#thank you jk rowling
toga-himiko-vibes · 25 days
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really tired of seeing us trans folks targets of sexualization and over-policing... as has continued to happen for decades.
this creator's video got algorthim-sniped by youtube most likely because they kissed their partner at some point in it. i saw the video before the age-restriction; and personally thought it was really thought-provoking, eloquent and informative (it's about j.k. rowling).
please share it, folks. here's the community post giving more context and the link to the video itself.
i hate to see another queer person get punished for shit that would never get the same reaction with cishets.
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tuttle-did-it · 6 months
First of all, Scotland, for passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act and trying to protect trans people, thank you. Thank you for treating us as humans, thank you for recognising our identities.
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fuck you JK Rowling. fuck your TERF rants that endanger our lives. fuck your Nazi attitudes.
fuck you Police Scotland for proving that you're fucks and will not take this law seriously, even when someone intentionally, repeatedly, maliciously and gleefully breaks this law in a very, very public forum.
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fuck you Police Scotland for not only refusing to take action when someone is breaking this law intentionally, repeatedly, maliciously and gleefully, but also proving that 1) this new law will NOT be taken seriously by you 2) this tells every TERF and Tory out there that the law is NOT valid, and that the law does NOT include queer people, specifically in this case Trans people; and 3) this tells every queer/Trans/enby/multi-sex/hermaphrodite person that we are NOT actually protected as this new law promises, and you can and will continue abusing us and destroying our lives. Fucking thanks. Cos it wasn't obvious enough that every day gets more and more dangerous for us trans/enby people, so thanks for just making it clear to the fucking world that even when someone mocks this law openly, you don't fucking care because we are not fucking people. Got it. So fuck you Police Scotland, specifically, for doing NOTHING when someone blatantly flouts this law. Fuck every one of you ACAB fuckers.
fuck everyone who still works with you, Rowling and still even speaks to you after knowing what you are.
fuck everyone who still buys anything related to the Harry Potter franchise knowing the money is going into the pocket of someone like this. Because she sends that money back out to fucking Anti-Trans orgs that hurt us.
fuck you HP fans who plan to watch her new tv show. You cannot be a fan of a massive transphobe trying to destroy us, and an ally at the same time. so fuck you.
fuck harry potter fans who wear HP merchandise stuff knowing what she has said and done, yes I don't care if you bought it before she said it, fuck you because you know exactly what she represents. Not apologising. Yeah, I'm totally judging you if you're wearing HP merch, even if especially if you're queer. I don't care how much HP meant to you as a child. I don't care about fucking nostalgia. I care about the Trans lives that are in danger every day because of monsters like this fucking woman.
fuck you Rishi Sunak for backing and legitimising this horrible woman and her bigotry.
fuck you British politics, fuck you Tories. Fuck you all for destroying this country and making every day more dangerous for Queer people.
fuck you CEO David Zaslav. fuck you Warner Bros. for being willing and happy to work with this fucking woman for her fucking franchise so she can continue to fucking make millions and fucking fund anti-trans orgs.
fuck every single one of who who protects, excuses and funds this fucking behaviour. And fuck every one of you who doesn't give a fuck at everything that is happening.
fuck these fucking fucks. fuck you TERFs and transphobes and fuck every single one of you fucking fucks.
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Thank you for trying, Scotland. Thank you.
But please explain to the fucking POLICE and the fucking evil POLITICIANS that this new law means we are legally recognised as protected under the Scottish Hate Crime Act, so they all need to stop fucking about and treat it seriously.
and the fucking PRIME FUCKING MINISTER fucking backing this fucking TERF. I'm not surprised, just angry.
This is on you. so, fuck you if you are supporting these fuckery fucking fucks.
As is EVERY SINGLE FUCKING INCIDENT a trans person has in this fucking country. Every time someone fucking deadnames us, every time someone intentionally misgenders us, every time someone threatens our safety, every time someone fucking assaults us? every single incident is on your fucking head, you fucking fucks.
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thehappyvet · 4 months
Oh dear sweet child a book isn't actually that good if it makes all the bad characters fat or horrendously ugly, calls the Chinese girl essentially ch*ng ch*ng, makes the Irish boy either blow something up or try to turn his drinks alcoholic, and decides to explore a species slave race by making a main character "embarrass" herself by protesting and standing up for their rights because "they like being slaves".
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neverenoughmarauders · 4 months
You know when you read old interviews with JKR (about the story) and you decide you wish you hadn't?
My only defence in just ignoring this interview is that she also says Grindelwald is dead and died in 1945 - which... interesting. I wonder who we saw in the seventh book? So I think we can ignore what we want here!
But seriously: Remus in love with Lily?! Like no, no, no, no....
ES: Was James the only one who had romantic feelings for Lily? JKR: No. [Pause.] She was like Ginny, she was a popular girl. MA: Snape? JKR: That is a theory that's been put to me repeatedly. ES: What about Lupin? JKR: I can't answer either one. ... JKR: Lupin was very fond of Lily, we'll put it like that, but I wouldn't want anyone to run around thinking that he competed with James for her. She was a popular girl, and that is relevant. But I think you've seen that already. She was a bit of a catch.
At no point in the books does Remus bring Lily up (oh because he was in love with her? wait for the second part), nor does he show any particular emotions when Harry brings her up (see!?), which he clearly does when Harry brings up James.
Also, in my hc, Lily wasn't all that popular. She hang around with quite a few girls as we see in SWM, but we never see any of her friends crop up later in the story, she was muggle-born (which must have limited her friendship group - and confidence - somewhat in the 70s), and her best friend was Snape, who was seen as somewhat a loser. But whatever... I guess it depends on your definition of what being popular means. I do see her a bit like Ginny - who also isn't seen to have any close friends, really, so I guess I agree?
Although I will take this piece of the interview and keep it as my hc from now onwards:
MA: How did they [Jily] get together? She hated James, from what we’ve seen. JKR: Did she really? You're a [person], you know what I'm saying.
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astarionbae · 1 year
Read this and see how your stupid argument about separating fandom from a problematic creator just falls apart. This is a real person being affected by the issues of Harry Potter.
Grow up.
That real person @victoriapedrcttis is a very good friend of mine and I talked about this with her.
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One thing I'd like to point to you is that Glor says, "there are people who do separate it [the artist from the art] properly" and "I know my mutuals and I know where their hearts at which is why it's not a problem"
Whenever I need advice or a second opinion on something, I always go to Glor and she knows that I ever make her uncomfortable she's able to speak with me civilly about it because that's how this kind of thing works. Not just hit the anonymous option in the ask box and hound me like I'm a criminal, and attack everyone else who shows their support for me.
Need to remind you that you started this tangent all because you were upset that my friend made a gay oc to be paired with Steve Harrington which YOU harassed her for just because it went against your own opinion of what sexually he was, even though it was NEVER stated in the show.
You then came into my ask box, and brought up the fact that just because I had a Gryffindor mobile banner that I must support JKR and all of her values and opinions. You purposely added another dish to the menu when we were already on one topic at hand. When my good friends who've known me for years began backing me up, saying that's not who I am at all you then started branching out to them and others, leaving them horrible and nasty messages.
I know what's in my heart. My friends know because they have the same ones. Gloria knows what's in my heart. It's not a stupid argument when you fully understand the weight of it.
If we willingly choose to ignore the cruelty and hatred, the harmful and racist imagery, then we are the part of the problem. But if we acknowledge it, know that it's wrong and shed light on those problems, we can still appreciate what Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grant, James and Oliver Phelps, and so many of the other wonderful actors and actresses gave us with the movies and their portrayal of characters that had made our lives better / more bearable.
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thehoneybus · 10 months
I'm finally reading the Christmas Pig and at first I thought haha fun holiday book for children but now here I am... crying in the train for work at 9am
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dirt-grub · 2 years
If you fuckheads are still trying to justify this garbage game for garbage fascists, here’s a comprehensive fuck you to the defenders of it, or just the people who claim its “not that bad” to support. your allyship is literally nothing if its so flimsy that a shitty video game is too hard to boycott.
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almond-tofu-chan · 2 years
Since we’re all rightfully boycotting?? bro speak for yourself...
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Oohoohoo! Outing myself as antisemitic, transphobic, and a bigot is the BEST comeback for this random tumblr user I don’t even know heeheehaw! I’m doing this anonymously though because I’m scared of the consequences of my own actions online! *honk honk*
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luucypevensie · 1 year
Tell me EVERYTHING about your HP ocs. please.
- @come-along-pond
Um… OF COURSE I WILL!! Thank you for asking!!
First and foremost, we have my girl, Cordelia Grey (fc is Naomi Scott). Cord is a Muggle whose Aunt Andrea (her father’s sister) is a witch. For the first ten years of her life, she happily lived with her parents, having no clue that everything was going to change on her eleventh birthday.
That day, she was hanging with her aunt, waiting for her parents to join them when they get the news that they were killed in a car accident. It was also around that time that McGonagall came to give Cord her letter and help Drea explain that she was a witch.
Cord fell into a depression that day and didn’t get out of it until her aunt took her to Diagon Alley and she met one Harry Potter at Ollivander’s. While waiting to get their wands, the two of them started talking and it came up about both of them losing their parents and them never learning about the Wizarding World until now.
Later on, it comes up that Drea knew James and Lily (James thought of Drea as a younger sister and was VERY protective over her), and Harry and Hagrid join the girls for dinner where Drea tells them so many stories about them. It was the first time Harry ever felt that he had a family.
Fast forward to September 11th: they arrive at Hogwarts and are being sorted into their Houses. When Cord’s name is called, she quietly walks up to the stool and sits down. Once the Sorting Hat is put on top of her head, the two of them proceed to have a lengthy conversation. Slytherin comes up when Cord asks why everyone seems to hate it so much. The Hat gave her a condensed version of its background, leading Cord to ask if The Hat thought Slytherin was bad. To make a long story short, their conversation helped Cord to cement her decision.
The Sorting Hat announced SLYTHERIN, and everyone just fell dead silent (yep, Cord decided she was going to be a Slytherin because she knew she had a lot of the qualities the House prizes, but also she decided that it would be her mission to show everyone that not all Slytherins are evil).
So, first year was a bit hard to say the least for Cord. Harry wasn’t speaking to her, and a lot of the Slytherins were being mean (not that Cord wasn’t used to it; when she was younger, she was bullied quite a bit). However, it started looking up when she befriended Tracy Davis after the Sorting, and this is also when she met her future gf, Cheyenne, a Ravenclaw. They bumped into each other when Cord got lost trying to find the Charms classroom and became friends.
Further out in the year, Daphne Greengrass joins Cord and Tracy’s duo, and the trio later on become known as the Antimony Trio.
Third year, Drea becomes the new Muggle Studies professor and everyone LOVES her (with the exception of some Slytherins). When she was at Hogwarts, Drea was a Hufflepuff. She was a couple years younger than the Marauders, but Remus started tutoring her in DADA during her first year and became like another older brother to her. So did James once he started tutoring her in Transfiguration. Sirius became interested in her later on after hearing James rave on and on about her (“Pure ray of sunshine Padfoot, must protect at all costs!), but she wasn’t interested and basically, they are a LONG ASS slowburn.
Cheyenne’s fc is Amber Midthunder, and Drea’s fc is Billie Piper.
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orthodera · 2 years
Imagine being so insecure in your own identity that you start literally gatekeeping your gender
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dimonds456 · 1 year
Alright guys, sit down, I have to tell you all something very important. It's something you already know, but you NEED to hear this again.
You only get ONE life.
You only get one shot at this. You only get one lifetime to live it to your definition of the fullest, be that skydiving, entrepreneurship, or a quiet marriage. You only get one shot to tell people the things you need to tell them. You only get ONE shot to make yourself happy.
Yes, we have many, many, MANY years and many, MANY, MANY opportunities to start any of these! But... do you really want to do that on your deathbed? After you can look back and decide if you were happy with your life or not? When it's too late to change it?
I phrased this as doom and gloom on purpose, so allow me to elaborate and bring this back down a notch.
This post is about love. Straight-up. You only get ONE life, and I want you to take a moment right now and ask yourself if you're satisfied with how you view the world. Forget your living situation or your mental state for just a moment! How do you like your view of the world?
Is it a dark, disgusting thing, filled with smog, hatred, and fire? Is it a bright, beautiful thing filled with Good Vibes™ and sunshine? Or is it somewhere in the middle? Don't take these words literally. If you were to tell me if you think Earth is a good place to live, what would your honest answer be?
Now, let's go smaller. What is your honest opinion of your own world. Not fictional, real. Your circle of friends. the news you see. You personally. Now, how do you view the world? Did your answer change?
Now, let's ask this: what can you do to improve your opinion of the world?
Your personal sphere is the more important example, here, but this does apply to overall as well. If you're not happy in your own sphere, then you NEED to make a change. Stop reading bad news. Take a breath and leave arguments. Go watch that show you've been putting off. Your Steam library needs dusting.
You only get to live one life. So why are you letting yourself be miserable?
Dogs are real. Cats are real. Music is real. Soft, huggable plushies are real. The sun, fluffy clouds, your friends, potential friends you've never met yet, and you. You are real.
Take a breath. Breathe it in. You are real.
You have the capability to make your own choices.
You have the capability to choose when to hold on or let go of a thing or person.
You have the capability to say no to someone.
You have the capability to do the things you want to do, no matter how bleak your situation looks right now.
And doesn't that sound amazing?
Why do we hold on to hatred? Is hating someone really making you happy, or is it putting words in your mouth?
You don't have to like everyone. Far from it. If you don't like someone, we live in a day and age where avoiding them has never been easier. Block, report, drive away, walk. Anything works.
But you don't have to hate, either.
I'm almost done, I promise, but I want to tell you one more important thing. You probably already know this one, too, but you need to hear it anyway.
Hatred comes from love.
That seems really weird, right? Contradictory? Well, it is!
Hatred of a person could start because someone you love got hurt, or someone you love said bad things about someone else. Hatred could come from witnessing someone you love get hurt by an entire group, or one person. Or, it could come from watching a clip on the news. It could come from listening to your family talk about how much they hate a group, and then you'll hate that group, too, because you love your family.
That's all it is.
Any form of hatred can be broken down in this way. We hate because we feel that something or someone we love is violated, and we want to protect them. This can be from things like lions, tigers, plagues, and oceans, but it could also be from race, sexuality, bodily autonomy, countries, or your very own neighbors
But... is that hatred justifiable?
Can you really hate the entire ocean because your friend almost drowned there? Can you really hate a lion for needing to eat? Can you really hate someone who just wants to feel right in this world?
Cuz guess what?
You only have ONE SHOT at life.
But so do they.
Every creature needs to eat, no matter what your relationship with their prey is. The ocean isn't even alive, your fellow man was just unprepared to face it, and that's no one's fault. And that trans person wants to live their life to the fullest, too, whatever their definition of fullest is.
Now that I have the transphobes' attention, is hating this group making you happy?
I'd bet the majority of you say yes, right? But stop and think about this. Really, really think about this. What is something you've always wanted to do? Paint? Fly? Study? It can be anything.
Now, is hating a group of people in any way getting you closer to that dream?
No, right?
So why are you wasting the energy?
This goes about any group, too. Jewish people, people of color, gay people, muslims, disabled people, ect. Is hating this group of people who also only get ONE shot really making you happy? Helping you achieve your dreams?
No, right?
So why are you wasting the energy?
Now, if a group IS getting in the way (or trying to get in the way) of you trying to achieve those dreams? Great! I hate fascism, too! But now you know why.
You only get ONE shot at life. The choices you're making now are building up to a grander whole, a tapestry you will see as you lay on your death bed. Did you live a good life?
Yes, we struggle. There are times when it's fucking unfair. The world seems out to get us sometimes, but that's not your fault. Your responsibility then becomes what you choose to do with those struggles. Crumple under them, or push through? It's easy to fall apart, but so, so worth it in the end to get that 1st place ribbon you've always wanted.
So, how can you improve your worldview today?
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Karma "You with the dark curls" Ellis and Remus "You with the watercolour eyes" Kenning
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website-com · 2 years
this one is abt me personally and i dont want to impose my ideals onto other people but i feel like my ally ship to communities i support and am not a part of does and should not include ex-communicating their detractors, but rather engaging with them in attempts to change their mind. it should not be the job of people within those communities to educate people who violently oppose them, and those violent opposers should not go without someone stepping in to speak to them compassionately. 
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ghostwhrt · 2 years
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bi-lullaby · 2 years
Love the ask you sent me so much (I’ll answer tomorrow!) that I’m sending it right back to you: “Spicy asks: Three most controversial opniões, three least favorite popular ships, and your absolute favorite and least favorite character for SPN, HP, Grey’s, Friends and whatever your favorite show ever is”
Oh dear how will I ever cope with this?/k
- Three most controversial opinions: I really love the Bunker [look, we can talk about how the aesthetics did get kinda ruined and overly sanitized and how much we all miss the motels and how it could come in as a deux ex machina at times but it gave them a home and a place dean felt safe anough to wear a robe and silly pajamas I can’t not love it also the sheer possibilities like lets put a full olympic swimming pool and gigantic greenhouse and all sorts of cursed objects and cool rooms and books with wild lote in there who knows why not]; I think Destiel is unrequited (I kinda ping-pong back and forth on this one and it’s not always my opinion but it’s my most consistent reading and it seems similar to JA’s: Cas was in love with Dean, Dean loved Cas and that’s a tragic little difference); I don’t much care for Jack (Idk how to elaborate on this without writing a whole thesis and a billion disclaimers and I do not have that kind of energy so lets leave it at that)
- Three least favorite popular ships: Sabriel (never caught wind of any sparks there tbh) Samifer (his torturer? SALS ofc but I personally cannot get into it and don’t ship it) I’d include Dean Alastair in this for the same reason but idk if it’s AS popular in general fandom) and Megstiel (I don’t deny they were a thing/on the way to being a thing/had chemistry, and I have read fics where they’re together, they just aren’t the focus of my shipping energy, I suppose?) (Destiel is not on this although again I’m one of the few people that doesn’t actively ship them I still like them and can enjoy lots of things about the ship, they’re far, faaar from least favorites lol)
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Absolute fave is Dean (oh shocker). Least favorite os actually a though one bc while I hate some characters guts (John, most obvious villains) I tend to like them as characters? So I guess Lucifer? I don’t think he was that interesting as a villain in the later seasons especially (I mean, you can say that about a lot of characters bc I feel they got flattened a lot but he went from this terrifying force of primordial evil to a whiny teenage-esque brat with a chip on his shoulder? and then even as I type this I can’t help but like the ridiculousness of it all and the kinda profoundness we can find in all the shallow things and I’m sorry I have spn brainrot)
Three most controversial opinions: Putting Teddy Lupin in Gryffindor (this is literally so silly); Liking Percy Weasley (with caveats); not thinking Narcisa Malfoy is that redeemable.
Three least favorite popular ships: Drarry, Snily, Dramione (I could explain but tbh I think they explain themselves).
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Favorite is Harry and least is Snape.
Three most controversial opinions: (just three? lol) Disliking Derek and Merder, disliking George, thinking Maggie is absolutely delightful and one of my faves.
Three least favorite popular ships: Merder, Slexie (look I GET why they’re popular I just think it’s too much damn drama and they tire me) and Japril (yes I know they’re the three most popular most favorite ships SALS people it’s ok)
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Meredith and George. Try and guess which is which lol (aside obvious villains and the like ofc).
I think I’m going to skip FRIENDS because I just don’t interact with the fandom that much to know what’s truly popular and unpopular <3
My favorite show: Huh, if we’re being honest and excluding the others I’d have to say it’s TGP however I don’t think I have any controversial takes on that? So I’ll go with Supergirl.
Three most controversial opinions: Kara had every right to hide her superhero identity (yes even from Lena and tbh specially from her) and did nothing wrong in regards to that; people are entirely too hard on Kara in a complete disproportionate way to some other characters; I LOVE love love Dansen and even prefer it to Sanvers.
Three least favorite popular ships: Supercorp and Kara x Winn (not as bad I just am neutral?) (I kinda blanked on other popular ships I dislike?)
Absolute favorite and least favorite character: Kara (although Nia is a close one) and Lena.
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ipoddymouth · 8 days
yes hufflepuff is the yellow house lol
next time we get a covid-esque lockdown imma watch alla these
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