#thank you sofia!!
mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
🎏 (marauders please :>) hi!! my name is sofia (she/her), i’m straight and 17 years old. i love reading books, playing sports, and listening to music. i’m quite talkative but i do love listening to people tell stories! happy 600 <3
𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬!
i think the two of you would be friends for a while before getting together; since sirius struggles with vulnerability, having you by his side for a few years would make it a lot easier for him to open up and tell you how he felt about you.
sirius is deeeefinitely a music snob, and if you liked the same music as him, he’d probably buy you concert tickets with that good ol’ black family fortune and get you merch and vinyls and all that limited edition stuff. before you guys became official, i could see him casually getting you front row concert tickets and asking you out. he’d pretend like it wasn’t a big deal, but internally he’d spent at least a week hyping himself up and another week or two trying to score the tickets.
but if you had different music taste, he’d want you to introduce him to everything. he’d probably ask to borrow your music more often than you listened to it yourself because to him, music was very personal. whenever he was stuck at grimmauld place, he’d listen to his metal and punk rock as a form of self expression, so he’d be really touched if you let him listen to your music.
he’d be ALL OVER YOU if you came to his quidditch matches. (but who are we kidding, you’d never miss one anyway. he just looks too good in that uniform.) as his friend, you’d been attending his games for years, but when you started dating, he got really nervous and asked you to come to his game all stutter-y and blushy. (you said yes, of course.) you, lily, dorcas, and mary would make huge signs for your respective partners and charm them to be extra bright and obnoxious. you’d be a menace to the people behind you in the stands but after the game, sirius would run up to you and shower you in kisses, telling you how much he appreciated your support.
sirius is secretly a total softie. he puts on this bad-boy persona, but i think it’s because he’s scared to get his hopes up about love after not having it for so long. even though he’s not the best student, he was raised learning french and the classics, so he’d read poetry to you if you liked it. (once he got comfortable enough with you, he’d write you poetry too. but he’d hide it under his bed until you were helping him clean his room one day and found it.)
you two would be such a hogwarts power couple. you seem super charming and sociable, and sirius is a huge flirt and always needs eyes on him. together, i think people would fawn over the way sirius softens up for you and the way you’re the only one who can tell him what to do. my man is such a simp. (maybe even bigger than james…. :000)
i'm tryna think of what ur ship name would be. ssofia? ssirius? sofirius??? sirfia?? blofia??? slack???/
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destiel-news-channel · 7 months
it's the anniversary of goncharov
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[Image ID: A screenshot of Dean Winchester from the confession scene edited so he answers 'Katya loves Sofia and Goncharov loves Andrey' instead of 'Don't do this, Cas'. /End ID]
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datura-tea · 1 year
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the blessed fruit of thy womb
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mushroomsie224 · 7 days
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This originally started out as one of the panels of a sort of small comic thing where Cedric realises his hair is getting rather long and then he ties it up (I originally wrote the scene down in Google Docs and thought it would look nice drawn in the sketchy style I do). But then I wanted this panel to be its own thing. So here we are.
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martianbugsbunny · 1 month
love how when starting Renegade Nell you're like "oh yeah the sister is gonna be the rational one here" and then two seconds later "WITCHCRAFT AND DECEIT"
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maahtigor · 24 days
Okay. First of all.
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I did NOT expect 74 people to vote in the poll 😭🙏🙏🙏 (what the hell, where the fuck did y'all come from?????)
Second of all,,
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Just to state it here before I start yapping my ever living soul out, Shiver is an eastern tall-man, Frye is a beast-man (like Izutsumi) and Big Man is a kobold. I can get a bit more into their designs and headcanons in another post, but today I want to focus on the lore.
It allllllll roots back to Shiver and Frye's fathers, who were friends since lord knows when. They were a team of burglars, looters, thieves, whatever you may call them, but in the end of the day just let it be clear that they were BAD. And they engaged in BAD shit, like looting corpses in dungeons and stealing from people's houses.
One day, they hit a huge one, they got into the house of this really rich dude that turned out to traffic beast men and other illegal creatures. And the rich being rich and caring about their richness, the security was top notch, and let's just say they struggled to get out of the place alive. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They left in NO WAY empty handed.
While looting the place, Frye's father found a kobold cub, chained up inside a cage in the corner beside other creatures likely being sold illegally. He brought the cub with him, and after almost getting their asses turned into kebabs by traps everywhere, the two companions were like "holy FUCK i ain't ever ever ever doing this shit again man.,.,. Wgart the ehll,,,,,, I'm getting too old for this, hell naw!!!!!!!" and decided to settle down as (this time legal) and functioning members of society. Shiver's father opened a dojo, while Frye's father opened a restaurant.
However, the rich guy who owned the house was PISSED (and also happened to be a black magic user......... woah how unlucky of them) and as revenge for stealing his wealth and freeing their beast men, cursed Frye's expecting father, mending the soul of his firstborn with the soul of a monster. And alas, that's how the critter was born😋🙏🔥💯😭
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So yeah!!!!!!! Frye is a beast man just like Izutsumi is a beast man. They're the same typa monster, pretty much, except that Frye is a leopard instead of a housecat.
Anyway, back to the kobold pup; you guessed it, BIG MAN (or Big Dog?), being raised in the Onaga's restaurant, was always raised around the kitchen, both because he was genuinely interested in watching people cook and because he hoped to get food that fell from the floor lmfao-- as years went by, he started working as a server, apprentice, and eventually assistant chef of the family-ran restaurant. (So yeah, Biggie is the party's chef!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He also has an incredible sense of smell when it comes to cooking btw, both because of genuine talent and because of his race).
Ironic to his early years as a burglar, Shiver's dad grew to become quite the overprotective father once his daughter started growing up, wanting her to do anything but follow his steps and become a criminal before the age of 20. That backfired though, because she started running off to hang out with Frye causing all sorts of trouble (and eventually dragged Big Dog into it all too). The three were raised almost like siblings, and later on joined together as a party and continued to cause all sorts of troubles inside dungeons, where they eventually bumped into the other idols and started this whoooole story years later.
(They weren't all like their fathers though, instead of keeping the money they got from dungeons to themselves they gave it to the poor, much like their canon bandit dynamics.)
Anyway, that's the end of the yapping session, I hope y'all enjoyed (and if you did, please enjoy this page I doodled while blasting ToyBox in my headphones 🦄🙏 perhaps I'll outline and color this one day, but not now because it's 1:30 in the morning while I'm typing this out.)
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shychick-52 · 26 days
Give us the Cedric bingo, girl ✨
Oh, shit. Oh, boy. You've done it now.
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Only three spaces blank!
To better explain, see this post:
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watchyourbuck · 14 days
what's your least favorite 9-1-1 episode and why? 👀
ooooooo hii!!!! so I went back to check all the eps just in case I was missing one and I think my least favorites are Rage (3x05) & Wrapped in Red (5x10). the first one is bc im just not so fond of the buddie divorce era. both of their behaviors struck me as an incapability to cope with stuff in a healthy, patient manner and it made me sad that neither thought about seeking help or advice from the other. the second one i actually find kinda meh + I hated Eddie leaving the 118. even though I understood his reasons obviously, it all led to his breakdown and for a second there I was genuinely scared for his mental health. idk I guess I just love him too much lmao a lot of people enjoyed his breakdown but I was just sitting there like oh no my meow meow!!
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dostoyevsky-official · 5 months
I Have Not Lingered in European Monasteries
I have not lingered in European monasteries
and discovered among the tall grasses tombs of knights
who fell as beautifully as their ballads tell;
I have not parted the grasses
or purposefully left them thatched.
I have not released my mind to wander and wait
in those great distances
between the snowy mountains and the fishermen,
like a moon,
or a shell beneath the moving water.
I have not held my breath
so that I might hear the breathing of God,
or tamed my heartbeat with an exercise,
or starved for visions.
Although I have watched him often
I have not become the heron,
leaving my body on the shore,
and I have not become the luminous trout,
leaving my body in the air.
I have not worshipped wounds and relics,
or combs of iron,
or bodies wrapped and burnt in scrolls.
I have not been unhappy for ten thousand years.
During the day I laugh and during the night I sleep.
My favourite cooks prepare my meals,
my body cleans and repairs itself,
and all my work goes well.
This poem reminds me of Bachkovo monastery, Bulgaria in the spring.
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widevibratobitch · 3 months
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so... about that last weekend...
did going to the opera with @girlscarpia and @verdiesque fix me or did it make me worse? guess we're all gonna find out soon <33
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yourfuckiinangel · 8 days
i was wondering what is your favourite lana album and what do you think of her?
first of all, thank u babe for the ask! okay, so i love lana del rey - i think she is the most beautifully expressive artist of our time and i feel overjoyed that i get to live during her reign of fame. and as for my fav album it fluctuates often depending on what i am facing in my life but at the moment i would say that i am a honeymoon girl
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knowthatiloveyou · 10 months
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Happy Birthday Hannah Waddingham
July 28, 1974
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chippdhearts · 23 days
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Sofia Curtis in Every Episode [25/49] 6x22 ★ Time of Your Death
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captain-amadeus · 5 months
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yolkbyte · 3 months
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Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama
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doll-elvis · 9 months
Hi! First of all, I love ur blog it’s one of my favourites and I really appreciate your nuanced takes and the research you put in to your answers. :)
I wanted to ask you — I read today that EPE didn’t allow Sofia Coppola to use any of Elvis’ music in her movie. I figured he wouldn’t be depicted very positively in it but I kinda hoped it would be a realistic and human depiction of both of them, not like sort of a condemning ‘he’s the villain of their story’ vibe lol. I guess we still won’t know until it comes out… Anyway it got me feeling like perhaps the depiction will be more negative, but maybe EPE just didn’t consent to his music being used because they weren’t included in the movie. Hard to know. Wanted to ask for your thoughts/take on it.
Also, what do you think Lisa would think about this movie being made?
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this just made my day 😭, you are the sweetest <3!! I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to show your appreciation, it truly means the world to me that you get something positive out of my posts
also thank you very much for the ask, I really love to be able to have open discussions on here with fellow Elvis fans, especially regarding all the recent events that are taking place 🤧
as for your question, according to the latest interview with Sofia Coppola and Priscilla Presley, it was “Authentic Brands Group” (who owns 85% of EPE) that denied the request to have Elvis’ music featured in the film. As Sofia tells it, it was because ABG only endorse projects that they have originated as they are protective of their brand ⬇️
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(quote from the “Hollywood Reporter”)
so I don’t think Elvis’ music not being in the film is indicative of how he will be portrayed, the decision seems more business based than anything else (hopefully 😭). I’m also wondering if this was a funding issue as this film doesn’t seem to have had the biggest budget (they only had 30 days to shoot) and I would assume the rights to use Elvis’ music would be rather costly 👀
as for how Elvis will be depicted… I think I speak for many other fans when I say when this movie was first announced my heart sank 🤧 the 2022 film accomplished so many amazing things for Elvis and his legacy and I think we all felt like this Priscilla movie would jeopardize that. But this recent interview with Priscilla, along with the film’s official synopsis, has given me more hope that this movie will be more nuanced
Priscilla telling Cailee Spaeny, the actress portraying her, to be sensitive towards Elvis honestly made me breathe a sigh of relief 😩
(quote from the “Hollywood Reporter”)
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But I think the reason so many fans are still currently dreading this film and biting their nails over the release of it is because of the reception it has received online… particularly by non-Elvis fans
if you have Instagram or Twitter (especially) you know what I mean 😭
people are literally praising Sofia Coppola (even Priscilla) because they think this film is going to be a hit piece against Elvis and will expose how he “groomed” and “abused” her
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I can almost guarantee these people and anyone else who have made similar comments have never even read Priscilla’s book, or have ever read about Elvis besides what they see on social media through things like twitter threads on how he was a “predator” or how he “stole” music from black musicians
their dedication to believing whatever they see written about him just proves their ignorance to me. If they haven’t taken the time to research the claims made about him then I just disregard their opinion🤧 I’ve really struggled with disengaging from people who hate Elvis but I’ve begun to learn that nothing we say as fans will change their opinion of him, and no matter what they say, it cannot change who we know he really was
and whenever I do see these people reference Priscilla’s book I’m like… did we read the same book? did y’all not see how 90-95% percent of that book praised who Elvis was? and do y’all not see how Priscilla still defends his actions to this day and says things like “he was the love of my life”? I’m just confused as to why these people think Priscilla wants Elvis to be “exposed” 😭
and like the majority of people who have written about Elvis, Priscilla’s book has the good, the bad, and the ugly, and I expect the film to be that way as well. However, I hope the good completely outweighs “the bad” and “the ugly” just as much as it did in Priscilla’s book
People always hyper-inflate the “bad” stories (of which there are very few) that are mentioned in Priscilla’s book. For example the story where when they were pillow fighting he accidentally gave her a black eye, which is also referenced now as proof that he “abused” her. But they won’t mention how Elvis profusely apologized and felt incredibly guilty, nor do they mention how Priscilla blamed the pills they were taking for Elvis’ temper in that moment, as opposed to Elvis himself
(excerpt from “Elvis and Me” by Priscilla Presley)
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I feel like a lot of anger has been misdirected towards Priscilla lately regarding stories like this but in all honesty you cannot blame her for people taking what she wrote out of context. I’ve seen some fans say that she is only out to make Elvis look bad but she very clearly states he was remorseful for the incident
Like I mentioned above, I think 90-95% of her book puts Elvis in a good light, and shows how truly good his character was
One of my personal favorite stories is the lasagna incident, where Priscilla insisted on cooking for the whole group and in her nerves for proving that she could do such a thing, she forgot to boil the noodles before assembling the dish 💀
and this story is just one out of dozens that show how sensitive Elvis was to Priscilla
(excerpt from “Elvis and Me” by Priscilla Presley)
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not to mention the very last paragraph of her book where she has nothing but good things to say about him… yet people who hate Elvis think this film, that is based on her book, will be out to “expose” him 😩?
(excerpt from “Elvis and Me” by Priscilla Presley)
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obviously we can only really speculate on what the film will be like but I’m just hoping and praying this film will be a massive disappointment to anyone who is thinking it will affirm their opinions about how Elvis “mistreated” Priscilla… that would heal my soul 😩 like if this film is just a total love letter to Elvis I will be laughing my way out of the theater lmaoo
at this point the only reason I’m not excited about this film is just because I don’t think it was done in a way that would reach it’s full potential. That recent review of it that came out of Reddit was kind of what I expected the film to be (lackluster, lacking depth and Jacob not really capturing Elvis’ essence… Coppola’s reasoning for casting Jacob was that since all the females in the audition room were enamored by him he must have had a similar charisma to Elvis but I just do not get that vibe😭 (no offense to Jacob stans)
as for what Lisa Marie would have thought of this film being made, I’d imagine she would act in a similar way to how Riley is. Supportive but not involved perhaps? This film is really Priscilla’s story. Not Elvis’ story, not Lisa Marie’s story etc. etc. so I don’t expect as many people in the Elvis world to be involved with it as they were with the 2022 film. Like I don’t expect to see Jerry Schilling doing interviews for this movie or girlfriend’s/friends of Elvis to give their review of it
I really really wish Lisa Marie was here, I miss her terribly and I still haven’t fully processed her passing, but I believe that Riley is doing everything her mother would have wanted, and I wish the best for her and her sisters 💗
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