#thank you for asking beloved ❤️❤️
elven-child · 2 years
thank you beloved <333333
Mirror Mirror by Blind Guardian - songs to make you vibrate out of your skin!! god i fucking love blind guardian and this whole album is an absolute masterpiece, no other album matters
Miracle Machine by Blind Guardian - another great one, this one is almost minimalist by Blind Guardian's standards amd it's so good as well
Mr Brightside by the Killers - fucking slaps I have nothing more to add a banger is a banger
Mamma Mia by ABBA - who doesn't like ABBA i mean come on
More Than a Feeling by Boston - the guitars are SO energetic in this one and I love classic rock combined with light, energetic melody like the fragments right before the chorus
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losersimonriley · 2 months
At the tail end of a long, grueling mission that had them run around half of Eastern Europe, Laswell had given Ghost and Soap three days of leave before they'd be flying back home. She'd even booked them a hotel in a tiny spa town for two nights. Yet even though they arrived early in the day, Soap was still exhausted enough from the mission to just let Ghost handle the check in.
Something was off, though, when Ghost returned to him. He could tell by the square set of his shoulders and the slight frown on his brows. Even without his usual balaclava, his hood and face mask hid most of Ghost's expressions from inexperienced viewers.
"Good news: Laswell's paying for two dinners each at the in house restaurant. It's supposedly very good," Ghost reported.
"And the bad news?"
Ghost subtly shifted his weight. "Only had rooms with double beds left."
"You mind sharing?" Soap raised his eyebrows.
"Nah. Thought you might."
"Nah. Let's get up to our room then. I'm right knackered from the trip."
Ghost rolled his eyes at the phrasing, but didn't comment on it. When Soap punched his shoulder to signal go time, he obediently followed to the elevator.
As forewarned, the room only had one bed. But at least it was the softest, most cloud like bed Soap'd ever had the pleasure of sitting on. He wanted to immediately lie down and never get up. First things first, though.
"Mind if I take the first shower?"
Ghost shrugged. "Feel free. Thought I'd have a look around town. Find the spa. Try the public fountains. Look at the local attractions. Tourist shite."
"Have fun. I'll cover home base while you're out on recon, then."
Ghost huffed out a small laugh as he turned to leave the room.
Soap hopped into the shower for a quick wash, dried himself off with extremely fluffy towels and then got himself comfortable in the bed. He'd planned on a quick nap, but when he woke up again, it was because someone had chucked a paper bag at his head. It smelled deliciously like baked goods.
"Got you lunch, Sleeping Beauty."
"I'd be so mad at you for waking me like that," Soap said as he sat up and bit into the bun that'd smacked him in the ear. "If this weren't so good."
"Up for an afternoon trying all the healing springs? The park is twenty minutes from here and has at least ten different fountains with different properties. Maybe one can cure stupid."
"Maybe one can cure being a dick."
"You'll never know."
They spent the afternoon together trying the water from every single fountain in the park. It had clearly been built sometime in the nineteenth century, Soap pointed out, citing the architecture and decorations. The water was various kinds of salty. More than half the fountains were claimed to have uranium in the water, a fact that led both Ghost and Soap to come up with more and more outrageous movie mutations caused by too much of the spa water. Dinner at the hotel's restaurant was fantastic. The chef didn't skimp on the fat, nor on the herbs and spices.
Soap had almost forgotten about the bed in their room by the time they got ready for bed. "I can still sleep on the floor, LT."
"Dunno." Soap shrugged. "Thought it might be weird to you."
"'s not." Ghost took off his boots, stripped down to his undershirt and briefs before he slipped under the covers. "Fuck. 's like a cloud in here."
Quickly, before either of them could change their mine, Soap undressed and got into bed as well. His hammering heart forced him to keep a fair distance between himself and Ghost.
"Figured you'd be a cuddler," Ghost mused.
"That an offer?"
"Mh." Under the covers, Ghost reached out to pull Soap closer to him. "Don't mind if it's you."
Soap swallowed. He let himself be pulled against Ghost, head resting on a broad chest, hand over a heart that was beating it's staccato rhythm in tandem with Soap's own.
"G'night, Simon," Soap whispered, not trusting his mouth to say more.
"Night, Johnny."
When he woke up the next morning with his Johnny sprawled out on top of him, with his breath hot against his bare neck, Ghost was immensely glad he'd convinced the hotel clerk to give them a room with a double bed. Even if it was just for one more night, he'd treasure this closeness for the rest of his life.
This felt like getting tucked into a comfy warm hotel bed of my very own <3 I hope everyone else enjoys this cloud bed as much as I do god BLESS
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frownyalfred · 1 year
ok seriously tho regarding that ao3 comment, literally fuck that shit cos the whole html hover thing you implement in bloodletting is one of the most efficient ways of having translations involved with fics having multiple languages cos like idk what monolingual bs that was BUT I LOVE BEING ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE WORDS WITHOUT HAVING TO LIKE SCROLL DOWN TO NOTES ALL THE TIME. SO FUCKING THANK YOU FOR YOUR EFFORTS AND HOPE YOU HAVE FUN WRITING THE NEXT CHAPTERS cos sure as hell I am gonna enjoy reading them (I LOVE SOME BADASS WAR SEQUENCES AND POWERFUL WAR COUPLE TROPES AND IK BATFAM IS GONNA GO HARD AS FUCK SO FUCK YEAH ) HAVE A FANTASTIC FUCKING DAY OR NIGHT !
Thank you 🥰🥰🥰 this is such a great ask to get. Once I discovered the hover text boxes I knew I had to implement them since I also hate having to scroll down to endnotes in the middle of reading a fic.
Yes, they’re definitely going to go hard on Tatooine — things are heating up! Who doesn’t like watching slavers get absolutely crushed? It’s soooooo fun to write.
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guzhufuren · 1 year
Top 5 Vegas outfits go!
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xiaoluclair · 11 months
The „baby and his protector“ post can only be from Austria 2022 because this was the only race which Charles won (the reason why a tem representative from Ferrari is on the podium with him) and where Max was on the podium as well. 🥺
Not a surprise really, because it’s the holy temple of Lestappen after all. 🫠
the fact that i registered every single one of those things and the only conclusion my mind could fart to was bahrain_was_dark dot duh and max_in_smoke_(HOT!!) dot png so therefore it couldn’t have been bahrain or aus. i = nump . austria did not cross my mind for One Second. anyway i’ll just take the bullet right here and estrange myself from the lestappen community 🫡🫡
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doodlebloo · 10 months
It’s okay doodlebloo. It’s all going to be alright. They just don’t know them like we do ❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍👍❤️👍🏳️‍⚧️
To be fair Tab nobody knows them like you do /pos like you truly know them personally
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Hi! I've been on Tumblr for a little while and most of the time I've been searching for some interesting AA/TGAA analyses. And I want to say, I really like your opinions in particular! I like your takes on T&T and Iris in particular (she's such a good and underappreciated character), and your Homumiko ship bingo was really revealing and I still haven't recovered from it I don't know if this may be untimely, but I'd like to say it anyways :) have a good day
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I saw this right as I got back home from work, and I just. Thank you so much!!!! I'm so glad my ranting and raving about the women I'm in love with has resonated with you, especially the hmmk (aka my Susato propaganda) one. That's lovely. Thank you so much for sending in such a sweet message. I hope you have a great day, too! 💞💘💞❤️💓💗💗💖💞❤️💓💕💖♥️💞❤️
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forsty · 2 months
23, 49? <3
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
chilly weather is MY STUFF!! The kind of chilly weather where it's not too cold but you still gotta wear a jacket... I love that.
49. can you skip rocks?
I've never tried it before so I doubt I can!
here’s weirder asks
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singsweetmelodies · 2 months
lore anon back!!! You mad lad you did it!! The lore post is so beautiful I want to cry 😭😭 I saw it when it came out but I was so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude I needed to gather myself before responding lol. This was more than an anon request, this was an act of service to all the piarles girlies out there. These two, they make my heart so tender, I love their friendship. And I love you for doing this 😘 I appreciate all the work and time that went into it, you are an absolute legend!!
dearest lore anon!!!! ohhh 🥹 i also saw this ask when you sent it, but had to take some time to gather myself before i could answer 🫂 you are just SO incredibly sweet, oh my word, and it makes me endlessly happy that you liked and appreciated that post <3333 ❤️ you are so so so welcome!! i love YOU, and these wonderful asks from you made me smile almost as much as pierre & charles <3
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greghatecrimes · 3 months
I was googling to see if there was a birthdayish House image. This was the first result:
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But I genuinly hope you have a great day because you're an absolute treasure to the House fandom and the whole of Tumblr ❤️
Ahhhhh thank you so so much!! For both the meme and your sweet words, you are soooo lovely! 😭🥹🥹🥹 I love the image dearly, omg. It's so House-ian. Totally perfect 😆
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alexcutecolly · 4 months
omg ive been really all over the place recently sorry I vanished!! you can pretend I was missing cuz v.olo ate me if u want!
it makes me really giggley to think about him smiling while laying on his stomach with us in there all squished ❤️ I hope he’s as comfy as can be!! that feeling is one of my favorites >w<
i think he and his pok.emon team would be really nice to take breaks with even when we arent shrunk! he’d always make sure we weren’t working too hard cuz he sounds worried about us sometimes but if we were working too much he has a good fix for that where he gets a nice full belly too!!
i think he’d be a really cute merman too!!! and the ocean is cold but inside him would be nice and warm and we don’t need to worry about breathing underwater to stay with him!
uuuu half size is rlly cute too!! it would be all tight pressure like a hug all the time as we get moved deeper in!!! and he could rest his human half on top of us once we’re deep enough that’s so sweet
-v.olo uwu
Omg it's absolutely okay dear v.olo uwu anon!! Don't worry! 😭💕 It sounds like V.olo let you out for now! xD jokes aside, I hope everything's alright! 🥺
Awwwww yeah, he'd be super cute with that smile of his! 🥺❤️ just chilling and enjoying our wriggling, maybe while reading that book x3 I can see him taking a nap in the same position too, maybe using his crossed arms as a pillow to sleep more comfortably 🥺🥺❤️❤️ we'd feel like a sort of C.utiefly or tiny B.eautifly in him by then, and then we realize he's fallen asleep because of his slowed breathing and heartbeat 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
Omg I think so too!! His team would really like us, especially T.ogekiss, L.ucario and H.isuian A.rcanine!! x3 Imagine a cuddle pile tbh, with all his p.okemon and ours resting together! It'd be super sweet! 😭❤️ And if V.olo found out we've been overworking ourselves, I feel like he'd take us aside to discuss that, like how he's noticed we're exhausted and spent all the time for example. And of course he'd offer us a peculiar solution, hehehe x3 ❤️ that could also be the very first time he vores us as well! Then the rest is history... x3
Yessssssss I agree!!!! Omg he'd be such a gorgeous m.erman!! 😭😭❤️❤️ I did draw him as a m.erman for last year's M.erMay tbh! And he looked adorable, hehehehe x33 I should draw him again this year! And I feel like staying in his belly while he's swimming would be wonderful!! So warm and cozy... 🥺🥺 And trueee!! We wouldn't have to worry about breathing underwater! x3 he could also show us some ancient relics he's retrieved from the bottom of the ocean, when we're back on the surface! 🥺🥺
Omggggg exactly!!!! 😭😭❤️❤️ I like half size vore with n.agas for the same reason, it'd feel slightly tight for us on the inside but so so fantastic for him!! The wriggling would feel so great, it's basically a very deep bear hug in his snake half!! 🥺🥺 Also omgggggg, I blushed at the thought of him resting his human half on top of us!! 😳 I'd get redder than a tomato if he pecked our spot too, aaaaaaaaaaaa
Btw ngl, imo he'd look amazing with vertical slit pupils in his silver eyes 🥺🥺❤️❤️
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robinette-green · 11 months
azalea, lotus, bluebell, poppy~
Azalea- what is the most recent song you listened to? How do you feel about it?
The most recent was My Freeze Ray by Neil Patrick Harris from Dr. Horrible’s sing-along blog. It’s pretty accurate to how I feel when I have a crush on someone. Link ❤️
Lotus- What is your favorite color and in what shade?
Neon Greens and red pinks
Bluebell- do you have any pets? If so, what are their names?
I do have pets. I have 8 cats.
Poppy- out of the four seasons, which season of the year is your favorite and why?
Fall. I love the colors of the leaves and the pumpkins and the spooky season and the warm fires and the hot apple cider ☕️
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Just wanted to say I love your characterization and how you treat all the characters with so much respect! Your star wars au is the perfect fusion of my two favorite franchises :)
Thank you so much!!! Sometimes writing crossovers I feel like I’m doing a subpar job for two fandoms instead of a decent job for one. But hearing this helps ❤️
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fanta2y · 5 months
hi fantaaaa, you have a really cute pseudo 🫵💗
hiii pinnnn !!! 🥰🥰
thank yooouuuu !! it’s really all thanks to @rrairey she’s the one who came up with it LOLL and it’s my favorite soda so i was just like “yeahhh this is it”
but omg i hope your doing welll !! much loveee 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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belovedfromnature · 5 months
whoops, missed a day.
[for any] | concerning any of your f/os who have hair, imagine styling it for them. did they ask you to do so? would you cut it? give them any specific style? dye it, perhaps? do they sit still or are they the type that's sensitive to hair brushing/pulling?
no hair? no problem! slap their bald head right now. I Command It.
💫- the only F/O I have with hair would be Vanessa, she usually enjoys having it up into a ponytail BUT IF I COULD STYLE IT ITS JOVER. She’d probably fidget around trying to sit still while occasionally asking if I was done yet (definitely not). I’d probably just leave her hair down, brush it out, maybe wash it, I think she’d look super pretty…… also Moon is very bald if I slapped his head he’d put me on top if the fridge and I’d cry because I don’t know how to get down
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le-velo-pour-dru · 8 months
razzmatazz for the ask game (you can’t see it but i’m grinning like a disney villain sorry if this is a hard one)
I'm so sorry but Maya already beat you to this question :') Here's the answer I gave her when she asked though:
I gotta go with RAZZMATAZZ THE TITLE TRACK MY ABSOLUTE BELOVEEEEEEEEEEED 🥺💖 AUGH I love that song so much it is- such an absolute masterpiece, when I was a casual iDKHOW fan and I only heard their songs occasionally I would literally stop what I was doing to pay attention to it 🫶💖
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