#thank u jane this was so much fun!!!!
remlionheart · 3 months
Can you do a Chuuya x fem reader where her bra can be shown from her white shirt?
pov: you request a simple spicy lil fic from me, but my manic brain is physically incapable of not giving it an entire backstory and plot and making it at least 4k+ words (thank you so much for this idea tho, it was super fun to write! ღ)
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* ˚ ✦ MDNI ✦˚ *
Sex, Money, Feelings, Die
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ My first attempt at Chuuya smut (and goddamn, do I love that angry lil man ★~(◡‿◡✿). New to the city, you're coerced into working for the PM after a drunken night out. Scared and now in the heart of one of Japan's most notorious criminal organization's headquarters, you decide to reclaim some of your power by ~*teasing the absolute fuck out of Chuuya Nakahara~*. 4.8k words. Porn with a plot. I can't even lie, this shit had me giggling and kicking my feet while writing, lemme know whatcha think. luv u ღ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
When you'd first moved to Yokohama 2 months ago, you had promised your parents that you'd be safe. That you'd find yourself a decent office job to afford you a lofty apartment and that you'd be settled in relatively quickly. You'd pictured yourself walking amongst tall buildings on your days off. Exploring the city with your coworkers on the weekends. Living instead of just existing in your small hometown.
You thought you had your future all mapped out and maybe you did, but those dreams of normalcy were all but destroyed the night you crossed paths with Koyo Ozaki.
She had noticed you from across the bar, quietly observing the way you'd been drinking by yourself all night. It was odd to see a girl with your beauty and lack of abilities so confidently roaming downtown alone. She wasn't sure if you were brave or naive, but the moment you took a seat next to her to thank her for the whiskey and coke she had ordered you, she realized you were the perfect blend of both.
She'd spent the next hour chatting you up, effortlessly coaxing information out of you without you realizing it. She'd offered you an administrative assistant role for the group she worked for, describing it as a "lucrative" and "underground" organization. You were in no position to say no, especially after spending the last month relentlessly applying to jobs with little to no luck.
You woke up the next day musing about silly things like fate and serendipity as you raided your closet for the perfect first day outfit. You felt like this was your big break. The first stop on the roadmap of adulthood that you'd created for yourself. You ironed a pair all black slacks, pairing it with a white-button up quarter-sleeve shirt, and your favorite suede Mary-Janes. Optimism swirled through your head as you eyed yourself in your bedroom mirror that night. You were determined to be so good at this job.
You showed up freshly showered and prepared when you arrived at the sleek, high-rise building. Ozaki waited for you out front with a rather intimidating dark-haired man who introduced himself as Mori, head of the fucking Port Mafia.
Your anxiety rose with each step you took behind them, quickly realizing that this was not the run-of-the-mill clerical job you had envisioned while hazily chatting with Ozaki over whiskey-neats. This was an underground criminal organization full of some of the strongest ability users in the world. You had absolutely no idea why you were here. Why you'd been selected, let alone trusted, to work alongside these people.
You were given your own small office, equipped with a bare desk and landline phone. Mori told you to stay put, explaining that you were to stay out of sight until further notice. You were essentially there as a cover-up.
Apparently, they'd been scouting for girls like you. New to town and completely clueless. They wanted to bring in a handful of these 'administrative assistants' to help keep up the illusion that this was just another ordinary building in the business district of Yokohama and nothing more.
Mori left you with a curt warning about the temperament of the other Mafia members and a haunting, "Welcome to the team." as he closed the door to your office and disappeared down the long corridor. Your heart was slamming into your chest, your anxiety growing the longer you sat. You were angry. Disappointed in yourself for being such an easy target.
You sat for at least an hour staring at the wall in existential dread, wondering what you'd done to end up here. Wondering what you were going to have to do to get out now that you were here. Even if it wasn't necessarily a "job", it still didn't seem like something you could just casually walk away from.
You were in the middle of the Port Mafia's headquarters and you were rightfully, terrified.
The sound of two muffled voices pulled you away from your thoughts while you froze in your chair, realizing that they were right outside your door.
"You're fuckin' with me, right?"
"No, that's really where they're keeping her. She's going to be a fulltime member."
"A member?" it was the first man again, his voice full of shameless snark and volume as he laughed at the idea. "A Mafia member with no ability? C'mon, Akutagawa. Even Mori isn't that stupid."
"There's going to be more, she's just the first to show up."
Tension crept along your spine when both voices came to a curious stop, one quietly scolding the other before the heavy wooden door began to creak open.
A pair of azure eyes stared back at you, disheveled shoulder-length red hair draping off of one shoulder as he mumbled, "Holy shit."
The taller of the two, draped in a long black coat, tried to pry him away, but he shrugged him off with an irritated. "Chill out, I just wanna introduce myself to her."
The dark-haired man scoffed and continued down the hallway while his ginger companion closed the door behind him, leaving just the two of you looking back at each other skeptically.
Despite his height, he had a powerful demeanor. A blend of apathy and cockiness that exuded off of him as he carefully made his way towards you. "So, you're the new girl, huh?"
Your eyebrows furrowed when you looked back at him, your words suddenly stuck in your throat as his foot made contact with your desk.
You managed a nod, remembering the way Mori had advised you not to engage with the other Mafia members, but what were you supposed to do when you were suddenly locked in a room with one?
"God, we really can't just have one normal day around here, can we?" He sighed, almost seeming embarrassed as his shoulders dropped and he leaned against your desk in the spot next to you. "Stealin' girls out of bars? Tch, the hell are they thinkin'?"
His opposition to his boss' plan made you relax a bit. It was the first time all day that you thought you might make it out of here okay.
He picked up on your apprehension rather quickly, taking his hat off and setting it down before extending a gloved hand out to you. "Chuuya." He said simply.
You stared at him for another moment or two before introducing yourself, trying but failing to mimic his nonchalant tone.
"Hey," He said, lightly nudging your foot with his, "You're gonna be alright. I'm sure this gig will only last for a couple of weeks until they move on to their next big, idiotic idea."
"You think so?" It was the first time all day that you felt like you could breathe.
"Trust me, Mori's plans are always changing. He'll probably cut you a fat check for hush money and then send you on your way sooner than later. Just lay low in the meantime, yeah?"
Your eyes were still locked as you nodded at him again, giving him a feeble, "Okay... Yeah, I can do that."
"Good." He smirked, pulling himself away from your desk.
You watched him pause just before exiting the room. He turned around to face you again, his gaze landing a bit lower than your eyes this time.
"And maybe uh -" If you didn't know any better, you'd swear that you saw a flash of red flare across his cheeks. "Maybe don't wear that bra with a white shirt next time."
Out of all of the anxiety and fear that you'd been drowning in over the last few hours, your choice of outfit had been the very last thing you'd considered worrying about until just now.
You looked down, noticing what he meant as you saw the dark, lacy fabric of your Victoria's not-so-secret peeking through the white of your blouse. Your tits were pushed perfectly together, nearly on full display through the sheerness of your shirt.
He flashed you another faint smirk before clicking the door shut, once again leaving you to your own crippling thoughts as your head dropped into your hands.
What an absolutely mortifying first day.
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The next few shifts were a blur.
You'd clock in. Sit for what felt like an eternity in your bleak little office. Leave mid-day to grab lunch at a cafe across the street. And then head home 9 hours later despite the fact that you’d hardly done anything.
You'd learned to bring in books and cross-stich patterns to keep yourself busy throughout the day instead of rotting away at your desk. It wasn't an ideal situation, but if Chuuya was right and there really was a big check waiting for you around the corner, you'd decided that it was worth it to see this through. Because no matter how nervous you got each morning, the painful truth was that you couldn’t afford to turn down easy money.
By the end of the week, you found yourself doing more than just sneaking in romance mangas to make the job more bearable though. You were doing everything you could to gain back even a semblance of power.
If you had to be here, you had decided that you were going to make it everyone's problem.
With the ginger's words still fresh in your mind, you made it a point to wear darker bras. Tighter blouses. Shorter skirts that barely covered your ass. It had almost become an inside joke with yourself at what a distraction you'd become to the Port Mafia. Maybe couldn’t make these men fear you, but you could certainly make them trip all over themselves any time you entered the building.
You'd hardly been able to keep a straight face yesterday afternoon when Akutagawa's coffee fell from his hands and cascaded around him after he saw you walking down the hall in black knee-high stockings. You'd finally managed to make everyone here as uncomfortable as they'd made you and it felt good.
You were half-way through the iced matcha you'd picked up on lunch, sitting with your feet propped up on your desk as you continued to embroider the word "fuck" in pretty, cursive letters next to a pink and yellow flower when a knock arrived at your door.
You quickly stashed the circular cross-stitch pad in one of the desk drawers and straightened your back as Tachihara poked his head into your office. "Yo, new girl. Nakahara wants to see you."
Your brows knitted together as you looked back at him in quiet confusion.
No one had ever requested to see you in the time that you'd been here. Even in your attempts to disrupt their daily tasks, they'd still not bothered to learn your name. But now... you were expected to go see Chuuya... in his office?
"Why?" It was the only question you could think to ask.
"Dunno," Tachihara shrugged. "but I wouldn't keep him waiting. He's kind of an asshole." And with that, you were once again left alone and anxious.
You took a breath, standing up to smooth down the fabric of your skirt before venturing down the hallway.
You did your best to push Tachihara's warning out of your head, reminding yourself of the kindness Chuuya had shown you on your first day while your heels clicked across the marbled floor.
Maybe he wanted to tell you that he'd talked to Mori and that your time with Port Mafia was finally up. Maybe he wanted to hand deliver the check you'd so desperately been waiting for. Maybe he just wanted to see how you were doing. Whatever it was, you were holding onto hope that there wouldn't be any more bad news.
You let out a sharp exhale as you rounded the corner and found yourself standing in front of his office. You gave the door a light tap, fidgeting with the hem of your sleeve when he finally appeared.
His eyes traced over you slowly, his tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth as he counted not one, not two, but three undone buttons along your blouse that revealed the deep-purple push-up bra decorating your chest.
"Get in here."
His tone was clipped, dripping with what felt like vexation as he closed the door behind you.
His office was much bigger than yours, adorned with high-rise windows that overlooked the city and pristine black marble flooring that matched his leather furniture. The room was dark, just barely lit by a lamp on his desk. You wondered how it was possible for him to get any paperwork done in here but then promptly realized that with his ranking, paperwork was probably far beneath his paygrade.
Still not entirely sure how to approach the situation, you hesitantly took a seat on the over-sized armchair across from his desk.
"Quick question," he said, standing in front of you with his arms folded over his chest, his voice still riddled with irritation. "What does the phrase 'lay low' mean to you? Because I can tell you right now, this ain't fuckin' it."
Your pupils widened, his words hanging heavily in the space between you.
Your mouth opened and then closed again, too focused on the way he was staring at you to form a proper response.
"Is it -" you wavered, mustering up all the courage you had to try and play this off as innocent confusion rather than what it actually was: sarcasm. "Is it my outfit?"
If looks could kill, you would've been 6 feet under.
Chuuya's eyes darkened, a flustered hand rubbing feverishly over his face as he struggled to keep his composure. He wasn't sure if you were trying to piss him off or if you were just genuinely the dumbest girl he'd ever come in contact with.
"Yes," He said with all the restraint he could possibly manage, his teeth nearly grinding together with each syllable. “The outfits are getting out of hand. You've gotta stop."
You were playing a dangerous game, but you were slowly starting to realize that you were... winning.
"What's wrong with them?" you asked, pretending to cover your chest in embarrassment.
You wanted to hear him explain it. Hear him tell you in his own words that you couldn't wear short skirts anymore because it was causing too many unexpected erections around headquarters.
"I -" The poor redhead looked as though he was going to have an aneurysm if you kept this up much longer.
He snapped his eyes shut and let out a frustrated exhale, his hand now bawled into a fist at his side. "Listen, a lot of the guys around here have... noticed you, okay? And I can't take one more day of hearin' those fuckin' assholes talk about how they caught a glimpse of your ass in the break room. Got it? I'll buy you some new clothes if I have to. Just please, no more shirts like this, alright?"
He was actually bargaining with you. Entering the third stage of grief as he tried so hard to keep his cool. To keep his eyes locked with yours and nowhere else. To explain all of this in the nicest way he could.
It was in that moment that you realized where the real source of his trepidation was coming from.
Hearing his coworkers ogle over you was probably annoying for sure, but the more damning, infuriating fact of the matter was that he was ogling over you too. And he was fucking tired of not being able to get any work done when he knew that you were right down the hall. He was pissed that he had to come into his office every morning and lock the door just so he could jerk himself off to the idea of you.
He was in so many words begging you to stop because he wasn't sure how much longer he could take seeing so much of your body without being able bend you over his desk like he did in his mid-morning daydreams.
He was losing - both his resolve and this game at an alarming rate.
"Hmm," you hummed, toying with a pen you'd found wedged between the cushion of his chair. "Well, I'm sorry. I just like feeling pretty before I come in. I didn't know it was creating such a problem for everyone."
The wheels in Chuuya's head were spinning.
Emotions weren't his strong suit and doing these mental gymnastics with you was making him need a cigarette.
"It's -" he sighed, groaning as he forced himself to backpedal. "It's not your fault. I mean, you do look pretty, y'know. It's just... distracting, is all."
It was hard to hide your smirk.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't think he was a bit distracting himself, but he didn't need to know that. Not yet anyway.
"Okay, well," you conceded as you began to stand up. "I’ll wear a turtleneck or something tomorrow then.” You shot him a small smile as you got to your feet, "Promise."
He looked marginally relieved by your understanding. "Sounds good." He huffed, rubbing at the back of his neck while following behind you as you made your way out of his office.
But just before you reached the door, you accidentally dropped the pen you'd been fidgeting with. Bending over without warning so that your ass was right in front of him, peaking out of your skirt as he walked straight into you, his hips suddenly meeting yours.
You thought he might actually kill you this time with the guttural noise of frustration that escaped him.
He grabbed you by your shoulders the second you were upright again, spinning you around so that you were forced to face him.
“Okay, seriously." He said between gritted teeth. "Just what the fuck do you think you're doing?"
Your heart pounded in your chest, your breath hitching in your throat as you watched the unfettered anger flicker through his blue eyes.
It was a stupid move, you knew that before you did it, but you didn't expect it to draw this much of reaction out of him. His restraint was lost. Composure long gone while he waited for you to say something with his face mere inches away from yours.
"Sorry," You lied, "It slipped out of my hand so I -"
"Bullshit." He snarled. "Enough with this innocent act. What do you want out of this, huh? For every guy in Port Mafia to want to fuck you? Is that what you're gettin' at here?"
"No." Your head shook before you even had time to think about what you were about to say. "Not everyone..." Your eyes were still glued to his. "Just you."
You didn't know what you were doing anymore or where all of this recent shamelessness had come from, but there was something about being here that made you feel like you could do anything. Be anyone. You weren't sure if it was the power or the crime or the ungodly amount of money that Port Mafia was raking in, but the collective feeling of chaos that these walls housed was finally latching onto you too.
You didn't even flinch when you said it, instead continued to stare at him unapologetically, noting the way his grip had tightened around your shoulder the longer he looked back at you.
If the wheels in his head had been spinning before, they were now fully off the ground, exploding into the air as his gaze drifted along your face. Searching intently to make sure you were actually being serious this time before he went any further.
"You really want me to fuck you that bad?" he asked, the warmth of his mouth now ghosting yours.
The question went straight to your center, wetness seeping between your legs as you nodded back at him.
Truth be told, your midmorning fantasies while cross-stitching the last few days hadn't been much different than his.
The gravity manipulator's fingers were suddenly tangled into your hair, his body forcing your back against the door while his lips collided with yours.
"Y'know you could've just asked instead of doin' all this bratty shit, right?"
His mouth was warm, his movements somehow urgent and careful at the same time as his hands wandered along your curves.
You smiled against his lips, letting out a breathy, "I'm sorry." as his palm began to graze the inside of your thigh.
"No, you're not." He smirked, sucking your bottom lip in between his teeth before biting down with just the right amount of pressure. "But you will be."
You let out a small whimper as he placed his free hand under your chin, moving your head to the side so that he could continue his descendent down your neck.
His leg wedged itself between yours, brushing against your clit while his mouth worked along your collarbone.
You were too lost in the feeling of it all to realize that he'd been leaving a trail of meticulously placed bites down the nape of your neck. Bruises in the shape of his mouth that he knew everyone would see.
"Chuuya -" you tried to protest, but it was more of a moan than an objection. "You - fuck, you can't -" You grinded helplessly against the firmness of his leg. Hips rocking back and forth, desperately trying to gain friction while he kept on nipping away at you.
"What's wrong, babe?" he purred against your sensitive skin. "You're wearin' a turtleneck tomorrow anyway, remember?" his breath fanned across your chest as he ripped the remaining buttons off of your shirt. A gloved hand palming at your chest, sliding your bra down so that your tits were fully exposed for him before you felt his tongue glide across your nipple.
Tachihara was right, he was kind of an asshole. But for some terrible reason, you were living for it. Almost embarrassed by how bad you wanted him. Wriggling against him and riding his leg. Whining while you let him leave visible marks on you and destroy the only clothing you had.
"C'mere." He pulled his head away from your chest, swiftly grabbing you by the arm and leading you back to his desk. He picked you up with ease, shoving a binder aside to sit you down in front of him.
"Spread your legs for me." His voice was heady, eyes glossed over with lust as you complied with his demands.
He held his hand up to his mouth, removing his black glove with his teeth before pushing your skirt up and sliding your underwear to the side. He bent over slightly, running two rough fingers along your clit as he watched your nails dig into the edge of his desk.
"Fuck," he groaned, still not taking his eyes off of you. He'd barely done anything and you were already soaked, your pussy practically throbbing for him. “You really do want me that bad, huh?"
“T - told you.” You whimpered, your head tilting back as he drew slow, blissful circles around you.
He kept up the same pace, basking in the way you were so easily falling apart for him.
“Chuuya, please.”
A smirk tugged viciously at the corner of his mouth, slipping a finger into you this time as your walls swallowed him. "Please what, baby?"
You may have had him in the first half, but you were now on the losing end of this game. Forgetting how to speak altogether as you watched him part your legs even further, bending all the way down to rest his head between your thighs.
You moaned at the feeling of his tongue pressing against you. The heavenly lines he was drawing uppp and downnn your center with his middle finger still sliding in and out of you. He was generous in the way he handled you, making sure he didn't miss a single spot. Lapping and slurping up every bit of cum he could as he added in another finger. Groaning against you the louder you got for him.
The only word you seemed to be able to remember was his name, repeating it over and over while your nails lodged deeper into his mahogany desk and your body shamelessly grinded against the warmth of his mouth.
You were in a delirious daze, losing yourself completely to the way he was devouring you.
He could feel you getting close too, noting the frantic rhythm of your hips. The gorgeous, fucked-out noises you were making for him. The death grip your walls suddenly had on him. He knew you were right there, right where he wanted you.
"Chuuya, 'm - I -"
Your legs were locking around his head, shaking uncontrollably as your hand ran through his hair.
He'd never admit it, but he almost could've came at the sounds you were making alone. The pouty way that you called out his name each time his fingers plunged into you was almost enough to drive him over the edge. You were so pathetic and adorable and he was determined to make everyone in Port Mafia hear just how needy you were for him.
As much as he wanted to edge you for what you'd done to him, as much as he wanted to make you beg and plead for him to let you cum, he couldn't fucking pull himself away from you. He was just as lost as you were, drowning in your cunt and not at all wanting to be saved.
His tongue didn’t leave you until he was absolutely sure that you'd ridden out every last wave of your orgasm, still pumping his digits in and out of you until you couldn’t take it anymore.
He came up for air with an exhausted smile, wordlessly coaxing your lips apart with his thumb before bringing the two fingers he had fucked you with into your mouth. Letting you clean off the blend of slick and salvia the two of you had created together.
"See how fucking good you taste?" he panted. "I think this is gonna be a real problem for both of us."
An enamored shade of pink brushed across your cheeks as he dropped down onto the chair across from you, running a tired hand through his hair.
"At least I won't be here much longer, right?" You said, playfully kicking his leg with your foot.
"Oh yeah," he smirked. "That actually reminds me..." Your eyes widened as he shifted around to dig an envelope out of his pocket. "Mori wanted me to give this to you."
Your hands trembled, opening it as delicately as you could to make sure you didn't rip anything when a check for 1,490,200 yen fell into your lap.
"Think that'll be enough to buy yourself a shirt that fits?"
Your eyes snapped towards him in disbelief, your pulse ringing through your ears as you tried to process that you'd somehow made this amount of money in a little over a week.
"Is this -" You stammered, thinking back to what he had told you when you first met. "Is this like a severance check then? ...Hush money or whatever?"
"Tragically, no. Mori wants you to stay."
Your hand instinctively flew up to your neck, covering the love-bites that the redhead had left you with, horrified at the realization that everyone was going to see them. Even more horrified at the fact that they had probably heard how you’d gotten them.
"Yeah, he said somethin' about you how you've been 'boosting the morale' around here."
Your head felt like it was going to explode.
You had not only been marked by Chuuya Nakahara, but you were now being asked to stay in Port Mafia.
You couldn't decide which was worse.
"So... that means..."
"Yep. We'll be seein' a lot more of each other." He confirmed while checking his watch. "But hey, you better get outta here, Rando and I have a meeting in 10 minutes."
You looked down at your lack of clothing, the spit and cum that was still stuck to your skirt, the obscenely noticeable bruises that he'd so proudly gifted you with.
"Give me your shirt." you demanded.
The grin he shot you was so cocky, so vile, so... hot.
"Chuuya." You whisper-shouted, biting back your own stupid smile. "Be so fucking for real right now, I can’t go out there like this.”
“Shoulda thought about that before you put on that skimpy-ass outfit I guess.” He shrugged.
You hopped off his desk, straddling him in his chair as you forcefully began to undo the buttons along his collar.
The room filled with suppressed laughter, neither one of you able to contain it anymore as he finally conceded, wrestling you off of him. "Alright, alright, chill. I have extras in here, hang on."
You both stood up, your eyes locked on him while he walked over to an expensive looking armoire in the corner of the room.
He pulled a white shirt that resembled the one you were wearing earlier off of a hanger and brought it over to you, guiding your arms up so that he could put it on.
His movements were calculated, almost thoughtful as he dressed you, adjusting it so that it covered up most of the damage he'd done.
"There." He said, double-checking his work. "Now get out of here before I decide to rip that one off of you too.”
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˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Part 2! ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
653 notes · View notes
ladybirdswritings · 5 months
Pride & Prejudice - Coriolanus {Young} Snow x Reader
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Summary: You’re birthed into a lively family in dire need of financial stability. As the eldest, you’re paraded around to be married and much to the dismay of your mother, you deny every hand offered. Yet unbeknownst to you, a man of great power and influence, Mr. Snow, is lurking in the shadows, waiting for his chance to have you. Steamy Pride & Prejudice retelling with young snow and you! Alternate universe, au!snow <3
Notes: I hope u girlies eat this up, getting scrapped otherwise </3 — as always, thank u for leaving comments and loves as it keeps me motivated!
next chapter
You’d much rather be at any other breathing, standing tower of gold trimmings and cracked pillars in existence.
At any building filled to the brim, simply overflowing with tiered skirts and lively grins… offered hands and gentlemen donned in fine suits, pockets suffocated by their own riches.
Yet you cannot be; for mama has ordered your presence to be most dire and mandatory. Although you did consider fleeing for the highest hilltop or feigning ill, you knew well that mama would find you or see straight through your falsehoods.
“My my, you look as though you’ve got something unsweet taped to your vicious tongue.”
You scowl at the blonde goddess most confusingly known to be your sister, and she only flips a ringlet of gold behind her poised shoulder.
“I think it to be quite clear how dreadful I find this. No need to observe aloud, sister.”
Her mischievous sapphire orbs glow with enjoyment, face pink and flushed — skin glistening under the gold lanterns flickering above.
You’ve watched happily from your seat, she’s sure to have danced with at least twenty men now.
No wonder mama has no fears or worries about Jane. She is just guaranteed to run off and be married within the upcoming season, it only makes for less of a distraction for mama— she’ll be glued to you like quill to paper.
It is not as though men do not want you. Oh, they do. Most ardently.
The trouble is only that you do not want them.
How horrible it is to be confined to four lonesome, frayed walls with nothing more than your books and your wit to keep you company. Married to a man who will most certainly be your senior, who busies himself with trivial matters and leaves you to be cold at home.
You would much rather drown yourself in the river stix than face a fate so melancholic.
You wish to be an odd thing, to run away into a cottage and spend your days parted from the people who surround you. You will read books of men made from dreams and you will find comfort in knowing that you will not be wed to a man who will only discontent you.
Of course, that would bring great shame upon your family, ruin them. So it seems you will end up a spinster or a governess. Both fates, although not as you may hope in your dreams, still offer more joy.
“Forgive me for having fun. It is not why I displease you however, perhaps if you picked your pretty head up from that book and stopped waving the hands that greet you away— you would know this. Mama has sent me. The duke, his sister and a dear friend of his have arrived here. Here! At our party, can you believe it?”
You huff out a sigh laced with annoyance, flipping to the next chapter of the dilapidated thing in your hands.
“No, I truly cannot.” You mutter, yet you cannot spare the fresh page even a glance before it is snatched from your clutched fingers.
A first edition, it shreds from its spine and erupts a gasp from both you and Jane. Mama’s cyan gaze is cold and anxious, feigning a tight smile.
That one was your favorite.
You do not lift your head, you do not notice the three towering men who look down upon your reserved oak wood bench in interest. Mama clutches the duke’s palm in an embrace of suffocation, yet you do not pay it even a little mind as you drop to your knees in your pretty dress to find the strayed page.
“My god, where are your manners — girl! Please do not pay her rudeness any attention, she gets sickly over these things. Sweetheart, up now— we can buy you another.”
Her voice is cold, devoid of any admiration. It is a lie, too. Your family cannot afford even a singular chapter of a new novel, let alone a first edition. You should be the one plagued by frustration, yet you feel as though it is you who is doing something wrong.
Even so, your eyes search the floor with great fervor, landing on a polished leather shoe which suffocates chapter twelve.
You wince, preparing all the words you can to kindly request the stranger lifts his big foot off of your paper. Yet they dissipate in the back of your throat.
The man, he bends at his knee as he frees the old thing from his sole. Your eyes lift to greet him, then.
He is a mess of blonde locks, unruly compared to that of the others with hair long enough. Theirs are tamed with ribbons, his only sits atop his head. His eyes are a cold color, one you cannot explain. They are commanding, fueled with great intensity.
Beyond all of this?
He looks most certainly miserable.
He does not wish to attend tonight, one glance proves this.
He spares you no words as he passes you the paper, eyes locked upon the contents of it. He offers you a hand of assistance, too.
You ignore it, wincing at the disgust your mother expresses.
You need no aid as you lift to your feet and dust the old thing off, he follows you — becoming a tower taller once he stands.
Jane, you are grateful now that she is still here. She laughs most uncomfortably, placing a polite hand upon your shoulder as she snatches the page away. Far more gently.
“My dear sister, may I introduce you to your grace — sir Sejanus Plinth of Newbury. Alongside him, his sister — Grace Plinth and their dearest friend, Coriolanus Snow, also of Newbury.”
You know well that you’ve just about boiled a vicious pot of scorching water, one you’ll have to face the many consequences of. A quick glance stolen toward mama proves it.
With a soft sigh, you curtsy to the men before you. A show of respect which you most certainly do not have for them. They are just as unimportant as the others, grand status or not. Including the miserable looking blonde with cold eyes.
“Lovely to meet you. This is truly a grand gathering you’ve all put together…” Sejanus offers with a smile of pearl. You peer up at him, his eyes stealing quick glances at goddess Jane.
Mama goes off on a tangent about how much she adores hosting gatherings as much as attending them — and it’s all a mere buzz in your ears.
Your eyes shift toward the sister, Grace. She’s scowling at you… how peculiar.
“Jane, forgive me if this is far too forward but — I would be most honored to be the last dance you partake in this evening.” Sejanus swallows back his nerves, wincing at the sound of his own voice. Sweet Jane doesn’t bother torturing him, she only nods a shy head.
“Oh, come Grace! I must show you how my youngest daughter performs on the grand piano!”
You feel poorly for the scowling girl who is whisked away by mama. Jane and Sejanus follow alongside them, but part as soon as the music begins.
Both of your palms come to a clasp— shifting weight on your heels as you watch Jane twirl and giggle a golden sound, so beautiful you are certain it could bring each and every single gentleman in attendance to their knees.
Well, except the miserable Mr. Snow.
Your eyes drift to him then — and you catch his gaze already locked upon your stature. He averts it hastily, staring at what looks to be the far wall after he is caught.
Does he plan to lurk here like a shadow’s phantom for the entirety of the evening?
“Do you dance, Mr. Snow?”
His jaw is a sharp — tense thing. It clenches in surprise at your voice. He doesn’t spare you a glance as he answers.
“Not if I can help it.” Is but all he offers before returning to a miserable state of silence again.
By god, to garner more than a mere word is equivalent to the act of tugging teeth loose. You purse your lips, turning your head away to find another question you could offer.
You do not bother, however.
For the first time in all your life, in all the seasons you’ve suffered — you wish to dance. Not because you find it to be fun or any more stimulating than a novel but; rather because you would be far more joyous away from him.
Beyond this, it would make mama less angered when the gathering reaches its end.
You do not offer him a word of parting before you plunge into the lively crowd. A man with blonde locks, not quite as icy as Mr. Snow’s own tousles, offers his hand.
You lose yourself in the rhythm, pretending to be that of a girl in one of your novels. Whisked away by a mysterious, dancing stranger who offers more than just a meaningless hand.
You pretend the blonde is to be a grand lover, one who will care for you beyond material needs. Beyond what is expected and a bore.
You pretend, and when the song ends — so does each and every one of your mindless fantasies.
To normality once again…
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im-yn-suckers · 2 months
Hi! I saw your post about Enha with a Latina reader and I was wondering if you could do one with an American reader if possible? Thank you if you do!!
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ bf!enha x american!gf!reader ·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙✩warnings; kissing, food, mention of thongs, very minor cursing. not proofread!!✩̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ mia says; oh em gee suys i posted !!american go crazyyy im american yall fr⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
he loves going to basketball games with you. and like he WILL buy you tickets to go see the lakers
hes not the biggest fan of rollercoasters but hell go on one w u !!
you wear an "american aesthetic" outfit but its really js mary janes w frilly socks, a skirt n crop top (is pinterest stereotypical guy ??)
american gf and american bf>???? he will take you to cinnabon on dates while in seattle and would love going to new york to see the empire state building, going to florida for disney, dc, chicago, cali etc.
one time while in cali, you were eating in n out and you fell in love all over again bc hes just so pretty eating a burger in the car watching the sunrise.
'babe, since we're in chicago, wanna take the cta?? it might be fun'(had to inlcude my home) it WAS NOT. some crackhead got on the bus and started cursing
'are you patriotic' 'HELL YES I AM' with a custom made american flag w you on it (like the chaewon one)
'babe, these are thongs' 'THOSE ARE FLIP FLOPS JAKE' 'then whagts a thong??' 'um. what do aussies say?? oh!! bum floss' "THATS A THONG???' yes babe that what it is
will watch baseball games w u ^^ (pt1)
listens to lana del ray w u
'jolly ranchers?? never had em" and will get a headache for eating five back to back
'wait targets are real??" yes baby boy, they are
apparently apple pie is american (??) so hed for sure love it !!
omg babe, please take im to baskin robbins please. and let him get mint choc ice cream
'tipping?? tf, no' he WILL roll his eyes. if you have seent hat one clip where him and jay were shopping somewhere, they bought smth and needed change. jay walked away w/o the change and sunoo waited ToT
'baby, look at that huge bird!!!' 'the bald eagle??' 'it doesnt look very bald to me :(' 'no wonnie, its called a bald eagle' 'but why, it has feathers??'
so apparently having cookouts is an american thing (?? pt2) and wonnie would have so much fun !!
'baby i want it!!!' 'an american girl doll??" "yea!!'' wonnie :(
watches baseball games w u (pt 2) and basketball games (pt 2) w matching jordans and jerseys. hed also buy lakers tickets ^^
will watch the real houswives of dallas bc why not
'are you patriotic' 'HELL YES I AM' with a custom made american flag w you on it part 83 never shuts up abt you bc he loves america (source:weverse)
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rabbitblackx · 1 year
Hai! how are you?
good? bad? idk?
i have an idea..
slender, toby, ben, jack, masky, hoodie, jeff, liu, jane and kate ( you can leave some out if you want to ) with a sweet s/o | golden retriver(?)/puppy but make it the embodyment of sunshine and clumsy (if u know mix between skz's felix and ateez's mingi vibe)| who fights for their food? literlly.
as soon as someone(anyone/anything) tries to take their food,plate it's on.
imagen, they invite their s/o to eat with the others and someone's like let me take your plate and they just full on takle them.
or jeff and y/n fighting over the last plate of sth and their partner trying to get them of him
bonus if the s/o usually doesn't like activities that take too much energy
You dont have to if you dont want to!
Hi! I’m going good thanks for asking! :) as much as I love Kate I actually don’t write for her sorry about that! I also have no idea who those people are so sorry if this sucks lol😅💞💞
Creepypastas with a Reader that’s got the personality of a golden retriever
Includes: Slender Man, Masky, Hoody, Toby Rogers, BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Jeff The Killer, Homicidal Liu and Jane The Killer
Slender Man💖
Slender Man couldn’t keep up with your bright and happy attitude. He thought it was endearingly fascinating that someone could be so optimistic in a world like this
He knew how much you liked your food. He often had to pull you off other creeps within the manor because you playfully fought over food with them
With you being so wild and boisterous, Slender Man made it a habit to save plenty of leftovers for you. He then tucked you away with him in his big office, glad when he sees you finally unwind and enjoy a snack to yourself. He liked having quiet time with you this way
Your cheery and playful nature certainly wasn’t something Masky was used to (besides Toby’s annoying antics). He thought you were adorable though, and wanted to protect you at all costs
Had never moved so fast in his life when you jumped over the table and onto Jeff because he took away your food. Masky was worried you were gonna hurt yourself or get into trouble. So he leapt after you and yanked you off Jeff. You and him were just having fun though, acting like a pair of playful dogs
At the end of the day, Masky was gonna love you no matter how you were. He adored you, as you made his life 100% better and brighter. He also made sure to never take your leftovers
Brian kinda matched your enthusiasm, but he wasn’t as gleeful as you were. He really enjoyed your company, always having plenty to talk about with you. Hoody tried to remain stone cold in front of the others, but your sweet nature always made him melt
Couldn’t believe how protective you were of your frigging food. You and him were chatting at the dinner table, when Masky came over to take your plate. Apparently you weren’t done eating, and shot out of your seat, towards the masked man. Hoody couldn’t help but giggle under his own mask, thinking you were adorably hilarious
He loved having you around. He was never bored when he was with you. Hoody was possessive of you at times, as you were pretty much the light of his life <3
Toby Rogers💖
Toby thought you were a riot! The two of you were always getting up to no good. Your energy matched his perfect and that made him crazy. Toby was obsessed; he had never met someone like you
He purposely took your snack away when you weren’t looking, excitedly waiting for you to notice. When you looked down and saw your food was gone, your eyes immediately locked on Toby. You launched yourself at him, playfully tackling him to the kitchen floor. Any creeps that walked in to grab their own snacks immediately walked back out, as they knew your play fighting always turned a bit graphic
Not only was Toby in love with you, you were also his best friend. Wherever you went, he followed. You and him were to paint the world red with your crazy shenanigans
BEN Drowned💖
BEN thought you were so fun to be around. He enjoyed your boisterous and playful nature very much. His favourite thing to do with you was play video games. You were a great gaming buddy
BEN secretly loved it when you play fought with the others over food. He was your cheerleader. He was also cooing over how cute you were. You really were like a little golden retriever puppy! BEN couldn’t get enough of your shenanigans
During your everyday life in the manor, expect BEN to be popping out of any tv screens, computers or even your phone. He checked in on you often, making sure you were going good. BEN was always eager too, hoping you would strike up a conversation with him. He could listen to you talk for hours
Eyeless Jack💖
Your hyper and cheery nature could be a little too much for Jack at times. He himself was very quiet and broody; your exact opposite. But don’t worry, he also thought you were super cute and sweet too
Jack could kind of get it when you got possessive over your food. Except the fact that what he ate was human organs, and what you ate was, you know… normal
You were so different from Jack, and that was what he liked about you. He adored you, and wanted you close always. And at a point in your relationship, your cheeriness and warmth was rubbing off on him. Jack was once aloof and gloomy, but now you couldn’t get rid of him. Not that you wanted to, you too were like a lovesick puppy
Jeff The Killer💖
Jeff thought you were annoying at first. He was an emo edge lord of the night while you were this bright, cheery, hyper puppy of a person. He didn’t believe he could ever like you
When Jeff saw you tackle Toby because he took away your food, he was very surprised. Watching the two of you laugh and playfully fight, tossing around against each other on the kitchen floor… it made something deep within him mad. Jeff was envious of Toby, and wanted to be in his position. Y’know, rolling around with you on the floor… you getting all dir-
Jeff was very, very possessive over you. Your light and cheerful innocence was all for him, nobody else was allowed to enjoy it anymore. He wanted to wrap your adorable little ways up tight and keep them for himself forever. Jeff craved to own you. He needed you as his pet
Homicidal Liu💖
Liu kinda liked your energetic, cheerful personality! You reminded him of the kids he would’ve hung out with if the stuff with Jeff never went down. He thought your presence was delightful, just sometimes intense
Like when you fought with his brother over food. Jeff thought it was funny taking away your snack, but you were like, it’s on. Liu actually quite enjoyed watching you wrestle each other. Until his brother started to hit on you, then Liu had to yank him off you. After shooing Jeff away, he protectively pulled you to his chest with a pout
Liu pretty much fell in love with instantly when you first met. He thought you were so cute. From your silly clumsiness, to your playful wit, he loved it all. You were his sunshine and he didn’t ever want you to be taken away
Jane The Killer💖
Jane was smitten. She loved your cheeriness and playful charm. You were so cute. Just like a golden retriever puppy! You made her heart flutter
To made sure there were no dramas, she made sure to hide food for you so nobody ate or stole it. She knew how riled up you could get over that. As cute as you were, you were a force to be reckoned with
Jane was always calling you pet names. Anything from darling, sweetheart, dear, sweetie, love… the list went on and on. She was just so glad to call you hers. You were always bubbly and affectionate, pulling yourself impossibly close to her at all times. Jane was quick to wrap you up into her chest, whispering sweet nothings into your ear
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creek-ink · 1 year
hello hi !! i love your art <33 do you think you could drop any nina hcs you have ?
hello and thank u!! here's some art from earlier today of my versions of nina and jane <3
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as for nina's hcs,, well I honestly haven't thought too much on her place in my lil fan storyline I'm making.
so let's see what I can make up on the spot!! kisdbsjhdkdsk
Nina's "origins"
like most creepypastas, I don't like Nina's original story. (lol) so here's my just as shitty version.
nina, in my world, was still a jtk fangirl. she heard his story on the news and was captivated by his mugshot. (definitely the type to romanticize true crime) she began emulating his chelsea grin with makeup and posting abt her infatuation w him on her social media.
this fixation on Jeff opened a door to the slenderman, which it gladly stepped through. like any edgy teen being stalked by an eldredge horror would, she began to document her experience w the monster on her verious social media outlets.
to prevent further exposure of the proxies n what not, nina was due to die. in the midst of her kidnapping, she expressed her interest in working alongside the monsters that stalked her.
in a rather sitcom-y way, nina was now a part of the problem, if u will. working w her fav serial killers </3
her style
apart from being engrossed in the emo/scene culture, her clothing style is heavily influenced by the early 2000s. she loves all things gaudy and over the top, often resulting in a hot topic explosion.
most likely influenced by her style, her interests in angsty media should be noted. she's an avid reader of johnny the homicidal maniac, death note, and other media in the like. her fave bands include- sleeping w sirens, get scared, msi, and blood on the dance floor.
(while on trips into town, she makes it a point to stop by the local nerd shop to stalk up on (rob) her favs.)
crime: (lmao)
let's just say she's very reckless. she leaves behind crums of evidence everywhere she goes. at this point, she's stopped making an attempt to hide her tracks.
she gets a little too into the killing thing- often being playful and flirting w her victims. she sees it all as one big game and definitely believes she's invincible.
-jane is her person, the perfect amount of balance and authority that counteracts her crazy. jane sees nina as a person in need of guidance and maybe a bit of parenting. nina sees jane as a big sister of sorts and often comes to her for advice and to confide in.
-toby is her bestie. point, blank, period. those two get into a little too much trouble together. they became close via the long drives that resulted from their extensive missions. at first, nina had the hots 4 toby but soon grew out of them infavor of his friendship.
fun lil tid bit- they like to sit in eachothers company while they read. nina reads her manga/comics and toby his books.
-jeff,, well jeff, for obvious reasons, isn't too found of nina. he finds her annoying and tiring, which is rich coming from him. he does his best to avoid her, but when the unavoidable is unavoidable, she ignores him. they say never meet ur idols and boy, they weren't kidding. all that time fantasizing abt her prince rly didn't match up to the sleazy prick she now works w. let's just say they don't get along.
-as 4 the majority of the creeps, there seems to be a consensus that nina is annoying af, and shes to be avoided. (rip nina)
so this was kinda shit! but either way, I hope u enjoyed the read. I may revisit this someday and flesh it out. or just scrap it all together pff!! lemme know what u think and lemme know any of ur guy's-s hcs or suggestions! i love reading what u have to say. (even if what u have to say conflicts w what i have to say)
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eldritch-nightmare · 6 months
celebrating the holidays.
a/n: hi here's my short replacement for the eyeless jack fic. that one is still gonna get posted!! just may take a while bc it's getting longer than i intended it to be lol. anyways i tried to keep the holiday relatively vague but since i personally celebrate christmas, i may slip up a bit. couldn't decide who to write for so i just spun a wheel six times and went with the ones selected.
includes: the bloody painter, nurse ann, jane the killer (arkensaw), eyeless jack, kate the chaser, and homicidal liu.
warnings: not proofread, very brief mention of helen's childhood, literally just fluff, also inconsistent length but that's to be expected atp, reader consumes meat in jack's section so sorry if u don't, nsfw elements in jack's part my hand slipped guys, blood, lotta kissing.
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He never cared much for the holidays, even when he was a child. Honestly, it was the one time of year that he dreaded the most.
He's an artist, so you know what that means. Every year, without fail, he would always get some art-related gifts. Not that he was complaining about that or anything, it was really, and still is, the only thing he had much interest in.
He just... found it to be draining. Apparently, at least according to his parents, he was supposed to find the holidays to be a fun, exciting time of year. And he was supposed to be oh so thankful for getting yet another sketchbook or paints from his relatives or whatever.
That was just too much work, honestly. So he grew to dread the holidays, even long after he became the killer he is today.
He's... not quite sure how he feels about the wrapped gift you're holding out in front of him. A part of him wants to reject it, and he almost does, but the barely contained excitement in your expression made him hesitate.
Your excitement only seemed to grow when he took the wrapped gift from you. While he didn't necessarily want or need a gift, he couldn't help but indulge you, especially since you seemed genuinely excited over whatever gift you had gotten him.
Honestly, he wasn't sure what he was expecting when he unwrapped the gift. Something art-related, no doubt. And it was art-related, just not in the way he was expecting.
It was something similar to a scrapbook, but it was really... neat. And more so a collection of art rather than an actual scrapbook. The thing that caught his attention the most was that it was just any old collection of art.
It was his art. You... you took or had his art professionally photographed and you put it in this book. It wasn't every single piece of art he's ever made, but it included a lot from different points of his life. It even included pieces from before he had met you.
He does not cry, no. But you do catch the tiniest smile forming as he flipped through the pages. It's... the nicest gift he's ever gotten before.
Helen's not sure how he'll repay you for getting something like this, so for now you'll just have to accept the tighter-than-usual hug and soft kiss.
Ann isn't too sure if she's ever celebrated any holidays before. She has no memories of her life before her... death? Is she dead? Well, she certainly doesn't feel alive.
She's rather indifferent towards the holidays, and honestly she probably won't even realize it's that time of year unless you or someone else point it out to her.
If you want to celebrate with her then she certainly won't stop you, just don't expect her to be the life of the party or anything like that.
You will have to guide her through how to celebrate because she simply will not know. But once she gets a hang of how things work it'll be something she retains for the future.
Ann stares blankly at the... tastefully atrocious sweater you were sporting. There were so many colors and the design clashed in a borderline unbearable way but you somehow made it look good.
Her gaze then drops down to the matching sweater you were holding out for her, an expectant look in your gaze. She thinks she understands, though she still glances up at you in confusion.
You explain that while it's not necessary to do in order to celebrate the holidays, you thought it would be fun to wear matching outfits with her. It's something couples do sometimes, apparently.
After your quick explanation, she silently takes the sweater from your hands and puts it on over what she was already wearing.
It certainly looks odd on her, no doubt, but the fabric is actually pretty soft, and the bright smile that lights up on your face makes it hard for her to care about whether or not the sweater looks good on her.
Jane hasn't celebrated the holidays since all the shit that's happened to her. She's been so focused on hunting Jeff down that it never even crosses her mind. Hell, she hasn't even celebrated her own birthday in years.
But then you come along and you insist on doing something for the holidays. Not because you necessarily enjoyed the holidays, but mostly because you just wanted her to take a break for once.
It'll take a lot of convincing. You'll have to get her to promise you months in advance, if we're being honest.
And if she didn't have such a soft spot for you, she probably wouldn't even humor the idea you had to celebrate. But alas, she loves you, and she finds it hard to say no to you more than she would like to admit.
She huffs in mild annoyance, sticking close to you as you guide her down the streets. She wouldn't normally be in such a crowded place but everyone was so caught up in their own plans for the holidays that no one spared her a single glance.
You wanted to go ice skating. It's not typically a traditional way to celebrate the holidays, at least not for her, but it seemed as if it would be fun. And it would give her an excuse to be close to you, so.
When you guys finally reach the ice skating rink, you're bouncing in excitement and eagerly pulling Jane along to go and put some blades on. She lets you, because your hand is oh so warm in hers and the way the lights shine in your eyes makes her feel... peaceful.
Now, there's no denying that she has never gone ice skating before. Hell, she's never been roller skating. So the moment you two were out on the ice, she was clinging to you to keep herself from falling.
It was embarrassing, and she almost wanted to storm off out of frustration but you never laughed at her. You would help her catch her balance whenever she slipped. You only laughed when you slipped.
You were even fine with sticking to one side of the rink, always keeping Jane behind you whenever another person would skate too close.
And when the two of you decided you had enough, she couldn't help but pull you close right as you go to step out of the rink, planting a deep kiss on your lips and leaving you dazed as she goes to take her blades off.
Similarly to Ann, Jack can't remember if he's ever celebrated the holidays before. However, unlike Ann, he does have a vague idea on how people celebrate the holidays. He's not isolated like her.
He's definitely indifferent towards the holidays. He doesn't care much for them, but he's probably willing to celebrate if you really want him to.
Gift giving is not his specialty, dear lord. You will have to sit him down and tell him bluntly what you want so he can find some odd most certainly illegal way of obtaining it.
Jack is, however, an amazing cook and there is nothing that could change my mind on this, so he will definitely be willing to help you make any holiday meal you may want to try out.
Jack is silent as he watches you cook some meat for the meal the two of you had been spending the past few hours or so making. You had family coming over, and you needed dinner to be done before they arrived, so you had enlisted the help of your demonic, cannibalistic boyfriend.
His nose scrunched up in slight disgust at both the sight and smell of the cooking meat, and he grumbled silently under his breath about what a waste it was to cook it.
His mild disgust only seemed to grow more evident when you cut a piece of the meat off and pop it in your mouth to taste test it. He just couldn't understand how you could eat such a thing. Then again, he can't really judge considering he only consumes raw meat. Typically coming from a human.
You hum in delight at the taste, and perhaps it's an instinctual thing humans do, or maybe it's something else, but you cut off another piece and hold it out for him to eat. He just stares, and it takes a moment for you to realize what you had done, letting out a small, embarrassed laugh.
Before you could eat the piece of meat yourself, he was grabbing your wrist and bringing it back to his mouth, eating the cooked meat and biting your finger in the process. You hissed at the feeling of his sharp teeth pricking your skin, but you don't pull your hand away from him.
The meat was disgusting, no offense. You're an amazing cook so it isn't your fault, he just literally cannot consume cooked meat (or really anything that isn't raw/human) and he's going to feel absolutely awful tomorrow but that's for future Jack to worry about.
Present Jack thinks he deserves a reward for putting up with both the smell and taste of cooked meat, and he licks at your bleeding finger like your blood is the best thing he's ever tasted. To him, it was. It certainly helped to erase the taste of cooked meat.
Once he was satisfied, he was pulling you closer to him and kissing you deeply. He bit at your bottom lip until it was bleeding as well, and he couldn't help but groan as your blood invaded his mouth once more, relishing in both the taste and the little gasp that came from you.
He wanted more. Needed, if we're being honest. He found himself craving for you as his hands fell to the hem of your sweatpants, gently tugging at them. A clear sign of his intentions.
You grabbed his wrists before he could continue, breaking the kiss off and smiling slightly when he chased after you. The two of you were breathing heavily, the air in the kitchen feeling a lot thicker now.
Later, you promised. You still had a meal to finish cooking, and your family would be coming by in just a few hours. You sealed the promise with a quick, chaste kiss before taking the meat off the stove and setting it aside to focus on the next part of the meal.
And he helped you. He was patient, and he knew you could keep your promise.
Considering her sensitivity to light, it's not exactly easy for her to celebrate the holidays since bright lights seem to be a staple in them.
She's not really much of a holiday person anyway, so it's not something that bums her out.
She's probably the only one on this list that's least likely to indulge in celebrating, and will more than likely turn you down if you bring up the offer.
But she does feel a certain fondness in her heart when she sees you getting excited over something in relation to the holidays. While she doesn't enjoy that time of year, she's glad that you do.
Kate keeps her eyes covered as you carefully guide her through the forest. You had a surprise for her, apparently. Something to celebrate the holidays without actually celebrating.
She wasn't immediately thrilled, but you had promised that there would be absolutely no bright lights involved and that she didn't even have to consider it something for the holidays. That was enough to make her willing to indulge you just this once.
Even with her eyes closed, she could practically feel the excitement radiating off of you as you brought her closer to wherever it was you wanted to take her.
You told her to open her eyes shortly after, and she found the two of you standing in front of one of the many abandoned cabins within the forest. She didn't even hesitate to enter the cabin when you motioned for her to. Kate trusted you.
The sight she saw when she stepped inside was... it was breathtaking, honestly.
The walls and the ceiling were covered in glow-in-the-dark snowflakes and stars, illuminating the cabin in a faint green hue. It wasn't a grand gesture or anything of the sort. It was... it was nice.
The glow of the stars and snowflakes was bright enough to illuminate the cabin but dull and dark enough that she didn't have to shy away from it.
That wasn't the only thing you had planned either. She's not sure how much time and effort you put into doing all of this, but you had set up a little space in the cabin. There was even a small projector set up, as well as some food that you knew she enjoyed.
It's definitely the most romantic thing she's ever experienced. And if this is how you want to celebrate the holidays with her, then she definitely won't mind doing this sort of thing again next year.
Similarly to Jane, Liu hasn't really celebrated the holidays since everything that happened. He knows when that time of year comes around, and it makes him feel nostalgic, but he always found it hard to celebrate alone.
He's the one on this list who'll be most excited to celebrate the holidays with you if you ask him to.
It doesn't matter what you wanna do. If you wanna decorate your home, if you wanna give gifts, if you wanna make a meal, if you wanna just stay in and watch some movies and order takeout then he's down.
Sully doesn't care for the holidays and he finds the whole time of year to be annoying, to be honest, so you'll only be celebrating with Liu.
And you decided that you wanted to decorate your home a bit for the holidays. It was a simple way to celebrate the holidays, and you didn't even have to leave your home to get any decorations since you had some stuffed away in a box in your closet.
When you had told Liu that that was your plan, he was eager to join you. It's been so long since he's been able to do anything for the holidays, and he was just... really excited to finally have someone to spend them with.
You made sure to put on some music to play in the background while the two of you got to decorating, and you'd tell him where to put certain things if he didn't know what to do with them.
You two chat with each other as well during all this, sharing random memories and stories from your childhoods. Some were happy, some were sad. Sometimes, Liu would trail off mid-story and you'd have to change the subject to something lighter.
At some point, when a particularly romantic song played, you set down the decoration you were holding and pulled Liu away from the one he was setting out so you could take a break and dance with him.
It got the brightest smile out of him. The brightest one you've ever seen.
The bitter sadness and nostalgia that comes with the holidays lingered. It would always linger, honestly, but it was easier to deal with when he's with you.
And he was excited to make new memories with you. Ones that'll make him smile when the holidays roll around again.
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Patrick Jane x reader - support
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hiii!! could u write about reader and Patrick Jane? Where reader is dealing with personal issues and she’s stressed about it. Then her and Patrick are working on a case and is questioning a suspect then the suspect insults her and it makes her mad and she almost hits him and Patrick pulls her away and questions why she almost hit him and then she tells him why. I hope that made sense and thank you! - Anon💜
Dropping the file on the desk you sat down, running a hand down your face.
“Don’t even think about it Jane I’m not in the mood.” You said lowly.
He raised his hands, grinning a little as he sat down on the edge of your desk.
“No trouble this time I promise, Lisbon has a suspect for you. Given the suspects aversion to law enforcement and your patience and calmness we think you can get him to open up.”
“Is he here now?”
“Yup, just waiting, let’s go.”
Jane held his hand out to you with a charming smile and you took it so you could stand up.
Letting go you looked around the office before you gestured towards someone else’s desk.
“Grab their badge.”
“Now I could be wrong (Y/N), but I’m pretty sure taking an agents badge is just a tiny bit illegal.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Just go get it.”
With that, you walked away, heading to the interrogation room and you headed to the room next to it to begin watching your suspect.
Overall he wasn’t an impressive man, balding, he was small, didn’t seem very muscular to have done the damage to your victim but looks could be deceiving.
A minute later Jane came back.
“So, why do I need the badge?” He asked.
“The suspect hasn’t seen you yet, you’ve been here with me all day. Since he hates law enforcement it’s going to piss him off when he sees that there’s two of us in there.”
“Well that part I gathered, but I could’ve done that without it.”
“You don’t look like a cop that’s the issue, so just flash the badge then put it away he doesn’t need to see it.”
Jane nodded his head, and he opened the door, gesturing for you to go first and you did, entering the room.
You said nothing as you sat down and you studied the suspect for a moment.
“Is it fun for you to chase people around wielding a shotgun?” Jane asked.
The suspect scoffed.
“Stop wasting my time.”
“Well, you’re our top suspect, your shotgun matches the one we’re looking for and I’m sure if I get a warrant we’ll find it’s recently been fired.” You said.
The suspect snapped his eyes to you and narrowed them a little.
“What the hell are you?”
“Agent (L/N).”
“So, what are you his assistant or something?”
“Actually I’m her assistant.” Jane said.
The suspect looked between you two and Jane gestured for you to get up and follow him so you did.
He took you to the other side of the room, and he glanced at the suspect before turning to you.
“He has no respect for women..” he whispered.
“Clearly, that might work in our favour…”
Jane furrowed his brows a little bit.
“Take control of the interview he’s more likely to respond to you..”
“Right, okay.” He said.
Jane went back to the table and you followed sitting down.
You didn’t say much, you let Jane ask the questions and if he was stuck you would ask something and he’d repeat it to get an answer.
It was going well until the suspect turned his attention to you after checking his watch.
“Shouldn’t you be getting home, your husband won’t make his own dinner or fetch his own beer.”
“Excuse me?”
“Run along bitch, only men belong here.”
You stood up, and so did the suspect.
Jane quickly stood looking between the pair of you, he was really sure what to do.
“Have some respect.” Jane warned.
“I won’t respect someone like that.”
You had enough, you were angry as it was, and you stormed around the table.
You just saw red and you swung your fist, connecting with someone and you heard a thud of someone hitting the wall.
“Jeez, one hell of a punch…” Jane mumbled.
Your eyes shot open and you stared at your coworker.
Jane walked over, placing his free hand on your elbow, his other hand holding his nose.
“Let’s take a few…” he mumbled out.
He led you out of the room and he took you back to his desk before holding up a hand and vanishing.
You passed on the interview on to Rigsby and you went home for the day.
It wasn’t a good idea for you to be there and you needed to calm down, so you went home and got a shower before changing into some comfortable clothes and ordering food.
Sitting on the couch, you buried your head in your hands taking a few deep breaths to try and calm yourself and compose your emotions.
You heard your door open and closed and you slowly reached for you gun.
“Don’t shoot it’s me!”
Sighing, you set it back down.
“In here!” You called back.
Jane walked through and he pushed your stuff out the way to sit on the table in front of you.
“So, what happened in there? You’ve never once lost your temper like that before.” Jane said.
You sighed, leaning back on the couch and you looked at him. You could see the blood on his shirt, and the blooming bruise around his nose along with a small cut.
“I’m so sorry I hit you…”
“You weren’t aiming for me I got in the way, you can really throw a punch it’s amazing. But doesn’t answer my question.”
“I… I have some personal stuff going on..”
Jane got up, and he sat next to you.
“Let’s talk about it.”
You looked at him, and he gave you a warm smile and you sighed.
You explained everything to him that was going on and he held your hand as you did.
When you were done you cleared your throat and stood up, gesturing to his shirt.
“I’ll get that out I have a spare sweater hold on.”
You disappeared and Jane said nothing about it.
He didn’t want to pressure you about anything else and he knew your distraction was to find things to do, so he changed into the sweater and let you clean his shirt.
But he decided he was going to keep an eye on you because you needed the support and you wouldn’t ask for it
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simpfordemetri · 12 days
Hi! Could I have general HC for our big boi Felix ❤️?
Like, how is our big guy, (not related with a mate) some fun facts about him, quirks of his...
Thank u ❤️
Felix Volturi General Headcanons
✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧ ✧; :🎀: ;✧
As many of us from the Twilight fandom canon him,i also share the fact that he probably was a gladiator when he was human,and thats why he have amazing fight skills and why he was choosed to be the “executioner”
As much as he has to put on a face mask while being on duties or in front of the Kings,he is a very chill men
He loves a good laugh and his jokes are really really bad that the majority of them are not even funny but for some reason he finds them hilarious
He is the more civilised when it comes to human life outside the castle
He has a really bad habit of trying to bite his nails when he is nervous and sometimes he disociate from is surroundings and Demetri has to kick his leg to make him come back to reality and stop acting like a five years old boy with his finger on the mouth
He is very bad at reading and doesnt enjoy it ,also his writing is pretty bad and almost unreadable
Probably the most aware of technology when it comes to Tiktok or social media in general but that doesnt mean he knows how to even turn on a computer,so no he doesnt play videogames in my Twilight world
Actually hates being that tall lowkey and wishes to be just a few cm smaller
Scared of love and really afraid of finding his mate
Despises Opera so he never ever uses the elevator
Not as flirty as people think,the most he would do is wink at someone and give them a smirk ,other than that nope
Outside of “work” he does get along with Jane and Alec surprisingly
Feels sympathy for Marcus and his biggest fear is finding his mate just to end up like him
Does not give a fucking shit about the Romanian coven (i love them) and thinks they should move on cause they act like teenagers obssesed with their “enemies “
Thinks Edward is really weird and needs to go see a therapist
Talking about that,he himself has gone to therapy a few times and think is very helpful
Demetri is his bestie and he hates Afton for some reason
Thinks Aro is also weird and gets high before trials even if thats not possible for a vampire
Loves rock but some songs really bother him due to his super hearing
Loves to dress like a normal men and fit into society when he finish work
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subskz · 6 months
I will have to send two asks in short succession here causeeeeeeee the seungmin babygirl look (the thigh high fuzzy socks and mary janes) and the innie collar are going to take me out.
Let's start with seungmin because I can :)
Like the day the photos come out you praise him as you normally do when new teasers and stuff happen and he suspects nothing. HOWEVER. Like a week later you're waiting for him and there's a suspicious package waiting on the table that you tell him to open. He does and oh? Some very pretty thigh high socks? And a little pair of silky shorts? Hmmmmm what could the inspiration for these be 😋. You tell him to put them on, since you couldn't be there for the original photos so you want your little homemade version hehe. You meant it too, because you get right to ordering him around to pose in different angles and positions. Seungmin gets a little frustrated but doesn't show it, cause he truly expected to be bent over in an instant but nooooooo. While he's posing he does start thinking about all the things he wants you to do to him, and the next pose you order him into 🤭 you can see just how hard he is in those shorts. You're almost done the photoshoot anyways, but push it a little farther to see if Seungmin says anything. He doesn't, but he gets about 8 million times more restless. Eventually he can barely sit still which is just the PERFECT teasing opportunity. So you start poking in and Seungmin ignores and brushes it off as he usually does. But! It doesn't take long before he finally snaps "I want you to bend me over and fuck me, but apparently all you want is pictures!" AHAHAHAHA. 🤌 who knew this was all it took to break him. So you walk so so slowly towards him and grin and Seungmin is just like. Ah fuck, what have I done now
So much build up and for what? Why am I like this? He messes with my brain in a heinous way istg 🫥. Thank you to everyone who reads this, do not perceive me -🦊
the way u and 🐾 anon sent ur asks not even 5 minutes apart 😭 seungmo really had us all in his babydoll clutches w that fit
what a perfectly seungminnie scenario hehe it really does make for a great way to tease him bc of course he loves his pictures!! who is he to deny you snapping a million photos of him from every angle imaginable and fawning over how pretty your boy is. it’d be extra fun to pause after each new shot and make a big fuss of showing it to him so he can see how good he looks, both as a way to gradually fluster him more and more w all your compliments, and to chip away at his patience. even when he starts to get antsy, he tries his best hide it bc he can definitely sense some kind of trap being set up by you
ordering him to take poses where he can’t hide how worked up he’s made himself is soo evil i love it >:) you tell him to lean back a lil and spread his legs for you, and he just presses his lips together and awkwardly lets his arm rest between his thighs in a pointless attempt to hide his bulge…and when u still act oblivious it just makes his tension skyrocket bc even someone as disciplined as seungmo has his limits! can you imagine if you leaned in close to him and his breath kinda catches in his throat bc he thinks you’re finally gonna give him what he needs, only for you to mess w the frayed edges of his shorts and “adjust” them for the camera. he’d be a little mortified by how visibly he jolts when your fingers brush over his thighs, but that’s definitely the breaking point for him 💔 smth abt how pouty he sounds when he finally loses his patience makes all that tortuous buildup worth it
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rosenallies · 2 months
May I propose to you the idea of either Jane getting jealous over Mirage being all over Nymphia/or Mirage and Nymphia as exes who are strangely good friends afterwards?
Idk if it'd work in any of the Planymphia AUs you currently have, but I was inspired by this post: https://www.tumblr.com/biblewaterzzz/748398423015915520
Idk if you wanted to just discuss or a prompt but I wanna write this as a prompt so thank u for the idea <3 sorry I made this kinda h/c and soft I’m just sad today <3
Jane watched them from across the bar with a deep ache in her stomach. Nymphia’s hips swayed to the music in tandem with Mirage, who pressed into her, whispering in her ear every now and then and laughing.
Realistically, they looked like a pair of close friends, nothing more, but watching them made Jane start to spiral. She wasn’t sure if whatever she was feeling could be classified as jealousy, but whatever it was, she hated it. She hated the way her stomach turned and tears pricked at her eyes as she imagined Nymphia coming up to her and explaining that she’d be much happier with someone like Mirage. And really, who could blame her? Nymphia deserved someone as positive and lighthearted as she is. Deep down inside, since she and Nymphia started dating, Jane wondered how long it would take for Nymphia to get sick of her pessimism and leave her for someone else.
The downward spiral continued into the night, even after they’d said goodbye to their friends and were walking hand in hand back to Nymphia’s apartment. Jane’s mood had sobered her up while Nymphia swayed happily as they walked, wistfully chatting about how much fun she’d had all night.
“Janey, I wish you would’ve danced with us, we were having so much fun!”
Jane laughed to herself, shaking her head. “Looks like you had plenty of fun with Mirage.”
She hadn’t meant it to come across the way it did, but Jane was never one to come across very softly. Nymphia looked up at her, brows furrowed together. “What do you mean?”
Huffing, Jane shook her head. “Nothing.”
“No,” Nymphia stopped them, grabbing ahold of both of Jane’s hands, “it’s not nothing. What’s the matter?”
Jane felt as if she was about to cry, Nymphia looking up at her so tenderly. “C-can we just get back to the apartment, please?”
“Okay, baby,” Nymphia said with a soft smile, lacing their fingers together as they walked the last block back home.
Once they got back, Nymphia kicked her heels off, Jane following suit, the pit still sitting heavy in her stomach. Nymphia turned to her, grabbing both of her hands and kissing the back of them. Jane felt she didn’t deserve her. “Do you want to talk now or get comfy first?”
Jane shrugged. “I guess now would be okay.”
Nymphia nodded and led her to the couch, curling into her side and resting her head on her shoulder. “Tell me what’s on your mind. What’s making my PJ sad?”
“You were having a lot of fun with Mirage,” Jane said plainly, afraid of letting too much spill out, all her secret insecurities she hid with jokes and jabs and a deluded sense of self confidence.
“I would’ve had more fun of you joined us on the dance floor. Is that what you’re upset about? Are you jealous?”
Feeling her cheeks burn, Jane shrugged again. “I don’t know, I guess?”
If Jane were in a better mood about it, Nymphia might’ve teased her, but Nymphia could tell this wasn’t a playful jealousy, it was one laced with uncertainty and insecurity. “Jane, Mirage is just a friend. You have nothing to worry about with her.”
“Maybe not with her,” Jane whispered under her breath.
“What do you mean? Who else would you have to worry about?”
“Just-just forget it. I don’t want to talk about it.”
Jane should’ve known Nymphia wouldn’t allow her to shut her away, but she was taken off guard when Nymphia gently turned Jane’s face toward hers. “We really should though.”
Sighing, Jane nodded, Nymphia was right. “I worry you’re going to leave me for someone like Mirage. I know you two are just close friends but I watching the way she was touching you and was all over you made me start thinking about how you deserve someone better than me.”
“Better than you? I don’t think there’s anything better than you, though. I want to be with you, no one else.”
“You don’t think I’m a bad person or that I come across too abrasive?”
“I don’t think that at all, I wouldn’t be with you if I thought that and trust me, I want to be with you. I want to be with you all the time.”
“You do?”
“Mmhm,” Nymphia hummed, nuzzling into Jane once more, “all the time.”
If Jane had thought about it some more, she would’ve chosen her next words more carefully but as she laced her fingers with Nymphia’s, she let her heart speak for her. “I love you.”
It was the first time either of them had said it, even though Jane had been thinking it for weeks. For a moment, Nymphia looked taken aback and then her face softened. She leaned over and gently kissed Jane before whispering quietly, “I love you too.”
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crushedsweets · 3 months
(30 asks..)
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the reason i added it to my AU was a nod towards Ann being popularly (?) shipped with Tim way back in the day! her reasoning is prob just some 'i like my men with muscles and beards' or something LMFAOOOOOOO
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I APPRECIATE YOU!! youre so sweet and im glad it helps !
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only english!
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in my au, i could possibly see her in a long denim skirt... and there was that one alpite drawing of her in the miniskirt... looked really cute LOL
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please release me from my prison.
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let the man dance. . . must he stand perfectly still. . . ?
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i think her smile is sooo perfect. shes perfect.
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LOL AS USUAL, toby clocky nina EJ and kate. my fave is between toby and nina
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LEAVING SUCH A SWEET MESSAGE!!! it makes me so happy when you guys enjoy the stuff im putting out, especially since im enjoying creating it! i have a lot more free time now since two of my accelerated classes ended, so im just always thinking about.. them... LOL ty again also ur english is perfect!
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i didnt care for it just cuz i loved the OG so much, but i totally understand why the creator did it - being berated and bullied and harassed for years at such a young age over a fun little character you made . . . i would want to "fix it" as well. but i think ninas original concept was scary in its own right! i think copy cat killers and true crime fanatics are haunting and OG nina reflected that!!!
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HE'S GOT LAZARI thats his ..half daughter half sister figure. LOL. maybe dina too ive been thinking abt that a lot... omfg and lulu...
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?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?? CHAT.
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i have! i read a bit about it and whatnot in 2023, but i didnt get fully into it! im too stuck in my own world ... RIP
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ive drawn him once before! i really didnt like it . LOLLLLLLL i deleted it like a couple days after posting ... ill think about doing it again!
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ive been meaning to draw her with them all up her right arm+both hands+back and peaking up her neck, but i keep forgetting!!!! i only seem to remember with jane , but thats cuz its like ... very fundamental to her design LOL
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yea but it wasnt my thing... very cool concept, but the humor and pacing wasnt my taste!
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i have actually!! way back in like 2020, one of my friends made me HAHA but i kept falling asleep during it . . .
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CRISPY IS CRAZY LOL but yeah. i love her too. LOL
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release him...
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HAHA YEAH I CHANGED IT A WHILE BACK..and now im debating changing it again... omg
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thank you anon!! youre a sweetheart
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!HOT! SINGLE TROLLS looking for CASUAL PAPS in YOUR hivestem!!!!
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Now that I have your attention, hey! This past month, our discord server had a fanfic gift exchange/competition! The fics can be found at https://archiveofourown.org/collections/HS_FA_Co_Writing_Competition_02_2024/works
Any reader can vote on the best in genre here!
There were 9 entries, running the gamut from classic Davekat to The Condesce finding Diamonds :0!!!
Our members submitted prompts they wanted to see fulfilled, and then wrote other members' prompts that they were randomly assigned. Members of the coalition can guess who wrote which fic before it's all revealed at the end!
Summary of the works below!
Bubble Glub and Flub: Jake, seeking a new experience in meeting with a sea-dwelling alien in the afterlife, attempts not to shove his foot too far down his own ignorance shaft.
Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friends: Vriska sure has been 'hands on' with Rose's alcoholism recovery. It almost feels. Like she's paling at her. >:[
Karkat: Celebrate Troll Valentine's Day: You utterly fail to come up with a summary that would not be completely redundant in the face of the title's clear call to action. You are Karkat Vantas, and you are going to celebrate Troll Valentine's Day. At least, that's what you've just been told to do.
Kintsugi: The Rose-Tinted Quadrant: Rose has accepted Vriska's help with her disordered alcohol usage. Vriska intends to help her as much as she possibly can. And if that means butting into Kanaya's newly blooming relationship, well, it can't be helped. The universe is at stake!
Monte Cristo; Croque Monsieur: Shortly before the events of Homestuck^2, Sollux receives an invitation to a lunch date with Karkat. A ceasefire has been called for a single day, for some reason this day is important to Jane. The only problem is that Sollux and Karkat haven't spoken more than ten words to each other for nearly thirty years.
someglubby put me outta my fishery:
CC: stop glubbin to me -- colloquialCondescension [CC] blocked tonicandGin [TG] -- -- tonicandGin [TG] unblocked colloquialCondescension [CC] -- CC: W)(AT TG: u aint geftin rid a me TAHT eeasiely TG: WONK
the things you think you see in me: “I really can’t tell if you’re fucking with me right now,” you’d said. “But the point is, Rose already told me that she and Kanaya have some super special girls-only Valentine’s plan lined up and I’m sure TZ and Vriska are gonna be busy cuddling in a closet or whatever the fuck they do when they’re not around and we already spend all our time together and like, make out, or whatever, so pardon the fuck out of me if I thought it might be fun to do something that’s like a real date. Or whatever.”
Wearing The Pants: wishlist prompt: Vriska x John, "Wearing the pants" takes place on earth c. not epilogues compliant.
"will u b my valentine" 7x combob: Roxy tries to have a normal Valentine's Day. It's a pity that nothing about her is normal.
Thank you to the authors for participating! @arealpeople @madam-melon-meow @shadow-wasser @myusernameisstolen @askaniritual @wmb-salticidae @meowloudly15
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keroppri · 3 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
ahh wickermayne!! thank you so much! ☺️🫶
i actually have exactly five published nh fics at the moment so i guess i'll promote them in the order they were first uploaded :D!!
1. A Summer's Delight
my first ever fanfic that let me express my adoration for both hinata and naruto~ the beach will forever remind me of this sweet summer love fanfic ;u; it was so much fun to write such absolute fluff 😚💖 embarrassingly sweet in the best way💕💕💕 i miss this story so much, i have nothing else to add to it but almost wish i did!! 🥺
2. Bunny and Fox
a story celebrating hinata and my first canon compliant story❤️ i'm actually nervous writing canon compliant anything in fear of getting details wrong but i do hope to write more of them soon!! i just gotta brush up on my naruto lore knowledge lol
3. thus a silenced memory
oHhhh baby, my biggest passion project to date all bcuz of my love for Jane Austen and Persuasion, and boy! how much i've learned and keep learning with this one!! it's been a surreal one to write and far more complicated than i was expecting at first so at times.. i'm struggling creatively but i have so much more to go and it's so exciting that there's so much to share!!! ch. 17 is in steady progress but i'm learning to take my time and be kinder to myself so it'll be up when it's up❤️
4. Omurice of Love
silly premise for a nh valentine's day fic, all inspired by my crazy coworkers and their thoughts on asking ur partner to be your Valentine lol another canon compliant fic! and writing pregnant Hinata was so sweet🥺 i actually... had a fic idea for mother's day but i haven't visited it since but i hope to soon💜
5. Welcome Home, Master!
my entry for NH month prompt: maid cafe ! i would have dug into it a bit more if i didn't write it so last minute but for what it is, it was really fun~ maid!Hinata was so embarrassingly awesome to write lol i loved every second of making her act that way hehe 😚🩷
welp, looking at this list means i gotta write more!!
i've been considering writing for another beloved fandom of mine so i'm excited about where that will take me when i find the chance to do so 🥰
thank you again for this!! :^)
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thebestofoneshots · 6 months
okok so i just wanted to compliment ur writing in a way i haven’t seen others compliment it and it’s smth that i never see in any literature ever w fem MCs especially fan fiction. i love the way u give the MC a personality and life of her own. i like that’s he can stand up for herself and has hopes and passions that don’t just correlate with the men in the series. this is insane for fan fiction ESPECIALLY cuz it’s x reader. i don’t think u understand how much i appreciate it and it’s one of the reasons i most look forward to ur chapters. she’s not just some dumb silly, small, boy-crazy, and perfect mc and i love that!! teen girls are so complex and u right that so well. anyway love ya 🤍🤍
Aww darling this is so sweet!
And let me tell you, (this is most def gonna be a small rant) I feel like reader-insert fics have a really bad reputation, and I know there are factions of the internet that absolutely despise them but I have to say some of the best fanfiction I've ever read, have been reader inserts.
So, while I do know there are some bad ones (I've seen them and read them), I also think the genre has the potential for greatness. I mean, just think about it, it's kind of like playing a videogame in which you get to choose the character you're playing as, customizing and all that. But nobody goes around criticizing video games where you get to basically self-insert into the narrative, do they? (I mean I suppose they do but that's because people like criticizing stuff)
If Dante did it, why can't we?
Either way, what I mean to say is that I'm trying to be one of those incredibly good writers I've encountered who basically redeem the genre by being single-handedly incredible. Writers like @wkemeup @kquil @embrassemoi @maiden-of-asgard @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @pseudonymmcwriter @matchavellichor @buckyskorpion @myfictionaldreams and many many more writers out there that time after time deliver incredibly amazing content, that never ceases to amaze me!
I'm starting a Defense Club for Reader fics, who wants to join in?
Also... I'm so glad you guys don't think MC is "miss perfect", because she might be talented but she's also dumb and stubborn as fuck and weaving that into the narrative has been so much fun! I didn't want a Jane Doe, I wanted a strong female character with actual fucking flaws and character growth because I want and need to see her struggle and improve. The whole "she's magically talented thing" does not vibe with me. Even if she is a little bit gifted, but then again, she has to be if she wants to keep up with the marauders.
i love the way u give the MC a personality and life of her own. i like that’s he can stand up for herself and has hopes and passions that don’t just correlate with the men in the series.
Ugh this! So happy this is the impression it's giving because since the start, I tried to have the series pass the Bechdel Test because I want to accurately represent women in the story. And while yes, they are teens and of course, they're thinking about dating, they also have their own issues. And while this is the story of how Vixen, Sirius and Remus end up in a throuple, it is also the story of how Vixen ends up in Hogwarts and deals with her new life there, and that aspect of the story is just as interesting to me as the relationship drama.
Either way, I want to thank you for your nice comments, I've had one hell of a week and this most definitely made me feel a lot better. lysm.
Read Gilded Constellations
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badlydrawndoc-scratch · 7 months
don't really have time or energy to draw this right now so. you're getting it in writing instead
It's not your birthday. At best, you would call it a day that someone who was you once was familiar with.
One that he didn't like either. Sure, you'd pretend to be him for a bit, accept some birthday wishes for him. But it wasn't your birthday. Not to you, at least. You think they all understand, to a point. Dirk does, at least.
That was why you weren't prepared to humour this conversation.
TG: this is hal isnt it
TG: not mad jst
TG: how do i say this?
TT: It seems there's a fairly large chance you're accusing me of not being myself, based off of a totally bullshit statistic.
TT: Care to elaborate?
TG: if u want me to tell u happy birthday 2 i can lmao
TG: dont hafta be weird about impersonatin dirk for that!!!
TT: I...
TT: Sorry. Holdon.
TT: There we go.
TT: As I was about to say, it's not technically my birthday. It's Dirk's. I wasn't even created today.
TT: I'll relay your well-wishes to him whenever he returns. Don't need to ask me about it.
TG: hmm nah i think i like havin' a hold of u for this
TG: if ur like
TG: not REALLY him
TG: but have his memories and shit
TG: todays ur day too
TG: so happy b-day! im not takin' that back either!
TT: ...
TT: I should go.
TT: Dirk probably won't like me monopolizing his account, even if he isn't here.
TT: Thanks, I guess.
You log off without another word, back in your sort-of space. Maybe you'll check in with Jane in a bit. Maybe you'll go through the internet for no apparent reason.
You can't say that that made you feel human. Or that it made you feel better, but... it made you think. It made you feel something. That was a start, right?
A firm series of slaps to the back of the cue-ball/head drags you out of your reverie. It's Itchy, hand poised to continue slapping you if you don't acknowledge him.
"Apologies. I must have became lost in thought," you begin, "as tends to happen with the omniscient. That said, there are better ways to get my attention."
Itchy shrugs and tells you he doesn't give a shit. He was just the fastest. The Felt needs you for somethin'. Somethin' he can't tell you about.
"Vague and somewhat sarcastic as always, Itchy. Just get to the point."
He just tells you you're no fun, before half dragging you out of one of your many studies. The whole manor is technically your study. But especially this one.
Itchy only bothers to take you about halfway, to where Crowbar is standing and waiting. He hardly says goodbye before dashing off to who-knows-where, probably to cause trouble somewhere else.
You pretend you don't know what's being hidden from you. You could figure out, and in the back of your mind you have figured out. But surprise is an emotion you like trying to fake.
Sometimes you wish you weren't faking it.
Crowbar walks up to you, with some off-handed comment about how he didn't expect Itchy to get you there on time. Or at all. He can never tell. Nonetheless, he's slightly more gentle when he offers you his hand, like he's not about to effectively drag you across an entire manor.
You don't remember the last time you've had actual contact with someone in a way that wasn't violent. You're not sure it's ever happened, honestly. (In reality, you know that isn't true. You were an indigoblood once, you recall. It's not as clear as the other memories, though.)
Crowbar's hand is felted, unsurprisingly, almost like a pool table. Again. Unsurprising. It's never surprising, but you commit the texture to memory anyway, all but ignoring what he's actually talking about. Something about a celebration.
He says they got the table stickball table fixed, and your attention is drawn again.
"Just call it a pool table."
He says he doesn't feel like it. It's a ball you hit with a stick on a table. Ain't a pool in sight. You agree, silently. The Alternian names for things were as foreign as they were ingrained; you knew them as much as you didn't know them.
Eventually, you're led into what you believe is the living room, and Crowbar lets go of your hand. You don't immediately adjust to the lack of feeling in your hand, almost like you were... severely touch-starved, actually, or something.
That's ridiculous, of course. You aren't technically alive, even if you're not as "soon to die" as you once were.
Someone, you think it could be Quarters, explains that all the Felt knows it isn't technically your birthday, and that it's only such by a few tangents. (You mentally add on that you weren't even created today).
But, Quarters adds, you've been stuck in a rut of sorts for a while. It wasn't really anyone's idea, he says. But it was agreed that it might get you feeling better for a while.
And, for once, you feel surprise. You never thought that they actually cared. Or even noticed. You're just their boss, of course. You're hardly even there.
(You have spent the past few months only leaving the Manor when you absolutely have to.)
You can't say it makes you feel alive. Or better, really. But it made you think. It made you feel something.
And, as you're dragged to play table stickball with Trace and Sawbuck, you decide that's a start.
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ornii · 1 year
Stranger things gang (as many as u can cause there is alot of main characters lol) with a male reader who is like Charles Xavier including with his abilities.
Thanks and have a great day
An interesting Concept, I’ll definitely give it some headcanons. Hope these suffice!
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Mike Being the self proclaimed leader of the Group, took it upon himself to make first contact with the “alien.” You obvious We’re Not an alien but that didn’t stop him.
After explaining to him and the others that for the most part you’re fairly normal, basic parents, lousy school and nothing out of the ordinary, you know besides being able to read minds, Mike was much more, calm about being around you.
He consistently would ask you to read his sisters mind to dig up dirt just to make fun of her, you sometimes just made things up so Nancy wouldn’t be so pissy about it all.
Eventually, once you gained his trust he finally introduced you to Eleven, someone who has powers oddly similar to yours. He asked you to help her with being more, normal with powers, and you gladly accepted, finally being able to talk to someone who knows how you feel.
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Dustin was the most excited and absolutely terrified at the same time. He’s only seen Eleven and what she can do, but a somewhat competent teenager with the powers to scramble his brain like eggs?
He constantly pesters you with questions about how your powers work and wether you can control minds or not. “Can you tell what I’m thinking?” “Can you tell what they’re thinking?” Questions upon questions, obviously you indulged him.
Eventually he’d want to test your powers to see if you can throw things or compare them to a guy called “Professor X” from the X-men. A comic hes been totally into. You joke about it but clearly tell him that you aren’t shaving your head and getting in a Wheelchair.
He’d ask if you can talk to people via telepathy and beg for you to try and talk to Suzie, who you assume might or might not be real.
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Lucas was, rightfully so, not the biggest fan of you when you were introduced by Steve. That was after he explained you had powers too.
Lucas hated Jane when she first arrived and eas cautious of you, asking if you ask had random people after you, and obviously wasn’t as friendly, you tried to make small chit chat but he wasn’t up for it.
Lucas’ issues were quickly resolved when one day he was riding his bike, and he swerved to avoid hitting a car and was tumbling down a hill, before he can reach an unfortunate fate, he suddenly began to float, as you used your powers to make sure he was safe.
After that, he apologized for how he’s treated you, and you obviously put it in the past.
But, sometimes he’d use his slingshot to shoot rubber balls at you and you stop them with your mind, just to make sure you’ve still got your skills.
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Will was the oddball out of the group, funny enough.
He was much more friendly with you at first, I suppose maybe you both had more in common than you expected.
Will invited you to DnD games, letting you play a character, the Legendary Dark Make Azathoth, the foolish god.
Reading Wills mind you find out about how he really feels about Mike, and you didn’t ask or put him, rather you never told him and just decided to be the best supporter than you can for him. Maybe one day he’ll tell you but that isn’t your choice it’s his, and you always respected it.
Jane (Eleven)
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Mike Introduced you to Eleven and it was awkward for you both. You never met another like you and you first asked about her powers.
You showed off how you could read her mind, show her things and levitate, much like she could, she finally found someone who was “Different” like her.
You started assisting her with moving things with her mind the same way you do.
You got really worried when you first saw the blood leak from her nose and panicked, but she reassured you she was fine, but you never really took your eyes off of her, just to make sure.
Reading her mind showed you everything, the Hawkins Lab, Meeting the Party, Saving will, and more importantly, The Demagorgon
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Mad Max was the last you met, as she had an older brother around your age that hated you guys for, whatever reason.
When you did bump into her after being interrogated by Dustin About your powers, you fiddled around showing how you read minds and can scramble them.
She asked you to scramble Billy’s but you talked her out of it.
But after meeting Billy, getting into an argument and then calmly using you powers to slam him onto the roof, calmly telling him to never harass Max or anyone ever again.
Needless to Say he never bothered you again, and you secretly became Maxs favorite Weirdo
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