#thanks for the ask this was fun!
dicenote · 3 months
For the ship ask game :>
6, 10 and 12 for Lawtsuda?
Hell yeah! Lawtsuda hcs coming up!
6. How they decorated their bedroom
I feel like they don't "decorate" per se. It's more like, they keep finding cool stuff and it winds up in their room on a shelf somehow. So things like cool rocks that Matsuda found or some cold cases that L was reading into will clutter their room and make it feel lived-in. Also, I think they have a big bed for nights where they both sleep in the bed together, as well as a big chair in the corner for L to sleep and/or work in.
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
You know those soap operas with like a billion episodes and million absurd plot twists? I feel like they'd get hooked on one of those out of the blue and end up watching it regularly. Matsuda's legitimately into the characters and story, and L (who's sometimes working on a case while simultaneously watching) tries to predict some of the twists. Matsuda's convinced that L is friends with one of the show's writers or something, because his predictions tend to be spot on.
Matsuda likes watching kid's shows, but he's a little afraid of L teasing him for it or calling him childish. I'm talking shows like Steven Universe, for example. I think Matsuda would find comfort in shows that always have a happy ending. And he likes the music, too. When L finds out about it, Matsuda feels a little silly about hiding it, and he ends up info-dumping about the story and characters.
In a similar vein, old cartoons are L's guilty pleasure. I don't think he intentionally hides his interest from Matsuda, it's more that he only watches the cartoons when he's having a really bad day. He's probably got a small collection of old VHS tapes that he plays through, and he's memorized every episode on them.
12. What they do for their anniversary
I feel like they'd both somehow forget which day their anniversary is. Like, Matsuda is sure it's the 7th, but L is also sure it's the 9th, or something like that. They'd spend a while hunting down evidence until they figure out what day they actually got together. Hell, for L, that would be a date night all on its own, lmao.
On the day (whenever it is), Matsuda gets L a big cake from a local bakery. Somehow, he doesn't drop it on his way back, lol. He'd probably also get L some fun presents, like a new puzzle game, or a plushie that reminded him of L. L absolutely loves it.
L isn't the most social person, but he loves Matsuda, so he gets a reservation for them at a restaurant that Matsu's always wanted to go to. He has a good time, especially because he's with Matsuda. There's a pretty good chance that they wind up getting kicked out of said restaurant, but they're having fun.
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perrenial-peonies · 2 months
hey uh
this with usao
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This tickled me so much I made a little comic about it!
Enjoy <3
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royaltea000 · 3 months
we know that alfred is insane over gil, but is gil insane over anyone? it doesnt have to be the degree of insane alfred is
Gil is insane overall so it’s very hard to spot a difference when he’s being more so but I like to think, as all unhealthy sibling relationships go in this series - that he’s obsessed with Ludwig. Not to the extent that Ludwig is fixated on him but he’s very much an overbearing helicopter parent in his own trying to make it seem like I don’t give a shit way. He’s calmed down sooo much in modern times but I Know that boy was going through like no less than 20 lessons a day when he was born
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alastair-1205 · 11 months
Silly question but what is by far the stupidest thing you headcanon for the ninja?
Ooooh ok no this is a really fun question!
I think my stupidest headcanon is probably that Jay is the only one who actually graduated high school. Zane and Pixal are nindroids, Cole dropped out, Kai never went/also dropped out but at a younger age, Lloyd went to Darkleys and then never went back to school, and Nya got dragged out of her education by the plot (Samukai kidnapping her). So yea Jay is the only one who actually has his high school diploma lmao. But hey everyone else is doing just fine without it so how necessary was the hell that is the education system anyways?
And while I'm on this topic I will mention that I tend tot think of Jay as having been around 16-ish at the start of the show but he just managed to graduate early. I feel like that ties in enough to mention it here lol.
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enlitment · 3 months
Horace, Virgil, Ovid!
FMK: Roman poets edition, nice!
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I haven't gotten that deeply into any of them (yet!) as I did with Catullus so this will be largely based on vibes.
Don't really want to kill any of them but I'll be super sneaky about it and steal @chaotic-history's idea:
Behead Vergil
-> Look, look, I love The Aeneid and I do want him to be happy surrounded by plants and trees and bees as much as the next person. But! Beheading him ensures he can hang out with Dante in the afterlife, so I'm all for it. I may not be the right gender for him anyway.
Bed Ovid
-> I mean Ovid... beds. Like, canonically. Ars Amatoria seems to be a proof of that. Plus he gets tons of points for 'odi concubitus, qui non utrumque resolvunt'. Listen, the bar is not high okay?
Mary Horace
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-> Based on his statues it seems that he had a great bone structure. He's also arguably the most Catullus-coded of the three.
He can appreciate iconic queens to an extent (re: Cleopatra Ode). Willing to admit a flop, which makes him kind of endearing (re: not being Jove's strongest soldier at Philippi).
Plus he enjoys wine and appreciates both friendship and Epicurean philosophy, so we'd probably get along well.
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
top 5 seungmo gifsets you’ve made
Smiley braces Minnie. Like it's just such a cute one I cant help not to love it. Not really about my gifs so much as his smile but.
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2. "You never said anything serious to me in English! You're always like Hey you~ You pig~" Seungmin being a bastard to Chan in english is simply too good to me. Also the walls were very much dark green and looked so ugly with their outfits in that vid and i hated it, so me goin ham on the colour like that is funny to me. Also his long sleeves flappin around.
3. "Divorce prevails" I was funny for this and I deserved those 1 thousand notes. Also I like how I did it all pink and rosey.
4. Seungmin flirting back at the producer was too good. It was too funny. If any of the other guys did that, everyone would have lost their minds and I stand by this statement.
5. Exposing Lee Know- This clip just always takes me out because Lee Know was so trying to do his little bitchy guy bit but Seungmin was like a freight train to let everyone know that Lee Know Hyung Is Very Caring- Any moment where Seungmin's earnest and Lee Know doesn't know what to do are legendary to me. Also apparently it's very Mum to give someone seaweed soup on their bday so it's extra funny that he did that for Seungmin. Also that live was horrific quality and horrific colours so I think the black and white with purple was fun and looks nicer than the og lol
shoutout to my Seungmin and Felix sets as well because I really liked making those. Also the Am I A Shit Dog set with Chan. Also Hyunjin + saying Seungmin 50 times was funny, even if Seungmin technically isnt there.
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frikatilhi · 5 months
⭐ for 'these layers are getting kinda heavy' (director's cut ask)
Ooh, good choice!
This was a collab with the lovely @mitochondriencocktail, and it started out, as so many of these things do, as a random conversation that delved into headcanoning about Jere mistaking Bojan's sad sighing as Bojan being jealous of Kris and Damon. The bit about Bojan cutting onions came from an anon ask/prompt, as so many things do...
The writing process was us chaotically working in the same file with an outline, writing bits that struck our fancy at any given moment, adding to each other's stuff and suggesting things, bouncing ideas etc. Collabs can work in so many ways but I kinda liked this method! It's nice when you open the file and see that the other has filled out the brackets that you just had as [something more here asdffsdghfs] with amazing, lovely writing.
Working with mito is intimidating because she's so amazing, but it's also amazing because she's the nicest person you'll ever meet, encouraging and always ready to help and did I mention she's an amazing writer?
In the end we both apologised because we both felt we had contributed less than the other, so I guess everything worked out fairly well balanced in the end! 😂
Fanfic dvd commentary ask game
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wifegideonnav · 1 year
Saw you wanted asks so:
Top taz balance and tlt crossover ideas?
Mine is that Barry Bluejeans would be from the sixth house, specifically a mentor for Pal.
OH SHIT ok i love this
- well i made a post a bit ago about the ianthe/taako parallels and honestly i would read an entire crossover au that’s just about them interacting lol. i feel like she and lup are uneasy friends/allies who work on forbidden necromantic stuff (this would be in the taz world) together and that’s how she and taako met. do you guys see the vision.
- also now im imagining taako lup and barry as the third house trio. damn im thinking about it
- ortus and lucretia are bffs
- i feel like lup and taako would be 4th house. being sad little orphans and all.
- however they would also kill it in the third house.
- actually wait angus is fourth house lol
- ok actual crossover idea for taz with tlt setting: lucretia is god. taako merle and magnus are the og lyctors (their cavs were in order lup one of merles children and julia). barry is cassiopeia lol. obviously this doesn’t map 1:1 but i would just love to read htn except for these character swaps lol
- another au: this one following the format of the jod chapters in htn with lucretia telling the story of how shit got fucked to angus.
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hello! got any Kindleaf kids hcs?
Egwene became so prolific in the Green Teens and wanted to be a Green Knight because of the deaths of her parents. She didn’t want to ever feel like she couldn’t defend herself. Or Erlin. Even when she was older and hadn’t adventured in years, she kept a bow in the house, readily available. Just in case.
Erlin was staunchly not going to join the Green Teens. He didn’t want it. And then Bev got so excited. So he had to. He’d follow Bev anywhere.
They made it a point to never argue in front of their Nana, once they were living with her. I don’t think they fought a lot, but they did have smaller sibling squabbles. But never in front of Nana. She’d been through enough.
Once the war ended, they lived together, on their own, for a while. They were separated for too long because of the gem and needed to rectify that.
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thetoaddaddy · 11 months
What would Modern AU Jiraiya’s abusive parental experience have been like?
In canon or AU does anything still trigger him as an adult from that experience? What would they be?
I don’t think a lot would change as far as growing up there. At most he’d probably be a teenage run away and be a drifter for a while until he found his footing. Maybe a run in the military and living in his car after until he struck luck with his manuscript getting picked up.
Not a lot really shakes him. But slamming doors or seeing someone drunk get really rowdy/violent would probably get him on edge. But with that I think he’d probably defend whoever was getting victimized and toss their ass out. As well as faced with more narcissistic peoples he does his best to annoy them, less of a trigger and more of a pettiness thing lol. Gotta live that fantasy he never got.
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moonluringfrost · 1 year
Hi, Frost! I realize this is a day late but I was sending out STS asks really late last night and got tired before I was done. Anyway! This is for Scorpion Grass. If it's not too spoilery, what did Pat and Sylv's life look like before the amnesia? What was their daily routine, what did they do for fun when not investigating, etc? If that is too spoilery, imagine the two of them thrown into another setting. Maybe they won a tropical vacation or got snowed in for a weekend. How do they react? What do they enjoy or hate about the experience? Add as much detail as you like!
Hello Moshke! I don't mind as long as you don't mind me answering a day late ; ) (but seriously, no worries!)
I’m not always the best judge of what is and isn’t a spoiler, so i’ll go with option two!
Pat is a bit of a workaholic, but if there’s one thing that could stop them from working, it’s a snow-in. They’re a perfect excuse to goof off and make your roommate play board games and ttrpgs with you.
Which is exactly what Pat will attempt to do.
Sylv is really quite freaked out about getting snowed in because what if they DIE. Sylv doesn't want to freeze to death and die! So Pat and Sylv will have several long conversations about how they aren't going to die, yes even if the power goes out.
The stove in pat's house is gas, so even if the power does go out, they can at least get some tea going for the two of them to drink while they play.
They agree to play a game by pulling a handbook out of Pat's Ridiculously Tall Stack of TTRPG Handbooks at random.
It's... Trauma Game's Murderous Ghosts.
Well. They'll give it a shot.
For some reason it isn't very good on Sylv's already frayed nerves. Go figure.
So once Sylv taps out of that they decide to do some board games.
Underwater Cities and Magic Maze are pretty fun, and eat up quite a bit of time.
There's no way that Pat didn't hear about a snow storm and decide to stock up on supplies just in case, so they've got plenty to eat. And if the power/heat is out Pat almost certainly sets up their outdoors tent in the living room so they have a smaller space to keep warm.
They play games, read books, and Pat stays very calm even if they don't feel it, because they don't want to set Sylv off.
Eventually Pat will convince Sylv to play another ttrpg. At which point they will play Tin Star Games' Partners, because Pat has been trying to get Sylv to play for months, and they finally have a captive audience.
Overall, it's not a horrible time. Stressful? Yes. But not terrible.
Though they're both happy to get outside and breathe some fresh air once they're not snowed in anymore.
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daikaiju-arts · 5 months
May we see some Gangle x Pomni plspls I just like them in your style 🙏🙏
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I don’t necessarily ship them romantically per se, BUT I do like to think of them as being close friends 💚 I friendship them lol
Also a Bonus:
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Vanny finally meets FNAF tape girl in person...
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spielzeugkaiser · 4 months
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Being on the nostalgia train this week really helped stretching my artistic legs again. So here, have some old things and some new! For now I'm done with this.
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egophiliac · 7 months
What do you like about the Diasomnia boys if I may ask?
I always love hearing about the different reasons people enjoy characters.
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I mean, c'mon. he has split custody over Sebek okay
also, Lilia in particular has maybe the best timeskip character development of all time
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 chapter 4 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 chapter 4 spoilers#stage in playful land#i hope this is legible whoops#anon i am sorry but you made the fatal mistake of asking me to talk about diasomnia#insert 'i just think they're neat' jpg#i do like the other characters a lot but they are definitely my favorites#they just hit a lot of my favorite things in characters i guess!#yes even you sebek even though you keep shrieking NINGEN at me#(it's okay he gets Character Development™ later)#and their dynamic! it's great! these guys frikking love each other SO much and they WILL have terrible terrible angst about it#ohoho delicious#give me all your emotional hangups baybeeeee#also somewhere in there i went from 'i like them all equally (but lilia is the most fun to draw)'#to 'lilia is absolutely my favorite (and still the most fun to draw) (EVEN MORE fun now thank you swishy ponytail!)'#(it was probably when his candy coating got a little scratched and whoops all the tragedy fell out)#(where's that 'get loved loser' post because i need to staple it to lilia's forehead)#i am extremely bad at putting things into words so please don't ask me to explain it any further#just know that the diafam is everything to me and if we don't get more episode 7 soon i'm going to crumble into dust and blow away#we'll be getting the crowleytimes on monday and maybe there will be. idk. some foreshadowing or something in his groovy#probably not but LOOK i'm desperate
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
I hope you take this as the compliment it is intended to be, but you strike the same chord of irreverence-as-love, jokes-to-showcase-sencerity that I get from Chuck Tingle, and I adore both of you.
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You have bestowed the greatest honour upon me.
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