#thank u so much for sending this question
foundationbuilt · 7 months
Can I get a meta on how Klaus felt knowing the woman he loved (Tatia) was a HUGE role in his binding? (she didn't know but still...)
Okay, oh wow, we are in a ride! I'll put it under a read more so it doesn't take up anyone's dash <3
So Klaus' feelings towards Tatia herself are very complicated because she was the first woman he had ever loved. She was beautiful and clever and spirited and free and different, because she had a child and was independent from her parents and a husband, which was entirely unheard of in those days. To Klaus, she seemed very mature, and she was appealing because of that, because of how immature and trapped he felt beneath his parents' roof and his father's fist and his mother's suffocating love. He dreamed of leaving it all behind for Tatia. She was his first solid dream of building a future. Of a family outside his own ( coincidentally, for many years to come, she would be the last of his dreams as such ). Of course, that didn't work because Tatia picked his brother, and this only heightened the feelings of inadequacy that Klaus felt towards his elder brother, that once again someone chose Elijah. Their parents favoured Elijah, their siblings favoured Elijah (whether they did not is debatable, but Klaus saw it like this) and so would any woman ( which he still hadn't gotten over a thousand years later, because it often proved to be true, even if it was true by his own doing ). So by the time Tatia died and Klaus was being bound, he felt hurt and resentful and grieved, because he had lost everything. He had lost the girl, he had lost his baby brother, he had lost his own identity. He lost any faith he had in any of his family. So to find out that Tatia was involved in his binding ( unwillingly ) was the last straw, the insult on top of the cake. He was angry, yes, but he was more devastated than anything, and unbearably bitter. He would never escape her. Her ghost would haunt him forever, reminding him of everything he could never be. She was a part of him, the worst part ( in his eyes ), the part that was weak and trapped and inescapable. The part that smothered him of the power he saw as his right, the identity that he should have had but had been taken from him forcefully and against his will. He could never be enough for her, he could never be the child that his father ( Mikael ) had wanted, he could never be what he was born to be. Reminding him how naïve and childish he had been once, to ever think he could be enough for anyone, that his parents would have allowed such a thing. A lot of it wasn't even about Tatia herself, really, but the reflection of what Klaus saw in himself through his love for her. In the end, though, Klaus thought it was fitting in the most bitterest of ways, for the first woman he loved to be the woman who denied him of what he wanted most for the whole of eternity. She had been his first taste of the heartache ( in that sense ) and tortured him in worse ways afterwards.
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inkyajax · 1 month
gmorning Clari!!! 💘 I’m not sure you’ve done it before, but I’d loooove to know what type of yanderes you’d classify your genshin faves as 😘
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ANDYYYY i am so sorry i am responding a few days late to this and that’s because i accidentally wrote you a whole novel for an answer :) your ask sparked so many thoughts and i just BLAAAH spewed them all over the page (*ノωノ) ugh ahahaha ANYWAY oh gosh okay i have so much to say, let’s get into it!!! also apologies for how MASSIVE ajax’s is waaaah
characters: wriothesley, ajax [childe], kamisato ayato, thoma warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, yandere behaviour (gaslighting, obsessiveness, toxic relationships, delusional thinking, manipulation, over-protectiveness, etc) words: 2.1k
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₊˚⊹ 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲
WRIOTHESLEY is the controlling, authoritarian type that feels like a really strict father, all under the guise of ‘protecting you’ and ‘keeping you safe’. he veers into delusional territory a little here because he genuinely believes what he’s telling you (and himself) and genuinely believes himself to be doing the right thing. he isn’t possessive, he just wants to make sure you’re going out with safe people. he isn’t obsessive, he just wants to know where you are at all times in case an emergency strikes and he has to come find you. he isn’t overbearing, he just cares and is proactive—don’t you want him to care? can’t you see he’s only this ‘protective’ because he loves you? 
he has thoroughly convinced himself that this behaviour has nothing to do with jealousy or a desire to keep you locked up, to keep you 100% certainly safe and his forever, and nothing to do with wanting to exert complete control over you, orchestrating your every decision—and he’s pretty good at continuously deluding himself into believing it. he’s so good, in fact, and his logic is so sound, that it has YOU wondering if you’re ‘just being crazy’, if you’re overthinking things or reading too much into them. wriothesley has had a lot taken away from him, after all, and he knows exactly how the mind of criminals tick—can you really blame him for being a bit paranoid? maybe you’re the one who’s overreacting and being unreasonable. maybe you’re even feeling a little guilty for being so ungrateful—shouldn’t you appreciate having someone who loves and cares for you this much to go to such extents? shouldn’t you want to relinquish all power to someone you love equally as much? shouldn’t you trust him to make only the best, most sound and appropriate decisions for you? you probably should. 
₊˚⊹ 𝐚𝐣𝐚𝐱
AJAX is kind of like, the typical yandere, and he encompasses several ‘types’, evolving throughout the course of your relationship and shapeshifting into different variants depending on the situation itself. and while the other three men seem normal until you’re in too deep with them, refraining from showing symptoms of yandere-ness until after you’ve been with them for an extended period of time and mean a lot to them, ajax is weird from the very beginning. 
almost immediately you can sense that there’s something slightly off about him, but you can’t put your finger on what it is. it’s so subtle that it doesn’t strike you as particularly dangerous, leading you to merely write it off as one of his quirks and nothing more. 
he’s overbearing right from the start, of course; not necessarily enough to be concerning just yet, but enough for it to be abnormal—unusual—and noticeable (which reminds me of your lil ajax piece!!!). from the instant he sees you, he is irreversibly obsessed with you. you permeate his every waking thought, and eventually begin to leak into his dreams, too, and suddenly he can barely breathe without knowing where you are and what you’re doing, his concentration consumed by you. 
he begins stalking you—‘overseeing’, he had called it—making detailed notes of your favourite locations and your most frequented friends. he’s constantly got an eye on you one way or another, even if he has to employ other people to do it for him, discreetly reporting their findings every few hours. he tells them you’re in danger—which, you are, technically—and that you must be observed at all times from afar, silently and stealthily. 
ajax is patient and he can play the waiting game, carefully devising and then revising his strategy based on your moves. he loves playing predator and prey, gets a thrill from how the hunt unfolds—much like a battle, it’s a story, a rich tapestry you and he are constantly and concurrently creating, together. and that he thinks is so beautiful.
in textbook yandere fashion, once he’s gathered a sufficient amount of intel, he begins ‘showing up’ randomly at your usual spots, ‘bumping into you’ fortuitously. charming and sweet, the only thing that’s initially unsettling is just how well the two of you get along. ajax is sure not to mimic you too much—he doesn’t want to be a mirror, after all, and being too similar is far from a good thing (especially when it matches so well it simply can’t be coincidental).
well—that, and the sharp glint in his eye that flares with something dangerous every time you giggle or gush, every time you fall further for him. and once he has you enchanted, ensnared, you’re trapped for life, tangled up in him so tightly that he might as well have fused to your flesh. 
ajax likes to tell you it isn’t about power and control, but he knows that it is. he’s smart, and he’s self aware, and he doesn’t really care if this is ‘wrong’—he sees it as necessary and he genuinely believes he knows better than you do. he has to take care of you, or else who will? you’re clearly not capable of satisfactorily doing it on your own, so he must (god, how would you manage without him?). even if you oppose him or fight back against him, he’s purely convinced you’re bull-headed and stubborn, snorting at your wanting to be independent when he truly knows you’re too stupid take care of yourself ‘properly’ all on your own.
violence is a mainstay of your relationship, but not towards you; never towards you—merely towards everyone around you. his jealousy knows no bounds, but you will rarely see it outright. instead, ajax prefers to hone his emotions, to fashion them into a weapon or use them as fuel to thoroughly tear apart anyone who looks your way in a manner he doesn’t like. it’s his job as your lover and keeper, isn’t it? 
₊˚⊹ 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨
AYATO knows what he is, and he doesn’t care. why should he, when he’s sure what he’s doing is ultimately correct and he’s used to having everything that he wants, and everything going his way, even if he has to force/manipulate it to? he’s so skilled at that in particular—manipulating situations and events to procure favourable outcomes for himself. in ayato’s mind, you should be grateful that he affords you so many freedoms—he could lock you away in the basement or a padded room, chain you to a bed with no entertainment or stimulation save for the books he has so conscientiously selected for you, and no other human contact aside from himself. but he trusts you, and he doesn’t want to go to those measures (though rest assured, he has promised you he will not hesitate to reach such heights if he deems it absolutely necessary, no matter how much he doesn’t want to; you staying his comes before his personal preferences and pleasures). as such, he allows you to roam the estate grounds under the watchful eye of his closest confidants and most capable guards (usually thoma, unless he is otherwise occupied and busy); he allows you access to letter writing materials (though they must go through two rounds of supervision and revisions before they are approved; once by thoma, and once by ayato himself); he allows you to go out in public as long as you are with him, etc. 
despite these apparent freedoms he affords you, he still picks your outfits out for you each day, and he devises a comprehensive meal plan for you each week, and creates schedules and rules he expects you to follow, thoroughly and meticulously to the letter. it is these subtle forms of ownership that he enjoys the most. he doesn’t feel the need to shout from the mountaintops, loudly and aggressively, that you are his, because the fact is so obvious, so evident, the second anyone merely glances at you. you walk like him, you talk like him, you sit, stand, and bow like him, just like he trained you to. 
ayato is also the type of yandere to punish you. he is molding your pretty little mind into exactly what he wants it to be, and that means that undesirable behaviours must be immediately and severely corrected through appropriate punishments—you must learn, or be taught what is right and what is wrong in ayato terms + definitions, so you will refrain from repeating such behaviour in the future. he is truly crafting you into the most perfect, precious, obedient little doll—and having a blast while doing so. it’s his little pet passion project, in a way; something he looks forward to working on when he has a moment of spare time. 
ayato was sly and clever with the way he initially enticed you, entrapped you, but underneath his cool, precisely chiseled exterior, ayato is selfish, manipulative, and extremely controlling. all decisions are ultimately made by and go through him. he will skillfully and carefully cut you off from all lifelines and communication, rendering you wholly dependent on him, and then will meticulously chip away at your mind until he sculpts it into exactly what he desires—someone who is as obsessed with him as he is with them. he slowly, stealthily, and steadily induces a severe, irreversible case of stockholm syndrome. the damage he does to your mind is permanent—and that’s exactly his goal. you now live for him. your days are marked by his appearances, his comings and goings, and the only thing you have to look forward to is seeing + spending time with him. you live to please him, live to be with him, and become absorbed by him, so you are merely an extension of him and no longer an individual yourself. everything revolves around ayato—he is your entire universe. 
₊˚⊹ 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚
THOMA is the most dangerous type of yandere, because thoma is genuine. thoma’s feelings are 100% authentic—and he earnestly intends to bring you no harm whatsoever—they’re just way too intense. he loves you so much that it veers into insanity, and the passion he feels towards you (and towards keeping you safe + claiming you as his) is so fierce that it physically hurts him to experience, chest blistering with scorching adoration and razored affection, something so dense and so all-consuming that thoma wants to claw through his own flesh and pry his ribcage apart spoke by spoke just so he can experience a shred of relief. 
thoma is, for the most part, an honest guy—starkly, brashly honest, so honest it shatters his words and gnaws at his voice, leaving it rough and raw, splintered to shards; but you can always trust he says exactly what he means. he severely lacks self awareness, not even realizing that his behaviour is inappropriate and extreme (he just cares about you SO much! it blinds his rationale and erodes his logic, incapacitating his ability to understand that he’s so suffocating it borders on terrifying). 
but what makes thoma so incredibly perilous is his sincerity. he truly just wants to keep you safe, eyes brimming with tears and voice hitching on barely contained emotion as he thoroughly explains to you his logic for stashing tracking devices in your bags or his reasoning for shattering the kneecaps of the man who made you uncomfortable at work, sentiment thick in his throat, words straining with the weight of his honesty, with the desperation for you to understand, to see it his way. he swears to the high heavens that he’d never hurt a single hair on your pretty, precious little head, and promises that he doesn’t want to scare you, but firmly asserts that he will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. 
and he means it. thoma is, in the most essential sense, your guard dog. he’s so sweet towards you, even submissive at times, always subservient to your every wish and whim, your every demand and desire, but he’ll fucking rip anyone within a meter of you to pieces with his teeth and bare hands alone if he feels as though you are being threatened in any way—and his standards and definition of ‘threatened’ are extreme and absurd, of course, causing him to react in a way that is severely disproportionate to the situation.
it borders on too much all the time—he is too obsessive, too protective, too clingy, but he’s also so sweet, so gentle, so incredibly bonafide that you can’t help but not be upset with him. he only does what he does because you’re his entire world, right? what’s so harmful about that? 
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zebracorn-chan · 5 months
pretend this is Freddy and give him a present!
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basketobread · 10 months
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HEY!!! just wanted to say that i am sooo sorry to the people who have been waiting on a response to their ask 😭 you guys ask way too good of questions where i have to sit down and really think before i can give a response im happy with SFDIUHSFDI
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rainebowevee · 11 months
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A quick doodle from chapter 7 of Render by @lostlegendaerie 🥰
Things change and we're not who we once were, but reading this fic is like coming home again. Thank you Saro for the trip down memory lane, this fic helped me through some tough times back in the day and it's a spot of comfort now when the world feels like it's falling apart 😭
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virtuangel · 10 months
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the complete eri guidebook (2023) full version under the cut ♡ pdf ver. happy birthday @xiaojuun !! &lt;3
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credits. with the help of: meg (@hozierbyrne) // brina (@aquablues) // aléks (@possession1981) // vianey (@souladies) // lili (@ninqz) // aweks (@awek-s) // miha (@jaebeomtual) // rachel (@gnanii) // mare (@dongkwan) // ro (@sunghanbin) // rosie (@kimjiwoong) // lulu (@fushigojos) // sofi (@yukuz) graphics: gift boxes // broccoli // orange fruit watercolor // lip print textures // notion-style scribbles // healthcare vector icons // human anatomy icons // film cutouts pack // 3d travel icons // drinks vector icon set // coffee outline illustration pack // baby vector icon pack
#*mine#oorieri#genuinely thank you SO MUCH for participating @ everyone who did . and if i didn't contact u ... im so sorry i probably didnt fully realize#that u were friends with eri um . sowwie#thank you for finding the time to think about this and . for those who did . for sending in your answers i lob u this is only possible beca#because so many people agreed to help...#a note to meg!! specifically!! because you did so much (from being my first interviewee and my lab rat to responding to the few questions i#had . to suggesting people to include and offering your help with contacting some people (although it did not work out in the end as i said#i really appreciated the thought!!)#note for meg (2): i ended up not being able to use indesign at all... it was too big for my poor little tablet skjsk i got rlly excited abt#n downloaded it strategically for the free trial to expire today or tomorrow but. had to uninstall right away... sighs)#special thanks to lili for being so sweet . i think we became a bit closer through the messages we exchanged in between this project <3#special thanks to rachel and mare who i know are both really good friends with eri but who aren't exactly familiar with me... i was really#nervous messaging you both so thank you for being so sweet and for participating despite life not exactly helping!!#note for rachel: im sorry i ended up casually calling you rachie in my head the past month or so .. forgive me#special thanks to lulu for being willing to participate#a big thank you to everyone for opening up#and thank you to gabi and sarah who did try their best to find the means to participate#big thank you to gimp for crashing so many times while i was making this & to myself for overriding one of the most important files acciden#accidentally. good job#and finally. the BIGGEST thank you to OUR BELOVED ERI who. clearly. is just the biggest sweetest sunshine & the bestest friend to all of us#thank you for everything always ... i hope you're sleeping well by now#and of course: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i truly wish you all the best today. and this month. and the next year and the next one and the next one an#i love you. <3 i really do#and so does everyone! clearly!!
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Would Touya-nii ever feel guilty for giving the reader a punishment only to find out later she didn’t actually do anything
OOOOOH ANON!!!! i am so in love with this ask!!!!! this hurts!!! the answer is YES, ABSOLUTELY! honestly, if touya were to dish out this extreme, sadistic punishment to reader only to discover that she was actually innocent this entire time, he’d probably cry. he’d feel fucking awful. this would be one of those rare, seldom moments were he’d genuinely feel bad + remorseful for his actions. touya will often punish her for bullshit reasons purely to exert power n control over her (tho to him, he can almost always ‘justify’ these, and we see this clearly exhibited throughout the series), but if he had seriously and sincerely mistaken her for committing some sort of severe offence, he would spend a very, very long time making it up to her, and it’s definitely a mistake he’d be absolutely certain to never make again (aka he’d meticulously check to ensure she truly had committed an offence before ever punishing her again).
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stunie · 1 month
whats the craziest umie story ... 🤲🤲
:O UMIE QUESTION? AND ZEN ? cradling this ask in my hands …. very carefully. then decorating it with little heart stickers … thank you zen zen 🥺🤍 love u sm
the craziest…. it would probably be the last ayce sushi place we visited > < idk how crazy it is but i can say it was definitely an experience! the original plan was me vs umemiya: how many pieces of sushi we could eat while still avoiding the leftovers fee of course ! no sushi wasted. um so long story short, we ended up joining forces at the end ): it went from “i already ate this many!” to “okay you get that one, and i’ll get that one…” “okay we just have those two left….”
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polaroidcats · 27 days
Question of the day: if your otp didn't exist (maybe the whole story gets poofed from existence, maybe they just got written out during edits) what ship do you think you'd be obsessed with instead and why?
ohhh what a fun question, thank you!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
hmmm ok so if wolfstar didn't exist I wouldn't have come back to the hp fandom. There are definitely other ships in this fandom that I love or used to love like Jily, Jilypad, Prongsfoot, Hermione/Ginny,.. but if it wasn't for Wolfstar I wouldn't be here. Wolfstar has been the only ship ever, across all fandoms that I read a lot of fanfics for, I think I can count the number of non wolfstar-centric or at least non remus or sirius-centric fanfic that I've ever read on two hands. Idk what it is but I'm stuck on them...
BUT if they didn't exist I think it would either be Snowbaz (Simon Snow/Baz Pitch from the Carry On book series) or Crowley/Aziraphale from Good Omens. I came back to wolfstar because I was looking for Snowbaz stuff on tumblr and ao3 and the fanart looked so familiar I just literally jumped ships and fell back into this fandom after years of being away 😂 And when s2 good omens came out I got very close to reading some GO fanfic but ultimately, wolfstar just always win, they're such a comfort ship for me. But if they didn't exist, yeah definitely ineffable husbands and/or snowbaz.
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Hi!! Hello!! Your worldbuilding has once again enchanted and fascinated me! But I have no one to talk to about mcyt-related worldbuilding so I’m just going to (definitelynot) shout (ha ha. I’m funny.) at you if that’s ok!!
Ever since I found this fandom I’ve been fascinated by how to deal with video game mechanics in writing, and I’ve found it a very interesting ongoing puzzle, to come up with worldbuilding or lore to explain the more mechanical, coding-based stuff and cover up the fact that the characters are in a videogame. I think that’s part of why I love your worldbuilding so much, because you went in completely the opposite direction, and made Code the base, the reality-fabric, of all the rest of your universe! It kinda blew my mind!
Anyway, the player inventory and in-game chat are two of the most glaringly Video Game mechanics, and two of the first that I came up with explanations for, which is why I (like Tango) latched onto those few lines and details about them in chapter four. For me, they’re both explained by the very flexible fabric of reality inherent to server-words. Because reality is so easy to manipulate (and be manipulated without breaking down) in these worlds, it’s easy for Players to simply open a small personal pocket dimension they can store stuff in. (The same way it’s easy to make something float by just leaving it there and taking away what connects it to the ground) the chat happenes basically the same way. Server-worlds allow for a very shallow telepathic link across all players that everyone experiences a little differently (you might see it scroll across the inside of you arm, look at it in the corner of your vision, actually hear it quietly in your head, etc.)
But that’s a lot of My Ideas, I am, in fact, here because of Your Ideas. Because I’ve alway seen them as sperate things, and I am So Curious about how you’ve linked them. The chat being on external comms on a watch or phone-like device seems pretty common in the fandom, but linking them the way you have — in that you can’t have an inventory without a comm — raises so many questions!! (/pos) how do they work? Are they mechanical? Magical? Natural? Bio-magical? If they were something that needed to be invented, who invented them? How long have they been around? What did people do before then? How does a new player get their first comm/inventory? If comms can comunicate across worlds, could they theoretically take their inventory across worlds/servers as well? Is cross-void trade a very dangerous, but lucrative, profession? Do they have to exchange comm-phone-numbers or can they immediately contact anyone they’ve ever met? If you have stuff in your inventory and you loose your comm, do you lose the stuff too? Or does it transfer like an ender chest? Could someone else steal your inventory by stealing your comm? Does a player have to attune to a comm like a dnd magic item? How common is it to have to build a new one?
I’m gonna stop now because this is really long, it’s 11, and I Will just keep thinking of more questions. I’m so intrigued by this!! Those few little lines have completely captivated me with their potential!! I’m excited!!
(Sorry if this had a bit too much of my own personal worldbuilding ramble, I just really wanna talk to someone about this stuff!)
Ive been 👁️👁️ at this ask since you sent it in and first of all im so sorry the autism won for a bit and kept me from answering your questions, second of all i think your worldbuilding is SO NEAT :DDD this is SUPER COOL i love your ideas, comms being a telepathic link is so interesting to me!!! Also, im intensely flattered that you like the direction i took with hunger au's worldbuilding so much!! I've been having a lot of fun sorta marrying biology and irl physics with computer programming-based building building blocks for this universe, to the point where im actually starting to put together a legit glossary in my masterlist doc to keep it all straight in my head 😂😂😂 it's an interesting challenge for me to try and meld all these things together so i can make something that feels completely different from our world without losing its relatability, so im super glad you're appreciating it!!!
These are a lot of questions im gonna try and answer all at once, so i'll put it beneath the cut so it doesnt clog people's dashes LMAO
So firstly, the way i view communicators is,,, okay dont laugh too hard but i literally just visualize them as pip boys from fallout SKDNJWNDJS for some reason ive NEVER been able to shake that mental image, so ive just sorta accepted that into how i view them for hunger au. Personally, i see them as sort of a... mishmash of the bio-mechanical, something that isnt QUITE a direct part of them but is very much attached and integrated with their code. So its not like an organ, but an interface, i guess-- comms are how you can access an inventory, which is basically just hammerspace the way you've already described it, and where you can change your own surface code, and its also just... the way Players are able to interact with the worlds around them.
You also send messages with comms, but instead of there being anything like phone numbers, you're forming a direct link between your comm and someone else's!!! Not telepathic the way you've done with your worldbuilding, but because i see comms in this universe as something that latches onto and interacts with your code, its still a very important connection. Once connected, you can talk to that person all the time through your comm, even if they arent currently on your server-- although I do think that this only extends to when youre within the same server cluster.
As for how Players get them in the first place: for spawned Players, they just spawn in with them. Thats where the bio part comes in i think, and its a little hard for me to explain the way i view it, but its something like... i guess a bit like when moons form around planets. The code of an entity has a certain weight to it, and when a Player and their singleplayer world spawns in, the comm does with them, already attached and integrated with their code. For birthed Players, its very different-- they arent born with a comm, so they need a comm made, and then integrated with their code by a skilled code wrangler. It is VERY tricky to make a comm-- theyre incredibly fiddly, super hard to code without mistakes, and they take an extraordinarily long time to put together, let alone integrate properly with someone's code. Im not sure the word dangerous is the most accurate term here, but there are potentially harmful consequences if you integrate a poorly made comm with someone's code.
As for inventory transfer, i think you can bring stuff in your inventory from one server to another. This is mostly used for personal items or gifts, i think-- Player culture and attitude generally emphasizes fun, and whats more fun than giving someone something special that you made/got for them, or bringing a little memento with you from an old world you want to remember?
Theoretically, im sure there are Players who bring supplies or previously used tools with them to new worlds, but i think most Players like the excitement and challenge of starting fresh. It all depends on the person and the community culture surrounding that server if its a multiplayer. Cross-void trade is probably definitely a thing, but i dont think its necessarily very dangerous, just something more personal that you'd do for yourself or for a friend rather than any kind of business model.
As for someone being able to steal a comm, i dont think you can if its attached to the Player it belongs to, because at that point its basically a part of them. They can take them off, though, so someone could potentially steal it then, but unless theyre a skilled code wrangler and can crack into it, i dont think it would work for them or let them access that person's inventory. It would, however, be an incredibly effective (and cruel) way of controlling someone's actions and where they can go/who they can talk to.
This is why, ultimately, lost comms are a huge deal; losing your comm is literally losing access to pieces of yourself, your world, and your community. And while as a Watcher, Grian doesnt technically need a comm to access his code or enter other servers, he does still need it to keep in touch with other people and facilitate those community bonds, as well as keep an inventory. So yeah, Tango fretting over Grian losing his comm was very much warranted.
AAAAAAA THIS WAS VERY LONG i hope it was worth the wait!!! I know you sent another question but im gonna answer that one separately later since its about a different subject, and this is already SOOOO MUCH RAMBLING on my part. Thank you for sending these asks, and you are absolutely welcome to ramble at me as much as you want!!! :D
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sentientsky · 2 months
I am also obsessed with EEAAO what's your favorite Jobu Tupaki fit and also what mental illnesses do you have?
omg hi! this is so exciting i never get to talk about this movie
in response to your first question! this one:
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sapphic elvis is always iconic to me, but i also love the goth clown look and the one she wears when she climbs into the bagel at the end. jobu tupaki my absolute beLOVED
in terms of my brain. uh. well
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kylejsugarman · 6 months
does au^2 baby get to do preschool?
she does!! they're all settled and safe in haines long enough before that age for it to be totally doable once baby's old enough, even if jesse's kind of like "or she could just stay home and never leave and be there safe forever. just a thought." about it. he doesnt love the idea of her going somewhere else and being around strangers, not after their last separation, but demi assures him that it'll be really good for baby to meet other kids and that this is also good rehearsal for kindergarten. baby is also not totally sold on the idea of going to a new place during the day when her two favorite people and her toys and stuff are at home, and is understandably scared when she gets there and fully realizes that jesse and demi are not Staying. shes crying and clinging hardcore and it seems like this whole thing might be a nonstarter until her teacher says the pivotal sentence "we were just about to feed the class fish" and baby's like "👀 the class what??" this gets her off of jesse's leg just long enough for them to leave. she's still very relieved to see them that afternoon and has lots of trouble leaving them at the door the next few mornings, but seeing that preschool is a safe place with a fish tank and lots of books and a nice teacher helps ease some of her anxiety.
she even gets to play with other kids!! this is another huge change for her and she initially doesn't take too well to it: she has trouble sharing (not in a malicious way, just in a "im doing my own thing here" way) and doing group games and gets really shy whenever anyone engages with her. over time, it gets easier for her to interact and sometimes even talk to the other kids, but she's still pretty quiet. jesse also needs time to adjust and there are some bad days where he keeps her home because he just can't stand to put her in someone else's hands. it makes him feel shitty to keep her so tethered to his damage, but baby doesnt mind at all getting to spend the day with her dad and have a reminder that he's never going to be taken away from her again. it gets easier to swallow back the panic and dread as the weeks go on and he sees how much fun baby is having. she's bringing home drawings for him and demi, and telling stories about her day and even doing things with other kids on the playground some afternoons when they come to pick her up. preschool really gives her a good head start in a lot of ways and helps the whole family get used to having. a "normal" life moving forwards
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themissingnumbers · 4 months
(I'm probably just being self-conscious, but! I just wanted to say, no pressure to answer all or any of the asks I send in. I'm having a really good time and want to help push the story forward, but I'd hate to crowd out other people in my enthusiasm. I'll never be upset about one not getting answered - I know it's probably not necessary to say this, but doing so was a weight off my mind!)
(And if you want me to ever pull on the breaks and send in less, just pull me aside and let me know. o7 I don't want to crowd your inbox either!)
[ahh, rest assured you (and everyone else who frequently sends in asks!!) are more than fine!
people like you who interact frequently have really been keeping this blog goin! admittedly, this is still a small blog, but you guys being so dedicated have given us tons of great asks to work with and keep the investigations n stories moving along ^^
while it is true we can never answer every single ask, we do try our best. if one you've sent hasn't been answered in a bit, it's entirely possible we haven't passed it up- we're just keeping it aside for a perfect moment! plus, there's just the factor of us all working at different paces, irl stuff going on, and (in my case) tryna strike a balance for the multiple different ppl available for asks.
regardless! we see you nd we've NEVER had a problem with the amount of asks someone has sent in, or the amount one interacts with the blog. we even have little nicknames behind the scenes for our most dedicated followers HSFHFSGSJ. we're jus happy to see yall like our stuff enough to keep checking it out!]
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venerablehoney · 1 year
A small thing that gave you joy today?
The weather was lovely today 🥰 I sat outside and chatted with an old friend
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
Do you consider milk cookie a himbo? And if you do, who do you think is the best himbo? Milk or Madeleine?
my instinct is to say yes..?? i dont think hes stupid tho kdhfjd but hes silly and insane enough to still qualify id say... definitely fits the buff and kind parts... and ive definitely called him a himbo before LMFAOO here r the receipts😮‍💨
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MADELEINE def fits all 3 of the himbo checklist hes a textbook himbo😭😭 attractive, dumb, and kind... And I cant answer "which one is better" but if ur asking me whether I like milk or madeleine better..... is that even a question NCNSMDNSH *points to my pile of 928392732838 drawings of milk cookie and 0 of madeleine to date*😶‍🌫️
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inkykeiji · 7 months
i’m in the process of getting my drivers license (i’m a little late since i’m 21 and most people in my country get theirs when they’re 18 :b) and i can’t help but think abt touya-nii teaching me how to drive in his stupidly fancy car. on that note, just out of curiosity, would touya prefer to drive a manual or an automatic car? also out of curiosity, although i mentioned him teaching me how to drive in his car, would he? or would he be like tomura and wouldn’t even let me NEAR his precious baby (not sure though maybe if i cried a little) anyways i hope you’re doing alright!!!! kisses<3<3
aw good for you!!! c: HEHE that’s actually such a cute idea omg!! touya would absolutely teach you how to drive—touya style, of course, which is to say when you mess up you owe him something. and he isn’t going to make it easy for you, either (where’s the fun in that!?). expect his lips at your ear, teeth scraping along the curve of the cartilage and tongue curling over the lobe to envelop it in the heat of his mouth; expect sloppy kisses strung in a messy trail down your neck, connected by thick webs of saliva that cool and freeze the moment his mouth moves on to plant another peck; expect his hands on your thighs, up your skirt or down your waistband, hungry and vying fingers selfishly taking what’s theirs.
and when you complain that it’s dangerous, whine that you can’t concentrate with him hanging off of you, he scoffs and snorts and rolls his eyes—what? you thought your driving conditions would always be perfect? ideal? that you won’t have to deal with distractions? silly little thing, he’s only teaching you how to drive despite distractions; if anything, he’s doing you a favour, you should be grateful you have such a thoughtful, considerate big brother.
on how he drives: manual, always, and he’s absolutely insufferable about it (one of those types who believes those who drive manual are superior to those who drive automatic). poor natsuo decided to drive manual too, purely because his niisan does, and he knows touya-nii would look down on him if he didn’t (what? scared of a little work? don’t you want total control?), and he doesn’t ever want that.
also, ur absolutely right that tomura wouldn’t allow you behind the wheel of any of his precious babies, but he would have his outrageously rich daddy buy you and equally outrageous car to ‘learn on’. and don’t worry, he promises he’ll buy you something better the very instant you pass your exam ♡
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