#thanks for the question! :]
rad-roche · 18 hours
i would like to ask out of curiosity what your favorite weird robot blood color is :3c
mine used to be blue but i’ve been feeling more oily colors like a greasy black that shimmers rainbows or a gasoline yellow color
oh i'm a robot classic type. i love the weird white blood you get in the androids from the alien movies. i think it's just so striking and obviously inhuman that you kind of pause for a second looking at it. though to paint, blue. for sure blue
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there's a quirk with blue specifically where even at its absolute brightest, its value is still pretty dark. here's a demonstration
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only the hue is altered, the pure colour. the saturation (the percentage of colour applied) and value (its relative lightness or darkness) are untouched. despite that, the blue punches a lot darker, which means you can get some really cool effects if you lean into it. it's so exaggerated that it can read as really over the top and visceral. like 'gorier' than gore, if that makes sense
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psychopacifist-rm · 5 months
HIIII!!! First i wanted to say that i really love how you draw The Dealer ^_^ and second,can i give him a tiny kiss on the cheek hehehehehehhrjwjrj
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Hi hey hello, I'm one of the twXtter people! Not gonna say who I am though >;)
May I humbly request to give The Dealer a hoodie and see its reaction? I think it'd be kinda cool to see it in a hoodie :3
Should Megalovania play or nah?
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Hello, btw
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buckets-of-dirt · 1 year
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(ID: A screenshot of tags that read "#Prev what are some alternatives to the word primitive that are less derogatory" /end ID.)
@panicdeleter I'm responding to your question on a new post so that the op of the original doesn't get this in their notes because answering in good faith is going to take a lot of explanation.
Short answer: there isn't one.
Long answer: as you say in your tags, "primitive" is a derogatory term with a very loaded meaning. Removing it from your vocabulary is less a matter of finding a more PC alternative, and more a matter of understanding why it's derogatory and changing your perception of what's being discussed. To do that, we're going to have to look at archaeological theory for a minute. Stick with me, I do have suggestions at the end.
Archaeological theory is a complicated subject and there's no way I'm going to try to summarize all of it in a Tumblr post since it's a topic arch programs devote at least a semester (if not longer) to. So we'll focus on the relevant bits.
Essentially, in the bad old days when archaeology was starting to become a discipline instead of a thing rich dudes did on the weekends, there was this idea that certain European societies were the peak of civilization and everywhere else was less evolved and therefore primitive. It was based on the misunderstanding of the theory of evolution that was common at the time. Like so:
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(ID: a diagram drawn in pen. It's titled "Ye Olde Arch/Anth Theory TM". The next line says "Primitive = simple, less evolved, bad". Below it there is a vertical arrow pointing down, with the words "one way line" next to it. Under the arrow there is a line of text reading "Advanced = complex, most evolved, good". /end ID.)
These early archaeologists believed that all of humanity lived on a hierarchy with the "advanced" societies they lived in (and their ancestors like Ancient Greece) at the top and all the "primitive" past and current societies (destined to either become like them or die out eventually) at the bottom.
It's been a long road for archaeological theory. The 20th century was fraught with theoretical movements and debates that sometimes literally devolved into fistfights. But eventually we all ended up more or less here:
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(ID: A hand drawn diagram in a similar format to the one above. It's titled "Arch Theory Today (Short Version). Below the title there is a single line of text centred around a horizontal line with arrows at both ends. The left side of the arrow reads "simple" while the right side reads "complex". The line itself is labeled "continuum or spectrum". /end ID.)
While you'll still find some archaeologists who disagree, the main consensus appears to at least be on the same page that instead of the old primitive vs advanced hierarchy, societies exist on a spectrum that ranges in complexity. In the most basic terms, because I'm glossing over A LOT of nuance here, hunter gatherer societies tend towards the simple end of the spectrum while big state societies are on the more complex end. This is not meant as a value judgement of these societies, but merely an attempt to classify them so other people have a frame of reference for what you're talking about. Even so, there's considerable debate about the language used for certain terms and societies, and I am not necessarily qualified to go into that in this post.
I say all that to help you understand why I can't give you a catch-all term to replace "primitive", because if one did exist it would be just as derogatory. In certain contexts there may be more appropriate words that you can use, such as simple (as in the case of the meme that inspired this post) or old. But a lot of the time an alternative just doesn't exist because we are not better or 'more evolved' than our ancestors any more than people living in big state societies are any better than people still living as hunter gatherers.
I know this has been a very long post, but I really am just scratching the surface here. For more information I suggest looking at podcasts like The Dirt or A Life In Ruins, youtube channels like The Welsh Viking or Archaeology Tube, or the blogs of any of my fellow dirt lovers here on Tumblr like @chaotic-archaeologist, @micewithknives, @art-thropologist, @archaeologistproblems, and @rhysintherain to name just a few. Archaeologists are generally a bunch of nerds who will take any opportunity they can to talk about the human past, and we rarely bite.
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bakathief · 1 month
What your favorite Kaito and Conan/Shinici expression?
Both manga and anime
Oof, actually gotta check the manga again. I don‘t have a favorite expression I think, I love so many of them. I‘ll come back to this but herr are some of my favorite expressions to draw and my favorite anime expression of Kaito 😆
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weevmo · 6 months
Okay so just saw a post and went down a rabbit hole and I only have one thing to say.
WOULD WB EXCEPT THESE FLOWERS AS I INSTANTLY FEEL IN LOVE AT THE FIRST SIGHT OF SEEING HIM!?! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌸🌹🌸🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹🌸🌹
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He's flattered as always!! - Thank you!
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okiedoketm · 7 months
So is Koby considered the First mate now?
(For anyone confused, this is referring to my strawhat Koby fic, KANGVCD)
Short answer: He is “co-first-mates” with Zoro!
Long answer: AFAIK, in canon, Zoro never, like, explicitly identifies himself as first mate, it’s more of a wordless title that he performs exclusively with his actions. I think that even if he’s not the first to join, Zoro would still do everything he does in canon that makes him “first mate.” He’s ride-or-die like that. But Koby is similarly loyal and dutiful- he’s going to do a lot of the same without hesitation. Like Zoro, he’s all-in on supporting Luffy and the crew at any cost, so he’s also naturally falling into that role in his own way. For example: understanding Luffy’s wordless orders instinctually, wrangling the crew towards Cocoyashi, keeping unwavering trust in Nami, etc.
Zoro is the one Luffy can trust to protect the crew, enforce to authority of the captain, and make the tough calls in his stead. Koby is the one Luffy can trust to wrangle the crew, make sure they’re happy and safe, and be the moral compass / level-headed voice in his stead. They balance each other out.
That said, if anyone ever asked “who is the first mate?” I think they would both point to the other person.
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coulsart · 4 months
How’d Odette and Malphys meet?
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I HOPE THIS GIVES GOOD CONTEXT BUT ILL ELABORATE: she has too much time on her hands so she runs a geeky cryptid blog LOL - she gets sent running then, like a dumbass with a death wish, comes back later. She confuses Mal so much that she doesnt kill her
@fridaycorvids if she wants to weigh in on this LOL
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liquidgxldhoney · 8 days
How did you discover your piss kink??
Honestly I think I discovered it when I first discovered I could squirt 😅 was interested to see if that was a Thing ppl were into so naturally found myself wandering into that porn category, and then I think just a gradual acceptance of “yeah no that’s hot” lead me to the full fledged piss kink 💦 but I think it was reading smut that got me curious in regards to actually being peed on, aaaand tried it once w a partner and the rest is history now being recorded on @liquidgoldshowers 🤭💦
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bethanydelleman · 8 months
Hello! I was thinking about pride and Prejudice and wondering if the Bennets' situation would have been so different with a son. I mean, ok, no Mr Collins inheriting Longbourn, a potential husband wouldn't have to look after Mrs Bennet and her unmarried daughters as there was a son to do so. But the girls still had no dowary and no real education so they still wouldn't be seen as good matches. And having a widow mother and several unmarried sisters wouldn't help Mr Bennet junior himself to afford to marry and start a family. What do you think? (English isn't my native language so I apologise if my question is difficult to understand 😅)
Your question is not difficult to understand, and it shows that Mr. Bennet has had a bad plan all along.
I doubt the overall parenting quality of the Bennets changes at all with a son. Hopefully Little Bennet Boy (LBB) is at least sent to school/university so he can have a decent education, but I am betting the same laissez-faire method is used for the girls. So now you have a family of four/five girls and one boy who is expected to be their sole provider... great.
When LBB comes of age (21), Mr. Bennet and his son could break the entail if they both agreed to do so. Now LBB might be opposed to such a plan, after all, if the entail isn't broken he gets the entire pie, but Mr. Bennet could threaten to cut off his allowance or something to persuade him. Selling some land could raise money for the girls' dowries, making them more able to marry. LBB is hopefully left with enough land to still be a distinguished landowner.
If Mr. Bennet dies before LBB is 21, he inherits everything. And then we need to know if LBB is a John Dashwood or a Mr. Darcy, because I'm pretty sure once he reaches his majority he could kick everyone out. I think it would be normal to live with his mother and sisters until he got married, but then their position in the household would become precarious.
We know that the Lucases were worried about supporting Charlotte in her spinsterhood, so I doubt LBB would be thrilled to have five sisters to support. All of this said, the whole plan was always stupid and more importantly, selfish. Mr. Bennet would rather rob the future to support his own children than save money himself.
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psychopacifist-rm · 5 months
Non-standard medicine from X-Twitter
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You guys are insane and amazing, you stuffed my ask box whole in two days, shit🤣🥶
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lesbian-polls · 2 months
what made u want to start this bloggg
two reasons, mainly
This is the lesbophobia website. Lesbians get constantly belittled, attacked, ignored or accused of being TERFs and radfems (demonstrably untrue). I wanted to create a safe space for us and us alone, which is why I'm very very protective of it. It's made explicitly for lesbians and only lesbians. The rise of "m-spec lesbian" nonsense is one of these reasons.
The other reason is that a lot of poll blogs just weren't safe spaces for lesbians. One I followed supported "bi gays and lesbians" and another one posted a question asking if Tumblr users knew if their siblings were into incest (no explanation needed)
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brain-rot-central · 15 days
When Astarion asks/implies that Tav is sleeping w Wyll is he just saying that to see her reaction or does he actually not know bc like he has his little spies everywhere right? 👀
He's saying it for two reasons:
1) He's paranoid. He knows she has a close working relationship with Wyll and during their journey against the Absolute, Tav and Wyll shared some brief moments of intimacy (nothing physically sexual, but they did the whole dance thing and kissed). Tav ultimately chose to pursue Astarion, but still, AA remembers and due to he and Tav currently being in questionable territory in terms of their relationship, he's paranoid. Extremely, extremely paranoid that her heart is potentially reaching for an old flame.
2) He and Wyll have a current arrangement worked out. So, again, he's paranoid that Wyll will somehow sabotage him from the outside-in, as in turn Tav against him through the work relationship she has with Wyll. AA doesn't really trust anyone aside from Tav (support coming from his in-game lines of "I'd rather have one person I can trust entirely," and "everything I could ever want is standing right before me"), so to me, it's very true to character for him to have doubts, and even take it a step further into forming a complete paranoid delusion surrounding it.
So, in a way, he's saying it to see her reaction but also trying to figure out if Wyll is making moves behind his back. It's a very "keep your friends close but your enemies closer," kind of thing. He does have spies set up around the city in various locations, but admittedly he finds it a little difficult to spy on Wyll, simply because of how heavily guarded he is at all times (being Grand Duke and all).
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angelbitezzz · 4 months
did u make sure to get shampoo + conditioner and toothbrushes/toothpaste for angel??
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There's a faint, muffled yell.
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Questions until Angel returns: 3/5
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animepopheart · 4 months
ask meme top 3 characters you like looking at art of :3
Oooooooh, I like this one!
Haruhi Suzumiya: Absolutely one of my fav fav fav characters and series! I'm always happy to run across Haruhi art!
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2. Spike Spiegel: So little fanart of him is produced on Pixiv, but a piece will drop from time to time. He has such a classic design and he was and still is my propic of choice on a lot of platforms—an important character for me!
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3. Lain Iwakura: This one in particular because the art is often unique, matching the vibes of the series—sometimes a surreal, sometimes cyberpunk, sometimes horror!
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piracytheorist · 1 month
How do you think Yor and Loid navigated some plot holes of their relationship? For example, how would they justify to their associates they recently started living together after a year? People probably don't know where they lived, though, so they assumed they always lived together. Another issues is how justify being married for a year but Yor just changing her name in the beginning of the series? I guess people just don't question it too hard.
To be honest, I think it's just something the narrative is glossing over because it's got more important stories to focus on. And I don't actually mind. Stories don't need to be fully detailed on everything.
That said, maybe a way they tried to explain living apart was by saying that they were giving Anya the space to grow accustomed to Yor. They could say that having Yor immediately and suddenly move in with them could cause Anya to be distressed and hate Yor, so even though they decided to marry, they took their time getting Anya used to the new situation. Which couldn't be further from the truth, by the way, Anya was super excited to have this new woman live with them only knowing she kills people, lmao
As for the name change, the only thing I can think of as an explanation is that during the supposed year after she married, she never met someone new at her job and thus never introduced herself as "Yor Briar". Everyone who knew her a year later already knew her from before. And honestly, considering her job is desk work at city hall, it's very likely that she actually didn't meet anyone new in that year. She had the coworkers who already knew her, and since she was shy and quiet - especially before meeting the Forgers - she could just pretend that "Yeah we got married but it was a very small wedding and we took some time getting his daughter connect with me so I didn't move in with them immediately so it wasn't a big deal plus I'm shy so I didn't think to make a deal of it".
As she's said, she's spent most of her time working and taking care of Yuri - who probably only moved out a couple years before the start of the story - so it's safe to assume she didn't have time for hobbies and other activities, so another point that she possibly didn't meet any new people and had to explain the sudden name change.
So, to sum up, kind of a plot convenience, but one that could be explained through the character's previous position.
As for Loid, I'm guessing that, if he had the time to position himself as a psychiatrist in the hospital before meeting Yor, he probably said from the beginning that he was married, since getting a wife was already on the agenda. No-one knew him before - and technically, Loid Forger didn't actually exist before - so there wasn't any change he had to "introduce". He was just brought in as Loid Forger, psychiatrist, (re-)married with a child, even if he didn't have a wife at that point.
(anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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