#thanks for helping me procastinate tumblr
ultzineo · 8 months
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As Karina from drawfee would say, Meow Meow
Some people talk about cat girls, but i made cat LADY, of course, she's very much not a murderer, and definnetly not the party's barbarian/rogue multiclass
She wasn't even originally a cat, I just thought had the vibe that cat ears would be fun, and before I knew it she has the vibe of a slightly crusty old house cat, and I love it
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iren-n-ire · 10 months
Astrology Observation 13
🚩 Take note that I'm not a professional astrologer, I just share what I experienced (or observed).
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Neptune in third house has a daydreaming habit
Pisces in the 4th house daydreams in their home and if you're Neptune is the same as started above, it takes it to the next level😂 which means that you often daydream not just your house but anywhere in anytime. These natives have a tendency to procastinate because they're always in their own universe crated by their curious and innovative minds.
If Neptune is in your third house and Pisces is in your fifth house, it really helps you when you're an artist because it brings great ideas to your artwork. In addition, they put their fantasies or dreams into a masterpiece (a song, sketch, et.al) ✨
Scorpio in the 12th house can have bad dreams depending on its ruler. One example would be is a pluto in the first house shows that the dream may have themes revolving around themselves. Since the 12th house is related to the subconscious, Scorpio seeks the secret/s behind the dream. They're the type to search a bunch of word, symbols, phrase, or sentences in the internet to find the meanings.
Workaholics or career-oriented people have placement/s (especially two or more) in the tenth house. Personal planets staying in the tenth house makes it more prominent and you can't stop them from their achieving their goals.
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Facebook Pages: IREN & IRE
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Twitter: iren_n_ire
Tiktok: iren_n_ire
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YouTube: iren_n_ire
❤ Thank you! See you on my next post! ❤
💋 Be you, Do you, You are You! 💋
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xpc-web-dev · 1 year
No, you are not alone. I also start things, give up, procrastinate, live the future and not the present and complain about my life not moving forward while I spend time looking at other people's lives.
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Hello everyone, how are you?
I hope well.
I was thinking of giving up this tumblr and just as I started everything from scratch to study programming (github, linkedin, notion and I even created another google account) start a new tumblr.
I even commented briefly a few weeks ago with @lostlibrariangirl who supported me to just continue on this one and see my evolution. And today I was thinking that this could be cool not only for me, but for other dropouts, who are frustrated that they think they'll never get to where they want to go and et cetera.
If you've been following me since the beginning of this year, you've already seen that I never completed any course and I assume that I gave up on the most difficult parts, besides the constant anxiety of getting a job in technology and thinking that I would never get it and that made me procrastinate, suffer and not live the present studying.
I gave up on one of the scholarships I got and now I'm catching up on the delay (it's until the 7/30th)
Nowadays my mental health has improved a lot, thanks to my elders.
And also thanks to them I understood that I was going around in circles, being lazy, not trying 100%, being stubborn in a stupid way (for me stubbornness is a quality, if you know how to use it) and spending too much time on other people's lives and not mine.
Also, today it's easier for me not to feel so much anxiety because I no longer have the goal of getting a job registered as a dev this year, so I'm starting to learn from scratch EVERYTHING AGAIN only this time better and really trying hard.
In my case I wasn't doing my best, trying hard and that's why I fell so many times. I don't like the word failure/failure, as I learned from an older, mistake it's study/learning and not failure.
Now in May, for example, I started studying Linux from scratch (my system that I'm confused to understand), git and github. I was all this time without really understanding these 3 tools, just doing it without understanding / in a lazy way and that didn't give me confidence.
And I don't think we need to memorize it, but it's nice to understand and practice.
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This print from above is me studying after writing and repeating to myself that I WILL ONLY START a new cycle after ending the old one.
And I hope to share this journey here.
I have a lot to study, whether in back-end or front-end, but I'm not in a hurry and that's why I'm progressing.
So if you're reading this far and you're going through the same thing I was, I wanted to give you some unsolicited advice.
Spend your energy, do physical exercises. Because anxiety can only be resolved with a psychiatrist, but exercises help.
Understand why you procastine, what is making you feel frustrated or afraid? Did you find out? How can you solve this?
If you don't finish something to start another and it HURTS you (if it doesn't hurt, that's fine), try to understand why you give up? Where is making you insecure / afraid? And after you understand this, strive to finish everything you start (I know it's hard, but we need this)
Get off social media for a bit. For me tumblr is what I spend the least time on, but it's very easy to lose hours on instagram and tiktok.
And guess what, that time we spend doesn't come back and unless you work with these networks that ALSO won't give you any money / jobs.
So, if possible, start to regulate your period in these environments. At first it's difficult because your brain is addicted, but after a while it works out and your version of the future (if you invest that time studying and working) will thank you.
I wish you all to be well and not sabotage yourself to achieve your goals.
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bokubffs · 3 years
@madeofsaltiness :😊 could I please get a matchup with bnha and haikyuu? Preferably with a male pls. Pronouns she/her. I am 5’4, an ambivert and a Latina. I have pale skin, mid-length brown wavy hair with bangs, and hazel eyes. I am described as someone who comes off as cold or aloof when I’m around people I don’t know. After getting to know me, I am the complete opposite. I’m just a bit shy at first lol. My friends have told me that I give good advice but like to joke about my stubbornness. I like to make people laugh and try to make the best of any situation. However I have a hard time expressing my emotions. I’m also described as easy going and fun to be around. I love animals especially dogs. I am a hip hop dancer and love to perform. Enjoy reading and playing video games. I love music especially hip hop, rap, & reggaeton. I also love to write music/poetry. I never show anybody though since I’m really shy about it. I really like drawing and painting. I can be playful and love to tease my friends. I also really like to eat and travel. I am a bit of a homebody but I enjoy hiking. I really enjoy having deep conversations. I can’t stand people who bully others and people who are fake. I like to be honest and helpful in any way I can. My style is usually anything comfy/casual and I don’t really like wearing skirts or dresses. I speak English and Spanish (learning Japanese & Portuguese). I would love to learn ASL one day as well. I enjoy watching crime investigations. I don’t really any fears, just not being able to accomplish my goals/dreams. I tend to daydream a lot and I’m also a big procrastinator 😭. I would say my love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. I’m usually really cold towards the person I like lol. I tend to be a bit jealous/possessive in a relationship, not in an unhealthy way though. Just wouldn’t match with someone who is very flirty with other people lol. What I look for in a partner is someone that is selfless, mature and has depth to them. Also if they are really accepting because I’ve never had that growing up. Thank you so much!! 💘💘💘
Hi really sorry this took a while tumblr is still being wierd!
For haikyuu I ship you with: Kuroo
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For your prefrence he hits most points
Although he can be a bit immature sometimes
If you two are studying and you begin to try to procastinate he'll try and get you back to focus and even help (my boy is very smart)
He understands the jealousy/possesiveness and he sometimes also feels that
If you say anything in a foreign language he doesn't understand he'll just assume it's a compliment and melt even if it isn't a compliment
He likes to watch you daydream (kenma says its creepy but he doesn't mean it that way)
For Bnha I ship you with: juzo
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This boy also hits all the marks
He will try and learn spanish so you two can talk without everyone listening in
If you play music he'll try and dance with you (if you're willing)
He comes to you for advice
If he finds out you write poems and music he'll want to see them
But if you dom't want him to see he won't push you too
He loves your love languages and returns them as much as he can
Maybe buys you a puppy
He's very flexible and just go along with most things you do
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bellesnotes · 5 years
how to start being productive (failing 101 - part 2)
Hello everyone! I’m back! I have been really focusing on my studies and didn’t have time for Tumblr, but it feels good to be back.
If you have read my last post, you probably got here looking for answers on how to keep going after a big setback. If you haven’t, let me link you to it and I’ll see you later when you’ve had read it. 
So, you’ve failed an exam. Maybe you’ve failed a couple of them. Maybe you’re failing a class. It’s not the end of the world. Compose yourself, remind yourself of your worthiness, and let’s dive into productiveness with a possitive approach.
Change your mindset: whether you have failed this specific subject on your first semester and are now entering the second, or you need to take an exam to try and save a class - start with the right mindset. Remind yourself that you are NOT your mistakes, your past is your past (and, therefore, your past self who has failed is not you anymore). You have been given a chance of starting again and redeeming yourself, don’t blow it off by doubting yourself or loosing your confidence. You are capable of great things. You did not come this far only to come this far.
Start fresh: if you are entering a new semester and your failed exam is behind you, start anew. Buy new supplies, take your old notes that are laying in sight - judging your past mistakes - away and stack them in a drawer (or throw them away if you won’t need them in the future). If you have new classes, start them with a positive mindset: you will not only think that you can pass them, you actually will!
Track everything down: whether you are more into planners, good ���ol post-it notes, whiteboards or just phone apps - it is important that you keep track of everything. I, myself, use a combination of methods - I have this app on my phone where I track everything as soon as I get told (assignments and homework, essentially), while I also like to print (or make) a couple of calendars to track exams and asignments down so I will be able to see it on a month’s glance. I found tracking everything down helps you be mindful of everything you have to do so you can get more productive, which immediately leads me to the next point.
Start early: if you are a serial procastinator, this will take more work - but you will get there! As soon as you are informed of your tasks (and you have tracked them down somewhere, so you can see how much time you actually have on your hands) start doing something. You can start on the task (if you find it easy or really dislike it, so you can totally forget about it afterwards), you can plan what you’re going to do or you can divide it into segments so you’ll have enough time to do it (i.e.: if your asignment is due in a week, you can divide the total work in 5/6 days and save the last one for revision).
Don’t be afraid to ask for help: this is a point I, personally, have struggled a lot with throughout my entire school years. Sometimes we are mocked for asking when we’re kids, or we see it happen to other people and it is common for us to associate having doubts and trouble understading certain topics with being dumb and that is NOT the case. We are in school to learn and in college I have found professors find it very helpful if you ask them questions, they appreciate them as it gives them feedback. So if you’re struggling, don’t be afraid to ask, whether you’re confident enough to ask infront of the class or prefer to email teachers of talk to them privately in their office hours.
As a bonus, I am adding a quote that I like to think of to become my most productive self: “Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo” - Jon Sinclaire.
Thank you so much for reading! As always, if you have any doubts do not hesitate to contact me - whether you need help with one of these steps, advice of how to tackle a certain subject or need to talk about school stress (a gal has been through ALL of it). I will keep on uploading posts that I hope are helpful for all of you. 
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aspoonofsugar · 4 years
I’ve asked Hamliet this, but I also want to know what your favorite Bungou Stray Dogs moments are. And I don’t think I’ve ever asked you which BSD characters and relationships you find the most interesting—BSD Chat Anon (I have got to use this signature more consistently or just stop procrastinating on making a tumblr account)
Hello anon!
I totally feel the sense of procastination on making an account :’‘). It was the same for me as well, so take your time!
As far as my favourite BSD moments go, here is a list, in no particular order.
1) Dazai and Chuuya vs Lovecraft.
I love their relationship and I was excited to see them work together despite their animosity.
2) Yosano’s past.
I think Yosano’s background is a great story in itself. It gives Yosano a complete arc and it perfectly shows how she became who she is today. It is very tragic, but thematically perfect and very interesting.
3) Atsushi vs Lucy.
I love Lucy’s power and I find her battle with Atsushi extremely interesting and rich thematically. There is also the fact that Mori is properly introduced and that his introduction is a great one!
Talking of Lucy I also like her second meeting with Atsushi as well. I like that she is able to grow and how she is able to selflessly help him. Atsushi’s fall and him being able to accept the tiger within himself is another of my favourite moments (4).
5) Fyodor’s introduction.
It is another example of a story within the story (like Yosano’s past) which is great! I love how Fyodor is able to play Ace and the ending is very sad.
6) Ranpo vs Poe.
I love Poe’s power and the fact that Ranpo solved the mystery by overcoming his own flaw was perfectly executed.
7) Mushitaro’s arc.
I love Mushitaro with all my heart and his arc is an arc of overcoming grief which resonates deeply with me. The way he accepted to become a murderer for his friend’s sake is tragic and how he is facing his grief thanks to literature is very poignant.
8) Atsushi and Akutagawa vs Fitzgerald.
I liked how their alliance was born and how they called each other out.
9) Kyoka discovering the truth behind her parents’ death and Demon Snow.
A very beautiful and symbolic moment.
As far as my favourite characters go I have answered an ask about them here.
Since they are favorites I mostly enjoy their relationships. That said, if I have to mention some dynamics I find interesting I would say Chuuya and Dazai’s relationship, Atsushi, Akutagawa and Dazai’s dynamic, Mori’s relationships with others (including Fukuzawa, Dazai and the other madia members), Lucy’s friendship with Atsushi, Yosano and Ranpo’s friendship and Tachihara’s relationship with the mafia.
Thank you for the ask!
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damian-lil-babybat · 6 years
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Yay everyone! We’ve finished the first series of our beloved duo!
Just a few of my insights that I want to expand:
The whole Super Sons’ run did felt like it revolves around Robin. Damian, after all, is the main instigator to make sure that they accomplish their missions. However, all the moral and development of their adventures centered on Superboy. Jon is the one pushing for the mission to end on a good tone, so both of them could go HOME.
This is important, for both of them, since the two had been looking for a place to belong. With Damian, it is finding his identity on the world outside the mask; and for Jon, it is finding his calling to the world of capes. Which in retrospect, being dominated by their respective fathers (Bruce Wayne dominates the modern world to a tee, while Superman is the go-to standard bearer of the supers and metas).
Another is how Jon brings out the fun and wonder of their mis/adventures. The positive to Damian’s negative. But when all things considered, every time something goes south and haywire, Damian could look Jon in the eye and say that everything is fine, with all the conviction in the world, since they are better. Robin is so obnoxiously confident to the point that Jon has absolute trust in him.
Jon might be the cheerful kid, but when he has doubts, he always finds his way to Damian.
So this bromance is canon and valid. Fite me.
Their relationship is warm and wholesome, that it soothes my grudge for DC’s stripping a huge bulk of history to my favorite characters and even erasing a lot of their legacy and legacy characters.
With Super Sons ending, here is the list of comics that I am excited about, to fill the void that is Super Sons until August:
Detective Comics, Justice League: No Justice, and  Flash Wars, [Heavy spoilers ahead)]
Detective Comics (2016) 
At first, Batman’s story is confusing since the first story has new people as protagonists that I don’t care about when I started (Gotham and Gotham Girl) so I was procastinating with Detective Comics. But wait for the ending. Just wait. I’m crying. The Batgirls together, Cass being ‘there’, Timbo being okay-ish which is more than I can ask for, and seeing Batwoman having a steadier stand in the Bats.
But more importantly, is this! 
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Also please give me a moment for Tim. Let me just say that Rebirth is a tragedy to Tim. He was killed, imprisoned, his partner and mentor died (Bruce), his Robin title taken, his team gone, his best friends wiped off existence (Conner and Bart), and with his direction leading to a future-Tim straight out of his worst fears…his happiness is well deserved.
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Justice League: No Justice (2017)
Wow, just wow. It comes after DC Metal but you don’t need to know what craziness happened there before you could read this series. All you have to know is something bad happened, which led to something worse, and spiraled into the below negatives pronto. There is just overload of the cast of heroes and villains, but even so, the narrative helps me get into their character without burdening the plot. You just need to read that very small print but overall…this is exciting! I think there are three authors here, but nevertheless, it works (maybe because they check each other that during the writing process that it just flows right into action).
I feel bad because I can’t help gleefully getting hyped every time an astronomical turn of events ruins our heroes’ chances…let’s name it Amanda-Waller-should-die-in-a-ditch…but it’s just so dire and the consequences just piles and piles into a mountain-load of odds against them. And it’s just soooo awesome. Because I know they will succeed and I will be there pining for my heroes when they saved the universe again. This tension is the thing Super Sons lacks…but SS is targetted to kids so it’s okay, I guess. And it has Damian, so yey!
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Flash Wars (Flash 2016 Annual, Flash (2016) #39-45) 
Okay. This one needs a lot of personal rants. I mean really. You know how Rebirth has been silent on all the lost history and bulk of the legacy characters being gone out of smoke? With all the DC current line up being self-aware that there are missing pieces…but no one is willing to address it because they forgot? I get it, like how are you going to fix something you don’t even know existed? And every time these inconsistencies came up, I have my heart in my throat, being reminded of that one giant hole of absence and emptiness it represented. 
Remember that one time in Super Sons of Tomorrow when Clark can’t remember Superman-Conner? Or that time Bat-Tim asked Red Robin to apologize for him to Conner but Tim can’t remember? (I know it’s mostly Conner, but I’m biased here, ‘kay? K)
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And this is where Wally comes in. He shouldn’t exist. (Flash: Rebirth Annual)
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This is so precious because it’s possible for them to be back! And I somehow projected all my grudges towards DC to him, because he can do it. The kids are gone! The kids! All the families have lost their loved ones and they can’t even grieve because they don’t know what was taken from them! But Wally knows. He felt it. It’s really painful to watch him break down. 
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He is confused and in pain, and he just wants everything he had fought from the very beginning to be back. Like fudge it! Barry placating him also makes sense since he’s been there in Flashpoint, and JLA has a long list of bad records of changing the present as a bad idea that never ended well for anyone (exhibit a, Booster Gold in Batman #45-47).
But I don’t want Wally to be placated…because, he’s me. I want him so much to be the exception. To succeed. You know its a screw-up but the results may as well be worth everything in the world.
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I realized a pattern to what I like in DC. Give me any story about DC family fighting for and helping each other, and I’m sold. A lot of people are daunted by the massive archive of history of DC Universe, but if you take away their history, you take away their story. And I am here to stay for the story. 
I know that the comic industry is hitting a big market slump from the sales. But let’s support this industry. Because I just want my heroes to have a home. TT v TT
After two years of Super Sons I would like to say thank you. Being in tumblr makes me feel less lonely. The likes and the notes and messages are something that made happy and helped me to become productive.
My country does not have much of a market for American comics. And I already gave up on having legit copies due to financial reasons. I don’t know if I could maintain the blog once classes start, but here’s hoping for the best. “ ^ ” )/
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coolmyfireyearning · 2 years
Long time
Wow it’s been a while... a long time i haven’t reblogged anything. what? since junior high school i think? wow things have changed a lot. people tend to go to that idea-pinned-website-platform and tumblr just fading. and now im back because i feel like i need some space where nobody would see my post so i can rant as much as i want about life (in a long post) and instagram nth account is just too much for me, even tho i already have some. 
damn... i used to reblog kpop a lot but now i am not into it anymore. i was a lonely desperate teenager back then thinking i am not worhty of anything in this world and tumblr really validated everything i felt (lol aren’t we all). it was all ten years ago. and now, i am 24 years old. geeezz i am an adult. lol, am i? 
i’ve been thru a lot of stages and discovered every side of myself in these past 10 years and it has been a journey, really. and of course i still have a lot left. wow... life is just... tough. even though my God has always make it easy for me and actually we are all aware that i am not a really messed up person and my life isn’t really a drama at all, but still it is. ah wait, these past 2 years during covid has been a rollercoaster for me. and it has a looot of drama. but I thank Allah for always be there and never leave me alone. I have great people in my life, and my timing is always been so perfect. The gratefulness and being tawakkul is really the joy of believing in God. I really am grateful that I am a religious person (even tho I am still far away from perfect). But I know that Allah loves me.
Geez, my period this month has ended but why am i gloomy this past months? I just don’t know what to do?
I am so grateful that i’ve reached my dream as a graphic designer. and now... what? what should i do now? i need to do something to increase my value, my skill, and my income (duh, of course!).
i was thinking about going back to baking but i think i don’t really have that much time exploring recipes and selling it.
i was thinking about starting a clothing line and it actually kinda excites me but well hmm... the costs... why don’t we start creating some designs? okay let’s try. damn i just love fashion actually.
i was thinking about continuing my freelance photographer... hm. I could use shutterstock/adobe stock and post my photos or video there huh? and then create my portfolio which i have been procastinate since i don’t know.
i was also thinking about being a freelance graphic designer but it’s just too tiringggg. i will be burnout.
BUT few things for sure is i really have to upgrade my illustration skills. i think it must helps every side of my art and design and it would make it easier for me to selling my things.
You know what... im writing this to just visualize my thoughts that has been so tangled i don’t know what to do. geez i need this conversation and encouragement from my partnert which i don’t have yet. 
Ok, then see you at the next post!
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d3an · 6 years
i got tagged everyone
by @shaboom-goes-the-canon thanks for that, love
nickname: nika, anny, mom
gender: female
star sign: scorpio
height: 5’4
sexuality: boy I would like to know too
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
fave animal: some bird or cat who knows
fave colour: I’m realising that I don’t know anything about myself
current favourite song: make me wanna die - the pretty reckless
favourite thing to get creative: idk im kinda digging digital art rn
what I like to do when I’m alone: cry, procastinate
what I think of my friends: my rl friends are really trying but in reality I dont talk about my problems and that’s why they can’t help me / my pirate friends are awesome thanks for not dumping me bc of my moodiness
average hours of sleep: maybe 8- sometimes 10, sometimes 3
cats or dogs: cats
dream job: a not starving artist
dream trip: to a place where im not temped to answer every question with something edgy and wanna-be-depressed
when I made my account: either late 2016 or early 2017
why I made my account: because of a youtuber I used to adore (I still like her a lot) that has tumblr
number of followers: 60 I guess?
tagging: just everyone please and tag me when you do it because I like to learn about people
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whereisthefood123 · 6 years
Writer Questions
Tagged by @theolddarkmachine and @nocturna131 thank you for the tag sweeties! I swear I’m not procastinating at work but if you want to send asks or distract me from my responsibilities I’m not going to complain lol
1) How many works in progress do you currently have?
Not counting the ones I just have the main idea or the outline? 14 works in progress that go from having just one paragraph already written up to 28 single-spacing-pages (and the 28-pages fic won’t be coming to light any time soon since there is so much editing to do!). Including outline or main idea: 32 (but some are very old, so I’ll probably just drop them but I still have them in a gdocs just in case). These include at least 6 multi-chapter fics that I haven’t been brave enough to finish or publish lol.
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
Yeap! I love writing fanfiction! I would have started years ago if I knew it was a thing lol. When I was a kid and got obsessed with a show or a movie, I tended to create all this alternative follow ups or side stories and I just enjoyed replaying them in my mind until I found something else to get myself busy with. So I don’t think I’ll stop writing fanfiction for a while. I might try to write an original story but not in the near future.
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
I’ll go with ebooks. I love the feeling and smell of paper books but for some odd reason, whenever I buy a new book I just store it away in my bookshelf and never open it lol kinda like I’m just hoarding books but never reading them xD Then I would look for the electronic version of it and read it in my phone or my computer lol. So, in a way I prefer both but I just read ebooks.
4) When did you start writing?
When I was 10 I used to write songs with a childhood friend (they were super silly cheesy friendship songs and we found the lyrics’ notebook like 8 years later and cringed and throw the notebook to the trash lol). Then, when I was 13 I wrote a small original story for a school contest and won two tickets for a concert. After that, I only wrote school related essays (engineering and environmental essays for the most part). A year ago I discovered fanfiction.net and I started writing my own fics for Cyborg 009 fandom and then for Fairy Tail fandom.
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
I’ve shared my work with some of my tumblr friends when I’m doubting about triggers or I’m not too sure about my writing. But I don’t do this too often. I’m super insecure about my work and too proud to ask for help (lol worst combination ever) so if I’ve ever shared my work with you before posting it, it’s because I trust you so so much that I’m able to swallow my pride and my fears (if I haven’t shared it with you it has nothing to do with you but with my personal issues lol). I just tend to reread my work over and over and over again until I feel enough confidence in it to make it public. Honestly, that’s why I have so many WIPs. Some of them are practically finished stories but I didn’t feel that confidence in them so I just stored them away. 
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
I always get the best inspiration at work. Like, when I have a shit ton of reports to do, that’s when I feel the words flowing and the story taking shape real nicely that I just have to write everything down. Though I’m in dire need to change my writing environment at home. I can’t seem to focus any more in my room, so I might move to another place in my house or rearrange some things in my room to feel a different vibe. I might follow through @theolddarkmachine advice and start taking a notebook and a pen and write somewhere outside for a change. 
7) Favorite childhood book?
Honestly? I was never one to like books too much. I read some when I was a kid but I prefered watching tv or going outside. But I do remember one that I liked very much called “The Knight in Rusty Armor” and I think I still have it somewhere around my house. “Looking for Alaska” is another one I liked a lot that I read a bit older (though it had the fate described in question 3 lol).
8) Writing for fun or publication?
For fun definitely. I don’t think my writing is publishing material. Though if I ever get to the point where I deem my work good enough, I’d like to publish something I enjoyed writing.
9) Pen and paper or computer?
As of now, computer. But I’ll get my hands back to pen and paper to get my inspiration going! Though my handwriting is so awful that sometimes even I don’t understand what I wrote down (this was a big issue back in college when I wanted to study from my notes lol)
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
*nervous laughter* I haven’t haha. I took the normal classes in college on how to write a research paper and how to use references and that sort of things (both in english and spanish) but I never took any class on creative writing or something similar. I had the chance to take a creative writing class in college but I chose another class instead thinking I would fail creative writing lol. If I’d known it would be this fun I would have taken it haha. It probably would have helped me improve a lot lol well, live and learn.
11) What inspires you to write?
It highly depends on what I’m writing. Some fics are inspired by songs, other by prompts, other by posible canon divergences, and others by pure stubbornness of my mind to not let me sleep until I write that fic!! So my inspiration can come from any place actually.
A fine Life was inspired by @bluuesparrow‘s art and by the movie “Tales of an Immoral couple”
Sun was inspired by a tumblr post
To the beat of my song was inspired by the song “93 million miles” by Jason Mraz
Broken was inspired by @neen-writes one-shot 
Auto-da-fé (coming soon) was inspired by that stubbornness I mentioned
Yes, I took the opportunity for some self-promotion time and to throw you the name for my newest upcoming fic (so it won’t be left into my pile of wips)
I’ll tag: Let’s tag a bunch of people, if you were tagged before or just don’t want to do this you can ignore it lol @ranunculus-fox @snowmadien @spikerr @writingissues @xambedo @moonbeammadness @sketcher1994 @aya-eisen @capaleran2 @mangaguitar96 @neen-writes @littlemumu and anyone else that wants to do this!
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shepurdvakarian · 7 years
First set:
1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you like to live ? 
uuh i dont know, before making that decision id like to travel all over the world and see everything earth can offer haha. however i really like north europe, i like the cold, the landscapes and well, everything lol. id really like to visit iceland someday!
2. How did you discover Mass Effect ?
me2 was free on origin. hehe. i didnt know anything about it. everyday of my life i thank the sims 4 for having me signed up on origin, otherwise… bye bye mass effect D:
3. Do you have any tattoos ? If you don’t, do you want any ? 
i dont have any but i think theyre really cool. but i dont know if ill ever make one tho. the pain is not the problem, i have a high tolerance, what concerns me is that maybe in the future i could regret a tattoo. yeah, i always change my mind for everything, so i dont think it would be a good idea hahah
4. Do you have any pets ? 
yeah! a wonderful cat. he’s my treasure
5. If you could recommend 3 games from any genre, what would they be ? 
mass effect, mass effect 2, mass effect 3 :D
6. Song that you’ve listened a lot lately ? 
uhm i always listen to ambient music, but if i have to pick the last song with a voice in it that i listened, its let it go by james bay
7. Guilty pleasure movie ? 
put a badass woman who kicks ass in it and youre done
8. Unpopular opinion about Mass Effect (optional) 
huh… let me think. the first thing that come to mind is in me2, when you talk with liara on illium, i got really mad at her cause she didnt join me. “i have to work” “okay but you can continue your job on the normandy AND i can help you” idk. in addiction, think about the fact that is liara that find shep’s body on alchera and follows the lazarus project from afar.. she should be very attached to shep when she finally sees them alive. but that doesnt happen, idk
9. Favorite books ? 
uuh i have a lot of them. im gonna tell you the one im reading rn: wool by hugh howey, its really cool so far
10. Dream job ? 
astronaut. i would depart right now. otherwise molecular biologist. or both. molecular biologist in space :D
What’s the next movie, book or video game you want to watch/read/play? 
i wanna start the expanse, the tv series. this summer i saw the books and they really intrigued me
Which historical figure would you most like to meet?
idk?? there are too many cool people id like to meet??
What’s your most out-there crack pairing that you ship? 
dr chakwas/ zaeed? hahah i ship them
What’s your favourite comfort food? 
idc what comfort food means, i read food, i say pizza
Are there any actors that you’ll watch in pretty much any movie? 
omg why always this hard question. im gonna do a brainstorming. jennifer lawrence, chris pratt (hes hot okayy??), Russell Crowe (hes a very good actor in my opinion), Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr. (because YES), Jim Carrey (hes hilarious), Will Smith, Scarlett Johansson (*heart eyes*), emily blunt, (*more heart eyes*), Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain …. THE LIST IS VERY OPEN
If you had to pick a decade in the past to live in, which would it be and why?
ugh, in the past? i wanna go in the future :(( whatever, uhmm ‘800?
What’s the most interesting thing to find out about a historical or foreign culture? 
their traditions and beliefs
Do you play or watch any sports?
nope nope
What’s your favourite thing to drink? 
WATER!!!!!!! guys water is amazing. also tea haha
If you knew that one morning you were going to wake up with Foreign Accent Syndrome, which accent would you be crossing your fingers hoping you’d wake up with? 
uh? haha idk a lot of foreign accents…australian would be the most fun
1. Do you know a good insult in another language and what is it?
in my language, yes of course, a lot. hahah im gonna go for the easiest one: VAFFANCULO!! -and im sorry i didnt mean to offend you lol
2. What is the plan for tonight?
maybe finishing some homeworks i have ?? 
3. What’s your favourite place to go to where you live? Why?
do you mean in my city? uhm i dont think i have one, there arent so many nice places out here. my house remain #1 lol (the cinema is #2)
4. Are you more tidy or messy?
it depends. some days im a tornado and others it looks like im a occ. in general pretty tidy
5. What was your best holiday?
like… ever? uh probabily last christmas holidays? idk
6. Grab the nearest book, what is it?
my physics book :/
7. How many currencies have you used?
3 :D euros, dollars, pounds
8. On a scale of 1-10, how cute is Liara really? You can break the scale, I’m not that cruel.
9. What color are the walls of the room you’re in?
10. Ever been camping far from any inhabited place?
never done that :CCCC
1. whats your favourite colour and why(if you know why)?
2. do you procastinate? (i do veryyyyy much)
3. if you could decide, would you be an actor/actress or a writer?
4. whats your fav hobby?
5. the first memory you have from your childhood?
6. first videogame ever?
7. do you have a best friend?
8. the colour of your hair and eyes?
9. fav food?
10. best scene from mass effect? I tag @garrus @illusivesoul @commander-mcgee AND WHOEVER WANTSS!! I'm sorry I don't remember Tumblr urls. I'm a shit. (ignore me if you already did this or if you don't want to)
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thurtme · 7 years
I was tagged by my love @ilovemydeadgaysons​ aaaaaages ago, thank you thank you these are amaaaazing!!!
Last Drink: Coffee
Last Phone Call: My “stepmom” who helps me with the things in the UK 
Last Text Message: Boyfriend :3
Last Song You Listened To: Shine by Benjamin Francis Leftwich
Last Time I Cried: Yesterday, no comments 
Dated Someone Twice: Yeeeah
Been Cheated On: Nonono
Kissed Someone and Regretted It: Yes! Freshers week ftw
Lost Someone Special: No
Been Depressed: No 
Been Drunk and Thrown Up: *drumroll* No!!!!! Have been drunk but never thrown up ew
Made a New Friend: Yeees!
Fallen Out of Love: No
Laughed Until You Cried: Hell yeah! 
Met Someone Who Changed You: I’d say yeah
Found Out Who Your True Friends Were: Kind of? But I had a pretty good guess anyway
Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: No, no drama for me rip
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: Define real life lol. Have seen 2 of them but I’m talking with 3 more on a daily basis
Do you have any pets?: No but I want some cats :(
Do you want to change your name?: Nah
What time did you wake up this morning?: Lol around 11 am
What were you doing last night?: You know the slippery slope of Youtube
Name something you cannot wait for: Things to fall in routine because right now everything’s a huge mess. Also, in a week I’m gonna start having proper BSL classes!!! How cool is that???????
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yaaas he’s the sweetest guy ever, bf of a family friend and I love him
What’s getting on your nerves rn?: My mom (as always) 
Blood type: B+
Nickname: Eszti (ST)
Relationship status: In a weird relationship..? 
Zodiac sign: Saggitarius
Pronouns: She/her
Favorite tv show: Oooooh, maybe Peaky Blinders? But Black Mirror is great too
College: UCL yaaaaayyy
Hair colour: Dark brown, wish it was black duh 
Long or short: Long-ish?
Do you have a crush on someone: Yeah I think so 
What do you like about yourself: Fuck off
First surgery: Never had any!
First piercing: Still nope
First best friend: Her name is Flóra
First sport you joined: Hahahaha (I did swim from age 5 to like 12 but shh)
First vacation: Probably Hungary when I was a few months old
First pair of sneakers: Who the fuck knows
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
I’m about to: Go and study a bit because I’ve been procastinating all week 
Listening to: Nothing but Dear Prudence (BEATLES) is playing in my head
Want kids: Yas yas yas 
Get married: Probably? 
Career: Leave me alone
Lips or eyes: Eyes
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Shorter or taller: TALLER
Older or younger: Older 
Romantic or spontaneous: What does that even mean lol? Spontaneous..?
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
Hook up or relationship: I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE
Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker
Kissed a stranger: Yeah and I loved it
Drank hard liquor: Uhm. Yas.
Lost glasses/contacts: Nooo
Sex on first date: Define date and define first 
Broken someone’s heart: Not that I’m aware of
Been arrested: Never omg
Turned someone down: Ye
Fallen for a friend: I’ve had some weird feelings towards my guy friends high school because I couldn’t find myself a normal bf but I’d guess those were just hormonal things so idk? 
In yourself: I’d say yes? Who the fuck knows
Love at first sight: I honestly don’t know
Heaven: Nah
Santa Claus: Wait he isn’t real????????
I tag @just-a-colour-bandit @stiles-stilinskys and everyone else, this is so fun guys do it!!!!
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typologycentral · 6 years
[Tritype] Hi ! What ennatype/tritype am I am please ? (:
Hello hello ^^ So I'm INFP and I would like to have some help to determine my enneagram tritype with wings and if it's possible my instinctual variants. I'm pretty sure I'm sp/so or sp/sx. It would be nice if you can help me to find out ! (: I'm stuck in differents types, I relate a little in both. I'm a little lost. So let's start again like it was all new ! (; To begin, I will just tell in details of myself when I was a little girl, because I think the childhood is the period of life during we see the true basic personality of someone, before the teenage years that could make change. And I think that for me the aspects are still the same today, I haven't change a lot. But of course feel free to ask me questions if more informations are needed, for exemple about me as a teenager, as a young adult or now (; Well in my young age I would say I was introverted, shy, daydreamer, constantly lost in my little fantasy world. For exemple I dreamed,I imagined myself to be a princess. I just wanted to be happy, than things being easy, soft, safe, to have fun, without worries. I hated bad things, feelings, situations... I wanted to be loved, appreciate. I always tried to be nice, sweet, polite. I was in general easy-going, peaceful, calm, quiet, kind, adaptable. In general I had a happy, sunny vibe. I hated conflicts, it was too strong emotionnaly to deal with, and I was scared to be not loved anymore because of it. I wanted the harmony, to go along with people, and at the same time to be free to express myself. I felt yet my unique, authentic and artistic side. People said I was "special". But I was very very sensitive, easily hurt, frustrated, sad, upset etc. It was often so overwhelming ! I showed that a little bit more openly than I do today. I screamed, cried... Even more with close relatives, my parents etc. A little less in front of other adults like my teachers etc. I hated injustice, nastiness, non respect, that someone yelled at me, that someone make fun of me, that someone put me aside or ignore me, to feel controlled, dominated, to feel ashamed, etc, and I often wanted to have right. I could react irrationally, being over-reacting, and act awkwardly. I felt anger, sadness etc very deeply. But it never was for a long time. With my parents and others adults relative close to me I could happen that I respond, argue and even make little remarks. But rarely. It was more when I felt, in my head of little girl, that they went too far, that they were to strict, that the rules etc was too hard. I tended to think that wasn't me who wasn't right. At school, or in general in society I tried to be wise as possible, to not deceive my teachers or others adults and to not be punished, because I was a little impressed by them in general, and because I feared what my parents could had say ! But often I struggled to stay calm, concentrated, focused. I tried to be serious and studious, but I was a little lazy, not too courageous, I didn't like difficulties. I didn't have many friends. Other kids found me weird, too shy, too awkward. Sometimes I was kind of needy, searching for affection, deep friendship, sometimes I just withdrawed. I felt I don't fit in, misunderstood. I felt a little bit more bloom and safe with adults, who wasn't mean like kids. When others kids made fun of me, tried to hurt me I reacted violently, fiercely, even insulting ! I didn't really know how to react without being too excessive. On contrary, with my few rare friends or simply when I feel loved, non judged, safe I could be more talkative, bubbly, even funny, for an introverted. Even if I had a calm vibe, like a lot of childs I guess I could be too energetic ! I was someone stuck between my will to be a good girl and to go along with my few friends, and also my need for freedom, to be myself, to do what I want. So it happened that I follow other kids in doing stupid things... I also could be disobedient sometimes, but rarely. I knew the boundaries. At home I felt more blooming, safe. It was my little nest, my little comfort, where I was loved, where I could be myself. I loved my family so much. I was and I'll always been loyal to them. I even dared to be a little more assertive, authoritarian (but not too much) I fought often with my brother and sister, even I love them deeply. again because my feelings was too strong, I took things too personnaly. I was a picky eater, and I didn't sleep a lot. I spent a lot of time the nose stuck in book, or watching Disney movies. It was my escape in my imagination. I could be kind of a little hermit. I loved to draw too, people said I have a gift. I could be obsess with a subject. I wasn't analytical or too logical, but sometimes I liked to share my knowledge. I was intuitive and introspective. I could be quite observant, preferring to watch and listen than act. It happened that I was anxious, stressed for non important things. I could be nervous. In stressful situation I could panic, lose control, being totally lost, unable to act, react. I could'nt stand stress. When nervous, when I felt that someone looked, payed attention in what I did my gestures was insure, slow or on the contrary too fast. I even often preferred to not participate in activities that could had been dangerous, even if it seemed funny. I was more an indoor girl. I also could be spontaneous and playful. I preferred to have fun before doing annoying things like homework or helping at home... I procastinated a lot ! I was clumsy, disorganized, messy, harshy even a little sloppy (but I love to be well dressed !) I didn't have a lot of patience. My mind was often full with ideas and needs. My interested could change quite quickly. I preferred to be with my family or just with a few friends, on little groups. In one to one relation I was often awkward. I didn't really like crowd. For certains things I was kind of purist. I was an idealist, and sometimes in my mind I thought that the behavior of others was stupid, immoral. But I was more easy-going and accepting most of the time, "let it go". I payed too much attention of what others could think of me. I was insecure. I was insecure with my body. I lacked confidence in myself. I was too complicent, too indecisive. I was a follower, even sometimes I dreamed to be more assertive and to be a leader. I dreamed to be a teacher, or an actress, or a writer. Here you go! Sorry if it's too long ! Thanks in advance, see you ! (: https://www.typologycentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96497&goto=newpost&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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consultingpals · 7 years
[ rules ]: tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
i was tagged by
Thank you for tagging me rowan(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
name: Mia
nicknames: My name’s so short I don’t really have one :D
gender: Female
star sign: Aquarius
height: 5 foot 2 i’m a tiny human
sexuality: i don’t really put a label on myself so (either straight or asexual idk)
hogwarts house: hufflepuff(〜^∇^)〜
favorite animals: probably cats
average hours of sleep: 6 hours but i would love to get more ;_;
dogs or cats: cats :3
blankets you sleep with: a synthetic one bc I’m allergic to dust
dream trip: united kingdom or the United States
dream job: actor
when i made my blog: i don’t remember anymore haha
followers: 304
why i made a tumblr: i had a tumblr blog before but deleted it, but I missed tumblr so much so i made one again ^^
reasons for my URL: i just love Sherlock and johnlock so there’s that, i mean they are basically married
i tag
you don’t have to do it ofc
also everyone feel tagged :)
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