#thanks tumblr for butchering the gif quality
honneebunny · 6 months
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Little sparkly pony Dean ✨
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Also Cas and Sam in Pony Town!
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skarloeyspa · 2 years
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suntoru · 9 months
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✧˚ · . NAGI SEISHIRO loves sleeping, soccer, and gaming. he also doesn’t mind you coffee too.
— warnings: coffee shop! au, fluff, crackfic, reo hating on readers barista skills, downbad nagi (hes oblivious af), maybe ooc?
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"…so… this was the coffee shop you were talking about?” reo probes nagi tentatively, face crinkled in slight confusion. the small café nestled in the hidden corner of some obscure street— nothing extravagant, and certainly not what he expected. it’s a quiet sanction, only a few patrons savoring the quiet ambience of the modest establishment.
"mhm," nagi hums in affirmation. his eyes are glued to his screen, fingers violently tapping his phone as he skillfully maneuvers through the critical attack from the boss battle. reo doubts he was listening to a word he was saying. he raises his eyebrows skeptically, surveying the surroundings of the quaint little shop. he’s well aware nagi sacrifices fifteen whole minutes of his precious sleep on wednesdays and saturdays to walk all the way here— there must, has to be something special about this place. yet all he can spot are a couple of worn-down couches, cute decorations, and the smell of grinding beans in the air; nothing particularly stands out.
'is the coffee just that good?' reo wonders to himself, his thoughts interrupted when you hastily set a tray down at their table. your hair is tied in a messy bun, name tag displayed largely at the side of your stained apron. "i'm so sorry— morning rush! two triple foam lattes, half a shot of espresso with a dash of cinnamon, right?" the words tumble out, an apology and a question all in one, accompanied by a warm aura that absolutely nobody else in customer service seemed to carry.
…that’s… not…. even close… he deadpans. “um, actually—” he starts, but is quickly interrupted by nagi cutting him off. “t’s good. thanks.” he mutters, hazy half-lidded grey eyes boring into your oblivious, starry-eyed ones. the tips of his ears turn the slightest bit pink as he blows a tuft of his hair out of his eyes. his phone is completely discarded, ‘GAME OVER.’ pixelated largely on his screen as reo’s eyes widen slightly. …did he… die on purpose? no way. but… he was just about to beat the whole game…?
you smile giddily. finally, you got an order right!! “really? i’m so glad! enjoy your drink!” you eagerly exclaim as you walk away, feeling encouraged to pump out the other orders.
“…we ordered two large macchiatos.” nagi shrugs lazily, fiddling with the plastic straw in his drink. “tastes the same. ‘t’s too much of a hassle to correct them.”
“whatever,” reo sighs, “we’ve been waiting thirty minutes for this— it better make my mouth orgasm.” thirstily taking a huge slurp of the drink, he lets the coffee settle for a moment before not so subtly gagging at the aftertaste. how can someone possibly screw up this badly? it tastes like… tepid brown water. this should be a war crime. no offense, but who thought it was a good idea to hire you? “uhm… it’s *retches* certainly an acquired flavour…” he represses another gag as the fluffy white haired male tunes him out once again.
as reo contemplates the questionable quality of his latte, nagi remains blissfully unaware of his own feelings, doing what he does every wednesday and saturday morning— unconsciously admire you from a distance, his attention shifting from reo to you. his fingers idly trace the ridges on the rim of the cup, distractedly watching as you struggle to get the coffee to start brewing.
and he can’t exactly understand why his heart is beating out of his chest (perhaps he’s having a stroke), why his face is tinted red (is it the cold nipping at his cheeks?), or why he only seems to want coffee when you’re there (it simply tastes different). it all doesn’t make sense to nagi’s simple little life, a simple repetition every day; sleep, soccer, game.
nagi seishiro finds the easiest of tasks to be a hassle. yet for some strange reason, waking up early on wednesdays and saturdays isn’t one of them.
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©kaeffeinee 2023. do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works on any platform.
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Destiné à Être: A Remus Lupin Story
Chapter 17: Bitten
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Hey, everyone! this is technically a repost because Tumblr has a personal vendetta against me lol, so I’m not even sure who was able to see it. I really like this chapter, and this whole story, really. Remus and Brigitte are so special to me and this story has helped me through some really hard times... hug your loved ones, be kind, drink the expensive whiskey, and read fanfic!
(Warnings: Smoking, drinking, language, sexual themes. 18+ only!!! Minor do not enter!!!!)
Word Count: 5.7K
"The future is uncertain, but the end is always near" Jim Morrison
The fallen leaves on the sidewalk crunch loudly underneath Brigitte's boots with every stride, and the early winter air blows through her fluffy hair. It's her first day back doing work on behalf of the Order. It may not seem the most interesting work, like tracking werewolves or forming relationships with Death Eaters, but distantly following Antonin Dolohov could always lead to something. Constant Vigilance, like Moody always says.
Once the dust settles on her previous mishap, she will insist on more risky assignments. She's not completely useless, and she remembers a little bit from the first time Voldemort fought for power. He used not only dark witches, wizards, and werewolves, but also giants, vampires, and Inferi.
For the time being, her morning started with her waiting for him at dawn, when he stumbled out of a dingy Muggle pub. Now, she follows him down into the Underground, where he meets a man. Brigitte recognizes him from the paperwork she was given, Dirk Gibbon. She gets on the same train, and they get off in three stops. It's near the Ministry of Magic.
Brigitte lingers behind and notices them follow who appears to be Lucius Malfoy down a narrow pedestrian pathway. She runs across the street to get closer and manages to hide behind a phonebooth before the men turn around.
"I told you two-- never talk to me this close to the Ministry", Lucius sneers.
"We were given orders", Dolohov informs him. He leans forward to whisper, meaning Brigitte cannot hear anything. She can see the men bickering back and forth, when Malfoy points his wand at Dolohov's throat.
"Watch it, Malfoy. Don't forget who butchered our last attempt at getting the prophecy", Dolohov warns.
"What even is this damn prophecy? I ain't getting arrested unless I got all the details", Gibbon says. Brigitte listens as closely as she can. It appears that no one what this prophecy entails, but they are still seeking it.  
"That is for the Dark Lord to know. He has his suspicions, but he wants to confirm it once and for all", Lucius says. "Now, go on. I'll report later this evening".
Brigitte ducks into the phonebooth to hide as the men pass by. She waits until they are out of ear shot before Disapparating to Diagon Alley, to meet Tonks for another dueling practice. She walks down the busy street, filled with people Holidays. She can hardly believe it's already mid-December. So much has happened since the summer.
Stopping in front of the Quality Quidditch Supplies, Brigitte adjusts her knit scarf and stands amongst a group of ogling young girls pointing at the glimmering new broomsticks.
"Check out that new Firebolt!".
"I like the colors in the handle".
"I heard the Holyhead Harpies ordered a set for the team, they're gonna be unstoppable!".
Brigitte chuckles at their excitement as their mother's call for them down the street. She waits about a minute, then her brightly-haired friend appears next to her.
"Hey Dora! Thanks for doing this", Brigitte says hugging her neck. "I'm so happy to be healed and back to work".
"I'm happy I can help! Auror office has meetings all day I'm not allowed in. Damn pricks", Tonks mutters. "C'mon, while we still have good sunlight". She takes Brigitte's hand and Apparates them to a clearing in an evergreen forest.
"Moody used to bring me here when I was preparing for my Auror tests", Tonks says, seeing Brigitte's mesmerized expression. It's sublime, the moss-covered trees with long, gnarled limbs.
"Speaking of Moody!", Brigitte points to the ex-Auror who's just appeared in front of them.
"Hello, you two. See anything today, Moreau?".
"Yes, actually. Lucius Malfoy had a quick chat with Dolohov and Gibbons. I heard them talking about the prophecy".
"And they didn't see you?".
"Of course not".
"Good. Good. With what Snape told us at the last meeting, we’ll keep a close look out for them, and that snake... Alright, I'm gonna watch you two, see if there are any improvements". Moody sits back on a tree stump and leans on his walking stick.
"No dangerous spells, but no holding back. Sound good?", Tonks asks, rolling her jacket sleeves up and retrieving her wand from her back pocket. Brigitte nods her head and stands up straight.
"I'll bomb you with flowers, Love. I'm going to practice without my wand too".
"Element of surprise, I like it".
Tonks fires a harmless hex at Brigitte, commencing the faux battle. Both are surprised by their own quick reflexes, complementing one another's natural instincts as their spells come faster and faster.
The girls move in sync: when Tonks steps forward with her left foot, Brigitte steps back with her right. They both get in some shots. Tonks hits Brigitte with jelly-leg jinxes, and she throws back giant balls of moss and powdered snow.
"Ugh, gross!", Tonks winces as she spits out a clump of dirt. She steps forward to continue their practice, but Brigitte snaps her finger and raises a small root and trips her friend. The French witch is able to multitask without her wand, using her special magical abilities to 'attack' Tonks from multiple angles. Just as she regains her balance, a vine from a nearby tree snatches the wand from her hand and throws it to Brigitte.  
"I think I win", she sings victoriously.
"Don't get cocky. Tonks, remember your footing. I don't know how many times I've told ya that", Moody sighs.
"About a hundred. But what if I don't need my feet? I could turn into a dragon... at least I think? Never tried a dragon before". Tonks thoughtfully scratches her chin.
"I see your dragon and raise you a polar bear!", Brigitte cackles. "Shit ... better master my elemental magic before I even think about that, huh? I've never used my Animagus that way".
"We'll work on that once you've perfected your elemental abilities. I have things to do now, you two stay safe. Constant Vigilance!". Moody Disapparates, leaving the two witches in the forest.
"I'd still love to your Animagus sometime", Tonks says. Brigitte looks at her, biting her lip but eventually giving in.
"Remus hasn't even seen it yet ... but oh, what the hell. I really miss her". Brigitte steps back and rolls her shoulders to loosen the muscles. Then, she lunges forward and her body elongates, growing a thick coat of fur as her body grows five times its normal size and her beautiful face morphs into the head of a ferocious bear.
"Holy cricket", Tonks gasps. Brigitte lifts her head and lets out a deafening howl. It rattles off her jowls and trees. The sound is deep and hollow compared to a wolf's. She turns to Tonks and lowers her head in submission.
"Feel good?". She watches Brigitte gallop around the clearing a few times before transforming back to her petite form.
"Oh! How I've missed doing that! I usually only let her out at home, too risky to do it just anywhere. I'm glad I did this", Brigitte sighs contently.
"Me too! You're amazing! Fucking gorgeous and terrifying if I were against you in battle".
"Not gonna happen, Dora. I think I'll stick to scaring people with my fury", Brigitte says, lifting her hand to show her fingertips on fire. "Seems to work with Gus".
─── . ˚*☆ ☾ ☆*˚ . ───
First thing the next morning, Brigitte goes to St Mungos to visit the newest werewolf attack victim that Healer Le fay wrote her about. She has been concerned about the man's safety and those around him, for the man is hostile and almost violent to anyone trying to approach him.
"It'd be a shame for me to mangle that pretty face of yours, little girl. Just leave me alone!", the bandaged man growls from the hospital bed. It has not yet been two weeks since he was bitten, but the wound on his shoulder still bleeds steadily. Brigitte glances over his paperwork: Alexander Roth, 29 years old, suspected of being targeted by Fenrir Greyback. His physical description is similar to Darren, the first man she met with, which could mean it's the beginning of a pattern.
Both are young, fit wizards who don't have deep ties in the Ministry. Someone who could disappear and no one would really notice. Easy targets.
"We both know you'd be hexed before your head even lifted the pillow if that was your intention, Alex ... I'm not here to offer empty words of affirmation, I know you've had enough of that. I can help it you let me ... Do any family or friends know you're here? The healer says you've had no visitors?", she asks him.
He grunts but slowly turns towards her, "No family... girlfriend tried to visit ... I wouldn't see her. How can I let her see me like this?".
Brigitte's shoulders droop with disappointment. "I definitely don't recommend shutting her out. If she wants to support you, welcome her. It's not easy to do this alone, Alex, and I'm sure she's worried sick about you", she says softly.
He looks at her indifferently and silently. "Well", Brigitte continues softly, "I'm here to offer any kind of assistance you need. If you have trouble with employment or a place to live-", he turns his back to her and pulls up the sheets aggressively, "...I'm here. Take care of yourself...", she says comfortingly and leaves her contact information on his bedside table.
She walks up to the healer's counter on her way out, "Let me know if he gets worse. He mentioned a girlfriend, encourage him to let her visit. I'll try to be back soon...", she quietly tells Le Fay as to not draw attention. What they are doing technically is not illegal, but the Ministry most likely would not approve of the hospital contacting her about a werewolf attack.  
The graying healer gives her a warm smile, "Sure thing, dear...you take care of yourself".
As she leaves St Mungos, her mind wanders to Remus... 'he was only four, an innocent and happy little boy. He must have been terrified. How does a child even understand that happening to them?' Then she can't help but think about her brother and father. 'Beau was six, he remembers it vividly. He wasn't worried about himself though, but about papa who he shielded him from most of the attack. Oh papa. 26 full moons since I've hugged him...'   In 12 Grimmauld Place, she sits on her bedroom floor and lights a fire in the small fireplace. Brigitte goes through her mail. There's the usual update from the French Non-profit, and Brigitte is so proud of the strides the continue to make; but she's even more excited to see a letter from Francesca. My Britt, my sister, my confidant, I hope you're feeling better and had an amazing time on your date. I want all the dirty details! I've heard you're coming back for New Years (yes, I asked your Ma), so now I get to invite you to the Midnight party I'm hosting! I've moved into a new flat on the north end of Place Cachée closer to Maison Capenoir (where I also just got a promotion!). It's Masquerade theme so dress up, and invite Auguste and Fleur for me.   Ps. My address is 27 Rue Richer, apt. 9F ... Xx, Cess - 'Masquerade? Hell yeeeeeeeees!'. Brigitte waves her fists excitedly, thinking about being in Paris with Remus. Hearing Sirius yell at Kreacher on the stairs outside her bedroom is a grim reminder that he is stuck in this hellhole. He has his good days and bad. No matter how much fun they have, it cannot negate the fact that he's missing out on life in the outside world.
Brigitte places the letter in her sketchbook to keep safe the address. Then she sits on the bed, opens her stationary kit and pulls out a peacock feather and parchment.
She dips the quill in ink and takes a deep breath, "You've thought about this. It's a solid plan... he'll like it... he won't say no. Its risky but brilliant. The kind of plans he likes". In her best cursive, Brigitte writes the header of the letter,
'Dear Headmaster Dumbledore' ...
Brigitte spends a half hour writing out her secret proposal to the Hogwarts Headmaster as eloquently as she can. Once she's read over the letter a dozen of times, she attaches it to a small package containing an Eiffel Tower snow globe, tosses it in the fire with floo powder and shouts, "Professor Dumblydore, Hogwarts!".
Remus come home that night after a long day of with Kingsley and Emmeline Vance. He takes his cloak off and shakes the snow flurries from his mousy-colored hair. The heavenly aromas waft up his nose as he quietly strolls past Mrs. Black, and when he slips through the doorway he sees Brigitte dancing to French jazz music and waving around ingredients with her wand. She drops everything when they lock eyes and runs into Remus' arms.
"Lunaire!", she gasps and wraps her legs around his hips, eagerly kissing him. She holds him tight, still upset about her St Mungos visit with Alex but thrilled about their Paris trip. Remus basks in the embrace, inhaling the scent in Brigitte's hair as if it is a superior alternative to oxygen.
"Well hello to you, Darling. I could get used to this kind of welcome", he chuckles with their foreheads pressed together and breaths mingling.
"Sirius has been holed up with Buckbeak today, so it's just us. Thought I'd make you dinner", she says. He puts her down so she can tend to the stove. But he stays close, wrapping his arms around her waist and watching her cook skirt steak.
"Thank you so much ... Y'know we don't expect you to cook us dinner because you're a woman".
She sighs blissfully and leans back into him, "That's sweet of you, but if the options are you, Sirius, or Kreacher, I really don't have a choice ... Why don't you make a drink and have a seat? Dinner'll be ready soon". Brigitte turns and kisses Remus' cheek.
"Yes Ma'am".
Brigitte finishes making street style tacos, and Remus watches in awe as she uses her magic to chop the fresh veggies mid-air.
"Did your mum teach you this... or dad?", he asks. She guides the food to the dinner table and mumbles 'aguamenti' at their empty drink glasses.
"Maman. She's an amazing cook, Papa has always brought her home international cookbooks. You'll see! There's always a big feast on New Years Eve. My Maman thinks the day dictates the next 365 days, so it's always a celebration", she rambles, "... sorry I'm doing it again. I'm just really excited to see everyone- And to shop on the Place Cachée! Ahh... the fact that you'll be there too, Remus ...", she gleams at him besottedly.
"I know how much your family means to you, I'm honored you want me there... plus I was never going to miss out on being your New Years kiss", he says. Brigitte leans in and grins against his lips.
The nerves in Remus' stomach twist violently at the thought of meeting her family. He's excited to be with her, but he never knows how people will react to him... what will they think when they see me? Their young, beautiful daughter with the world at her feet bringing home the old, unemployed werewolf?.
He tries to suppress those anxious thoughts and keep his focus on the moment. "I'd like to make you dinner sometime. I'm no French culinary artist, but...", Remus trails off.
Brigitte playfully scoffs and smacks his chest, "You could make me a cheese sandwich and I'd love it, Lunaire. Actually, yes! Just give me cheese and bread and I'll be the happiest girl in the world!", she giggles, unceremoniously shoving the taco into her mouth.
"Hmm, if only cheese were an acceptable gift for a new girlfriend", Remus jokes, using his napkin to clean the corner of Brigitte's mouth.
She nods energetically. "Speaking of... please don't worry about getting me anything for the Holiday. I seriously don't need anything. We have more important things to worry about", she tells him.
"Darling, no. That's not negotiable". He looks at her like that's obvious.
"If you insist... I love Le Brouère cheese and a simple baguette", she winks at him, "but honestly Remus, as long as I'm with you I couldn't want or need anything more". At that moment, Remus swears his heart skipped a beat and he looks at Brigitte with a smile so overjoyed it feels unfamiliar to his facial muscles.
'If her family is half as kind as she is, maybe it won't be a complete disaster...'.
─── . ˚*☆ ☾ ☆*˚ . ───
Twenty-four hours later, after another day of no news (besides the newspaper discrediting Dumbledore while praising Umbridge) Sirius cleans up the kitchen for the Order meeting while Brigitte keeps him company at the table. Her notebook lay in her lap.
"Too busy drawing Moony's cute ickle face to help me clean?", Sirius groans as he uses his wand to put the dishes away. "Just because you can't get Kreacher to clean doesn't mean I'm your new house elf", Brigitte sticks her tongue at him then turns back to sketchbook where she is actually writing to her mother.
"I mean... you do have impressive cooking and cleaning magic, plus those abnormally big blue eyes...", he looks at her impatiently.
"Watch it Black, I may just accidentally break your only house rule", she looks up at him menacingly. He protectively runs his fingers through his dark locks as he remembers Gus telling the horror story of losing his hair to his sister's flames. Then he putters to the bar, pours a drink, and slouches in the chair across from Brigitte.
"Wanna play a game of chess while we wait?", he asks.
She huffs amusedly, "After what happened last time? You're still in time out".
"I told you, I didn't throw the board. My hand slipped", he says waving her off.
She rolls her eyes and reads over her note once more:
'Maman, I hope you have a nice Christmas with Beau, we'll see you the 30th! You'll be happy to know I'm bringing Remus. I can tell he's nervous about meeting everyone, so go easy on him. I don't want to surprise you-- he has Lycanthropy. Give everyone a hug from me. - your Britt Ps. You'll be getting a letter from the headmaster of Hogwarts. Please read it thoroughly. Love you!  
She turns to the large stone fire place warming the kitchen, grabs a small handful of floo powder, and sends off her letter, "Celeste Moreau, Strasbourg France".
Sirius peeks up from The Daily Prophet, "Its already the 18th. Can't we do some decorating before the Holiday is over? We can save the tree and do that with Harry!".
"That's a great idea, Padfoot! Remus has a few days off, I'll get out the holiday vinyls and we can get into festive spirit at last!".
An hour later, the meeting has started, but Remus is nowhere to be seen. The empty seat next to Brigitte makes her stomach burn with anxiety. Tonks squeezes her hand while Dumbledore addresses the packed room, explaining how Dolores Umbridge's position as High Inquisitor is gradually stripping away his duties as Headmaster.  
"... She has Fudge's full support. I suspect the school to be under their jurisdiction by the end of the year", he explains. "That is why I have not left school grounds until now; I plan to spend most of my time there keeping an eye on her until I am inevitably forced out".
"Then what?! The kids are there to fend for themselves?!", Sirius barks.
"I do not underestimate those children. They're not wasting their time playing wizards chess. They have followed through with their secret meetings, practicing defensive skills", the headmaster explains.
"It will only get them in more trouble!", Molly whimpers. "Dear, it's alright, please", Arthur whispers to his wife.
"We will have Severus keeping an eye on things when I'm not there, and Mundungus is staying in Hogsmeade", Dumbledore adds, earning a childish grunt from Sirius. "Severus, if you will".
Snape stands and gives a monotonous update on Death Eaters: Malfoy has gathered illicit heirlooms to rid of, there's increased efforts to recruit dark wizards and halfbreeds, and Voldemort has an undisclosed plan to once again try to retrieve the prophecy... then he's interrupted by the kitchen door swinging open.
"Pardon...", Remus whispers as he sheepishly looks around the room. He spots Brigitte- a relieved smile lighting her face when she sees him- and he makes a beeline for her.
"As I was saying, I've yet to see the snake leave his side. Be on the look out for her... ", Snape drones on. His eyes stay on Remus as he takes a seat and gives Brigitte a tender kiss. His lip curls at the way they stare at each other, ignoring his update.
He sits down to allow for Emmeline Vance and Kingsley to take the floor, closing the meeting as they tell Dumbledore what their countryside spies have witnessed lately, which is nothing more than general confusion over what to believe. Dumbledore has never misguided people, but it's scary to acknowledge that the Ministry might be lying to save face.
"Thank you ... If no one else has any updates I believe this meeting is adjourned", Dumbledore says cheerfully. Most Order members promptly leave, but Dumbledore glides over to the adoring couple.
"Good evening, you two. Remus, I hope all is well? I'm sure Ms Moreau will be able to update you on what you missed", he says while peeping over his crescent glasses knowingly.
"Yes, just a delayed errand. I'm sorry I was late", Remus answers quickly.
"And how are you Brigitte? Leg healing properly, I hope?", Dumbledore asks sincerely.
"Yes, good as new! I hope I can join more missions again. Maybe at the Department of Mysteries", she says eagerly. Dumbledore nods his head calmly.
"Soon, my dear. If I may be candid with you, the ordeal gave Alastor Moody quite a scare. He knows what it's like to lose a leg to dark magic", Dumbledore tells them softly.
Brigitte's face contracts with sympathy, "Oh no, poor Moody. I've never for one second blamed him".
Dumbledore slowly raises his hand. "Alastor will be fine. Accidents happen here, that's the reality. For now, I wanted to talk frankly about the letter you sent". Brigitte's face immediately perks up and he continues, "ah, yes. I don't want to say too much, but I will say Ms. Moreau, I think it's brilliant".
"Sir, I was hoping you'd feel that way. Are you saying that we can do it?", she asks hesitantly.
"I am", he reaches into his robes and pulls out the small box she sent to him the day prior. "I've done what you requested, it is all in place. Enjoy your Holidays", Dumbledore winks at her, placing the box in her hand.
"Oh, thank you sir!".
"Now, I must get back to Hogwarts before my absence is noticed", he says before shaking Remus' hand and tenderly patting Brigitte's. "You two take care. I must say, Remus, you're looking very well. Very... happy". Dumbledore turns on his heel and glides out the room.
"Eh, you look alright, I guess", Brigitte teases while giving him a look over.
He snorts and wraps his arm around her waist. "So what was all that about?", Remus asks slowly, eyeing the box in her grip.
"You'll find out soon enough, Lunaire. For now it's top secret!", she squeals and boops his nose.
Most of the crowd has cleared out, leaving the couple, Sirius, Tonks, and Bill.
"You two staying for dinner? I'm not sure what that'd be but I can whip something up!", Brigitte offers. "Or make the guys get us food".
Bill shakes his head, the long red hair and fang earring whipping back and forth, "I promised mum I'd have dinner with her tonight while dad has night shift at the Dept. of Mysteries. I need to go pick up Fleur first".
Brigitte raises her eyebrows comically at that idea, "Just the three of you? Hmm, Good luck!".
"I should get going too. Gus should be back at his flat soon. I made a little mess this morning and I need to clean it up before he gets home", Tonks hops off the counter top and pigeon toes her way out the kitchen.
"Bye love, tell that idiot I said 'hey'!", Brigitte yells after the witch with purple and blue hair. She sits on Remus' lap, dropping her head on his shoulder and giving him a coquettish look.  
"Well, I'm going to let you two... ogle each other in private... I'll be with Beaky", Sirius drawls at the sickening couple. Remus cups Brigitte's cheeks and gazes longingly into her eyes, studying all the different shades of blue in her irises.
"Rem, why were you late to the meeting? Nothing happened on your mission, right? Like with other werewolves", she asks anxiously.
"Nothing like that darling, just got held up on my way here. I didn't miss anything important did I?".
She shakes her head, her shiny waves bouncing, "I don't know, I wasn't paying attention", she mumbles with a guilty smile on her face.
A low chuckle vibrates through Remus throat. "Oh, darling...". Guilt starts bubbling in his stomach. Remus didn't necessarily lie, but he wasn't exactly 'held up'.
He was at Flourish and Blotts, negotiating the price of a first edition Fifteenth-Century Fiends that was gifted to him for graduation. Remus was at a loss to how he'd afford anything for Brigitte, so he decided to sell the most valuable item he owns. After negotiating a sell price, he walked out of the store with 300 galleons and a pocket sized 'French for Beginners' book.
Brigitte wraps her arms around Remus' neck and plays with his shaggy mane, "Sirius and I want to decorate for the Holidays, have the house all festive when the kids gets here, does tomorrow work for you?".
Remus' face lights up at the idea. Despite the looming threat of Voldemort, this holiday with a girlfriend and his best mate is something to be celebrated.
"Yes, perfect. Are you going to turn the house into a snowy forest?". Her eyes twinkle as she nods excitedly.
"I'm so happy, to spend Christmas with you. My Remus", Brigitte says against her lips. He moans against her, his large hands squeezing her soft hips. They take advantage of being in the empty kitchen. Brigitte bites Remus' lip and wiggles against his groin.
"Hey, Lunaire... I just remembered. I wanted to... erm, show you something in my room", she says mischievously, leaning in to suck his earlobe.
"Hmph, Show me what? How needy you are?", he growls, "so desperate for me to get back here so I can take you upstairs and have my way with you? Hmm?".
Brigitte gasps at the forwardness. He knows exactly what she wants. She heats up at his lustful words and it renders her speechless, all she can do is nod needfully.
"No, tell me. Use your pretty mouth and tell me", he says in a surprisingly gentle tone. He rubs his thumb across her bottom lip, softly grabbing her jaw. Brigitte looks at him with heavy eyes and whimpers,
"I need you, Lunaire... Need your touch... Need to make you feel good". She starts nipping down his neck, feeling him getting hard under her thigh.
She can feel the vibrations of his moan against her lips. Without saying a word Remus stands and hoists Brigitte over his shoulder. She yelps and holds onto his tweed coat tightly as he takes two steps at a time up to her room.
They quickly pass the drawing room where Sirius is nursing a Firewhiskey and watching the roaring fire. The raven-haired housemate slowly turns around on the couch, watching Remus' long legs disappear up the stairs.
"They better remember to use muffilato this time... ", he chuckles to himself. Remus slams the door behind him, throws Brigitte onto the bed, and takes out his wand. He does remember the silencing charm, as well as a protection spell for his girlfriend. He throws the wand onto a chair and stares down at her with a look of burning desire.
"Strip", he orders as he rips off his tie.Remus has quickly shown how he can be domineering and rough while still being her shelter, and Brigitte craves it. 
The pent up emotions that have been building since the moment they met have completely stripped them of any inhibitions. Remus for the first time in his life actually feels comfortable in his skin. The shame of his scars slowly fade away every time Brigitte graces them with her pillowy lips. They watch each other intently, faces flushing with heat as they undress. Remus drops his frayed suit to the floor, consuming the sight of Brigitte's dress slinking across her skin as she lifts it above her head. Her bare breasts shiver in the cold air. Remus leans forward, hooks his fingers at the band of her stockings, and yanks them off along with her panties.
"Lunaire... come here", Brigitte mews as she poses her body on the bed to show different angles of her bare self, trying to seduce the werewolf. Though she can see Remus is visibly aching for her, he looks at her with an inquisitive look. "Since when do you tell me what to do?". 
"Mmmm, please. Need you", she whimpers and sits up seductively, leaning forward with parted lips. He scoffs, "you need to learn patience. Do you always get your way by begging?", he crosses his arms, ignoring her desires to be touched. "Mmhmm", she nods innocently and sits on her knees. He can't help but throw his head back and let out a little chuckle. Brigitte uses the opportunity to reach forward and takes Remus in her hand. He gasps at her soft touch and holds onto the bed post as he watches her lean forward with her mouth open. It's pure bliss. That is the only way Remus would describe this. He watches Brigitte for a few minutes, until he feels himself begin to lose some control. He backs away to catch his breath. He pulls Brigitte up and presses his lips to hers. Then without warning, Remus pushes her back onto the bed. He grabs her thighs, throws them over his shoulders, and lowers his head. Brigitte whimpers out, the strong tingles shooting out every nerve in her body. She grips the crown of Remus' head as he holds her hips still on the bed. It doesn't take long for her whimpers to become light moans, then desperate cries. Brigitte begs Remus to push her over that edge, but the second before that mind-blowing explosion comes crashing over her, Remus peeks his head up. Brigitte whines and lifts her hips begging for him, but he stands and snaps her legs shut. 
"Maybe this will teach you patience", Remus asserts.
Brigitte looks at him dumbfounded, still trying to catch her breath. 'This fucker was in control the whole time...'.
Remus' facial expression softens as he pulls back the covers and gives Brigitte a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"C'mon. Let's get into bed", he says soothingly. She lies there, mouth agape... but this is why Brigitte's fallen so hard for him- he is softhearted. She's never met someone who really cares for her, as she is; and she herself has never cared so much for someone... even if he did just ruthlessly edge her.
"I'm really happy. I cannot imagine spending these Holidays without you..." Remus tells her quietly as he rests his chin on the top of her head. She tightens her embrace around him.
They silently bask in the bliss of being together, taking in each other's comforting scents. She smells like flowers and honey, while he's chocolate and old books. But Brigitte's curiosity cannot keep her silent.
"Remus...?". He gives her an almost inaudible 'hmm'. She suddenly feels anxious, like she may be overstepping.
"I... Well, I've never heard you talk about your family before...", she trails off. It's extremely personal, but she wants to know everything about the man she's falling in love with.
"My mum passed in '81...She worked very hard at keeping me safe and my condition a secret; she always loved me unconditionally. My dad did too, but after she died we weren't in much contact-", he sighs, "we had a big fight and haven't spoken in over ten years", he says with a hint of guilt.
Brigitte gives him a sympathetic kiss. "Oh, Lunaire. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked--".
"No, you're the person I want to talk about this with... It was hard. We had a fight about my disease, so after twenty years I didn't want to make him deal with it anymore. I'm not even sure where he is or if he's alive, to be honest".
"Wouldn't you like to know? With everything going on?", Brigitte asks, rubbing his bare chest soothingly.
"As of now, it'd be safer for him if we weren't close. Right now, I'm happy with you, Sirius, and all our friends. I cannot believe the big Christmas we're going to have. It's been thirteen years since I've spent the holiday with Harry and Pads", Remus assures her, kissing her to comfort himself.
"Thank you for telling me this, Lunaire. I feel so close to you", Brigitte whispers, settling in between his arm and chest. "I'll always be here for you".
"That's all I need".
They fall naturally into a deep kiss, fitting together like puzzle pieces under the sheets ...  that is, until their intimate moment is interrupted by a frantic knocking on the door.
Brigitte hides behind Remus as they sit up. "It's just Sirius, I'm sure it's fine", he assures her. He jumps out the bed and cracks the door open, hiding behind the door so Sirius can't see his bare bum.
Brigitte can see part of Sirius' face in the hallway lighting and knows right away it is definitely not fine.
Sirius tries to catch his breath, "I- it's Arthur. He- he's been attacked at the Department of Mysteries..."
♡ ♡
I’m so excited for the upcoming chapters!! Lots of fluff, Weasley kids, and Christmassy things 
Master list
Lemme know if you want to be on the tag list
Taglist: @dontjudgemyobsessionpls @roundbrownlover @applerubyy @siimiasoi
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tourmalinecomet · 1 year
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Decided to try something different and made some simple pixel art animation for @rubybug as an artfight on her avocado fennec Toast. Get booped! I hope you enjoy it, and thank you for letting me practice with your character. x3
(I apologize if tumblr butchers the quality)
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evilblot · 5 years
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A gift for @nebbychan, congratulations for surviving another year on this wretched plane of existence of ours.
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vake-hunter · 3 years
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New Curator Model from Sunless Skies
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kpopper · 4 years
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the untamed — episode 19
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witchmd13 · 4 years
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“...The one for whom I have waited my entire life has finally come back to me. I must be with him now, at once and forever, because he is - as he has always been - my life, my soul, and my one great love.  So please do not be too angry with me for my abrupt departure.  For I am happier at this moment than I have been in all of my long life.  I hope you will be happy for me.”
Merlin’s goodbye letter to his friend, Eleanor, in the fanfic “And Like The Cycle of the Year, We Begin Again” after Arthur finally returns to him (that’s at least until he accidently turns it into a love letter). Mainly because I miss them, but also because this fic lives in my head rent free.
Written by: @katherynefromphilly
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cherishednymph · 3 years
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me as gifs 🧸🏹
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mah1to · 4 years
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apicturewithasmile · 5 years
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Evil | S01E06 - 790
Kristen, Kristen... I know we’ve had our differences...
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artifiziell · 5 years
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yeah, you worry too much kid it’s gonna be alright
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mind-in-terror · 7 years
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And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone - Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
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veilleur-de-nuit · 3 years
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(click for better quality!! - also, i would've posted a still image of the gif, but tumblr has completely butchered the quality, no matter where i post it so...tell me if y'all still want a blurry still image XD)
(original rambles/details under the cut :))
HIHIHII I'M SORRY FOR BEING LATE- *ahem* so here's my secret santa gift for @softinnit :DDD you said that you liked sbi, and after a quick snoop in your blog - finding out that you were canadian (hello fellow canada inhabitant!! o//) - i got inspired to make an sbi version of the beavertail shacks/huts that they install at the Rideau Canal during winter ^-^ (bear in mind, with much creative liberty-)
and in no ways am i assuming that you've ever been to or know of these, i just thought it'd be a cool concept :)
~ we have techno making absolutely no progress shoveling snow, wilbur tapping out a jolly beat, toms being just...straight-up overworked- (god i'm so sorry tommy-), and old man phil just chillin' ~
i've spent almost a full month on this, and i hope you like it ^-^
and manymany thanks to our lovely organizer of this whole event,@mcytblrsecretsanta!!! this was the very first fandom-oriented event that i've attended, and it was a very lovely experience~ much love <3
again sorry for being late, but i hope y'all have had a wonderful holidays ~ and am wishing the best of luck for next year!!
(also i'll be later sharing some wips, references an' credits in a later post :)
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magicaldreamfox1 · 3 years
today i have a special treat for the people of tumblr dot com!!!
i like making powerpoints so yesterday i made a one abt all the characters from (bl) shows that i've watched who i headcanon as aspec. bc that's what they deserve. and i thought i'd share it with the people.
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this is Part 1! Part 2 is here!
this is quite long so more under the cut! and also since I'm pretty sure tumblr is gonna butcher the quality of these click for better quality!
one more thing: the mentioned "J" is @disaster-j, go check out her blog!
that's all, enjoy <3333
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some of these won't be here, they'll be in part 2 due to tumblr's post image limit!
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(disclaimer: this started out as something for myself and i wasn't gonna post it so if any of these flag gifs are urs and u don't want them to be used here please just dm me and ill take them out thank u <333)
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