#thank you for the entertainment anon 🤩
littlechillis · 2 years
Okay I must confess something. And I’m sorry if this means we can no longer talk, but… I am in fact a spurs fan. But I have no hatred towards arsenal, I like your team, it’s a good one and I think it only amplified our rivalry and makes everything more exciting.
The reason I say this is coz spurs have been so godamn boring of late, and yes I know conte ball is boring, but last night I celebrated so hard I hurt my throat and lost my voice because I thought we’d qualified automatically for the last 16. It’s the most exciting thing that spurs have done all season and during that first half I was verging on yelling at conte to play more attacking football coz clearly our defenders aren’t good enough to do what he needs (don’t even get my started on Emerson royal!) but finally the second came and it was a joy I haven’t felt for my team in a long time. It was lovely.
But alas the goal that would see us through was disallowed for offside (which I’m not entirely convinced I understand why… anyway) and my heart is broken again.
I fully blame Emerson royal… it just feels like it was his fault lol.
One moment of silence? Thank you. Now you may make fun of spurs fans coz it kinda funny lol.
-Albert Anon (I will never get tired of watching arsenal for this man!)
i didn't get to catch the game yesterday but when i saw the fixture i thought spurs would do better than last time and win... your recount of the game is so entertaining though 😭 i'm glad you at least enjoyed it despite mr emerson royal being silly!
and no i wouldn't unfriend someone based on what team they support dw! talk about spurs as much as you'd like 😚 i respect the albert hustle!!! 👏
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
omg omg i see you’re watching moriarty the patriot 🤩
hihi! i was wondering if i could request a tickle fight between william and sherlock? for the candy heart event :] feel free to choose who’s the lee/ler !
💜 angel and 💛 sweet heart
I love your blog btw you’re fics are so fun <33 hope you have a wonderful day 🤍
As of writing this- I have finished Moriarty The Patriot (anime) and currently having a lot of feelings *sobs* I've gotcha covered, anon! :D (And thank you so much for the kind words!)
Angel ("What happens if I do this?") + Sweet Heart ("Oh? Is someone ticklish?)
“Let me go, Sherly.”
“Nooooo! I don’t want to!” Sherlock’s arms squeezed him tighter from behind, his face nuzzling against the blonde’s neck as he swayed them gently. “I’ll never let you go again!”
“I’ve already told you- that was a dream.” William squirmed when the nuzzles turned to kisses, lips twitching at the feeling. “I’m right here- you don’t need to wor-reh!”
Sherlock paused, eyes bright with intrigue. “Oh? Is someone ticklish?”
“No, I’m not.” William averted his gaze, gently pulling at the arms around his waist. “Now, let me go.”
William should know by now what happens when you lie to Sherlock Holmes. It always ended in disaster on his end.
“Not ticklish?” The detective cooed at him, fingers relentless as they attacked the blonde's ribs, grinning when William broke into muffled giggles. “I don’t think I believe you, Liam.”
“I tohoohohld you, I’m nohohohohot!” William gasped, fighting down the rise of laughter at the base of his throat. “I’m juhuuhuust amuuhuuhused!”
“Oh? Are you now?” Sherlock tugged him gently, pulling him into his lap as his other hand joined in the fray. “What’s so funny, huh? Tell me!”
“Yohoohohu wohohoohhouldn’t geheheheht it! Ahehahahhha, Sheheheherly, pleahhahahahse!” William’s squirms increased with his laughter, his cheeks heating up as he doubled over, gently grasping the brunette’s wrists. “Cuhuuhuhut it ohohoohout!”
“Please what? I’m just holding you, Liam.” Sherlock snickered, deeply entertained by the noises the other let out. “Whatever’s on your mind must be pretty funny if you’re laughing so much! Say…what happens if I do this?”
“Dohoohoho whah-GEHAHHAHA!” William all but shrieked when ten fingers drilled into his belly, his soft giggle fits growing into proper laughter at the feeling. “FIHIIHIHINE, FIIHIHIHNE I’M TIHIIHIHICKLISH! NOW STHAHAHHAAP!”
“Knew it.” Sherlock grinned, stopping his attack but keeping his arms around him. “Glad you finally admitted it though.” He kissed his shoulder, smiling against it as William sighed. “You’re cute when you’re begging for mercy.”
“Shuuuhuhsh.” William smacked him lightly, unable to fight down the smile when Sherlock kissed his red cheek.
Candy Heart Prompts Are Officially CLOSED!
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mephicchi · 4 months
Mephiston - 🎮, 💯, 🔱, ❤️, 💔, 🍛, 🤔
Ryker - 🎮, 💍, 💯, 🚫, 🐈, ❤️, 🤩
Veldreth - 🖊️, 📚, 💯, 🔺, 🐉, 🍎, 🤍, 🤔, 😓
Have fun :3c
I apologize for delaying this for so long, but here it finally is!!!!
It's quite a lot so read at your own discretion....there might be a lot of nonesense in here but that's my OCs (and my writing in general) in a nutshell, really.
Anon, thank you for this, though I had my troubles with some of it and had to think quite a long time about things I never considered for some of these OCs, it was incredibly fun and I do love finding out new stuff about my OCs!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3
🎮 - what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Once upon a time it would have been training his swordsmanship or just training in general, working, even.
Currently he's enjoying the luxury of being retired, he loves to read, goes on walks (like the old man he is), mingles with other people all around the place and if his magical capabilities hadn't been suppressed recently, he'd be training his arcane skills currently! But alas.
💯 - share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Alright so I'm very bad at giving out random facts so I asked a friend of mine to supply me with three things to share:
A food they hate - Fish, he just doesn't like food containing any kind of fish. A very random skill - During the boring parts of his career as a knight Captain, Mephiston sat in his office for weeks at a time to take care of paperwork his predecessor had left behind for him, any source of entertainment is a blessing at that point so he is quite good at stuff like....spinning a pen around in your fingers or hitting the trashcan with paperwork that doesn't matter anymore. preferred sock color – Red, it's actually not too hard to guess, though he mostly wears black.
🔱 - can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
During his youth Coerthas wasn't frozen yet so swimming in the wild during training expeditions with the Temple Knights was still very much an option that didn't result in freezing to death, and Mephiston very much took advantage of that!
Unfortunately nowadays he'd either have to leave Ishgard or go swimming in one of those heated pools in the Empyreum, neither of those options quite appeal to him.
❤️ - what are three of your oc's positive traits?
He's incredibly generous and loves to give away gil, items or anything really, though he often doesn't have much himself, he tries to be generous in other ways.
Mephiston is always ready to offer a helping hand, if people come to him and ask for help of any kind he'll hardly decline, they've put their faith in him and he's not ready to disappoint them.
Though Mephiston values many things, compassion towards others is the thing he puts front and center for himself, and I'd say he succeeds at it quite well.
💔 - what are three of your oc's negative traits?
Mephiston can be incredibly melancholic, letting most things that bother him eat him up from the inside, this can lead to Mephiston doing things like locking himself in his office for weeks at a time and focusing on his work, or a more recent example, disappearing in self-anguish both literally and figuratively for half a year.
He's disorganized to a comical extent, though he's able to get it together for work related things, everything else in his life tends to be quite wild, now that he doesn't have any work anymore, well......
Lastly, Mephiston will lie without second thought if he thinks it'll make the person he's talking with feel better and or stop a conflict from starting.
🍛 - what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
Though Mephiston can very much cook, he doesn't ever cook for himself (or anyone else for that matter, people never visit him to eat dinner), therefore he almost always eats dinner at restaurants or similar establishments.
As to what he usually chooses to eat; he loves a hearty stew with a good variety of vegetables, if he gets to choose the meat he'd pick lamb.
🤔 - what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Mephi has an obnoxiously loud laugh, though most often he tries to hold himself back by just chuckling a bit, he's a bit annoyed by his own laugh.
Whenever Mephiston visits a venue for the first time he chooses one or two items on their menu and sticks with those until the end of all life.
No one has seen Mephiston without his signature lipstick and eye shade in the past century, no one ever sees him put it on either, and honestly, it's probably better that way.
🎮 - what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Ryker is quite the athletic guy, he's in a fencing club, trains martial arts of many different kinds and loves to go running, unfortunately for his hobbies that's all he's really got going for him.
💍 - does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
Currently Ryker only has earrings, I would say that other kinds of piercings would probably fit him, though he doesn't really concern himself with his looks so unless someone convinces him to go get more piercings, he won't think of it.
💯 - share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Ryker loves to make up stories as to how he lost his left eye, the truth however is much less heroic, he provoked a bar fight with some rowdies once, and one of them broke a bottle and slashed at Rykers face with it.
Though he is a Knight of Ishgard, Ryker was born in Gridania, his family still lives there but Ryker doesn't feel any connection to his birthplace.
He used to have quite long hair but he realized it got in the way during training quite often so he cut it off, nowadays he just keeps his very short hair.
🚫 - does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
Though Ryker often goes to bars he doesn't actually drink all that much, he loves the atmosphere and the social aspect of it, even if his personality and remarks often sour that atmosphere or even make him end up in fights, which is, of course, another reason why he loves to go to bars.
I'm not sure if Ryker would actually be aware of the existence of cigarettes, though if he was, he'd treat them much like alcohol, not smoking all that often but doing it whenever he feels like it, and who knows, maybe smoking would calm him down a bit.
🐈 - does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
Ryker likes to keep a large circle of friends, though it's hard to call most of them that, his friend group is primarily limited to his fellow Knights, he isn't too close with any of them and all they really do is go to places together in bigger groups, but it's all Ryker knew for most of his life.
When Ryker was assigned under Knight Captain Godefroy he was invited to dinner by Mephiston several times, apparently the Knight Captain wanted to get to know the Knights assigned under him a bit better and perhaps even reach a level of friendship with them, Ryker however always declined.
❤️ - what are three of your oc's positive traits?
Ryker is incredibly brave, often to his own disadvantage but brave nonetheless, he doesn't scare away from a challenge.
He's very loyal, the thought of betraying the people he serves, his few friends or anyone he's decided to be loyal to, would never cross his mind, in fact, maybe he doesn't even know that betraying is an option in such a situation.
Lastly, he's very simple with his needs, a few sets of clothes, some food, a bed and a task he's assigned to are all Ryker needs to live a happy life, everything else is a luxury to him.
🤩 - is your oc a planner, or are they more spontaneous in their actions?
Though many might think Ryker is unfamiliar with the concept of planning, he has proven to be able to plan quite a bit ahead to reach his goals, however most often he gets impatient and acts spontaneous towards the end of such a plan.
Quick exclaimer for Veldreth, he's originally an OC within the The Elder Scrolls universe, whoever submitted this ask will only know of him through his FFXIV au though, so I'll go on a bit about both of these versions in many of these answers!
🖊️ - does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
He does have tattoos! Well, they're all kind of connected so I suppose he just has one giant tattoo?
Being experimental as he is, Veldreth thought "what if instead of having to enchant my clothes or accessories, I just enchant my own body?", and after reading through the dangers of it, hearing of failed experiments in the past and of horrible side effects for successful ones, he obviously had to try it himself.
Part of the process is covering one's own body in arcane runes, and since Veldreth wanted it to be permanent, well, he tattooed them on.
As fate would have it, his experiment was successful!....kind of, if he doesn't have a filled soul gem, or whatever the equivalent of such a thing is in other universes is, close to him at all times, the enchantment drains his soul.
Aside from that though, he now has a permanent bound/magical armor around his body.
But that's not related to the question so forgive me for going off topic!
📚 - what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?
So, neither TES nor FFXIV have any public schools or anything of the kind, however if we go by hypotheticals, I'd say Veldreth would have a PHD in....hmmm, Conjuration!
It is a bit silly saying that, if we go by his accomplishments, he was a valued member of the Vvardenfell mages guild until being banished from it and after a long and arduous journey through the ranks of House Telvanni, he became a Master of the House, I'd say he's far beyond any level of education!
I don't want to put him too high up in his FFXIV au version though, since I want to avoid making him seem too powerful, important or anything of the kind, I fucked up back when I made Mephiston the knight captain of House Fortemps within the city of Ishgard so I won't be repeating the same mistake by saying Veldreth is a "Master of a Great House somewhere in Ilsabard" or a "Grandmaster in Summoning magicks", he's just....quite skilled and knowledgeable on the arcane and all sorts of other things!
💯 - share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
As you might have noticed, since I will barely ever get to talk about Veldreth this much again and most certainly not his original version, I tend to go off topic a bit and talk about other details about him at every occasion I can, so this won't be three random facts about him that are easily forgettable but more like....three bigger facts that I would probably not have gotten the chance to mention ever!
The people who met him in FFXIV might have noticed his first name, Voryn, and they might also have noticed how I only use the name Veldreth!
Well, Voryn *was* his first name, once he became a Telvanni Master (Or whatever he is in the FFXIV au) he forsake that name though, he deems himself the only noteworthy member of his family and therefore took the name for himself, using the name that was given to him by his parents, the weaker links of the family, would be a dishonor to himself.
Though House Telvanni is known for it's practice of slavery, Veldreth doesn't much care for it, he uses summons to take care of the tasks that slaves usually take care of in Telvanni society.
He has a wizards Tower, his former Telvanni Masters tower was on Vvardenfell but after said Master had....an accident with a pointy object in his back, well, Veldreth inherited that tower by pure coincidence! He didn't like it though so he grew his own on the Mainland of Morrowind, he called it "Tel Dun" which means something like Cursed Tower or Dark Tower in Dunmeri, I like to think he lives in a Tower in his FF14 au too.
🔺- does your oc know how to use any weapons?
Nowadays Veldreth mostly uses conjuration to take care of his problems, summoning things keeps his hands clean, he has been known to handle a dagger quite well in the past though, a good stab in the back can come in very useful at times.
🐉 - what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
So neither TES nor FF14 really seem to have "mythical creatures" in the sense that they don't actually exist in some way, however I will just go by creatures that the general population might not see in their everyday lives.
For TES Veldreth is a big fan of various types of lesser daedra, due to him specializing in conjuration he has lots of experience in summoning them and even conversing with them, his favorite of the bunch would probably be Daedroth, Crocodile like bipedal Daedra, while Veldreth isn't all too brawny summoning a Daedroth usually makes up for that lack of brawn.
I suppose the closest for FF14 Veldreth would be voidsent, unfortunately I have no idea what kind of voidsent in particular for I don't know all too much about them myself, I'll have to look into it though.
🍎 - where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
So in his original universe, he was born in Morrowind, specifically on Vvardenfell, for his FFXIV au I went with "somewhere in Ilsabard" for now, where exactly, well..... that's a problem for future me.
Both versions still live close to their place of birth, TES Veldreth moved from the Island of Vvardenfell to the mainland of Morrowind at one point while the FFXIV au version most likely did something similar, though he is currently exploring Eorzea.
He doesn't care all too much for his birthplace, he doesn't feel any strong connection with it and is sure he could have accomplished all that he has accomplished no matter where he was born.
🤍 - what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
Alright so, the difference between neutral/questionable traits and negative traits depends mostly on who you're talking to, so I'll just like three that I would think to be quite neutral, but I wouldn't blame you if you felt they were negative or positive instead of neutral.
While his lust for knowledge is never-ending, he's very content in general, he doesn't care to acquire "more power" or to reach higher ranks in House Telvanni or society as a whole, his current state of life is quite sufficient and the effort that would have to be put into changing it isn't worth it to him.
Veldreth is very absentminded, no matter if in private or in public places, once he starts thinking about something interesting to him he tends to disappear into his own mind, this even happens mid conversation from time to time, it could very well be that his tendency to not care all too much about others as long as he gets to do his own thing and follow his pursuit of knowledge is connected to the latter part in a way, offending people because he just starts ignoring them isn't a concern of his.
Though House Telvanni is inherently quite competitive, once Veldreth became a Master that sense of competition disappeared for him, ever since he's content with his state of life he's become incredibly uncompetitive and doesn't care to prove himself anymore, he knows what he can and can't do and what others might think of him, once again, doesn't matter to him.
🤔 - what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Veldreth talks to himself quite a lot, it's a bit connected to him being incredibly absentminded for he often doesn't even realize there's other people listening and he's really just in his own little bubble of thought.
He has a habit of documenting every magical experiment, summoning, or significant event in his life. He keeps detailed journals, grimoires and even scrolls that serve as both a personal history and a reference guide for his endeavours.
😓 - is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge?
Stubborn all the way, in all honesty, I don't think I need to go further into why and how.
He's very inquisitive, as you might have guessed from some other things I talked about along the way to this question, however he's dead set on learning and acquiring knowledge without direct help from others, if anyone dares try to teach  him something his mood will become very sour very quickly.
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gojonanami · 4 months
Hello Sabina!! Greetings to you!! I heard there's an election for Professor Geto"s admirer"s community? I hope it's still open! I'm sorry for the delayed application, you know how much I respect him, it's just that I had exams past few weeks!! If they are open, I'd like to apply to be the representative! I hope the following skills and traits suffice (if there is any other particular need, please let me know! I've only included things about myself which I suppose would fulfill the criteria!) --
•I'm the "🤩 kid" of any group. I can create the hype. That is my personality. My energy is contagious, I can help in making sure the mood of our community is never too gloomy. 😌 My only weakness being going without prof. geto for too long.
•I've won several debate competitions throughout my academic career, scored a whooping out of out on every English project assigned to me and not only that - I manage to impress the teacher genuinely (you know what that amused eyes and pleasant smile looks like, don't you? 😌). Which means I know how to use words to sell a idea and convince people to be on my side - something that's expected of the representative. We gotta grow out our smol little cult afterall too <3
•My friends trust me with impromptu speeches (after, let's say, any seminar), I'm their go to. I'm a confident public speaker, and a natural at it. I can represent our propaganda opinions. And shut down anyone who shames us for being simps, even though we are :D
•I'm a Math + computer sciences major, which means I can bring kids from other majors and make this as big help them realise the beauty of his gorgeous face this amazing subject called ethics. :D
•I have helped kids carry out shenanigans in past, I'm good at being partner in crime and keeping a secret. The club can stay a secret from Prof. Geto himself if that's the need. I can bring that assurance if I'm given a position of power.
•I can bake top class chocolate cake, which shall do to keep people entertained and their taste buds fulfilled. Besides that, I can sing, dance and be the group clown. :D
•I'm confronting, don't avoid conflict. Can play devil's advocate, which means I'm also skilled at hurting people with sharp words if it comes to that. (Prof. Gojo being my personal inspiration and daily mentor at it, yes physics is one of my subjects too) and is really needed. As I said, I'm good at debates, I as a representative I will stand in front as a shielding barrier, talk on behalf of us and protect our community if anyone dares threaten it. Hmph.
•I'll keep reminding everyone to stay hydrated.
•I'm good at planning (given I've been studying maths and computer sciences majority of my life ; my brain is just wired to build algorithms to get desired output) so I can also help the president plan our meetings in a way it best accommodates everyone's schedules.
•I'm also a social butterfly and am more inclined on the "likes and enjoys social interactions" side, so I can update the members with essential information if they miss out on any club meetings.
•I'm a diplomatic person in nature, I can also help resolve and minor (or major for that case) issues among club members.
>>> Honestly, I'd take pride in calling myself the representative - that tag is a flattering one for me to hold and have. But if you and the other members decide I'm better suited for any other position I'm more than willing to take it up!!
Thank you for your time and consideration!! Looking forward to the election results!! If I'm given the power and position of a representative I promise to work hard and fulfill my duties for the same. 😌🤝🏻
🤩 anon
Dearest 🤩 anon,
no need for apologies — your studies come first, as we as a community and prof geto believe. you have several incredibly useful skills and I believe you would make a wonderful representative! I would love to appoint you as such.
speaking of which, I’ll set the deadline for these elections for when part 3 comes out (2/23 at 8 PM EST)! so if anyone wishes to apply, this is the time :)
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airenyah · 4 months
I have zero knowledge on acting skills and techniques but I love your posts about Dunk and your defense of him and you absolutely converted me into a Dunk-girl! So you're not alone with waiting for Summer Night 😅 And I love your mom's comments about him and JD in general, so you'd have a captive audience of (at least) one if you decided to post more of her reactions 🤩
omgggg anon 🥺🥺🥺
me @ you after reading this message:
Tumblr media
i'm so happy to see that i've got company as i sit here and (im)patiently wait for summer night to air 💖
and i LOVE to hear that my legacy on here is not only converting people into joongdunk vampire bl truthers but also into dunk-girls. welcome to the club!!!!!
regarding my mom's reactions: well, i happened to take voice recordings of our hidden agenda binging sesseions in order to listen to everything later and note down all the interesting observations and analysis we were making. if my mom gives me her consent then i might just share her reaction to the iconic ep7 yank-kiss-yeet scene and some of our discussions surrounding this scene! we were both dying of laughter and i think it might be entertaining to hear for some of you on here as well jskjsdfjkfds
(btw, if you're curious: in the reblogs of this post i shared some of the things that i pay attention to when i do performance analysis)
anyway, your message made my day thank youuu <3
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
I just wanted to say that your headca lbs have been keeping me entertained during several days, because they’re great 🤩 Thanks for writing 🙏🏼🧎🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ And sorry if the English is bad
Lol why thank you anon ;)
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taechnological · 1 year
GOD HOWRE U?? JDKJH i miss tumblr so much :( althooo i read ur posts and iM SO HAPPY and so proud of you🥺 im glad ure growing more and more! i wish u the best for ur future <3
im fine! im better than ever! i got into the college of my choice! tbh a lot happened ever since i left tumblr lel sksks but yeah in short im doing far better than ever :)
[for sure tae w eyebrow slit, currently its that okokok lalalala song popular in reels LMAO but the bts one would DEFFFF be war of hormone coz woh tae-💕🤩😍 (alsoooo yeah i had died my hair purple in honour of borahae and woh tae heheheh), fav bts: ly answer (the facts that its my fav bts album oVERALL-) subunit: V JHOPE SUGA PLS ILL DIE ISTG]
i come around on tumblr a lot, the blogs i used to interact w and just hit the up w an ask and/or interact w their content, altho most ppl have gone on hiatuses and stuff 🥺
anyways good to have u back!! i hope u can keep tumblr a part of ur life and keep entertaining us w ur posts!! love you <3
OMGGG KTH ANON HEYYYYYYY LONG TIME NO SEE !!!!! aaaaa so good to see you're doing great, congrats on getting into the college of your choice THAT'S AMAZING NEWS ♡ and thank u sm for your lovely words mwah ♡
love that u answered for every poll i posted hahaha 😆💖 (also omg purple hair??? 👀💜)
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lostmyremembrall · 1 year
greetings! may i join your 1K event?? and congratulations for your achievements of 1K supporters, not followers but supporters because yess we are indeed your supporters who love your works 🥳
The Diadem ( 👑 ) & Tom's Era
a she/her, my mbti is esfp, and my temperament is sanguine. in the house of hufflepuff i belong 💛 im an easy-going person and is easily entertained— i tend to laugh at mostly anything (unless they're harmful) . although im an extrovert, i do value my time alone too, perhaps not as much as introverts. usually if i were to be alone i'd think of my self-development, if not then i'd just sleep lol. im a heavy sleeper and also a big eater 😋 i dont know if that's informative but yeah .
i have quite a big circle of friends, in school, I'm mostly friends with everyone who's unproblematic but even if they're not my friends (like acquaintances) , i have absolutely greeted them and had small talk at least once. even so, i have like two to three friends whom i'd trust my whole life with. im close with the teachers too but i wouldn't say im a teachers pet, just like to have conversations and bond with them.
dark humour? 🤩 i love them! dark places? im not quite fond of it, so lumos maxima! my hobby is cooking, it's very beneficial for me and my stomach. i also don't know if this is informative, but i love to play in muds. yk those muds after rains. i hate insects and bugs. i love both cats and dogs but i prefer felines. im a pretty active person, i dont want to waste my "you-only-live-once" life being cooped up so i eat up those indoor and outdoor activities. in quidditch i'd play as a chaser and fav subject would be care of magical creatures
i think thats it, thank you in advance and dont rush this one <3 i understand you must have lots to do and matters to be taken care of outside of tumblr, so i'll patiently wait dont you worry 🫡🖤
👑𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
ohh and also from the same anon who's esfp and in hufflepuff, a missing thing i forgot to include — although im an active person who loves activities, im not competitive and sometimes is scared of competitive people 🥹 yes i'll try my hardest to win but what matters is im having fun 👍🏻
Era changed to the Golden Trio era at request
A/N: I looooove when the request for personalised HC is long! Not just because it gives me more things to write about, but also because I genuinely love getting to know you all as a person! It's lovely, imagining how we'd all belong at Hogwarts because Hogwarts is our home to all of us❤️ Also I am soo happy that you mentioned quidditch because now I get to talk about the kind of an amazing quidditch player you'd be!
𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝐽𝑜𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 1𝐾 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡! Now closed
You're definitely a strong contender against Cedric Diggory for popularity ranking lol
To everyone, you glow and shine and steal the spotlight and they adore you for it.
You're known for your friendliness and ability to make others feel comfortable.
You're definitely the cool upper-class student who's cool with the professors (cracking inside jokes), but you don't suck up to them.
Tom appreciates that you treat him with respect and friendliness just like others.
He was particularly shocked to find that you enjoyed dark humour, contrary to the Hufflepuff-ness you give off.
Your interactions with him mostly revolve around going on prefect patrols.
Banters. Dark jokes.
Being teased by Tom about being afraid of the dark.
"What? Afraid of the dark?" Tom raises a brow with a smirk, and extinguishes their wands' light.
The house elves let you use the kitchen to your content.
They love having you around. Things get a bit hectic during the dinner rush, but otherwise, you often find yourself enjoying a cup of tea with house elves.
Your housemates tease you for being able to sleep through anything.
In your first year, someone's plant caught fire at night. You were that one student who managed to sleep amidst the chaos of panic and the alarm.
You are often hungry, known to randomly say in the middle of a class, conversation, etc. "I'm hungry," "Has anyone got any food?" "How long until lunch?"
People who spend time with you find this trait of yours endearing. They usually come prepared with an apple or two.
Tom, especially found that the patrol with you works most smoothly when he brings a snack for you.
When you open your mouth to voice that you're getting hungry, Tom typically takes out a snack from his robe pocket and offers it to you for the road.
You have a loyal pet cat, as equally active as you. When they're up for it, they follow after you in school for whatever activity you're up to.
You're a Chaser on Hufflepuff's quidditch team with Cedric Diggory.
Since you're so popular and loved by everyone, the entire pitch cheers for you when you make an entrance or score a point.
Even some other house students quietly root for you!
To many younger students, you are this approachable upper-class student who looks smashing on a broom. And you're an object of admiration. People want to be like you or be friends with you, or both.
Since you're not as competitive, you do find it difficult to communicate with some of the more intense quidditch players.
To you, quidditch is all about having fun first before winning, and you absolutely cannot tolerate foul play.
𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬
You have a very strong constitution. You are very healthy mentally and physically, which means that you are a tough opponent to beat in Quidditch and duelling. It takes you a good number of hexes to take you down.
It also means that your magic is very stable. Rarely do you experience any mishaps from your magic going out of control.
You are one powerful/reliable witch.
You were chosen as a prefect for your good grades, lack of trouble you've caused, and popularity.
The professors suspect that with how much lower-class students admire you, you'd be a good influence.
Your favourite and your best class is Care of Magical Creatures.
Professor Kettleburn adores your enthusiasm in his class.
But, unfortunately, it also means that you often end up having to clean up the mess that is caused by Professor Kettleburn's oversight.
When Professor Kettleburn's engorged ashwinder went out of control and caused a fire during the play, you were one of the few students courageous enough to stay behind and attempt to tame it.
You've made quite a few magical creature friends.
In particular, you always pay a visit to a dugbog after a rain to play with him in the mud.
For the love and care you have for the magical creatures, you are amusingly intolerant of any bugs or insects.
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missaudreystiara · 2 years
If Audrey was going to singlehandedly bring back Broadway, what shows do you think she would put on (on Snowpiercer)? And what shows or songs would she let die?
Anon, I love you. This is a perfect ask. I’m not sure I can give a perfect answer that will please all fellow musical enthusiasts but this is what I’d like to happen/could envisage happening…
I’ll answer the last part first - in terms of letting shows/songs die out I think the ones that Audrey would be happy to see go would mostly be things like the Back to the Future musical or Bring it On the Musical… you know those movie musicals where it feels completely unnecessary that they were ever turned into musicals (save of course for whoever created them taking in the money from a pre existing fan base). Some of those sorts of musicals are pretty enjoyable (I’m thinking specifically Legally Blonde, Heathers, Hairspray etc) and I think they’d survive for sure, but I reckon 75% plus of movie musicals would be gone. I think a lot of jukebox musicals would go as well for similar reasons - a few would be nice to keep putting on but the concept as a whole just isn’t very original and I think Audrey’s an original.
Now in terms of shows I think she’d put on there are FAR too many for me to list them all or the reasons for all of them, but I feel like Audrey would want a mix of classic and cult musicals. I also headcanon that the night car is a gay/drag bar and so I feel like she’d choose a lot of drag/queer musicals as well. These are my top few picks…
A Chorus Line (so meta and At the Ballet feels very Audrey to me)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (it’s Lena, duh)
Little Shop of Horrors (and she would play Audrey I and Audrey II… and I guess technically Audrey III?)
Wicked and she and Melanie would be Elphaba and Glinda
Kinky Boots
Maybe Rocky Horror? Idk, I love that musical for sentimental reasons but I’m not sure it’s actually good 🥲
There are probably way more I could mention, but yeah, those are a few that I think she would choose!
I’m terms of it being on/off Snowpiercer, I think given her little speech in the finale of season 3 that she feels very committed to providing music and entertainment as an art form and felt that the place for this was on Snowpiercer… and I tend to agree. I think if Broadway is getting revived it’s going to be on train, not off train. There’s going to be too much chaos and more pressing things to sort out for probably years off train, though I’m sure she’d find a way to entertain the masses if she does end up making it to New Eden!
Thanks for this one, it was a really fun ask! 🖤🤩
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zeltqz · 2 years
ran cheats on naomi w y/n 🗣 or naomi cheat on ran w tamura 🤔🤔 IM SUPER EXCITED THO AWOOGA 🤌🏼🤌🏼 ur writings deserve a 5 star 🤌🏼🤌🏼
- scara anon
Also I’m keeping my mouth ZIPPPED SHUTT🤐 no spoilers but I love seeing you all guess it’s entertaining 🤩
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
5SOS Live on TikTok (before joining the iHeartRadioCA live) March 3, 2022
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👑Being Seijoh's Manager👑
Lesbian Manager Edition
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Seijoh featuring Karasuno 👀 x Female Manager
Warnings: fluff, I didn't even out Swearing 😱
AN: This is an Anon request! This is an lgbtqia+ friendly fic 🏳️‍🌈
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
This one has been HIGHLY anticipated 😏
And I'm unsure if it's because of our resident lesbian manager
Or because we get to bully Oikawa 🤣
Im gonna go with both 🥰
Anyways, let's get started!
Now you weren't exactly secretive about your sexuality
You just didn't feel the need to flaunt it
Oikawa constantly needing to be surrounded by his adoring fan girls 😒
Anyways, from the start it was pretty clear you had no interest in any of the guys
Sure they found you attractive
And I mean, heck they are attractive as hell
But there just wasn't anything there
All of them understood the memo
Except for one 🙃
One guess as to whom it was?
If you guessed anyone other than Oikawa, you clearly haven't read my headcannons before 🤣
But really, this man thinks he's the king of volleyball
And more importantly, he thinks everyone had a crush on him
Guys, girls, non-binary folk, you name it, this man things they all want a piece of him
Which is why your rejection makes for very entertaining content for Seijoh
Because I think they've all figured out you play for the other team
A except Oikawa
Which this scenario so hilarious
One day, you are taking notes and Oikawa approaches you
"Hey YN, I've got tickets to a concert this weekend? Wanna go with me?"- Oikawa, turning on the charm
"No thanks"- you, extinguishing said charm
Mattsun, Makki and Kunimi are all just watching
Honestly they are so nosey I can't even 💅🏼
"YN I've asked you out a million times and you've always said no! Don't you know what a privilege it is to be asked out by yours truely"- Oikawa
"Shut up loserkawa and leave YN alone"- Iwaizumi, ready and waiting for your signal to pounce
"I appreciate the offer Oikawa but I'm not interested"- you working on your notes
"BY WHY NOT YN-CHANN"- Oikawa now whining
"😐 I'm gay Oikawa"- you, channeling Ushi and stating at Oikawa
Oikawa 👉🏻👁👄👁 whet-
Makki, Mattsun and Kunimi 👉🏻🤣💀
Iwaizumi 👉🏻🙄🤚🏻🏐👦
"In order for you to be heartbroken, you would have actually had to have a chance Oikawa"- You getting up and walking away 🚶‍♀️
You better ask Oikawa if he needs some ointment for that BURN
After that, Oikawa silently competes eith you for the attention of his female fans
Not that you even need to compete 💅🏼 you could have any of them
But they aren't your type
But you know who your type is 👀👀
A certain crow manager that's who 🙌🏻
So when you are filling water bottles up and the gorgeous Kiyoko enters your vision
You all but see stars 🤩
Please Kiyoko is an absolute goddess 🤚🏻
"Hi there! I'm Kiyoko, I manage Karasuno"
"I'm YN, I managed Oikawa, I mean Seijoh"
Please her laugh 😭😭😭
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You know, the season 4 laugh when she's in the bath with Yachi 👇🏻
Say less she's utter perfection
Unfortunately for you, you will have to deal with her two wards bodyguards
"Kiyoko come to my arms sweet mama!!"- Noya all but running towards you and Kiyoko
Suddenly he stops ✋️ Tanaka running into his back
"Holy crap- we've hit the jackpot!"- Tanaka
"There's one for each of us"- Noya 😍
Please Kiyoko smack them
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It has been dealt with ☺️
That is, until your own resident idiot approaches 🙄
"Yn-chan are these delinquents bothering you"- Oikawa followed by Iwa and the gang
"No"- You 😐
Channeling Iwa 😌
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Thank you sir for your dedication 🤗
Before you and Kiyoko part with your respective idiots, you shot your shoot
"Hey could I get your number? I think it'd be cool if we could hand out?"- You to Kiyoko
"Oh absolute! Give me your phone and I'll punch it in"- kiyoko
You exchange phones
"I texted myself 😉 see you later YN"- Kiyoko
You look down at your phone at kiyokos text
"Hey there cutie 💓 "
Please everyone is just watching you right now and taking notes 📝
"Damn that was smooth Yn"- Mattsun
How did you do that YN?"- Oikawa
Tanaka and Noya are just staring 👁👄👁
There's no way I could be THAT EASY
"It's easy Oikawa, I'm just polite"- you, turning to walk back to the gym
"Wow"- Oikawa, stunned 😲
Not YN the resident dating guru 🤣
Please Terushima is probably watching you too 😭
What can you say, it comes natural ☺️
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roseymess · 3 years
🤩🤩🤩Hi!! I will stop posting ships for a while.💞💞I have reached 100+ followers. So I have decided I will start an ask game to celebrate this💜❤️🥰Thank you to everyone who has followed me and showed me their love💝💝💝
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The Game:
So this will be a kpop or celebrity crush compatibility game. I am improving my intuition,and I will tell you the following information with your mentioned celebrity or idol. This person can be anyone,a singer,writer,actor,film director etc.🤩🤩
🤩- Their first impression of you
💝- How you two might meet
💞- Your relationship dynamic
💜- Your first date
❤️- What they would like about you
Reblog this post and follow me
Send your initials,with the emoji you want me to answer.
One question,per ask. But you can send multiple asks with the emoji you want to be answered.
No anons,please,I need to sense your energy 🥺but if you want to be anon,send your initials,your favourite colour,your chosen three emoji along with your ask(that should be one emoji,the question you want to be answered).
Please leave a feedback,it helps me.
The game closes once I reblog this post with game status.
This is all for fun and entertainment purposes. Please don't take them to heart. If you get negative reading,just know it can be wrong as well. You love your celebrity,thats enough. Your support means the most to them. 🥰🥰 If you get positive reading,please don't take it to heart and think you now have the right to be possessive over them. This is all fun and games
Game status: OPEN
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Thank you and enjoy the game💞🥰🥰
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princessozera · 4 years
No one plans a murder out loud
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Anon request: Hello!😘🤩 Can i get a headcanon about what would Obey me boys react if a random girl flirt them with no shame and when he saw his s/o staring them in a corner, he went near her and said something like "Sorry i was trying to make her leave but she is quite stubborn but I am impressed by you react it so calm and quietly." then she said "Nobody plans a murder out loud" with a straight face and a very calm voice. Thank you so so much 🥰😍😘
She/Her pronouns for this since they were used in the prompt-request
Word count: 860
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Thousands of years alive, so he was used to this. It’s a given that being one of the 7 demon lords would draw attention from people, especially those wanting to be partners. For money, power, prestige, a few out of genuine interest, one learns to tune it out, entertaining conversation in a flat tone simply out of courtesy. Today was no different, the demon in front of him had does this on the weekly and he could tell her charm was in full force today. No matter how short his responses were, the girl kept pushing, trying to get closer. None of this would be to much of a bother if he wasn’t aware that you were staring at him from a few feet away, staring silently at the girl trying to hang off your arm.
he knew you wouldn’t come over and cause a scene, but he couldn’t help but worry. Perhaps he should have been more blunt to the demon flirting with him, more insistent that he was serious with his relationship with you. He didn’t want you to worry, so he decided to bring it up himself later that day when you two were alone, praising how you acted with such a calm demeanor and reassuring that he only had eyes for you. You give him a smile and gently pat his cheek.
“No one plans a murder out loud, love,” before heading off to help with dinner preparations.
Stifles laughter, finds your deadpan delivery of the line adorable.
He doesn’t think you’ll actually try to kill the demon, but does make an offhanded comment later about not saying those kinds of things to anyone other than him, out of concern that you’d be punished harshly.
He’s also a little touched that you would consider murder for him, even jokingly. Will tease you about it later.
Gets a cold shiver down his spine, unnerved.
You’re not serious... right? Don’t make jokes like that MC, Lucifer will chew both of you out and hang Mammon up for good measure.
He shrugs it off, and decides he’ll just make sure you’re always under his arm when you two are out together, not like he needed another reason to always hold on to you.
Considers for half a second if you might actually be a yandere
the other half of that second is reminding himself that you being a yandere would NOT be hot and NOT be as idealized as in anime
He’s one of the only brothers to seriously worry that you felt insecure, so he’ll make sure to host a marathon of your favorite show and buy your favorite snacks or a new game.
finds it super cute and immediately follows you to tease you about it
“What are you going to do to them MC? Stabbing? Poison?”
“I’m going to break into their house and strangle them 💖”
“Not to doubt you love, but I don’t think you’re strong enough to hold them down if they wake up”
“Hit man”
“Creative, but I’m fairly certain their aren’t any demon hit men”
“I’ll burn them with acid
“Any acid would harm you first, so how do you plan to do that?”
“The holy water I have hidden in my room.”
“The what-”
All jokes aside, he’ll pull you close, refusing to let you worm your way out as he reassures you that he only has eyes for you.
very much so knows you’re joking, and he knows you’re both very comfortable and assured in your relationship, so he decides to go full actress as he follows you to the kitchen.
“MC! Spare my lover, for they’re but a spider on the wall in the castle of our love”
“Anyone who dares to caress you as I do must face my blade,” you haphazardly wave the kitchen knife around, tossing a bit of flour to Asmo as you continued in the haughtiest tone you could muster “You are my beloved, and I’ll defeat anyone who wishes to fight for your hand!”
“NooOoOoO~” He groans dramatically, pretending to slide to the floor before jumping up again, “So what are you making for dinner?”
“The roast is just about done and right now I’m whipping up some vanilla cupcakes with pink buttercream frosting and glitter sprinkles.
“My favorites?!!! Aww, MC, how could anyone ever compete with you? 🥺🥺🥺💖”
Is only like 50% certain that you’re joking, so he apologizes with level 100 puppy dog eyes
You have to reassure him that you won’t do anything that would put your life in danger, because honestly he’s more worried that you’ll get hurt than any concern he has about you being a murderer.
Somehow it end up with you two comforting each other with snacks and a movie marathon
He’s SO smugly happy.
He thinks it’s really cute of you to claim to want to murder a demon, considering your past together. He doesn’t think you’d actually do it though, and doesn’t even think that a human can kill a demon, so you look more like an angry kitten to him.
Care to prove him wrong?
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hatchetation · 2 years
Show gate? What is shoe gate? Only the MOST important discussion in this tag 🤩🤩
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Thought I’d do a little shoe gate compilation. First of all, to the anon who started shoe gate—you absolute LEGEND thank you for your service to this fandom. 👟 👠👟👠 Second of all, Im glad this fandom has such niche interests it really keeps things entertaining around here 😁 Third of all, I know writers don’t actually read the things we put in fandom spaces for like, legal reasons (actually I learned this only thanks to I Ship It, a show I watched purely for Yasmine Al-bustami 😂). But like COME ON the shoes off thing?? Guess great minds think alike 😂🤷‍♀️
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
Hi, dear folks doing the @klarolineseason fic exchange! 💁‍♀️ First of all, thanks to the mods for running this fab event! ❤️ Second, love you all for signing up!
Third, I am not doing the event because I have way too much work and going into the new year, I'll likely have very little time, so committing to a gift event was sadly out of my possibilities for fear of not being able to deliver, HOWEVER ✨
Please, send each other lots and lots of anon messages, exchange ideas and preferences and just talk, because I LOVE exchanges and very much want to try to guess who got who. 🤣 I beseech y'all to provide entertainment to this poor overworked person! 🥺👉👈 Go send each other messages and I will be here 👀👀
Can't wait for the fics/works to go live so I can start guessing! 🤩
Hope y'all have a fab time and thanks very much! ✨
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