#thanks as always
shopwitchvamp · 2 months
February Preorder Status Update:
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tr-angyo · 2 months
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tariah23 · 5 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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Is this anything
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spearxwind · 7 months
I think it's sad that most people always think of bottlenoses as the "classic dolphin" since its the one that's always used for shows, and always think of dolphins as just straight grey when in reality there's so many varieties with so many different amazing patterns
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Look at the common dolphin! They have a gorgeous X pattern and even some dull yellow/gold!!
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Hourglass dolphins have gorgeous white streaks
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Spinner dolphins have really pretty banding as well, AND they have a really sleek cute silhouette!
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The atlantic spotted dolphin!!! Theyre spotted!!!!!!
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and the pantropical spotted too!!
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Dusky dolphins have a gorgeous airbrush look going on like straight out of a 2000s fantasy illustration
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Striped dolphins sure have stripes!! How cool!!
And these I've shown you aren't even all of them at all, there are so many of them:
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There's so so so many different types of dolphins people dont know about this isnt even all of them and some are SO gorgeous and underrated because people just dont know they exist so I'm here to fix that
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pedro-pascal · 1 year
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a message from Rahul Kohli 
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ash-and-starlight · 7 months
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humble contribution
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ink-the-artist · 1 month
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nerdpoe · 1 month
Danny is at a Ghost Hunting Convention in Gotham with his parents. He hates his past self for thinking that going to Gotham was a good idea.
He's in a tank, full of water, with a curtain draped over it as the Joker waxes poetic about how Batman is too late and blah, blah, blah.
Danny has bigger problems than Batman's pissing contest with Joker.
His parents are on the outside of the water tank he's been stuck in for the last twenty minutes. As a Halfa, he just stopped breathing, no big deal.
But they don't know he can do that.
He needs to do something so that they don't think he's a ghost, and going intangible is out because, obviously, that would make him a ghost.
...Hadn't Clockwork said that his status as a Halfa made him...flexible? On what he looked like?
That meant shapechanging, like Amorpho.
It would be really, really hard to explain, but also, better than being mistaken for a ghost.
He squeezes his eyes shut, hopes he doesn't come out of this looking like a horrifying version of clayface, forces himself to change.
The skin on his neck ripples, his legs fuse like when he's in his ghost form, and the sensation is so strange he gasps...and he can breathe.
The curtain is still over the tank of water.
Danny is glowing.
There are freckles that are glowing a soft green that dot his arms and...tail.
He's a mermaid. Merman.
Maybe he can say it was a recessive gene?
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impeccablebackside · 9 months
Thinking about jellylorum. Any thoughts?
Thanks for reaching out anon.
I will be honest, I do not have any new thoughts floating around. I rarely think about her outside of having to answer my posts. Not that there is anything wrong with her at all. Stage Jelly is not really my thing, but I am happy to hear that she is in your mind. I could never possibly judge (not that I am judging to clarify) what someone else is into, as she does have it going on. Beauty and lust is subjective, and that is one of the most wonderful things in life.
Anyway I know this is not helpful to you, but if you are looking for (stage) Jelly thoughts, please read through the various posts over the past 2 and half years. Otherwise, Jellys that most recently capture me are the ones typically casted with younger actors (I know, I know - a lot of issues with that thinking). Not because she has to be young, more from the fact that they would give her the body and subjectively youthful energy she deserves (not that an older actor could not do that exact same thing - they 100% could). Either way, Talia from Cast 13 of the RCCL cast is one of the hottest Jellys I have seen.
I admit that I think about 2019 Jelly way more than her much more prevalent stage counterpart, as if that is not immediately obvious based from my more passionate musings about her. The thoughts will always be of her on all fours with her tail raised, presenting and ready. Me absolutely burying my face into her backside, and feeling the fur on my face while I eat her out is one of my biggest dreams. Has been a dream for a long time at that too. She is so freaking hot, and my god would it be amazing.
Let me know what you are thinking about Jelly if you comfortable with sharing anon. I love hearing new ideas from the perspectives of others.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 13 days
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summer of junior year 06/11
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tariah23 · 2 months
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[Image description: Tweet by Marcelo [unicorn emoi] [rainbow flag emoji] [verified] @ CzardoFogo from 18 April 2024 that says, ‘Yeap.’ Attached is an edited political cartoon with two panels showing an anime girl lying on a mat with the covers drawn up to her chin. She has a contented look on her face. Thought bubbles coming out of her head in the panels show the US and Israeli flags on fire. This is a response to a Tweet by Arsen Ostrovsky [yellow ribbon emoji] [verified] @ Ostrov_A that says, ‘If you are anti-Israel, you are anti-American.’ \End description]
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crowkip · 13 days
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baejax-the-great · 14 days
For clarity, example:
Author: Hey, here's an update for [Fic 1]! Hope you like it =)
Commenter: When are you going to update [Fic 2]?
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u3pxx · 5 months
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EDIT: CLOSED NOW! thank you everyone
will be closing on JAN 29, 9 AM PHT/JAN 28, 5 PM PST
thank you so much to those who donated! i wasn't expecting to have a considerable backlog from just the 3 days since i've posted this, that's why i mentioned before that i'll be leaving this up for a week. still, i'm afraid i'll have to cut this short since i've lots more drawings to do and i unfortunately have college to juggle at the same time.
i am extremely thankful for all the generous people who have emailed me about donating! i'll be closing this at 9 am tomorrow (my time) since, again, busy. so if you've been thinking about donating and getting a doodle from me, there's a little bit of time left!
hello there! i’ll be doing character doodles for donations (donations done after i post this) for gaza!
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what will these doodles look like?
the characters will be drawn from the shoulders up! the higher the donation, the more polish that doodle’s gonna get!
what do you need to do for a doodle?
you could either:
donate e-sims to palestine (starting from sims priced 14+ usd). the post linked includes tutorials, relevant links, and discount codes you can find in the replies. instructions can be also found on https://gazaesims.com/ (you can donate another/more sims for an extra doodle or more polish, you decide)
donate 14+ usd to care for gaza. you can donate to them via paypal over here
or donate 14+ usd to palestine children's relief fund
afterward, take a screenshot that you’ve successfully donated to any of the ones mentioned above and send the proof of donation to [email protected] as well as:
the amount you've spent/donated in usd
the name/reference pictures of the character you want me to doodle (ocs included!)
now, please note that my work is for personal use only, not for commercial use/profit/merch/ai training/nfts. you can use it on icons, headers, etc. but please credit me and do not crop/edit out my signature.
i'll end up being a lot busier in the following weeks so this will be available for a limited time, i'll announce it here once i close this. thank you so much, free palestine!
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foolsocracy · 3 months
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gotta add another noir variant to the gang
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