#thank you so much for the ask and also portraying my exact thoughts
art-the-f-up · 9 months
I have to admit i had that massive urge to write a fic for your Palestine AU, but i feel like i couldn't do it justice. Like, one mistep and the message will be ruined and i will only disgrace the martyred Palestinians. No words can ever describe the horror that's going on there.
On the other hand, i want people to be hopeful as well, and writing is the only way i could do that.
Idk if I'll actually do it. But if i do, I'll let you know. Hopefully, no matter how the fic gonna go, it'll give people hope, even if just a little.
I understand where you're coming from.
When we create characters and storylines and show their grief and their motives it helps us understand them better, but I've also come to a point of how much is too much? I admit most of my motivation for creating this AU was because I got completely obsessed with the beautiful Palestinian culture so much so fast that I just HAD to create an AU for it, but how do I show them suffering, some silly little fictional characters, when we can't even begin to imagine the horrors that are actually happening to the people in Palestine?
But then I think about the Palestinians, and they are just such utterly optimistic people who try to find the good in everything. They grew up learning to smile in the face of difficulty. They basically find something inspiring in what may seem devastating to the world.
I can never, ever, do justice to the real heroic stories of Palestine. I know there's artists out their who are drawing the actual martyrs and their stories with their family's permissions, but I could never actually just cut and paste the actual story of a real Palestinian onto a fictional character, you get me?
However, what I did realize is that I'm a miraculous fan artist who draws AUs of everything, and since everyone is showing solidarity for Palestine in whatever way is possible for them, I personally think showing heroes of someone's favorite show representing their culture could help so much in boosting their mood.
In conclusion, the entire point of solidarity with Palestine is to show it through whatever you're good at. And hell yeah, we're going to show it through fanworks too.
It's free Palestine til it's backwards.
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sissiarte · 4 months
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THEY ARE HERE!!! I'm very excited to finally share the full designs hope you guys like them <3
These are only like a base, they'll wear more layers on top and have more weapons and armor some times (and like, wear other clothes) but I wanted to have at least one reference for myself that I can use and later on work on top of and give them more outfits (playing dolls with them basically)
I had a lot of thought behind the designs so if you're interested, there's an infodump below the cut. It's very long and messy so read at your own risk
I tried to have some sort of historical accuracy (even if it's a fictional story and the exact time period when it happens is ??) mainly bc I'm tired of how celts are portrayed in media (they wore tacky colors please stop with the grey brown leathers fur), and a bit bc I'm a nerd and I can't do anything if I don't do some research before.
On the other hand I wanted to make good character designs that told things about the characters and stuff, so I had to juggle a bit both things. Plus there's not much variation in clothing styles, so I had to do what I could.
I wanted to use colors, jewelery and styles to group or distinguish the characters. So Láeg and Emer wear a very similar color palette, Cú Chulainn has some blue in his mainly red outfit (and also the under tunic thing resembles Emer's) and Ferdia has some red in his mainly blue one.
Láeg and Cú Chulainn wear the same kind of thing, but I gave Cú Chulainn more layers in reference to the 34683 shirts thing. I went no pants wider belt for Ferdia bc honestly I didn't know how else to make a clear distinction as "this one character is from a different place", there's only so much you can do with the few styles there are.
Jewelery choices! This was a lot bc I really like torcs and I wanted to use them again to give Ulster characters and Connacht characters different kinds of torcs. My first instinct was to give Connacht those very heavy ones that have rings at the ends, but then I did some research and those were only found in england so. Then I went to look what kind of torcs were found in each place and I found that they were the same!!! Obviously!!! Bc they are next to eachother!!!
So I took creative choices and as I found some bracelets in Ulster that looked like torcs I went okay those done (plus they are way easier to draw) And I gave Ferdia the spirally one and Cú Chulainn the "bracelet" one. Plus gave a matching bracelet to Láeg. Emer wears a lunula bc her father is described as wearing one in The Hound of Ulster and I liked it.
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(some pics for reference: from left to right the torc Ferdia wears, the bracelet Láeg wears and from were I based Cú Chulainn's torc, and the lunula Emer wears)
Also important, the headpiece Láeg wears. I used to draw Cú Chulainn with a similar one just because I liked it, but then after reading I liked that Láeg is the only one wearing it. At first I was going to give Emer a similar one but in the end decided against it to make it exclusive to Láeg and to not give her more jewelery than to Ferdia. I wanted Ferdia to wear a lot and be like, more stylish I guess bc I feel he cares about that stuff (I mean part of the bribe to fight Cú Chulainn was a brooch so)
And I think that's it! Sorry it was a lot hfasjkd but I wanted to share it. If there's something I have missed and you're curious to know about feel free to ask! I might have a long ass answer like this or it might be just because XD And if you have comments or opinions they are also welcome! I'm no expert or anything (just a big nerd) so I apreciate any insight.
And if you've gotten this far thank you for reading my yapping <3
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joshym · 9 months
Le Morte d'Arthur: Chapter 3
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!Reader, Sam Kiszka x f!Reader (STAY WITH ME)
Summary: It all began with a passion for literature. What was once a dream to walk the halls of the University of Michigan is now a reality.
You thought you were prepared for everything.
A new town, a new school, a new way of life,
but what you were not prepared for…
was meeting the enigma that is Jake Kiszka.
Word Count: 24.6k+ (i am so sorry)
Warnings: (for this chapter) please proceed with caution if you find any of the following to be triggering: MDNI 18+ ONLY struggles with body dysmorphia/eating, heavy emotions/ talks of an absent parent, *extremely* sick & terminally-ill parent, mentions of sexually explicit scene on film being shot, anxiety/stress, stressing about college grades, worries/anxiety about failing, test anxiety, over-indulgence of alcohol (drunkenness lol), spook/haunted houses, people in scary clown makeup, mentions of jumps scares, *consensual* relations where people put their mouths in *certain places*(not full smut. yet.), ambulances, someone being wheeled out on a gurney (with a lifeless-looking body), JEALOUSLY. lots of jealousy.
a/n: i apologize for this chapter taking me literal years, lol. this one is a bit heavy & was a little hard to write at certain points. but, it's been my brainchild for over a month now & i had to be sure it was perfect before i posted it. i hope you enjoy & as always, please don't hesitate to let me know what you think. 🤍
also, huge thank you to @jakeyt for being the best editor & my right hand in helping create this. i seriously couldn't have done it without you. love you SO much. you're the best sister i could ever ask for.
Le Morte d'Arthur Masterlist
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The midterm pressure is now properly underway. With tests nearly everyday this week, a rigid filming schedule, work, and taking care of your mom, you’re on the edge of being worn completely thin. 
Not to mention, you’re awfully distracted these days. 
Filming has continued as normal. And you finally tackled that scene with Sam just weeks ago, and it went perfectly. Josh had a vision— to show the first fully intimate moment between the secret lovers. The first time their bodies become entangled in their heated passion. The ‘most significant image of the film in its entirety,’ as Josh had put it. 
You’d been scared. 
But after the kiss you shared with Sam, the one that moved far beyond the legendary characters you were portraying, the scene was performed to utter perfection. It was seamless; it felt completely natural. 
Something ignited within once you put the costume on; something you’ve never felt before. A new kind of assured confidence in your body that has never once exuded from you. Your body that you’ve hated since your first cognitive memory, the body that you’ve opted to shield with oversized clothes to hide yourself beneath their stitched fabrics. 
But, something happened.
After draping the thin lace over your frame, you were no longer you. You became a queen with a body worthy of being desired. 
Josh and Malachi knew just what they were doing when they chose that (extremely erotic) dress. 
For once, instead of being ashamed of your skin, you were fucking proud of it. You looked goddamn good.
And by the way Jake had been frozen solid in the door frame with his eyes locked on your exposed figure, you’d say he thought so, too. 
You’d half expected him to drop to his knees right then and there, to fully submit and hand himself over to your will. And he probably would have, had it not been for Nat physically throwing him out of the way. (Had you not been so utterly turned on in the moment, you probably would have busted out laughing at the sight.)
The scene was filmed the very next day (with tattoo makeup, of course) and you used that exact heated tension within you to perform your very best. 
When Sam saw you in the gown, his reaction was much the same as Jake’s. He was entirely transfixed by you; his eyes never diverting from your body. Not even once. 
You had belatedly decided to forgo nipple pasties, much to Natalia's surprise. There was something about the way you felt, with your breasts still hidden, but your buds peaking through the thin fabric. In a weird sense, it made you feel even more in control of your body. 
And the way Jake looked at them…
You couldn’t get his lust blown eyes out of your mind. He was, inadvertently, the reason why you felt so self assured during that scene, why you were able to give Sam such a heated performance… even if only a little. You had to credit his reaction for the help it had given you. It had been what your brain kept going back to time and again, anytime you swept the lace over your body. It was him who had helped you to have this overwhelming, new confidence when wearing the revealing piece.
(And you’d never admit it to anyone, but every time you put the costume on, you only ever thought of Jake. Not even his initial reaction—just him. When you felt sexy, he came to mind. And the thought of him alone helped your nipples to be prettily peaked for every intimate scene Josh would shoot.)
But Sam. Sam is the one who actually uses his words to reassure any unsureness you may have every single day. 
Sam is the good one. The sweet one. The brother who never fails to put a smile on your face.
“Y/n…holy fuck.” He had said as you met him on set the first day you’d worn it.
And fuck, he’d looked damn good himself. No shirt, tight satin pants of the purest white. His hair was fixed to look disheveled and tangled, framing his features and giving him a look of pure sex ridden lust. 
As heavy as the kissing scene had been, this one was levels heavier. 
According to the script, you were meant to be laid out on a bed of red satin. You, sprawled out before him, and he on his feet at the foot of the bed, admiring the vision that is the ever lasciviousness Queen Guiniverre. (The vision of you.) 
And admire you he absolutely did. 
With the same look his brother gave you the night before, sending flutters to your heart and a pulse to your core. You envisioned Jake, but you saw Sam. 
These two have entirely consumed your every thought. Sam has been in communication with you nearly every day, even outside of filming.
He conned you into giving him your number (not that it took much convincing) and he texts you, even calls you, multiple times a day. 
Just innocent small talk, usually. Something little will make him think of you and he’ll send a quick message to tell you what it was. Sometimes he’ll send a joke or two that will force a laugh out of you, along with an eye roll. However there have been a few times that he’s taken it upon himself to make sure you know just how much fun he’s having with you on this film, that he knows his body sometimes speaks his infatuation with you louder than his words ever could. 
And complain you will not. He’s a fucking dream, the sweestest man you’ve ever encountered. And so outlandishly beautiful. 
It would be strange for you to not develop feelings for him, especially given just how close and personal the two of you have become during filming. 
He wrapped you into all of this. He showed you a side of him that you’ve yet to see since. You couldn’t deny him, although you had every reason to. 
It’s like he only wanted you to keep his promise to his twin of helping him find someone to play opposite of him (Sam, mostly, of which he clearly didn’t realize) and he only did so because you’re partners in this blessed project. Not because of who you are. 
He buttered you up, to convince you to say yes, and that was the end of it. 
Then, he went right back to his asshole ways. 
That’s why for the life of you, you can’t fathom the idea that you’ve developed much stronger feelings for him than for Sam. (Who is, obviously, the far better candidate.)
And Sam is the one who gives you the attention you deserve.
But fuck. 
The way Jake stared at you in that costume. And the way he didn’t take his fierce eyes off of you during the filming of your scene in that gown.
His jaw clenching with every kiss shared between you and Sam, his fists bunching up with each touch that connected your bodies. You heard deep, drawn signs coming from him when Sam caressed you. Furious sighs from flared nostrils. 
He ended up storming out mid scene, slamming the door so loud you all nearly jumped out of your skin. Thanks to that, you had to redo certain parts of the scene. Sam had made a joke about how he “wasn’t upset” to have to do it more than once. (And you weren’t, either.)
But not having Jake in the room made it slightly more difficult to put yourself back in the mood. His presence alone, the deep breaths filling his lungs, his stare casted on you each time you glanced his way— that was plenty of inspiration to perform your sexiest. 
But without him there, all you could do was picture him in your mind. Which you did with no problem. But it just wasn’t the same without his body in the same room as yours.
Before you left that night, you heard yet another fight commence between the twins.
“You should’ve told me it would be like this,” Jake fumed.
“I abso-fucking-lutely did, Jake. You just don’t listen worth a single shit.” 
Jake slammed his fist on the kitchen counter, “I helped you write the goddamn script and those scenes were not in there. You know that for a fucking fact.”
“Okay— so I took a little creative liberty and added a few things. I am, after all, the director for god's sake. I think I’ve earned the right. But you knew the plot, Jake. Don’t act like you didn’t,” Josh spouted. 
You’d gone to walk out the door before more was said. You felt guilty for listening, them both under the impression that you’d left. 
But you’d heard something more that kept you from fully shutting the front door on your way out. 
Sam was apparently in on this argument, too. And you’d overheard some rather interesting things regarding you— some things you haven’t been able to let go of since. 
“Just admit it, Jakey boy. You thought you would be the one enjoying all these scenes with y/n. That’s why you asked her to join the cast, isn’t it? You’re just pissed that I get to share these moments with her and not you.” 
Hearing those words come out of Sam's mouth was something you were not prepared for in the slightest.
You needed to just close the door and leave, to stop listening in on this conversation that you were most definitely not meant to hear.
But after hearing that, you just couldn’t bring yourself to take a single step. You had to hear Jake’s response. 
“That’s true isn’t it, Jake.” Josh agreed. “That’s why you’re all out of sorts with this whole thing.”
“First of all,” Jake raised his voice with yet another loud crack against the granite countertop, (His fist must’ve fucking hurt like hell that night) “I only asked her because I had to. We were assigned this ridiculous project together and I was not about to work on something alone with her.”
…that was a fucking blow to the heart.
“Secondly, Sam, I don’t give a fuck one about your special little scenes with her. What I’m pissed about is that you’ve made this entire plot about fucking, Josh. That is not the only goddamn thing that happens in the original texts.”
He did make a solid point there. But from everything he’d told you about the plot before you agreed, (which wasn’t much, if you’re being honest) that was the whole point of the film. At least to show their adulterous human desire, that their love for one another wasn’t a strong enough force that others couldn’t break their way through.
“Jesus, Josh.” You heard footsteps coming closer to where you were hidden, so you quickly made your way out the door to conceal yourself. Before fully closing it, you heard Jake say, “I don’t want to be part of a fucking x-rated film. That isn’t what I signed up for. And you’ve basically taken everything I’ve helped you with and thrown it in the trash. Why did you even ask me to help if you didn’t want to use me for anything other than your precious fucking Arthur that you’re ruining with these worthless rags you call costumes?” 
You quietly padded your way to the car as you heard Jake coming closer to the door. You felt you had heard enough, and you weren’t sure if you could mentally handle hearing much more. 
As you drove home that night, your car squeaking and rattling its way through the middle of Detroit, the sound of Jake’s words in your mind were far louder than that of your beat down Firebird. 
“I only asked her because I had to…I was not about to work on something alone with her.”
You couldn’t control the stray tears that fell down your cheeks. You’d always known that was the only reason he asked you, but hearing him say it…was something else entirely. 
At that point, you’d decided that you’re not doing this for Jake anymore. Not even for the sake of your class. 
You know it’ll get a good grade. That’s no longer a worry of yours. 
No; You’re doing it for the friends you’ve made in the process of this goddamn thing that you would regret doing if it weren’t for them. 
They way Jake’s family has treated you, especially in comparison to how he has treated you…you’re only sticking it out for them. Fuck Jake and his shit attitude that he’s given you since the first moment he met you. 
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You dramatically set your cold brew on the plastic table, throw your bag on the sticky floor and plant your ass so hard in the metal chair you’re sure it’ll be purple in a few hours. 
Elbows resting on the table, you let your head fall in your hands as you let out a long sigh.
“That good, huh?” Nat questions.
You peak at her through your fingers, taking in her almost apologetic smile. “I’ve not scored anything above seventy percent on a single midterm. And I still have one more to go.” 
True to her character, she pulls your hand away from your face. She’s told you before that she likes to see your full face when she talks to you— just another reason, that even in the short time you’ve known her, she’s been the best friend you’ve ever had. 
“And what is wrong with that, might I ask? Seventy percent is a C. And last I checked, that’s a passing grade,” she says with her slim fingers still held tight to your wrist.
You move your other hand away from your face as it falls limp into your lap. “I didn’t move over fourteen hours away to go to the school I’ve dreamt about since I was a child to make C’s, Nat. I want to excel. I want to make the dean's list. I want to leave my mark. I won’t be doing any of that with anything less than all A’s on my transcripts.”
She just smiles at you and softly shakes her head, a few perfect ringlets falling from her silken scarf.
“You will make your mark with or without a perfect 4.0, y/n. Your life is more valuable than a silly cumulative number that isn’t reflective of the person that you are.” She lays your hand down on the table with a soft pat against the back of it, her long acrylics leaving the gentlest, comforting scratches. “You have to stop being so hard on yourself, babe.” 
She’s absolutely right, and you know it. In the grand scheme, grades don’t matter as long as you’ve passed. But dammit– that’s just not enough for you. You can’t, you won’t accept anything lower than an A. 
You have to prove it to everyone who said you’d never make it. Everyone from your tiny hometown, everyone in this city who expects you to fail.
Everyone. Even your father who left you and your mom when things were at their outright worst. The man who cared more about his own well-being than that of you and your disabled, ill mom. You have to defy the standard, beat the odds. You refuse to become merely a product of your shitty situation. 
You have to show him. Show him that you’re worth more than he thought you were. That you can do just fine taking care of your mom and yourself. Without him. 
“It does matter, Nat. If I don’t do well now, I’ll never get accepted into a grad school and if that doesn’t happen, all of my hard work has been for nothing. I’ve proved fucking nothing.”
The sternness in your voice causes her to withdraw her hand from yours and sit herself all the way back in her chair, arms crossed in a state of defiance. “Who the hell do you need to prove yourself to? Why do you care so much about what other people think when I’m sitting right here trying to convince you that you don’t need to do that?” Her voice matches your tone perfectly, with seriousness and irritation present in her inflection. (Perhaps a bit more than you had anticipated. She’s passionate, you can’t deny that for a second.)
You pause for a moment, taking in the vast realization that you’ve never gotten that personal with Natalia on your behalf. She knows of your struggles with your body, and she’s done everything in her power to make you see yourself the way she sees you ever since you opened up to her.
She knows where you live as she’s had to pick you up and drop you off a few times for filming, so you’re sure she realizes that you live in a complex for low income, disabled tenants. She knows you leave and come back periodically if filming runs a little late, unbeknownst to her that it’s to take care of your ailing mom. But not once has she ever pried with a wandering mind. She’s been waiting for you to tell her. 
Talking about these things is just something you’re not keen on doing. It presents an awful lot about you that you wish you could’ve left in Oklahoma. 
It’s just hard. 
And it’s hard to know who you can and can’t trust, who will take advantage of you and who won’t.
But as far as Natalia goes, you’re certain you could tell her just about anything and she’d be the last person to use it against you. But that doesn’t make it any easier to say everything out loud. 
Suddenly, she stands up from her chair, the sound of the metal legs against the tile floor sending a shiver throughout your body. “W-where are you going?”
“Come on,” she responds, swigging down what’s left of her coffee. “We’re going to my car.” 
Instead of arguing, you stand up with her and gather up your things, following her as she takes quick strides towards the glass doors. 
“Why are we going to your car, again?” you ask.
“So you can tell me what you’re not telling me.” 
At first, you’re a bit confused as to why she’d prefer to go to her car to talk. But as you open her passenger door, you remember that car talks are always the best place for deep, emotional conversations to happen. That’s exactly what she wants from you, and as soon as you take residence on the black leather of her Escalade, you feel the unrelenting urge to spill it all. 
She slams the car door before adjusting body so she’s facing you. She rests her elbow on the center console, placing her face in the palm of her hand as she scans you with her chocolate eyes, waiting for you to speak. 
“It’s just…” you sigh deeply from your chest before you begin telling her everything. “I’m the sole provider now. My mom isn’t much longer for this earth,” The sting in your heart upon hearing yourself say those words feels like an electric shock to your system. Speaking them feels like pure bile leaving your mouth. But it’s true. And not saying it doesn’t make it not true. “So it’s up to me to take care of her. She doesn’t have anyone else.” 
Nat’s eyes soften at your vulnerability. Where they were once inquisitive, they’re now full of warmth and realization.
“I can’t fail her by failing myself. My education is just as important to her as it is to me. She didn’t even question it when I told her I wanted to come here for school. She showed me nothing but support, even coming with me when it was most definitely too dangerous for her to make the move. She did it anyway— she wanted to do it. She wants to see my education through as much as I do, and I’ll be goddamned if she doesn’t.”
“Is that why you go home so often? Why you can’t always stay very late for things?” she asks with a timid, sweet voice that calms your spirit a bit.
“I have to take care of her. Make her dinner, sort out her medications, make sure her oxygen tank is well tended. I’m terrified to be away from her, Nat. But she insists that I still live my life. I feel like I’d be doing her a disservice if I wasn’t, you know? But my biggest fear is that I’ll come home and she’ll be gone…and I wasn’t there to save her.” 
“Shit, y/n,” she says, hardly above a whisper. “I hate that there’s so much pressure on you, girl. What about a live-in nurse? Or home health? Is that something you could do?”
“Her insurance won’t cover a live-in, unfortunately. And there’s no way in hell we could ever afford one on my paychecks alone. Her disability plan claims she doesn’t need home health, and that is something I just don’t understand,” you respond. 
“Do you have any other family that could step in and help? What about your dad, where is he?”
You haven’t spoken of your dad since he left. You’ve hardly given him a single thought, even. The move was another way of purging him from your life completely— leaving the home you had once shared with him, getting rid of all of the stained memories once and for all. 
You know that deep down there are plenty of happy memories of him somewhere, buried, in your psyche. But after the way he just up and left you and your mom as soon as her diagnosis was confirmed, the way he left in the middle of the night with no warning and leaving you to manage it all yourself, it’s hard to muster up a single pleasant feeling towards him. 
“I wouldn’t care to know, if  I’m honest.” You chuckle rather cynically,  “The very moment he found out my mom could no longer serve his needs, that he would have to actually take care of someone for once in his goddamn life, he fucking ditched. Left over a year ago, haven’t seen nor heard from him since.”
Your life changed forever when you woke up that morning to his stuff cleaned out of the house, his oil stained spot in the driveway missing his pickup truck, and nothing but a handwritten note on the fridge that said ‘I’m so sorry, baby girl -Daddy.’
From that very moment, you became your moms entire world. Her one and only ‘person.’ It was no longer your life you were living for. She needed someone to take care of her, and the person that vowed to do that in ‘sickness and in health’ left. Just fucking left.
“He is who I have to prove myself to. That fucking asshole needs to know just how well I’ve done— how well we’ve both done without him. I don’t need him to take care of her, to get myself through school and graduate with fucking honors, and then go on to get my masters. I can do it all without him.”
Heavy tears begin to well in your tear ducts, tears that have been begging to be shed since the day he left. But you haven’t allowed yourself to cry over it. You swore to yourself that you’d be strong for your mom. 
“Y/n I–I’m so sorry. I shouldn't have asked.” She most definitely picked up on the sudden onset of your emotions. As much as you try to hold it back, you just can’t any longer. Your flushed cheeks become soaked with your tears. You're sad, but more than anything, you’re angry. Angry for you, angry for you mom. You haven’t allowed yourself to properly feel any of it. From finding out your moms terminal diagnosis, to your dad abandoning you the very next day. You haven’t done a bit of healing since. 
But something about her presence makes you feel like it’s okay to show your emotions, to at last let them come to the surface for the first time since everything has happened. 
You try to tell her it’s okay, that you actually really needed this. But the words are incoherent behind your sobs. 
She takes note and doesn’t say anything more. She reaches her arms out towards you and you lean forward, falling into her embrace. 
She rests her head on yours, her own tears falling onto your hair. Her empathy is something you treasure most in your friendship. 
She always knows the right thing to say, and she always knows when words aren’t necessary. Right now is most definitely one of those times. 
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“I can help whoever’s next!” You shout to the small line of students filling the lobby, each one hugging a pile of books flush to their chests as they patiently await you and Natalia, stationed at the other computer behind the desk, to lend them their study tools.
Work has been especially hectic this week as everyone is cramming in their last minute studies. Each computer designated for student use has been occupied nearly everyday this week, but even with the prominence and accessibility of the internet these days, there have been plenty of students checking out real hard backed, leather bound books as well.
As an avid reader yourself, it brings a spark of joy to your heart to see so many people still reading physical forms of literature.
You’ve loved seeing the mass array of books that have come through the counter this evening, ranging from the iconic literary classics all the way to the Fundamentals of Trigonometry.
Next in line is one you recognize from your beloved (sometimes) class on the mysterious King Arthur. 
Toney Carmichael. The six foot something, brawny, platinum blonde wide receiver for the Michigan Wolverines. And one of the most academically scattered people you’ve ever encountered. 
You’ve made up your mind that the only reason he’s taking classes is to play football. He couldn’t care less about the school aspect of it all. 
He makes the most outlandish, blatantly incorrect comments during class each week. You question how he managed to weave himself into such a high level English course. 
Your first thought: rigged. Absolutely rigged. Someone pulled some tight strings for him to be able to continue his education so he can keep his precious football schedule. 
From what you’ve heard, he’s quite good. One of the best on the team.
Not that you would know (or give the slightest shit) about a single thing to do with that area of the university. 
You’re far too ‘liberal arts’ brained to understand the intense lore behind competitive sporting. 
You fight off the urge to roll your eyes as he quickly pads his way to the edge of the counter, plopping a mass amount of books before you, one even falling behind the counter and onto your keyboard. 
“Hey, Toney,” you say, with little to no enthusiasm.
You begin scanning the ISBN tags on his books, noting that they are a cumulative of the required semester readings for your shared course, all of them pertinent to the first half of the class.
You snicker to yourself, realizing that he’s waited until the very last opportunity to read these novels before the midterm test, which is tomorrow.
This class is very reading intensive; you can’t fathom waiting until the last moment to tackle all of these incredibly difficult reads.
Nine books in, you’re finally down to the last two to scan into his account. With a limit of twelve books that can be checked out at once, he’s cutting it awfully close.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight are next, scanned in and bagged with the rest.
At last, the final novel.
It's so torn up and ragged that you can’t even make out the title on the tattered cover. 
You scan the faded tag placed on the spine; Le Morte d’Arthur. 
Not just that, but the exact one Jake had returned months ago.  The one you wouldn’t loan back to him because you had a far better version that you let him borrow in lieu. (That he also hasn’t given back yet, you suddenly remember.) You recognize it as such now, though you didn’t realize it at first. But the computer also conveniently notifies you of the last six students who had possession of the book. 
You twinge a little upon seeing the name Jacob T. Kiszka in bolded arial font on the desktop screen.
But, no matter. It isn’t Jake in front of you right now, it’s Toney Carmichael. Star football player. (Sadly.)
You finish the last few steps, placing Mr. Carmichael’s receipt with the date of return stamped on the top in his bag. 
“Here you are, Toney. Good luck on the midterm tomorrow!” you say, bidding him adieu while handing him his stuff. 
“Shit, that’s tomorrow? I thought it was Friday!”
“Nope, it’s tomorrow. Better get to reading,” you tell him. He flings his plastic bag of books over his shoulder and nearly sprints out of the building. Again, you ask yourself, how the hell did he manage to get enrolled in his course?
You turn your attention back to the led screen, fully intending to clear the display in preparation for the next student. You’re met with the harsh realization that a certain name is still grievously present. 
It serves as a reminder of the very night he asked you to do this confounded film for his brother. Where the very seed of his kindness was planted, only to never be watered and die in the soil with his shit personality. (That somehow still hasn’t turned you off entirely. What the fuck, y/n.)
You see a student walking up out of your peripheral, and before you can tell them you’ll help them in just a moment so you can finish ridding your computer of Jake’s name, they slyly place a venti cold brew next to your hand situated on the mouse. 
You pause your task to snap your head up to see who in the hell brought you your go-to drink.
What’s the perfect distraction from Jake? His charming and equally stunning younger brother.
And god, stunning doesn’t even begin to describe the vision before you.
This is the first time you’ve ever seen his hair pulled back, tied in a loose messy bun sitting at the nape of his neck with a few strayed pieces framing his cheekbones. 
He’s wearing the most lovely blue button up embellished with cream colored flowers, left partially unbuttoned on the top to frame a dainty silver charm hanging from a matching chain, complete with a black and white canvas belt bag draped across his midsection. 
Fuck, the way that these colors accentuate his flawless complextion is rather elating. Your heart jumps a few extra beats when he makes eye contact with you.
“Sammy! What are you doing?” you inquire with an embarrassingly huge smile plastered to your face.
He flashes a smile that matches yours, the corners of his mustache curling with his sweet grin, his round eyes crinkling above his cheekbones.
“Figured you could use this,” he says while nudging the cold brew a bit closer to you. “Oat milk and extra vanilla, right?”
You pick up the drink and take a long swig of the cold coffee, sighing in relief at the feeling of the caffeine entering your worn down system. 
“I most definitely needed this. How did you know this is my favorite?” you ask him, taking another sip.
He looks to Natalia who’s standing near you behind the counter and throws her a sly wink. “A little bird told me.”
You turn your head to look her in the eye, while she quickly looks away and pretends to busy herself with something useless.
“Natalia Dolores! Are you the little bird?” you say with a shocked tone, a massive smile threatening to make an appearance as she attempts to make herself look as inconspicuous as possible.
“Woah, she middle named you, Nat. This is serious,” Sammy jokes, his lips tucked in a patronizing grin and his eyebrows hiked.
“Don’t look at me, girl! He’s the one that asked!” She wags her finger towards Sam, her other hand planted firm on her popped out hip. 
It’s staggering how the smallest act of genuine kindness, something as simple as surprising someone with their favorite coffee, carries a meaning far beyond the gesture itself.
Also, it just so happens that coffee is one of the direct lines to your heart. 
You snicker at her response as you shift your attention back to Sammy, catching the twinkle in his drowsy, honey eyes as they set their gentle gaze on you.
You can see so much behind them, so much that he isn’t afraid to hide from you. His unfeigned honesty is captured perfectly beyond his feather lashes.
But the only thought pounding from the screaming voice in your head…why couldn’t it have been Jake instead?
You quickly force yourself to shove that thought down immediately. It’s quite simple; Sammy gives a shit, Jake doesn’t. It’s time to put an end to your sad, unreciprocated little crush on Jake. His disinterest is unequivocally clear, he’s even said so himself. (Even though he had no idea you were listening in.) So why bother with your silly infatuation any longer when there’s someone far better giving you the attention you deserve?
“Thank you, Sammy,” you tell him, the feelings for his insolent brother waning as you catch the genuinity behind Sam’s smile. “You’re truly my knight in shining armor.”
“You’re quite welcome, your majesty,” he counters with a regal bow of his head. 
You smile at him as you take another sip of your gifted liquid gold, humming at the bitter sweetness as it falls down your throat. Perfection in a cup.
“You know,” Sam resumes, shifting his body to get a good look of the old building in which he resides. “I’ve never actually stepped foot in this library. Not even once. It’s quite beautiful.”
Nat, still standing behind you, huffs a rather obnoxious laugh that makes you jump a bit. “That’s because you’re never on campus, Sam. It’s a wonder to me that you manage to pass all of your classes.”
“Geniuses rarely have to try,” he retaliates, placing his elbow on the counter in front of him, resting his head condescendingly in his opened palm. “Which one of you ladies wants to give me the grand tour?”
“That’s a big fat hell no for me. Y/n, show the man around. I’ll take care of the front desk,” Nat says, logging herself back into her computer on the opposite end of yours. “But make it snappy. And don’t forget we’re closing early tonight! I want him out of here by 5:15 and not a second later.” she says with a cunning grin. 
You grab your coffee and walk around the other side of the counter, giggling as you get a look at Sam’s full outfit. He paired his rose patterned shirt with gray drawstring pants, covered in contrasting white stripes. 
 Sam matches your giggle, asking “What’s so funny?”
“Sammy,” you say through your almost uncontrollable chuckles, “you look like the fabric section of a craft store.”
Another boisterous laugh echoes from behind you, as Natalia chimes in with her agreement. 
Sam looks down at this outfit with knitted brows, smirking to himself while drawing a deep breath to say, “Well, jokes on you both. I happen to love the fabric section at craft stores.”
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
“And this is my absolute favorite spot; the British Literature section.” You tug on Sammys arm to pull him closer as he smiles at your unbridled passion. “You’ll find all your British classics here. The Once and Future King, The Mists of Avalon, The Canterburry Tales,” You list them off as you read the titles off the exposed spines, stopping once you get to one you’re sure he’ll be intrigued by. “And, of course, The Adventures of Sir Lancelot The Great.” You pull the book from the shelf and flip through the first few pages, quickly noting the intense worn smell emitting from the bound paper. It’s clear that this book has been sitting here for quite some time. “God, I just love this smell. I could make a candle out of it.”
Sam gently takes it from your hands and takes a whiff himself, making a face that tells you he’s not as entranced by it as you are. “That’s an… interesting scent. Kind of smells like Jake’s musty room when we were growing up. Makes sense, with all of his old books he used to keep in there.”
No. Please don’t say that. 
“I know absolutely nothing about our beloved Sir Lancelot,” he continues, glancing at the words printed on the first page. “Well, other than what we see in the Monty Python masterpiece.” 
As much as you’d hate to admit it, The Holy Grail is, in fact, a masterpiece. You’re pretty sure you could quote the whole thing word for word.
“And,” he proceeds, “that he likes to bone the king's beautiful wife.” 
His eyes flick up from the book to meet yours. You can’t help the flush of pink that encompasses your cheeks upon his brash statement. (Or the heartbeat that is pounding at your very core.)
“I guess you could say that’s a pretty significant trait of his character,” you say, your soft tone cracking a little. 
He smiles at you as you smile back, quickly casting your eyes downward to avoid the prolonged contact that’s only intensifying the blood rushing to your face. 
You hear his feet shuffle a little closer to yours. That heartbeat you were feeling a second ago has now tripled. He gently takes your chin between his index finger and thumb, lifting it ever so softly so you have no choice but to look in his eyes. “Guiniverre could only wish to be as beautiful as you.” 
You move your glare to his lips, so soft and pink. You’ve lost count over how many times you’ve kissed them the past few months. How many times you’ve wished the camera wasn’t there during those moments. 
His gravity is pulling you closer to him, urging you to crash your lips with his in a kiss that would put everything you’ve ever done on camera to shame. 
But just as you’re about to…
“Sam? Y/n? Where the hell did you go?”
Natalia. Like clockwork. Here to ruin a special moment just as she did with Jake all those weeks ago when he saw you in the black lace gown for the first time. When she removed him from your sight. 
You curse under your breath, reluctantly stepping away from Sam as she stomps up the old wooden stairs and finds you both.
“You guys! I told you 5:15 and it’s…” she pauses to pull her phone from the back pocket of light wash mom jeans. “5:21! Sam, you need to leave. We have to close.” 
Sam hands you the book and you place it back in its designated spot.
“I can’t wait to hear more about his story,” he says as he walks away. 
“What? Whose story?” you ask absentmindedly. Your mind has become so jumbled with everything that transpired in the last few minutes, you’ve completely forgotten what you two had been talking about beforehand.
“Our good old Sir Lancelot. It’ll help me perfect his character on the screen, you know, like you said.” He throws you a little quick wink as he makes his way down the stairs, leaving you alone with Natalia. 
“Do I want to know what you two were doing up here?” she asks, her eyes opened wide and her hands settled on both of her hips.
You look back to the book you’d just put away, running your finger along the spine, stopping on the engraved Lancelot in gold lettering. “Just as he said,” you tell her. “We were talking about his character for the film.”
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
An air of confidence fills your lungs as you walk into Movack’s class. Finally your last midterm of the semester, and while the others haven’t gone as well as you’d hoped, you feel good about this one. 
This is the class you’ve felt the most prepared for. And admittedly, this is the one you’ve studied for the least. But, you feel you can get away with that. 
If there’s anything you’re sure of yourself in, it’s your knowledge of this lore. You’ve studied it on an academic and scholarly level for more than half of your life. Needless to say, you’re pretty well versed in it all. 
The only issue with this class: Jake.
He’s proven to be a bit distracting during quizzes, resulting in you receiving less than satisfactory grades. But you’ll be damned if you allow that any further. 
He’s disrupted things long enough since you’ve started classes, it’s time to forget about him once and for all and focus on what truly matters. 
He’s already seated in his spot, books opened flat on his desk as he does a little last minute reading before the exam begins. 
You don’t even look his way as you sit in your chair. You simply pretend he isn’t there, a method you’re planning to use for the entirety of his test. (And the rest of this semester, if you’re lucky.)
You sure as hell don’t smell his cologne, vanilla mixed with a musky sandalwood, that has bewitched you since the very day you met him. Nope.
And you certainly don’t care that he’s wearing a white button up that gorgeously flatters the leftover tan he still has from the summer. Or that he’s not wearing his John Lennon sunglasses that you’ve hated (sort of) for months now, allowing for you to see his sparkling, whiskey colored eyes underneath the shadow of his brown leather wide brimmed hat. 
No, you don’t care at all about these things. Your heart isn’t racing erratically at feeling his body heat radiate on you in the cold classroom from just how close your seats are.
Fuck. You can only tell yourself that for so goddamn long. And no matter how much you try to fill your head with other thoughts, when he’s sitting right next to you, drawing deep breaths as he’s focused on his reading, he’s the only one you can conjure up. 
Of course he would choose today to look the best he’s ever fucking looked. 
You hold your breath as you hear the clinking of his necklaces each time he moves to open and close his books, the ridiculous amount of silver charms he wears being one of your favorite things about him. 
He seems a bit flustered, sighing and anxiously rubbing his chin (a nervous habit, according to Josh) with each page he turns. 
Surely he’s not nervous for the exam…right? 
“The exam will begin in one minute. Please place any books you have under your chairs and silence all cell phones. The link to the exam has been sent to your school email through LockDown Browser. Please be sure all other tabs are closed as the system will not allow you to open the test otherwise,” Dr. Movack announces.
You tuck your bag beneath your chair and open your laptop, scrolling through your emails until you find the one from Dr. Movack for the test.
“Good luck,” Jake says in a monotone voice, still so alluring and sexy despite lack of tone.
He’s shocked you almost completely still as you sit there staring at the homescreen for the test. You don’t say anything just yet, giving yourself a moment to register that he actually spoke real words to you. Words that didn’t sound angry or annoyed for once. Something kind of sincere, even.
“Uh- yeah, you too,” you stumble in response. 
“The test will begin now,” says your professor. 
You try to read the first question, however your mind is turning it into a jumbled mess of incoherent words. You read it over a second time, slower to really focus on what it’s asking. 
But it’s no fucking use. 
Jake is clicking away at his keyboard, typing his answer with hardly a second thought it seems. You hear his silver bracelet (that you find rather appealing) hitting the side of his laptop and causing a hitch in your breath. 
The sound of his heavy breathing as he types should annoy you, but of course, it’s only affecting you further in your distraction. 
No. You need to focus.
You shake your head a little to snap yourself out of it, realizing it’s taken you more than two minutes to just read and comprehend the first question of the test. 
You're wasting time. You promised yourself you wouldn’t let this happen. 
In yet another attempt to reread the question, it finally proves worthy as your brain can make sense of it this time. 
Rank and briefly describe the Three Estates of medieval society. Then, describe their individual significance and contribution.
You rub your temple and your eyelids to relieve the tension before you begin writing out your answer, going as fast as you can as you’ve already wasted more than an appropriate amount of time on the very first question. 
As you type out your response, you can’t help but notice that Jake hasn’t stopped typing since this whole thing began. Curiosity has you wondering what question he’s on, since he’s clearly flying through this thing with absolutely no problem. 
You glance up at Dr. Movack to see him seated at his desk, eyes cast downward at his own computer. You then look around the room a bit, each student fully attentive to their own test. 
Turning your head to Jake, you sneak a look at his computer to see what question he’s on. 
Number five. Already. And you’re still stuck on the first one. Pathetic. 
As you turn your attention back to your screen, you hear someone clearing their throat rather loudly. But it’s not coming from just anyone, it’s coming from Dr. Movack. 
“Ms. Y/n.” His deep voice startles you, your body jolting a bit at the aggressive tone bouncing off the walls. He’s now standing at his podium, looking directly at you while every student follows in his suit with nosey eyes cast on you. “This is your first and final warning. Keep your eyes on your screen and off Mr. Kiszka’s, or you will leave my classroom and take a zero for the exam.” 
Great. He thinks you’re trying to fucking cheat. And so does everyone else in this goddamn class. 
You’re not cheating. Didn’t even think about cheating. But how the fuck do you even begin to defend yourself?
“Sir, I-I wasn’t-“ You trip and stutter your words, trying desperately to make yourself look any better than you do right now. But you quickly realize just how terrible it truly looks as you scan the room to see forty nine sets of eyes glaring at you, judging you. And yes, even Jake’s.
He abruptly cuts you off before you can somehow explain yourself. Although there’s really no good way to explain it. “I didn’t ask for a response. Cheating is strictly not tolerated here and you should find yourself awfully lucky that I’m letting you off with a warning.”
Lucky. That word isn’t even a part of your vocabulary these days.
You nod your head in understanding, shamefully setting your attention back to your laptop. But the words are even harder to read now, as you’re trying to comprehend them between welling tears sitting in your ducts. 
The humiliation is settling in as you’re trying to finish your exam, but it all feels in vain now. 
Everyone in here, including Jake, thinks you were cheating. On Jake’s test, no less. 
So much for your fucking method of pretending he isn’t there. In no way did you manage to be even remotely successful in that pursuit. 
And not only did you fail yourself in that aspect, but now the whole class, including Jake, knows it was his screen you were peering at.
Humiliated doesn’t even crack the surface. 
You can’t win in this class, nor can you win with fucking Jake. 
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
Walking out of class feels like the ultimate walk of shame. Worse than a walk of shame. Like utter defeat— an ignominy.
The most painful part is this is now the third time you’ve been the center of attention in the class— for the worst reasons. 
And to add even more salt to the wound, you only received a sixty eight percent on the test. A fucking D. In the subject you’ve considered to be your best since you can remember. 
And it’s not for a lack of knowledge. It’s because of the string of shit luck and continuous distractions that seem to follow you as of late. 
The uncontrolled tears are soaking your cheeks as you speed walk down the halls of Angell Hall, considering never coming back as you run down the concrete steps outside. 
You heard footsteps following closely behind you, but you couldn’t be bothered to turn around to see who it was. In fact, you were hoping that whoever it was would just fucking give up and stop following you. You thought that if you ignored them long enough, they’d just give up. 
But, no. They followed you all the way out the door, and now you hear them continue down the fucking steps after you. Relentless. 
You stop on the last step, having every intention of turning around and giving whoever the fuck is behind you what for.
But just as you’re about to, you hear, “Y/n. Will you please talk to me?”
Of fucking course.
With the sleeves of your U of M hoodie, you wipe away the streaks of tears sitting on your face, looking at the black marks staining the cuffs from your running mascara. You don’t want him to know you’ve been crying, but the state of your makeup is most likely a dead giveaway and there’s not much you can do about it right now. 
You snap around to see him standing at the front door of the building, hands tucked loosely in the pockets of his blue patchwork pants.
“What, Jake? What is there to talk about?” you say, your voice quivering from the tightness in your throat.
He walks down to the step you’re standing on, and you catch his eyes widen at your confrontational tone before he takes his sunglasses from his breast pocket and places them on his face, tucking a few hairs behind his ear.
“Well, first,” he says, using his index finger to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose the rest of the way. “Movack can be rather gruff at times, so just turn a blind eye to him. But second, I just want to know why you were looking at my test. You’re smart as fuck with this stuff, I can’t fathom why you would need to read my answers.”
You’re struggling to think of an answer. You want to explain yourself, to defend yourself. But where do you even begin?
Do you tell him that you were so fucking distracted by him that you couldn’t focus, inevitably causing you to take far too long to answer even the simplest questions, and that you just wanted to see how far along on the test he was to compare to your sudden ineptitude?
No. Not a goddamn chance. While the whole thing looks terrible, you find the true reason behind it all to be much worse than the cheating allegations. 
“I wasn’t reading your answers, Jake.” Your voice is still restricted from the lump in your throat that just won’t go away. But you shove it down as much as you can. The only thing that would make this entire thing worse is to cry about it in front of him. “It wasn’t anything more than my eyes needing a break from my own screen for a tenth of a  second. Movack already has it out for me, so I’m sure he was eyeing me the whole time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.”
He chuckles softly to himself, and you can’t help but watch the way his adam’s apple bobs up and down. And his pretty smile that illuminates his entire face, his cheekbones sitting high atop his glowing features… it sends an electric shock to your heart. You don’t get to see him smile nearly enough, and you wish so much that you did.
“You’re probably right about that one,” he agrees. “I swear Movack picks and chooses students each semester to single out. And you made it easy on him with those first few days in class.” 
There’s his sweet smile again, prompting goosebumps to rise on your skin and forcing out a smile of your own. 
You can’t tell if he’s being genuine or not; being the utter enigma that he is makes him incredibly difficult to read. 
And after hearing him angrily spit out his true feelings for you a few weeks ago, your brain won’t let you forget his harsh words. Of course, he doesn’t know that you heard. And you’ll continue to act as if you don’t know.
But, knowing what he said makes you wonder if anytime he’s being “sincere,” it’s just a facade. 
Still yet, you’re appreciative of the fact that he’s not outright accusing you. Almost coming to your defense, even. Not only that, but he sort of complimented your knowledge and academic abilities. 
At this point, you’ll take whatever you can get from him. 
“If you have any tips on how to survive his class the last half of the semester, I’m all ears,” you tell him, nervously twirling a strand of your hair  between your fingers. This is the closest you feel you’ve ever gotten to a ‘normal’ conversation with him. 
“At this point,” He places his hand on your shoulder, gripping it tight. You don’t even notice the breath you sucked in at his touch, feeling like you’ve suddenly forgotten how to blow it back out. “you’ll have to go above and  beyond to put yourself in his good graces.” 
He wraps up his advice with a soft squeeze of your shoulder before he steps down onto the sidewalk.  
“Above and beyond?” you repeat, matching his tone with an added sarcasm. “Got it. No problem.”
Although it would be a lot easier if you weren’t there to distract me. 
“You can do it,” he says as he’s beginning to walk away, adjusting his leather satchel over his shoulder. “Remember how you put me in my place on the first day?” he recalls through a laugh. “Yeah, just keep doing that.”
You dramatically cringe at the memory of your first day of classes, not really in the mood to ponder that mess just yet.
But he is right. That’s the only memory you have of Movack actually being somewhat kind to you.
“Yeah, you’re right. I shouldn’t have any problem doing that,” you say with a devious smile.
“That’s only if I let you do it,” he remarks with a smirk as he’s already halfway down the sidewalk. “See you tomorrow.” 
Your tummy immediately fills with butterflies as you watch him saunter away. You weren’t sure how to feel about him being a decent human being… you just know you wanted more of it. More of the Jake you’d come to fantasize about from time to time in your cluttered mind. 
Like the one who throws one more small (devastatingly handsome) smile over his shoulder at you, still standing in the same place where he’d left you, before he turns the next corner.
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
Filming has just ended for the night. Jake filmed one scene and left just as you arrived for your shots, so it’s just been you, Josh, Sam and Malachi for the better half of the evening.. Things tend to go much more smoothly with this crew; you quite enjoy nights like these. 
You’re seated on their fluffy beige couch in the living room next to Sam, Josh and Malachi perched on the opposite end. With filming ending a bit earlier than usual, (given that Jake wasn’t here to cause any delay with his constant arguing) you’ve got a little time to sit around and enjoy a movie with everyone. 
Josh did ask everyone what they wanted to watch, however it’s clear he never intended to let anyone's preference determine what would actually be viewed. 
Once he turned on the television, he’d already had A Clockwork Orange queued up on the roku— it appears it was predestined for that to be tonight's film of choice. Not that you’re complaining, though. You do rather enjoy the madness that is this classic Kubrick film.
You’re no more than thirty seconds in the beginning of the movie when Josh says, “You know, Kubrick never really wanted to make this film. He thought the book was a yawn fest when it was presented to him. Just didn’t find much interest in it.” 
Sam and Malachi basically ignore him, merely nodding their heads while their eyes stay fixed on the blue lit screen. 
Still yet, he continues. “It was only when he imagined Alex being played by Malcom McDowell that he decided it’d be worth a shot. Can you believe McDowell didn’t even know who Kubrick was? He’d seen 2001: A Space Odyssey, obviously, but didn’t know Kubrick by name. It’s mind blowing, truly.”
Now that is a fact you most certainly did not know. And being the massive Kubrick fan you are, you’re surprised you didn’t know that. 
“Wait, really?” you ask with genuine curiosity to discover more that he might know. 
Sam places a hand on your knee and squeezes ever so gently. “Don’t encourage him, y/n. Or he’ll never stop,” he says with a half grin. 
From where you’re seated, you can see Josh’s face perfectly. And even with nothing but the bright screen illuminating him, you see him roll his eyes and toss his hand in Sam’s direction. 
“Yes, really! Isn’t that wild?” Josh proceeds despite Sam’s interjection. “I bet you also didn’t know that his nod to Gene Kelly was improvised.”
“It was?” you respond with a bit more shock in your tone than you had wanted. You can’t help it; this stuff fascinates you. 
“Indeed my dear, it was. Kubrick directed him to do anything that would serve as a major contrast to the violent and sinister nature of the scene, told him to dance around or something. So, that’s exactly what he did. Took one of the most convivial moments in cinematic history and turned it into an example of Hollywood’s gift of euphoria, using it  against the very corporation it came from.” 
“How on earth do you know all of this, Josh?” you question.
“Because he spends all of his time studying this useless stuff,” Malachi jokes. He pulls Josh in by the shoulders and hugs him tight to his chest while they both bust up in a fit of laughter.
“Watch the hair, please!” Josh says, his voice muffled by Malachi's shirt.
You’ve truly come to admire their relationship over the short time you’ve known them. The love they have for one another and the love they each give to everyone around them, so selflessly and without condition— they are just wonderful, beautiful people.
You still can’t help but question how Jake carries the same DNA in his body as Josh, because they are so vastly different from each other. 
The movie continues while Josh throws in a few more tidbits, piquing your interest and subsequently annoying Sam. (That’s almost more entertaining than the movie.)
Sam seems to be a little antsy. Antsy over something else other than his older brother talking away about mindless things. 
You’ve noticed him glancing your way periodically out of your peripheral, and he keeps taking a breath as if he wants to say something but stops before he gets a word out. 
You can’t take it any longer. “You okay, Sammy?” you ask in a hushed voice, trying not to disturb Josh and Malachi. 
“Y- yeah, I’m okay,” he whispers. But you know better. Something is plaguing him, and you will get to the bottom of it. 
“Are you sure?” you ask, a little bit of inflection on the last word.
He nods his head and hums in confirmation, setting his eyes back on the sci-fi film while you shrug him off and do the same.
As many times as you’ve seen this movie, you still can’t help but cringe during the infamous torture scene. 
You verbally express your disgust over the torture being inflicted on Alex, holding your hands over your face and barely peeking through the space between your fingers. 
The guys all snicker at your squeamish recoil, opting to watch you versus the movie as your reaction is probably more riveting than the horrid images on the screen. 
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
The early evening has now cast a full, lunar glow as time has drawn on with the movie now running its ending credits. 
Josh and Malachi have long since fallen asleep, cuddled up in an impressive knot together. 
You peel yourself up off the soft cushion and stretch your stiffened limbs as Sam remains tucked deep between the pillows, still awake as he scrolls mindlessly on his phone as you suddenly remember you haven’t checked yours since filming came to an end hours ago.
You reach in your bag to fish it out, only to find that the battery is now completely dead. 
“Shit,” you mumble more to yourself than anything else. 
Your mind is instantly filled with the worst case scenario. Is your mother okay? What might have happened in the time between your phone dying and now? If she was in trouble, there is no way you would’ve known. 
“You okay?” Sam hushes from his cocoon in the couch, lifting up a bit as you give him a sideways glance. 
You had just tried to turn your phone on, to no avail. Only being met with the red battery telling you that you’re shit out of luck. Deciding to play it off, you do your best to not overthink it as you toss your phone back in your bag. 
You feel your heart plummet with the phone the slightest bit. “Y-yeah,” you stutter, keeping your tone quiet for the sleeping lovers. You throw a thumb towards the door, connecting your eyes with his again. His expression is so concerned, his eyes mimic that of a baby calf. “I’ve just gotta go. Just a grade I’ve been dying to check and my phone is dead,” you lie through your teeth, starting to head to the door.
But just as you get to the door, his hand is over yours on the handle. Your heart rate admittedly speeds up at the proximity. Cute, sweet guy who you’ve been sitting closely with all night? Touching your hand? 
You turn your head back and upwards to get a look at where he is standing behind you. 
“Let me walk you out,” he offers, his tone kind but leaving no room for argument. “I don’t like the idea of you being out there at night by yourself.”
Little does he know where I fucking live. This place is nothing. 
But, again, you play it off. Company on the way to the car wouldn’t be bad.
“Okay,” you grin. And he’s so close, you can’t help but blush as you open the door under his hand, still covering yours. 
Once you get out to your car, you’ve built up a little bit of nervous energy from Sammy following you out. You would be lying if you said you didn’t have a bit of a crush, and having him so near was doing funny things to your heart. 
You turn to the driver’s side door and go to put your key in the lock. 
“Thanks for walking me out, Sam,” you look over your shoulder, trying your best to look as cute as possible in front of your beat up, jank-ass car. “I really loved hanging out with you tonight,” then you turn back to open the door. “Have a good night, Sa—.”
“Wait—,” you hear him say, his voice anxious. You follow the tone of his voice, and turn to face him front on. You can’t help the grin that flutters to your features as you wait for him to finish. “I’ve—I’ve actually been wanting to ask you something. I just wasn’t sure how to do it, but— fuck it. Do you want to go out this weekend? With all of us, I mean. Well, with me, but everyone else will be there too.” he utters, stumbling all over himself as he does so. “Josh wants to have a party here with all of the cast and crew to celebrate being halfway done with the film, and then we’ll all go out afterwards. Well, just my brothers and I. Of course Malachi will come. And you, I hope.” He’s spitting this all out so quickly, it’s like whiplash trying to keep up with everything he’s saying. 
He seems…nervous? That is quite shocking to you given how close you two have been for filming. He seems to never have an issue in those circumstances. He’s incredibly confident and sure of himself while he kisses you like no one has ever kissed you before. All for the sake of a silly college project. 
You smile at him and grab his hand before you respond, attempting to reassure him and make him feel more comfortable. “I’d love to, Sammy.” 
You can visibly see the anxiety wash away from his body as he relaxes a bit, loosening  his stiffened posture. “Great! How do you feel about haunted houses?”
“Haunted houses?” you question. “Like, spook houses?”
Your Oklahoma is showing, y/n.
Sam chuckles, “I forget you’re from down yonder,” he jokes with the worst fake southern accent you’re sure ever heard. “Yeah, like those. We go every year to them, kind of an annual ritual for my brothers and I. I’d really, really love it if you joined us this year. It’s a blast. That's what we’re planning on doing after the party. There’s a new one we’re wanting to try out for size.”
You’ve been so caught up in the chaos of everything consuming your life at the moment that you’d completely forgotten that Halloween is this weekend. Time has utterly flown by since your move. It still feels as though you’ve just begun classes at the U of M only days ago, when in fact, it’s been months since the semester started. 
“God, I haven’t gone to a spook hou– sorry, haunted house, in years.” you tell him. 
His face scrunches up in a tenderhearted grin at your correction. 
“It’s a date, then!” he exclaims with an enthusiasm that swarms your belly with tiny butterflies. 
He opens your car door a little wider as you climb yourself in the driver's seat. “It’s a date,” you repeat through a full toothed smile. He matches your grin as he gently shuts your door, bidding you a farewell with a sweet salute. 
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
Each outfit you put on just doesn’t flatter you in the slightest. Every shirt is either too tight or too low cut, each pair of jeans has a weird gap in the crotch, your leggings only look good with a baggy sweater. And even though that’s your go-to comfort outfit, that is not the vibe you're going for tonight. 
No; you have to look damn good tonight. You want to look good for Sam, for him to see you in something cute that’s not just a film costume. (But there’s also the incessant part of you that desperately wants to impress Jake, too. And your usual attire just won’t do the trick.)
You dig through to the deepest crevices of your closet in hopes to find something that looks good, but also makes you feel confident in your body. 
The only thing you do feel confident in these days is your seductive wardrobe for the film. But, for obvious reasons, you can’t wear those to the party or the spook house. That is not the kind of attention you’re attempting to draw this evening. 
You stumble upon a black velvet skirt, short with a small slit on the left thigh. You’ve never worn it. You bought it years ago for a reason that you can’t seem to remember at the moment. But it’s managed to withstand the multiple closet purges you’ve done over the years, so part of you has clearly always thought it would come in handy at some point. 
Holding it up to your hips, you figure it’ll probably still fit. (Fingers and toes crossed that it does.)
It’s supposed to be a bit chilly out tonight, so you rummage through the second drawer in your dresser for the pair of  black tights you have tucked away at the very bottom under all of your other undergarments. 
You sit on your bed as you pull the tights over your calf, up to your thigh before repeating the same thing on the other leg, standing up to awkwardly pull them the rest of the way up over your hips and ass, covering the cute black boy shorts you chose to wear underneath that match your black t-shirt material bra. These particular tights have some serious tummy control— something you’re quite grateful for. 
Now, for the brutal moment of truth. Will the skirt fit?
You certainly hope so. Trying on anything can be incredibly difficult for you. You live in fear that nothing will fit you. Too big or too small, it doesn’t matter. Dealing with the size of your body in any aspect is paralyzing and far too triggering. So, doing this right now is a massive step for you. But, if it fits, it’ll be worth it. 
You undo the zipper on the back and step into the skirt on one foot at a time, sucking your stomach in fiercely as you zip it back up at your waist and clasp the small hook and eye at the top. 
As you let out the breath you’d been holding, you’re delightfully shocked to find that the skirt fits. Not too tight, not too loose— it’s perfect. A wonderful surprise that you truthfully weren’t expecting.
You walk over to your small vanity to take a look in the mirror sitting on top of the white wooden table. You bend down a bit to get a better look at the skirt, and holy hell. 
Your ass looks fantastic. And the little slit sitting on your left thigh is tastefully sexy as hell. The tights were a great choice as they make your legs look smooth and complement the black velvet beautifully. 
Now, to find the right top. 
Giant sweaters are your comfort, but you’re feeling like trying something a little different tonight. 
You have a dark gray, long sleeved mock neck that’s been hidden away almost as long as your skirt has. The fit of it has always given you wild amounts of anxiety. It’s tight. Like, skin tight. Yet, it’s remained part of your wardrobe for a long ass time. So, why not give it a try? You’re feeling a little more brave at the moment, and it might surprise you just as the skirt did. 
Shifting through the hangers holding your shirts, you finally find it. Still brand new with the tags. You can’t remember why you bought this, either. Perhaps past you was looking out for future you to have something hot to wear on this very night? Who the hell knows. 
You rip the tags off of it, figuring it’s probably much too late to return it now. You stretch out the mock neck a bit before pulling it on over your head, smoothing it over your breasts and down your stomach, tucking the length into your skirt and tights. 
You adjust the arms a bit, feeling a tinge of apprehension at just how snugly the material is clinging to your biceps. A body part of yours that you’re not so keen on accentuating. 
But as you take a look in the mirror, you’re shocked yet again— over just how good this looks on you, too. The tight-fitting fabric is actually doing you a lot of favors, particularly in the region of your breasts. 
The shirt isn’t cut in a way that would show any cleavage, but the way it fits around them emphasizes their shape, making them look rather perky as they sit perfectly upon your chest. 
The whole outfit is flattering you in ways you’ve never explored. The anxiety about trying something so far outside of your comfort is still ever present, but as of late, you’ve convinced yourself that it’s okay to do that every once in a while. 
You’re tired of being trapped in the prison cell that is your self conscious brain. It’s time to break free, and the confidence that filming has brought to you feels like the very key to unlocking the bars that keep your thoughts in confinement. And so does this moment as you’re seeing yourself in yet another new light. It makes you feel utterly silly for feeling as shitty as you always have. 
You glance at your phone to check the time, and you still have over an hour until you have to be at their apartment. You’re thankfully making good time, so you have plenty to dedicate to your hair and makeup to perfect it. 
You decide to throw a few loose curls in your hair, letting the waves fall around your face to frame it. Keeping your makeup a bit on the light side, you choose to go with a small, subtle black wing and black mascara to accent your eyes. You decide on a daring red lip, but not just any red lip– the same shade of red you’ve been wearing while you’re portraying the highly coveted Guiniverre. You grin as you swipe the scarlet color across your lips, thinking back to all the times it’s become smeared on yours and Sammy’s. The giggles that you two have broken out in over the mess you’ve created on his face. 
Digging through your jewelry box, you find some silver and gold chains you like to pair together. You place them meticulously around your neck, making sure they’re stacked to perfection. Then a pair of big hoop earrings that show beautifully through the loose curls around your face.
But just as you’re closing the lid to the floral painted ceramic box, something catches your eye. 
A little golden charm in the shape of a heart with your initial engraved on it. Your fifteenth birthday gift from your dad. You used to wear it every single day, up until the very day he walked out of your life for good. 
You threw it away that day. Tossed in the garbage the second you realized what he had done. 
While you’re not entirely sure how it made its way to Michigan with you, you’re willing to bet your mom dug through the trashcan to salvage it for you, hiding it in your box for you to discover later on. 
As much as you’ve struggled to contrive a single memory of your dad that doesn’t involve him leaving, looking at the necklace has your mind venturing back to the moment he gave it to you. Wrapped up so elegantly in a red velvet bag, with a letter from him that told you the story behind your name, how he chose it special after his grandmother that helped raise him when his parents gave him up. (Seems a little ironic.) 
You suddenly begin to panic. Where did that letter end up? Did you throw it away, too? God, you really hope you didn’t. But it seems like something you definitely may have done in the midst of your unforgiving anger with him.
But you loved that story. You used to make him tell you about your name all the time, and having it written down in his handwriting was something you held rather close to your heart until he up and left.
You start scrambling, pulling your tangled jewelry out in handfuls to see if it’s buried in there, but it’s no use. It’s not here, and you truly feel in your heart that it’s somewhere in the landfills of Cherry Tree, Oklahoma. Disintegrated to near nothing. 
It breaks your heart to think of it in that state. But maybe it’s for the better. Maybe that’s the universe trying to tell you that it was meant to stay back in Oklahoma with the life you no longer have with him. 
One thing is for sure, there’s no use in shedding tears over it. It’s in the past, and that’s probably the best place for it. 
You check your phone once more, realizing that you have to leave in no less than twenty minutes if you want to be there on time. 
You begin rushing around, looking for your black thigh length leather jacket (faux, of course) that you know will match your outfit perfectly. 
You find it buried under a few other coats on the shelf of your closet. You swiftly grab it and start heading out of the door of your bedroom, realizing that you’re still clutching the heart necklace in your right hand’s grip.
Mindlessly, you slowly place it around your neck, lining it up with your others so it sits in just the right place. You hold tight to the engraved charm, swiping your thumb over the initial a few times, just as you always did for comfort  in the years that it was worn.
The comforting feeling is still there, strangely. Everything has changed since you last wore this, yet somehow it all feels the same. 
The memories start to flood back like a tsunami, but you don’t have time for them right now. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself with it all. Wearing the necklace is just one step towards forgiveness, and that’s all you have the mental capacity for at the moment.
Throwing your jacket on your shoulders, you walk down the hallway to the living room to search for your purse and keys. 
Your mom is seated on the couch, watching her favorite television show and cleaning up the plate of food you made her. She starts to get up to take her dishes to the kitchen, but you stop her before she can stand all the way.
“Let me get that, mom.” You take them from her,  rinsing them off in the kitchen sink before placing them in the dishwasher. “Are you sure you’ll be okay with me gone for so long?” 
Tonight will be the longest you’ll be gone from her since you made the move, and the worry sitting on your heart is almost too heavy for you to truly feel okay with leaving her tonight. 
Your biggest fear is playing over and over in your head like a damaged record. But when you told her about tonight, she wouldn’t accept anything less than you going and having a great time. 
“You look beautiful, sweetie. Does my poor heart some good to see you like this,” she says as you saunter your way back into the living room to meet her warm, smiling face. “And I told you, honey. I will be fine. Don’t you dare fret about me tonight.”
Triple checking that all of her nighttime medications are out and within her reach, you also take a moment to check that her oxygen tank is full and that her mask is nearby should she need it.
“Y/n.” She takes your hand away from the tank and pulls it close to her. “I am just fine. Now get on out of here and enjoy yourself, sweet pea.”
She pats the back of your hand with her other, something she’s done since you were a child. 
“Okay, mom,” you utter through a deep sigh. “But please promise you’ll call me if you need me for anything, okay?”
She nods her head in agreement, sending you a warm smile yet again as she lets go of you and softly nudges you in the direction of the front door.
“Love you, mom,” you tell her as you step through the threshold. 
“Love you more, y/n.”
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
You nervously pull your car in the lot of their complex. It’s been clanking around more than usual tonight and there’s an odd smell emitting from the engine. You’re counting your lucky stars that you’ve made it here in one piece. You’re hoping that having it sit and rest for a while is just what it needs. 
Your dad was always your right hand in fixing any issue that arose with your old piece of junk. Without him, you don’t even know where to begin. What shops to take it to, who will overcharge you and who won’t. Car mechanics are a foreign concept to you.
He even promised you a new one by the end of your junior year. It’s a pretty safe bet that that won’t be happening. 
Josh answers the door before your fist even collides with it. “Y/n, my sweet dove! I’m so happy to see you!” he exclaims, clearly more than a few drinks in as he holds one tightly in his hand.
He practically pulls you into their home, wrapping you in a Josh-famous hug while nearly spilling his glass filled to the brim with some stout, honey colored liquid. The same one that you smelled on his breath as soon as he opened his mouth.
“Joshua!” you huff, laughing at his loose state. “The night has barely begun and you’re already drunk?”
“Ah, yes! The night is still young, and there’s plenty more trouble to get into!” 
Your hand covers the sound of the giggle that erupts from you. “It sounds like you’ve gotten into enough already, Josh,” you say through your fingers.
His drink meets your empty hand in a clumsy ‘cheers,’ a few drops of his drink landing on your skin before he lifts his glass to take a big swig.
“The queen is here, everyone!” he shouts while stumbling through the crowded living room. You cringe at the sudden influx of eyes staring at you from Josh (loudly) announcing your arrival. 
You flash an uncomfortable smile, waving stiffly at everyone while you take your jacket off and hang it on the coat-stand in the corner of the foyer. 
“The queen, the queen!” Sammy roars from the kitchen, setting his glass down on the granite before swiftly padding  his way across the living space to meet you. He instantly envelopes you in a warm, soft hug, digging his chin in your shoulder. His coarse facial hair tickles your neck as you playfully squirm away from his embrace.
He takes a step back, amorous eyes flicking up and down your form. “You look intoxicatingly lovely tonight,” he whispers, taking your hand as he gives the tops of your knuckles a quick peck. 
Although he’s not quite as inebriated as his older brother, you can tell he’s had at least a few. Enough to sustain a pretty decent buzz. So, you don’t think his actions are completely due to the alcohol. Perhaps a bit, though. 
“Come with me,” Sam says while he drags you by the same hand his lips just met. “Your lack of beverage is deeply concerning.”
As he leads you to the kitchen, your eye is caught by Jake standing by the array of finger foods intricately splayed out on huge charcuterie boards. 
And fuck, does he look sexy as hell. 
His dark beige collared jacket over his loose, worn white t-shirt is something brand new to you, and his denim button up tied around his waist above his black skinny jeans shouldn’t be nearly as inviting as it is. 
You instantly notice the slightly cropped nature of his top, revealing just enough skin. Even the slightest vision of his lower stomach has your head spinning. 
But then you realize… he’s not alone.
And she’s pretty. Really fucking pretty. 
Her sun bleached hair falls just below her impossibly tiny waist. Her green eyes are complemented beautifully by her mulberry sweater, the deep neckline emphasizing her perfect breasts.  
He’s smiling, laughing, and she’s laughing right along with him, making doe eyes as he talks to her. She’s holding some bright pink concoction, of which she’s taking the daintiest sips, never breaking contact with his eyes.
You’ve never seen him so outgoing, so talkative. And it’s all thanks to her.
Sam notices your stare in their direction, and switches directions so you’re now heading towards them. 
“I don’t think you two have properly met!” Sam interjects. “Y/n, this is Stacy. She’s playing the woman that steals your man.” 
He laughs ridiculously loud at his own joke, obviously not understanding where your mind is at all. (How could he possibly know? But, still. Poor taste, Sam.)
She is Stacy. Of course she is. 
You’d heard about Stacy, but you hadn’t met her yet. All you knew was that she was the one cast as Camille, Arthur’s very own secret lover who will later turn out to be as evil as Morgan le Fey herself.
Nat has mentioned her briefly, telling you that she’s “kind of a moron, but a fantastic actress,” whatever the hell that means.
Her availability has been much different than yours for filming, so your paths have yet to cross. And since Josh has a strict ‘no pre-edit viewing’ rule, you haven’t seen any of her scenes with Jake.
And part of you isn’t entirely sure you want to. With how titillating your scenes with Sam have been, and the rather exposed nature of your own costuming, your wandering mind can only imagine how similar Jake's scenes are with Stacy and the costumes they’ve chosen for her. 
The script you possess only includes scenes with you, so you haven’t even been able to read any of Jake’s that don’t include you, which also means you haven’t even read any of hers.
You’d already made it up in your mind that she was probably quite beautiful. That Jake probably believes she’s quite beautiful, too. 
And you were unfortunately right. She’s a fucking goddess. You can’t hold a candle to her. And given the way Jake is looking at her, it’s safe to assume that he would agree.
Does he feel the same things for her that you feel for Sam? Why does it seem he gives her the attention you so desperately crave from him? Is she the reason why he has next to nothing to do with you?
It shouldn’t matter to the extent that it unfortunately does, but the thoughts are deafening nonetheless. 
You’re jealous. And there’s no reason to be jealous, but you can’t begin to help it.
Out of instinct, you bring your arms up to fold them over your chest. You suddenly feel like hiding once again. 
The thrumming bass from the loud music is keeping perfect time with the amplified beating of your heart.
Why do you have to care so much?
You swallow it all down, breaking free from your thoughts to be cordial with her. Because she has yet to give you a reason not to be, and you don’t want to be that jealous bitch.
“Hi, Stacy!” you exclaim with a forced smile and a reach of your hand to shake with hers. “It’s so great to finally meet you.”
She disregards your outstretched hand, opting to pull you in for an unexpected hug in lieu and nearly causing you both to topple over.
She smells fucking incredible. Like fresh cherries and oranges. 
She breaks from the hug, still grasping hold of each of your shoulders as you’re standing completely stiff in shock over the way she’s greeting you, as if she’s known you all her life.
With a giant smile, (displaying her perfectly white, straight teeth) she says, “I am so happy to see you! The boys have told me so much about you— well, mostly Sammy. He told me you’re a super awesome actress and has gone on and on about how pretty you are.”
Sam wraps his arm around your waist, giggling and blushing at her statement. You find his sudden onset of embarrassment to be absolutely adorable. You catch yourself smiling at the thought of him speaking of you in such a way. His sweetness more than makes up for the lack thereof from his older brother, who is standing stiff as a board behind Stacy. 
His eyes flick to yours, and they burn a hole through your own gaze before they land on Sam’s arm that’s hugged tightly to your body. His nostrils flare and his jaw clenches before he gives Sam a look that you’re pretty sure could actually murder him if it were possible.
You can’t discern how he’s feeling, but whatever is on his mind, he certainly does not appear to be happy about it. 
You look up to Sam to see that he’s staring right back at Jake, even throwing him a sly wink before Jake abruptly walks away from the three of you without a single word.
What the fuck is his problem now?
You all stand there in silence for a moment, Stacy’s head quickly whipping around in the direction he left in.
“Well,” you say, clearing your throat to draw the attention elsewhere. “I’ve heard plenty of wonderful things about you also, Stacy. I am so excited to see you in the film. I bet you’re absolutely great!” You’re more so telling her this in an effort to relieve the tension that Jake so lovingly left behind.
She smiles before taking a few sips of her drink, licking the rememints off her full, rose colored lips. “Jake is just a dream to work with. He’s so patient and kind with me. And he’s just the sweetest guy! When he asked me to come to the party tonight, there was no way I could say no.” 
No. There’s no way she’s using ‘patient’ and ‘kind’ to describe the same Jake that’s been a rude, arrogant pain in your side for the past few months. He is most definitely not the ‘sweetest guy.’
You’re practically biting your tongue in half to stop yourself from saying anything. 
Why the hell has he been treating her so much better than you? What is so special about her that you’re lacking?
Well, aside from her Barbie-like beauty. That is something you can’t compare to, sadly. You’ll never equate to girls that carry her kind of flawless, graceful allure. 
And that is probably why you don’t receive the same respect as her. It makes perfect sense.
What a vain, fucking asshole.
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
You’ve been subtly eyeing them all night, watching as they’ve kept themselves tucked away together in a desolate corner of the living room, completely separated from the rest of the party.
He’s been ogling the hell out of her while she rambles on and on, talking his ear off for what feels like hours. (About something mindless and irrelevant, you’re sure.)
But whatever it is has acquired his full attention as they’ve basically not lost sight of one another since the night began. (Aside from the numerous times you’ve caught him glancing your way tonight. Maybe this outfit was a good idea.)
Sammy thankfully hasn’t taken notice of your wandering eyes. In fact, he’s been just as glued to you as the two of them seem to be. 
And if you’re honest, he’s been a welcome diversion. 
The drinks have made him a little extra clingy to you, and even more complimentary, as if that were even possible.
You’re asking yourself yet again why you care so fucking much about what Jake is doing, when you have Sam practically falling all over himself for you. (Almost literally, thanks to the alcohol flowing freely through his system.)
You’re still working on your first drink that Josh mixed for you, and you now know what Malachi meant when he told you to beware of an infamous Josh cocktail. There’s just a hint of lime juice swimming in an endless sea of Camarena tequila. (A Kiszka staple, you’ve come to find.) 
You can only sip on it gingerly as a full gulp would probably cause your blood alcohol levels to rise rather quickly, so taking it slow is necessary. 
“I think I’ll go pour myself another refreshment. Anything I can get you?” Sammy asks, effectively pulling your attention away from them again for the umpteenth time tonight. (Thank god he hasn’t noticed.)
“I think I’m good. Thank you, though.”
He gives you an inquisitive look as he downs the last few drops of what's left of his drink. “And you’re sure you don’t want something to eat? There’s plenty up there.”
You’ve turned down his offer at least three times now. He’s been questioning you all night about eating, but you just can’t right now. 
The fear of becoming bloated while in an outfit as tight as this, clinging to every square inch of your body, is far too great to allow yourself to indulge. 
If you want to look good, especially around the likes of Stacy, food is out of the question for tonight.
“I ate with my mom before I came over, so I’m really not very hungry.” That’s a lie. And you hate to lie to him, to anyone. But you don’t want to be tempted by him bringing you a plate of food. You’ve hardly stepped foot in the kitchen for that very reason. 
He just smiles and says “okay” as he stands up from the couch to grab his refill, leaving you sitting there by yourself. 
Normally you’d be grateful for the moment of solitude amongst the wild party goers as they dance and galavant around. 
But all it’s doing is setting your attention right back on Jake, who’s still conversing with Stacy. 
Only now, it’s much worse. 
Your stomach tightens and drops when you see him mindlessly run the backs of his fingers up and down her forearm, landing loosely on her waist as their proximity has become even closer somehow. 
You shouldn’t care. You really shouldn’t fucking care. But goddamnit— how you wish it were you. 
You’ve told yourself over and over again to let go of this idea that he could ever possibly like you. It’s pointless, useless. He’s made it plenty well known that he isn’t and never will be interested. 
But suddenly, he makes eye contact with you again as he’s wrapped up with her, and she doesn’t notice. She just keeps talking to him as if he were still listening.
But you can tell he’s not. His eyes are tightly fixed with yours, and this time, neither one of you are quick to break the contact. 
There’s close to twenty people between the two of you, yet they all suddenly disappear. The music has turned into a muffled, incoherent beat. It’s as though you’re both standing on either end of a tunnel, the rest of the world stuck on the outside, unbeknownst to what’s occurring beyond the cylinder walls that encompass only you and Jake.
Your trance is broken by Stacy taking hold of his face and turning it back towards her. You can’t hear what she says, but based on the movement of her lips, you’ve gathered it was something along the lines of, ‘who were you looking at?’ 
She turns her head in your direction, looking around intently to answer her own question.
But she doesn’t look at you. Because in her mind, why would Jake ever look at you when she, perfect and beautiful as can be, is standing right in front of him?
No. She’d never suspect it.
And maybe she’s right, anyway. You turn to look behind you to see a slew of beautiful girls standing close by. Friends of some of the crew for the film, you assume. 
He was probably just looking at them. Not you.
Never you.
You feel the couch cushion sink in next to you with Sammy sitting back down, clutching his newly fresh drink, completely oblivious to everything happening within your mind.
You suddenly feel your phone vibrate from your purse, and you unlock the screen to see a text message from Natalia.
It’s suddenly registered with you that she isn’t here yet, which isn’t like her to be late to anything.
Nat: “So, about tonight…”
You: “Are you okay?? Where are you, dude?”
Nat: “I *may* have a date planned, & I *may* not be making it to the party because of said date. ;)”
You: “A date?? With?? SPILL IT!”
Nat: “A certain curly headed boy who was also supposed to be there tonight. :p Any guesses?”
You glance around the room to determine who should be here but isn’t.
You still don’t know very many people in this town just yet, so the possibilities of who it could be are rather limited. 
It clearly isn’t Sammy. And it most definitely isn’t Jake or Josh.
Then, it hits you.
Daniel. Sammy’s best friend who has been nowhere to be found all night, who was most definitely supposed to be here.
You’ve loved getting to know him over the last few months. Everything runs extra smoothly when he’s around to help with the camera work, and he serves as the best mediator for the twins. (And Sam when he’s feeling extra ruthless.) Fights are almost non-existent when his presence is looming.
And he is absolutely sexy as fuck. The tallest of all the boys, and the most muscular. 
With Nat’s unmatched beauty along with her kind heart, the two of them would make the most ideal, movie worthy couple.
You’re sad she won’t be here tonight, but the thought of her going out with Danny has you far too excited to care. She deserves this.
You: “Danny?? SHUT THE HELL UP? I’m so happy for you!”
Nat: “Maaaaybe. ;) I’ll keep you updated! Sorry for ditching you tonight, love you & have fun!”
You: “You’re such a shit. Love you!”
“What are you so smiley about?” Sam asks, nudging your shoulder playfully with his as you grin at your phone. 
You lift up your screen to show him, his smile matching yours once he discovers what has you so giddy,
“No fucking way!” he shouts, taking your phone from your hand to get a better look at the messages. “He’s been wanting to ask her out for ages. Way to finally grow some balls, Daniel!”
Sinking into the cushions a little further, you accept your fate of not having Nat with you for the night. You’re going to miss her. You are not sure how you’re going to make it without her perfectly timed buffering. And tonight of all nights is the one where you need her as a distraction. A distraction from the continuously ridiculous display that Jake and Stacy are giving with their secret giggles in the corner. 
Next to you, Sammy’s small, drawn out cackle pulls you back. It brings a small smile to your face as it’s an honestly endearing sound–reminiscent of a laugh influenced by weed. You’ve gotten used to hearing it often, as Sam is always laughing if there’s a laugh to be had. 
He’s a good distraction. A good buffer. You’ll have him to lean on all night. You’re assured of this as he looks down at you with his big, beautiful, deep brown eyes. He’s pulling you in, making you feel safe in this overly crowded room. 
But another drink would be nice. Just to alleviate any tension that could unintentionally make its way into your muscles. It’s a humongous risk as Jake and Stacy leave their cocoon in the corner to make their way back to the kitchen. 
Yeah, you don’t want to go back there. You need a drink, but you don’t want to accidentally see them canoodling when that’s the last thing you want to be privy to. The drink’s a necessity, though, you realize as you already feel irritation flare in your veins at the thought. 
“You need something, hun?” Sam asks. 
You bring your eyes, zoning out on nothing, back to him. God, he’s so sweet. Why can’t he be the Kiszka you want most?
Not knowing what else to say or do, you figure asking him to run to the kitchen for you might be a good idea. You need the alcohol, and he would surely love to help. Perfect combo.
“I need a drink,” you say, a shy smile taking over your features. “And I’m too comfy to get up.”
You really feel bad making him be your errand boy. Especially when his face lights up at the prospect of possibly helping you. 
“Yeah!” He eagerly responds, getting up in no time. “Whaddya want? Mixed? Beer? Wine?”
“Glass of wine, maybe?”
“Dry? Sweet? Sour?”
“Sweet,” you respond, without thought. Sweet wine is always the only route. “Thank you,” you offer, blushing with the quiet thanks. 
“Sure thing,” he winks. Then, he’s crouching in front of you, his hand landing on your thigh. Your skin heats under his touch. He’s so fucking gorgeous. And he’s so close. And he’s leaning in. 
You lean forward, too, and capture his lips in an effortless kiss. So soft, his mustache tickles your upper lip just right. 
He sucks your bottom lip into his mouth and your tummy does a funny twirl before he’s standing back up with one more wink and a little grin that makes your cheeks flare red. “Be right back, sweet thing.”
As long as you can without having to move from your spot, you watch him lazily (and sexily) walk to the kitchen for your beverage. You’re biting your lip, still, when you turn back to face the rest of the party in front of you. 
Then you see Jake leaving the kitchen right as Sammy enters it. And with Stacy momentarily distracted, he lets his eyes wander. But, you realize, they don’t really wander– no, they go immediately to you. 
You’re still biting your lip, but you let your teeth slip just the slightest bit with the look he’s giving you. It’s haunting–almost as though it’s a best-kept secret. He looks…pensive. But his eyes are open, wondering and curious with his lips parted just slightly– so prettily. 
You let your gaze stay on his face–continue looking in his mysterious eyes–until Sam is the one exiting the kitchen. So, you turn your attention back to his face. He’s smiling at you, holding up a clear plastic cup, holding what looks like Pink Moscato. Your lips turn up at the sight, but let your eyes float back to Jake’s of their own accord… but he’s no longer looking at you. 
No, he’s looking at Malachi, who is still engaging in conversation with Stacy. 
But he’s not smiling along with their conversation. He’s scowling, his jaw clenching enough to make your skin feel hot. Why’s he so mad?
You choose not to think about it, instead averting your eyes to Sam, now back in front of you with your wine, setting his new drink on the table. You let your eyes settle on his ass in his gray jeans and you can’t help but appreciate the view. 
Then he’s turning around and his phone is getting clicked open from his pocket. 
Peering at the screen, you wrinkle a brow. 
“Twenty Questions!” He excitedly says as he hands you your wine and settles in next to you again. “Thought it could keep us busy for the next bit of time.”
Your eyes twinkle. He’s adorable. 
“Okay,” you smirk, taking a drink of your wine, which settles immediately into your cheeks. Warms you right up. And, yes, it’s Pink Moscato. “How did you know I love this type of wine?”
“Lucky guess,” he chimes, the apples of his cheeks pink after a swig from his brand new mixed drink. “You wanna play?” He flashes his screen at you again, lit up way too bright with the questions he’d found online. 
“Yeah,” you reply with a sure nod. “Give me your worst.”
And, without being able to help it, you’re peeking over your shoulder once more. 
You find Jake’s eyes, dark and waiting for you, before you’re both turning back to your tasks at hand. 
Your tummy is positively fluttering as Sammy asks his first question.
“What’s one of the craziest things you’ve ever done?”
Not helping the giggle that bubbles out of your chest, you know exactly what your answer is.  
“Craziest things I’ve ever done…” you hum, already knowing what you’re going to say when you give him a tiny smile. “Well, one of the craziest things I’ve ever done is definitely agreeing to star in a project film with a bunch of people I really didn’t know worth shit.”
His signature cackle comes to join your giggle, and you feel totally at ease in the moment. 
God, he’s easy to talk to. 
“That’s fucking hilarious,” he responds. Then, there’s a wholesome smile under his mustache, his eyes encompassing a brand new emotion. “But I’m really glad you did it.”
And, with Sam’s precious face making you feel a little giddy, and the feeling of eyes burning into the back of your neck making your stomach feel heavy with want, you say the only thing you can think of. 
It’s simple.
“Me too.”
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
The chill of the night is nearly unbearable as you’re waiting in the line for the hayride that takes you to the haunted house, and you’ve found yourself regretting your choice of attire.
Your pleather jacket isn’t doing a damn thing to block the crisp breeze, and the small amount of alcohol you had ingested earlier has completely worn off, so you can’t rely on that to warm your system. 
Your arms are crossed tightly over your chest in a desperate attempt to use your own body heat to warm up, but  there isn’t any heat left to be used. You’re sure everyone can hear the incessant chattering of your teeth and the jingling of your jewelry from your uncontrollable shivers.
Michigan cold feels different than Oklahoma cold. Your body clearly hasn’t adjusted to the northern weather as of yet. (It also doesn’t help that you haven’t eaten a single thing since you woke up early this morning, but you turn that thought away fast. You’re not ready to confront that just yet.)
You half expected Sam to offer you his coat by now, but he’s too busy cutting up with Josh and Malachi at the moment to pay you any mind. You feel too awkward to ask, so you’ll just stand here and wait for your body to completely ice over while you wait for this fucking hayride that won’t allow you to be any warmer than you are right now. 
Hell, even Jake gave Stacy his coat, and she didn’t even have to ask for it. He just did it. 
And it doesn’t help that she can’t stop making her ‘pick me’ comments about how his coat is so big on her that she looks so tiny in it.
You’re annoyed as fuck that she’s here. The way she chimed in before you all left, nosing her way in to figure out where you all were going, just to get Jake to ask her to come. And of course he did. Of fucking course. 
So, she’s here. Bumbling about and talking about whatever comes to her dull mind. But, her looks give her a pass. You’ve found yourself wondering more than once tonight why they didn’t cast her as Guiniverre. Her beauty alone makes her more than qualified for the role. And if her acting is as good as everyone says, it just doesn’t make sense why she wasn’t chosen.
You’re really wishing Nat was here. She would just get it and share along with your annoyance. But she would definitely say something along the lines of what you’re thinking. She’s not one to hold back like you are.
(And you’re starting to understand why she referred to Stacy as a ‘moron.’)
The line has been still for well over forty five minutes at this point, and you’ve not even moved a quarter of an inch since you’ve been here.
This better be worth it.
Stacy decides to join in on the guys’ fun, making an obnoxious show of herself as she does so. You know she’s only doing it for the sake of Jake’s attention. 
And apparently Sam’s, too. 
She’s got her arm interlocked with his as they stand in front of you, making ‘jokes’ with one another that might actually make you hurl. 
Sam is too naive (and still a bit too inebriated) to understand her little game, but you’re not. 
And it should be pissing you off that she’s suddenly all over your date, but at least it’s keeping her from clinging to Jake.
The vexed look on Jake’s face says everything you’re thinking— his annoyance isn’t quite as subtle as yours. 
You’re a little relieved to find that he is also not thrilled about the situation. Everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves, and it’s not that you’re not, you just wish you weren’t so damn cold. 
A sudden gust of wind hits you like a frozen freight train. It’s nearly painful, piercing through your skin to your chilled bones. 
“Jesus!” You exclaim from the sharp gale, causing everyone to startle and snap their heads in your direction. 
“You alright?” Jake asks.
You notice the bright pink hue on his cheeks and the very tip of his nose, and you’ve heard him sniffle every few minutes since you’ve been here. You kind of feel bad for him. Having given up his coat to the little blondie keeping Sam’s attention far away from you, he must be as cold as you are. 
“I’m fine,” you fib through your jittering teeth. “I’m just so fucking cold.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty bad out tonight. Actually this whole month has been much colder than normal, I believe.” He cups his hands, bringing them up to his lips to blow warm air on them before sticking them back in the pockets of his skinny jeans.
You’re definitely not used to this kind of simple, small talk with Jake. And his annoyed demeanor has suddenly vanished. He no longer looks completely miserable, probably because he’s now ignoring Stacy’s obnoxious, forced laugh as she’s still messing around with Sam, Josh and Malachi just a few feet in front of you.
You’re absolutely over her at this point. The way she will snort out a fake laugh and casually peek over at Jake to see if he’s looking at her— it’s nauseating to watch, really.
“I think there’s a hot chocolate stand over there if you wan-” Jake starts, but he’s interrupted by Sam.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I didn’t realize you were so cold.” Sam says, wrapping his arms around your frigid body and rubbing his hands up and down your back to warm you up.
You’re grateful for his body heat, the way it instantly puts your endless shivers to rest.
But you wish he would’ve waited until Jake finished his thought. (And you wish Jake were the one warming you up instead.) 
But while in Sam’s embrace, you catch Jake watching, glaring. 
His jaw becomes tightly clenched, his chest rising up and down rapidly with his deep breaths, his eyes narrowed in on you wrapped tightly in his brother's arms.
And even as Stacy waltzes her way to him, tucking herself into his body, seeking his warmth, (quite literally just mimicking you and Sam) Jake's burning gaze doesn’t cease.
You’ve stood like this for so long that you don’t even realize you’re all next in line for the hayride. 
Sam helps guide you in the back of the wagon, being sure you don’t slip on the unstable wooden step. Josh and Malachi pile in shortly after you, then Jake and Stacy. 
You wince as you take a seat on the sharp hay, wishing even more that you would’ve chosen something thicker than your skirt. The hay is stabbing you through your clothes, and no efforts in situating yourself to find a comfortable spot are proving to be successful. 
“Here, “ Sam says, patting his thigh. “Sit on my lap, you’ll be a lot more comfortable.” 
The dry hay may as well be needles poking your ass, so you don’t turn down his offer. Plus, his body heat will also come in handy as you’ve got a pretty substantial way to go before you reach the haunted house. 
He holds you close to him by your waist as you situate yourself on his warm thighs, but you hear a rather unpleasant scoff coming directly from Jake’s mouth as you do so. And so does everyone else, apparently, as everyone looks his way at the sound.
Sammy snickers, asking “You good over there, Jacob?” 
His condescending tone catches you completely off guard. And clearly has pissed off Jake. 
“Sam, it’s in your best interest to shut the fuck up.” Jake angrily retorts. 
Stacy is seated next to him, a ridiculous smile splayed on her unaware, perfect face. Giggling and laughing when she has absolutely no clue what’s going on between the brothers.
(If you’re completely honest, you’re not entirely sure you do, either.)
But the tension is evident, nonetheless. And she is obviously incapable of picking up on it. 
But what she does pick up on, is how you're seated comfortably on top of Sammy's lap, giving her the idea to also do that. Because for some fucking reason, she feels the need to always do the exact same thing you and Sammy do. 
You have to hold back your laugh as she moves to sit on Jake, and he tells her it’s not a good idea and makes her sit back down on a dirty piece of hay. 
Serves her fucking right.
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
A slew of bloody, killer clowns lead you all out of the hay covered wagon. Their makeup is…mediocre at best. Not the most realistic you’ve ever seen but you can tell there was at least a little more than minimal effort put into their costuming.
Stacy, of course, is screaming at the top of her lungs with each move they make, attaching herself to Jake in an obnoxious manner that almost prohibits him from being able to walk. The look on his features tells you he’s less than pleased with her actions, but he doesn’t stop her. 
They then lead you all to the beginning of their ‘Three Ring Maze of Horrors,’ guiding you through the dark black lit entrance. The sounds of exaggerated screams and wails can be heard through their less than adequate sound system, playing on an endless loop along with circus music in an eerie minor key. 
A typical cliche; nothing you haven’t seen adapted a hundred times before. The concept is a bit overdone in your eyes. Being the horror fan that you are, you’re pretty desensitized to things like this. It takes a lot to scare you anymore. But, you still enjoy the atmosphere nonetheless.
Not only was Jake chosen to be the designated driver tonight, it was a collective decision to have Jake lead the whole group through the haunted house. Of course, Stacy is close behind, clutching his back and burying her face into his jacket, seeking her pick-me attention yet again from him.
You and Sam are close behind, with you in front of him. He’s not quite as brave as you are, closely mimicking the reactions of  Stacy, much to your annoyance. 
Josh and Malachi are the tail end, clinging to one another as they both share in their fear together.
You and Jake seem to be the only ones who aren’t phased in the least. He’s hardly even winced at a single bloody clown threatening to have him for dinner. 
But with every jump and yell of a clown, comes a blood curdling scream from Stacy that is far more dramatic than necessary. 
Again, you have to fight back your laughter at the fact that Jake quite literally shrugs her off and ignores her every time. It appears he’s not buying any of her shit anymore tonight.
Sam, on the other hand, is much more fearful than you would have initially thought. (Especially considering they do these every year. Surely he doesn’t think this one is bad, right?) 
He’s basically using you as a human shield everytime a clown reaches for him, squealing and bending down to your height to hide himself behind you while you simply look at the clowns and wave, being the pretentious asshole you are. 
You’re thankful that both him and Stacy can’t see the ceaseless rolling of your eyes each time they make a fuss over something that is not as scary as they’re making it out to be. Yeah, you’ve jolted backwards from a jumpscare or two, but the whole thing is planned out in a way that you can almost guess exactly when and where an actor will strike. It’s textbook for spook houses. Some of them (including this one) are incredibly predictable. 
As you’re finally nearing the end of this poor excuse of a fear seeking thrill, you catch the smallest glimpse of a grotesque clown's meticulous hiding spot. But he’s not hidden as well as he thinks, since you can still spot him even with the neon lights flashing about in an attempt to disorient your vision.
Jake is walking closer and closer to his spot, and you have a pretty good feeling that he’ll strike once Jake is within the appropriate distance. 
You see the clown prepare himself and just as Jake is in the perfect spot, he jumps out in front of him, letting out a rather deafening wail. 
Jake clearly did not see him, having the ever loving shit scared out of him and raising his fist to throw a punch at the actor. 
Thankfully, the clown tucked himself back away in his little hiding spot before Jake could throw his self-defense punch. 
Why was that so fucking hot?
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
After a rather interesting time out, you’ve all finally made it back to their apartment.
The night ran a little later than you intended, so you’re making haste in preparing to leave so you can get home. Sammy isn’t too keen on you leaving just yet, offering hug after hug in an  attempt to keep you here a little longer with him.
I don’t deserve him.
“Do you really need to leave?” Sam asks, his tone of voice telling you he’s got something special in mind. You’d be lying if you said that wasn’t intriguing to you. “It’s pretty late, you know. I’d hate for you to drive all the way home at this hour. You’re more than welcome to stay here.” His wink sends a swarm of butterflies to your undeniably  eager tummy.
You hear Josh agree that it’s a good idea as he and Malachi are making their way up the stairs to their room. You instinctively look to Jake to try and gauge his thoughts, but, as usual, you can’t read his stone cold face.
If circumstances with your mom were different, you might agree. But you’ve been gone from her for far too long. And being away from her overnight just simply isn’t an option.
“I wish I could, but I’ve got piles of homework sitting on my bed waiting for me.” Again, that’s a lie. But telling everyone the true reason is a task for another night. 
“Will you at least text me that you’ve made it home safe?” Sam asks. His request sends a wave of warmth to your heart. The fact that he just fucking cares about you, and makes it evident.
“I will, Sam. I promise.” 
You start gathering your things that you left on the couch earlier, and as you’re about to open the front door, you hear something that sends a boiling heat to your blood.
“Sam's right, Stacy. It isn’t safe to be out driving at this hour. I’m going to insist that you stay here tonight.” Jake tells her. 
Don’t stay, don’t stay, d-
“I’d love to, Jakey!” her squealing voice answers.
“You can just sleep in my room, if you want,” he continues. 
As if your blood wasn’t heated enough, now it’s blistering. 
You cock your head in Jake’s direction, and his eyes are frozen solid on you.
He’s doing this on purpose. He’s getting even with you for all of your antics with Sam tonight.
Fuck you, Jake. 
She follows him down the hall to his room, and when you hear his bedroom door shut after they walk in together, you decide that enough is enough.
You throw your stuff back down on the couch and stomp your way towards Sammy who’s staring at you with wide eyes.
Non verbally agreeing to his inquisition, you wrap your arms around his neck and attach your lips to his with everything you’ve pent up from the entire night, letting it all out on Sammy who’s willing to take it with no question.
He doesn’t break away to ask what changed your mind, he just reciprocates the same passion you’ve bestowed upon him. He’s practically clawing at your body to bring you closer, shoving his tongue past your lips and moaning straight into your open, hungry mouth.
With no more thoughts running through your mind, you leap into his ready arms, wrapping your legs around his waist as his hands reach to cup your ass. 
He starts carrying you up the stairs, holding your body as if you weigh nothing. His lips only detach from yours long enough to open his bedroom door and carry you in, carefully letting you to fall on his mattress. 
He wastes no time crawling on top of you, sucking the skin of your neck before finding your lips once again.
You grab hold of his white button up and tug on it until it reaches his shoulders, digging your nails into the now exposed skin of his back.
He lifts up to take it all the way off his body, tossing it across the room somewhere before gracefully flipping you both so you’re now on top, straddling him, your skirt now fully bunched up around your hips as his hands begin kneading the flesh of your thighs over your black tights. 
You grind yourself on his body in desperate search for a release to ease the built up tension tonight has caused you.
“Shit, y/n,” he hisses, moving his hands to your hip bones to help guide you even further into him.
The moan you let out is one you’re sure everyone else in the apartment heard, but you couldn’t begin to care even if you wanted to.
I hope he fucking heard that. 
You lean yourself down, your lips flush against his once again, making a show of sticking your ass out as much as you can.
“Y/n,” Sam pulls away from you. You chase after him, but he stops you again. “Hey, are you sure you want this?” he whispers.
You find his question to be utterly ridiculous. Of course you want it. 
Even though it may not be for the right reasons…
You lift yourself up to look him in the eyes, “Do you not want this?” you ask, a bit of defensiveness in your tone.
His hand reaches out to pull you back down to him, enveloping your lips with a long, drawn out kiss that steals every breath of air from your lungs.
“I have wanted this since I fucking laid eyes on you,” he utters against your parted lips. “I just want to make sure that you are ready.”
You don’t want to think anymore, you don’t want him to think anymore. 
Instead of using words to tell him just how badly you want this, you lift back up to tear your shirt off your body, leaving just your black bra on your top half. There’s no use in overthinking that, considering he’s already seen your breasts due to the sheer nature of your black lace piece for the film.
“Fuck,” he whispers, running his hands up your bare stomach, reaching to gently cup your still clothed chest. His thumbs trace delicately over your hardened nipples through the fabric, a rise in goosebumps enveloping your body. “You are so goddamn sexy, y/n.”
Just as you’re about to lean back into him, you notice something catching his eye. You instantly realize what it is. 
Fuck. You weren’t ready for that yet.
“What’s this?” He traces the outline of your tattoo etched under your right breast, no longer disguised under the heavy stage makeup you’ve used during filming. Your body stiffens at the realization. 
Now that he’s officially witnessed the most personal part of you, it suddenly registers what you’re doing. 
And the anxiety becomes all consuming. All you want to do is cover up, to hide.
At this point, you’re only doing this to get to Jake. It’s absolutely not fair to Sam, using him and his affection for you like this. It’s not fair to yourself, either.
This isn’t what you want. But you’ve convinced yourself that it is, letting it go so far that your best kept, most intimate secret has officially been revealed. 
You begin feeling a loss of your sacred identity, a piece of yourself that you weren’t ready to share just yet. 
It’s much deeper than the tattoo at this point. 
What the fuck am I doing?
You swing your leg over Sam, removing yourself from his body and searching frantically for your shirt.
You have to get out of here. You should’ve just fucking gone home.
“Y/n?” His voice sounds shaky and unsure. “Shit. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have taken it so far.” He stands from the bed to meet you, the concern painted on his features shattering your heart. 
As bad as you feel right now, you would’ve felt a thousand times worse had you continued this whole thing for all the wrong reasons.
“You didn’t do anything, Sam. I need you to know that. I just—“ Fuck. You don’t want to hurt him. And you don’t want him thinking any of this is his fault because it absolutely isn’t. “I thought I was ready, I don’t think I am. I’m so sorry, Sammy.”
You swallow down the massive wave of tears threatening to fall, but you can’t help the wetness forming in your ducts.
You’re angry with yourself for letting it get this far. You’re angry that you almost used someone who’s been nothing but kind to you to get to someone else, for your own selfish purposes. And you’re angry that you almost gave yourself fully to him without being ready to do so. 
And for allowing him to see a part of you that practically no one knows about. 
“Hey, hey,” he says, cupping your cheek. You know he can see the tears welling in your eyes, as much as you wish he didn’t. “Please don't be sorry. I’m only into this if you are. You call the shots, okay? I don’t want you to ever feel rushed.”
“I think I’ll just go home, if that’s okay.” You pull your shirt back on over your head, wanting nothing more than to be in one of your giant sweaters for just a semblance of comfort right now. 
“Of course that’s okay. Do you want me to walk you out?” He asks. His sweet, quiet voice is comforting you a little, but you can’t shake the guilt you’re carrying heavily on your shoulders right now enough to find enough solace.
You tell him no, that you’re okay to walk out on your own. You can’t bear letting him do anything else for you. You just need to go.
He hugs you goodbye, telling you to be safe and reminding you once more to text him when you get home.
You tell him you will, and walk out of his room, shutting the door behind.
As you run down the stairs, you’re immensely hoping that no one is down there to see you leaving but as you reach the last step, that hope you were clinging to is no more.
It’s Jake. Rummaging through the fridge in the dark kitchen, and to make matters worse, (and slightly more awkward) the only thing on his body is a pair of black sweatpants. 
And when he turns to face you, you realize how low they’re sitting on his waist. Low enough that you can see his hip bones and a small trail of hair sticking up from the waistband. Fuck. His hair is an absolute mess, tangled and sticking to his sweaty, flushed face.
You would enjoy the view, but you know good and well why he looks like this. And you know Stacy is still in his room, probably in a very similar state. 
He watches you while your hurriedly head to the door, not stopping to say a single fucking word to him. He mutters something to you as you shut the door, but you don’t bother turning around to catch what he said. You just ignore him, practically racing to your car to get the hell out of here. 
You throw the driver's side door open, slamming it shut once you’re seated. You sit in silence, laying your head on  the steering wheel while the levees in your eyes finally break. The tears are uncontrollable, and leaving right now would prove useless as your vision is completely blurred.
The disappointment in yourself is ripping your soul in two. 
And you feel so fucking bad for Sam. You made him feel as though he was to blame. But the real reason for everything that transpired is so terrible. This isn’t like you, to take advantage of someone for the sole purpose of making someone else jealous. 
Someone as lovely as Sam who absolutely doesn’t deserve something so cruel. 
You’ve successfully lead him on in ways you never intended, all for the sake of someone who can hardly hold  a normal conversation with you. 
You feel like you’re beneath the lowest levels of the earth right now. 
You’re just ready to be home. All you want right now is to be tucked away in the comfort of your bed, to finally go to sleep and forget about everything for a while.
And the reality of how long you’ve been away from your mom is setting in, yet another thing to feel guilty about. 
You choke back your sobs, fanning your eyes with your hands to dry them enough to see. 
You take your key and turn it in the ignition, waiting for the car to start.
You pull it out and try once more. It almost starts to turn over, but the laggy engine isn’t doing anything other than sputtering and heaving. 
You wait a minute before you try again, giving it a second to breathe and praying to every god in the universe that it’ll start.
In one last ditch effort, you hold the key as long as you possibly can this time until you hear a loud pop from under the hood. Then, total silence. 
This isn’t happening…
You try the ignition once more just to see if by some miracle it’ll start, but it won’t even try to turn over now. There’s no more power.
Your car is fucking toast. And there’s not a goddamn thing you can do about it. 
The last thing you want to do is go back inside to ask for a ride. But at this point, your options are rather limited.
Your first thought is to try and call Natalia. But both times you try, it goes straight to voicemail.
You have to get  home, even if that means swallowing your shame and going back for Sam’s help.
With a reluctant and heavy sigh, you leave your car and drag your feet back to their apartment.
You turn the knob of the front door to find that it’s still unlocked. (Thank god you don’t have to knock.)
But when you quietly step in, you’re mortified to see Jake and Josh now awake and in the kitchen, snapping their heads sharply upon you entering.
“Jesus Christ!” Josh shouts, his whole bodying jolting forward into Jake’s in a dramatic display. 
You feel bad for scaring him so bad, but his comical reaction does bring a hint of a smile to your face. Although you’re far too upset to laugh right now. 
“You okay, love?” Josh asks with a gentle voice while he quickly walks over to you, looking at you with sweet concern.
You know for a fact that your mascara has left streaks of black down your face, so you’re sure you look absolutely insane right now but you couldn’t be bothered to fix it before you came back inside. 
“Um, my car-“ you start, clearing your throat to strengthen your weak voice. “My car broke down and I need a ride. I really have to get home.”
Without as much as a single question, Josh takes his coat off the rack and grabs his keys off the hook beside the door, but he’s promptly cut off by Jake swiping them away from his hand.
“You’ve been drinking, Josh,” he says while hanging the keys back in their spot. “Driving isn’t a good idea.”
“She needs to get home,” Josh argues, ripping his keys off the hook yet again. “I’m completely fine. I’ll take her.”
Jake takes the damn keys back again, this time shoving them in the pocket of his sweatpants to ensure Josh can’t get ahold of them. “No. There’s goddamn liquor running through your blood. I’m not letting you drive. Don’t be a fucking idiot.”
“Do you want to take her, then?” Josh asserts, rubbing a frustrated hand across his forehead. 
God, please no. 
The thought of being in a car alone with Jake is enough to make you put your foot down on that idea. But you’re also not too keen on him seeing that you live in one of the most rundown, shitty complexes in the entire city. 
But Jake is right, as much as you’d hate to admit. With as intoxicated as Josh had been earlier, it’s not smart that he drives you. You can still smell the alcohol on his breath and he’s not even standing that close to you.
“Just go get Sam,” Jake responds, stomping off to his room. 
Josh grunts and matches his heavy footing up the stairs to Sam’s room, leaving you standing there alone and wondering what the fuck this whole night has become. 
A few minutes pass, and as Josh is heading back down the stairs, you notice he’s alone and appearing even more irate than he was previously. 
“I’m so sorry, y/n. He’s completely passed out and won’t move. I’ll just have to get Jake to take you since he’s so insistent that I can’t drive.”
Before you can oppose, he’s already knocking on his door.
“Jake, put a goddamn shirt on and take her home.” He yells, not caring enough to quiet his voice for the sake of the others who are fast asleep. 
You take a peek down the hallway to catch Jake tossing open the door, damn near slamming Josh with it while aggressively putting on a Jimi Hendrix hoodie.
Stepping into a pair of black vans, he takes what you assume are his keys from the hook, already halfway out the door before he asks, “Are you coming, y/n?”
His tone pisses you the hell off— he’s not hiding the fact that he’s not thrilled about this. Both with his tone of voice and his assertive body language.
Sorry to inconvenience you so goddamn much. 
You’re not in any mental state to argue; getting home is your only goal right now. 
“Yep.” You sneer, grudgingly following him out the door to his car.
You had seen the practically brand new, matte black Range Rover sitting in the parking lot plenty of times, but you never gathered that it was his. 
Although you should have guessed, given the way it so perfectly matches his aesthetic. You recently discovered his affinity for all things piratical, learning from Josh that the medallions he wears around his neck are ancient coins found amongst the ruins of old shipwrecks. He also told you about Jake’s childhood obsession with Johnny Depp's famous portrayal of the beloved Jack Sparrow character, so you’re not the least bit surprised when you see ‘BLK PRL’ engraved in the metal license plate. Clearly a nod to that part of himself. (That you can’t help but find awfully endearing.)
It’s nice. Really fucking nice. And clearly very well taken care of as there’s not a single flaw to be found.
The question remains– how the hell does a college student afford one of the nicest apartments you’ve ever seen and a new Range Rover? 
You still don’t know what he does for work, but you don’t care enough at the moment to find out.
To your shock, he pulls a pure gentleman move by opening the passengers door for you and helping you in his car. Something you certainly hadn’t planned on but found rather charming. 
Once he verifies that you’re in and secure, he shuts the door and heads to the drivers side, letting himself in and starting the engine. 
He begins backing out of the driveway, one hand on the steering wheel and one on the headrest of your seat, his bottom lip is tucked between his teeth in concentration. You find it all to be inexplicably attractive and you can’t take your eyes off of him.
But when his eyes catch your stare, you look away, hoping he doesn't realize just how long you’d been watching. 
“Where do you live?” he asks while putting the car in drive. 
You don’t want to tell him. You don’t want him knowing that you live in one of the worst areas in the entire Detroit, Ann Arbor area. 
But you no longer have a choice. 
“Redwood Apartments,” you say quietly, wishing that this whole thing wasn’t happening. “Down on north Highland, just a block away from Meijer down the road.” 
“Yeah, I think I know where that’s at.” He nods his head as he begins to take off in the direction of your home.
The car is completely silent, the rumbling tires against the pavement being the only thing you can hear. Neither of you says a word for what feels like hours, but when you look at the clock, you realize your trek began only ten minutes ago. It’s a solid twenty minutes between your place and theirs, so you still have another agonizing ten minutes left to go. 
Once you hit a red light, Jake reaches to the center console for his phone and unlocks it, handing it to you with his screen open on his Spotify page. 
“Pick something to listen to,” he says as the light turns green once again. 
It feels utterly illegal to be in charge of his phone right now. But you’re also a fan of having something to listen to that isn’t your combined breaths and the sound of his heavy tires rolling against the road. 
You take the opportunity to scroll through his playlists, seeing literally hundreds of them categorized quite specifically. 
Picking the one titled ‘Fave Psychedelic,’ you scroll through until you find Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix. An old favorite of yours and the song you instantly thought of when you saw him put on his hoodie. 
You set his phone back down as the song begins, feeling your spirits beginning to lift upon hearing the transcendent tonality that can only be described as the Hendrix experience.
Even Jake can’t sit still, nodding his head to the beat and tapping his fingers to the rhythm of Jimi’s strumming. 
“Good choice,” he mutters, humming along to the classic tune.
“I must say, though,” he continues. “I actually prefer Stevie Ray Vaughan’s take on this one, especially when he played it live. He just exuded the very essence of Jimi, took everything he did and amplified the hell out of it while showing nothing but respect to the original masterpiece.”
Stevie is another favorite of yours. God, the hours you spent during your childhood watching him play, appreciating the passion and time he put into his art. 
You went through years being bullied relentlessly for your taste in ‘old people’ music, having never found anyone else who shares the same musical palate with you.
Until now.
Having this conversation with Jake is something you so desperately needed right now. 
“I completely agree,” you say, searching for his cover on Spotify and adding it to the queue. “The way he could make his guitar sing, like you can hear his emotion through his strings. One of the only guitarists worthy of being compared to Hendrix.”
You’re thinking about Jake’s style, his hats and choice of mostly black attire, his mass amounts of jewelry… it suddenly dawns on you that he must really love Stevie because his style is so closely linked to his. A style you’ve been attracted to since you can remember. 
You’re shocked that you’ve not picked up on that until now, but it perfectly explains your instant infatuation for him.
“Absolutely,” he responds. “They’re both my biggest inspirations with my own music. I have so much admiration for them, and Clapton, Petty, Harrison, all the rock and roll greats who incorporated the deep roots of the blues in their playing.”
Imagining him playing like some of your favorites… it’s nothing but elating. Your imagination is running rampant with picturing him playing the kind of music you’ve spent so much of your life deeply appreciating. The music that connected your soul to things far beyond the physical realm. 
“I’d love to hear you play sometime,” you say, turning a bit shy at your sudden valiant request. 
Stopped at another red light, he looks to you with the most genuine smile you’ve yet to see from him. “Yeah?”
“Of course.”
⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎ ⚔︎ ⛨ ⚔︎
You suck in a deep breath as Jake makes it closer to your apartment complex. 
Lights. Flashing of blinding red and blue. 
In the parking lot of your complex.
Fire trucks, police cars, an ambulance. All situated in front of the run down building. 
“What the hell is going on? I can’t even make it in the parking lot, jesus.” Jake is driving around in slow circles trying to find a place to enter that isn’t blocked by cops.
It’s all beginning to set in. You feel your heart plummeting to the depths of your stomach, your breaths barely filling the capacity of your lungs.
Your worst fear. 
You shouldn’t have fucking left her.
“Jake. Pull over. Now.” 
You pull your seatbelt off, grabbing the handle of his passenger's door but it won’t open. You try tugging on it further, realizing it’s locked.
Jake picks up on the urgency in your voice and abruptly slams on the brakes, throwing the gear shift into park to unlock the doors. 
“Y/n, what are you–” he tries to ask, but you’re already out of the car and sprinting towards the maelstrom of lit up vehicles. 
But as you’re stepping over the curb into the lot, an officer stops you. 
“Ma’am, you need to stay back. They’re about to carry someone out and we can’t let you over there just yet,” he says, holding your forearm to stop you. 
Using every bit of strength you can muster in the moment, you pull away from him and continue running. You hear him yelling for you to stop, but his shouting is muffled by the voice in your head telling you to get to your mom now.
As you make it closer, you see them pulling a gurney down from the second floor. 
The floor your apartment rests on.
They pull it down the stairs slowly, and they’re angled in a way that you can’t see who they’re carrying. 
All you can do is stand there and wait amongst the paramedics and EMTs who are trying to tell you that you’re not supposed to be here. 
But they’re blurred images to you. The only thing you can see clearly is the gurney being wheeled in your direction, squeaking metal being the only sound that fills your ears.
And as it finally reaches you, your fear is imagined. 
Her swollen face is distorted by an oxygen mask, her weak body bound to the flat table by straps holding her tight to its cold metal. 
Her right hand dangles off the side, swaying back and forth lifelessly with every push and pull of the wheels. 
You lunge yourself forward towards her, being stopped forcefully by two officers who’ve been telling you this whole time to step back. The weight of their bodies against yours knocks the wind from your lungs, hardly allowing your choked cry for her to be heard. 
“I have to go with her!” You scream as they situate the gurney in the back of the ambulance. 
One of the paramedics steps between you and the cops, taking your hand and looking you in the eye. The kindest  gesture you’ve encountered in the midst of this whole thing.“Honey, you can’t be in there when they take her. You can drive yourself and meet them at the emergency room, okay?” she tells you.
But your car. You don’t have your fucking car. It’s sitting completely useless at the Kiszka’s complex. Without it, you have no way of getting there.
You suddenly feel another hand on your body, your left shoulder. It’s warm. Firm. Yet soft and assuring all at once. 
It pulls you from your disorientation, grounding you. You peek over your shoulder to see Jake standing there, his presence crashing in like a wave of peace over the chaotic storm that has become your reality.
Your eyes become wet at the mere sight of him. 
He’s still here. 
“Come on,” he utters calmly, moving his grip down to your hand, interlocking his fingers tight with yours. “I’ll take you.”
a/n: i'd love to hear your thoughts about everything! as i said, this one was tough for me to write, but it was something i desperately needed to do.
i hope you all love it as much as i do. 🤍
(i would also like to apologize again for taking so long with this one. i promise the next chapter won’t take nearly as long.)
if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters, follow this link or let me know & i'll be sure to add you. ☺️
sending all my love!
@jakeyt @alwaysonthemend @sacredjake @jakesgrapejuice @misshunnybee @reesetrippingthelight @way-to-go-lad @sinarainbows @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @klarxtr @watchingover-hypegirl @brinlygvf @stardustjake @gretavanbear @gvfmelbourne @sinsofstardust @literal-dead-leaf @gvf-ficreads @jaaakeeey @capturethechaos @neptune2324 @jaketlove @thetroublegetssoloud71 @myleftsock @sanguinebats @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface  @joshskittytickler @violet-hayes @aflame4goinghome @heckingfrick @fitalich @starshine-gvf @audgeppp @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @nina-23-45 @torniturntomyarrow @beautifulcrayola @writingcold @welllauragvf @loveisonaroll @itsafullmoon @gretasfallingsky @i-love-gvf @styles-canvas @mackalah @gvfmarge @sarafrusciante2 @jordie-gvf @gretavansara @highway-tuna @vikingsisthenewsexy @louiseecraigg @hippievanfleet @citylight-delight @blacksoul-27 @hippievanfleet @jazzyfigz @sirjaketkiszkasharmonica @smoking-jakelane @hernameis-heaven
i'm fairly certain i've included everyone but if i've forgotten you, please let me know! (& i sincerely apologize)
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relaxxattack · 1 year
Hi i want to thank you for the QPR vs Moirail venn diagram. Its a rly excellent way of showing the difference. My gripe is about human romance, and how people will either 1- conflate it in a 1:1 ratio with Matesprit, or 2- claim it is “all the quadrants”. I personally feel both are false equivalency, and that the human romance is similar to both pale and red rom* and SO i was wondering if you agreed w that assessment, or if not, if you have the time to explain your thoughts on human traditional romance vs the quadrants (perhaps w another nifty graph)?
* which is why Rose’s destructive tendencies during sburb & her descent into addiction on the meteor were not addressed by kanaya, who feared palezoning herself like she did with vriska
OH MY GOD! YES!!!! why am i getting such great asks today?!
no, you're EXACTLY right. people are constantly conflating matespritship in those two ways; "all of the quadrants" being especially irritating (since Some humans occasionally argue, Occasionally in a kinky way, and i guess that means that they totally have all of kismesissitude covered?? :/).
matespritship is its very own thing. of the two interpretations above, i feel the idea that it's 1:1 to human romance is the closest to true. i mean, that's what they literally say in the comic, for gog's sake.
humans do not truly incorporate moirallegiance, kismesissitude, or auspisticism into their lives in any meaningful way. while it's possible for humans to sometimes have romances that might seem more like one of those than matespritship, they're considered abnormal or toxic-- and they often ARE, because humans do not have the same sort of biological drives or social understanding of these things that trolls do. humans do not understand the true needs and ramifications, or even the ROMANCE of moirallegiance. humans would be hard pressed to understand a kismesissitude in a 'healthy' way. i don't even need to mention how auspisticism flies over people's heads.
so, yes, humans only have the one quadrant. (and karkat vantas, i am sorry to say, is not going to "human date" anyone as the "solution to his quadrant problems". this would literally be the same as him trying to stick only to matespritship, and we all know exactly how that turned out.)
however! matespritship is not an exact 1:1 on human romance either. the direct quote from the comic is;
"[It's] the closest parallel to the human concept of romance trolls have." [x]
this is not really expanded on much in the text, honestly-- the intricacies of the social and biological traits of matespritship aren't shown enough for us to draw clear distinctions between them and human romance.
however, i think you're right that rose and kanaya are the best example we have of that-- despite them both aiming for matespritship, they have cultural misunderstanding quite often from some of rose's flirting, or even just her needs, crossing wires into a pale threshold that kanaya is weary of.
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it's entirely possible that the differences between troll and human "hearts" might have made it difficult for kanaya to really connect with rose's problems and discuss them with her.
which might explain why when things go "better" for them in the retcon, they're portrayed reading a book on troll romance together:
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it could be implied here that searching for a more in-depth understanding of quadrants actually helped rose with her ability to connect to kanaya-- and maybe, reading into it a little too hard here, this also could have been an opportunity for kanaya to work through her vriska-based hangups with the pale quadrant. that's entirely speculation on my part, though.
at the end of the day, we don't really KNOW enough about the details of quadrants for me to paint a clear picture of how matespritship differs from human romance. i mean, i could try, but it would certainly be more of a headcanon post than an analysis one!
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musicalmoritz · 9 days
I've noticed you're into psychology so maybe you can help me out with figuring out what attachment style Kou is :D I think he has an anxious attachment style but I'm not sure since he doesn't always fill out the criteria for lack of a better word. Idk I'd just love to hear your thoughts on this
*pulls out my AS psychology degree* You’ve come to the right place
I had to brush up on attachment styles for this because I haven’t thought much about them since I took lifespan development psych. I’ll admit, my initial reaction to Kou having an anxious attachment was to be on the fence. I have an anxious attachment style and my own relationships look very different from the way Kou’s are portrayed, I tend to maintain distance while Kou goes all in. But not all styles are going to present the exact same way, and upon further inspection I think an anxious attachment style is most likely for Kou!
It makes sense with how unstable his home life is, and how Teru focused a lot on warning him about the dangers of the world. Plus with how Teru (who seems to be his primary caregiver after his mother’s death) is very loving but also not home often, putting a lot of responsibility on Kou. He clearly wants strong relationships, but he’s terrified of losing people. He needs constant reassurance, which is a core element of anxious attachment. Even early in the manga, he panicked when he thought Teru didn’t trust him with the school mystery case
Then we have his romantic relationship with Mitsuba, which is a whole train wreck in and of itself. This is another dynamic in which Kou requires constant reassurance, he needs Mitsuba to rely on him and only him. In fact one of his deepest desires is for Mitsuba to be helpless without him. We see this also in his friendships, with how he’s constantly trying to prove himself to Hanako and Nene by showing off that he can protect them (even in situations where he clearly can’t). He’s also insecure in his friendships with Yokoo and Satou, wanting to open up to them about his life as an exorcist but being forced to keep it a secret. And he struggles to talk about his emotions, I don’t remember the exact chapter but Yokoo and Satou pointed this out during the school sleepover at the beginning of the Grim Reaper arc
So yeah, Kou wanting so badly to be close to people but never feeling secure in those relationships definitely looks like an anxious attachment style. I’ll add that Mitsuba shows signs of a disorganized attachment style, specifically with the way he interacts with Kou. He wants someone to rely on, but when Kou offers to be that person for him he pushes him away. It takes Kou jumping off a building for Mitsuba to believe he genuinely cares about him. I mention this because tbh disorganized attachment styles kinda fuck me up, I get emotional just reading the word. But I digress
Thank you for this ask, I love to infodump about psychology!!
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destinygoldenstar · 7 months
I Analyzed The Ninjago Movie Instead Of Sleeping
I have real mixed feelings on this movie. But not for the reasons you might think from a fan of the TV show.
The movie didn’t NEED to be connected to the show. And it clearly wasn’t trying to.
It was meant to be an AU in a way.
(If you look at the behind the scenes one of their original rewrites was a plot of them going back in time to save Lloyd’s dad from becoming the villainous figure he is in the present day.)
So I can forgive the inaccuracy so long as it could stand on its own as a proper story.
It doesn’t do that.
If you DON’T compare it to the show:
You got a movie with SOME good jokes, amazing animation, (SERIOUSLY THIS MOVIE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL AND VISUALS ALONE ARE A CHEFS KISS TO ME) but is so strangely paced that it feels like the movie starts at the middle of the story and never shows the beginning, and feels like a completely different movie halfway through, and is also very choppily edited.
(I even double checked a clip of the movie just to prove my point there: When Lloyd uses all his dragon mech weapons on Garmadon, they play the exact same sound effect and explosion, just with different angles, SIX TIMES. FSM WAS THAT EDITOR HUNG OVER WHEN DOING THEIR JOB THAT DAY?! And that’s just one example I’ve got. I think this was the first time EVER when I was in a movie theater and I distinctly remember asking “What is wrong with the editing here? Who thought this was good editing?? Who thought this was appropriate in any way???” So I thank this movie for giving me such a memory and making me value good editing.)
You also got a world that isn’t very well fleshed out, characters that the movie chooses to not focus on except the main character and the main villain. And you got a movie that tells its audience it’s okay to forgive your parents that neglected you and are active terrorists even if they earned or done absolutely no redemption whatsoever.
I mean Garmadon in this movie BETRAYS them and leaves them to rot so he could terrorize the city again at the end. Then gets eaten by the cat. Then Lloyd forgives him. Idk what more you want me to say.
I’m not gonna act like Crystalized did it any better though. Pick your poison.
But then you got fans of the show. The people who watched the show since kids (that includes me). Who are naturally bias towards the shows lore and characterization…
I don’t hate EVERY portrayal of the ninja in the movie as much as other people. I actually think there’s some good ideas for an AU version of these characters here. Problem is the movie never does anything with them.
Well, I say I don’t hate every portrayal, the one I truly cannot stand is Zane’s.
There’s just so much wrong with how they portrayed Zane that it just does not work. Not as an adaptation of the character. Not in any way that makes sense for this universe and is actually kinda insulting.
There’s no other robots in this city. (Like there are in the show) Why is Zane the only one and why is he in high school? Why would Wu ever pick a robot to be a ninja?
In the show the reason is pretty simple: Wu didn’t know at the time.
But everyone knows in the movie. What’s movie Wu’s excuse?
There’s also in terms of personality.
Keep in mind later seasons of the show have the same issues, so I’m talking about what it was at the time of the movie.
Zane’s whole robot identity is crucial to his character. The show introduced him as ‘the strange one’. As he couldn’t understand social cues, took things very seriously, didn’t share the same sense of humor as the rest of the team, had a hard time displaying his emotions, and bonded with things the others didn’t and excelled at certain areas like cooking.
He’s a character that connected to a lot of neurodivergent people in the audience who could relate to him. No he’s not intentional autistic rep, but one that definitely mattered to the people that headcannoned him as such.
(Also helps that they introduce other robot characters later that clearly don’t have the same characteristics he does. So really it depends on what you see.)
So the reveal that he was a robot was such a huge deal to not just the plot but to him as he finally got a concrete definition of what he is and who he is. And the show NEVER decides to say “You know, it would be so much better if you were a human!”
“Why can’t you just be normal?!”
That’s part of why I personally can’t stand fics that make Zane human. It just doesn’t feel right to me and misses the point of the character.
While I absolutely did not expect the movie to cover his… really heavy backstory with his inventor/father and how he outlived him, then got his memory and sense of identity wiped by him moments before death, which was meant to be an act of sympathy but would actually harm Zane’s mentality for the entire show…
The movie didn’t need to adapt that. For all we know, movie Zane could have a very happy backstory. And that would be fine. All I wanted was for the identity-seeking aspect of Zane’s character to matter in some way.
It didn’t.
The jokes they use for Zane in this movie are that of “Haha, he’s a robot. Isn’t it so funny that he doesn’t understand humanity very well?”
You know, something that in one episode of the show was portrayed as a BAD THING for people to think that of him! And that those people needed to learn to respect him for who he is!
And that’s the ONLY thing they do with him. Just robot jokes. Very stereotypical robot jokes.
Again, later seasons of the show are guilty of this too. So I will not act like the show is perfect.
For the reasons I listed, these are actually far more offensive and harmful than you think. Especially fans of the show watching the movie. Him being the only robot in this movie world makes me think even more that this actually is autistic coding… and that makes it so much worse.
Zane being a robot being equal to autism is its own discussion. And has its own problems on paper alone. Whether or not this is your headcanon of him, and whether or not you think this is good representation either way is up to your feelings and experiences. (Personally I think it’s better than some live action shows attempting this)
The others don’t even seem to trust or want to be around him that much. The others seem annoyed by him half the time. Like they’re only tolerating him because he’s on their team. Yeah they don’t say that but simple looks and gestures are enough to get that impression. And not once does anyone ever express Zane’s value in their team. That’s the ONE thing that would’ve had me forgive this all.
But there’s my rant. The others?
Jay is mostly fine. I think this personality for the movie is a neat AU concept. Yes show Jay is openly terrified of things and awkward, but if there’s something he wasn’t was SHY.
Movie Jay is a shy and nervous wreck. And you know what? For a high school AU, I think it works. It doesn’t erase Jay’s essence entirely. They at the very least kept the detail of his character that he’s a fast learner.
I appreciate that.
Cole is actually a REALLY interesting concept to me with the AU idea they gave.
On the surface it’s just ‘He’s a DJ and willingly old school’
But if you see the show, this is actually an ODD approach. Because show Cole has a very complicated relationship with music.
In the show, Cole’s parents thrived in singing and dancing. His father specifically was a performer that won several awards with his band ‘The Royal Blacksmiths’. After Cole’s mother passed away, his father proceeded to push his ideals and his passions onto his kid and pressuring him to become another version of him. It got stressful enough that Cole ran away from home and resented music, something that used to be a bond of family for them, and that’s where Wu found him and made him a ninja.
Throughout the show, Cole would open up to music again more, but it’s pretty gradual and a very subtle bit of character development for him throughout the show. He doesn’t need to say “I hate making music” to get the point across. He only starts the music route again whenever it has something to do with making a family member, blood or not, happy.
So movie Cole is interesting to me for that reason. Because at the start, he basically IS a mini Lou. His whole thing is music and it’s heavily reflected on his personality.
To the point where his element in the movie isn’t even animated or portrayed as earth like it’s supposed to, instead it’s… sound waves?
Weird choice. Interesting one though cause maybe that’s just how movie Cole functions.
So it’s “Oh, what if Cole DID follow in his fathers footsteps and DID want to become a musician?”
Very interesting approach for a completely different approach of character development.
But the problem? Just like the others, not utilized.
But I do think this was an interesting AU idea. Is it accurate to the show version of the character? No. But that’s kind of the point I think.
Then there’s the RGB siblings. This is where it gets kinda weird for me.
Thanks to the movie, a lot of my friends mistook Kai and Nya for being twins.
They are not twins in the show. Kai is older.
I don’t think that dents their characters too much in the movie so long as the same points were across. They’re the blood related brother and sister who raised themselves when their parents abandoned them, and climbed out of the ashes to protect each other, and found a new expansion on their family that didn’t have to be blood related to count.
These two, in different ways, are the support of the team and especially Lloyd. They’re usually the lancer characters that Lloyd goes to when he can.
I still say that about Nya even though originally, she was NOT a ninja, but rather was a Samurai with a mech of her own invention that acted as a Tuxedo Mask for the ninja. She didn’t become the water ninja until Season 5.
Which… I know the movie takes heavy inspiration from the first two seasons, the beginning, so for those who haven’t seen the show watching the movie… yikes I feel bad about the lack of a spoiler warning. Same goes for Zane being a robot.
But I think that’s also a factor into Kai, at the former half of this show, (again I’m talking pre-movie with this). He was the first character we were introduced to and we’re following in the show before Lloyd ever showed up. So naturally he’d be the one with the most attention to supporting the Green Ninja. Something that was very vital character development for him individually as well.
He’s the old school one. He’s the cool one. He’s the one who looks out for you even if you don’t want them to. He’s the one that will jump to anything without thinking. He’s also the one with the most value in tradition out of the ninja, as a blacksmith instead of a techie and as a traditional sword fighter rather than a fancy complicated weapon. He doesn’t get involved in tech willingly till he learns Twitter is a thing.
And in the movie, I think they took this characterization and said “Eh, give it to the girl instead.”
So most of show Kai’s character traits are now movie Nya’s. She’s the cool one with the most passion for traditional stories, she’s the one with arguably the most talks with Lloyd to calm him, and she’s pretty loud and brash in personality.
Not saying show Nya is not those things, she is. But the difference in the show was that Nya was HUGE on independence and doing her own thing. Being the only woman and a younger sibling in the main cast is actually a big deal to her. Not wanting to have her destiny be decided by the world or her brother as a damsel in distress or a sacrifice, she took to tech to invent her own ways of helping. Her own character.
Until destiny told her “Actually no, you can’t be the person you want to be. You have to stick to tradition that your mother had and be the water ninja.”
That’s… honestly a very brutally honest message that not a lot of people I see give credit for. Cause yes, expressing yourself and being your own person and being able to make your own fate is amazing… but it’s not always possible.
Sometimes you can’t be the person you want. Sometimes the world just will not let you. That doesn’t mean your identity is worthless, though. If you go with the flow, you can actually find that fate has plans for you that might not suck after all.
Basically a ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ messaging there.
It’s part of why Nya’s whole thing throughout the show is her starting as a damsel trying to reinvent herself and her stereotype, and ending as a willing sacrifice and death of her whole identity that she doesn’t regret because she’s embraced the flow of life and purpose. Even if she forgets herself in the realm of spirituality, her loves one’s never will.
…Until Crystalized undid ALL of that. BUT LETS NOT.
Movie Nya just really isn’t any of that. She’s basically just her brother.
Which… I’m actually fine with. The show has some bumps in the road in execution of her story anyway. And they want the only female of this team to not be a background character cause that’s look bad. I totally understand that. And her being a sibling to Kai makes me forgive it a whole lot more cause it does make sense.
But again, we don’t know what their lives are like or if they have similar backstories to theirs in the show at all.
But where does that leave Kai?
Well his whole character in the movie seems to basically be “I’m the loud one and a complete klutz and meathead.”
Basically TD Tyler.
It’s a personality in the movie that bled in the show post movie. While I personally think it was not THAT bad in the show, Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu made me go “Okay. I understand now.”
As for movie Kai, that’s really about it.
It really was an early indicator of just giving Kai’s character traits to other characters. Before the show was visibly doing it.
Cause movie Lloyd is also basically just Kai but with a different backstory and context to situation. But honestly, I DO see what they were going for here.
As the ONLY ninja to get ANY focus, this version of Lloyd is well explained on what his life is.
In the show, he’s an abandoned child in an abusive boarding school who heavily idolizes his father, Lord Garmadon, and runs away to become a super villain. Only for Destiny to tell him not to, and we see his true colors and that he just wanted his family together and to love him. Something that was… hard. Considering who Garmadon is.
That is actually carried into the movie. Just cut out him running away. Here’s the difference.
Show Lloyd loves his dad and refuses to hurt him until he has to. While he is the Green Ninja, he didn’t resent himself being Garmadon’s son. What he resented was the destiny that took them apart.
Movie Lloyd HATES his dad for abandoning him, terrorizing the city, making said city cancel him for EXISTING, and he wants every excuse to shut this man out of his life forever.
That does make sense. And to the movie’s credit, the movie logic DOES work to make this version of Lloyd make sense.
It makes the movie pretty mean spirited and kinda unpleasant at times. But it works for the story.
I described Lloyd as ‘The Emo Child’. In the show. But that’s two words.
He’s still a kid. He’s still the youngest. He still has his own child-like wonder of the world and the aspirations that of a child would.
Yeah he’s a lot of angst. But he’s also a sweet kid who deserves hugs.
That’s not very apparent in movie Lloyd. Not that it needs to fit movie context.
But because we never see how the ninja in the movie got together, we have no idea why Lloyd even accepted being the Green Ninja in the first place. He even says in the movie that he’d give it up if it meant he didn’t have to be Garmadon’s son.
Movie Lloyd is the only ninja in this movie with an actual character arc. He resents his dad, tries to be rid of him, only to get consequences for it, goes on a quest to fix his mistake, bonds with his dad to learn he’s… sympathetic? I guess?? And in the end forgives his dad and chooses to let him in his life again.
Simple. Fine. It works on Lloyds end just fine. And I have to give credit for the movie making Lloyd resenting Garmadon more logical than Crystalized ever did.
It’s Garmadon’s end that just makes the whole thing a bad message in the end of ‘forgive your abusers.’
Yes he’s funny. That doesn’t undo his actions.
No it’s not undone in the show either, but at least you can buy the forgiveness there because every character knew that he had no choice.
In the show, Garmadon is the Oni Child of the FSM. Thus all it took was for another Oni creature, the Great Devourer, to trigger his blood and FORCE him into the evil role without his consent. It forced him to do nasty things to his loved ones and the land his dad created, and by the time he became his evil form, he was forcefully stripped away from all of his loved ones and a chance at normal life. So the only way he could ever get that back was to turn the world into his own image, thus having the world become him too. A monster.
The show made it abundantly clear that most of Garmadon’s evil deeds are either out of ambition for what he deems as helping the family, or not his fault at all due to snake venom influence.
I THINK the movie also has this because they do address him getting bit and becoming the creature he appears as in both versions.
Better than nothing I guess.
But then you get his ‘sympathetic backstory’ which is pretty much just a love story between him and Koko-
Yeah Lloyds moms name is actually different in both versions. And in role.
Misako abandoned her child to try and solve the destiny crisis, then returned to his life to help her kid out.
Koko remained a mother to her kid and supported him even when everyone hated him.
These are very different characters basically, and which one you prefer is up to you. Personally… I actually prefer the movie. I do think the mom was the one character that the movie actually improved upon. Especially with a very interesting story for her.
In the show, Misako is a researcher and just the fair maiden figure that Wu and Garmadon fell in love with. To which she chose Garmadon because of Wu’s letter that Garmadon forged his name on… it’s complicated.
In the movie, she was actually a fighter as well and took a part of the wars Garmadon was in. She enjoyed the thrill of the fight and fell in love with her opponent in a pretty cute montage.
But then they had a baby and her reality changed, realizing she could not raise her child on the battlefield. And when Garmadon refused to change his mind, she took Lloyd and left him behind. So she could be a mother.
Explains her actions in the movie all throughout very well and I never got lost when it came to her. She’s probably the one character in the movie I felt the most sorry for. She’s such a sweet parent and her interactions with Lloyd are probably the best parts of the movie. I wanna hug her.
But that’s all that’s shown of Garmadon. Apparently Garmadon was oppressed, but that’s told at the end and not shown or been significant at all.
They don’t hate you cause you look funky. They hate you cause YOU TERRORIZE THEIR CITY ON A DAILY BASIS AND SHOOT PEOPLE OUT OF A VOLCANO
Yeah show Garmadon did similar stuff, but again, WASNT HIS CHOICE.
Here, it’s absolutely his choice cause nothing indicated otherwise.
Garmadon doesn’t even PROCESS his kids existence or his own negligence three quarters of the time. And you expect me to buy a redemption from him?
You know, I’d be fine with it if he was just a one dimensional villain and the story of the movie was about Lloyd putting his energy away from a family that doesn’t care about him and more towards a surrogate one he has.
But no. You gotta have Lloyd forgive Garmadon and have Garmadon redeemed.
Cause that’s what the show did.
Even though this is supposed to be an AU not connected to the show so we can do whatever we want.
The most they do for Garmadon’s redemption is force him to be the mentor after Wu got yeeted off a bridge by a butterfly, have him go “Oh yeah, I DID shoot people out of a volcano!”, teach his son how to catch, and tell his son his backstory.
(Speaking if, Wu to me is basically the same. Just different voice actor delivery. I got nothing to say on him)
And then if that IS redemption, then he failed it. Because he offers Lloyd to be his general when they take over the city again, showing he’s learned nothing. Then when Lloyd says no, he steals their magic weapons and ditches them in a temple leaving them to DIE. Then he goes to terrorize the city again.
What redemption. /s
Again, this was all HIS choice. If it was not and if it was snake venom, they couldn’t at least give a visual cue or address it?
And now LLOYD has to apologize?
It just paints an unintentional bad message of ‘you have to forgive your abusers’
I’m sorry but Lloyd doesn’t owe this Garmadon anything.
I do like Lloyd’s VA delivery though, and the speech about green being the color of life. I actually like the idea of Lloyds power being his heart. Yeah it’s not flashy powers like in the show, but for an AU, it’s a really cool idea and I wish they used it more.
I have mixed feelings on the celebrity casting. Did I expect the original voice actors? No. But this casting wasn’t awful.
Garmadon’s VA is amazing in this movie. Jackie Chan as Wu is very subjective I feel, love it or hate it. Nya and Jay’s were really good too. I think the only one that didn’t work for me was Kai’s VA. Just… why does this teenager sound like a 50 year old man??
But honestly, I think the thing that got to me the most about the movie was something I praised about the show not too long ago.
The bond between the ninja.
I talked about how the show is a master class at character dynamics. There is almost no point where the characters are just standing there in one big clunk. Someone is saying something, someone is making a comment, someone is doing something, and it’s usually there for others to see and react to. It’s a very small thing, but it keeps the scenes alive and fresh the whole time and helps the audience be sold on the characters bond.
They don’t wait for the scenes of “Okay it’s time for characters to interact”. They just do it all the time.
And guess what the movie did? They’re just there in one big chunk all the time. With “okay it’s time for characters to interact” bits.
It’s one thing to not explore the other ninja at all. It’s another to ignore their bond.
In the show, they’re a found family. They all had rough upbringings in life and find a new sense of purpose in each other.
That’s NEVER emphasized in the movie except for one speech at the end Lloyd makes. Mostly cause we don’t know the other ninjas lives, and we don’t know how they even got together. Cause as I said, the movie starts at the middle, and awkwardly cuts after Garmadon is forgiven to be the end. We don’t know what it is about THIS ninja team that we should care about. It’s not shown.
All were shown is them being a team by circumstance only. Then Lloyd pulls out the cat laser and the cat nearly kills them. Then they hate Lloyd for it and spend the rest of the movie making fun of Lloyd.
Which yeah they make fun of each other in the show too, but where it ended in the show was playful teasing in the middle of moments that showed they cared about each other. And when one bond between two or more of them was broken, you felt it.
Here? I don’t know that and there isn’t anything besides the high school montage to show they cared. Just some comments about “Oh it’s okay Lloyd, it’s just awkward that your dad is a terrorist”. And then they make fun of Lloyds expense.
It’s mean spirited. It makes me think they don’t like each other. And it’s not like they ever apologize for it. They’re just teammates because Wu said so. They’re just tolerating Lloyd cause Wu said so.
Honestly the bloopers for this movie show more personality and more of this bond than the entire movie does.
…OOF that took awhile. I don’t even know why I did this, I just didn’t feel like sleeping. Uh… you read this, congrats. Idk why you did.
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visionofhope04 · 2 years
I just got done reading your Neglected!Batsis stories and headcanons, and lemme tell you, love ‘em. But can you do headcanons for her meeting the Justice League and Titans post-reveal and how they all interact. Either a mini-series or headcanons. Thanks for reading, and keep up the good work.
One love, Missnght.
Aww thank you so much!!! I'm glad you love the series! HAPPY HOLIDAYSSSS!!!! Also MERRY CHIRSTMAS!!! It's very early Christmas day where I am right now. TW: Human tr@fficking and mentions of @bus3, swearing
You were minding your business, walking down the street, when all of a sudden you get snatched into an alleyway. Before you even processed what happened, you felt a sharp pain in the back of your head and blacked out.
You began to regain consciousness but refrained from opening your eyes, struggling to keep your muscles relaxed and breathing even. You wanted to learn anything you could about your surroundings, if you gave them any hint that you were awake, they wouldn't spill any useful information. If there was anything Talia had drilled into you from such a young age, it was the importance of gathering information, or the facts, before acting. It prevented you from making misinformed decisions which could lead to death if you aren't careful.
"She's still out and it's been so long, do you think she's okay?" A high-pitched voice sounded to your left.
"Who knows what they could've done before they brought her in." A lower-pitched voice responded, coming from your right this time.
You blinked your eyes open slowly and pretended you were just waking up. You did a quick check-in with your body and winced once you felt a sharp pain in your skull. The pain got worse and you squeezed your eyes shut.
"You're awake! I thought you were dead for a second." That was the first voice you heard.
"Ugh, yeah but my head is killing me. Do you know where we are?"
"That would be in a small room with no windows and a locked door with several other girls here in various states of distress. Surprisingly still in Jump City. They usually move us quicker." The second voice said.
"I knew wanting to come to Jump City for a possible new place to live was a bad idea." You mumbled. You opened your eyes once the pain dulled. The girl to your left had shoulder-length blonde hair that seemed to be chopped unevenly. She was wearing a skimpy short white dress with spaghetti straps that barely covered her and white flats. Her makeup was smudged and she had a few bruises on her legs and arms. You hoped it wasn't what you thought it was.
The girl to your right was wearing a similar dress to the other girl except it was a deep purple and somehow shorter. She had long black hair which looked so smooth and barely any baby hairs sticking up? You needed to get her hair routine after this. Unlike the other girl, her makeup was intact but didn't seem to match her skin tone well. She did also have bruises, however, indicating it was, in fact, what you thought it was.
"This is a trafficking ring, isn't it."
"Got it in one. How'd you guess?" The second girl -you really needed to get their names- asked.
"Well, it's almost spot on to what movies portray them as. All we're missing are the big scary guys." The door burst open at that exact moment and said big scary guys walked into the room. You couldn't get any luckier. They were all armed with handguns and two stayed back as their boss went to stand in the middle of the room.
"We're going to be moving you out in small groups. Stay with your group and don't try anything."
You got put into a group with the two girls from before and another girl. You were quietly 'escorted' down the hall until the girl you hadn't talked to tried to steal the guy's gun. He shoved her off him and she fell to the floor. He pointed his gun at her head but before he could pull the trigger, you hit his wrist, caught the gun in your other hand then elbowed him. Him being momentarily stunned, you pointed the gun at his head.
"Move and I'll shoot."
"You don't even know how to use a gun! I bet you wouldn't even be able to shoot something point-blank." He exclaimed cockily.
"Wanna test that theory?" You shot him in his right upper bicep.
He screamed and his other hand shot up to clutch at the wound.
"You bitch! You'll pay for that!"
Quicker than you could comprehend, he pulled out a gun from the back of his hip using his good arm and fired at you. Against all of your training, you froze. You heard more than saw the bullet whiz toward you. Bracing yourself, you shut your eyes and forcibly relaxed your muscles. Before the bullet could imbed itself into you, you felt a strong gust of wind and opened your eyes.
"Now, that's no way to treat someone. Clearly, you've never been taught manners. How about I teach you some?" Kid Flash made quick work of the man as you reassessed your surroundings. The girl that tried to steal the man's gun was now off the ground and huddled near the other girls. They immediately rushed to check on me.
"Oh, I'm fine, just a bit frazzled. Don't worry about it."
"'Just a bit frazzled' my ass! You almost got shot!"
"Are you okay ma'am?" Kid Flash asked.
"Yes, I'm fine thank you."
"Okay we've gotta get going, follow me!"
The Titans managed to get all the girls out and arrest all the men. Kid Flash stayed by you as a paramedic checked you over and then came to talk to you once they left.
"Hey." He sat down next to you.
"Hey." You greeted, clutching the shock blanket the paramedic had given you around yourself a little tighter as you looked at the ground.'
"Are you okay?" You picked your gaze up off the ground and stared directly into his eyes.
"Are you seriously asking a former Bat that question?"
"Fair point. But the question still stands."
"Physically, yes, mentally, no."
"After everything that isn't surprising."
"I told you it's not your fault, or your teams, or the Justice League's."
"That doesn't mean we still don't feel bad about it."
You sat there in awkward silence for a minute until Beast Boy came up to you.
"Hey bae how're ya?" You could tell he was trying to flirt.
"You practice that in the mirror often?"
"You know it!"
The rest of the Titans came over and began to apologize for your former family's actions but you cut them off.
"Like I said, you don't have to apologize. None of you were responsible for it. I don't blame you guys. I appreciate you all saving the rest of the girls and I, thank you."
"Just doing our job." Blue Beetle said.
Wally placed a hand on your shoulder. "If you need anything, let us know, okay?"
"Thank you."
The Justice League invited you to Oliver Queen's estate for the holidays. You knew it was just to check up on you and see how you were fairing. Ever since the incident with the batfamily, they've been trying to take on parental roles in your life. It was sweet of them but you don't need that anymore.
Some other heroes were there, mostly the younger children of the leaguers. The party went well, with you all sharing funny stories and making the most absurd faces for pictures. Opening gifts was the best part. You got the same pair of socks ten times from ten different people. You weren't even disappointed. You were just kind of concerned about how ten different leaguers knew your size.
You left feeling an unfamiliar fuzzy warm feeling inside your chest and found yourself looking forward to being invited again.
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softguarnere · 1 year
Hello Dove! I hope you have a nice day :) your writing has always amazed me, whether if it's about your ocs or bofb imagines.
I wonder if i could have a headcannon for speirs, skinny, shifty, talbert, liebgott and winters being jealous (with male or gn!reader) :)? You don't have to write this if you don't feel like it :] have a nice day!
Hey there Anon! Thanks so much for sticking around for my writing - glad you've enjoyed it 🤗
We all know that I have Many Thoughts™️ about Speirs and the way he's portrayed, so I am very sorry in advance lol
Whether you're already together or not, I think his reaction would be similar either way
He knows people are intimidated by him. He knows that some people are going to push him to see if he's really as angry and as cold and as violent as some of the rumors claim
Ergo, he doesn't want to give into them. But, he also knows that just a glance is sufficient to send anyone getting any ideas about trying to flirt with you on their way
"I can't decide if you're my guardian angel or my guard dog," you tease him
Maybe all those rumors are good for something after all - protecting you from unwanted advances
Out of all the guys you requested, I just feel like he's definitely the most willing to punch someone on your behalf. I said what I said
Someone comes up to you trying to be all slick and pick you up with a good line? Alarm bells are already going off in his head
It's so smooth, how he slides between you, immediately putting space between you and whoever is making the advance
He can be intimidating when he wants to be, and seeing someone flirting with you? Yeah, he wants to be intimidating
He's probably able to talk the situation down without it dissolving into a fight
But either way, when all is said an done, he's honestly a little nervous to see how you'll react to what he's done. After all, what if you liked having someone else flirting with you?
And when he looks back at you and sees you smiling at him, offering him a quiet "thank you", it makes him feel like some sort of knight in shining armor
Like Skinny, he also puts himself between you and whoever is trying to flirt with you, but with a different approach
That smile we all know and love? Yeah, he's flashing that, seemingly all polite and casual
Only you and those who know him best would be able to see how upset he is by this
He can usually solve situations like this with just his words, but he will throw hands if it comes to that
(He's gotta protect you, after all)
Lol he would try to act all cocky afterword, but if you smile and thank him, his heart would melt
His reaction is either exactly what you're expecting or the exact opposite of what you're expecting
If he sees someone else flirting with you, then he's obviously going to be jealous - but he's respectful of your choices, so he'll wait to see how you respond to their advances
When it becomes clear that you don't want this person flirting with you, he steps in, politely but forcefully pointing out that you're not interested
Okay, but I just have this image in my mind of this interloper shoving Shifty and him just immediately decking the guy?
Being a sharpshooter means he has great aim, so you know he can pack a punch
He probably feels kind of bad for letting the situation come down to violence, but when you thank him and he sees the grateful look in your eyes, it makes the split knuckles worth it
You just know that if he sees you talking to someone else he strolls up and asks "Who's your new friend?"
And yes, that includes throwing an arm around your shoulders for good measure
And keeping them there, just to send a clear message to whoever is talking to you
It honestly warms his heart when you lean into the touch. It makes him feel like he's doing the right thing
Even after whoever was flirting with you is gone, he keeps holding on to you, because part of him, deep down, is afraid of losing you
Listen, he is going to observe and assess the situation before he does anything
If he thought that you were having a good time with whoever you're talking to, he would let it go, but you're so obviously uncomfortable with the situation that it pushes him into action
Probably walks up and introduces himself, making himself a part of the conversation, establishing a presence that cannot be ignored
He feels a sense of pride in seeing how your body language relaxes with him near, how you shoot him a grateful smile, but I don't think it's until much later that he realizes what the driving force behind his actions was
He just cares about you so much that his priority was making sure you were safe
Thanks for the request, Anon, and I hope you like these! 💕🕊️
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st-severus · 9 months
9, 17, and 28 for the Snape asks!
Thank you for asking :) 9. One of your saddest [headcanons for Snape]? I like the idea that he got his Dark Mark for telling Voldie about the prophecy, the dark irony of receiving something he probably wanted for so long at the exact moment he wouldn't want it anymore. To be branded by his greatest regret. I also sometimes like to think that he was the one who invented the Dark Mark spell. I know canonically both Dumbledore and Voldemort invented things, but I don't buy it. They don't strike me as the hard-working types, but maybe that's not so much sad as twisted lol. 17. What rubs you the wrong way about how he’s portrayed in fanon/fan fiction? I don't read fan fiction so I don't know what goes on there, but like all snape fans I was always very irritated at mischaracterizations and/or exaggerations by snaters. In fact, that was the reason I made this snlog, to be able to look at the good stuff while avoiding the sh*t takes and insane nonsense. I'm slightly inured to it now though! But it was sad, seeing people misconstrue what is one of the best and nicest parts of HP which is Harry Potter choosing to honor the best of him and forgive the rest — part of growing up is realizing that adults were only human, but I guess that's something that a lot of people don't want to do 🙄 28. Did you make it through OotP, HBP, and DE not knowing what JKR had in store for Snape’s character? Or had those things been spoiled for you beforehand? I hated OOTP so much that I put HP away with childish things lol. I remember thinking, "Well we had a good run. I'll just pretend it ended with POA. I won't find out what's happening with and clearly that's going somewhere but oh well". So Snape killing Dumbledore was spoiled for me later, but I could not have cared less and I might even have forgotten it by the time I had nothing to do one day and picked up my sister's copy of HBP and ended up loving it so so much. I hadn't heard anything about DE by the time I read it so nothing was spoiled for me and I haaaaated it. Even some of the Snape scenes (I did not like the doe patronus, and there seems to me to be lots of inconsistencies or out-and-out errors in that book). Generally, I considered that it was obvious that Snape was going to be working on the good side because it would be a very boring twist for him to be bad, That is until HBP, when I thought there must be some third thing other than A) working for Voldemort or B) working for Dumbledore. Of course, I was wrong there but I did like most of the story especially after finally watching the last movie where I think his death scene is much improved from the book version.
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the-way-astray · 19 days
HEY so I skim read your new Keefe hate post and I have some thoughts I'd like to share (all good ones!!)
As someone who also wrote a very long essay about [a] fictional character(s) while citing the page number and book word by word, you freaking ACED it. I'm always gonna be impressed when people take the time to cite your source and give a in depth explanation about it
You're lowkey not too wrong about Keefe infantilizing Sophie. For something silly and stupid, like "Iggy ate my mallowmelt!! >:( Now im mad!!" yeah I bet Sophie would seem cute lol. But for when she's genuinely angry and pissed?? Maybe lay off a little bit dude 😭 Like cmon she can murder you with her mind- There are moments where he does talk about how powerful she is though, throughout the series, but tbh as much as he does that he probably inhantilize her too *shrug* I need to reread the series, but you are making some sense.
I need Keefe getting mad and someone asking him if he's on his period LMAOOOO
Anyways as someone who loves Keefe you're making valid points. He has his flaws, and sometimes he isn't the best person. In summary
Never post that on pinterest. Those crazy Keefe loving, Fitz hating, Sokeefe shipping 11 year olds will MURDER YOU. I will respect your opinion, but they sure don't.
(your opinion is valid and you have facts *clap and approving nod* you have my respect.)
the post in question
okay, first of all, i need this essay immediately. i literally do not care what it's about but words! lots of words! about kotlc! need.
ooh, thank you so much! i mentioned this in the post itself, but this is a rework. the quotes were originally in one post (copy-pasted from another post) and the explanation was in a reblog, which was hella annoying, so i condensed them. i suppose it does make much more sense now. and my explanation is based in the fact that i don't think people were understanding why this isn't a good thing to be saying, period, when i posted it for the first time. even without context.
yeah, keefe displays a consistent attitude of "sophie is so adorable and small and cute and ditzy and soft". seriously, if you don't believe me, read his perspective in unlocked (or don't, because i'm going to do it for you in my part two keefe rant). it's why i don't buy his accepting sophie as a leader in stellarlune (done in a very, very tell-not-show way, may i add), unless he went through some serious development in unraveled. i may have to dedicate a whole post to that topic . . . anyway, yeah, him calling her powerful and talented feels very, very, very tell-not-show, and when you look at his internal thoughts in unlocked, it portrays her very differently. i'm not a fact of the way he sees her, truly. it feels very dumbed down and uwu-ified. no quotes from unlocked have been put into the post, so i'll have to update it later, but if i included unlocked quotes, this post would be like sixteen times its length. but yeah, you should reread the series before you come to a serious opinion. i'm obviously incredibly biased.
yay, a level-headed keefe lover, i love you guys. lol . . . i don't plan to go on pinterest anytime soon, or ever (and i also don't even think pinterest's format even allows for a long post like this . . . ). honestly the thought would have never even crossed my mind, because keepblr is my one true love and i'd never cheat on her. but now that you mention it, it might be funny . . .
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byexbyez · 3 days
If you don't mind sharing, I would love to know more about what inspired you to write love me more and formalhaut—how did the story take shape, why you wanted to portray such a relationship, your processes, etc. I haven't come across such a fic before in this fandom, and it moved me in a way that I want to devour everything I can find about it. So much love! ❤️‍🩹😮‍💨
are you planning to kill me today with these comments and asks be honest. i'm crying because i never thought i would receive such a lovely question about something i poured my heart into. i definitely don't mind sharing if you can't tell by my enthusiasm.
love me more was inspired by the same named mitski song and i kid you not, it was my no.1 in spotify last year because i looped it so much while writing. the scenes come to me in the form of daydreams and when they're so vivid, i take it too far and write a whole script in my head. the first scene of lmm was the starting point because i pictured the somber lights and the low-volume tv like a movie scene. and i thought about the level of intimacy they would share, which made me think of awkward touches. the character of the mc comes from deep corners of my heart, i feel vulnerable saying that her initial plans for the "happy ever after" she thought for herself is parallel to mine.
their dynamic spiraled into marriage of convenience somehow, i think because of the first scene which helped set the tone. and because i was on a mitski lockdown at the time, "me and my husband" was the title of the fic initially. (also the inspiration for ada and leon's relationship on the side) of course i thought leon would NOT marry someone so casually. so i focused on his character and made the decision that he would be tired and lonely. regretful of the losses.
the second scene that basically wrote itself entirely in my head was their first anniversary on the couch. why is this character (the reader) that is seemingly so distant from love is in a marriage? because she has nowhere to put down the love for her best-friend and her mother. the fleabag tv show is my favorite, can you tell...
i was listening to "no plan" by hozier and that's when the proposal scene happened in my head. "i'll be your man if you got love to get done," is a crazy line from the song. for some people it may not be so profound but for me it was show-stopping. so nonchalant yet so caring. it's like saying "hey, i'll be what you want me to be. let's not plan anything for this." this is the exact line of inspiration for their dynamic.
i basically started writing what i was daydreaming and it snowballed into 19k. one scene led to another so easily once i started writing it.
one thing i would like to note about both love me more and fomalhaut is that leon feels like there are a lot of expectations on him. mostly from the nature of his line of work. his expectations of his first relationship, expectations for his work. you get what i mean. and when reader comes into his life announcing that she would not expect anything from him, he thinks he can live with it (and proposes immediately lmao). in fomalhaut, he learns what no expectations means and it is not an easy pill for him to swallow.
to summarize, my inspiration was partly mitski and hozier, partly fleabag and i guess for the relationship dynamic, sally rooney's books.
thank you for this lovely ask 🤎
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katrinapavela · 20 hours
Hi Katrina! I JUST found your blog here and I'm SO excited. I'm a long time Olivia Pope stan but short term Scandal watcher; as in I watched random episodes when it was on the air and have always adored Olivia Pope and the powerful woman she is, but I am currently doing my first full watch through. And I'm loving every minute of it.
I'm so excited to get to go through and read all the incredibly thoughtful analysis and posts you've written, dissecting the details of the show. I'm greatly appreciating all the underlying symbolism they use. I just read one of your write ups about the Helen of Trot comparison. I also like how the motif of lighr is weaved theough everyrhing and how they have her usually in white to display that, but that her clothing color gets darker as the lines of light and dark get blured. I'm loving watching her as a strong female lead who is infallible yet somehow still vulnerable. I also really am enjoying how the scenes and interactions between her and Fitz have a type of chemistry I feel like we've never seen on TV before even though in many ways it's an unhealthy and arguably toxic love, it also seems so real the pain and anguish in how much they care for one another is almost palpable. I am also admiring that their intimate scenes are done so tastefully and look like passion and love, unlike what I feel like we see in the media so often these days (I also recently finished shameless and as the title suggests, that show was truly shameless in how they portrayed spicy scenes). Fitz definitely gives man-written-by-a-woman to me. I'm currently in season 4, but I just read a spoiler that Olivia does become command and I'm dreading getting to that stage of the show just because I've already seen how damaging that role is to society and the person who holds it, I feel like I need a little reassurance to keep watching. The thing I think is incredibly interesting about this show is it calls into question everything we think we know about ethics and morals; it goes to an extreme to do so but it highlights that everyone has a mix of good and bad in them and I think that's such an important thing to touch on.
Anyway, just wanted to pop on and say I'm so excited to have discovered your page. I feel like I just found an extention of the shows content and am thrilled to read all the insights you shared over the years - I have a tendancy to obsess over TV shows, especially those with strong female leads that have elements of what I aspire to be. I love tumblr serving as a space to indulge in content from my comfort shows and analysis of them with people who want to talk abou them. I think the details of the show were masterfully written. I also am SO in awe that you took this interest and made it into a whole dissertation. Literally love that for you. In the interest of also asking a question, I am curious what your favorite episode or you favorite moment of the show was, and why? Or, if you feel there is an episode that is the most impactful and why. So far, the most impactful monologue I've heard in the show (and possibly ever on tv) is when Eli/Rowan Pope sits down with Olivia and tells her that the point and the people worth saving is everyone, and that it's up to her to drag people back into the light. I thought that was incredible. Thank you again for your thought contributions for us all to consume and learn :)
Welcome! Thanks for writing me :)
Thank you for the lovely things you said about this blog. I am so happy that I chose to keep writing according to my own perspective and understanding of storytelling. The archive is serving the exact audience I knew would keep discovering this show. Yeah, sometimes I can't believe my little tagline for this blog was transformed into a real PhD thesis. 2 articles based on 3 of those chapters have been/will be published soon. And several actual tumblr posts were transformed into something more critical for a chapter in this book:
How unfortunate that you saw that spoiler about Command. I'll just let you know you don't have to deal with that until S7, and it won't be for the entire season. But, Olivia will get on your fucking nerves for a bit. Well, she did that to mine. But some great things happen, too. I saw this dissent as part of something I predicted (S7 poster analysis) would (and needed to) happen for Olivia. But anyway, don't let that knowledge distract you from S4-6.
Yes, I agree with you about obsessing over TV shows with compelling female leads. My two previous obsessions have that in common--ever since my teens! I can see now that those characters were showing me parts of myself I would discover.
Answer to your question:
My favourite moment of the series? Or my favourite episode? This is so hard! If I have to pick one episode--it's 2.20. I love the theme of time and how it functions in multiple characters' lives, Olitz included. If I had to pick a really impactful moment, it would be 4.22 when Maya tells Olivia about her need for self-importance via creating problems that only she can fix. It was the closest she ever got to therapy. Since it's the same episode, I will sneak and say (without spoiling the beauty), that the ending for Olitz is the perfect inverse of a moment in 4.01. Ugh, there are more, but I'll stop there.
Thanks for leaving comments as you read the blog during your rewatch !
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azullumi · 2 years
Hii, I recently started following your blog and am absolutely in love with your writing! I'm in awe with how you both portray the characters and describe their feelings.
I wish you all the best in your academics!
What do you think about going on a first date with Kaveh?
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summary — kaveh and his first date anxieties.
pairing — kaveh/gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff, established relationship, not proofread ; headcanons
words — 920
note — i was supposed to have a different approach on this one but before i knew it, i ended up revolving everything on kaveh but then rereading the ask, i'm glad i did. but anyways! im glad that u love my writing, nonnieee <33 thank u so much for the sweet words and i hope you'll like this! i settled on headcanons so that its easier for me to write and convey the ideas haha
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"Do you want to go out sometimes? Maybe for a meal? Oh, wait, I mean, uhh—I just thought it would be nice if we could see each other on days that we are free."
He was the one to initiate an invitation to go out with you even if he just said it out on a whim, a sudden slip of his tongue—as if he hasn't dreamt of taking you out to eat a meal together with you, walk around the city while maybe holding hands, watch the Zubayr Theater's performance for that day, and everything that he wishes.
He's nervous, extremely nervous and anxious. The usually confident and proud man has been reduced to nothing but a small figure of anxiety but honestly, who wouldn't be? Going out on a date with someone who they genuinely and sincerely like, who wouldn't feel uneasy? It was only just the starting point of your relationship and he's only just experiencing his every firsts with you and he wants to make each one of it special.
Even if he has everything already planned out—including the words that he will say and the route that you two will take as he just wants to make sure that everything will go right—he still feels skittish. What if something goes wrong? God, he just wouldn't be able to handle it. 
He spent days preparing for the event, the place that you two will have a meal on, what you will do afterwards, and the place of scenery he will take you to right before the day will end. In short, he's very attentive.
He'll also try on several outfits for the occasion, bringing out the clothing he kept hidden that are only to be used on important events. He just can't go out with you with the set of clothes he wears on a daily basis, can he? It's a special day, a date, to be exact.
Despite the feeling of fear and anxiety filling up his mind, he's still excited and looking forward to the day of the date. He ponders on what you would wear, how you will smile, how you will react upon seeing the things that he did and prepared for you, what will you say, and everything. It feels like falling in love and admiring you from afar all over again, as if he went back to the times wherein the two of you weren't still together and you were the only one in his mind as he wonders about every single thing about you—though it's not like he doesn't fall in love over and over again in his every day with you.
And then the day came. 
“Kaveh!” “Don’t run, (Name)!”
If he hadn’t been holding on to the thin thread of his sanity and balance, he would have fallen on his knees because of how weak he feels after seeing you dolled up. Expect to be showered with compliments and being flattered by him in every moment—he just could never get enough of how lovely and attractive you look and he wants you to know it.
He’ll proceed with the plans that he laid out for the day inside his head and though you couldn’t say that it went by smoothly, everything was definitely perfect and amazing for you. Every moment, every second you spent with him felt magical and didn’t fail to put a smile on your face the whole time you were with him—seeing your delighted expression and cheerful demeanor made him feel proud and pleased for himself.
The first date wasn’t simply just to increase the intimacy and closeness between you two but to also get to know what you like, what you favor, and what you prefer the most over anything so each time he sees you happy and pleasant over something—like your attention being caught by a certain figure or object in the street and being struck by it— he takes a mental note and makes sure to not forget it.
Throughout the day, you two were close to each other and were even either holding one another’s hand or you had your arm linked with his as you walked around. Outside, he may appear that he’s fine and cool with it but inside he is actually screaming and having an inner monologue fight with himself about what he should do: if he should squeeze your hand or pull you much closer to him or if he should just let you be.
He doesn’t want to part ways with you when the day ends and the date has come to its conclusion and as much as he tries to lengthen and stalls the time he gets to spend with you, he still has to say goodbye in the end. However, give him a quick kiss on the cheek, forehead, or wherever you wish before you two part and he will have a stupid grin plastered on his face as he walks back to his home.
He doesn’t rest but rather thinks of where you two will have a date next, staying up all night while staring at his ceiling and daydreaming of you. Perhaps a picnic in the forest in the afternoon while you two wait for the sun to set would do or maybe going to a spot with beautiful scenery like a lake he found hidden in the forest that looks so magical with the crystalflies and butterflies fluttering their wings around the area? Nevertheless, he’s looking forward to it all.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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kirvia · 11 months
hello there :-) your compositions are always so striking to me, i was wondering about what influences your decisions and like, your overall thought process with them especially wrt symbolism and visual metaphors how do you usually go about it?? hope this question makes sense LOL feel free to ignore
thank you so much!! this is such a nice ask to receive and i've been sitting on it and trying to think of a response
this might not be the answer you're looking for, but i try to consider a lot of what I know about creating storyboards & shots in animation and film in my illustrations; camera angles (how does X angle portray this sense of power dynamic?), color compositions (how does this accent color grab the viewer's attention?), cluttered vs empty environments (what kind of mood does this empty space give?), etc.
^ it's a whole lot of that combined with the type of inspiration i draw from movie posters, book illustrations, and works displayed at museums. certain posters are especially good at sneaking in important details about the story its promoting while following the rules of graphic design. I also go to a lot of art museums in my free time to study and take pictures of paintings that capture my attention!!
i find it hard to describe my exact thought process how I tackle illustrations & symbolism, but I will say that I find writing to be the most inspiring source, since the lack of visual imagery puts my imagination at work; it's why I held back on reading ORV's webtoon until I was completely done with the book, since I didn't want the webtoon art to influence my interpretations. I can break down the compositions of specific examples if you'd like me to! but I find reading the tags of reblogs and how they interpret my art super entertaining.
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thunderbirdarts · 1 year
Hi! I saw your art and edits of Eowyn and Eomer as Plains Native and I really enjoyed it! Seeing as I’m not native I was wondering how to go about doing research and making respectful art to expand on this headcanon? I love Eowyn and I really want to respect her and your native culture. Please don’t feel obligated to respond to this if I have made you uncomfortable, I thought it would be better to ask than assume:)
Hii!! Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it <333
My main inspirations for Plainsndn! Rohirrim is a mixture of different tribes, namely Kiowa, Blackfoot, Cree, and Lakota. So if you want to use the same references I do, you could try that?
For clothing references, you COULD potentially use some 1800s (or early 1900s) photographs for inspiration, but just be aware that some of these photographs are staged, and the people are wearing outfits that they were told to wear by the photographer (so it may not have been theirs or culturally accurate to their tribe). That, or even if their outfits ARE accurate & really belonged to them, note that some of what they're wearing may not be what would have been everyday or casual wear, sometimes the people being photographed would deck themselves out in their best regalia or clothing specifically for the photographs (so if they seem to be VERY jeweled in a lot of beadwork, quillwork, metal, accessories, etc, that could be an indicator of this. Wearing things like heavily beaded clothing or elk tooth dresses or detailed ribbonshirts would also indicate this). Thus if you're going for a more casual look in a drawing or writing something, they probably wouldn't have all that. For any war paint, I suggest looking up photos of pow wow War (like traditional bustle) dancers.
I recommend taking inspiration & notes from antiques/artifacts on the Smithsonian online website. If you search up a tribe name & an item, usually something should come up. Like you could type "(tribe)(item)", such as "Cree dress" for instance, & it'll tell you what year it should appropriately be as well as some other info. But I don't recommend directly copying exact designs from pow wow regalia (because this counts as art theft, and many beadwork shops make people pay fines for taking photos because of this, that's how serious we take it) or even some of the antiques (because some of them might contain sacred designs, & each tribe has rules, protocols, and specific contexts for who was allowed to wear what and when) if you're drawing it or describing it, and instead come up with your own. Depending on the tribe, the aesthetics might be different, but geometric shapes are very common throughout Turtle Island. This also goes for tipis, I recommend NOT drawing/describing any designs on tipis if you're trying to portray that.
And honestly I suggest not trying to go TOO deep into research just for a headcanon, because i feel like it's not necessary, and to protect any potential intracommunity information or to avoid breaking cultural/spiritual protocol just for the sake of a headcanon. Like maybe a few site searches, a browse of wikipedia, and an encyclopedia entry, or looking at a tribal website run by the Native tribe themselves could do it. Like don't overdo it by trying to find information on ceremonies or things like that. A headcanon isn't worth invading the privacy or potentially butchering the culture of a whole tribe.
You could also take some elements of the Plains Native cultures & try to seamlessly blend them in with the pre-existing LOTR Rohirrim canon, which is a bit of what I do. That way you can try find an angle that makes it clear you're taking inspiration from Plains Native tribes, but you're also not doing too much about it & it's clear they're still a fantasy culture & Rohirrim. Like maybe they still live in wooden houses, but the carbings are inspired by Native beadwork & youve made them semi nomadic. Maybe they wear beadwork made out of metal, golden/brass/etc beads (thus keeping the golden aesthetics of the film Rohirrim, & now makss things like Plains beaded vests into armor). Maybe they have most of the aesthetics & clothing/hair of Plains Natives, but a lot of the fictional culture is still Tolkien's Rohirrim, stuff like that. Maybe you could also sprinkle in your own headcanons that don't come from Plains Native cultures OR existing Rohirrim canon, but just something you've invented yourself.
So yeah, that's what I'd recommend! I hope this is somewhat helpful dhcjg
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On the whole child abuse thing, here’s my thoughts.
Well my experience isn’t the exact same since my parents were normal during the first 11 or so years of my life. (Went to regular school, parties, family vacations, had at least 10 playdates a year, and was allowed to meet my parents friends.)
However after I became a preteen, things got bad. I had medical problems and PTSD, both of which caused me to have difficulty At middle school. Not having access to a Therapist, I decided to solve my problems by quitting School altogether. (The Logic being. Schools = More Stress + PTSD, so Zero School must = Zero stress or problems.)
After that, I essentially became the “Cinderella” for most of my family. I was punished and criticized more harshly than anyone else who did the exact same thing. Nobody how obedient and kind I tried to be, I continued being treated miserably and was often broken down to tears.
During my teen years, I sometimes lost the desire to live and developed anger issues. I also stopped caring much for others, since to quote a movie. “What’s the point of being kind when everyone is blind always leaving you behind?” (Eventually I began trying to use games, books and tv to distract myself and try to have happier thoughts.)
First of all, I'd like to say I'm very sorry you had to deal with that, and I hope your mental health issues have improved since your teenage years. It's very clear that you had problems that your parents refused to see, and I hope I don't come across as rude for how I phrased that.
If you don't mind me asking, does the way Gabriel is portrayed in the finale rub you the wrong way thanks to your experiences with your parents?
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