#thanks for tagging me gabi!! <3
serenpedac · 7 months
💐 so much love to you, darling and wonderful friend
you are so incredibly thoughtful, so sweet, so supportive, and such a delight and important part of this lovely fandom
your writing is incredible! i love your discussions and thoughts. thank you for being you and sharing yourself and your time with us
every time i see the stars i think of you! especially the pleiades
Question! for your twc ocs- what piece of media reminds them of their lis (books, letters, movies, music, memes, etc) 💕
hope you’re having an amazing day!
Wonderful person, thank you so much for your message *sobs* I've been rereading this message over the past few days and just want to hug it close to my chest <3
I hope you have an amazing day as well!
This was a great question to think about! I had so much fun figuring out which medium every OC would pick.
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Yael for Nate: The painting 'Rough Sea with Wreckage' by Turner shown above. Although she doesn't know everything about Nate's past, the imagine of the lonely ship out on a rough sea makes her think about what Nate may have been through. It reminds her of the scene in the mirror, how could it not?
There's also the contrast between the light and the darker clouds, and it's unclear whether the ship is sailing into the storm or coming out of it. It makes her feel the tension of the unknown: the things she doesn't know about his past, the uncertainties of their future together. It's more emotion that she gets from this piece than anything articulated in words, but that suits her, I think.
Melike for Morgan: The poem 'i like my body when it is with your' by e. e. cummings. The physicality of the poem reminds them of Morgan, but there's also this sense of.. wonder, that "thrill" of something new that is mentioned at the end. Melike is very self-contained and it comes as a surprise to her how much they have grown to like Morgan's company. I can see her choose this poem because of the physical descriptions, but then get quiet and contemplative when going over it a second time, because of how those first lines suggest a change in her as well. It's about them, even though neither of them is quite sure what "they" are.
Gabi for Farah: The song I already like you by Dessa, because it's such an upbeat song! Gabi loves how Farah throws herself into their relationship, not holding back, she's open and honest and "Let's go!". The entire vibe of the song fits Farah so well, but what Gabi would pick out specifically is the "There's no sure bet // You just ride, ride, ride roulette" because she herself is the type of person who would want to be 100% sure before doing anything, but Farah is showing her that it's not all that bad to go for it.
Also, I can imagine Farah humming this song after picking it up from one of Gabi's playlists.
Laura for Ava: Laura is too cool for me lol! She would answer with a meme or a movie reference, but I don't know enough about either to give a good answer.
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hansooyung · 8 months
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six characters challenge!
click on full image for better quality <33 if you'd like a timelapse of any specific character, just shoot me an ask and i'll post it!
thank you all for requesting! tags & stuff i liked under the cut:
@sugaaz @mx-sinisters @taohs @misakarose @squidokja @kimdokjas i had so much fun with your requests!!! really helped me get back into coloring <33 and shoutout to gaby for helping me choose the color for tao's background!
some things i liked for each coloring: bokuto: honestly this is so tiny but i liked the way i colored the msby on his jersey! the outstretched arm was so fun too but it got cut off :(
hirotaka: the hands!!! had so much fun with the red and blues <3 and i liked how the face turned out with the highlights!
tao: honestly loved how the whole thing turned out but ESPECIALLY the jacket that was one of my favs... had to make a new brush for it bc i was working offline but it turned out so good!
vash: loved loved loved coloring his jacket bc i NEVER know how to work with red but i honestly keep looking at it i love it so much. and the highlight on his nose was so fun to do too!
aya: THIS ONE WAS SO FUN. struggled with the pink and colors sooo much but then it was actually so fun and i loved the hair and the brown sleeves!
cherry: this one was so hard bc i could not find a high quality panel 😭 but i like how i colored his clothes, it feels very sweepy to me loll.
overall i think this was a success and i had a lot of fun!! will def be doing it again in the future <33
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kikiswriting7 · 3 months
Take a Chance ✵ JJK ✵ MYG - 3
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✵ Pairing: Yoongi x Reader x Jungkook
✵Summary: Y/N just move across the world to start her University. She is paired with a roommate who is complete social butterfly and makes a bet, Y/N needs to take more chances. And at the hint of her new found friend, her social and romantic life take a dramatic turn.
✵Tags/Warnings: Smut, College AU, red flag, sexual tension. angst, dirty talking, drinking, friends with benefits, full of cliches, friends to lover, temptation
✵Notes: Hi guys! Took a while to update this on AO3 BUT here you go! Let me know what you think <3
lots of love, Kiki
Once more I wake up with the worst hungover. But this time it feels even worse. What the hell happened for me to get like this? I am still wearing last nights clothes and with make up on.  The last thing I remember is Gabi asking those stupid “Drink If” questions. I groan as I leave the bed holdind my head in between my hands. Ugh Im never touching alcohol again. I get up and go to the bathroom in hopes that washing my face with cold water would chase this terrible feeling away.
I reach the bathroom and splash the ice cold water on my face. The only thing that takes it away is the fogness of yesterdays events and everything comes all at once. Us all getting drunk and deciding to go for a walk at the beach late into the evening. Jungkook showing the constelations holding my hand. Coming back home worse. Falling asleep on the couch. Jungkooks strongs arms carring me to my room. Tucking me into bed and leaving shortly after. I look myself in the mirror with pure shock. 
“Fuck…. Eli” I groan. I gamble that she would’ve slept over and go to Gabi’s room where I find them both laying bed looking at their phones. They both just look over their screens but don’t say a word. 
Gabi moves over a bit and pats over the space in between the two. I crawl to the spot and lay face down on the soft and sweet smelling pillow. I let out a groan. 
“I feel like dying” I say the sound muffled by the pillow. 
“you are not alone sister” I receive gentle taps on my back. I sit back down on the bed facing both of them. 
“I’m so sorry for last night, Eli. I swear I didn’t intend to any of that to happen” I say to her with sorrowfull eyes
“I mean, thank you for saying that. I guess hes not really into me anyway. So its fine. Don’t worry about it.” She shrugs
“I promise I will not do anything with him.” I offer.
“its ok if you do honestly. It good that this bandaid was ripped off sooner rather then later. It would’ve definetly hurt much more.” She shrugs it off. 
“do you still feel like to have that movie night today?” gabi asks “We both totally understand if you don’t” I nod in agreement with her. 
“I can text him not to come. I don’t feel very well anyway. I bet he might not be the best either.”
“I mean, we can still be friends. He geniualy seems like a nice guy, just not interested in me like that. So that’s ok. We can still hang out.” She adds, even though with a sad look on her face. 
I give her a hug laying down on top of her. “Are we good then? I was honestly worried that you would be mad at me”
“We are good, don’t worry” she hugs me back laughing “now get off, you are smashing me” she taps my back and grunts. 
With a smile I lay back down between them. Pulling my own phone out of my pocket. 
My heart races as I see the message I received not too long ago. I gasp and both of them immediately look to find out what cause such a reaction. I spring up and scratch my eyes. 
Gabi sitting next to me and pulling my phone out of my hand reading the text out loud. 
 “Good morning! I was wondering if you are up for coffee? I know a place nearby that is quite good”
She slaps my arm. “why are you not up yet!? Go get ready!” motioning me to hurry up.
“Gabi I feel like death has come for me this morning…. I don’t know If I have the energy to go out right now”
“Girl I don’t care, you are still breathing. Go brush your teeth and change.” She says giving a fake smile. “NOW!”
I look to Eli for support but she just shrugs and goes back to being busy with her phone. 
“plus…” she says with her evil grin  “I already texted him yes.” She shows me the phone “he says he will be here in 10 to pick you up” 
My eyes go wide and yank the phone out of her hand. Reading back the messages. She really did send those messages. Oh my god.
“Im going to kill you” I say under my breath
“Well, better be after you get ready. Chop chop” she claps her hands. 
I immediately get up and rush back to my room trying to fix something else to wear. I exchange the black fluff sweater for a hoodie and try to fix the eye liner from last night that makes me look more like a panda than human. 
Once I think that is good enough I quickly brush my teeth and rush to the door to put on a pair of shoes and leave the house. My keys still in the pocket of my jacket from last night is a blessing. If I rush more then this I think I might be sick. I take a deep breath and get my composure back, taking it easy to reach outside. 
I see Yoongi waiting outside the apartment with his phone in his hand. 
“Hey stranger” I say leaving the building. He looks up and gives a small smile. 
“Was about to text you” he shakes his phone and quickly puts back in his pocket.  
It was a cold day but it was sunny, making it a more pleasureble temperature. The perfect day to not have a hungover. But here I was. 
The walk to the café is pleasant. Indeed its not far from my place and the place looks quite cozy. It full of books and it leads to a nice garden. We find a place at a corner all the way at the end of the place overlooking the garden that must be beautiful during spring and summer. The café was quite busy having breakfast and chitchatting. The atmosphere was defintely inviting to stay hours on end. 
“What is your poison?” he asks me before sitting down
“Honestly, a latte would be a killer right now.” I say following it with a quick thanks.
A few moments later he comes back with a tray with more stuff then I thought he would bring. He places my latte in front of me. 
“I was not sure what you would like right now, but I also got a strawberry short cake. Its yours if you like it.” He takes the iced americano from the tray and the chocolate muffin. 
The cake even though, simple looked perfect. Layers of cake, cream and straberries making the slice very appealing. 
I bite my lip before removing the little plate from the tray giving him a smile “Its actually my absolute favorite. Thank you!” which I only receive a small grin in return. 
“So what have you been up to this weekend?” I ask him between bites of the heavenly cake.
“Nothing much.  I’ve spent most of the night busy trying to fix this track I started to make, other then that nothing much more exciting.” He counters.
“Yeah I wish…” I say sighing getting lost in thought from last night. My heart rushing at the thought of Jungkook. No, I tell myself. Nothing can happen. Even after Eli said it was fine. 
“Rough night for you too?” He asks taking me back to reality.
“I swear I’m never drinking again” and rest my head on my hand. He chuckles 
“Yeah JK said you guys were quite drunk” he says casually. But I almost choke on my hot drink 
“Oh I didn’t know you were friends?” I ask him trying to sound casual but probably failing miserably. 
“yeah we are in the same friend group. Well, that and we all share a house. We’ve all known eachother for some years now.” he says taking his attention back to his half eaten muffin. 
I hope he didn’t see my absolute shocked face. But I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be that lucky. Great. Of course they were friends. Did JungKook say anything else to him? Was this why he was being friendly to me? 
“Ah that’s nice…” which is all I can gather to say. He just nods. 
After some small talk and finishing our food the place seem it got busier, with people coming for brunch. The headache still brewing in my brain not giving me pantience, I pinch the bridge of my nose. 
Yoongi seems to notice “ Hey are you feeling ok?”
“Not really” there is no use in lying right now “To be honest I have the worse hungover.”
“No worries we can hang out more on another day”
“I mean, do you want to come over?” I blurt out as we leave the place “Yesterday night, Gabi, Eli and Kook set up to have a movie chill day, I guess.” Now it was his turn to seem bothered. The frown quickly dissolved from his face as it foes back to its neutral face. 
“What are you guys watching?” He asks
“Honestly, I don’t know… If it were by me I would stay hidden under my blankets and nap the entire afternoon.” I say to him “and I’m not even sure if he will show up, since I guess he also drank a lot last night.” 
“Oh, he will” he quickly replies but before I can ask what he means we reach the apartmetn building again. 
I arch an eyebrow at him after unlocking the door as in question “So are you coming or not?” Looking over my shoulder with the door open.
He doesn’t take long to react, following me back into the building. With a shy smile, I lead the way to the apartment in silence. 
The living room is thankfully empty. Perfect. We sit next to eachother on the couch, and decide that the best thing for hungover cure is to watch random youtube videos. The late morning and afternoon passes fast, we left it to fate to decide what to watch, meaning the suggested tab. And after laughing over funny cats compilations, radom travel vlogs and deciding that Japan is should be everyones number one country in their bucketlist, Gabi comes out of her room walking loudly as if to annouce her arrivel and sporting a grin. 
“Sorry, but you were not responding your texts” she smiles at me “Just to let you know JungKook is on his way, he just called me. By the way very nice to meet you! I’m Gabi” She makes her way to give him a small hug that takes him by surprise. His wide eyes looking over her shoulder in search for help, but all he got was a small chuckle. 
Eli doesn’t take long to come to the living room, introducing herself too but this far with just a wave from her hand and a head nod. As if in cue with Eli sitting down, the doorbell rings. Gabi excitingly hops to the door to open it.  On the other side, wearing some loose jeans and a long sleeve, was jungkook holding a tub of ice cream. Gabi is quick to give him a hug and his smile turns into a surprised look when he notices Yoongi in the living room. 
“Let me put this in the freezer” Gabi takes out the ice cream from JungKooks hands and hops back to the kitchen, meanwhile JungKook greets briefly Yoongi and takes a seat on the empty corner of the couch. Trying to avoid much eye contact with either of us. 
“Weren’t you guys all super drunk yesterday?” Yoongi asked to nobody in particular
“Yup” JungKook replies first
“Is she always like that?” He asks again pointing to where Gabi disapeared. Which gets us all agreeing at the same time 
“She says her superpower is to not get hungover” I add while Gabi gets back to the living room.
“ All righty! Super fun!” She drops the small bowl of snacks at the centre table “I guess you guys know eachother?” she asks looking between JungKook and Yoongi. 
“Yeah we are friends for a few years and we live together now that he is also is studying here” Yoongi replies giving a small grin to Jungkook who only smiles back in return, relaxing a bit more on the chair
“Great! So what do you guys feel like watching?”
The debate gets intense when Eli says she would like to watch a romcom and Yoongi suggests a new spy movie that just come out. Gabi sugests a Disney movie that gets quickly shut down by both Eli and Yoongi. For me, I honestly couldn’t care less about what we watch. Both me and Jungkook are watching the heated argument and when we lock eyes we both give a quiet laugh at the situation that we find ourselves in. 
At the end, since it was hard to everyone accept the same movie, we ended up doing a quiz, which resulted in us watching both of the DeadPool movies. The entire time Eli was disgusted and just like Gabi was quick to be on her phone. Yoongi, JungKook and I would laugh and snort at the terrible jokes made throughout.  When the movies were finally over, Eli bids her farewells earning a pout from Gabi. Shortly after both the boys also leave together. They were definetly were good company, I think to myself. Even though it is a bit strange to have all that tension in the room in the beginning. 
Once I start tidying up the living room I notice Gabi just staring with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, waiting to be acknoledged. 
I roll my eyes and say my own good night and leave her. I definetly don’t wanna talk about it whatever she thinks we need to talk about. 
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Classes the next day are boring, and I cannot wait for this day to be over. Unfortunately, even though we are on the same course, Gabi and Eli are on different schedules then mine, leaving me to suffer by myself. 
Lunch time couldn’t come fast enough. Lunch at school was quite fun. The food was made by the first years of our course and managed by the third years. In their semester they learn how to operate different departments and the third years how to run different outlets. After settling for a deliciously smelling creamy pasta, I spot Gabi and Eli searching for a spot to sit. 
A hand shoots up and JungKook calls out for Gabi, which leads to us three sitting at his table with his friends. Jin and Taehyung are also there. I sit next to Taehyung, Gabi and Eli on the opposite side next to Jungkook and Jin. 
Suddenly someone drops on the seat next to mine “You know, we are so hurt that we were not invited to your movie night yesterday.” I look to the person next to me, only to find Jimin pouting. 
“The fact that Yoongi was there, makes it hurt even more” Jin says elbowing Gabi. 
“Hey its not my fault” she says “Shes the one who invited him” motioning to me with her head while taking a bit of her sandwich. 
Her call out earned some smirks from the others on the table except Jungkook who, normally is very talkative, staring at his own plate in silence. 
I roll my eyes “It’s not like that.” Which only provokes a snort from taehyung. “Well if you all are so butt hurt, feel free to also join next time.” I try to ignore but my phone buzzes with a new notification. 
JIMIN added you to a new group .
I roll my eyes but honestly finding it quite fun. I miss having the chaos of my friend group from back home, and I’m eager to create these new friendships here. 
 “Ok so next movie night is tomorrow at your place right?” Jimin asks cocking his head at me.
“You cannot just invite yourself” I say trying to shrug him off.
“Though luck” He says “I just did, sweetheart” JungKook laughs at the audacity of his friend.
“Can we please watch something else then?” Eli is the one to say now “Like some romantic comedy or even a Disney movie..” she tries.
“Yes!” Jimin jumps from his seat earning from me a side eye.
All of our phone’s buzz at once with a notification
Yoongi:  ? 
Jimin: Tomorrow movie night at Gabi and YN’s place
Jimin: Presence is mandatory. 
“Don’t mind him” Taehyung says lower to me “If you guys don’t feel like it just tell him off” he shrugs, clearly his friends energy is something that sometimes needs to be ignored. Well, at this point, I can relate, since Gabi’s energy is much the same. 
When I look back to them Gabi and Jimin are excitedly making plans about what we should eat and watch. Both matching each other’s energy, with Jin, Jungkook and Eli, casually adding or removing things from their plan. 
Here we go, I think to myself.  
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Indeed, Gabi and Jimin are the on the same side of the coin. Their similarities don’t end at their energy to make plans with their friends. They burst out singing, dancing or their new favorite activity: bother each other. 
It has almost been a week since the last movie night with all of them, and at this point Jimin is set in making this a tradition. Every Sunday, everyone gathers to watch a movie. The first time we all got together, was a bit strange. All of them showed up. Even Yoongi, who Jimin kept teasing that apparently never leaves his house during the week. The teasing earned him a flick on the forehead earlier in the day. 
JungKook also back down on his flirting since the Beach Incident. Even though the way we held hands keeps finding its way back to my thoughts. Eli also seems to be over her crush on JK since apparently, she and Gabi saw him with another girl on last night, at a bar. Good for him, I guess. 
I told myself that I would only let myself go out on weekends as I can just relax for the next couple of days, and that is how I managed to drag myself to this sports bar.
The same way Jimin has the same traits as Gabi, he also is earning a spot closer to me. Gabi swears she is not jealous of him stealing her spotlight, but that just adds fuel to his bickering. Which is exactly what is happening right now. 
“I already told you to drop it Jimin. I - ” she then points to herself in a very dramatic way  “am the best friend. You just arrived at the train and wants to sit at the window. I think not” 
I roll my eyes “Or…. Hear me out….” I add like it’s a secret  “We could all be best friends” I say with a fake smile
“No” they add in unison. Giving each other a side eye when they realize they said it together. 
“Yeah, I will go get another shot” I say promptly getting up. 
“I will go get it for you bestie” Gabis shoots up
“Sit” I say in a serious tone, and she immediately falls back to her chair with a pout. 
The sports bar that we chose to spent Friday evening was not at all crowded. Jin suggested that we all get together at this sports bar close to campus as there were multiple matches they were interested in watching. Of course, most of them were late. The bar was actually quite cozy. The walls were nicely decorated, big TV’s divided the space with all sorts of sports paraphernalia. There was also a pool table, a tarts board and next to it sitting corner with brown leather couches, where we decided to wait for the rest. 
As soon as I reach the bar, and lean against it, the bartender, a friendly-looking guy with a neatly trimmed beard, approaches with a smile.
"What can I get for you?" he asks, wiping down the counter.
"3 shots of tequila, please," I reply, glancing back at Gabi and Jimin, who are now engaged in a heated debate about who knows me better. Their antics bring a smile to my face.
As the bartender prepares my drink, I notice as familiar faces are entering the bar and make their way casually to the couches in the back. The bartender hands me the shots, and I nod my thanks and quickly pay before making my way back to our corner. As I approach, I catch snippets of conversation.
“Now, this is what im talking about!” Jimin eagerly takes the second shot from my hand and passes to Gabi. 
“and where is our shot?” Jin asks with an eyebrow raised. 
“This is their reward for arriving on time and hello to you too” I say and clink my glass with theirs before downing the strong drink while making a face. Gabi acts like she just had a shot of water. I honestly don’t know what type of mutant that she is. 
We all settle into a comfortable rhythm of conversation and laughter, As the night progresses, the sports games fade into the background, and the focus shifts entirely to our group. We play a few rounds of pool, Jimin and JungKook teaming up against Gabi and me. Gabi’s competitive streak comes out in full force, and we end up winning by a narrow margin, much to Jimin’s mock dismay.
“Okay, okay, you win this round,” Jimin concedes, throwing his hands up in defeat. “But next time, we’re definitely taking you down.”
“Dream on,” Gabi retorts, a triumphant grin on her face.
Eventually, we all go back to being around the couches and we are slightly buzzed from the drinks we had for the last hour or so. The conversation turns to future plans, ideas for the next movie night, and upcoming events on campus.
Just as we’re about to decide on the final plans for our next gathering, the door to the bar swings open again, and a familiar figure steps in.
“Well, now this is going to be interesting” Jimin settles back in the couch putting one arm around my shoulder and we all turn to see who just entered the bar. 
It’s Yoongi, and he’s not alone. He’s with a girl I’ve never seen before, her arm casually linked with his. She has this dumb smile splattered across her face and he has his usual unbothered look. They head toward the couches where our group is sitting. I feel an unexpected knot tighten in my stomach.
“Yoongi, who’s your friend?” Jin asks, his eyes twinkling with curiosity as our friend aproaching. 
“This is Mina,” Yoongi introduces her with a small smile. “We met at the record store a few days ago.”
Mina waves shyly, and the group greets her warmly. I try to force a smile, but it feels more like a grimace. It’s unlike Yoongi to bring someone new into the group, and I can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy seeing him with her.
 “I was starting to think you’d ditch us for another quiet night in.” Jimin is the one to talk now, with a playfull smirk on his lips and I know that he loves poking at people. 
Yoongi chuckles. “Not this time. Besides, I’ve been out all day. Might as well end it with some good company.” He says looking at me with an intense gaze. 
Gabi and Jimin resume their playful banter, and while everyone else seems to be taken with Mina, I can’t shake my irritation. She laughs at all the right moments, shares interesting stories, and fits in seamlessly, which only makes me feel worse. My eyes keep drifting back to Yoongi and Mina, and every time she leans and touches him again and againa, I feel like rolling my eyes until its stuck in the back of my head. 
It seems that JungKook notices my distraction and asks the group if anyone wants more drinks. Everyone states what they are drinking, with a quick thanks, and goes back to the conversation with Mina, who is now sharing about a new exhibition coming to town next week.
“Hey, can you help me out with the drinks?” Jungkook asks closer to me as he reaches out a hand to pull me from Jimin's side.
We reach the bar, and he is quick to order everyone's drinks. I honestly don’t know how he managed to keep up with so many different orders.
“Hey, you okay?” he asks quietly, concern evident in his eyes.
“Yeah, just tired,” I lie, offering a weak smile.
He doesn’t seem convinced but lets it drop. The conversation continues at the corner of the bar, but I honestly don’t really feel like listening. Instead, I’m focused on Yoongi and Mina, trying to decipher their relationship. Are they just friends? Is there something more? My thoughts spiral, making it hard to concentrate on anything else. Mina’s laughter rings out again, and it grates on my nerves. I try to push the feeling down, reminding myself that Yoongi is just a friend. I can’t assume that any guy who is remotely nice is into me.
Mina's drink is the last one to be poured. When the bartender finishes pouring her stupid rose wine, I turn to the bartender and add to the order, “Can I actually also have another shot?” I ask him.
“Make it two,” Jungkook quickly adds, drawing closer to me. “If you’re tired, that will knock you right out, sweetheart.”
I take my glass and clink it against Jungkook’s, and I look back at the others sitting. Yoongi catches my eye, and I lift my drink in cheer to him with a ghost of a smile on my lips, before downing it without making a face this time. The burning is welcomed by my throat.
I help Jungkook bring back the cups on a tray, handing them to each of their owners, and plop down back next to Jimin, who barely notices me as he now starts an argument with Jin over which one is the best video game of all time.
Just as I’m about to excuse myself for some fresh air, Yoongi catches my eye. There’s something unreadable in his expression, and for a moment, I wonder if he can sense my unease. He leans over to say something to Mina, and before he can get up, Jk, stands up first. “Going out for a smoke” he announces “anyone care to join?” he asks generally but his playfull eyes fall on mine. 
“yeah lets go!” Gabi jumps up, and follows Jk. I also get up to follow them, maybe some fresh _smokey_ air will help me clear my head, of this unreasenable dislike of Mina, and improve my mood. I cannot be like this the entire night. I need to get it together, and fast.
As I was about to pass him, I feel a warm hand wrap around my wrist, stopping me. “I thought you didn’t smoke?” he says more in a statement then a questioning tone. 
“I don’t. Just going to make them company” I brush it off.
The frown that crosses his face comes as fast as it goes, and I believe that if I blinked I would have missed it. Mina enthusiastically, turns to him to ask his opinion on some music, that now she was discussing with Jimin, 
“You coming, sweetheart?” Jk asks standing not too far, as Gabi is distractedly putting on her coat. Yoongi lets go of my hand and turns to give her attention.
Outside, the air is chilly thanks to our proximity to the beach. Gabi and Jungkook are already chatting animatedly, the glow of their cigarettes illuminating their faces.  Gabi enthusiastically telling stories of her life back in her home country and  how she got so high once that she hallucinated she was in Paris. Our laughter echoes across the empty street.
Gabi apparently was a quick smoker as she was already taking the last drag of her cigarrate, shivering with the cold. “as much as I love your company guys, I think I lost all sensation to my extremities.” She states, a shiver clearly running through her. I chuckle as shes quickly makes her way back inside. 
JungKook nudges me playfully. “Come on, sweetheart,” he says, his breath visible in the cool night air. “Let’s join the smokers’ club.” He holds a laugh raising his eyebrows. I roll my eyes at his remark. 
“Nah, thanks” I brush him off. “I mean… good for you” he says, taking another drag. “this shit kills”
I chuckle. At least he knows. Jungkook is talking about one of our teachers, and how he doesn’t know how he will pass her exams if the classes continue being this boring. 
“Jungkook, its ethics. How did you expect it to be?”I ask with a small laugh,  but my eyes inevitably drift back to Yoongi and Mina. They’re sitting close, their shoulders almost touching, and I can’t help but wonder what they share. I look back at Jk, who is tossing his finished cigarate away, and I expect him to hush us inside. Instead, he leans against the brick wall, exhaling the last of the smoke. “You know,” he says, “sometimes it’s hard to figure people out.”
I raise an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
He nods toward Yoongi and Mina. “Take them, for instance. Are they just friends? Or is there something more?”
I sigh. “I wish I knew.”
JungKook chuckles. “Life’s full of mysteries, isn’t it? Like why Jin insists on wearing mismatched socks or why Jimin thinks he’s the world’s best dancer.”
I laugh, grateful for the distraction. “And why Eli can’t resist buying every cute stationery item she sees.”
“Exactly.” JungKook steps closer. “But sometimes, the answers surprise us. Maybe tonight will be one of those nights.” He winks and nudges me 
As we go back inside, to the comforting warmth of the bar I remind myself that Yoongi is just a friend—a complicated, enigmatic friend. 
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
WIP Questionnaire Tag
Thanks for the tag @diabolical-blue (here)!
I'll go with Supernova Initiative for this one!
1. What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
I had wanted to write a science fiction/space opera story for years now! I've always been a huge fan of Star Wars and similar series, and I've always wanted to write something similar! I guess that the actual first part of this WIP I've ever created was the setting - it has remained the same/similar from the first iteration of an idea of this story, while the main characters, title, and plot underwent many, many changes until it all got to the version I'm currently writing!
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Curiously enough, the Supernova Initiative book series is going to be more akin to a "TV Show" format - like Clone Wars, The Last of Us, or Game of Thrones - than a traditional novel format. That's a bit complicated to explain further, but the gist of it is - the chapters are going to be the "episodes", which in turn will be divided into acts/seasons that take place in specific time frames, with the first (5 episode/chapter) taking place 10 years before the main story!
If I had to choose, I would say that the theme song would be a rather energetic rock/pop song! With a similar vibe to these:
(Check out the full WIP playlist)
I'm Dangerous - The Everlove
Shame! Shame! Shame! - Reinaeiry
Let's Do This - Outskrts
El Dorado - Stellar
Anti-Gravity - Runaground
I think that the song would need to have this rebellious/badass energy, mixed with a generally fun beat and good lyrics that touch on the overall theme/plot of the series! Plus a generally youthful vibe!
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
I really love most of the main cast from this WIP!!!! But my Top 3 definitely are Jack Tithus, Gabi Ophyria, and Deimos Soll!
Jack is a really sweet, kind, and slightly reckless guy, who is at the same time outgoing, extroverted, and funny when he wants to be. He is defiant towards authority and fiercely protective of those he loves, to a dangerously selfless degree, all of which are tropes/traits I really enjoy in characters.
(Plus, in a way, Jack is one of the characters that kind of holds a condensation of some of my own personality traits, in good and bad ways - which was something accidental at first, but which I then embraced. )
Gabi Ophyria was one of the characters that came to me a bit later during the plotting of this book, which was surprisingly clear to me from the get-go. She's a brash, loud, fierce girl who lets no one talk her down and who believes in fighting for what she believes in. She also has anger issues - which is something she struggles with and eventually overcomes as her arc progresses, especially as she learns to let herself be vulnerable and trust others rather than try to be unbreakable all the time.
Deimos Soll is one of the most badass characters in this WIP and I just adore him. In a superficial, bad summarization, lol he's basically a young adult, alien version of John Wick and honestly is one of my all-time favorite characters I've ever written. He starts out in the backstory chapters as an awkward, fearful teenager lost in a moon he knew nothing about, but eventually grows into the deadliest and most efficient sniper this galaxy has ever seen, and one of the biggest threats to the Junction. I just adore writing introverted badass/morally grey characters who have a heart of gold. One of my favorite tropes!
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Definitely other space opera/sci-fi adventures like Star Wars, Star Trek, or Voltron! Those stories introduced me to the space opera science fiction genre which I love so dearly, so I think that pretty much anyone who likes that genre will probably like one of those movies lol. I also think that my future fanbase might also like Six of Crows or the Bad Guys (the DreamWorks movie), as the "found family of misfits working on a heist" trope is a pretty big trope in the first acts of this WIP as well!
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
I think the hardest part about this WIP is that its structure is something I haven't seen before - as in, it's essentially a "TV Show but make it a Book Series" at its core. That means I have to improvise a lot with how I structure the story's chapters and how I structure all the events of the story. One good thing about this format I'm trying to recreate is that it is really visual, and I'm a really visual writer/person, so that means I get to make a really vivid world and characters!
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
There are! A lot of them actually. Since this is a science fiction/spare opera adventure, a lot of the story involves the main characters traveling from planet to planet, especially during their heist mission and after the plot progresses.
They visit all kinds of planets and thus all kinds of biomes - the dusty mining moons like Cethea III, giant winter desert planets like Ivion, or flourishing forest dwarf planets like Stryxus. Cethea III - the homeworld of the MCs in the backstory chapters - is known for giant elk-like oxen that roams the dusty wasteland, as well as smaller lizard creatures and a few strange, venomous mammals. They also have giant birds, known as Harpies, which have a powerful screech capable of blowing out one's eardrums when too close.
Ivion is a gigantic winter desert, home to equally gigantic winter creatures, ranging from two-headed mountain lynx to absolutely enormous dragon-like creatures that burrow underneath the blanket of ice. It is also known for famously adorable, three-eyed, surprisingly big rodents similar to lemmings, which live in packs.
Stryxus has a biome akin to that of a tropical rainforest, which means the wildlife within it is incredibly varied despite the planet's small size, and that it has a vast variety of insects, mammals, lizards, and all kinds of animals you would expect from that environment. And even some you wouldn't expect.
The oceanic depths of Thallassen, in the heart of the Khosmonian galaxies, host especially gargantuan creatures, from pacific whale-like creatures with four, giant glowing eyes, to monstrous predatory lamprey-like creatures that lurk in the water.
7. How do your characters travel/get around?
The main form of transportation between planets, settlements and galaxies are starships/spaceships of varying shapes, sizes and fuel capabilities. Each planet has its own varied form of in-land transportation, but ranging from different animal mounts, hoverbikes, bullet trains, specialized boats/ships, submarines, and/or especially flying cars in the big cities.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I'm currently writing the first draft of this WIP, and am around the third or fourth chapter of the Prologue Act (which consists of five chapters, or episodes). I already have an alpha reader (@sarandipitywrites) who is helping me a lot with ironing out the details of this story! I'm really happy about the progress I'm finally being able to make!
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) You think will draw your audience in?
General tropes: Found Family, Heists, Space Exploration, Whump (especially Lab Whump), rebelling against the system, Dystopian Utopia, Secret bioengineering scheme (as the main threat from the villains), loveable cyborgs/robots, etc!
For romance: Friends to Lovers, Rivals/Enemies to Lovers, Grumpy/Sunshine, etc
Familial/Friendship Tropes: Wholesome father-daughter duo (who are a former assassin and his feisty adoptive daughter), Protective Older Brother & Willful Younger Sister, Adoptive Siblings, general group of misfits fighting against an oppressive government, etc.
For more tropes & details, check out the WIP Intro!
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
I hope I'll be able to finally finish the first draft of this story this year and that I'll publish it (probably self-publishing or something similar!) in the near future! I generally also hope to have a lot of fun writing it, and that other people will have fun reading this too (especially my friends)!
Tagging (gently) @your-absent-father @ray-writes-n-shit @drchenquill, @saltysupercomputer @agirlandherquill
@sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart @sm-writes-chaos
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@the-golden-comet, @elshells
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ashstfu · 7 months
my fave @flower1993 tagged me to post 5 songs i’m loving rn <3 thank you gabi ! 💗
i’ll tag @cheruib @roadwhores @concordewillfly @mossyfield @srdcovka @cordeliaflyte @chapellroan @springsteens
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sincerelyyoursg · 1 year
gabi's 200 darlings! (summer's version)
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202 of my beautiful people here. You have no idea. This blog started as my little digital diary, where I could talk about my thoughts and interests. Then writing started, and I met so so many beautiful people here. I love you all so much! Let's enjoy summer 🌺
this celebration is now closed! from june 20 to july 7!
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before we start the season...
This event is open to everyone!! Moots, followers, strangers, lovers, friends, anons... You're all welcome!
Only one event per ask please! But the number of asks you can send in is how many you want :)
Some events are for moots only, so please respect that!
Lastly, before we begin, go drink some water, eat and take your medicine if you have to. I love you <3
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music's playing - give me literally anything you can think of, and i'll give you three songs for that! based on whatever you want; books, artists, poems, characters, tropes, songs...
golden days - you can tell me whatever you want to tell me! share some memories with me, and i'll share some with you. for this event, you can tell me to post it privately if you don't want others to see it <3
souls of sunshine (moots only!) - send me some things that remind you of me and I'll do the same for you!
ice coffee - send me your character and any scenario/au you can think of and I'll make a little moodboard :)
summer lovin' (moots only!) - send me anything you want, pic, song, quote... in return, you'll get three items from my wishlist which i think would fit you!
the golden hour - send me a character and scenario/au and I'll write a little drabble for you!
endless blues - games! cym, fmk, would you rather...
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fandoms: harry potter (both eras), grishaverse, 911, friends, dr. house, his dark materials, formula one, the hunger games, top gun/top gun maverick, nhl, little women, pride and prejudice, lord of the rings... look you just send me whatever you want; if I know the fandom I'll do it!
back to nav.
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Thank you so much to my mutuals. I seriously love you all so so much. You have no idea. You're why this blog is so comforting. I probably forgot to tag some of you; I'm so sorry just let me know! I love you all my darlings <3
@kaleb-is-definitely-sane @margolovescoffeeandbooks @malteevars-kee-devi @urdeadpoet @garfieldsladybird @glassdandelion @leaskisses444 @stargirlsirius @sunrisegracie @h-l-vlovesvintage @magic-is-beauty @princess-paramour @siriusownsmyheart @thebestieyoureinlovewith @songofpatrochilless @songs4themoon @ilylipgloss @mirrorballsss @tisthedamnseasns @ttsumii @spaceagebachelormann @sageskisses444 @lovesickpdf @findyouinanylife @until-i-found-you @daydreamer109 @spideychai @magicmadnes @oldsuperstition @quickslvxr @waitingforthesunrise @damnn-dorothea @zvdvdlvr @writingwitch007 @yourstrulywini @ifthiswasamovie1989 @prongsio @alexis-angelsss @lilly-is-semi-sane @morally-gayy @janesociety @jordie-your-local-halfling @camishockeyblog @diorgirl444
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heytheredeann · 3 months
WIP Snippets
I was tagged by @pippinoftheshire @justabigoldnerd @too-young-to-fall-in-love @yallwildinrn to do a bunch of WIP games, but I hadn't been writing much of anything so yeah looool thank you so much for the tags, I love playing these games <3<3
I'm getting back on track a little, so I'm just going to share a couple of snippets, the first two from hug ficlets in progress and the third one from that Uncle Rudi Realizes Mid-Torture That Napoleon Is Immortal series, which is apparently too angsty for me to let go of LOL.
He really wishes Gaby wasn’t waiting for them at the hotel, because this is where he would normally sacrifice her to the cause: an exhausted and pissed off Illya is not someone that anybody would particularly want to deal with after such a long day, but she is not going to get herself mauled, so she gets the privilege of scolding Illya into accepting some help.
Illya stands unnaturally still, barely out of arms’ reach, but he smiles just about as soon as Napoleon opens his mouth, and it looks warmer than he remembered.
“You go,” Napoleon remembers arguing, hating feeling exposed and vulnerable under his gaze. “They can’t kill me.” “Exactly,” Illya only said.
Not tagging anybody this time because I'm so behind everyone has been tagged, but open tag for anyone who wants to share, feel free to @ me!
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tls123 · 7 months
hi francesca!! i meant to tell u this forever ago omg but !! i finally finished devil venerable and i wanted to thank you for recommending it bc it was such a breath of fresh air <33
i love how it subverts fantasy tropes and how it includes metanarrative elements in a really clever way to accomplish that!! like the way it says things aren't as simple as they seem and how different viewpoints reflect different worlds and then actually DELIVERS is so satisfying y'know? and above all i really appreciated how logical and thought-out both the characters' reasoning and the plot's sequence were, everything felt tied together in terms of cause and effect and that's very rare to see in danmei imo
also the "villain" x right-hand man trope is SO delicious and so well-executed i'm actually amazed bc it could've gone off the rails real fast but the author really took the time to flesh it out and resolve it in a healthy and satisfying way that was tied to the character development of both the MC and ML. even despite the initial power imbalance they were able to stand on equal ground at the end. i even teared up several times bc of how evocative the writing was, especially during the backstories and the confession scene, it was SO GOOD 😭😭
oh and last but not least i LOVE how the female characters are portrayed!! they're smart and cunning in their own ways and it was just SO refreshing. also i found myself giggling several times bc of how fun their dynamic was lmao i just love them so much!! anyways lol i hope u don't mind me dumping all my thoughts on u but this was overall just such an enjoyable read so thank you again!! <33 brb gonna go through your entire devil venerable tag now hehe :3
gaby this is everything i could have hoped for and more, i am always so hesitant about recommending things but devil venerable was just so good (and coming from having read orv earlier in the year the metanarrative elements hit me so hard lmao) i couldn't let it go without saying something
i really can't add anything here, you've said it all. the characters, the plot, the dynamics, the natural evolution of not only the story itself but the relationships between so many of the characters. and it's so fun!! and still, still it knows when to take itself seriously.
there's such brilliant artistry at work in devil venerable, in the way it builds <3 <3
honestly, i am so glad you enjoyed it! unfortunately there's not much in the tag :( but hopefully it'll keep growing 🙏💞
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moralesluvr · 1 year
˚ʚ gabi's 2k sleepover! ɞ˚
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hi everyone! welcome to the sleepover! i just want to thank you for all the love & support on this blog! i've only been writing for maybe a month so having 2k followers is out of this world! i hope u enjoy this little event i put together ᥫ᭡
→ you can participate as many times as you like, the only entry is following me ! → this event will be open from now - july 10th!
my ask box ᰔ navigation
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characters! send me an ask and i'll tell you what atsv character you remind me of
ships! send me an ask, your gender preference, and some things about yourself and i'll pair you with a character!
moodboards! send me your favs, like colors, clothing types, etc...and i'll make you a personalized moodboard!
songs! i'll send you a song that reminds me of you ( mutuals only )
blurbs and thoughts! send sum' for me to write, or let's just talk about our favs together!
concepts! send in some lil' concepts and i'll elaborate on them / discuss them
other - mini-games, like fmk, would you rather, this or that! my moots as colors, foods, characters, etc..
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tagging some mutuals <3: @luvjunie, @q2ie, @emaildraft, @luv4berry, @milesmolasses, @moralesism, @all444miles, @fusaes, @laylasbunbunny, @scryarchives, @qtdenks, @rksses
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hils79 · 7 months
Catching up on some of the things I've been tagged in. Some of these are very old. So sorry. I'm crap.
Fic author interview! I was tagged by the fantastic @lynne-monstr
No-pressure tagging: @pangzi @foxofninetales @merinnan @killerandhealerqueen @strandedchesspiece @thesilversun @silver-colour
How many works do you have on AO3?
266 as of now
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,467,370 words however some of those words are on collaborative fics. I don't know how to filter out the ones I wrote by myself but it's well over the 1,000,000 mark and that makes me happy
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unleashed  (MCU, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers) - 801 kudos
Visible to All But Me - (DMBJ, Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling) - 666 kudos (ehehe 😈)
The Truth About Cats, Dogs and Penguins - (Men's Hockey RPF. Evgeni Malkin/Sidney Crosby) - 621 kudos
In which Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are surprisingly capable parents - (MCU, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers) - 530 kudos
Not The Russian Way- (The Man From UNCLE movie, Ilya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo/Gaby Teller) - 516 kudos
I find it fascinating that a DMBJ fic is in my top 5. The other fics are all pretty old and in large and popular fandoms. I think it was just good timing in that I posted when a lot of people who have since moved on to other fandoms were into DMBJ off the back of Ultimate Note airing.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try! I think it's just polite to at least say thank you. Occasionally I do forget of miss one though.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do sad or angsty endings
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Yeah, pretty much all of them.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Very rarely. I think all my crossovers have been co-written with other people.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate exactly, but somone once accused me of plagiarism because I posted a fic with vaguely similar themes to one of theirs. Luckily for me this was back in the LJ days where there was a comm specifically for reviewing accusations of plagiarism where independent people would review both fics. Of course they ruled in my favour but it was really fucking upsetting at the time.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have, but I prefer not to.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Someone translated one of my MCU fics into Chinese which made me very happy.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, a bunch of times! It can be really fun if you get along well with the people you're writing with.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's like asking me what my favourite fandom is. My favourite ship is whatever ship I am into at the time.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
RIP my au for The Untamed where Lotus Pier was a hotel that famous musician Lan Wangji came to stay in while he was on tour.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Probably dialogue or soft domestic fluff
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description. A beta reader recently commented that in one of my fics I hadn't actually described what anyone looks like. I just want them to talk and kiss, okay?
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Not full dialogue, no, but now that I've started writing in Chinese fandoms I think there are some words that can be used. Generally only terms of address, though. Like someone calling someone 'laoban'
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I do still kind of want to write some Mysterious Lotus Casebook fic. At least one at any rate.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
Juxtaposition (DMBJ, Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling)
I don't generally write AUs, and I definitely have never written anything close to this long before. It took me a year to write it and I am very proud of it.
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justabigoldnerd · 7 months
Ten Opening Lines
Thank you so much @nicijones for the tag!!! This is so interesting!!!
Rules: list the first line of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any.
1. To Find Someone To Talk To, Who Likes The Way I Am:
"Chess Club."
2. Kintsukuroi:
"Fall creeps its way out of London, leaving behind crisp air that leaves Solo's cheeks pink, but doesn't make him shiver."
3. You Had To Be A Big Shot, Didn't You (You Had To Open Up Your Mouth):
"The shriek of the wind."
4. My Wings Have Been So Denied:
"Illya was nine years old when it happened."
5. Let Me Be Your Own Icarian Carrion:
"The wind is whipping his hair back and he is soaring after their mark with silent, outstretched wings."
6. I'm Going to the Stars Tonight:
"Illya's apartment doesn't feel like his own anymore."
7. She'll Tell You She's an Orphan After You Meet Her Family:
"“You absolutely incompetent mother fucker!” Gaby screeches, then continues to scream at him in English, German, and the little Russian she's been learning."
8. One More or One Less (Nobody's Worried):
"Gaby Teller pushed herself out from under the belly of the car she was working on and glared at him, swiping back the cloth he'd stolen."
9. Trapped Within An Abstract From A Moment Of My Life:
"The car had barely pulled to a stop in front of the building when Napoleon retrieved his weapon from his shoulder holster to check for a fourth time that it was loaded."
10. In Summer We Can Taste The Rain:
"Spring is wishing Hexham a warm goodbye, and while house arrest is never a good thing, Illya's partners have taken the downtime and pleasant weather as a vacation."
I feel like I tend to either open by throwing the reader straight into the scene head first, or use the first line to establish the setting lol
No pressure tagging @pippinoftheshire @yallwildinrn @huggiebird @heytheredeann @cha-melodius and anyone else who wants to join!!
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yallwildinrn · 6 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday
Thanks @justabigoldnerd for the tag!!
I'm a little late, but here's a little hint of the next installment of "Perseverance, and the Many Ways It Haunts Us" :3
He wants to believe Solo. He wants to be safe. He wants to be out & free, just in a hospital and not a labyrinth. It’s easy, letting himself at least pretend to believe. Solo is next to him, relaxed and easy, and he didn’t put up any fuss or worry when Gaby left. But he can only pretend. His body knows the truth of the matter. His racing heart and shaky hands give that away in an instant, but maybe he can trick himself into thinking the heavy weight of his limbs & their almost stubborn lack of movement is a sign of ease rather than a source of frustration & fear because they won’t cooperate- Illya’s eyes flutter shut as he continues to breathe in the soft scent of soap and faded cologne. One thing is certain: he is exhausted. Keeping his eyes open feel near impossible, so maybe he’ll let them rest for a moment. Just long enough to give them a break. He’ll open them right back up. Illya falls back asleep before Gaby is even back with the nurse.
No Pressure Tags: @zappedbyzabka @amadeusevenstar @heytheredeann @abracazabka @too-young-to-fall-in-love and anyone else who wants to join in (tag me if ya do this <3)
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Ri. Ri. Ri the rizz master. Meron akong brainrot ulit 😭
beh, u should def watch maria clara at ibarra. Its so good like man 😩
but imagine… miguel/noir in a noli au. The clothes???? The plot??? The tagalog OMGGG, like imagine miguel using really old tagalog, as in, the days where ppl still used señor/señorita. Words like maharlika and the like. (Sana tama yung spelling ko hahahsj)
i could go on and on about imagining them in old filipino literature. I can’t. Im so far gone.
-leonara <3
NAKO ATE ARE YOU TRYNA KILL ME????????? man i found ibarra hot there though HE'S THE STANDARD YOU CAN'T BLAME MEEEEE
anyway, so imagine,
miguel o'hara in a noli au
ok so we were both colonized by the spanish right, so i think that YES, YOU BOTH WOULD'VE UNDERSTOOD EACH OTHER IN SPANISH KUNG MESTIZO/A KAYO; but if not, bc from what i remember, the indios weren't taught spanish, you'd kind of just..... listen to him, and if he says a word you understand in tagalog, you'd answer him in tagalog and JUST--
i think if you really didn't understand him bc of how malalim tagalog was back then, which was way more common than how my conyo ass speaks, you two probably wouldn't come to an understanding, you'd probably resort to using your body language to tell him LMAO
also am i the only one who thinks filipino/filipina beauty, doesn't matter if you're moreno/morena or pale or darker than that, really captivates miggy? like even if you didn't look like mestiza women at the time and were a pure-blooded filipino/filipina, HE WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH HOW YOU LOOKED EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T GO ALL OUT FOR HIM (he knows you're perfect :>)
he would try to impress you with his spanish, but honestly, you couldn't care less bc YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HALF THE SHIT HE'S SAYING, so you just... nod... and... leave.......
when you're waiting out by your window, or nagpapahangin lang ykyk kasi mas malamig noon, he'd call out to you and say you look lovely tonight in the MOST FANCY OLD TAGALOG WAY (fuck di ko alam kung paano, BUT LEMME TRY SOMETHING HUHU)
"aba'y binibini/ginoo... ikaw ay punong-puno ng kagandahan ngayong gabi; ang mga tala sa langit ay daig pa sa iyong ning-ning."
then he fuckin winks and you're dead
if you knew him ever since you were younger, he would write those letters ibarra sends maria clara, AND HE'D GAZE OVER AT YOU SO LOVINGLY AS YOU READ THEM OUT LOUD, AND WHEN HE CATCHES YOU BLUSHING HE'D SAY IT, HE'D CALL YOU OUT
"aking binibini, ika'y... namumula. kay ganda ng pula sa iyong mukha, ika'y tilang isang rosas na namumukadkad."
(((oh the urge to kiss him right then and there fuckkk)))
he would harana you. that is FINAL. he would sing in spanish because that's how he expresses himself best, and because he's more familiar with them. but i think he'd compose his own songs in spanish AND TAGALOG FOR U
"aking sinta, ipinapangako ko. hindi kita pakakawalan, hindi kita iiwanan sa impyernong ito, sapagkat ikaw ang natatanging liwanang sa aking buhay, ang tanging minamahal at mamahalin ko hanggang ako'y yumao't mawala sa mundo. nais kong maramdaman at maranasan mo na ikaw lang ang mundo ko. tu eres mi unico mundo." (shit sana tama AAAAAAA)
a/n: BIG THANK YOU TO ATE @binibinileonara FOR THE REQ AND INSPO, LOVE YOU PO ATEEE /platonically <333
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @luvstarrstruck @binibinileonara
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
OC in 3 Tag!
Thanks for tagging me @the-golden-comet (here)!
I'll go with some characters from Scrapyard Boys and Supernova Initiative for this one!
Jordan Raith
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Gwyn Whitewood
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Kay Rodriguez
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Adrian Rosestrom
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Aleks Keldora
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Gabi Ophyria
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Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@wyked-ao3 and OPEN TAG
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chayscribbles · 1 year
find the word (20.7.2023)
thanks @violets-in-her-arms-writes for the tag!!! i'll be doing this for the gemini heist. my words are: girl, grudge, gravity, and guilt.
“It’s about time you started to learn to fend for yourself. You’ve been on this crew for months; you should know how to manage a simple blaster by now. Get Li to teach you if you need help.” Leo ignored the sharp intake of breath Gabi gave at that last suggestion. The girl needed to get a grip on her childish attractions before they impeded her functioning on the crew. “But I will not have you lugging this droid around on my ship, just asking for Larue to come after us. On our next fuel stop, you’re leaving it at the station. Got it?”
grudge (how do i NOT have the word "grudge" in my revenge wip yet??? what is wrong with me???)
Purple wisps of light erupted from [Illiana]’s hands and eyes as she shot into the sky, defying gravity. Euna stared in shock and awe as she rose just over the height of the fence, twirled around in midair, and gracefully landed on the other side, the energy from her hands softening her fall like the thrusters of an old-fashioned hovercraft. [Illiana] threw a triumphant smirk over her shoulder at the gawking Euna before taking off again.
guilt (if you've already seen me post this snippet no you havent <3)
“Stop looking so guilty, Franco,” Leo said, pulling her out of her thoughts. “This is a public space. You’re allowed to be here.” “I don’t look guilty,” Gabi retorted, unaware that she had been doing anything out of the ordinary with her mannerisms. Looking guilty was the default for her at this point, and being back on her old university campus gave her all the more reason to feel so. “I’m normal. I’m so very normal.” “Normal people don’t say ‘I’m normal’.”
tagging: @winterandwords @stick-a-pencil-in-my-eye @kapenkoiwrites @moondust-bard @lonsdalewrite and whoever else wants an excuse to do this
your words, should you choose to accept, are: pull, play, pale, ponder, and passive.
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falconcoast · 2 years
warm hands and heart | diluc x reader
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day five. fireplace ft. diluc
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event masterlist
the manor’s heating system is broken, it’s too cold and late to get it fixed today, and there’s a movie on the TV: the perfect situation for cuddles with your ever-so busy boyfriend. 
a/n: i bet you’re gonna be like, grace if you’re, like, gonna be late when posting your prompts everyday, you should probs move the schedule and my answer to that is no <3 sorry for the short drabble!! i had debate, church, and math final review all in one day D: happy simbang gabi!
tags: tooth-rotting fluff
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wintertime in mondstadt often sent the heating system in the manor into overdrive. because of its proximity to the mountains, it was always extra chilly. you should have known that it would have broken down from overuse, but you lamented anyway.
with the snow building up, icy roads, and nighttime falling, you decided that the only solution would be to light the fireplace up. bundled up under layers of blankets, you were sprawled out on the ground. the tv was quietly playing some obscure holiday movie that you were hardly paying attention to.
“i think your skin will get burnt if you lay so close to the fire like that,” a voice announced, muffled under layers of cloth.
“hi, diluc,” you mumbled, peeking your head out from your cocoon. “did you finish up your work?”
“that i did,” he smiled, walking over to you. “i was so busy that i didn’t notice that the heating was broken. i suppose that we’ll have to figure that out tomorrow, but the fireplace will suffice today.”
as he sat by you, you raised an eyebrow. “well, considering you have no more work, and considering that i am so very comfy under these blankets,” you began, taking his hand. “i think you should come cuddle with me.”
he blushed, withdrawing his hand to cover his mouth in surprise. “that is…quite forward,” he replied, trying to hide himself in the locks of his hair.
“hehe, you’re adorable when you get flustered over small things. you can act all big and tough, but i know you’re a big softie. that’s so cute of you!” you exclaimed. dragging him to the floor, you tackled him with blankets. “and that means that we should cuddle. c’mon, there’s a movie playing and you’ve worked hard. please?”
you glossened your eyes, pouting at him. sighing, he wrapped the blanket over both of your heads. “i suppose that it would be a good way to relax,” he conceded, much to your delight. you wrapped your arms around him tightly, kissing his cheek.
“thank you!” you grinned, leaning your head on his shoulder. he reciprocated the action, wrapping an arm around his waist.
as the warmth of the fireplace warmed you up, a different, internal warmth swelled in diluc’s chest. “of course,” he breathed out, looking at you with adoration before kissing him on the forehead.
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