#thank you for finding the courage! i know sending asks is scary as fuck
Of Finally after days I got Enough courage to say this...
You are the First Welcome Home artist I followed And I Don't Regret it.
And now Laughingstock Lives in My Head 24/7
Annd the Way You draw Wally is just so...
I don't even know how to describe it!
Your Art brings me so Much Joy!!!
- Blue Anon 🫐
!!!! thank you so much!!! i'm happy to Provide! have a Wally scribble i have to almost completely redo <3
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So I 8
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Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes
Summary: your casual arrangement turns a bit too serious.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Your phone is bricked. Waterlogged and caput. Just another problem to add to the growing pile. 
You grab your purse and pull apart the zipper in search of your wallet. Where the hell is it? There’s no way you dropped it. Right, you can’t win. Not today. 
“Going somewhere?” Bucky’s voice sends a shiver through you. 
You put your purse down and shrug at him, “no.” 
He chuckles and lowers his eyes. Even wearing your borrowed robe, the red satin barely passing his thighs, he’s sinister. He brings his hand out from behind his back and wags your leather wallet. 
“Even if I couldn’t hear the way your heartbeat picks up, you’re a shitty liar,” he sneers. 
He strides closer and tosses your wallet. You catch it against your chest as you stare back at him. You know he’s listening to your biology. You wonder if he can feel the fiery fear flooding your veins. 
You grit your teeth and steel your courage. You’re no match for him but you’re not going to let him walk all over you. 
“You didn’t use a condom so I need to go and deal with that,” you lower the wallet to your side. 
He scoffs and narrows his eyes. He stops right in front of you, “too late.” 
“What? Too late? Right, really, I can’t hang around and chat about this. Neither of us need that sort of bullshit--” 
“I said it’s too late,” he repeats. 
“No,” your inflection is harsh. “I only have to take it--” 
“Too. Late.” He growls and snatches back your wallet. You reach for it and he flings it away. 
“Bucky, don’t mess around with this--” 
“Sit down,” he commands. 
“Right, I’ll just... I’ll call the pharmacy and have them deliver--” 
“Sit the fuck down,” he nearly yells in your face. 
You gulp and gape back at him. You shut your mouth and nod stiffly. You take a step back and loop around him. You go into the front room and sit on the couch. You clutch your knees tightly as your chest throbs. 
“Breathe,” he sneers as he follows. 
You exhale and stare at the floor. It used to be that his strength, his stamina, his superhumanness made you giddy. It was a thrill to be with someone like him. Now it’s just scary. 
“I can hear your heart, hell, I can as good as hear what’s in your head,” he snarls as he crosses his arms. “And I damn sure can hear through these walls so don’t mess around with me.” He leans down and you cower. “Look at me.” 
You flick your eyes up, brows rippling with anger and horror at once. He’s talking to you like a dog. 
“I’ll just remind you that I chase people for a living. I find what’s hiding,” he says. “So let’s just take it easy and enjoy your day off.” 
You stare at him and slowly nod. His forehead lines then smooths and he stands straight. His metal fingers unfurl and he clears his throat. 
“I could use a coffee? You want one?” He asks. 
The shift in his tone is as disturbing as his threats. You clasp your hands together to keep from shaking. “Sure, thanks.”’ 
“Of course, doll, of course. Decaf for you.” 
“I--” you go to correct him but think better of it. You need a dose of caffeine but maybe it’s better not to feed into the spastic storm of your nerves. “Thanks.” 
You sit, unmoving, and he struts past the couch. You wait until you hear him in the kitchen, clinking around. You stand and he coughs, “need something, doll?” 
“Going to the bathroom,” you answer. 
“Uh huh,” he accepts with a glint of doubt. 
You shake your head and cross the room. You stop just at the bathroom door then veer into the bedroom. That needling in your neck just won’t let up. Too late. Too late? What does he mean? 
You open the drawer and grab the box of condoms inside. Your mind races with all the times he had you at his mercy. The last time before this, when he had you facing the other way. Did he put one on then? You can’t discern the crinkle of the wrapper from the meshing of bodies. 
You slip out the strip of condoms and examine the gold and black wrapper. You turn them back and forth and shake your head. You break one off and shove the rest away. You feel along the plastic. Something’s off. 
You dip out and peek into the front room. You close yourself into the bathroom and tear open the wrapped. It occurs to you that he can hear all this but you somehow think he doesn’t give a fuck. His whistling more than assures you of that as it carries across the apartment. 
You open the condom and turn on the faucet. You fill it with water and slowly raise it up. Just near the tip, a small hole lets out a tiny stream of water. Your heart drop. He wouldn’t... when—how did you not notice before? 
It’s fine. It’s fine. You’re on birth control and your period—when was it? No, no, it’s fine. You always doubled up. The pill and the condoms. If one fails, the other one will work. You're okay. 
“Doll,” the knock at the door jars you.  
You quickly squeeze the water out of the rubber and crumble it all up and hide it in the bin. You twist off the tap and wipe your hand. You open the door and meet his taunting smirk. He knows you know. He holds a mug out and you take it without a word. 
“Ready to enjoy our day in?” He asks. “Cause I’m kind of over this whole arguing thing.” 
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confessionblog · 2 months
hello! i’ve been searching for a place like this to get this one thing off my chest. it really means so much to have a safe space like this. thank you for being here for people❤️
i’m actually quite paranoid about sending this, even if it’s anonymous. you may not want to reply publicly, if it’s as bad as i feel it is.
trigger warning for physical abuse and autistic trauma and meltdowns.
when we were younger, me and my brother shared a room, so we spent a lot of time together and were really close. i loved him loads (still do, even though we’ve drifted apart) but just like any average little brother, he had a habit of trying to annoy or disturb me, which didn’t pair well with me being a short-tempered, super sensitive and emotional (undiagnosed) autistic child. it led to me having uncontrollable bursts of anger.
i did eventually learn to manage my anger, regulate my emotions and cope in healthier ways, but to this day i’m haunted by how my rage would push me as far as h*tt*ng him, and sometimes ch*k*ng him. it was always for very brief, and i think i remember asking him about it years after it happened and him not remembering it, but i can’t imagine how scary and traumatising of an experience it must have been for him in the moment. so many years have passed but i still find myself thinking and feeling so guilty about it. the memories are just so vivid and ingrained in my brain, i can’t bring myself to describe them, they make me sick to my stomach. i’m so ashamed, i’ve never told anyone about this, and it feels like i’m hiding this huge terrible secret and just pretending to be a good person. because what kind of person does that? it’s such a fucked up thing to do, especially to someone you love. i know i was just a child (7-9) so i can’t treat it as though a sane, sober adult did it, but i still regret and hate myself for my actions. even back then, i hated myself for it. it was like a blind rage and the second it passed i would start crying, ridden with guilt, hugging him close, apologising profusely. how could i have done such a horrible thing? what’s wrong with me? i’m the world’s worst sibling, i deserve to be punished etc, etc. i literally remember thinking those things, and crying myself to sleep over it months and years down the line.
now that i’m older, i mourn that i wasn’t given the support i clearly needed for my behaviour back then. like, it’s not okay for a child that young to be so emotionally unstable and have such violent outbursts, right? i don’t blame or resent my parents, they didn’t always find out about these instances after all (when they did, they would just tell me not to take my anger out on my brother, and him not to purposely annoy me) but because they were so preoccupied with accomodating his undiagnosed but suspected autism, they failed to notice or accommodate mine (it presented differently in me, and in general i was a well-behaved and unproblematic child, and learned to mask early on. i bring this up not as an excuse, just to clarify and contextualise some things, because my brother would often overstimulate me on purpose e.g. by continuously poking/touching me, repeating noises after telling him i didn’t like them, and that’s what would set me off)
the memories flood back every few years, and sometimes i even feel bad for having stopped thinking about them, like i should be revisiting and mentally bullying myself over them every day, all the time, as a punishment or some kind of repentance? or that i don’t deserve to feel bad because i was the perpetrator not the victim.
it’s been so long but i don’t know if i’ll ever have the courage to address it with anyone in real life, especially my brother, who is a teenager now, going through a phase of shutting everybody out, and who i’m no longer close enough with to discuss such a heavy subject. maybe in the future, when it’s better for both of us? it horrifies me to imagine that he might still remember it, but it would probably be good for closure and healing any resentment in our relationship.
most of all though, i think i’m afraid that i’ll be seen as monstrous/evil or psychotic. is that melodramatic? i feel like even now that i’m an adult, i’ll somehow be persecuted for my actions, which is completely irrational, i know. i just still feel as though my reactions were inexcusable, and that i’m irredeemable as a person because of them. it still eats at me every time i’m reminded of it. but i was also just a kid, and that gives me so many conflicted emotions? we spent almost all of our time together, and he’d never listen when i verbally told him to stop several times, which is why i resorted to physical retaliation. but that doesn’t mean he deserved to be treated that way. should i have known better? were my parents not doing enough or was i the problem?
i don’t even know where i could’ve learned the behaviour from. maybe violent movies? my parents weren’t as strict with what i watched as they probably should’ve been because i was such a ‘mature’ child and, seemingly, didn’t mimic what i saw in television, so i got ‘free passes’. also, my parents didn’t physically abuse us, so it’s not a cycle or normalisation of violence or anything. they’d spanked us occasionally for discipline, but nothing serious. hitting/fighting between siblings wasn’t considered unusual, at least during younger years, amongst my family and such. but i ‘grew out’ of my reactive anger fairly quick, and i’d never lay a hand on a person now, especially not anybody i love. i don’t even raise my voice when people anger me now.
this is the first time i’ve ever acknowledged this outside of my own head. i might end up regretting choosing to dump it online, i feel like i’ll either get backlash and hate that’ll make me feel worse or armchair diagnoses that i’m a psychopath or something. but it’s easier this way and the best i can do in my circumstances (can’t afford a therapist at the moment) and honestly just cathartic to finally express all these thoughts and feelings that have been accumulating in me over the years. i’m by no means UNremorseful of what i did, but i don’t actually think i’m an awful human being, you know? i feel that way sometimes, but i know i’m not. a lot of this is my honest feelings and not meant to be taken as, like, i don’t know, performative self-loathing/remorse? i guess i can’t really prove that or control people’s opinions of me, but i can’t help wanting to be sincerely understood, especially over worst case scenarios like having my plain old venting and honesty interpreted as, like, some fucked up multilayer reverse psychology type manipulation tactics.
i would be incredibly grateful for advice, but even if this ends up being ignored, i’m just glad i was able to tell someone. perhaps this situation is not as serious as i feel it is and i’m blowing it out of proportion, or it is, but either way it’s been genuinely severely upsetting to me, and i hope to find a way to talk to someone about it and break it all down someday. for now i’m just here.
tldr; i had unresolved anger issues as a kid stemming from my autism and my brother would often be the recipient of my violent outbursts/meltdowns. i’m still ridden with guilt and anxiety about it to this day, and feel like a bad person.
I was also an angry kid, and I think about it a lot too.
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yelenasdiary · 11 months
If I could follow you twice, or thrice. On each of my accounts. I would.
I don't like talking to people. I'm actually genuinely afraid of people in general. I struggle even with people I've known for forever. Friends and family and the like. I have my reasons for it. But I'm not going to dump that information on you.
Even though I'm pretty freaked out by talking to anyone. I just wanted to pop in and say that I'm so fucking proud of you. You've been so brave and strong and it seems like you've been externally handling these situations with dumbass anons really well.
I'm not sure how you're doing on the inside, but I hope you're alright. And I hope it gives you a little bit of peace to know that you're existence in general and on this hellsite genuinely does help people.
You're experiences, feelings and personal choices are not a problem. And anyone who tries to make you feel like they are is likely just projecting.
You work so hard to find a way to deal with your trauma and that's fucking impressive. You're inspiring. And again, I'm pretty damn proud of you.
That's all I really wanted to say. Maybe. When I can work up the courage, I'll send another ask one day. Just to check in and say Hi.
I hope this ask is okay.
💚- An anthropophobe of epic proportions.
You are so wonderful! Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words!! I know talking to people is hella scary and I think you’re so brave for sending this!!
Thank you thank you! I’m so happy to hear that I am helping others in any way, honestly! That makes me really happy 🥹
I hope you come back and talk more whenever you’re ready 🥰
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juletheghoul · 3 years
Oblivius Chapter 10
We've come to the end my friends.
This is the last chapter for Francis & Spills and hopefully you'll enjoy it. I have had such a great time writing this story and have received so many lovely messages & asks about my two dumb idiot babies.
Although this is the end of the main story - you can always send in an ask about them because I will literally jump back in at the drop of a hat. (and who knows, might randomly drop a chapter / dabble if I get into my feelings)
Thanks for sticking with me!
Likes & reblogs are appreciated
Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Pairing: Frankie x F!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Fluff & general cuteness, Smut 18+ - dirty talk, p in v sex (NO MINORS + WRAP IT UP) language *time jump at the end - which has a little surprise* (let me know if I missed anything)
Masterlist Series Masterlist Prev Part Playlist
Age: 29
He knew he shouldn’t have been nervous, but he couldn’t help it.
He was working on his feelings for her, on coming to terms with his hurt and his anger. Once the initial burn of it cooled he could admit to himself that they’d both been utterly stupid. Both were to blame for how things shook out.
He knew this was the right course of action. He knew from the way he felt right at this moment, getting ready to pick Spills up for their first official date. He’d never once in the whole time he’d been with Claudia felt like this.
He had decided to keep it simple. Dinner and a movie. Can’t fuck that up and after everything that had transpired, he needed simple. It had been a couple of weeks since their conversation and things were a little awkward at first - trying to navigate this new dynamic but their conversations had gotten more comfortable. Both of them agreed to make the first date official.
He couldn’t help but smile as he made his way over to her place, even though his stomach was in knots. Even though a small part of him was terrified to fuck this up. Nothing could be sadder for him than for this not to work and have them drift apart but when he saw her rushing over to his truck all the doubts and worries melted away.
Of course this’ll work. I love you.
“Ready?” He asked and the smile was bright on her face when she climbed in and buckled her seat belt.
“Of course. Where are you taking me?” She ran her fingers through his hair and he could have purred, the touch felt so right.
“To our place.” He pulled out and made his way over to Marcellos.
The food was just as good as you remembered. The two of you found your rhythm as you ordered your meals and when they came he wasted no time in tasting your food and offering his plate to you. You sighed at how your heart swelled. This was so easy - so natural and you kicked yourself mentally over and over for not opening your mouth earlier.
You’d been afraid that things would be awkward after your talk and at first it was. The conversations and texts were weird, impersonal and almost forced but after a little while it was easy to fall back into your friendship.
It was so easy because you were friends. You already had the solid foundations for this to work and you were going to put everything you had into it.
You laughed, and you ate, and you enjoyed each other's company - forgetting the time and when he ordered the tiramisu and two forks you smiled big.
“I already bought the movie tickets, so we should leave soon or we’ll miss the previews.” You told him as the waiter cleared the table.
“You did?” He was surprised. “What movie are we watching then?” He asked as he paid for dinner.
“I picked a horror movie, looked terrifying.” you pulled out the tickets and he laughed. Kissing your hand as he walked you out of the restaurant.
He paid for dinner, so you bought the movie and popcorn. You made it with enough time to get good seats in the middle of the theatre, for the best vantage point according to him. In reality you didn’t actually care where you sat.
He lifted the divider as soon as the two of you sat, making sure you could tuck yourself into his side at the scary bits and you wasted no time getting comfortable. His arm was around you reassuringly as the trailers started, the two of you whispering a bit too loudly, deciding what was worth your time and what wasn’t.
You tucked your face into his neck at the jump scares, asking in whispers if it was okay to look. You could feel the rumble of his chest when he laughed, not unkindly. Felt him kissing your forehead softly when it was okay to look.
Despite having already kissed before, despite having had sex once before - this felt so intimate. You looked up at him to find him already smiling at you, your heart racing at the closeness. At the tenderness on his face.
You kissed him. Petal soft and chaste at first but he deepened it, his big warm hand coming up to rest softly on your cheek. His tongue tasted like popcorn and sugar and you couldn’t help but smile into it at first. The movie forgotten, the fear morphing into warmth and desire for him. As far as you were concerned - this was your first real kiss, and it took your breath away.
The rest of the movie was spent with your head on his shoulder. His hand steadily rubbing your arm and his nose buried in your hair and you couldn’t remember ever having a better first date.
You left the theatre quietly, the walk back to the truck was a leisurely stroll. Both of you smiling to yourselves as you held hands, your other hand holding onto his arm - you couldn’t get close enough.
He walked you to the passenger side, pressing you up against it to kiss you again quickly. You could see that he was taking every opportunity to press his lips to yours and you let him. Both of you quiet, breathless and giddy. You didn’t need words. Not for this.
After placing a couple more onto your neck and cheeks he remembered himself, and opened the door for you, running around the truck to get in. His hand found its way into yours on your lap as he drove you home.
He walked you to your door and asking him to come in was on the tip of your tongue but he forestalled. Speaking before you could ask.
“I’m coming in to check every corner so you aren’t scared.” He followed you in, closing the door behind him as he spoke. “But I’m not staying over, as much as I want to. I want to take this slow.” He was looking at you and you could have cried, not from disappointment, but from regret. Regret at having wasted so much time - regret that it took so goddamn long for you to get the courage to tell him how you felt and he must have seen the emotion on your face because he was holding onto your face in a flash. Cradling your jaw softly.
“What’s wrong Spills? Did I go too fast?” His brow was furrowed and despite your happiness the regrets swallowed you whole, you couldn’t stop the first few tears from falling.
“No no! I’m sorry. This was perfect and I just- I feel bad that we waited so long and I wasted so much time and we should have done this so fucking long ago.” You couldn’t stop the sob from clawing it’s way up your throat as he held you and he sighed loudly. Pulling you into the crook of his neck within the soft glow of your home.
“No - stop honey. Stop crying please - this isn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have blamed you for everything. We’ve both been absolute idiots and maybe if we’d talked about this like grown-ups years ago all this bullshit could have been avoided, please stop crying.” He kissed your forehead as you clung to him. The smell of his clothes, the feel of him against your skin - his voice in your ear. It was all home and the longer he held you the better you felt.
“Listen, I was angry and hurt but the more I think about it the more I realize that we’re both to blame but it’s okay because we’re starting again right?” He pulled away to tilt your face up to look at him.
“We’re exactly where we’re supposed to be and this is going to work. It’s going to work because as far as I’m concerned you’re it. You’re the only person for me and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Do you understand? Forget everything and focus on this.” He was looking at you so intensely it was hard not to cry all over again. “Tell me you understand honey.” He kissed your cheeks, one after the other.
“Yes, I understand. I feel the same way about you Francis.” You smiled a watery smile up at him and he returned it.
“Good, now I’m going to check before I leave- kiss you goodnight and then we’re going to go out again.” And he did.
“Good morning!” You climbed into the truck after putting your beach bag and your cooler in the back. His face smiling at you brightly as he leaned over to you, lips pursed. You kissed him and he handed you your hazelnut coffee.
“Good morning honey.” His good mood was shining through as he pulled away from your home and drove towards the beach, just the two of you. “Did you bring me breakfast?” He kept looking over to see if you had anything for him, which of course you did.
“Of course - open up.” You put the buttery bagel half in his mouth and he ate it with gusto.
The day was gorgeous, absolutely perfect for the beach and he set about getting the blankets and the umbrella ready for the two of you. You watched him, savouring the sight of his deft hands making quick work of everything.
“You’re staring at me Spills.” He said it with a smile on his lips and you didn’t look away.
“Yes I am.” You couldn’t help but match his tone - he turned to you then and leaned in to kiss you. He kissed you at every turn and you cherished it, you loved the way he showed his affection for you. He was a physical creature and he luxuriated in being close to you.
“Good.” He smiled as he handed you the sunscreen and once you'd finished, he made himself comfortable against you. He chose to sit with his back pressed up against your chest, between your legs - despite having laid out his own towel.
You were floating.
The water was enveloping you, lapping softly at your skin as you let it carry you. The sun was shining and you had your eyes closed to shield you from it. You had gone into the water first while Frances read but now he was there too, always an arms length away but it wasn’t close enough and you both fell back into your usual rhythm of splashing and teasing until you were wrapped around each other.
You couldn’t help but wrap your arms around his neck, pressing yourself up against him. Even in the cool water, his skin was warm and you felt as he wrapped your legs around his middle. His hands started at your waist, but they quickly moved down and held onto your ass. You laughed.
“What are you doing Francis?” You asked it with a smile, these days it felt like everything you did was with a smile.
“I’m holding onto you Spills.” He was nuzzling his nose into your neck, placing little kisses around your collar bones and up the column of your neck to your ear. You hadn’t had sex since the night before his wedding, the two of you agreeing to take it slow but his hunger for you was becoming more and more evident as the weeks rolled by. His hands roaming a little more each time you were together.
“Onto my ass?” You looked into his face, cherishing it.
“That’s right.” He pressed his face into the crook of your neck, wanting to be closer, always closer. “Do you not want me to?” He smiled lazily - biting at your ear playfully.
“I never said that.” You breathed out the words, he was affecting you and you had to remember that you were in public. You fell into a comfortable silence. The two of you happy to float in the water as well as your happiness alike.
“Francis?” You were staring out into the water as you spoke, your head resting over his shoulder.
“Hmm?” He was resting his head on yours, eyes on the shore.
“Promise me we’ll live near the ocean one day.” You rubbed his back, tracing lines into his skin with pruny fingers.
“I promise, one day we’ll have a little house by the ocean. You’ll be able to hear it when the windows are open.”
The two of you floated out there for a long time, peaceful and quiet and in love.
Your hand found its way into his curls on the way home, the salt water always defined them and it was too inviting to ignore. He never minded.
His hand found its way onto your lap and the two of you were connected the whole way.
“Come in. Park the rustbucket and stay over.” You didn’t want him to leave, not yet. You were ready for the next step in your relationship.
“Are you sure?” He asked even though he was parking the truck.
“Yes, we can order in.” You smiled a smile that had nothing to do with food.
“You’re gonna kill me Spills.” He was hurriedly unbuckling his seat belt, he wanted this just as much as you did and you couldn’t get inside fast enough. When you were finally inside he almost tackled you. Crashing into you with a bruising force, mouth insistent and unforgiving in its need for you.
“I want it in my bed.” You were pulling his shirt off as you pushed him towards your room and he growled.
“What do you want, baby? Tell me.” He was pulling off your shirt, undoing the top piece of your bathing suit as you finally got him into your room.
“I want you to fuck me. Make me cum like you did before, make me feel good.” You pushed him onto the bed and straddled him. He wasted no time and within a few seconds your nipple was in his mouth. Your grip on his curls was tight as you held him close to your chest. His tongue a slow swirl around the pebbled peak of your breast. First one, then the other. He was ruthless in his teasing, sucking roughly and then biting softly.
“You want my cock baby?” He was kissing your chest as he held onto your ass, your clothed core pressed up against the stiffening pillar of his sex. The arousal was a burning coal in the pit of your stomach and every time he pulled you closer it burned hotter. Your cunt ached for him, drooling out your passion into your underwear, the threads of you unspooling for him at your entrance.
“Yes, give it to me - please.” You bit at his neck, tasting the salt of the ocean on his skin and he moaned. You used the momentary distraction to pull off him and finish undressing. You helped him pull off his swim trunks and you pulled him into your shower, both of you were still covered in sand and you wanted to wash the day off him.
His body curled around you as you turned the shower on. His cock was hard and pressed up against the cleft in your ass. His hands were around your waist, holding onto your belly; your breasts. Anything and everything he could get his hands on and you both laughed as you got into the shower. You dragged him under the hot spray, helping him wash the salt and sand from his skin and his hair and he did the same for you.
Once you were clean he pressed you up against the wall, the cool tile against your nipples made you hiss and he pulled your waist toward him, one hand on your back to tilt your pelvis enough for him to slide in.
“Can I fuck you like this baby?” He leaned forward to press a kiss to your neck. You wiggled your hips against him in response.
“Yes Francis, give it to me just like this - please.” He groaned as he rubbed his cock through your folds, even under the spray he could feel how wet you were and he slid in to the hilt. His pelvis flush with the plump skin of your ass. “Fuck, I feel so full - you’re so big.” You smiled at the groan he let out at your words.
“You’re so tight, feels so fucking good.” He snapped his hips, fucking into you hard and fast. Both of you so keyed up that this wouldn’t last and you knew it. “That’s it baby, take it. Just - like- that.” He held onto your shoulder for leverage and you reached down with one hand to rub at your clit.
“Yes, make yourself cum, soak my cock.” He pulled you up holding onto your breast as he split you open on his dick.
“I’m gonna cum…” Your orgasm crashed into you, making you clench around him while he sped up, chasing his own high and you felt it when he groaned into your ear. Felt him emptying himself into you.
You were both naked, laying in your bed in the fading light of the sun. His head was resting on your chest as you played with his hair.
“I'm starving, have you seen my phone? We should order a pizza.” He got up and looked around and for a moment you couldn’t believe that your Francis was walking around your place naked. Even though he’d fucked you in the shower, even though he’d fucked you in your bed; made you cum with his fingers and his mouth and his cock. Your pleasure seemingly more important than his.
“I think you dropped it onto the counter when we came in.”
He came back with it in his hand and ordered your usual order before dropping it onto your nightstand.
“We have forty minutes until it gets here.” He smiled darkly as he crawled up between your legs and despite everything you’d done, you flushed, wrapping your arms and legs around him lazily.
“Better make them count.” You kissed him, and he did.
When the pizza finally came you needed another shower, which you took together. He stayed the night, and never went home again.
Age: 30
“Francis, wake up honey, happy birthday!” You were kissing his face, pulling him softly out of sleep. He groaned and smiled as he buried his face into your hair. His hand travelled down to grab at your ass. Even half asleep he pawed at you, making you laugh.
“Mmmph, sleep.” He mumbled onto your skin. Soft and pliant on the bed you shared.
“Francis, come on - get up so we can celebrate.” You pulled him away slightly so you could pepper his face with kisses, something he loved. “Come on baby, get up, I have a few surprises for you.” You ran your fingers through his hair. It was getting longer and you loved it like this.
“Are you naked?” He didn’t open his eyes but you felt his wits sharpening.
“No, that's later, I have other surprises for you, three of them. Hmm?” You waited a few minutes and he opened his eyes.
“Alright alright, I’m up. What’s the plan?” He yawned and stretched.
“The plan is they’re coming to get you in about half an hour so get dressed.” You got up out of bed pulling him up with you.
“Who?” He was lost.
“Your surprises.” He frowned and then it dawned on him.
“Pope? Benny and Will?” His eyebrows shot up in shock.
“Yes! They’re on their way so come on, up up let’s get you ready, they’re taking you out and then we’re going to have a big dinner.” He was moving on his own now and you could see how happy he was.
“Did you set this up?” He was brushing his teeth and you nodded.
“Yes I spoke to Pope a few weeks ago, thought it would make you happy to have them here for your birthday. They’re going to take you out for the morning and then we can meet up at your parents place for a big dinner.” You smiled at him.
“You’re not coming?” He frowned despite his joy at seeing his closest friends in a few minutes.
“No, you have your time with them and I’ll see you in a few hours.” He pulled you close.
“I love you Spills.” He kissed you, deep and insistent, all of his feelings for you behind it and you had to pull away as his phone went off.
“I love you too Francis, now get your ass in gear. See you later, have fun!” You pushed him out, patting him on the butt to get him moving.
Age: 33
“I am completely in love with it Francis, look at the windows!” You were walking through the little house like a kid in a candy store. Trying to take it all in.
“It’s really nice, floors are good.” He was looking at the wood, taking stock of the layout and the sturdiness of the staircase leading upstairs.
“Do you think we could afford it?” You were pulling him towards the kitchen, to the big window over the sink where you could just see the water. The yard was a little on the smaller side but it was big enough to put a little patio set and a grill, big enough for the three of you.
“Do you want it?” He stood behind you, his arms around your waist as you both stared out through the window.
“Yes, I think we’ll be really happy here. Do we have enough?” You turned to press a kiss to the stubble on his cheek.
“Yes, we have enough saved and with you going back to work we’ll be fine.” You felt the little hands then, grabbing at both of you and he bent down to pick up your daughter. She was tired and rested her head on his shoulder. “I think she likes it.” He ran his fingers through her soft curls as he kissed her forehead. You couldn't help but rub her little back as she melted into his shoulder.
“Open the window.” He gestured towards the latch and when you did you heard the soft sounds of the ocean drifting in. He was smiling at you, holding onto the little life you’d both created.
“Welcome home Spills."
Tag list: @frannyzooey @foli-vora @danniburgh @sambucky21 @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @ezrasbirdie @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @wheresarizona @sherala007 @freak-nasty-thick-dick-mando @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa @gaiuswrites @stevie75 @sweet-creature98 @readsalot73 @tobealostwanderer @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @goldielocks2004 @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @bellaorisa @hellovanessax @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @mrs-ghuleh @pedritoispunk @librariantothejedi @studythoreauly @missswriter @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @giizhkens-cedar @la-le-lu @writerdee1701 @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @anaaaispunk @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @quica-quica-quica @sarahjkl82-blog
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may-fanfic · 3 years
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Lovely Stranger
Summary: After being harassed by some men, a stranger comes to your aid
warnings: fighting, harassment
word count: 762
((free feel to send in any request 💕))
a/n: I kinda want to make a part 2 but idk yet lmk
Walking home alone had always been the worst, especially when it was so late. You knew it was unsafe but you didn’t have a car and you had to go to work so working was your only option. You hummed softly to yourself, stuffing your hands deep in your sweater pockets. Your earphones muted out the quiet night, you felt relaxed at that moment but it was quickly replaced with fear as you circled the corner and spotted the group of men.
They saw you, so you figured if you went the other way they could just follow you in the dark alleyway and that’d be far more dangerous than walking past the bar so you did, head low and earphones loud. you couldn’t hear much and just as you thought you had successfully moved past the man one of the guys gripped your wrist, spinning you around. you swallowed hard glancing up at the man with fear as you ripped out your earphones.
“did you hear me, bitch?” your eyes went wide, and your throat felt as if it was closing, and your lips parted, but nothing came out.
“Does she not fucking talk?” he laughed loudly with his friends as he ducked down to near your face. You felt like you could cry as you stared into his sinister eyes. “let me ask you again.” he grinned, his other hand coming up to brush away fallen hairs from your face, but you flinched away, trying your hardest to find the courage to tell the man to go fuck himself but you were frozen.
“Hey, leave her alone.” suddenly, a raspy voice sounded, giving the man a hard push causing him to stumble away from you and releasing the hold he had. The woman stepped in front of you, eyeing the man who glared at her. You swallowed thickly; you knew now was your chance to leave and get home safely, but you couldn’t just leave the woman behind. You let out a soft yelp when the man leaped forward, reaching for the woman, but she was quicker than him, giving him another hard push before she swung her fist into his nose, causing him to groan, folding over to grasp his bloody nose.
“you’re dead!” he gasped out, wiping frantically at his dripping nose before stumbling away. His friends didn’t even bother to defend the man as they disappeared back into the bar. You finally let out the breath that you had been holding, letting your shoulders drop in relief.
The blonde girl spun around, a soft smile plastered on her lips as if she hadn’t just beat up some man for you. “who are you?” you gasped out stunted, she let out a gentle laugh, running a hand through her smooth hair before she stuck her hand out for you.
“Yelena Belova.” she uttered out, only now did you notice the heavy accent; it sent shivers up your spine as you reach forward and shook her hand gently. “Thank you, Yelena.” she nodded forward in the direction that you were originally walking.
“let me walk you home.” you felt far more comfortable as you walked through the dead streets with Yelena by your side. You were almost dreading the thought of never seeing the woman again after you were home. You have only been a block away as the two of you were completely engulfed in a conversation.
When you stopped walking in front of your door, the woman looked over her shoulder in question. “this is my house.” you pointed at the small house, causing her shoulders to drop along with her smile. “oh.. okay.” she forced tight smile before nodding.
“Thanks again for everything.” You could almost forget about the scary incident that unfolded, it could’ve ended terribly for you, and you were very thankful that Yelena was there at the right time.
“you know, I don’t know your name.” she pointed out. You didn’t see the point in even telling her to convince this would be the last time you’d ever see the woman again, but still, you uttered out your name.
“well, y/n, I’ll see you tomorrow,” she uttered out as she began walking away.
“tomorrow?” you called out as she had been a few steps away; she turned around completely, walking backward she called out.
“I can’t in good conscience let you walk alone; I’ll see you tomorrow.” you didn’t even have time to deny her offer as she turned back around and continued walking. You couldn’t contain your smile, already excited to see her again.
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hearteiji · 2 years
I'm sorry if this is kinda dumb and badly written. English is not my first languaje and I'm a sixteen (seventeen on january!!) year old girl, but I wanted to thank you for everyting that you have done for me without even knowing it. I'm certain that the people in your life must cherish you.
I am also a victim of sa, and during so many years i fell into this pattern of trusting older men (some I shouldn't have trusted) and seeing them as father figures and big brothers. That eventually leaded me to more fucked up things.
I've been doing better for some time now and I'm really proud of myself for that. I think that talking to other victims and reading has helped a lot. I'm also privileged enough to go to therapy (I haven't told my therapist about the sa, though 😭)
Your writing has helped me to uncover unhealthy patterns that I didn't know I still had. This has helped me to gradually get rid of them.
I can't tell you how many (a lot of) times you have unkowingly told me "Hey!!! you don't have to put up with this!!!" or "This may be harmful for yourself!" but I can tell you that you have guided me towards being kinder to myself.
thank you thank you thank you <333
Baby 😭
This is like. The best ask I have ever received. Seriously. Oh my gosh. I can’t thank you enough for sending me this.
I always try to keep my writing positive, and joyous, but also realistic. I never want to send out a nihilistic or painful message, so the fact that I’ve touched your life in a positive way genuinely makes me feel like I’ve completed a goal.
I can relate to you so, so much. I have so many pseudo father figures, some of them have treated me well while others have put me in scary or awful situations. I totally get where you’re coming from and all those feelings. I was 16 years old 3 years ago, and it feels like a lifetime ago.
My birthday is also in January and my family tongue is Spanish:) we have much in common my love.
I am very proud of you. Like I cannot express this enough. The fact that you are doing better is amazing and you deserve to celebrate that. You know why? Because it’s easier to do worse. Doing well is more difficult than struggling, and I am speaking from experience when I say that. I hope you find the courage to tell your therapist about your hurt, because just saying it out loud is life changing. I wasn’t able to tell certain people about my abuse until this year, but when I did, I cried my throat raw on the whole drive home. Relief, anxiety, reopening a wound—it brings out so many things. I always say it was like taking a knife out of my side, all I wanted to do was collapse. Most bittersweet thing I have ever felt.
You deserve to be kind to yourself. It’s hard, and painful but it’s the right thing. You are SO strong and I can tell just from this message alone that you deserve endless love and affections, and you absolutely never deserved any of the fear you were made to feel. I hope you know that none of what happened to you was your fault.
Anyways, my dms are always open (you can have my discord if you would like as well). Thank you SO much for sending me this baby!!!! Im cheering for you!!! You are going to heal and grow and I PROMISE that it gets better.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
It’s A Match Chapter Two
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Summary: as you and henry become closer he lets his family know there may be a new woman on the scene. And you surprize him by moving a little quicker then he had thought. Not that he is against it. He is all to eager to move along to the next step.
Warnings: RPF, Swearing, Angst, Heated Discussions, Fluff.
A/N: here is chapter two, this will only be a short fic maybe there or four chapters but i hope you all like it. This is just me writing down my fluffy fantasy.
Taglist: In Reblogs.
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'Shes a big fluffy teddy bear, and loves hugs, even if Shes crushing me~' henry froze hands quivering nervously over the keyboard. You replied? You actually? Holy shit! He bit his lip sitting up straighter with a grin and smoothed his hair back. He wasn't sure why it made him so happy but? He had a reply, and actual reply from a person! A woman!
Now what?
He wracked his brain and frowned. What does he say? Does he ask questions or just talk about dogs? He didn't know all he did know is that he had messaged a complete stranger and she had messaged back.
'I can imagine moving her must be hard work if she's comfy'
'Yeah but on the plus side she's always warm~ a huge hot water bottle'
'A numb but warm set of legs then😂'
'Absolutely! That sounds like the talk of a man who's been there?'
'Yes I have an American Akita, a very snuggly boy that gives me atleast one dead leg a day😅'
'Aww I love Akita's, I was going to get one but them Amii sort of fell into my lap, and has stayed there ever since'
'Big or small a lap dog is a lap dog'
'Definitely😂' Henry paused. Shit what does he do now? Does he just ask questions? Explain a bit more about himself? Both seemed a little too juvenile... And it was scary... Awkward he wants a nice chat, for conversation to flow naturally. He didn't want to fuck up. There was another ping as you typed another message.
' I have to say I'm surprized I got a message on here, only been on here for a few days😅' henry was thankfull, you wasn't going to judge. You were both in the same boat. Both nervously talking to a stranger in the hopes of there being something more. It made replying a little easier, he hoped that things would get less awkward after breaking the ice.
'Really? I made mine today... not sure about all this new online stuff but will figure it out'
'Well I'd say your doing alright,  at least you had the courage to message someone, i made the profile then chickened out😅'
'I almost did, your the first profile that caught my eye'
'Was it Amii?'
'No, as cute as she is you lacked a duck face selfie, and you look very sweet and have kind eyes' henry froze after sending the message. Shit, shit! That was fucking cheese! Cringe and just a fuck up! He quickly wracked both hands through his hair and cursed trying to think of a way to get out of this but nothing came to mind... And then he saw it the tiny y/n is typing... At the bottom of the screen, he winced dreading the reply he was going to get. He bit his lip worried he hopes he hasn't tripped at the first hurdle.
'Thank you that's kind of you to say. And is a missing duck face that strange?🤔'
'Every woman has a duck face'
'Well I do not have a duck face'
'Well not a good one 😅My duck face is sub par more a fish face, call me guppy😂' he chuckled, you did have a sense of humour which was good. He liked making people laugh and not having them take everything so seriously, it meant he could relax and let loose. To just have fun! He heaved a big sigh unconsiously petting Kal as he sat up and leant on his leg. He quickly began typing once more finding it easier chatting with a stranger with each message.
'🤣🤣 I got to admit I'm not sure what to talk about, this is my first time🤔'
'Well that makes us both online virgins😅lets start with the important things shall we?' Henry froze panicking. 'Oh god! Oh god! What ere you going to ask?!' He thought watching the little dots on the screen holding his breath dreading you'd ask for picture or something. He was put out of his misery with a tiny ping sound and your message popped up. He threw his head back and laughed outloud seeing the all important question.
'Who's your favourite superhero?' You were definitely a geek girl, just like he wanted. He bit his lip and typed without needing to think of the answer.
'Superman, afterall he is the grand daddy of all superheroes. You?'
'Oh your not gonna like this~ I love batman🤗' henry smiled at the screen and leant back wiping his mouth trying to massage the ache from his cheeks. He really was grinning ear to ear just from speaking to you so... Unguarded he was just being himself and it was freeing!
'Oh no!😱can I ask why?' He typed quickly not wanting you to think he was going to keep you on read? Was that what they called it nowadays?
'He proves that at 30 you can have a dramatic goth early midlife crisis and that regular assholes can be heroes too, all you need is money🤗🤗'
'🤣🤣 oh god! You know I never thought of it like that!' henry shook his head laughing out loud as he replied
'But you'll be happy to know supes is number three on my list'
'Well he makes the top three so that's salvageable😆'
'Yeah... Two is Captain America though'
'Rich goth with issues, man with an expensive tea tray, then supes got it 👌👍'
'Omg yes!😂that's sums it up beautifully🤣' after that the conversation moved on which he was a little thankful for. Not that he disliked geeking out but... it'd be easy for him to slip up on that subject. Luckily though he didn't have to think of a change of topic as you began chatting away casually about your day and he did in return before long the conversation was over too soon as you stated you really had to get on with filling out these payslips. So the chat drew to a close with promises of speaking tomorrow.
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And you kept your promise. For the next week you both spent your evenings chatting away at one another becoming fast friends. That was when he decided to let his family know in the new weekly face time zoom chats.
He looked to the screen fidgeting as his family spoke amongst themselves trying to find the right moment to break the news. But his mother had noticed and asked him out right, leaning closer to the screen watching him worriedly.
"Henry? Are you alright your looking nervous?" The others stopped speaking at the question and henry heaved a sigh nervously twisting his fingers.
"Yeah yeah I... I just have some news... Is all" he said swallowing trying to find the words. He was worried, it had been a while since he'd tried to introduce someone new into his life and his family. He didn't want to alarm them but... he wanted to forewarn them that he was on his way to hopefully sharing his life with someone.
"News? Oh its nothing bad is it?" His younger brother asked, but his oldest paused straightening up with a smile already guessing his brother had taken his advice.
"No nothing bad... Its really good actually... I'm sort of... well I'm speaking to someone online... A woman"  he stuttered rubbing the back of his neck and called Kal onto the sofa with him stroking his fur trying to calm himself and fend of the huge grin that seemed to spread across his face everytime he thought of you.
"You did it?" His eldest brother called out clapping his hands excitedly. A ripple of confusion washed over the others and they frowned looking to one another unsure what had happened between the two.
"Did what love?" His mother finally asked not understanding what her sons were talking about
"I made an online dating profile" he said plainly drawing gasps from everyone.
"Oh gosh love are you okay? Your not being hounded are you?" His mother jumped immediately concern etched deep in her features. His father looked uncomfortable-hell they all did! Each worrying over him. He wasn't surprized they had seen fans both love and hate on him and his partners.
"No mum its fine-better then fine I'm really carful... I've covered my ass and no one knows its me, she doesn't know" he said trying to placate his family but instead he was rewarded with disappointed faces, tutting and small, cringing hisses. Fuck.
"Oh god Henry you haven't made a fake profile? Tell me you didn't- please tell me your not lying to this poor woman" his father scolded sternly. His dad may not be up to speed with all this new age online dating shenanigans but he did know that it was wrong to lie to a potential partner. Just thinking that one of his boys were doing just that left a bad taste in his mouth. If he could he would clip his son around the ear!
"Well no not exactly- its me and I'm myself on there I just... changed my name to Hank... And crop my photos so she can see me but not recognise me that's all! I swear I'm not lying or-or anything!" he explained willing then to understand but with the deep sighs and unimpressed looks he got it would seem they didn't understand or approve.
"Are you sure about this? What will she think if things get serious and then this young lady finds out you've been lying?" he father spoke up again wanting to hash this out. Henry faltered for a moment, he worried about that too. He was frightened that you'd get angry and leave him without even giving him a chance!
"I'm not lying, I just? just omitting certain details about my life, I'm being me I'm showing her the real quirky geeky side of me- this is? Its my one shot! The only chance I'm going to get to have someone look at me, not what they can get out of me... I'm not going to blow it or hurt her... if we get to that point then I will explain things- she'd understand she's really thoughtful and is logical" henry pleaded trying to convince both himself and his family. He cant ignore it, he was worried and had been telling himself over and over you'd understand. But he also knew it could really shake you up. But what he was doing wasn't wrong! It couldn't be helped, he thought they would understand!
"Well I hope so because you could break her heart son... And I want you to understand that, this woman could fall for you. You could really upset her when she finds out" his father finally spoke drawing the issue to a close not wanting to argue, but he still wanted henry to know what ever happens was his own fault good or bad. Not everything ends with a happy ever after, but he didn't need to voice that out loud. Henry knew, they all did.
"I know dad, I've only been speaking to her just over a week anyway, for all i know she will ghost me or something" henry nodded calming a little not wanting to fight but still it was clear to everyone henry hadn't appreciated the lecture.
"Ghosting?" he mum perked up trying to diffuse the situation not wanting this to blow up. Tensions were high and no one needed a family spat at the moment.
"Its when someone stop talking to you and ignores you for no reason" his brother revealed explaining the term to his parents. They both ahh'd in realisation but were still a little tense. So his younger brother spoke up deciding to try and be more supportive to him. And henry was thankful.
"Well how about you tell us about her henry. What's you lady freind like? What does she do?" henry quickly grinned forgetting the irritation. His family watched the sudden change as henry got the chance to boast about the woman who had caught his fancy. It was sobering to see, he was glowing with pride and excitement, overjoyed from just thinking about this mystery girl.
"She's just? God where do I start? Shes amazing and funny and wholesome... She doesn't live too far away- Shes pretty much on my doorstep! Shes really funny and nice we talk everyday and have soo much in common its amazing we like the same music and tv and just- everything! Its like talking to a female version of myself! And Shes a fan too" his family all seemed to warm to the idea of this woman until his final remark. Everyone paused. And so did he, what was so wrong about her being a fan? Why was that a red flag for them and not him?
"A fan? Henry... are you sure she doesn't know? If she's a fan she might know and be... making her answers more favourable" henry bristled at that and visibly leaned back brows furrowed and eyes glowing, showing as much anger as he dared show his mother who had spoken out against you.
"What? No! No she doesn't mum she hasn't got a clue- Shes not a fan of mine per say but? She likes my work, she's a huge lover of DC and fantasy so has seen the Witcher and she loved it! Shes really just like me! Is that really hard to believe? That there are women like me? That enjoy the same things?" what had started as a panicked explination quickly became heated and sour. His words slowly becoming uncharacteristically venomous. But Marie Ann new it was just him getting defensive, he was frightened. He had this silly belief he was an abnormality, that his interests will make him forever alone. The thing that did stand out was just how defensive he was about you. A woman he'd probably not even met yet, someone he was only chatting to. It wasn't like henry to take to someone soo quickly. It made her hopeful, that he really had found someone, found his soulmate. But she was a mother and couldn't help worry over him, no matter how old or huge her boys got they were just that. Her boys. And she will always feel the need to look after them.
"Henry please don't get angry, I didn't mean to upset you but... I worry" she said slowly trying to calm him before he got himself into a tizzy. She could see much more then he wanted her too. And right now he was anxious, probably questioning himself over this woman and the way he was approaching her. She could only hope her son was right and had covered his ass and that this woman was as understanding as he said. Otherwise henry was about to get a wakeup call like never before. It wasn't everyday a well known actor fakes a dating profile. It'd be a media shitstorm that he may not recover from.
"I.. sorry I didn't mean to- y/n isn't like that I... I just know alright she isn't after anything" henry apologized smoothing back his hair taking a huge breath and leant back once more relaxing.
"So why don't you tell us a little more about her son? You've been speaking for a week so must know a little more then her name and were she lives?" she said moving on wanting to coax more information about the woman.
"Well she has her own successful business that caters to dogs, walking, grooming and rehoming and is a kc registered breeder. Shes thirty years old and... Absolutely stunning- and no she hasn't filtered any photos either...wait here! See?! Isn't she beautiful?" Henry gushed quickly bringing up your profile picture he had saved on his phone and holding the phone to the camera. He heard a few compliments but could still see the worry in his family. He understood but he just new. He new that you were real, that you were honest and everything you said you were. You were blunt and didn't have time for games, you said life's too short for that crap. And he agreed.
"You have a photo saved already?" henry faltered at the question that had followed a round of compliments and quickly pulled his phone back flushing embarrassed he hadn't even thought of how that would look
"I.. w-well yeah... I'm gonna ask for her number soon and want a photo for my phone... We decided to stick to messaging for a while first and" he tried desperately to dig himself out of the hole he'd just unceremoniously swan dived into. But his brothers burst into laughter making whipping motions making him flush and shrink further. They were definetly going to busting his balls for this. But with a quick shake of his head he continued to gush about you wanting to side step this whole premature photo saving incident.
"she doesn't have Instagram or snapchat... she's just... I can't explain it she's just funny and sweet and genuine... I really like her.. I could easily fall for her" silence reigned after his admission and everyone saw just how serious and devoted henry was to trying to make this relationship work. His mum nodded with a smile, this was just a watch and wait scenario. This woman would either make or break her son, and all she could do was hope to god it was the former.
"Okay then love. I'm happy for you henry just be careful okay?" she finally drew the curtain on the subject and everyone sighed in relief.
"I will, I promise but you have nothing to worry about, I just wanted to let you guys know that i might have someone for you to meet in a few months" henry said eagerly, like a small boy waiting on Christmas eve. He was full of life and enthusiasm. It was nice to see this side to him again, she'd dare say he was well on his way to being loved up! Smitten.
"And we look forward to it henry, but take your time. There's no rush just enjoy yourself" one of his brothers spoke up jumping in on the conversation wanting to make it clear they all had his back whether this ended good or bad. For now they were happy for him.
"I will, we decided were wont meet for a while and just see how things go for the time being but... I have a good feeling, she's everything I've been looking for I'm really excited" henry preened trying to pace himself, he didn't need to be daydreaming in a family face time. Luckily he was pulled from the edge of his own fantasies by another question.
"You said she had a company?"
"Yeah here I'll send you the link its called Puptown! She's actually handled Kal a few times, I send him there for his nails and teeth" henry said quickly sending the link to his brother. He wasn't stupid they were going to look you up, they were worried. He might aswell sent them the link. There was a tiny bio on there of you- the owner on the staff page that had all the staffs qualifications and roles on there.
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You moved through the groom room Amii was curled up under your desk fast asleep as you began taking a stock list. Recently you'd been getting more and more white dogs in for their groom so needed to top up on the bright white shampoo and it was tick season soon so had to double check you had all the tick removal forceps, and ear powder- lots of ear powder the poodle clients had doubled over lock down after all the new puppies bought in lockdown. Every dog deserves a professional groom. But poodles needed them.
"hey boss! You doing another check?" Mandy called as she hoisted a tiny black poem into the bath. Bella a regular and very few people could actually groom her out of the five staff only two of you dared to try. And you didn't blame them this dog was a tiny savage, but the trick was not to show fear.  
"yeah, trying to prepare for summer already, you know i think this will be our busiest yet especially with lord whiskey." you muttered nibbling the pen and moving a few bottles about. Flea treatment and some dry skin conditioner were quickly added to your growing list.
"lord whiskey?" Mandy asked louder over the sound of the shower instantly Bella began snarling like the hell demon she was. On walks and about the place she was a little soppy loving lap pup, but when it came to bath time? Different dog. You cant help thinking she had a bad experiance before she came here. You sighed and placed the pad and pen down standing along side the bathe and began petting the tiny dog.
"yeah they are the vet clinic for lower incomes... They want to set up a new clinic and have reached out" you explained you had to admit the request came out of the blue and you hadn't had chance to tell everyone yet. The staff meeting was on Friday.
"that would be good!" she said slowly wetting the snarling prom that was trying her absolute hardest to frighten you both off. But alas she was no great wolf, but a teeny cute little raging fluff nugget, and to her utter dispair neither you or Mandy found her scary at all. Even if she was trying to foam at the mouth.
"yeah that's what I thought, having a vet on site... We're still talking but if everything goes acording to plane we will have the mobile vet out front while setting up the small clinic... I was thinking in the old groom rooms? They had water and electricity already and its a littl out of the way so the unwell puppets can be separate from the healthy customers" you shrugged moving around Mandy to help tend to your most vocal customer.
"so business will be booming?" Mandy said moving to rinse underneath the small feral beast. You giggled and stood Bella on her back legs as she seethed but in between her savagery she was actually licking at you, showing a hint of the sweet girl she really was. You pet her praising her promising chicken treats and snuggles afterwards. You might even pop Amii in with the others in the small day care pen. Bella liked laying on her using the huge dog as a fluffy bed.
"yes hopefully, i mean were not taking anything for them, they are a charity but hopefully we will get a few visits in the shop? And the more people know about us the more likely they are to use us!" you said you had been weighing up the pros and cons about the new venture. More people visiting the premises, more footfall in the shop and hopefully you can draw enough people to have a little pet café. Your business was right on the edge of the huge woodland park you'd always wanted a small café that serves both animals and people you want a little empire to become a franchise company and give the little guys a chance.
"And how about you? Any luck on the online dating front?" she asked with a small smile. You sighed you half regretted telling her about it. Mandy has been with you since the beginning, she was your first employee and most trusted freind. And she has been hounding you about your love life for a while now. She wants you to take a step back from Puptown and find some time for yourself, and now that the business was established and ticking over nicely it was the time to do it.
"Ooo! Oh my god your blushing!? Bitch spill!" she squealed excited as you flushed and looked away not answering her. And by doing so answering her at the same time.
"I'm talking to someone~ Hank.. He is... Funny and charming we've been chatting each night for about a week" you revealed quietly making her beam at you. Thankfully Bella chose that moment to make a mad dive over your shoulder but you managed to catch her and pop her back into the tub.
"ooo yes get in girl, you have been pouring too much into this company! Its about damn time you focused on yourself" sandy began as she washed Bella lathering the pup with a rather expensive de-sheading anti tangle shampoo.
"Please don't start, I'm doing it now and that's what matters. He is... He messaged me first and things are going good and that's where I'm going to leave it okay? I will update you as we go... I promise" you said releasing the now wet pup as Mandy began rinsing her down. You stepped back to the shelves full of half empty bottles of product. needing to change the topic to avoid daydreaming and fucking up your orders. As great as the wholesaler was this was still expensive stuff and you didn't want to unbalance the books and get more then you needed.
"Oh Bella?~ baby girl its so bad isn't it? Being brushed and washed and massaged? Then getting yourself a blow out and having a nap in the nice cosy play room?" you called over your shoulder condescendingly at the pup who was still snarling out her displeasure. She really was a little brat in the bath.
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Another week passed and you were lazing around the house having a duvet day, snuggled in bed with Amii on your lap. Normally your days off were all housework and finalizing orders or paper work but this week was different. With lord whiskey agreeing to taking the old groom room you decided to finally get an extra set of hands in management to take care of paperwork. It was strange at first but worth it. You now hade someone else to rely on, not that you didn't have managers to help out before but now you had a full time employee that's whole role was to take care of the business side and alleviate the pressure. So instead of the normal made rushes and mountain of paperwork you were in bed chatting away with henry.
He had just finished his work out and was relaxing, having a cool down before having yet another painfully boring sounding meeting with his own bosses. You sympathised. Practical work was the bomb! But the theory and paperwork kicked everyones asses. Risk assessments can eat shit! I'm a person and can asses the risk and decided to do it, why answer to a tick box system? But then again everything needed a tick in a box nowadays. You shuffled about grunting as Amii played dead on your lap so you couldn't move her from the comfy slump she was in over your thighs pinning you down.
'Soo you said you game?'  was the message that changed the subject, thankfully choosing to move on from speaking about work.
'God yes, when I can'
'What do you play? Sims and stuff?'
'depends if I'm on pc or xbox I'm more into fantasy and historic rpgs, but if I'm on my switch its little farming sims sometimes I branch out to things like shooters but not often, I like the big immersive fantasies!'
'So you really do mix and match are you playing anything atm?'
'I'm doing a re-run of skyrim with a load of mods just to spice things up. And just restarted Witcher wild hunt again'
'You like Witcher?'
'I adore it, Witcher skyrim and dragon age are my all time favourites, do you? Sorry I realise I'm just takeing over, I just get excited, I never really talk about this stuff 😅😅'
'No, no its fine I'm the same, I never really get to geek out anymore with work and stuff. I'm happy to have the chance, and I do love the Witcher too fantasy is my thing😄' henry paused for a moment. Should he? I mean you just said you were replaying it... Would it be big headed? To ask what you thought of the show? Of his performance... I mean it'd be an unbiased view, you wasn't going to try and butter him up you still didn't know it was him.
'So you've watched the show on Netflix I presume?' he typed and pressed send quickly before he lost his nerve.
'Absolutly, I binge watched it a few times.😅'
'You liked it? I know a few people didn't' henry couldn't help but dig a little deeper, he desperately wanted you to have enjoyed it.
'I loved it, but I think it was easier for me to watch bc I new what was roughly going on before hand. Most people that struggled thought it was going to be an easy watch? Like got'
'Oh come on, there must be something you didn't like?🤔🤔'
'😞okay you got me, I was a tad disappointed with geralts eyes you can do the toxic eyes and cat eye potion at least give me a teeny cat eye just a smidge🤏🥺'
'Yes I see what you mean, their could have been a little frame of it but there are always sacrifices when going from books to the big screen 😅'
'But henry's portrayal more then made up for it! That man was on point! I was so happy when they anounced it was him playing Geralt there was no way he was going to fuck it up!' henry stopped breathing. You liked it? You actually like him playing Geralt? His heart swelled and he laughed out loud for some reason you enjoying his work just... It meant the world to him! He was over the moon. Quickly his attention was drawn to his tablet again as another message pinged on screen.
'And I have a little fan theory over the whole eye issue😏'
'Hit me with it I'm all ears'
'Geralt has complete control of his eyes right? And is a softy deep down so my idea was he is always holding his pupils open so he doesn't scare anyone'
'🧐that is brilliant! It makes so much sense! 🥰🥰 its also nice to know I have a little conspiracy fangirl on my hands😁'  henry frowned heart clenching as you went quiet, he waited and waited minuets seemed like hours. His mind immediately jump to conclusions terrified you had caught him, that you'd figured out just who you were speaking to. Sweat formed on his brow as he frowned praying he hadn't got a little to close to home and given himself away. Then the dots appeared. You were typing.
'So I was wondering I know we agreed not to at first but since we've chatting every night I thought we could maybe exchange numbers? Only if you want to! No pressure. I'm just excited' henry slumped, melting into his seat. Thank fuck for that! His relief quickly became excitement at the prospect of hearing you! Actually speaking to you properly having an actual phone call? Fuck yes!
'😊😊I was actually trying to find the time to mention it myself, i know its only been three weeks but it feels much longer.'
'Omg thank god! I thought you would think i was rushing you😅here xxx xxxx xxxx' henry was quick to pull out his phone and type the number in, not wasting any time in creating your contact info into his phone book. And whislt doing that also replied to you putting you at ease.
'No not at all, I'm excited I cant wait to hear you🥰'
'Oh god don't build your hopes to high I don't have the most attractive voice it may be the deal breaker😅'
'I doubt that anything could put me off you love, your gorgeous, smart, funny, kind everything I could of dreamed of and soo much more'
'I'm glad its not only me Hank, I have to say I was frightened by how quickly we have become friends, but I suppose it makes sense we are two peas in a pod' henry grinned reading the message and nodded to himself pressing the small green call button and held the phone to his ear feeling confident as he re-read your last message.
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You hummed nibbling your lip, chewing it nervously after giving out your number. You couldn't help your mind dredging up all the horror stories of Ted bundy-esque creepy ass psycho killers, luring in prey on the internet... Fuck you were a bigger girl so easy to sweet talk. You whined and snuggled into the massive furry lump on your lap, lacing your fingers into the dogs thick fur. Petting her as your over active imagination conjured scenario's that could end up with you in a eight foot hole in someone's basement ,being told to 'put the lotion in the basket'. Jesus Christ. But it was fine right? He wasn't weirded out or anything? He seemed happy. You were sensible, or at least you thought you were.
You yipped at your phone suddenly vibrated in your hand, you almost threw it across the room. The screen lit up with 'unknown number' you swallowed eyeing the device then nodded answering the call heart beat thundering in your chest your breath picked up you made to speak but couldn't quite make sounds, unable to force the words to roll off your tongue. There was a deep chuckle, gorgeas and rumbling even if it was quiet.
"You have no reason to be frightened darling I'm just as eager to move on" you gasped as the thick voice spoke in slow syllables, calling you by the nick name he had taken to calling you. You'd asked a few girls at work about it, worried things were going to fast. But they had calmed you down saying it was his way of avoiding being freind zoned. You had to admit the cute little names always made you grin and blush, but this? God this was better then anything! His low timber and slightly more eloquent accent uttering the name sent a shiver up your spine.
A surprizing reaction in all honesty, you'd never really thought about voices much, never had a voice kink or really thought anyone could have an attractive voice. Well not a real voice anyway, sometimes characters on tv with low raspy voices got you going Geralt and Alcide to name a few. He almost sounded like the former if you thought about it... Just more refined? A regal soft lilt.  It was definetly a voice you could listen to all day, this man could read you a bloody take away menu and you wouldn't even gruff at the extortionate prices. You wet your lips and dug your fingers into the warm dog in your lap breathing deep, filling your lungs with air trying to ease yourself and draw in some courage.
"O-oh your? Really there? Really.. real?" you stuttered slowly. You chided yourself for sounding so silly, so childish. But you couldn't help it you felt completely unprepared. Which irritated you because it was you who'd offered your number, what were you expecting him to do with it? Use carrier pigeon? Of course he was going to call you.
"I'm most definitely real love" he spoke again with a small chuckle, he was clearly amused by your flustered question. You blushed and squirmed on your seat trying to breath quietly, you didn't want him to hear just how on edge you were.
"Oh gosh that's.. wow I cant even, I don't know what to say" you huffed trying to think of something- anything else you could focus on rather then the absolute sex that was his voice, then he spoke once more
"Now, now don't be shy love, I want to hear you, your voice is just as I thought it'd be" henry tried encouraging you wanting to hear you and revel in your sweet voice, wanting to commit it to memory.
"Oh? And what's that then?" you asked trying to be playfull but in all honesty you wasn't hitting the mark, you were to nervous. You'd never really thought about your voice, was it attractive? Or too high? Deep? I mean you were normal, you spoke normal and if anything sounded common.
"Pure and delicate, playful and charming all in one just like the woman it belongs to" henry's breathing hitched as you giggled. The sweet tinkling laugher warmed his heart and made him huff out a chuckle himself. He was so happy he could have cried. It was just so overwhelming to hear you finally, to put a voice to the amazing woman he was slowly falling inlove with. He sometimes grew wary thinking you were too good to be true, that you were a catfish yourself. But here and now he knew. You were as real as him and all it did was solidify his resolve, he was doing the right thing. He was falling for a genuine woman. A real woman with no strings attached, and with any luck you were feeling the same.
"well I think I just found my mans flaw~" you giggled once more blushing under the weight of all the compliments. He was really smooth, smoother then you'd thought and that was saying something.
"really darling? Care to enlighten me?" he quipped playfully you usual banter and teasing between you both flowing just as effortlessly as it had when messaging each other.
"your clearly deaf! Well have no fear, i will talk a little louder and learn some sign language for you~" you laughed out loud he joined you low echoing chuckles that sounded as if they came from a deep wide chest. It was enough to drive you mad with lust, but that may be the new found voice kink brewing.
"well its nice to know you are so committed to your man and his disability love" suddenly you froze and trembled panic and anxiety washed over you clogging  your wind pipe at his words... Fuck!
"oh god- no I? Your not really deaf are you? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make fun-" you began apologizing not quite picking up on his sarcasm. Henry was quick to cut you off and stop your guilty rambling.
"No love I'm not deaf I was just pulling your leg" his voice was strained as if he was trying not to laugh at you, but you couldn't really say anything. You were the one nervously crack jokes then immediately trying to take them back. Stumbling your wat through the very first real conversation with a man you were crushing on. God you were such a dweeb!
"oh Jesus you scared the crap out of me" you heaved a sigh wanting to bury yourself into the covers and hide despite knowing he couldn't see your glowing face.
"I apologize darling, I have only the purest of intentions... Well maybe not that pure~ but I don't want to scare you" he grinned when you gasped at his little flirtatious comment. And he wasn't kidding, he found you incredibly attractive and wanted to do all manner of very filthy things with you. It didn't help when you were sending him photos of you drenched nipples hard and drawing him in like a moth to a flame. You probably hadn't even noticed that and he was thankfull for it because you wouldn't have sent it otherwise. It was his favourite photo, apparantly it had been a husky escape from the bath as you switched his lead to another hook.
"your fine, I'm just a little nervous is all" you huffed finally somehow managing to sort yourself out and think clearly overcoming your excitement and nerves.
"I understand but just remember its just me love. So have anything else planned for today?" henry hummed sweetly before giving you a chance to change the topic, you'd never know it was because he was barely holding himself together. He was almost bursting at the seams wanted to laugh and cry and shout all at once. He was completely overwhelmed with joy and relief and wanted to listen to you as much as he possibly could.
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Both you and henry then began the nightly ritual of phone calls and texted all day. He even had a new nick name. Puppy. And he couldn't be more thrilled you'd said it was because he made tiny cute puppy whines when you teased him. But he didn't care, he would happily be your puppy anyday!
The weeks became one month, then two and before you knew it you were one week shy of three months. And that was when it happened. Those fateful words left his mouth as he spoke to you just before bed. He had asked to meet, he was certain and confident he wanted to meet you and take this further, and he hadn't really planned to ask it just happened.
"So your really letting lord whiskey in your old groom space? That's incredible, I'm so proud of you for letting them in love. It says volumes for you and your business, that its not all profit driven" henry spoke down the phone as he stirred his tea getting ready to go up to bed.
"I mean it just seems right... No matter the income everyone should be able to get medical care for their animals. And I'd be lying if I didn't hope some people will come into the shop or realise that we are here and come back for our facilities." he smiled at that. You wasn't just trying to make a great profitable business, you cared and wanted to give everyone a reasonably priced alternative to pooch care. And he was right behind you, he loved that you were trying to give owners the chance to spoil their fur babies without breaking the bank. In slashing your prices you'd attracted more customers and been making a great profit, so much so that you could afford to just give away your old groom rooms to the charity for free.
"shop? You have a shop?" he pondered padding about the kitchen giving Kal his nightly biscuit treat and motioned for him to take it upstairs. Which he didn't need to do, Kal new the jig and was already carrying the treat to the stairs.
"yeah it opened last year? The year before maybe? Its small but here with food and treats a few toys and leads... I try to use smaller businesses the brands that you wont see in the bigger shops" you said slowly and he heard a small yawn and rustle of paper. You had said you were packing up and heading to bed for the night soon.
"I may have to pop over with the bear~" he teased coyly humming to himself as he sipped his tea.
"pop over? I.. Well you could I suppose?" you hummed quietly, henrys eyes almost popped out of his head were you inviting him to ask you out? He coughed quickly trying not to choke on the mouthful of tea and then rocked his head from side to side. I mean he could come over and see you.
"I'm only ten minuet's away darling, Kensington... I've actually used your grooming service once or twice getting the bears nails and teeth done"
"oh?! I didn't know that." you said trying to picture the owners of the akita you saw, but honestly? You had soo many customers now it was hard remembering everyone, that and you wasn't really front of house now, you had more and more to deal with back of house, even with the new manager.
"well you do now sweetheart... So? Do you want to meet up tomorrow?" he asked placing his tea down in favour of crossing his fingers hoping he had read your signals right.
"Yeah of course I'm covering for walking duty tomorrow... So I can't really do anything in the morning or early afternoon" henry fist pumped and grinned faking a silent shout of victory as he managed to wrangle a date.
"That's fantastic actually... I could meet you in the park? I'll bring the bear with me and we could walk the dogs and grab a coffee or something?" he said somehow managing to quell his excitement enough to arrange the date properly, placeing a hand on his heart as it beat wildly. The realisation that he could see you- meet you face to face!
"Yeah that sounds like a brilliant idea, will noon be alright? That's when we do a switch over and go back to feed the dogs in day care so I'll have an hour lunch break" you said stuttering a little when it began to sink in that this was happening!
"Its a date I will see you tomorrow at noon love" Henry anounced eagerly suddenly tomorrow couldn't come soon enough!
"See you then puppy, good night sweet dreams" you said needing to hang up and squeal into a pillow or something.
"sweet dreams love" as soon as he hung up he was already scrolling his phone selecting the number he was after and called in a tizzy.
"Piers?! Piers! I'm? Oh god- were meeting tomorrow and fuck- I'm freaking out already! What do I say? What should I wear- kal's coming too do I put his halti on or just his collar- fuck I don't know what to do!? Please help!" he yelped down the phone to the unsuspecting man drawing a deep sigh from him before he began talking him down.
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equizona · 4 years
Hey! Can I please request Kyoya with a reader who isn't rich and is studying musical theatre and he doesn't like her a lot at first???
Of course ^^ thanks a lot for sending in the request, and I hope you like it. [This was also very fun to do, I don't do musicals and we usually only do normal ones, but I've done one musical before, and it was The story if evil, we write the thing ourselves based on the story of songs, check it out, even if its Vocaloid, their some very nice songs!]
Also I'm so sorry for Kyoya being OOC, it's kind of how I see him acting around the person he likes? Also I'm very sorry this is bad :|
Soft Voices{Kyoya Ootori x reader}
When you first started in the same year as Haruhi, Kyoya couldn't have cared less about you. Sure, he had done his usual research, but other than that you weren't anything intresting or valuable to him. However, one day you had ended up crashing into him while running down the corridor of the school, and instead of stopping to help him after you had knocked down his things, you had just continued rushing down. Which caused him to be very sour against you.
So to say he was unimpressed when you stepped into the host club was an understatement. Though he knew he couldn't act on it, since it would lower the reputation of both him and the host club. He knew you had gotten a scholarship for musical theater, but he really didn't care, so when the two girls you went with dragged you to Tamaki to rant about how the three of you had decided to come here since your practice had been canceled, he ignored it.
And he continued to do that for months. He wouldn't glance at you. He didn't like you, so he didn't see a reason to interact with you. Especially since the few times you went to the host club you would request either the twins or Tamaki.
But Kyoya was on his way to the newspaper club one day, when he heard a voice. A girl was singing. He walked closer to the door. "Drifting further away, little wish upon the waves. With eyes full of tears she regrets those days." The voice paused for a few seconds. "If the day comes that we are reborn once again..." the voice trailed off, and Kyoya wondered if the girl would continue singing.
Which she did, but the song was different. "Now kneel before me peasants." The voice went from the sad and lonely sound to an arrogant and rude tone, and kyoya frowned in confusion. What happened? He looked at the door sign, and realized this was the musical theater room. "She's a very good actor" Kyoya mumbled under his breath. He remembered seeing some of the girls who was in the club at the host club, meaning this was someone staying behind to practice.
Kyoya realized he had to get going to the newspaper club, and he promptly left.
He had originally tried talking to some of the girls, wondering if they would bring him to their practice. But no matter hoe much he tried to buy off and blackmail convince them, all of the girls were very adamant about not letting anyone see until they were done practicing for their play.
So he was left with one option. Y/N, the girl who was a commoner, just like haruhi, but in difference, a commoner he didn't like very much. So, he decided to approach you one day. "Hello there, your miss L/N, are you not?" The black haired boy spoke in his dark and silky voice, trying to make you more willing.
You turned around at the calling of your family name, only to see Ootori Kyoya. You'd been to the host club a few times, so you knew who he was. But more than anything you recognized him as the guy you crashed into in the hallway once. You still felt kind of guilty over that, but he never seemed approachable, so you stayed away.
But now he was the one talking to you first, but you'd heard he could be very cunning and manipulative, and since you didn't have a lot of money, you were slightly scared. "Yes, that me. Your kyoya Ootori, correct?" You made sure to keep your voice steady. The male hummed in agreement.
"So, is there anything I can do for you?" You asked him, giving him your best smile. "Well yes, I've been rather intrested in the musical theather lately, and so I figured I should talk to a member." He spoke up, and you beamed. Not a lot of boys actually joined theater, let alone musical theater, so one who was intrested was a score!
"Yes, of course! What would you like to know?" "Well, is there anyway I could join in on practice to see what you do there?" You frowned inwardly, he couldn't. Everyone in the group had decided that no outsiders were allowed into rehearsals after the first time. You shook your head. "Sadly you missed practice day, though it's only a few months until our play is ready and we'll be performing? You could come watch then if you'd like?"
That wouldn't do for Kyoya. He liked knowing things, and he wanted to know who had been singing. Though, mabye if he befriended you, you'd let him in? He settled with that. "Ah, well that's to bad, though is it possible we could hang out and mabye you could give me some tips?" That should work.
You grinned, before digging your phone out of your backpack and handing it to him. "Yep! That works for me! Here, give me your number." Kyoya typed his number in,trying not to groan. Kyoya knew how to hold a grudge, and he was still salty.
"And actually, I'm not sure if you remember, but during the first week, I crashed into you. I was almost late for theater, and I didn't wanna be late so I couldn't stop. Also, you were kinda scary and I chickened out from apologizing to you after that, and even if it's a bit late now, I'm very sorry about crashing into you! Anyways,I should get going, talk to you later!" Well nevermind then, mabye Kyoya wasn't so salty about it anymore.
It had been two weeks, and no matter how persistent he was, you wouldn't let him go to the practice. Not that he minded that much, you were good company, and you had a nice voice.
Besides, he kind of enjoyed when you would wait outside the host club room and wait for him, before dragging him to do something. Whether that was just walking around and talking, or you sneaking into a market to eat free samples while he face palmed at your stupidity.
One day you had brought him to an amusment park. He hadn't actually ever been there, and he didn't really want to. But you were so persistent, And had offered to pay for his tickets as well. Though in the end he ended up paying, and he didn't give you a choice.
After about a month or so, Kyoya had lost all interest in the voice he heard, and he would much rather be listening to you talk about your day, before asking him about his. And then you'd just keep on finding anything to talk about so that neither of you were ever bored.
He liked your company far more than he wanted to admit.
After about two months, he was coming to term with the fact he liked you. It was ironic, the person he had dislikes the most was now the person he liked the most only about teo months later.
Though he didn't seem to be the only one who realized he liked Y/N. As Tamaki was currently bugging him about it, the twins were laughing at his pain, and Haruhi, Mori and Honey were confused in the background. "If you like her you have to confess to her! You can be her Romeo, wait that ended badly- you can be her prince charming!"
How Kyoya wished he was walking around town with you right now. It's not that he disliked Tamaki, in fact he treasured the blonde a lot, but he could get quite tiring sometimes. As the rest of the host club could get. And he tried calming himself down like your voice always did. It didn't quite work though.
Soon the twins decided to join Tamaki though. "You know, if you like her you really should confess. I've heard shes been getting quite popular with teh boys lately. Who knows what type of person could come sweep her off her feet right under your nose." The twins cackled evily. But Kyoya realized that yes, some perverted rich boy could take advantage of her! But when had she been getting popular among the boys? If she got a boyfriend would she stop hanging out with him? Wait if they became lovers it would open an even bigger field for the two...
"Fine. What is your confession plan then?" He huffed annoyed, not wanting to admit that he wasn't really sure how he should confess to you. Tamaki lit up. "Well, the plan is.."
Kyoya hadn't liked Tamaki's plan, and he felt you wouldn't either. So he had taken things into his own hands, something he was starting to regret, because everything was going wrong.
It had started with the day being normal, but when he saw you waiting in front of music room three for him, he walked up and asked if you wanted to walk around the city that day. Your eyes had filled themselves with stars as you beamed at him, before nodding eagerly.
And so it had went, you dragging him around the city, doing random things and talking about random things as he tried to get the courage to confess to you.
Though he hadn't ever gotten the courage. He had been planning on giving up for the day since it was very late, but his phone was out of power. He had asked you borrow yours, but yours was out of power as well. So now you were standing at a bus station since it had started snowing. Kyoya groaned.
You turned towards him. "You okay Kyoya?" You questioned him, and your voice made him feel atleast a little bit better. He nodded his head. You frowned at him. "Don't lie to me." Even when your voice was stern, it was still as soft as ever.
But Kyoya knew he couldn't lie to you, so he gave into his fate. "This wasn't how today was supposed to go. We stayed out way to late, our phones are out of power and it's snowing." He couldn't help but give into his emotions and frown. He glanced at you, but you where only staring at the sky.
Kyoya didn't know how, but somehow the stars where out and it was snowing. He could feel his face heat up at the sight of the pale snow landing delicately on your own S/C skin, along with the stars twinkling in your eyes. Fuck, he was in way to deep for this.
You grinned at him. "Why do you say that like it's a bad thing? Sure we stayed out longer than we had planned, but that just means we like being with each other, right? And phones go out of power sometimes, it's normal! And the snow is lovely, don't you think?" He blinked.
But before he could give you an answer, you intertwined your hand with his and started pulling him to the right. "But no worries! I know my way home, you could just stay over at my place for the night, we don't have school so it's okay!" Kyoya's face was redder than an apple at this point. He wasn't sure why entirely. But it was a pleasant feeling.
"I love you." He spoke without thinking, no like or anything. He knew he loved you, but he hadn't been planning on saying that. And you hadn't been prepared for him to say that either considering how you stopped walking and froze.
You turned around in a split second, your E/C eyes glimmering with both confusion and surprise. "What?" You asked in disbelief. Kyoya sighed, he knew he'd never get the guts to do this again, so he tried giving himself some encouragement. It didn't work. "You head what I said."
You both started at eachother for a while, neither saying a single word. Before you grinned, throwing your arms around his neck with a hug. He frowned in confusion, he was sure you would have denied his feelings based on the long silence?
Not that he was complaining, instead he let out a relived sigh and hugged you back. You stepped away from him, grinning wildly, before taking his hand and rushing towards your house. "Alrighty, date night at my house it is!" You shouted into the night, and Kyoya couldn't contain his own smile.
Kyoya had eventually stopped talking with you about Musical theater, and the only times it was talked about was when you brought it up, or the times where he got the two of you tickets to watch one. You never asked him about why either.
But the play that you had been practicing for months to was being played at the school later this evening, and you were inviting him to watch. Even if he wasn't actually interested in playing, he was intrested in your interests, so of course he agreed.
And now you were standing in front of him dressed in a yellow wig, along with a fancy old-fashioned yellow and black dress. He couldn't see your feet, but you looked lovely. "This is so exciting! The play will be starting soon, but I wanted to see you before it started!" You grinned at him, letting your voice play out.
He gave you a tiny smile in return. And you were signaled by one of your friends to get to the stage. He waved as you ran to the stage. The lights went off not long after, and a light shone on one of your friends.
"Long, long ago there was a kingdom by the sea, it was rich and wonderful, with a young queen on the throne. But many people referred to the young maiden as the daughter of evil, for she was truly selfish. She would take and take from her pupils, not sparing any mercy to the people she should have led. However, this tale will tell more than just that, we are here to tell you poeple the story of evil, so that you too, can see the real story of that faithful day..."
The lights went off again, and a new light shone, and there was you. Music started playing, and he realized you had a microphone headset on. "Now, kneel before me peasants." Your cold eyes glimmered sadistically at the crowd, and he felt a shiver run down his spine.
He recognized that voice. It was the very reason he had talked to you at all! He was so stupid, both voices had been so soft, though he had to admit he preferred the person you where with him. But this was nice, he would make sure to support you in your dreams. They where the very reason he met you after all.
The story had ended, and Kyoya had to admit it had been awfully sad, but over all a very good story. Some of his fellow host club members where outright crying though.
He raised himself, and went over to you. You smiled, stepping away from your friends after seeing him. "You know, I feel I should tell you that the reason I talked to you was because I wanted to know the person who I had heard practicing oneof the songs. It was unexpected, but not quite that surprising to see you behind the lovely voice."
You snorted, laughing a bit at his statement. Though he was happy you didn't get mad over him lying to you. He wrapped his arms around your neck, burying his face in your H/L hair. He could feel you grin into his chest, not trying to escape from his embrace.
"You know what Kyoya?" He hummed in response. "I love you." He grinned, though luckily nobody could see that. "I love you too." "Only my voice?" "Not at all, I adore everything." "Good, because so do I."
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omniswords · 4 years
Chronicles of a Parisian Dumbass 15
new year, new chapter c: it's been a while since i've worked on Chronicles—December Mood dips are Not Delicious, plus i started streaming regularly, which has been fun! ((i’m omnistruck on Twitch if you want to check it out 🥰) but rest assured i intend to see it through to the end. i hope you've been well <3 take care, and enjoy!
From: itsdjbubbles
My dude, if your stage presence is anything like this flyer, y’all are absolutely gonna kill it at La Tortue.
Well. Luka doesn’t know about that.
It’s not like Kitty Section is totally obscure. They’ve had a stage in Paris’s annual pop-up music festival or more than one occasion. And sometimes Juleka’s tagged along to street corners with him so they could duet in hopes of more than just pocket change. And, of course, there was that whole music contest with Bob Ross and XY, but that had only ended in fiasco: their music was stolen, Rose’s vocals ripped right off the track. Luka argued up and down over the phone until he was red in the face, nearly biked down to the studio and let them have it, but he could hardly prove it. And he cared too much about it jeopardizing Juleka’s happiness to follow through.
Total corporate bullshit. He didn’t know how Jagged Stone did it. When he said so at dinner the night he gave up, his Ma only tousled his hair and said, “You’re my boy, aren’t you?”
Sometimes he thinks that’s the strongest, bravest, he’s ever been. That all his audacity peaked years ago, and he’s only gotten worse since then.
Bubbles isn’t corporate bullshit. Luka feels like he’d be able to figure out something like that from conversation alone. But their talks have been friendly—and more than that, supportive. He’s even shown a few messages to the band, just to check that he wasn’t losing his mind. And he saw how their faces softened in approval, or lit up with excitement. Even Juleka’s.
Besides, Bubbles makes music. And when he samples something, he actually credits it. He knows how to play the game. And it feels like they’re on the same side of the board.
Bubbles has that stage presence; the fact that he only needs that one shadowy picture on his profile is more than enough of an indicator. And Bubbles has a reputation that precedes him. So even if they’re on the same side of the board, it feels like Bubbles is always just a couple of steps ahead.
At least his bandmates are on the same side, and at the same step. All it took was a casual mention, during a late-night band practice, of “the bakery he keeps getting their snacks from” being all in on getting them even more exposure. They didn’t exactly do a good job of hiding their excitement, but he wouldn’t have wanted them to, anyway. Even Juleka, after practice ended, had to admit, “You did good.” And then, with perhaps a bit more snark, “Maybe she’s the one trying to impress you. “
“Stop,” Luka said with a roll of his eyes, but he couldn’t help thinking about it once the partition between their beds was up. There was no way Marinette Dupain-Cheng was trying to impress him.
…Was there?
By now, nearly a day later, Luka’s still asking himself that. Still hemming and hawing like they have more than just two weeks to get their act together. Pacing below deck with his phone in his hand, thinking about pear tarts and pretty faces instead of going to see them in person, and staring at Marinette’s phone numbers until he thinks he’s accidentally memorized both of them.
He doesn’t recognize the pattern or the area code of one of them, so he can only assume that it's an American number. But he still hasn’t mucked up the courage to text or even save the French one in his phone. Why does he need to be scared in the first place? It’s a phone number, and this is strictly business, and everything between them has been strictly business.
Well. Nearly everything. Nearly strictly.
He thinks.
Okay. Okay. All he has to do is say… what? Hi? Who just starts texting someone for the first time with “Hi?” But he can’t go writing a whole essay either, even though at least now he has the power to edit his words instead of just saying them and hoping for the best.
This is harder than it needs to be. And yeah, maybe he’s just making it harder than it needs to be, but it’s not like his brain and the shake in his hands are giving him much of a choice in the matter.
Luka switches back over to his message thread with Bubbles and shoots off a quick reply—flatterer—because maybe answering something easy will make the hard stuff more tolerable. He finds himself looking toward his guitar as though it might lend him strength… well, what the hell. It couldn’t hurt. He plays a doodle or two, idle notes, and catches himself before his fingers can drift toward the beginning of the ocean-blue song. At this point, it’s neither perfect nor good, and he can’t tell if it’s personal dissatisfaction or the numbers that the latest draft has been doing online.
Both. It’s probably both.
Messaging Marinette ends up being just as hard after his attempts at centering as it was before—because as it turns out, the whole music-giving-him-unbridled-confidence thing really only works while he’s playing it. So now he’s left still staring at the blank NEW MESSAGE screen, the cursor blinking almost tauntingly at him because of course it is. Because somehow, he can write a note telling a girl her eyes are pretty and survive long enough to see her smile about it, but he can’t send that same girl a text. It’s not like he can even see her reaction this time, anyway; that just gives him even more of an advantage.
Okay. Okay. He can actually do this. Maybe. He thinks—no, no, he has to.
With a deep breath that he holds longer than he releases, Luka opens a new message.
To: Marinette hey. it’s luka.
And like an idiot, he hits SEND before he’s even put the rest of his message together. So now he has to make a mad dash to come up with something so he doesn’t seem like a total creep for messaging her out of the blue.
For fuck’s sake. This is exactly why he writes his messages in the notes first.
To: Marinette sorry, hit send before i could finish. anyway, just wanted to tell you the band is cool with the postcard idea. i can pay you next time i come to the bakery, if that’s cool.
To: Marinette anyway, it’s really cool of you to offer your help like this. sorry if i didn’t say so yesterday, it’s kind of been... a wild time.
Luka locks his phone before he can agonize too much over what he’s sent, stuffs it away and starts pacing again. It’s not a frantic, shaky thing; no, he’s learned to keep the shakes on the inside until no one’s around to see them. He jumps when his back pocket vibrates, and he nearly drops his phone trying to fish it out. It’s only Bubbles, and he can’t tell whether he’s relieved or disappointed until his phone buzzes again. Twice. And this time, it actually is from Marinette.
From: itsdjbubbles Sorry, I was getting some stuff ready for my next project. Listen, I’m just saying. Don’t sell yourself short as this stuff. Paris is gonna hear you up there, and it’s gonna lose its collective fucking mind.
From: Marinette hi luka ☺️ no worries, i do that too sometimes. here’s the mockup for the postcard. let me know what your band thinks, i’ll do some tweaks and send it to print. sound good?
Luka balks, both at the tone of the message and at the picture she sent. It looks almost exactly like the flyer, same color scheme and everything. The only difference seems to be in the composition, which makes sense; she’s got more of the eye for this stuff, even for someone who only “dabbles.”
To: Marinette wow, this is... thank you? that was fast. and this is really well put-together. i think they’re gonna love it.
you really weren’t kidding, huh.
Luka finds himself sinking onto his bed and staring at the message thread instead of actually doing something productive. And strangely, he’s fine with that. The more time passes, the less scary it is to see her typing back, again and again and again.
From: Marinette course i wasn’t kidding. “help” is practically my middle name to the people who matter.
and i mean, there’s only a little bit of time until your show, right? so, gotta get movin.
anyway, i gotta run. my friend needs help for his summer class and i promised i’d go visit today.
Keep me posted about your band!
There is far too much in that message for Luka to need to process. “People who matter?” “Keep me posted?” The literal heart emoji at the end? He reads their messages over and over, mostly to confirm that this really, actually just happened, but he’s not going to push his luck. Maybe she just talks to everyone like that, and more importantly, the two of them haven’t been much more than a series of transactions anyway.
A... lot of transactions.
That she’s been doing a lot of giving for.
Luka tries and at least sort of succeeds at shaking the thought from his mind; he can’t read hers, and he shouldn’t try to. He sends her one last text—cool, have a good one—and switches back to Bubbles before he can worry if his words were too casual.
To: itsdjbubbles Thanks for the vote of confidence. I guess you’re not the only one? the bakery I go to, they’re offering to help too.
or, I mean, CBG is offering to help.
Bubbles’s reply doesn’t come until a few hours later. It’s presumably after that project work he mentioned, and definitely after Luka’s had some time to play out the rest of the shakes before he goes busking. His phone buzzes with the notification just as he’s about to leave, and what Bubbles has to say makes his stomach churn and his blood run both hot and cold.
From: itsdjbubbles wait. wait wait wait. hold on i just scrolled your posts.
CBG is *Marinette Dupain-Cheng?*
ohhhhhhh my dude you are in for it now.
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gallavictorious · 4 years
what about like mickey and geneva crossing paths somehow but don't know each other (i guess before the wedding bc i would guess they would have met at that point) and idk maybe she overhears him say something homophobic and she confronts him and somehow mentions gay jesus and idk. this is 100% inspired by my desire for someone to ask mickey if he knows gay jesus just for him to respond that he knows him biblically lol
Ah, this might just be the most justified desire in the world, nonnie; I salute you! Okay, let's see –
I'm thinking Geneva and a bunch of her friends decide to stage a protest of some kind. Maybe just to raise awareness of the plight of the LGTB+ community in general, or maybe in direct reaction to a store treating gay people less than right... let's be honest, there's a lot of shit happening, so it's not like it'd be hard for them to find a just cause. Brave and resolute they arm themselves with righteousness and march out in the name of their lord and savior, Gay Jesus!
March, as it happens, straight to A Certain Mall – CAN YOU GUESS WHICH? – where A Certain Disgruntled Darling – CAN YOU GUESS WHO? – works. Now, I don't think their protest is aimed at Old Army per se but maybe it happens right outside the store just next to it, and so the Gay Jesus Group and all of their signs and whatever other props they bring kind of spill over to halfway block the entrance to Mickey's workplace?
By rights this should be a case for mall main security, which I assume exists even if I have no idea what the right word for it would be, but let's pretend that they're unsure about how to intervene in a way that doesn't get them into trouble for being homophobic. Maybe their boss is a very anxious and pollitically minded person, highly unsuited for their job? Or just secretly supports what's happening? Either way, mall security does nothing. The protest continues. There's a crowd gathering, some jeering, some curious, and some in silent support. Between that and the protest itself there's not a whole lot of people making their way into Old Army which Concerns the staff working the floor there, and so they send Mickey out to deal with it.
“What's in it for me?” Mickey probably demands, savvy to the fact that this strictly speaking isn't his job, and the fuck does he care if a few hippies stand around chanting whatever so that no one can get in to the store to bother him while he dreams of all the stuff Ian and he can do to and with one another once he gets off work?
I'm not sure what the rest of the staff promise him, but it's good enough that fine, he'll go scare these rainbow kids away. So out he stomps and he immediately identifies Geneva as the ring leader, mostly because it's her holding the megaphon and leading the chants. Our highly questionable hero walks up to her, calling: “Yo! Gonna need you to pack this shit up and get the hell out of here. You're bothering the customers.”
Mickey's scary when he wants to be, that's true, but Geneva ain't no pushoever and she's used to standing up to all sorts of bullies – plus she has the unshakeable zeal of a true believer. She's not backing down, and maybe there's a small part of Mickey that can admire her courage, but a larger part is just really fucking annoyed at these people complicating his workday with this stupid crap.
Sadly (for Mickey) Geneva doesn't give a fig for his annoyance. She stares him right in the eye and launches into a spiel about how the store they're protesting has treated the LGTB+ community in a horrible, horrible way and people need to be made aware of the fact.
Mickey's face wrinkles in disgust. “And what the fuck's whining about it gonna do, huh? Someone insult you 'cause you're gay you beat the shit outta them, or you trash their fucking store to teach them a lesson, but nobody's gonna give a damn about a few signs. Besides, those ugly things” – he indicates the signs – “are boring as hell, you ain't gonna convince people of shit with those.”
(There's an alternative version of this story, I think, wherein Mickey now leaps into a lecture of how to make proper, eye-catching signs, and maybe even leads a little practical workshop in the art of it, because we know he's got an artistic streak. But as amusing as that image is, Mickey ultimately just doesn't care enough about whatever these people are doing to bother, so in this version of the story, that just doesn't happen. Sorry, guys. I cannot be blamed for Mickey not having a whole lot of communal gay spirit.)
Geneva is maybe a little surprised by Mickey's take on the whole thing, but not impressed: “Demanding that we should be interesting to be heard is putting unjust pressure on the victim of systematic oppression and – “
The crowd has followed this entire exchange with varying degrees of cautious interest and now someone – a big, beared man, probably, and likely sporting a MAGA hat too – calls out: “Nobody cares, you fucking dyke! Go suck a dick and maybe you won't be such a bitch.”
Geneva is sadly used to these sort of slurs, and she and her group are more than prepared to defend themselves, but before anyone has a chance to do or say anything, Mickey – whose face has collapsed into irritated disgust – turns around and walks straight up to the shouty bastard and gets right in his stupid face: “Yo, maybe you wanna keep your fat mouth shut, Cheeto-packer, or I'll give you a dick to suck on and I promise you, you gonna fucking choke on it.”
The man stares. The crowd stares. Geneva and the Gay Jesus Group stares too. Mickey, he just stands right there, smiling up at the far taller man; it's that dangerous smile of his, and the beared dude suddenly shows far more sense than his hat would suggest him capable off and walks away without another word.
Unperpetubed, Mickey turns back to the protesters: “So you gonna get out of here or what?”
Geneva isn't quite sure how to respond. She doesn't know what to make of this security guard and his frankly odd and contradictory behavior. “Thank you for shutting him up,” she begins slowly and a little grudgingly. “But we can't just walk away. Gay Jesus taught us – “
“Gay Jesus?” Ah fuck, he should have fucking known, and if he finds out that Ian had anything to do with this, he's going to fucking kill him...
Geneva frowns at his tone. “You know about Gay Jesus?”
Mickey's lips twist into something that's not quite a smile. “Know him biblically,” he offers sardonically, and he takes no small amount of pleasure at the sight of Geneva at an actual loss for words. (Sure, he's only known her for two minutes, but he has this feeling that it's a very rare sight indeed.)
Then he sighs; this has gone on long enough. He picks up his phone and calls his boyfriend (who has the very good sense to pick up almost immediately): “Ay, asshole, can you tell your fucking groupies to go be pains in someone else's ass?”
“... what?”
And Mickey explains while Geneva and her squad yet again stares and then Ian talks to Geneva and of course he doesn't talk her out of protesting – because she is right to to do it, let's not forget – but in the end they reach some sort of compromise that leads to the Gay Jesus Group taking themselves and their signs elsewhere, and Mickey swaggers back into the store, equally pleased and disgruntled. The staff working the floor has followed the entire thing and now they have questions, but Mickey just gives them one forbidding glare and they very hastily return to folding clothes and whatever. The customers start walking in; peace has been restored; all is well.
(And when he comes home that night the whole incident develops into a complicated – but utterly playful, never fear – argument about who owes whom what; does Ian need to make things up to Mickey for starting the whole stupid cult in the first place, or is Mickey in Ian's debt for needing him to resolve the situation? They don't actually reach an agreement on the issue, but I think it's safe to say that both of them feel quite satisfied by the time they eventually fall asleep in each other's arms.)
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schrijverr · 3 years
'Till Death Do Us Part
Part 4 out of 13
When Alex has to bring Philip to work, he and Thomas discover that they both have something in common: they lost their love. They form an unexpected bond and connection about this that grows into something more.
A medium burn with parental feelings about Philip and flowers.
On AO3.
Ships: Jamilton
Warnings: brief mentions of death
Chapter 4: Cornflowers Means ‘Delicacy’
Thomas felt as if he’d gotten Martha’s blessing to pursue Alex. He had wanted to before, but he’d felt guilty towards her, so instead he had riled the other up and argued with him.
But now…
With their tentative friendship evolving every day, the sudden email reminding him to keep living seemed like a sign. Maybe that was stupid, but Thomas was going to cling to it. Though he had to figure out how to work up the courage to flirt first.
He was absolutely hopeless at the whole thing. He’d started bribing Alex with food, making sure the other ate lunch everyday as a way in.
It was a slow process, but yesterday Alex had shown up at his office with a bag with two bagels in it when Thomas had gotten lost in his work and forgotten the time. He’d shrugged: “Seemed only fair to chip in myself for a change.”
Instead of using it as a way to thank him or something, Thomas had made a joke about Alex finally stopping with mooching off him, which had only earned him a small shove, before they had started an argument about the usefulness of the hole in the middle of a bagel.
Thomas was close to ripping his hair out in frustration.
Martha had flirted with him, he had never done this. He had no clue what he should be doing and James was absolutely no help. When he had asked him the man had simply said: “Too aroace, Tom.”
So now he was going to the one other person who could help him with this, but by God did he dread it.
“Hi, Thomas, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Hello, Angie,” he replied, holding up a bottle of red wine, “Can I embarrass myself again and have you tell me I’m stupid before helping me?”
Angelica grinned: “With love. Here, come in.”
Thomas came in and dropped the wine on the kitchen counter of her apartment, before throwing himself on the couch with a groan. That earned him an eyeroll from Angelica, who poured them both a glass of wine, before pushing his legs of the couch and sitting down.
“Pizza and a romcom?” she asked, phone already in hand.
“Yeah, let’s be fully trashy,” Thomas agreed.
“You love trashy.”
“I truly do.”
Angelica ordered the pizza and waited for Thomas to leave behind the shelter of a pillow. He finally did and took a large gulp of his wine, before he said: “I don’t know how to flirt.”
“What?” out of all the things, Angelica had not seen that coming, but the realization hit her: “Oh my God are you trying to shoot your shot with Alex?”
“Maybe?” his voice was unsure and small and Angelica was living.
“Are you for real?” she exclaimed, “Tell me everything! Leave out no details. Holy fuck, this is great.”
“Glad you’re enjoying yourself,” he said miserably.
“You can’t just ask me about advise to flirt with a guy, whom you’ve been crushing on for years while claiming you were never going to go after it and expect me to not get excited about it, Thomas. I mean come on, what changed?”
“I mean, me and Alex are kind of friends now and then-” he hesitated, unsure if he wanted to tell Angelica about the email from Martha, “then I got a reminder- it’s a long story.”
“Tell me,” Angelica demanded.
“You remember Alex brought Philip with him to work?” Thomas began.
“Yeah, that was four months ago, though.”
“Well, me and Alex talked and I told him about Martha, because Philip had told me about John, remember that?” he asked.
Angelica nodded.
“He called me,” Thomas went on, “It was John’s birthday and he was struggling and I had told him he could always talk to me and stuff, so he did. We bought Philip a Halloween costume and then we went to John’s grave so that he could show it to him.”
“Oh shit,” Angelica took a big gulp of her wine, “That’s a lot heavier than I was expecting, sorry. I didn’t know that part, he told us he handled John’s birthday well.”
“I mean, he did, sort off,” Thomas said, “Don’t let him know you know, I don’t know if he wanted me to tell you. But in the end it was a good day.”
“John loved Halloween.”
“Thought so, Alex mentioned Philip getting excited about his costume,” Thomas told her.
Angelica cringed in sympathy.
“Anyway, we spend John’s birthday together and after that it was different in the office and stuff and I brought him lunch-”
“You brought him lunch!”
“He had forgotten, what was I supposed to do? Was that weird?” Thomas sounded scared, Alex hadn’t seem to mind and he did it after. WouldAlex be mad at him?
“No, no, not bad,” Angelica quickly assured him, “Just sweet.”
“Then why did you react like that?” Thomas hissed, stress outing itself.
“Because I haven’t seen Alex eat in break room since forever,” Angelica replied, “He deflects every time I asked, we were already planning an intervention or something.”
“Oh,” Thomas didn’t know what to say to that, “Well, you don’t, he’s been eating fine.”
“Thank God for that, Eliza can be scary.”
Thomas huffed out a laugh at that, before proceeding: “So, I brought him lunch and he thanked me and said that I could call him if needed too.”
“How precious.”
“So I did,” Thomas decided that after sharing about John’s birthday to Angelica it would only be fair to tell her about himself as well, “Because Martha had send me an email – it was a site thing, send emails to the future and stuff – and, well, that was an unexpected punch to the gut.”
“Are you okay, Tommy?” Angelica’s brows were concerned, “I didn’t hear you about it.”
“It’s fine, Angie,” he assured her, “Me and Alex watched movies all day and just reminisced about her, it was nice. But in the email, Martha told me to move on from her.”
“She knows you too well,” Angelica smiled softly, she had known Martha herself and had seen first hand how devastated Thomas was after her death.
“Yeah, so that’s what I’ve been trying to do for the past few months, but I. Can’t. Flirt,” he fell back dramatically once more.
“God, you’re hopeless,” Angelica said, “Luckily I am here to save you, I am the best wingwoman known to man.”
“I hope you’re right, because being friends with Alex is killing me. Do you know how cute that motherfucker can be?” Thomas told her, “He has these big ass smiles and these little giggles and they are designed to kill me.”
Angelica smiled fondly, slight hurt in her eyes as a different person with the same complaints flashed in front of her eyes.
The bell rang and Angelica quickly got their pizzas before she sat down to form a game plan, which she privately named ‘Plan Jamilton’.
“Okay, so first up, what is a regular day with Alex like? So an office day, but then I don’t have to hear about your boring meetings unless Alex is involved,” she asked.
“I get in, he’s usually in the break room getting coffee, we talk – well, argue, but not mean – about whatever, we work, we eat lunch, then work some more, then I tell him to home if it’s not Tuesday or Friday, because he goes home earlier on those day, because he has to get Philip from school,” Thomas listed, then shrugged: “Meetings are still the same.”
“Huh, is that why I couldn't find him last Tuesday?”
“Yeah, normally Philip gets picked up by one of his Aunts or Un- you know that, sorry,” Thomas cut himself off.
“I know the others pick Philip up from time to time and that Alex hires a babysitter, I didn’t know there was a pattern,” Angelica confessed, “I’m more the fun Aunt that shows up from time to time with presents, Eliza is more the overly involved Aunt, but that’s fair since Philip was in her for nine months.”
“Anyways, you and Alex seem to talk a few times during the day. Morning and lunch and before he goes home, all good opportunities,” she suggested.
“I’m aware, but then I’d have to know what to say, don’t I, Angie,” Thomas pointed out.
“Alex is a natural flirter, give him a push and he’ll do most of the work.”
“But then what do I do? How do I react to him flirting? That’ll be bad for my soul,” Thomas whined.
“Think of it like banter, you two do it all the time,” Angelica rolled her eyes, “Just maybe make it a bit more suggestive here and there, add innuendos. I think you can manage that.”
“And what if Alex thinks it’s weird or if he’s just doing it because he’s flirty?” Thomas worried, “I mean, you said it yourself that he’s naturally flirty, what if he doesn’t think anything of it and then I am the weird one and he hates me.”
“He’s not going to hate you, you idiot,” Angelica rolled her eyes, “He likes you.”
“What? How do you know that?” Thomas needed answers and he needed them now.
“Technically, I don’t, but-”
“Then you have no ground to stand on and I shouldn’t risk it.”
“Let me talk, Thomas Jefferson,” the full name shut him up, “As I wanted to say: Technically, I don’t know for sure if he likes you, but he has stopped complaining about you and last week he said you might have shit ideas on company policy, but you had great taste in classical writers. He loves classical writers. That’s huge for him.”
“That’s hardly anything, Angie.”
“And Laf asked me what was up between you two,” Angelica played her ace.
“Laf thinks there is something up between us two?” Thomas took the bait as predicted, hopeful puppy eyes that shouldn’t be adorable on a 6’3, grown man.
“Yeah, he said – and I quote – Hm, did you notice anything off between mon petit lionand our dear Thomas, those two seems to be getting closer,non?”
“Your French accent is horrible.”
“Not the focus, Tommy. The focus is that he wiggled his brows about it.”
“He wiggled his brows?”
“Yes, he only does that if he is super certain of his observations or if he knows something. I’m still figuring out which one it is,” Angelica informed him.
“So maybe Alex said something to him?” Thomas suggested.
“Maybe, but you’d have to ask him.”
“I’m not going to ask him.”
“Why not?”
“Because he is a nosy Frenchman, who doesn’t know when to stop meddling and he’ll embarrass me in front of Alex, I’m sure of it,” Thomas whined.
“He’s not that bad, Thomas. Get over yourself,” Angelica told him, taking a bite out of her pizza slice.
“No, one time I told him I was considering celebrating my birthday and he threw me a huge surprise party – granted, it was sweet of him, but also no, not for me – with like a live band and stuff. It was way too much.”
“Okay, so maybe not ask Laf directly,” Angelica conceded.
Thomas eyes suddenly lit up with inspiration and he exclaimed: “You could ask him!”
“No!” Angelica protested immediately.
“Why not?” Thomas was pleading now, “For me.”
“Because then he’ll know for suresomething is up and talk to either you or Alex and then your whole plan will still be ruined,” Angelica explained, “You just need to trust me and flirt with Alex. I swear it will be fine.”
“But what if it isn’t?”
“Then I’ll get you ice cream and chew out Alex,” she promised.
“I hate it when you make a point,” Thomas complained.
“And I hate eating without playing a movie, we both make sacrifices,” Angelica rolled her eyes, completely unimpressed as she took another bite of her pizza, almost as if to make a point.
In the end they did watch a movie. It was a shitty romcom, as promised, and every time someone flirted Angelica rated it and advised for or against the method. Thomas wasn’t sure if he wanted to strangle or hug her.
He still didn’t say anything for almost a week and a half, until he found himself in the printer room with Alex.
“Honestly, Thomas, you can’t possibly think that saying a cloud and rain are the same makes any sense,” Alex rolled his eyes, pushing some buttons on the printer.
“No, just think about it, okay? Clouds are water, rain is also water, correct?” Alex grudgingly agreed, “A cloud is basically water floating around until it gets cold and falls, so therefore rain is basically just a cloud falling.”
Alex paused, processing his words, before he said: “Oh my God, shut up.”
“Make me,” Thomas had been so caught up about winning their argument that he hadn’t even thought before letting the slightly suggestive words slip out.
Now they both paused. Thomas looked shocked at his own words and Alex studied him curiously, his eyes scanning him up and down, before he smirked and asked: “Is that a threat or a promise, Tommy? Because you really shouldn’t say things you can’t deliver on.”
Then he grabbed his papers and left Thomas gaping like a fish on dry land as he tried to process the entire interaction.
Alex was internally panicking as he hightailed out of the room, hoping to leave Thomas before the man had gathered his wits again. Sure, Thomas might have started it, but Alex had taken it a level further.
He’d wanted to flirt with Thomas, but they only just started to be friendly. Well, maybe not just, but it wasn’t as if they had stopped being rivals that long ago.
It was just…
It was just that Philip had really liked Thomas, he was still sometimes asking about how Mr. Thomas was doing. And the man had done so much for him on John’s birthday. And he had looked so vulnerable with the email and Alex had never seen that side of him and his stupid crush was developing at an alarming rate. And he didn’t want to acknowledge it or make it real, but…
Butnow he might have made it weird.
Fuck, what was he going to do? Oh, wait, Eliza was picking up Philip today – normally he would do it, but school ended early that day so Eliza had offered – and it was after lunch, so he wouldn’t see Thomas today and he could talk to her and have a plan tomorrow.
With that in mind, he tried to forget about the whole incident and work till the end of the day, losing himself in his work and hoping he wouldn’t run into Thomas.
He left at five on the dot and at half past five he was knocking on Eliza’s door. She opened, but before she could say anything he blurted out: “I flirted with Thomas today. I think he started it, but now I’m thinking it might have been me.”
She blinked, then blinked again, before she pulled him into the house: “Tell me everything. Is this the great Mr. Thomas Philip was telling me about? The one you’ve been crushing on and didn’t tell me and I had to hear about from Herc?”
“Maybe?” he squeaked.
He and Philip ended up eating dinner with her and Maria and afterwards Maria watched a movie with Philip, sending them a knowing look that made Alex blush.
Alex had known Eliza since Freshman year in college. He and her had hit it off right away, even dated for a while, but then John had taken a break from the army to study and- well, they just found they were only dating to prove something to themselves.
The point was Alex told Eliza everything. She’d been the first to know he fancied John, had helped him pick an outfit for their first date, had been there for ring shopping and wedding planning. She had carried Philip for nine months for Pete’s sake.
Yet he had hesitated with telling her about Thomas.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, but if he told her it would be real, because telling her made it real and he was scared of this being real.
But now it was going to be real.
It was going to be real because Thomas had said something slightly suggestive and Alex had taken that as a sign to blatantly flirt with the man. It was going to be real, because he was going to tell Eliza.
He started up slowly, hesitating about certain parts, what to say and what not, but in the end the words started to flow out of him like they always did.
Alex told Eliza about how he’d thought Thomas was attractive, but had pushed that down with the personality, but then he’d been nice to Philip and that had stirred something inside him again. He told her about John’s birthday, the endless jokey lunch discussions, Martha’s email, how he the feelings had been building up until he had blurted out his comment that day.
All throughout Eliza just listened and nodded along until his word vomit session was over and he just sat there and breathed.
“It sounds to me,” she began carefully, “like you really like Thomas and that he is a good influence on you. And if I understood correctly, he has proven himself to be willingly involved with Pip. He sounds like a catch, ‘Lexi.”
“He is,” Alex sighed with a smile, then slightly sadder he added, “I just don’t know what to do. I might have scared him off today.”
“Come on, don’t be so deprecating. I knew you in college, you can woo him,” Eliza encouraged him teasingly.
“Wow, thanks, ‘Liza,” he huffed.
“I’m serious, ‘Lexi. You can flirt and you know it, you’re a charmer if you want to be, when you’re not, you know, forcing people to have opinions they need to defend,” she said, “Though, Thomas already knows that, since-” she gestured vaguely, “since you two do that.”
Alex laughed at that, before he turned more serious: “What if I fuck this up, Betsy? What if I do something wrong? What if Pip gets hurt by this? I don’t know how I’d live with myself if this hurts him.”
He only called her Betsy if he was really worried about something.
“Hey, Alexander, look at me,” if he was calling her Betsy, she was pulling out full names, “You’re not going to fuck this up, you just need to be patient for a moment.”
“Have you been hanging around Burr?” Alex groaned.
Eliza rolled her eyes at him: “No and just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean they can’t have a point.”
“He should have points, ‘Liza, that’s the entire point,” Alex told her.
“I am not having this discussion with you right now, we were focusing on something else,” she knew deflection when she saw it, “We were talking about Thomas and you wooing him.”
“What? Do you have a battle plan or something?”
“Of course I have.”
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best?”
“You could stand to mention it more,” she smiled, “Now, you are flirty, which is great everyone will say that you are. He knows Laf, he’ll ask if he’s curious and Laf is how we keep tabs on him. Trust me, he will come talking if Thomas ever asks him anything like that.”
Alex laughed: “Remember when Herc said he had a date and Laf showed up at the restaurant in a disguise to check on her, because she had ‘weird vibes’?”
Eliza snorted and nodded at the memory, before moving on: “So we have a route of communication, sort of, to tell how the flirting is received. If it’s good, you can ask him out. If not, well, I have ice cream and a shoulder to cry on.”
“Betsy, you are the best of women, honestly. If you weren’t so gay, I’d marry you,” he told her with a grin.
“Like I said, you’re a charmer,” she ruffled his hair, before ushering him and Philip – who had been elated about the later bedtime – out the door while reminding him to tell her everything from now on.
He left with that promise to her and a lighter heart.
The next day started like any other, with Thomas finding Alex in the break room like nothing had happened. For a moment Thomas worried the other was going to pretend that nothing had been said, crumbling his resolve to start flirting today.
“Hi, Alex,” he decided on his normal greeting, just to test the room.
Alex turned and smiled – it was that stupid bright smile that did things to Thomas – then said: “Hi, you’re looking good today? New pants?”
They weren’t new and Thomas knew that Alex knew that, because it was an outfit he’d worn many times. The comment eased some of his anxiety about this as he replied: “No, but glad you’re finally appreciating my impeccable sense of style.”
The eyeroll Alex gave him couldn't have been stopped even if he tried, so he just winked: “Nah, you still dress overly colored. Maybe I can help you find a better sense of style. Those pants would have to come off for that, though.”
Then he sashayed away like he hadn’t left Thomas blushing, pouring coffee over his hand because he wasn’t paying attention to the coffeepot.
And for the next few daysit continued like this. Their arguments that had turned into banter had now turned into flirting.
They were dancing around each other like teenagers afraid to be rejected for prom and the whole office had probably caught onto it. Alex was sure of that with all the looks knowing they were getting.
This was confirmed when Washington made him stay after a meeting in which some flirty comments had slipped into their debate, he raised a brow at Alex and asked: “What happened to the ‘nothing like that, sir’?”
Alex blushed heavily and squeaked: “Back then it wasn’t.”
“So it is like that now?”
“Sir,” it was a whine and Alex would deny it later.
“Alex,” Washington just replied, completely nonplussed.
“Ugh,” Alex groaned, this softly said: “Maybe? Not yet. I don’t know.”
“Well, Thomas is a good man, be kind to him,” Washington told him, a slight warning in his tone, before he got protective, “And be careful with yourself too, son.”
“I’m not-” Alex cut off the standard reply, because it was really not true at this point, so instead he nodded: “I will, thank you, sir.”
Washington send him away with some paperwork and an order not to stay late again and Alex promised he wouldn’t, because he was picking up Philip today and he had promised the kid they could go to a park after school.
Philip was so excited to see him and Alex pushed him on a swing and caught him when he wanted to jump off.
During dinner Philip asked: “How is Mr. Thomas? He was nice, why doesn’t he come around again? He came that one time and you are friends now, right? Why doesn’t he come around like Uncle Herc and Uncle Laf do?”
“It’s a bit complicated, Pip,” Alex said after a moment, “Me and Thomas are friends, but it just never flowed like that.”
“You always says I can change my own path, why can’t you?” God, sometimes Pip was too smart for his own good.
“I’ll see if he wants to come to movie night with your Uncles and Aunties. Does that sound fun?” he might regret this, but the look on Pip’s face was worth it.
He didn’t approach Thomas directly, with all the flirting he didn’t want it to come across as asking for a date. If he was going to ask Thomas, he was going to ask it better than that. Instead he approached Angelica: “Hey, Angie, can I ask you something?”
“Depends on what it is.”
“For movie night, I, uhm, well, I wanted to ask Thomas to come, but that’s weird, because it would be me asking, so I wanted to ask if you could invite him to come along?” Alex hoped she would say yes.
Angelica smiled pleasantly and Alex dreaded her answer: “Why is it weird when you do it?”
“Come on, Angie,” Alex whined, “I’m sure you and Eliza gossip about me. You know what this is about. If I ask him out, I’ll do it differently than a group movie night, because Pip wanted to see him again.”
“You’re gonna ask him out?” Angelica asked excitedly.
Alex cursed his stupid mouth and said: “Maybe. It’s still new and stuff, but eventually, yeah, it’s the plan at least. Don’t tell him though, please.”
Angelica cooed: “You are too cute. I won’t tell, don’t worry.”
“Will you ask him?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you,” maybe there was a bit too much force in the words, but Alex didn’t care.
That Friday Alex was more anxious about movie night than he had any right to be. It was usually hosted at his house so that he could put Pip to bed on time, before they watched non-kid movies, though everyone had a soft spot for the animated movies.
He had checked everything over multiple times and the only thing distracting him was Philip’s latest car parkour.
Herc arrived first, sweeping his nephew into his arms and being a calming enough presence that Alex had relaxed by the time Eliza and Maria along with Peggy showed up.
Then Angelica arrived with Thomas in tow. He greeted Alex awkwardly: “Sorry, is this okay? Angie said it was, but I don’t want to intrude.”
Luckily Alex didn’t have to answer, because Philip came running: “Mr. Thomas! Mr. Thomas, I have started keeping my drawings in this book and it’s already pretty full, do you want to see? We’re going to watch Mulantonight? Have you seen Mulanbefore? Did you like it?”
Thomas smiled: “Hey, kiddo, how about one question at a time? I’d love to see your drawings.”
Philip cheered and dragged Thomas away, who send Alex an apologetic look, though Alex didn’t mind having the pressure of him. He was distracted by Angelica: “That went well.”
“Yeah, you dork, it’s going fine,” Angelica assured him, “Now, I want something to drink. Do you have popcorn?”
Lafayette arrived last. By the time he came knocking they had all the snacks set out and the movie was waiting. He bustled in: “Bonjour, Bonjour, sorry I’m late. There was traffic and I was sleeping.”
“Uncle Laf!” Philip was off the couch and at Laf’s side in seconds, these nights would always make him excited enough that he dropped off early.
“Ah, mon petit neveu, how are you?” Laf hugged him tightly.
Philip babbled excitedly: “I’m going to become an artist. I showed Mr. Thomas my drawing book and he says they’re really good and my teacher says so as well.”
“Mr. Thomas?” Laf asked, he hadn’t been around often lately with his job keeping him busy and traveling. He had seen something was up, but he hadn’t gotten the note that the two were doing something about it and he hadn’t heard Philip about it yet either.
From the couch Thomas spoke up: “Hi, Lafayette. How was your week? Heard they needed you back in Paris?”
“Thomas! What une surprise!” Laf said and they had a conversation, which was more an interrogation how he’d ended up here. Alex saved Thomas by telling the nosy Frenchman that they were worked together on his financial plan and Thomas was not so bad ‘yes, Laf just like you said, I know.’
Movie night went great, they watched Mulan first and Philip kept asking Thomas questions throughout the entire movie, which Thomas answered dutifully. This amused the other adults greatly.
By the end the excitement had died down and Philip was nodding off. Alex left Eliza in charge of refilling the snacks, while he got Pip ready for bed.
When he got back the only spot left was right next to Thomas, he suppressed an eyeroll at his friends antics and sat down, knowing Laf would be all over this when the night was over. But for now he didn’t care.
He and Thomas had watched movies together before, albeit under different circumstances, but it was nothing new. Though he had forgotten how warm Thomas was and – now that he thought about it – he was kind of tired.
Slowly he slid sidewards throughout their viewing of The Patriotuntil he was leaning on Thomas’s shoulder, fighting to keep his eyes open. In the distance he felt something shift and the he slid further, a warm arm resting over him before he drifted off completely.
When he awoke it was dark and he was tucked in on the couch, cold and alone.
He sat up in confusion until his eye fell on a note in a familiar cursive handwriting that was too pretty to belong to someone in this century. It read: You fell asleep. We thought it better to let you be. Thanks for inviting me, I had fun. Sleep tight. x, T.
And honestly that little ‘x’ shouldn’t have made Alex blush. He looked up to a picture of John and whispered: “My dear Laurens, I think I’ve fallen in too deep already.”
The picture didn’t reply, instead John’s smiling face stayed static, but Alex still found it comforting to have John looking at him with something akin to encouragement. John would want him to be happy, he had always tried to do what he thought to be best for Alex, for Pip.
“You’re right, Jacky, I shouldn’t be dancing around this,” he said, “It’s just hard. And I’m scared,” he huffed a laugh, “Isn’t that ironic? After everything I’ve been through the great Alexander Hamilton is scared of asking someone on a date.”
He paused for a moment then said: “Don’t look at me like that, you asked me on our first date, you rash motherfucker. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you springing it on me when I was almost collapsing after finishing a paper. I got you with marriage, though, so even-Steven.”
It was comforting to talk to a picture of John, it was different when talking to his grave, less heavy when not surrounded by stones. Was it probably slightly strange? Yes. But Alex had been strange his entire life.
“Maybe I should be a bit rash for once, pick up your slack,” he told John, ignoring that his friends always said that they were both too rash and it was bad for their health that the two of them got along so well, “I think I’m doing it.”
That weekend he made a plan, had to double check something with Philip and worry-rant at Eliza, she was a great listener, he truly loved her.
Then Monday morning it was time, God he was nervous as he waited at Thomas’s office, where the man usually dropped his stuff before starting his day.
“Hey, uhm, this might be weird, but Pip told me about the vase in your office and if I remember correctly it was empty Friday, so I got you these,” Alex held up a bouquet of purple flowers, “It’s- they’re cornflowers, I hope I remembered correctly.”
Thomas took them, a bit stunned, his eyes slightly sparkling.
“I looked up their meaning. They mean ‘delicacy’, but also ‘be gentle with me’ and I thought that very fitting, because you’re – this is sound weird – but you’re very cute in an ‘I want to protect you’-way,” Alex was stumbling over his words, “But it’s also a request – the ‘be gentle with me’-part, I mean –because-” he swallowed and hesitated, “Well, you see, I- I was wondering if you- you would like to go on a- uhm, on a date. With me. This Friday. If you want. You don’t have to of course, maybe I’ve read this whole thing wrong and that’s fine, but if you do want to then I’ll be happy- more than happy, actually-”
“I’d love to go on a date with you this Friday,” Thomas told him, blush coloring his cheeks and a bashful smile tugging on his lips.
Alex grinned the grin that did things to Thomas as he replied: “That’s- Yeah, great, I- uhm, I’ll text you details?”
“Yeah, okay. Then I’ll go put these in water. Thank you, Alex, they’re beautiful,” Thomas walked away, flowers in hand, planning to yell at Angelica through the phone.
Bit of a more lighthearted chapter after all the grief and angst lmao
Also, always lovely when I get to the part of ‘and now they flirt’ only to realize that I do not know how to flirt and I have no clue how to write it. Ooof. So shout out to time skips xp
Side note: this → “well, they just found they were only dating to prove something to themselves.” is not invalidating the fact that Alex is bi, just that Eliza wanted to prove to herself that she wasn’t a raging homosexual while Alex wanted to prove to himself that he wasn’t in love with John.
Also I thought it was very funny that they thought to use Laf to keep track of the other, only for both to tell him absolutely nothing
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decayandfanfics · 3 years
The great book of sayings
PAIRINGS: Tomura Shigaraki x FemReader
SUMMARY: He looks at you, his scarlet eyes fixed on yours, burning a hole through your head, every bit the predator he is, but you are as tough as it gets, so, against your better judgment and any well-founded logic, you answer his silent threat, the animalistic look he gives you with nothing less than a fearless smirk, irises burrowing into his pupils.A clever girl. He thinks, finally labeling you inside his head, cursing himself in the very moment he allows his brain to think of you as more than an asset. He is sure (he knows himself enough to know) he’ll think of this moment many times from now on.A clever pretty girl.
Reader is a typical college student until she gets herself tangled with the league of villains.
WARNINGS: Unhealthy/complicated relationships, violence, Tomura being Tomura, mentions of murder, heroes’ abuse of power, smut later.
A/N: I’m trying so hard to write crusty boy here really in character. At least after AfO is taken. Any misspelled words, english is not my native language so i’m trying Helen. ________________________________________________________
Chapter 9 / Chapter 10
It takes two to Tango.
It’s always like this after using it, but of course a quirk like this would come with some dangerous side effects.
You watch your reflection in the mirror, all dark eyebags and bloodshot eyes. At least the bleeding has finally stopped, but the sink is a bloody mess, and the trash can is full of paper soaking in blood.
It feels awful, really. Physically and emotionally.
You could still feel Dabi’s bones bending under your quirk. His muscles and tendons stiffen like hard rock as the blood stooped its flowing inside of him.
As always, you let the anger get the best of you. It’s your worst defect, and now it will cost you dearly because there is no way the league lets you live after what you’ve done to Dabi. Shigaraki will decay you and that will be all, and if you weren’t as exhausted after all the crying and the bleeding, you would be fucking losing it.
A soft knock in the door forces you to clear your face from the tears before opening, shoving down the nausea at the idea of facing your imminent death.
“can we talk?” Toga asks, her soft face adorned with a little frown.
You let her in and close the door again, sitting over the toilet.
“I’m very sorry for what I did, Himiko-chan.” You sob quietly.
“I know. Hey…hey, don’t cry. I’m not mad.”
“I hurt you, I didn’t think clearly, I was so mad...”
“hey, it’s fine.” She states, her little hand touching your shoulder, trying to calm you. “I mean, when I first came to the league, Tomura, Dabi and I almost killed each other, so…I understand.”
“it’s not the same, Toga. My quirk is…I almost killed Dabi and I didn’t even touched him. I just…I, I’m supposed to help people, try to keep it down, but when I get angry…I’m a monster and now Shigaraki is going to kill me…”
“No, don’t say that. That’s not true.” Her voice is soft when she clutches in front of you. “look at me, hey. Look at me. We are friends. You just got angry. And you didn’t hurt me, and Tomura and Compress are fine. It didn’t hurt. It was weird but didn’t hurt. And Tomura-kun is not going to kill you.”
“If Tomura-kun wanted you dead, you would’ve been an hour ago.” She answers, rolling her eyes. “can you tell me about what just happen? What is with your quirk?”
“it’s pretty simple, actually. It is call Torment. Is the ability to manipulate living tissue, tensing nerves, contracting muscle and bending bone. It’s a useless variation of a healing quirk, but I cannot grow new tissue, only manipulate it. I can keep wounds closed, I can relax your nerves, I can break your bones and stop your blood from flowing. I can stop your heart just by moving a finger and torture you by contracting all your muscles and nerves, but it’s dangerous for me. It’s too much effort to control a whole body, less alone four of them. I bleed, and I ache.”
 “wow. That’s why you look so terrible.”
“yeah” you laugh cleaning your tears. “I guess I do.”
“how do you feel now?”
“a little better. Still like shit, but I’ll be fine.”
“Compress and I will be going to the store. Do you want something?”
“To the store? With what money?”
“A girl has her ways.” She teases softly “want some sweets?”
“Yes. I need to eat something. It’s…Dabi there?”
“no, he went out. Tomura-kun told him to go chill outside.”
“Okay. I’m going to get out now...”
“don’t be scared. You’ll be fine. Dabi asked for it anyway and…he sometimes can get very nasty with Tomura. He deserved it.”
“Himiko…thank you.”
You gather your courage and step out of the bath, finding your apartment as messy as you left it an hour ago, but this time is empty.
Thank god.
You give yourself to the task of collecting your destroyed laptop and removing the broken table from the view, looking for a way to repair the detached leg, trying to clean and erase any trace of the fight, enjoying your solitude for the first time in more than a week.
“this is going to cost me.” you say to no one, preparing yourself to the idea of buying a new computer as you move to your room. “I don’t have any extra money to-”
“I always knew you were hiding something.”
“FUCK!” You scream letting the pieces of your laptop fall again, covering your face with your hands when you notice Shigaraki’s arm crossed figure leaning against the wall besides your door. “dammit, Shigaraki. You cannot just…appear behind other people’s doors.”
“that’s debatable.” He remarks, an amused grin plastered in his face.
He watches you and something inside of you twist between excited and scared as his eyes scan you head to toe, the gears of his brain turning inside his head.
“C’mon. I’m curious about it.”
“I bet you are.” You spit annoyed.
“Careful now. Look where that bickering mouth of yours got you an hour ago.” He warns you entertained.
“Don’t you dare to patronize me.” You warn already tired, a hand rubbing against your temple.
“I’m just asking about that funny little quirk you have. That and the little display of rage, who would have thought!”
You stare at him, weighting your options to no avail.”
“I can manipulate living tissue. Muscle, bone, nerves, blood. That’s all.
“That’s a pretty boring answer to such a memorable show.”
“This is stupid. What did you expect me to do, huh?” you snap.
“What makes you think I expect you to do anything?” He asks cunningly.
“You know what I mean.”
“no, I don’t.” he laughs.
“It’s just…I hate bullys. And he’s been trying his best to get on my nerves since day one and I could…I mean, i…I just…”
“you what.”
“I cannot stay there and let him berate people like it’s not important!” You can feel the verbal vomit gathering inside your throat, if you keep like this, you are going to say something you will regret.
“but it’s not.” He states rolling his eyes. “I didn’t care about what he said. You didn’t have to say anything.”
“but I care!”
"About what he does? or is about wh-"
"it's about what he said of you!"
"It doesn't matter wh-"
"Yes, it does!" 
“why d-”
“because I like you!”
The moment those words are out, you smack your palm against your mouth, fully convinced you made a horrible mistake, so honoring your sense of self-preservation and improvisation, you oblige yourself to make some verbal stunt just to get out of this one, because you have a horrible scary feeling about the hungry look he’s giving you.
“I mean, I thought we could get along…all of us. Despite everything, I think highly of you, and I know you are a villain- villains who wants to destroy everything, but I thought we could be…”
“Friends? are you hearing yourself?” He spits; his mouth twitched in a hateful grimace.
Fear shoots through you in less than a second. Suddenly he looks more taller and menacing, as his steps makes you retrieve, until your back hits the wall on the corner of your room.
Yeah, you may not be afraid of Dabi, but Shigaraki Tomura is a completely different story.
“What are you doing.”
“What am I doing?”
“Get away from me.” you bark scared, as your eyes ignite in clear warning. The dark feeling pooling at the pit of your stomach send shivers through your spine, lifting the hairs of your neck in terror.
“Make me.” Shigaraki growls lowly the moment one of his hands trap your chin roughly, his pinky safely curled against his palm, but even like that you can almost feel how close you are from certain death.
He is pissed out of the blue, your brain failing at finding the exact moment shit went down before he decides to finally kill you, yet you don’t get it, all you did was…
He winces scanning your face searching for something, and the moment his eyes stops over your lips, you recognize the feeling.
He snarls like a wolf, looming over you, looking like he’s ready to kill you.
Or eat you.
“Are you done playing dumb?” he asks darkly, and you can feel the warm of his breath against your own lips and something far more complex and exciting than plain fear roaring inside your chest, begging you to push forward, begging you to kiss him.
“I said…are you done playing-“
“WE ARE BACK!” You both snap your heads to the door the moment Toga enters, screaming cheerfully while leaving a bag with candy over the counter, and before you know, Shigaraki is at the other side of the room, staring at you like you transfixed, digging his nails deeply in his neck, before storming out of the apartment, leaving you there, rooted in your room, finally remembering how to breathe.
“What’s wrong with him?” Compress asks as he handles you a pack of gummy bears.
You can still feel the warmth of his hand against your face, your lips still tingling with longing.
“I have no idea.” You lie.
Chapter 11
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baekberrie · 4 years
🌸him&her ➸ bbh pt.6🌸
Tumblr media
Genre: fluff, romance, slight angst, highschool AU
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Tag list: @byunfirstlady​, @cbxtual​, @j-ngin88​
- Previous
The clock ticked 1 am, Baekhyun's heart ticked broken.
He couldn't help but get overwhelmed by the raw emotions of rage, frustration, and guilt when he stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. His lip was busted and bruises were burning painfully on the surface of his skin. A scowl twisted his lips at the sight, how he hated his own reflection. It reminded him of how weak he turned out to be day after day although experiencing things that should've made him grow stronger. And yet, Baekhyun never saw any changes. Especially when he'd observe it after being beaten up for the hundredth time by the same assholes, it counted another hundredth time of failure to stand up for himself. His mother had shed tears when he had returned home that day, with red, swollen eyes and blue marks all over his body, worry pooling her glossy orbs. Not even she did know about how Baekhyun had let himself become the punch bag of some bored bullies.
It had only been a couple of days and Jongdae hadn't shown up at school ever since. Only a couple of days, but truly, they had felt like entire weeks, though, the fresh cuts on his pale skin would always be there to remind him. Normally, there could have been an excuse for Jongdae to skip classes, but this once, even if the male hadn't said so himself Baekhyun knew it was to avoid him. He knew he had to talk to him and clear things out, but he felt so weak, so broken, but most of all scared. Scared that whatever he had to say, Jongdae wouldn't want to hear it because he had lied and betrayed their friendship. The fact that he had gone as far as skipping school to not see him made Baekhyun feel so damn helpless and afraid.
Because of that, Baekhyun had stopped hanging with you. No matter how much he liked you, it just felt so wrong to take in your soft expressions while his heart was somewhere else, while Jongdae was mad at him. So he asked for space, and you had been so understanding that it had truly hurt to be so distant from you when all he wanted was to hear your voice and have you comfort him, it was inevitable for his heart to fall for you all over again. But he couldn't allow himself to think about these things, not now.
He found himself recalling the very moment after he had slammed his belongings onto the floor when consumed by anger like he never had been before. When you had seen him being beaten up, when you had seen him in his most vulnerable state. Baekhyun had been well aware of what you had meant when you had ever so gently put the glasses back on his face, when you had caressed his bruised cheek. That you accepted him for who he was. Though at that moment, he hadn't been able to take the gesture, the amount of hate within had been consuming him, his chest on fire of anger.
"I'm sorry-" he had breathed out. His eyes painfully closed and fingers twitching ever so slightly against your skin. "I need to be alone, for a while." A while meant longer than just a few hours, longer than a day or two, it meant until he made up with jongdae.
Another two days flew past him and it had felt as if he had been standing in the same spot without moving an inch, although he had taken care of a couple of important matters. The bruises on his face hadn't gone unnoticed by the whole school and it had been a matter of time before he and the bullies got involved with the principal himself.
This had been the first time that Baekhyun tasted the true bitter taste of hardship on his very tongue. He had never known that facing confrontation could've been so hard, so scary. For that matter, he had once again realized how much of a coward he truly was. It kept him up at night, the frustration and guilt would take any chance it had to haunt him until he wouldn't be able to feel anything at all. Until he was numb. Every fruitless day he'd tell himself that he was still gathering his courage. But really, he was lying to himself in a desperate attempt to justify his cowardice.
It felt hard, but truly, all he had to do was go to his house and do it. Just do it.
The clock ticked past 1 am, and it was then that the boy felt an intense urge to leave his house. Sleep had been chased long ago- days ago even. He had nothing to lose, nothing but a precious friendship. He figured out that the right moment he had been aimlessly waiting for, would've never come. It all depended on him. Throwing on a random hoodie over his pajama shirt, Baekhyun quietly sneaked out of the house, and in just a few minutes, he was standing in front of Jongdae's porch. He knew that he couldn't possibly knock in the door, so with clammy and shaky hands, he dialed Jongdae's number and called, pressing the electronic to his ear. A disbelieved chuckle almost left Baekhyun's lips at the way he found himself feeling. It was just Jongdae and yet his heart was trembling, threatening to jump out of his throat while his body turned as rigid as a rock.
Baekhyun began losing confidence and hope when the line hit the 9th ring, though, his tongue tied itself in his mouth when he heard the call getting answered, Jongdae's sleepy and extremely annoyed voice reached his ears.
"Who the fuck calls at this hour?" Baekhyun knew that wasn't meant to be heard, but his friend was nothing less than what he used to be any day, any time if the day: loud.
"Hello?" The best friend hissed into the speaker and Baekhyun almost flinched, feeling a sudden urge to end the call and run back home. But he swallowed the dry lump down and stood his ground through the fear and nervousness.
"Jongdae-" He managed to croak breathlessly, "It's me, Baekhyun."
"Baekhyun?" A spark of hope surged in his chest at the suddenly woke tone in Jongdae's voice, mixed with a pleasant surprise that he hadn't been able to hide.
"Yeah. Can you come out for a second? I'm right outside." It was painstakingly obvious how hesitant Jongdae was being behind the wooden door that was by now extremely slowly opening before him. Jongdae's lips were pressed into a thin line when Baekhyun came into his view, being extremely cautious of letting any emotion take over his features. Jongdae's voice void of any emotions as he mumbled a quiet yet seemingly angry "What are you doing here?" that made Baekhyun want to cower away if it hadn't been for his friend's extremely loud eyes betraying the facade he was pulling. Baekhyun could tell the hint of curiosity and relief on Jongdae's face and that was enough to encourage him.
It took him a few nervous gulps to finally part his lips and speak the sentences that for days had been dancing in his mind as he tried to find a proper formulation.
"I am sorry, Jongdae, for lying to you and breaking your trust." At first, Baekhyun hadn't been able to speak any louder than a mere whisper, but his as his gaze settled on the male in front of him and unfocused, words started pouring from his tongue. As if in a dally, Baekhyun felt like he wasn't hearing everything he was saying- as if his heart was speaking.
"I know that you're upset with me, but I just wanted to tell you that I took care of things. I spoke with the principal and th-they got expelled from the school. No more of this madness. I'm sorry for not telling you about them." Baekhyun hoped that Jongdae wasn't upset enough to not spare him an ear for the things he was saying. To his relief, the best friend had indeed listened and had questions as well.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Jongdae let go of his facade and let the mix of disbelief and sadness drip through his words, sending a desperate expression in Baekhyun's way. His fists clenched at the sound of his question. Jongdae had never been the problem, and Baekhyun hoped he knew that.
"I-" Teeth drilled into his lip, his thoughts jumbled into the most massive mess, what was he supposed to say? Baekhyun dreaded to pronounce the truth that made him hate himself even more. "I was being prideful. " Baekhyun finally revealed, voice breathy and anxious. "You've always protected me, Jongdae. And I am so thankful, but I couldn't stand hiding behind you anymore, you understand me, right? I wanted to be strong on my own, I wanted to solve this on my own." His head hung low as he shamefully looked down to his feet, his cold fingertips attacking each other in nervous fidgets.
"But I failed miserably."
"Baekhyun-" Before Jongdae could start telling him otherwise Baekhyun shook his head vigorously at him, "No, Jongdae." He said, pushing the round glasses up his nose and the gesture gave Jongdae a slight sensation of nostalgia although it had been only a couple of days. "This is the truth and I'm doing everything I can to accept it."
"I've realized it. That I can't do everything solely with my own strength, it won't ever work out, and that's just how I am. I am not endlessly strong. It sucks to admit but it applies to everyone in the end. Not telling you was a mistake, not getting professional help take care of things was a mistake." A sigh tumbled down his lips as it felt like a huge weight had been finally been lifted from his chest. " It was wrong of me to prioritize not feeling humiliated over my well being."
All this while, Jongdae could do nothing but listen to his best friend pouring his heart to him with wide eyes, words that he had never expected to hear from Baekhyun himself, but that deep down made him feel extremely proud.
Baekhyun then surprised him once more with a sudden lighthearted chuckle, "Even when you're not here, you manage to lead me on the right path, it's crazy." He chimed, referring to Jongdae's absence by his side. "I hope you're still willing to do that?" Baekhyun questioned, intending to ask him to still be his friend, and he knew everything had turned out for the best when Jongdae broke into his usual goofy smile, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug.
"You might as well just say you're in love with me." He laughed hysterically as Baekhyun immediately pushed him away with a shocked, pouty frown on his face and scarlet red cheeks.
"What the fuck, Jongdae? I'm trying to make up for my mistakes and this is what you do?" Baekhyun hissed and crossed his arms over his body as if Jongdae had just violated him. The latter rolled his eyes dramatically and threw an arm over his shoulder, waving his previous words away. "Naw, don't be like that Baek, it's not my fault you're such a girl." He sighed but soon enough, his lips were curling into a sincere smile, a happy glint appearing in his brown orbs. "But I forgive you."
"Speaking of girls, how's the progress with your love interest?" Jongdae asked cheesily, throwing him a sugary smirk that made Baekhyun want to throw up.
"My love life isn't a comic, Jongdae," Baekhyun grumbled, secretly saying that just so that he could buy time before disappointing his friend. Jongdae stiffened at the word comic and the memories it brought back to him. He mumbled something incomprehensible under his breath before clearing his throat weirdly. Though, Baekhyun knew better than to give his antics attention.
They took a seat by the porch and Baekhyun didn't know how to start telling Jongdae that he might've ruined his very few chances with you, scratching his black hair with an indecisive pout on his lips he hummed thoughtfully. "I actually...Well, I kissed her?" Baekhyun started, cringing at the massive gasp that Jongdae let out next to him, probably so that he could hold himself from hollering in the whole neighborhood. "But when you stopped coming to school, I told her I needed to distance myself until things were back into its place." He finally turned his head to gauge Jongdae's reaction, only to feel dread at the excitement vanishing from his face and replaced into anger and disbelief.
"You did what?!" It took all of his strength not to scream or strangle the fearful Baekhyun next to him, so he settled with pinching and slapping him, earning countless ouches echoing in the night. "You dumb- fucking cretin!" he groaned, "Deficient! There is a whole ass Jongin out there as your rival, and you think you can afford to do what you did?!"
"I couldn't just court her while you were being upset with me!" Baekhyun hissed right back at Jongdae once he'd gotten ahold of his abusive hands. "You are also important-" The round glasses slid slightly down the bridge of his nose as he caught himself in the middle of the sentence, blood suddenly sprouting underneath his cheeks and warming his whole face up.
"Agh, look at what you're making me say! Idiot!" The tables seemed to have turned around when Baekhyun started hitting Jongdae instead, filling the neighborhood with pain-filled laughs and mischievous teasing.
Baekhyun had a continuous tickling sensation in his stomach as he and Jongdae headed to school. Ever since last night, he had been feeling as if a major part of his worries had with one big blow been carried away from his shoulders. Nonetheless, there was still one more thing left lingering on his heart, on his mind. You. He could just pray he wasn't too late, that you hadn't found him a complete ass for distancing himself. He sighed loudly, knowing nothing but to rely on your understanding self.
The two of you getting closer, him kissing you- and the bullies, Jongdae lashing out on him- everything had taken place in the span of a week and as short as it was, it had felt so much longer. He couldn't help but try to and recall the sound of your voice in his head, but somewhat failed, making him want to see you as soon as possible. Just so that he could be swallowed in your warm, colorful presence that would at any time make him feel as if he was living in a watercolored painting bathing in the sun. He had styled his black locks with a small amount of gel, parting his bangs in the middle, trying out something slightly new. It fit him, though, the bruises and cuts on his face were not making him any more flattering. The cuts an angry red that stung, his bruises still pulsating with ache, the edges were slowly fading into yellow, but it was still too purple to deem healed.
As the two boys entered the classroom in time, they were welcomed by the beautiful sight of you- but also Jongin, leaning with his hands on the front of your desk and speaking animatedly with you. Jongdae pushed his elbow harshly into Baekhyun's rib, making him let out a cry of pain as he still had aches that had yet to heal even on his stomach. The best friend looked at him with an I-told-you-so, look on his face, "Look! And there burned your only chance." Jongade exaggerated in a hiss under his breath, only annoying Baekhyun even more. He swallowed the urge to punch him back down and only pushed his glasses up his nose before more or less limping to his desk that luckily, had not been occupied by Jongin this time, although he was there.
Baekhyun managed to catch both yours and Jongin's attention as he plopped down quiet heavily onto his seat next to you, seething because of the too rough movement. He wasn't too used in moving so carefully and because of that he often forgot about his aches until he would sit down or move too harshly. A questioning look swam its way on Jongin's features as he eyed the no longer pink-haired boy, though didn't comment on it. Moreover, a cringe twisted his lips at the sight of his injured face. "You sure look rough," he had stated the obvious with something Baekhyun and Jongdae could've sworn was a concern. "Are you sure you shouldn't be at home?" The honey-skin pressed uncertainly, looking genuinely put off by the fact that Baekhyun had shown up in such a state when he rightfully so, should've been nowhere but at home and resting. Baekhyun was about to answer, thoughts swirling messily in his head, filtering before he'd mutter something like "I can't let you court her instead of me," which would've thrown him into trouble. Before he could utter anything, you had already swung your chair closer to his, your orbs pooled with worry came into his view and a tickling sensation swam in his stomach, making him want to giggle but he held in the urge and bit his lip.
"Are you okay?!" The sound of your voice hit him like a truck, and as if there were two pumping hearts underneath his ribs, he felt his chest swelling uncontrollably. How much he had missed your face that he found so beautiful, your long hair falling ever so gracefully down your shoulders, your sweet voice. He hadn't realized until now, how alive your presence always managed to make him feel, whether, in the happiness, sadness, or jealousy, he would always have his feelings living like eager fishes swimming inside of him. Baekhyun found himself slightly speechless as he almost fell into a daze when meeting your starry eyes, eventually eyeing Jongin from the corner of his eyes. He couldn't let this opportunity slip. It was now or never.
Jongdae who was watching from his seat a few rows behind almost cackled out loudly at his friend who had very convincedly started wincing and hissing in pain. "Ouch- I, no, I don't I think I feel that well." Teeth stuck into his delicate lip, he for once accepted the flustered blush that ever so subtly spread on his face, his eyes softening in the ones of a puppy as he looked at you. Baekhyun's heart threatened to burst into one big firework when your gentle fingertips caressed the side of his face, eyebrows bent in concern, "Haven't you taken care of these scars?" you asked when noticing the angry color forming on his skin, and when he sheepily shook his heard, you got your confirmation. "They're going to get infected, Baekhyun! You should take care of yourself."
The disbelief in your voice prompted him to feel slightly guilty and embarrassed for not being careful enough with himself, but at the end of the day, he knew that he hadn't been in any state to care about himself at all. "Sorry?" he tempted sheepily, and you could only shake your head with a sad smile. "What for? Baekhyun it's yourself you should feel sorry toward." you said earnestly, "Come on, let's go to the infirmary and get these cleaned," your hand reached out for his and he had to press his hand against his mouth so that he wouldn't let out the victorious smile threatening to burst on his lips.
While being gently dragged by you, he cast a look over his shoulder, almost sneering at the forgotten Jongin and then raising a cocky eyebrow at Jongdae as he had proved him wrong, big time. Entering the infirmary, Baekhyun was hit by the minty smell mixed with the one of plastic gloves, making him feel as if he was at an actual hospital. He was surprised when you hadn't bothered to call any nurse, but every so pleasantly, for that matter. There was no way he could complain when getting some precious alone time with you, yeah, he would never complain ever again.
He sat comfortably on the patient's bed while you had disappeared behind the curtains to get a first aid kit. Baekhyun had no idea if his frantic heart was manifesting through his clenched features. He might've looked bold when throwing such a look of revenge to his friend, but on the inside, he still remained the incredibly nervous pink-haired boy he'd been once. But that anxious feeling, to his confusion, disappeared completely when you showed up just a minute later, with an aid kit clutched in your hands.
You placed the kit next to him and started rummaging for some disinfectant and cotton pads. That concentrated frown between your eyebrows and the long, silky hair framing your face that would always tempt him to touch it, he loved it so much, but there was nothing more he adored more than your kind and caring self. Baekhyun couldn't help himself when his gaze on you could be called nothing else but staring at this point. But your scent was enveloping in such a warm embrace, hypnotizing him as he followed your every movement with hooded eyes and lips that were constantly being tugged by his eager teeth. Not even the swelling heart in his chest could describe the overwhelming feelings he had for you. He knew that he didn't know you too well, that he had yet to discover your flaws and much more, but he so wanted to, he was ready to love your every imperfection and perfection. He had never felt like this before. He felt such disbelief, as you had tenderly removed the glasses from his face, and taken in his face with such starry eyes, he had felt like a glimmering emerald. If you rejected him, what was he ever going to do with all of these feelings that day by day brimmed over the edge of a filled glass?
The cotton pad was drenched with disinfectant as you brought it closer to Baekhyun's injured face. The proximity was giving your heart a reason to speed up greatly, a speed you weren't sure you could handle, but for all you knew, the warm puffs of breath hitting your cheeks as you leaned ever so much closer, felt addictive, and you couldn't help but long more of his strawberry scent- suddenly recalling how his lips had without any warning landed on yours that day when the rain had suddenly started pouring. Lost in your train of thoughts, you accidentally pressed the cotton pad too harshly on his scar, earning a stinging hiss from the boy.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry!" You panicked, imagining the hurtful sting he must've felt, "I was spacing out, I am so sorry!" Baekhyun's lips broke out into a childish smile as he caught your flailing wrists, shaking his head dismissively. "Hey, it's okay." He had murmured softly, but the smile in his low voice still so very clear. With a palpitating heart, you forced yourself to concentrate and finish the work you had started. It was a lie if you said that you didn't feel the slightest nervous. Baekhyun was following your every movement with honey dripping from his orbs and although a part of you loved having all of his attention for yourself, you did feel the tiniest bit small underneath his scrutinizing gaze.
One last band-aid was applied to the bridge of his nose, and you couldn't help the bubbling chuckles at the result, he looked way too adorable for his own good with those band-aids plastered all over his face, and not to mention the displeased pout on his lips that you could tell was nothing but playful. Baekhyun knew what you were thinking. That he looked cute. His main reason for changing his hair color was so that he could stop being seen as any less than handsome and good looking- and yet somehow, he always managed to look like a baby. If it had been Jongdae in front of him right now, he would've probably wasted no time in throwing a couple of punches his way, or cussing him out. But since it was you, laughing and having your glittering crescents dancing all over his being and the sole fact that he was the cause of your smile, even if for the silliest of reasons, he felt like he had caught a shooting star in a bottle.
Your laughter had with Baekhyun's sudden movements died down in the back of your throat, a lingering silence ringing in your ears. Baekhyun had absolutely no idea what had gotten into him when the swelling his chest had completely clouded his head. His thoughts suddenly nothing but vacant words resounding in the back of his head as his body acted on its own,  prompting him to stretch out his limbs and lock his ankles around the lower part of your body, bringing you closer to him with the pressure of his legs. You almost squeaked when suddenly being pushed to stand in between his legs, but was too speechless because of the proximity to even let out a word. In Baekhyun's eyes was a feeling you had never seen him sporting before, something that darkened his chocolate oceans, something that made you want to dive within them and never find your way back. An alluring, magnetic pull that turned the air around you extremely thick, suddenly, the scent of Baekhyun's aftershave so much more noticeable, alluring, inviting you to lean closer to its derival.
Shivers thundered down your spine when his scorching hot fingertips caressed your palm, outlined it as if the petals of a flower, but eventually disappeared as quickly as you had felt it. Only to have his gentle hands ghost their way around your waist, hanging there loosely, almost uncertainly. By now, your breaths were one single source of air as they mingled together. You had no idea what to do, you had never been so close to anyone before, never had your heartbeat melt against another rhythmic one. You loved it but was so insecure, so scared of doing something wrong. Your slightly trembling hands curled against the soft fabric of his shirt when Baekhyun had once again reduced a great ounce of distance, leaving his lips to frustratingly brush against your cheek- only a few centimeters away from your lips that had on their own fallen apart, trembling and swelling eagerly. Although you were only slowly understanding the situation, your body had it all figured out, reacting to Baekhyun's slow advances with an enthusiasm that you had never known resided within you. It only took Baekhyun's feathery peck to your cheek to prompt your eyes to hood as an effect of your body giving in to the magic spell that was his presence.
It was as if your brain had dissolved into a puddle inside of your head, with his lips finally in front of yours and their warm breaths melting your own, you felt as if you were going to die if he didn't press them to yours at the instant. But then, amid your desire, he like the first time, closed the distance without any warning, stealing your breath away with the foreign feeling of his moist lips molding beautifully against yours. His lips were as soft and pillowy as they looked like when they gently, and ever so slowly started moving against yours, your eyes closing completely when you let yourself finally away to the moment. You had no idea of what you were doing, but you figured it was fine as your mouth on its own, steadied to Baekhyun's rhythm. The boy tilted his head to deepen the kiss, eventually humming sweetly at the sensation of you kissing him back. His hands that had ever so discretely fallen to rest loosely on your hips tightened their hold as the both of you fell out of breath but found it hard to part.
The noise of your lips detaching only increased the number of butterflies fluttering their wings in your belly. Baekhyun's forehead landed gently against yours, and you found yourself able to count his eyelashes from the closeness, not less feel the heat radiating from his flushed cheeks transferring to your own. You could see him frantically looking from left to right from underneath his lashes, probably having an internal war with himself...Perhaps regretting what he had just done? You could just hope that wasn't it. His name had already been carved into your heart.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Baekhyun, once again, suddenly pulling you closer, this time circling his arms around your frame so that you could be engulfed by his embrace and he could bury his face in the crook of your neck. Having the tip of his nose tease the sensitive skin of your neck. At this point, you couldn't bring yourself to wonder what was about to happen, resulting in you leaning into the comfort of his embrace, only to  later on have a sweet, serene smile blossom on your lips at Baekhyun's shy, yet incredibly heartfluttering question. His voice was muffled as he pouted into the fabric of your shirt and spoke, only melting your heart further.
"Can I be your boyfriend...?"
"Can I?"
"I'd love it if you were."
Now he could truly say he had caught a shooting star into a bottle, he wanted to muster it to you. How precious you were, and how he wasn't going to let you go now that he had you. He couldn't.
You, a flower beautifully made by the Gods, finally, finally you knew.
Finally you knew that he loved you.
Him & Her.
*peeks behind corner* Uhhmm hi! Guess who's ashy ass decided to show up here again, after two freaking years. Yes, that's me, and I'm sure many of you are ready to come after me with pinchforks for making wait for so ridiculously long. I am so sorry. I lost motivation and had no idea how to end it. But just recently I found the strength to finish it, and I truly hope that the wait was worth it, that it was a proper way to end this story. As I wrote and edited this story, I can't help but notice how different my writing has gotten, and it's a really intriguing thing to see! I almost don't recognize myself though ><
Anyway, I just want to say that I'm eternally thankful to whoever read this and showed their support. I say it all the time but I really mean it when I say it means the world to me whenever you comment, put like or whatever you might do. I'm thankful. This story is nothing without you. Lots and lots of life to all of you, greetings, P💕💌💖
Sorry for errors!
Other works:
Rooftop - Baekhyun x Reader (oc) -island and bakery au, summer-themed
La Vie En Rose - Baekhyun x Reader - one shot, song inspired, marriage au, pregnancy au
Havana - Baekhyun x Reader - one shot, dirty dancing au, rich girl au
66 notes · View notes
chibsytelford · 4 years
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*** GIF ISN’T MINE - credit to @obscure-imagines​ ***
My good friend @agirllovespasta​ requested:  Angsty huh 🧐 What do you think Chibs would do if Fiona was in town while he just started showing interest for reader? And reader? I really love Fiona though she is so cool. So pls end it with fluff 😂
Word Count - 1730
Authors Comment - I really enjoyed writing this one, and hope you all like it as much as I do. 
Taglist - @agirllovespasta​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @naytraydr​ @rebel-without-cause-x​ 
Your car finally stopped working. It has been making a noise for a couple of days now, but you decided to ignore it and pretend you couldn't hear it, and now it's decided to pack in. You have had this car since you passed your driving test, and it's never broken down before. Taking your phone out of your purse you called the local garage 'Teller Morrow' and asked them to send a recovery vehicle out to bring you and your car back into town.
You moved to Charming 6 months ago, but have kept yourself to yourself and stayed out of people's business. You speak if you are spoken to, and are always polite, but you don't go out of your way to make conversation. You work as a shopkeeper and actually really enjoy it. You don't speak much to people, but you do love people watching. And being a cashier, you look at and meet new people every single day. 
There is one man who comes into the shop every single day and has done since you started. He buys the same packet of cigarettes, and always queues up at your till, even if others are free. He doesn't say anything, except the occasional "hello" and you can't bring yourself to properly speak back to him either. This is a daily occurrence and a habit that you are very fond of. 
The recovery truck pulls up 10 minutes later, and out jumps mysterious shop man. This was the nickname you gave him since he hasn't bothered to introduce himself to you. 
"It's you" he says walking towards you. "Mysterious shop lass". "What happened ti yer car?"
"So he does know words other than hello" you raised your eyebrows at him. "It's been making a funny noise for a few days, and finally decided to pack in".
"Jump in the truck, and I'll take you and yer car back to the garage". He puts your car up onto the truck with ease and comes back into the driving seat. "I'm Chibs by the way, and I work at Teller Morrow".
"I'm Y/N, and I work at the shop that you have been coming into for the past 2 years to buy cigarettes" you smirk at him. For someone who doesn't do much conversing, you were becoming confident around him.
You arrived back at Teller Morrow 10 minutes later and a scary looking man came over to help Chibs get your car down from the truck. "Leave the car wi us for a few days, and we will figure out what's wrong wi it and get it back ti ye as quickly as we can" Chibs tells you. "Can ye give me yer number so I can phone ye when it's done?" He hands you a pen and paper from his overall pocket and you jot down your number for him.
"Thank you Chibs". The scary looking man is just staring at you as if that's a normal thing to be doing. 
"Is that her?" The scary looking man opens his mouth. Chibs punches the man on the shoulder and gives him a death stare. "That's her isn't it brother, the mysterious shop girl"
"Happy brother, I suggest ye fuck off before I dae something I'm gonna regret". Happy retreats slowly with his hands in the air and a smirk playing on his lips.
"He's called Happy?" You can't help but laugh. "I wouldn't like to ever be on the wrong side of that man".
"Can a give ye a ride hame?" Chibs offers. 
"Yes please if you don't mind". 
"JAAAAAAAXXXX" Chibs shouts. A blond haired man comes swaggering out of the garage with a cigarette in his mouth. "Am just taking Y/N hame and I'll be back Jackie Boy". 
Chibs hands you a helmet and gestures for you to get onto the back of his bike. You do as you're told and give him directions to your house. It takes about 5 minutes before he pulls up outside your door. 
"Can a tell ye something lass? Ave been coming intae yer shop for the last 6 months, just ti see ye. There's something about ye a canny quite put ma finger on. Before now, a couldn't work up the courage ti say anything other than hello, but now I'm asking ye, will ye go out wi me? On a date?" Chibs asked.
It's been 2 months since he asked you out, and you two have been inseparable since. You've learned that Chibs is part of a motorcycle club, that does some illegal stuff sometimes but you asked him not to expand on that. You have also learned that Happy is actually very sweet and nice when you get to know him, but for people who don't know him, he is terrifying. The rest of the guys are really cool with you and took you under their wing straight away. You fit in so well and you and Chibs are doing amazingly. You guys rarely argue and when you do it's over who left the bathroom light on at night at your house, or who's turn it is to do the dishes. You don't live together, but he stays over most nights. Chibs isn't one to tell you what he's feeling, of course you guys haven't said the big L word yet, but he has told you he likes you, and that's enough for you.
When you woke up Chibs was already gone, which wasn't like him. If he does wake up before you, he always leaves a note on his pillow telling you where he is, but you couldn't find one this morning. You checked your phone and saw the time read 1030am. Getting dressed, you went downstairs to see if there was a note in the kitchen. There wasn't. You tried calling him but his phone went to voicemail, so you decided to go to Teller Morrow to see if he is there. Just to put your mind at ease. 
When you got there you saw him straight away, with his arms wrapped around a beautiful curly haired woman who had her arms wrapped around him too. They looked very cozy together and you instantly felt sick. You had been cheated on in the past, and so you automatically assumed the worst when you saw Chibs cuddling this mysterious woman. He lead her into the garage office so you decided to head over there too and see what was going on. You hid at the side of the door and listened first.
"Fi, what are ye dain here? He asked her softly.
"I came to give you these Filip". She pulled what looked like some papers from her bag and handed them to Chibs. "They're divorce papers".
You were stunned, Chibs was married? The man you've been sleeping with, and falling in love with for the past 2 months since you became more than acquaintances, was married? You turned around and ran towards your car as quick as you could, but not before letting out a sob which you're sure Chibs heard. You heard footsteps behind you but you didn't wait around to see who it was, as you fled towards your house.
You hadn't even been in your house 2 minutes before you heard the rumble of Chibs' bike. 5 seconds later he was standing in front of you.
"I don't know what ye heard lass, but a can explain". You put your hand up to silence him.
"Explain that you're married Chibs? That's not just something you forget! You have been living under my roof for the past 2 months, and you conveniently forgot to tell me you're fucking married!" You were so angry and upset.
"Am sorry darling, me and Fi have been over fur years now, she's an incredible woman but a don't love her anymore". He tries to reach for you but you're not quite ready to be touched yet. 
"Don't. Please. You should have told me. You left me in bed this morning without telling me where you were going, to go and see her!" A part of you knew you should at least hear him out properly, but you had fallen for Chibs completely, and were worried you were going to lose him so quickly.
"Lass just sit down for 5 minutes, that's all am asking, and if ye want me ti go after that, a will". "Fi and I have been married fur many years, but it's also been over fur many years too, I haven't seen her in ages and only get the occasional text fi her. A text her last week telling her a wanted a divorce, cause ave met someone else. I also have a daughter, Kerrianne with her, and unfortunately I don't see her as much as a would like. There's this prick back in Ireland who has stopped me from seeing them both. She managed to get away fi him, and she's staying at a hotel until she figures out her next move. Ma kid is there too. Fi knows about ye love, and ad love it if ye came wi me to meet ma kid, and meet Fi".
It was a lot to take in, but you agreed to go with Chibs to meet Fi and his daughter. You drove the both of you over to the hotel they were staying at. Chibs knocked on the door, and the beautiful woman from earlier opened it, smiling at the both of you.
"You always knew how to pick them Filip" she told him with a smile. "I'm Fiona, Filip's soon to be ex wife, it's so nice to meet you Y/N". You shook her hand and offered her a smile back. "I'm sorry about this morning, I showed up announced, but only to give Filip the divorce papers, that's all, we will be out of here soon, when I figure out where our next home is".
"Why don't you stay for a bit?" You asked her. "It would be nice to learn more about you, and Filip's daughter too, if that's OK?". You looked at Chibs for reassurance, squeezing his hand with all the love you have for him. You know you are going to get through this, and you are excited about what the future holds for the two of you.
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bangtaninink · 4 years
when night falls i am your escape
a sequel / prequel to sanctuary! ( as requested by @athenakyle )
The dull sound of rhythmic knocking against a wall has Jisook stopping in her tracks, a tray of dirty dishes in her grasp.
“I’d keep walking if I were you,” Sanghoon says, fixing his glasses, a leather portfolio tucked in the crook of his arm. “Miss _____ has Master Jeongguk over again.”
Jisook sighs.
“I just did the laundry,” she mutters, walking off.
Sanghoon lets out a terse chuckle in reply, checking his watch.
“Ah, the Chairman and his wife also informed me earlier that they won’t be home for dinner tonight,” he calls out to Jisook. “They’ll be dining with the rest of the board of directors. Miss _____ will be dining out with Master Jeongguk also, so do let the rest of the staff know that only a light supper will be needed when they return, Jisook-sshi.”
“Thank you, Sanghoon.”
Sanghoon bows his head as Jisook disappears into the kitchen, the sound of her shuffling slipper-clad feet growing distant.
The rhythmic knocking eventually stops, and Sanghoon arches a brow at the sudden quiet, looking up from his diary, page half-turned. A few beats later, the door to your room opens, and you emerge in the middle of tying the silk belt of your robe around your waist, hair in a messy bun atop your head.
“Afternoon, Sanghoon,” you greet, lazy smile stretching across your lips. “How you doin’ today?”
“Good afternoon, Miss _____,” he replies, bowing his head. “I’m well. Thank you for asking.”
“Want anything from the kitchen while I’m there?”
“No thank you.”
“Okie dokie. Enjoy the rest of your day, okay?”
“I will do my best, thank you.”
Jeongguk yelps when something cold hits the small of his back, clicking his tongue as he pushes himself up off his stomach to sit against the headboard, taking the beer you’re holding out to him.
“It honestly surprises me that I’m allowed inside here every time I come over,” he says, taking a sip.
“Why?” you laugh, reaching into your bowl for a strawberry.
“Uh, ‘cause you’re one of the richest people in the country, and me and the hyungs literally have diets consisting of ramen and discounted kimbap. We are not the same, dude.”
“No one’s complained yet.”
“I don’t think your staff would complain. Maybe talk about you behind your back though.”
“Jeongguk, you’ve seen Jisook. She nags me more than my actual grandma. She would not hesitate to call me out.”
“True. She has such a cold stare sometimes. I can come over here horny out of my mind, but then I see her and I feel like my balls shrivel up and die in an instant.”
“Well. I could be rich soon though. I hit five hundred thousand followers on Soundcloud within twenty four hours of those photos coming out from that dinner. And then seven hundred and fifty thousand followers on Instagram not long after. Kinda scary how quickly people can find my shit. You didn’t even promote me straight away.”
“Your nudes will be next,” you joke.
“Pfft. Please. You say that like it’s a bad thing. My nudes are spectacular.”
“You know who I bet would love to see your nudes? What’s-her-face. Hara? No, Hana.”
“Oh, Jesus. Don’t,” Jeongguk groans. “I thought her seeing you with me would force her to give up, but now I feel like she’s gotten worse. She keeps blowing up my phone.”
“You gave her your number?”
“Nah, nah. She’s been messaging me on Instagram. I bet it’s because of your ‘statement’.”
“What about my statement?”
“You said I was a ‘close friend’.”
“Well, what am I supposed to say? ‘Jeongguk’s my fuckbuddy. He’s got my favourite flavour of dick!’”
“Aww,” Jeongguk coos, hand pressed to his chest. “I’m touched.”
“Yeah, well, you can touch yourself on your own for the rest of eternity if you keep that up.”
“Hi, excuse me, um… c-can I get your autograph?”
You look up from your menu to see someone standing a few feet away from Jeongguk, holding a notebook close to her chest as she waits nervously for an answer.
“Yeah, for sure,” Jeongguk says, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows at you briefly before taking the notebook from the girl, scribbling his signature on a blank page before bowing and watching her walk off. “Look at that. I’m famous.”
“Congratulations,” you say, nonchalant as you turn your eyes back to the menu.
“Damn, you really live like this? I could get used to it.”
“You say that now. Wait ‘til you’re getting followed into the bathroom when you go to take a dump.”
“How much do you think I could sell my shit for now that I’m famous?”
“I dunno. Ask Hana. I bet she’d be the only one crazy enough to buy it,” you say, looking up from your menu again to grin.
“Shut up.”
“Are you ready to order, Miss _____?” a waiter asks, stepping up to the table with a small notepad.
“Mmm, I think I’ll have truffle linguine,” you say, setting the menu down on the table.
“Of course. And for you, sir?”
“Uh… I’ll have the tenderloin steak with the cream potatoes, thank you. Medium rare,” Jeongguk replies, smiling.
“Excellent. We’ll have it over right away.”
“Thank you.”
“Damn. The perks of being rich.” Jeongguk leans back in his seat, hands on the back of his head. “I really could get used to this.”
“Don’t get too cocky, Jeon,” you say, taking a sip of your wine. “It’s not a good look on you.”
“You know what is a good look on me?” You look over your wine glass. “You.”
“How were your meals tonight?” the waiter asks, collecting you and Jeongguk’s empty plates.
“Amazing. Send my compliments to the chef,” Jeongguk says, smiling. “I’ve always wanted to say that.”
“Would you like some dessert? Coffee?”
“Oh man, I’m stuffed.”
“Just the bill, thank you, Minwoo,” you say, reaching for your drink.
“Of course,” the waiter says, bowing his head before walking off with the empty dishes.
Jeongguk reaches into his back pocket for his wallet as you finish off your wine, counting out his money before slipping it into the small leather folder the waiter sets down on the table.
“What’re you doing?” you ask, amused; Jeongguk looks at you, confused.
The crease between his eyebrows grows deeper as he furrows his eyebrows, saying, “because I asked you to come to this restaurant with me? Wait, hold on, I’m confused. Am I missing something? Should I not be paying?”
“No, it’s just… most people would be making me pay, that’s all,” you say, shrugging your shoulders.
“Please,” Jeongguk scoffs, proceeding to put his money in and shut the leather folder. “In case you haven’t noticed, I am not like most people, sweet cheeks. Also, making you pay makes it seem like you’re my sugar mommy or some shit, and that feels weird as fuck.”
“Oh, eww. You’re right.”
“Come on, let’s go. I need a smoke.”
You can feel the floor of the club pulsing beneath the soles of your heels, walking over to your usual table with Hyemi and Sora on either side of you, paying no mind to all the heads that turn your way. The rest of your friends cheer and wave when they see you approach, making space for you three in the booths.
The drinks easily come and go, and eventually a bunch of you end up on the dancefloor, nodding your heads and swaying your bodies to the sound of the music, laughing and fooling around as you always do.
One by one, you friends drift off, returning to the tables or leaving with a handsome stranger, until only you and Hyemi remain on the dancefloor – but even she looks like she’s one song away from disappearing from your side.
As you anticipate, just as one Jay Park song ends and another starts, Hyemi has her fingers entwined with an unfamiliar face, and she turns to look at you with an apologetic smile before wandering off. You let her go with a casual shrug and a smile, unbothered because you’re used to this routine now, knowing the fun is only yet to start now that you’re no longer surrounded by your friends.
It’s now that others will gain the courage to approach you, no longer resorting to fleeting glances your way—as if they weren’t being completely obvious in doing so—but using their alcohol-fuelled bravado to make their way closer to you on the dancefloor, until eventually, someone will sidle right up to you, hand on your waist, department store jeans pressed to the back of your tailored Prada dress.
Like clockwork, you feel a hand come to rest on the small of your back, and the air around you briefly smells like whiskey, cigarettes, and clean laundry.
“Jeongguk,” the stranger says, guiding your hips to sway in time to his.
“_____,” you reply, smiling to yourself.
“Knew that.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Surely everyone here does,” Jeongguk says, chuckling.
“You’d be surprised.”
“No way. They’d be insane to think you’re just another pretty face. Are you having a good time so far, _____?”
“Sure am, Jeongguk. How ‘bout you?”
“Me? Oh, I’m fuckin’ petrified.”
“What?” you ask, laughing as you turn around, Jeongguk’s hands wrapping around your waist as you rest your hands on his chest.
(You’re excited to find that his chest is beautifully firm—almost rock solid—beneath your palms.)
“Oh, definitely.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, I’m not sure if you’ve got bodyguards watching you from afar. If I move my hands an inch lower, I could be tackled to the ground and banished from the country for laying a hand on probably the richest twenty-something year old in Korea.”
You throw your head back and laugh, the sound barely drowned out by the loud music.
“I don’t leave the house with bodyguards all the time,” you reply, grinning.
“Ah. A wild child, huh? I’ve heard that too actually.”
“Is that right?”
“Yup,” Jeongguk says, emphasising the last syllable with a pop.
“I’m surprised the tabloids are reporting the truth.”
“Oh, so it’s true? Oh, I like that.” Jeongguk grins when you laugh again. “So. What do you usually do on nights out, Miss _____?”
“Well, that depends on what you usually do on a night out, Mr. Jeongguk,” you reply.
“Hmm. Well, I’ll usually down a few drinks, dance next to a pretty girl, get slapped in the face before she tells me she has a boyfriend, and be on my merry way, crashing on my third secondhand mattress to the sound of my roommates fucking their boyfriends.”
“Sounds like a great time.”
“Eh. Could be better,” Jeongguk replies, shrugging. “Maybe havin’ the balls to dance with one of the richest people in the country will change my fate.”
You hum, barely audible.
“Or maybe this is the part where I slap you and find another hot guy to go home with.”
“Well if that’s the case, at least I can say I tried. I think I’ve done a lot better than that table on my left who’ve been staring at you from the moment you stepped foot on the dancefloor.” You turn to look off to the side, snorting when a cluster of guys startle and turn away from you before any of them can meet your eye.
“Story of my life,” you say, turning back to look at Jeongguk.
“It’s not too late to rewrite it, sweet cheeks,” Jeongguk says, winking. Smooth! “Unless, of course, you were planning on leaving with someone else.”
“Considering you’re the first person to come up to me, I think the gold medal is going to you tonight.”
Dramatically, Jeongguk swipes a finger under his eye.
“I’d like to thank my mother, my lucky lighter, and Jack Daniels.”
He takes your hand and leads you off the dancefloor, no complaints when you detour to your table and grab your things and wave goodbye to your friends who watch on with wide eyes as you leave with your arm hooked around Jeongguk’s.
His friends do the same, it seems, if the way he juts his chin out with a smug look on his face is anything to go by, ignoring the frantic waving to try and get his attention as he walks you to the door. He does, however, humour them with another wink just before he follows you out with a hand on your lower back, paying no mind to the ping of his phone when you’ve both exited the club.
“So. My place or yours?” he asks, waving down a taxi.
“Yours, s'il vous plait,” you reply, running your fingers through your hair. “My place is swarming with people and paperwork right now – probably the whole reason why I came out tonight actually.”
“That sounds so fun.” Jeongguk chuckles, opening the door to the taxi and holding it for you. “After you, sweet cheeks.”
“Wow. A gentleman.”
With a shrug, he waves you in, before climbing into the taxi after you, quoting the address of his apartment to the driver and leaning back, shoulder pressed against yours.
“So. What’s it like being filthy rich?”
“Eh,” you reply, shrugging. “It’s got its pros and cons.”
“Cons?” Jeongguk repeats, eyebrow raised. “That’s hard to believe.”
“That’s what everyone says – until they get a taste of the life, that is.”
“Hmm. Can’t relate. I get excited when I get a new follower on Soundcloud and Instagram, or when I can afford three cups of ramen instead of my usual two. I bet you barely notice followers flooding in – or even eat cup ramen.”
“Well, I can’t say cup ramen is a staple in my diet, but even I can’t resist that stuff. Just means I’ll have to do an extra session of hot yoga to get rid of all that excess sodium.”
“Hot yoga, huh?”
You look at Jeongguk, who stares off into space with wide eyes, totally distracted by what you’d just said. You laugh loudly, shaking your head.
“God, you’re such a… guy.”
“You said ‘hot’ and ‘yoga’ in the same sentence, and I am but a mere mortal,” Jeongguk replies, hand on his chest.
The taxi slows to a stop in front of an apartment complex, and you watch, intrigued, as Jeongguk hands his money to the driver, before stepping out and rounding the car to open the door for you.
He leads you up to his apartment, but without warning, he pauses, hand on the keypad of the front door.
“Shit,” he mutters.
“A problem?” you ask, amused.
“Yeah, I just remembered neither me nor my roommates cleaned up before we left.”
You shrug, saying, “doesn’t sound like a problem to me.”
“Oh, it’s a problem. How dare I invite a goddess into a trash can of an apartment?”
“Are you like this with everyone you sleep with?”
“Well… the guys and gals I sleep with don’t usually have a net worth of a trillion Won…”
You laugh again, shaking your head.
“You can open the door, Jeongguk.”
“Alright, alright. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Jeongguk punches in the passcode and pushes open the door, turning on the lights and kicking aside stray shoes in the doorway to make a clear path to walk through.
“Honestly,” he says. “I’d say shut your eyes and let me carry you to the bedroom, but I can’t even guarantee my room is any better.”
“This isn’t bad,” you say, scoffing as you look around at the expanse of the apartment, unbothered by the old takeout boxes, empty soda and beer cans, crumpled loose papers, and the remnants of rolled joints and cigarettes in ashtrays around the living room. “You made it seem like a junk yard.”
“I don’t know if you’re just saying that, but I’m not gonna push it,” Jeongguk says, rubbing the back of his neck and chuckling, before motioning to the door of his room. “If you so desire, your Highness, your throne awaits just over there.”
“Weird. Your lap is right here,” you say, nonchalant as you kick your heels off and put your bag down on the sofa, before walking over to Jeongguk’s room.
“Oh,” Jeongguk groans, fist pressed to his lips as he watches the way your hips sway, nodding to himself before eventually chasing after you.
Taehyung whimpers softly as Yoongi bites gently at his neck, punching in the passcode without pulling away.
“Hyung,” Taehyung moans, toeing off his shoes, hands fisted around the lapels of Yoongi’s shirt. “Hyung, wait. What’s that noise?”
“Huh?” Dazed, Yoongi lifts his head, eyes squinted in concentration as Taehyung takes the opportunity to nibble at the shell of the elder’s ear, fingers curling around his belt loops. “Is that… I think that’s Jeongguk.”
“Jeonggukie’s home already?”
“Oh fuck, Jeongguk! Yes! Yeah, right there. God!”
Frozen, Yoongi and Taehyung stare off into space as the apartment fills with the sound of moans and groans, jolting in surprise when Jeongguk’s bedroom door swings open.
Panting, Jeongguk frantically crosses the apartment completely naked, stopping dead in his tracks when he notices Yoongi and Taehyung standing in the doorway, staring at him. He jerks his head in a nod, chest still heaving as he grins.
“Hyung, I’m grabbing some condoms from your room,” he calls out.
They watch silently as Jeongguk disappears into Yoongi’s room – and Hoseok’s room, for good measure – before returning to his own room and kicking his door shut, and it isn’t very long before the sounds return.
“You wanna just… watch a movie?” Yoongi mutters, sighing.
“With the volume turned up very loud please, hyung,” Taehyung replies, nodding solemnly.
“I guess I’ll text Hoseok to warn him in case he plans on doing anything with Joon then.”
“Christ, you guys wanna turn that down?” Jeongguk says loudly, wincing as he stands shirtless and in a pair of sweatpants against his bedroom doorframe, arms crossed over his chest, lit cigarette held in the corner of his mouth.
Yoongi and Taehyung look at him, eyes narrowed, even as Yoongi’s thumb mashes the volume button on the remote.
“What the fuck were you doing in there?” Yoongi asks, frowning as he holds his lit cigarette to Taehyung’s lips. “I know you’re loud, but Jesus Christ, Guk.”
Jeongguk shrugs, exhaling a cloud of smoke.
“Did you kill her?” Taehyung asks, exhaling. “Have you just fucked someone to death? I’m telling you right now, we will not be your accessories to murder, Jeon Jeongguk. I’m telling the police everything.”
“I’m sure I can settle any lawsuits that might come from tonight.”
Yoongi inhales sharply, dropping his cigarette into the ashtray on the coffee table as he coughs violently when you step out of Jeongguk’s room, tying your hair up. With wide eyes, Taehyung stares at you, mouth opening and shutting repeatedly as he struggles to find words.
“Y-you’re… you… you’re…” he stammers.
“That’s Yoongi hyung, my roommate; and his boyfriend, Taehyung hyung,” Jeongguk says, motioning towards them. “I’m sure I don’t need to introduce you to _____.”
“What the fuck, Jeongguk?” Yoongi says in between coughs. “What the fuck?”
“Your boy’s got game, hyung.”
“Mmm, and a great dick,” you add, picking up your bag.
“Is your driver here? I’ll walk you down.”
“It was nice meeting you two.”
Yoongi and Taehyung stay frozen on the sofa, completely dumbfounded, even when you and Jeongguk leave and meet your driver at the front of the apartment complex.
“Oh,” you say, reaching into your bag and pulling out a pen, grabbing Jeongguk’s hand to scribble your number on his palm.
“Oh, this is officially the best day of my fuckin’ life,” he says, grinning. “Same time next week, sweet cheeks?”
“Wouldn’t say no to that,” you reply, winking and opening the car door. “Let me know if any of your neighbours wanna file any complaints.”
[ sms: YOONGI ] _____.
[ sms: _____ ] mr. min. how can I help you?
[ sms: YOONGI ] my phone feels like it’s going to eXPLODE WTF [ sms: YOONGI ] did Jeongguk tell you to do this?
[ sms: _____ ] pfft no [ sms: _____ ] if anything, I did this to piss him off ;
[ sms: YOONGI ] jesus _____ [ sms: YOONGI ] there are so many notifs on here what do I do??? [ sms: YOONGI ] my phone is not strong enough to handle all this [ sms: YOONGI ] I’M not strong enough to handle all this oh god
[ sms: _____ ] you want a new one?
[ sms: YOONGI ] huh?
[ sms: _____ ] a new phone lol
[ sms: YOONGI ] HUH???
[ sms: _____ ] i’ll send you a new one [ sms: _____ ] and hoseokie too :)
[ sms: YOONGI ] hold on [ sms: YOONGI ] HOLD ON [ sms: YOONGI ] YOU’RE SENDING ME AND A SEOK A NEW PHONE??? [ sms: YOONGI ] HELLO?? [ sms: YOONGI ] _____?!
 [ DISPATCH ] Samsung heir, _____, promotes underground Soundcloud rapper, Agust D’s second mixtape, ‘D-2’.
 [ sms: JEONGGUK ] you gave the hyungs new phones??? [ sms: JEONGGUK ] WHAT ABOUT ME
[ sms: _____ ] i’m not your sugar mommy, sweet cheeks ;) [ sms: _____ ] maybe hana will buy you a new one!
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