#thank you for your service <333333
darkestspring · 2 years
Haha woah when I first sent in an ask about a son of Rhea Royce and daemon I wasn't expecting it to become a whole thing. I mean, there is au's of it now, that's insane. When I first pictured daemon and Rhea's son I was imagining him a a child of divorce in all but name. My thoughts for him, put in meme format was basically: "'ate me dad, 'ate kings landing, 'ate incest, 'ate civil war, luv me mum, luv the vale, luv me dragon, luv books, simple as."
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fleet-off · 22 hours
fic authors self rec! when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love~<333333
Thank you for the ask, Yujeong! This took me a while to answer (I overthought the answers, as is my wont 😅), but it was so much fun.
A Close Shave
If running the razor down the side of Pete’s face felt intimate, the slick slide of blade against throat is something primal. Blood sings close to the surface, jugular an endless welling up, carotid a violent burst underneath. Drowning could not ease the pulse that sears through Vegas’s mind at the image—he suspects only one thing could. He could flick his wrist and end this. (He could nuzzle his face into the hollow of Pete’s neck and end this.)
In the safehouse, on the cusp of a transformation he cannot yet comprehend, Vegas shaves Pete’s face. Also a meditation on immolation and drowning. I struggle to compliment my own writing, but I think this fic has some of the best lines I’ve ever written. @sunshinesanctuary Dav did some devastating art for it, which made me cry heavily at the time and again whenever I think about it too hard (why are artists magic??).
a temporary abundance
Life used to be the means to a messy end, bodies tools given in service to a name larger than either of them. They are still learning what it means to live for living’s sake, to be made of flesh and openly want for all the things living flesh wants. It hurts because it matters. Such is living, and there is joy in being alive.
This little fic is more image than story—a golden moment of rest, Pete’s head in Vegas’s lap, and the recognition that the impermanence of stability makes it all the more precious. a temporary abundance was my first VP fic, and it has received some of my very favorite comments. It was how I met @theflowergirl Lily and my first interaction with @lu-sn lu.
Lapping at the Edges
There’s a kind of self-disgust you can find satisfaction in, narrow as the space between indignant inhale and resigned exhale. Ba, calling him a whore. The routine Vegas has straddled either side of: men much older than him, hungry for a taste of power, smiling through gritted teeth and sinking to their knees. His own knees, falling open as the world splits down its middle. Pete, frozen in the aftermath of a verbal blow. Inhale. Exhale.
Lapping at the Edges tormented me for ages—my evening of “drunk Vegas talks shit, asks to get hit” nonsense took two years to write after I trapped myself in an endless cycle of rewrites for chapter three. But ultimately, the struggle arose from my love for this story and the need to finish it right. I hope those who stuck around were satisfied by the ending. ❤️
won’t give up these ghosts
“Tell me what it’s like on the beach at night,” Vegas murmured as his head fell back onto Pete’s thighs. His mouth was a dark stain; his eyes were raptor-like. Pete caressed his head, searching for breath and words. “It’s like being the only stillness in the world,” he said at last. “The wet sand digs into your feet, and the sea is this massive moving thing you’re not a part of, and all you can see is water and sky and dark. And it sees you, but there’s nothing there to see of you. You’re safe. You’re—a void.”
All of my stories are in some sense about learning to live, but I suspect that message comes through clearest in this story, where Pete feigns death for the purpose of (nonsexual) funeral/body disposal roleplay. I love the contrast—lingering on death as an expression of the desire for life. (And Yujeong, I still often return to your comment on this one on hard days—it meant an awful lot to me.)
Passing Time
There are moments—too many, lately—when the tenderness presses heavy at the back of Vegas’s throat. Pete sits bright-eyed and pink-eared a mere breath away; he’s here, real and taking up space and confoundingly Pete and all, and when Vegas blinks he somehow continues to be. The weight of him dents his side of the couch and distorts the reindeer face on one of the Christmas-themed throw pillows.
It is a month—two, five, eight—since the world broke open and was remade in the shapes of what love is, and Vegas and Pete are still learning to live around the cracks. Writing in this kind of time-bound framework was a new challenge for me pacing-wise, and I think the result has some really lovely moments and lines. I wrote this fic as part of the 2023 KinnPorsche Big Bang, and was so fortunate to be paired with @kiiyuq yu, whose art for the piece is frankly the sort of thing that topples cities.
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For the WIP meme, please tell me about the King Arthur ones!! What with one thing and another, if I do manage to do anything for KA week at this rate, it'll probably be late coming, but I'd like to hear about yours! :D
woohoo! thank you! So, I am a little bit flailing about and short of time (Pride Month crept up on me as it always does so the last week has been devoted to getting my bingo card finished) so I thought I'd go for a series of drabbles/double-drabbles/triple-drabbles and having knuckled down yesterday and this morning, so far I've got *checks* 'beginnings', 'loyalty', 'home' and a little bit of 'loss'. They've picked up a bit of a language-theme (clearly my chewing over whether to do linguistics or translation next with the OU is coming through) where the Sarmatians speak their own language between themselves to annoy the Romans and reinforce the bond between them, and Gawain is marvelling at how many different words the Britons have for 'rain', and thinking of his little brothers, all of whom he has lost by the time the Bishop shows up. I have so many headcanons for this lot, including that Gareth, Gaheris and Agravain were also pressed into service at the Wall five (G&G) and ten (A) years after Gawain was, but none of them make it to the end of their service (*wails*), and I am absolutely going to be getting some nice understated Gawain/Galahad in there too, and some Dagonet-and-Lucan feels for 'sacrifice' :D
wheeee! very much looking forward to yours whenever you're able to do them, late submissions are also super welcome! <333333
anyone else fancy asking me about any of my WIPs? :D :D :D
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neighborlywelcome · 10 months
Hello hello !!! May I get a tadc matchup? <3
I'm nonbinary & transmasc , preferred pronouns are he/it
I'm aroace, bisexual with a preference for men, and cupioromantic <3 I'd be comfortable matching with anyone, but I lean more towards men :3
I'm very sorry if this causes any trouble for you, but I would not like to be matched with Caine </3
Personality: I'm generally a very quiet person, not really speaking unless spoken to and stuff, but I'm not necessarily a shy person. I can hold a conversation pretty well once someone starts speaking to me. I don't change much with people I'm close with, besides initiating conversations more often (but it's unlikely. I have to be very close in order to do that) I'm very much a people pleaser, always trying to make changes to whatever I can so someone else can get what they want. I can be kind of mean and blunt sometimes, but I'm not trying to! It's just hard for me to tell my tone :( Another thing, I'm uncomfortable with physical touch. If someone touches me I will automatically push them away. That doesn't mean I don't like it! If you warn me beforehand or ask me before touching me, I'll be more likely to say yes. (not a guarantee though, it depends on how close we are)
Hobbies//interests: Psychology, philosophy, classic literature, dolls, bats, human anatomy, mori kei, cult party kei, sweets, small animals, wintertime/cold weather, literature analyzing, psychological horror, and trinket collecting ^_^
In a partner, I usually try to look for people who can put up with my bluntness, and people who can initiate conversations first. If they don't, we probably won't ever speak 😭 I like people who are outgoing, it gets me out of my comfort zone a bit :3
My love language is most definitely acts of service. I'm not great at expressing my feelings through words or physical touch, so I always opt for doing things for the people I love.
I'm a Scorpio ^^
I looove Jirai, menhera, and all things like that :3
Fun fact: I'm deathly cold 24/7 and I speak fluent Russian <3 (Honestly I'm not that great with English irl, I can barely speak if I try </3)
I hope this is okay!! Have an amaaazing day <333333
Hi, yeah absolutely! I hope you have a good day too and thanks for the request! <3
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Okay, I know Jax can be a lot to deal with but I am confident that you can do it. He probably softens up a little when he actually likes someone too, which may take awhile but he’ll slowly but surely grow into his infatuation with you. So I think you and Jax would be a good match!
As long as you can put up with his Jax-ness, he doesn’t mind how blunt or mean you are. Odds are, when he’s getting closer to you he even finds it charming. Everyone around the circus is too nice or goody for him, so you’re a nice break away from that. And he’s not afraid of talking either, so initiating conversations with you is easy-peasy for him!
Jax is not big on physical affection, so no worries about that. He’s likewise not great with expressing himself through words (his jerky persona makes it so he’d be too flustered to admit to being nice…) so the two of you are better with showing love through your actions! He’ll do the sweetest thing for you like save you an extra dessert but get all defensive if you try to ask him about it any further.
He acts like he doesn’t care about others but with you, he’s actually very interested in your thoughts and interests. Being into psychology/philosophy, you would talk to him while he listens, only interrupting with a witty remark every now and then. Maybe you could even teach him about why he’s like… that lol (imagine: the scene in Lilo and Stitch where she’s showing Stitch the chart with his “badness” levels).
I think Jax is easily flustered when he’s in love over the little things his partner does. With you, he loves hearing you speak Russian, it’s like his guilty pleasure. He’d definitely try and “trick” you into speaking Russian by initiating conversations in what little Russian he knows but he’s not sly. You indulge him anyway and he sits and listens, interjecting with what you’ve taught him so far, even if he doesn’t fully understand it.
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Hi!! Can I please request a romantic matchup for Mystery Incorporated, OUAT, and Star Wars? (sorry if that's a lot!)
I'm pretty average when it comes to things like height and weight, I have curly honey brown hair and brown eyes. I have so many freckles and I wear glasses cause I'm super blind.
My sense of style is all over the place when it comes to everything. My room is an eclectic mess of old car parts, huge bookshelves stuffed to the brim with books, antiques that I've collected, random paintings I've done, and I think the rest of my style is very similar. I find a way to make a cute outfit out of anything.
I'm asexual and biromantic. I love artsy things like cosplaying, crafting, and painting, and I love to sing and dance. I'm extroverted but still quite shy. I love music, recently I've been into kpop. I'm really sensitive when it comes to tv, I cry over every movie.
I am a very caring person, although I have a tendency to like being babied, as I am the youngest of my friends. I am also really clingy and I have a lot of love to give. One of my favorite ways to show love is acts of service, I love helping bandage people up if they are hurt, or cooking them a meal. I'm also big on pda and physical touch.
I think that's all I got! anyways thank you so much!!
Hi! Thank you for requesting a matchup, and don't worry, the amount is fine! :) I hope you enjoy! <333333
Mystery Incorporated;
Shaggy Rogers:
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🥪 You met Shaggy when you called them for help, there was a ghost of some kind in your closet, now you didn't mean to make the like the Ghostbusters, but you had no idea who else to call; and you did not regret it after you saw him... Shaggy
🥪 You were a bit shy when you first spoke to him... And his dog... But you quickly warmed up to him, finding that he loves to eat and boogie down; you loved to dance too, so that's one thing you had in common!
🥪 After the ghost, who had actually been your grandmother pulling a prank, got caught, Shaggy asked you out and you said yes; Shaggy then got your number and later that weekend took you out to a nice fast food place and then you both went walking around a park before he heard an ice cream truck, (sadly though, his dog, Scooby, was being a third wheel)
🥪 Though, you both really liked each other, and it got to the point that Shaggy went on dates without Scooby, and you both had a really great time each time; and soon enough Fred, Velma, and Daphne were begging you both to stop kissing when you joined them for a ghost hunt
🥪 Shaggy thinks you're like totally awesome dude :) He's like totally in love with you too (He'd make you so many sandwiches)
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🎩 You met Jefferson when you were living in storybrooke, now he couldn't stay inside that mansion he lived in forever, so when he had to go out for food and literally ran into you, he was glad that he did; love at first sight?
🎩 Being the little devious boy he is, he apologises and insists that you come with him to him home where he could get you some tea; you decided, 'why the hell not' and went with him, feeling an odd sense of trust and peace with him
🎩 One thing led to another, and you moved in three months later, Jefferson was the sweetest gentleman, always making sure you are alright and feel loved; you absolutely adore him, half the reason why you began dating him, he's gorgeous, and you love to repay his kindness, love, and generosity with little acts of service
🎩 Somehow along in what seemed like a fairytale, you helped Jefferson get his daughter back, and he would be forever grateful for your help; you became a cute, little family - you loved cooking up food to go off into the woods and have picnics with them
🎩 Jefferson totally believes that it was love at first sight, and you feel the same, with every lingering glance, cuddles in large beds, and going out of sweet dates, you both were head over heels; you'd do anything for each other
Star Wars;
Han Solo:
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🔫 You met Han when you went with your Uncle Ben and new friend Luke to make a deal with the man and his Wookie friend; you three needed to get out off the planet and your Uncle Ben made a deal with Han
🔫 You on the other-hand, should have been listening to the conversation, but all you could see was Han; oh boy, oh boy
🔫 Han was sort of thinking the same, well, he thought you were mighty attractive, he loved the way you smiled, and the way your eyes shimmered when something interesting peaked your interests
🔫 You didn't start dating/courting until after the end of Darth Vader, dancing about in celebration, Han took his moment to pull you into a shared dance where you then shared your first kiss under the many stars
🔫 Han can't get over you, and misses you when you're gone, even if you are in another part of the ship, like yourself, he always wants your touch, either holding your hand, your hand on his arm, sitting shoulder to shoulder... In short, he's whipped; you felt the same, needing him always near you, and you always found it endearing when you'd come back into the cockpit and turn Han's pout into a grin
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dazaisdearest · 6 months
am i good at supporting your dazai appreciation yes or yes ? (here’s my evidence)
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barschter000 · 3 days
helloo just realized where i recognised u from ive been reading thru all ur benbaro fics for the past few days😭 fuel to the fire that is my growing obsession w them ur work is so good,,,,
What a day I'm having today! Is all my luck for the next three years being distributed to me today or why is there such a big wave of new benbaro art for me to enjoy and people coming in to say they like my writing??
Thank you very very much letting me know and contributing to making my day with your very nice message and your phenomenal artwork...
Your work is so good as well!!!! I've gone insane about it in my reblog tags already but I failed to express that I really enjoyed Albert's very big and very cute smile in your drawing of him holding Barok and how comfortable Barok feels in his embrace (sooo true!!!) and the fondness on their faces in the one where they dance and the one where Barok kisses Albert's hand, it's so <333333!!!!!!! And I love your Lady Barok so much. I like that you still kept Barok's more angular features and I love love love her nose. I think Barok's nose on his 3D model and in the official artworks is kind of lame because it's so generic, so I am always very happy to see some nose variety in fanart!
I'm REALLY hoping I'll be able to sit down and write some more soon to do my service to the community and fuel the obsessions 🫡
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gothsuguru · 6 months
KAIROOOOO 🥺🥺🥺 i think you’ll see this in the morning so. good morning!!! here is your ari delivered breakfast ☕️🍵🧇🥞🍳….. i woke up to your tags on my old sugu drabbles and i’m here to cover you in kisses YOU’RE THE SWEETEST EVER EVER EVER :(((((( i’m soooooo overjoyed that you liked them…. ms. geto herself……… your approval means everything 2 me 🫂🫂🫂
no but your tags made me crazy w joy i was bursting at the seams i fear 💔💔 i’m willing to become a spring baby if it’s for you!!!! spring/autumn solidarity is real 2 me so i’m halfway there i think….. and YES you get it purple was invented for suguru geto alone!!! he’s. such an acts of service bf…. 😔😔 so endelessly patient and endeared….. i think you could actually just kill someone and he’d be like ”damn that’s not good… but it’s so you.” he’s insane <333 AND THE BABYBOY SUGU DRABBLE it’s my pride and joy…… i think he deserves to be hugged and coddled endlessly T_T FLUSTERED SUGU IS A FAVE OF MINE TOOOO it’s such a vulnerable position for him to be in so i think his brain kinda explodes… just lets himself be pampered…. as he should :3
ily kairo tysm for taking the time to read my silly drabbles 🥺🥺 and for your kind words!! they rlly do mean so much 2 me T_T suguru told me to give you a kiss from him so a big fat MWAH to you <333 and here is a silly meme too <333333 
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you calling me ms. geto is so dangerous bc i’m more delusional than usual this morning 😹😹😹 FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU FOR THE BREAKFAST am sending you desserts back rn :3 🍰🍪🍭🍦🍡 (do NOT let gojo at these……… you BLINK and they’re GONE 😪) AND OMG SPRING/AUTUMN SOLIDARITY IS GOING SO STRONG are you an autumn baby bc that’s so cute :>
I LOOOOOVED YOUR SUGU DRABBLES!!!!! you write suguru in such a tender, fond, & soft way i think that’s why i’m so enamored by him <333 your suguru is canon to me idc! like i truly genuinely believe those are actual facets of his personality <3 YESSSSSSSS ACTS OF SERVICE BF i fully believe that’s one of his biggest love languages he loves taking care of you :> & PURPLE REALLY IS SOOOOO HIS COLOR v royal v elegant v mysterious <333 also biggest compliment i can give you rn is that your writing it soooooo stunning & emotion-invoking and the imagery is SO pretty that they remind me of hozier lyrics like omfg ari 🤝 hozier
AND FLUSTERED!SUGU MY ANGEL MY LOVE MY REASON TO BEEEEEEEE AHHHHHHH I LOVED HOW TENDER THAT DRABBLE WAS I LOVE SEEING SUGURU SHY & MEEK!!!!!! it’s so underrated i think he enjoys flustering others so much that when it’s done to him it’s like Suguru Exe. Has Stopped Working……… need to make him blush then have him fall on top of me… it would heal me <3
ALSO THANK YOU FOR MAKING SUCH CUTE DRABBLES HEHEHEHE here’s a sugu meme back :3 i am readily accepting his smooch <3 MWAHHHHHH!!!!!
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oraclebell17 · 4 months
you evolved into a Prismillon! I looked it up and you are a Polar pattern. it is very cool. you also played a pivotal role in the first gym battle (this was before you evolved). thank you cas for your services
YEAAAAAAAA you're welcome!!!!!!!!! ehehe bbbugy <333333
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kamiversee · 5 months
Can I just say that I love love love the way you write dialogue, it just hits every time. <333 Like your writing is amazing, but for me your dialogue really drives it home, you’re so good at that.
Thank your for your service on this app, you’re amazing, take care of yourself and remember to drink lots of waterrrr <333333
I usually have to reread the dialogue like ten times to make sure its cohesive so I really appreciate this comment <33
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icharchivist · 9 months
ever since they stopped posting hole on tumblr, you occasionally showing summer belial has become the fight or flight enrichment in my enclosure. thank you for your service and please never change <3
very glad that posting this bastard once in a while is apparently on th same level as when we used to have unfiltered porn on tumblr.feels good, feels organic, feels like old time.
i'm very glad it gives you the perfect tumblr's experience <333333
Thank you for the compliment as well ;D
onto sharing more sexy guys in the future with u
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henswilsons · 11 months
Heyyy. So I am currently obsessed with your fic of LAFD Updates Man. Honestly. I felt like I’ve read it like one hundred times (and I’m currently reading the rest of your fics thank u very much for your service). I was wondering if it’s okay if I write a small drabble/fic of this universe??? Totally fine if you say no don’t feel pressure ;). Thank you for your lovely writing and have a beautiful day ♥️
omg this is so kind of you, and i would be so so honoured??? yes absolutely!!!! i'd love to see it if/when you post it but yes ssdagfhdjf this is the coolest thing and it is MORE than ok <333333
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lilworker · 1 year
tag game
tagged by @oddcologne, thanks for tagging me<333333
life got really crazy for the past week but i am semi back now!!
name: marie
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home?: New Tokyo-3 City iykyk
favourite animal: capybara - they are so chill wwwww
cereal of choice: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: combination of visual and auditory - well actually fuck around and find out
first pet: haven't got one yet - i really wish that i can get a cat or cats :((((
favorite scent: citrus
do you believe in astrology: no not really
how many playlists do you have on your music service of choice: 10+ but most of the time i listen to the playlist has all the genre or the rock one
sharpies or highlighters: highlighters - to the point have way too many of them
song that makes you cry: One Last Kiss - Hikaru Utada/ 我怀念的 - 孙燕姿
song that makes you happy: Whiskey and Morphine - Alexander Jean/ 欲望に満ちた青年団 - One Ok Rock (especially the live version from 2014 tour)
and finally, do you write/draw/create: mostly draw but did write before
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rowarn · 1 year
bwhehjwbrjeheuhehwbauhrjsbusbwjwbbsiwbbejsjfbbekaibfhwifbbeusjwbahisbevajudvwbajdbsbjadbbejajshd that konig fic was incredible truly brilliant thank you for your service 💞💗💞😤💓💞👍😀✅💗🥺👍💗💓
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Hijacking Grim is the best damn thing I ever did on Tumblr and I won’t apologise now I’m off to go eat Parmesan cheese on top of my fridge and bite a guy’s ankles :) 🫧
Grim lives in everyone's spirit now, thank you for your service🫡
Who would Grim be without you and g4y-gr3ml1n??? a nobody so from grim to you <333333 *love bite on the ankle*
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I just wanted to THANK YOU for your service. even though the pictures almost always make me emotional, i still look forward to your posts ty ty ty ily ily ily <333333
Nonnie I’ve just had a very long day in the hospital (working, not as a patient) are you TRYING to make me cry
Thank you for your sweet words ily2 🥺
I’ve been making these posts the day of every single day since jinnie’s enlistment because it helps me cope with the boys’ absence to see the days trickling by, and it makes me v happy to know that it’s helping other people as well. Have a wonderful rest of your day/night 💜
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