#thank you *** for the introduction to alt music in general
atypi-cals · 8 months
you know, the good friendships, the bad friendships, the toxic friendships, the ones that just faded, they've all managed to touch one thing in me no matter what: my taste in music
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wfagamerants · 1 year
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I have made a big write-up about the Toad and Captain Toad identity subject before and it is transparent that this is a pet subject of mine, but I want to make one more comment on it thanks to a recent discovery with the Mario movie.
A big thing about movie Toad is the addition of a backpack, something that is usually portrayed as Captain’s defining feature and the movie itself, promotional posters and even merchandise emphasize it hard.
Now we also know that Toad’s introduction in the movie is accompanied by a cover of the Toad Brigade theme. A theme that is now synonymous with Captain Toad, to the point of playing when speaking to him in Odyssey for instance.
A common thing with movie Toad people have said to me is that this is just the movie doing it’s own thing, but here’s the thing: unlike say, Cranky being a monarch, this is really just another layer of something we have seen time and time again.
Despite it being stated that Captain is a separate character, this has been contradicted many times.
The earliest instances, before this even became a debate, were Galaxy merchandise proclaiming the two to be the same character and Toad appearing on the cover of Galaxy 2:
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Long after that, once Captain Toad become more of a thing, we had Mario Maker call Toad Captain:
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The reveal trailer for 3D World shows Captain’s icon was Toad during development and he has only been associated with red spots, blue vest Toads ever since:
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We got the Treasure Tracker amiibo bundle and a pre-order bonus straight from the official Nintendo store, centering around Toad who, by the logic of those statements, is a character totally unrelated to this game:
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You got Smash Ultimate which has Toad evolve into Captain Toad and even plays Treasure Tracker music for Toad’s battle, before he even becomes Captain.
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Then there are multiple times his name is just given as Toad, despite Captain Toad supposedly being a proper name like say, Toadsworth is:
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He’s in Mario Kart Tour, where he shares animations with Toad in a way that is only seen with alts and he is even grouped with Toad in VS Tour trailers, the same way Peachette is correctly grouped with Toadette:
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The Play Nintendo site lists Treasure Tracker and Odyssey as notable Switch games for Toad himself:
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And that is on top of the many, many things they have in common:
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Something that only continues to balloon over time. Like how Toad is the title character of a treasure hunting themed LEGO expansion and portrayed as a treasure hunter, with no Captain in sight:
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Something the movie of course, also heavily contributes to.
The point is there is a long history to the idea of them being separate characters being heavily contradicted and that is my main point.
I am not one to dismiss official word, but if it’s not reflected in what is being shown to me, I will call that out.
That is my general way I look at things. Nintendo is as strange as they are strict, so for them to allow all this stuff tells me there are conflicting views even internally and a lot of the new stuff like the movie reads like an open admission that having them be the same character makes far more sense.
I have my preferences, but I do make it a point to go by what is presented to me and build my opinion from there. It just so happens the evidence here aligns with my interests. Toad being captain is a natural expansion of his character and gives him something to individualize himself from the rest of his species even more and I dearly hope the franchise in the future embraces that.
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eliteseven · 2 months
Hello, just wanted to send a bit of praise your way for the band AU!! I adore it.
Maybe you’ve already answered this, but did you have any bands in mind as inspiration for the group’s sound?
I was listening to Bully this morning and can imagine Shadowheart singing with a similar sound in the AU.
Thank you so so much! I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it, it's been so fun to write!
I tried to be a little vague, but generally I'd imagine they're playing heavier music (alt/hard rock or metal) simply because 1. The Aesthetic (I wanted Shadowheart to be a very fitting stage name, I suppose) and 2. That's the only kind of band I know how to write about from personal experience 😅
I never heard of Bully before this ask! So cool, thanks for the introduction! ❤️ Could totally see Shadowheart sounding like that! I tend to think of Amy Lee, Melissa Bonny, Sharon den Andel, a lot of the other female faces of the 2000's harder scene for inspo for Shadowheart’s vocals. Taking that whole “voice of an angel" thing they have going and juxtaposing it against a heavier instrumental track.
However I purposefully didn't elaborate too much so it could still be up to your interpretation as a reader! I don't think there are any wrong answers! 💕
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jay-scenarios · 9 months
I’ve gotten quite a few new friends (if you follow me, you’re my friend. I do, in fact, make the rules.) so I felt like switching up my pinned post a bit to add more introduction to me 🤍
SO HI, I’m Jay. I use he/they pronouns and identify as a mess genderfluid/nonbinary, panromantic, and on the ace spectrum. I was born in early 1999, as an Aquarius. I was born on Chinese New Year, and tried very hard when I was young to convince everyone that I was born year of the tiger despite being a clear rabbit. My mbti is INFP.
I listen to a wide array of music, with k-pop, chillwave, new wave, alt rock and 80s-00s pop as some of the most common. Some of my favorite artists outside of kpop are Linkin Park, Savage Garden, Veela, and Depeche Mode. In kpop, my ult groups are ATEEZ and Stray Kids, but I also enjoy a lot of songs and artists across all the generations. With that, my ult biases are Kim Hongjoong and only Kim Hongjoong (nobody tell him I listen to anyone else). I reblog my favorites often to @officiallyjay99 for safe keeping.
I write, a lot more than I actually might let on! I have a collection of poetry, a couple screenplays, plenty of fanfiction, and some regular fiction stories. My first piece I remember ever writing was Crackers the Duck, and was about a duck who played baseball (crackers was a play on the crack sound of the bat and the quack of the duck, I felt very smart lol) and helped bring his team to victory. I believe I was like 8 when I wrote it but I think my mom still has it somewhere lol. I’ve also been published twice (one poem, one screenplay) in a small collection of works that was run by my high school creative writing teacher, but now I write and publish (mostly fanfiction) here via @twisted-tales-of-all and will read (not as often as I’d like) and reblog my favorite pieces with reactions via @jay-recommends-scenarios !
Outside of writing, I also have a couple hobbies that aren’t as often acted upon. I enjoy photography, taiko, audio/video editing, SFX makeup, and dance. If you ever see someone walking around California Georgia in SFX makeup, it’s easy to assume that’s me, especially so if I’m dancing or singing as if nobody’s around. I also took a taiko class in university over and over again, and even made my own taiko love song while there that I still have, but never was able to perform thanks to covid. (I graduated with my BA in sociology in 2021 if anyone is curious.)
I’m a very outgoing introvert, so will usually be very friendly if you approach me, but that often means recharging, so I don’t reach out to people often, with the exception of my best friend @mo0nbeams who knows my entire life whether they want to or not 🩶 Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like! My ask box, submissions, and DMs should all be open on this blog!
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fvriva · 8 months
tagged by @cervicrazed to show off my music taste! gonna pick from my shuffle lol
Belgrade // Battle Tapes -> i hear this is a theme song for a show now? anyway this song is a good action song. really fires me up. has a slapping beat and that alt rock band sound
The Woods // San Fermin -> my introduction to san fermin! this song has those spooky witch vibes, an extremely deep male vocalist and tones set by a female vocalist, though some of the other songs with that lead are super pretty. florence welch adjacent
NEVER MET! (feat. Glitch Gum) // CMTEN -> listen, okay, i know hyperpop isn't a real genre but i love that energetic mixture of autotuning and glitchy mixing and electronic beats. i can also almost sing along in time to this one (it's a little fast)
Bii Biyelgee // The HU -> 🫵 go listen to this mongolian folk metal band NOW 🫵 their lyrics are getting really accessible on spotify and other places and they're so emotional and beautiful
Carmen ad deum // Helium Vola -> this genre is like. bardcore but in the other direction, and is actually good. all their songs are based in actual medieval texts and sheet music/period-accurate musical stylings, but reimagined as techno music
Vocalo-Colosseum // SymaG -> technically a cover of a rin and gumi song but i would be a hack fraud without any vocaloid on his list. the song in general just fucks in general but the album art for this song on spotify really enhances the vibe
Tengu Village // Maclaine Diemer -> similarly i would be a hack if i didn't put any ost on here, and GW2 ost in particular. this is one of my favorite new areas in the game, it's such a nice place to idle (or as new as eod is as the second newest xpac i guess)
The Pines // 070 Shake -> my sister introduced me to this one by going "you'd like this band. they have something in common with you." and after a lot of my guesses she was like "they're gay" thanks girlie. anyway this one is another one of those great autotune songs with a fucking EXCELLENT breakdown in the last chunk
Noi! // Yuki Kaijura -> if anyone can find another track with the same general vibes as this song PLEASE hmu. it's giving coraline as well
Camel Dancefloor // Igorrr -> this track singlehandedly got me back into igorrr, my beloved my beloved. it's one of the less crazy igorrr tracks compositionally but it's got an addictive melody motif
tagging: @t4tmetalsonic @breitzbachbea @hunny-k @jin-kies @yoma-999 @awerzo @evilpol
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impossibleraysykes · 2 years
This is an introduction to us:
We’re non binary and aroacespec as a system, but most of us use other labels as well. We’re Autistic, ADHD and have depression and anxiety.
We’re Pro Endo so please if you’re looking to start a fight go somewhere else. We will not respond.
We love alt/emo/metal music and also are massive fans of Dnager Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys by My Chemical Romance.
Ray’s killjoy side blog: @atomicvodkakilljoy
Lexi-Con’s blog: @lexi-conthekilljoy
These are some of the most active members of our system:
Ray: Host of the system and generally frontstuck. He/him. Uses labels Nonbinary and Transguy. Aroace. 19.
Lexi-Con: Punk. They/them. Gender is ironic fem but enby fluid. Aro and aspec. Killjoy kinda person. Often an antagoniser. 17.
Our other members don’t interact here. But here’s a link to a document containing their descriptions: (coming soon!)
Our system sideblog: @impossibleraytisms
We’re big fans of MCR, BMTH and MIW.
Our sideblogs
We have a Tellonym account.
Please do not interact if you’re transphobic/homophobic or aphobic. No racism or misogyny is allowed either. Do not interact if you’re not willing to learn about sexualities and identities you’ve never heard of before. Thank you
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musictragedies · 2 years
Kurt Cobain's Final Goodbye
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(Alt Text: Cobain's suicide note written in red pen and stabbed in the middle with the pen. Source: all thats interesting)
In an article titled, “Inside The Text of Kurt Cobain’s Heartwrenching Suicide Note” a copy of the suicide note that Kurt Cobain wrote is shared. His note read the following:
“To Boddah
Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complain-ee. This note should be pretty easy to understand.
All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years, since my first introduction to the, shall we say, ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has proven to be very true. I haven’t felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now. I feel guilty beyond words about these things.
For example, when we’re back stage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowds begins, it doesn’t affect me the way in which it did for Freddie Mercury, who seemed to love, relish in the love and adoration from the crowd which is something I totally admire and envy. The fact is, I can’t fool you, any one of you. It simply isn’t fair to you or me. The worst crime I can think of would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if I’m having 100% fun. Sometimes I feel as if I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on stage. I’ve tried everything within my power to appreciate it (and I do, God, believe me, I do, but it’s not enough). I appreciate the fact that I and we have affected and entertained a lot of people. It must be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they’re gone. I’m too sensitive. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasms I once had as a child.
On our last 3 tours, I’ve had a much better appreciation for all the people I’ve known personally, and as fans of our music, but I still can’t get over the frustration, the guilt and empathy I have for everyone. There’s good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too fucking sad. The sad little, sensitive, unappreciative, Pisces, Jesus man. Why don’t you just enjoy it? I don’t know!
I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be, full of love and joy, kissing every person she meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point to where I can barely function. I can’t stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I’ve become.
I have it good, very good, and I’m grateful, but since the age of seven, I’ve become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along that have empathy. Only because I love and feel sorry for people too much I guess.
Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for your letters and concern during the past years. I’m too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don’t have the passion anymore, and so remember, it’s better to burn out than to fade away.
Peace, love, empathy. Kurt Cobain
Frances and Courtney, I’ll be at your alter. Please keep going Courtney, for Frances. For her life, which will be so much happier without me. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU!”
As I read the note, the pain he had been enduring is incredibly evident.
The letter is addressed to Boddah. According to an article from the US Sun titled “With the Lights Out When did Kurt Cobain die and what did his suicide note say” Boddah was Cobain’s childhood imaginary friend. The author of this article references a biography written by Charles R. Cross about Kurt Cobain called Heavier Than Heaven in which Cross suggests that “Boddah became one of the figures of refuge for a young Cobain.” This suggestion would make a lot of sense when it comes to the distress that Cobain had felt throughout his parents’ divorce. It is possible that Cobain “sought peace in Boddah.”
As you may recall from another blog entry regarding Cobain, he had attempted suicide prior to his ultimate death. Although, he denied these attempts. In his prior attempt, Courtney Love’s manager, Janet Billig, had found a note that was left. Billig stated that Cobain “insisted that it wasn’t a suicide note.” We are still unsure that the note that was found in his previous attempt was the same note that was found at the scene of his suicide.
In his final moments of life, Kurt Cobain smoked his last cigarette and loaded a shotgun. He then shot up half of the last of his Mexican black tar heroin and injected himself above his “K” tattoo. Before fading away completely, he placed the barrel of his loaded shotgun against the roof of his mouth and pulled the trigger.
His suicide “note was written in red ink, the pen he presumably used was stabbed through the center of the note in a flower box inside the greenhouse” where he was found. Many of the sentences within the letter were crossed out. His handwriting in the second half of the note suggests that he was in an erratic and distressed state.
A public vigil was held in Kurt Cobain’s honor on April 10, 1994. A crowd of 7,000 gathered as Cobain’s wife, Courtney Love, read sections of his suicide note.
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kurtstinypurse · 4 years
Top 5 Klaine fics?
I’m a bad person that reads a bunch of fanfic but then doesn’t bookmark them or anything, so they just go into the void, one after the other. I will forever be in the endless cycle of “ah, I remember a fic that ___” and then never find it again.
I’m trying to do better.
Here are 5 that really made an impression on me:
Down on the Corner by flowerfan
AU after Season 5/ Alt!s6. Blaine went back to Lima after the breakup, but Kurt stayed in New York. They do in fact reunite on the corner outside the loft in six months, but it doesn't go as either of them expected. Over the course of the next year, Blaine struggles to find himself, and Kurt struggles to find Blaine. And while they both realize that love doesn’t necessarily conquer all, they discover that it definitely helps.
I loved the exploration of Blaine’s experience with depression, and I really appreciated the boundaries he set with Kurt. I’m such a slut for communication, ESPECIALLY Kurt and Blaine communicating, and this hit all my marks. I have so many thoughts about S6, and I can only hope that my S6 rewrite fic ends up even coming close to holding a candle to this one.
Someone Like You by iconicklaine
Kurt and Blaine keep up their very own version of "When Harry Met Sally" for years, a friendship fraught with sexual tension and longing, until the agendas of Adele (yes, THE Adele), a bored NY socialite and a super-sweet hetero couple bring our boys together. The only problem is... they're both in committed relationships.
I read this one recently and fell in love. I generally shy away from super long fics (it’s 100k+), but this one never felt long to me. I’m such a sucker for friends-that-could’ve-been-more-but-never-quite-got-there, and I am completely in love with New Mexico, so the setting was perfect, too. The writing really stuck with me and perfectly captured the intensity of love they have for one another and how far in denial they were about it. Do you need something? haunts me. Oof. 
Is It Weird? by a_simple_rainbow
Blaine sends his Topics in Contemporary Music mid-term essay to the wrong e-mail address, writing an extra m where it was supposed to read Humel. Kurt, spending a semester abroad in Paris, is having a challenging night of essay writing and procrastination, and goes a little bit beyond letting Blaine know he got the wrong person, sparking what will soon be described as a "weird pen-palish thing we got going on" that takes them both by surprise and leaves them hopeful and giddy.
I’m also a sucker for a good penpal situation, and this one is just. The best.
life is like a song (I want you to sing to me) by luthien82
AU-ish - Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since college. They would do anything for each other, which Blaine proves when Kurt confesses he has to go home for a wedding - a wedding where everyone expects him to bring his long time boyfriend. The thing is: Kurt doesn't have one. But he has a Blaine, who is willing to help. Enter one group of crazy, well meaning friends, a week full of wedding preparations, and lots of sexual tension and you've got yourself a mix that's just bound to blow up in their faces...
The fake/pretend relationship trope could hit me with a car and I would say thank you. I love it. I just. Love it. (Alternate Pick: Only Pretending (Or Not At All) by little_escapist
Virtually Indistinguishable by Lepidopteran
Blaine is an inexperienced sub looking for an introduction to D/s through a virtual reality program called SafePlay. Unbeknownst to him, a bug in the program makes the program match him with a real person instead of the AI he thinks he's getting. But the more sessions Blaine has with Kurt, the more he wishes that Kurt were real…
Alright, I’ll admit it. I like reading D/s and I think Kurt and Blaine fit the roles very well. This virtual reality aspect was really intriguing to me, and added a nice layer of pining and obliviousness.
This is probably way more than you bargained for, but I had fun. Now I gotta work on my library. Thanks a bunch!!
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
HS Epilogues, Meat p26 reaction
Well, we unexpectedly went on a little hiatus there, in our liveblogging. It's just one of those things you got to find time for doing, you know?
So, last time in Homestuck Epilogues, Dirk was present for Rose's ascension into omniscience. Although he did state he still had a manner of control over her, and was going to do something to anchor her to her living body. So, you know, they're not on equal footing just yet, in part because Dirk hasn't relinquished control of the narration to her.
I hope the POV switches to John again, but since we just had a page from his perspective, it might be going back to Kanaya? Or Roxy, but Dirk might not want to spent more time around her "unfathomable" mind than is necessary for the plot to advance. It's not something you'd relish, as a supposedly omniscient narrator.
"Jade kicks her shoeless feet behind her slowly, as if she’s swimming with the current of the gravitational waves pulling her ever closer to their source." Oh! I didn't think we'd see her again, at least in the Furthest Ring. Thought the Black Hole had already swallowed her up. Though maybe as a Space player, and one with a connection to a seven-year-more-experienced version of herself located outside of canon and thus with more guaranteed conditional immortality than normal, she might be able to... resist getting thorn to pieces, as she crosses the event horizon? Unlike, presumably, every other being sucked into this thing.
"the ruby slippers are gone. She kicked them off hours ago, as if to jettison all hope of returning anywhere resembling a place she used to call home. The fond remembrance of such a place no longer has any pull on her.
Now, something else entirely is pulling her." Welp, guess the Black Hole is kind of hypnotic, ain't it? Or maybe it's Alt Calliope's strong personality.
"Believe me, I’m sympathetic to the temptation. It’s always just there, isn’t it?" To jump into the void? I don't think it's ALWAYS there for everyone Dirk, but thanks for the unique perspective into how your mind functions.
"There’s something about being alone for so long, it makes time feel like it doesn’t exist. She knows this almost better than I do." ... Yes, well, Lonely Jade did, and it seems as if she might have taken over, or melded with, Reload Jade? So yeah, her three years of isolation would indeed have given her some inkling of the feeling of loneliness that Dirk and the cherubs must have experienced, being physically alone all their life. ... Right, of course her childhood on Hellmurder Island would have also done that regardless.
"Jade also knows well enough by now that time doesn’t actually exist in a literal sense, the way we generally understand it. It’s just one aspect of many, and the complement of her own, Space. It therefore can be neutralized by the introduction of her essence. Reduced to white noise or soft light. The continuum of time is therefore demonstrably an illusion. The field of sequential moments and physical conditions that stretch on and on, resulting in the mirage of loneliness, is pure projection from disproportionate attention given to a single side of one cosmic, polar pair of ideas: time." Ah yes, aspect exposition time! To quote the swamp bender: "Time is an illusion", huh? We're going that route? Well, sure, but for most people a rather convincing one, no matter what your Aspect is. Though it would be interesting to see what "disproportionate attention" given to Space would result in... Despite a ravenous Black Hole consuming an entire realm, I guess.
"It’s my way of saying, and thereby alerting her mind to what she already knows, that this feeling of all-consuming solitude and despair haunting her since childhood—it’s in her head." Like, I can only root for Dirk in trying to save Jade from whatever Calliope has cooked up, but he's still manipulating her for his own purposes.
"The ticking of time is a little contrivance in her mind as a byproduct of imbalance, of the vast disparity between her limited self and her Ultimate Self." So, what, his past is as real to Dirk right now as his present and future?
"It lives rent free there the way Dave once did, and for this version of Jade, probably still does." Funny how that points to this still being Reload Jade more than post-canon Jade.
"Maybe Dave broke her heart a little, and he keeps doing it too, no matter how many different timelines they try out." Okay, see? This applies to post-canon Jade! It seems to swing around from moment to moment, the direction the narration points into. Though, I guess post-canon Jade might really benefit from absorbing her pre-retcon selves memories regarding her relationship with Davesprite, to assess how to go about handling Dave on Earth C.
"She slips closer to the event horizon, still making no effort to impede her descent. My persuasion skills are admittedly a little rusty. Bear with me here." So very rusty, so very unused recently. :P But yeah, she's different from Rose AND John, so he'll need a different approach.
"In my experience, there’s something about being alone that can take a person’s limited meat-engine and make it imagine that it can see beyond the confines of its own electrical processes. Make it believe that it is ascending to a place where it can see the four dimensions spread out beneath it like a set of windows." Is he... paraphrasing Jade's current mindset? Or his own, isolated on B2 Earth? Sounds also as if he's describing a medidative monk, kind of.
"Like sheet music. Like a garden, where Jade used to spend so much of her time with her hands in the earth and her head in the clouds, dreaming about flowers that bloomed in six colors and grew when she played them a song. Was that real? It’s hard to tell. But it made her happy, didn’t it?
Isn’t that what she needs now?" Ooh, so he's trying to persuade her to turn around by getting inside her head and trying to figure out what made her most happy. Being omniscient, he might just have a hard time distinguishing the important bits from the trash? He seemed to describe it in such a way, as if Jade might sometimes have been daydreaming in a way it overlapped with dreaming on Prospit! And so, she might have created a space for her dreamself that didn't stick to the confines of the dreamroom.
"Isn’t it reasonable to presume that’s the only thing capable of persuading her to slow her descent—to being invited to imagine, fake or otherwise, that which once made her happy? That which could still make her happy, if only she’d slow down, think about it, and do whatever is necessary to place herself in those surroundings again?" So, he's trying to shake her out of it by thinking happy thoughts. :P
"It’s possible that manning the other end of a suicide hotline, transmitted through pure thought in a metatextual format, may not actually be my true calling." (He actually kind of sucks at this.)
"I’m doing my goddamned best here. She just isn’t slowing down, for some incomprehensible reason." So, uh, what's stopping you from pulling a John and just, like forcefully move her thoughts to where you want them?
"Perhaps my touch is too soft. It wouldn’t be the first time." Said no one ever that ever knew you. :P
"Perhaps the limits of persuasion itself are being tested by the most powerful gravitational force to ever exist?" Now that'd be something! That a pure manifestation of an Aspect could overcome narrators of omniscient inclination.
"Or perhaps it’s true that insistence is just the more effective half of persuasion.
So I’m insisting now." Took him long enough.
"Jade Harley will not go into that hole. She does NOT want us to all to see what happens when she unsettles the spirit residing there." So Dirk also seems to be convinced she's survive? Or maybe he thinks that, adding her to the matter inside the Black Hole, would upset some kind of balance.
Basically, he's like: "No, Alice, don't go into the rabbit hole!" and "No, Dorothy, don't look behind the green curtain at the wizard residing there!"
"she does, though." OOOOOOoooooohhhhhh!!!! Battle of the narrators!
Guess Alt Calliope's eon-long isolation, coupled with her Spacey thing, gave her the same powers as Dirk's. So that answers the question whether ghosts can grow into an Ultimate Self! It has interesting implications regarding Aranea and (Vriska), for one!
"Fucking yikes.
Jade throws on the brakes. I say she does. But by now, the gravity is overwhelming. Is she even trying to resist, or is it just that it’s useless to try? I’m not... I’m not sure I can tell?" Wow, yeah, so here we see what happens when Dirk encounters another narrative force of equal or greater power. He loses the ability to discern everything. But Alt Calliope remains eerily silent, only 2 comments from her so far.
"Jade realizes, preferably before it’s too late, that this is fucking serious. She needs to turn this around. She doesn’t want this. She doesn’t want to die.
she wants to return to me." ...? Eh? Does Alt Calliope see herself as THE Self now, devouring all other beings into some sort of hivemind gestalt? Or does she refer to the time Jade (either version) spent with Calliope (either version)? Seems a bit stupid if she'd mean that. On the other hand, it might be a childish response, a desire for affection so deeply rooted into the main Calliope, that Alt Calliope during her ascension absorbed it.
"All right, I’m done messing around.
YOUR name is Jade Harley. YOU decide, right now, that you do not want to die. You resist the pull of the black hole with all your might. What would killing yourself accomplish? Sure, most of your friends are dead. But John is still looking for you. Do you want to let him down? Do you want to crush his soul? Do you have any appreciation for what he’s going through, Jade? He can take you home. To your new home, Earth C. The home I made for you, Jade. Your friends are all there, alive and well. Rose, Dave, Karkat, slutty adult Jade, Jane, Jake, Roxy, me. You wouldn’t want to disappoint them. You wouldn’t want to disappoint me, would you, Jade?" Well then!! Pffff, I didn't think a Strider could ever evocate "Stern Fatherly Disapproval" like Dad Egbert/Crocker can, but here we are. Let's just skim the implications of taking a teen Jade back to Earth C to live with adult versions of her friends, as well as Dirk's less than gentle tone here, and agree that her survival is definitely desirable, just cuz IT'S ABOUT HER, SURVIVING.
Still, you have to wonder what Dirk's ultimate plans for her are. I'm starting to doubt he'll be successful, though.
"You’re close now, to the ceiling of the cancerous deformity. Too close. Just skimming the edge of this thing’s vicious horizon." It's like he's describing the event horizon as a quantum vacuum decay, which for all we know in science, it just might be.
"You dip your toes through the place where the singularity is snapping everything apart at the seams. It’s so loud that it’s completely silent. You can already feel yourself stretched thin, distorted, pulled out with your descent elongated for all eternity." I suppose there's no one suited for pulling her out at the last second, is there? No chance for Davepeta to make a last-moment re-entry into the epilogues.
Blaperile points out something significant to me: Dirk has attributed Jade the "you"-ness factor! It would be cool to have Jade come on par with John in the epilogues, but I doubt it'll last past this page.
"When you look down, the stripes of your witchy tights go on and on for miles. Please, Jade. Don’t ever say I didn’t try to stop this.
she closes her eyes and lets go." Is... Alt Calliope going to take over the narration for a bit here, on the next page?
We have three potential candidates for taking up narration at this point - and no sight of Andrew Hussie, the author avatar, who could have been a fourth.
Welp. Now Jade's really gone. I have to wonder what this means for post-canon Jade, who fell unconscious with the sight of the Black Hole seared into her eyes. It can't have been a pleasant thing that happened to her, there. I just hope Alt Calliope hasn't taken over her body like a true puppeteer, giving Dirk a run for his money.
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notajinn · 5 years
Ranking Video Games Played in 2018 But Less Detailed Because of Procrastination
Starting this in the evening on the 31st, so let' see if I even get this done in time. Normally I start more ahead of time, and provide seperate detailed post for each game in my list. Initially I wasn't planning on making a list at all this year since I played very few 2018 releases. But then I realized not only that I played more than I thought, but that the non-2018 games I played for the first time this year deserve some love as well.
I conveniently played ten games this year, so here is the ranking of my top ten games:
10. Marvel Puzzle Quest (Mobile)
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This game is garbage, and I play it every day. It's a Match-3 puzzle game, which I somehow never played until this year. And it's on mobile and with a Marvel flair to give it an edge, plus a Gacha mechanic for longevity and scum.
The actual puzzle gameplay is fine. I have no other Match-3 to compare it to besides Puzzles and Dragons, which I tried out around the same time solely due to Persona 5 characters being in it. And I enjoyed Marvel more. You can only move each gem one space rather than across a line or column, or straight up anywhere like in Puzzles and Dragons. But there is no time limit, which I really appreciate.
I like a lot of Marvel characters, so I don't mind them as the rewards. Each one also has different Abilities which make a bigger difference in the gameplay than I initially expected. I unfortunately do not have Ms Marvel, Gwenpool, or Silk yet, but I do have Spider-Man.
Speaking of, the free characters they give you are pretty decent. Within the first few missions, you will come out with Spider-Man, Iron Man, Storm, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Thor. You can also get Juggernaut and Venom with only slightly more effort.
The game has thus far been very generous with the gacha resource, but I can't comment on the actual pull rates (which may be where they really make their money).
You may get a lot of chances to pull, but you have a limited barrack you can recruit characters into. And the resource to increase slots is VERY slow. Which means you could potentially pull a great character, but either wait a few weeks to earn enough coins to buy a new barrack spot, remove one of your existing characters, or give them money. And if you wait more than a few weeks, your un-recruited character will be automatically "sold" for resources. I've lost one or two characters to this already. At this point the smart thing seems to be to never pull unless you have open slots, since your recruitment resource does not expire (that I'm aware of).
The difficulty is all over the place. Even the so-called "Prologue" has unusual difficulty spikes in terms of enemy levels.
The leveling system is also garbage in general. You need duplicates of characters to level up, but higher rank characters start at higher levels. Which means even though I pulled and merged like 6 Iron Man, the single 3-star Dr Octopus is significantly stronger with no effort.
Final Thoughts
This game is garbage, and I will continue to play it.
9. Fire Emblem Heroes (Mobile)
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Not long ago, Fire Emblem Heroes was one of my favourite games. But the game fell so far in 2018, perhaps outlining the heightened speed of a gacha game's life-cycle.
They started adding alts of characters that were not from Awakening or Fates. It's not exactly good that we're getting so many alts, but at least they're not all Camilla or Xander.
The new Aether Raids mode is legitimately good. It allows you to create your own mini-maps with different structures and traps, and play against other players. You win a new resource called Heroic Grails, which you can use to summon otherwise limited-time free characters like those from Grand Hero Battles, or the Tempest Trials. I should specify this lets you select characters, not go into a random gacha system. You want more of Joshua? No problem, just select him from the list and hand of the Grails, and you've got him. A lot of characters I like fall into this category, so I especially appreciate it. The actual mode of fighting in user-created maps is also fun.
Book 2 of the story had some good moments early on, and I liked some of the new characters. Said new characters were also added into the summon pool, and not as limited-time units either.
A lot of older characters got new weapon refinements to help them keep up with the cast slightly. Some of these are only okay, but some have been amazing. Still waiting for my man Matthew to get one.
Also this one is kind of cheating since it didn't happen yet, but we are confirmed to finally be getting Laguz (the beast units from the Tellius games) in 2019, which I am very excited for.
After a decent start, Book 2's story fell into disarray. A comically bland villain was the worst offender, feeling like an OC a child came up with that kept getting sudden new powers for no reason.
Said main villain is also the focal point of the powercreep in the game this year. The absurdity of how good 2018 units are compared to before is frustrating, and I say that as someone who doesn't particularly care about ranking. A lot of these new units and skill sets are just plain not fun to fight against.
Outside of Aether Raids, the game felt pretty stale in terms of having things to do, and I simply found myself far less interested.
Final Thoughts
Laguz will keep my interest for at least some of 2019, but I see myself playing this far less next year. And with a new real Fire Emblem game coming out, I may leave this game entirely.
8. Final Fantasy Record Keeper (Mobile)
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This is an unusual one because I didn't play this game much this year. For a few months, I didn't even bother logging in. And 90% of the time I do log in, I just grab the daily rewards and leave. So how did this beat Marvel Puzzle Quest and Fire Emblem Heroes?
This game is absurdly generous with resources. Keeping in mind this is a gacha game way past it's prime, and being cannibalized by its own parent company through other newer Final Fantasy mobile games, Record Keeper has been trying very hard to keep people playing. Even as someone who barely plays, I am flush with good resources. Enough so that, if I get interested enough, I could probably catch up to the meta-game.
The game has also continued its policy of "characters are free, the gacha is for equipment" that I love. I have no trouble getting characters I want (new ones I liked added this year include Marche from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and Sora and Riku of Kingdom Hearts).
The gacha itself is also generous, with multiple event banners that guarantee at least one 5-star for every 11-pull. I wish other gacha games were this generous.
It also keeps the great aesthetic and soundtrack that got me into the game.
I've played it so much over the years that it's not super fun, but I appreciate it's there for me and doesn't feel like scum.
Final Thoughts
Thank you for doing a gacha game well, Square-Enix.
7. Mighty Switch Force (3DS)
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Though I got this years ago in a Humble Bundle, it wasn't until one bored weekend this summer that I actually tried it out Wayforward's other first-party game. The Mighty Switch Force DLC trailer for Shantae: Half Genie Hero also helped.
This is an interesting little arcade action/puzzle hybrid that's a little unusual. It puts you into different areas where you have to use the main gimmick of moving things into and out of the foreground along with other puzzle mechanics to find and arrest some escaped criminals.
The main mechanic of moving objects forward and backward is pretty fun, and while it's been occasionally seen in other games it's worked more effectively here than I've ever seen. I also appreciate that most levels will add a new mechanic you have to learn.
The levels are short and easy to digest on the 3DS.
It's got the classic Wayforward cartoon aesthetic.
This is mostly personal preference, but I don't play puzzle games a lot; they don't hold my interest too long. So this was a one weekend game. I didn't beat it, but I got my fill in those two days.
The lack of story really drives home the "arcade" aspect of the game, which is frustrating because I like the often silly pacing of the Shantae series. I'm also someone who invests in characters heavily, so having very little to go off but designs really hurt my long-term interest here.
Final Thoughts
This is a fun little puzzle game I recommend to try out considering it's often on sale and under $10. It's far from the best game, but you'll probably have fun with it.
6. Bayonetta (PS3)
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For better or for worse, my first introduction to Bayonetta was when she was added as a DLC character to Super Smash Brothers 4. Suffice to say I was bummed a character I had no interest in won the people's choice, and that definitely negatively tainted the series for me for a while. But after getting itnerested in character-action games by playing Nier Automata and Platinum's Legend of Korra, I ended up picking up Bayonetta on sale on the PS3.
Oh my god, the combat is so strong. I knew this from Platinum's other games, but it has a different feel. Korra was ultimately a budget game, and Nier Automata was an RPG first, but Bayonetta was a character-action game through and through. The combat is not easy to learn, but when you figure out and see the radical moves you're pulling off, there's a certain unmatched joy to the gameplay.
The plot is campy and silly in the vein of Devil May Cry, and has a good handful of characters I like (particularly Jeanne and Luca). It ramps up to hilarious scales.
The music is so good, and I wish more of it made it into Super Smash Brothers.
I love that you have a space to practice combos without any repercussions by turning off the timer in the loading screen transitions. This helped me so much early on to get a hang of which combos I could both pull off effectively, find a use for, and actually enjoy.
Checkpoints are fairly generous, and so long as you don't care about your score you can continue to try again with no repercussions until you win.
There are certain sections of the game where you are pulled into on-rails vehicles. These sections are not fun, and last FAR too long. To make matters worse, the best boss fight in the game is in the second half of a level where the first half is one of these terrible vehicle sections. Which means I'll never fight that boss again since I don't want to go through that initial part.
Through a combination of the initial negative reaction and the fact there are more interesting characters around her, I didn't end up attached to Bayonetta herself, which is disappointing considering how much I like Dante and the Nier Automata cast.
The first few levels are also far harder than the rest of the game. This happens because you're learning a new combat system, have less moves purchased, and most importantly do not have the Bat Within ability that increases your dodge invincibility. This move probably saved me so much, and you can get it pretty early, but not until you get past some hard parts. In particular, the first major boss has you contend with the above issues and, for no particular reason, is the only major boss without any checkpoints. This boss almost made me give up on the game, and heavily slowed down my progress and general enjoyment.
Probably the biggest issue is that this is a PS3 era game, which means you can expect tons of QTEs that cause instant death if you fail them. These even happen during bosses. It's such a product of its time.
Final Thoughts
If you can struggle through those initial hard (but not un-fun) levels and that first frustrating boss, you have a great game ahead of you. With some truly awful vehicle sections thrown in, but mostly great. At the very least, grab the soundtrack.
5. Dragalia Lost (Mobile)
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Oh you thought the mobile games were all at the bottom? Then you forgot about Nintendo's newest IP, Dragalia Lost. Which would be fair, because this game is available officially in very few countries, and it's kind of crazy.
With the success of other mobile games, Nintendo decided to try out a new IP in a mobile game with the help of the experienced developers CyGames. What we got was a mobile MMO with a heavy anime aesthetic and a lot of love.
The character designs vary, as they do in any mobile, but one major strength of Dragalia Lost (and the reason I started the game) is the large percentage of dark-skinned characters. It may seem silly, but as a South Asian it's so rare to see dark-skinned characters in this aesthetic. You'll get your token characters here and there, but Dragalia Lost alone probably has more than I've seen in a few other series combined. I'm pretty sure they have more than Fire Emblem Heroes, or at least an equal amount.
The developers have been very generous with resources, and so far have given you a free 10-pull whenever there's a new event.
We've also already had a lot of improvements due to developer feedback, which is a great sign for the game's future.
The strangest thing perhaps is...the gameplay is really fun for a mobile game. It's a top-down action RPG with heavy MMO elements in terms of leveling and co-op play. While your party setup means a lot, your skill in-game means even more if you're skilled at dodging, effectively moving around the map, and knowing when to throw out which ability. As you have such a heavy level of interaction with the characters, you also feel more attached to them, which is great for longevity in a gacha game. Each weapon type plays very differently, and with different elements and abilities you get a lot of variety. You also have different dragons you can transform into as essential limit breaks.
I really love how seamlessly co-op is integrated. You can play any mission with or without co-op, and it takes very little effort to group up with people.
It's still a gacha game, so a certain level of garbage is expected. The rates of pulling a 5-star seem far worse than Fire Emblem Heroes and Final Fantasy Record Keeper. To make matters worse, you can potentially pull a 5-Star Wyrmprint (a type of equipment) instead of a character or dragon, thus resetting your pity rate.
In co-op, if a host quits the entire battle is considered a fail. Which makes logical sense, but it's frustrating when the host quits while you're winning.
Bows are also significantly worse than the other weapon types, but my favourite character is an archer. This presents a problem.
It’s only available in a small number of countries, with still not announced plans for others.
Final Thoughts
It's the best mobile game I've played this year, but it's still a mobile game. Unless you're looking for a mobile game, I recommend just appreciating the art from afar. If you ARE looking for a mobile game, however, I highly recommend this. And if you care about Nintendo, maybe keep an eye on this; I could see this IP eventually coming out of mobile.
4. Deltarune (PC)
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It's tough to write these all at once. Okay, Deltarune. The surprise game from Undertale's creator. I still don't want to get into too much detail in case you haven't played this free and relatively short game, but it's been a while. There will be sort of spoilers below, so if you want to go in blind, skip down to number 3.
From the graphical style to the writing to the soundtrack, it's got the same great charm of Undertale in a smaller package.
The battle system is more involved and honestly a lot more fun. You're also not forced to go Pacifist to get the good ending, so you can actually enjoy it like a normal RPG. Even if you do go Pacifist like I did, the inclusion of different abilities gives you a lot more to do than just dodge enemy attacks.
The progression of Susie and Lancer as characters is fun to watch unfold, and the game does a great job making you invested in these characters within such a short time frame.
The final section of the game, without mentioning any spoilers, is also a nice little reward.
Simply because of playing Undertale, you may assume you have to play Pacifist and thus miss the main combat. This is untrue, but hard to know since you also want to go in blind on your first run. This is entirely a self-made issue, but it is nonetheless a common issue I can see.
..I don't really have any other negatives offhand except that it's short?
Final Thoughts
If you played Undertale, play this. If you didn't play Undertale, probably play that first and you'll enjoy this more. But you'd probably enjoy this regardless. And hell, it's free and under 5 hours, and runs on probably any modern PC.
3. Dragonball FigherZ (PS4)
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There have been so many Dragonball Z games, but the quality never hit this level. Remember when we considered the Budokai games to be amazing because of the competition? Now we have a DBZ fighter that's not only the best of the series, but also a legitimately great fighting game when compared to the other big fighting series. No weird 3D mechanics, no attempt to heavily integrate fighting. This is just a solid 2D fighter with some unique elements and a DBZ flavouring.
Made by Arcsys, the gameplay is unsurprisingly amazing. It's fluid, has a lot of ease-of-use for beginner players, and a lot of more complex mechanics to make high-end gameplay fun to watch. I was able to teach some friends in a short amount of time how to play this decently, which is very important with a multiplayer game.
And despite most of the characters fighting extremely similarly in DBZ, each character feels unique here. They're all just throwing punches, kicks, and energy blasts, but they all have their own distinct feel. Even the various orange-gi-black-hair characters all stand out with different silhouettes and colour tinting.
The new OC that Arcsys seems obligated to add may be strange as an Android/Buu hybrid, but adding a new female character to such a male dominated series is much appreciated.
The online lobby is easy to find the types of fights you're looking for, and provides a good deal of variety.
The DLC lineup is awful. Two versions of Goku, two versions of Vegeta. Really? Do we really need that? Then we got Goku's dad Bardock, who visually looks like another Goku. And then we got Fused Zamasu, who is basically an alternate version of base game charater Goku Black. The only characters unique in both design and gameplay are Broly (who I generally hate), Android 17 (who's great), and Cooler (who's not quite as cool as his brother). There's so many good choices for DLC, but short of a second season, this is what we got stuck with. And honestly, good DLC characters can make or break my interest in a fighting game long-term. This was what broke it.
Final Thoughts
It's a great fighting game, and hands-down the best Dragonball Z game. But there's only one fighting game series that is able to hold my interest long-term.
2. Super Smash Brothers Ultimate (Switch)
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It's still wild this was announced and came out in the same year. After being used to a long pre-release for Super Smash Brothers games, Ultimate really bucked the trend. It's also not like the other games in other ways as well, opting to include as much old content as possible instead of taking the usual "add a lot but cut a lot" approach.
One of my long-time top wished characters finally made it in: K. Rool! And he's so well-animated and sporting so many references! They really put a lot of love into him.
I'm vicariously excited for all the Ridley fans who finally got their big space dragon into Smash. They were always steadfast beside us K. Rool fans, and really deserve this win.
No one has to worry about their main being cut, because everyone is here. For those few people that legitimately liked Pichu, that must be a great feeling.
The core gameplay also received a nice boost in speed so it's not overly-fast like Melee, but still a lot more fluid than the other games. Bringing back moving air dodges, and clamping down on over-dodging have helped make the gameplay feel much smoother.
After the disappointingly poor single-player of Smash 4, I love all the single-player modes here. Classic has been redesigned to give each character a tuned and unique experience. We have a big single-player mode in the World of Light, and the smaller but more long-term Spirit Board.
Spirits in general are just a great way of reusing Stickers from previous games in a way that makes everybody excited. Seriously, they are just your typical gacha JPGS, but throwing effects and levels onto them really makes them feel more involved than trophier or stickers in past games.
My main, Zelda, got significantly buffed. This is really specific to me, but it makes a big difference.
Mii Fighters also feel far more viable this time around.
The range of music and stages in the game is just amazing.
For a game that promotes itself as having everything, it's bizarre and frustrating that the Stage Builder was completely removed. I really enjoyed playing around in there, and being able to use tracks I like from stages I don't like.
We also lost modes like Target Smash and the Home Run Contest for almost no reason. Short of these being added in future updates, I find this odd.
I could make a lot of complaints about character choice, but I'll keep it short and mention that I'm one of the few people not happy about the Piranha Plant, and I would really have had almost any non-3DS FE character instead of Chrom.
World of Light is also really long, and unlike the Subspace Emissary lacks cinema scenes. The opening scene everyone has seen is great, and then...that's it so far. I am expecting one more at the end (I'm maybe halfway through), and maybe one in the middle, but it's not going to live up to the SSE.
I also can't believe the huge backwards step taken in the online mode. Rather than having a separate Casual and Competitive mode like every other fighter (including the last Smash Brothers), there is only one queue, and you can easily get thrown into the opposite type of style you want. I actually cancelled my plans to buy the online service after I heard how bad this system is.
Final Thoughts
It's a Super Smash Brothers game, so I will enjoy it for a long time. The Spirits add a lot of longevity, but unless the online is heavily fixed I can see myself dropping out of this game within the next year.
1. Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4)
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This game had such bad timing. Released alongside the similar but more anticipated Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on a competitor system, and the different but same-system Persona 5, I think a lot of people completely missed this game. Or as many as can miss a big AAA game. If this came out just a few months earlier or later, I'm sure I'd see a lot more talk about it. But as things stand, it seemed to disappear from everyone's minds very quickly.
If you're one of the ones that forgot, Horizon Zero Dawn is an open-world action-adventure about a post-apocalyptic world where humans are left to deal with the increasingly dangerous machine robots built by pre-apocalypse humans, and is just as much about dealing with different tribes and cultures that emerge in this new world.
Alloy is one of my favourite new main characters in a long time. Not just in video games, but in general. While having some of that player-character "choose their personality" feelings here and there, she is mostly a defined and often interesting character with distinct strengths and weaknesses.
Voice acting from Alloy as well as the entire cast is superb, and really sells the world.
The gameplay is heavily archery focused with a lot of traps and different ammunition to help you bring down the machines that heavily outmatch you in a straight fight. The game is built to allow you to play with stealth or as an action game depending on how you select your skills. It's also got a good level of difficulty where you will definitely die a few times, but never get overly frustrated.
The story hits on many different points, and most of it has something interesting to offer. Don't expect story quality on the level of something like Nier Automata, but for a new IP it's pretty impressive.
One thing I love about fast travel is that, early on, you have to use consumable items to do so. This means you're initially encouraged to manually explore, and in doing so will learn a lot more about what the game can offer. Once you get a little further, you can unlock the ability to fast-travel with ease so you can backtrack and do quests without an issue. It's a good way to try to balance having people skip over environments.
Also it's a big AAA game with NO MICROTRANSACTIONS AT ALL!
The subtitles are pretty small based on my TV size and the distance I sit at. If you sit closer to your TV, it's probably fine.
For a game with such good quality everywhere else, the soundtrack is honestly pretty average outside of the main theme.
The open world is nowhere near as fun to explore as in Breath of the Wild, and holds far less secrets.
Final Thoughts
This feels strange to say for a AAA game made by first-party Sony, but please don't sleep on this game. It's really good, and it's been insanely cheap for the latter part of this year.
That's it. That's all the games. This took a lot more time than I expected, and I don't feel like proofreading since now it's already almost midnight.  2018 may not have had that many good new releases, but I found fun with video games.
Looking forward to playing Fire Emblem Three Houses and Kingdom Hearts III next year, and talking about them next December. Hopefully not on the 31st again.
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captainderyn · 6 years
Tacka: An Intro (finally)
EDIT: THIS IS OUTDATED. EXPECT AN EDITED ONE AT SOME POINT. So awhile ago @therron-shan​ made a super awesome google sheet of character questions that I’ve wanted to do forever and I’ve finally done them! For Tacka boy, because I’ve never formally introduced him. 
Under a cut after the first bit because I went a little crazy.
Tacka (An Introduction)
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Preliminary Info:
Name: Tacka Sutae
Nicknames: --
Alias(es): ---
Age: 19/20 depending
Born:  Whatever 3 years before 0ATC, is that 3BTC?
Gender: Male
Species: Mirialan
Republic, Jedi Order, Corellian Resistance
He was a Jedi padawan, now he’s basically a rogue peacekeeper. Using his force sensitivity to help who he can, how he can.
General Description:
Tacka is first and foremost intense. It doesn’t always show, but if you catch him in the right moment he watches everything around with with a burning intensity that’s near impossible to escape. Catch him when he’s angry--especially if it’s when someone or himself is threatened he’s almost feral. He’ll bare his teeth, his eyes will burn into you. But otherwise, he seems lonely, and young. Like he’s seen too much. Physically he’s unassuming, a tall kid, built like a runner. You wouldn’t think much of him unless you really paused to look.
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: Somewhere around 168lbs? Not really sure. He was pretty scrawny in his young padawan days but now he’s built up some muscle and is a bit bigger than he was.
Hair: Dark brown hair kept in an undercut, kept long/floofy on the top.
Eyes: You can sit for hours and try to figure out if they’re gold or amber but you won’t be able to. They’re intense, and very expressive. You can read him like an open book in a single glance if he’s not careful.
Skin/Fur: He’s green. Hella green. No, he’s got olive-y/dark green skin that for the most part is pretty even (or as even as a teenager/young adults skin can be let’s be honest here)
Scars/Birthmarks/Etc.: He has a few little scars across his arms, knees, shoulders, ect from training incidents but no big ones. Hopefully it stays that way.
Tattoos/Markings: He has his miralan tattoos. On his face it’s a thick line across his nose horizontally with four alternating up facing/down facing triangles over the line, four pieces/squares making a diamond on his forehead, and a line from his lower lip to his chin with two lines extending diagonally from it on either side of his chin.
Cybernetics: ---
Tacka is right handed, though he’s not horribly inept at using his left hand for tasks as well.
He always kind of mimics his Jedi garb subconsciously tbh. His favored outfit of sorts is a black long sleeved shirt, a grey, thick fabric...wrap poncho thing. I don’t know guys it’s weird, it’s like a shirt that wraps but it doesn’t have sleeves and black pants, black boots. He kind of dresses like a hobo sith, damnit Tacka no wonder the Jedi didn’t take you back.
He walks like he’s trying not to draw attention to himself. Head down, hands in pockets. But he’s always listening, always watching in the force because he’s suspicious. Long strides, he gets where he needs to go, doesn’t linger, doesn’t pause, he might as well be a shadow.
Tacka was taken from the Jedi as a very young child. Not by his parents consent, but because the Jedi needed Force sensitives and his family unfortunately had old ties to the Order from his father. They were on Alderaan at the time and the Jedi showed up, took him “peacefully” and he hasn’t seen his parents since. He was raised in the Jedi Temple on Tython and completed a majority of his training there. He spent a few weeks/months in the temple on Coruscant as an adolescent for a new environment experience but otherwise he’s lived and breathed the Jedi for his entire young life. At the age of 15 his master Dakhoel Faolan went rogue and went to Corellia to aid those oppressed by the Empire there. He followed, as he was beginning to chafe under the Order’s control over his life and the fact that they wouldn’t let him get in contact with his parents. After the war for Corellia, when his master was presumed killed and he was only 17, he drifted for a time. He spent a lot of time on Nar Shaddaa, where he was miserable, before finding his way to Rishi and finding his father figure Hugo and Hugo’s then girlfriend/something more (?) Nyrah’s neutral bar the Swamp. He spent a bit of time there before continuing on. He attempted to go back to the Order and was turned away due to being “tainted” by the dark side and being too grey in the Force to be able to trust him.
Tacka is...hard to read. You can tell that he’s been through a lot at a young age but he hides a lot of his internal struggles and fears with a happy-go-lucky attitude and humor. He’s a kind soul, he wants to help but sometimes he does more harm than good. Tacka is the kind of person that is so loyal that he will let the world burn just to save on person and that is, problematic, when it comes to the Jedi. In his loyalty he will sometimes become a little blind to people’s flaws, case in point with his Master Dakhoel, he trusted her so much and was so attached to her that he couldn’t see that her fleeing the Jedi was for selfish purposes and based in paranoia. While for the most part he is happy-go-lucky it is very much a cover and deep down he is wired much of the time and always on high alert, is usually stressed and has a habit of overthinking things to the point of ramping himself up so much he can’t do the thing. When he’s angry...no, threatened, it’s like that cover fails completely and he’s very intense, quite powerful, and more than a little scary, like you’ve cornered a feral wolf.
At some point he acquires a leather type bracelet that has a significance that only he knows and when he’s nervous he will push the strap in and out of its keeper and shift it around his wrist.
Strengths: He’s quite powerful in the Force. Not “Wren” powerful, but more so than the other padawans he was training with. He’s quite good at not leaping into fights and at thinking things through. Is his sense of humor a strength? He’s always been praised for being good with people, even if he’s a bit on the more reserved side now, he was always kind of “that friendly dude” that you could go talk to no matter what.
Weaknesses: His wholehearted trust in people that he is loyal to is an unfortunate weakness. He’s caught in the grey area of unpredictability where he’s either 100% ready to fight right here right now and actually willing to think things through which has got him in a lot of trouble. Not really weakness but he’s kind of the “you fucked up a perfectly good (Jedi) is what you did, look at it, it’s got anxiety” thing.
Phobias/Fears: Failure, getting attached to someone, and following that--losing someone he’s close to, being seen as a disappointment, the assumptions that people make about him without him knowing has kept him up at night.
Hobbies: He hasn’t been able to do it for awhile but he likes games. Physical games like cards, holo games, just...games. Especially story games that he can get lost in. He likes doing that, telling stories. He’s no writer, but he likes building those sorts of worlds and scenarios and telling these elaborate fictitious tales. He’s also interested in and quite enjoys learning new forms of lightsaber techniques and such and just the physical training like that. It’s relaxing.
Interests: I kind of covered this above, oops.
Favorite movies: Space fantasy! Think Lord of the Rings but in space! Or Space!Marvel
Favorite music: Space alt rock, think The Score, AJR, things like that.
Favorite books: Space fantasy and the like.
Favorite TV shows: Something with substance, preferably not related to real life and not filled to the brim with needless drama.
Skills/Talents: I think I mentioned his people skills? He’s become pretty good at various lightsaber fighting styles. I’ve covered this a bit all throughout.
Habits: Stressing more than he should, pacing when he’s nervous/amped up, dragging his hands through his hair if he reaches Maximum Stress.
He’s really somewhere in between lawful good and neutral good on the alignment chart. He wants to do good and help others but sometimes can’t always act selflessly and will disregard the laws if he thinks he can do good by going against them.  
He wants to find a new purpose in life, find a new home and someone that he can trust. He wants to move on from the Jedi and the conflict that haunts him from their rejection. He needs to reevaluate before deciding his new long term goals.
For the longest time it was his sense of loyalty and duty that motivated him. Now it’s his own personal drive that motivates him to try and find who he is without his Jedi now.
Other: According to the test he is an ENFP-T personality type. Which yeah, that actually makes a lot of
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: I can’t figure it out for him. He kind of likes everyone without really seeking anyone/feeling that drive around anyone.
Relationship History:  So the Jedi have really stifled any sort of attachment or romantic activity in their younglings...but that isn’t going to keep a bunch of hormonal teenagers from doing whatever the hell they want. He’s kissed and/or made out with both guys and girls, but he’s never really been in a committed relationship. Thanks Jedi.  He and another padawan were kind of running a friends with benefits dynamic, except not quite that. It’s complicated, there was a lot of “fuck the system” kissing in back hallways or closets.  I never said he was a good model Jedi.
Reputation: He has to know people to have a reputation. He’s got none. Except for maybe being one of the “hot guys” of the padawans lol.  
Rheya Sutae: Rheya is Tacka’s mother, who he barely remembers. She is a force sensitive mirialan who never had any formal training with a force sensitive faction. She is a smuggler by trade (the hardcore kind, not goody two shoes like Emeldir or neutral like Rielay). She had Tacka young, after what was supposed to be a not-so-serious fling with a Jedi who was deployed for diplomatic purposes on Alderaan where she was working under the table information and supply deals with the nobles, and she and said Jedi ended up decided to try and give this unexpected baby a somewhat stable life by settling together. Clearly that didn’t work.
Jaida Sutae: Tacka’s biological father, a Jedi Knight who was especially good at solving things by diplomacy and not so good at the fighting-to-kill solution, hence his placement on Alderaan to try and talk the Republic out of conflicts. Tacka wasn’t able to learn much on his father other than mentions of him by other masters and knights in the Temple. According to them his father was a lively and charming individual that could win people over with a single smile and was never really cut out to be a Jedi.
Hugo: A father figure to Tacka who he met on Corellia. An ex-Imperial slave from the Quesh venom mines that was acting as a field medic on Corellia and unfortunately was burdened with leadership of the resistance. Hugo and Tacka cared for each other deeply and it pained Tacka to leave the one father figure he had at the end of the war, but he had to go try and find his way in life. Hugo still to this day will greet him with open arms and nothing but happiness when he pops in to the Swamp.
Well, there’s Phaedra. She’s my (not yet introduced) togruta Jedi who was a padawan at the same time he was, is a year older than he was, and they were best friends. They caused all manner of trouble together. Probably made a few Jedi masters retire with their antics tbh.
I’d like to say that I can consider Tacka and @skullinacowboyhat’s Sunny friends? She saved his butt on Nar and they’ve been stuck with each other since, had each other’s backs. He trusts Sunny, likes her and doesn’t feel like he has to be on constant alert. I’d consider her his first “friend” like that since before Corellia.
Dakhoel was someone he considered a friend. She was his master since he was ten years old and was nothing but kind to him. An Imperial raised miraluka, fled to the Jedi after getting off of Korriban. She was killed on Corellia. Tacka loved her dearly as well, as a friend, as a mentor.
Darth Xin: Aka, Wren Thornley. She was the one on Corellia who killed Dakhoel (and most of Coraaliya’s Havoc Squad) and very nearly killed Tacka. They’re enemies on the grounds that Tacka wants revenge for the death of his master. If they ever met it would be interesting at the very least, in a one on one fight Tacka would probably be killed, but Xin would try her hardest to try and twist him into joining the sith and taking him as her own apprentice because of his power in the Force. I don’t think he would ever fall that far. But he comes close, after the Jedi reject him.
Love Interest:
NONE! But he deserves someone to love and who will love him so hmu if anyone’s got ocs that want to smooch the green jedi boi.
Technically he never became a Knight. But by all requirements except the Council’s official naming him so, he is a Jedi Knight.
Master(s): Dakheol Faolan.
Apprentice(s): ---
Describe their lightsaber(s) and color crystal(s): Tacka uses a worn saber that belonged to his master on Corellia and after Corellia, with your typical blue color crystal. After being turned away by the Jedi (when he’s ~19 and wants to try and get stability in his life by returning to them) and their taking of his saber he found a somewhat broken, quite unstable double bladed saber in the black markets of Tatooine in his wanderings and repaired that. The color crystal is still weird though, he suspects it's broken but he hasn’t been able to find a replacement. It’s gold. Trying to wield the double bladed saber in its state is a bit like trying to wield a chainsaw and its taken him a lot of work to be able to fight with it as an extension of himself.
Were he in came I think he would honestly fall into a mixture of Jedi Guardian and Consular Shadow
Thoughts on the Order:
WELL he’s not their biggest fan. He thinks the Order is corrupt and has moved away from their own beliefs of goodness and doing good to try and pursue a moral righteousness that is twisted. He’s angry at them, as they’ve taken his entire childhood from him and then when he returned to try and serve again they rejected him because they thought he was beyond redemption or help.
Other Info:
He’s not a Jedi anymore, not really. He’s technically a deserter and a rogue.
Other Biographical Info:
Birthworld: Alderaan
Right now he doesn't have a home. The closest he can think of is Rishi, but that’s really just a time to time home, where he’ll spend a few days at the Swamp with Hugo and Nyrah.
Familial Background:
I covered this earlier because I’m overzealous in my information, but his family is really just him and his parents. His mother is a smuggler who doesn’t have good relationships with any of her remaining family while his father--just like Tacka--was taken from his family by the Order at a very young age.
Other Info:
His tattoos on his arms and shoulders are based vaguely on what he can remember from his parents’ tattoos and his own design while the others on his face are based on things specifically from mirialan culture.  
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wilbursootstore · 3 years
Top Best- selling Wilbur Soot Backpacks 2021
New Post has been published on https://wilbur-soot.store/top-best-selling-wilbur-soot-backpacks-2021/
Top Best- selling Wilbur Soot Backpacks 2021
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Top Best- selling Wilbur Soot Backpacks 2021
New year school is coming. Why do you still use your old boring school bag? Instead, using an extraordinary Wilbur Soot Backpack.
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Will Gold, also known as Wilbur Soot, is a British Internet personality, a singer- songwriter. Are you a big fan of Twitch streamer Wilbur Soot? Do you wanna be a part of his world, how about using a Wilbur Soot Backpack? If you are looking for a worth-buying Wilbur Soot backpack, follow us to discover the best- selling Wilbur Soot backpack.
Wilbur Soot Backpack – Your New Boyfriend Wilbur Soot Backpack
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The first backpack in this best- selling Wilbur Soot backpack series is Your New Boyfriend Wilbur Soot Backpack. This backpack with its main color, teal – Wilbur Soot’s favourite color will make you an extraordinary fan of his Twitch streamer.
Here is the detailed information of this backpack:
Carry your stuff, express yourself, keep your hands free, it’s win-win-win
Bag measures 17” x 12.5” x 5” / 43 x 31 x 12 cm
Internal laptop pocket measures 13.5″ x 10.5″ / 34 x 27 cm
Durable 100% polyester shell
Vivid all-over design, sublimation printed for you when you order
External mesh pocket and adjustable padded straps
Why do you still hesitate? Add one into your shopping card and order one. Lots of coupons are waiting for you.
Wilbur Soot Backpack – Wilbur Soot L’manburg Fanart Backpack
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The next best-selling Wilbur Soot Backpack is Wilbur Soot L’manburg Fanart Backpack. This red backpack is really outstanding. Its main feature is taken inspiration from Wilbur’s fanart. Thanks to the advanced printing technique, this cute feature always looks cute. Besides its large capacity, about 17’’ allows you to put many things in when going out.
Wilbur Soot Backpack – Wilbur Soot Music Instrument Backpack
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Another worth-buying Wilbur Soot Backpack in our store is Wilbur Soot Music Instrument Black Backpack. This classic backpack with hard-to-fade printed image makes it always stylish. This backpack is really suitable for one who like basic style. Bringing a backpack with inspiration from music instrument, specifically guitar, may motivate you to learn the way to play guitar. Moreover, its great material makes the backpack durable for a long time. Do you like it at first sight? Order one for you, or you may order and give your friends, your children… on special occasions, such as: Thanksgiving, Christmas…
Wilbur Soot Backpacks – Wilbur Soot in a circle SMP
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This pink Wilbur Soot Backpack is one of the best- selling backpacks for time. Because it is not only fashionable, but it also looks cute. The Wilbur Soot in a circle SMP Backpack is designed with the main color, pink will certainly catch every eyesight on your way. As a result of its perfect size and lovely color with not-easy-to-fade printed features, this backpack has been sold to many countries throughout the world.
Wilbur Soot Backpack – Wilbur Classic Black Wilbur Soot Backpack
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The final backpack in best-selling Wilbur Soot backpack collection we want to make introduction to you is Wilbur Classic Black Wilbur Soot Backpack. The backpack is very versatile, you can use it to bring your books to school, to travel with friends, to bring along you many other things.
And if you are wondering where to buy all these extraordinary backpacks? Lucky for you, we all have them here!
Thanks for reading our blog.
Wish you enjoy and have a good day!
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blockpaths · 3 years
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TIMESTAMPS (thanks to Nate Lovell): Introduction- 0:00 Crypto Community Welcome and Shoutouts- 1:49 Free Altcoin Training Webinar Reminder- 3:36 Wednesday Wisdom: UBS to charge negative interest rates- 4:26 Market Analysis- 7:10 Challenging the state of the market- 7:45 New Bullish Trend- 12:40 BTC Fib Levels- 13:33 Summer of 2019 Bearish Scenario? 18:04 NUPL Update- 21:00 Addresses In Profit On-Chain Analysis- 22:35 ETH Technical Analysis- 24:31 bybit Collaboration- 25:40 EIP-1559- 26:07 Not many are looking into alts- 29:10 Free Altcoin Training Webinar Reminder- 29:48 Aave Update- 32:27 NEM News- 33:08 Any New Tether Printing? 34:36 Q&A- 36:00 Q1- Whats happening with BSI? 37:20 Q2- What is your opinion on TXL? 38:55 US Acting More Innovative- 45:30 Q3- Can you store aETH in ledger? 46:44 Q4- Can you please release an Ivangelical music album on an NFT this year? 46:59 Q5- Do you think Crypto industry has potential to rise "3rd world" countries out of poverty? 48:44 Q6- Is there a way to anonimise NFT’s ownership? 53:01 Q7- Are you not allowed to talk about the Zilliqa project? 55:05 Free Altcoin Training Webinar Reminder- 58:49
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Good Morning Crypto
Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist
source https://blockpaths.com/commentaries/watch-bitcoin-closely-today-15000-collapse-of-50000-euphoria-this-level-has-to-hold-today/
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beatsfortheillperth · 4 years
Words with mvnitou
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mvnitou out of Vienna, Austria is an artist that has embodied a sound that shifts and plays with expression in a manner likened to the weather. With keys that dabble like a breeze and drums that shift and alter like a storm, rolling of jazzy tones for days, sometimes laced with hip hop tweaks and bap. mvnitou's musical storm will add audio allure to anyone's personal playlist.
For mvnitou is a musician who is a master of his craft. Working musical storylines with his beat-tapes "SWEET EARTH" and "ASSORTED BEATS VOL. 5" both which show the range mvnitou's sound can carry, with taste and selection, ears will retreat on these freshly dusted treats.
Working single releases in a way that encourages listeners to tune in to all mvnitou beats instead of one and delivering variety with releases through labels and collectives such as Pueblo Vista and Lakeside.
Beats for rain and shine, indoors or out, mvnitou is a beatsmith who is capturing elements of sound that mimic the way nature can interact with the soul, satisfying the musical appetites of social hermits and beat appreciators worldwide.
Pleasing the mind and offering an escape from the day to day. mvnitou should be one of the beat-makers you peep for a catalog of all things Ambient, Hip-hop, and Jazz. It must be said that mvnitou sound soothes and shares something slightly romantic about music. The relationship between its creator and its listeners can encourage a following that shares a common interest and in this regard, it's a will to chill.
And sometimes memorable things happen when our surroundings are balanced, something you will be served with this beat-smith. Balance, delicate basslines, and taste beyond measure. Unwind and take in the words of the Austrian wonder, mvnitou. Much Love.
Hey mvnitou, thanks for taking the time to share words.
I thought we'd start things off with some random generals.
Favourite Food: Falafel
Favourite Beverage: Coffee
Last track you listened to: don dose – rauchen (on soundcloud)
Views on Gardening: I would love to have a garden. Unfortunately, I am limited to indoor plants 
A childhood memory in regards to music: I have some vague memories of the old music studio my father worked in. When I was three or four I really liked to play in the room with all the acoustic foam in it.
Views on the power of positive thinking: I like to see things just how they appear. Therefore, I would say I see things more realistic than optimistic.
A track to chill to: Good Old Days – Emapea
A track to bounce to: Who Got Da Props – Black Moon
First Album you purchased: Eminem - The Slim Shady LP
Last track or Album you purchased: snares – short stories tape
Favourite Location: In front of my DAW / Altes AKH
A quote or saying that connects with you:
„Die Philosophen haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert; es kommt aber darauf an, sie zu verändern.“
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.
-Karl Marx
Thanks for that man, So how long have you been making beats?
Were you encouraged by someone to give it a go or was it a personal pursuit?
I started producing about 8 years ago. I was mainly producing EDM-Music in the beginning. After 3 to 4 years I began to explore the world of hip-hop which, as you can see, impacted my aim for producing.
My father was a producer himself and had a music studio. After some time, he introduced me to the world of music production, which immediately got me interested. 
After that, I would say my personal pursuit and my drive to make even better music motivates me to this day.
What does your name mvnitou mean and represent?
For someone that hasn't heard your music before, can you express what makes your sound?
Manitou refers to a great spirit and describes a form of a higher being by Algonquian traditions. 
I found this very inspiring and wanted to transcribe this imagination of a higher force into my music.
I would also describe my sound as very diversified. 
My music is ranging from fast to slow, from a chilled vibe to fierce beats, while maintaining my approach on hip-hop beats.
Amongst the commotion that can come with a pandemic, you were able to piece together a collection of beats in just a week for your tape "together in isolation". I loved this tape. With its velvet-smooth introduction, bound in the bassline of it's following track.
What follows is soulful expressions, gat love affairs, and bounce followed by a dark and slightly sinister end track that is smothered in that sound hip hop heads love. Thank you for this tape.
Will there be a physical release made available for "together in isolation"?
What was the week you made "together in isolation" like for you?
And what inspired the tracks in the beat-tape?
Thank you for your kind words! This tape won’t be available as tape/physical release unless there would be a major demand for it.
The week I produced this tape was actually very hard and uncomfortable. I like to be free mentally and physically all the time, so the consequences of this “crisis” were very hard for me at first.
There was no theme I have followed with these beats; they really just came together in this said week.
Let's talk about one of your recent single releases, that came out just over a month ago through Gold Coast-based collective - Lakeside Collective (https://soundcloud.com/lakesidecollective) called "fragments" it is such a chilling track, thank you for this one.
On this release, you collaborated with lofi wonder - đon C (https://soundcloud.com/danieldonc), and like I said, the result was a chilling ode to creative expression.
You worked seamlessly together on "fragments", much love. Can you share how this Lakeside release came about? Had you and đon C previously worked together or was it a new creative relationship?
What was "fragments" like for you to make? What was it like to work with đon C on this track? And finally what were you collectively trying to express with this release?
This was actually the first track we produced together. 
We have known each other for a while but weren’t been able to cook something up together.
Don C , as I know, likes the work mainly with the Roland SP 404. I sent him some loops I had chopped/created and a week later I almost had the finished track from him.
This collab was just one of many to follow.
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Staying amongst your recent releases, I have to mention your 2 track project "Orbit" released April 10th. The featured tracks are lush and both "Orbit" and "Way Back" play off one another in a layback sort of notion to galactic vibes and bumps, appreciated. Why the name "Orbit"? What was playing on your mind when you create these two tracks? And what did you enjoy most about putting this release together?
I can’t give you an exact answer there. I produced this track many weeks ago and just found it sitting lonely on my hard drive. The feeling and the atmosphere this track creates reminds me of outer space. 
Therefore, the name orbit.
The special thing about this release is that it shows the two main styles I am following while producing beats. Orbit features mainly my melodies and contains just a few samples. Way Back is more on the sampled side with a focus on creative ways to manipulate the used samples.
You're a part of Lakeside Collective that I mentioned is based on the Gold Coast, Australia. Lakeside is dropping some seriously sweet tunes and I discovered your music through the track "Anakin" that you produced for Lakeside founder and Rapper Yzl.
Your work on this track was impeccable and Emphasize, Yzl and yourself together produced a sound unblemished, much love and thank you for your other releases for Lakeside as well.
"Liquid Motion" and "Essentials" are two Lakeside releases from separate Volumes that contrast one another beautifully. Whether intentional or not, you did so in such a fluent manner, nice work.
How did you link up with Lakeside Collective in the first place? What do you feel the collective is trying to share through music? And what were the following tracks like to make? Finally, what inspired their creation and names?
I think I joined Lakeside about two years ago. I can't really remember the process or what motivated me to link up, but it was really one of the best decisions I've made in my music career. 
The dudes over at Lakeside are very supportive and always gave me valuable feedback on my music and helped me to get better and grow as an artist. The collective is releasing mainly chillhop/lofi beats but there are no strict boundaries. 
The main focus of the collective is to help other producers in production and growth and to give them a place to share their music.
Anakin: This is one of my favorite tracks I have produced. It features a dark, grimy sample that was just a perfect fit for some bars of a dope vocal artist. 
No wonder Yzl hit me up and wanted to rap over it, as he is a fan of this type of beats. Maybe we can see another collab with me and him in the future.
For the decision on the name, you need to ask Yzl about that one.
Liquid Motion: I can’t really remember the process of producing the track. (Maybe because I am a “fast producer” – most of my beats are “done” in about 2 hours max -).
 All I can say is that it fits the whole vibe of Volume 2 and is a nice addition.
Essentials: Same like above. I think this beat is almost 3 years old, therefore I am listening to it with “new” ears. There are some things I would do differently today. But it’s a sweet little bump I like to hear every now and then.
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Tell us a little bit about Austria and your culture? What is it like to live in Vienna? Food and lifestyle and such? Finally, does the community and culture in Vienna reflect on your music?
This is a difficult question for me because I loathe national identification of any kind and form. Explaining the reasons for that would take too much time and misses the aim for this interview.
Nevertheless, I am grateful to live in a beautiful city with countless green and remote places. Food-wise, Vienna is not the best place to live in. (for me at least). I am a much bigger fan of eastern cuisine, which I also like to cook with my girlfriend at home.
In my mind I feel all music is influenced by the environment an artist lives in. Therefore yes, I think the culture and community do reflect on my music.
Thanks for that, So I wanted to spend a bit of time on another release of yours. "Belegte Beats" released last year. It is a musical escape in its self. Thank you for this 18 track project. There is so much variety present in this release and the drums drew me in on every track. The change-ups as the album played made this a genuine cope for versatile ears. "Unknown" had beautifully daunting vocals finished with this necessary pause that allowed "Free" to come through aged and chilling, something I love about the lofi tweaks you make in your music.
With restraint, you pieced together something that I feel shows the possibilities available to beat-smiths when they find their niche. Special mention to your tracks "Relieve" and "Good Night ". If you're looking for ideal study and laxing tracks check these two out.
On the topic of this project as a whole, what was it like to create? And over what timeframe were you working on it?
When KADV (kick a dope verse) hit me up with the opportunity to release my first physical tape I was so stocked. The process of producing the tracks took place in summer 2018 where I locked myself in and produced every day for about 2 to 3 weeks till I was satisfied with 18 tracks, which you can hear today.
 BTW: The tape got re-pressed and is available for purchase again.
Can you breakdown what your favourite tracks from this release mean to you as their creator? What inspired their creation? And finally what it was like to put each track together?
As I already mentioned in the previous answer, the process of producing all 18 tracks took place in summer nearly two years ago. Therefore, I can’t really break down all the tracks. In the gap from back then to now, I would estimate that I produced nearly 200 beats or so.
Furthermore, there are many things I would change today, or things I could do better now. Nonetheless, I want to highlight my favorites from this release:
Free: Unfortunately, I forgot which sample I used for this beat. I really like the chops I have used and the brushes in the background which gives the track a nice atmosphere and emphasizes the drum rhythm.
Chip: I love how I treated the sample with the effects and the modulation of it. A really grimy/jazzy mixture I am more than proud of.
Back on the mvnitou singles bandwagon, I have to mention your track "Buzzy Nights" a collaboration that you created with Axian, a beat-smith that blends into creation some truly dreamy tracks just like yourself - link to Axian's Spotify below.
How did this creative collab come about? And what sound and expression were you going for with "Buzzy Nights"?
Axian messaged me and offered me to collab on a track, which filled me with ambition and joy. 
I laid the melody down and sent it over to Axian, who added all the nice background sounds and a beautiful saxophone melody, This gave the track the theme of a buzzy night in a foreign country. All in all, this was one of the best collabs I have ever been part of. Shoutout to Axian 
You also teamed up with Austria based taste blending curator and collective "Pueblo Vista". The track you put together for Pueblo Vista is "gift" created for the "Last Summer: Lo-Hop Essentials" compilation and its name speaks for its self. Its dreamy vocals and sweet night-time vibes are a present to all ears, thank you for your contribution to this compilation that features other musical talents such as Naif, Enkae and n o r m a l.
Magic was made with this Pueblo Vista release, nice work to all involved. What inspired the name gift? And how did you go about putting "gift" together? Finally, what did you think of Last Summer as a whole?
(Link to the Last Summer Compilation: https://open.spotify.com/album/1NeN0rEtlqF802p4EFLfe5)
Gift was the first track which got released on all digital platforms. 
To this day I'm still releasing my music mostly only on Soundcloud. 
This track was well-received on Spotify and I got really nice comments on this beat. This track is quite old, due to that it's hard for me to recall the titling of this track.
In last summer I was visiting Greece two times, where I found much inspiration and relaxation for myself. On top of that and having my laptop with me I was able to produce some beats there.
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On the subject of collaborations. What draws you in about a creative that makes you want to build an artistic relationship?
In the past what has been enjoyable for you during collabs and what have you found challenging about blending your works with other creatives?
I really love working with other people. What I really love and what drives me to build an artistic relationship is, when I am learning something new. 
Everyone I have worked with has a different method and approach to producing music, which can be extremely inspiring. 
That’s why I am always keen to work with other creative people because you can’t foretell what the end product going to be like.
You have also put together your first Drumkit Sample Pack - "MVNITOU DRUMKIT Vol.1" yet another way you've let loose and shared your creativity with the beat community, much love. Packed with snares and all, this was a release that I thought showed another side to your craft, appreciated.
What encouraged the idea to give a drum-kit a go? and what was it like to get a positive response? Can you explain what this project was like to put together?
Many drumkits you can buy on the internet are lacking quality. Especially when you are searching for dusty 90s style or Lofi Drums. My motivation for releasing a drumkit was to give aspiring beat producers a quality kit with sounds, which were made for instant use.
On top of that, I was really trying hard to screw on a effect-chain which you can easily load up on FL Studio that emulates the popular and often replicated SP404 “Lofi” – Effect.
What is next for mvnitou and do you have any upcoming releases, shows, or creative projects you would like to share?
In the upcoming weeks there are many releases from me. 4 singles will be available for streaming in May. 
In June I can proudly announce that my second physical tape will get released with KADV. This one is more Boom Bap orientated, so keep an eye out for that.
Also last week my little ep “State Of No-Mind” with broken flavor got uploaded on Soundcloud. 
The Ep is available on all streaming platforms on 16th May.
Thank you for that. Can you recommend creatives from any field that you feel people should check out?
There are many people I want you to check out, as they make great music and definitely inspire me.
Figub Brazlevič https://soundcloud.com/figubbrazlevic
Wun Two: https://soundcloud.com/wun-two
Devaloop: https://soundcloud.com/devaloop
Made in M: https://soundcloud.com/madeinm
Upper Class: https://soundcloud.com/upperclasslofi
ESC: https://soundcloud.com/esckkrpsdlkkt
Broken Flavor: https://soundcloud.com/bflavorrrr
Audi Bamer: https://soundcloud.com/audi-bamer
Any Last Words?
Thank you again for the opportunity!
Since I am not a big fan of posting personal stuff on social media (lazy/ cant see the sense of it) this Interview is a great way to get to know the person behind mvnitou better. Thank you for that!
Support mvnitou Here:
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/mvnitou
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mvnitoulofi/
Bandcamp - https://mvnitou.bandcamp.com/
Website - https://mvnitou.pw/
0 notes
thelocalshooter · 4 years
The Local Shooter Vs. B-LIFE
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(LS) Hello thank you being apart of a great come up and welcome, may we get a small introduction for the people reading who don’t know who you are, where are you from? Who are you? And what do you do?
(B) I'm B-L1FE or B to most. I am an Indiana native but for the last 4 years I've been in the Houston, TX area. I do everything except make beats. I'm a recording artist myself, I engineer, DJ, design, visuals, animations, curate. To add to all that I'm also the CEO of my own record label, FAITH×VICTORY Records. I also am the CEO of three other companies: SupportArt which is a promotion company that also houses a collective, and MeditatedMerch which is my clothing line. There is stuff I'm missing I'm sure but I'm basically the one stop shop for good underground business.
(LS) Being a Texas native how do you feel that the music scene has impacted you and your creativeness?
(B) The scene in the H has never really impacted me much but surround regions have amazingly unique sounds that are almost nice accents to a style like mine that blends hip hop with metal and alt rock. The Dallas FT. Worth area is full of this new wave sound that people like Jah or $not really helped catapult. Then south Florida is known for the wild hype sounds they give us like Pouya. I think these regions influenced me by just kind of telling me hey its ight to let go and just be me. I used to be signed under a different stage name and to be honest it was all bullshit. All the rules and what they wanted me to be. This area in general just let the monster loose I guess you could say.
(LS) You also run a blog on your own called supportart where its a platform for many creative artist in the underground, how did that come about and how long have you been running it?
(B) We are gonna be two years old in June which is unreal. We house 20 artists at the moment including myself. It honestly all started as a group chat of artists trying to put together a collective mixtape. Most people didnt come through but it actually opened a networking portal that led us to our first client who was King Kap who at the time was signed to Quality Control. We continue to work with him to this day and alongside the leaders I make the calls with (Yung N ICy, Fat Daddy J, Psych Ward, Penny the Shabba, Waveon, wa55up, & Kaster) we just had the flood gates opened on us. Alot of trial and error but never once have we been exposed or finessed. We work hard for the underground and have new ways coming soon to showcase hidden talent.
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(LS) you seem to be a jack of all trades with graphics, producing, and much more! What do you feel is your strongest creative outlet for you and why?
(B) All the other crafts came from being a recording artist. I think I truly shine there. Away from the art and visuals, I've had some pretty big accomplishments as the rapper B-L1FE. Sometimes I forget to push my own stuff when I'm so busy pushing the underground or my artists. In 2019 I dropped my first and sophomore album which did well. Underviews did an article naming me a young mogul. I made the underground freshman list which was amazing to be with the likes of GNAR, Lord Xan, 916frosty, and more. But if anything compares it's my graphic design. I've been doing design since I was 14 and I'm almost 28 now. I still have every graphic I've done and my portfolio now have close to 6000 pieces. It's the main reason I could leave the day job life behind.
(LS) You also happen to be on all major platforms with a couple single releases, where did you first find your passion for music? Also how did you know that it was going to be a career for you?
(B) My parents didnt really do much parenting but they did raise me around terrific music. I have right now I believe 83 songs on all major platforms which is quite a bit since my contract from the previous record label didnt expire until April of 2018. My parents raised me around Dr. Dre, Bone Thugs, Snoop, Nas, Destinys Child, Master P, and all the greats. So I had this around me so much at 12 I started writing structured songs and didnt even realize it. Football was passion #1 but when I decided to rescend my commitment to Eastern Michigan University, I started toying around with being in a band. After awhile my vocal cords suffered from pure metal music. So I turned to rap which was also like a hobby. Then once I began to network in around 2012 I noticed I had something alot of others didnt. So it was then I knew. The rest was waiting for the contract I signed stupidly to expire. My biggest influences would be Chronic 2001 by Dr. Dre and Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park.
(LS) Your most recent single regurgitate and there’s a single called “Welcome To Hell” which did amazing numbers on Twitter! What was the whole process behind those songs and why did you pick that specific song to shows case the project?
(B) The process behind these two singles were both random to be honest. I put out my second EP back in December and wanted to take my time on my third album so I do what I call SINGLE SZN. I drop a new song on major platforms every week. It started with my first single of 2020 which was 'Never' and 'Welcome to Hell' was the second. With that one it was Angry Orphan's concept (featured artist) and he sent me his parts and a rough idea and I thought since we both are lyrical artists let's do what Em and Royce do when they collab and take these same schemes but change our words and small parts of our flows. It made a very cohesive song. The marketing is always the same for me. I let people know way before something drops that it's coming. The main key is promoting stuff more than once. So many people drop a track, run it through some group chats for that day, and then leave it to die. You gotta keep pushing content towards people. With 'Regurgitate' I hadn't even planned a part of it. I woke up to an email from SupportArt's head engineer, Penny the Shabba, that two beats. One was the beat for that song. Wrote it in 15 mins recorded it mixed it, he mastered it while I did the cover, and within 4 or so hours a full song was ready and off to distrubution.
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(LS) What’s a regular day in the life of B-LIFE? Do you wake up in the morning go to the studio? Do you wake up in the morning and start interviewing people and check on your blog? What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
(B) The minute I wake up I need a shower. Cant start the day right without it. My studio and everything is at home so I just go off my daily planner. I keep everything written down including my own personal stuff and I usually pick whatever project I really dont wanna do to start. That way I'm getting through the 'blah' jobs with full energy and the shit I'll enjoy doing I save for later when I'm drained. Usually first thing I do business wise is touch base with my team. We use telegram so we can avoid social media. We a family so they come first. Next is clients. Always touch base with any clients waiting still or people I may have had halfway to the payment phase.
(LS) juggling music, blogs, graphics, and also a clothing brand how do you know when to find time for each creative outlet? Do you set a certain schedule for certain things? Do you have a certain day for certain things how does that work for you?
(B) I wish I knew. Everyday is dedicated to everything. I didnt want to say okay Tuesday we design only covers and logos but sell 5 videos the night before that Tuesday. I ask my clients for deadlines and bundle clients I tell them the timeframes. To be honest my turnaround is so quick and I've done this for so long I do it super fast. Some AMV clients get their video back in an hour with their mind blown. I try not to look at it as such a big work load. Whenever I do feel overwhelmed then its time for like 30 mins on the xbox or a jog. Somehow I never run out of creativity which certainly helps.
(LS) What’s your main goal as far as music? Do you plan on getting signed, are you looking to stay independent? Is music even your full on passion or are you looking to stay more on the blog and manager/artist development side or what is your main goal?
(B) Main goal is to get my label signed how Travis Scott did with Cactus Jack. It keeps the artist safe and in it's own way allows you to stay independent but with proper funding. Music is the main passion. I never say I manage my artists. We push them to build their own brands and we help them with that. I'm simply just keeping a platform all about love. The rest does it's own thing all by itself. Truly amazing.
(LS) Thank you again for being a part of this great come up, is there anything else you would like for the readers to know about you? Or should we keep our eyes peeled for anything to come in 2020? What are some links that you can share were new readers can go ahead and find your work?
(B) You can find everything related to be via my linktree which is linktr.ee/lifewitha1
Album 3's first single drops May 1st and you can already pre order it on Apple Music. Its titled 'Bob Ross' and ensomber produced it. Tune in. Tap in. We out here not just for us but for everybody with the it's always love approach. Just dont get shit twisted haha. You can find me everywhere but soundcloud. Bless up everybody and much love to The Local Shooter. Houston we strong!!
The Local Shooter Vs. B-L1FE
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0 notes
afterspark-podcast · 5 years
G1 Episode 19: Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
S: Bugs.  Bugs is what I'm getting at.
O: [Laughs] Oh, okay.
[Intro Music]
O: Hello, and welcome to the Afterspark Podcast.  An episode by episode recap of the generation 1 Transformers cartoon.  I'm Owls!
S: And I’m Specs!
O: And today we're gonna be talking about episode number 19, Dinobot Island Part 1.  Let's talk about giant robots today, shall we?
S: Yeah.
O: We open with Bumblebee (plus jetpack) and Powerglide flying through the air heading towards some strange energy reading in the middle of the ocean.
S: [laughs] Bumblebee comms back to base, to get confirmation from Optimus Prime and when it cuts to the Autobots we see Wheeljack at the console, you know, Teletraan 1, the big screen and everything, and then everyone else is like a good 60 feet back.
O: [snorts]
S: They're probably afraid Wheeljack's gonna blow shit up again.
O: By basically manning their telephone? [laughs]
S: Don't underestimate Wheeljack's ability to blow shit up.  He's got a green thumb for it...or a black thumb? I don’t know…
O: He’s very, very talented at blowing shit up, let’s just go with that.
S: At least that’s how the fandom handles it.
O: I mean, fair.  Bumblebee however, seems to be very gung-ho about this mission and excited and kind of surprised that Optimus seems to think so highly of him.
S: Like, he's kinda--he's almost a little blushy.
O: Yeah, he is.
S: It's kind of cute.
O: It's--well, Bee is very cute.
S: It's-it's sweet.  Then Powerglide calls Bumblebee his ‘Little Bee Buddy.’
O: Which great name, it's a great name.
S: Yeah…
O: Ah, Powerglide, while flying slams into some sort of energy wave or energy field and says that it won't affect him because he's got too much ‘pizazz!’
S: Oh god--he's an idiot who thinks he dumped all of his points into charisma but clearly he didn',t and then again I'm having a hard time figuring out what stat he would have dumped them into because it's clearly not wisdom.  Maybe dexterity? And I'm actually really wishing now that I'd sat down and put together a fucking stat sheet.
O: Oh god, that sounds nightmarish.  All I know is that Powerglide talks about himself a lot.   I feel like he says his name like six times in sixty seconds in his introduction.
S:  Something like that.  He sort of speaks in pseudo third-person, it gets kind of old.
O: It gets old very quickly.
S: But they had to have some way of differentiating these new Autobots from the previous ones so you get a bit more, um, out there personalities and speech tics.
O: [snorts] I mean, I guess at least they have personalities?
S: Or speech patterns is what I meant.
O: Yeah.
S: Cuz you've got Warpath and...all of that.
O: Yeah…
S: They're suddenly attacked by a giant pteranodon that carries Bee away in its claws.  Providing his own narration, Powerglide then flies off to the rescue.
O: Bee looks like, super done through this entire sequence.  Uh, he even says something to the effect of, “Can't he just save a guy without doing a commercial?”
S: Honestly, the Autobots could probably earn money by you know, selling off Powerglide’s vocal--
O: Oh god.
S: --powers for commercials.
O: Yeah, he--he would make a good--good guy to do commercials for…
S: Oh god, him and Swindle, doing something together.
O: Oh god, oh god, yes please--someone write this? [laughs]
S: Like, Swindle’s a perfectly good sell guy by himself but I mean, you want an infomercial…
O: Give him the power--uh, giving them the power of Powerglide’s voice?  Oh yes, they would sell so much shit!
S:  Oh god, I'm just imagining the robot infomercials now.  Shamwow, Oxyclean...
O: [laughs] Shamwow, now--now sponsored by the Auto--the Autobots!  Shamwow! [continues laughing while Specs speaks]
S: God, there’d be some sort of Powerglide pun in there somewhere.
O: Ugh, you know it would.
S: [sighs] And then well--uh, so back on topic, Powerglide does indeed chase the pteranodon off but it drops Bumblebee whose jetpack is no longer functioning properly like, it's super beat all to hell.
O: Uh, yeah after you know, being picked up by a pteranodon. Bee does eventually land safely with the help of a palm tree cushioning his impact.
S: It’s a thing, it’s a thing.  And okay, I figured out where Powerglide put his stats.  He clearly blasts Bee’s jetpack with some sort of ray of healing from his forehead, so magic?  Like--he's like, the world's shittiest wizard.
O: Oh god. [laughs] I don't want to think about him being a wizard.  He’s like, one of the flim-flam man if he is a freaking wizard.
S: [groans]
O: Yeah!  I'm right!  I'm right, and should say it!
S: Yeah.
O: [laughs] Anyway, Bumblebee explores the immediate area on, uh, the island that they have crash-landed on.
S: There are a fuckton of dinosaurs here and Bee is promptly attacked by a t-rex.
O: To which, he runs back to Powerglide and sort of jerks him--him by the arm in the direction that the t-rex is now chasing him.
S: Or is coming from, yeah.
O: Is com--yeah, like that the t-rex that is chasing him is coming from.
S: It's like, “Here, here look at this thing it wants to eat me!”
O: [laughs] “Save me!”
S: “Do--do the thing, kick its ass!”
O: Uh, Powerglide transforms and Bee hangs a ride by grabbing on top of uh, Powerglide’s plane mode and they fly off.  It looks very uncomfortable.
S: Yeah. Honestly, it's probably messing with Powerglide’s you know, uh, aerodynamic surfaces but okay…
O: The power of magic robots?
S: Yeah.  Back at the Ark, Bee and Powerglide have clearly reported the living fossils they ran into to the other Autobots and there, they proceed to insult the Dinobots.  You know, like normal--which is kind of sad.
O: You're all terrible, I want you to know this.
S: Yeah...Wheeljack tries to mitigate the general air of disrespect by saying that the Dinobots have good qualities and he's been trying to teach them stuff.
O: Wheeljack is a good Dino dad.
S: Yeah, and then Huffer decides to be a dick about this statement.
O: Yep, yep, shut up Huffer.
S: Shut up Huffer.
O: [laughs]
S: Wheeljack's idea of demonstrating Grimlock’s newfound control over his powers, his--his newfound dexterity, is to have Blaster transform into his alt mode and then have Grimlock change the radio stations...with fire breath or a laser breath or however they refer to it.
O: All this seems like a terrible, terrible, terrible idea!
S: It is, like yes, you can demonstrate his dexterity some other way, dude!
O: That doesn't involve fire and possibly melting your communications officer.
S: Yeah.
O: Grimlock, to his credit does actually succeed in changing the station without incinerating Blaster, much to the chagrin of Ironhide, Trailbreaker, and Sideswipe.
S: They have no taste. They don't like any of those music. But, ah, considering it was changed to a rock station I would expect this from Ironhide and possibly Trailbreaker but Sideswipe--you're a young hip dude!
O: Sides, there is no way you don't listen to rock, I am not buying this for a single goddamn second.
S: Maybe he's more of a pop guy?
O: Oh god, now I'm just like, now I'm just imagining him doing karaoke to Britney Spears songs.
S: [laughs]
O: Thank you, thank you for that came to Britney Spears in my brain!  Just imagine him going, “Catch me baby one more time,” or whatever. [Clearly my 90’s card needs to be revoked, because it’s, “Hit me baby one more time.” ~Owls]
S: Yeah.
O: Hust mmm-mmm, perfection and you know he would do it at karaoke just to drive Prowl nuts.
S: Or maybe he likes Dolly Parton?
O: [laughing while trying to talk] JOLENE! [continues to laugh]
S: The rest of the bots and humans in the room proceed to celebrate.
O: Wheeljack in particular seems super proud of Grimlock.
S: [sighs] Of course something has to go wrong, and that thing is Slag and Sludge getting interested in what's going on and then proceeding to bump into Grimlock.  Who then begins spewing fire around the room uncontrollably.
O: I love it because Grimlock says, “Slag, Sludge, go away!  Me, Grimlock, demonstrating finesse (whatever that mean),” before immediately turning around and destroying something else with his extremely long tail.
S: Yeah...honestly the perspective on that made no sense…
O: It looked way too long.  I'm like not really sure what happened there to be honest.
S: Yeah, the situation proceeds to further unravel with the on--with the arrival of the ever curious Snarl and Swoop, who want to come and investigate all this shit.
O: Which, congrats!  You lured the first two idiots with the racket, now you've caught the other two.
S: Well, they’re five for five.
O: They are five for five!
S: The Dinobots get dangerously close to Teletraan 1 but Trailbreaker uses a shield to protect it but he like, shoots it and then it hits and sort of spreads and it's weird.
O: Yeah, not really sure how this guy's powers work.
S: Yeah.
O: We see several previously unseen Autobots who rush in to put out the room which is now on fire.  The main two we get to see are Inferno, a fire truck, and Red Alert, a fire Lamborghini. Yes really, that's what he's supposed to be.
S: Well, I suppose it was either that or a fire Datsun, or a fire Porsche, or a fire minibot.  Do you want a fire miniot? Cuz that's how you get a fire on minibot.
O: [laughs] So, I looked it up, I believe his toy is a police car version of Sideswipe and Sunstreaker’s mold and it literally was listed as like, the police version.  Um, but I'm laughing because I'm like oh no--now I'm wondering is there a police version of the Datsun or the Porsche, or the minibot?
S: Well, there could be a police version of the Lamborghini in Italy.
O: Well isn’t Prowl--what is Prowl?
S: Prowl’s a Datsun.
O: Oh, Prowl’s a Datsun...then we already had a po--we already had a police Datsun!
S: Yeah, so it's just--I don't think--cuz, like Crown Victorias were like, the main police car.
O: Oh, yeah.
S: Now there's Mustangs and stuff and I've never seen a Lamborghini.
O: Yeah, like it's just...there would never be a fire Lamborghini.
S: Well, let me look this up.  Cuz I now want to know if there's a police...no, let’s see...oh my god!  Italy's newest police car is a Lamborghini as of 2017.
O: That's still 30 years too late I'm not looking at it! [laughs]
S: Well, there could be other Lamborghinis there, but a Lamborghini makes sense for--
O: Like, Italy.
S: Yeah.  Ratchet is rather resigned to having to repair the entire room now with Sparkplug offering to help.  Well, he's also got Grapple.
O: Oh yeah, Grapple’s in here.
S: Yeah and um...shoot I forget his name...Hoist.  Grapple and Hoist.
O: The Dinobots however, continued to blunder around with Sideswipe getting the brilliant idea of fighting them to a standstill.
S: [sighs] I mean that is basically...that--that is basically his entire modus operandi.  Slamming shit until it stops being a problem.
O: True.  Uh, then the red idiot brigade rush in like well, idiots.  This being Sideswipe, Cliffjumper, and Ironhide.
S: Well, they did decide to color code their hot heads.
O: They did!  [laughs] They did!  Well, paint them all red, they're idiots.
S: Yeah, thankfully they are stopped in their tracks by Optimus Prime.  And Optimus has Grimlock bring the other Dinobots to heel.
O: He actually shows some modicum of respect and trust towards Grimlock here, wow.
S: It's an improvement.
O: Definitely is.
S: They then get the brilliant idea of sending the Dinobots to the newly discovered island.  Where they'll be less likely to break shit or at least shit the Autobots care about.
O: [laughs] Yeah, uh, cutting away we see that Ravage and Soundwave are eavesdropping on the Autobots as they exit from the side of a mountain.  Why do they even have this?
S: I guess they wanted a backdoor.  They wanted somewhere where they wouldn't be mobbed by paparazzi.
O: [snorts]
S: Except you never see the paparazzi.
O: I feel like there should be paparazzi.  I mean if giant alien robots landed on earth I feel like paparazzi would be all over that shit but--
S: Either that or someone that wants to sell magazines--we've already discussed the magazine subscription sales.
O: Yeah.  Wheeljack and Ratchet uh, being good parents actually wish their babies luck.
S: They're sending their kids off to summer camp.
O: It is kind of what it feels like, yes.
S: Yeah, I except there aren't any moderators.
O: Yup, yup, we are leaving we are leaving the babies in charge of the babies.
S: Oh god no, they're basically sending them off to…
O: Live in the woods for a week? [laughs]
S: More or less!  They're basically doing what Izumi did with the Elrics.
O: [laughs] Yep, yep, yep, that’s close.
S: Oh god, except now--now Spike hops into Powerglide, to come with them, like--
O: Why--why aren we bringing the squishy?
S: He wants to sightsee, unfortunately he didn't bring any goddamn camera.  Cuz, you know Chip would be all over this.
O: Yeah, Chip would like to see this!
S: I guess we needed a the human element.
O: Well, that human element’s gonna end up smeared across the bottom of either the organic, or the robot t-rex, I fucking guarantee it.
S: Unfortunately yeah, or he's gonna puke everywhere because you just know Powerglide's gonna pull a freaking rodeo with every goddamn ride he takes this kid on.
O: Ohhhhh yeah.  Spike does actually put on a seat belt here which is kinda new. [laughs]
S: I figure planes would have some sort of restraint device even in the 80’s, but who knows.
O: That's my guess, that's our guess anyway.
S: Soundwave comms Megatron about the mysterious island discovered by the Autobots.
O: And clearly it’s shit on Starscream hour, as Megatron insinuates at least some Decepticons don't disappoint him.
S: At some point somewhere some version of Megatron has to have, “All of you disappoint me,” mug, or something.
O: Oh my god!  Yes! Now I want that, I want a mug--I want a tiny mug of that, to hand my G1 Megatron.
S: It’s just--
O: He absolutely has that mug!  I don't know this one has that mug but one of them's got that mug!
S: Yeah.
O: Maybe Prime Megatron?
S: [snickers, following by unintelligible audio]
O: Soundwave’s like, sipping his own shit that says like, “#1 Communications Officer,” cuz he knows he ain't talking about him.
S: Yeah.
O: [laughs]
S: So Soundwave sends Laserbeak after the Autobot crew, to you know, keep tabs on them.  Like a competent communication officer does.
O: Right!  Of course, as the Autobot group gets near the island Powerglide decides to show Spike his moves.
S: I called it.  I--I freakin called it.  Powerglide just cannot resist showboating.
O: But he's a plane! [laughs]
S: Show--show-planing, show-flying?
O: Showing off! [laughs]
S: Yeah. Spike decides to name the new island and he goes with Dinobot Island cuz…
O: Who--who let the 14-year old named shit!?! Guys--guys, Powerglide, you talk all the time surely you can think of a better name than this!
S: He may not care.
O: Of course!  And I--I feel like his suggestion would be like, “Let's call it Powerglide island!”
S: Well of course!  Cuz the most important person was first on the ground!
O:  Or--but he wasn’t!  Bumblebee was!
S: Yes, but that was falling, he wasn't the first person to actually set foot on it!
O: Oh god.
S: I don’t know!  I don’t--I don’t think I care. [laughs] Ahh..
O: The Autobots land and Laserbeak lands some distance away, still keeping an eye on them cuz again, competent.  Competent soldier.
S: One of the locals attempts to buddy up to Laserbeak, but gets eye lasers for their trouble.
O:Laserbeak’s not even remotely in the vicinity of fucking around here, he's got a job to do!  Laserbeak also conveniently pulls out his camera as Spike starts going on about all the energy sources on the island.
S: He mentions an oil pit.  How is there an oil pit here?  That wouldn't be...safe? But I mean okay, they're probably talking about tar, maybe?
O: I mean like, that's what--what we assumed is that--well, at least it's what I’m assumed, they have to mean tar pit!  But I'm still not sure how that's a source of energy?
S: Well, I mean, I guess there's enough thermal energy but I don't get how they’d get it.  Who the fuck knows.
O: Or at least how would that be less difficult than like, I don't know--solar energy in the middle of the fucking ocean?
S: Or wind power--
O: Or wind power--
S: --or you know, water power.
O: --or wave power--
S: Hydrodynamics?
O: --or whatever!  A zillion other things that the Decepticons could be doing under the radar and not being caught with!
S: They’re dumb robots and it's an 80’s cartoon.  We've already had discussions about that.
O: Oh, so many.  Of course, the first thing Powerglide says uh, is that, “It's a good thing those Cons don't know about this!”
S: Well, it's already been jinxed.
O: Yep!  And not 30 seconds later Powerglide has a horrifying realization that he has lost the human.
S: He's a really bad babysitter, he can't be trusted.
O: Clearly not.  Cutting back to Spike, he is immediately picked up by a giant green dinosaur out of nowhere.
S: One that obviously doesn't have a basis in reality.  I mean it looks like a weird dragon.
O: Minus, you know, actually like, being able to breathe flame.  He is then dropped into a nest with some absurdly huge eggs like, way too big for the dinosaur that has dropped him in there.
S: Maybe it's the dad that dropped him in and the female is bigger or something.  Maybe they're like kiwis? I don't know.
O: I think you're giving this show far more credit than it deserves. [laughs]
S: Swoop comes in for the rescue.
O: That's because Swoop is a good birb!
S: Spike gets dropped off near a lake, with Swoop telling him to be careful before flying off.
O: Nessie then rises from behind Spike and grabs him in their mouth, swimming off.
S: Oh plesiosaurs,I'm surprised the Autobots didn't decide to ah, build someone based off of one…
O:  Hee, hee, hee, Paddles !
S: Powerglide and the Dinobots here Spike screaming and run over.  Except, I don't know--Powerglide flies for like two seconds--
O: [laughs] Yeah for a whole two seconds, he is extremely gung-ho for a rescue until he spots the giant water monster and then he's like, “Uh, how about you guys do it instead?” to the Dinobots.
S: Yeah.  Spike is then rescued by Sludge after Nessie drops him.  And in a blissful moment of sanity, Spike decides to return home as he is tired of being dindins.
O: Yeah, for once a competent decision was made, weird.  Laserbeak, uh, after you know, presumably getting all of this on video, returns to the Decepticon base where he displays the recorded information for Dinobot Island to the rest of the Cons.
S: Megatron, well clearly Megatron's been taking notes from his comic iteration here as his badge is bright red.
O: [laughs] For like one shot.  Megs is gunning --get it, get it, because he’s a gun?  For a takeover of Dinobot Island but Starscream, who clearly does not want to be a flying dino dinner, objects.
S: Regardless, Megatron orders an attack in some completely ridiculous, amazing, visual framing.  Megatron is just standing there, in the middle of the group, with an arm up in a victory pose, flanked by two Decepticons on either side, with Thrust (whom we haven't met yet) framed by Megatron's magnificent thighs.
O: That placement seems so, so phallic.
S: Especially considering his name.
O: Yes, but it gets worse because Thrust is one of the Coneheads which means he has you know, a pointy head.
S: Yes.
O: Which only makes this worse, or better, really, depending on how you look at it.
S: To--to clarify, Thrust is way in the background and he's not like, lying on a stomach between Megatron’s thighs--
O: No, but he's like, he looks tiny in the distance and he’s right under Megatron’s crotch!
S: Yes.
O: And I’m just like--why did you frame it like that!?!  [laughs] Back on Dinobot Island, the Dinobots are training.
S: Grimlock does not have the vocabulary for this.
O: What do you mean Specs, “Do flying stuff!” sounds plenty descriptive to me!
S: It's pretty descriptive, but it's not you know, good for specifics.
O: The Cons land, uh, Megatron being a dick to Starscream.
S: When isn't he?
O: Oh, never really.
S: And then Starscream mentions being worried about the bizarre energy waves.
O: Because you know, scientist and shit, right?
S: They actually remembered he did that.
O: Yeah, I know, right?
S: The group splits up to gather Energon from the various energy sources on the island.
O: Starscream uh, proceeds to freak the fuck out as the weather begins to de--destabilize, but Megatron just points at him and tells them to get back to work.
S: From the air--Swoop the spots the Decepticons from the air.
O: Grimlock uh, after Swoop gets back and tells them this, orders the rest of the Dinobots to attack.
S: Meanwhile, Spike and Bumblebee are coming out of a library with some lovely, lovely research in hand.  Which we couldn't read the titles of--but it made no goddamn sense.
O: It was gibberish.  Yeah like, what we could see it was just complete gibberish.
S: Yeah...
O: Suddenly, a portal opens up and some barbarians riding motherfucking mammoths come through.  I don’t know who the voice actor is here, but they are clearly just making silly noises into the mic and it is amazing. [laughs]
S: Yeah.  I don't know what time period these barbarians are supposed to be from, we a--we had a discussion, but apparently they've got some metalworking going on cuz--one of them was wearing a horned helmet.
O: Yeah, and it's just like, I don't even know, but okay?
S: Disarray ensues as giant mammoths proceed to fuck with traffic patterns.
O: Spike says that mammoths just haven't existed for, “Fifty thousand years!”
S: Oh honey, most of them didn't die out about--until about you know, ten thousand years ago.  So you're super off Spike!
O: Some of them actually survived and until longer too! [laughs]
S: Yes, but that was a very small population on a very, um…
O: Isolated island, essentially.
S: Yeah.  They probably had some issues at the end.
O: Sounds like it.  Spike and Bee escape into a dilapidated building for cover but the mammoths ram the building, and it comes down on top of the two of them.
S: Yeah, that's bad--that’s baaaad.   Back on Dinobot Island, Megatron uses some well-placed blasts from his fusion cannon to create a stampede of you know, regular dinosaurs to herd the Dinobots off a cliff.
O: The Dinobots can fly?  They literally flew earlier in this episode.  Did--did, everyone here just collectively dump that fact from their brain?
S: I mean, the robots pretty frequently forget they have abilities but at least these guys are babies, so we can kind of forgive them.  Also, they may not be able to fly and in their alt modes with the exception of Swoop, so I don't know.
O: Yeah, but I don't know why they wouldn't transform.
S: We don't know what the reaction times are when they're startled.
O: That’s true.
S: And maybe they don't want to hurt uh--uh the other dinosaurs.
O: I'd be more willing to believe that but I still think transforming and jumping up in the air would be faster.
S: It would, it would, but I don't know we're not--we don't exactly have a view into the minds of these giant robot children.  And the Dinobots unfortunately, fall into a tar pit.
O: Because of course they do!
S: Yeah. Including poor Swoop, who only fell in because Grimlock basically fell on top of him. [sighs]
O: Poor Swoop.
S: Yeah.
O: And that's where today's episode ends.  Join us next time for more time warps, cowboys, barbarians, and pirates galore!
S: Yup.
O: So, do we have some fanfic recommendations for today?
S: Yes, we have two of them.  Uh, the first is Pounce by eerien_sadow.  Uh, it's in the G1 cartoon continuity, rated K, um, it’s Gen.  There aren't any pairings and the characters are Swoop and an unnamed Decepticon.  And the summary is: An infiltrator attempts to escape the Autobots. And I basically decided on this because Swoop, because unfortunate things happened to Swoop in this episode.
O: Poor baby.
S: And it's a oneshot, it's also very, very short um, less than 600 words, I think?  So it's a nice little bite. And uh, second recommendation is Wild Man's World by Harpokrates. It’s in the Transformers’ War for Cybertron continuity, it's rated K, Gen--even though it was written for a rare pair bingo.  There is no overt shipping or anything. The closest you get to it is someone giving someone else a bouquet of crystals and that's more, “I would like you to feel better,” than anything else, so yeah.  There's no pairings, our characters are Perceptor, Grimlock, Ratchet and Slug.
And in summary: They made it off of Cybertron but that doesn't mean all of their problems are solved.  Preceptor juggles morals, obligations, Insecticons, and Grimlock. And well, I picked this one because it's got Grimlock in it, but it also has the rest of the Dinobots which I thought the way--the way--the way they're handled is pretty different from you know G1 but I liked it.
O: So uh, if you're not aware uh, War for Cybertron is a PlayStation 3 game.  The continuity--it's technically in the Aligned continuity which is technically supposed to like, encapsulate the video-- the War for Cybertron/Fall of Cybertron, Prime, and Robots in Disguise, and Rescue Bots.  But I feel like the video games feel pretty distinct. Uh, but so, the way they handle the Dinobots in the game is pretty different and the Dinobots never show up in Prime or Robots in Disguise, really so...
S: Well, they do have Grimlock in Robots in Disguise
O: It's not the same Grimlock.
S: Yeah.
O: It's not the same Grimlock, which is this whole other kettle of fish.  So--it--it--they definitely are handled differently because in the game they were normal Autobots that were captured by uh--
B: Shockwave.
O: And his experimented on.
S: Okay, yeah, this deals pretty heavily with the aftermath of the experimentation at least on Grimlock.
O: Yeah, yeah, cuz basically--they did not have dinosaur alt modes before Shockwave got ahold of them.  And whatever Shockwave had done had really, really fucked with Grimlock’s mind.
S: Yeah.  As will be very, very evident if you read this.  Which it was good I reckon--I definitely recommend it, and yeah, it's--it's what you haven't read yet.
O: Yeah, I need to read this one cuz I actually--I really--I'm very fond of Perceptor anyway so...
S: Yeah, and I mean, you've actually played War for Cybertron, which I haven't.
O: I keep thinking I should play it while you're over or something cuz I do think you would enjoy the plot, but it's a first-person shooter so I'm not sure how interesting it is to watch.
S: It's--they might have had it available on computer at some point?
O: They did originally, but because the copyright--
S: Oh, yeah--
O: --they, uh.  Was it EA? Whatever company had it lost the copyright.
S: Yeah.
O: Um, so they pulled the digital releases.  Now the only way to get it is a hard--is a hard copy, and the only hard copies I could find were on PlayStation.
[Happily, it appears I may be wrong about this for War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron!  Even thought it’s delisted on Steam I could still find downloadable copies available on Amazon for the PC, and the Steam codes they give you still work in Steam. Unfortunately, this doesn’t appear to be the case with Devastation, which was my favorite out of the 3 more recent games. D: ~Owls]
S: Yeah, which I mean, I guess, I could theoretically get a PS--actually I want a PS4 I guess, because I kind of want to get the new Spider-man game.
O: Yeah, you can't play PS3 games on it.
S: Oh.
O: It's--they’re not backwards compatible, that's why I have both.
S: I hate that.
O: I know, I know, I feel ya!
S: Okay, let's get back on topic.
O: Sorry! ~Tangent!~
S: And I believe we have art recommendations.
O: So for fanart today we have Misaki, who does a variety [of art]--I've seen Animated, IDW, some Beast Wars stuff.  They have a very simple, cute style there's a lot of Animated art or characters done in the style of Transformers Animated.  Uh, they've also been doing quite a bit of TMNT stuff as of the time I uh, took my notes for this. Uh, oday we have linked a Transformers Animated style Dinobot, a neat looking Soundwave, and Rodimus not wanting to work.
S: He wants to play hooky.
O: He does, its Rodimus.  Hooky is like, his default state of being.
S: [chuckles] And that just about wraps it up for us today!  Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort as a Afterspark-Podcast, for any additional information, show notes, or links we may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at AftersparkPod (all one word) and various other locations by searching for Afterspark Podcast such as a AO3, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and YouTube just to name a few.  Till next time, I'm Specs!
O: And I'm Owls!
S: Toodles!
[Outro Music]
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