#thank you for the starter friend!! <33
Hii, I'm glad you're back . Even if it was for a few days you really left a place in tumblr not just for your work but for your presence itself.
I had a question for a while and I'm sorry if you answered it before and I seemed to not notice , if that's the case then forgive my ignorance but I was wondering , since sebek seems to respect his grandfather alot and has inherited the hate for humans from him and it's a known fact in self-aware au that the faes 'love' the overseer alot I must say.. does that mean that sebek also inherited his 'love' for the overseer from his granpa? If so how did green grandpa see the overseer, what made him 'love' them and how does he show it .
If you don't want to write this then feel free to ignore it , hope you have a great day and don't forget to drink water and eat well<33
Hi there Anon. It's so sweet of you to say that. I didn't think I would have made such an impression on anyone. But I completely forgot to write about Sebeks grandfather -_-
Well, better late than never.
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Self-aware au
WARNINGS: Jp-version spoiler (like, the whole thing!!!), (Platonic!) yandere themes, war, religion, unhealthy mindset, isolation, unhealthy family dynamic
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(Platonic!) Yandere headcanons
Ah yes, our local way too loud and loyal member of the reptilian family. No need to to worry about him. I mean, what could go wrong? (Hehe…)
Baul was not from the Valley of Thorns. Growing up in Sunset Savannah he did not grow up with the beliefs of the Faes (in other words, he was not part of a religious cult)
So imagine the huge shock he felt when he finally became a solider under the Draconia banner and started to become more and more like the other Faes
Well, for starters, yes, he wasn't indoctrinated into the whole church thing since birth but also wasn't raised to see you as an equal like the beastmen of the Savannah
You could say that he was a healthy mixture of both
Emphasis on the “was”
You see, isolation and being the only one sticking out (if we discount the humans invading the valley) does leave you open for a lot of things
If we count two (being the surroundings he was in) and two (his more or less unnoticed loneliness) together, we can see pretty fast where that led
Never mind his superior (and friend I mean come on they might as well be brothers) Lilia constantly rambling about the Overseer, savior of all, and how you accepted everyone in your kind embrace
Ok. Nice. Neat. Great. In the beginning, Baul wasn't very interested in joining any kind of religion
But the longer the war held on, the more he wished there was someone he could ask for help in his task of protecting those he deemed close to himself (you see the generational pattern?)
At some point, even the proudest of all can't hold on for forever
So he turned to you, the supposed God that was on so gentle
And goddamn that religious gaslighting and placebo effect worked damn well
Not only did he feel like there was someone there who supported him from somewhere in the universe (even though that was just him believing too much but let have him have some hope, ok?) but also he finally had a community
Whenever he would leave one of the many churches in the valley a Fae would approach, thanking him for protecting their home
Sooner than later did the former non-believer think of himself as your chosen shield of the valley
The war came and went away
If only the same thing could be said about Bauls new religious beliefs
And when he saw that grandson of his, cute little chubby hands that gripped a wooden toy sword tightly, he knew that his position as the valleys shield would not cease
Yes, even Baul would die one day. Fae or not, he was at the end of the day mortal
But that talent of his grandson would surely be of use to you, right?
If his younger self would see him like this, would it run away? Would it feel disgust at the thought that his future self would use his own grandson for selfish, religious reasons?
If only Baul knew that “God” didn't even know they were living beings that existed in a different world…
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janus-cadet · 7 months
Tarot Project - N°33
This is yet another tarot card- strangely, the first I drew for the MCU. Obviously, it was motivated by the ending of the last show I saw, which did not left me indifferent.
(it broke me and I'll never be the same again)
So here is Loki, burdened with glorious purposes, as The Magician.
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(If you haven't see the season yet and are avoiding spoilers, don't look for the explanation under the cut!)
For starters, the Magician is said to be the conduit that converts energy into matter. He represents worldly experience and knowledge ; he has seen it all, experience it all, and acts at the gateway between spiritual and material realms- just like would be a God trapped in the roots of Yggdrasil, all seeing, all creating. He is the root of the whole tarot- having access to the symbols of each suits : Wands, Swords, Cups, Pentacles. The Magician has unlimited potential, is manifestation at its best : who else to embody that, than the God of Stories, the most powerful being in the universe? Timely was right- truly a magician.
But that's not all. Let's start with the meaning of the card, upright.
As the master manifestor, the Magician brings you -you, person living in any timelines ever- the ressources and energy you need to make your own choice. He's giving you a chance. Like him, you might be facing changes, new ideas that challenge who you were: it's now time to act on them. The skills (maybe time magic ?) and knowledges (perhaps your brand new sciency PhD) you have gathered along your life path have led you where you are now. You must have a clear vision of the goal you are trying to achieve. It is not enough to be motivated by ego, money, status or fame, by a throne. When you are clear about your "what", your "why"... your "who"... you will be able to take actions. You are powerful, you are a creative being: you can reach, now, your highest potential. Focus on the ONE thing that will truly motivate you. Be active. Be a tree.
Reversed, the card can indicate that are still uncertain. You know that you have to take action, but are uncertain of the course it must take. You are afraid of what you might loose, what path you need to choose; be patient, be attentive- the solution will manifest itself in time, when you'll be ready to accept it. If you are already acting on your goal, the Magician Reversed can be a sign that you are struggling to see progress and success (perhaps because of some annoying Avengers who refuse to accept your perfectly reasonnable demands ; perhaps you can't make yourself kill that one person to save the rest.) Maybe you are not clear on your desired outcome; maybe your effort are misdirected, unfocused. You may be lacking conviction. Perhaps the goal you're going after is not the one you actually need, or even want. Are you sure you want that throne ? Are you aware of the price coming with any glorious purpose ?
At its worst, the Magician Reversed signifies manipulation and trickery. You may be masterful at manifesting, but you are lost, and you may only do it for personal gain and at the expense of others. Does it feels off? Maybe. It might means you were made to work for the highest good, before you find yourself lost. Remember your "why", remember your "who". You have many skills, talents, capabilities, but your real potential is not being maximized. You have to ask yourself- what needs to change for you to reach your full potential? What do you crave the most? You can't lie to yourself: you have to be honest, as painful as it might be. You have to be ready to do what it takes to reach your most important goal.
If, in the end, it matters most to see your friends having a shot at life, at happiness, than it matters to not be alone- then, you know what you have to do.
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With that, I conclude my explanation. Only one more card, and I'll be done with the Major Arcana!
(Just like Marvel is done with Loki a h)
I hope you liked it. You, yes, you who is still reading! Thank you for that.
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 1 month
haiii!!! i really like how much you advocate “uncommon” alterhuman identities!! the passion!! the care!! its all really cool. i appreciate you for that. my friend is a fictionkin (gregory of yardale) and i think thats pretty damn cool. one small problem though. i kind of dont understand alterhuman identities all that well! :( from my understanding, its when people have a spiritual connection with a certain nonhuman thing,, (or sometimes believe they were said thing in their past life),, but ive also seen some people say they think they ARE said thing instead of human. which i dont know if its true. it’d be pretty odd to not believe you were human after…you know, youre literally classified as human and al that jazz. i cant explain it. but at the same time, i dont wanna be judgemental…and theres gotta be some explanation. something deeper. something to destroy the misconception of “odd”, but i cant find it. :(
-🕸️📺 anon
:33 < velopppp !! :oDD im relally tabnkful for that !! honestly, i jusut want a community in whoch peopel dont feel left out !! where people arebt unseen, we are all fair !! thats what drives me iguess :o)) and thank yiu !! <3 also they sound really interesting !! ^_^ and, for the not unnderstanding allterhuman identitues that weel: honestky ? for starters, idont always truly believe youHAVE to understand. as long as you as a being can respect it, youdont always have to understand. [pt: as long as you as a being can respect it, youdont always have to understand.]
B33 < youcan be respectful, and kind, but if youdont understand, thats ok !! if youwant to understand, thats great !! if youdo understand, thats awesome !! its fine not to get things, you are not compelled to know everything !! but for starters, you arent wrong !! alterhumanity can derive from spirituality (eg: religion, believing your nonhuman soul was put into a human body, past lives, ectect) but it isnt always !! there are many reasons one would be nonhuman !! (im not speaking on all nonhuman behalves when isay tghis, but) it could be duue to mentally beleiving you are an alterhuman (psychological alletrhyman), being a fictive (taht is a system/plural term for anyone who doesnt know), delusions/mental conditions, (zoanthropy/lycanthropy, trauma, mental illness, ect) or maybe just being taht thing because they are that thing. most people say they "are" that thing because its the best way to describe their alterhumanity for them, like they (probably) know arent physically that being/thing, but saying they are it just makes sense instead of pputtijg the spiritual/psychological/anything else label on it. also, some people might physically believe they arent human because of delusions or mental illness, in which case it is not hest to reality check them. holotheres and physical nonhumans can identify like that because of their mental illness, but they do not have to. (please remember: not all physically nonhuman beings are alterhuman/holoheres/physical nonhumans, and not all holotheres/physical nonhumans have disabilities that impact them being physically nonhuman/have their disabilities impact them being physically nonhuman)
B33 < although on anithher note, ihave seen some news a while back that there used to be predatory activity with people claiming they could physically transform into their 'type, and would give steps on how to "do it" but im not sure if those "watch out" posts were made to harm physical nonhumans/mentally ill beings that identified as not human physically, or if it was true and there were actual adults saying this to minors so please do watch out. with that being said, please note that not every alterhuman experience is the same, if anyone had anything to add, whether personal experiences, thoughts and opinions, or other, feel free to !! thanks !! ^_^
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tender-rosiey · 9 months
Japan anon here…
I’m taking a break from gathering links to heal, as I think we all are.
Though I’d like to share what’s going on here in Japan as I think many of you will find comfort in it.
Majority of people in my country don’t believe Gojo is dead. I’m going to list those reasons.
For starters when Gojo tells his friends spirits goodbye. I’ve seen westerns are also making this connection. Him telling the dead goodbye implies he isn’t staying.
Another big talk here which again I’ve seen westerns point out already, Gojo still has a head. As long as he has a head, he can heal as seen in Toji vs Gojo fight.
Another one is that Gojo doesn’t say he died, he said he lost. Which fans here believes Implies he can still be alive, he just understands he is losing.
This is another main talk, Gojo still has to face Kenjaku.
Lastly Gege has been asked about the spin-off again and Gege simply winked. Someone asked how it would go without Gojo and Gege replied “it won’t.” Many people in my country think this is a hint of Gojos fate not being over.
The big theory here which I have seen many people on here suggest is Gojo will come back but he will use all he has to heal. Most likely trading in one of his abilities for his life.
Many many Mangas in my country do things like this. It’s a standard in final battles in a way.
I do still need time to recover because it was a heart attack.
I believe he will live like many others in my country, and others in the west it seems. For now we just have to wait…
thank you for efforts, anon! <33
we should all have hope; I think that if gege were to kill gojo, he would make it in a more flashy way?
but I guess the anti-climatic and simple death has a beauty of itself
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mimis-memes · 2 years
🍎  。:*• ─ FUNNY BIRTHDAY SENTENCE STARTERS.    ›    ( a compilation of funny quotes taken from various birthday cards.  feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses !  )
it’s my muse’s birthday !  what would yours say to them ?
1.     ❝ Congrats on not being dead yet ! ❞ 2.     ❝ One year closer to granny panties ! ❞ 3.     ❝ Free cake !  I mean, happy birthday ! ❞ 4.     ❝ I’ll always be younger than you. Ha ha ! ❞ 5.     ❝ In whiskey years, you just got more delicious ! ❞ 6.     ❝ For the record, you’re not old. You’re a classic ! ❞ 7.     ❝ A late birthday card is better than a late period ! ❞ 8.     ❝ Candles aren’t the only thing getting blown tonight ! ❞ 9.     ❝ Happy anniversary of your umbilical cord separation ! ❞ 10.   ❝ Another 365 days since you fell out of a vagina. Hooray ! ❞ 11.   ❝ This is an annual reminder that I’m super glad you were born ! ❞ 12.   ❝ The older you get, the better you get !  Unless you’re a banana... ❞ 13.   ❝ I’m really glad your parents had unprotected sex !  Happy birthday ! ❞ 14.   ❝ Today we celebrate the only time you won a race. Happy birthday ! ❞ 15.   ❝ I’m glad you were born, my life would be pretty boring without you ! ❞ 16.   ❝ Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you. ❞ 17.   ❝ Happy birthday to the love of my life, and the biggest pain in my ass. ❞ 18.   ❝ I wanted to give you something amazing, but I didn’t fit in the gift bag. ❞ 19.   ❝ Thanks for being born !  It’s a great excuse for us to get drunk and eat cake ! ❞ 20.   ❝ I wish you happy birthday with all my butt !  I’d say heart, but my butt is bigger. ❞ 21.   ❝ You suck... at aging !  Can you at least try to look older ? Happy birthday, anyway ! ❞ 22.   ❝ Happy birthday !  We’ve been through a lot together, and most of it was your fault ! ❞ 23.   ❝ Let’s celebrate your birthday the way you came into this world — naked and screaming ! ❞ 24.   ❝ Birthdays are good for your health. Studies show that people who have more birthdays live the longest ! ❞ 25.   ❝ Happy birthday to the funniest, prettiest, classiest bitch I know... other than myself, of course ! ❞ 26.   ❝ Happy birthday !  Always remember that if you fall, I’ll be there to pick you up... after I finish laughing, of course ! ❞ 27.   ❝ Happy birthday to the smartest, funniest and most beautiful person in the world !  Wait, did I say “to” ?  I meant “from” ! ❞ 28.   ❝ This is not a birthday card !  Because if it was, then it would be late. But it’s not a birthday card, so it’s not late ! ❞ 29.   ❝ I think me being your [friend/girlfriend/boyfriend/etc...] is enough of a birthday gift. You’re welcome ! ❞ 30.   ❝ Good things take time, just like me remembering your birthday. Happy belated birthday ! ❞ 31.   ❝ I didn’t get you anything, but I thought about it. They say it’s the thought that counts ! Happy birthday ! ❞ 32.   ❝ I wanted to send you something sexy, but the postman told me to get out of the mailbox... anyway, happy birthday ! ❞ 33.   ❝ Happy birthday to a [brother/boyfriend/husband/etc...] that has the world’s greatest [sister/girlfriend/wife/etc...] !  You are so lucky ! ❞ 34.   ❝ There’s two things to remember on your birthday. First, forget the past, because you can’t change it ;  second, forget the present — I didn’t buy you one. ❞ 35.   ❝ For your birthday I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life. ❞
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uravityxo · 21 days
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AN UPDATE!! ; pls read
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hellooo friends, i am back after a very long break! but i think i'm finally ready to come back to the scene and hang around a bit. i hope i haven't upset anyone by my sudden absence !! <33 so thought i'd say two things !!
one) please call me keys, my anxiety levels on keeping my normal online name pretty much don't exist and i feel happy enough for you guys to refer to me as how i actually want to be referred as instead of other aliases!
two) i am happy to continue previous threads if you're interested ! however i understand if people would rather drop them as its been so long ! i'll be making a lil starter call soon if i feel confident enough :D
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thank you for whoever takes their time to read this! i'll be reblogging and posting on my other muse accs too !! again i apologise for being gone for so long T-T
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fratboybeezer · 7 months
Flyers Primer - Text Version
Presentation version here
featuring many of my personal opinions on players & some phantoms i find notable
*edit: fuck carter hart and i was very harsh on sam for no reason also there’s a lot of typos sorry
Cam Atkinson
forward (rw), #89
drafted 157th overall to CBJ in 2008
amazing instagram comment-er
on the nhl player inclusion coalition
played for torts in cbus
seems just happy to be here
basically #1 gritty fan
Sean Couturier
forward (c), #14
coots, couter, no chest
drafted 8th overall to PHI in 2011
playing this season after being on ir for like a season and a half
should have an a or c
used to live with now gm danny b
last of my fav ginger trio (him, g, and jakey)
Marc Staal
defenseman, #18
drafted 12th overall to NYR in 2005
2nd of 4 staals
homophobic, boycotted pride night with his brother eric in florida last season
career overall +/- of +50, over 1100 games played
Scott Laughton
forward (c), #21
our one and only a
laughts, laughtsy, scotty tatum
drafted 20th overall to PHI in 2012
passionate LGBTQ+ ally
always the one to put up the pride flag in front of the farg
first guests of the season were a lesbian couple celebrating their 1 year wedding anniversary
best drip on the roster (decided by me after that horrid drip night they had)
kinda reminds me of a cat idk
drinks a black, hot coffee
let atkinson wear his a for atkinson’s first game back in cbus after being traded to philly (back when we had a c and 2 a’s)
had an a with team canada at world’s
has a cat named brucey
Travis Konecny
forward (rw), #11
tk, teeks, tiki bar
drafted 24th overall to PHI in 2015
literally one of the best (if not the best) player on our roster idc argue with the wall
called a “short king” (he is 5’10, there’s shorter guys on the roster)
certified DILF!!
my mom’s fav flyer (she can only name 3 total)
once lost his shoes on the plane and therefore postponed press
pest/rat/raccoon (affectionate)
lives in penalty box yet an absolute goal scorer
his best on ice comparison is a chihuahua
best flow on the roster idc
our media rep this year!!! Slay!!
best chirps on the roster
Joel Farabee
forward (lw), #86
beezer, young beezer, bee, young beezy
drafted 14th overall to PHI in 2018
my favorite player i could go on and on about him
had neck surgery after 21-22 season and came back and played all 82 games in 22-23 season
is already becoming a leader on the team
bought a house from coots early 22 and now it’s a hub for the young guys on the team
gives off frat boy vibes in the best way
is such a teammate guy
asg shootout hater
has (at least 1) tattoo
his game day coffee order is an iced coffee with almond milk, no sweetener, on off days gets a brown sugar shaken espresso, prefers iced over hot coffee, and never met a coffee he didn’t like
grew up liking the flyers & phillies and really wanted to be drafted to philly
“i thank my lucky stars” -bee when talking about getting drafted to philly
claimed in a tk mic’d up that he was dropping a mixtape and never dropped it :(
silliest guy on instagram
Carter Hart
goalie, #79
hartsy, cahtah haht
drafted 48th overall by PHI in 2016
our starter <3 love him
as i’m making this is injured but is practicing with the team so hopefully he’ll be back soon
deserves better than philly but you can pry him from my cold dead hands
@st-louis has a great primer about him
Samuel Ersson
goalie, #33
drafted 143rd overall to PHI in 2018
not the best but he’s trying (i think)
would benefit from some time down with the phantoms
tbh shouldn’t be our #2
Cal Petersen
goalie, #40
drafted 129th overall to BUF in 2013
looks like he would blow away in the wind ngl
me and my friend hate him i’m sorry (sorta)
has spent most of his career so far with the kings
Felix Sandstrom
drafted 70th overall to PHI in 2015
he should be our #2 idc
or down with the phantoms to improve
i can’t think of him without thinking of those pics @mad-bee posted of him like
Bobby Brink
forward (rw), #10
drafted 34th overall to PHI in 2019
a baby!! (is a 22 y/o man)
my friend knows him specifically as “our rookie”
a REAL short king (5’8)
university of denver
Cam York
defenseman, #8
yorkie, yam cork
drafted 14th overall to PHI in 2019
umich boy, would’ve graduated with team 101
also a usndtp boy
i’m too lazy to look for evidence but probably part of the hughes summer club
Tyson Foerster
forward (rw), #71
drafted 23 overall to PHI in 2020
even more of a baby than brink (he’s a 21 y/o man)
roomies with beezer, stayed in philly during the off-season
i don’t think he stops smiling
described by beezer as “like a little adhd kid”
seems to be besties with yorkie
Egor Zamula
defenseman, #5
was super excited to play alongside pr*vorov when he got called up from the Phantoms
part of beezer’s summer group
Nicolas Deslauriers
forward (lw), #44
nic, des, delo
drafted 84th overall to LAK in 2009
french canadian
hit 600 games 10/10!!
usually one of the top guys on the team in hits, pim, fights
has a career overall of -91 but like isn’t a goal scorer so. averages about 6 points per game in overall career
great fighter very hot 10/10
Nick Seeler
defenseman, #24
seels, seal team
drafted 131st overall to MIN in 2011
another great fighter that’s very hot 10/10
there’s not much to him other than punches but that’s ok i love him
fought des when des was playing with the wild
Noah Cates
forward (lw), #27
drafted 137th overall to PHI in 2017
has a brother who was with the organization but now is with bridgeport in the ahl (got to play some nhl games together!!!!)
once said flyers locker room lacked the “swagger of the winning mentality” which is a fucking hilarious way to word it
was on 2022 us men’s olympic roster
Morgan Frost
forward (c), #48
drafted 27th overall to PHI in 2017
never captions his instagram posts
angered torts or something because he keeps getting benched with no chance to properly prove himself
flyers hater
Travis Sanheim
defenseman, #6
sanny, sandy, sandra
drafted 17th overall by PHI in 2014
besties + neighbors with tk (known together as travii or travis²)
whl boy
besties with tk’s oldest kid
Owen Tippett
forward (rw), #74
tippy, tipper
drafted 10th overall to FLA in 2017
got him when we traded our captain :,( miss you G
hair looks unnatural but like i’m 90% it is natural
Garnet Hathaway
forward (rw), #19
signed as free agent in july
part of phd line (w/ des & poehling)
i don’t like him please don’t ask why i don’t have an answer
Ryan Poehling
forward (c), #25
drafted 25th overall to MTL in 2017
another guy signed in july
saved him from the penguins 🫶🏻
phd line
honestly i don’t know much abt him
Louie Belpedio
defenseman, #37
drafted 80th overall to MIN in 2014
has like 3 nhl games under his belt (12? as i’m making this)
signed july 2022 but has chilling in lehigh valley
went to miami of ohio
has a totally of 3 points but like i said only 11 games he’s got a lot of space for more
Victor Mete
defenseman, #98
drafted 100th overall to MTL in 2016
signed as a free agent in july
more of an assists guy than a goals guy and honestly i’m content with that
career overall +/- of +19
about 250 games under his belt
Sean Walker
defenseman, #26
bgsu grad & 2 seasons as captain there
his trade helped us send pr*vorov on his way, hope the door hit him on the way out
not rly talked abt but i think he’s cool (i’m going to bgsu lol)
Long term IR Boys
Ryan Ellis
defenseman, #94
drafted 11th overall to NSH in 2009
i don’t think he’s played a single game with us
like was injured when he was drafted and has been on ir the whole time
we lost phil myers for him (and nolpat too ig)
back injury? i think?
i have no thoughts on him ngl
Rasmus Ristolainen
defenseman, #55
drafted 8th overall to BUF in 2013
horrid career overall +/- (-176)
traded robert hagg & 2 draft pics for him?
i like him tho ig
looks like a different person in like every photo i’ve ever seen of him
his injury is undisclosed
The Phantoms
Wade Allison
forward (rw), #19 (#17 with flyers)
wader, ally, ally cat
drafted 52nd overall to PHI in 2016
he’s my girlfriend i miss him
lived in beezer’s basement last season
part of the fratboys (w/ frosty & beezer)
wmu boy
spent all of last season with the flyers
Tanner Laczynski
forward (c), #9 (#58 with the flyers)
drafted 169th overall to PHI in 2016
OSU boy (ew)
has never spent a whole season up with the flyers :(
my mom once told me he looked like a loser before finding out he was an nhl player
buds with wader
Zayde Wisdom
forward (rw), #14
drafted 94th overall to PHI in 2020
used to live with foerster?
he would cook and tyson would clean
i need him to be called up so we have that duo back
scored 29 goals in his second ohl season
Emil Andrae
defenseman, #6 (#36 with flyers)
drafted 54th overall to PHI in 2020
played 4 games with us this season
not much of a goal scorer but can do it
kinda looks very stereotypical swede
Ronnie Attard
defenseman, #12
drafted 72nd overall to PHI in 2019
was tri-city storm captain for the 18-19 season
another wmu boy — played a season there with ally in 19-20
played 2 games with the flyers last season and 15 the year before
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
(Not my ass going yippee in my head when I saw you were doing FNF stuff more frequently again & your requests were open /gen)
Related to the Hypno's Lullaby mod, I'd love to see some friendship headcanons with Shinto; she's literally my favorite character from the mod and I'd 100% hang out with her if given the chance.
If this is a bit vague, maybe something with Gray too? Maybe you're the player of the bootleg game and over the course of it, you realize the game's sentient and stuff with you becoming friends with BOTH of them!
I can imagine you carrying the Gameboy around to places like a Tamagotchi jwsdbjdb
Not me going yippee at this Shinto and Gray request <33
So you obtained what you previously thought was Pokémon Silver (or at least a ripoff, given it was labeled “Gray” instead) from a Gamestop/thrift shop/friend who begged you to destroy it.
For nostalgia’s sake, you wanted to try it out since your Gameboy still worked.
Immediately you find out there’s no option to start a new game. You can only hit “Continue”.
Your character--Gray--was apparently at the entrance of a cave with sandy brown hues. He almost looked like a desaturated version of Red, but with spikier hair.
Checking the trainer card, you could tell the creators didn’t even try to hide the fact this was a bootleg game. The stats were total nonsense: Gray had badges from other regions (even Kalos and Alola, which should be impossible), the hours played and money collected both showed -100, and he had absolutely no Pokémon in his party. Not even a starter.
You then checked the Pokedex and saw only one Pokémon was registered:
Hypno, except this one was labeled “Shinto”, and was apparently a female. It had no furry collar, no pendulum, and hollow black eyes. But what was even more bizarre was the entry:
Tbh it made you laugh a little, however upon returning to the overworld, Gray’s sprite turned to you.
“Don’t laugh..she’s scarier than you think.” The text box popped up.
You’re taken aback bc it could recognize your voice????
What the hell.
“You..can hear me?”
“I didn’t mean to startle you, it’s...just been a long time since anybody opened this game. It’s been so dark...and cold. What’s your name?”
As it turns out, Gray and Shinto (who showed up in the cave sometime later), were both sentient--aware that they’re trapped in a game. It wasn’t just the developers goofing around either...he had his own feelings.
Obviously he feels miserable about all of this, but Shinto doesn’t seem to care.
He doesn’t think of himself as a “real” trainer, though you reassure him it doesn’t matter how many badges or Pokémon he has.
“[Y/n], thank you but...there’s literally no Pokémon here except for her. They were too lazy to code anyone else in. I CAN’T be a trainer even if I wanted to be.”
“Then..why not catch her?” You suggested.
“....I tried once. She freaked out and nearly destroyed the entire game.” ‘‘..oh.”
Despite the circumstances, you managed to strike up a friendship with the two. Shinto would make standard Hypno noises with Gray as her translator. He can’t stand her but..she’s the only company he has. She’s like a cat who he loves/hates.
True to his word, there were no NPCs or Pokémon in the region. Just a mart, center, and Gray’s home. But you figured it was still worth exploring, so he let you despite not gaining any backstory on why the game was made like this.
Or even why Gray had such a distinct personality.
It’s clear they both have abandonment issues, so you’d take the Gameboy wherever you went, turning it on to chat with them about what was going on in the real world.
Hopefully one day you could bring them here, but for now you’ll make sure they’re not left in the dark anymore.
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atnightiscream · 2 years
What about mermaid tickle
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You're so right Anons O_O oh my gods how could I be so blind
And I am so sorry I took this long
Ler Mermaids? Um. Yes please??
For starters, we all know the idea of "curious mermaid figures out tickling through messing with their new human friends' feet" but, what if the Mermaid is just a little sh*t who already knows about all that and actively seeks out spots they know are sensitive on humans because they've encountered humans before.
-Bonus if they decide to play innocent: "Ticklish? What's that? A sensation that makes humans laugh? So...if I do this it tickles? Aw! You sound so cute! And what abouuut....here!"
Cue the the tickle attack with a progressively faker innocent act "and here? Oh! What about here? How'd I know? Oh- you knoooow~ I've got my instincts. Pretending?? Me!?...Yeah ok you caught me. How can you blame me though? You humans are just so cute when you're giggly and squirmy!"
Also a bonus if the mermaid is just a fan of humans in general and likes to study them, using tickling as a way to "study" human sounds. So they go into the details of how human noises differ from mermaid noises.
"See, Merfolk have a different set of vocal cords than humans, so while we can talk like you all do, we can't quite mimic the sounds that you make when I move my fingers riiight- ah yes! That's the noise I'm referring to!"
We've also got the siren end of the mermaid world, you know, the mermaid adjacent that lures sailors to their death by singing about their greatest desires? Well....what if they were that, but lers?
A siren that can call you to them by using their hypnotic voice to lure you closer, and closer, to them, until you're in arm's reach of them. The siren grabs your arm, pulling you close to them. "Fallen for my trap have we human? If I didn't know better I'd say you're letting me catch you~" and then proceed to decimate the poor lee with teases before even starting to tickle.
Orr it could be a scenario where they put you under their spell again, using their siren voice to tell you alllll the ways they're going to make you squirm. Getting you all flustered and filling you with anticipation before they strike! Pulling you out of the trance with a tickle attack to your sides.
Honestly I gotta say, my favorite use of mermaid lers would be when it's a game of cat and mouse. The lee, at first being lured in with the Siren's sweet voice, breaks the trance, and makes a run for it. Only to stop in their tracks when the sound of the Siren's song returns, hypnotic tones gently pulling them back into the Siren's waiting arms. If they feel like it, they might let you run again, but we both know you won't get far.~
Lee Mermaids - Thank you so much @infrequent-creator for your help here!! You're seriously the best! <33
Mermaids live in big open ocean, and most likely lead a pretty solitary life right? Well, unless they live with a pod, either way, they're absolute strangers to tickling. So when they encounter humans, obviously they'll be curious as to why these humans keep laughing so hysterically whenever another human touches or grabs them in certain places. SO naturally they'll ask their human friend group right? But...why are they smirking...and why is the other blushing? What- OH! -@infrequent-creator
Cue the poor half-fish wriggling around and squealing like a dolphin, uncontrollably flopping their tail around while they laugh themselves to pieces.
On the flipside...bratty mermaids. Mermaids that will tease you until you snap; Ex:
You're just trying to hang out with your mer-friend, you sit on the edge of the dock and try to relax by reading. All of a sudden, you feel something brush against the bottom of your foot, you flinch of course, and shoot a warning "glare" at the rippling water below you...it bubbles in response. Signaling the presence of your aquatic friend below, you roll your eyes and smirk. Returning to your material. It isn't long before you feel the soft scribbling of fingers across the bottoms of your feet, you bark out a laugh, quickly drawing your feet away from the water. More laughter. "ok, so that's how you want to play it then"
So you wait, patiently swinging your feet and listening for the tell-tale sound of moving water. When it inevitably comes, you yank your feet away, swiftly maneuvering to snatch your assailant's hand and blowing a raspberry onto the webbed hand's palm.
Perhaps not your best idea, you realize as the hand pulls away, consequently pulling you into the water with it..."then again, it has its perks" you think as you dig your fingers gently into the tummy of the the giggling merfolk who's been messing with you.
These Ideas That I Wasn't Sure How to Write In: Credit to @infrequent-creator because they're the best and super heckin creative!!
So, imagine a mermaid being all excited to get their hair styled, but the human starts using a weird spiky thing to comb through their hair. When it touches the back of their neck & tips of ears it causes them to twitch and squirm around “You ok?” “Y-Yehes it just feels w-weheird” “awww does it tickle when the brush touches your neck?” the human coos as they proceed to gently tickle the back of their mermaid friend's neck by gently tapping on the back of their neck. “Awww you are!” meanwhile the mermaid is dying by giggles, completely unsure of why
“Whahahat is thihihis??” “Well you’re just ticklish is all!” “W-What’s ticklish?” So the human gently pokes and prods all the most common ticklish places softly, all while explaining what tickling is.
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rp-meme-central · 1 year
Press Start to Laugh - What if The Knight Talked in Hollow Knight? - sentence starters
1. “Hey, I don’t witness nothin’. You live longer that way.” 
2. “I hope that wasn’t an antique or important or anything, because I don’t have the money to pay for a replacement.” 
3. “My memory should be fine. Maybe. I think.” 
4. “If I had any memories before, they’re gone now.” 
5. “That thing’s definitely gonna eat somebody.” 
6. “You know, I’m starting to hope I’m not killing townspeople by accident.” 
7. “It’s the nose, isn’t it? Chicks dig the nose.” 
8. “That was it? You need to work on your traps. That was embrassing.” 
9. “Aw, you’re adorable. I almost feel bad for kicking your ass.” 
10. “Okay, you’re getting smarter. Sorry for calling you dumb earlier. My bad.”
11. “You have got some nasty phlem going on there. If you weren’t about to die I’d say get that checked.”
12. “One of these is eventually going to give me a gumball.” 
13. “Psst. Your disguise isn’t really fooling anyone.” 
14. “’Stalking’ is a strong word. I just so happened to be in the same place at the same time.” 
15. “You know, I really wish things of immense power would stop knocking me unconscious.” 
16. “Why is nothing friendly in this stupid place?!” 
17. “I’m not comfortable with the way you called me ‘sweet’. You’re not going to eat me, right?” 
18. “I feel funny, like I’m incomplete. Odd.” 
19. “Holy crap, I remember. I remember! HOLY CRAP, I DIED! OH GOD!”
20. “Well, I didn’t expect to die, so we’re both a bit surprised.” 
21. “This rain is just like my soul. Wet, soggy, and probably acidic.” 
22. “Congratulations. You’ve ensured that the worst place ever will now never die. Good job!”
23. “My knees and that glass have something in common. They’re both shattered.” 
24. “Oh. Thank... you.... Yeah, I’m not eating this.” 
25. “Oh, that was probably expensive. My bad.” 
26. “The poo has gained sentience and it’s gonna eat us as revenge!” 
27. “Come on, _____! I thought we’d evolved past flinging feces!” 
28. “I desperately need a bath.” 
29. “No amount of bathing will take away the horror of what I’ve just seen.” 
30. “I appear to have walked into a very polite and well-mannered trap.” 
31. “Why don’t you go back to your nap or tending your lawn, old _____? I’ll bet there are whippersnappers on it right now.” 
32. “I am somehow simultaniously honored and creeped out.” 
33. “I am adorably deadly. But bring up my stature again and I’m lopping you off at the ankles so you know what it feels like.” 
34. “Yeah, maybe don’t lead with ‘We are friends’. Makes you seem suspicious.” 
35. “Why does killing things always end up hurting me?” 
36. “Oh, okay, we’re fighting now. Sure, I’ll kick your ass again.” 
37. “Do you know how bad you are at fighting? Or are you just so good in your head that denial has a new first name and it’s ______.” 
38. “What the hell happened to this place? It’s looking a bit... squishy.” 
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sttoru · 2 months
Omgg thanks so much for the makeup help guys!! Just one more question n I’m done I swear!
Which like drugstore products do you recommend? So fair I’ve got:
Elf power grip primer
Maybelline master primer
Maybelline Super stay foundation
But I’m not sure for concealer and setting spray and contour etc..
i think those are some good products for starters - for concealer, my friend said that the brand ‘Too Faced’ was great for coverage, but it may be a bit pricey, as for the other stuff, i hope other anons can help you out again ^_^ MWAH GOOD LUCK!!!!
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snail-care · 3 months
Hi! I noticed youre also AUS based and ive been struggling to find info that isn't just links to US companies. I found a lil garden snail in my woolies lettuce today and I'm considering trying to keep him. ik they want a terrarium with a secure closure, cocopeat, and a cuttlebone, but what I'm struggling with is finding where to get these from Australia? all the substrate im finding is aquarium substrate and the terrariums seem to be for like plants so theres no secure lid or it won't allow airflow. Any help is appreciated!
Hello my aussie friend, thanks for asking!
So, my cornus (garden snails) are kept in a Reptile One tank, and my panda snail was kept in literally a plastic storage bin from kmart. It doesn't need to be fancy! If you hit up a pet shop, you might find one of those 10L betta starter tanks w a lid, and while they're awful for bettas they're great for 1 or 2 cornus. But, storage tubs are cheap, secure and perfectly adequate for a snail to live happily, just drill a couple holes in the top.
For substrate, in the bunnings gardening aisle (not the outside part with the plants, but the aisle with the seeds and fertiliser and stuff) you'll find these guys
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which is what I use. While you're there, I also got a bag of charcoal pieces to put in the drainage layer if you're making a bioactive viv. You can also find pebbles/rocks for drainage layers at bunnings.
For cuttlebone, hit up petbarn or somewhere similar and look in their bird section, you're looking for something like this
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I hope this helps!! Good luck with your little friend <33
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tender-rosiey · 9 months
Japan anon here!
I’m still on my break after… certain things.
I thought I would use my Japanese to help correct some mistranslation on the latest chapter. As I’ve said before, fanmade translations make errors frequently.
For starters Gojo did NOT mention his father. He said before he died he wanted to tell him of his father. Referring to him wanting to tell Megumi about Toji. After that he adds “I’ll leave that to Shoko”
Another mistake that’s been made, when Gojo is talking to Geto he says “I wish my best friend could have been there cheering me on.” To which Geto replied “Me as well brother.”
Lastly, and most importantly. Nanami tells Gojo there are two paths he can take. One to stay himself and essentially die, or another path he can take to change and grow. When Gojo says goodbye to his friends spirits we see him walking away implying he took another path.
I hope this helps. I highly recommend people find a translation source from people who speak Japanese as again, some people simply translate wrong.
I thought I’d add that my country is convinced Gojo is still alive, it seems western and eastern fans are noticing the same things.
Gojo can heal his body. He can heal himself.
It’s just a question of what will happen when he does after taking the new path.
Many people here believe it will take a few chapters for him to heal then it will be a surprise reappearance.
The ratings in my country have already began dropping after that leak as well… so I believe Gege will bring him back most definitely.
Gege is known to be an honest man but a bit proud of money in my country.
I hope this helps.
Japan believes Gojo will live.. we just have to wait for the reappearance
once again, thank you for your efforts! they’re highly appreciated <33
fingers crossed gojo comes back to life somehow 🥲
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alittlefrenchtree · 1 year
Which Nils Frahm songs do you recommend for starters like me ? l want to listen especially the ones you listened for CMBYN ☺️
Omg hi my favorite ask of the year 💜
My favorite is the All Melody (2018) album. It's the one i've listened to at the end of the cmbyn era. No really because it reminded me of the story in the first place but because it was safe and comforting. All the music with lyrics was painful at the time (as it often is when you're mourning a relationship ; and I was mourning even if the relationship wasn't mine) and there is none in this album so it helped me a lot.
Here are a few of my favorites :
Otherwise, Frahm's whole discography is very large, a bit weird and sometimes kind of experimental so it's easy to get lost. There are many I don't listen to
If you've liked the "All Melody" album, you can try the "Encores 1" EP that sounds a lot like it.
And here are a few randoms that I like a lot 😊
Tumblr doesn't want me to put more audios here but there was also "Familiar" (from the "Spaces" album) on my list.
I hope all the music will warm your heart as much as it warms mine 💜 and thank you for the question, you made me very happy!
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gambitandrogues · 7 months
takes a drag of my nonexistent cigarette... what are the swifties up to now?
*stares at nothing like that Ben Affleck meme* so much bestie, so much...
SO for starters the Eras Tour finished until February 2024 a couple days ago and a whole bunch of people thought she was going to announce reputation (Taylor's Version) on that last night (she didn't).
THEN yesterday Spotify announced her as artist of the year, and in response, as a thank you, she released the song 'You're Losing Me' onto streaming platforms, which had only been available via cd before.
That same day, Jack Antonoff (her friend and collaborator) revealed that YLM had been written in 2021, leading a whole bunch of people to start tearing down her ex, Joe Alwyn, for not being a good enough boyfriend (because people have literally no chill).
Taylor also liked a tweet implying that "Sweet Nothing", a song off Midnights, might be inspired by the romance of Paul McCartney and his wife, and I don't know why that's a big deal?? But apparently it is.
AND LASTLY just now Tree Paine (Taylor's publicist) absolutely snapped at Deuxmoi (a gossip blog, I think...?) for the "fabricated lies" they've posted about TS, including rumors of a marriage a few years back.
And I think that's everything?? I'm probably missing something or messing it up, but I essentially am just watching everything via my tumblr dash tbh.
edit: OH and also she was at the Renaissance movie premiere tonight, which isn't really a big deal, but she looked very pretty and also just Beyonce <33
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Love your work!! Was wondering if i can request a BoB ship if not thats ok!
I’ve got dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes. I’m really pale but cant tan as i get burnt. But love being out in the sun. I’m around 5’7. I can act innocent but im really not, I’ve got a bright personality but am a people pleaser, it’s a bad habit of mine. I love being stubborn but my parents hate it. Honestly im a bit lazy but love to bake. I prefer to dress girly, like dresses and skirts but i still love my ripped jeans and combat boots. I love spending time with my friends and am constantly seeing them. I always fly to my dads every holidays. I value respect, trust and honesty such as “stab my back and ill stab yours”. I love to visit QLD because im Aussie but i always ask if we can travel somewhere. I love opal hunting, ice skating and i can rollerblade really well. I’ve been a netballer for 6 years and im a libra
Thank you if you decide to do me!! <33
thank you so much for your request, you sound like such an interesting person!! <3
I ship you with… Joe Liebgott!
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First of all I think Joe would think you’re absolutely beautiful. Like an actual Angel with your blonde hair and blue eyes.
he’d for sure call you a ‘doll’ and if Barbie was released in the 1940’s he would 1000% nickname you Barbie doll.
But anyway, Joe would be the type that if you walked past he’d go ‘wowwwww’ and slap his buddy on the arm. (Probably wouldn’t tell them about his crush on you at first because he doesn’t like competition as confident as he may try to act).
maybe you’d get into a conversation about being sunburnt? Like you, Joe doesn’t tan very well, he usually just burns, so it’s a good conversation starter, he’d probably tease you that you were blushing over him, but in reality your cheeks are just sunburnt!
overtime I think you’d persuade him to take care of his skin in the sun, and give him sun burn to take care of him. He’s in complete awe, and isn’t afraid to call you his girl super early on.
your bright personality mixed with your beauty is astonishing for Joe- he doesn’t want to wait to call you his and he falls extremely hard and fast for you.
Maybe if he’s only used to seeing you in more comfortable clothes, he’s blown away to see you so girly!!! He adores that you love to dress up, and he probably can’t keep his hands off you, waist, hands, hips, butt, boobs- he loveeeeeesssss your boobs.
very respectful at first, won’t lay a finger on you unless you make it clear to him/ ask him to.
This might be a little confusing at first? Bcs he’s saying all these lovely things to you, but he seems nervous to hold your hand?!
When he honestly opens up about being a little nervous on one of your early dates, it’s a huge green flag and I think he recognises how much you value honesty.
might go a little too far with the honesty and call you a people pleaser, it can be a bit upsetting, but Joe just wants the best for you and hates himself after something slips out of his mouth wrong.
After the war, Joe is keen to settle down with you and start a family- he never considered the prospect of travelling before?! Seeing so many parts of Europe during the war put him off for a little while, but I think with some persuasion you can start to show him the good in the world again.
He’d beg you for babies.
accidentally would stare at your boobs and your friends might notice this oops- but he makes really good friends with your friends. As you do with his friends, which I think would be super important for the two of you.
if you think you’re stubborn then you’ve got a whole new thing coming with Joseph Liebgott. He’s the KING of stubbornness. But just flash him some puppy eyes or pout and you can easily get your way.
“Awww, kid, don’t look at me like that, you know I can’t say no…”
As a libra it’s stated you can ‘smooth out the peace’ which I think is very fitting to say you’d be in a relationship with Liebgott.
Super fun and romantic relationship, I think he’d enjoy anything with you, whether that be walking around or just lounging in bed together. I think he needs a lot of quality time with you, and that’s his love language.
finds your accent so sexy, probably forgets to listen because he’s that taken away with how hot you are.
would flirt sooooo fucking good with you, especially once he’s had a couple to drink, he’s got you wrapped around his little finger when he’s being a flirtatious little devil.
needs cuddles and reassurance when he’s feeling down. Either that or it comes out as frustration, but he loves you so dearly he hates taking things out on you, so I think he’s super careful and doesn’t do this a whole lot.
loves you dearly and he’s super protective over you, but not in an overbearing way.
Probably tries to come ice skating once or twice- bur he prefers to watch with a soft smirk on his face about how proud he is that he got with you.
Can’t skate, nonono, it would be hilarious to watch- like Bambi on ice.
but yeah, a genuinely fun relationship, there’s a lot of respect and understanding of each others boundaries; and I think your personalities would make way for a super genuine and enjoyable relationship.
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