#thanks for the ask game op
justtuesdays · 6 months
2, 4, 9 and 19 for the positivity ask game
Hi, OP! Thank you so much for the game.
02 - What character did you start liking because of someone else?
Youcef and that's all because of @sunshinejihyun and then reinforced by @rebelrayne. It wasn't that I didn't like him. He was alright, he existed. But then they both made him so much more than that in our conversations and their works. And here I am, making one of my one of my OCs Youcef's lover.
04 - What inspires you to create in the fandom?
I've already answered that here.
09 - What WIP from another creator are you most excited about?
Dylan Kaminski Must Die by @whatisreggieshortfor. Off the Market by @rebelrayne. Other than that, I haven't really ventured deep into the fandom, I am just coming back from the longest hiatus ever.
19 - Your favourite fanwork of an underrated character?
Do ya'll consider Hamish underrated? He's pretty popular now with everyone. But, all of the fics churned out by Jessie dearest has made me love Hamish Lennox-Ross so much, to the point that we have inside jokes in our crew. In this house we stan the Ham-man.
LITG Positivity Ask Game!
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bright-and-burning · 17 days
Slow kiss, whatever pairing you want! — wiz
Oscar giggles, thready and high, and leans into Lando’s space to grab the joint back from his hands. He takes a breath to steady himself first, pull it together so he won’t choke on the inhale and embarrass himself, and settles into his spot, twisting to sit sideways.
Lando lowers his hand and sinks back into the couch they’re sharing. Oscar can’t look away, stuck on the spread of Lando’s fingers across the pristine fabric. He’s drawing designs in the fuzz with his index finger, everything else held stationary, like the only tendons connected to his brain are concentrated there.
Lando pokes Oscar’s side.
“D’you forget how to smoke?”
His voice is slurred, low and slow. Oscar drags his eyes back up to Lando’s face.
“Noooooo,” Oscar draws it out, reveling in the shape of his mouth around the letters.
He forces his limbs to cooperate. Draws his hand up, and pauses, thoughts loading in from far away.
“You ever-“
He stops.
Lando blinks, lids slow to lower and even slower to raise.
It’s more an exhale than a word, but Oscar sees the green light that it is.
“Y’ever shotgun?”
Lando’s finger pauses, halfway through writing Oscar’s name in the cushion. His nose scrunches up. Oscar wants to lick it.
“Fuckin’- what?”
“When you, like,” Oscar takes a hit, sits with it in his lungs for a moment. “And then you, y’know. Blow it in somebody’s mouth.”
Smoke escapes as he speaks, words made hazy and real.
Lando shifts forward, back into his usual state of perpetual motion.
“You mean blowbacks?“
“What the fuck. You just made that up.”
Lando twists to face him, faster than his eyes can track.
Lando rolls his eyes, giving in. Shocker, honestly. Oscar’d expected them to go on forever. The silence sits on his limbs like a weighted blanket.
Lando clears his throat.
Oscar’s head is heavy. He lets it slide to the side, leans his shoulder further into the couch.
“Never-“ Lando pauses, clearly searching for words. Oscar’s more interested in finding out what the sheen of sweat on Lando’s collarbone tastes like than predicting what he’s trying to say next. “Shotgunned, or whatever.”
Oscar stops calculating how weird it would be to lean over and lick Lando.
“You- never?”
Lando sounds confused. Bemused, maybe.
Oscar hums. He wiggles his toes, testing his control of his limbs. Looks at the joint, cherry burning up, getting hot in his fingers, and makes a decision.
“Hold still.”
Oscar swings his leg over Lando’s lap, faster than he thought he was capable of, and drags the rest of his body into center.
“Wanna try?”
Lando swallows and nods, head tipping back to keep Oscar in sight.
The joint’s nearly burnt down. Oscar shakes off a pang of guilt at the waste, and takes a hit, inhaling deep, making his chest tight with it.
He weaves a hand into the crown of Lando’s hair, and tugs until his mouth drops open.
Oscar leans in close, close enough for Lando’s breath to be a gentle puff against his skin, just far enough not to touch, and closes his eyes.
He exhales. Lando inhales, audibly shaky, and Oscar opens his eyes to meet Lando’s, pupils blown wide. Oscar’s skin feels lit up, electricity arcing across the paper-thin distance between their lips.
“Again?” Lando croaks. He’s looking up at Oscar like he wants to eat him. Or be eaten by him. Oscar can’t tell.
Oscar takes a quick glance at the joint and nods. He takes one final hit, a too-large inhale, and leans back to put the roach in the tray on the coffee table.
The air feels like molasses around him. Syrupy, thick and sweet. Just a little too warm to be comfortable.
Sweat prickles at the backs of his knees where they’re bent.
Oscar looks down at Lando, mouth ajar and eyes half-lidded, and feels like he’s swallowed the sun.
He leans in again, and exhales into Lando’s waiting mouth. Eyes wide open to watch him inhale and hold it.
Lando’s exhale lights Oscar up, like he’s blown on the embers in the pit of his stomach to start a bonfire instead of into his face.
Oscar closes the distance, suddenly desperate to touch, and kisses Lando.
Lando inhales sharply and wraps his arms around Oscar’s waist to pull him closer, hands hot like a brand even through Oscar’s shirt.
Oscar slides his tongue into Lando’s mouth, mapping all the places his breath has been that he hasn’t, and slows. The desperation cools, replaced with low-burning need, both too high for finesse or speed.
The world outside of Lando’s body below him and mouth on his disappears, narrowed down to nothing more than wet heat and the press of fabric against his knees.
It’s sloppy; lazily licking into each others’ mouths, breathing against each other.
Oscar could spend hours like this.
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
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That is all thank you
ANSWERED: Art credit for da first Ren meme goes to @meo-eiru!!
BUT HELPPPPP THESE ARE SO FUNNY JDSGJH T_T The Moth meme + Uno meme had me CACKLING lmaoooooooo
#This has been happening a lot recently (and is by no means directed to OP) but!! Just a reminder to credit artists if you use their art!!#And it's always better to ask for permission beforehand; some artists don't like havin their art shared / reposted / reuploaded / etc.#They put in effort to create content for you to consume; so it's only fair to give them da proper credit and exposure in return!!#''Credits to the original creator'' and ''I found the image on google / pinterest / etc.'' isn't a good enough excuse >.<#If you can't find the creator; don't share it. And at the very least try to reverse image search to locate the source#But!!!! With all that being said:#Everyone is welcome to use the official 14DWY sprites/game assets without asking for my permission or giving credit!#I personally think it's ok because game assets can be found /within/ the game itself; it's not like folks have to go on a search hunt--#--to find a specific artist. They can find the art/asset within the game without having to do the extra steps.#If that makes any sense??#Like the 14DWY style is fairly recognisable if you're familiar with the game; folks don't need to reverse image search for anything.#Anyways I'm done ranting in da tags#I might make this an actual post in the future because; again; this has been happening a lot recently in the 14dwy tag/my askbox#and all these talented artists don't deserve this ;n;#Plus it shouldn't be my job to be the one giving credit..... T_T /lh /nm#OKOK I'm done for realsies now#Thank you OP for making these memes!! And sorry for ranting on what's supposed to be a lighthearted post dghjdgjhsg ^^;#💜 — 14dwy memes.#💌 — answered.#💖 — 14 days with queue.
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queer-lovebot · 7 days
Oh my god… Kevin Day learning how to drive is everything I never knew I wanted
Teehee! Im glad you liked it!! I think Kevin should do more normal things. Bonus points if he gets to be bad at them. He should face plant after trying to prove he can skateboard when he knows he’s never done it. It should have to count correct change at the supermarket. He should have to go to the bank. Many little wonders can be found in Kevin Day participating in mundanity and we should capitalize on it more.
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wahwahmoment · 2 months
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new favorite white boy of the month, operator from @attollogame (maskless under the cut)
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alphagirl404 · 2 months
For the zelda asks: 💣 🐳 👊?
💣 Favorite Zelda Item/Weapon?
I don't think this counts but I did like using the Bomb Rune alot in BotW. And Bomb Flowers in TotK (I guess I just like blowing things up).
SkSw on the other hand I think it be the Beetle cause I recall using that one the most in my playthroughs
🐳 If you were a Zelda character, what race would you be?
I think maybe a Rito. I really their designs in BotW/TotK. Plus flying sounds more fun & convenient to me.
👊 Favorite Zelda Villain/Boss?
If we're talking about design wise, I say TP Ganondorf is peak to me.
But in terms of character, I think we know who...
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captaintrio · 1 month
2-24 even for Shanks 💕
Oh my goodness, thank you bby!! Y'all are gonna hear about Shanks today lmfao. Most of this is gonna be under a readmore bc I've never been able to be succinct but here we goooooo!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I love how careful he is about when and how he flexes all that power he has. It was meant to be very on the nose when we were introduced to him via Luffy in the very beginning of the series, but like. His little episode on Whitebeard's ship seemed like he had conqueror's haki out of control, but it was a very purposeful flex, if for nothing else than to show that he took approaching another Yonko seriously. Or the way he chose to handle Greenbull at the end of Wano. Sure it was hard to the new folks on his crew to handle exposure so suddenly, but he sent that like 50 miles out from the ship and hit that jerk in the heart with it. And never even raised his voice about it. Idk I think his restraint and how it manifests is a really interesting part of his characterization.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
it's probably on my mind bc of Bernard Hill's recent passing, but I think Shanks would do so well and have a grand old time being elusive and mysterious in Lord of the Rings lmfao. He's got that Aragorn quality of could be in his 20s could be in his 40s who knows, he and Gandalf would probably get a kick out of each other, he'd fucking love the hobbits I am telling you this. (he also, I am very afraid, has that Aragorn quality of 'doomed by the narrative just not quite yet,' but we'll see.)
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
this is hard, I think he's a much more complex and interesting person than I am for the most part, but like. I think it's safe to say he'd mostly rather diffuse a situation than have it become serious when the latter is avoidable, and I am that way too. If the situation is already serious and requires a throw down response that's a different matter, but if we can avoid a serious fight in favor of a little tussle and some drinks, that'd be the way he'd go, and I agree.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
take this one with a grain of salt bc I mostly try not to yuck anyone's yum or argue about differing headcanons, but I really do not fucking like the like. scumbag/villain!Shanks thing that seems to have a semi-popular following. some of that is personal bias, as I think he is a warm, good person who is doing his best, but it also kind of feels like a betrayal of the narrative for him. which I realize is funny coming from the "everything is made up including the source material" guy but here we are. there was a period a few months ago where people were basically just writing him as OP Toji and it made me want to pull all my hair out.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
absolutely, I adore him, I think he's right about a lot of things, our ethics tend to line up where it matters, I think he's funny and would be fun to be around, he listens well and is a warm and compassionate person. I really like him and we'd get along really well I think. (mostly probably through the lens of my OC bc I'm not like. terribly convinced of my actual in person IRL likeability but in theory, absolutely yes.)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I've written about it a little before, but I think the reason he let Buggy go without telling him what Roger talked to him about after the execution wasn't because he didn't want Buggy with him anymore or didn't believe he had what it took to complete that mission, but so that Buggy would have a chance to forge his own way and have his own life. Doing what Roger asked necessitated Shanks--who was widely regarded as having the potential to be the next big legend--to drop out of the running almost entirely. He picked up his crew, he made a name for himself, he became the youngest person (at the time) to gain the title of Yonko, but he also spent a decent amount of time having to like. Lay low on beaches and dick around in the East Blue and play balance keeper and chess master until the man Roger was waiting for appeared. There are more spoilery additions to this that I'll leave out for now but yeah. I think he knew Buggy had all that same potential, and wanted to give him an opportunity to strike out on his own adventure without living in that shadow or carrying their mentor's ghost around.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
oh take this one with a grain of salt too idk that I know any of the terms correctly lmfao but he's very like. when I picture boho in my mind that seems very him. a lot of linens a lot of light flowy breathable clothes. It's pirate!Boho obviously but like. The man is out there wearing birkenstocks as we speak js.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
same standard issue disclaimer as the fandom stuff I don't like, this isn't to yuck anyone's yum, follow your bliss what people ship isn't my business, these are just the ones I personally do not like. shankslu is at the forefront, but I don't really do shanksbenn either?? a LOT of captains and first mates in this series read that way to me but those two don't for me.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I actually really enjoy his dynamic with Marco. There are some interesting pieces of shared history there but overall the like. Friendly ribbing, amiable hanging out and willingness to cooperate between two of my faves is always very nice to see. c:
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
oh please I think he'd think Sabo was a ton of fun. I know there's an age difference there that makes peership a little different than between the other mid-40s dudes he usually hangs out with, but think about it. Two very powerful people who are carrying the weight of part of this new era on their shoulders, who have a habit of just sort of fucking off out of the narrative and doing things as they please within their own personal parameters, who will just get up and obliterate a guy when that's what the situation calls for? Funny, weird, intelligent guys that love Luffy, believe in him, and want whats best for him? Even if they weren't besties, I think there's a lot of fun overlap for general friendship there.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
something I like: when people recognize that all that soft puppy silly goofy guy exterior, while sincerely part of him, is something that he makes the decision to externalize every day, and is sat atop a deep well of like. sadness and responsibility. there are a lot of people doing a very good job making him a romantic dopey nightmare man without sacrificing that silliness or his intelligence and sense of personal responsibility.
something I don't like: when people start a fic with the disclaimer "Shanks is in here but I hate him lol so he's a lil ooc 🤭🤪" and then he's like. not only ooc but just someone's ex boyfriend or doflamingo or just off-screen doing heinous shit for no reason. Writing a character you hate: can be fun and compelling! I fucking hate Doflamingo, for example, but as a narrative device, as a villain? bar none one of the best and most interesting. Writing a character you hate with the intention of doing a shit job because you hate them? dumb, annoying, and a waste of everyone's time. why include someone you don't want to write about lmfao just pick a different character and be done.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
i'm drawing a blank, I'm going to be real with you. Like, I can think of a ton of mentor characters, but they don't really remind me of him. I can think of a bunch of like. guardian of the new era characters, that still don't super remind me of him. I think again i've got LOTR on the brain rn but the like. Fellowship of the Ring Aragorn is the closest I'm coming up with and even that's mostly in terms of like. the gentle mentorship of the hobbits, the offbeat sense of humor, and that dedication to a responsibility that he might have been scared to face. IDK. Shanks is a pretty unique guy to me. I'm sure I'm gonna sit bolt upright at 3 AM with a list of 20 people that fit the bill but rn it simply isn't clicking lmfao.
And there we have it!!! My (mostly) comprehensive analysis of Shanks, for you my dear friend. Thank you so much for asking!!!
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piratespencil · 8 months
Oh I love your idea!! Trick or treat, for Sanji? Including the anime <3 I'd love to hear your thoughts!!
Sanji!! One of my biggest Sanji headcanons atm is that this cook is not cis. Sanji goes to Momoiro Island and comes back with a whole new gender. I'm very attached to both genderfluid!Sanji and transfem!Sanji headcanons.
All of the crew is totally chill with this (Luffy and Zoro possibly don't notice that anything changed at all) but Nami especially is very happy about this. Nami and fem!Sanji are the absolute best of friends (and maybe they also kiss sometimes too).
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So Terrans wanna hear about the legend of the 12 original primes?
Terrans: :0
Thrash: Wait, primes? ':/
Jawbreaker: There’s more Primes than Optimus?
Hashtag: I thought that was just a him thing, like, part of his name, yknow??
Nightshade: and original? Legends? There’s a whole lot of history to the whole Prime thing? How many have there been over time??
Optimus: this is a discussion for another day, yes there’s lore, and there’s been a lot, I am perhaps… officially 16, unofficially 17.
Twitch: so, does this mean, there’s some truth to those comics…? Like, that ‘Rodimus Prime’? He’s real?
Optimus: fuck
Optimus: this is a trap. I call upon the first.
Twitch: please? We’ll leave you alone if you tell us.
Optimus: fine, yes, Rodimus is real. One day you may meet him, but it’s not likely to be soon. And he’s not quite like the comics depict him. Do not tell anyone else, the only people you can talk about him with is myself, Elita, and Megatron. Alright?
Optimus: now go play and gimme like, a week to a month to figure how to explain the whole Prime thing to you all.
Nightshade: I… suppose that’s fair…
Hashtag: alright.
Jawbreaker: he’s not mean, is he?
Optimus: no, not really. Now shoo, little ones, and when I’ve got it figured out in a digestible manner, I’ll tell you.
Jawbreaker: Oh, okay. :)
Thrash: I feel very cheated right now.
Optimus: in that case, perhaps consider never playing monopoly.
Thrash: *glare*
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nevermore-grimes · 25 days
hello it's madd ask game op on main!! how abt 1, 30, and 35? :0
Ahhh! Hiiiiii! Thank you for sending these in! Your ask game is so much fun!!!
how long have you been daydreaming for? (bonus if you can remember: what was your first daydream scenario/paracosm?)
Hmmmmm... I've been daydreaming as long as I can remember, really. Officially, I say since I was six years old, but I was daydreaming even from before then, I think.
In the earliest daydream I can remember, I was floating in a spaceship (zero-gravity moment!) with Ash Ketchum and Pikachu for some reason??? Don't ask me why, it was just the vibe, I guess.
if your paras had madd/daydreamed immersively, what would they daydream about?
This question almost broke my brain, lmaooo! It's sad, but I feel like if any of my paras were maladaptive daydreamers, they'd just daydream about lives where they either made better decisions or had better lives.
Like, Aerith would daydream a life where Nevermore never ran away from home, and Nevermore would daydream a life where her moms never tried to force her to be a princess. Sad stuff like that! *Sniffles*
if you have multiple paracosms, what would it be like if they had a crossover?
All of my other paracosms right now are just AUs of my main paracosm (The Ember Blade Chronicles), so if there ever was a crossover, everyone would be looking at each other like that one Spiderman meme, lmaooo!
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gemstarstarlight · 2 months
IDK if you've seen Crown of Candy yet, but it's treatment of Not-Christianity is much better even if ultimately still negatively-oriented. It's more centered around the historical institution with Not-God being more of a force than a sapient being, and the pagan representation turns out to be sinister so it's consistent in not endorsing any strain of divinity in particular. Ravening War likewise does some interesting stuff with church-drama that doesn't cast genuine faith in a bad light.
I have watched both of those and I agree with you! It’s definitely a bit better because of all of that. It’s also more my genre anyway, which made it more fun.
It’s so tricky because there’s truth in both Comida and Fantasy High’s depiction of religion. I’ve met the Bobby Dawns and read up on the Belisabeth Brassicas. I understand that God can feel distant, like a force and nothing more. I am so angry and grieved at the damage the church has done to people. Any time there is a grasp for power or a putting down of others or another goddamned cult I want to just cry because this isn’t what it’s supposed to be and it’s horrible to just watch. Also I do believe that as much as possible there shouldn’t be an endorsement of one religion over another in entertainment, so not endorsing any particular religion in Dimension 20 is good.
But I feel such a connection with characters like Sir Morris Brie. Because I’m a Bible-believing Bulbian. I’ve studied my god and I’ve also met him. And he’s not like Helio at all. He loves me. Has always loved me. Has always wanted what was best for me. Has grieved with me when I’ve lost everything in little ways over and over again. Has been my father and friend when I haven’t been able to trust one and didn’t know how to have the other. And I’ve been able to trust the Bible over and over again even if I haven’t always agreed or understood.
And it’s just never represented. D&D has always felt like the closest thing to representation for me, as a Bible-believing queer person. And Dimension 20 (again, understandably, it sounds like Ally’s experience was awful and part of healing has been leaving) rarely if ever portrays someone with genuine faith in a Christian-esque god. Or if they do, it’s portrayed as toxic or ill-informed. And that sucks, frankly.
I get it, I truly do. No one gets more irritated than I do at bigoted ignorant Christians and I will fully doxx myself by saying I have been to the American South and I would NEVER live there willingly because of the culture.
But I tend to listen to the more neutral Dimension 20 campaigns. It took me so long to try A Crown of Candy. Because I don’t just respect my religion; I love my God. And I hate to see the slander, especially because some of it is true and even more especially because some of it is not.
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efingcod · 3 months
Oh you know I gotta come ask about Frank. 2, 4, and 12.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
That he really cares about the people around him, even if he tries to hide it. I love that canon made him a total badass on the surface, but hints at (and eventually tells us overtly) that he does have a heart.
From the subtle moments that I’ve mentioned before such as him crying over that kid in Black Ops 1. How Bowman’s brutal death affects him. Sacrificing himself to save Mason.
In Cold War how he takes the time to get to know Bell. His camaraderie with Mason. But also the occasional touches that keep his friend grounded.
And in Black Ops 2 being locked in that storage container watching his men die. The way it breaks him. But even when he’s suffering himself with his own life changing injuries he manages to muster up the strength to take in and be there for David who’s just lost everything.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I feel protective of him he’s been through enough so my impulse is to put him in a nice slide-of-life something or other where he can relax. But I know him. I know Frank. He’ll get bored. 😂
I can’t think of anything specific that I’d like to see him in but I think he’d have fun in a Western. Either that or some kind of supernatural something (obviously right? 😂)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Oh boy what headcanons don’t I have for him? All right so in the last chapter of JWIN I had him make some mean sandwiches for him and Mila. I don’t think Frank can cook generally. It’s not his interest and really when would he have had time to perfect the skill.
But I do think that he makes killer pancakes-pancake mix being cheap as hell and pancakes being super filling- he likely got really good at them. good news for anyone who spends the night with him amiright 😉
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If you’re doing the drabbles still: Gus telling Creature about what Gatlus was like before the G3 invasion? Or just the two trying to bond sometime after the events of the game or between bounties
The drabbles are open, always 🤲 Thank you for the ask ^^
Here's to two sweet lil' guys bonding while BH and the rest of the team are out kicking butt. (and a tiny bit of existential angst)
"Hey, Gus, Gus," Creature called out.
"Huh - What-" Gus jerked awake, "What's up pal?"
He'd dozed off a while back, during a particularly boring part of a documentary on Earth sea slug reproduction that Lizzie had put on to annoy Gene. She’d “hidden” the remote by the staircase, before heading out, leaving the trio of Gene, Creture, and Gus to watch the thing.
Gene only complained for about 5 minutes, before falling asleep, and Gus was quick to follow. He hadn’t quite realised how exhausting a life of bounty-hunting would be, and didn’t complain too much, if at all, when Bounty Hunter left him and Creature at home during this one mission.
Creature on the other hand seemed utterly unaffected by fatigue. It seemed like the added stress of constant near-death experiences was comparable, or even lesser than, that of constantly having a dozen kids.
“Were you sleeping?” Creature asked.
“Yes pal,” Gus blinked in annoyance, “Did you wake me up just to ask that?”
“No, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t dead.” The Gatlian shrugged, as much as his shoulder-less body would allow.
“I was just sleeping, why would you-”
“This movie Lizzie put on, it’s got me thinking,” Creature turned towards the TV, he paused for a second, his gaze lost in the wavy colourful shapes of sea slugs merging into a singular non-distinct mass of alien bodies, “We are the last Gatlians out there. Our planet is gone, and we will never be able to repopulate it again, just the six of us. All our traditions, songs, dances,” he nudged towards the screen, with a melancholic look painted over his face, “We’ll never be like them. My little freaky babies … they will never get to have little freaky babies of their own. You know?”
Gus was at a loss for words. Sure, he knew what he needed to say, which just so happened to very closely align with what he wanted to say, but Creature’s unprompted nihilistic philosophic speech had taken him by surprise.
Thankfully it seemed that Creature’s children were unaffected, as they spent the few minutes they had staring at the mating sea slugs in silent and confused awe.
“Ah, I’m sure there’s more of us out there,” Gus scruffled over and gave Creature a little pat on the shoulder. “Bunty Hunter will keep looking, and so will we. We’ll be alright buddy, we’ll rebuild. There might no longer be a home for us on Gatlus, but we made a good home for ourselves here, don’t you think?”
Creature turned to face Gus, earning him twelve displeased groans from his back.
“You mean that? Because I don’t think you mean that, not after how you got mad at Kenny for destroying our home planet,”
“I mean, he literally caused the downfall of our fucking-” Gus cut himself off, shaking his head. There was no use getting worked up over something Creature didn’t remember, and couldn’t possibly understand.
Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.
“You know, there’s something we could do before the others return. Bounty Hunter won’t get it, and Lizzie might yell at us, but it was somewhat of a tradition back on Gatlus. When someone close, like a best friend went on a very long journey, and we didn’t know when they’d return we’d throw them-”
“A surprise party?” Creatrue excitedly interrupted.
“No, not a surprise party. A bucket of Takeocot purée.”
“A what now?”
“Takeocot purée. I’ll show you how to make it. Well, we usually did it before they left, for good luck and to repel mud-bugs on their travels, but I’m sure they’ll get our meaning.”
The smile on Creature’s face was contagious, and Gus couldn’t help but mimic the grin. It had been so long since he’d engaged in casual tasks like this, and even longer since he’d done anything Gatlian.
“How are the two of you gonna make whatever that thing is, considering you have two arms between the two of you, and no way of getting down from this coffee table?” Gene suddenly interrupted.
“Aaah – I thought you were sleeping!” Creature exclaimed.
His children hissed at him again, in reaction to the loud noise.
“I woke up when you said repopulate,” Gene scratched his face. “Do you want me to call Lizzie to help you with your mushy-mushy bonding activity?”
“No thank you,” Gus dryly stated.
“I mean, he’s not wrong about us only having two arms,” Creature tried to argue.
“Two plus twenty-four,” Gus nodded towards Creature’s babies.
“Oh, right.”
With the roar of a dozen babies who were just told to stop watching TV, Creature’s children hopped off his back and helped the duo down from the coffee table before carrying them to the kitchen, as per Gus’s instructions.
When Gene straightened up on the couch, attempting to catch a peak of what they were doing, one of the babies ran up to him and hissed at his face. He would have bitten him too, had he not puffed out of existence that very moment.
“You know Gus,” Creature spoke while Gus rummaged through the cupboard he could reach, in search of the necessary ingredients, “We should do this more often; you telling me about stuff I’m supposed to remember, me telling you about how hopeless the future would be without my friends.”
“Sure thing, pal.” Gus smiled in reply, “Just maybe without the hopeless future part, next time.”
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thedogslegart · 1 year
I'm not good with requests but a really silly Postal Dude, please?
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He's silly! And I'm SO silly about him
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self-insert-hell · 6 months
So Julian, what's something you and Adam like to do after a hard day of work?
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Text: “It depends on how busy we are but we enjoy reading and cuddling when we need to wind down. We also enjoy stargazing at the pier as well.”
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ladytauria · 7 months
Would you ever write Hanahaki Disease? 👀 (I'm thinking JayTim or DickTim if it's relevant to your answer) — Kieran
ahh thank you @kieran-granola <3
i would absolutely!
i actually have written it with damitim before (lol, actually, i went through my damitim idea notes the other day and i have apparently written down 3 separate hanahaki ideas for them, so apparently that’s a heavy association for me).
i adore hanahaki, just like… in general, and i recently saw this take on hanahaki a while back & it just… i love the angst of it being unrequited (or assumed unrequited), but i love even more that what kills you isn’t the lack of returned love, but the keeping it to yourself. (is it because i love pining? probably)
specifically with those ships though—still a yes!
i love the idea of it being tim—the flowers first germinating in his childhood, and growing slowly, slowly, slowly over time until he’s coughing up petals. i think with dick he wouldn’t even be surprised—maybe just that it took so long. with jason it would be more shocking, especially if he’s still in denial that he is feeling things.
but! it going in the reverse…
dick waking up one day and taking notice of tim, all pretty and bad ass and independent. or not even really knowing he’s taken notice; just. being flashed a smile and tasting something floral and realizing, oh no.
jason falling incrementally. he notices it happening, maybe tries denial at first before giving up and accepting his fate. pining quietly and unobtrusively until those first petals come. thinking about how much lovelier a grave covered in flowers would be—or maybe how, once again, he’s dying for a want of love…
[ writer’s would you ever ]
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