#thank you for for the question! :D
sweetmage · 1 year
What's your fav romance in each game? For me it's Zevran for da:o Fenris for da2 and Cullefor da:i
Hi! Sorry, I forgot to respond to this until rn.😅 All good choices!!! :D If you care to share, any particular reasons behind those or things you really love about them? ^^
Lemme see... So tbh, I haven't done every romance for every game (actually I haven't done a DAO romance at all) but I can say the ones I think I would like! In DAO my Warden (m!Couslands) actually romanced Ser Gilmore via a mod (though I only used the mod as inspiration instead of word for word fact for his canon). And my other Warden romanced Tamlen (headcanon), and my other Warden has a thing for Shale... yeah, no actual romances completed yet😆 However, next time I play a new character I think I'd like to maybe try out Zevran (with m!warden) or Leliana (with f!warden)? 🤔 I've only done Anders's romance in DA2 so far, but I haven't seen any others (except Sebastian's but I didn't care about it, it was barely even a romance). I am pretty certain that nothing in any game will ever beat Anders's romance for me, but I'd like to check out Merrill's sometime for fun! I do like Fenris, but I leave him to my friend's Hawke with our twin!Hawke AU :) And for DAI... I am struggling to answer that? I have only romanced Cullen (for my canon playthrough), Blackwall, and Iron Bull so far. I thought all of them were okay! I liked Blackwall the best as a character and I loved his story, but I wasn't that attached to the inquisitor that romanced him, sadly, which impacted it a bit. I liked Cullen's romance and I think he went well with my character, though because of some of the writing I had to take parts of his character/his romance with a heavy dose of HC. Next I will be playing Cassandra and, as she's my favorite DAI character and I've got an interesting roleplay idea in mind, I am hoping that one will become my favorite! 🤞🏾But as of now it is hard to choose a favorite, per se. I also want to play Josephine's :)
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starmocha · 2 months
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Love and Deepspace + Tumblr Text Post ↳ Zayne, Part 2
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httyd-art-requests · 5 days
Happy 100th dragon post! 🎉
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(I talk in tags!)
Requests are currently closed!
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bayleafpaprika · 1 year
thinking about how Oda chosing Luffy, a pirate, to be the protagonist of One Piece may be one of the most brilliant story moves by any shonen mangaka ever. by virtue of its main character being an in-world criminal, OP naturally lends itself to becoming a story about the exposure of a society festering with corruption for what it really is, and the dismantling of a dystopia and its propagandist facade. you simply do not get a story like that with a shonen protagonist who conforms to or tolerates the shitty system they're born into
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sebfreak · 2 months
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Sebastian Michaelis
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jeeaark · 6 months
I love Greygold! What do you think his personal quest would be if he were a companion/follower instead of a player character?
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I have yet to play the dark urge run, but I HEARD THINGS. And-and Rangers have a bounty hunter passive choice so-so why wouldn't Greygold try their shot? Gonna catch themself a new BFF or wind up dead first morning
Bonus personal quest for Tavs:
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Like. I've NOTICED that bg3 personal quests have a certain pattern involving EXTREMELY AWFUL CIRCUMSTANCES, but uh I couldn't put Greygold through that, so next best thing: animal friendship discord!
You thought Greygold's only got one personal quest? Try five.
Technically, probably a personal problem as normal Tav too, but A LOT LESS PRIORITIZED now that they're learning how to be Team Leader to a whole Different Disaster Team of all time.
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kingcrustacean · 11 months
i have a few questions! does ace ever show up? what about the canon events do they still happen? when the crew finally sets out do the OG five help in the kitchen? DOES GARP SHOW UP????
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“I thought you were gonna be pirate king!”
“I am! I’m just on hiatus right now!”
As for the canon events, they all happen, they’re just pushed back slightly.
After the year spent at Baratie, the crew all help Sanji in the kitchen, but Sanji is still the Strawhat’s cook :)
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Hello~ back for more questions again!
Is the lore of this AU already expanding into something bigger or is it still not set in stone yet? [Looking forward to whatever you make!]
You mentioned something about an accident taking place which made the Narrator the distant and sour man he is today. Will you elaborate on that or is it still in the works/hidden info for now?
You also mentioned a few other people in the world with him. Will we be seeing them soon?
Does the Narrator ever regret what he's done to the people that used to be in the office?
Are we [the audience] part of their world or is this whole thing just a way for you to communicate your AU in a more user interactive and fun way?
I drew him btw!! You're doing great! I am simply just a black cat that vanishes and appears in the office la la la [Though I have a hunch he won't like random people just entering and leaving his space as they please. He seems like the type to value personal space, even if his personal space is the entirety of the Parable itself.]
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[I drew him watching me but I feel like he'd just tell me to get up and leave HAHAHA]
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started kicking my feet n giggling when i saw the art AGSHEJWIFIEJSGDJSHDE
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he has a soft spots for animals, so maybe he’d just leave you be. if you caused any damage to his game he would have to kick you out-
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zhi-liet · 7 months
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emotional support strawhat
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shima-draws · 5 months
More Sanlu headcanons? 👀
ACTUALLY YEAH I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I know Sanji’s going to be absolutely insufferable after spending two years on Momoiro, but I’ve read a lot of fics that flip it and make it so he actually becomes way more comfortable with gender and sexuality in general. Especially being around someone like Iva, who is the queen on everything gender-related! I imagine Iva slaps some sense into him bc he’s definitely got uh. Some issues with his masculinity. And that in turn makes Sanji realize that all this time he’s been chasing after women bc it’s been expected of him, that’s how he was raised, after all. But despite all that the one person he’s been thinking of nonstop isn’t Nami or Robin, it’s Luffy. And Sanji realizes he’s so so SO in love with his captain that it hurts.
Cue Sanji pining HARD for the next two years and helplessly. HELPLESSLY struggling with his feelings for Luffy, almost to the point where he makes himself sick from it. (Iva proudly says that Sanji couldn’t have picked a better man to fall for. Luffy has his approval lol) And Sanji has all these plans and things he wants to say once they meet again, but when they actually DO that all goes flying out the window.
Sanji’s too much of a pussy to work up the nerve to confess LMAO so he decides to go the more roundabout route and drop hints. WHICH finally leads to the idea I had: Sanji not so subtly singing love songs whenever Luffy happens to be in the kitchen while he’s cooking. (He’s really embarrassed about it at first but then it actually becomes pure habit after a while 😂)
The rest of the Strawhats pick up on this pretty quickly, and they think it’s A. Really cute and B. Really amusing. Sanji doesn’t really sing as much if there’s somebody else in the kitchen besides Luffy, but when it’s just the two of them!! Ohh man.
Luffy notices Sanji’s been singing more often but it will probably take him a while to connect the dots lol. Really this just came to mind bc I desperately. Desperately want Sanji to sing La Vie En Rose. And you bet your ass he pours so much of his two year pining into those lyrics that even someone as dense as Luffy notices 🤧
Also I wrote an essay in my tags and decided they needed to be shared directly on the post so yeah here you go
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jttw-monkeybusiness · 10 months
I love how soft wukong is with sophie- just softness he's so rough with everyone else and any art where he's just holding her gently and shiz? Gold love that just food for my soul feast for my eyes.
He's a good man officer, I swear!
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oc-center · 6 months
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Welcome to OC-Center's BIRTHDAY PARTY! 🎉
One year of sharing people's OCs to give them visibility, one year of a growing community, one year down with many to go ♥ Below I will share the OC-Center Wrapped, to see everything about this year in stats! 🙌
In the meantime, what better way to celebrate than showing off your own OC in this big party photo?
All your OCs are cordially invited to join in the festivities - add them to the picture in a reblog with a short tidbit introducing them to everyone; that's the best way to make friends at a party!
Will you accept OC-Center's invitation? 🥳
OC-Center Wrapped:
Anniversary: 11th of December Posts: 3,331 Followers: 866 'Needs Love' (posts with 10 notes or below): 41 Most popular original post: Bubble Web post
Number of OCs shared: 3233 'humanoid' OCs: 2261 'anthro' OCs: 646 'creature' OCs: 403 Submissions shared: 226
What a wonderful year! Thank you everyone, and here's to the next one ♥
Ressources used for stats:
Tumblr Stats: https://jetblackcode.com/TumblrStats Tag Counter: https://drunkonschadenfreude.com/
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sreedraws · 1 year
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bakathief · 2 months
It’s been 209 days. Since the last time you updated Shadow Chase when are we getting a new update :(
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Hi how are you I‘m good thanks :)
If you are worried that I‘m slacking off rest assured that I have been working on my art in my 2-3 hours of free time every day. If you don‘t believe me you can check out the +140 art pieces in my latest collab or the 22 pages comic I uploaded 2 weeks ago. Thank you for leaving words of motivations in my comments and inbox as noone loves more „when is the next update“ comments than me, especially after a 12 hour shift on the weekend. :)
That being said, there are new pages, when I have the capacity to upload is another question.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 5 months
Dear Domestic Dragon Trust, Someone has left a baby dragon on my doorstep. While I have an adolescent service dragon, this dragon is a baby-baby — soft scales, barely open eyes, and I think I see an egg tooth — and I am very much out of my depth.I’m currently keeping them warm, but I don’t know what else to do. Can you give me some advice on where to take them to get the care they need? And is there anything else I should do now?Thank you!
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Hello, thank you very much for contacting us!
It sounds like you've done a great job providing the first care, but our advice is definitely to go to your nearest TDDT-connected shelter as soon as you can. Not because we do not trust you to take good care of this dragon, you have experience with their care, but because we want to help you determine whether this dragon:
Is in need of medical attention
Has fire breathing abilities
Is a miniature breed or one that will outgrow human size
Is a breed with a specific diet
Once this is clear, you will also be able to make a more informed decision on whether you want to keep and raise this dragon yourself. If you decide not to, we can of course provide it a good home in our shelter until we can get it adopted. If it is a small breed and has a social disposition we could even train it to be a service dragon!
If you are not able to come immediately, please keep the following in mind:
It is unlikely, but if the dragon is wet to the touch, it may be a water dragon. In this case you should place it close to a container of water big enough for it to swim in.
If it is dry to the touch, keep the hatchling away from flammable materials just in case.
Dragons this young are used to being fed by their parent. Try offering it these three foods separately: mashed fresh fruit, minced meat, double cream. Most dragons eat at least one of these.
Unless your service dragon is particularly fond of other dragons, we advise keeping the separated for now. However, if your service dragon suddenly starts acting nervously or makes distress calls: take the hatchling outside immediately and leave it in easily approachable open space some distance away from your home. It is possible that this hatchling was not orphaned but lost or even stolen, in which case its parent may come looking for it. If this happens you do not want the hatchling to be in your home and you do not want to be holding it. If you are at a proper distance when the parent finds the hatchling, the dragon will have time to confirm that you did not harm the baby and is not likely to be violent. In most cases. Usually.
Please drop by as soon as you can!
~ The Domestic Dragon Trust
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vaporvipermedia · 7 months
ATTENTION ALL ROOK HUNT WRITERS‼️‼️ …make him weirder.
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