I say their eagle eyes came with sharp talons.
At that time as well, the internet was at most in the stage of testing the waters as a tool for information dissemination. Facebook/Meta as the social media website we knew it today did not happen until 2008, and that was just the public beta! I still remember my sixth-/seventh-grader batchmates making accounts (read: lying about their age), and most of us (yes, me included) did it so we could play Pet Society. I would argue that this was the moment when the internet began its exponential growth into the daily necessity it evolved into now.
My point here was that none of us — including the creators of all these "Maria Clara" ("Mary Sue") fem!Piri OCs — grew up under the same conditions as did many of you kids today. Chances are, a lot of us had since unpacked all the "problematic characterizations," much of which we only realized at a later point in our lives. It's great to see that some of you had a good grasp on why this and that was nasty, but trust me, just as we had a lot to learn when we were young, so did you youngins of today.
So let me be that person that you found annoying bumped into in the tags telling you that it’s not just perfectly okay to unpack everything you understood up to this very point about gender, but also you ought to because it's the good choice to avoid developing a mindset that echoes sexist lines of thinking. By all accounts, I would be treating sexism as an umbrella term to include misogyny, misandry, and transphobia.
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I was never a fan of hypersexual relationship dynamics between the Philippines and Spain, America, and/or Japan. In addition to the bare minimum of the fact that I simply had different perspectives, people were also free to build their own safe corners for their kinks, fetishes, NSFW delusions, whatever they want to call it. While on the topic of kinks, forced feminization was precisely that (a BL kink, if I understood correctly). Neither was I a fan of it, to be perfectly candid here.
What baffled me was how Piri as canonically female was automatically an act of forced feminization, an enactment of a (BL) kink. If that really was someone's thing, then okay cool. As long as you never clashed with my circus, I literally would not care about what went on in yours. By "not care," I meant to say that I had nothing to offer that would be of any benefit to your welfare (saying this because people ironically weaponized the phrase so carelessly).
Bluntly, I was taken aback by the implied belief that existing as a woman, AFAB or otherwise, automatically guaranteed that you were nothing more than an object of carnal pleasure to the opposite sex. I could see the rice grain of truth to the fandom's concerns because we still very much lived that reality up to this day of age. I hate it too!
We could accept an ugly reality and condemn it. If acceptance was acknowledging that there was a real, ongoing problem instead of continuing to pretend that it did not exist, then the condemnation of that problem was the outright declaration of why we must all act to put an end to the problem.
My primary concern was that the repetitive claims of female Piri as fetishistic seemed to imply not an underlying condemnation of the sexist conditions against Filipino women, but rather a tragically apathetic approval of it. As a Filipino woman myself, that scared me as much as having to live my daily commutes constantly on alert for any cishet men out to do whatever God/Allah/Buddha/Brahma/etc. had forbidden us to do to one another (funny how most of these higher beings were male).
On the other hand, I would quip that the fandom was a microcosm of the gap in women's history (herstory, if you would).
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I hoped you noted by now how I typed "AFAB or otherwise" earlier. This was where I spoke not just as a Filipino woman, but also as a queer Filipino woman.
I once had to see someone in the fandom respond to another explaining English-language pronouns as how "that's so Liberal American." We put them in our bios to prevent violent reactions the likes of what happened with Jennifer Laude. 🕯🏳️‍⚧️
Neither was I a fan of the strange implication that men, AMAB or otherwise, were perfectly immune to the negative implications of toxic masculinity and the patriarchy at large. They were not, and all the more if they fell within the queer umbrella.
Sex, consensual or not, knows no genitalia boundaries. In other words, your sex characteristics will not stop the possibility of sexual harassment by other people, regardless of their gender, assigned or not. If I were to go into further detail, I would have to explicitly discuss trigger topics.
The initial, (emotionally) violent reactions over the teased reveal of canon Philippines proved disappointing but not surprising. Jokes on y'all, the fem Piri OC y'all grew up with was just his dragsona all this time. Or heck, Piri was trans (FTM). I'd rather not say more, but what ended up pushing my buttons was the implication that men were only valid if they liked men things.
As a queer Filipina, I was dead scared of TERFS, and some of y'all would sound like one. 😭💔
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I hoped by now you understood how misogyny, misandry, and transphobia intersected. If the shoe happened to fit, let me also be the one to tell you: you don't have to keep it.
Go write down on a piece of paper everything you knew about girls vs. boys (how they should behave or not, what they should wear or not, whatever stereotypes you can think of). Then tear that paper into shreds. Or visualize in your head that gender is a balloon that you’ve simply let go to float away to the endless void beyond our skies (don’t actually do this in real life because those balloons would go somewhere, namely the stomachs of marine fauna).
Even if you picked up on the funny-because-it's-true adage that gender was a social construct, you should do whatever you could to unpack the centralization of the gender binary into how you lived your life and how you treated others. Even if this Hetalia bruhaha was all fiction at the end of the day, sometimes the diction utilized in explaining headcanons (not exclusive to gender identity, but far too often it toed that line) ended up implying that certain beliefs and mindsets were not just the status quo, but also a status quo not to be challenged.
I hated that. All the more as a queer Filipina myself, which not only shaped my life experience in this beautiful and damned archipelago but also in how I portrayed Piri.
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Well, you better, because I would rather you not proceed with reading the rest of this post until you did!
The good news was that we were coming up to the headcanon talk itself. Coming up because I felt that I would have to explain first the intricacies of SOGIESC in the Philippines before I could explain where I headcanon Piri to fit.
As I also shared way back up, it entailed shelving all Western notions in the meantime. In the hopes that I would make this easier to digest, we would follow a bottom-up approach of sorts.
Let's start with the all-too-familiar male/female (assigned) gender dichotomy. In Tagalog (and I would be primarily referencing Tagalog because it's my mother tongue): lalaki/babae.
Some of you might already be acquainted with the third gender bakla. A popular theory was that bakla was a compound word of the Tagalog terms babae and lalaki. Other local equivalents included bayot (Cebuano), agi (Akeanon, Hiligaynon), and bantut (Tausug).
In line with the Sikolohiyang Pilipino concept of the loob/labas dichotomy ("inner/outer behavior," colloquially speaking), the loob of the bakla was female while his labas was male.
Btw, the "o" sound in loob is like in "bob. You don't read loob like "boob."
A theory posited was that the bakla was, borrowing Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's trope, the inverse of the lalaki. Was there an inverse for babae? Yes: tomboy. Acknowledging any unwitting ignorance, tomboy would be translated from Tagalog to tibo.
And so we have the four horsemen of the apocalpyse genders: lalaki/babae/bakla/tibo. Was this hierarchically arranged? At least a couple of scholars whose studies I read would argue so.
For headcanon purposes, our focus would be on the lalaki/bakla "binary."
SC: If my drawing him male-assigned tattoos and enough muscle to make him very masc-passing was not enough of a visual explanation, then yes, Piri was AMAB. May panlalaki na katawan siya, ngunit ano naman ang kasarian niya?
A bakla was, by all technicalities, an AMAB individual who exhibited effeminate behavior. I would argue that it was dissimilar from:
Genderfluid. Bakla was in itself a singular, unchanging identity.
Nonbinary. Bakla as an inversion was not as straightforward as equating it to being at least an extension of, if not completely separate from, the gender binary.
Bigender. A Tagalog equivalent for loob was kaluluwa ("soul;" sometimes translated as "psyche" but kaluluwa had a psychospiritual dimension). To translate bakla to a Western audience as being two "loobs" was self-contradictory.
Transgender. In a Philippine context, sexual orientation, or the object of sexual desire, was defined by the labas and not the loob. Arbitrarily speaking, a couple consisting of a trans woman and a cis man would be perceived as an (outwardly) heterosexual relationship, but if it were a bakla and a cis man, the relationship was homosexual. (A case study of an agi made explicit use of "transgendering" as a descriptive term, but this could also imply an additional linguistic difference.)
If it meant something, that last bit was acknowledged to be problematic in a study on Pinoy bisexuals. Bisexuals came in because, despite being a sexual orientation by Western definition, it had a place in the lalaki/bakla dichotomy. Even the latter contained its own masculine/feminine spectrum, such that the arrangement would be lalaki - bisexual - bakla / gay.
Yes, bakla and gay were interchangeable around these waters. Even if bakla were not necessarily exclusively homosexual AMABs, there were often stereotyped as such because of the sociocultural understanding of effeminacy.
A separate study published in 1995 revealed that an individual's sexual activity was not a direct reflection of their sexual orientation. Sexual relations between two bakla were viewed with contempt because they were, apparently, akin to a lesbian relationship. The penetrated one *coughs* the bottom was understood to be the feminine role in MSM (men having sex with men) relations. While not stated anywhere in the paper, it could be inferred that at least some participants acknowledged sex work as nothing more than work.
In that same study, many of the bakla participants expressed a preference for "straight" men; "hypermasculine" might be more apt by today's sensibilities. Hence, the bakla, as a female loob looking for a male loob partner, was understood to be gay (I would like to add that I had yet to encounter studies of "T4T" relationships between a bakla and a tibo).
Meanwhile, bisexual AMABs were typically stereotyped to fit the hypermasculine mold. There was also, unfortunately, the common (mis)conception that bisexual AMABs were just closeted gays; that was to say, bisexuality was a myth (yikes indeed). In the aforementioned study on Pinoy bisexuals — inferred via data extracted from user profiles on a certain dating site — there was a clear ostracization of the bakla as a (sexual) partner through the use of community lingo to express hiding all traces of effeminate behavior as a “requirement in a (sexual) partner.”
Put another way, these bisexuals expressed sexual interest only for more masc-passing AMABs. The choice of taking up the bisexual label, despite the lack of express sexual attraction for AFABs (within the study's sample size at least), was a tragic case of internalized homophobia and effeminophobia. Nonetheless, the author made it clear that the study aimed to set the initiative in challenging these problematic notions.
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Pardon the information overload! I hoped it would explain how I depicted Piri's struggle with his identity (In more ways than one? Absolutely.):
GIE: Aside from showing off art proof, if you asked me, I could see the token bakla mannerisms in some of the manga panels and sketches.
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If audiovisual examples were of further help, let me share a few personal favorites: 01 (FB) || 02 (FB) || 03 (TWT).
Still, I wouldn't describe Piri as a "true-blue" effeminate bakla 24/7, although that part of him definitely "came out" more when he was in the company of people he trusted. ;) More specifically, he was a bakla capable of being discreet — a slang term for hiding your effeminacy. Alas, not even Amang Bayan was immune to social pressures — all the more when they literally shaped him.
As to the question of pronouns, I typically used he/him for Piri. Pronouns in the Philippine languages were gender-neutral — though I might be wrong in being ignorant of noteworthy exceptions!
By the time the Western language discourse reached his shores, Piri would shrug and admit that any pronouns would work just fine, but not without unconsciously re-enacting this meme first.
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SO: In all honesty, Piri definitely had a strong preference for masc-leaning AMAB sex partners. Truth be told, he was gay (homosexual). He had his handful of girl crushes, but he would rather be the woman than do the woman. Still, he had his moments of "maybe I do like girls as well," so to play it safe, he would tell other people that he was bisexual. And if we were really going there, very well. Vers bottom.
When I also wrote up the talents & hobbies headcanon post, the vast majority of it had nothing to do with Piri's sex or gender. People were and should be allowed to enjoy things for the sake of it, and not because boys and girls are supposed to do this and that.
Something I really would like to depict in the precolonial arc: Indo was a major inspiration for Piri to explore his femininity — the product of brainrot that burst forth from encountering similar Indonesian gender identities. Yes, I drew Indo with a relatively more masculine body type than Piri, but let me tell you all that Piri upped his makeup game BECAUSE OF ABANG INDO. ✨ SLAY! ✨
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In defense of the conflation of bakla and gay, bacla was an Old Tagalog word for "confusion," "uncertainty," and "indecisiveness." Confusion was apt to describe the early colonial ethnographies of local shamans, written by the Spaniards that clutched on their evangelizing pearls in trying to make sense of the sexual activities of the natives on which they kept their tunnel vision. The established fact of their biased writings did little to prevent the retrospective interpretation that precolonial Philippines was an egalitarian society in gender discourse alone. Nevertheless, no meaningful PH queer studies would be achieved if the postcolonial and neocolonial power structures that introduced and/or sustained the gender binary as the status quo were never taken into account.
Despite the neocolonialist roots of national identity formation, anti-heteronormativity was an undeniable force of “anticolonial ‘national liberation’” that heeded the Fanonian thinking of “the nation [being] as much located in the past of a people struggling to bring itself into and keep itself in existence as it is in their present and, certainly, their future.” There was an "interesting overlap between postcolonial and anti-heteronormative discourses" in applying Judith Butler's theory of gender identity as performativity to national identity as well, to which Sedgwick proposed a habitation/nation system as the matrix within which national identities were negotiated. Coupled with Benedict Anderson's comment on treating nationalism "as if it belonged with 'kinship' and 'religion,'" it matched well with the inherently psychospiritual loob that constituted gender identity — and therefore national identity. To quote J. Neil C. Garcia, "we might say that being a Filipino is not what one is, but what one does."
While Sedgwick specialized in literary criticism, her theory’s cross-cutting into a sociological analysis conformed to the etymology (at far as Sedgwick was aware of it) of queer as transverse. I wish I could go further down the interdisciplinary inquiry, but I deadass semi-abandoned my academic obligations just to get this out into the online wild. In light of certain Twitter disk horse, a separate deep dive into the nuances of concepts adjacent to Pilipinohiya, Sikolohiyang Pilipino among them, was now in the cards.
Truth be told, this headcanon happened at all because — hopefully! — it would explain big time why I drew/wrote Piri the way I did (read: I'm obsessed with the conformity and subversion of roles). That and a sense of "indecisiveness" honestly defined numerous moments throughout Piri's history…
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Some Annotations
Because I do not want randos squaring up on me as if I uncritically subscribe to everything I read:
The most recent publication in the list of sources below was an anthology of studies published within a decade of assembling the book itself. It was intended to be an introduction to PH queer studies. Any later nuances developed since their initial, individual publication should be expected. Most existing PH queer studies were done by native Tagalog speakers, who therefore relied on the Tagalog-centric "Filipinizing" framework. The cited studies below on the bayot and the bantut — Visayas and Mindanao — were by white Americans educated in America. As of this post going up, Hart's study was published 55 years ago, while Johnson's was 28 years ago. Hart did not indicate if the quoted testimonies were his translations or if his interviewees had indeed spoken in English. Just as Butlerian performativity borrowed from earlier gender/sexuality studies built on biological anthropology ( a very...Western thing!!), so did Hart's emphasis on the testimonies that validated a hereditary basis to the bayot identity. Nonetheless, he concluded his study for further research to corroborate (or not) these statements.
Alcedo, Patrick. "Sacred Camp: Transgendering Faith in a Philippine Festival." In More Tomboy, More Bakla Than We Admit: Insights Into Sexual and Gender Diversity in Philippine Culture, History, and Politics, edited by Mark Blasius and Richard T. Chu, 303-337. Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Foundation, Inc., 2021. Baytan, Ronald. "Crazy Planets: Notes on Filipino 'Bisexuals'" In More Tomboy, More Bakla Than We Admit: Insights Into Sexual and Gender Diversity in Philippine Culture, History, and Politics, edited by Mark Blasius and Richard T. Chu, 211-247. Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Foundation, Inc., 2021. Garcia, J. Neil. “Performativity, the bakla and the orientalizing gaze.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 1, no. 2 (2000): 265–81. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649370050141140. —. "Knowledge, Sexuality, and the Nation-State." In Performing the Self: Occasional Prose, 3-15. Quezon City, Philippines: The University of the Philippines Press, 2003. —. “Philippine Gay Culture: An Update and a Postcolonial Autocritique.” In More Tomboy, More Bakla Than We Admit: Insights Into Sexual and Gender Diversity in Philippine Culture, History, and Politics, edited by Mark Blasius and Richard T. Chu, 53-91. Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Foundation, Inc., 2021. Hart, Donn V. “Homosexuality and Transvestism in the Philippines: The Cebuan Filipino Bayot and Lakin-On.” Behavior Science Notes 3, no. 4 (November 1968): 211–48. https://doi.org/10.1177/106939716800300401. Johnson, Mark. “Transgender Men and Homosexuality in the Southern Philippines: Ethnicity, Political Violence and the Protocols of Engendered Sexualities amongst the Muslim Tausug and Sama.” South East Asia Research 3, no. 1 (1995): 46–66. https://doi.org/10.1177/0967828x9500300104. Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. "Nationalisms and Sexualities: As Opposed to What?" In Tendencies, 143-153. London: Routledge, 1994. Tan, Michael J. "From Bakla to Gay: Shifting Gender Identities and Sexual Behaviors in the Philippines." In More Tomboy, More Bakla Than We Admit: Insights Into Sexual and Gender Diversity in Philippine Culture, History, and Politics, edited by Mark Blasius and Richard T. Chu, 195-209. Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Foundation, Inc., 2021.
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saelterlude · 2 years
you know i kinda like that the fandom make hawks chirps/make bird sounds. i dont mind the headcanon that he eat raw meat.
but i really hate when he have talons. especially when its accompanied by "he hides them in his boots/gloves to look more human but he should discard those and let them free. he shouldnt hide his feet talons bcs it would help him perch" and i hate that.
one. the feet talons helping him perch make sense UNTIL you realize he have human knees. human. knees. that doesnt bend backwards like birds does. and hes known to go fast so you know he have a lot of momentum. and since his knees doesnt bend like birds do they wont absord the shock of perching and break. like honestly if he does have talon feet he should remove it to prevent breaking his legs. struggling to stop bcs he have human feet is better than letting his absorb shock on his knees and constantly breaking them.
two. if he does have talon hands then yes. keep them hidden. wtf. hes a hero, theyre meant to save not to attack. yes that saving also sometimes includes attacking villains but he already have other sharp things like his feather and recently his katanas. those talons could hurt civilians hes trying to carry or something. hell kirishima, a first year hero student, added sleeves to his costume bcs he realize his hardening can harm civilians. if kirishima does that then why would hawks, the pro hero, doesnt??
so yea i hate hawks with talons
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mxcreed · 4 years
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     // so glad i already have icons i’m happy with and don’t need to redo a 5th time. anyways, rules are up, about page just needs to be finished, and i’ll have mccree done by the end of the month
     tag dump for now!
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timeturner-jay · 2 years
Meta Knight and Galaxia: An Observation (and maybe a theory)
Earlier today, I was watching a playthrough of Kirby's Return to Dreamland, and as the group was fighting Magolor Soul EX, I noticed something peculiar: 
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In his EX form, he uses Galaxia. Huh! I never knew about that! It's gotten my theory brain going a little, I'll admit. How did he get that? Why is there more than one of it to begin with?
If the Master Crown can summon Galaxia, is there some kind of connection between the two relics?
Well. Let's see.
Before the games officially started using the name "Galaxia" (a name that first appeared in the Kirby anime) for the legendary blade, the fan community had a different name for it: the Master Sword. What looks like a tongue-in-cheek reference to Legend of Zelda at first glance actually has some canon basis - in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Meta Knight entrusts his sacred sword to Kirby for the final battle. The copy ability Kirby receives thereupon is simply called the "Master ability"; so the sword he got it from must consequently be called the Master Sword, right?
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(Granted, the sword's design has changed quite a bit since then, but it's presumably still the same weapon that is known as Galaxia nowadays. The in-game spritework also has that golden energy dance around the blade in ways that strongly resemble Galaxia's familiar prongs.)
So if Galaxia is the Master Sword, and the relic known as the Master Crown can summon alternate versions of it... Perhaps these two artifacts aren't so dissimilar. 👀 I wonder if a similar power to Crowned Magolor could be unleashed through it, if Meta Knight wanted to. Why doesn't he, then?
I've got a few thoughts about that, as well.
As you know, the Master Crown had a guardian, one who was protecting it fiercely without ever tapping into its true power - the dragon Landia.
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Perhaps Meta Knight's role is a similar one. Not just a wielder of the Master Sword Galaxia, but its guardian. Someone who can be trusted with such immense power. He does share one more similarity with Landia, after all...
I've compared Meta Knight's and Dragon Fire Kirby's wings in the past, delighted by the similarities, and pointed out that Meta Knight's wings seem a lot more draconic than bat-like to me, what with the talons and all... So perhaps, in a roundabout way, he too could be likened to a dragon protecting its hoard, just like Landia.
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Perhaps relic guardians (if indeed there is an official role like that) were selected specifically for their draconic qualities - after all, in many cultures, dragons are thought of as wise and long-lived protectors. Who better to entrust a relic with god-like powers to for safekeeping?
There's also the fact that Meta Knight seems so utterly unsurprised by anything happening in the RtD finale, outside of perhaps Magolor's betrayal itself - where everyone else is acting surprised and confused, he just takes it all in stride, like he knows what's going on and what to do about it. Like none of this is new to him. He even uses Galaxia to deflect some of Crowned!Magolor's attacks - how did he know that he'd be able to do that, unless he was a lot more familiar with this type of relic than he lets on?
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I just have a lot of thoughts about Meta Knight's role in the Kirby series. I doubt HAL will ever actually confirm anything, because being "a mysterious Knight" is kind of just his Thing now, but if you look into things just a little bit, there are a lot of vague implications that hang around him.
Maybe none of this means anything, and it's all just conjecture. But it's fun to think about, in any case. It could make for some interesting headcanons, if nothing else.
(There's also the fact that Void Termina summons the Master Crown for one of its attacks, so what does that mean for the Master Sword? And Meta Knight's own implied relationship with Void? The rabbit hole just keeps going and going!)
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dickgraysonweek · 4 years
Dick Grayson Anniversary Week ‘21 Prompt Announcement
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From April 6th to 12th
... we will be celebrating 81 years of Dick Grayson!
(You can find out here, why we chose the month of April.)
DICK GRAYSON ANNIVERSARY WEEK 2021 April 6th: A Celebration of 81 Years April 7th: Ric Fix-It | “You will always be my Robin.” | Batman!Dick April 8th: Talon!Dick | Identity Porn | Dick Breaks Free of the Batfam April 9th: Bruce Hits Dick & Doesn’t Get Away with It | Time Travel | Titans April 10th: Dick’s Harem of Older Men | Trauma Recovery | Family April 11th: Universal Constant | Hurt/Comfort | (Good) Dad!Dick April 12th: Adopted/Raised by a Villain AU | Robin | Sharing the same Bed
What is the “A Celebration of 81 Years” Prompt? It’s the free prompt of the week. Simultaneously, it encourages the creation of fannish works that aren’t usually part of weeks, such as meta about your favorite canon moments, headcanons, graphics, quotes and so on and so forth.
With that said, we hope you enjoy creating your works over the next 3 months!
If you’re in need of further information, rules and about might be able to help. If you can’t find your answers there, feel free to send us an ask. 💙
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quiisquiliae · 5 months
Now that SOMEONE has me thinking about this, Talon is an absolute MENACE with his invisibility and will use it while playing hide and seek. Now, how you counter this is by hanging cornering him and hanging out long enough for him to no longer be able to stay in stealth.
That said, good luck, and he will also use his invisibility to just drop on people and scare the living shit outta them.
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deepsixfanfic · 3 years
Dark querida vc pretende terminar os headcanons??? Pq ainda tá faltando Miles, Hope, Mike, Logan, Shi e uma tal de Emma. Alem disso eu não vi na lista os nomes do Wolf e outros vilões como o cara egípcio inimigo da Natasha que eu esqueci o nome kskksksk o meta humano que foi recrutado na prisão, o filho do Ares e o esquisitão que controla mentes com um cano que sai pela mão (até hj acho aquele cara muito esquisito) Sem falar que o Crane até tem o headcanon mas não tem as curiosidade kskssks
Hey!! Sim, eu pretendo terminar os headcanons, que venho negligenciando há séculos. Os do pessoal da LJS vou tentar fazer logo, da Emma que é o Talon que matou o Damian eu faria mais pra mostrar a vida que ela teve antes de virar um membro da Corte das Corujas. Outros vilões que não estão na lista vão ser secundários demais e nem devem aparecer no futuro, então não vão receber headcanons por hora. 
Quando o Jeffrey, eu esperei anos - sem brincadeira - pra postar os headcanons dele porque só poderia ser postado depois do capítulo que postei ontem. Os headcanons dele contém relatos de uma infância perturbadora que moldaram a pessoa que ele é, ou revelou ser no último capítulo. Recomendo cautela ao ler, pode ser um pouco bizarro pra algumas pessoas, mas ajuda a entender o motivo pra ele ter acabado tão ferrado mentalmente. 
~ Kisses, Gothic Princess
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crushpdf · 3 years
Ronan Lynch and Joey K for the character asks
First impression: mmm i see you edgy punk bad boy. sirius-black-renegade-rich-boy motherfucker. i see you.
Impression now:  talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before. seriously, though, he’s one of my favorite characters in any fiction i’ve consumed.
Favorite moment: oh lord. there are a million and one moments, so i’ll choose something that lights a fire in me every time. 
“It's only you," whispered Orphan Girl. She was holding his hand crouched down next to him. "Why do you hate you?" Ronan thought about it. The albino night horror swept in, talons opening. Ronan stood up, stretching out his arm like he would to Chainsaw. "I don't," he said. And he woke up.
Idea for a story: I think once I have more free time I’m going to write some stuff with Ronan in the midst of the dream pack, and that whole side of him. because surprisingly, we don’t really see that much of his criminal history. but it’s there.
Unpopular opinion: i don’t hate niall as much as other people do. i think entering the story through ronan’s pain made it so that i will always sympathize with him in that respect. and i dont want him to grow to hate his father as much as declan does.
Favorite relationship: RONSEY. But also, I love the Ronan+Declan relationship if we’re talking non-romantic.
Favorite headcanon: gansey was the one to shave his head, ronan crying in the dark, hair spilling onto monmouth’s floor 😔 also they’ve kissed
First impression: typical meathead jock (seriously, the way i pictured him was SO different than the way the fandom draws him). also, until i later thought about it more, i was CONVINCED. from like the VERY first line that he and ronan had been secretly hooking up. like i read the whole book with that in mind 😂
Impression now: complex, tragic character who was intrinsic to the plot of the subsequent 2+3 books happening, i want to analyze him under a microscope
Favorite moment: on a meta-level, i love that one-sentence chapter that’s just: something about the car and ronan blowing dick iii. I also love all his names for gansey. I think that final conversation they have (is it the final one?) is beautiful and desperate, with kavinsky kind of being like “well maybe you just dont like me because you dont like boys?” and then realizing no. ronan actually just doesnt like him. it’s one of his more humane moments.
Idea for a story: i’ve been reading so much dream pack fic and i just. there’s SO much potential with his dreaming and all the fun sexy shenanigans that can happen. i would love to explore kavinsky’s dreams.
Unpopular opinion: i mean the unpopular opinion is that i like him, right? 😂 also, though, as much as i love him and want more of him, i think it narratively felt justified that he died in the way he did.
Favorite relationship: i actually like the (completely fucked-up) relationship between him and proko more than his with ronan. oooh now i also want to explore his dynamic with declan.
Favorite headcanon: his pack of dogs are all in a big gay polycule
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sulietsexual · 4 years
Do you think you can give us some headcanons and meta on of Clark and Lex going from lovers to enemies rather than the friends to enemies we got in the show and how that would have play out with all the angst and heartbreak? I so want to know your take on it since you mentioned it a long time ago.
I imagine it would play out similarly but with greater emotion.
I can’t see Lionel being okay with his son being with another man, so I imagine Lex would be disowned by him. This would cause Lex to try to get back in good with his father, eventually treading the Dark Side to do so. This would also give him a reason to resent Clark down the track and talk about how he “gave up everything” for their love.
Jonathan Kent would be fine with Clark being gay/bi but would initially hate that Lex was Clark’s boyfriend. He would definitely be an obstacle to overcome for Clark, and Clark and Lex would get closer over their clashes with their fathers over their love.
Lex would make the first move; Clark is shy. Their first kiss would be in the barn, after Lex had delivered a big poetic speech about fate and destiny. Clark would be surprised, but swept away.
Lex would be frustrated with Clark’s secrecy. He would confide in Lana, who would in turn try to convince Clark to open up to Lex. Clark would want to be honest but unable to bring himself to. Eventually, he would realise that Lex also had secrets, possibly more sinister than his own.
They would both try to cling to the relationship as the years went on but their secrets would come between them. Clark would start to glimpse the darkness in Lex and it would scare him. He would try to see the good, try to revisit old places, old emotions. He would take Lex horseback riding and have them lie together in the grass near the river, try to get Lex to realise he doesn’t need power or glory, he only needs Clark’s love and the love of Clark’s family, who would eventually accept Lex.
But it would be too late, and Lex would slip further and further away from Clark. Clark’s heart would start to slowly break, as he sees Lex pulling away from him. He would try to deny the darkness that’s overtaking his lover but eventually would be forced to face the ugly truth.
The eventual confrontation would be brutal and heartbreaking. Both sides would accuse the other of secret keeping. All the good times would be forgotten in the pain and betrayal. They would forget the hours on the farm, the kisses in the Mansion, the casual dates at the Talon, the first time in barn. All that would be left would be rage and pain and the terrible, deep sense of betrayal.
In their final fight, Lex would be the one to walk away. Clark would call after him, begging him to turn back, but Lex would be too far gone, too lost in darkness for Clark’s words to reach him. Clark would feel helpless, lost and alone. He would carry the guilt of not being able to save Lex with him forever.
A love story between Clark and Lex would always end in tragedy, but when it was good, it was so good. It was loving and playful and deep and real. It would alter both men for the rest of their lives and they would never lose the regret over how it inevitably ended.
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huckleberrytm-a2 · 4 years
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𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐂𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐄: 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
a pretty important meta to my portrayal.
so if you haven’t figured it out already, my portrayal of jesse is pretty much just a mash of western tropes and popular western media, so i’m gonna talk about those things at length here. also a lot of general headcanon housekeeping/accumulating important things to know. buckle up.
the individual vs. the community.   jesse consistently flip flops between being a loner and being a part of the community he’s presented with at that given time. he constantly drifts between those lines, and it’s mostly by his own design. this is the most apparent with blackwatch and post recall overwatch respectively. it isn’t that he doesn’t want to truly be part of a community, because he does, but he doesn’t know how. he is a killer, a thief, and overall isn’t a very stellar person. he doesn’t know how to be normal, he hardly even feels like a human most of the time. he doesn’t know how to adapt to normalcy or pretend to be something that he isn’t, but he does care and tries to act in the best interest of the people trying to accept him. it isn’t for lack of trying on their part; it’s jesse. he presents the illusion that he is part of the group when he knows completely that he isn’t, and never will be, and then takes back off on his own once the trouble is over. more often than not, he won’t even introduce himself completely to people as a means of keeping a layer in between them; he rarely introduces himself as anything other than MCCREE. he will not let himself forget what he is, as much as the longing for community tempts him - know that it is very hard to keep him around unless he has a very specific reason. a man has to be what he is.
you can’t be a bad person and expect good things to happen to you.   so this is an arthur morgan quote, if you didn’t know. i take from red dead here and there in terms of characterization. jesse lives by this quote in particular almost to a t and fully believes that  1) he is not a good person, as characterized by his rough past and that there is no redemption for that, and  2) that his lack of goodness has contributed to the bad things that have happened to him. the loss of his arm and his eye, though devastating to him, also seemed fair to him. blackwatch falling apart seemed fair to him. losing everyone he’s ever cared for seems fair to him, even though it realistically isn’t. it’s going to take more than your muse chanting YOU’RE NOT BAD JESSE!!! at him for him to get that. this is deeply ingrained in his sense of self and it’s going to take a lot of careful, thoughtful work to undo that.
he lives by his own code.   jesse is a vigilante bounty hunter; he punishes people in need of punishing the way that he sees fit which, more often than not, is death. his main source of income is hunting down rapists, pedophiles, murderers  ( ironic? )  and other violent criminals. he doesn’t care for the justice system. he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. he does what he believes will protect people best; they can’t re-offend if they’re dead. even if submission means there will be less people at risk, that’s what he’ll do. take the train hopper comic, where he straight up gives talon what they want so as not to endanger any more civilians. his stance on this is unmoving, and he will get nasty if you try to argue it with him. this is probably the one thing he doesn’t retain SOME kind of open-mindedness for.
jesse does not exemplify the ‘idiot southerner’ trope and if you insinuate that he does on this blog, i will smite you.   jesse isn’t stupid. he was smart enough to co-run a highly successful gang as a TEENAGER and then was accepted into a covert ops unit, aka blackwatch. he hunts people that professionals often CAN’T FIND for a living, and he does it well. you have to be pretty damn smart to handle all that and the fanon interpretation that jesse is an idiot is a huge pet peeve of mine. he does have moments of cluelessness in some social and slice-of-life situations just because he doesn’t hang around people very much, but he’s incredibly smart. he often feigns stupidity and flirtiness to get people to underestimate him or think little of him, but it’s just that: an act. he’s not dumb, nor does he want to fuck everyone he meets, nor is he a ‘fake cowboy’ who doesn’t know what a horse is. please respect this because it drives me absolutely bonkers when people follow me expecting any of those things in my portrayal.
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Commentary- Day 17: Favorite Game
This one was extremely fun! I got to go very meta here and I felt like, the fact that my favorite game of the series isn't a particular cut-and-dry deal helped justify why this vignette is just an "all of them" kind of deal.
Honestly, I feel like the different PMDs all excel in different ways:
-Rescue Team: Admittedly mostly nostalgia for me but I do appreciate things like the unique "rival" of Gengar or how the Personality Quiz music is a leitmotif with several tracks building off it
-Explorers: Very meaty game, lots to do
-Gates: Great music and characters, I'm also the weirdo who really thought the graphics & visuals here were very cool!
-Super: Outstanding gameplay and also lore/headcanon seeds for miles
-Rescue Team DX: Also good gameplay & very wonderful art style~
So with my "answering the implicit question of the Day's prompt" out of the way, some commentary on the vignette itself.
A very fun aspect of my headcanon PMDverse is how following the events of Super, my Teams all find out about each other, and subsequently stay in touch. Thus allowing for scenes like this! I actually let myself ignore the 3-page limit I normally use for this, as a treat for myself. (Though also because dealing with 10 characters meant so many paragraph breaks which ate up space).
The two sentences that describe the game cards (a DS one and 3DS one, as a tile and then thick paper, respectively) were with the help of my spouse and a friend, so wanted to give credit there!
Another thing I did in my PMDverse is that yeah, there is both an Explorers of Darkness team and an Explorers of Sky team, thanks to some time weirdness of course. And with that, I'd over the years developed more of how the two differ. One of which is essentially my metacommentary on how much more popular Explorers of Sky is compared to the other PMD games (its predecessors Time & Darkness included!). Team Talon is essentially the most "celebrity" of my PMD Teams, largely thanks to the differences I'd introduced between Snake (Darkness partner) and Samuel (Sky partner).
Where Snake's drift brings him over to being a nervous mess, Samuel's drift brings him over to embodying enthusiasm for the subject of exploring. Thus whereas Snake tends to hide away from attention, Samuel actively courts it and, being on the second team to save time, plans new things constantly (such as the Sky Peak expedition) to help set Team Talon apart from just being a repeat of Team Crimson's accomplishments. In a sort of way, this is also how he shows respect for Team Crimson, believing going all in on Talon having their own identity will keep Team Crimson's accomplishments as their own, since Talon can be remembered for their newer, different things.
Long-winded way for me to say "Samuel's popularity pride gets validated upon hearing that Sky is the most popular PMD in the human world", lol.
I also love how Razr doubling as Explorers!Grovyle and RT partner means he is technically the most popular character, but unlike Samuel, he's just more of a dork and doesn't exactly know what to make of it all.
I also love how Andrea immediately clues in that Gates's gameplay issues bring it down despite Dork saying she loves it. They waste no time being bothered by this meaning yet more "why" things Dork tells them about the human world. I feel like it just makes sense that the Gates partner would be the most critical/speaks mind out of the partners since, they went ahead and started their own town to try to make a place good for them and other pokémon to live. I feel they have a "you don't have to put up with garbage things, you know" approach to life.
Plus it was satsifying to have them say Nintendo could eat a rock, ha ha.
Going to the Illustration for a second, an aspect I realized could work pretty well was giving all of them the same eye color since, if they're all supposed to be me anyway, having them all with matching brown eyes seemed a good choice. (My eyes IRL actually have been becoming increasingly more hazel over the years, but trying hazel in this picture didn't really work out palette-wise. I do know that I do specifically use hazel for "Role", though, since that design being a custom hybrid allowed me to choose colors that would work with hazel.)
Next subject is the reveal of Madoka's age here. So part of my headcanon, with the humans all being me technically, part of that is that each incarnation entered the Pokémon World at the age I was when I first played the game (for RT, EoD, Gates, Super, and RTDX, these were all at launch). This of course means that Madoka would've been 23 during the events of Super.
And that brings me to a very weird element of Super, in which the fact that the story has a long school segment and even after still has the "being underestimated" theme, means the writing is clearly going for "the characters are kids". But then, seemingly because with how each game of the series generally does around the same 1.5 million sales mark since Explorers of Sky, means most of the audience that sticks around consistenly for these games is likely mostly PMD hardcores, which by Super's release year means, adults.
It's my best guess as to why Super has some dialogue near the beginning of the game "Do I look like a child or something to the Pokémon in this world...?" to suggest that you/the-character-you're-playing-as is not a kid, but to make the story they wanted to tell work, you're being mistaken for one.
In what I would guess was a decision to make the whole thing less weird, the PSMD partner is ultimately revealed to be Mew, consequently, are eons old, and thus also in the same boat as you, not a kid but thought to be one because they really wanted to tell this story, audience be damned. (This is all conjecture, by the way. To my knowledge, there are no interviews with Spike Chunsoft staff regarding PSMD and even if there were I doubt this would come up)
In any case, Madoka's pissed to learn this which I felt resonates with my frustration/anger over the bad habit lots of people have of infantilizing autistic people. (though also its coin flip-side of a no-help sink-or-swim approach people have also subjected me to)
Final subject is just even right from the start I wanted it to end on a gag about the 3DS having no GBA slot since the game I had was Red Rescue Team instead of Blue. It seemed in character for me, and thus Dork, to completely forget that my 3DS and DS, which are both blue, would be required to play the games she brought to the pokémon world, lol.
Also some artistic license because I didn't get Explorers of Sky at launch, but rather a used cart from a closing Blockbuster that didn't come with a case (it was just in a loose blank DVD case lmfao). Thus, I don't actually have a case for Explorers of Sky like Dork does in this story. (I also left my Red Rescue Team box behind when I moved out of family house so also technically that is another artistic license, ha ha)
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Dumb ramblings about the lads below.
Tbh the thing that really draws me to Billy, is how he and Talon (who's my first rp character, the first one I began writing on here, and arguably my firstborn) are so similar. Both of them have an extensive history of abuse, both of them have some super shitty morals, both of them can and will kill someone without a second thought.
While Talon got out by running away as a teen and became homeless, Billy was taken and placed in foster care where the abuse only continued in varying forms. Both boys have PTSD as a result of their childhoods, and aside from that, this sort of childhood really affected how they interact with others. Neither are able to trust people easily, and are slow to form any sort of meaningful relationships with others.
I think the biggest difference between them, is their age and how that affects them. Talon is 19-21 depending on the verse he's in, and Billy I think is early 30's? Billy's gone through an additional 10 years of SHIT that Talon just hasn't.
Billy is stuck in his ways. His trust has been abused over and over again, first with his mother and her "boyfriends", then with the people who watched him in foster care, and then his time in the military and with Rawlins. Every single time he so much as considers trusting someone or something, he gets screwed over. After 30+ years of that, you hit the point where you refuse to change, you refuse to let people in, and you are convinced that if you don't strike first, they will and you're fucked.
Talon on the other hand, is significantly younger. Yes, he's been abused by his father, yes he's been living on the streets for the last however many years (between 5 and 10, again, depends on verse) but he's just recently become an adult. While he's seen more and experienced more than most will by the time they die, his brain is still forming and developing. While it's too late for him to get through life without any serious issues, it's not too late for someone (or multiple someones!) to show him and convince him that hey. It's ok to trust people. Not everyone is out to get you. Yes, it would be slow, hard work, but it would be doable and Talon would be receptive to their efforts eventually.
That said, if he doesn't get that, I can 100% see him turning into someone very similar to Billy when he reaches that age. But that split is crucial, and imo, incredibly fascinating to me to investigate.
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docmanda · 3 years
3 for the fun meta asks, please?
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
ahaha oh dear...well I guess out comes the weird ^^” For some inexplicable and completely non-sensical and canon-not-even-remotely-compliant reason I always had a thing for Reinhardt/Reaper from Overwatch?? Do not ask me why there´s no reason or interactions or anything else for this I just, love the idea of big!manpuppy Rein and dark!Edgelord Gabriel together ^^” I have been coming up with very elaborate headcanons and AU´s how they could end up together (my main fave being Rein actually joining Reaper/Talon after he get´s kicked out of Overwatch, I also always liked the idea of Pharah/Fareeha being Rein´s and Ana´s daughter [which she canonically is not] and getting killed for some fishy reasons which is why Rein joins Talon to find out who´s responsible for this. There were also things were Rein gets nabbed by Bad People ™ after he gets kicked out and gets experimented/tortured on and accidentially saved by Talon/Gabe for some more weird powers vibes, Rein has some pretty cool armors that you could incorporate in this I always liked the idea of him having some kind of fire based power, maybe add a dash of amnesia with some Gabe just using him at first but getting slowly whittled down cause even though Rein can´t even remember his name he remembers Gabriel as a FRiend™ and clings to him...yeah...I have thought this out^^”)
But yeah...if I would write this, to make any kind of sense it would a) require me to not just tweak, but more or less rewrite canon which would be a HUGE ass undertaking cause I need things to make sense and be logical, even if just for my own brain and b) would probably be a long-ass multichapter thing that I need to have an actual plot for and considering c) the fact that this ship has probably exactly one (1) person aka ME shipping it it´s just...idk. More fun in my brain than actually trying to write it^^
So it will probably just me, on my half deflated floatie occasionally revisting this in my brain ^^
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