#thank you ****** for punk and better metal
atypi-cals · 11 months
you know, the good friendships, the bad friendships, the toxic friendships, the ones that just faded, they've all managed to touch one thing in me no matter what: my taste in music
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riality-check · 1 year
A continuation of this post. Part 3
As that long-haired guy walks away - his friend onstage called his name, but Steve didn’t catch it - Robin nudges Steve.
“Asshole roadies,” she says, sing-song.
“Get fucked,” Steve says with her.
It’s tradition, that little chant. Every gig, there’s always one venue where someone with far less experience says something. Steve knows he was blunt and probably shouldn’t have said anything with that tone, but after too many times, his patience is exhausted.
He can’t even blame the blunt thing on ASL. If anything, he’s meaner in English.
It makes sense. He knows English a lot better. He and Robin only started taking the ASL classes two years ago, when he really needed it. His left ear had been pretty much gone for a while (fuck you Billy Hargrove for putting ceramic in his scalp), but he sucked it up and started learning when his right ear started going, too.
Honestly, he has no idea what caused that.
Two years of ASL means he and Robin aren’t fluent yet. Not even close. But between that, his residual hearing, and the lip reading he’s relied on for longer, Steve does alright. If he wasn’t at a gig, he’d bring his hearing aids, but that’s a recipe for disaster and broken equipment.
Plus, he’s learned he can’t focus on his job when he hears as well as feels the music.
Robin taps his arm again. You good?
I’m good, he signs back.
They finish setting up before they grab a snack. The venue is pretty tiny, a standing room only place that serves pizza and a few drinks, and that’s it.
The pizza is really good though.
They finish up their slices before they go back to the booth. Robin is particular about not eating around the equipment, and Steve has long given up on fighting her.
Their jobs are pretty easy, in all honesty. The light cues are pre-written, and sound check was an hour ago. All Steve needs to do is hit the cues, and all Robin needs to do is adjust mic levels and turn them on and off as needed.
This leaves plenty of room for a healthy amount of fucking around.
As Robin, always on his right side, starts telling him a story about her friend’s ex’s (who is also her friend, because lesbians are just like that) latest date, Steve watches the crowd file in and nods along.
His mind, however, goes back to that guy. Someone always says something, and it’s always someone new to touring. Steve can just tell. All the rookies do the same thing; they look at the stage with wonder in their eyes. This guy was no different. Just some rookie giving Steve a problem, like always.
Except that this guy was different.
Rookies tended to want to prove themselves. They wanted to show off their fancy knowledge and make it clear that they belonged there along with everyone else who had a career. They wanted to catch Steve off guard, make him thank them for helping him out.
This guy didn’t do that. He was nosy and pushy and pretty and rambled a lot, but he wasn’t trying to be a dick. He was trying to look out for Steve, even if it was none of his business, even if he didn’t know him.
He ended up being a bit dickish, but he wasn’t trying to be. If Steve were a nicer person, he’d think that might count for something.
Steve is trying to be a nicer person, with emphasis on trying.
His watch vibrates, jolting him back to the moment. He lowers the lights, cueing the openers to go on.
The set list, along with Steve’s cues, is in in a binder between him and Robin, lit by a book light with a battery that’ll die at least twice, with their luck.
The first opener is a band Steve has never heard of called “Corroded Coffin.” If they’re any good, he might listen to their music.
Big emphasis on might because he’s not a big fan of metal. Punk has better bass lines, one that Steve likes to feel in his chest.
He hits the cue when they start their opening song, lighting them in reds and purples and-
Oh. Shit.
That guy wasn’t a roadie. He’s part of the opening band. He’s a guitarist.
A really good guitarist.
A really hot guitarist.
Steve is so caught up in stating that he nearly misses the next cue. He doesn’t, though. He’s a professional.
Robin elbows him, and he turns to see her signing. For one hopeful moment, he thinks she’s signing “hungry” and will offer to get them both more of that really good pizza like the wonderful friend she is.
But then she repeats the sign, again and again, and Steve smacks her before hitting the next cue.
“I am not horny!” he whispers, clearly loud enough for Robin to hear through her earplugs because she laughs.
You think he’s hot, she signs.
Steve rolls his eyes.
I’m right! she teases.
Steve faces away from her for the two seconds it takes for her to tug him back.
“Not fair,” she says, and Steve only gets it because it’s light enough to read her lips.
The band has gone through two songs, and the lead singer, a tall Black guy, is saying something to the crowd. Steve hears it just fine with all the mics, but understanding is too much of a struggle to bother.
He doesn’t really care anyway. He likes feeling the music and hearing it with what he has left (his audiologist said it won’t accelerate his hearing loss, so any hearing protection is a waste of money), not listening to whatever the bands have to talk about.
Anything important? he asks Robin.
She shakes her head.
Steve turns back to the stage in time to hit the next cue, casting the band in blue as the guitarist starts playing a really low intro.
Did you hear his name earlier? Steve asks.
Robin says something, but it gets lost in the music and the dim light.
“Hettie?” Steve asks aloud.
Robin shakes her head. Sorry.
She finger spells, messing up once and throwing it out with a wave of her hands.
She nods.
Steve hits the next cue and uses the rest of the time to appreciate the view. Eddie really is hot, in his dark jeans and tattered tank top, grin on his face and quick-moving fingers. And Steve has never had a chance to talk to the talent, even if they’re nosy.
But Eddie was nosy because he was worried. It would almost be sweet if it wasn’t so condescending.
He didn’t mean for it to be, the terrible little rational part of Steve’s brain pipes up. And he apologized. Multiple times.
The bigger part of his brain reminds him that it doesn’t matter what Eddie meant it as. Steve effectively tanked any hope when he snapped at him before the show.
Oh God.
He has to do a whole tour with this guy. Who he was a total dick to.
Yikes. At least he has Robin, who is-
Currently staring at him and signing “horny.”
Steve smacks her again, which she laughs at and returns instantly before they focus back on their jobs. They’re professionals, goddammit.
Professionals who are already on less than stellar terms with one of the openers.
He’s so not looking forward to the next few weeks.
Tag list (this is not a regular thing for me but it was manageable this time!): @just-a-tiny-void @weirdandabsurd42 @satan-is-obsessed @honeysucklesinger @coyotepup345 @gayafmermaid @thegingerrapunzel
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
Hello! I hope you're having a lovely day/night, and I was hoping to put in a request if you don't mind! So, what if Hobie and reader are exploring an abandoned building/apartment? Like, it's all fun, and it's relatively well-lit, but there are some dark places. Eventually, they find the stairs of the building and start climbing up, all while exploring a few rooms on the way up, seeing what people wrote on the walls and all. Soon, they get up to the building and reader has their back turned to Hobie, who manages to slip half of a matching jewelry or something he managed to get, whether it be stolen or bought from a small business is up to you!:) Of course, you are able to change some stuff to your liking!
Thank you for requesting!!! 😘❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader, cw food mentions, cw violence mention, FLUFF
“Seventh date and you finally decided to murder me.” You say as you stand apprehensively in front of an abandoned building. Its concrete walls are crumbling, the old facade full of colorful graffiti. The crickets chirp behind it, the thicket providing the extra creep factor that makes your skin crawl.
“Nah, I've decided that would be for our anniversary.” Hobie takes his helmet off while you simmer from his comment.
He wants to continue to more than seven dates, he wants to stay with you and have an actual anniversary. You can't believe how you got so lucky. And he thinks the same for him, he can't fathom why you stayed this long, especially now that he has brought you to an abandoned dilapidated property. He can't believe you're not running away and screaming bloody murder, you must really fancy him.
Cheeks warm, arms crossed to fight the biting cold, and the moonlight shining directly down on you like you were chosen by the goddess herself, Hobie can't help but sigh in wonderment.
“You're staring. Again.” You hide your sudden shyness with your scarf. “You're definitely gonna kill me, obsession is a trait most killers have you know.”
He chuckles, boots slowly inching closer to you, “what else do they have?” He taunts, a playful smile on his lips.
Christ it's getting harder and harder for you to not kiss him. You really want to, ever since he gave you your own helmet on your fourth date, with him saying that it's an investment for future dates so you don't have to keep borrowing his own. You swear you've never wanted to kiss someone this much in your entire life.
You pretend to think, “they're incredibly charming.” He gives you his best smile whilst slowly coming closer. “They have a knack for making people trust them, and in turn making them vulnerable.”
Hobie stands toe to toe with you, feigning intimidation. You again resist the urge to kiss him. “Do I make you feel vulnerable, love?”
You wave your bashfulness away, tugging him by the lapels of his leather jacket, you pull him closer. “No, that's for our twelfth date.”
He breaks the bit you two have going on, laughing, he holds your face in his cool hands, squeezing your equally cool cheeks. “Lookin' forward to it.”
You mirror his smile, “yeah, I'll be super vulnerable that day, so you better reschedule my murder on that day instead.” Cheeks still squished, your comment was a garbled mess. Good thing he speaks fluent Y/N.
“I'll keep that in mind,” Hobie leans close, lips dangerously close to yours, “you're right about one thing though,” his breath fans against your lips, and the anticipation is killing you. “I'm bloody charmin’” Abruptly leaning away, he leaves you standing on the pavement dazed and confused.
His laugh wakes you up, turning around, you see his satisfied smile and his twinkling eyes. He beckons you over, the metal of his jacket clinking from his movement. “You comin'? Or you're still frozen from my charm?”
You put your hands on your hips, exasperated but happy and smitten. “I change my mind, I think I should be the one who gets to murder you.”
Hobie guffaws, his loud laugh echoing around the vast and empty space. “If you can catch me!” He sprints off, entering the building, leaving you alone. In the dark. Where there might be creatures lurking.
“That little shit.” Something rustles in the bushes, and you make a run for it. “You little shit!” You scream after him. “Get back here!”
Your footsteps echo in the darkness, with only the moonlight peeking through the cracks in the concrete as your guide, you huff in place. The musty and earthy smell of the building jumps at you. There's water dripping from somewhere, and there's old broken furniture littered around the place. You deduce it was a mansion before it was abandoned, just based on the fact that there's a huge chandelier on the floor.
“Keep this up, Hobie, and there won't be an eighth date!” Voice carried off by the wind, a light hits the side of your face.
“Don't even joke about that, love. That's fuckin’ scary.” Hobie finally shows himself, torch in hand, and a deep frown on his previously smiling lips.
“Scarier than this place?”
“Yes, how are you gonna kill me on our anniversary if we can't even have an eighth date?” He hands you a spare torch, hands brushing along yours. The pads of his fingers linger for a second more. “‘m sorry for leavin’ you, I won't do it again. I promise this place is safe, yeah? And it'll be worth it.”
You narrow your eyes suspiciously at him, “please tell me you're not planning on snogging me here.”
Hobie makes an offended face, scoffing, “nah, our first kiss here? Get off it, I'll kiss you like a proper gentleman, with roses littered on the floor and romantic music playing.” You snicker, and he does the same. Eyes full of endearment for you, he continues. “I’ll even add a home cooked meal into the mix.”
You relent, looping your arms over his neck, you can't help but smooch his cheek. “I'll take the home cooked meal.”
He embraces your middle, “I hope you like pesto, and the most delicious cheesecake you'll ever have in your entire life.”
“I like them both, especially if you're the one making them.” You hug him closer. “Will you let me help at least?”
“How ‘bout you sit on my counter and look pretty instead?”
You look up, pretending to think, “sure thing, handsome. But let me clean up after?”
“That, I can't do, it's against my principles.”
“Oh principles, huh?” You lean your face close, lips ghosting over his own. Taunting him, leading him into a trap, he turns into putty in your arms.
“Mm-hmm, principles.” His tone wavers as he focuses on your pretty lips and how your eyes shine just for him.
Suddenly moving away with a giggle, he looks at you like you just kicked his puppy. “Sucker.” You say, smiling mischievously.
He nods, hands on his hips, bested at his own game. Biting his lips, head down, he doesn't let his giddy smile show itself. “Fuckin' hell,” he could only say while under the fog of affection you created.
“You okay, Hobie?” You duck, peeking at his face to tease him further. “What did you want to show me in this musty place? We did have to ride here for an hour and a half.”
Fixing his composure, he almost loses it again when he sees you playfully tilt your head. Biting his tongue, and trying (and failing) to calm his heartbeat, he finally replies. “Upstairs, love.”
You grin like you've won the biggest teddy bear at the fair. “Okie dokie, upstairs it is.”
“You go first.” He gestures towards the worse for wear stairs with his head.
“And let you pull a fast one on me? Nope, you go first.”
“You go first because if you fall I can catch you, not because I want to take a look at your arse.”
You fake a gasp, “I didn't say anything about looking at my ass, I was talking about you scaring me.” Shaking your head like you're chastising him, you still go up the stairs first. “What was that saying? The one that James said to his girl last week?” You bait him.
“‘I hate to see you leave but love to watch you go?’”
“Hobie!” You giggle out, winning once again.
“I'm startin' to think that I should've gone first.” He says it flatly but his soft smile says otherwise.
The stairs are winding, with every step the stairs get more and more broken than the last. With its cracking and creaking wood, the material has been morphed from the elements through the years. The walls have different graffiti on them, some are cool looking but some are mostly raunchy that are most commonly seen on bathroom stalls.
His arms are ready to catch you when you almost slip on a piece of glass. Hand on the small of your back, he's starting to think twice about bringing to his old spot.
“You alright?” He sighs in relief at your nod. “Careful,” guiding you upwards, for his own sanity, his hand never left your back.
“What’s at the end of the rainbow?” You ask, voice echoing, “Spiderman himself better be waiting for us up there or—” your words get stuck in your throat at the view.
Hobie leads you away from the stairs, and towards the roof. Without the trees blocking the sky, light and smoke pollution hiding the stars, you gasp at the sight. Millions of stars twinkle, no clouds in sight as the full moon greets you back.
“I've never seen so many stars.” You gawk and softly chuckle. “It's beautiful.”
Hobie could only gaze at you as the stars reflect your eyes. “It is.”
After a breath, you look at Hobie with adoration. “Thank you for bringing me here. The trip was worth it.”
He takes your hand, “I used to hang around ‘ere on my own, the view helps.”
“You bring all your girls here?” You joke.
“Nah, only you. Just you, love.” Your heart leaps at the words. The sudden coldness around your wrist almost makes you jump if not for his hold.
“What's this?” Hobie moves his hand away to reveal a silver bracelet with an itty bitty black guitar pick charm. You crane your neck up so fast he thought that you might've broken it. “Hobie,” you say breathlessly. “What— wh—” You clamp your mouth shut when he holds your face gingerly.
“Is this better than havin' spiderman ‘ere?” Hobie leans closer for the third time. He promised that your first kiss wouldn't be in the broken down place, despite its falling walls and waterlogged floors, it has a special place in his heart. It's only appropriate to bring you who has wiggled her way inside his heart to his special place.
“A thousand times better.” Your cold breaths mix together.
“Does this mean I get an eighth date?” His thumb rubs soothingly under your eyes.
“That and a hundred more.” Finally closing the gap, you kiss him like how the stars graze the sky. Softly and tenderly, leaving pieces of yourself in the kiss.
Maybe he'll tell you about his other secret at one of those hundred dates.
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coryosbaby · 11 months
top adam x bottom fem reader? tumblr is lacking 💔
—ᴀᴠᴀ ᴀᴅᴏʀᴇ !
Adam Stanheight x fem! Bimbo! Reader
✯ Content Warning . semi public sex (in an alley), club scene, choking, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, mild anal, p n v, degradation & praise, creampie, a lil bit of punk Adam with nipple piercings <33
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Staring off across the room could not have been as helpful as it is right now.
A man’s hands are grabbing your hair, pressing you between his warm body and a brick wall behind you. He smells good, like some cheap cologne and soap but in the best way possible. He’s got some kind of eyeliner on his lower lashline and a curve hugging t shirt that makes you swoon. You had watched him from across the room under the strobe lights. He had saw you, approached, talked. His name is Adam.
You don’t know him— not really. You know who he is, thanks to a news article you read a few months ago. You know what had happened to him, after he had escaped a viscous serial killer and somehow got out alive. You know that taking a girl in an alleyway is probably his way of blowing off steam. But he was nice enough to strike up conversation before he jumped your bones— even asked to take your picture.
“Trying to remember the scene,” he had said, chuckling nervously. “especially you. You’re the prettiest view here.”
And after that, you had both somehow made your way to the back alley and he had set his camera down and sooner or later you had shoved your tongue down his throat. And okay, so this seems a little trashy, but so what? You would’ve fucked him either way, whether it be at home or at his apartment. And besides— something about this boy has you willing to be fucked like a cheap slut in the middle of an alleyway. And who can blame you, honestly.
If you didn’t know any better, you would ask Adam out.
But you don’t think about that possibility right now— can’t think about that. His crotch is grinding up against yours, his lips consuming you until he pulls away.
“Are you sure this is okay?” He asks. He wants you, but he wants to make sure that being fucked in an alleyway is something you’re into.
Nodding, you ignore the pain in your heels as you lift on your tippy toes in your stilettos. Biting teasingly at his neck, you let out a small breath of air.
“‘S perfect. Now why don’t you shut up and fuck me?”
His eyes are glazed with lust, and his hand reaches down to grab the flesh of your ass.
“Yeah?” He mutters. “Right here?”
At your nod, he shakes his head and chuckles.
“Never met a chick like you before.”
He dives back in for another taste of your lips. His tongue strokes your bottom lip, wet and filthy and oh so delicious. You run your hands up his shirt, feeling the warm skin and the light patch of hair on his chest. Running your hands over his chest, you’re met with the sensation of cold metal.
Nipple rings.
“Been wanting some of these,” you mention to him, and he grins against you.
“Hurt like a bitch. Wouldn’t recommend if you have a low pain tolerance.” Getting shot’ll do that to you— make a needle going through your most sensitive parts seem like child’s play.
You continue to kiss him again, this time flicking over his nipples and playing with the barbells. It drives him crazy, and he becomes more sex crazed and desperate. After a moment he pulls your face away from him. Without warning, he turns you around and shoves your face against the wall. Letting out a tiny gasp, your pussy aches as he pushes your legs apart with one of his own and moves down to his knees. He kneads your ass with his hands, lifting up your pink latex dress to expose your soft ass to him. Groaning, he takes notice of the tiny black thong that’s settling in between your cheeks.
“Shit,” he whispers solely to himself. You smirk. You knew that the lace would come in handy if you got laid tonight.
“Like it?” You say, amused. His hands move up to spread your cheeks. The slightly chilled night air makes your eyes scrunch shut in pleasure.
“So fucking sexy.” Adam praises, and he leans in, using his thumb to move away the thong’s string. Watching your dripping pussy from this angle, his cock is so hard that it hurts. Your little clit is settled between two swollen lips, hole clenching and unclenching. Adam takes sight of you under the street lamp a distance away that serves as your only source of light. He thinks you’re beautiful.
He brings his lips to your clit; pressing a soft kiss there, he lets out a small mewl. He kisses all over you, moving up to the globes of your ass to leave wet ones in a trail. And unexpectedly, his finger finds your puckered asshole, running it along on it. He slips his thumb in, gentle, and with his other hand he reaches around to play with your aching pussy. He finds your hole and he probes it with the tip of his tongue, while his finger slides inside your ass. He thrusts one, in, out, in, out, and it’s not long before he adds a second as he begins to devour your cunt like a man starved. Groaning against you, he makes sure to get your pussy nice and wet, makes sure to drool and spit on it as much as he can. You like boys like this; boys that are desperate and messy but still manage to somehow make you submit. Because this whole time, your mouth is spewing so many vulgar phrases, begging, pleading.
“Please! ‘S good, Adam, it’s so good, wanna be good for you…”
“Want you to make me cum, want your cock…”
And Adam’s got this hunger as he hears these words, as your hole feeds him your delicious arousal. He wants to fuck you until you stop breathing.
It’s not long before he presses down on your clit and rubs while his tongue is still probing your walls. Instantly, white hot heat licks up your spine and you can’t help but cum all over Adam’s pretty mouth. You shove your wrist in your mouth to keep quiet but it’s so hard. You haven’t had your pussy ate like this in a while.
Wiping his mouth, Adam grins from behind you as he lifts himself back up to his feet. He begins to undo his belt, the skull shaped buckle glinting in front of his eyes. He unzips his fly, pulling out his hard cock. He strokes himself as he watches your ass grind back desperately against him.
“Still so needy…” He grunts. “God, you’re a slut, aren’t you?”
You mewl, hands reaching behind to spread your cheeks and present yourself to him again. You’re like a bitch in heat for this perfect stranger. He takes notice, instantly shoving his cock against your clit and tapping a few times. He’s being such a tease.
“Adam, cmon..” you whine, trying to adjust your hips so his mushroomed head can catch on your dripping seam. He just shakes his head, rubbing his cock up and down your folds.
“Beg for it,” he whispers against your neck. “Beg for this cock.”
“Please,” you instantly moan out. “Please fill me up. My pussy needs your cock so bad…”
And Adam isn’t a patient guy, so of course he gives into your demands and slides his throbbing cockhead into your entrance. He tilts his head back, mouth falling open, as he enters your warm canal. You mewl against him. He’s big, not too much that its incredibly painful but just enough to give you that delicious stretch.
Adam’s face buries itself into your neck, small sounds leaving his throat as he finally sinks in to the hilt.
“Fuck,” he moans. “Are you always this tight?”
“Mhmmmm,” you say, feeling confident. Your hands reach behind you to run through his dark hair. “Been needing a cock inside me for weeks.”
He thrusts into you a bit harsher now, nipping at your jugular with his teeth.
“Yeah?” He breathes. “Should’ve met me sooner baby,” and then, with a much darker tone, “Could fill up this pussy every day if you’d let me.”
And now you know you need to ask for his number. Because you’ve never felt this needy and this hot for another human being in your life. Maybe it’s love at first sight— or fuck at first sight. It doesn’t matter. He’s beginning to pummel your guts like you’re a fuck doll, grunting into your ear as his hips slap loudly against yours. His hands wrap around your hair and he pulls you back towards his awaiting thrusts.
“Clenching so tight. Making my dick so wet, baby, fuck.”
Squirming in his grasp, you let out a squeak when he bites down on your neck harshly. Like a fucking vampire, the boy begins to suckle up the blood into his mouth. As he pulls away, his pace speeds up impossibly quick.
“Who’s making you feel this good?” He coos. “Who’s fucking this cute little pussy this good?”
“You!” You gasp. “All you, Adam, ‘m yours— shit!”
You’re about to cum embarrassingly fast once again. Just one little flick to your clit and you’ll be spilling all over his cock. Adam takes your ass in his palms and spreads you again so he can watch as you take him.
“Such a good girl,” he breathes. “Such a good, pretty slut. Gonna make you cum so fuckin’ hard on me.”
Your eyes roll back, and he reaches around to rub your clit with his fingers. You seize up, letting out a choked sound, as you cum all over him. He whimpers as he feels your pussy spasm around him, and his fingers on your hips become bruising. You can’t help but have the desire to be filled up with his spend; it doesn’t matter if he might leave you after this, you want him to leave you used and dripping in his cum. You press your hand to his lower stomach from behind you, working your hips hard against him.
“Cum inside me,” You plead, overstimulated. “Need your cum to fill me up. Please, I need it—“
“Shit!” His hips begin to stutter, and with one last stroke he’s cumming.
He rides out his high until his cum is dripping down his balls, his eyes shut and a montage of delicious praises spilling out of him.
When he finishes he gently pulls out of your gaping pussy. Tucking himself back into his pants, he pulls your underwear up with gentle hands. He turns you around, fixing the straps on your dress.
“Okay?” He asks, and you smile as if you’re doped out and nod.
“Never better.”
He laughs, a light flush caking his cheeks now.
“Good,” he says, then chuckles awkwardly. “Uhm— thanks. For..”
He gestures to your body, fumbling with his hands.
“No problem.” You reply. “It’s late. I should be getting home.”
“I can walk you to your car,” Adam says quickly.“I mean, if you want.”
Something tugs in your chest, wondering how the once rough boy is so shy now. You lean up to him, planting a kiss to his cheek.
“I would love that, Adam. Thank you.”
Adam grins, helping you balance on your shoes as you wobble towards the parking lot.
“So… I was wondering if I could get your number?”
You’re relieved that he asked first. You look up at him, his neck caked in hickeys and bites from your own kiss bitten lips.
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twisted-king · 5 months
Salve! You're response from my previous question is appreciated and helpful.(^-^)
I was wondering what your character limit was since I wanted to make a request. Is it possible if you can do a hc with Trey Clover, Jade Leech, Jamil Viper, and Idia Shroud with a F!S/O that has snake bite piercings?
Like, they didn't know it at first but F!S/O just randomly bought it up. How would they feel about said piercings? Do they find it attractive? Or looks down upon them? I'll leave it up to you♥︎
You don't have to do it if you're uncomfy about piercings♥︎
(Also, have you heard of the "Beta punk Jade"?👀)
Thank you for your time!(^-^)/♡☆ミ
ooooh absolutely!!! I have a few ear piercings myself actaully aha..
Beta Jade being a little punkish is SO funny to me.
Trey Clover, Jade Leech, Jamil Viper, and Idia Shroud
with an S/O who has snake bite piercings.
Kind of short this time...
Trey Clover
He thinks they are super cool!!
He would never do that to himself becasuse ouch pain.
Like when you brought up your own piercings to Trey he's like "Oh thats cool- did they hurt??"
And he legally has to ask "Do you have to brush your teeth any differently?"
Lowkey thinks its hot.
He's a tad bit plain so he does have moments where he's a little... judgy about it?
Like they'll get caught on something and he'll make a comment on it
"See, this is why I don't have any piercings myself"
Outside of small moments like that he's real chill!
Jade Leech
He's observant!!! he noticed right away <3
But he'll keep to himself for now.
So when you bring up your piercings Jade finally gets to ask some things he's been dyyying to know about.
"So, humans pierce more than their ears... interesting."
Jade lowkey wants one too,,,
He'd like to match, but you definitely pull them off better in this eyes (Jade heart eyes)
Maybe with enough convincing you take him to get a matching one!
Happy eel boyfie
Jamil Viper
He's busy, so you DO kind of need to mention it, like he'll notice but forget to comment
Huh? oh? your lips, they have metal-
"Snake bite piercings...? really?" then he does a little smrik because
You got snake bites
his last name is Viper....
Weird sense of pride about them.
I think Jamil would like to lightly poke at them sometimes, he kind of sees them as a reminder of himself and your relationship.
He doesn't want his own, but maybe he'd get you some fancier piercings when he spots them now!
Idia Shroud
Yeah you,,, you HAVE to tell him
WHOAAAA holy shit that so pog babe- anyways.
"Eh? You actually got a snake bite? ohmygods this is JUST like my fanfi- I've said too much."
Idia REALLY likes them (he has a crush on you how embarassing!!!)
He kind of just... stares sometimes. He's looking at your face but he pinks up a little when he sees the piercings.
Idia also kind of wants them but he is way too scared to actually get anything othert than his ears pierced (With good reason too i have no doubts he was weak skin)
You also notice he is not so subtly changing his pfps to characters with piercings
He thinks ur rlly cool...
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miguelhugger2099 · 6 months
Imagine that one day Pastel! The reader decided to get a nose piercing, but she wasn’t sure it would suit her, so Punk! Miguel found his old fake piercings for his lover to look at would she look like with piercings?
When Punk!Miguel is aware of your interest in piercings, you want to go the safe route of a nose piercing but didn’t know which one would look good, he’s already turning his room upside down to find his old magnetic ones.
Punk!Miguel when first starting out with piercings, bought magnetic ones to test out the places he wanted before sticking himself with a needle.
He eventually stopped using them but kept them in case. Problem was he couldn’t remember where.
So the next time you come to his place, his room is a mess compared to his usual clutter. Still, Punk!Miguel stands in the middle with a set of magnetic nose rings.
You sit on the floor of him, taking your face in his large hands. He tilts your head up and stumble with putting on the septum clip on. You feel a slight pressure but it definitely beats being pierced right now.
Punk!Miguel hands you his mirror and you take a look at the small metal in your nose. You scrunch from the discomfort and he smiles at how cute you looked.
“How do you like it?” He asks. You turn your head to see it from different angles.
“Can I try another one?”
Miguel nods and takes the clasp off you, trading it for a different clip to put on your nostril.
“This one kinda sucks because of this line here but it’ll look like mine if you actually get it.” He points to his own nose ring and it makes you pout.
“But it actually looks good on you.”
Punk!Miguel coos, bringing you in his lap, your back to his chest while he hugs you. He rests his chin on your shoulder, his legs on your sides while you brought your legs to your chest. He stares at you through the mirror.
“Thank you, baby. But I promise whatever you pick, you’ll look ten times better than me. You’ll just look that much cuter.” He kisses your jawline and it makes you squirm, heat running up your neck.
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randomfandomlov3 · 1 year
Heat Thief
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Warnings: Fluff, Pregnancy, Health concerns, let me know if I missed any.
A/N - Tried to keep reader description to a minimum. Not edited much. This was just a cute thought that popped into my head. Thank you for reading <3
All Bucky could think about was getting home to his girl, his doll. The mission hadn’t taken very long, but he was absolutely exhausted. As he walked through the halls of the tower, he was confused because he normally heard her singing, or talking excitedly to someone about his return. They had decided that spending her whole day waiting for him in the jet bay to meet him when he got back, only caused them both distress. As he entered the elevator to get to their floor, Steve joined him. “Hey Punk, anything interesting happen while I was gone?” Bucky joked, knowing that the odds were low since he was only gone 3 days.
“Actually Buck, something has been happening, but I don’t know whether you would call it interesting, or if instead concerning might be a better word. Your girl, I think she might be unwell.” Steve said trying to break the news to his best friend as gently as he could.
Bucky’s heart pounded in his chest out of fear for his doll. What was wrong with her, was she going to be okay? Are we talking a cold, or something more serious?
Steve exhaled, and Bucky realized that he had said that out loud. “I don’t know exactly; her main symptom is that she hasn’t been able to get warm. She has been freezing for almost the entire time that you have been gone. She thinks it’s just the chills, but she doesn’t have a fever, in fact her body temperature is dropping. I have tried to get her to go see Helen, but she won’t. She said that she didn’t think this was a big deal, and she was nervous to go without you.” Steve finished just as the doors opened into the living room.
There she was, or at least that is what Bucky assumed, seeing the large mass of blankets gathered on the couch. “Doll, are you okay?” Bucky sweetly called out as he approached the shivering bundle. He knelt down in front of her to be face to face.
“Baby, your home! Yeah, I-I’m okay. I’ve ju-just got the ch-chills.” She gave him a big smile and tried to stop shivering. He put his lips to her forehead to check if she felt warm, but she didn’t.
“Doll, your lips are turning blue, let’s get you to Helen so we can make sure nothing serious is wrong.” Bucky reached into the bundle of blankets and picked his girl up. She was wearing his warmest clothes, which weren’t nearly as warm as she needed, because he always ran hot. As he carried her down to the medical wing, she curled deeper into his chest seeking his warmth.
Bucky explained the situation to Dr. Cho as he paced the small space.
“Hmm. Your body temperature is very low, almost in the range of hypothermia. Have you been partaking in any cold activities, that could have caused this?” She just shook her head in response to Helen’s question. “Okay, well, I am going to run some bloodwork, to see if we can figure out what is going on.” She took the blood that she needed and left the room.
Bucky clenched his metal fist out of worry. “Don’t worry, Doll, we’ll figure this out together what ever it is.” His girl shivered again, while nodding. He figured there could be no harm in trying to warm her a little bit. Bucky wrapped her up in his arms trying to give her as much of his heat as he could.
A few minutes later Dr. Cho returned to the room with a smile on her face. Bucky was confused as to why she looked happy, when his girl was close to experiencing hypothermia. “I have some good news and some less good news. But I am going to start with the good news, because the other news won’t make sense otherwise.” The smile on her face got bigger as she sat across from them. “You’re pregnant, my dear.” She paused to let the news sink in.
Bucky turned to his girl, excitement bubbling over. “We’re going to be parents, Doll.”
She nodded with happy tears in her eyes. “Now what’s the less go-good news?” There was a hint of fear behind her shiver.
Helen smile softened as she looked at her notes again. “So we also found trace amounts of the super soldier serum in your blood, which, of course, means that your baby received the serum from their father. And as we see in Barnes, the serum causes an elevated body temperature. For the average pregnancy, the fetus maintains a body temperature roughly 0.9®F higher than the mother, however, your baby’s body temperature is trying to get to that of a super soldier which is putting more stain on your body to produce heat for the baby to properly develop. Much like, if you would prefer this analogy, there is always a perfect temperature to hatch an egg, but for yours it requires much higher than what is typically produced.” She tried to simplify it given the looks upon their faces.
“So what can we do, Helen?” Bucky asked concerned for both his girl and his baby. He looked over at his doll, who had moved her hands down to her abdomen and had a soft look on her face.
“Heat, in a way that can get into her on a deeper level. Heating pads or bags, Warm not too hot showers or baths, warmed blankets, or probably the most effective way would be skin to skin contact with a certain super soldier who runs hot.” She gives a wink to Bucky.
“Okay thank you Helen, I’m gl-ad that we now know what’s going on.” Y/N shivered once again as Bucky scooped her into his arms.
“Before you go, I should let you know, that we are going to have to monitor you often throughout this pregnancy, because we don’t exactly know how the serum is going to effect things.” Dr. Cho handed Bucky a list of concerns to look out for.
“Thank you, Helen, I appreciate this very much,” Bucky said as he carried his doll out of the room and back to their floor.
He got her back to their room and decided that they should take a warm shower before getting into bed. He told her to get started and that he would join her in a minute. He heated up their towels and got the bed set up like a nest of warmth, with the warmest and fluffiest blankets he could find. Bucky then went back into the bathroom and joined his girl. He wrapped his arms around her resting his hands on her lower abdomen. “I can’t believe that we are going to be parents, Doll.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, and he heard her sigh and lean into him.
“I can’t wait to have a little version of us running around, but I swear if they have your stamina, you are tiring them out.” She laughed imagining their little one running around the tower.
“Oh, come on, Doll, you know you love my stamina.” He teased, his breath brushing against her ear, causing her to shiver for a different reason.
“I do, but if I have to put up with the energy that is bound to come while they are in the womb, you have to deal with it outside.” She looked at the man holding her with his head on her shoulder.
“I love you, Doll.” He pressed his lips to hers conveying all the love that he had in his body.
“I love you too, Baby.” They finished up in the shower and Bucky wrapped her up in the towel before carrying her to the bed. Her body shivered at the cool air. They both got under the blankets and although it felt like a sauna under there to Bucky, his girl finally started to warm up as she curled into his chest. His heartbeat and soft words lulled her into the first warm peaceful sleep she has had since he left for his mission.
“Night, Doll.” He pressed one more kiss to the top of her head, before falling asleep with a big smile on his face.
She is now four months along, Baby is developing well, more than average, but still healthy, and still stealing heat. The team is excited to eventually meet their little nibbling and spoil them.
Bucky has been debating when to start his temporary leave from missions because the last thing he wants is for his doll to go into labour while he is not there for her and their baby. So while he was out on missions heating pads became her best friend.
Today Bucky was doing his workout for the day with a spectator, his girl didn’t feel like being alone right now and just wanted to be in his company. For some reason, She felt colder than most days today, so she figured she would use her heating pad, so she didn’t interrupt Bucky’s workout. She placed it on her bump and when she turned it on, she felt a strong kick right where it was sitting. She had felt the baby flutter before that but no kicks that aggressive. She turned the heating pad off as she rubbed her belly to ease the discomfort. Baby super soldiers kick hard.
“Doll? Is everything alright?” Bucky asked rushing over and kneeling in front of his girl. He placed his hand on her bump, and the baby started to flutter, although Bucky couldn’t feel it.
“Yeah, the baby just kicked for the first time, and wow is our baby going to be strong.” She giggled rubbing her belly. “Do you want to feel?”
He nodded enthusiastically, “Absolutely, I would love to.” He kept his hand on her bump as she turned the heating pad back on. Sure enough, the baby aggressively kicked at it.
“I think our little one can tell the difference between artificial heat, and heat that comes from their daddy. And have decided to make their opinion about it very well known to me.” She turned off the heating pad and took it off, giggling. All of a sudden, a shiver overcomes her. Well, it’s not that sudden since if she didn’t have some form of heat on her she would start shivering for the past months. Thankfully, Tony had figured out a way to make some heating for Bucky’s her clothes. That was best for when she had to run errands, or anything really that required walking for longish periods.
Bucky sat down beside her, pulling her in to give her heat. “It’s been decided, I am stepping back from missions until our little one is here and settled.”
She must have heard him wrong, right? “Baby, you don’t have to do that. I promise we’ll be fine.” She knew how important missions were to him. “You love going on missions, they are an important part of your life.”
He shook his head. “You and this baby are the most important parts of my life. And if our little one likes my warmth, I will be there for both of you. I can’t stand the thought of you two being uncomfortable while I am away.” Bucky’s right hand started to caress her bump, causing their little one to little tap their daddy’s hand.
“Our little one already loves you so much. Just like their Mama. I love you, Baby.” Her heart swelled at the bond already forming between the baby and their daddy.
“I love you too, Doll. I love you both so much. I cannot wait to meet our little one.” He held her as tight as he could.
Bucky knew he had to go talk to the team about taking off active missions for a while, but that could wait until later, right now his world needed him.
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dapper-zappa · 1 year
Sweetest Kisses | Spider-Verse HCs
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Featuring: 1610!Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Pavitr Prabakhar, Hobie Brown, Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader
Summary: How it's like for them to be so in love with the feeling of kissing your lips with chapsticks on.
A/N: There'll be a part 2 with Peter B, Margo, Jess Drew, Ben Reilly, and Spot so stay tuned!
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Loves how they add this little kick of flavor whenever your lips touch his, and I just KNOW for sure he'd play the chapstick challenge with you by guessing what flavor you're using right now.
"Is this one cherry flavored, ma?"
"Guess again."
"Wait wait, I think this one's watermelon?"
"Peaches and cream, actually.
"Man, why do I always lose this challenge?"
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Doesn't want to admit it (until you find it out yourself) but she loves how good the flavored chapstick tasted and smelled on your lips as an excuse to stare at your lips more just so she can get you to kiss her. Also, I feel like she'd secretly steal one of yours because come on, the lipbalm is so good, ok?
"Hey, isn't that one of my chapsticks?"
"Uh... yes"
"Fine, but I can't get enough of how good your chapstick tastes, okay? And it smells so good!"
Then you'd just kiss your silly girlfriend on the lips to satisfy her craving ;)
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Thinks you're even more precious to how sweet your kisses feel with the flavored chapsticks you often wear as of now. Would definitely steal kisses from you at times and whenever he pulls away, you're faced with the biggest grin ever from your boyfriend.
"How are you this sweet, meri jaan? You're the sweetest thing I've ever met but knowing you wearing the flavored lipbalm if I kiss you makes you even sweeter."
"Maybe you're the cuter one, Pav." you booped his nose.
Cheesy, but Pavitr's your kind of cheesy, right?
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The feeling of your flavored chapstick AND the cool metal of his lip ring combined? Now that's a treat because them combined makes his kisses even better thanks to the fact he enjoyed the taste of your precious lipbalm. So whenever you pull away, he'll pull you back in for a kiss.
"Nuh uh, love. Just wanna taste ya more."
"So you wanna do it again? But wait until I finish reapplying the chapstick-"
"That can wait. Now, let me taste that again."
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I established that Miguel won't show much PDA in from others but as soon as the two of you are alone... he can't get his hands and lips off you. So like, if you're one of the people out there who prefer chapstick to lipstick, Miguel would love it too because he LOVES tasting them in your lips whenever he kisses you. He'll offer to apply it for you, only for him to ruin it by kissing you right after.
"What, cariño?"
"You ruined it!"
"Can't help it when your lips taste this good."
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arachnoia · 1 year
Ahhh what about hobie and female reader having a sleepover at her house, but when he comes through the window he sees that she isnt having the best day so he cheers her up a lil😈😈ifykyk
WAIT A SEC ANON- PLS THIS IS SO 🫣 these requests have me literally giggling.
hobie and miguel esp are 🙈🙈
also let me put in my hc of him having a tongue piercing thank you
hobie brown x afab! reader
tags- pussy-eating, nsfw in general, sol’s hc that he has a tongue piercing ! shy reader?
At the beginning of the day, you felt a bit elated. You were planning to have a sleepover with your lover, or best known to the rest of his New York, as Spider-Punk.
That was until you were met with even more bullshit from work back in Earth- 928. Working as an intern at Alchemax and dealing with everyone there tired you.
You were finally at your apartment, mindlessly staring at the coffee being poured by your coffee machine. You felt frustrated and a bit impulsive. You didn’t know why but you just did. Irrationality and impulsiveness were a part of you being pissed off.
You looked at the digital click plastered on the television, marking it to be 5:37. Out of frustration, you slammed your arms on the counter and covered your face. You heard someone come from the window and groaned. You weren’t in the mood to be interrupted while being pissed off.
“Should I come at a different time, love..?”
You gasped quietly and felt the color drain from your face out of embarrassment, hiding your face with your arms even more, “No…”
You heard Hobie’s heavy footsteps stop in front of the counter.
"Are you okay?"
You looked up at him and bit your lip, holding back tears of stress. "I'm just so...mad right now. I fucking hate my job."
“You’re stressed?”
“Yes! My fucking god!” You played with your cup of coffee, contemplating on drinking it before he spinned you to face him.
He placed his hands on your waist and leaned over, "Let me make it feel better..."
You pulled back a bit and looked at him skeptically, “How ‘re you gonna do that?”
“Let me show you, babe.”
You breathed out shakily as he roamed his hands all over your body, feeling a relaxed sensation all over your body as he kneaded your hips. He kissed you softly and you pulled him closer. He started to attack your neck with butterfly kisses and started to slide down your dress pants slowly, leaving you in your panties and button down.
“Red, my favorite..” he muttered, playing with the panties’ string as he started kissing you more. He lifted you up to sit on top of the counter, spreading your legs a bit. You shivered a bit at the feeling of the cold marble against your ass and thighs.
“Spread ‘em a bit more for me, yea love?”
You nodded, trying to spread them a bit more before he gently grabbed your thighs and helped you. He went over to your hip and bit the strap of the panty, tugging them off and exposing your already soaked pussy.
You felt blood rush to your face and covered it with your palms in which he pulled them away from your face, “No no, don’t worry about it baby.”
He went straight into your pussy, pleasuring you with his tongue and feeling his nose rub against your clit. Your eyes widened at the cooling sensation of his tongue, feeling his piercing’s little metal ball rub against your folds, in contrast to how hot and aroused you felt. You bit your lip again, wanting to stifle the moans coming out of you and instead, letting out soft and breathy gasps as he kisses on to your pussy again.
“Oh fuck…mmmm” You threw your head back and spread your arms out, forgetting the cup of coffee you had placed and knocking it down. You began moving your hips, completely blinded by lust and wanting to feel the friction that is bringing you such immense pleasure.
“Oh my fucking god…”
You felt like you needed to come at the speed of how his tongue felt against your core. You finally had reached your high, feeling euphoric and even more pleasure.
“You’re so beautiful, my love”
You felt your legs tremble a bit from his touch as he caressed your plush thighs. He then had two of his fingers go into you and lick his coated fingers, looking you in the eye with a mischievous grin.
“Sweet…Wouldn’t you say so?”
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sgt-seabass · 1 year
Just Imagine this:
"Honey?" Bucky called as he came home from a long day of work only to find you and the kitty asleep, He would scoop you up and put you in bed only mildly stirring you. His perfect family. he would change and hop in bed with you.
✧˚ · . a collaboration between @navybrat817 and sgt-seabass
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Bucky returns home after a mission, ready to spend time with his two favourite people, you and Alpine.
pairing — bucky barnes x reader w/c — 1.3k part of the Vengeance AU listening to —♫navillera by gfriend
warnings — bucky barnes is a sweetheart, part of a dark AU, mentions of Hydra a/n — navillera is a korean phrase meaning ‘like a butterfly’, so i thought it suited. thank you so much for your ask, it inspired this oneshot! hope you enjoy a little peace before our next part comes out.
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“Steve, there’s something more to this.” Bucky rapped his flesh fingers against the back of his metal hand, shoulders tensed as he looked out the car window, the sky dark. Shadows cast across his face, emanating his worries easily with the subtle light of the moon.
Normally, he rode his bike to the compound before a mission, but this one had been urgent so Steve had picked him up, and now was stuck with dropping him home.
Steve sighed, both hands gripping the wheel. Both men were tense. “Buck. We really shouldn’t be talking about this–”
“The base wasn’t just empty, it was stripped bare. Someone cleaned house.” Bucky chewed on his lower lip as they passed by familiar streets, one’s he often walked with you. It felt dirty to be thinking about work in the area he considered your domain. Bucky liked to keep work and private life separate, although the edges seemed to be bleeding more and more.
Lately, he’d had a lot more late nights and sudden missions as a string of ex-Hydra bases were ransacked by unknown assailants. It was concerning enough to have someone interested in old Hydra assets, and even more worrying with no idea as to why.
The world was better off without the tentacles of Hydra swirling below the surface, but it seemed some people didn’t agree with that sentiment.
“We shouldn’t be talking about this. It’s classified. We need to be in a secure facility.” Steve was clearly growing more irritated, but Bucky knew the stem of that annoyance was the same as his – they didn’t know who was doing this, and what their motive was.
“You sound like Tony,” Bucky sniped before he could think better of it.
Steve inhaled sharply, shooting Bucky a look. It had Bucky curling a little into his seat. “Sorry. You just know it’s weird and there’s something big we’re missing. Hydra is gone, so why would someone care about their old junk?”
“I don’t know, Buck. But I intend to find out,” Steve said with finality as he pulled up outside your apartment building. “Either way, it’ll be fine. Hydra died the same day the Triskelion fell. Now go get some rest, you look like shit.”
“Is that an order, Captain?” Bucky chuckled dryly, his eyes lingering on the high up window with the open curtains – his apartment. The four walls didn’t weren’t what made it his home – you were. Becca had always told him home was where the heart is, and his heart was always with you. You were his home. His safety blanket. His everything.
“Stop being a jerk and get out of my car. Your girl needs you,” Steve gently pushed at Bucky’s shoulder, an air of ease between them.
Bucky opened the car door, sliding out, but not without sticking his head in to have the last word. “Fine, punk. But keep me in the loop.”
Steve just nodded, affection in his expression. Bucky smiled as he shut the passenger door. The world was certainly different from the one they’d grown up knowing, but after everything it was nice to still have his best friend.
Bucky didn’t look back as Steve drove off, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweats as he ambled his way up to the apartment. He felt relaxed coming home. He was finally able to live the life he had been so vehemently denied of by his captors.
It was hard not to think about the past. In the years since his freedom, Bucky had mourned the loss of his life in the 40’s, dealt with the shame and guilt of his actions as the Winter Soldier, and now dealt with the anxiety of the modern world. He’d chosen not to share the gory details of his actions as the Winter Soldier with you, and while you’d never pressed, he could see that curious look you gave him. But if he told you he was a ruthless killer, would you leave? The logical part of his brain said no, you’d work through it with him. But the gripping fear that you would leave was too much to bear.
So instead, he let you live in an oblivious bubble, with only trickles of information coming through. It was safer that way. You wouldn’t be a target when you didn’t know anything.
Bucky’s keys jingled as he opened the front door, undoing the multiple locks he’d had installed when he first moved in. The apartment was dark, only a soft light emanating from the television that was running repeats of some crime show Bucky knew you liked. 
A soft chuckle left Bucky as he sighted you cuddled up on the couch, strewn across the cushions with a few blankets piled on top of you, and Alpine perched happily atop your chest. Your chest rose and fell slowly, a little snore sounding with each few breaths.
Guilt began to nibble at Bucky. You’d stayed up for him. He hadn’t given you an estimated time back since he didn’t know when the mission would be over, but he knew you, and he was certain you would have had little sleep while he was away, always waiting for the front door to open.
Ignoring the empty ice cream container and takeout on the table - a problem for another time - Bucky made his way through the mountain of coziness so he could pick you up. 
Bucky’s arms looped under you, lifting you and Alpine in one scoop. Alpine mewed softly, which Bucky quickly shushed in response, not wanting you to wake. You stirred in his hold, but luckily stayed asleep. 
Unable to help himself, Bucky placed a gentle kiss to your forehead before moving to the bedroom. With the utmost care and caution, Bucky placed you down into the soft covers of the bed, tucking you in tight so you wouldn’t feel the chill of the night's air.
Within minutes, Bucky was undressed and ready to join you, left in nothing but his dog tags. He’d showered at the compound after the mission, since he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back from cuddling you the moment he set eyes on you.
Bucky climbed into bed next to you, pulling you close to spoon you while he propped his head up on his metal hand to watch you, Alpine snuggled close to your stomach. He placed his flesh hand on your chest, feeling the soft thrum of your heart through his palm. Nothing could ground him like you did. Bucky smiled, placing a kiss to your shoulder and head, allowing himself a moment of reprieve in your familiar scent.
Everything about you was just comfort. You were a beauty inside and out that Bucky felt privileged to witness. Each night, he could bid the moon goodnight knowing there were good, pure people like you in the world. 
At first, he’d hated the modern world. But when he’d met you, he’d started to think it might not be all bad.
He’d be with Steve until the end of the line, but with you, he’d be with you eternally. Even if the world ended, if everything just ceased, you’d still own his heart. The love he felt transcended the mortal realm, and was something more than he’d ever understand.
Bucky’s eyes traced your form, taking in each intricate detail of your face. Becca and his Ma would have loved you, he was sure of it. His sister would have undoubtedly given him flack for pulling a girl so sweet and stunning, and his mother would have treated you like the second daughter she never had. Bucky felt a twang in his heart that he couldn’t give you the loving family you deserved.
“Bucky.” Your dreary voice snapped Bucky back to reality, as if you knew his mind was beginning to spiral. “I love you.”
Bucky let his head rest on the pillow next to yours, but not without placing a kiss to your shoulder first. “I love you too.”
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To be updated on when I post please follow @sgt-seabass-library and turn on post notifications.
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hotheadedhero · 2 months
hey so how do you think 2003 or 2012 Leo would deal with a super sweet yet fiesty s/o? Like he is in their house and he apologises for breaking in, he just needed a safe haven to relax and s/o is like casually “If it was anyone else I’d beat them up, but you can break into my house any time you want. I actually trust you”?
AN: We going with 03! The wheel has spoken :P
Leonardo x Reader
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What a week. As far as cleaning the streets of criminal activity goes, it’s been one of the hardest to date. At every turn, there are muggings, burglary, vandalism, all around chaos. You name it. Pure, unbridled chaos and every time the boys think they’re safe to rest up for five minutes, something else pops up and they’re back at it. By all accounts, it doesn’t make sense. New York isn’t without its delinquency but these rates are bizarre even by their standards. If this is all part of a bigger picture then they’ve got some big fish to fry.
As it would turn out, it was: a large-scale operation by a nameless syndicate, orchestrated in the hopes of tiring out the turtles beyond their threshold. If they’re too overworked to engage in their usual vigilante-ing, thieves and rogue punks alike could swarm the streets without having to worry about capture. It would have worked, too, were it not for one of the crooks and his blabbermouth. They can thank Casey and his questionable scare tactics for that one. Who’s to judge when it gets results?
Regardless, the boys couldn’t wait to settle down back home. Leonardo more so than anyone else. He’s ready to sit down with some candles and mentally scrub himself of this strenuous endeavour. The problem with that, however, is that his siblings have their own unique choices of downtime and they’re not exactly the quietest. Machinery hums on one side of the room, occasionally accompanied by shrieking metal. The other side of the lair vibrates with the heavy boom of hip-hop. Even the gentle click-clack of knitting needles just across from his is grating on the ears. He can typically drown out the sounds of his brothers but he’s worn to the point that even meditation won’t do the trick. There’s only one thing for it: he needs to get some air. Better yet, he needs to see you. It’s been far too long. 
Before dating, you both knew there would be nights and even stretches of such where you would go without seeing one another. Plans can change last minute if trouble is afoot. Dates cancelled for the sake of pedestrian safety. That being said, these last half a dozen days have been the longest length of time you’ve endured without each other. Maybe he could surprise you with his return. You’d think he learned from the times he and his brothers have unexpectedly crashed April’s that, that would be a bad idea. This is you, though. Arguably, you’re a bit more temperamental at times but he knows your soft spot for him could trump that. Probably.
Without thinking of the possible ramifications, he trudges along to your apartment. Albeit, it’s taking a lot longer to get than normal. He’s aware of how drained he is but walking through the sewers shouldn’t be this difficult. He’ll be thankful when he finally reaches you. Perhaps he’ll even be lucky enough to lay dead in your arms if he hasn’t pushed his luck by barging in unprompted. He quietly chuckles at himself, knowing you’d call him out for being such a sap.
Leo finally makes it to the manhole cover and pushes it off with some strain. The weight of it burns his muscles, nearing the point of shaking. Nonetheless, he drives through and lets out a breath when it clangs against the tarmac. Not his most graceful of exits but he supposes he can be excused at least this once. The extra ache is worth it for the sweet wave of serenity that washes over him when he sees your window. It’s a dim light. No doubt it’s from your living room lava lamp - the one with the orange wax that emits this gentle, pink-amber glow. It’s reminiscent of a sun-kissed sky that you can enjoy in the sanctuary of your own home. He likes that one. You always turn it on when the city enters night; when you want the sunset to last just that little while longer.
Without wanting to lose another second, he carefully positions the manhole cover back in place and advances up your fire escape. He peeks through your window on the off chance he might catch you. When you’re nowhere to be found, he slides the glass up and climbs through as quietly as his irritated legs will allow him. He’s about to call your name when something suddenly hits him on the head.
“Ow!” he yells out and rubs on the sore spot. The main lights flick on and there you are, standing in a readied pose with your bat raised high. “Couldn’t you do that in a batting cage or something?”
“Leo?” Your eyes gape wide as your stance falters.
In the dully lit room, all you saw was a figure. A figure sneaking into your home. It could have been anyone or anything. Obviously, your first port of call was to take action. Befriending and even dating one of the city’s self-proclaimed saviours means potential for a target on your head. There’s no telling who or what could come for you should they want to lure the turtles in with live bait. What you hadn’t anticipated was your loving turtle in blue to be the one tiptoeing into your apartment. You prop the bat on your shoulder and lean on the wall with the other.
“Ever heard of a phone?” you ask through a playful murmur.
One corner of his lips turns up into a coy smile and he laughs sheepishly, “Sorry, it’s been a long week.”
You have half a mind to remind him why breaking into someone’s home in a crime-infested New York is a recipe for disaster but he looks beat enough as is. Whilst you haven’t had much of a chance to talk this past week, you’re more than aware of what he’s had to deal with. If he’s here now, that must mean it’s been officially dealt with and taken care of. Good thing, too, because it seems like he could drop at any given moment. Oh. The baseball. Your boyfriend has been working himself to the bone and you’ve just whacked him in the face with a baseball. 
Bashfully, you click your tongue and glance away. There are definitely better ways to greet your significant other. It’s likely he’ll use this against you when he’s feeling particularly cheeky in the future but you won’t worry about that now. You push your body off the wall and point at him with your baton.
"If it was anyone else, they'd be a bloody pulp by now." You prop the bat on the wall and turn away to your kitchen with a shrug. "But, sure, break in any time you want. You're lucky I trust you."
Your words hold a sarcastic nature, almost satirical, but he knows you mean well. The meaning behind them holds a sweetness. An apology wouldn’t have gone amiss but he did technically break in. He’ll hold his hands up and admit fault. Permission has been given at least. Not that he thinks he needed it before but if it saves him another bruise, it’s a win.
You truly love your friends to pieces but, if you’re being honest, they have their individual set of havocs they’d thrust upon your home were it them in place of your boyfriend. Raph the least, ironically enough, but his sai have a nasty habit of poking holes in your couch any time he sits down. Donnie often has a gadget on him you'd be too fearful of setting your furniture on fire. As for Mikey? He’s a food fiend who can and will deplete you of all your snacks. Let's not forget Casey but he’s a walking health and safety hazard if ever you met one. His visiting rights have been revoked after what he did to your Christmas ornaments and it’s the last time you’ve ever and will host for the holidays. You don’t like to talk about it. So, yeah, if there's any one person who can freely invite themself to your home, it's the turtle you love most.
When you’ve finished packing a cloth with ice, you sit Leonardo down and hold it to his head. His face scrunches up before easing and he smiles at you softly. This may not have turned out to be the romantic surprise he thought it would be but he’s glad to be back in your presence - in your home surrounded by personifications of your selfdom. 
“That was a good shot, by the way,” he compliments, sporting that impertinent grin you’d expected.
Your teeth clasp down on your bottom lip, fighting an annoyed smile. “Don’t give me an excuse to use your shell as target practice,” you warn but the following kiss to his bruise reveals your empty threat. “But, thanks. Sorry for hitting you in the first place.”
His brows raise at you. “I’m sure you could make it up to me.”
You hum in response and shove the ice pack in his face. Your choice to tend to his wounds after he impolitely infringed on you is you making it up to him. Ungrateful pinhead. He’s lucky you love him. Very lucky indeed.
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avatarloverfrfr · 4 months
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Chapter III: Memories -> previous[II] Masterlist Summary: Y/n and Jake Sully. Siblings, shipped off into the depths of space to explore the mysterious world of Pandora. Warnings: N/A Word count: 1020
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Jake wheeled himself out of the small shack we called home, not bothering to turn back around. "I'm going out." he announced, his voice flat, tired.
"Jake—" Tommy called out, but his words were cut off by the sound of the door slamming closed.
"He's off to the pub, again." I said staring at the holographic images of tigers on the wall. My eyes following their every move, a constant reminder of the wild freedom we could never taste. This was no way to live, trapped in our own home, scraping by on the bearest of means.
"We can't live like this anymore Tommy. This house is the same fucking size as a jail cell." I say turning to him, hoping he would see my desperation, the need for change.
Tommy sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "Once I get into the avatar—"
"We'll be dead by the time you come back from your alien excursion, Tommy! We can't wait for you..." I snapped, anger and frustration boiling over. I paced up and down the thin strip of walkway of our cramped home, my thoughts racing.
"I can't do with you today." Tommy said, grabbing his coat, clearly preparing to leave.
"Do what Tommy? Talk about our planet and not some planet light years away?" Could he not see the urgency of our situation? Choosing to be shipped off to another planet like shit is sweet.
He turned to me, eyes hard. "Me going on this "alien excursion" is what is going to make you and Jake rich."
"How would we even know if you're alive Tommy? For all I know you could die as soon as you step out these doors," I shouted, my voice echoing in the small space.
"I guess we won't know Y/n, but at least I'm trying to do something instead of sitting on my ass sulking. Grow up Y/n." he retorted before slamming the door behind him.
I sank into the worn out couch, the weight of his words pressing down on me. Maybe he was right. All I ever did was sulk and think about a past that I barely remembered. After a while, I decided to take a walk around the city, maybe even have a drink or two.
The city is a maze of metal and neon, a contrast to the tiny shack we called home. People bustling about, faces all covered in masks of different sorts, the most popular being animals long extinct, tigers crossing the streets, panda bears walking the side walks, all animals we never stood a chance seeing thanks to those before us. Everyone was trying to escape something, it seemed.
I wandered aimlessly, my thoughts a chaotic mix of anger and sorrow. Eventually I found myself at the end of a alley outside of a dimly lit club. The sign above the exit door flickering intermittently, a barely readable 'exit' shown.
The sound of commotion in the alleyway catches my attention. I look down and see a group of people throwing someone out a building. My heart skips a beat as I squint to see better and recognize the figure—the man they're throwing out, is Jake. Panic surges through me as I realize they've thrown his wheelchair out of his reach, leaving him on the wet floor.
"Candy-ass bitch!" Jake yells, his voice thick with anger and frustration. Without hesitation, I dash into the alley, my pulse pounding in my ears.
As I reach him, Jake makes eye contact with me from the ground, his eyes filled with defiance and resignation. "Punk-ass bitches needed two people to handle one cripple," he says with a bitter laugh.
"Jake you could be seriously injured." I say, kneeling down in the rain beside him. I wrap my coat around the top half of hid body, trying to shield him from the cold downpour.
"They just lost themselves a customer," he mumbles, clearly drunk and rambling.
"Hey Y/n," he continues, his voice softer now, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Sorry for being such a pain in the ass to you and Tommy. I know you're just trying to help me out."
I feel a lump form in my throat as I listen to his apology. "Jake, you don't need to apologize. We're Sully's, and Sully's stick together." I say sitting down next to him, squeezing his shoulder gently.
We sit there in the rain, the world around us fading into the background. The rain continues to pour, soaking us to the bone, but we don't care. This moment of connection and understanding is worth every drop.
"Remember when we used to switch classes with Tommy during maths class cause he's the only one who understood anything." Jake chuckles, looking at me
"No, I don't, we might be triplets but only you and Tommy could pull that off," I say rolling my eyes " I had to sit there and take the tests like a champ." I say feeling a tang of nostalgia hit.
"I miss those days. Everything seemed simpler." Jake sighs, the weight of his earlier anger and frustration melting away with the breath.
"We were kids," I say softly. "The world was smaller, and our biggest worry was picking out which animal mask we would wear for the day."
Jake nods, his expression suggesting he isn't truly focused on the present. "Sully's stick together..." he lowly mutters to himself.
As we sit in the rain, the world around us quiets. The shared silence is comforting, a reminder that we're not alone in our grief.
The sound of footsteps echoes down the alley. I turn to find two men dressed in black suits staring down at us. "Y/n and Jake Sully? It's about your brother," one of them says, his voice cutting through the rain.
Jake tenses behind me, and I feel a knot of dread in my stomach. "What about him?" I ask, my voice steady despite a feeling of dread gnawing at me.
The man in the suit steps forward, his expression unreadable. "Come with us."
[previous part] [next part 4]
Tag list: @pinkvrydag @neytirismissingtoe @youskawng @tsuteyssyulang @lylalaminated @nonamevenus @ikeyniofthetayrangi @fatimatabintou @pink-sunrise-56
Note: I'm so sorry for the long wait. And for the short chapter mb:(
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
I just saw that your requests are opennnn. Would you be so kind to write something with alt/goth/heavy lipstick wearer r kissing Hobie's face and leaving kissing marks?? Maybe Hobie kisses r back and since he's also a lipstick wearer he leaves marks on r face too! And mayyybe they're not fast enough (or they just don't care to be seen like that) and their friends are just like, damn those lovebirds
As always, only if you feel comfortable to! Or in case that you have a similar prompt I'd love to read it! Take care and drink water bb love ur brain 🖤🖤🖤
Aisbwijsjwjsjs so cute!! Thank you for requesting! 🩷
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (except they're mentioned wearing makeup), lots of smooches, lovestruck Hobie, Fluff!
You're incredibly glad that Hobie made this long vanity for you and him because now you can enjoy the view of him sitting next to you while he puts on his show makeup complete with dark smudged eyeshadow and black lipstick. Your hand is paused around your own lipstick, (a deep wine shade to compliment the same colour of his guitar) eyes ogling his own expert hand as he glides the lipstick on his lips.
Hobie notices of course, he flicks his eyes over to you, mirroring your position, smiling at your lovestruck gaze. “Careful,” he rubs his thumb across your bottom lip, “you're droolin’”
You gasp, feigning offense but you don't move away from his touch even though he has smudged your own lipstick. “No I'm not.” Shaking your head, Hobie rubs the slight red tint from his thumb to his own lips. You swear your brain short circuited right there. “You…” you practically sigh the word, “smudged my lipstick.”
Hobie, being the menace that he is, hops his chair closer to you. Head on his palm, face leaning close, eyes that are illuminated by the vanity lights roam all over your pretty face that you've painstakingly made up for his show. ‘for inspiration while you're on stage,’ you said, but you'd be a distraction for him, the best kind of distraction. He can see your breath stuck in your throat. “I think I made it better actually.”
“No you didn't.”
He now has his arm looped around your waist. Metal bracelets and rings clinking against each other. “How'd you know? You haven't seen your face yet.”
You tilt your head, mimicking his position, smiling as he rubs the small of your back. “I can see myself perfectly in your eyes, Hobie.”
“Yeah, and it's a bloody good sight.” You already know what he's about to do before he even leaned close. Your hand is on his chest as he peppers your face with quick affectionate kisses, your giggles echo around the bedroom, fingers curled around his belt loops to pull him closer, making him peck you more fervently.
“We're gonna be late—!”
“I–” kiss, “don't,” he smooches the tip of your nose. “Care.” With his lips puckered over to the corner of your lips, he finishes with finesse by kissing your lips, mixing in both dark shades, a perfect combination of the two colours. “There, I never thought you'd look more gorgeous, but ‘ere we are, eh? I love that colour on you.”
You inhale for air, peripheral vision looking at the mirror, showing you your face that's covered in black kiss marks in various opacity. “I think you're right,” you nod with a mischievous glint in your eyes. “But I think we gotta match for this look to work.”
Hobie laughs wholeheartedly. “Hit me, love, make me look bloody fit.” His eyes are already closed, bracing for your kisses.
“That's impossible, you're the fittest man alive. Anymore than that you'll kill the crowd.” Your hands cradle his face, lips puckered, smooching him to hell and back.
Ned checks his watch for the umpteenth time, groaning impatiently at the empty space in the green room where Hobie is supposed to be already sitting with you lounging next to him.
“Where the fuck are those two?” He stomps his foot, “we need to be on stage in five!”
Yuri sighs, mindlessly playing with an imaginary drum to keep her hands occupied or she might end up eating the whole bowl of green skittles. “Don't know, let's hope they don't show up with hic—” the door creaks open. Yuri and James’ loud laugh echoes around the space. “Fucking hell! That's a lot worse than I thought!”
Ned twirls in his swivel chair, groaning, head in his hands. “What the hell am I supposed to do with you two? We're supposed to be punk!”
You grin at the band, hand holding Hobie's, squeezing him giddily. “What?” You both say simultaneously, looking oh so innocent. You look at Hobie who's covered in your kiss marks, lopsided smile on his lips, eyes shaped like hearts for you.
Hobie's heart is full at the sight of you covered in his own kiss marks, from your forehead to your neck, you're covered in it. He looks back at his band, Yuri's on the floor laughing with James who has his camera taking dozens of pictures, and Ned just shakes his head at the two of you. “C’mon now, before the crowd gets antsy, yeah?” They're gonna like his new look.
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quinloki · 2 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: transmasc Character: Eustass Kid Vibe: NSFW Yandere AU: Canon Prompt: Pliant When Horny Gift Giver: @remisloves
Summary: You brushed Kid off, unintentionally, but that matters little, and now he's going to ensure you're willing to rely on him.
Content Notes: bondage, that kind of ambiguous consent that comes with yandere, fingering, light breath play, forced orgasm, edging, denial, public viewing (the 18+ crew watches the events unfold), mdni
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
No one was allowed to touch you - not even you yourself.
Your hands and ankles were tied to the main mast on the deck of the Victoria Punk. It wasn’t a punishment, not really, but Kid wanted something from you and you weren’t in the mood to give it to him. So he was going to make sure you got there. One way or another.
Aside from the rope holding you against the mast, the only other thing you wore was a custom leather collar with a little heart dangling from the front of it that said “Good Boy”. Your legs were parted enough that everyone could see your cunt, and most of the crew had taken to taking their breaks right next to you.
Being watched so casually was driving you crazy.
No one dared to break Kid’s rule, but they did talk to you. Some mentioned how cute you were, some gave you water to drink, some pointed out how wet and turned on you looked.
Killer would check in on you, letting you down from the mast to go to the bathroom and eat, watching you carefully during it all. If you wanted relief, you were going to get it from Kid.
It was all because he caught you humping a pillow, and when he offered to take care of you, you’d told him he didn’t have to. You’d just meant he didn’t need to waste his time, but Kid took it as a rejection. Honestly, you should’ve known better. It’s been a year since Kid declared you his, and while you’ve long since come to accept your situation, you’d think you would’ve learned your lessons better at this point.
When Killer tied you back to the mast after dinner, using leather cuffs to keep your wrists and ankles from chaffing, he’d put a slender, but bumpy, metal dildo into your vagina. You hadn’t realized how worked up the day had made you until you nearly came from the cold metal. Killer tied it in place with rope, warning you not to cum, if you came while he was tightening the makeshift harness he’d have to tell Kid.
Killer, at least, was merciful enough to not tease you on purpose while he worked.
Still you were panting by the time he was done.
“Please,” you sigh as he straightens up. “Please, Killer, I… I need him.” You admit, looking in the direction of the workshop.
“I’ll let him know, little one.” He promises, walking away and leaving you where you were.
The cool metal was warming up thanks to your body heat, but it was so hard and bumpy it was impossible to ignore. Killer had done you a kindness, the ropes keeping it inside weren’t run up against your clit, but the ropes themselves seemed to be trying to work you up.
By the time Kid came out onto the deck you were gasping and squirming, unable to find relief, and unable to calm yourself down. You were needy, so terribly needy, and he just stood there and watched you for a long moment before finally saying something.
“Need a hand, little mouse?” Kid asks finally and you nod your head, nearly crying.
“Yes, yes! Please! I’m… I’m sorry.” You whine as he tilts your head up with a finger. “Please, I - I just… you’re so,” you gasp your sentence cut short as the metal inside your pussy starts to move. “Important! You’re so important I didn’t want buh-bother you!”
“Mm, and what have you learned?”
“I’ll - ahhh! - I’ll come to you!” You cry, toes curling as you try desperately to not cum. “Cum for you, cum when you tell me too!”
“An if I tell you no?”
You nearly sob. “I’ll wait, I’ll wait,” you gasp the words, vision hazy as tears well up in your eyes. You’re so close, but you can’t cum yet, you know that much. “I’mma good boy, I’ll be good!”
Kid snaps the ropes keeping the metal dildo inside you, letting it fall onto the deck.
“Want me to help, little mouse?” Kid questions flatly and you nod.
Kid kneels down on the deck, eyes holding yours as he licks your wet slit. You moan, shifting in your bonds, the rough wood of the mast against your back. He puts his hands on your thighs, holding you still as he slowly, carefully, and tenderly licks and sucks your clit.
It’s not enough to push you over the edge, but it’s enough to make you moan and whimper, garbled pleas falling from your lips. You don’t even care that the rest of the crew is watching, or that Killer is standing nearby, cock heavy and hard in his hand as he strokes himself lazily.
Kid flicks his hand and something cuts the ropes holding your arms. Your hands disappear into his hair as you lean forward, holding onto him for balance.
“More, please, Kid,” you risk the request, voice dripping with need and he hums. You’re certain you can feel him smiling against you as his tongue gets heavier against your clit.
Two thick, hot fingers push into your cunt and you buck, your hips grinding into his face, as the orgasm nearly takes you. As close as you are, as needy and desperate as you are, there’s at least one lesson you know well enough.
“Please, please let me cum!” You cry as Kid drives you closer and closer. “Please, please, I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum, please let me, please!”
Crying you try to pull him away, but even as you tug on his hair you know it’s useless. Eustass Kid is a mountain and you’re a mouse.
“Fuck, fuck, please, fuck, I can’t - I can’t!” You writhe and struggle and beg, with your legs still held to the mast you can’t squirm enough to give yourself a break.
Just as you think you’re going to disobey him, his hand’s at your throat, holding you harshly against the mast again. “Cum, mouse.” He commands, fingers plunging deep as his thumb teases your clit and his hand cuts your air supply thin.
There’s no denying the command. It’s a mercy and you know it. You clench down on his fingers, mind hazy with euphoria, relief, and lack of oxygen. He doesn’t leave you to black out, easing up and letting you pull in big heavy gasps as you sob and cry, the wet moans of your orgasm leaking from your lips as much as your sloppy cunt is dripping on the deck.
“Good boy.” Kid grins, not stopping and watching you. “Don’t let the crew down,” he grins, and you become keenly aware of everyone watching you. Touching themselves. The most dressed person was Kid. The attention sent another rush through you. “Cum again, little mouse.”
“Ah, please,” you shivered the words, you were close but you came so hard you weren’t sure what would happen. It was too much.
“Mouse.” Kid’s voice forces you to focus. The golden brown eyes have you entirely, even though you know everyone else is watching. “Cum.”
Kid curls his fingers and the second orgasm slams into you so forcefully you squirt. Pleasure cascades down Kid’s arm, splattering onto the deck as your body convulses against the mast, ropes groaning as your legs try desperately to close. Hot liquid splashes against your skin and you’re vaguely aware of Killer nearby, one hand on the mast the other working himself through his own orgasm.
Kid pulls his fingers out, pressing them into your mouth and watching as you slowly start to come back to yours senses, moaning against his digits. He grins, leaning in and licking your neck before leaving a heavy kiss against your skin.
The ropes holding your legs go slack and you sink into Kid.
“Don’t worry, little mouse,” he says, lifting you up and walking away from the deck. “After I fill you up, I’ll clean you up.”
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 7 months
your writing is incredible! do you mind writing something about dilf dave mustaine corrupting young female reader
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy my writing!
A/n: I got, like, halfway through writing this and then had a better idea on how I could've answered this request but I didn't want to rewrite it because I still liked the story so I hope you still like it just as much :3
Warnings: Smut, unprotected pnv, oral(male receiving), fingering(reader receiving), if you think I missed anything please let me know otherwise enjoy :3
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The sunset strip. Many things come to mind at the sound of that title. Band startups, drinking and drugging, all things surrounding rock, punk, metal and all sorts of other kinds of music. This was the scene, and you were finally here.
After high school you skipped out on the gap year and went straight to getting higher degrees. After those years of extra gruelling homework you took your break, taking a well deserved time off before heading into the workforce.
This being your year of true freedom, a kind you probably won’t get close to again, you went to the one place you’ve always wanted to be. The sunset strip.
Now, you weren’t much of a party person. When all your friends were out at someone’s house you were at home studying, reading, a few jobs on and off. The whole crowded place was not something you wanted. But the sunset strip was where you wanted to be all that time. Even though it was way out of your comfort zone.
You looked through some of the clothes in a store you found called ‘Retail Slut’. The clothes were of all kinds and you were quite happy to be digging in all of it, unique smells and all.
In the back there was a small stand of records which you thought were pretty cool. While you were going through them a tall man with ginger hair came up to the table and seemed to be pretending to look around at the albums. You caught him glancing at you a few times and he eventually spoke up.
“I haven’t seen you around here before,” he said, “new to town?” He had this friendly presence to him. His smile was warm and he had the cutest glasses on. He wore this cute brown coat and light blue jeans. Fall incarnate. A fallen leaf on a frosty day.
“Just visiting, I grew up watching everything happen here and I’d never been.” You explained. The man nodded in understanding. You picked up an album with a hammer in a red and black frame titled ‘Kill ‘em All’. The ginger haired fellow took it from you and put it under another stack of albums further down the table.
“I’ve listened to some of their shit, you wouldn’t like it.” He stated, glaring down at the assortment of other records.
“How would you know what I’d like?” You asked, crossing your arms around your chest. The man looked up at you. He eyed you from head to toe, biting his lip as he did so.
“There’s a band playing just around the corner at a bar I like.” He walked around the table to stand in front of you. “Care to join me?” He asked, holding a hand out for you to take. You hesitated for a moment. You’ve never done anything like this before, running off with a stranger to some bar. Right into a party? No one ever would’ve taken you for the type, least of all yourself.
But this was the strip, and you came here to be free. So you took his hand and he led you out of the thrift store.
You walked down the streets hand in hand. You kept scanning around at everything happening, all the laughing, smiling faces. Rock posters everywhere, record stores, guitar shops. Everything you’ve dreamed of.
“I’m Dave, by the way.” The man said. You’d been trying to work up the courage to ask but the words kept fizzling out before they came out of your mouth. “In case you were wondering what name to call out tonight.” You thought about it for a moment, trying to think of a scenario where you’d need to call for him when it clicked as to what he was referring to. Your cheeks heated up and your gaze fell to the ground as you entered a dark club.
Dave threw an arm over your shoulder, keeping you close in the crowded area. Being so close to him you could smell his cologne. The stench of the club nearly covered it but you managed to focus on it. It helped keep you calm in this unfamiliar scene.
The ginger walked you through the club and sat down at the bar. He ordered you both ginger ale. “Unless, the lady wants something else?” He offered. You shook your head and the bartender walked off to make your drinks. “Not a drinker?” He asked, half leaning on the counter.
“I’m not even a partier.” You replied, almost exasperated. The bartender returned a few moments later with your drinks. You thanked them and reached for your purse. Dave gently pushed your hand away and handed the worker some cash.
“Pretty girls don’t buy drinks, doll.” He told you, taking a sip of his drink.
The two of you got to talking, having a few more non-alcoholic drinks and just chatting your time away. This was much more pleasant than the stories of parties you’ve heard all your life. This was nothing compared to the scene you’d come here expecting, but it was a much appreciated one.
Dave’s hand found its way to your knee, slowly moving higher and higher. You decided on a leather skirt and fishnets to go along with your red tube-top and thrifted leather jacket. His fingers were dipping under your skirt, just enough to have your stomach fluttering.
Finally, after hours of teasing you with his touch that was barely considered innocent, Dave leaned in to whisper in your ear. “Why don’t you come with me for a minute?” He held his hand out for you to take, and you did.
The ginger led you through the crowd and to the bathrooms. He tried to pull you into the mens room but you stopped. “I-I can’t go in there.” You said, glancing around to see if anyone was looking at you. They weren’t, all of them too preoccupied with the show on before them, all wasted and having their own fun.
“Come on.” Dave groaned with a smile. “It’ll be fun, I promise.” He urged, gently pulling you into the bathroom.
He got you on the counter, your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands on your hips. Your lips crashing against one anothers, tongues dancing together and exploring each other's mouths. Dave was pushing your skirt up, bunching it around your hips. You could feel him hardening as he would grind against you, short and harsh rotations of his hips.
Dave’s hands began to wander. He’d run the tips of his fingers over the inside of your thighs, sending shivers up your spine and knotting your gut. “Fuck, you’re so hot.” He mumbled against your lips when his thumb finally pushed against your panties. He pushed the thin piece of fabric to the side and slid a finger through your folds. That alone had your back arching in anticipation. “Fuck me, you’re so fucking wet.” He mused, starting to kiss down your neck. Nipping and sucking the tender flesh and leaving love bites. You screwed your eyes shut and your mouth fell open in soft sounds as Dave slid a finger into you.
He curled his finger against your gummy walls, pressing against that special spot inside you. Your eyes rolled back and you gripped his shoulders. “Such a sweet thing, huh? Never felt this before, have you?” He hummed as he pumped his long, thick fingers in and out of you. He started slow, letting you get used to this new sensation before he picked up the pace. The sound of skin slapping against wet skin rang through the small, tiled room along with your whimpers.
“Oh, fuck, please! Please, fuck, I c- I can’t.” You whined, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. Dave then pulled his finger out of you, taking away any pleasure you had just been feeling. You stared at him with wide sad eyes and a pout. “Why would you do that..?” You asked, your voice shaky and weak. Dave looked at you with an apologetic, pitying look.
“Oh... Is my baby needy?” He brought his hand up to cup your cheek, gently caressing it. “All sad and pouty because she doesn’t get to cum yet?” He ran his fingers through your hair and gave you a kiss on the forehead. “Don’t worry, daddy’ll take care of you.” He pulled you off the counter, your knees buckled and you fell to your knees on the cold tile in front of him. You stared up at him with that same wide-eyed stare. “You just have to do something for me first, sweetheart.” Dave said as he unbuckled his belt.
His pants fell to the ground, leaving him in his boxers which had a prominent bulge from his cock. “Go on, doll, make daddy happy.” You were hesitant at first, gaze flickering between him and his eyes. You brought your hands up and dipped your fingers under the waistband of his boxer, gently tugging them down until they fell to his ankles with his pants.
Dave’s hard member hit you in the face after being brought out from its confines, traces of pre already sticking to your cheek. “I-I’ve never...” You trailed off, not sure whether it was because you were distracted by his dick or that you just didn’t want to finish the sentence.
Dave’s hand went to your face again, holding you by the chin to tilt your head up so you’d look him in the eye, though your gaze flickered to his lips a few times as well. “Don’t worry, I’ll guide you.” He mused, wiping the liquid from your cheek. You gave a weak nod and opened your mouth for him.
The ginger slowly guided his cock over your tongue, letting the weight lay on the muscle for a moment before he went further. His hand was still on your head, holding you in place for him. He was only about halfway in when he stopped, letting you get used to just that. “Watch your teeth now, doll, but give it a suck, would you?” He said in that same soft voice he’d been using with you all afternoon and now into the night.
You did as he told you to, your tongue traced the veins on the underside as you hollowed your cheeks for him. You pulled your head back a bit to pay more attention to his tip and he let you, for a moment. Before you knew it he was slamming his hips to meet your face, fucking deep into the back of your throat at a brutal pace. You gagged on him and the tears that had been pricking your eyes fell in streams down your red cheeks.
Your knees and throat hurt but Dave didn’t stay like this for long. He didn’t finish but he pulled himself out of your mouth and pulled you up off the floor. He pushed you up against the counter with your back facing him so you’d be looking into the mirror. The ginger stared down at your exposed ass, hands firmly planted on your hips as he spread you apart. His thumb pushed the fishnet and your panties aside so he could feel just how wet you were, all for him.
“Fucking gorgeous.” He hummed. “All pretty and mine.” He said, and with a quick tug he ripped your fishnets, then your thin underwear. He lined himself up with you and pushed in, bottoming out without giving you time to prepare yourself.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, drool slipping out of your puffy and bruised lips, tears rolling down your hot cheeks. You didn’t care, anything besides Dave’s cock stuffed deep inside you was beyond your comprehension right now. You loved the feeling of him, the way he hit every spot that had you seeing stars, the way he held you so close to his chest.
After letting you adjust to him for a moment or two he wasted no time in setting a fast rhythm, thrusting into you without a care in the world. He groped your chest and bit your neck, leaving red and purple spots in his wake as his hips slammed against yours. You weren’t processing any sounds you were making but based on the expression you saw staring back at you you could imagine they were pretty loud, all lustful moans as Dave slid in and out of you, his head pressing right up against your cervix.
The knot came back full force when Dave started circling your clit and quickly burst. You screamed out for him, creaming around him. Your juices dripped down his cock, your ass and thighs getting coated as well while the liquids made their way to the floor which was already covered in a layer of other fun times. However, Dave didn’t stop. His thrusts were relentless as he kept bucking his cock into you.
“Fuck-fuck, so pretty, so pretty just for me, so tight around daddy’s cock.” Dave praised, landing a harsh smack on your ass, then another and then a third, each one drawing a yelp from you. Dave took your hair in his hand, bunching it into a makeshift ponytail so he could pull your head back to force you to look into the mirror. “Look at that, look at my little slut, all fucked out on daddy’s dick.” Your eyes were fluttering, you felt like you were on the verge of passing out but you managed to keep your standing.
Dave began losing his rhythm and just sloppily fucking into you, doing anything to reach his own high. The coil in your gut returned, this time you got to see how that looked on the outside. Dave behind you with his long, ginger hair sticking to his face and your shoulders from sweat. You watched the way your ass shook every time he rammed into you, you saw the small bulge in your stomach. Dave saw it at the same time and smiled a wicked grin.
“Look at that, all ready to have my babies, are you?” He teased. You let out a loud, sultry whine and Dave’s eyes rolled back as your walls squeezed him. “Oh, fuck~ Do that a few more times and you just might, dollface.” You continued to watch the bulge appear and disappear only to reappear right after over and over, bringing you over the edge once more.
Your body shook and your knees buckled. You clenched around Dave bringing him to his own release. Thick, white liquid shot into you and the ginger bent you over the counter, pressing down onto you as he kept bucking up into you.
He kept going a few more seconds before pulling away. He pulled out of you and watched his cum seep out of your hole. You looked back at him, then to the floor where the liquid fell. Dave saw the pout on your face, the one you hadn’t even realised was there, and pulled you into a hug. “Don’t worry, doll, I’ll get you good and pregnant next time.” He smiled, kissing your forehead. “I can bring you back home right now, would you like that, dollface?” You smiled back up at him and nodded, your eyes closing as you melted into his warm embrace.
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lost-my-sanity · 5 months
Morning after
Short little Kidd imagine
I woke up with a splitting headache and something heavy pressed against my ribs. As I cracked my eyes open things suddenly became clear. I was tangled up in my captain’s sheets, his metal arm wrapped around me, his face pressed into the pillow, wild hair all over the place. As he felt me stir his eye blinked open, a surprisingly soft look on his face.
“How ya feel? Are you sore?” He questioned, voice scratchy from hours of unuse.
“I… I’m a little sore if I’m being honest.. but overall not too bad” I admitted.
He smiled and snuggled me closer, kissing me on the lips.
“Ya know your mine now right? After a night like that there’s no way I’m giving you up to anyone else, I’ll fucking kill anyone that tries” he says with a wide grin and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
“I can live with that” I say with a soft laugh.
“You know… I never really did that before but I’m glad it was with you” he confessed, his sincerity and honesty taking me by surprise.
“You never did that before, Kidd?” I question, surprise written all over my face.
His face changed to a defensive look but his eyes still remained open.
“Well.. yeah I mean I could have, but no one seemed worthy enough ya know?” He stared boldly.
My heart fluttered at what he just said.
“You…you mean I was worthy enough of being your first time?” I ask, running my fingers along his jawline.
“Well… yeah… you're hot, smart, funny and accept me for who I am.. you know me better than anyone else… except for maybe Killer” he stated, brushing my hair out of my face.
“Thank you for that…I’m glad that you trust me… and I promise I won’t betray that trust, no matter what” I proclaimed, putting my own heart out on the line now.
“Good, cause ya mine, and I ain’t sharing no matter what. Everyone’s gonna know that you belong to Captain Kidd! And when I become the king of the pirates you’ll stand by my side.” Eustass stated, with no room for an argument.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind that” I confess, interlocking his fingers with my own.
Suddenly a loud banging on the door stole both of our attention.
“Hey captain! Ya done losing your v-card now or what?
“ We wanna go explore this new city!”
“Yeah put some fucking clothes on and come ransack this city with us”
Several voices all shouted at once.
My face turned white, all the color draining from it. Kidd looked pissed off beyond belief. He gave me a kiss to the cheek before he got out of bed in nothing but his boxers.
“Hey assholes, fuck you. I’m with my lady now, fuck off and go bother someone else, or I’ll skin you all alive. If you wanna go out so bad, take Killer or something…. I’m busy!” He shouted as he opened the door, I could see Heat, Wire, and Quincy all trying not to laugh and make the captain more mad.
I couldn’t help but smile at Kidd’s words, it was official then, I was his lady. Eustass slammed the door in their faces and walked back over, crawling into bed next to me, pulling me close to his chest and resting his chin on my head.
“We're not leaving this room until we absolutely have to today.” He told me, pressing another kiss into my hairline.
I knew that from this moment on, things would be different on the Victoria Punk, and I was excited to see where it would lead, but for now, I’m going to savor seeing this side of Eustass “captain” Kidd and relish being in his arms.
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