#thank you tiktok for the state of my fyp
h1lpuri · 1 year
BBC's tiktok, of all places.
"I've just been told that I looked good playing football by Jermaine Jenas"
-Phil "babygirl" Dunster, back on his bullshit
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
ok fine i’ll rewatch into the spiderverse instead of going to sleep
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mcromwell · 4 months
Four years ago, I installed TikTok and began making art videos to promote my art business. I steadily got better at making videos, had a few big hits, grew my follower count to 75k (my largest on any social platform ever, to this day) and even qualified for the app's creator program, which netted me a fair chunk of change for a few months. Right when I started considering it an integral part of my business, engagement started tanking. Despite my follower count and trying to keep up with trends and editing techniques designed to retain viewers, my videos went from getting about 10k views to less than a thousand--that's not even 10% of my follower-count. The app slowly stopped recommending my videos to anyone, followers or on the FYP. For months. And then after TikTok was voted to be banned in the US, it got even worse, and the CEO even stated in his video addressing the ban that they would "not be able to pay creators as much due to spending more money on legal fees to challenge the vote". At that time I was grimly reminded of what I already knew about social media sites: they aren't your friend and they don't care about you. They'll give you something "nice" (a chance at monetization and virality) with the hope that you'll keep making content for their content farm, and when your videos don't get views, the gambling mindset of "maybe next video will do well" or "the algorithm is just weird right now, maybe it will improve if I just keep going" will keep you addicted.
I finally hit a wall. I can't waste my time. I have very little time to achieve what I want to due to my health. So making videos that get 300 views and no comments is definitely a waste of my time. I used to say good things about the algorithm, how it shows you niche things instead of only just the popular stuff, but clearly that isn't the case. My videos posted elsewhere get tons more interactions and engagement. I am stepping back from TikTok for a while; I even uninstalled it. The endless scrolling is not good for me, either.
All that to say: art videos will be less frequent. The only places I'd be making them for is Instagram and YouTube, and I think if I'm going to pick one to focus on, it'll be Youtube. Subscribe to my channel here, where I am slowly uploading my entire TikTok catalogue of hundreds of art videos.
TikTok did great things for me when it worked. It was really exciting for me to hear folks at in-person events say stuff like, "Oh, I saw a video of this painting!" "Your process is so fun to watch!" I won't forget the support everyone gave me. Thank you.
I hope to use this extra time to focus on my practice more. I want to lean into sketchbook bundle downloads, Patreon, and just simply drawing more! Exploring more! We'll all benefit from that. So here's to newer, healthier directions.
💖 M
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
He’s just trying to replace the British affection for Hero Harry PR with American affection using exactly the same Hero Harry stories.
Does he realize the implications? If Proud Britain's Royal Soldier can be thought of as in service to the USA, then it lays open the fact that the UK is simply a client state of mighty America (especially for the war he took part in).
Which may be the truth, or close to it, but it's a truth the establishments of both countries do not want out there - so artlessly laid bare, too.
I'm sure that in Harry's head, the colonies are totally honouring his moral sovereignty when they let him tag along to US military related events. Nevermind that bit with the American Revolution, he failed history anyway.
Well, listen. There’s a huge culture of respect for veterans here in the US, which is something that‘s a bit unique as it’s one of a few things that foreign visitors say the US does well (at least according to the commentary on my TikTok FYP).
So I think in the beginning Harry was initially given that respect - he was a veteran (on top of being the grandson of the monarch/head of state to a key US ally), he did deploy (even if it was all a farce), and he did have some respect for military service. But I think over time, a lot of the respect he was initially afforded has been whittled away but not just his own actions and behaviors, but by what Meghan has done/is doing as well, and how everything they do juxtaposes what Americans expect from veterans.
For instance, no veteran ever speaks publicly and generally about how many confirmed kills they have. No veteran speaks publicly and in writing that they don’t see the humanity in their enemy. No veteran whines about how terribly they *personally* had it; they speak about and advocate for the group at large. No veteran sees their service as a vanity project for praise and attention. No veteran uses community service as an exercise in ego flattery; they use community service to better the world they live in for the future they fought hard to protect and defend, not to line their pockets with cash and awards. No veteran will pout through the National Anthem; sure, they might not sing the anthem, but they’ll at least stand proudly at attention (to the best of their abilities) and not frown and glower. No veteran disrespects their commander-in-chief - they might not like the person, but they respect the office and give the office all due respect deserved. No veteran will use his uniforms, commendations, and/or status as a costume for dress up or as a prop. No veteran will use his service for ego-flattering, self-serving propaganda.
And in my personal experience, all the veterans *I* know never seek out praise, awards, or attention for their service. That’s the last thing they want. They’re happy with a handshake and a “thank you.
And because Harry (and Meghan as his wife) was initially given that respect, I think it went to his head in a “they like me, they really like me” way, which made him see us/American veterans more as a mark through which they can get fame and fortune rather than a community. I think — and this is just my observations — I think Harry and Meghan see the American military community, veteran and families alike, as “leader-less” because we don’t have one singular person (or group of people) leading the national support and awareness. The closest thing we have is the FLOTUS. I think Harry and Meghan wanted to be that for us — a co-opting of what the royals do for the British and Commonwealth militaries — but they really fumbled by not understanding what having served and being a veteran means in the US. And that’s why Harry’s attempts to ingratiate himself with the American military community and become a military influencer keeps failing.
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bookishfeylin · 1 year
I know you don't usually do these kinds of posts, but you're probably one of the most implicated in black history month people that I follow so I wanted to ask you, as I already value your opinions in Acotar, what do you think of the documentary where actual historians claim Cleopatra was a black woman? Lately, this has been a pretty active topic on my fyp on TikTok, and I wanted to know a black woman's perspective on this.
Thank you in advance, and if you usually don't answer these questions or don't want to answer this one, I'll totally understand, and there's no problem at all.
I didn’t know there was a new documentary out, but when I saw the name Cleopatra I automatically sighed because I knew what was coming. This is a subject a know a little 🤏🏾 about, actually, because I researched it a bit myself in my last year of high school (and stopped because of the uh. NASTINESS associated with this particular subject) and though it’s been a few years I remembered some main, basic things, and I wanted to check a few things first.
At best, in the most CHARITABLE interpretation as far as I in my limited knowledge can tell, it would be correct to say that’s it’s POSSIBLE that she MAY have been mixed Black because, though she was part of the GREEK Ptolemaic dynasty that ruled Egypt (Ptolemy being one of Alexander the Great’s generals who got the Egyptian portion of his empire after Alexander died), that’s on her fathers side; her mother’s exact ethnicity isn’t known. Not that this won’t stop the hoteps from running off and claiming her and all of ancient Egypt as Black though So some have ***speculated*** that her mother—and thus Cleopatra—may have potentially been part Egyptian (and that goes into the issue of deciding that the “Egyptian” in this instance had to have been Black rather than MENA but that’s again a whole other can of worms). BUT it’s more likely that her mother was Greek due to the uh, PRACTICE™️ of inbreeding and it not being common for the dynasty to marry Egyptians. So it’s more probable that she was fully Greek/Macedonian and not part Egyptian, much less part Black. (Also some historians speculate she may have had Persian blood? I guess? Again it’s a can of worms, not something i’m digging deep into because of the nastiness that you often stumble across) Unless there’s a new study confirming her mother’s identity or something that I missed, it’s simply incorrect to claim that Cleopatra was undeniably Black, because though it is ***possible*** she most likely ***wasn’t.***
But this topic really upsets me, because there are LEGITIMATE Black kingdoms and empires who were mighty and well developed and powerful like the Aksumite empire and kingdoms of Kongo and Loango and the Great Zimbabwe empire and the empires of Ghana and Mali and Songhay and the Ashanti kingdom and the WHOLE SWAHILI COAST THAT WAS INVOLVED IN THE INDIAN OCEAN TRADE ROUTE and they had their own great rulers, their own kings and queens and emperors and empresses, their palaces and castles, their own cities and towns, their own complex civilizations and dynastic royal families that deserve the attention Cleopatra and ancient Egypt get. They were erased—and Egypt was not—by white people to prop themselves up as the only race capable of forming civilizations and advanced societies as a means of justifying colonization and imperialism to “civilize” the rest of the world and as a result many of those other empires have been erased from our education system here in the states and many people cling to ancient Egypt as proof that we’re not inferior and aren’t savages like white people claim due to believing that since Egypt’s in Africa it had to have been mostly Black when Egypt, and the Ptolemaic dynasty and Cleopatra in PARTICULAR, are literally the worst example that could’ve been chosen and were the only African kingdom spared erasure FOR A REASON.
Anyway, I don’t like it, it’s disingenuous and does US wrong because we need to give that energy to other African kingdoms that need and could use the fame Egypt + Cleopatra get, and we deserve a better education system to teach us this stuff. I hope this answers your question? And I don’t mind any kinds of asks 🥰
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eiririnn · 3 months
AHHHHH I follow you on TikTok and after hours of being on Tumblr for Astarion content your art showed up on my FYP. Just wanted to say your Tav looks absolutely divine in the art you draw them, and I'm just curious how they look in the game.
Hoping for more amazing BG3 art from you 🫶
Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying seeing my Durge, I’m unreasonably attached to her🥲.
Here’s the unbothered chaotic neutral baddie in her natural state.
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More bg3 art is in the works don’t u worry🫡
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Baby │ JJ Maybank Imagine
Request: hey! First off love your work! I saw that you wanted tiktok trend requests so could you naybe do the trend where you tell your bf that you want a baby with jj?
Authors Note: Hello! Thank you so much for supporting me and my silly writing. I added the photo that I would use for JJ’s contact.I hope you enjoy reading!
Warnings: Hints for underage drinking, swearing.
Word Count: 634.
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Giggling, you shove Kiara away from you and your phone.
“Y/n! You’re drunk and its girl’s night which is two very good reasons not to have your phone.”
“Too late…I already hit send!”
Kiara closes her mouth when your phone starts ringing and you start smiling. “Should I not answer?”
“JJ would blame us, so no.” Sarah says and asks you what exactly you said in the first place to make your boyfriend call you instead of texting back.
“I told him I want a baby.” 
“But he is a big baby!” Cleo states and the other girls agree with hums, thinking just how true that statement is.
Your phone stops ringing before the picture you have for John B contact pops up on your phone screen and the ringing starts again. You press on the green button. “Hey baby.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You don’t care if your boyfriend can hear you laugh silently, you can’t help it as he yells, and his voice goes in a higher pitch you have ever heard. “You know I’m using John B phone, right? Do you call him baby?”
Another voice in the background yells a no as you say, “I know you baby and knew you would find a way to talk to me.”
JJ huffs. “Ah yes well excuse me if I thought my phone was broken when I read your text but then thought your phone is the broken one.”
“If it was, how could I be talking to you-“
“Do not give me your sass right now or your ass will have handprints on it. Now tell me why the fuck you would text me that you want a baby.”
“I saw this TikTok a couple of days ago where this girl texted her boyfriend it. You had to ruin it by calling instead of texting your response!”
“I don’t have a response!” but he does mutters, “I hate TikTok.”
“I know you do…. baby.”
You don’t need to see his face to know he is trying to hide a smile. But you can hear it in his voice when he says, “You can call me that if you stop with the stupid TikTok trend pranks.”
“Never going to happen baby. I got to keep you on your toes.”
He chuckles.  “You are doing too good of a job.”
“I know. But before you go, I do have a question.” He doesn’t say anything, so you continue. “Would you want a baby one day? With me?”
The silene on the other end makes you check that the call is still connected. It is. “JJ?”
“Yes. Only with you, baby. Not any day soon though, okay? I know you would be the greatest, awesomest, and loveliest mother ever and I really want to be a part of all of the est. But I know with all of my shit, I’m not ready yet. We are both too young and reckless. Well, mostly me but you get what I’m saying, right?”
“Right. Good, right, okay. I love you.”
“I love you too, JJ. Now if you it’s okay with you, I am going to watch some TikTok’s with the girls.” You laugh with him and after saying good night, you hang up.
A few minutes later, when you are scrolling through your Tikok fyp, a text pop up.
“I’m your baby. You’re my baby. That’s all I need right now.”
The girls see it and start planning out loud how long exactly they will wait to make fun of him for being so cute and a simp. You don’t text back but do take a screenshot. Not for a TikTok. To look back on it whenever you want to.
Maybe one day you will print it and put it in a baby album.
Taglist (ask to join!)  @jjmaybankzz @afterglowsb-tch13 @moniamaybank @scandalousfemale @heysimps @fives-cup-of-coffee @mahleeyuh @jjmaybanksbaby @maddiebee2019 @softstarkey @pixelated-pogues @mrsmaybankhere @drewsephrry @cognacdelights @ssjiara @jjaybank @ilovejjmaybank @collectiveuniverses @bxllasanosa @jellyfishbeansontoast @dpaccione @jiaraendgame @poguestyleskye @jeyramarie @all-american-fangirl @obxmxybxnk @talksoprettyjjx @pit-zuh @loveop5500 @jjsbxtch @jjpouggues @jjstoothpick @alanniys @loveyru  
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criminalamnesia · 2 days
I saw a TikTok today advertising a fucking character AI and it was literally your Traitor story, the details were just switched up slightly.
I was already in a shitty mood today but I left the meanest fucking comment about it. I’m not a mean person, but I was so mad that #1, an AI chat page showed up on my fyp, and #2, a story that I know you’ve worked so hard on is actively being stolen by someone who has absolutely no respect for boundaries or the actual artist.
Absolute garbage. I was frothing with hate.
Wait, what??? Do you have a link to it, or do you know how I can get to it?? This is really upsetting to me. I hate that people feel entitled to use my work for something like that when I have repeatedly stated I do not want anyone using or copying my work.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
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Witch question bc I have severe anxiety and I got a nasty tiktok witch "I'm better than thou spiritual karma will get you if you stop working with your dieties" vid on my fyp.
When working with dieties it's okay if you take a break from them and sometimes you just don't continue with them at some point. I know the answer is technically yes but I still count myself as a beginner witch and my anxiety's getting to me that maybe I'm wrong. I plan on working with them again, but terrible religious trauma y'know?
I moved a lot of states to live back with my family and have been forced back into the broom closet. All of my stuff is still with a friend back in that state and I don't have the money/resources to make offerings and actively working with them again.
At most I have a tarot deck and I worry I don't know how to work with them without an altar anymore. Any tips on how to get back to my usual craft or a confirmation on working with dieties when you have to take a break/stop working with them?
(If it helps my dieties are Hermes, Hecate, Thor, Hypnos, Morpheus,)
Thanks yall! I rlly appreciate it.
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inkofamethyst · 2 years
October 9, 2022
The recent Night Vale episode with the John Peters, you know, the farmer?  I really really liked it lol.
Told my parents I might get a cat if I live by myself in grad school and my dad said he doesn’t see me with a cat so now I legally have to get a cat.  Them’s the rules.  I can’t let my father think he knows more about me than me.  (He does but I’m a grown woman so we can’t be havin that (to be fair, he knew me before I knew me.  long before.).)
I was thinking about how lucky I was that tiktok doesn’t prey on my insecurities to keep me watching, specifically how there’ll supposedly be a new thinly-veiled body-checking challenge that only really serves to make teenaged girls feel bad about themselves, but those never come up on my fyp because it doesn’t really work on me.  And for two seconds I was proud of myself for beating the algorithm when that actually isn’t the case.  The app preys on my fear of dating.  And I think I’ve realized this before because a few months ago I tried to stop interacting so much with dating-analysis or late-bloomer tiktok because it wasn’t making me happy and I use tiktok exclusively for happy chemicals.  Of course, they’ve seeped their way back in, but I didn’t realize until recently that the algorithm did, in fact, have its grimey little fingers inside my head.  And it’s a tricky thing because these videos disguise themselves as laughing at men’s profiles or discussing the state of dating today from what sounds like an academic perspective (not to be elitist but it’s literally just some lady in her living room) as opposed to those on-the-street-interview videos which, frankly, I scoff at, or relationship goals tiktoks which bore me, and the algorithm knows this.  They present content in a way that’s more likely to keep me watching, and insecurity directs what types of videos I grant my precious watchtime.
So what to do?  I think the smartest thing would be to not interact with those videos at all anymore.  No likes, no saves, no watchtime, tapping “not interested.”  I don’t go to tiktok to feel worse about myself.  I go there to laugh and to learn.  It’s going to take some discipline, but I might be able to do it.  No, I can do it.  I can.
I was trying to see how long I would be able to go without seeing Dream’s face because I knew it’d become a meme eventually, and this game didn’t last all that long because his face did, ultimately, become a meme that I stumbled upon on Pinterest, and not even a very good one at that.  All that thirsting over a man who looks like MattPat from GameTheory.  And don’t get me wrong, MattPat’s not unattractive at all, he’s just... a normal lookin dude (those who know me are aware that I’m not above thinking normal lookin dudes are attractive but that’s moving away from the point).  Part of me feels bad for the guy because it’s gotta be this nerve-wrecking thing to go from being a faceless YouTuber to being not that anymore, and most people are either underwhelmed or poking fun at him (to be fair, most people on the internet disliked him before), and that has to be so demoralizing.  On the other hand, he’s a grown man and he’s got his bag, so.
Today I’m thankful that I got to spend the weekend with the puppy!  I’m thankful that I made cookies!  I’m thankful that I register for classes on the first day because the plan is to take two “real” classes (they’re TuTh and midday, I’m livinggg) and fill out the rest of the credits with TAing, research, and junk tbh (not pep band though).  I just need to REST.  It’s weird to think that I’m almost halfway through the semester.
I have senior pictures this week, so I took out my braids, and it’s the first time I’ve worn my hair in a puff since freshman year of college, pre-covid, and I physically cannot keep my hands off my coils.  I was like this in high school too, and it’s why I had to stop wearing my hair out, but I didn’t have much time this weekend, and while twists are functional, they’re certainly not cute.  I do definitely feel cute.
Here’s to another week.  I miss the time when I would send zero emails in a week.  Truly.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 5 months
Ok so I've got some gossip that got reported by my local news 2 years ago and I just learned about it. Thought you might wanna hear it because it's hilarious imo
Apparently, Evan DM'd an influencer from my city. Seems like it was after his breakup with Emma and before Halsey (and when he still had Instagram). When Dahmer got released, this influencer made a TikTok on how she got a feeling that she saw him somewhere. Then she realized that he actually poked her back in 2019 and showed us his message saying "Hi 👋". She explained in another TikTok (due to people being skeptical) that she replied "hi" back and he asked her if she could teach him french (it's her first language). She told him that she would teach him Quebecois (a variation of French Canadian). And that's it lmao. This influencer has been with her boyfriend for a longass time so she wasn't interested (as she stated in her Tiktok videos). She also explained that when she got a boost of popularity, the algorithm would push her content in a TON of men's FYP. Which is probably how he found her, which is quite likely.
I don't know if it's true or if this influencer fabricated all this with photoshopped screencaps but if it is, I find it funny af that he just slided into some girl's DMs lmaooo I guess he's not as shy as I thought (which is cute!)
Also, I don't feel comfortable sharing this influencer's handle due to some fans being very intense and I don't want anyone to harass her.
PS: I discovered your tumblr because of the Coachella event and I am very happy to see that there's a healthy side to his fanbase. I am not familiar at all with male celebrities and their fanbase so it was entertaining seeing all those fans going crazy over EP making out with a girl lmao
hello!! i have seen her tiktok, but i don’t personally fully believe it due to her sort of sketchy recollection and backstory that seemingly went with it. i feel like she was trying to capitalize on the whole dahmer thing, but still.. would i be surprised if it were true? not at all. i think evan probably hit up plenty of women when he had social media and has certainly dated tons of random women in between his serious relationships. 👀
and thank you for the kind words and sharing that 💗
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theotherdeskofsam · 2 years
We Found Love...
It has been a while since #FENTYBOWL happened and my confession is I haven't watched the whole performance - given that I am just a casual listener of Rihanna. But as I was scrolling TikTok the other night, a clip of her singing "We Found Love", one of my favorite songs of hers popped into my FYP. And it was glorious to the ears.
I've been listening to it repeatedly in the past few days and something just came back to me. A week ago, I got my haircut because I was about to start my new job from home and I needed a fresh face for online conferences and documentation. The person doing my hair - let's call them Missy - asked about my aunt whom they also did her hair before she left for the USA last January. Missy jokingly said: "You know what, you should also search for someone like her husband, a foreigner with a cool surname, go to BGC or Makati if you're looking for love, that's where you belong." I chuckled, and jokingly said, "I've been there, but haven't found someone." To which they replied, "Keep exploring. You're still young. We, we only belong here (pertaining to this small city we live in), because nobody would want to date someone like us, trans people."
And I was left speechless at that, not knowing what to say. Frankly, Missy and their coworkers are one of the most caring, entertaining, thoughtful, and HELLA-creative people I've ever met. And I've known them for a huge chunk of my life. They deserve to be seen and loved because I know that they are one of the purest souls I can think of. Even though I am not frequently hanging out with them, they are the safest bubble in the LGBTQ+ community here. And they deserved to have someone to be their own safe bubble. Me, I am not currently looking for one as of the moment, yeah, there are times when I long for some companionship, but it was never a priority after what happened last October. I'm focusing on reinventing myself, detoxifying my mental state, and thinking of room redesigning ideas.
And what made me closer to them and respect them, even more, is something unexpected that I found out about Missy the past few weeks. My dad got his haircut as well and we were having a casual dinner chat. He told me that the person who did his hair, whom I have a very bad feeling about right off the bat, told him that Missy and some of the other queer people we know are positive for HIV. I was mad because it confirmed that this person, let's call them Pep, is truly a bully. And because this person is a hypocritical member of an LGBTQ+ group here in our city who, by their membership, should've KNOWN BETTER. I was also on the verge of signing up for that group and now, I am thanking the universe for saving me. It takes one look to see if things are sketchy. Of course, my dad, being the millennial that he is, kept giving me safety "tips" whenever I will get my hair done with Missy. I don't listen. Confirmed or otherwise, I know how to protect myself. A month from now, I'll get my hair done again and hopefully, give Missy a bigger tip this time.
I took a melatonin pill because it's been two days since my last decent sleep. And I just wrote this before the words and context swept into slumber.
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pgtitta · 2 years
Gorilla glue hair tiktok
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Look at it,” she said before getting emotional. Tessica is horrified by what she sees TikTok She goes on to show her fans that when she plays with her hair or combs it, clumps of hair just fall out. “I put the dye in, jumped in the shower rinsing it out and as I’m rinsing it out, dude, my hair, my hair is coming out as I’m rinsing my hair out.” “So me thinking that my hair is strong enough to take chemicals, dude no it wasn’t,” she says in disbelief. It looks like the TikTok user named Tessica that had put Gorilla Glue in her hair tried some at-home remedies. I thought my hair was strong enough to for chemicals 😭 #tessicabrown #mahair #helpmyhairplease #fyp #imoverit ♬ original sound – Tessica Brown In the video, Tessica explains that she was going to keep her natural hair, but when she noticed a “gray hair here, a gray hair there,” it was time to throw some color on it. In a new video uploaded to the platform that made her famous, Tessica explained her hair is falling out thanks to an at-home dye job. Obeng again because she’s in yet another hairy situation. As of January 12th, 2021, this is all of what has happened regarding Tessicas Gorilla glue accident.A post shared by Tessica she may be hitting up Dr. Also, she may be wearing wigs for a short period of time, since tmz.com did state the following, “Tessica had told us she was prepared to wear wigs for the rest of her life - but after this procedure, she won’t need them for too long.”. She also says, that she cannot wait to grow back her hair, to its original long length, since she did cut off her ponytail in order to see if that could help out in removing the Gorilla glue. Tessica Brown, better known as the Gorilla Glue girl, recently went viral after posting a TikTok talking about her predicament and how she got there. What Does Tessica Plan On Doing Now?Īccording to tmz.com, Tessica has big plans for the upcoming weekend of February 13-14th, presumably for Valentine’s Day, although this has not been confirmed yet. He also made sure to test these substances on a dummies scalp, before using them on Tessica’s hair, and they performed quite well, as stated previously. 4,378: That’s how much Amazon searches for Gorilla Glue increased after TikTok user Tessica Brown posted a video highlighting the unfortunate results of using it as a hair spray, according to e-commerce performance analytics company Profitero, as reported by Ad Age. According to tmz.com, he used a combination of several substances to break down the polyurethane (the main substance of Gorilla glue), those substances being medical-grade adhesive remover, aloe vera, olive oil, and a dash of acetone. Just to reinforce the point: There’s no such thing as bad PR. If you or someone you know is a victim of harassment, cyberbullying, or any other kind of bullying, don't keep it a secret. TikTok does not tolerate abusive content or behavior. At TikTok, while we value creative expression, our foremost priority is keeping users safe. Watch short videos about gorillagluegirl on TikTok. Inside the Procedure to Save Gorilla Glue Girl’s Hair. Obeng himself, he was able to remove all of the gorilla glue off of Tessica’s hair, by using basic chemistry, as he puts it. gorilla glue girl 311.4M people have watched this. TikTok video from TheDoctors (thedoctorstv): 'Saving GorillaGlueGirl’s hair See the procedure + how she’s doing today imdollady fyp foryoupage viral medicaltiktok gorillaglue'. Obeng was able to effectively remove all of the gorilla glue off of Tessica’s hair, while not damaging any of it (all according to tmz.com). There, she underwent surgery for a grueling 4 hours, and Mr. Tessica agreed to do the procedure and flew from her home state of Louisiana to California. While the ER was not able to remove the glue off of her hair, she was able to have a procedure that could supposedly remove the glue off of her hair, from a Californian plastic surgeon named Mr. Has She Managed To Solve The Problem?Ī few days after she made her first TikTok video, she went to the ER to try and get rid of the glue, however, According to, they were not able to do anything. Which as a result, lead to Tessicas hair being stuck in place for about one month. In a video shared early in February on TikTok and Instagram, which has since gone viral, Brown revealed that she sprayed Gorilla Glue. However, it turns out that Gorilla glue, after 24 hours, dries up permanently. However, the longevity of the hairstyle wasn't by choice. In her TikTok video in which she firsts mentions this situation, she explains that she wanted to keep her hair smooth and straight, but she did not have any more Got2b hair spray (which is a product similar to hair gel), so she decided to use Gorilla glue as an alternative. She states that she used Gorilla glue on her hair to keep it smooth and straight, however, that ended up causing an even larger problem, and that was her hair being completely stuck to her head. On Febuary4th, 2021, a 40-year-old woman named Tessica Brown, went on the popular social platform, TikTok, to talk about a problem she had, regarding her hair.
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areislol · 2 years
Streamer Childe,Kaeya,Venti (I JUST GOT HIM) Sees an edit of reader x (someone else)
LIKEEEEE childe was scrolling tru his fyp on tiktok but then suddenly he saw a KAEYA x READER edit?! ;O
i haven't seen anyone requesting a streamer! venti so thank you love <3 i haven't played genshin in a while yet i still make content abt them.. i might start soon but i have work and school to do so that might take a while, also great request - have a great day! btw, this is when they DO meet up! quite a long post because i haven't posted anything for days and this is my apology <3 streamer! childe, kaeya, venti x online friend! reader recommend listening to: woman - doja cat + mabagal - daniel padilla/moira dela torre
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streamer! childe x online friend! reader • just like everyone, childe is VERY self aware of these edits - he has witnessed it all. • (he saves a lot of them too) • he has seen ship edits, very concerning edits, some edit of childe smiling and stuff like that. every edit you could ever think of. • today was no different, you was still asleep on his *cough* bed *cough* • childe woke up, NEXT TO U. and let me tell you, this man was PANICKING- childe scrambled out of bed when he was met with your face when turning over. • childe didnt expect to roll over and be met with your face so it did scare him a little(a lot.) and made him jump out of bed, the sudden movement caused you to whine and roll over to the opposite, thank god, at least you didnt open your eyes and see childe in such a vulnerable state. • childe calmed himself down and went down to prepare breakfast. • not without taking a quick moment to admire your morning face and hair • childe got ready and went down to the kitchen to start making breakfast and in the process, childe decided to go on his phone and go on tiktok. who wouldn't? tiktok is a VERYY famous platform that almost everyone on this world had so it was a natural habit for childe to go on tiktok. • the first few videos that popped up on childe's fyp was normal, memes, dancing, trending songs and etc. • childe was waiting for the toast to pop up, one hand on the counter while the other scrolling on his phone. • (want to imagine? gotchu, childe was standing near the counter, one hand ON the counter, childe was kind of.. slanting? if u understand what i mean.. anyways. the other hand was used for scrolling, if u was awake, that would've been THE most heavenly sight ever.) • while childe was scrolling through his fyp, he stumbled upon 1 video that caught him off guard. • it was a video of YOU and kaeya, yes, childe knew who kaeya was - who wouldn't? kaeya's a famous and a well known streamer/gamer. • the edit was you and kaeya laughing together while the "camera"(the pov of what childe's seeing) zooms in while there is a heart overlay of you two, childe had to make sure that what he was seeing WAS what he saw. he checked the comments just to make sure and to his HORROR - the comments were all agreeing and shipping kaeya x you. • childe took a second(more like minutes) to comprehend what he had just saw, was this satire? meant to make him jealous and then make him react to this video on yt and or on stream? just for fun? • now this really had an impact on childe, you looked really happy with kaeya and now he's really thinking about it :( • you're probably better off with kaeya. • (childe nooo, :( Y/N GIVE HIM SOME LOVE AND REASSURANCE NOW.) • childe literally sets his phone down and before he does that he makes sure he presses the "not interested" button cuz he doesn't want to see that shit video ever again. • sighs and rubs his head, that video rlly got him thinking, before he knows it the toast had already popped up and normally childe would've heard it but the video must've rlly gotten childe lost in his thoughts. • anyways.. • he straightens his back and grabs the toast, it was warm so it must've been there for a few minutes - childe grabbed the toast and put paste on it, a few seconds later he put the toast on the most extravagant plate you've ever seen and along with WARM(not hot, not cold, just warm, that way you like it) coffee. • if u dont like coffee just pretend it's like orange juice or ur fav drink ^^ • now somehow you're still asleep and you dont wake up, that is until childe walks into the room and sees you still sleeping. childe's heart literally skips a beat and cries. • you're in his bed?!? the blanket covering part of your body while your leg sticking out of the blanket, and your morning hair.. oh lord. • sure you might think that it's unattractive but, you? everything about you was attractive. even if you woke up with morning head, even if you had bad fashion sense(childe's here to help), you are ALWAYS attractive to childe. • you could be wearing the most ugliest and disgusting garment
on and everyone could be staring at you in disgust and giving you the "what are they wearing.." but childe? you can literally see the way hearts form in his eyes. • if you wear perfume(IF U DO.) childe can literally be seen floating in the air when he smells you. do you understand? you got this man wrapped around ur finger. anyways moving back.. • childe moves closer to you and makes sure to not wake you up and to NOT spill the drink along with the whole entire dish that he had prepared for you. • childe nudges you softly which causes you to whine and grumble "SO CUTE" childe thought(god damn, what have u done to this man.) • you gradually wake up and when you open your eyes, god. you could've sworn you've seen an angel. • after restoring your eyesight you realize that childe had prepared you breakfast and your heart literally went into a frenzy. • "here's your breakfast sweetie" "you're so sweet childe.. but, what time did you wake up at? it's... 6 am.." "... anyways, here's your breakfast." • you finish eating breakfast and you set aside the dish, childe beside you laying down on his phone, scrolling. • childe forgot about the video as it has been minutes so he didn't think of anything while scrolling through his fyp, you sigh when taking your last sip. • "so childe, what did you do while i was sleeping? either than making me and you breakfast of course" • childe turns his phone off as he wants to make you know that childe is aware and acknowledging your question. • childe turns to look at you and you're already staring right back at him. • "well all i did was go on tiktok and watched some videos, that's pretty much al-" childe pauses as he remembers the video, and now childe is in a horrible mood. • before childe would even finish his sentence, he cut himself off and is now slumping back and slowly moving down, his lower part of his face covered by the blanket as the upper part of his face is still just barely there. • "pretty much what childe?" "never mind it.." ":(" • you can see the way childe is completely out of it, he looked like a sad puppy. • when you ask him again, childe just sighs and complies, he explains about the video and his thoughts and feelings. and god, you felt so bad for him right there :( • you hugged and reassured childe, and you decide to stream with childe just to make him feel more better and more happy and childe happily agrees!! • you two spent nearly the whole evening gaming and reacting to funny yet concerning yt/tiktok videos. • before you two stream childe kind of forces you to hug and give him kisses, but you obviously say yes bc?? who wouldn't. • anyways, childe expects you to say "no" and just leave but nope! you squeeze the living hell out of him but he loves it other way <3 • you give forehead and cheek kisses <3 no actual kisses bc.. u two aren't even together.. what a shame. • childe's red now!! great job comrade • anyways, childe only likes and interacts with ship edits of you and him, anybody else? blocked + reported <3 • not rlly kidding..
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streamer! kaeya x online friend! reader • like everybody else. kaeya is self aware of these edits.. it brings him joy to know that everyone ships u and him <3 • kaeya literally fangirls over them and squeals.. saves and likes the video <3 • also secretly makes an account that is committed to only ship edits of u x kaeya, likes them all, saves them, favourites them and follows the creator - sure this behaviour might be a bit.. creepy to say the least BUT! this is only happening bc he's just so in love with these edits and loves to see u in an edit <3 • now lets set the scene. • you and kaeya are sitting next to each other, you two were facing the camera while occasionally glancing at the tv because you and kaeya were both playing a game, kaeya was interacting with his viewers while you just added some words and notes(basically finishing kaeyas sentences). • you suddenly had the urge to go the toilet, you excused yourself and got up and walked to the bathroom, during this moment - kaeya had paused the game you and him were playing as you forgot to pause the game yourself. • it was getting quite boring without you being there so he decided to tell his viewers to send him videos/edits of him(and or him and you) and oh boy, kaeya got send THOUSANDS. • "woah guys- slow down there.. one at a time, one at a time" - kaeya clicked on the first few videos that were sent to him on discord and of course kaeya complimented them!: "bloxbola: here's the video!! i hope u like it <3 | y/n'slover: i love it, thank you so so much" • and kaeya really means it. • you were taking an awfully long time in the toilet so kaeya decided to go through more, as kaeya got sent many - kaeya somehow landed on this one particular edit. it was an edit of you x childe. • first of all, why did they even send an edit of you x childe?? it was like they wanted to get banned from his server(half joking..), and second of all, WHY was childe looking at you in that type of way? disgusting. • everyone could see the way kaeya's body went stiff and the way his eyes were just glued onto the edit. • "uhhh is kaeya okay?" "y'all, whoever sent that edit.. u broke him LMFAO" • anyways, kaeya forces himself to continue watching the video tho he really doesn't want to watch it. how cruel of that person.. • after watching the video, kaeya looks up at the chat and gives everyone a stern yet constipated look(LMFAO HE LOOKS SO SILLY, JUST IMAGINE THAT) • "... well that was uhm, lovely? but thank you to whoever- ah yes. thank you glubblyblob for sending that beautiful edit." • everyone started to laugh at kaeya in chat as they couldn't take his stupid looking face serious anymore. • kaeya is now disturbed bc why were they laughing?? kaeya is envying childe - why can't he be in childe's position right now?, he wanted to erase childe's existence, kaeya was literally crying on the inside • you at the moment finished ur bathroom break and went back to the living room where you saw kaeya looking absolutely dumbfounded and stupid. kaeya saw your shadow and figure to his side so he turned and saw you and at that moment he got up and ran to you, hugging you. • "Y/n!! i missed you so much.." "kaeya, i was literally taking a shit." "well it's good to know that you're comfortable enough with me that you took a shit in my house, in my bathroom" • you had to waddle over to the camera, everyone witnessing kaeya hugging onto your side and literally pouting at you. • "was running to my side and clinging onto me really necessary?" "yes y/n!! it's necessary" • you sigh and look at the camera, showing everyone that this is what you had to go through and everyone started clipping that moment so that they would show it to the whole world and community, and to also edit it <3 • you settle down(along with kaeya ofc) and just start to rub his back because whatever happened, had to be bad because as you can see.. kaeya clinging onto you and acting like such a cute big baby is really not normal. • the clinging onto you is like part of kaeya's routine, but being all pouty and acting quite.. protective?
now that's not really normal.. • you question everyone on why kaeya's acting like this and everyone just tells you to go onto kaeya's discord and check the user "glubblyblob" and click on the video. • "ah- okay, i found the user.. so i just click on the video right?" "YUP!!!" • you click on the video, it was an edit of you and childe laughing on stream and it looked like a ship edit. you were then hit with the realization. kaeya was jealous over this edit, it had to be. • you chuckle while staring at kaeya, he really did look like the jealous type. • "kaeyaaaaaa?" "hm.. yes y/n love?" "are you jealous?" • ... • "JEALOUS OVER WHAT- DID U GUYS TELL Y/N?? i knew it." • you laugh at kaeya while kaeya profusely blushed and covered his face • you had to shove your face onto a pillow to muffle your laughs and giggles, god, a blushing and flustered kaeya really got you like this.. • the one and only kaeya, the self aware and 'full of himself' kaeya? flustered? what a sight! • kaeya's "mad" at you and the viewers for laughing at him. all of you apologize but you can still tell that they weren't really sorry. • you were still holding your laugh back, and every time you let out a single "hmp-" kaeya just gives u a soft glare <3 • he can never glare at you. • you still explain to kaeya that u and childe were just friends and your words reassured kaeya.. for now. • you give him plenty of love and hugs afterwards <3 • kaeya can still find edits of him clinging onto you like a koala and along with cute overlays and OF COURSE, the music is romantic. • now that's the type of ship edits kaeya likes to see. • "y/n'soneandonlylover liked your video" "y/n'soneandonlylover followed you" "y/n'soneandonlylover commented on your video __" • he's a mad man, for you only <3
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streamer! venti x online friend! reader • VENTI IS HYPERACTIVE. he's like a cool streamer(tho every streamer is cool), he interacts with his fans and meets up w/ them every weekend(sometimes), he lets his followers know where he'll be, at what time and everything else <3 basically a meet and greet. �� he has ALL platforms and posts regularly on tiktok, venti also gives off gen z streamer vibes. • sends a lot of memes to his followers and sometimes replies to his fans on instagram and on discord. • venti goes on tiktok like nearly EVERYDAY, and mostly he just tags you in cute videos <3 sometimes ship edits • so today, is was a nice evening when venti happens to scroll upon a shit edit, this time - it wasn't the ship edits that he enjoyed watching(venti x you) rather it was a kaeya x you edit and venti at first was confused. • was this a ship edit? just a harmless edit that had no meaning behind it? was it a troll edit? this didnt make sense. • everyone knew how close you were with venti, you two even met up! and everyone knew that you were staying at venti's place. • venti furrowed his eyebrows and checked the comments, they were filled with "omg!! they look so cute" "nawww.. ship venti x y/n!!" • venti's heart warmed when reading the second top comment, "nawww.. ship vent x y/n!!" • it made his heart swell <3 venti saved the video(hesitantly) and made his way to you. • venti didn't really understand why he was feeling this way, was he jealous? sad? mad? confused? either way, he was going to show you the video to see what your thoughts were. • "y/n~ i need you to react to this video and i need your opinions or your thoughts on it!!" you turn around to face venti who was nearly out of breath, holding out his phone to you - you grabbed it and pressed "play" • the video played, it was a, what you assumed a shit edit of you x kaeya. it was an edit of a stream that you and kaeya had been on recently. and you and kaeya were JUST friends, no hard feelings and no romantic feelings. • when the video finished you looked at venti who was staring intensely at the video, "well? what do you want me to say?" "what do you think about the video? is it okay? good? bad? dont want it on this platform anymore?" • you answer: "well, the video is okay - plus, me and kaeya dont like each other so it's fineee" • the sentence "me and kaeya dont like each other" seemed to have calmed venti down as his breathing become a bit more slow now rather than him breathing in and out heavily. • "you okay venti?" "yea, yea im fine." venti put on a smile and grabbed his phone, hugging you. he was awfully happy and it was kind of scary but you thought nothing of it. • venti was always happy so you didn't mind his behaviour. after turning his back to you, his smile was still there, why was venti happy?? oh well because you reassured venti that you and kaeya do not like each other and that reassures venti that he still has a chance with you. • venti presses the button "not interested" and continues to smile while humming. the more venti scrolled, the more venti felt sleepy - and so he walked towards where you where and walked in, you turned to his direction while giving him a smile "hey venti, tired?" "mhm..." you allow venti to sleep by your side, your back on the bed frame holding your phone - looking through twitter while venti laid right next to you, hugging onto your side. • your warmth and presence was enough to make him fall asleep peacefully. • you chuckled, running your hands through his hair "you know venti, you're a really bad liar. who knew that you were the type to be jealous?" • you sighed, putting your phone down as you sunk down where you were face to face with venti. • venti was always kind towards you, his presence making you feel at home tho you weren't, his fun and outgoing nature made you gradually fall for him. and your comforting aura comforted venti, your laugh and smile made venti's heart swell. it was obvious to everyone that you liked venti and venti liked you too. • you smiled, hugging venti back as you also fell asleep knowing that
your feelings were reciprocated.
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a/n: is it bad that i kind of added a kind of confession thingy for venti? anyways, someone pls request for streamer! dain or i'll do it myself. i hope u guys enjoy this <3 note: if you would like to be added to the genshin taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind
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sapphirelycoris · 2 years
Hello there, I saw your request box is open. Can I request an imagine where a fem reader as a wife do this trend https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSeTcPEH1/ to ushijima. Like Ushijima is away from home because he had a competition and reader decide to tease him by doing that trend and send the video to him😏💅 ( or send the video as a good luck video, you choose). You can keep it sfw of nsfw I don't mind. Thank you and have a nice day✨
Ship: Wakatoshi Ushijima x fem!reader (she/her)
Warnings: Suggestive, swearing
Author's note: Forgive me for my lack of efficiency. Sending asks to me is like throwing it into a black hole. I'm also really bad at tiktok transitions so I have no idea how these things work. I kept it mostly sfw. I’ll make a part 2 with more nsfw content and him sending a video back 😏.
Sending Ushijima a spicy tiktok of you part II: Ushijima’s response video Sending Ushijima a spice tiktok of you
Well, laying in bed daydreaming about your husband really didn't help with your boredom.
All it did was make it worse
So you opened tiktok and started scrolling. It was more of the same. Whatever your fyp is and some random viral videos
One video in particular caught your eye
A thirst trap tiktok! And your brain started workin.
Well what if I sent something like this to Wakatoshi for a congratulations?
So you watched tutorials on how to get the transition right because god knows those motherfuckers are hard to get right
Since it was for Ushijima's eyes only, you decided to break out the lingerie you were saving for his return
It would give him something to drool over until he finally saw you again
Take after take, you finally managed to get the angle right and the timing just perfect
Had you worn something else, you would've posted it onto your profile because it was just that damn good
10/10 video quality
"And send." You hit the little button that sent the video to Ushijima's phone and waited for him to respond.
You knew that Ushijima never looked at his phone before a game because it messed with his mental state so you waited until after his game was finished (which you watched)
One Video from (Contact Name)
One Message from (Contact Name): Congratulations Wakatoshi! Great game and playing! I sent you a little something as a congratulatory gift ;)
Ushijima had gotten back to his hotel room and finally looked at his texts again
He opened it and hit the video
Needless to say, he was kind of annoyed
because now he had a problem that you couldn’t help fix, even though you were the cause of it.
Ushijima: You look lovely, (Name). May I send you a video taking care of the problem you caused?
(Contact Name): Of course. Make sure sound is on please 😀. You had it off last time and I didn’t appreciate it
Ushijima: My apologies, I’ll make up for it.
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woniehugs · 3 years
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yakap sa dilim ♡
—✧ pairing: jungwon x fem! reader
—✧ genre: fluff
—✧ tagging: @youreverydayzebra @witheeseung @w3bqrl @renjuns-grillfreind @enhafika (permanent taglist is still open! send an ask or a dm if you want to be added)
—✧ warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption, drunk reader
—✧ synopsis: fatigue due to school hits you like a hurricane when someone decides to be with you at the center of it all, in the eye of the hurricane to rest, just this once.
—✧ words: 1,194
—✧ a/n: added a few words and statements in my language because they fit perfectly with the song, no worries i added english translations hehe. had to write something short when this tiktok appeared on my fyp it sounds sm like jungwon omg
reblogs would be very much appreciated! thank you and happy reading, loves 🥺🤍
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“you drank too much.”
a giggle leaves your lips as you gulped down the last drop of soju from your glass that you had poured from the bottle. you wipe out the remains from your mouth with the back of your hand, staring up at jungwon through your lashes. “you told me i should let loose, so i did what you asked!”
jungwon shakes his head, smiling at your statement and the drunken state you were in right now.
about an hour ago, jungwon had visited you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. you two haven’t seen each other for almost a month now since your exams were coming up. of course, you gave him a heads up that you needed to prioritize your studies first and he understood, like the caring and loving boyfriend he is.
he saw you seated in front of your desk, a frustrated look plastered on your features with your fingers digging into your scalp because of frustration. as much as jungwon wanted you to do well in your upcoming finals, what he hated most in the world was seeing you all frustrated like this.
getting drunk was definitely not what jungwon had suggested, yet that was the first thing that popped up into your mind anyway. knowing how stubborn you are, your boyfriend did not even try to stop you from doing it.
now, here you two are, seated on the ground beside your bed, leaning on its side. the only light illuminating in your room was the small lamp on your study desk, your shadows dancing on the walls, and the empty bottle of soju left lying there on the small table you had set up on the floor.
pushing your hair back, you placed the glass you drank from on the small table, resting your head back on the side of the bed as you closed your eyes. “i guess that helped a bit.”
“that only made you even more tired than you already are, i told you, you should’ve slept instead.” jungwon spoke out, bringing one hand out to set it on the side of your face opposite to him, gently pushing your head until you rested on his shoulder.
“i don’t regret it.” you replied, followed by a hiccup. “i haven’t drank in a while.”
the two of you sat there in silence for a few minutes until you finally decided to speak up. “did you miss me, won?”
at this point, jungwon knew the alcohol had sunk in and you were not in the right state of your mind to be talking, yet he still answered.
“so much. i miss you so much, mahal.” love
you nodded, a small smile formed on your face. “that makes me feel so loved. i’m glad you’re here.”
“aren’t you gonna say you miss me too?” jungwon joked.
“sobra,” you managed to choke out, using the remaining energy in you to grap your hand with his, interlocking them and holding his tightly, as if you didn’t want to let go. “sobra, nakakapagod mag-aral minsan pero parang nawala ang pagod ko nang dumating ka.” a lot, a lot, it’s so tiring to study sometimes but it’s like the fatigue disappeared when you came
jungwon hummed at that, letting your words sink into him. he was proud of you, for doing your best at all times, for doing this all for you. you were a strong girl, his strong girl, and nothing makes him happier at this moment than you staying right beside him.
“let me take you to bed, okay?” he whispers in your ear, carefully picking you up from the ground. one arm hooked behind your knees and the other held you gently at your back. you let out a soft groan when you feel your head make contact with the pillows and your body rest on your mattress.
you feel the cold air from your air conditioner, shivering in response when you feel a blanket cover you almost entirely. you hug the blanket closer to you and rest on your side, letting out a sigh of content.
despite your eyes being closed shut, you could feel jungwon’s gaze stay on you. his hand reaches out to tuck the strands of hair that were covering your face behind your ear, admiring you up this close. you were so beautiful, he could stare at you forever.
jungwon plants a kiss on your forehead and then another on the tip of your nose. “goodnight, mahal. sleep tight.” he whispers.
when he was about to turn away and leave you to rest, you grabbed onto his arm, stopping him from doing so. jungwon’s eyes widen and he turns to look at you, your eyes still shut.
“please don’t leave.” you whimper out, “stay with me, just for tonight, it’s been so long. i-i don’t think i can sleep well without you beside me.”
butterflies fluttered around in your boyfriend’s stomach, like they were having a party. you waited for his response when he suddenly unlatched your hand from his arm.
disappointed, you were about to plead again when all you could see was pure darkness. jungwon had turned off your lamp and walked right back to you on your bed.
you feel weight beside you as your boyfriend lied down next to you on your bed. letting out a sigh of relief, you smile at his actions.
jungwon laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling. poking him with one finger, he turned his head to you. “hm? is something wrong?”
“aren’t you feeling cold? we can share this blanket you know.” you told him, finally opening your eyes to look at him. even though it was dark and the only lights open were from the buildings outside your window, you could still see his handsome and pretty face perfectly.
he shakes his head, now fully turning to you. the two of you stared at each other for a while before jungwon looked away, turning pink at how beautiful you look in front of him right now. “s-sorry..”
you laugh, shifting on your bed and wrapping an arm around his waist. jungwon gasps at this as you rest your had beside his chest. you sniff his scent when your nose hits his shirt, he smelled so good.
“if you’re not cold, then i want cuddles. i’ve missed you so and you owe me them right now.”
jungwon laughs at that, hesitating before wrapping an arm around your waist. “i-is this okay?”
you hum in response, smiling when he places a hand on top of your head and patted on it a few times.
minutes later, you had finally fallen asleep, only your steady breathing could be heard. jungwon looks at you one last time before whispering in your ear.
“pahinga ka muna, mahal. nandito lang ako para sa’yo, palagi.” just rest well, love. i’m here for you, always.
“i’ll be your haven, forget your problems just for now, when i’m with you.”
and there you two are, sleeping in each other’s arms, basking in each other’s warmth.
magkayakap sa dilim. hugging in the darkness.
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©2022 ©woniehugs
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