#If the son was anything like Lydia the girls would be screwed
bethanydelleman · 8 months
Hello! I was thinking about pride and Prejudice and wondering if the Bennets' situation would have been so different with a son. I mean, ok, no Mr Collins inheriting Longbourn, a potential husband wouldn't have to look after Mrs Bennet and her unmarried daughters as there was a son to do so. But the girls still had no dowary and no real education so they still wouldn't be seen as good matches. And having a widow mother and several unmarried sisters wouldn't help Mr Bennet junior himself to afford to marry and start a family. What do you think? (English isn't my native language so I apologise if my question is difficult to understand 😅)
Your question is not difficult to understand, and it shows that Mr. Bennet has had a bad plan all along.
I doubt the overall parenting quality of the Bennets changes at all with a son. Hopefully Little Bennet Boy (LBB) is at least sent to school/university so he can have a decent education, but I am betting the same laissez-faire method is used for the girls. So now you have a family of four/five girls and one boy who is expected to be their sole provider... great.
When LBB comes of age (21), Mr. Bennet and his son could break the entail if they both agreed to do so. Now LBB might be opposed to such a plan, after all, if the entail isn't broken he gets the entire pie, but Mr. Bennet could threaten to cut off his allowance or something to persuade him. Selling some land could raise money for the girls' dowries, making them more able to marry. LBB is hopefully left with enough land to still be a distinguished landowner.
If Mr. Bennet dies before LBB is 21, he inherits everything. And then we need to know if LBB is a John Dashwood or a Mr. Darcy, because I'm pretty sure once he reaches his majority he could kick everyone out. I think it would be normal to live with his mother and sisters until he got married, but then their position in the household would become precarious.
We know that the Lucases were worried about supporting Charlotte in her spinsterhood, so I doubt LBB would be thrilled to have five sisters to support. All of this said, the whole plan was always stupid and more importantly, selfish. Mr. Bennet would rather rob the future to support his own children than save money himself.
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natewriteslol · 3 years
The Wonders of Magic Pt. 1
Non magical!Twisted Boys x Witch!Reader
A/N: This has been sitting in my brain for a while since I have Little Witch Academia brainrot and I love snooty rich boys asdfljsfaj
Characters: Keep reading to find out!!
Warnings: Language and Y/N goes by she/her pronouns 
Summary: Dealing with magical adventures and society deeming magic as “flashy but worthless” doesn’t deter Y/N L/N from reaching her goal of becoming a powerful witch. However, what will she do when she has to find a way to stop the selling Calypso Academy? 
All your life you had dreamed of being a witch, however there was a slight problem. You weren't a magic user.
And as magic use had started to become more oppressed and scarce, magic schools were starting to open their doors to all walks of life. Making the most elite schools fall to their knees.
Either you lose your elite status or fall into debt.
So this was good opportunity for you, you managed to make it into one of the most renowned magic schools in the country, Calypso Academy. But it wasn't all peaches and cream, you weren't exactly accepted among your peers. Your family weren't magic users, nor were they wealthy. Yet you still pursued magic, there was a fire burning in your heart that just drew you in all your life. And you couldn't let your dream go just because of some mean girls. But this is the story of how you met some of your greatest obstacles.
It was the night of the great Ball, Calypso academy was having it's 350th anniversary. And you unlucky for you, you still didn’t know how to ride a broom since you were learning from the ground up. 
So there you were, by yourself, in one of the open fields of your campus. Trying to make this broom fly. 
And in your flight teacher Ms. Flint’s words, “If the broom doesn’t leave the ground, you can’t step a foot in the ball.” And so far, your feet have been stuck on the ground.
You felt horrible. I mean, what witch doesn’t know how to fly a broom? And while you were incredibly dejected
 from your failures, you knew you couldn’t just let it go. 
‘The trick it to be determined, yet feel as light as a feather. Be one with the broom’ your manifestation teacher, Mrs. Fairi had softly advised. You had to do this for for her, she already put so much faith in you, she would be so disappointed if she didn’t see you at the ball. 
“Nubes Volant ro!” You casted, pushing your leg to lift. Expecting your legs to come back down and for your shoes to hit the softness of the grass... but it never came.
You opened your eyes and there you were, suspended in air. 
Your excitement was indescribable, but you needed to be skilled enough to meet the requirements for Ms. Flint. So you tried and tried again, and while a little shaky you still managed to fly and do a stable landing! 
“I did it! Screw everyone in this academy who doubted me!” You  squealed a little loud, doing a little dance. You heard  footsteps and chuckling, but you brushed it off as some of your classmates. Too excited to care, you grabbed your things and ran off to show Ms. Flint.   But there was one problem, the entire point of this celebration was to both celebrate the anniversary but... it was begging as well. It was no secret that Calypso was losing money to pay taxes, but they were being pressured to give it all up. So to persuade the buyers, they had invited their son's to be enriched in witch culture and tradition. To prove them wrong and show that magic has value. However the students of the academy weren't aware of the true intentions behind the invites of the son's of these rich men. Many whispered in the halls about the upcoming ceremony. Talking about how handsome the young men attending were. But the day of the party was finally here! The banquet was absolutely incredible with 25 foot tables of food on both sides of the ballroom. Crystal chandeliers with floating candles illuminating and creating a heavenly golden light. And the great ancient tapestries that surrounded the room. There was no way that anything could mess up your night. 
But then, you heard a shout from a classmate in the crowd. "The nobles sons! They're here!" You stopped stuffing your face for a moment. Everyone cleared the way for the grand wooden doors as they opened, a red carpet elegantly draping the piece of floor it laid on. Designer shoes clicked as they touched the ground. Every girl eyes followed as they walked, you snuck past some trying to get a glimpse of their features. They were five of them being escorted by one older gentleman, all incredibly handsome young men. One had a bright smile that was genuine and waving at some of the girls in the crowd. While the other had a smirk not paying anyone any mind, as if he was calculating something. One held a solemn expression, yet was incredibly poised and graceful. The last two however wore scowls, one that showed he most definitely didn’t want to be here while the other just looked strict. 
They sat down in their seats in the front table that awaited them. Each seat was just as fancy as a king’s throne, with gold embellishments and velvet seats. 
It was a cookie cut scene, they were made for this life of luxury.
It was an hour into the ceremony, showcasing tricks and theatrical dances from every witch culture from around the globe. But it was almost as though nothing was satisfying them, besides the one with white hair. While he adorned a smile, there was something behind his eyes, as though he was doing some critical thinking. 
Nothing was enough for them. 
But it was toward the end and the noble’s sons were promised a tour. Every witch in the school was made to study up on knowledge of the campus. So that if you were the “lucky winner” you wouldn’t look like a complete fool. 
As you snacked on your chocolate filled croissant, Ms. Flint with her booming voice had called everyone’s attention to the center of the stage. Raising her wand, a split of golden light had displayed random names. 
Knowing your luck, you knew you wouldn’t be picked. I mean this was probably a tactic to get people to study the school’s magical history. It did work, as if there was a slight chance you were chosen you wouldn’t want to make a fool out of yourself in front of people like you usually did. But, Principal Hendrix wouldn’t be so irresponsible as to let a random student represent the school, right? 
Exactly. But even then, you sure did feel sorry for whoever was to give the tour-
“Y/N L/N!”
Remember what you said about shitty luck? 
Shocked was an understatement. Even though you had your two best and only friends Silva and Miete patting you on the back telling you congrats and to do your best, the hammering of your heart was too heavy for you to handle. 
Whispers broke out for a moment, a lot of girls were incredibly disappointed but cleared the way for you to go up the stairs and talk to Ms. Flint and Principal Hendrix. 
“Good job, Y/N. Now if you wouldn’t mind, please give these young men a tour of Calypso, would you?” Principle Hendrix said gently with a smile.
“Ha, ha, of course! But surely there’s been a mistake, I mean Lydia could probably recite the information without having to read a single book-” 
“No way, L/N. You were chosen, now do the tour please, the latest you can be back is at 9pm,” Ms. Flint replied, cutting you off sharply. 
“You’re an incredibly charismatic student, Y/N. Just keep them entertained,” Principle Hendrix whispered as you walked toward the table.
Be charismatic, not awkward! Got it!
“Alrighty then! Who’s ready for a tour?” you said, almost giving finger guns as a mechanism. 
“Oh, I am!” 
“Yes,  I’ve been wanting to see the range of this property in person.”
“Yes, I would like to get this over with. I have an appointment tomorrow and I would not like to miss it.”
Other than that, all you received was a nod and an eye roll. But it’s better not to pry and ask for more from them. 
Each getting out of their seats, you walked outside. Hearing cheers from the crowd and the occasional “Vil! I love you!” which made you a little embarrassed. 
Feeling the night breeze and seeing the stars poke through calmed you down slightly, it was 7:45 and all you had to do was blabber at them about the school until 9. 
Easy task, Y/N. Easy!
Once you got outside, the tour had been running smoothly for only a couple of minutes. But you couldn’t help but feel as though they started scanning you, as if they saw you from somewhere. Until unfortunately, the sunshine of the group’s lightbulb had went off. 
“Oh! You’re the girl with the broomstick towards the front of the school! You looked so happy practicing.” 
“There must be a mistake-”
“Are you sure? If so then I guess you have a doppelganger” the boy with glasses teased. 
“Didn’t you say, ‘Screw everyone at this academy’?” the short, red head questioned, persecuting your behavior. 
“Well some people here aren’t exactly the nicest. It was just an excitement of the moment thing, sorry,” You said, trying to get Mr. Non-Rule Breaker off your back. 
So... you had accidently overshared about your adventures on campus. 
It had all started when one of the boys looked shocked that the ancient Willow tree was thriving and looking beautiful as ever. When he looked at it from pictures given to him, it was completely lifeless and grey. 
“This tree, it looks completely different? It’s been sickly for years! How is this possible?” He asked, as his main piece of evidence the white haired boy gave to his father to buy this property was foiled. 
“Oh, that was me. They had willow worms in the roots that were ready to hatch and I accidently brought them out,” you said, a little prideful, yet it was quickly stomped out.
“That is highly irresponsible, you should’ve had a professional complete that task, not an inexperienced student,” the red haired boy scoffed, it seemed as though he didn’t respect this school at all. Yet the boy with grey hair and glasses paid him no mind, still incredibly astonished, but it was quickly wiped from his face and replaced with a somewhat of a sour look. As though you beat him at some game he was playing.
“...Interesting. I never knew magic could do something of that caliber,” he remarked,  pushing up his glasses. 
“Magic is incredibly useful, Mr...” 
Shit. You didn’t get their names...
“My apologies, I didn’t catch your guy’s names,” you said, placing a hand behind your head. 
You had never in your life seen a group of people get so surprised, besides the other white haired boy, who was happy to tell you his name. 
“I’m Kalim, Kalim-Al-Asim!” he said, shaking your hand with a vigor, “It’s a little funny that you don’t know who we are, but I like that about you!” 
How was it funny? You’ve never seen these people in your entire life? The blonde man was especially offended as you glanced at him for his name. 
“Vil Schoenheit. Actor, singer, dancer, beauty influenc-” 
“Hmmm, Vil I can’t help but feel that you’re angry at Ms. L/N for not knowing who you are,” the boy with glasses remarked before taking your hand, “Azul Ashengrotto, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
“I’m Riddle Rosehearts,” the short red-haired boy said.
“...Leona Kingscholar.” 
“Alright, I’m glad I got your names! Let’s get a move on! I have got to show you some more stuff!” you said before moving along, gaining more confidence as you talked to them. 
Maybe this tour wasn’t so bad after all!
Coming up:
“How did you not know who the noble’s sons are?!” Miette yelled, but her soft voice wasn’t exactly giving the shocking boom to emphasize her feelings.
“I’m sorry! Everything was completely fine after that, if this whole tour was such a big deal then I would’ve studied them more instead of the school,” you said, completely pooped out from last night. 
So much pressure on you made you very tired out, and all of these new details coming out made you feel even more guilty for your half-assed tour. 
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asterekmess · 3 years
Been seeing you getting hate mail and while I absolutely can't understand why anyone would go to all the trouble to make some one else feel bad... I also kinda really love the discourse on Scott? Like YOUR RANTS oh man. On point. Always. Tbh I tried giving Scott a chance... He is the main char after all... But I was like??? Wtf? That dude does nothing but refute others and does whatever he wants. And this was when I didn't particularly like Stiles either (first time watching Teen Wolf). But then I got to know more of him and like Tony he went asshole to lovable asshole—seriously, Stiles might not be the ‘nicest’ but he tries and his heart is in good place—while Scott is just... self-righteous. Someone pointed out that he sees people as possessions and that irks me too that I can actually see it being true. The dude has literally nothing going on except for being the one that gets bitten. And the Romeo-and-Juliet-esque romance he has.
Okay, okay, where was I going with this?? Right. LOVE YOUR RANTS. People need to understand that Scott not being liked isn't because of his race or anything trivial like it—he just happens to be—but because of his actions. Or inactions, as it were. *remembers the pool scene and Scott saying he's busy and resists the urge to chuck a shoe at him*
Basically, love you, love your work, and love your words! ❤️
I've talked with some friends about it, and our number one issue sort of...boiled down to the hypocrisy of the show? I....sort of rant a lot here, and I would add a Read More, but I can't find the option anymore?? I fucking hate Tumblr. EDIT: I found a post that told me how to do it!
So, since he's the character I focus on the most, let's talk about Stiles' morality. Because, you're right. Stiles is an asshole. He does some fucking awful shit in the first season, and even if he had a Reason to do it, it was still bad. And I still don't like it. But I understand it.
Stiles' lack of shits about what is 'lawful' is literally established in the first ten seconds of the show. He's a sheriff's son who sneaks onto people's roofs in the middle of the night bc they aren't answering his calls, who listens in on his dad's work conversations and is willing to fuck up a crime scene because he's so excited about getting to see a dead body. He doesn't care about laws. He doesn't even care about most basic manners (invasion of privacy much, with having Scott sniff Lydia to see if she liked him?). He's a dickhead, even to the people he cares about sometimes. But personality and morality aren't the same. Stiles' entire actual morality system is based around whatever he needs to do to keep the people he loves safe and happy. Lying to his dad so he doesn't get murdered by hunters? Totally fine. Telling Scott that it was "Jackson's own fault" that Scott attacked him with superstrength and dislocated his shoulder, so Scott doesn't feel like an asshole? That's just best friend duties! He will lie, steal, cheat, and he will kill to keep his loved ones safe (let's not forget this boy threw molotovs at Peter, knowing damn well what they would do to him). We can headcanon all we want about all the different people who are in this group of loved ones, but the list is canonically very short: Scott, his dad, and Lydia. Later on, like, past s3B? It includes Derek. Canonically. Stiles puts his life and the lives of others he cares about on the line while he lies to the matriarch of the Calavera hunter clan, to save Derek Hale. Derek is just canonically a part of that group now, and he fucking knows it bc Stiles is his anchor (that's canon too bb). End of Story, Sterek or no Sterek. It's why we get that insane number of lookbacks when Derek is dying before his evolution. Because Stiles is being forced to choose between two people who are BOTH in his ride-or-die group. He Cannot Pick between Scott and Derek, until Derek begs him to leave.
SO, yes, Stiles does fuckface things, and I don't always agree with what he does, but it is ACCURATE TO HIS CHARACTER. He is morally grey. He NEVER CLAIMS to be pure or good or just or righteous. Stiles knows who he is, and he stays true to himself. And I love him for that.
The same goes for a bunch of other characters! For Peter, who is strikingly similar to Stiles, in that family goes above literally everything. Screw the idea that he was following Derek around waiting for the chance to steal back the Alpha spark. That man put his life on the line (his second life, no less) to get the shit beaten out of him until Derek let him help save Derek's life Again and Again. Family Comes First.
Scott's morality is...confusing as fuck. I thought at first he was similar to Stiles, in that family came first, but...while he's protective of his mother, he also does a lot of stuff that puts her at risk without seeming to care/worry (like leaving Peter alone with her once Stiles hits their car, so he can chase Jackson) (or asking her to come to the high school when he's convinced there's a bomber in it)? Seriously, he's more protective over Allison, than his mother. It's very black and white the rest of the time. Very "this bad" "this good." And if you do "bad" then you are bad forever, while if you do "good" you are only good until you do "bad." The Betas were "good" until they asked for the bite, and then they were "Bad." Derek was "bad" when Scott met him and scared him, so after that, no matter how much "good" he did, he remained "bad." But only when it suits him. Allison is good even when she does bad, because he wants her to be good. Chris is good even though he's done mountains of bad, because of the minuscule amount of good that Scott has seen him do, because Scott wants him to be good. Even DEUCALION is good, despite the crazy CRAZY amount of bad he's done and despite having seen him do NO GOOD, just because Scott wants him to be good. Lying to those closest to you is bad, unless Scott is doing it, and then it's good, because he knows HE is good. Killing people is bad, unless Scott is doing it. Letting villains go is bad, unless Scott is doing it. Biting people is bad, unless Scott is doing it. Protecting family is good even if it requires killing or lying, unless it's not Scott doing it. Revenge for past slights is good, unless it's not SCOTT doing it. And you try to understand it! You try to say, okay, then he's morally grey, got it. He plays with the rules to suit his own morality, whatever. Except that Scott, the other characters, and THE SHOW ITSELF, are all telling you otherwise! They all say that Scott is morally pure. That he is good and righteous and lawful. That he always does the "right" thing, and that when he does "bad" things, it's justified and he had to. THE HEAVENS THEMSELVES say Scott is somehow better or more righteous than the other characters by MAKING HIM AN ALPHA OUT OF NOWHERE. (I'm talking abt canon here, not going into deaton conspiracy theories) It's like....Like in the hate mail response I did, where I pointed out that Every Single Thing people get angry at Derek for doing, Scott did too. Lying, killing (or at least attempting it), attacking innocents, losing his temper, keeping secrets, refusing to work with someone who could help, etc etc etc. Everything Derek has done that is morally "wrong," Scott has also done. And that's okay! Doing a bad thing doesn't make you a bad person, and even if it did, Scott is ALLOWED to be bad! GO FOR IT.
Except that he is sinless. It isn't that he learns from the bad things he does, it's that they aren't treated like bad things in the first place. Because Scott did it, and Scott always does the right thing.
Derek's behavior is reprehensible at times, but the show ADMITS that and frames it as bad. Frames it as him doing a bad thing when he scares Isaac or throws Peter or tells Erica who to date. And that's fine, because Derek is established as not being morally pure.
But SCOTT IS. And because they were so desperate to make him continue being "Pure" they didn't frame the things he did as wrong, or if they did, they absolved him of it immediately, using the exact same reasoning that works for Derek's situations, but this time Actually Accepting it.
He scares Stiles, well it's because he's scared. He throws Isaac, it's because he's upset. He attacks Jackson well it's because Jackson was being a dick. He orders Allison to date Matt, well he had a goal to accomplish. Every reason is treated like a fucking doctor's note that erases the bad things he does.
Being scared, or angry, or retaliating to someone being an asshole, or trying to protect himself, was NEVER a good enough reason for Derek to do ANYTHING "Bad." It was never an acceptable excuse.
IF IT WERE: If the show were making a statement about how fallable people are, how they do bad things, but they do them for a REASON. How people will do wild and terrible things out of fear, and how that doesn't make it less bad, but it makes it understandable, so don't demonize them out of nowhere. If that were the case, I would HAVE BEEN FINE WITH IT.
Scott is held to COMPLETELY different standards than everyone else in the show! And I DON'T mean that people held him to higher ones. They dropped that bar so fucking low. Anything was allowed, and any excuse was good enough.
He made out with a girl who was dating someone else, who his best friend was in love with? It's just the full moon, he's angsty about losing Allison. He ducttapes Liam to a bathtub and starts throwing random phrases at him that he hated Derek for saying to him? He's freaked out! He doesn't know what to do with a bitten wolf! It was an accident! He works with a mass murderer behind people's backs without telling them the whole story? Am I talking about Gerard or Deucalion? Who fucking knows. Either way, it's okay, because he was protecting his family. He plots to murder a cancer patient slowly and painfully by replacing meds that likely included painkillers with mountain ash, and the uses someone else's body to deliver the killing blow, and it's okay because he was just being smart! He was just working ten steps ahead! He was saving his mom and the whole town! Who cares if it DIDN"T WORK?
He walks into his ex-girlfriend's hotel room and scares the SHIT out of her while she's naked and alone in the shower? It was the wolfsbane. It doesn't matter that no one else's impulses included HARASSING someone. He lies to his girlfriend's face about her own life because he doesn't think it's important enough for her to know (who am I talking about, come on, take a guess, which one is it? Allison or Kira? Trick question: it's both). He was just being kind! He didn't want to worry her! He didn't want to make her feel bad! She didn't need to know!
I'm so far off track it's not even funny. My point was that Everything the other characters in the show are demonized for or framed as evil or bad or wrong for doing, Scott is shown to do and it's treated like at minimum a comedy, if not a Perfect Brilliant Strategic Move.
God, fucking hell. I mean, the PARALLELS you see in this show, between Scott and others. The scene of Alexander Argent going to the hotel after being bit? That bit where he pulls his shirt up in the mirror? It's a near PERFECT replica of Scott looking at his bite at Deaton's. They paralleled SCOTT MCCALL with AN ARGENT. Deaton has this whole line in S2 where he's bitching at Derek about "the person you should trust the most doesn't trust you at all" And then seasons later, we have Scott look his best friend in the eye and refuse to trust him, only to get upset later because Stiles doesn't want to work with him anymore and he "lost them." Scott goes running into Derek's house in S1 to accuse him of killing the bus driver, and when he can't get a real response, he EGGS HIM ON by accusing him of Murdering his SISTER, just to get Derek to react. Which is the EXACT same thing Kate did when she showed up and wanted Derek to lose his temper. Scott is CONSTANTLY paralleled with villains and assholes, and constantly does the things that others are persecuted for. But instead of feeling regret or learning something from it, instead of growing AT ALL. Those actions are treated as good. We are told they are righteous. And clever. That they are what heroes do. AND YES: There are parallels between Derek and Stiles' behaviors and villains/morally grey characters! Of course there are!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again; I understand the urge to think that the Teen Wolf writers did all of this on purpose. That they built Scott up as an unreliable narrator, so that we're forced to come to terms with a protagonist who isn't good, and we watch them fall into a villainous role while thinking all the while they are a hero. That all these parallels are intentional and the writers just couldn't Tell us what was going on bc they didn't have enough power.
And sometimes I play into it. I will lie to myself about Scott being the 'narrator' of the entire show, and that we're seeing it all through his eyes so of course things are biased and conflicting, just so I can actually Enjoy watching it.
But I think it's absolute bullshit that this was done on purpose. It wasn't. The parallels appeared because they Wanted Scott to do the badass things that they had all the villains doing, throwing people and being sneaky and clever, and stopping the bad guy, and they didn't want to deal with the fact that they were having him do bad things. So they just pretended he wasn't and refused to acknowledge that they'd already punished other people for doing the same exact shit, but somehow Scott was getting rewarded. They wanted Scott to be the hero, so they made him the hero, and screw everybody else.
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Two Betas and the Beneficial Friendships
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Prompt: The reader is in not only one screwing one beta but two. Neither of the boys know, but a recent threat exposes her, what will the boys do? (WOW)
Pairings: Theo Raeken x Reader, Isaac Lahey x Reader 
Third Person POV
(Y/N) had always been part of the pack, despite her lack in being supernatural. Scott had told her about his werewolf abilities the same day he told Stiles. Isaac had made his way into the pack only a year later after discovering Scott’s secret. She had kept the secret for six months, she hadn’t thought it was going to last long, hell she didn’t even know she was attracted to the pair. It started with Isaac; she had been on a steak out with him that lasted way too long. She found him attractive, of course she did, you’d had to be blind not to find Isaac Lahey attractive. However, she never found the appeal of dating, getting your heartbroken wasn’t something she wanted to experience. So that night, while they were arguing their lips crashed, she hadn’t thought of fucking Isaac, she hadn’t even thought of kissing him, but one thing led to another and a week later, that thing happened again, they agreed not to tell anyone. It became a weekly thing, until Theo showed up. She initiated the first kiss with Theo, and Theo being the cocky son of a Bitch he is didn’t seem surprised. She meant to stop things with Isaac, but she couldn’t phantom the thought of losing him. So, she kept Theo a secret too. Theo and Isaac hated each other, so it worked out for her, neither of them had brought up their beneficial friendship with her and she was thankful for that. It wasn’t until she saw Isaac flirting with a girl that she truly felt the jealousy. She yelled at him that night, they had agreed to meet up two days before for their weekly fuck but there was no fuck that night. Instead she threw shit at him while he stood in complete shook. They had never agreed they couldn’t be with other people, regardless, she was no one to talk, she was fucking Theo behind his back. They shook it off, agreeing not to sleep with other people and when she went to end things with Theo, well, it didn’t go as planned. So, she continued to keep Theo a secret, even though she had promised Isaac she wouldn’t sleep with anyone. Now there she is, six months into her friends with benefits with both betas, she wouldn’t admit it but she had grown feelings for the both of them. She had wanted to end things with both of them, not wanting her feelings for them to continue to grow but that was easier said than done.  
She sighed for the third time as she stared into her hands, the recent threat in beacon hills getting too exhausting for her to handle. It had been two weeks, and in the two weeks she had kept her distance from both betas, her fear of being caught increasing. She took a job at a local coffee shop, to distract herself from adulthood and also to have an excuse to not see Isaac and Theo. She wanted to distant herself from them, not wanting the feelings to continuously grow. It had been a slow day causing her to overthink about the two betas, she had been the only one working the night shift and she was due to close in only thirty minutes. Her phone rang, Isaac’s face flashing on the screen before she sighed and looked at the empty café. She answered his call bringing her phone to her ear. “Isaac.” She sighed out. Isaac was relieved to hear her voice, he wouldn’t admit it either but his feelings for her had also grown, how couldn’t they?  
“Hey sweetheart.” His pet name for her sinking into her stomach causing butterflies, she loved being talked to like that, especially by him. “I haven’t seen you in a while, what time do you get off, I can go pick you up and we can come back to my place.” His happy voice rang through the phone causing (y/n) to shut her eyes.  
“I can't Isaac, I have morning shift tomorrow and all I want to do is go home and sleep.” It wasn't all a lie, she did have morning shift however she wanted nothing more than to be with him, in his arms.
“We don’t have to do anything, I can run you a bath, help you relax?” He’d try anything and everything just to see her, two weeks without her had been hell.  
“I’m sorry Isaac, not today.” She heard him sigh and her heart broke.  
“Just, call me when you’re up for it?” He waited for her response and when she said nothing, he hung up. She mentally cursed herself for denying him, she knew she needed to release some stress but she couldn't not while her feelings were involved. Closing the cafe she found herself throwing a fit and cursing at the door. The key always got stuck when she locked it.  
“Need some help princess?” She stopped in her tracks, she knew his voice, she knew his scent. She found herself closing her eyes before releasing her grip on the key loosening as she turned to see him. “Damn is it good to see you.” Theo spoke as his eyes wondered around her body.  
“Not today Theo.” She sighed as she focused her attention to the key again. She tried another four times before cursing at the key and kicking the door. Theo chuckled lightly pushing her out the way before taking the key off the door. “Thank you.” She gave him a small smile before taking the keys from his hands.  
“Why have you been ignoring me? It’s been what, two weeks?” Theo bit his lip. He found himself falling for her, even with his darkened heart, he allowed himself to feel something for her, only her.  
“You’re counting?” She rolled her eyes and began walking home, Theo following her.  
“Is it so hard to believe?” He grabbed her wrist spinning her around to face him, that was one thing Isaac and Theo didn’t share. Theo was always handsy, he knew what he was doing and he knew how to do it. Isaac was a little bit more on the shy side. “I've missed you.” Theo whispered causing her to sigh and shake her head.  
“Please Theo, not today.” She pulled her hand from his grasp before continuing her walk towards her home.  
“At least let me walk you home, it’s not safe out there, you know that.” And as if it was in queue, she was thrown onto the street, her entire right-side scrapping on the pavement as Theo registered what had just happened. She heard a loud growl coming towards her as she struggled to get up, her side hurting as tears started to drip from her eyes, something was definitely broken. Theo sprang into action, tossing the unknown werewolf away from (y/n). “Are you okay?” Theo breathed out; he swore he felt his heart at the pit of his stomach. He looked around, the werewolf nowhere to be seen. She cried out in pain when she tried to sit up. “Hey, hey, stay down, I'll call the paramedics.” Theo’s hands shook as he took the phone out of his pocket. He hadn’t ever been this terrified in his life. He quickly gave 9-1-1, his heart beating faster by the minute. “Where’s it hurt?” Theo spoke as he hung up the phone, trying to get his mind to think clearly as he waited for the ambulance.  
“My whole right side, I think I broke a rib.” She hissed out; sure, she could tolerate pain but this hurt like hell. “Fuck.” She hissed out as tears continued to drip from her eyes.  
“Let me help you.” Theo gulped his hand reaching for hers but she quickly shook her head. She knew him taking her pain would be too much for her to handle. She knew Theo, he wouldn’t have done it if he didn't care about her, and she refused to let him in, especially like that. “(Y/N).” He whispered and before she could reply, the sound of sirens cut them both off. Before they knew it they were in Beacon Hills Hospital, Scott and the rest of the pack already there as Theo had texted Scott when they were in the ambulance. They wheeled her away, leaving Theo to stare after her as the pack asked him questions.  
“Theo!” Scott shook him out of his own mind. Theo turned to look at the worried pack, Isaac biting his nails as he waited for him to say something. “What the hell happen?” Scott asked and Theo shook his head trying to recollect the details of what had just happened.  
“A werewolf, it came out of nowhere, just threw her across the street and when I tried to fight him, he just left.” Theo looked at Scott, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.  
“It’s after her.” Lydia spoke and they all looked at her. “Why else wouldn’t he have stayed and fought?” She questioned Theo, his mind already thinking of what would have happened if he hadn’t shown up to talk to her.  
“It’s a good thing you were with her.” Stiles spoke patting Theo’s back.  
“Why were you with her anyways?” Isaac questioned, his curiosity getting the best of him. The pack looked at Isaac.  
“I don’t think that’s any of your concern.” Theo spoke shaking his head as he sat down on a chair. “How are we going to handle this?” He looked at Scott before they all sat down.
It had been three hours when they finally confirmed her thoughts, not only one broken rib but three. The skin on her right leg and arm completely broken from the pavement, they had wrapped them, in efforts to help the healing, they had given her something for the pain so she was a little loopy. A knock on the door startled her as she looked up from her arm. The pack filling the room as multiple sighs of relief were heard. “I’m so glad you’re alright.” Isaac spoke moving through the pack to go to her side. She couldn’t help but smile up at him when he took her hand in his, his lips placing a kiss on her scratched-up forehead. Theo looked at them, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.
“The hell is going on there?” Stiles asked Scott who shrugged.
“You’re here.” She whispered placing her hand on his cheek, she was way out of it. She wouldn’t have done this, not in front of the pack, in front of Theo.
“Of course, I am sweetheart, where else would I be?” He gave her a small smile causing Theo to clear his throat.  
“Wait, what the fuck is happening right now?” Theo’s loud voice caused her head to snap towards him, her smile widening.  
“Theo.” She motioned for him to move closer and when he did Isaac looked at him. “Thank you for saving me.” She grabbed Theo’s hand, his confusion easing as the small act of affection cleared his mind. Isaac looking down at their hands as he looked at the pack, their eyes analyzing what the hell was going on.
“You know I'd do anything for you princess.” Theo whispered but his efforts to keep the pet name hushed was a fail, they all heard it, even Stiles and Lydia who weren't werewolves.  
“Princess?” Isaac huffed and Theo looked at him, both of their hands still resting in one of hers. “Look, why don't you and the rest of the pack go wait outside, yeah? I’ll keep her company.” Theo looked down at (y/n) her smile not fading as the medication continued to flow in her blood stream.  
“Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? Look I was the one there, I was the one who helped her, I'm not going anywhere. So, how about you, go and wait outside.” Theo’s voice was always loud.  
“Guys, calm down.” Scott whispered as he looked at Stiles who shrugged. No one knew what the hell was going on.  
“What were you doing with her tonight Theo?” Isaac spoke and Theo rolled his eyes.  
“Look, not like it’s your business or anything but I was walking her home, alright.” Theo gave in, anything to shut him up already, you didn’t need this, you needed rest.  
“And why would you do that? You’re not her boyfriend.” Isaac spat out.
“Last time I checked; you weren’t either.” Theo snapped back. They both looked at each other, their eyes darkening before (y/n) giggled. They looked down at her confused on why she was laughing.  
“This is not how I expected things to go.” She shrugged.  
“What are you talking about?” Theo spoke.  
“I may have been seeing the both of you for six months.” She smiled before she giggled and closed her eyes. They both looked at her for a second, their mouths opening in shock before they looked at each other.
“Oh shit.” Stiles’ voice broke the silence in the room, they all looked at him before (y/n) laughed at his language.  
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queenlilith43 · 3 years
Why Malec Works Together-and SnowBaz Doesn't
Hello, everyone. Yes, I know this is technically my hiatus, but writing essays is a thing I do often so I wrote this thing.
If you've been paying attention to my Goodreads, I recently read Carry On. And I had THOUGHTS on that book. I actually ended up eating it two stars because the world building convinced me to read the second book.
Then I DNFed it at 44 pages.
So in this essay I will compare Simon and Baz's relationship to a better queer relationship-Magnus and Alec. Be prepared for some hot takes.
The first problem I see with Carry On (just in the whole) is when we first get Baz's POV. And the first thing we learn is that he is GAY. Like, hopelessly pining for Simon gay. And it for me it felt . . . Unnecessary.
It was like I'd been smacked with the sudden realization he was gay. And it didn't feel right at all.
Compared to when I found out Alec was gay in City of Bones. I was like, "okay." It worked.
Even though both Alec and Baz are both loners, Alec was at least shown as gay before that. Clary picked up on the way he was looking at Jace at least fifty pages before Izzy confirmed it.
It was the exact same with Simon suddenly being attracted to guys. Baz kisses him, and he's like, "I must be gay! But I'm straight!" Completely skips over bisexuals being a thing, which reeks of biphobia. (I'm also bi, so thanks, Rainbow Rowell, for erasing my identity.)
Compared to Magnus, whose bisexuality is not a surprise and works perfectly with him. Magnus is one of the best bisexuals in books I've read because he does care what people think of him. He acts and then thinks later. Hey, at least Magnus isn't some kind of rip-off Chosen Harry Potter.
Another issue I have is that Simon and Baz HAVE NO CHEMISTRY. Like, yes, Baz had a crush on him. But so did Alec for Jace and those two were never going to end up together even if Jace wasn't his parabatai and also queer. (Although Alone though Simon and Jace were dating; Jace could totally be bi or something.)
Baz just kissed Simon, and all of a sudden, Simon just loves him. Despite the fact Baz has been kind of a dick towards him for the entire time. Not the worst person, but the annoying roommate who REFUSES to pick up their socks. (Not exactly canon but he gives off those vibes.)
Somehow the rest of the book (which is less than 200 pages because the last 100 were hopeless gay pining and before that 200 pages of STRAIGHT) manages to drill this horrible no-chemistry relationship into you. It shows how bad their chemistry is.
Basically Simon is left alone to solve his problems, which he technically caused. So the other antagonist dies and Simon gets a devil tail and some wings. He looks like a rip-off blue Lucifer. I'm not even joking.
I don't even think Baz helped whatsoever. He just vibes with Simon's other friends, who didn't even help either.
Whereas we have Magnus and Alec where Magnus had to show up and help the Shadowhunters simply because he was dating Alec. Magnus, for no other reason than Alec, helped. And he actually did things, like doing some magic with Valentine's ship, fighting against Valentine's demons in City of Glass, and even going as far to SUMMON AZAZEL. That's pretty serious.
Even if Alec isn't technically the Chosen One, he's still chosen in the sense of being chosen to fight demons. The Shadowhunters are the warriors, who have to right against the demons. They were literally CHOSEN BY THE ANGEL RAZIEL. That's close enough for me.
Also, when Alec and Magnus fought together (Alliance rune in both CoG and TLBOW, the Battle of the Burren in CoLS, most of TRSM.) their relationship got better. It was amazing to see them grow closer together while defeating their enemies. It's the best.
If Baz doesn't help his boyfriend at all out of pure spite, it just DOES NOT WORK.
And then the last scene with Baz and Simon was kinda thrown together. They were trying not be gay while being gay. And it's not even like they really had that much homophobia. It's hinted at Baz's dad wouldn't approve of him dating a boy, and he would have to marry a girl.
But it's not like how Alec believed he could never be himself because the Shadowhunters frowned on if. In GOTSM, we did see how Alec felt oppressed by his dad when he was younger. And in the TV show he almost married Lydia before Magnus crashed his wedding, so there was some obvious homophobia.
Also, the homophobia for the Shadowhunters was more likely because of the bag of dicks known as the Cohort. It was obvious. Carry On had one person who disapproved and technically Baz could move out so it didn't matter.
And then we have the mess that is Wayward Son. I have read 44 pages of it, then gave up. Why? Because there is no plot to speak of.
Wayward Son and the Red Scrolls of Magic have similar premises: The world has been saved, now the relationship must be developed.
But Wayward Son doesn't have a demon-worshipping cult (which could happen because of Blue Lucifer over there). It instead has Simon adjusting to being normal.
But unlike the mundane Magnus from Season 3B of the TV show, nothing happened. It was just a stupid vacation that had no development over forty pages. I would forgive it if it was longer, but it's 356 pages, about the length of The Red Scrolls of Magic.
TRSM had plot when you started. We had Magnus and Alec in Paris, introducing their relationship at this time, and there was a little conflict involving demons. This was in the first twenty pages.
In the next twenty pages, another plot in the book was established: Magnus and Alec trying to take the next step. Which leads a huge part of the book, and a hilarious subplot.
After Magnus and Alec are interrupted by Tessa (who was calmly sitting on a chair), the main plot is introduced. Also known as Magnus's demon-worshipping cult, the Crimson Hand. There was plot here, all the way from the inciting incident of the Iblis demons to Tessa telling Magnus his cult is causing problems.
Wayward Son has no plot. They just randomly go on this vacation, and no magic plot happens. It's just a vacation on a fantasy backdrop. Which is so boring.
You could argue that the plot is Simon adjusting to being normal, but I throw in the evidence that is Magnus in most of season 3B of Shadowhunters.
First, some background.
Back in season 3A, Magnus gave up his magic to Asmodeus to help Jace. (Mainly because he wanted Alec to feel better but that's a discussion for another time.) They left to Magnus being a mundane for most of season 3B until Alec tried to get Magnus his magic back. (Another plot, but let me focus on the mundane part of this plot which was in episodes 11-13, and 17)
Magnus, who has used magic for his entire life, doesn't feel right. But he still tries to live his normal life. Which ends up with him facing off against another warlock and getting kidnapped. Good job, Magnus. You really fucked up.
You can see the way Magnus tries to adjust to being the person he is now, just a mundane. He's trying to be the same person he was before, just without his magic.
Even with it being a TV show and we can't see what Magnus is thinking, it's clear Magnus is hurting. He turns to alcohol, and is so sad and lonely. Alec offers him unconditional love (he even was going to propose to him!) but it just isn't enough.
In the end, Magnus gets magic back, and loses Alec. However, because Maryse has a brain and knew her son screwed up, managed to have Magnus connect the dots, yeet Asmodeus into Limbo, and ends up proposing to Alec. I was a mess by the end of the whole situation.
I've seen none of this in Wayward Son. Simon may show it in a different way but it's just . . . Not effective. He mopes around and his relationship with Baz doesn't matter.
So that is the exact opposite of Malec, where Alec clung onto Magnus and loved him enough to try and get him to stay. Baz wasn't doing anything. In fact, they were going to break up.
You know what, Wayward Son sounds like if CoLS Malec went on a trip. But I guess the time away from Camille would do Alec good, and they'd come back stronger than a 90's trend. Whereas Simon and Baz are hanging on by a loose thread and ate going to crash and burn soon.
I could continue ranting, but this is the best I can do. I know this might be me bashing on your favorite book, it just makes no sense to me.
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ohblackdiamond · 4 years
little t&a (paul/gene, nc-17) (part 11 of 29)
part 1   part 2   part 3   part 4   part 5   part 6   part 7   part 8   part 9   part 10   part 11   part 12   part 13   part 14   part 15   part 16   part 17   part 18   part 19   part 20   part 21  part 22   part 23   part 24    part 25   part 26   part 27   part 28   part 29
Four weeks before KISS gets back on tour, Gene discovers that Paul’s been cursed by a groupie. For the sake of KISS’ finances, Paul’s comfort levels, and Gene’s libido, this crisis must be resolved. Sexswap fic. In this chapter: Paul and Gene confess the truth to Ace and Peter.
            There were a few things Gene hadn’t exactly thought he’d live to see. One was the fall of Communism. One was decent oil prices. One was Paul Stanley attempting to shove Ace Frehley bodily into the doorframe.
            At least, that was what it looked like Paul was trying to do. Gene hadn’t gotten out of the car nearly fast enough to catch it all, hampered by the car lock he’d thoughtlessly left on and the milkshake he’d been in the middle of (they’d picked up Dairy Queen on the way back from the boutique). By the time Gene got to the front yard, Paul had Ace by the shoulders and was screaming obscenities.
            By the time Gene got to the front porch, Peter had yanked Paul away from Ace and had one of his arms locked behind his back. Paul was trying to trip Peter, one foot twisting behind Peter’s ankle as he leaned back against him. Ace stepped forward, trying to pull them both apart, only Paul’s fist flung out and nearly connected with his jaw. Peter, meanwhile, was still screaming.
            “You crazy bitch! This isn’t your house! This is his house!”
            “It’s my goddamn house!”
            “You got some nerve! You think ’cause you fucked the guy you’ve got a right to his place?!”
            “Pete, let go of the girl! C’mon and calm down! Both of you!” Ace yelled out.
            “Ace, you lousy son of a bitch!”
            “Hey, hey, we barely know each other—”
            “Stop it!”
            Gene wrenched away Peter’s grip on Paul’s arm, relying more on weight and suddenness than strength. Peter immediately went for Gene instead—Peter was a much smaller guy, but meaner and still more savvy, for all that it had been years since he’d been in a fight—but Gene grabbed him before he could. Paul just barreled over to Ace as soon as he was free, pinning him against the door, standing on his foot to keep him in place. Ace looked like he was torn between being bewildered and bursting into laughter.
            Peter didn’t fight off the grip much, which surprised Gene. Maybe even he realized that a skull fracture on the cement front porch would be like setting fire to KISS’ ticket sales. Gene held him there, barking at Paul as he did.
            “Leave Ace alone!”
            “Leave Ace alone? His credit card’s in my fucking door!”
            “Let him alone! Let him alone right now.”
            Paul hesitated, then backed off from Ace. As soon as he was halfway sure Paul wouldn’t jump back on him, Gene let go of Peter, who whirled on both of them.
            “We’re not trying to steal Paul’s shit! We just wanna know what the fuck is going on here!”
            “We—” Gene started, only to be interrupted by Ace.
            “Where’s Paul at?” he said quietly. Gene’s head snapped towards Paul, praying he’d read the look in his eyes. Praying he’d realize he couldn’t blow it. Peter already hadn’t believed him once. There was no way—there was no sense in trying again.
            But that wasn’t all of it. Even if somehow Ace and Peter believed Paul, what good could they do, anyway? The two of them would just screw everything up worse. It wasn’t a thought borne out of practicality; it was self-righteous, maybe even selfish. Part of Gene wanted to keep being the only one who knew.
            It turned out that it didn’t matter what Gene wanted. Paul just glared back, snapping out his answer before Gene could even try to stop him.
            “I’m right here, you idiot!”
            Ace stiffened up, eyes widening slightly.
            “I’m right here! I’m Paul!” Paul waved his hands in the air in front of him, up and down from his head to his chest.
            “Shut up, Gene! I can handle this!”
            “You—you’re crazy,” Peter snapped. “That’s the stupidest bullshit I’ve ever heard.”
            In contrast, Ace looked almost nervous. It was an out of place expression on his face. He glanced around, from Gene to Paul to Peter, before finally settling back on Paul, studying his face hard enough that Paul broke eye contact. Ace exhaled.
            “You kind of look like him, yeah, but Paul’s not a girl.”
            “No shit, Sherlock,” Paul rattled out. “Gene, are you gonna vouch for me or what?”
 ��          “This is a—”
            “Why the hell should we believe you on this, Gene?” Peter again. “You must think we’re fucking idiots! Running around with this chick, making up all sorts of fucking stories—who’s to say Paul ain’t lying dead in the fucking bathroom right now?!”
            “Oh, for Christ’s sake!” Paul had reached for Peter again, like he somehow thought contact would clarify everything. Peter stepped back, brushing away his hand. “I’m right here! I never went anywhere! I-I can prove it to both of you!”
            “You got at least two really good proofs you ain’t him, and they’re hanging right off your chest right now, you—”
            “Pete.” Gene’s voice surprised even him. “He’s telling the truth.”
            “Would you—”
            “Peter!” Ace, much louder than normal, before quieting down, almost as if in apology. “We got this far.”
            “They’re both lying!”
            “Give it a minute, yeah? Give it a minute.”
            Peter rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Ace continued, giving Gene a cautious glance before turning his focus back to Paul.
            “There’s something bad wrong with you, I can tell that much,” he said. “Course, there’s something bad wrong with Paulie, too, but—"
            “You’re one to talk, Ace,” Paul snapped. Ace didn’t look perturbed in the slightest.
            “I mean, he’s a Capricorn and real neurotic and shit.” Paul let out a disgruntled sound at the comment, one Ace ignored as he continued. “Could you do something for me?”
            “You tried to break into my goddamn house and now you’re—”
            “Walk around.” Ace held up his hands. “’M not gonna do anything. I just wanna see.”
            Paul made a face but walked to the opposite end of the porch and back, hands straight at his sides. Gene watched. He thought he knew what Ace was getting at—he hoped he did, at least. Paul’s stiff, straight-backed gait wasn’t much different than it had been before this mess had started. Gene hadn’t really noticed prior, consciously. It was just another peculiarity. The same actions and characteristics transposed onto the wrong body, giving him away—if you knew where to look.
            Ace, apparently, did. That off-putting insight was finally going towards something worthwhile. Gene shifted, oddly uncomfortable.
            “You walk more like a guy. And you didn’t try to kick us in the nuts.” Ace pursed his lips in contemplation. The rest of his expression was unreadable. “Doesn’t mean anything by itself, but…”
            Paul was starting to look a little hopeful. A little eager. He stepped in closer to where Peter and Ace were standing, as if he were about to reach out for them.
            “Ace, I can prove I’m Paul! Ask me something. Ask me anything. Go on!”
            Ace shrugged amicably, turning his head.
            “Pete, you got anything to ask her?”
            Pete looked irritated that Ace was turning Paul’s demand on him. He took a second to consider, looking at Paul warily. Gene waited, wondering what question Pete would pull out.
          “What’s my cat’s name?”
            “Mateus. You didn’t even name him. Lydia did.”
            Paul had answered almost in an instant. Peter blinked, but shook his head.
            “You could’ve gotten that just from reading the magazines.”
            Paul let out a curse.
            “Then ask me something else. Ask me about—Jesus, I don’t know—"
          “The dick-measuring contest.” Ace’s voice was soft and absolutely devoid of humor.
            “Who won the dick-measuring contest?”
            “Jesus, Ace, I…” Paul’s face went red. Gene bit back a wince, not sure if it was on his own behalf or Paul’s. “That’s… that’s so fucking embarrassing, don’t—”
            “And tell me who got second and third and fourth.”
            “Ace!” Oh, God. Paul was actually squeaking. It would have been endearing in any other situation. Gene searched Ace’s expression, as bland and out of it as usual, for even a twinge of pity or amusement or anything, but there was nothing. He wasn’t going to let him out of this. A little uncertainty rose from somewhere in Gene’s stomach as Paul finally admitted, “Okay, okay! Peter won!”
            Ace’s eyes got huge again, mouth forming a tight oval Gene had seen maybe four hundred times onstage. Paul had probably seen it more than that. Actually, Paul and Peter both in all those idiotic threesomes. Why that was still sticking in his craw, Gene didn’t know. Beside him, Peter’s mouth was wide open. Ace looked like he was trying to answer back, but Paul started rambling into a response before he could.
            “Well, we all knew he was going to win! The only one we hadn’t seen before was Gene’s!”
            “You want the placements? You were second! I was in third, and Gene was in fourth, and then I said it wasn’t fair since no one was hard, and you two had the fucking Loch Ness monster for dicks anyway and—”
            “Holy fucking shit.”
            Ace and Peter both looked scared as all hell for a few seconds. Peter reached out, almost cautiously, touching Paul’s shoulder like he was afraid it was going to dissolve into ash if he dared grasp it. Gene thought at first Peter was just trying to make sure Paul was still solid, until Peter tugged at his collar. Gene stiffened on weird automatic, but Paul seemed to realize what he wanted, undoing the bow and pulling down the sleeve, exposing a droopy bra strap and his tattoo again. Peter stared at that bright red rose like it held all the secrets to a number-one single, tracing up and down it with his finger before pulling back.
            “That’s why you were trying to show me,” he said softly. “That’s what you were trying…”
            “That’s it, all right.” Ace was peering in, too. “It isn’t like Paul’s, it is Paul’s. I ought to know. We got our tattoos the same day.”
            “Paul,” Peter said, staring as Paul tugged up his sleeve and retied the bow. “Paul, I… fuck, I’m so sorry.”
            Peter hesitated visibly. Then he wrapped his arms around Paul in a tight hug.
            “I thought—I thought Gene had stole your girl!”
            “I know—”
            “I thought you’d lost it! Run off and had a nervous breakdown! I… I had no idea you were right… Paulie…”
            Paul hugged him back after a few seconds, clearly overwhelmed. Relief looked like it was flooding his face. It made Gene’s guilt feel all the heavier, there, clotted somewhere beyond the back of his throat. He felt slimy, somehow. Slimy for not considering Paul’s family, for not considering Paul’s relief at being believed by his bandmates. Slimy for the part of him that had liked being the only one who knew. That felt like it was for the best. What did he know about what was best for Paul? Paul looked happier now than he’d seen him this entire time.
            Peter let go after awhile. Paul’s arms hung in the air for a second before Ace realized they were out for him. Their hug was relatively brief, Ace looking weirded-out by the entire prospect.
            “Shit, how many inches did you drop there?”
            “Three or four.”
            “You’re shorter than Peter now! Not by a lot, but…”
            “What the hell happened? Did you wanna be a chick?” Peter blurted it out of nowhere, expected and inevitable.
            “No!” Paul nearly yelled it out. “I got cursed, okay? The girl that did this, she—she’s supposed to come to Studio 54 every night. I’m trying to find her. Get her to take this off of me.”
            “Who? Who did it?”
            “Some girl. Not—not a celebrity, just some girl.”
            “Paulie… why didn’t you tell us?”
            “I tried to! Yesterday! You just blew me off!”
            “You were yanking down your clothes! What was I supposed to think?”
            “I tried—”
            “Why didn’t you tell us when it happened? We could’ve helped you! We all could’ve helped you.” Peter got quieter then. “You didn’t have to just stick it all on Gene.”
            “I didn’t,” Paul mumbled. “He figured it out on his own.”
            “The tattoo,” Gene said. Paul shot him a relieved look. Ace looked askance, chewing on his lip.
            “Do you wanna tell Bill now?”
            “God, no. Bill’s got enough problems.”
            “He’d keep it quiet. Y’know how he is, that guy could’ve stopped Watergate.”
            “We’re hoping to get it resolved before we’ve got to tell anyone else,” Gene said. “If Bill knew, he’d postpone the tour at minimum.”
            “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” Ace exhaled. “Okay, Paulie.”
            “There’s more to it than what you just said. We’d all better sit down for this shit. You gonna let us in?”
            “Your card’s still in my door.”
            “Oh. Yeah, it is.” Instead of pulling it out, Ace pushed it in further between the jamb and the door, jiggling the knob as he did so. The door fell open. “You gotta get better locks sometime. C’mon, girlie.”
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whoishisaribi · 5 years
Work Title: Summer
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Slash
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Relationships: Theo Raeken & Stiles Stilinski; Theo Raeken/Stiles Stilinski
Characters: Stiles Stilinski; Theo Raeken
Additional Tags: Asexual Character, Asexuality, Asexual Stiles Stilinski, Asexual Theo Raeken, Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Getting Together, Self-Acceptance, Alternate Universe- No Supernatural, Alternate Universe - No Werewolves, Tara Raeken Lives, Everyone Is Alive, Theo Raeken Has Issues, Mentioned Stiles Stilinski/Malia Tate, Past Relationship(s), mentioned Theo Raeken/Tracy Stewart, Alcohol, Family Drama, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Human Theo Raeken
Language: English
Words: 4915
Summary:  Theo felt like a failure for his whole life. With Stiles, he feels like less of a failure.
Theo was handsome and he knew it perfectly well. He worked hard to get this body, such a look and was not ashamed to use it.
And why should he? Manipulation was amusing, much funnier, than just outright asking people to give him what he wanted. It was kind of a challenge, to make people think they decided something themselves.
Maybe he was emotionally constipated because of all the shit that happened in the 'picture-perfect' family of his, like possible parents divorce, sister's depression and his own inability to see himself as something but a failure. Though, one cannot prove anything.
So Theo threw himself in parties, manipulating people and using his body. Unhealthy? Sure. Didn't provide needed relief? Yes. Made him angry that he was a failure because of not feeling anything? Absolutely.
Maybe everything would be easier if he at least found sex appealing the way his classmates did. But other than 'yeah, it was sex, we fucked, now I have fewer hormones in my body to ruin my mood' he felt nothing. Neither with girls nor with guys.
But he didn't. He knew what attracted others and decided to roll with it. The worst thing about sex, though, was that people wanted something more, like, relationships or whatever. Theo didn't want one. Not now, and not with someone, who would probably turn their back at him, if they get even a glimpse of all the shit that's happening in his life and mind.
And the only person who really didn't buy his whole look and attitude so far was Stiles. Theo wondered about him sometimes. Beacon Hills was a small town, and Beacon Hills High was tiny. Everybody knew each other. And also there was no one who didn't know Stiles.
The guy had a very weird idea about networking, and he also seemed to know everything about everyone. If one wanted information and help, they should seek Stiles, or whatever. At the same time he had a strange price, and also his help was sometimes worse than doing it themselves.
It kind of intrigued Theo in a way, that this description suited a trickster entity more than some teenage guy who flailed too much and was sheriff's son. Theo didn't want to ask around, not because he really believed Stiles knew everything in this school, but because he didn't want to attract attention to this little interest of his.
Though, some irrational part of his mind thought that Stiles could get him. He always looked at the one he talked to with this weird intensity, that made a lot of people uncomfortable. Theo had a misfortune to feel it on his own skin. Stiles' eyes almost turned black, and it felt like he could read one's mind, or change it.
And maybe some small part of Theo hoped Stiles saw real him. Just to have someone, who he could just relax with, without a thought in his head. Without this overwhelming feeling like the world was falling apart around him and he was not enough to do anything about it.
But that was just a delusion, one of a few he allowed himself to have.
Theo kept screwing around just for the fun of it, maybe to feel something, to test the boundaries he can or cannot cross. He wasn't stupid enough to try any drugs or even cigarettes, but he was reckless enough to try any extreme sport he could find. Nothing really matched his beloved skateboard. Though, climbing was almost fun.
He was driving back to Beacon Hills after the ride to the next town. There was a piece of better climbing equipment, and also Tara's therapist because their mother was too ashamed she even needed therapy to let her visit the local mental facility. Theo called it bullshit, and always rode her there.
When they were riding through preserve road, he noticed something unusual, a broken car with someone bent over the bumper. There was only one person in their town to ride such godawful baby-blue jeep: Stiles.
Tara flinched when the car stopped. "What, did you decide to finally get rid of me?" she asked with a weak smile.
Theo looked at her for a few seconds, because he never really gave her even the idea that he would like to not have her. Well, at least, he thought so. "No," he finally answered and undid the safety belt. "My classmate's car seems to be broken, gonna ask what's up".
"And when did you become so nice?" Tara huffed and leaned back at the seat.
"You're breaking my heart," Theo added theatrically.
"That's the only thing I can do," came the bitter answer. Theo clenched his chin and left the car. That's mental illness talking in her, and, honestly, Theo had no strength to really deal with it right now. It was almost pointless.
"Hey," Theo said when came close enough to the car.
Stiles flinched and raised duct tape like he was going to hit Theo with it. It looked almost comical, but of one image, that he would have some kind of stepper– well, better not think about it. Stiles really looked startled for a few seconds, probably, before he registered who was next to him. Eyes almost comically open, and mouth as well.
"Oh, Theo, hey, man," Stiles sighed and put his hand down. "Isn't it too late for you to drive this road?"
"I can say the same about you," Theo smirked and flexed his shoulders.
Stiles didn't even look down from his face. "Well, then let's not ask this question," he huffed and looked back at his jeep.
"Need a hand?" Theo leaned on the bumper, looking at the insides of the jeep, and, honestly, that sight would follow him in nightmares. So many duct tape should be illegal, Theo wondered how did Stiles even make this thing move.
"Well, you already here, so yeah," Stiles chuckled. "Try to start it."
Theo nodded and went to the driver seat. Well, Stiles didn't really react, maybe, he didn't like guys. Though, no, Theo certainly saw how he was making out with Isaac just a few weeks ago. He was pretty passionate. Later he kissed Caitlin, also during the game of truth or dare, so, no, Stiles was attracted to both.
The car didn't ignite. "Ok, stop," Stiles said and came back to the jeep. Theo left the car.
"Maybe you should call a mechanic?" He suggested. Stiles shrugged.
"I will, but only if I won't make her work."
Theo didn't comment on how Stiles called this piece of junk 'she'. People tend to get attached to things. Plus it was nice to know it, just in case.
"We may try and kickstart it, or, at least, help you take it to repair service".
Stiles didn't answer right away, so Theo wondered if he even heard him.
"Why did you even stop? You aren't an altruistic type," Stiles still didn't look up.
And this phrase felt like a hit. It wasn't bitter, or exactly untrue, but Stiles said it like he really wondered about reasons.
"I may not be altruistic, but I am decent enough to recognize someone who needs help. Because this road doesn't have a mobile connection, does it?"
Stiles paused. "Right," he muttered. "Try one more time".
The car didn't start, not even close.
"Well, will you give me a pull?"
"Wanna kickstart it?" Theo nodded.
"Yeah, I have the rope somewhere."
And so they spent a few minutes attaching Stiles' jeep to Theo's. Tara was weirdly silent this whole time, so Theo was glad when he saw her fast asleep.
"Anyway," Stiles said, stopping right next to driver's seat. "If it won't kickstart, maybe you can get me to the repair service on Elm Street?"
"Sure," Theo nodded and smiled. Stiles didn't even smirk and went back to the car.
"Classmate, huh," Tara mumbled when Theo started the car again.
"You know him, Stiles," Theo answered. He saw Stiles waving at him when he got into the car, so he rode down the road.
"This kid from the little league with big ears?" Tara huffed. "Well, some adulting did him good."
"Did it," Theo mused.
"And here I thought you have eyes," Tara huffed and turned around. "The car didn't start, by the way. So what's the plan?"
"We take him to the repair service," Theo shrugged.
"Ok. I hope he’s worth all this time."
More times than not Tara sounded like an asshole. Theo, once again, decided to ignore it.
"Thanks, man, you really helped me," Stiles smiled weakly and patted Theo's shoulder. He could feel the gesture was genuine, and not the one some people initiate to just touch him.
Theo learned not to touch people first, and not even come close if he didn't want to be intimidating. Sometimes he had a feeling, people found his face intimidating when he didn't put an effort into keeping it friendly.
"No problem, it wasn't a bother. Do you want a ride home as well?"
"Nah, my dad’s gonna get me," Stiles waived his hands. "And, besides, I guess, Tara is tired anyway, so get her home".
Theo was a bit surprised he recognized Tara. He also very doubted she really wanted to go home, but Stiles had no chance of knowing so. Also, he didn't see a reason to push it.
"Ok. Well, good luck with the car," because only sheer luck could even save this jeep.
"Thanks," Stiles nodded and went back to repair station.
Tara didn't comment on this at all. When they got home, the father wasn't at home, and the mother sat at the table and lulled the wine-glass. Yeah, everything was just the usual.
Lydia Martin's end of the school year party was a big event for them all. Well, she held the best parties, so Theo was just happy to be here. A lot of people gathered there, you could always talk to whoever, drink and relax. He didn’t allow himself to become way too drunk, because in this state he would just get into a fight. The only one who saw him like that was Josh, he also was the person who helped afterward to deal with the hangover.
This party’s goal wasn’t to get drunk, it wasn’t even really to relax. Theo observed Stiles and came to some interesting thoughts before, but now he became sure of it.
Stiles always joked inappropriately, flirted left and right, he was touchy-feely with everyone of his gang, and, for whatever reason, he didn't have any significant other since Malia moved elsewhere. Theo knew rumors about Stiles being bi, saw it. He also heard, Malia broke up with him over something. They both were tight-lipped about personal gossips. Maybe they decided to stay in long-distance relationships, but, as far as Theo saw on her facebook page (and as far as he remembers actively flirting with her), she didn't consider herself to be with Stiles.
So, what made a pretty outgoing guy, with a decent look, stay away from dating and making an actual move on someone – that was something interesting. He doubted Stiles didn’t have people asking him out, or, at least, being explicitly into him. Maybe, if Theo would still have this interest at the beginning of the next school year, he’ll go for it.
Stiles was joking around, always smiling, flailing, and there was a group of people around him, catching his every word and movement. He was fascinating.
"Ya dun listen," Tracy said, a bit tipsy. He really hoped someone would take her home because he didn't really feel like it.
"You said Corey and Mason are making out in the bedroom," Theo repeated and looked back at her. She was really drunk, and he, probably, would have to take her home, the sooner the better.
They had a few nights stands not so long ago, but he didn’t want it to become something permanent. She did, though. Still wished. Theo really hoped the summer in Europe would change that. Tracy was leaving in a few days.
He noticed Stiles’ gaze. It was so fast, so it might be some sort of wishful thinking.
It was just the first week of summer vacations. The family was insufferable once again. Father was getting on Tara for not finishing her education and just abandoning it, he also said something of how they won’t have enough money to educate one more failure. So Theo screamed back at him, of how they would have more money if he didn’t spend it all on his bitch, cheating bastard. Or how he ruined everything.
Theo rarely had a screaming match with any of his parents, preferring to release his anger doing some extreme sports, working out in the gym or whatever. But this– this was it. Father was too shocked to fight, Tara giggled hysterically and left the room, and mother just clapped slowly.
So Theo just ran, took his skateboard, and left the house, while parents began arguing again. He heard exactly the same arguments for the last eight years since that incident with Tara getting lost in the forest and barely surviving in the cold. Somehow the almost tragedy just made their family worse to wear.
He had some favorite places to skate when he wanted to be left alone. This was some rare time he could forget about all the things that made his head hurt and just feel his board underneath. How he needed to keep the balance of his body to not fall. Honestly, if Theo had a chance, he would like to just skate.
This ramp was the empty Hales house pool. There was a big fire that killed almost every family member, and this tragedy created just one more weird urban legend about this house. As for Theo, Hales just had a pretty neat pool. It was big, kind of round and just perfect.
The walk in the preserve was nice, and probably deadly, so more adrenaline for him. But he didn’t care. Maybe when he would come back home, his father would be gone for good, or Theo would have a very awkward time. He couldn’t wait for his coming of legal age this autumn, to just leave. Yes, he would still be in his senior year, but he could manage.
"You know, they say if you are near old Hale house at the exact moment of sunset, you may hear their screams," the male voice startled Theo, but he still landed smoothly on the bottom of the pool and looked up.
Stiles was here, wearing a dark blue hoodie and just looking more relaxed than a transpassing son of the sheriff even should.
"I'm not here to check it, though," Theo shrugged. "Just to skate."
"And why exactly do you excuse himself," Stiles huffed and squatted next to the border of the pool. "It's not like we are on private property, right?" his smile became wide, and still didn't reach his eyes.
"I won't tell if you don't," Theo's smile was a bit crooked.
How Josh put it once, Theo had a ‘resting bitch face’, and it could scare people without a smile. And, well, sometimes he did use this for his benefit, as well as his attractiveness. Now he felt like it all was in vain because Stiles just blinked and began tapping the ground in front of him.
"Well, if you tell on me, I'll tell about you".
"Sounds right," Theo nodded. He took his right leg from the board and took it from the ground. "So, what, are you going to stay to listen to last Hale's screams?"
"Yeah, the sunset is in like a minute or two. Are you?"
"If you want me to keep you a company," Theo flexed his shoulders, silently attracting Stiles' attention.
Stiles didn't even lower his gaze, still looking at Theo's face.
"Of course I do, if rumors are true, Hales didn't just scream, they howled. And their howl attracts wolves, who would eat any unfortunate soul who is close enough. And I run faster than you do, so there is a bigger chance I'll survive," Stiles said it completely seriously, and Theo's mind shortcut. He stared at Stiles, feeling weird like he spoke to Tara on her bad days. Then he looked sideways, feeling the small honest smile.
"Well, there weren't any wolves in California for fifty years, so, I guess, we're safe," Theo went to Stiles, put the board next to him and raised himself from the bottom only using his hands.
"But there are coyotes, and they're even worse," Stiles winced and shook his head. "Their howl sounds like a human cry."
Stiles didn't really look at Theo, just at the forest behind the pool.
"Are you alone?" Theo asked, more out of politeness, and not because he was curious.
"Yeah," Stiles didn't reply more, even though Theo guessed, Scott didn’t come with him. Maybe he was with Allison again, because she didn’t leave this summer. "And you are as well, and also on your feet," he nodded and stood up, turning his attention, from the forest to Theo. There were no sun rays because of the tall trees rounding the house, so his eyes looked almost black.
"Mhm," Theo nodded. He kept looking at Stiles eyes, uncomfortable to down his gaze but also feeling weirdly scrutinized by his look. It wasn't particularly calculating, but still unpleasant.
Theo wondered what exactly happened to Stiles, to make him look that old when eye to eye. And why he acted so differently, compared to what he saw just a week ago.
"Wanna ride, if we survive the run against wolves?" Stiles was the first to avert his gaze, mostly because he looked at the house.
Theo didn't even know one could feel like prey when somebody like Stiles looked at them. Like, yes, compared to the Little League time, he did grow up well, but Theo couldn't really call him commonly handsome. Maybe because he wasn't looking at him much, but anyway. He was lanky, his nose was weirdly upturned, and, well, he still made it work, when he was animated and more alive than this intensity he gave some weird urban legend vibe.
"You know," Stiles began with a small smile on his lips. "There were a few cases of something wolf-like to attack people lately, next to the old Hale house".
Theo felt his stomach sink. Screw this, Stiles could be outright terrifying, and Theo now understood perfectly well where his reputation came from.
"You are joking, right?" He asked, changing his voice to sound more skeptical and sarcastic.
"I'm not," Stiles shrugged. "Oh, look, the sun is gone, and no howling, huh. I guess, the legend is false and it just so happened that all bodies were found somewhere nearby. Though maybe coyotes decided to make a den out of Hale house, and all the now-corpses just came too close. Well, we'll never know," Stiles put his hand on Theo's shoulder. "Let's go".
It was probably the weirdest thing that happened that day.
“Is your car even working today?" Theo asked with a smile when they went back to the road.
"If you want a lift home you'll stop bad mouthing my baby,” Stiles huffed.
“Of course I do, but I saw the monstrosity your jeep’s insides were. That’s like Lovecraftian abomination, that definitely only runs on the sheer magic of elder gods,” Theo shrugged. Stiles huffed and pushed him a bit.
“No, really. So many duct tape should be illegal. I wonder how do you even make this thing move.”
“Maybe I am the elder abomination,” Stiles said with an absolutely straight face, but then he smiled, and even in the darkness his features softened. “Just kidding, though there are a lot of weird things going on in Beacon Hills, like this Hale house rumor is resent, there are so many things that exist even before we were born.”
“Wanna explore?” Theo said without really thinking about it. He felt like this was his chance to get out of the house, and, well, this sounded interesting.
“Hell yeah, man!” Stiles exclaimed happily and almost jumped, which was potentially the bad idea in the dark wood when neither of them bothered with the flashlight. Though he managed not to fall, and they finally reached the jeep.
Miraculously, the car started. It was even nice inside, the decent smell, and it seemed to be well-kept. Stiles didn’t have a normal radio, but there was a police one. They didn’t even acknowledge its presence.
When they were riding back to the town, Stiles was talking about all unsolved mysteries of Beacon Hills. There were surprisingly a lot of them, and Theo found himself liking this.
They spent almost every day together. Stiles was livid about everything he could get his hands on. He also flirted with everybody, but it seemed natural, something he didn’t even think of, before doing. It was the same as breathing to him, and it’s been a while since Theo got so many mixed signals. It was really distracting.
Stiles was probably more happy about someone to really listen to his ramblings, than the fact they ventured into all these abandoned buildings.
Theo spent more time in the library than he ever did in his life. And it was a nice change of pace because his family life went to hell after that one time.
Parents finally decided to push the divorce. They didn’t set the process in the trial yet, because Theo was underage, and they would have to deal with ‘who’s going to take care of him’. Neither wanted to.
After one more family scene, Tara decided to move with her girlfriend she found in the neighbor town. That also created a stink, so Theo just– preferred not to come home a lot. Not that any of them noticed.
Stiles was actually chill about giving him a place to sleep during the night, or just take him somewhere in the nighttime. He was already eighteen, and also the sheriff’s son, so nobody really questioned him. He also knew all patrol routes, which was a bit scary.
At some point Theo found himself thinking, that he liked being with Stiles. Not as the way to distract himself from family drama, but genuinely being with him. Listening to his ramblings, watching him flail, frown, and also sit down together in silence. Theo didn’t think Stiles was even capable of being silent or still before. But he was when he read some old archives with the intensity only he was capable of. When he tried to figure something out.
Theo was screwed.
So he decided to go for it, even if Stiles’ mixed signals weren’t about romance.
“Maybe we should just go to the cinema today?” he proposed. “I think, the movie you talked about like a week ago is out already.”
Stiles blinked and looked up, surprised. His mouth was open like Theo just said something impossible. Maybe he did.
“Oh, yeah, I think it should,” Stiles coughed and looked down at the paper he was reading, perplexed. “Uh, yes, right.” He nodded to something in his thought.
“Should we call it a date, I wonder,” Theo smiled and leaned closer to Stiles over the table.
He blinked and raised his eyebrows.
“Well, sure, though I thought all our adventures were dates as well,” he teased and also leaned to Theo. He did it way too fast and sudden, so they almost hit their heads.
The laugh was way too loud, and if the librarian cared, she would scream at them in this weird scream-whisper. Just to not feel awkward.
So in their usual ‘let’s play Buzzfeed unsolved’ game became more varied. It was almost nice, Theo almost forgot why he didn’t date.
Until they were in a cafe and he saw the kissing pair. It wasn’t that Stiles and Theo didn’t kiss or cuddle. No, they both enjoyed it, even though that was a bit awkward at first.
But with all of this usually came sex. And he needed to try to go for it. Because even though Stiles never really talked about it directly, that was something they were supposed to do as a couple. So, while summer was still going, it wasn’t even the end of July, Theo decided on the plan.
They took Theo’s jeep this time, even though Stiles complained all the way. He didn’t want to believe his car won’t be able to ride all this way.
It was midday when they finally reached the beach. It wasn’t completely empty, but there weren’t a lot of people around. They weren’t really fans of nature, but it was romantic and fun.
They were messing around in the water, swimming and just being together. Stiles liked, that there was some sort of legend about it. That was actually how they ended up here, to check it.
The evening wore on. They decided to stay here for the night. The beach was below, and the car on the top of the rocky cliff. Theo had one look down to see that he didn’t want to fell. In the night the beach they messed around on would be under water.
Theo took some warm blankets and pillows. They thought about starting the fire but decided against it. Everything was way too wet. Belatedly, Theo hoped they won’t get ill or whatever. Maybe he should’ve taken the tent. Did they even have a tent?
“Woah, so many stars,” Stiles said.
“Yeah,” Theo hugged his shoulders and kissed Stiles’ jawline softly and almost lazily, even though he felt tense. Like that, it slowly turned into a kiss.
It happened enough times for Theo to know how to act. He always was the one who initiated sex, so it shouldn't be hard. Almost nobody stopped him before, so he should’ve done everything right. His body was reacting accordingly to such closeness, but it still didn’t make him wish for sex. He liked Stiles enough for it to be a bit more pleasant.
Theo put his hand on Stiles’ stomach and traced his fingers down to the line of his sweatpants.
“No, Theo,” Stiles said and leaned back. Theo tried to reach for the kiss instinctively but stopped in the track. Ok, it isn’t the first time somebody tells him ‘no’, but that were one-night stands, and not somebody he, kind of, dated. Was it too rushed? Did Theo do something wrong?
He felt a bit guilty, that there was a relief.
“Ugh, don't take it personally,” Stiles said. He sat down, and Theo did as well. “That’s just, I’m asexual.”
Theo blinked and frowned. He, kind of, never heard of that before. Stiles didn’t let him ask, though, and kept explaining. Maybe his face told him a lot.
“That’s just, I’m not particularly interested in sex. Like, I can have it, but, I don’t really want it. So, that’s, ugh, you know, telling it to Malia was easier for whatever reason,” Stiles huffed and rubbed his face.
“Huh,” Theo said, almost against his own will. Something felt just right about that. “So that’s a normal thing? I mean, the lack of desire or whatever?”
Like he wasn’t a failure at least somewhere.
“Well, yeah,” Stiles blinked. “Like, everyone says ‘if you don’t want to have sex, you aren’t a real man’ or whatever. But that’s just the absence of want, and that’s totally fine.”
“So,” Theo began, almost shyly. Ok, it felt surreal in a way. “If we just lie down, without sex, cuddle and so on, that’s alright?”
Stiles looked almost as lost, as Theo felt after that, then he nodded.
They laid on pillows and Theo hugged Stiles again. They spent a few minutes in silence, Stiles didn’t talk. He put his hand on Theo’s thigh and squeezed, almost nudged.
“I always thought there is something wrong with me because I didn’t really want it,” Theo confessed softly. “I had sex, so, probably, I’m not really asexual, am I?”
“Nah, you're fine,” Stiles rocked his leg. “I also had sex, and I even enjoyed it, but it doesn’t mean I want it all the time. Like, when I look at someone, it doesn’t mean I want to jump on them and fuck like bunnies. People just don’t get it.”
Theo nodded absently.
“Besides,” Stiles continued. “We are both the same, so that makes our life so much easier.”
“Yeah,” Theo still tried to wrap his head around the fact, that it was ok to not feel sexual desire or whatever.
“We can talk about that some more, or when we come home,” Stiles suggested.
“Home,” Theo said and relaxed.
“I have a few powerpoint presentations for you. I put all my heart in it.”
Theo remembered this one time he saw Stiles’ presentation and laughed softly. Yes, sure, that’s going to be a disaster.
“Hey,” Stiles’ grip on his thigh strengthened.
“I’ll watch it all anyway,” Theo said and kissed his temple.
Stiles murmured something about how great at presentations he is. Then he switched to the topic of stars and constellations. Theo listened to his voice and hugged him tighter.
The knot around his heart, this feeling of being a failure just about everything, let go, even if just a little bit. He needed to hear that, maybe told exactly by Stiles.
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
This Life Chapter 3
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Title: This Life Chapter 3
Summary:  Dean Winchester is the Vice President of the motorcycle club The Hunters. After almost 7 years in prison, he's free. But things have changed and Dean has to figure out how to put things back together. Kind of a Sons of Anarchy AU. 
Warnings: Language, violence
AN: Shout out to my awesome beta @callme-kaz2y5-baby !
Chapter Song: Sabotage by Beastie Boys
Dean had never really been a morning person before. Prison had changed that some though, and Dean was up with the birds. He worked out then, push ups, sit ups, everything. He used to make use of the fitness room while he was on the inside. He always felt better in the mornings when he worked out. Especially because he wasn’t sure what kind of food they were serving sometimes.
After a workout, Dean searched for some food, but realized that everything had been tossed out while he was gone. Instead of eating, he headed straight back to the garage. He wasn’t surprised to see some of the guy’s already there, screwing around like guys do. Bobby wasn’t there yet, and the other guys sure did have fun messing with the prospect.
“What the hell are you fuckheads doing?” Dean asked, parking his bike and walking up to them.
“Just having some fun is all.” Cas said innocently. “Caleb and Jim are inside. We’re just waiting on Bobby.” Dean nodded and made his way inside. Cas and Benny followed. Garth was drinking some milk, talking to Ellen. Dean got a water and took a big drink of it as Bobby walked in.
“Good morning.” Bobby grumbled. He nodded at Ellen, who left to go man the office. The guys all went to the meeting room to start the day before working on cars. Ellen sent Jo off on errands so she wouldn’t be tempted to bother the boys while they were busy. They all set down to go over the daily fun stuff.
After going over deals and other things, just when everyone thought they were done, Caleb had something to say.
“Dean, is there any chance that Sam got mixed up with SAMCRO?” Caleb asked. Everyone turned to look at Dean then. Sometimes Dean wished that Caleb wasn’t the Sgt. at Arms so he could kick his ass.
“Sam is not that stupid. He knows better than to do anything with those assholes.” Dean told Caleb. “Sam wouldn’t go near them.”
“Sorry kiddo. I’m just trying to explore all the options.” Caleb said. “We’ve been looking into this for months.”
“And why didn’t you guys tell me while I was locked up?” Dean asked.
“Because we knew if we did, you’d be angry and get into a fight or something and you’d be in longer.” Jim explained. “And don’t you try to argue with me boy. We all know it’s the truth.”
“I took anger management. I think I can handle myself.” Dean said.
“You sure about that brother?” Benny said, peeking out the one window with the heavy curtains.
“Yes I’m sure.” Dean said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Well, I see one angry little bitch that’s gonna say different.” Benny explained. “Lydia’s here.”
“Lydia? Shit!” Dean growled. “What does that girl not understand about ‘it’s over’?” He stood up. “I’ll be right back.” Dean marched out the meeting room and headed out to the front of the auto shop, where Lydia was lounging around.
“She won’t leave.” Jo said as Dean passed by.
“I’ll take care of it.” Dean said. “She giving your mom a hard time?”
“A bit, but mom’s tough.” Jo told him. Dean nodded and headed out to where Lydia was leaning against a car, sucking on a Tootsie Pop. She smiled as Dean came up and pulled down the top of her shirt to show off her cleavage.
“What are you doing here Lydia?” Dean asked. Lydia walked to him, running her hands down his vest, over the new Vice President patch.
“I heard you just got out and I thought you might need a little female comfort.” Dean gently pushed her away, but she was right back for more. “Come on Dean. We were so good together.”
“You’re insane Lydia. Go home.” Dean said. “I’m sure Emma misses her mom.”
“She’s your daughter too, you know!” Lydia said. Dean shook his head.
“I highly doubt that since you were fucking three other guys at the same time. Now. Go. Home.” Dean growled. Lydia stomped her feet.
“You’re a piece of shit Dean Winchester!” Lydia screamed. “I hope you rot in hell!”
“You first sweetheart!” Dean said, walking into the garage where some of the other guys were waiting. Lydia sped out then, honking her horn loudly and flipping him off as she drove away.
“Damn.” Cas said.
“That girl is crazy.” Garth added. Dean shrugged off his vest and tossed it into the locker where he kept his work shirts.
“Can we just get to work guys?” He asked. He put on the oil stained shirt and adjusted it so it fit just right. The guys looked at each other and followed suit. “And somebody get the goddamn honor student to start cleaning out those trashed out cars so we can send them off for scrap.” Dean said, motioning over two the couple clunkers they had got for next to nothing.
“On it.” Garth said, going to find Kevin. Dean started in on the brakes of a Honda that had been brought in the day before.
About twenty minutes later, between Cas and Garth’s karaoke and hearing Kevin complaining about all the condoms and trash in the cars, another bike pulled up into the lot. Dean looked up at the guy that sat there as Caleb went out to talk to him.
“Hey man, who’s that?” Dean asked, motioning to the guy. Benny looked over.
“That Gordon.” Benny said. “Freelancer. Cut isn’t as good as the rest of ours, but we were running short and John and Bobby thought it was a good idea.”
“Dad let a freelancer in?” Dean asked.
“Well, his top gun was in prison.” Benny pointed out. “And Sam wanted nothing to do with it, as you knew.” Dean nodded and watched Gordon. Caleb and him talked for a minute before Caleb walked off. Gordon looked over, making eye contact with Dean, before he put his helmet back on and drove off.
“What was all that about?” Dean asked as Caleb walked by.
“He just wanted to know if we had anything for him to do.” Caleb said. “Don’t worry. It’s taken care of.” Dean looked over at Benny, who just shrugged and went back to the car he was working on with Cas.
Time seemed to go by slow. Dean took a break to light up a smoke and loiter around the office while the others passed around a bottle.
“So, when you guys...you know...do you wear the vest?” Kevin asked. Caleb choked on his whiskey.
“Is this kid seriously asking is we fuck with the vests on?” He asked. Cas laughed.
“Kinda sounds that way man.” The sound of revving engines drew the attention of the guys standing around. They looked up as about eight bikes rode by. The guys all looked up as about eight bikes rode by. And soon, the sounds of gunshots rang out, bullets flying.
“Get down!” Dean yelled. Ellen and Jo dove under the heavy desk. Dean grabbed the gun that Ellen always kept under the counter, and started to give chase. But his bike wouldn’t be going anywhere. He fired a couple shots but the bikers were already out of range and the guys were gone as quick as they had arrived. “Son of a bitch!” Dean said, looking at his bike. “Everyone okay?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Garth groaned. “Who the fuck was that?” Benny was on the ground and pushed himself up.
“Were you hit?” Dean asked, noticing some blood on him.
“Nah brother. Something hit me though.” He looked down to see a smaller body laying there in a puddle of blood. “Oh shit!”
“What?” Cas asked.
“They got the prospect.”
Forever Tags: @imboredsueme @aiaranradnay @theas-bedtime-stories @af112992 @dekahg @cutie1365 @bandobsession98 @marvel-af @nanie5 @sammat97 @dslocum89 @i-would-die-for-woodland-demars @newtospnfandom @xxwarhawk @luciathewinchestergirl @tina8009
Supernatural Tags: @sabigmart @smoothdogsgirl @essie1876 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @jadepc @winchestergeekfreak @winchesterslibrary @atc74 @anathewierdo
This Life Tags: @soulslaststand @gemini0410 @jamielea81 @caplansteverogers
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ohalemalia · 6 years
Daily Dose - (Part 3) (S.M Imagine)
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Pairing: Scott x Reader
Warnings: none, really
A\N: thank you for being so patient with me. I know this is a day late, things (again) came up and classes officially start tomorrow (they started today, hi it’s me from the future). how exciting yayayay. It's a long part but y’all deserve it
Word Count: 2950
Summary: Detective Melissa McCall cracks down on Scott and Y/N’s little smuggling operation. Scott, being the little puppy he is, invites Y/N over for dinner.
It had been a couple weeks of Scott coming in, smuggling me outside food and chatting with me. We were a) getting away with it and b) bonding incredibly well. I learned that Scott wanted to be a vet after high school and was thinking about going to UC Davis. He worked at an animal clinic right now and when he talked about it you could just see the way his eyes lit up.
He showed me pictures of his friends, one named Stiles (which isn’t the weirdest name I’ve heard, but it’s on the list), a beautiful strawberry blonde girl named Lydia, there was Allison and Isaac and Kira too. Seeing all of Scott’s friends and hearing the way he talked about them made me realize that I was utterly and quite pathetically alone. I had friends, yeah, but they were all in the hometown I left, living normal lives.
“Don’t worry,” Scott smiled at me, “When you get out of here, you’re totally invited into our pack.”
“Your pack,” I laughed, “You make it sound like you’re a pack of animals.”
Scott gave me a sheepish smile and continued the conversation on.
All in all, things were great.
Until, well, they weren’t.
“Alright, you’re all done,” Melissa took her gloves off with a satisfying snap and picked up her clipboard, “I just have a couple questions for you.”
“Fire away,” I reply.
“How are you? Any dizziness? Nausea? Constipation?”
“Fine. No, no and god no, thankfully not.”
Melissa wrote the things I said down, nodding as she went along, “Okay, okay. And would you mind telling me how this ended up in your trashcan?”
She held up in her hand a greasy Fatburger bag. My Fatburger bag.
“I, uh…” I was at a loss for words Melissa knew she had caught me red handed. Red with the contraband ketchup from Fatburger.
“Where did you even get this?” She asked.
“I, uh…”
Melissa scoffed, “You’re gonna need a better answer than that, pal.”
I tilted my chin up, “I’m not at liberty to say.”
With a sigh, Melissa set the bag down, “Don’t you know this stuff is no good for you? I mean it’s no good for anyone but it’s definitely not good for you.”
“It was just one burger...and some fries...and a large milkshake,” I muttered.
“That’s enough to cause damage, Y/N.”
I frowned, “I’m not a fragile porcelain doll or--or--or a ticking time bomb, y’know? One slightly greasy meal isn’t going to make me explode.”
“You’re right,” Melissa sighed, making me think I had won the fight, “You’re not a doll or time bomb. You’re also not a licensed professional and you’re also never doing this again under my watch. Someone had to sneak this into you and I’m going to find out who.”
At that exact moment, who else would come strolling up to my door but Scott McCall himself? He was all big smiles until he saw the back of Melissa’s head. I shook my head at him ever so slightly, but Melissa saw. She whipped her head around and looked at her son right in his eyes. Scott’s eyes widened and I could see his lips form the explicit, “Oh shit.” He turned around and headed down the hall but Melissa was hot on his trail. She swung the door open and popped her head out, “Scott! Get your butt over here, right now!”
Moments later, in came Scott. He looked around the room, his eyes landing on mine. I gave him a look that said, “We’re screwed.” His eyes landed on the Fatburger bag and his angry mother. He turned his gaze back to me and his eyes said, “Yeah, definitely.”
“Yeah, care to explain this?” Melissa held the bag up.
“I don’t know, I just got here,” Scott was playing the act of clueless bystander quite well. But not well enough to fool his own mother.
“Uh huh,” Melissa rifled through the bag, “That’s funny considering the last four digits of the card it was charged on, well, would you look at that, they coincidentally match the last four digits of the debit card that’s in your name.”
“Wow,” Scott blinked, “What a coincidence.”
Melissa gave her son a look, “Cut the crap, Scott. Leave the compulsive lying to Stiles. I can’t believe you, Scott. This is NOT okay and you know better.”
“I was just trying to be nice, she can’t eat cold turkey everyday, Mom,” Scott explained, “You said it yourself that you wouldn’t eat in that cafeteria if they gave you a pay raise and you never had to clean bed pans again.”
I folded my arms and looked at Melissa.
“Yeah, okay, here’s the difference,” Melissa pressed her hands together, “I am not a patient here and I’m not going to lose my job or my health if I get a milkshake every once in a while.”
“It would just be nice to have something different to eat,” I interjected with a frown, “I’m sorry, Melissa.”
Melissa sighed, “Just please, let’s not do this again, okay? You want real food, you let me know.”
Suddenly, Scott’s eyes lit up, “What if she has dinner with us?”
“What?” Melissa and I asked simultaneously.
“Who else knows what’s better for her than her own nurse?” Scott grinned, very proud of his idea, “It’ll get her out of this hospital, it’ll get her some real food and you can keep an eye on her.”
“Scott,” Melissa’s tone was cautionary.
“I would love that,” I grinned, “Please Melissa? Please?”
“Look, guys,” Melissa started with a tone that already told me I wouldn’t like what she had to say, “As great of an idea as that sounds, it just isn’t a good idea. I’m your nurse and as your nurse and having you over for dinner would be inappropriate.”
My shoulders slumped in disappointment. Looks like it was going to be powdered mashed potatoes from here on out.
“Mom…” Scott was trying to appeal on my behalf but Melissa held her hand up.
“It’s out of my hands. As her nurse, it’s just not a good idea.” There was a silence as Scott accepted the fact that I was doomed to my hospital bed.
“But,” Melissa looked out of the door, “When her condition improves and she’s discharged, I won’t be her nurse and it’ll just be one of Scott’s friends over for dinner.”
Scott and I grinned at each other.
“When am I getting released?” I asked Melissa, ready to hop out of the hospital bed then and there.
“Easy tiger,” Melissa said, “We have to monitor you for about another two to three weeks and then we’ll talk. In the meantime...what’s your favorite food?”
This was going to be the longest three weeks of my life.
Scott’s POV
“Guess what, Scott,” It was lunch time and Stiles hopped over the picnic bench to sit next to Scott.
“Um...what?” Scott asked with no idea what Stiles had up his sleeve.
“Tomorrow night, it’s me, you and a lot of drinks and pretty girls at Danny’s party tonight,” Stiles grinned at his best friend and patted his shoulder.
“How did you get invited to Danny’s party?” Scott furrowed his brows.
“Easy. I was coming around the corner and heard Danny and Ethan--”
“Oh great,” Lydia rolled her eyes.
“--talking about having a crazy party. Danny gave Ethan the address, I wrote the address down on my hand, copied it into my phone and badda bing, badda boom, now we’re going to a party.”
“That’s not exactly an invite as it is crashing a party,” Kira frowned at Stiles.
“What? No,” Stiles looked around at his friends who all had varying degrees of uncertainty on their faces, “No, guys, it’s an open invite and its Danny’s party. Danny’s our friend.”
The silence he got from his friends was a testament that, no, Danny was not their friend.
“Okay, well, there’s going to be enough people there that no one is going to even know we’re there without an invitation.”
“Except I’m not going to be there,” Scott shied away from his friend, knowing by the look on his face he was going to have a whole tirade.
“What do you mean you’re not gonna--okay,” Stiles placed a hand on his hip and rubbed his face in frustration, “Okay,  Scott, I don’t think you’re comprehending what I said.”
Stiles began counting them off on his fingers, “Me, you, that’s a very important part, free drinks and pretty, pretty, very beautiful girls. Did I mention beautiful girls?”
“Yeah, you did a couple times,” Kira grumbled.
“And,” Stiles continued, “Do you not remember the conversation we had the locker room, about Stiles and his needs?”
“Many, many, times,” Scott sighed, “But I have plans. I’m having dinner with my mom and, Y/N.”
“Y/N?” Lydia looked up from her salad, “The Y/N you keep visiting at the hospital?”
“Wait,” Stiles squinted, trying to compute all of this in his head, “I thought she was like attached to her bed.”
“Well, if she’s doing well they’re going to let her out,” Scott explained, “And it’s like a little celebration dinner for her.”
Lydia placed her hands on the table, “Well she’s going to need something to wear. Those drab hospital clothes aren’t going to cut it. Trust me, I would know.”
“What?” Scott laughed, “It’s not anything special, it’s just dinner with me and my mom.”
“Scott,” Lydia gave him a look, “This girl has been in the hospital for, what, six months now? It’s not a huge deal to you but to her it means everything. And friends don’t let friends wear ugly hospital gowns. And any friend of yours is a friend of ours.”
Scott smiled, “Wow, thanks, Lydia.”
Lydia smiled and stood up from the table, “So I expect you at my house at 4:00pm sharp to pick up her clothes and accessories. I’ll also need a picture or description of her so I can pick pieces that’ll compliment her. I’ll also need to know what you’re wearing so I can coordinate with you. What sort of flowers does she like, that’ll be important too. Oooh! If you bring her over I can curl her hair and put some makeup on her. Maybe I can--”
Stiles leaned over to whisper to Scott as Lydia drowned on, “See, you could’ve been going to a party with me but instead you’re spending the night Miss Congeniality.”
Scott frowned, but as long as Y/N was going to be happy, he could handle whatever Lydia threw at him.
The hours seem to tick by forever as I waited for 3:00pm to arrive. That was my discharge time. I had been cleared for everything. I felt great (mostly), my body wasn’t doing crazy things to me, my lupus was dying down and taking a backseat (for now).
By eleven am I had already packed up my belongings and had them waiting.
By noon, instead of eating the cold pasta salad that was for lunch, I counted all the cotton balls in the jar on my counter (256) and the Q-tips (117).
By one pm, I had made eighteen figurines with the cotton balls and Q-tips and was staging a very dramatic reenactment of every cheesy high school movie I had seen.
By two pm, I was laying across my bed, having an existential crisis. What if people didn’t like me at my new high school? What if I was known as that girl with lupus?
By 2:15, I remembered I was being stupid and that Scott said I could count on him and his friends to have my back, so I had nothing to worry about.
By 2:45, I needed to get out of that room.
At 2:50. Nurse Jenkins came to open my door and I bolted out of my room. I had a small suitcase with my belongings in it and I was wearing the clothes I came into the hospital in, some sneakers, some jeans and a plain old t-shirt. As I made my way to the front desk, I could see all the people who really needed help. The people who would be here for a long time (or the rest of their lives). I felt a chill down my spine and counted myself lucky.
I bet the receptionist had never seen someone so excited to sign paperwork. I was still a minor though, so I had to get verbal consent from my parents and someone to sign as an emergency contact for me. Who else better than The Melissa McCall? The receptionist looked over my forms and snorted, “Mhm, I figured.”
She made a couple copies, stamped a couple things, handed me some pamphlets and wished me good luck. I grinned at her, tucked the papers under my arm and headed out.
The fresh air of the outside world hit me like waves crashing on the shore. I closed my eyes, basking in the warmth of direct sunlight. I heard a car horn in my direction and opened my eyes.
Scott waved at me from the driver seat of a dark blue car. I grinned as I waved back. I looked both ways (because it would suck to get out of the hospital just to end up back in it) and ran over to his car. I pulled on the handle of the car but it was locked. Scott leaned over and pulled the lock up.
“No motorcycle today?” I teased as I got in the passenger seat.
“My mom wasn’t a big fan of me picking you up and riding around on the back of my death mobile,” Scott smiled and started the car, “Maybe soon though.”
I pulled out my notebook and grabbed a glitter gel pen, “I’ll add it to my list. My new list I might add, since you took my original.”
Scott grinned sheepishly and started the car, “Sorry about that. But hey, to make up for it, there’s a gift in the backseat. Courtesy of Lydia.”
“Lydia?” I craned my head to see a medium sized light blue box complete with a white bow and a smaller box of the same color scheme on top of it, “Why would she get me something?”
“Because my friends are your friends and it’s what friends do,” Scott nodded toward it, “Open it.”
I undid the bow and lifted the top to reveal a simple but cute little black dress.
“Lydia said you can’t go wrong with black,” Scot had started driving at his point, so he was taking quick side glances at me, “The other is like, diamond Tiffany earrings and a necklace. You can wear them for the dinner.”
“Oh, wow,” My eyes glistened and I couldn’t tell if it was because I was crying or because the diamonds were super bright, “I can’t--holy--I can’t accept these. I can’t pay for them if I lose them.”
“It’s fine,” Scott laughed, “It’s like, it’s a gift and this is a celebration for you. Don’t sweat it.”
But my eyes were definitely sweating it.
I came out of Scott’s bathroom, pulling the skirt of the black dress down to make sure I wasn’t flashing the poor McCalls. I could smell my favorite dish wafting through the house. I made my way to the kitchen, not expecting what I saw. There were candles on the table, which gave the room a nice ethereal glow. The table was set, which made the whole thing look really, well, a lot more classy than it needed to be. Scott stood up when I came in, a smile on his face (I could swear I saw his eyes briefly travel down my body, but I could totally be making it up).
I did a little (awkward) spin and held the skirt up, “This is a nice upgrade from that hospital gown.”
“Yeah,” Scott smiled at me, “Yeah, definitely.”
“Enough gawking at each other,” Melissa shouted from the kitchen, “We gotta eat before I either burn the house down or the food gets cold and I only fix one of those.”
Scott and I laughed before Scott pulled my chair out and gestured toward it. My face flushed as I sat down. As soon as I sat down, there was a bouquet of flowers in my face. I looked up at Scott quizzically. He rubbed the back of his neck, “Uh, Lydia said I had to get them. I hope they’re not too much.”
“They’re not,” I felt slightly embarrassed at the gesture, even if he had good intentions, but what exactly did Lydia think this was? What did she think we were? Were we anything?
“Thank you, Scott.”
Scott nodded at me and took the seat across from me.
“Okay,” Melissa carried a steaming hot plate of food from out of the kitchen, “It took a lot of time, research and a couple fingers but I present to you, your dinner.”
My eyes lit up at the sight of my favorite dish, “Oh my god.”
“Now,” Melissa held her hands up, “It might not be exactly like the recipe you gave me, but I did my best.”
“It’s great,” I picked up my fork, “I mean, anything is better than powdered mash.”
“Amen to that,” Melissa grabbed a serving spoon.
The rest of the night was filled with good laughs, good food and good company. I actually felt, okay, great even. Normal, you could even say. It was the best I had felt in a really long time.
And then the morning came.
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calyssmarviss · 6 years
Supernatural 14x02 - Gods and Monsters
(You mean like that Lana del Rey song that I put on my destiel playlist after watching the Purgatory Arc?)
"In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel. Living in the garden of evil, Screwed up, scared, doing anything that I needed. Shining like a fiery beacon..."
I struggled for hours to fall asleep now I can’t get out of bed… Wait isn’t there a Supernatural episode to watch????????????? We Friday, right? Urgh that show really gonna make me go downstairs to make coffee and come back upstairs and power up my laptop and download the episode and sit at my desk and actually focus isn’t it? I hate Supernatural. *a full minute of contemplating death by giving up later* Ok man let’s do this. *gets up and puts on plaid shirt over my otherwise scantily clad figure* (sorry i just love the words "scantily" and "clad" and i only ever get to use them together) COOOOFFEEEEEEE
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Children, I think it's torture time. Lol he put down the cap. Don't wanna stain it, right? Well I for one am delighted by this decision. You're doing good so far today Dinkle. Oh yeah it's definitively torture time. Look at those poor chained saps.
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Uhm, yes.
Ahah I thought for a wild sec that he was going to spit in that blood, I don't know why.
What kind of soup are you making Dinkle?
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Mhm. Lil’ wings.
Bobby: "Who goes to Duluth in October?"
Me, who has watched Fargo and hence looked up the towns in the area: "Oh, nice continuity! Remember how he said that he wouldn't live as far north as Sioux Fall?????" 
D'you think Cas is agreeing like "yeah you're right my bros and sis are fucking liars" or more like "yeah beware me I'll lie to you so I can go on solo suicide missions in order to prove my worth to Humanity".
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Somehow I paused at the perfect moment where you can see that Cas thinks it's total bullshit and will come anyway because that's his husband we're talking about he ain't just gonna stay there Sam.
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*snickers at the pistol cocks caption* I should stop hanging with barely-out-of-their-teenage-years boys.
Anyway who wrote this episode I should check it out. Man there are a lot of producers and co-producers on this... And i managed to miss the writer's name 2 times in a row. Let's go ask the wikia. Ew, gross. A Bucklemming. Eh at least RSJr directed it. OH WAIT A SEC BUCKLEMMING WROTE HELL'S ANGEL! I'll will forgive (almost) everything if they do us a reverse.
Blah blah blah Nick Drama.
No, he can't look at you because, having this dickface? It's on you bud. I mean Cas can look at Sam alright, and I'm pretty sure he didn't mind looking at himself in the mirror more than he did before getting his ass possessed by Lucifer. Nah, Nick, it's just you and your Mark Pellegrino face.
Oh, okay, the writer and director's name are just arriving now.
Seriously what's the fucking point of the Nick Drama? Because I know Bucklemming they're not doing this for Cas. They're maybe doing it a little bit for Dean (who is the one being possessed by an archangel rn)... But they’re probably mainly doing it for Nick himself and: WHO CARES.
Wait what? He doesn't remember what happened to his family? Does he think that Lucifer killed them? 
God this is pissing me off.
Mortician: "We don't usually see this kind of action in Duluth."
"Five star smitting."
*cries over the stars Cas lost* he’s, like, a two stars right now *sobs*
Jack: "I'm researching how long it takes archangel grace to replenish."
Oh you sweet summer child. You ain't gonna find anything about that in *books*.
Jack: "The books say it can take from a month to..." Cas: "A century."
Except Cas and Jack. They're good boys. Not their fault their dialogue is shit.
Jack: "You don't understand what I'm going through."
Well that's fucking rude buddy. You at least have a home while you're going through it.
Jack: "What did you have left?"
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"That one time Dean came to see me and we spent the night together and Jack, there was only one bed..."
Cas: "I had Sam and Dean."
BULLSHIT Sam was Gadreel half of the time and Dean was like "fuck off" and "fuck me" all at the same time .
Cas: "As Dean would say..." 
Kill me now.
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I hate how I knew it was Jensen just by seeing his hands.
I also really resent his hotness right now. It feels like, you know, a weapon in the wrong hands? When he's playing Dean, I know he won't harm me (through the screen lol), but this asshole? I wanna stay away.
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This is like, next level meta here. I'M FEELING ATTACKED.
Oh great now Cas is touching his shoulder.
Wait I know the actress that plays Lydia... OH. YES. It's Abigail Ashe from Black Sails!
Ooooh girl, those are some really ugly teeth.
You're right Nick, nobody cares.
People @ Cas: "You don't understand."
Bitch he probably does better than you.
Nick: "You're just a stone cold body snatcher."
Nick: "You're no different than Lucifer."
Because, yeah, it's a bit true but: 1) Cas actually regrets it 2) YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO HAVE MARK PELLEGRINO SAY THOSE LINES TO HIS FACE
Michael, channeling the Dean: "There's a purity in that."
Hey... do they think their daughter is working for Trump now? Wait more important: did Jack learned to drive? Where are the Klines living? Didn't Cas notice he was gone? Did Nick talked to him all day about his Nick Drama so that Cas didn't even notice his son was gone for hours???
WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO CAS TODAY JACK. YOU CAN'T JUST GO AHEAD AND TELL HIM YOU WANNA KILL HIS HUSBAND (tho I guess that now that Nick is a thing *eyeroll* they'll end up killing Michael without killing Dean but somehow i doubt that it's what Jack is suggesting).
Jack: "Dean doesn't matter."
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HOW DID NICK WENT FROM KANSAS TO DELAWARE SO QUICKLY??? It's half the states' width! (I mean, assuming this guy lives in the same area Nick is from and this is the evening of the day all the Nick Drama happened - and we have no reason to think it isn't)
Oh yeah they're in Delaware.
I didn't really payed attention to the fight sequence because I was painting my nails purple (to go with the plaid shirt) but MAN GIVIN WEREWOLVES SILVER IMMUNITY IS CHEATING.
Is it me or Sam was pretty silent this whole episode? Bucklemming gave all his lines to Nick.
Uh, what.
What are you playing at Dinkle.
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Oh, look at that, Nick killed Arty. What a surprise.
Aaaand, it's over. I'm disappointed. Cas didn't go after Dinkle :( YOU HAD ONE JOB BUCKLEMMING
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sourwolfstories · 7 years
Could you list you favorites smut fics of sterek? You seen to have a pretty good taste.
There is no way I could choose and rate my favorite smut fics. There are just way too many but here is a long list of the best. Hope you enjoy!
Over the Threshold by alisvolatpropiis
This is the last time,” Stiles declares, just before he attacks Derek’s mouth with his, the kiss fevered and desperate, his long fingers jabbing roughly into Derek’s abs as he tangles them in his shirt. He pulls him close and walks them away from the front door, and in his hurried clumsiness, Stiles’ nose smashes Derek’s glasses into his face, hard enough that they smudge against his eyelids. It should be annoying, but like everything else about Stiles that should be infuriating, Derek can only find it hopelessly endearing.
That’s the thing about love, he supposes, even a love he won’t fully admit to himself, let alone to Stiles.
The Awkward Moment by stilinskisderek
…when your sister sets you up on a blind date with the one night stand you hooked up with three weeks ago who vanished without a goodbye leaving you pathetically heartbroken.
Maybe by MellytheHun
Tumblr Prompt:
my fave overheard on campus moment of all time was the two guys who sat behind me in pop culture theory
as class was starting one of them was like “so… do you want a blowjob after this” in a rly bored voice, and then the second guy was like [pause][dejected sigh] “yes”
Little talks by Vendelin
“Your favourite is here,” Danny says, smirking. “I tried to steal him away by giving him some extra attention, but he just looked uncomfortable.”
Stiles snorts, though he’s secretly pleased by his regular rejecting Danny. “He always looks a bit uncomfortable. I bet he’s married with a kid and a permanent guilty conscience when he’s here.”
It had been quite the surprise for Stiles to realise that he had a regular. A pretty young, hot regular, on top of that.
In which Stiles is a stripper, and Derek is the always-polite regular at the club where he works.
Moved on from Whispers by wishingonalightningbolt
He’s not dumb. Out of everyone in the school, Derek is second in grades only to Lydia Martin, and the only reason Stiles is third is because he’s taking more APs than Derek, so his grades are suffering the slightest bit. That’s why Derek knows, when Stiles arches an eyebrow at him, why what he said was so incredibly dumb.
Stiles didn’t break into Lydia Martin’s upstairs bathroom to take a piss. He broke into Lydia Martin’s upstairs bathroom while Derek was in it, because—because of reasons.
Stiles is tired of pretending like and Derek don’t want each other.
The One Where He Pitches And Catches by mikkimouse
Derek entered the conference room, spotted the table with “M. P. Stilinski” on it, and stopped short.
Oh fuck.
It most definitely was not going to be fine.
Sitting on the other side of the table was the most attractive man Derek had ever seen, with whiskey-colored eyes and pale skin with dark moles speckled across his jawline, moles Derek was very familiar with because he’d spent two hours last night drunk out of his mind and licking them.
R U Mine? by blackstar
It hits him like that - in the middle of fiery hot sex with Derek one night that he’s in love. It’s not lust and it’s not a crush anymore, he’s very much gone on this man above him, who is now stopping his rushed efforts to bring Stiles pleasure in order to look slightly concerned.
Never Been by Lenore
Stiles gets snared in a virgin trap. Derek to the rescue!
An Error as to Meaning or Intent by LacrimaDraconis
“Care to tell me why you were suddenly hell-bent on cockblocking me? That was a nice girl back at the club, and she was actually talking to me. So you better have a good explanation for basically hauling me out of there by the scruff of my neck.”
Derek exhaled heavily, and, rubbing a hand over his face, he suddenly looked tired. “Fine. I was jealous. There you have your fucking explanation.”
three little words by stilinskisderek
“Are you gonna keep teasing me or are you gonna fuck me?”
Stiles gave him a small smile. It could’ve came out as devious if his eyes didn’t look so sincere.
“None of the above,” he said, “I’m going to make love to you.”
A Whole Strip of Condoms by eeyore9990
Somehow Stiles has managed to survive the horrors of Beacon Hills until the ripe old age of twenty. He’s still a virgin, of course, because there hasn’t really been time between school, work, and running for his life to take care of that pesky little problem.
Derek Hale — also a Beacon Hills Survivor — has sadly attained lonely bachelor status. In between running for his life, researching the latest threats to the town with his good buddy Stiles, and lingering nightmares of the outcomes of his past relationships, he hasn’t exactly been on the lookout for anyone new since Braeden.
Stiles feels the crushing weight of his family’s debt; Derek has piles of money. Derek needs to get laid; Stiles is a willing and eager virgin. It’s a match made in… well. Beacon Hills. Eesh.
Their odd little friendship has survived death threats, possession, and all manner of things that go bump in the night. Surely it’ll survive a friends with benefits arrangement.
First Time by Emela
Derek has all kinds of assumptions about what a gay relationship is like (he’s never been in one after all, and the Internet is not his friend), but Stiles shows him that there’s no rule except one: what makes you happy makes me happy.
The one where Derek is nervous about having sex with Stiles, and Stiles is the best boyfriend ever.
Thump, Thump by littlefrog1025
That awkward moment when your ex brings a date to your father’s wedding…
Definitely, Not Probably by dragon_temeraire
Stiles gets hit with pollen that makes him intensely aroused. Derek helps him out.
The Giggles by the_painless_moustache
Derek accidentally discovers that Stiles does solo amateur porn.
When the Strings Attach by oblivions172
Derek and Stiles were fuckbuddies until they weren’t.
Complicated Is An Understatement by stilinski_wolf
Stiles is the 17-year-old son of the POTUS, and Derek is his bodyguard. For the past few months they’ve been together in private, and only in the last few weeks did they take it all the way.
And it isn’t just sex between them, they’re in love. Which makes their situation a whole lot more complicated.
I Thought You Would Like That by Emela
Yeah, that was pretty bad, but what was worse was having spent the last three years pretending to hate Stiles, because it was better than being the guy who failed at emotions and got rejected for them, and now Derek was locked in the same room as him under the promise they would only be let out when they “did something about their sexual tension”.
Derek and Stiles get locked in a room together at an office Christmas party and end doing something about all that unresolved sexual tension.
Derek Hale From HR by nogitsune_lichen
“Derek? Fancy seeing you here! I was just-er, getting a new chair. I think mine has a squeaking problem so…yeah I’m just gonna take a chair and–”
The man closed the door with a soft click before holding up the Captain America sticky note with Stiles’ patented chicken scratch handwriting on it. Stiles gnawed on his lip, trying and failing to come up with some sly excuse. Instead he hung his head in defeat when Derek didn’t so much as say anything or make a move.
“Enough playing around; I dig you, and it’s your last day. Meet me in the abandoned closet at one,” Derek quoted, a hint of amusement in his tone.
Stiles sighed, “okay not the best choice of words, but it got you here didn’t it?”
“Yes it did,” Derek nodded before adding, “and I dig you too by the way.”
Screwed by stilinski_wolf
Stiles and Derek have some fun times in Derek’s car, and it’s definitely a good thing that Derek has tinted windows. Stiles and Derek have some fun times in Derek’s car, and it’s definitely a good thing that Derek has tinted windows.
Bridging The Space Between Us by stilinski_wolf
Derek is a student in Stiles’ college class, and nothing should happen between them. But there’s been something brewing between them all semester.
When Derek comes to see Stiles and confront him about it, neither can resist each other for long.
Just One Night Together by stilinski_wolf
Brokeback Moutain!Au.
Stiles invited Derek into the small tent because it’s freezing outside, which leads to a culmination of everything they’ve been feeling for each other the past few months in the form of rough, hard, dry sex. And Stiles, well, Stiles would rather take whatever he could get from Derek than nothing at all.
More Than A Feeling by sweetbutterbliss
Stiles is alone on the set and eye fucking the shit out of Deputy Derek Hale, who’s been assigned to protect him. Stiles No-Last-Name is the biggest thing in gay porn since…well, Derek doesn’t actually know because Derek is straight. He’s never seen gay porn in his life. He played a lot of sports in high school so he’s seen his fair share of dicks, but not like this.
He’s just watched Stiles get rimmed for what was probably about half an hour, but felt like an eternity. The way Stiles moaned, and his eyelashes fluttered had Derek holding his deputy hat strategically to hide his deeply confusing hard on.
Prepared by ericaismeg
He gives him a cautious look, and Derek catches the way his eyes narrow as if to say dude, it’s your turn. Derek inhales a little too sharply and then the words, “I can…I can help you with that, if you want,” come tumbling out.
***OR: Jackson refuses to work with Derek anymore, so he’s working with someone new today. Did Derek mention he’s a porn star? And this new guy is mouth-watering? Because he is and he is. Script? What script?
whatever you want (but you’re gonna have to ask me) by HalfFizzbin
Stiles has a fantastic boyfriend and absolutely no sex life. He is not okay with this. (Or, the implementation of Stiles’ Secret Seduction Plan™)
i don’t believe in fairy tales (but i believe in you and me) by callunavulgari
Derek scrolls to the next picture. Stops. Blinks.
For a moment, they just freeze. He can see Stiles’ hand hesitating just next to his out of the corner of his eye, stopped mid-air, like he was reaching to take the phone back. Stiles’ heart is loud — so fucking loud — in the quiet of the loft, drowning out Derek’s own heartbeat and the many varied sounds coming in through the cracked window.
“So,” Stiles says, voice wobbly and pitched high in what’s probably mortification. “That’s my penis.”
What the Hell is a Rinse Cycle? by dobrien
Stiles is a student who doesn’t know how to work a washing machine and Derek is the one to notice him struggling and help him out. PWP.
Salty Sweet by secondstar
Derek works at a porn store. One day, Stiles comes in asking all sorts of TMI questions about different toys. That’s where it all starts.
a gift of some sorts by honeymoonmuke
A mysterious gift addressed to Alpha Derek Hale lands Stiles in a rather heated predicament.
Thinking of You by CelestialVoid
Derek might have gotten a little drunk last night. And he might have sent Stiles a very revealing video…
Aconitum Bulbus by hazelNuts
xxxAthaelaxxx asked for: “Stiles is underage like 17 and Derek’s 23. Stiles got hit by some sex pollen and needs to fuck. Derek’s the only single wolf who can do it and refuses to help Stiles since he’s underage but if Stiles isn’t cured he could die. Virgin!Stiles and Martyr!Derek.Please write in great detail the deflowering.”
They’d been having a simple pack picnic, because they did those things now. They’d just finished lunch and had decided on a game of tag.It had all been great until Stiles had tripped and fallen face first into some flowers.
If you would like more you can check out my smut tag for some more sterek goodness!
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officialmccall · 7 years
Believe It or Not. Part 24/?
(Based off episode 2x12 “Masterplan”)
{Previously on Teen Wolf: And even as she was watching Lydia, she wasn’t really watching what was happening between Lydia and Jackson. She was realizing. Realizing that when she first saw someone down on the field her mind immediately went to Stiles. Realizing that she was so afraid, not of the kanima or gerard or anything other than having to be in the same position as Lydia, but with Stiles.
Isaac watched her face and listened to the beat of her heart as she watched Lydia break when Melissa confirmed that she couldn’t save him.
Lydia’s tears had become streams and she draped herself over Jackson’s body as the paramedics tried to lift her off of him.
“Y/n,” Melissa called to her daughter, “I need you to get her out of here, get Lydia out of here.” Y/n nodded her head as the sheriff pushed his way through the crowd with wide eyes and a worried expression on his face.
“Stiles. Where’s Stiles? Where- where’s my son? Stiles? Where the hell is my son?”
Y/n whipped her head around in all directions searching for the boy who finally scored a goal, and when she couldn’t find him, she was now afraid that her fear was coming true. }
Melissa left in the ambulance that took Jackson’s body away. Everything was happening way too quickly for them to really process Jackson’s death. Dead. This wasn’t supposed to happen. It wasn’t the plan.
Y/n stood behind Lydia as she watched the vehicle with flashing lights drive away, as she watched her first love drive away.
“Lydia,” Y/n attempted, but Lydia immediately cut her off.
“Why won’t they let me see him,” the strawberry blonde spun around to face Y/n’s empathetic eyes, Lydia held a key up in front of her, “I was supposed to give this to him, he’d been asking for it back.
Y/n walked straight up to Lydia and placed her hands on each of Lydia’s arms.
“Look, Lydia, I have no idea what you must be feeling right now, but I know that you know what’s really been going on. And I’m gonna need your help, okay? I’m so sorry, I am, but will you please come with me right now?” As tears continued to stream down Lydia’s pales face, she could easily see the desperation in Y/n’s eyes as she pleaded.
Lydia remembered being manipulated into resurrecting Peter Hale, and she wasn’t completely sure what was going on with her, but she knew she wanted to help them. Her friends, yes, these people were her friends now.
She gave Y/n her answer by just simply nodding her head, y/n took the chance to wrap her hand around Lydia’s wrist and led the way into the boys’ locker room where they could find Scott and Isaac.
As the two girls entered shock filled space, all the players gasped at the sight of them.
“Hey, you guys can’t be in here.” One of the players yelled at them. Y/n dropped Lydia from her grasp and turned to look at the boy who addressed them.
“And are you gonna be the one to drag us out of here?” She taunted, raising her eyebrows at him. To which he just raised his hands in defense and turned his back to her.
“That’s what I thought.” Y/n whispered under her breath as she walked with purpose over to where Scott and Isaac were standing across from Mr. Stilinski and Lydia followed.
“I got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson. I’ve got an APB out on Stiles. His jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means- the hell, I don’t know what that means- Um, look, if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if any of you see him-”
“We’ll call you.” Y/n reassured him right away.
“Look,” Scott gestured, “he’s probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. We’ll find him.”
The sheriff just nodded, “Yeah, I’ll see you okay?” He sadly waved goodbye to all the kids, deciding there was nothing else he could do right now besides go home and wait for Stiles.
They all stood there for a few moments until most everyone had left the locker room, leaving all of them in the area by themselves.
Scott caught Y/n’s eyes and very subtly glanced towards Lydia, suggesting that she should leave for right now.
“Hey Lydia,” Y/n broke the silence catching on to what Scott was asking her to do, “here are my car keys. I’ll be out in a second, okay?” Lydia took the keys from Y/n’s hand, eyeing her suspiciously before walking out and leaving only Scott, Isaac, and Y/n.
Without warning, Scott tore Stiles’ locker off its hinges, grabbing a shirt and throwing Isaac a shoe.
“You’re gonna find him by scent?” Isaac clarified.
“Yeah, we both are.”
Isaac eyed the shoe in his hand before commenting, “But how come you get his shirt and I get a shoe?” Y/n crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, before they were interrupted by a couple guests.
“We need to talk.” Derek confidently demanded, before another voice emerged from behind Derek.
“All of us.” The voice finally revealed itself as Peter Hale.
Scott and Y/n’s eyes widened. She took a couple steps back, uncomfortable with both the presence of Derek and Peter. Looking at the Hales’ standing before her, she couldn’t stop her mind from making her relive what happened at the animal clinic shortly before the game took place, when she learned two truths about herself. Two truths that changed her life more than it had already been flipped upside down.
{{ “Please, come all the way in.” Deaton gestured from where he stood as she remained right at the entrance, she stayed exactly where she stood for a few seconds before walking past him into the back room of the clinic, she kept walking until she was on the other side of the metal table that took position in the middle of the cold gray room.
Arms crossed, she couldn’t bring herself to turn around and face him yet, too scared of what he had to say.
“Where do you want me to start?” He broke the silence, causing her to turn around but y/n still didn’t look at him.
“Let’s start with what happened in here. When I was handing you- that book or whatever- you just like freaked out which freaked me out and I’ve been freaked out ever since,”  Y/n found herself laughing, I mean she didn’t actually find her screwed up life funny, but it had gotten so screwed up she found herself wondering if it was all one big prank, that she would wake up tomorrow and had just had one super elaborate dream. But that was unlikely.
“Are you some kind of psychic? Did you like sense something- am I gonna die?”
He chuckled at her, “No, no. Nothing like that. But, before I tell you everything you’re asking of me, I need you to understand- you need to understand that what I’m about to tell you is going to be really hard to hear. It’s going to change everything, and you’re going to have to adapt. But, I’ll be here to help you with that.”
For the first time since being there, Y/n looked up into his eyes, seeing how sincere they looked. Feeling a huge lump in her throat out of pure fear. She simply nodded, preparing herself for what she could possibly be about to hear.
“I’m not just a vet, Y/n,” He paused, walking close enough to the table that he was now directly standing across for her, “In the world of the supernatural that you’ve discovered, there are often others- that come along with a pack of werewolves- if the pack chooses.”
“I don’t understand.” Y/n shook her head waiting for him to continue.
“For a long time, I’ve been what’s called a Druid Emissary, we act as advisors for packs of werewolves, we keep them connected to their human side, we can even keep them from transforming. We have some limited capabilities, such as a very strong connection with natural forces. Now I say limitations, because, we have to choose to be limited. There have been others, druids that choose to take advantage of these capabilities. I however, pretty much limited myself completely. I became a Druid Emissary to the Hale pack. I served them for a long time, until Talia Hale, the alpha which I served and Derek’s mother-”
“Okay that’s all great and interesting but I still don’t understand what any of this has to do with me-” Y/n had cut him off abruptly, feeling nervous with the direction the conversation was going, but Deaton continued. Ignoring her sudden outburst.
“While I served for Talia, I had to advise her through more serious things besides shifting. Talia found herself in a difficult situation once, she had gotten pregnant, however the man the affair had happened with wasn’t a werewolf like her, he was a druid himself, serving another pack. Now- nature has rules- a relationship between a druid and a werewolf, especially an alpha, is rule that shouldn’t be broken. Talia had only ever given birth to full-blooded werewolves, while young full-blooded werewolves are developing, they are more aggressive. So bringing a child into their life that had developed the father’s druid blood and not werewolf blood, would only bring upon the death of that child, its siblings would have no control over killing it with their transformations undergoing at random moments. Talia had no choice other than to put the child up for adoption.”
Y/n’s breathing had become heavy and out of control, finally starting to understand what Deaton was trying to say. What do you do when you’ve known one thing your whole life, or thought you knew.
“Once Talia gave birth to her daughter, I had no idea where she had taken the child, or if it had ended up with a family at all. But I had made a promise to Talia before she died, that I would find this daughter and teach her how to control her druid urges when they started developing, about the age of 16 or 17. I didn’t know that Talia had kept the child in Beacon Hills. But, she obviously did a great job of choosing a family for them.”
Y/n continuously shook her head as hot tears streamed down her face that she wasn’t even aware were falling. “No.” Her hoarse voice spoke, “No, you’re lying. Okay, there’s, there’s no way I’m a Hale. There’s no way I’m a druid- there’s, there’s just no way please, please tell me you’re lying.”
“Y/n I’m so sorry you had to find out this way, but you and I- other druids- we can feel each other with the help of all the natural forces around us, and I felt it in you. It’s true.”
Y/n harshly bit down on her lip to stop from sobbing, taking a deep breath and unsuccessfully regaining her composure. “I can’t- I just, I can’t be a Hale. Okay? My name is Y/n McCall, my whole life I’ve had- had a twin brother named Scott. And I’m- I’m a McCall, okay? I’m a McCall.”
Deaton’s heart broke watching the struggling girl before him, breaking even more when he realized she was so much like her mother. Both of them. He began to approach her and start helping her heal from the loss of the life she’s always known. But she resisted.
“I have to go,” she sighed starting to walk out of the clinic and away from Deaton’s attempt to comfort her, “the football game is soon and I need to go home and get my uniform.” She began blindly muttering as her shaking legs made there way to the front doors of the clinic.
Deaton tried to catch her attention but she cut him off, “Please don’t,” she turned around just before she walked through the door frame, “I just, I can’t deal with this right now.”
Y/n exitted the animal clinic, leaving behind Deaton as well as the life she used to know and who she used to be.}}
Ignoring that memory for right now, she was able to bring herself back to the present and to the real situation at hand.
“What the hell is this?” Scott practically yelled at Derek.
“You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff’s station.”
Derek snapped sassily.
“Okay, hold on. He- he threatened to kill my mom. And I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?” Scott questioned.
“I’m gonna go with Scott on this one. Have you seen his mom? She’s gorgeous.” Peter interjected, unwanted by everyone else.
“Shut up.” Both Scott and Y/n shut him down at the same time.
Peter’s gaze landing on Y/n, his smirk making her shiver in her own skin.
“Oh hello Y/n,” he addressed her, “nice to see you again, I’m starting to understand it’s a really good thing I didn’t kill you in that Macy’s parking lot.”
Scott furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Y/n, “What’s he talking about?” Y/n opened her mouth to reply before Isaac cut her off.
“Who is he?” Isaac pointed at Peter.
“That’s Peter, Derek’s uncle. Little while back, he tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire, and Derek slashed his throat.”
“Hi.” Peter waved, with a smile that Y/n happily wanted to slap off his face.
“That’s good to know.” Isaac nodded, smiling awkwardly.
“How is he alive?” Y/n asked, crossing her arms and leaning against one of the lockers.
“Look, the short version us he knows how to stop Jackson. And maybe how to save him.” Derek answered.
“Well, that’s very helpful except Jackson’s dead.” Isaac pointed out.
“What?” Derek’s face expressed genuine shook.
“Yeah,” Scott clarified, “Jackson’s dead. It just happened on the field.”
“Okay, why is no one taking this as a good news?” Isaac stepped forward looking between Derek and Peter.
“Because if Jackson is dead, it didn’t just happen. Gerard wanted it to happen.”  Peter said, everyone knew he was right.
“But why?”
Peter sighed, “Well that’s exactly what we need to figure out. And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing. Quickly.” He emphasized the last word.
As Y/n stood beside Isaac, his attention faded away and everyone’s words turned to mumbled phrases as he watched her stare at her feet, leg obviously shaking beneath her and he knew, she needed to go. And he needed to let her go.
“Hey,” he whispered to her. Both of them tuning out the rest of the arguing between Scott and the Hales.
“Hi,” she answered, “how are you doing, are you better?” She asked him but he ignored her question.
“You need to go, you need to take Lydia, and go find Stiles. I think we all know, it needs to be you who finds him.”
“Isaac-” She began, but he cut her off quickly.
“No, it’s okay. Look, out on that field tonight when he went missing, your heart rate didn’t increase Y/n, it stopped beating completely.”
She hadn’t even noticed that he had grabbed her hands until she felt the tips of his thumbs gently rubbing circles over her skin. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to get hurt, especially when she was the one hurting them. She took a deep breath before looking into his bright yet sad blue eyes.
He knew what he was giving up. He knew that he had to let the one girl go that had finally treated him like he mattered, the one girl who treated him like a human and not a monster. Hell, she even convinced him that he wasn’t a monster. And he loved her for it. But because he loved her, he knew he had to let her go find the boy she loved. And as much as it hurt, he hoped more than anything that she could find Stiles tonight, for her.
“Okay, I’ll go,” He started to pull his hands away from hers but she grabbed them tighter so that he would look at her once more, “thank you.” she whispered, before pulling him into an embrace in her arms. His tall figure had to bend down quite far she that her arms could reach around his neck. As she began pulling away from him she quickly placed her lips upon his cheek leaving a gentle kiss on his skin.
Once completely apart she smiled at him and he couldn’t control the smile that spread upon his face in return.
“I’m really proud of you Isaac.”
“For what?” he looked at her questioningly.
“Look at you, you’re not on anyone’s side, you’re on your own side.” He chuckled slightly at her for the familiar words.
“Scott,” Y/n called to her brother, “I’m gonna take Lydia and head to Stiles’ house, maybe wait him to show up there. Call me when there’s a plan.” Scott just simply nodded at his sister as she put her head down to avoid eye contact with both Peter and Derek as she walked past them. As she walked past him, Derek felt the skip in her pulse, and he knew it was because of him. There’s no way she knows, right?
As she walked out of the school she found herself shivering at the instant feeling of fresh air hitting her skin and causing goosebumps to arise. Wrapping her arms around herself, she continued to walk towards her car ignoring the chill.
She saw Lydia patiently waiting in the passenger seat and hurriedly got in on the opposite side.
“Where are we going?” Lydia asked Y/n curiously.
Turning the key in the ignition Y/n replied, “We’re gonna go to Stiles’ house, and hopefully he’ll show up.”
Whipping the car out of the parking lot and onto the road, the empty space between the two girls remained silent. Y/n glanced at Lydia who was staring at the frost slowly fading from the outside of the car window.
“I’m really sorry Lydia,” The redhead starred over at Y/n with confusion urging her to elaborate with her expression, “not just about Jackson, you know, I’m sorry about Peter and how he manipulated you, and I’m mostly sorry that know one told you what has really been going on- no, we didn’t just not tell you, we lied to you. You were pushed away and left on the outside, and I know more than anyone what that feels like.” Lydia was now couldn’t take her eyes off of Y/n as she watched her drive, keeping her eyes on the road. And in that moment, Lydia had no idea why she had ignored Y/n for all this time or been so rude to her, Y/n’s been the only one to apologize for anything, and she found herself smiling.
“Thank you, for apologizing.” The two girls smiled at each other for a small second before Y/n shifted her gaze back out onto the road, she found herself in deep thought thinking about Stiles and where he could be.
It wasn’t like it was a mystery who had taken him. Her first guess would’ve been Jackson, but considering Jackson wasn’t doing much of anything right now, she felt pretty confident about crossing his name off the list in her mind. It was Gerard. Hell, the way Allison was acting it could’ve been her. But she hoped with everything she had that wasn’t true.
Where would Gerard take him? He wouldn’t have left Beacon hills. She started thinking about the interior of the Argent house, being in their basement for countless training seasons with Allison. In a basement, that also literally doubled as a fricken armory, and she couldn’t believe it was actually taking her this long to figure it out.
Without warning to Lydia, Y/n aggressively gripped the wheel of her car with both hands and flipped it around in the middle of the road, once fully turned around, she pressed the gas pedal all the way to the floor.
“What the hell?” Lydia shrieked, hands grabbing whatever she could reach in the car for stability.
“I know where Stiles is.” Y/n answered, causing Lydia to look at her with wide eyes, “And we’re gonna go save him.”
Y/n parked her car a reasonable distance from the Argent residence so that it was out of sight. She and Lydia both shut their car doors as quietly as they could to eliminate any noises.
“Where exactly do you think he is?” Lydia whispered as they got closer and closer with each step. Leading them around the back and ducking under the sight of windows Y/n whispered, “He’s definitely in the basement. It’s fricken crazy down there they got it sound proofed and everything. Which, is actually kind of impressive.” Y/n shook her last statement off as she deemed it unnecessary. She found herself looking through the the narrow pull-up window of the Argent’s basement. Her eyes widened not only at the sight of Stiles, but at the sight of Erica and Boyd hanging from the ceiling by their wrists.
She quickly began working away at the lock on her window with a bobby-pin from her hair. Hearing the quiet picking noise, Stiles followed the sound up to the window where he caught the end of Y/n successfully getting the window open. He ran to her aid, sticking first her legs through the window, she began to shimmy her way through, Stiles making the process easier by placing his hands on her waist and helping to make the landing on her feet not as sudden.
Immediately, Y/n looked back up at the window to see Lydia looking down on them.
“Lydia, head back to the car and call Scott, tell him we found Stiles.” Without reply Lydia did as told, leaving the two alone.
“Y/n are you insane? What are you doing here?” His concern for her safety disguised by anger at this very moment.
“I had to save you,” she smiled, “It’s kind of becoming my thing.” She shrugged confidently.
But he only looked angry, “See that’s the problem. You- you don’t care about getting hurt. But you know how I’ll feel? I’ll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin’ mind-” The fact that they were on a strict timeline, she really needed him to shut up. So she did the one thing she needed…and maybe wanted… to do. She smashed her lips against his, catching him off guard but he soon recovered and kissed back. When they pulled apart, his angry demeanor had faded and she opened her eyes to look into his beautiful brown ones.
“I love you.” She whispered confidently, surprising him even more.
He smiled, about to say something to her before she completely engulfed his sort of mangled body in her arms. She tucked her head into the side of his neck and he wrapped his arms as tight as he could around her lower back until there was essentially no space between them. As they pulled apart, his eyes immediately caught hers, and she slightly frowned at the bruises on his face.
Placing her hand and gently letting her fingers ghost over the purple sin she sighed, “Did they do this to you?”
Before he could reply, the frightening noise of a door creaking open caused their bodies’ immediate departure from each other. The sound of footsteps slowly made their way down the stairs, defeatingly slow. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Y/n watched as Chris approached them from the bottom of the stairs.
“You know,” his monotonous voice began, “My family’s done this for a long time. Long enough to learn things like how a certain level of electric current can keep you from transforming.” As he spoke he took eerily paced steps towards the machine that was hurting Erica and Boyd through the ropes they were tied up with. “At another level, you can’t heal. A few amps higher, and no heightened strength. That kind of scientific accuracy- it makes you wonder where the line between the natural and the supernatural really exists.”
Frozen in place, Y/n stood exactly where was. Arms around Stiles to hold him up since he was so light headed, she had no idea what to do. Or how to save them.
But Chris wasn’t finished, “It’s when lines like that blur- you sometimes find yourself surprised by which side you end up on.”
Surprising everyone, Chris turned the torturous machine off instead of roasting them further.
“You,” He directed his words towards Y/n who stared at him with widened eyes, “get him out of here, I’ve got them.” He commanded in reference to Boyd and Erica. Y/n obeyed, helping Stiles up through the window where she had broken in. Once he was all the way through and outside the house, Y/n was beginning the same process before Chris stopped her.
“You’re Scott’s sister, aren’t you?” He asked. She turned around to look at him before simply and nervously nodding her head.
He motioned his hand up towards the window, “that’s a Military Grade Platinum Master Lock that you picked, mind telling me how you did that?” He questioned her, his voice sounding amused.
“Uhm- just a few hairpins.” He raised his eyebrows at her, shocked but also impressed, “Allison’s been kind of training me everything that you’ve taught her.” Y/n added.
He nodded I’m approval, “you make a good hunter.” He complimented her, she offered him a small, tight-lipped smile before quickly escaping out the window and returning to Stiles and Lydia.
After receiving a call from his mom about something being seemingly ‘wrong’ with Jackson’s body, Scott and Isaac found themselves standing in the hospital morgue alongside Scott’s mom.
Melissa unzipped the black body-bag so that the two boys could see what she had seen.
As she unzipped the bag inch by inch until every part of his body was visible, Scott finally saw what she was so freaked out about. Jackson body was covered with some type of clear and sticky substance, but he had no idea what it was.
“What’s happening to him?” Scott asked his mom.
“I thought you were gonna tell me,” Melissa countered, “is it bad?”
Scott found himself shrugging, “It doesn’t look good.”
Out of nowhere, Jackson’s body began to seize in small yet sudden movements causing all of them to step away.
“Whoa.” Isaac whispered.
“Alright where are we headed, what’s going on?” The question spilled out of Stiles’ mouth as he sat in the passenger seat of Y/n’s car, Lydia in the back middle seat leaning forward between the other two.
“Well, first priority is taking you to your dad.” She answered.
“No but, what else is going on, is there a plan-”
Y/n rolled her eyes cutting him off, “We can worry about everything else later, I’m taking you home.” Y/n’s tone making it clear that the decision was final. Stiles slumped down in his seat, wanting to find Scott and be able to help, but instead of arguing like he usually would, he knew Y/n was probably right and there was no way he was going to win this argument anyway.
As they arrived at the house and made their way up the staircase, Stiles leading them, they found his dad on the phone in Stiles’ room with probably a co-worker. Hesitant to go inside his own room, Stiles just waited until his dad was off the phone, Y/n and Lydia behind him.
“Yeah, I’m not finding any clues here. Listen, if he- if he shows up at the hospital- okay, thanks.” The sheriff hung up the phone with a deep and desperate sigh leaving his lips.
“Oh, come on, Stiles. Where the hell are you?” He whispered to himself, rubbing the wrinkle lines on his forehead out of frustration.
Taking a deep breath, Stiles stepped forward completely into his bedroom.
“I’m right here.” At the sound of his son’s voice the sheriff dropped his cell from his ear and whipped around to face the source of the sound, knowing his son’s voice anywhere he began rushing towards Stiles in long strides, “It’s okay, dad. It’s okay.” Stiles cooed in an attempt to ease his father’s concern.
“Who did it?” The sheriff asked completely ignoring him.
“It’s okay. It was just a couple of kids from the other team. You know, they were really pissed about losing and I was- I was mouthing off, you know. The next thing I know-”
“Who was it?” The sheriff’s volume grew the more angry he got.
“Dad, I don’t know. I didn’t even see them really.”
But that wasn’t going to cut it with the sheriff, no, not when someone had the audacity to do this to his only son, who finally got the chance to play first line and did it successfully.
“I- I’m calling that school. I’m calling them and I’ll personally go down there, and I’m gonna pistol-whip these little bastards!”
“Dad!” Stiles’ calm tone faded away into a yell to get his dad to stop pacing and panicking, “I just- I said I was okay.”
Finally listening to his son he realized his overreaction, taking a hesitant step forward he placed his hand lightly on the bruise that covered his son’s face.
Standing in the doorway, Y/n realized their moment together was becoming more intimate and she and Lydia probably needed to give them their space.
“I’ll just, wait downstairs.” The girl awkwardly waved off the two men.
“Wait,” the sheriff stopped her letting go of his son, “you found him?”
She nodded, confirming his inference. Before she could really do anything Y/n realized she was being engulfed into a giant and grateful hug from the sheriff.
“Thank you.” He whispered to her, and at a loss for words all she could do was simply nod her head again.
“You don’t have to leave, I’ll uh, I’ll leave you kids alone.” The sheriff said as he began walking out the door, nodding to Lydia as he passed her still standing out in the hallway. She fully walked into the room once he wa absent.
“Here, sit on the bed I’ll help clean you up.” Y/n commanded Stiles as she disappeared into his bathroom. He obeyed by sitting on his matress, Lydia following suit and sitting down next to him.
“Hey, uh Lydia, how are you holding up?” He cautiously asked the strawberry blonde.
Lydia just shook her head to explain that she couldn’t really talk about it without exploding into a million never-ending tears. Stiles lifted his arm to put it around her as her head fell into the palms of her own hands, but he just awkwardly placed his arm back down and looked away, not knowing what to do.
Finally Y/n came back into the room with a wet washcloth in her hands, saving him from his own internal embarrassment. She knelt down on the ground in front of him. Actually getting the chance to get a good look at the red and purple marks on his beautiful skin. Before placing the newly wet rag on the areas of dried blood, she let her fingers trace circles on them, causing him to shut his eyes at her soft touch.
“I’m so sorry he did this to you.” She whispered, tears forming at the edge of her bottom eyelashes, not letting them fall. Stiles placed his hand on top of hers, pulling it down into his lap.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, “I’m okay.” Sighing, she began to gently work away the dried blood that had developed from the cuts made by Gerard’s gross, old man hands.
“Okay, look, I think I found something. Looks like what we’ve seen from Jackson is just the Kanima’s beta shape.” Peter said, his face illuminated by the light from his computer screen as Derek paced nervously behind him.
“Well, meaning what? It can turn into something bigger?” Derek questioned.
Peter just sighed shifting the computer screen lightly so Derek would stop pacing and look at it, “Bigger and badder.”
“He’s turning into that?” Derek asked rhetorically, “that has wings!”
“I can see that.” Peter retaliated, “and unfortunately he’s not our bigger problem right now.”
Derek rolled his eyes, “how is Jackson not our biggest problem right now?”
Peter looked at his nephew as if he’d never met anyone more clueless, “The girl, Derek. She knows.”
“That’s not possible, who would’ve told her?”
“Honestly, I don’t know and I don’t care. But you being the alpha and all I’m surprised you didn’t hear the pounding of her heart tonight, she knows.”
“Are you sure? Yeah okay, yeah I know I get it, we don’t have much time. I’ll let you know, okay?” Y/n sighed as she hung up on her brother, a plan was being set and no one really knew what it was yet.
She turned to face Stiles and Lydia who were still sitting on the edge of his bed waiting for Y/n to get off the phone.
“How much do you know about this stuff?” Stiles turned to Lydia, understanding the situation just by the expression on Y/n’s face.
“Pieces,” she shrugged, “half of its like a dream.”
“Yeah well, the other half is like a freaking nightmare.” Y/b began pacing, running a hand through her tangled her, finally realizing she was still in her cheerleading uniform.
“I don’t care. I can help him.” Lydia stood up, looking between the other two with an intensity no one knew Lydia could possess.
Stiles looked hesitant but Y/n just nodded her head, “I believe you.” She nodded towards the girl, calming Lydia’s nerves.
“You don’t by chance have any extra clothes, do you- Lydia?” Y/n gripped the end of her Beacon Hills skirt, feeling like if she was going to fight then this wasn’t really the best attire.
Lydia let out a small laugh, lightening the mood and getting rid of some of the tension in the room, “Yeah I’m sure I have something in my bag.”
“Scott texted me the coordinates, let’s go.” Stiles interrupted, causing them to all rush out the door and pile into the jeep.
“I’m here for Jackson. Not you.” Chris firmly stated as Derek finally got to the decided destination.
“Somehow, I don’t find that very comforting.” Derek sassily shot back as he stood fully up.
“Where are they?” Scott interrupted the sarcasm competition.
“Who?” Derek answered as he began to straddle the body bag that contained Jackson.
“Peter and Lydia,” Scott watched as Derek began to unzip the bag, “whoa, hold on a second. You said you knew how to save him.” Scott began to panic as Derek let his claws break through his nails.
“We’re past that.” He dryly argued.
“What about-”
“Think about it Scott,” Derek shouted to cut him off, “Gerard controls him now. He’s turned Jackson into his own personal guard dog. And he set all of this in motion so that Jackson could get even bigger and more powerful.”
“No.” Chris argued, “no he wouldn’t do that. If Jackson’s a dog, he’s turning rabid, and my father wouldn’t let a rabid dog live.”
“Of course not.” Gerard’s sour voice striked everyone’s attention towards him, “Anything that dangerous, that out of control- is better off dead.”
“Well done, Scott. Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn’t know you were also bringing Derek to me.”
Scott began to panic as and arrow shot through the air and hit Isaac in the shoulder, catching a glimpse of brunette hair whip behind a corner.
“Allison?” He yelled, but got no answer.
“Jesus where are we going, there’s no buildings anywhere around here. Are we even still in Beacon Hills?” Y/n asked aloud as she watched endless fields pass by her eyes from the passenger seat in the jeep.
“Well, it says we’re only three minutes away. And I’m still not even sure what’s supposed to happen when we get there.” Stiles sighed, maneuvering the vehicle with one hand on the wheel, one hand gripping Y/n’s free hand.
“What at I supposed to do?” Lydia asked from the backseat curiously.
“Well if Scott’s plan goes the way he wants it to, and they save Jackson, then we need your connection to him to- you know- make him not wanna kill us anymore.” Y/n informed her nonchalantly, Lydia rolling her eyes in return.
“That’s great, but what even is Scott’s plan?”
Stiles asked this time, sounding frustrated.
“All he told me was the Gerard isn’t who we think he is, whatever that means, I don’t really care I’d just be fine if he died.” Y/n shrugged.
“Look,” Stiles pointed at an abandoned building, “that must be it.”
“Where’s the door?” Lydia sounded confused, leaning forward in between the two to get a better look in the dark, since the jeep headlights weren’t much help.
“Doesn’t look like there is one.” Y/n whispered.
“What are we supposed to do then?” Stiles caught Y/n’s stare as he slowed down to almost a stop.
She just cautiously smiled at him, “Stiles…”
“What?” He yelled, panicking the closer they got to the wall of the building.
“Step harder on the gas pedal.” She commanded. He looked confused for a slight second as he put together what she meant. And then he cringed, but knew he had to do it.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered to his jeep.
“Oh my god.” Lydia shouted from the back as she gripped onto both seats in front of her. Y/n placed one hand on dash and the other against the door, steadying herself.
Once they about an inch away from the building and going 120 MPH (who even knew the jeep could do it) she shut her eyes, the impact of the jeep smashing through the wall making her scream even though she knew it was coming.
She kept her eyes shut for a few seconds after coming to a stop, feeling extremely nauseous. After slowly and hesitantly opening her eyes and taking multiple deep breathes, she looked out her window to see quite a few faces staring at them in shook.
“Did I get him?” Stiles’ voice cracked as Scott just smiled.
Before anyone answered, Jackson’s Kabila formed jumped on top of the hood of the jeep, making all three of them scream and hop out of the jeep as fast as possible.
Stiles and Y/n ran towards Scott, turning around to see Lydia standing right in front of Jackson, holding a golden key in front of her face.
“Lyd-” Y/n started to run forward to her before Scott stopped her.
Whatever was so important about that key, once Jackson saw it he started to shift back into his human form. Everyone watched the couple with wide eyes, frozen in place.
Except Derek and Peter, who took the chance to lunge at Jackson. Striking him instantly with both of their claws.
Everyone watched as Lydia caught him when he began falling to the ground. Silent tears found their way down Y/n’s cheeks. Feeling the same feeling she felt when she watched Lydia hover Jackson’s body on the lacrosse field.
As if Stiles noticed her demeanor, he took one step closer to her, grabbing her hand. His touch helped her wake up a little bit, and she wiped her tears away before glancing up to him and finding him already looking at her.
“Hey,” he said making her chuckle.
“Hi.” She said back.
“I love you too.” The four words caught her off guard, and honestly the caught him off guard. He had figured it out a while ago, but he hadn’t quite meant to say them at this moment. But seeing the look on her face, it somehow made everything that had happened okay. And she gripped his hand even tighter.
The slight sound of nails scratching against the concrete pulled them from their moment. Turning back to see Jackson, who they thought was dead, for the second time now, resurrecting once again. Lydia watched with a heaving chest as he stood all the way up, eyes glowing blue and claws stretching from his fingertips, except now they weren’t dropping venom.
They won.
“I’ll drive you back home?” Stiles asked Y/n as she just kind stood right where she was.
“Uhm, actually, I need you to drive me somewhere else. And it’s gonna seem really weird. But- I just need you to trust me. And I’ll explain everything later.”
There wasn’t anyone in the world that he trusted more, so he just nodded his head.
As she hopped out of the car, the sound of leaves crunching beneath her feet sounded louder than usual.
“Hey Stiles,” she turned around to face him and he just sat there waiting for her to continue, “will you uh, go to my house and wait for me there? Please?”
“Yeah of course, are you gonna be okay?” He asked concerned, considering he just dropped her off at Derek’s house.
“Not okay, but validated.” And then she shut the door and waved as he drove off, leaving her alone to listen to the pounding of her heart.
She made her way inside the place that she had only been twice before, and the familiar feeling of the anger she had felt consumed her once more.
“Derek.” She said not very loud, nerves getting the best of her.
“Derek!” She said again, yelling this time.
“Why are you here?” He approached her from out of the shadows, like her always does.
“I heard a story today.” She began, watching him shuffle where he stood because he knew why she was here, “I wanna know.”
She paused to take a deep breathe finding this harder to do than she would’ve wished, “is it true?”
He just nodded his head.
“No,” she aggressively stepped forward until she was right in front of his face, I wanna hear you say it. Is. It. True.”
He moved his eyes from the ground into hers, she waiting for the answer she knew she was going to get. But a part of her still waiting for the answer she wanted.
“Yes.” And it was a knife puncturing her heart. The same feeling when she saw her dad in her vision, the same feeling she felt when Deaton told her she was a Hale.
She was a Hale.
“Why- didn’t you tell me sooner.” She fumed.
“I didn’t know, not that it was you. I knew that you existed, and I knew why she gave you away. But I always believed she wouldn’t taken you out of Beacon Hills.”
“But you have known it was me, when did you figure it out?” She wasn’t letting him get off that easy.
“Honestly, uh-” he chuckled which just made her angrier, “when you punched me. You’ve got the hit of a Hale.”
“DON’T- don’t ever say anything to me like that again.” She swallowed back tears before she could continue, she wasn’t going to cry in front of him.
“That was weeks ago, weeks!” She shook her head finally so much was making sense, “that’s why you tried- so hard- to get on my good side. What? To be myfriend to protect me and to protect Scott. You would’ve never done any of that, if I wasn’t your blood. Because that’s all you care about right? Your blood?”
He had no words, he just watched her with an unwavering stare as she let out all her anger.
“Well you can save your breath Derek, my name is Y/n McCall. And we will never be friends,” she sighed before getting even closer to him, “and you willnever be my brother.”
And then one more thought entered her head.
“And Peter, is my brother a werewolf, because of me?”
“No, no he’s only known for a couple of days.”
She nodded her head, and then she left a very bewildered Derek standing in the cold of his home.
She ran up the stairs of her house as fast as she could, ignoring the concerned calls of her name from her mother.
Y/n threw her bedroom door open and flung herself inside the safety of her own room, shutting the door behind her and dropping to the ground, back placed against the wooden material.
She gasped when she saw a figure sitting on the edge of her bed, shutting her eyes and placing her hand on her chest once she realized it was Stiles, forgetting that she had asked him to come over. He immediately ran to her and fell on the ground next to her. Putting his arm around her and letting her head rest against him.
“Based on the state you’re in right now, you don’t have to say anything, but- why did you have to see Derek?” She knew she owed him an explanation, so collecting herself and taking a deep breath, she told him everything.
(5 minutes later) “Stiles,” she moved her head away from him so that she could face him and see his reaction, he looked completely frozen, “Stiles please say something.”
“Y/n,” he breathed, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not-” he began shifting closer to her but she stopped him and kept talking.
“No Stiles, really, it’s okay- you know? Because I was supposed to be a Hale, but I’m not. Okay? I am a McCall.” Tears started pouring out of her eyes and her breathing became labored as she tried to keep herself held together, but she’d been doing that for far too long since this truth was uncovered in her life, “That- being a Hale- isn’t what’s making this so bad, you know? That- that one simple truth, I can handle that. Hell I can even handle being a goddamn druid who’s one with nature or whatever kind of bullshit.”
Stiles watched the girl he loved break down as she began to finally come to terms with the feelings in thought inside her head, preparing herself to finally say them out loud.
Y/n involuntarily let a small laugh escape past her lips, “What- what I can’t handle, is the fact that it was kept from me by the mother that (is) mine, for so long. I can’t handle, that I’m gonna have to tell the most important person in my life- that I’m not his real sister. What I can’t handle, is that Scott’s father- left him- because he didn’t want a child that wasn’t his. Scott doesn’t have a father, because of me, and he should and it’s all my fault.”
Stiles grabbed Y/n and pulled her limp body into his lap as uncontrollable sobs that she hadn’t let out in so long began to rack her body. And he sat on the floor with, he pushed strands of hair off of her sweaty forehead and he let her cry. Eventually the sobbing faded, and some well need sleep took over her. But Stiles sat on the floor, and he held her.
He knew she was going to be fine, what he didn’t know was Scott was standing outside her door the whole time, listening to everything she had been through. But they were all going to get through it together.
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Two Betas and the Beneficial Friendships Part 2
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(I made this gif oops)
Prompt: The reader is in not only one screwing one beta but two. Neither of the boys know, but a recent threat exposes her, what will the boys do? (WOW)
Pairings: Theo Raeken x Reader, Isaac Lahey x Reader 
Part 1
She had knocked out from the drugs that circulated her blood stream, the two betas still holding her hands as they looked at each other. Scott was certain if he didn’t interfere now it would escalate quickly causing mayhem. He quickly and swiftly made his way next to Isaac; he knew Theo retaliate immediately if Scott tried to pry him away. To his surprise Isaac pushed Scott away, there wasn’t anything he could do, that anyone could do. They were settling this here and now. “You’ve been seeing her for six months?” Isaac growled, Scott gulping as he looked at Stiles, he had been amused by the situation, typical Stiles.  
“What���s it to you?” Theo growled out just as equally outraged. “If she never mentioned you it was for a reason.” They’d admit, they were furious at each other at this moment, but once she woke and they had a chance to be alone with her, all hell would break lose. Isaac dropped her hand, pushed his way past Scott who tried to stop him before grabbing Theo by the collar of his jacket.  
“Funny, she never mentioned you either, guess you weren’t cutting it.” Isaac slammed him to the ground. “I don’t know who you think you are, but I've been here longer than you to know you're messing with something you don’t want to.” Isaac growled, his eyes beaming yellow.  
“Enough.” Her voice was low, but they both knew her voice, it was heaven to them. Their low grows had waken her, the drugs still in her bloodstream, just not as strong as it was before. “Just stop, please.” She sighed, the pain in her ribs making her wince in pain as she sat up on the hospital bed. “Scott, take Stiles and Lydia out of here, I think I have some shit to explain.” Scott shook his head but she only pursed her lips. He knew better, they all did. Scott sighed before following Stiles and Lydia out the door. Isaac stood, moving to the foot of her bed, Theo doing the same. They both crossed their arms over their chest, she couldn’t lie, they both looked hot in front of her. She shook her head before sighing. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”  
“Didn’t mean for what to happen (y/n)?” Isaac spoke, he was pissed. “Cause last time I checked you were the one who suggested we didn’t see other people. You raised fucking hell on me, gave me shit for flirting with a girl and the entire fucking time you were fucking Theo.” Isaac growled while she shrunk into herself. “No, don’t give me any of that bullshit, we agree! You made me a fool. Had me waiting for you while you what, fucked him?” Isaac dropped his hands onto her bed only making her close her eyes. “Look at me!” Isaac growled.
“Hey, calm you shit, she’s still in a hospital bed.” Theo placed his hand on Isaac’s shoulder which he quickly shrugged off.  
“Don’t fucking touch me. She played us both, how can you not see that?” Isaac’s voice was filled with disgust. “Why?” Isaac roared and when she didn’t answer his hands landed on the bed making a sound that scared her. “Why!” He yelled and Theo didn’t stop him, he’d wanted to know why she kept both of them around as well.  
“Because I didn’t want to lose either of you.” She swallowed her pride, there wasn’t anything she could come up with that would make sense anyways. “I didn’t want to lose Theo and I didn’t want to lose you Isaac.” Her voice was small but Isaac didn’t care.  
“Lose me?” Isaac chuckled causing her to close her eyes for a brief moment. “You were fucking me, there was nothing you could lose. Was it just some sort of game to you? Wanted to take away every other girl except yourself, tell me the truth (y/n) why the hell did you need both of us? Was I not enough? Or was he not enough? Whose bed did you sleep in at the end of the day? Who's to say you’re not fucking someone else.” Isaac’s words hurt, of course they did, she loved the son of a bitch, she loved them both, but even then, that wasn’t an excuse for betraying him.  
“It’s just you two.” She whispered and Theo shook his head, he’d been silent the entire time, sure she hadn’t promised him she wouldn’t sleep with someone else, but it still hurt to know the girl he’d like was fucking someone else.  
“Do you even hear yourself?” Isaac huffed out.  
“What do you want me to say Isaac?” She was tired, the pain in her ribs increasing with every word she spoke. “I fucked up, I'm sorry, is that what you want to hear? I tried to end it with the both of you but I couldn’t. It’s not like we were together anyways, this shouldn’t be getting to your dick too much.” She spat out and that was enough for Isaac to grab her face.  
“You actually had me going.” Isaac snared. “Even started to fucking like you, what a dumbass I am huh.” Isaac chuckled in her ear before Theo pulled him off.  
“That’s enough, she’s hurt.” He spat out. He had been silent through the entire thing and although he too was fucking fuming, he’d never let anything hurt her.  
“Theo.” She whispered and he shook his head silencing her with his hand.  
“No, I don’t want to hear it, he’s right, you had us both going. But get this one thing straight, you’ll never get the chance, not again.” It bruised his ego, of course it did, all the sweet things she had told him at night, the things she reassured him with, even though they were just a fuck at the beginning there was no denying feelings were already involved.  
And with the tears running down her face she couldn’t help but blur out what she had been keeping from the both of them. “I couldn’t lose you both because I love you.” They stopped, dead in their tracks before looking at her. “I couldn’t stop myself and I know that it was rule number one but I fell and there was nothing I could do. Losing the both of you would have broken me.” She sobbed out and Isaac gulped, he looked at Theo before shaking his head, no matter how bad he wanted to hear those words come out of her mouth, he couldn’t forgive her, not now.  
“Well congratulations, you’re broken.” Isaac huffed out before exiting the room, Theo looking at the door as well.  
“I wish I could tell you that I would forgive you, but you played me, I told you everything, confided in you and you did this?” Theo huffed and shook his head. “Should’ve known in was too good to be true right.” And with that, she was left alone with her pain. She didn’t want to cry, but she couldn't have done anything else, she had fucked everything up for herself and now she had no one.  
She spent five weeks in the hospital, Lydia’s company was the only one she would accept, not that it mattered as Scott and the rest of the pack hunted the werewolf, they hadn’t caught up to him just yet but they were close. Neither Theo nor Isaac spoke about her, they wouldn’t even acknowledge Scott or Stiles when they said her name. They were hurting, but she was hurting worse. When she was released from the hospital Lydia had insisted, she stayed with her but being the stubborn person, she is, she declined. She returned to her small apartment only it hadn’t felt small anymore, the loneliness creating a bigger room for her to wallow in her own pain. She didn’t see anyone for another week, refused to talk to anyone that talked to Theo or Isaac, they had every right to be pissed at her, but she was mad at them too. They made her feel worthless as she suppressed the pain from her ribs, they hadn’t cared that she was in pain because she created the pain for them. She ignored the knocks on the door for thirty minutes, she still didn’t want to see anyone, she would rather be alone then having to explain herself again. “(Y/N), please let me in.” Scott’s voice was loud enough for her to hear, but she also heard her neighbors cursing him out for the hundredth time. She sighed before finally letting him in, she was a mess, but she refused to let that show.  
“What are you doing here Scott?” She sat back on her couch, her hand outlining the scars the pavement had created.  
“We need you back in the pack, you’re the only one that’s been close enough to recognize the werewolf.” Scott reached for her hand but she refused his touch. “They don’t have to be there if you don’t want them to, it won’t be a problem.”  
“It’s already a problem Scott.” She whispered and Scott sighed.
“What did you think was going to happen?” Her shocked expression met his eyes and his eyes softened a bit. “I didn’t mean to sound harsh; I just truly want to know.” She shook her head, she had promised she wasn’t going to talk about it, but maybe it’s what she needed.  
“I don’t know Scott; I didn’t expect for the to just jump back into bed with me when I confessed my love for them. I just, thought I had more time to do it differently.” She whispered. “I didn’t mean to hurt them; I just couldn’t choose.” Her head went down to her lap.  
“You can’t help who you love you know.” Scott was cautious, she could explode on him if she wanted to.  
“I didn’t want to love them, fuck they’re broken just like me, I thought this was just going to be a simple agreement, but of course I'm too fucked up to make that work.” She huffed at herself.  
“You’re too hard on yourself, come on, it’ll feel good to be back in track, you’ll see.” Scott stood up, his hand extending towards her and she hesitantly took it. Scott always got his way; he was a great leader which is probably why Stiles wasn’t the one convincing her to get out of her apartment.  
“Promise you’ll have my back if all hell brakes lose.” She whispered and Scott smiled.  
“You know I'll have your back against anyone, now stop stalling, we have a werewolf to catch.” Scott opened the door to her apartment and walked out.  
She couldn’t stop the bouncing of her leg, the nerves getting the best of her. She had promised herself that she wasn’t going to stir shit up, she was there to help the pack catch the bastard that hurt her and that’s that. Scott parked his car before looking at her, he didn’t say anything as she tried to control her breathing. She looked at Scott’s home, they’d always meet there to talk. She nodded before getting out the car and following Scott into his house. “They should all be here in a few minutes.” Scott closed the door behind me, although any other day she’d barge in there with confidence. She sat on the couch and sighed, her nerves becoming too much for her. Soon her vision was blurry and she found herself unable to catch a breath. Scott took notice the second her heart skipped a beat. He was next to her in seconds, taking his hand in hers, Stiles had his share of panic attacks for him to know how to calm him. “Hey you’re alright.” Scott spoke lowly, being loud would only cause her to block out his voice. “Look at me.” She did what she was told, her eyes searching his face for disappointment but found none. “Breathe with me.” He breathed in, making sure his chest was fully visible before she caught on. Her panic cleared in seconds.
“Thank you.” She whispered and he smiled.
“Anytime.” Before he could release her hand, Isaac strolled in, his smile falling when he saw her face. His eyes shifting yellow seeing her hand in Scott’s.
“You fucking him too?” Isaac roared causing (y/n) to stand from the couch, moving backwards until her back hit the wall.
“That’s enough.” Scott stood up, his hands into first next to him. “She had a panic attack, I just helped.” Isaac huffed but retreated his eyes to their original color.
“His eyes, they were green.” She spoke as she looked at her hands.  
“What?” Scott asked.
“The werewolf, his eyes were green.” (Y/N) closed her eyes and grabbed her arm, her fingers tracing the scar, she’d find herself doing that a lot. “He was taller than Theo, didn’t have as much features as you guys do other than the claws, it’s almost as if he wasn’t a werewolf at all.” She recalled her attacker, she hadn’t thought much of him, not until now.  
“What is he’s not.” Lydia’s voice spoke as she walked into Scott’s home, Theo and Stiles on her trail. He didn’t look at her, he couldn’t.  
“He growled like one.” Theo spoke and the shift in the room was noticeable. She didn’t dare open her eyes, her fingers on her scar the only thing that was calming her.  
“Have you guys thought about the possibility that this thing might be a type of werewolf?” Stiles spoke. “I mean look, when Jackson was bit, he turned into a kanima.” Stiles had a point, the supernatural was far from simple, there was a chance that whatever, whoever the mysterious green-eyed monster was.  
“His scent was familiar.” Theo spoke. “At first I thought it was,” He took a second to clear his throat. “Hers, but it wasn’t.” Her heart sank a bit, she’d hurt him to the point that saying her name would have crushed him, even now, seeing her balance her body against the wall, it was hard. But no matter how mad he was, he wanted to catch the son of a bitch that hurt her.  
“Do you think you could recognize it? If you passed through it?” Scott spoke and Theo nodded.  
“Yeah, it was very distinctive.” She didn’t even notice when she moved to Scott’s kitchen. She slid down the wall, her knees coming to her chest. She didn’t want to cause a scene, not again. Scott was wrong, it didn’t feel good to be back on track, it felt like hell. She managed to keep her breathing in check, the three werewolves in the living room would have heard her breakdown if she hadn’t. Stiles entered the kitchen, his eyes immediately on her. He felt for her, ever since he’d known her, she was headstrong, she’d never let anything get to her, didn’t even cry at Allison’s funeral. She showed strength when no one could, despite her lack of being supernatural. She never needed anyone’s comfort which is why he felt unsure what to do at that moment. He cleared his throat and she looked at him, terrified that he might have been one of them.  
“Stiles.” She relaxed into her legs and he smiled before sitting down next to her.  
“You okay?” He gave her a small smile that she brushed off, she wouldn’t make herself look weak.
“When haven’t I been?” She was trying her best to be as strong as she could, her mother told her love would make her weak, she should have listened.  
“It’s okay not to be okay.” Stiles spoke lowly putting his hand on her shoulder which she quickly brushed off before standing.  
“I’m fine Stiles, I appreciate the concern but you know me better than anyone.” He sighed before nodding and standing. “Now if you’d excuse me, I need to go.” She didn’t give a reason; she didn’t have to. She moved passed the living room, ignoring the stares she was getting from the pair and left. She had forgotten that Scott drove her and she mentally groaned when she started walking. She knew it wasn’t safe, but at this point she’d rather be walking in the streets than in a house with her past. She heard a honk that startled her.  
“You need a ride?” He looked familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.  
“I’m okay, thanks.” She continued to walk before the car followed close behind.  
“Oh, come on, don’t be like that. I'm not a serial killer.” He chuckled and she shook her head.  
“Look man, I don’t know who you think you are but I'm more than capable of walking on my own.” She turned to him and he smiled.  
“Are you sure about that?” He shined his green eyes and that’s all it took for her to run into the woods, a rookie mistake she’d sworn she’d never do. She grabbed her phone from her back pocket, she didn’t even think before she clicked his name. She fell when she tripped on a branch but quickly got up, phone to her ear. She didn’t look back, never look back. The phone rang for another five seconds before his voicemail was heard. She didn’t have the chance to hang up when she was tossed towards a tree. “Did you really think you could outrun me?” He chuckled and pressed her body further into the tree, she winced in pain when she felt his claws. “You’re a human after all.”  
“What do you want from me?” She asked, she couldn’t show too much fear, it would end her, emotionally.  
“From you? Nothing, from Scott, everything. You’re the weakling of the group, which makes it so much easier to get under their skin.” His face inched further into hers causing her to turn her head to the side. “You’re scared.” He chuckled before grabbing her face and making her look at him. “Wondering if your little boyfriend will come save you?” He tilted his head and when she closed her eyes he laughed. “I plan on it.” He growled out before hitting her head making her pass out.  
He had ignored her call, six fucking weeks and this was the first time she was calling him. He huffed and put his phone in his pocket, Theo’s eyes on him, he saw her face flash on Isaac’s phone which only made his blood boil even more, how could she call Isaac and not him. When his phone buzzed again Isaac rolled his eyes and pulled it out, the notification of a new voicemail from her not catching his attention. Theo’s eyes scrunched as he concentrated on something. “What is it?” Lydia spoke, her voice low, not wanting to startle him.  
“The scent, it’s close.” Theo spoke before looking at Scott.  
“Can you follow it?” Theo nodded before opening the door and walking down the driveway. He could smell him, but he could also smell her, which concerned him. “Theo.” Scott’s voice snapped him out of his concern before walking through the woods that took up most of Scott’s property. He quickened his pace the more the scents combined, it was stronger which meant he was close. He stopped in his tracks when the scent was strong under his nose.  
“Here, he was just here.” Theo sniffed looking around the empty woods. Isaac rolled his eyes looking around.  
“There’s obviously no o-” His voice stopped causing the rest of the pack to look at him. He moved towards a tree, his eyes focusing on a phone before picking it up. “Fuck.” He hissed out.  
“What is it?” Theo spoke to Isaac’s back. Isaac closed his eyes and turned around, tossing the phone to Theo. “Fuck.” Theo repeated. “He has her.” Theo looked at Scott as Isaac fished his phone out of his pocket. He slid the notification and quickly put his phone to his ear. Theo focused his hearing to it as well. They heard his voice then her cry of pain, their blood boiled. No matter how fucking mad they were at her they still cared about her and the thought of the bastard hurting her was making them see red.  
“He’s obviously after you.” Isaac spoke. “So, do something to get her back, unharmed.” Isaac tried his best to control his anger but it wouldn’t last long.  
“You know I won’t let her get hurt.” Scott spoke, pacing back and forth as he focused on a plan, but he couldn’t think of one.  
“Well what are we going to do?” Theo spoke, his arms crossing over his chest.  
She woke in a familiar place, she remembered it vividly. Stiles had dragged her down there when the nogitsune possessed him, waiting for Stiles to take the bait, kind of like this bastard was doing. She held her head before looking around, he wasn’t anywhere to be found so she did what she had to do and stood up, desperate to find an escape from there but it was no use. Just like the other time she’d been down here. “You’re not going to find an escape.” He chuckled. “Thought you’d known that by now.”  
“What are you?” She turned to look at him, her back against the wall.  
“A little bit of this, a little bit of that.” His smile was wicked. “But what I'm not is an alpha.” He stepped closer.  
“So that’s what you want from Scott, you want to kill him to become an alpha?” (Y/N) huffed. “As if you could take on Scott.” She laughed in his face which caused him to wrap his hand around her neck.  
“Oh, I think I can. I’ve gathered my powers from other werewolves with ease, Scott will be no different. Besides he’ll be too busy rescuing you to even bother fighting me.” His smile was evil as he whistled, four different wolfs coming from the shadows as their blue eyes shined.  
“You’ve made them kill before.” (Y/N) whispered caused him to laugh.  
“I’ll stop at nothing to get what I want; you are no exemption.” He released her throat, looking at her breasts before shaking her head. “Granted your little boyfriends will probably try to kill me, but don’t worry about that, mine are stronger. Did you think I didn’t know about them?” He chuckled. “Oh, you should really pay attention to your surroundings my dear. I saw you, whoring yourself around to the two of them. Though I’d thought Isaac would be with you the night of the attack, you have a better liking to him.” He circled her as he spilled his words, the memories of her leaving both their homes flashing in her mind. She never thought she’d be followed.  
“You’re nothing but a coward. You won’t go after Scott himself so you have to bait him” She laughed. “A true alpha doesn’t show cowardness, you could never defeat him.” She smiled earning a claw to dig into her arm.  
“I will defeat him and once I'm done with him, I'll kill you in front of the two betas.” He smiled. “Now, we wait.” He laughed before he walked away to leave her alone. She hated that she was always needed to be rescued, she wanted to be like Lydia, like Allison had been, but instead she was here, waiting to be saved like the weak link she was. She was going to get her friends killed but most importantly she was going to get Isaac and Theo killed.  
Isaac and Theo paced around the empty forest, Scott rambling about plans that didn’t make sense. They didn’t know where he was, where she was and it was killing both Isaac and Theo. Stiles focused on helping Scott locate (y/n) since the two betas were far from fine to help. They didn’t speak to one another, they hadn’t since the whole exchange at the hospital, but they couldn’t wait for Scott to come up with a plan which is why they both slipped away from the group. “Can you follow the scent?” Isaac spoke crossing his arms.  
“It’s not as strong as it was a while ago.” Theo mirrored Isaac’s actions.  
“But can you do it?” Theo nodded furiously, the truth was the scent was very faint, but he’d take any chance he could to find her. “Let’s go.” Isaac walked away from the pack, Theo in tow before they started to make their way towards the familiar place. They didn’t know what they were getting themselves into but they didn’t care, they needed her safe and if they had to go through hell to get her then that’s what they would do. Theo didn’t fail, he had managed to find the place she was being captured, an all too familiar place to Isaac.  
“You know this place?” Theo spoke as Isaac’s demeanor changed.  
“This is where Allison died.” He whispered before shaking his head. Theo gulped; this was too much for them too.
“Shouldn’t we have told Scott?” Theo spoke, he was nervous, of course he was. What if they weren’t strong enough? They were betas after all.  
“If you want to go get Scott, be my fucking guest. I’m going to get her out safe. You may not care about her but I do.” Isaac grabbed Theo’s collar.  
“Fuck you.” Theo pushed Isaac away. “I love her! I’d do anything for her but we’re in out of our heads here. What if he has a pack? We’re weak.” It wasn’t a lie. Theo was just a chimera; he wasn’t even a real werewolf.  
“No, you’re weak.” Isaac growled. “If you loved her half as much as I did, this wouldn’t even be a fucking debate. If you loved her, you’d go in there blindsided just to see if she was okay. You don’t love her, you’re a coward. Go get Scott, I'll go get my girl.” Isaac pushed Theo away before walking towards the building. As he moved closer her could smell her scent, her fear. He looked back to find Theo had vanished, a coward, he thought to himself. Isaac took a deep breath in before he strategized, he knew once he was in, the possibility of getting out was going to be hard. He’d been there before, and he didn’t want to see her in the same position Allsion had been in years ago. The voices of unfamiliar people caught his attention as he moved closer to them.  
“When he gets here, I'll talk. You guys just wait around or better yet, why don’t you go keep that whore a little company.” He snapped at the four werewolves, their eyes shining blue. Isaac was clearly outnumbered but he knew he had to get to her before they could. He climbed to the top of the building, a hole in the roof making it far too easy for him to slip inside. He pressed his back to a wall when he heard the werewolves bickering, fear creeping into him as they came close to him. He held his breath when they stopped their bickering, their bodies coming close to him. A quick snarl escaped one of them before they continued to walk, a breath of relief releasing Isaac’s lips. He quickly made his way through the building finding it hard to locate her.  
“Please.” A whisper caught his attention stopping him in his tracks. He turned abruptly, his head snapping to her voice. He looked around before walking towards her he was cautious, both their lives depended on him. He stuck his head around the corner and that’s when he saw her. Sitting on the floor with her knees against her chest, the werewolves hadn’t made it to her yet. He moved to her too quick for her to process who it was. “Please, just let me go.” She sniffed before Isaac stopped in front of her. She looked up ready to negotiate once again before her eyes softened. “Isaac?” Her voice cracked and he smiled.  
“Hey sweetheart.” His hand extended towards her and she hesitated before grabbing his hand and standing up. He quickly pulled her into a hug, the anger he once had for her vanishing.  
“Isaac, you have to get out of here, they’ll kill you.” She gulped but he shook his head.  
“I’m not leaving here without you.” He whispered before hearing footsteps. “Come on, we have to go.” He grabbed her hand dragging her along the pathway he had come from. “I know a way out, come on.” She gulped looking back to see if they were being followed, they weren’t. Isaac led her to the room where the ceiling had the opening, she looked at it then at Isaac. “I’ll lift you up, come on.” He bent down allowing her to climb on top of his shoulders before lifting her up with ease. She grabbed the edge of the entrance pulling herself up, at least she had upper body strength, she thought to herself. She kneeled down on the roof in fear that she might get them caught. “Go, I'm right behind you.” Isaac spoke.  
“I’m not leaving unless you’re right next to me.” Her voice was shaky, fear filling Isaac’s nostrils.  
“Please (y/n), go. I’ll be out soon, get a head start.” Isaac looked at her, she shook her head, she’d always been stubborn. “Please.” He begged before she pursed her lips and disappeared from his view. He sighed before looking around to see if they were still in the clear. He smiled to himself when he saw no one in sight and jumped up to the hole of the roof. He moved slowly across the roof before jumping off. “Piece of cake.” He whispered to himself before turning around.  
“Yeah, not so much.” The man spoke, Isaac’s eyes landing on (y/n). One of the werewolf's claws on her neck as the man smiled with the other tree wolfs next to him. “Now, shall we do this the easy way.” His eyes shinned green. “Or the hard way?” His sharp teeth showcasing as he smiled.  
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The Last Christmas?
Dear @butihavejoy, I wish you a merry Christmas. This is my gift for you.
Sonny Carisi x Rafael Barba
Ca. 2500 words
No warnings
It's been a while since Rafael had thought about that time of his life when he had been in love with a tall, lanky detective. But right now as he walked into the 16th precinct and the desk where this man used to sit was empty, it hit Rafael. The memories came in flashbacks and he could see them clearly.
He remembered. He remembered when they started dating. After months and months of flirting and uncertainty, Sonny finally had asked him out. Rafael couldn't say no. The two men went on dates, to Sonny's favorite Italian restaurant, to Rafael's favorite bar. Soon they got closer. They fell in love. Everytime they were together they felt like they belonged.
One time Sonny had invited Rafel over to his sister's house so he got to know the Carisi family. Rafael was welcomed by them. They loved and accepted him as if he was their son, their brother, their uncle.
When he first visited the family, Sonny's mother had put their photoalbum on the kitchen counter and shown pictures of Sonny to Rafael. He couldn't keep himself from laughing. Little Sonny looked to cute, cuter than ever with his blond wavy hair and a pair of glasses. Sonny blushed when Rafael laughed.
"Wow. You look so cute in your superman pyjamas", said Rafael and kissed Sonny on the cheek.
Sonny was more than happy that his family finally accepted him and Rafael. It had been more than two decades ago when Sonny realized that the attraction he felt wasn't exclusively to women. Teenage Sonny had feelings for his best friend Matt who lived across the street. Whenever they played soccer on the street, whenever they played tag in the garden, whenever Sonny touched Matt, he was electrified. Sonny couldn't help himself. Everytime they touched he wanted nothing more than to kiss Matt.
It was that time when Sonny struggled most with his orientation. He couldn't warp his head around liking Lydia from school and Matt from across the street. Sonny just didn't know what to do. He even thought about killing himself. Very often. That was when he started going to church more often. Every week he went to the youth group, to mass. It helped him to at least get rid of the thoughts about killing himself. The priest had literally saved Sonny's life. He never asked what it was that Sonny'd struggled with, he only had told that suffering teenage boy that he didn't have to tell him about his troubles, but that the Lord loved him endlessly and unconditionally. The suicide thoughts were gone, but still Sonny felt so guilty and wrong. He would pray every night that god would take his burden away.
He would cry himself to sleep every night until one night when his sister Bella came to look after him. She sat down on the bed next to him and asked him what was going on. Sonny lost it and told her everything. How we was in love with Lydia in 6th grade and now with Matt. How his heart pounded faster when Matt touched him, how he felt the urge to kiss him, how these feelings wouldn't go away, how he didn't want to live anymore. Bella lied down next to him, holding him tight. She told him that it was going to be okay and that Sonny did nothing wrong and how she thought Matt was pretty cute. They would laugh. Sonny was relieved that he finally told someone. He would tell the rest of his family when there would a man to bring home.
When Rafael entered the precinct, Sonny avoided to look at him. It hurt too much. They had just broken up. Now he had to see the man he loved and who broke his heart and whose heart he broke. They just couldn't be together, at least that's what they had agreed on after they had a fight one night. They had fought about being together in public, about work, about telling the squad. But they knew that their love affair could get the two of them in trouble. They could get fired. Cases could be compromised. So they broke it off. But still Rafael sent Sonny messages telling him he missed him, calling him every now and then oh so casually. Telling him he wanted to see him. They broke up months ago, but still he stayed in touch with Sonny. Sonny didn't know whether he was fine with Rafael's attempts of reconciliation.
When Rafael left Benson's office he went to Sonny's desk.
"Nice to see you, detective," he said, trying to sound genuine.
Sonny looked up from the case files.
"Hey, counselor," he replied, brows furrowed as he tried to figure out what way this conversation was going.
"I still have your stuff," Rafael whispered, "I took it with me to the DA's office this morning. Can you please pick it up tonight?"
"Okay," Sonny stated, trying to sound like he didn't care, and looked back down at the files.
Rafael stood there next to him a few more seconds before he said: "Great."
Then he turned around and left.
"So much for reconciliation," Sonny whispered to himself. He had hoped that they would find a way back, but now with Rafael telling him to pick up his stuff, there was no chance anymore.
"Carisi," yelled Amanda.
Sonny jerked.
"What is it?", he asked, looking at her with wide eyes.
Amanda shook her head.
"I called you five times, but you didn't answer."
"I'm sorry."
She stood up and sat down on the chair next to Sonny.
"Everything alright? You seem a little distracted," she told him.
Sonny shrugged his shoulders.
"It's got something to do with Barba, doesn't it?", asked Amanda.
She was his best friend and she knew him by now. He could try to lie to her, but there was no use, so he nodded.
"Something wrong? You two avoid each other like the bubonic plague."
"More like everything wrong," he answered.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Yeah, but not now, not here."
Sonny stood up, grabbed his coat and left the precinct. He had to get some fresh air. He felt horrible. He wasn't over the heart break. When he had to see Rafael he felt like dying. His heart pounded fast. His legs were shaking. He felt dizzy. Hot and cold at the same time. He loved Rafael. Oh Lord, he really loved him. More than he had ever loved anyone. Neither Matt nor all the other girls he had been dating, the girl he knew from work who moved to LA, that journalist who screwed him over, they had meant nothing when it came to Rafael. For the first time in his life he had felt true love, unconditional love.
Sonny remembered that night in September when he was almost shot to death. He was so afraid of dying, of losing Rafael. And Rafael came to visit him in the hospital. He sat down next to him and held Sonny in his arms. Sonny cried oceans of tears. It was the first time Rafael ever saw him cry. They held each other and Rafael promised to take care of Sonny and he had told him he loved him for the first time that night.
Rafael left the precinct and went back to his office. Snow started to fall. The first snow of the year. Snow. Suddenly Rafael remembered. He remembered wearing his red scarf that he had left at Bella's house last year. He wore it when he and Sonny went to the Christmas market last year.
They had just decided to be together last december. They were so in love. One night after work Sonny had asked Rafael to go the Christmas market with him. Rafael remembered it. That night. Christmas music was playing from the the small huts which were beautifully decorated. They took a stroll through the narrow alleys. It felt like a bath of Christmas-y warmth. Wandering through the alleys, looking at all the arts and crafts, smelling gingerbread with this man next to him.
"Hey Rafi, would you like a glühwein?", asked Sonny when they came by the glühwein hut. Rafael smiled.
Sonny bought some glühwein for the two of them, then they went to one of the tables, stood there with their cups and smiled at each other like fools. They were so in love.
"I'm happy to be here with you. This really means a lot to me", Rafael told him. Sonny nodded.
"I know."
Christmas had never meant anything good to Rafael. When he was a child, Christmas had been a time his abusive father made not enjoyable. He remembered how his mother and gradmother fought about his father. His abuela wanted her to leave him, but how she wasn't ready to give up on that horrible man. Rafael remembered how his mostly absent and abusive father managed to make everyone cry. He didn't want to think about these Christmases anymore. He only wanted to look forward to the wonderful Carisi Christmases that the future had in store.
If only he had known that there weren't multiple Christmases. He went back to the DA's office.
"Hi Mr. Barba," Carmen said when he entered his office, "you got a few calls while you were gone. One from Lisa Hassler about that child abuse case. She asked me to tell you to call her back, please."
Rafael froze for a second. The last time he was on a case with Hassler as defense attorney was when Sonny had shadowed him in order to prepare for the bar exam. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His heart hurt. It seemed like everything was reminding him of the break-up today.
"I'll call her back. Thank you, Carmen."
He went to his office and poured himself some scotch. He sat down and lost himself in his work. He tried to push the thoughts of Sonny away.
Sonny took a look at his watch. It was 7 pm. Time for him to go to Rafael's office to pick up his stuff. He didn't want to go there. If he went to the office zo pick up his things, it would mean that they were over. Everything they had, their love, their hopes, their dreams, would be crushed. Sonny didn't want to go. Every nerve ending of his body was tingling. He was alarmed.
But he had to go to Rafael now. He took a cab to the DA's office, got on the elevator, walked up to Rafael's door and knocked.
"Come on in", Rafael yelled.
Sonny opened the door. His heart pounding like crazy.
"Hey, it's me", he said.
Rafael looked up from his files. Sonny couldn't read the expression on his face. He stood there in front of the man he loved more than life and who was about to let everything end. Sonny knew that they made this decision together. They both had decided to break up, but now that it got real, Sonny didn't know if he wanted to break up anymore.
Rafael stood up to grab Sonny's box.
"Rafael, are you sure?", heard Sonny himself ask.
Rafael turned around, putting down the box.
"Dominick", replied Rafael - he always called Sonny by his given name when he was upset or wanted to distance himself- , "We agreed on this together. We talked this through so many times."
Sonny stared at him with furrowed brow, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"I know, but I am asking you if this really is what you want, Rafael."
"Sonny", sighed Rafael.
"I know what we agreed on, believe me. I know that we cannot be seen together. I know that you could loose your job. I know that I could loose mine. I know that we are a secret. But", Sonny paused and took a deep breath, "what else I know is that I love you, Rafael Barba. I love you more than I ever loved anyone. I love you, Rafael. Please."
Rafael stood there, his mouth open. He slowly closed the distance between him and Sonny. Then he kissed Sonny, first slowly then hungrily. He kissed him and it felt like their first and their last kiss at the same time. The two men held each other close. Closer than they had ever been.
Rafael broke the kiss. "I know", he said, "I know. I love you, too."
Rafael's big green eyes fixed Sonny's ocean blue ones. Sonny pressed a kiss onto Rafael's forehead.
"Rafi, why do we have to do this?", asked Sonny, "Why do we have to break up?"
Rafael put his head on Sonny's shoulder, still holding him close.
"You know why. We can't risk our jobs. They're our lives", he whispered into Sonny's ear.
Sonny felt tears rolling down his cheeks.
"So we're over", he stated, his voice barely a whisper.
He took a step back from Rafael, grabbed the box and without saying a word he left. Rafael stood in his office looking at the closing door and started to cry. They both loved each other, but they just couldn't be together. An ADA and a SVU detective just couldn't be together. All the cases they had worked on could be compromised. Rafael had already almost lost his job because of Ashtonja Abreu and now his love affair with the tall lanky SVU detective could cause him to loose his job for good.
Weeks had passed since their break-up. They avoided each other at work. Sonny tried not to be at the precinct when Rafael came by, he didn't go to court anymore. He needed time and distance.One night Sonny went home to his empty apartment. He sat down on his couch and stared out of the window. Snow was falling and he realized it was Christmas eve.
"That's one hell of a Christmas", he whispered to himself. He turned on the tv, grabbed a beer and watched stupid Christmas movies. His family had gone to Georgia to visit Gina and his new old money fiancé and to celebrate Christmas with them, but Sonny had to work this Christmas since he lived alone and didn't have kids. He took an oath to protect and that oath and rapists didn't care about Christmas. So set there alone and tried to push the thought of Rafael away.
It was already 12am when someone knocked on his apartment door. He walked to the door and opened it. It was Rafael who was standing there. He smiled.
"I told the DA and Liv about us. They say it's alright. I might have to go back to Brooklyn, but we can be together, that's all that matters."
Rafael looked so happy. Sonny took him in arms.
"Oh my god, Rafi. That's the best Christmas gift I've ever received."
"I love you, Sonny Carisi. I just wanna spend every single Christmas that is yet to come with you."
"I love you, Rafael Barba", said Sonny and kissed Rafael.
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Hi guys! Love the blog! Could you please rec some fics where Derek is Scott's brother? Thank you so much!
I’m so weak for a “Scott and Derek are Brothers” fic, can’t explain it but it really gets me where I need to be :P  Be sure to check out our Siblings!Derek and Scott tag for more fics as well.  Enjoy!  -Emmy 
Tumblr media
Klingon by Angelwithwingsoffire 
(923 I Not Rated I Complete)   *polish!Stiles, scott/stiles
Scott and Stiles meet at a Star Trek convention and hit it off as friends. The only problem is that Stiles is Polish and doesn’t speak English while Scott is American and doesn’t speak a lick of Polish. However, both of them do speak Klingon.
So We Meet Again by stiless__halee 
(1,795 I Explicit I Complete)   *sterek, human au
Derek’s heart stops beating as he takes in the familiar face in the doorway. God, that creamy white skin dotted with moles looked even better than it did in his fantasies.
Finals Week by smokesforsterek 
(2,384 I General I Complete)  *sterek
When Derek Hale, your best friend’s weird, but totally hot, older brother shows up and offers to drive you and said best friend home for Christmas break the week of finals, how are you supposed to see it as anything but just a friendly gesture? And he definitely didn’t think about how weird it is that Derek asked if he could stay with him. Nope, not a bit.
or the one where Stiles is incapable of taking care of himself during finals week and Derek helps out. Scott ships it.
ADD, IED, and S-E-X by aqualewdity
(5,612 I Explicit I Complete)  *liam/scott/stiles
Scott barely sleeps as he’s either working on his films for school, or trying to drown out the sound of his brother Derek banging his girlfriend next door.  But one sleepless night with his friends turns their whole relationship inside out.  But maybe it’s better that way.
Let Your Freak Flag Fly by Laugh_at_the_girl_who_loves_too_easily, shakespeares_slut     
(6,107 I Explicit I Complete)  *steter, human au
It’s Scott’s birthday party and his Uncle Peter is being the chaperone . It’s Stiles first time meeting him and well, he is very attracted to him.
Little Spoon by bibliosexual 
(6,455 I Teen I Complete)   *sterek, roomates au
To save money while attending college in NYC, Stiles and Derek decide to rent one tiny apartment together. With one bed.
Approximation by inatshej 
(6,638 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek, human au, fake/pretend relationship
Derek’s type is a self-confident, blonde girl. Her grin is almost dangerous, her laugh’s loud, and she may seem arrogant – but if anyone has a reason to be arrogant, it’s her.Stiles’ type is a genius, strawberry blonde girl. She looks perfect no matter the time of a day, her taste’s impeccable, she’s popular as well as respected – but taken.They turn to each other, struggling with the choices and people around them.
Glad You’re By My Side by Reddwarfer 
(8,073 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek
Derek’s family situation has never been an easy one. Then, on a fateful night, it only gets more difficult. Thankfully, he has people to help him navigate it.
Sentimental Value by captaintinymite (augopher) 
(15,785 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek, dragon!stiles, college student!Stiles, grad student!derek
Thanks to some pilfered cookies, Derek has nothing but disdain and suspicions about his brother Scott’s roommate when he comes to stay with them over the summer.  Derek will never admit he finds Stiles attractive, but he finds he’s having serious trouble avoiding his him, especially with the unsolicited, erotic dreams he keeps having at night about his brother’s best friend. As it turns out, the pair have more in common than first believed; they grow to enjoy each other’s company, and then some.But my how things change after a break-in results in a stressful situation for Stiles.
Pride and Werewolves by Benaya
(18,313 I Not Rated I Complete)
Pride & prejudice teen wolf style
Please Don’t Say You Love Me (Cause I Might Not Say It Back) by Tamyou 
(36,828 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek, mute!stiles
‘Derek glanced at Stiles, who’s smile dissolved into a light frown. He moved his hands again, and Derek flicked his eyes back to Sheriff Stilinski, silently asking for help. The Sheriff took a few steps forwards.
“Stiles is mute.” He said.’
AU in which Stiles is mute and Derek is a college drop out.
Of Joy and Faith by Jiaxing
(38,324 I Mature I Complete) *sterek, Supernatural crossover, rape/noncon, twins!Lydia and Stiles, past theo/stiles
Dean Winchester and his husband Castiel took their children, the twins: Stiles and Lydia and their younger brother Isaac to Beacon Hills. They were moving to Beacon Hills to replace the Argents as the guardian hunter family for the area. There was a treaty in supernatural community to have hunters to aid the werewolf pack that was serving and dedicating their life for the peace in one area against evil and dark powers. The Argents were betraying this treaty when Kate Argent was trying to massacre the Hale pack by using and deceiving Peter Hale and his nephew Derek. She was then killed by Peter before the said man went missing.
After Chris Argent died, after three years of vacancy, the Winchesters finally came to fill the role left by the Argents. Moreover, they were trying to escape the past that left Stiles broken and traumatized. Dean and Castiel were hoping the new place would be a good place for their children to start anew. Stiles was a bit pessimistic about this, until he met Talia Hale’s middle son Derek Hale. After all the heartbreak and betrayals, could Stiles and Derek open their heart to start believing once more?
The McCall-Hale Diaries by inlightofvisa, thestarkinmypants (inlightofvisa), whereisthebepis (inlightofvisa)
(42,635 I General-Teen I Series WIP)  *sterek
Basically, Derek is Scott’s older brother. Who steals Scott’s things and is generally kind of mean. And by that, I mean that he steals Scott’s best friend. And then starts going out with him. Who would’ve thunk.
But We’re Still Sleeping Like We’re Lovers by CharWright5 
(109,744 I Explicit I Complete)   *sterek, werecoyote!stiles, omega!stiles
There are several things Stiles Stilinski knows to be facts: he’s a werecoyote like his parents; his twin sister Malia could use a filter more than him; he’s an Omega and terrified of his upcoming heat; and Derek Hale-McCall will never see him as anything more than his kid brother’s best friend. Doesn’t stop Stiles from asking the Alpha to help him during his heat. Or from developing some serious feelings that go beyond the bedroom. Basically, he’s totally screwed, in more ways than one.
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Fandom: TeenWolf
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​Pen Name
Author: rootbeer
Summary: Anxiety (/aNGˈzī-itē/): A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. ~~ "The set was busy; people bustled about with their various jobs. No one seemed to notice, or maybe they just didn’t care, as the gangly boy looked about nervously. He was all skin and bones, a track of moles across his light skin. He carried a bag across his shoulders, a coffee cup in his left hand and a curious look on his face. There was nothing remarkable looking about him at all, and perhaps, that was the most remarkable thing."
Author: twentysomething
Summary: "Today is Scott's first day of kindergarten and Derek is terrified."
**sidenote: you need an AO3 account to view this fanfic
Fireman Derek's Crazy Pie
Author: owlpostagain
Summary: “He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant."Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy.""Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
Prince Among Wolves
Author: tylerfucklin (Zimothy)
Summary: Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable.
This Quiet Torment
Author: oblivions172
Summary: Derek has had a crush on Stiles, a young omega who goes to his school since he first laid eyes on him. He has watched him continually come to school with bruises and flesh wounds delivered by his abusive father and all he’s ever wanted to do was help but Stiles never let him get close enough. Until, one night, Stiles ends up at Derek’s house, with more than a flesh wound and Derek will do everything in his power to protect him.
Fly a Little Faster
Author: mirrorkill
Summary: Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
In the Solstice of Our Hearts
Author: ravingrevolution
Summary: "You're not putting that up your butt," Scott told him flatly and Stiles couldn't stop the pissed off whine he made, but his friend continued. "Stiles, you can't put that up your butt, you know that. Your butt won't be ready for anything to go in it until-""Okay, okay!" he said, flailing his hands to stop his friend's lecture. "Message received, no butt stuff until I'm pounced on by some freaking animal in the forest and ravished to within an inch of my life. Got it. Thanks, Scotty, I mean heaven forbid I actually try to take control of my life and give myself a fighting chance or anything.""Not all alphas are animals," Scott said quietly.Maybe he was right, but Stiles wasn't holding his breath.
His Only Defence
Author: LunaCanisLupus_22
Summary: Stiles had just accidentally challenged an alpha.Oh God, and Scott had just stood by and let him do it. He was the worst best friend ever. Stiles was going to kill him. Except, oh right, the alpha was going to kill him first. Like beyond dead, ripped into tiny little pieces dead. So far dead that his dad would not be able to identify him, dead.
The Undisclosed
Author: Taila_Tai
Summary: For once the pack doesn't panic when a new hunter arrives. The gleefully sadistic man has labelled himself a collector of all things rare in the supernatural world and wants one of the rarest creatures; a werefox. Content that the pack is safe, the wolves focus on why their human member is acting so strange, ignoring the fact that Stiles only started once learning who the man wanted...
Pack Wars
Author: miss_aphelion
Summary: Scott liked to call it the Great Pack Divide of 2012.Derek liked to call Scott an idiot.(Or the one where Derek kidnaps Stiles to teach Scott a lesson, and ends up learning a few things himself)
Alpha Magazine 'Verse Series
Author: WhoNatural
Part 1: Not Like Bond & Moneypenny
Summary: (AKA, the Ugly Betty AU where Stiles is totally Betty)Stiles thinks he’s finally getting a break when a job at the sleek, sophisticated, Alpha Magazine opens up - but soon realises he’s not going to be writing anything and instead is playing tutor-slash-babysitter to their new Editor-in-Chief. Derek’s spoiled, grumpy, in way over his head...and so painfully attractive it makes Stiles want to lick his face. So there’s very little choice in the matter.
Part 2: What Bond Did Without Moneypenny
Summary: The lost months in Not Like Bond & Moneypenny, in which Derek pines, Laura tries not to meddle, Stiles blogs, and everything works out in the end.
Part 3: After Bond Got Moneypenny
Summary: After all they went through to get here, it should be plain sailing from now on, right?
Kindred Spirit
Author: Stoney
Summary: Anne of Green Gables/Teen Wolf AU. [ You do not have to know AoGG to follow this fic, it would only enhance the reading experience. :D ] Essentially the world of Teen Wolf set in the late 1890s, with themes and some minor character names/places specifically borrowed from Anne's world (and no disrespect meant to LM Montgomery, because I love Anne Shirley to bits and pieces.)Stiles is the adopted son of the Sheriff, brought to Beacon Hills to hopefully stay for good. A family, a best friend, school, Jackson as Josie Pye (because who else could he be?) and the mystery of a dark haired, green-eyed boy which leads Stiles to discovering a secret within himself.
Gravity's Got Nothing On You
Author: zosofi
Summary: “Three weeks,” Derek says.“Still don’t want to,” Stiles says.“I’ll pay you,” Derek says, and that… that has Stiles interested. Alf’s Antique’s may be a great job, but it’s not a high-paying job, and half of Stiles’s tuition is coming from financial aid, so…“How much,” Stiles asks, “are we talking here? Because I know your family, dude. And it’ll be kind of awkward after.““My family thinks you’re some sort of fucking gift to the world,” Derek seethes, like he’s jealous, “they’ll probably be pissed at me when we break it off, so don’t worry about that. Five hundred bucks.”“A thousand,” Stiles says, because screw ethics. Also, the Hale family is loaded. Derek can deal.
The Skies Above are Blue
Author: Trelkez
Summary: Derek is a wedding DJ. Stiles just happens to go to a lot of weddings.
The Amber of the Moment
Author: redhoodedwolf
Summary: Ever since he was eight years old, Stiles had been running. Fate decided it was time to stop.
Academia Series
Author: KuriKuri
Part 1: Hemingway Can Suck It
Summary: “For those of you who just transferred into this class or simply decided that day one wasn’t important enough to attend, I’m Professor Hale. Welcome to English 346, The American Novel.”Stiles is pretty sure his mouth is hanging open right now and that his eyes are wide with shock, because holy fuck, he thinks he knows why his students transferred. Hell, if he was still an undergrad, he probably would have transferred, too.
(Or: In which Stiles is a Biology professor and Derek thinks he's a student.)
Part 2: Misinterpret Me Like Lolita
Summary: “You don’t even know the course name?” Derek growls after the guy blushes and stutters out an answer, because, Jesus, he thought the university had standards.And it sounds like the course the guy is describing is his. Isn’t it just his lucky day? No breakfast and another student who doesn’t give a shit about the course material.This class is going to be hell – he’s calling it now.
Part 3: Leave the Black Light
Summary: “We shouldn’t,” Derek protests, although the way he grips Stiles’ hips a little too tightly betrays what he really wants. “There’s another class in here in less than half an hour.”“Then I guess we’ll have to be quick,” Stiles says, unconcerned. “Good thing I came prepared.”
Tonight, the Fox Hunts the Wolf
Author: LucifersHitman
Summary: Stiles always knew finding a mate would be hard for him. He's not bright and beautiful like Lydia, or strong like Danny or adorable like Scott.He was just Stiles, fox kid with ADHD who loved to draw. Derek Hale was everything, popular, strong, smart and gorgeous.They get put together on an English assignment and it doesn't go at all like Stiles expects.
Honey Eyes and a Wolf's Heart Series
Author: Underestimated_amateur
Part 1: Pup and Kit
Summary: Derek is eight when he first meets Stiles. Peaking over at him from the end of the bed, he stared in awe. The thing was so small and chubby with lovely pale skin covered in the cutest of freckles. The little one didn't even have hair yet, just fuzz on top of his head. And the prettiest amber eyes he's ever seen.
Part 2: It’ll Be Okay
Summary: Derek was nine when he first stayed the night in the Stilinski household. Stiles was a few months past one year old.When the door suddenly opens, he races in like a man on a mission. Listening to the two other heartbeats in the house, he quickly knows which one is the one he's looking for. Stiles.
Part 3: Sourwolf
Summary: Derek was eleven when he learns the answer to a question that's been burning inside his mind since he met Stiles. Stiles is three when he shows the world what he is. Eleven was also the age when Derek begrudgingly gets a nickname that'll last a lifetime.
Part 4: Wishing Flowers
Summary: Derek is twelve when he teaches Stiles about wishing on flowers when the little one visits him. Stiles is four when he knows for sure what he wants.
Part 5: My Batman, My Catman
Summary: Stiles was in first grade when Derek learns he has to share sometimes.
Part 6: Innocent Lips and Locked Fingers
Summary: Derek is fifteen when he first takes the little one out by themselves. Stiles is seven when he gives his first kiss.
Part 7: Cindered Wreckage
Summary: It was like a story how everything played out. Like a tragedy his mother could've read to him from her library when he was younger.Derek is fifteen when he feels broken.
Part 8: Hiraeth
Summary: It's been a year after the disaster, but sometimes Derek comes back to his broken home.He is sixteen when he learns what it means to grieve. He is sixteen when he re-lets people in.
Part 9: Taking a Shot
Summary: Derek is seventeen when he finally plays a basketball game. Stiles is nine when he sees his first game.
Part 10: Healing
Summary: Derek pays a certain someone another visit.
The Noble Tie That Binds Series
Author: minusoneday
Part 1: There Is A Brotherhood
Summary: So far, college has taught Stiles three things:1) Eight am classes are cruel and unusual and should be avoided at all costs, even if it means having to enroll in something truly hideous instead, like Econ 101.2) Dorm security is just as tight as Stiles’ orientation leader had promised it would be, and the dude guarding Scott’s dorm in particular does not respond well to bribes.3) Mrs. McCall clearly had no clue what she was talking about when she’d insisted that Scott and Stiles needed to branch out and room with strangers, so it’s all her fault that Scott ended up with a total dick of a roommate and Stiles got stuck all the way across campus with some guy who has a girlfriend two towns over and is thus never around.Or, the one where pledge brothers Stiles and Scott start a prank war with Derek Hale's fraternity.
Part 2: Your Lifelong Membership is Free
Summary: Uncle Peter’s spent years regaling Derek with tales of his time as President of the Alphas. Derek’s paid close attention, because Peter’s stint as President is a pretty comprehensive guide on ‘How to Successfully Run a Fraternity into the Ground,’ so Derek plans to do the opposite of what Peter did.***A Derek POV to There is a Brotherhood. In which Derek's life is hard.
Fang & Fur Series
Author: heartsdesire456
Part 1: Somewhere I Belong
Summary: When Stiles got an interview for an internship at Fangs & Fur magazine, the publication owned by the well known and widely respected alpha Talia Hale, he never expected it to be offered an actual job by Alpha Hale herself. He also never expected for his life to change so much after he met the man whose department he was assigned to.Stiles was not prepared for Derek Hale's cub, either.
Part 2: The Same Chains That I Kept You In
Summary: The story of how Peter and Chris got together in the Fangs & Fur 'verse“Why are you so annoying?!”  “Because I CAN BE!”“Oh wow, that’s so mature, Hale-““Oh bite me, Argent!”  Stiles was actually impressed by how long Peter and Chris had been fighting. He looked at Derek, who was holding out the book he was reading to show Alex the pictures where he was sitting in Stiles’s lap. “Dude, are they okay?” he asked softly, nodding to the doorway where Chris and Peter kept reappearing.Derek turned back just as Peter stalked past with Chris following him, arms waving as he argued with him. “Oh yeah, this is a near-monthly thing,” he said, and Stiles raised a skeptical eyebrow.Series
Part 3: A Gift From The Easter Bunny
Summary: SummaryStiles and his father are invite to the Hale Pack Easter Celebration.Stiles get's a special Easter Egg in his basket.
Part 4: Feelings That I’m Wrong
Summary: Stiles looked at him closely. “I know why Derek’s eyes are blue… but I’ve never heard anything about you.”Peter looked at Stiles and Stiles saw a slightly manic glint to his eye when he grinned predatorily. “Much like Derek was defending his cub, I killed another werewolf defending something I hold very dear,” he said bitterly. “It was kept out of the media by my sister’s influence, but it was actually just a few years ago.” He looked down at his drink, swirling the cup. “Let’s just say you don’t come to visit a pack and threaten the alpha’s baby brother’s mate.”
Part 5: Don’t Wanna Hear You Say Maybe
Summary: Stiles was getting really annoyed with Derek being secretive and excited over something he refused to talk about. All day at work Derek seemed distracted and happy but Stiles couldn’t work out why.
Part 6: Can’t Wait To Call You Mine
Summary: Derek and Stiles get married... and set up their friends.
Part 7: Baby Makes Four
Summary: When Stiles and Derek decide to adopt another child, they run into an unexpected obstacle that sends them down a painfully difficult path in hopes to adopt a child.
Part 8: New Beginnings
Summary: The start of the new year brought some changes to Fangs & Fur that nobody had really expected. The biggest of which shocked far more than just the Hale pack, or the company. It also shocked pretty much the whole supernatural community.
Part 9: Anything You Like
Summary: After an afternoon out shopping with his uncles, Alex asks a question that Stiles never expected (though he probably should have).
Part 10: A Very Hale Halloween
Summary: Stiles, Derek, and the kids get ready for Halloween night.
Part 11: In Memorium
Summary: On the 20th Anniversary of the Argent Terrorist Attack that took the lives of eleven people in the town of Beacon Hills, California, Governor Talia Hale gives a speech at a memorial event for the tragedy that killed her sister, her husband, and two of her children.
Part 12: I’m Thankful For...
Summary: Primary school Thanksgiving assignments and notes sent home from Alex's Pre-K teacher make Stiles cry.
Part 13: What’s Christmas Without A Trip to the ER
Summary: Stiles was just testing the lights to see which ones worked and which didn’t when there was a loud bang on the roof and the sound of a lot of smaller thuds going further towards the front of the house. He huffed and rolled his eyes. “Derek, be careful what you drop! You might break a hole in the roof!” he shouted, knowing Derek could hear him from inside.About five minutes later, Molly came skipping in. “Daddy fell off the roof and I think he has a booboo,” she said without preamble.Stiles jerked. “Daddy did what?!”
Part 14: Leaked
Summary: “In other news, Peter Hale, CEO of Fangs & Fur, the groundbreaking werewolf magazine, and brother of Governor Talia Hale, woke up to scandal today when racy photos of Hale and his husband were published on a website called The Den, a popular website aimed towards gay werewolves. So far Hale hasn’t been available for interview regarding the apparent leak.”
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8
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