#that I cant share yet bc spoilers
p4nishers · 3 months
the fucking. contrast between 'For a moment, our gazes held as we mingled in unity. One person. We had always been one person. Nighteyes had voiced it long ago. It was good to be whole again.' and 'I am content' like????? killing myslrf
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crunchycrystals · 6 months
do y'all think lydia and kalina did the spies tongue curse thing together and thats why kalina can only say ragh's name???????
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lily-ohfally · 6 months
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A place so far away, yet it feels so close to home. → Do you remember it too?
FFXIV 'Vanilla' Gpose Challenge: 2. Landscape/Location
Fanow couldn't be further from home, yet the moist smell of the forest grounds mixing with smell of fresh, untainted air, reminded him of the years he lost. The Vii of The First all saw it. The distant gaze, the longing sighs. He had lost a home, but welcomed into a new. Lily kept thinking about how he wanted to, or at least hoped to, bring his sisters and brother here. Yet... could they remember it? Their lives before the attack? Before their lives were changed forever?
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For the ask game: will
jason regrets leaving his mask back in the study. he feels suddenly naked without it, too aware that steph is trained to read volumes into his every microexpression. he can lie, but his face will do the talking for him.
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themissakat · 5 months
i fuckin love horizon. seeing aloy in your style is something i didnt expect to see but it’s amazing
did you pick up zero dawn recently and then forbidden west right after? or have you played zero dawn a while ago and then played forbidden west recently?
please share any and all thoughts you want to share abt the games cause it’d be cool to hear what you think abt the games.
horizon cool games
I had zero dawn sitting in my steam library for maaaybe the better part of 2 years?? (i got it on sale ages ago) some friends were playing hfw and it inspired me to finally pick up hzd. I beat hzd a few months ago, mayyybe 2 or 3 months before forbidden west dropped on Steam?
I can't say any other series has gut punched me so many times and so well. I think overall I liked the first game better, just for the impact of the reveals (the data point talking about the Faro machines and the dolphins haunts me) but the addition of new characters in the second game plus expansion of the world and just MORE of aloy and her friends is so good.
gonna do a read more for hfw spoilers through the end of the game and maybe some burning shores?(hi kami dont look)
I can no longer live without Beta she is wonderful and my beloved and I want to replay hzd but the fact that Beta wont be there makes me SAD. The compare/contrast between Aloy and Beta is such an interesting concept and expands upon their relationship to Elizabet (in particular the pressure of her legacy) in such a fun way. I love taking a nature/nurture look at how they are as people and how they were raised, so similarly isolated and yet SO DIFFERENT because of their environment and the few people that were present.
I've been contemplating writing a character study drabble/ficlet from Beta-pov about Aloy throughout the game. I was screaming SISTERS at them during every interaction and then the ending with the PAYOFf just AHH.
I wish burning shores had a "chat with beta" option, I can only headcanon that Aloy and Beta chat or watch Beta's media in the evening when Aloy's resting.
The character development of Aloy learning how to interact with and trust other people is good soup. I could wax poetic about my head canons for her particular flavor of queer (given the time to organize my thoughts). I'm incredibly curious to see how they handle Seyka/Aloy going forward into the second game, in part because Aloy is such a goal-driven person, I can see her struggling to reconcile her own "selfish" motivations with the looming threat of the end of the world. (because like. girl if the world is ending you need to cherish every second you have with the people who matter to you. but also yall need time to figure out if you can beat nemesis. do be a tough dilemma there.)
I want to roll around in the brainrot more but its a struggle bc i'm a very au-centric fanartist/writer and the world of horizon is so good on its own i cant even put myself in the au mindset. for now i have to be happy with drawing aloy's amazing hair. its so beautiful i love it so much
but yeah. overall. horizon cool games.
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lokorum · 2 years
Will you tell us more about the masked OCs? They look beautiful and I would love to know more about their story
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ohohoho i'm so happy you found them interesting, my poor kokoro is just in tears but aaaaahh i cant tell much about them yet bc of the spoilers reasons!! (i hope you asked about heart-mask oc not bunny-mask but just in case i sketched her too x)
i really want to properly introduce all the characters in the comic, showing their silly habbits, views and morals through drawings instead of words because gosh im bad with those ☆⌒(>。<t;)
the only things i can share are what we already saw here: they like fruits and know whats eadible and whats not; they're familiar with local area pretty well; they good at stealth? tho i think the babe with scared face are just comically bad at noticing anything around them phphp; and they're nice and friendly to the strangers! we'll learn their names in the next update i think??
so yeah, not much info here but i thought i could draw couple of sketches for you!! (و ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و thanks again for your ask and support - it means sooooo much!! i try to return back with the update as soon as possible! ♡
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vivisols · 9 months
Sooooo... this new fic -tell me something about it (so much or so less you want to share) ;P
EHEHE GLADLY IM SO GLAD YA ASKED!!!! you dont understand how excited i am to talk about it lmao :DDDDDD
so my newest fic is.... a post apocalypse mer au!
ehehe!!! :3c i mentioned it in some of the author notes of claw at the stars and im soooo excited to actually finish chapter 1 of it!!! its only like. 30% done so far bc im playing video games non-stop on my writing break but im chugging along xD
the basic summary is that after a meteor strikes the earth (again), humanity has had to rapidly evolve to survive the harsh conditions of rising sea levels and much harsher temperatures. (id elaborate more on some science and biology stuff ive been brainstorming too but that's SPOILERS </3) more under the cut!
long story short, theres evolved people and creatures evolved from people on land and merfolk evolved from people in the sea! plus theres new languages thanks to evolving and changing vocal chords! (reallyyyy i just wanna get wacky with humanoid designs xD can you tell i like doing that yet???)
as for the fic, here's a quick summary of the very basic plot :3
a few decades after this meteor hits, the daycare attendant wakes up from an emergency shutdown in the ruins of the pizzaplex. with no telling of how many years its been, they have to pick up the pieces of where they left off and navigate this new world. with the help of y/n (dats YOU!!!), a mer who ended up on land, they slowly get their bearings and try to settle in to their new life, scrounging for parts to repair themselves in the overgrown remains of cities.
y/n has never even thought about going on land, but of course, the one time they do they have to drag around a robot that doesn't even understand what they're saying. sun and moon, meanwhile, latch onto you like a lost puppy as they try their best to learn the new language and figure out what you keep signaling to them.
(why were you on land? can't say! since, well, it would be spoilers...)
theres gonna be tons and tons of fluff and mystery and adventure and romance and LOREEEEE! all the tropes im obsessed with! and of course vanessa is here too because i love herrrr :3
anyways, i cant share toooo much besides the basic summary since i love being vague and mysterious hehehe but! im nearly done with the first chapter :3 it will likely be out sometime in january, IF not january 1st! im super motivated :3c
as a reward for listening to my way too long ramble, have this super quick concept sketch i did the other day!
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again, really just a quick sketch but! you can kinda see what im going for maybe?? XD
i hope this was sufficient for now! feel free to ask for more if ya want! i LOVE talking about my ideas ;D
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yukipri · 1 year
hi i hate to be a bother but i love your fic but i cant get more than a dozen or so chapters in bc i keep getting horrible anxiety about how the "present" time is ready to explode and i cant read longfic if it ends badly, could you say if the "present" time has a good resolution? no pressure at all, if you dont want to do that ill just wait for the return to the "present" and get the spoilers from my friends reading it
Thanks for liking my fic! Even if you're only able to get through part of it ^ ^;
So, hmm. I'm going to do my best to answer your question. I hope you understand that I don't feel comfortable (or frankly, capable) of telling you how the fic ends, as we are very very far away from that still (plus, I'm writing the fic for a reason!).
I can say that I personally do not consider the present "ready to explode" in any way. It is, in my opinion, the calmest time that the clones have ever experienced in the short, 13 years of their existence. Sure there's a lot going on, but for the very first time, they are in control of their own fate, and mostly have the upper hand. Is Sidious still out there? Yes. But Sidious is just as confused as, well, Obi-Wan right now, and he is actively on the run, which is more than can be said of any point we've seen of him in canon. Are there other threats too? Of course, but again, for once the clones are able to choose how to act without hiding. If anything, it's post-explosion, the explosion being the Override.
Why do the clones feel so in control? Well, that has to do a lot with the actual mechanics and process of the Override, which we are piecing together in the past.
It's true that Obi-Wan is a bit alarmed and very confused because he doesn't know what's going on. But he'll be alright, because the clones are, again, very calm and in control, and he'll take his cues from them. One of his purposes in the present is to be the audience lens through which new developments are revealed, but most of these things are not new or alarming to the clones, and they are the ones this all primarily affects. Will the clones tell Obi-Wan everything immediately? Of course not. But again, one of the purposes of writing this story non-chronologically and going into the past is so that you, the reader, can understand what's going on, and when the clones choose to share something with Obi-Wan, know the full context of that. Either way, Obi-Wan is a side character and not the primary focus in this story!
While there will be developments and action in the present eventually, right now it's far more a time of reflection, at least for the clones. There is going to be a lot of coming to terms with the past, personal reflection on identity, culture, freedom, the Republic, and the future of their new home. There is going to be more exploration of their life, and lots of politics and what it means to run a people that is no longer under subjugation. There is going to be following up on stuff from the war. There is going to be a significant amount of angst. However, nothing will "explode" for a very, very long time—we don't yet have enough context for that.
In comparison, I consider much of the "past" to be lighter, because sure it covers the war which is dark, but it's also familiar to us via canon media, except there's now the undercurrent of knowledge of all these networks and safety measures that exist, as well as new tools that Jango is actively working on. So it's bad, but we know it's not as bad. There's also just a lot more humor, since everybody (especially Jango) is still figuring things out! In the present, we kinda see the polished version after they become pros ^ ^;
We should be returning to the present in a few chapters (no clue how long those chapters will take), but a fair warning that it will be written with the assumption that you have read all previous chapters. Skipping all of the past will probably mean that a lot of it won't make sense, and I'm sorry, but I won't apologize for that, nor will I explain it when it's explained in the fic! The past bits do exist for a reason! And not just the events, but the thought processes that the characters had in the past will affect their present.
Likewise, we won't just stay in the present once we're back; after a while, we'll return to the past again, and probably eventually jump back to the present, etc. That's just how this story works.
Again, I'd rather not comment too much on the actual ending but, I do not consider this story a tragedy. It's not as simple as a fix-it either, and there's plenty of angst along the way, but I don't think you need to worry about it being a horrible conclusion.
I hope this answers your question! And I hope I didn't spoil myself too badly. Everything above that is not yet written is subject to change, because I do not want to limit my writing to what I said in an ask response, but I think this is a decent idea of what to expect.
I'm not here to tell you how (or even if!) to read my story, but yeah, the past is essential, because the present would not exist without it.
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
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qprsmackdown · 1 year
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PROPAGANDA (under the readmore):
Will and Grace
ok so the WHOLE SHOW is about how theyre more important to each other than anyone else. Will is gay so their feelings are never romantic. Grace gets married and we get like a 5 second scene of it, and then a whole of a lot more time of the two of them dancing alone on the roof promising each other that that doesn't mean they arent still each other's Person. at one point they try to have a baby together and only dont because they physically cant bring themselves to have sex with each other. Will breaks up with his s/o on the first run of the show because the guy wasn't ok with Grace being as big a part of their life as she would be, and he told the guy he did end the show with that he had to know Grace would Always be His Person (and he was ok with that). at the very end theyre seeing a house for sale but tell the real state agent they arent buying bc they "arent actually a family" but are best friends whove always lived together and are having kids at the same time and love each other and they want to spend the rest of their lives together. and the real state agent says "that sounds like a family to me." THEY END THE SHOW PLANNING THEIR LIVES TOGETHER WHERE THEY LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE AND RAISE THEIR CHILDREN LIKE SIBLINGS. THATS A QPR BABY
Camilla and Palamedes
They have the most relationship ever. They love each other. They are not complete without each other, necromancer and cavalier. Yet, Palamedes is infatuated with a living corpse who turns out to be a mega death saint that's turning on her god. It's not completely romantic. They've been together their whole lives. Their dynamic. I kind of want it. (if you find this propaganda compelling then feel free to share lol but I will not be checking the box)
You ever so scared of leaving someone that your souls become cosmically entangled and you end up creating a new person?
oh my god. listen. i'm sleepy and it's hard to explain however however. When [SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS] Palamedes dies, Camilla collects pieces of his skull, figures out where his soul is in the ghost river, and then tethers their souls together. And eventually they just collapse into being the same entity (Paul). QPR behavior. Plus they just talk so well to each other, check out their quotes
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selfshipgushing · 15 days
i loooooooove my f/o so much but hes not super popular in the fandom bc hes not on the global server of the source material yet 😔 but i cant wait till everyone sees how cool he is once he does debut on the global server !!!!! and i'll also figure out his backstory too bc rn im trying to avoid spoilers. im literally just selfshipping with him based on his looks and personality (which i dont consider super spoiler-y) lmao
hes so cool hes so cool im patiently waiting for people to love him too! maybe not as much as i do bc im not the type to share but yknow what i mean teehee <3
this is real mine isnt super obscure but not many ppl like him
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evermorethecrow · 1 year
everyone was sharing their ADA chuuya au's so I thought I'd show off mine
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Stormbringer spoilers!!
He left the pm after stormbringer (not telling why or how yet >:) and joined the ada (not saying how yet again bcs i cant be bothered 2 explain yet) He joined the ada when he was 16- Dazai still joins later on btw. Chuuya works as another medic but he does a lot more field work. he wanted to use his ability in an non destructive way to prove a point to someone after the verlaine incident. gravity is very useful in surgery and such it turns out. He works with yosano mostly (she took him under her wing (Its a long story)) but he does field work with Ranpo and before Dazai joined he worked with kunikida from time to time
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midnight1404 · 8 months
For the ask game! Taliya🍼🍨🌹🍒🌶️🧅🏵️🥞🍹🍰🍏🥒🥦🌲🍾🍃🌱🌸💮🌷🍧🍇 🍩🎂🥔
Tw: references to different types of child abuse.
🍼 What's your OC's first memory?
Taliya just have fragments from that moment but she remembers one time she was held by her Daddy when she was only maybe some months or a year old. She doesn't remember where they were or if they were alone but she still remembering the feel of his calloused hand playing softly with her yet naked kuru while she was inmobile in his armd, not doing tsaheylu but yes teasing the pink tendrils to make them dance in the air, stare completely lost in them, only stopping when Papa screamed.
🍨How does your OC compose themselves in stressful situations?
Well, Taliya yet in The Offspring is very young so she still keeping the charateristic emotion explosion that kids often have to things that they cant understand or doesnt have the emotional tools to process stress but as consequence of the enviroment she's growing (constant loneliness and isolation, scolds or punishment for being "over emotional", just having a place where she can comfortably cry (Lo'ak) and adults that are unpredictable) she is developing the Jake Sully's clasic tactic, supress her emotions the best she can and do like nothing bad is happening until it exploits in her face :D.
🌹 Does your OC believe in true love? Why?
At this point of her life and in the future, and the reasons are not so different, but yes the way of love.
Kid!Taliya learned all her beliefs about love from Daddy (Papá never liked talk so much about that topic), and he always told her about how the most unconditional love she would ever have would be within her family, how all apple falls close the tree and everyone always will end going back to their roots like it or not. In his worst times, Rjake would say to her that love have to be earned, in the best ones, he just would say that nothing would be capable of separate them. While Lo'ak would just say even the years pass is "Loving you is what saved me."
I can't explain a lot of details bc it would a lot of spoilers for the second part of the "I'm you and you're me" series but Taliya passing time along with Vaykay and learning about her is enough to make her understand that love is the real reason why she exists in first place and why she's still alive.
🍒 Who's your OC's perfect companion?
This is hard one bc this silly girl has more of one companion but i will go for maybe his main companion in The Offspring that will be Walker, the science nerd that is an Grace's fan in secret (or that is what he thinks) but also is a little bit out of his mimd when he gets to excited about his projects, forgetting sometimes about ethics in his work.
The crazy antisocial doctor and her little (not so little taking account she's a navi) assistant💙.
🌶️ Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Quaritch. There is not other answer. As grandaughter like Grandmother, Quaritch is that bitch in their lives that also shares the same feeling. (Rjake gets a free pass bc daddy issues and trauma bonding)
🧅 What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows this information?
Separate her from Lo'ak permantenly or leave her in a dark silent room alone for hours. The former one is basically known by everyone who knows her, is easy to guess how Lo'ak is everything she takes for granted and safe in her little world, the only person that would not abruptly change of humour or stop of love her if she does something wrong while the latter is basically one of the extreme punisments Rjake does to her when she doesnt behave or is a bad girl, sometimes locking her in a closet or bathroom until he thinks she learned the lesson. (Bc he is insane and a militar Dad)
🏵️ What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
Sunflowers, because they reminds me to the sun and Taliya loves the sun (and she's sunlight also tbh)
I had to search in Google but sunflowers mean loyalty, happiness, longevity and good fortune :3
🥞 What's the most your OC can eat in one sitting? At what point do they get sick?
Potatoes, she loves potatoes but especially fries, tho sadly, she has a picky stomach and if she eats more of one plate her belly starts to ache like hell xd
🍹 If your OC could go anywhere, where would be?
In The Offspring!universe she would enjoy be anywhere but in the Rda intallations where she can feel the grass but in an Earth!au her kid version would love to visit japan (i hc she would be one of the kids obsessed with pokemon causing her to have her anime phase xd) but teen!Taliya thinks often in Argentina thanks to Spider's (and her creator) influence.
🍰 How does your OC changes as you get to know them?
Pretty much tbh, especially im her way of handle problems and how she acts with the people around her (especially adults) and she does along the war increases in speed and cruelty and she is forced to deal with it in the less delicate way (if there is a delicate way in war tbf), more forced to deal with the most uncomfortable familiar meetings in ever exist, and get used to be a therapist for the old murderous women in her life :3
🍏 How do they differ from the norm and how they are punished for it?
To be fair with her, is not so difficult differ from the norm when the norm is something so strict like be the perfect doll-daughter growing in a military base with an human identity that is built in half-truths and straight lies. I think they differ the most for her curiosity, and her instinct to know things and be smart than the rest, something put her in bad situations with her Dad due to be dishonest with him and Uncle Q's presence just make the tension worse.
Well, the punishment i think already said it in the 🧅 ask but the punishment is basically psicology torture like that or sometimes when Rjake is in an serius agressive-religious mode is made her kneel in front of a closet or wall and made her pray as he uses his belt as whip on her legs, asscheeks or back.
🥒 How innocent are they?
In this part of her life, very much or atleast her incapacity of process heavy information as a six year old without hurt her makes her very naive to her current situation, like she sees what is happening atp but her brain cant give her the right answer yet.
🥦 What do they hate about their species?
She is very confused what species she belongs to at this moment and the thing doesnt get better in the future neither but for now we can day she thinks herself as human/avatar.
She hates how cold they are, she hates how mean they can be with her or the animals subjects in the clonation laboratory. She hates how they dont take her seriously or careabout her at all for be a kid. She learned an specific hate to nurses, alway injecting her hormones to help with her growing problems without caring if she feels pain or not, she hates how they dont like her company, she hates they way they look at her.
🌲What does your OC's dream treehouse looks like? What tree is built upon?
Tbh, her dream treehouse is basically one that could grown from a fallen Samson and make with it a little room where there is something known for her as part of home (the metal, the technology from the Samson) but also something that fascinantes her deeply (a big green tree with it's flowers and mud)
🍾 How does your OC celebrates special occasions? With whom?
It all depends of Daddy, Uncles and Aunts and if they feel with the mood to celebrate a human holiday or birthday (yes almost always).
Excepting from her birthday (where they mostly are her parents+spider if Q lets him in a short little celebration with a white cake fill of dulce de leche but there are always gifts from all the squad(rjake forced them)), the majority of time she is not allowed being part of thr celebration, being locked in her shared room with Papa to watch her favorites cartoons (How to train your dragon, Spirit, Arnold, etc) until she falls asleep. Papa always seems with problems to walk the next morning.
🍃 What's the darkest period of time that your OC has been gone trough?
No matter in what way happened the separation from Lo'ak or Rjake (by death or distance) and the RDA will be always the hardest for her. Not only bc they are the only thing she knows, but also when she is out of the RDA and is forced to see everything she knew being dragged to the ground and show her what is happening around and outside her and is too much, overwhelming, lonely and scary as fuck from someone that young, especially realizing with time as she has other paternal/maternal figures how wrong were the things there plus that she is now safe but Papá and Spider still there and the image of rjake falling and falling but her love for him still there with just a drops of poison mixed there.
🌱 What news loves/hates is your OC discovering?
She will start to hate obey orders and love science, especially biology (100% Walker's fault but rjake is delighted with it bc it reminds him to Tommy so there are not complaints)
🌸Does your OC believe in legends/myths?
Yes, she completely does, and it will show a lot in her interactions with Vaykay, who instead of give her information about Jake will only say Navi/tupani lore on purpose xd
💮Has your OC ever kissed someone? Who, where and when?
She does at her 15-18, i didnt decided with who yet but So'lek and Teylan are the strongest options, in the western front resistance and at the moment she asks to them to be their mate (I know is so cliche but i need to give my sweet girl her happy ending somehow xd)
🌷What is your OC's favorite flower and colour?
As she said in the offspring's introduction, she doesnt know what flowers are TuT but her favorite colour will always be red.
🍧 What's your OC favorite flavour of edible thing?
Watermelon 100%🍉 she loves everything with that flavour even if Daddy says she has bad taste.
🍇What's the circle of people like? What dynamic they would be called?
In The Offspring her circle are basically the recoms so they dynamic is literally: Pretty trophy high price doll that is also a daughter-Pupeteer(daddy) and first-class viewers of the show.
I cant say a lot of the next circle of ppl she would be part of but is mostly: group of freaks and traumatized people and kids (in a way this is just sully's description but these are not the sully who im refering to this time xd)
🍩What is your OC's biggest flaw? Do they deal with it?
Big spoilers!!
She with time developes due to rjake's suicide to save her+the adults around her using her as the voice of reason of their problems+daddy issues the trait of "I can fix him/her" not matter who, she will try of help them to open themselves and often she ends having some feelings for that people even if they never change for better.
She is not dealing with it, rather, her attraction to So'lek and Teylan is heavily related and influenced to this flaw xd.
🎂How does your OC celebrates her birthday? With who, and where?
Spoilers maybe!! And also insane amount of fluff sorry xd
Post her six years, she starts to celebrate them with the Tupani and in the first birthday with them, since they were aware of she feeling lost, unwelcome, alone, underserved of be there (basically, guilt and depression), the tupani instead of made a small celebration during dinner along give the gift they normally do. They asked for help to Walker (you will know later why he is also there) of how birthdays are made by the sky ppl.
So, the night of her seventh birthday she had a little cake of mud made by the other village's kids (obviously the adults dont let them eat it even if they tried) as they tried to sing her in an awful english accent the fucking birthday's song. And more of one handmade gift (her favorites were Vaykay's obsidian knife and Walker's Pandora's plants encyclopledia by Grace Augustine).
🥔 What do they have others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
Her extreme kindness to anyone and how she decided to forgives Rjake for everything he did just because she still loves him for be her father even if she also hates him for the damage she and her Papa still living with years after his death. But she cant help it either, her Dad is a ghost about what could have been if rjake decided to live and change for her. She thinks he is a cowrd for kill himself, evade responsability, evade the pain, but she also loves him bc even if he chose the easy way of end the things on purpose, he did it for her.
(Im not saying sucide is for cowards or something like that, but Taliya talks about it bc rjake killed himself bc he preffered death that admit he was wrong but also he didnt want be the cause of his daughter's death)
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frostedpuffs · 1 year
6 and 18 :D
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time? i don't tend to really reread fics once I've read them, but the one fic I'll always go back to because of how beautiful it was is whose woods these are (i think i know.) the writing style is literally like a storybook in my head. there's no other way to describe it other than being beautiful
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic? oh man i don't know if my memory is good enough to remember all of my favorite lines, but sewing sentiments had a lot of them, because that fic kind of had a different writing style to it since i was experimenting with it a lot. there are also a few lines in upcoming ppu chapters that i cant share yet bc major spoilers, but i know when i first wrote them i was like OOOOOHOHOHOHOHO
this line from sewing sentiments comes to mind though. i liked it a lot when i first wrote it and still do :)
His smile when he gazed down at her was pure Adrien. A little lopsided, but irresistible all the same. She peered up at him in pure wonder, an incandescent sort of happiness flowing through her limbs as she yearned for him in a deep, tender want. “Have a good night, Mari,” he said, voice like silk, which she knew would taste like the finest honey if she were brave enough to swallow it with her lips.
fic writer asks
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residentrookie · 1 year
Reg, please tell me all the folklore references you used in your microfic bc I think I picked up on a couple but I want to know what your beautiful brain intended<3
KAY!!! 💗💗 thank u for asking bc i have a burning desire to share. i’ll link the post here for anyone who would like to read, bc im gonna mention some spoilers!
the whole concept was founded on cardigan (my all time favorite taylor swift song), which i feel is fairly obvious (the front porch setting, “i knew you’d come back to me,” the themes of loss and then gain). but i was playing folklore on a loop as i wrote this, so other things sort of bled into it as i went on.
the part where james says he “cant exactly recall regulus’ face, but he knows he loves it” is a direct reference to seven.
i used the word ‘ricochet’ to reference my tears ricochet, but i kind of subverted the idea of the song bc i use it to describe the way love ricocheted rather than tears. however when james spoke about harry, i specifically had the bridge of this song in mind. “i can go anywhere i want / anywhere i want / just not home” oooooh that part made me tear up a little i won’t lie.
i also feel like the overall vibe is perfectly reflected by the lakes, especially the bridge because it just feels so poignant and yet hopeful. “i want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet / cause i haven’t moved in years/ and i want you right here” like. yeah.
and finally, i feel like invisible string serves as a great silver lining for the whole fic. the line “all along it was regulus, his regulus, still holding on from light years away” was definitely a nod to the persistence of fate or destiny in the face of tragedy.
anyway i kind of rambled but i hope this answers your question kay!!!! thank u thank u for ur sweet comments on it, i so appreciate it 🫶🏻
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tittyblade · 2 years
hello op do tell me what is the wangxian fic you mentioned in the tags of this post https://www.tumblr.com/tittyblade/711997184926711808?source=share i am very much interested in a fic with lots of gender
thank you so much and hv a great day <3
See all this and more for just ten dollars a month! by ScarlettStorm
its a modern setting OF au. wangxian met in college and theyve been friends for 10 years, obviously pining like hell and cant do anything abt it for the fear of it messing w their friendship LOL. then things change and they change.
the first book focuses on how their relationship comes to be. its got good conflict n even better conflict resolution <33 if you’re specifically asking for what the post says that doesn’t come until the second book i think? there are still QUITE gender parts in the first book too tho. especially if youre into fuckin around w gender presentation <3 there are certain scenes where reading it gave me so much secondhand gender euphoria. reading this series (n im not even done yet!) made experimenting w my gender both identity and expression wise so much more fun. its definitely a comfort series for me <3
some of my favorite bits abt this series:
lan zhan is autistic and his autism is written rlly nicely. making me reconsider trying to get a diagnosis bc of how relatable he is to me LOL
same with wei ying and adhd
they both fuck up but work thru it together. theyve got really good communication and honestly its so refreshing to read people in a genuinely healthy relationship (it gets worse before it gets better)
^i should add to that. its written from lan zhans pov and quite a few of the first chapters are. anxious. the narration reflects the mental state of the characters so reading those first chapters were a bit uncomf for me but TRUST me. it gets so much better. its still definitely worth to push thru it and keep reading it.
the gang goes to therapy bass boosted! not getting into more details bc spoilers. just read it. its written very realistically which i adore.
nie huisang is nonbinary n goes by they/them <333 incorporating it into my belief system. they’re also a. sort of indie fashion designer WHICH??? I LOVE???? they work w burlesque performers so you can get a sense for their creations <3333
ScarlettStorm, the author, is a burlesque performer herself!! she know what shes writing. which shes Good at. (shes also on tumblr so if youre seeing this HI. i adore your fics)
in the second book, you get social commentary thru the characters’ dialogues abt things like being queer, being a sex worker, etc. which to me felt INCREDIBLY satisfying to read. even just writing queer characters living a good life is a form of resistance.
the smut is like. really really good LOL. thats all im gon say abt it find it out for yourself
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
So quick question, ik your currently in the middle of the Xianzhou Arc but how much do you know about the High Cloud Quintet? Im pretty sure it’s not really mentioned that much in the story quest but i wanna know how much you know about since i have one BIG BRAINROT OF PLATONIC HSR CHARCTER AND READER BREWING that i wanna share but i dont wanna spoil you
All of the vidyadhara are aware they are going to forget everything but they seem to fine with it. They all know when they’re going to be self reincarnate, so im guessing they have some time to wrap up some loose ends. Also about the vidyadhara writing diaries thing, that is actually canon, as some vidyadhara leave diaries, information or heirlooms for their incarnation to inherit. However, many newly reborn vidyadhara lack emotion and are unable to identify sentimental items belonging to their past selves, so any discarded items are resold as trinkets. Which is honestly sad but a good source of angst if you know what i mean ;)
But yeah they cant pass down their lineage which fun fact, caused one of the Xianzhou ship, the Xianzhou Fanghu to cut off most of their communication and trade with the other Xianzhou ships (the reason was they are trying to recuparate from the Third Abundance War)The Xianzhou Fanghu is mostly governed by the Vidyadhara and with how they are trying so hard to avoid their population to decrease (bc again if a viydhara dies, it becomes a very serious issue) i have a feeling it is definitely going to be part of the story quest in the unknown future. (How do i know all this? The HSR wiki and my incessant need to research everything and anything relating to my brainrot :) )
Ok so i sadly havent played the fontaine quest yet (i have no time to play genshin impact and honkai star rail together. So i have to sacrifice one of them T.T) but what do you think of ex fatui agent reader adopting Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet? Am i saying that the reader should adopt anyone who are traumatized by the fatui? Yes. Am i trying to make the “Traumatized by the Fatui support club” bigger? Also yes. Idk i just want some hurt/comfort
Why do i feel like Qingque would run the second she sees her older sibling? Like she’s just slacking off but then her older sibling gets around the corner and she’s just gone. No evidence that she was ever there as she is NOT going to deal with their scolding today. She is immensely scared of their scolding and anytime they come back, she would be uncharacteristically doing her work. Basically Sayu and Kano Nana (a shrine maiden who is tasked to look after our sleepy ninja) vibes
- 🐱 Anon
hi lovely! i know like... nothing at all, but nonetheless, please do send me your brainrot and i'll get around to replying once i know more <33 if you put a spoiler warning at the top, i'll know to scroll past. plus i don't really take spoilers too seriously so don't worry too much!
THEY'RE AWARE?!?! THEY KNOW WHEN IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN????? i am INSANE about them omgwmevskhnevbf ALSO I LOVE THAT I LOVE BEING RIGHT /lh but ohkhngkhngbg...... that idea is so fascinating to me. it doesn't have to be sentimental, i think. it could just be... information. which i imagine if it were somehow useful to the newer incarnation, they'd be more inclined to keep what was left behind. but at the same time i don't think it matters if they keep it, because i feel like... there's a sort of distinction between incarnations. i feel like it would be wrong to consider them the same people. i imagine there are probably some vidyadharas who lived vastly different lives throughout incarnations. so it feels like there should be a certain amount of... distance and separation between incarnations. so perhaps rather than seeing it as "my past self left something behind for me," it would be more like "my predecessor left something behind for me" because in a way, incarnations could be seen as related, but maybe they shouldn't be seen as the same as one another?!?!?! IDK I'M RAMBLING SORRY
as for lyney lynette and freminet--were they traumatized by the fatui, though? i'm not sure that they were. i don't think they're evil, but i also don't think they were victims of the fatui necessarily and i think they work voluntarily for arlecchino. i think their intentions are good. i do not think the fontaine siblings are evil... but, ex-fatui agent [name] knows better than anyone that the fatui is downright evil and wicked. dottore's affairs generally do not concern the knave, so i think they would be less guarded around the siblings despite knowing that they are fatui, because what are they going to do? tell arlecchino? it doesn't concern her. i also believe [name] would warn them. "i know you all have good intentions," they'd say, "and you want to help, but the fatui does not help. they have never helped. a shitty person can do one good thing, but that does not make them any less of a shitty person." which is in reference to the good thing arle did. didn't she like... murder a creepy old guy?? yeah. i think. anyway. idk if that's canon or not but. [name] wants to help them, they do, but they are not willing to put their family (collei & scara) in danger for some random kids. what those three do is up to them. [name] knows the most vile sides of the fatui very personally. their advice, when it comes to the fatui, is not to be taken lightly. if the fontaine siblings want to run away? great. [name] will help. they've evaded the doctor for years; if he can't catch them, what makes the knave think she could find the siblings if they were helping them hide? she couldn't. simple. but if the siblings don't want to run? fine by [name], but that will be the last time they speak to those three, no matter how much they plead and promise not to utter a word about the fact that they met a highly-coveted fatui escapee.
[name]'s family comes first.
but please note that i haven't done the quest either! so idk how in-character that is for the fontaine siblings.
ANYWAY AIDHSKGJG SHE TOTALLY WOULD. she may have been slacking off before but you BET she is up on her feet and running for her life the second she hears that her big sibling is back.
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