#that and that shit suddenly breaking and no more heating and hot water
tenrose · 8 months
Just turned on the heating for the first time of the season... Already seeing money running away through the window 🙃
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sabersandsnipers · 9 months
One Shot: Halsin Helps You After an Injury
Author's Note: I had a dream the other night about having to get a knee replacement. I woke up with the pain of it feeling real. For whatever reason, this one shot was born of it.
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Step. Jab. Kick.
Your breath comes in quick bursts as you pummel your imaginary opponent. Legs moving quickly as you practice your offensive moves. Sweat drips down your back, evidence of your difficult training session. 
With little free time on the road, you take every free moment to train your body as much as you can. Your enemies get stronger and stronger the farther you travel, and you need to stay on top of your game. The others took their free time to visit a nearby tavern, which left you alone to work. 
You go to pivot as you throw a punch, but something snaps in your knee. You cry out, tumbling to the ground. A sharp pain rips through your knee. You know you tore something. Clenching your teeth, you attempt to move the affected leg. You smother a yelp as a hot pain grips your knee. 
“Shit,” you mutter, throwing your head back. 
You didn’t even hear him as he approached. “Are you alright?” 
You look up to see Halsin staring down at you, a concerned look on his face. So much for thinking you were alone. You sit up a bit, biting your cheek to prevent from crying out. “I’m fine. I just fucked my knee.” That oak of an elf does things to you you don’t want to admit. Every moment he’s in your presence, the flames along your skin grow hotter. 
“Let me take a look at it,” he offers, beginning to crouch down. 
You wave him off. “No I can take care-”
You’re cut off as he lifts you into his arms like you weigh nothing, as if you’re a basket of bread about to be placed at the dinner table. Butterflies fill your stomach at his proximity. You avoid looking at him, knowing your thoughts will run wild if you meet his gaze. 
He brings you into his tent and places you gently on his bedroll. You’ve been in here before, to get remedies and such for other ailments, but it’s always been when the others are around. This feels much more intimate. 
You lean on your elbows, watching him as he crouches down next to you. Wordlessly, he places his large hands on your knee. Despite the pain, his touch sends sparks down your spine. 
You throw your head back on the bedroll and throw your arms over your face, trying to smother the heat building in your cheeks and the hot sensation beginning to build in your lower abdomen. He’s simply assessing an injury, and you already feel your need for him. 
He mumbles a spell under his breath and the pain in your knee alleviates. You lift your arms to look at him, only to see he’s staring at you. Your breath hitches. You sit up a bit to thank him, only to realize how your sweaty clothes are clinging to your body, leaving little to his imagination. 
“Thank you for this,” you squeak, not sure what else to say. 
“It’s my pleasure,” he replies, a soft smile on his face. “Let me just wrap it before you go.” 
He stands up, going back to his table of medical supplies. You admire his massive frame. You wonder what his skin would feel like. If he would shiver under your touch. 
He turns and your jaw drops. His hardened length is apparent through his pants. You suddenly find it hard to breathe. He doesn’t seem at all phased by it though. He simply drops next to you to finish his work. 
He notices you staring and grins. “Just ignore me,” he says, referring to the glaringly obvious erection staring at you.
You don't want to ignore him. Your mouth waters as you imagine what he would feel like on your tongue.
He wraps a foreign looking material around your knee, pulling it tightly to secure it.
"That should help with any potential swelling," he explains. His hands still linger on your leg. You want those fingers to trace higher.
 Voices from outside break you out of your trance. You both glance to the entrance. The others have returned.
You swear Halsin can hear the frantic beating of your heart. He gives you one last small smile. His hand moves to your thigh and gives it a squeeze. The tiniest of whimpers leaves your throat and your cheeks flush.
"Take it easy, little one."
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loveshotzz · 1 year
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All I Really Want Is You
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older!neighbor!widower! steve x fem!reader chap two/ten - a slow burn series of blurbs - updated every wednesday
Fancy Meeting You Here
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chapter one <-
summary: A peek out your bedroom window has you flustered, and a late night run in makes it worse.
wc: 3.1k
warnings: 18+ series for future chapters. no minors! some good ol tension building and ogling 😉
Series Masterlist // Playlist // The tune:
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Sunday -
You were able to unpack most of your ‘chaos’ the next day. Fun distractions in every box as you slowly put your life back together one side step at a time. Your A/C was working over time by mid day, the temperature outside almost breaking 90. Stuttering every so often with the heat trying to get the best of it, the sun shines through your window with harsh light directly on your freshly hung Ivy. The intensity of it at its peak in the sky threatens to fry them before they even have a chance to start. 
“Gotta get some curtains,” you mumble to yourself, adding it to the long list of things you already need.  
Licking sticky red lips, you grab the plastic cup you just drained the last of your wine from, the warm buzz of the alcohol making you sweat as you rinse it haphazardly. Water splashes all over the sink before you fill it up to the brim, your bare feet pad with low quick thumps against the wood floor, skin a little slick with every step to your window. 
The Cure’s ‘Just like heaven’ cuts off the loop you had it playing on all day when you get a notification on your phone, but you keep humming along as you step up on the ledge, kicking away the newly added throw pillows. The wrath of the summer sun makes sweat bead at the crown of your hair while the soil absorbs what you give it like it hasn’t been watered in days. A flash of color catches the corner of your eye, stealing your attention to the window.
That's when you see Steve.
He wears red running shorts this time, the color making his bronze skin pop while the black tank top that hangs loose off his shoulders has his arms on full display. The darkened patches from the heat on the front and back of It makes the damp cotton dip to tease the curled hair on his chest that matches his legs. His jog stops once he hits his gate, pulling out his AirPods his shoulders move up and down with his heavy breaths. He looks even better than yesterday, the sheen that covers him making him glow.
That’s when he does it, he takes it off.
Long fingers find the bottom of his shirt as he pulls it over his head, abs flexing when it gets caught at the bottom of his chin for a second. He pushes back his hair with both hands catching that stray that never seems to go away. Cold water hits your toes, a squeak leaving your mouth at the sight.
“Shit, shit, shiiit.”
You set the cup down cursing under your breath and you know you should look away but when you see the dark happy trail that runs down into his shorts you can’t. Not yet.
If he can feel you staring he doesn’t show it when he sits down on his porch swing, the muscles in his thighs bulging against the nylon. He dabs his forehead with his discarded tank top, letting his neck fall slack and his head tilt back using it to shield his eyes when he’s done.
Watching past the point of what feels appropriate you pry yourself from the view suddenly needing the coldest shower.
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Wednesday -
Job hunting day was long and hot. Your feet are sore from hours spent walking in the haze of the sun, the bottoms of your converse peeling against the pavement with each step. The trains were more confusing than you’d bargained for, opting for the bus and expecting some reprieve but somehow managed to get on the one that offered you none. Packed tight against strangers in a heat that was somehow even worse than the one outside, you glowered at your feet.
Oh yeah, and you hated that every song on your shuffle reminded you of the man you spent all of ten minutes with.
The biggest glass of wine you could humanly pour calls your name by the time you get to the end of your block. Your pace is quick with annoyance, and the need for A/C is urgent when your thighs start to rub together, stinging in the humid air.
That’s when you see him. Again.
He’s getting out of BMW M6, a dark red one with black trim, shiny with the kind of paint that glitters in the sun like just went through a car wash. The tint of the windows is just dark enough to give you a glimpse at the silhouette of the car seats and the air freshener that dangles over his rear view mirror. He’s fully clothed this time, a white long sleeve dress shirt that clings to him like it’s custom tucked into dark gray slacks that look freshly pressed. The black oxfords on his feet look polished with no scuffs in sight, and when he goes to answer his phone by the bluetooth in his ear the silver of his watch reflects off the light. The look is thrown though by the familiar blue of a Cubs hat, backwards on his head - that loose strand hangs out the front. Ray Bans cover those eyes that a few days ago couldn’t stay off of you.
“Of course,” you grumble to yourself, trying to ignore the hope that starts tightening in your chest.
“Hey Ron! It’s Steve.” The whites of his teeth show themselves in a confident smile that’s not directed at you.
He stops at his mailbox as you reach your gate thinking there’s no way he hasn’t noticed you. You just want him to at least acknowledge you.
He hums in agreement to whatever ‘Ron’ is saying on the other end, throwing in an ‘exactly’ every now and then. You watch as his expert fingers pop the buttons up at the bottom of his sleeves, before rolling them up to his elbows, the muscles in his forearms moving. The few seconds in the heat already getting to him. 
“Don’t worry, I got you seats right behind home plate for helping me make this right on such short notice.”  
He keeps his head down and he sifts through envelopes, humming a ‘no thank you” before the noticeable click and end of the phone call. The metal of your gate seems to creak louder than usual, but the noise still isn’t enough for him to look your way. Not even when your steps mirror each other’s as you both make it to your respective doors. You keep peeking over as you jiggle your lock, silently trying to get his attention. 
He tucks his mail between his teeth as he searches for his house key. A muffled ‘aha!’ when he finds them, quickly unlocking his own door before freeing his mouth to greet Bandit. The sound of his nails pattering excitedly against the floor fills the quiet between you two before the slam of his door.
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Friday -
It had been two days since you even caught a glimpse of your confusing neighbor, making it easier to get back to your normal brain chemistry. Instead of running through your first day here over and over again, you focused on prepping for the interview you got called back for.
The bright glow of the moon breaks through the sheer curtains of your room competing with the warmth of your bedside lamp. Your bluetooth speaker is set at a volume that is only meant for you to hear while The Marias Care For You becomes the soundtrack to finally organizing your room. 
You dance a little as you make your way around your space, smiling as you walk past the window. The flick of a light breaks your concentration making you search for where it came from, the regret is instant when you find the source.
You don’t know how it took you a week to realize his bedroom was right across from yours, but the way he’s walking around in nothing but a low slung towel makes you think he doesn’t know either. Water drips from the tips of his hair and down his chest, curling the dark thatch that connects to the happy trail that you’d been teased with earlier in the week. There’s a subtle dip between his hips, a soft V that taunts you.
The books in your hand slip from your grip, the hard spine connecting with the top of your toes. 
“Ouch - fuck!” 
You scream loud enough to duck, scared that your outburst caught his attention while your hands wrap around your foot in an attempt to soothe the pain. You rock back and forth a little until the aftershock subsides. Still too scared to stand, you crawl towards your window to see if your worst fear actually came to life. 
Your fingers rest on the window pane as you slowly let your eyes peek above the wood. He’s not looking at your window, but his towel is now replaced with just as low hanging dark green mesh shorts. His back is turned towards you revealing even more freckles and moles than the ones you’d discovered on his arms and nose. His shoulder blades move as he texts someone on his phone. The glow of the screen lighting his face in the reflection of the mirror over his dresser.
You groan as you slink back, laying on your floor with a huff. Staring at the ceiling with a sweaty palm on your forehead, the image of him in the towel is etched in your mind, making your blood run hot. You’ll need better curtains for your bedroom too.
Trash, you’ll take out the trash.
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There’s a chill with the breeze when you get outside, the humidity disappearing with the sun for once. The street lamp flickers over the alleyway, the glow of the full moon doing more to light your path. Goosebumps dance over the exposed skin of your legs, while you keep your eyes on your feet as you move over the uneven ground. completely focused on not rolling your ankle again, you don’t notice the sounds of sports highlights getting closer.  
“God, of course he choked— umph!”
Steve’s voice catches your attention too late for you to stop the slam of your face into the hard muscles of his chest. The sound of glass breaking in your trash bag echoes loud through the quiet when you drop it next to your feet, quickly followed by the skid of his phone. Your cheek bounces lightly off of him, the material of his gray shirt soft against your skin. The hair hidden underneath is still wet enough for you to feel the way it dampens the cotton, while the mint and pine of his body wash overwhelms your senses. His hands find your hips to steady your balance, fingertips accidentally brushing the top curve of your ass when they spread wide to get a grip.
“Whoa! Easy tiger.” There’s a smirk in his words and tobacco on his breath, the heat of it fanning across your face.
Your eyes finally meet the greens of his and the golden specks are just as easy to get lost in as the first time. There’s less peppered stubble covering the sharp edges of his features, the shadowing of it signaling that he must have shaved since the last time you saw him. The moon reveals a new set of moles that sit like vampire bites on the underside of his jaw, a placement that makes you wet your lips. Your heartbeat pulsing through your fingertips wrapped in his shirt. His grip on your hips stays unwavering while he takes in your face like he missed something he didn’t know he lost.
The sound of a car honking signals its presence down the alley breaking you two apart, the headlights making you squint when they hit your line of sight. His hands drop quickly and you untangle yours, taking a step back as the car drives past at what feels like a snail's pace. There’s a beat of silence before you clear your throat.
“Fancy meeting you here,” you offer as a bad attempt at breaking the ice. It makes him snort a little, sidestepping you briefly to grab his phone that landed on the gravel next to your feet. The score of the Cubs game is still playing from the small speaker. 
The low light conceals the way your eyes wander when the back of his shirt rides up as he bends down. The baseball game drowns out the sound of you swallowing hard when you don’t see an outline of briefs under his shorts. He clicks the button on the side, cutting the sportscast off abruptly and for the second time you wonder if he can hear your thoughts.
He smirks when he brings his attention back to you, almost missing the way his gaze wanders around your curves when he drops his phone in his pocket.
“You’re telling me, I thought this was an exclusive spot.” He laughs, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
There’s a beat of awkward silence this time.
“Well, not gonna force you to chat. Have a good night Steve.” You try not to let it show how much it bothers you as you pick your trash back up.
“How’s your ankle? Did the ice pack help?” He blurts out before you can walk away. 
You stare at him for a second, eyes raking over his face as you try to decipher his mood swings.
“Yeah, it helped a lot. Thank you.” Your smile is small but it makes his whole face light up. “Tell Bandit I said thanks too. Maybe give him another kiss for me.”
You watch the way his ears turn the rosy color of his cheeks as he looks down, kicking the rocks at his slipper covered feet.  
“I’m sure he’ll be very appreciative of such a kind gesture.” He looks at you from under his lashes, the playful spark from the day you met slowly coming back.
“I hope I didn’t do anything last week to make you uncomfortable - “ you start out, determined to address the elephant in the alley between you, and his eyes get big when he finally registers what you’re saying. 
“What? Uncomfortable? No, honey - look, you didn’t do anything to make me run off like that. There’s some things about me that you don’t know, it’s just - I’m sorry,” he huffs out, shoulders slumping defeated when he realizes how he’s come across. 
“I’m just trying to make some friends around here. Thought I had one in you and Bandit, but I guess not.” You try to lighten the shift in his mood when you look up at him with an exaggerated sullen face, and it works when the whites of his teeth start to show, eyes crinkling at their corners.
“We can be friends.” He chuckles with his signature nervous tick, long fingers running through damp hair. “Bandit can be a little high maintenance though.”
It’s your turn to laugh, a giggle bubbling past your lips and Steve thinks it’s one of the prettiest sounds he’s ever heard. He wants to make you do it again. 
“I think I can handle him, it’s his owner I have to worry about.“ You roll your eyes before you peek over at him with a smirk.
“That old guy next door? I heard he’s pretty lame, you might give him a big head if you wanna be his friend.” He lays it on extra thick by taking the trash bag from your hand, walking the few short steps to the dumpster for you. 
He tosses it in with ease, his shoulder blades moving under his shirt. The lid closes loudly,  drowning out the way your heart is trying to jump from your chest when he makes his way back. 
“That was a very friendly thing for you to do, Steve. Thank you,”  you tease, making him snort at your bad play on words. 
“Gotta make myself indispensable, tough girl.” He winks not missing a beat, lips stretching into that million dollar smile you saw him give on the phone the other day. Only this time it’s just for you.
“Well you’re really starting to build your case.” You bite your lip to try to hide the way you want to mirror him.
“Oh, you’re not gonna be able to get rid of me with good conscience.” He stops in front of you, eyes meeting yours like they did the first time. The smell of his body wash takes over again while the stray he’s always pushing back makes a reappearance. “Do me a favor though? No more taking your trash out this late. At least not alone.”
“Are you going to come over and help every time I need to take it out past nine?” You grin, crossing your arms, only half way teasing when you see a rat scurry by.
“What are friends for?” He shrugs, playing along with ease, whatever nerves he was battling with before retreating when his smile turns lopsided. The rake of his fingers through his hair seems intentional this time, especially when he licks his lips.
You wonder if he can hear the flaps of butterfly wings in your stomach, or how your breath hitches.
“Already working your way to best friend status Steve, careful,” you warn, trying to hide your nerves in humor and it works, earning a full belly laugh from him.
“Have a good night honey. I’m right next door if you need anything.” His hand reaches out as if  to touch your arm, but he pulls back at the last minute, fingers flexing looking for that ‘missing’ ring again at his side.
“See you around, Steve.” You smile warmly trying to save him from whatever internal spiral you saw him trying to fight off again.
Your touch is gentle when you do what he was too scared too. His skin is warm against your palm, the muscles moving underneath the simple gesture. You trace the pad of your thumb over the same cluster of freckles twice before you let go with a squeeze, heading back to the wooden gate that closes off your shared backyard.
He doesn’t answer till you’re almost all the way through.
“I hope so!”
The smile that spreads across your face can’t be contained any longer, hidden from him when your back presses to the wooden door as your gate latches closed loudly behind it. You wait until you hear him get inside, silently trying to decipher whatever he was mumbling to himself the whole way there but failing.  
You can’t help but replay the whole interaction back in your head as you make your way back upstairs, trying to manage your expectations. The words ‘there’s some things about me that you don’t know’ stick to the front of your brain like glue, just like the word ‘friends’.
You avoid your bedroom window for the rest of the night, and vow to get better curtains in the morning. 
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beta’d by @superblysubpar
dividers by @newlips
chapter three
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cosmal · 1 year
hii how are you?? i hope finee
i was wondering if you could write smth with james; r got hurt and feels the urge to cry but doesn't want to bc she's embarassed to, but james know that shes hurting and comforts her. just pure fluff.
i know its basic but i just recently got a black eye because i was hit with a metal bottle (bc i play fighting w a friend) and im too embarassed now that i have a bruise. if you could write something like is, it would be awesome; if not, feel free to change whatever you'd like!!
i love your work sm by the way!!
car door
summary — you hurt yourself and get embarrassed.
content — james potter x fem!reader
note — thank u baby!! i hope ur eye is okay now :(
You're laughing about something stupid with James when you do it. Distracted, smiling at him over the top of his car, you close the door on your hand.
It slams over three of your fingers and bounces back open when you flinch backwards. You gasp and hold your hand to your chest, squeezing like somehow it'll distract you from the inevitable pain. Like hopefully, nothing will happen at all.
You slam your eyes closed and suddenly you can feel James's hands on your arms. He's so close so quickly, you hold your breath and hope you don't cry. You feel embarrassed for hurting yourself whilst having a good time with him, worse for feeling the urge to sob.
"You okay, lovely?" he asks, hands a distracting heat over your skin. You blink up at him and try to smile. You know it's crooked, trembling lips and pinched brows. "Christ, did you shut the door on your hand?"
"Yeah," you try to say. It comes out all pitched up, voice shaky and quiet.
He takes your sore hand into his own and checks it over. Fingers pushing up your palm and up to your knuckles, just below the source of grievance. It's already throbbing, your beating heart worse in your ears.
He's saying something and you're struggling to listen. You bite down so hard into your bottom lip you worry it'll end up worse than your hand. Your eyes sting, you can feel the beginnings of tears building up along your waterline. You steel yourself and try not to cry.
"Sweetheart," his voice comes in quick and worried, like a splash of cold water to the face. You blink back your daze and your eyes blur with tears you don't want to shed. "Hey, take a deep breath."
You don't do as he says and he worries even more. He drops your sore hand gently in favour of squeezing your shoulders, ducking his head to where you've got it pointed to the asphalt. You can't look him in the eyes. You stare at his lovely nose instead.
"Hey, what's the matter with you?'' He's gentle as he talks to you like he's trying to keep his own panic hidden from his voice like he'll spook you. "Breathe, lovely."
You let out a big, shuddering breath, mainly on his behalf. It comes in quick and it startles you how upset you've suddenly become. You feel hot with more embarrassment, prickling up your chest and neck.
"God," you sniffle, "I'm sorry. Sorry,'' you say once more.
You think James knows what's going on. He rubs a knuckle under the soft skin below your watery eye. "Do you need a cry?"
"You look like you're about to explode." He's half a breath away from laughing. You half want him to, expecting it to make you feel better. "I don't want you to cry, but if you need to, you can."
The first tear is hot as it spills down your cheek.
"Oh, baby," he says suddenly. Quietly.
He's quick to take you into his chest, arms tight around your back, fingers digging into your ribs. You rub your wet face against the fleece of his jumper and tremble with quiet cries. The kind that steal your breath and come out quick and staggered.
The kind that feel good.
"Shit," you mumble into his neck. He squeezes you closer. "I'm sorry. God, this is so embarrassing."
"Hey, it's okay," he says quickly, hands rubbing up and down your back to keep you close. You melt under his warmth, leaning all your weight into him. "As much as you're breaking my fuckin' heart, darlin'. It's okay to cry."
"It's just a sore finger," you grumble.
"Did it hurt?" he asks firmly.
You nod with a wet sniffle, happy he's made your tears slow. "Yeah."
"Then it's okay.” He kisses your head, right into the material of the beanie you promised you'd wear to keep yourself warm. "Even if it didn't hurt, you can cry. I'm sure it was scary, yeah?"
"Yeah." You pull yourself back from his chest to smile. It's wet and a little sad, James beams just the same.
"Can I see your fingers again?" He asks.
You lift your hand between the both of you and hope he kisses it. You're more than relieved when he does. Kisses over your knuckles and fingertips, much more gentle than he needs to be.
He looks at you while he does it. You feel like you could pass out.
"Feeling better?" he says and drops your hand down but doesn't let go.
"Yeah," you lie. It's not serious though you know he'll worry more than he should.
He smiles something lovely at you and throws an arm around your shoulders. “C'mon, let's get you inside. Do you want a tea?"
You smile back at him and feel the urge to kiss him. You might later on when you're out of the cold, in the cafe still feeling lovesick. "And a croissant?"
"That's a silly question," you laugh.
"I'm a silly man."
You roll your eyes. Your hand feels better already.
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cupid-styles · 10 months
own me
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rockstar y/n x groupie tour photographer!harry
content warnings: 1.4k words of breeding kink smut lol (alsooo daddy kink, a little bit of dumbification and degradation, squirting)
masterlist | talk to me
The first time Y/N suspects Harry may have a breeding kink, it's a few months after their first hookup. 
For the first three months or so, Harry shows up whenever he wants. He'll shoot a text to Y/N around an hour before heading to the venue to make sure it's okay he comes, but she never rejects him. Somewhere along the fourth month, the texts stop coming and Harry arrives more frequently, and neither of them say anything about it. 
It's around then that Y/N notices he grunts out a few things during a particularly heated session. They've been going at it for nearly two hours, breaking periodically for water or cigarettes, and Harry is the dominant tonight. Y/N's four orgasms deep, slick and sore between her thighs. He's spooning her from behind and thrusting into her steadily, shudders wracking her body as he encourages her to cum once more for him so he can finally finish. 
Her fifth orgasm makes her gush liquid around his cock as he rubs at her clit, bumping her g-spot with his painfully hard cock. 
"Fuck," Harry moans as he watches her squirt, his balls begin to tighten, "Shit, baby, you're gonna make me fuckin' cum."
"Please," Y/N begs, her hair matted to her forehead with sweat, "Please, please, I need it daddy, please cum inside me."
"That what you want?" he asks as if a switch has suddenly been turned on by her words, "My dirty girl wants me to fill her to the brim with my cum? Make it fuckin' stick, hm?"
"Yes," Y/N whimpers, too far gone to truly analyze what he's saying. It's a pump or two before Harry's making good on his promise and spilling inside of her, mewls and curses falling from each of their lips at the sensation. She'll rarely admit it because she knows how taboo it is, but one of her favorite feelings is having Harry finish inside her, stuffing his cum deep and letting it leak out while he watches and massages her inner thighs.
Afterwards, they don't talk about it, and that's fine with Y/N. The reason why they work so well is because they're generally pretty nonjudgmental — they're willing to entertain each other's kinks or try anything out once.
And she's fine not bringing it up until a few weeks later, when he's waiting for her back at her hotel room after the show, and he just looks so fucking good perched on the end of her bed. She's still a bit sweaty from the night's performance — normally she'll take a shower at the venue, but knowing Harry was in her city, she wanted nothing more than to catch a cab back to the hotel as soon as humanly possible. 
He's wearing a pair of light wash baggy jeans, worn white Vans on his feet and a graphic tee on his torso. He's flicking through photos on his camera when he looks up to see her come through the door, a small smile gracing his lips. 
"Hey," Harry greets, gently setting his camera down, "Great show tonight. You looked amazing."
Y/N doesn't even care to kick off her platforms or jump in the shower before she's surging towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging him to her for a messy kiss. It's desperate and hot, and she feels like she'll explode if he doesn't tear her clothes off in the next five seconds. 
Harry returns her energy tenfold, reminding her of yet another reason why she adores their arrangement. Without needing any instruction, he's tugging her black dress up and over her body, leaving her in a lace thong. His hands are immediately on her butt as their lips reconnect, squeezing the flesh before giving each cheek a swat. 
"I need you in me," Y/N whispers against his mouth, using quick hands to unbuckle his belt and push his jeans down, "I need you to fill me up with your cum." 
"Jesus," Harry mutters, mainly out of disbelief. They're normally not so focused on reaching the end goal so it's safe to say that Y/N instantly yearning for his peak is a change. He's ready to break away momentarily to make sure she's alright before she opens her mouth again, mumbling devilish syllables against his skin. 
"Need you to make it stick, daddy. Wanna be swollen with you."
Just like the last time she plays into his kink, the switch is suddenly on, and Harry's dragging her to the bed. Her body bounces down against the mattress and she gasps as he tears her thong from her lower half, the bite of pain making her whimper. He kicks his pants and briefs off, not even bothering to rid himself of his shirt before he's kneeling over her, pumping his length.
"You sure you want that?" Harry hisses as he strokes his cock, beads of pre-cum making noisy slick sounds. "You want daddy to knock you up? Fuck my cum into your womb until you can't even remember your own name?"
"Fuck— yes daddy, I need it," Y/N pleads, bucking her hips up to meet the tip of his cock. They know it's just for play, that the second they're done and Harry has the strength to walk, he'll pick her up Plan B to prevent an actual pregnancy, but for now? For now, they both need this more than anything. 
"Can your tight little pussy take me without any prep?" He asks, sponging kisses along her breasts and down to her stomach. She threads her fingers through his curls and pulls at the strands, whining out an affirmative answer. It's all he needs to push inside, eliciting loud, hearty moans from either one. Instantly, she's filled with him, the sensation so perfect that her eyes flutter closed. 
"You feel so incredible, baby," Harry mutters, building up to a quick pace. He's hitting her g-spot with each thrust and she can barely speak, pathetic attempts at moans falling from her lips instead. He smirks at this, leaning down to wedge his thumb between her lips. "Just a cock dumb puppy, yeah? That's okay. Lay back and let daddy fuck you the way you need. If you're a good girl and you squirt for me the way I like, I'll fill you with my cum, 'kay?"
Y/N mewls around his finger, nodding eagerly. Harry chuckles and removes it, making quick work to loop circles around her clit, using her saliva as lubricant. 
"So desperate for me." He mumbles as she clenches around his cock, her orgasm already building. 
"Give it to me, daddy," Y/N whimpers, trailing daft fingertips down to where they're connected and holding herself open for him. "Don't you wanna own me? Make everyone know I'm yours?"
At this point, it's a competition to see who can play into the kink more before one of them bursts. For a moment, it seems like Y/N has the upper hand as Harry groans, his length twitching deep inside of her. 
"Want me to make you a mumma, huh? Is that what you want? Dirty fuckin' slut, begging for my cum."
That's all it takes for Y/N to explode. Her eyes are squeezed shut as she moans and gasps helplessly, having no choice but to let Harry work her through her peak, liquid bursting from below. She makes a mess all over the sheets and Harry's cock, but he couldn't care less — he loves it, in fact, so much so that he's coming just moments after her. He does exactly what she'd been asking for all night, reaching deep inside of her with his length and pumping her full of his warm cum. 
"S-shit, I love it, I love it," Y/N babbles, her pussy still contracting around him. 
"I know, baby, feels so good." Harry says lowly, his voice strained from the intense pleasure of his peak. Y/N can feel that he's come so much, knowing that it's dripping out of her despite Harry still being lodged inside. 
"Wanna keep it inside," she whines, and Harry chuckles softly, brushing her sweaty hairs from her head. 
"I'll get you a plug for next time, hm? That way you can keep me in for as long as you want." 
Y/N nods and clenches around him at the thought, a hiss sounding from Harry's lips at the sensation. 
"Dirty girl," he smirks, pressing a hand to her hip, "I'm gonna pull out now, okay? 'S pretty messy down here, so... maybe we should shower."
"Okay," Y/N murmurs. She grimaces slightly as he removes his cock, noticing the way his eyes linger and his lips part at the sight of his seed leaking from her puffy pussy. "So, a breeding kink, hm?"
Harry rolls his eyes and delivers a playful swat to her thigh. "You're no better."
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kardemuum · 3 months
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After hours
A story about how Eddie and Y/n, and how they break into the Hawkins community pool. Swearing, sexual, flirty. (Eddie x Y/n, No use of Y/N. Eddie x Reader.)
Eddie fumbled with the keys as he took them out of the ignition, his car stod secretly behind a tree near the community pool. He had his sweetheart with him, he wanted to impress her by being a little reckless and bold. 
With a sly grin, Eddie glanced at his companion, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "You ready for this?" he asked, his voice low with excitement. Eddie leaped out of the driver's seat of his van with a burst of energy, landing firmly on the ground beside the vehicle. He runs to the other side of the car. With a grin, he extended his hand, gesturing towards the side of the van. "My lady," he said playfully, as she followed suit and stepped out of the van, inviting her to join him with a casual yet chivalrous tone.
“Oh, why thank you, good sir!” She responds playfully, she takes his hand delicately while carefully lifting her legs graciously out of the van.  
As Eddie and the girl get closer to the metal fence a thrill of anticipation comes coursing through their veins. 
Eddie knew he had to make an impression, to show off his rebellious side in a way that would leave his companion in awe. Suddenly they were right in front of the fence, Eddie looked at her for a second and smiled.
With a swift motion, he hoisted himself over the barrier, landing with a soft thud on the other side. He turned to his partner, a smirk playing on his lips. "Your turn," he whispered, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief. She starts climbing but gets stuck on the sharp fence. 
"Eddie!" she whispers urgently, a hint of panic in her voice as she struggles to free herself.
Eddie sees her struggle, “Hold on,” he says. Her shirt catches on the fence riding up slightly, and he gets a view of her stomach and her bikini hiding underneath. With gentle determination and focus, he moves closer, his finger delicately tracing the fabric to free her. His hand graced her skin under her breasts. He can feel a flush of heat rising to his cheeks. At that moment, he becomes acutely aware of her presence, the scent of her hair, and the softness of her skin under his touch. His breath catches in his throat, and he struggles to find the right words, his mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions.
When she’s freed from the fence, she jumps down, and together, they creep towards the edge of the pool, the water shimmering invitingly in the moonlight. Eddie couldn't resist the urge to show off a little more. He grabbed his shirt at the hem and dragged it over his head, his tattoos decorating his toned body. He threw the shirt on a sun chair behind him. He grinned and walked slowly towards the pool and with a dramatic flourish, he dove into the pool. As he surfaced, he looked at her, a grin spreading across his face. "Come on in," he called, his voice playful. "The water's perfect." Feeling his curls sticking to his face, he ducked down again, running his hand through his hair to push it back and away from his face. As he straightened up, his locks now slicked back, he flashed a confident grin, his features framed by the sleekness of his hair. 
The girl pondered, "How can I leave a lasting impression on him? How can I push him over the edge?". With deliberation, she began to remove her garments, his gaze never wavering from her figure. In his mind, he marveled, "Shit, she’s hot." His legs felt weighed down as he trudged forward, his jeans clinging to him, drenched and dragging him down with their weight.
She settled herself at the edge of the pool and gracefully lowered herself into the water. Eddie's gaze remained fixed on her as she glided towards him, inching closer until they were mere inches apart. His gaze lingered on her chapped lips before meeting her eyes. Without hesitation, he reached out, gently grasping her waist, and leaned in to kiss her. She eagerly kissed him back, and he slid both his hands to the sides of her face. Feeling the intensity of the moment, she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in closer. 
As their embrace deepened, a sudden interruption shattered the calm night. A sharp beam of light pierced through the darkness, illuminating the pool area outside the metal fence. Eddie's eyes widened as he caught sight of it in his periphery, his heart leaping with a surge of panic. Realization hits him, and he holds her tightly around the waist, and with his might, he puts her on the edge of the pool.
“Shit, shit, fuck someone’s here. We need to go,” he whispers. 
They scrambled to exit the pool. With hurried movements, they fumbled to retrieve their clothes, urgency lending speed to their actions.
In the chaos of the moment, their hearts raced with the fear of discovery, with one last glance back at the pool, they jumped into Eddie's car. Her wet clothes left a puddle on the passenger seat. "I'm sorry, Eddie," she said sheepishly, "the seat's all wet now. Do you have a towel?"
Eddie smirked. Without a word, he grabbed his shirt and tossed it to her. She caught it with a grateful smile and promptly sat on the shirt to avoid getting the seat even wetter. He shifts the van into reverse, the wheels spinning as the vehicle wobbles down the tiny hill. Once on the road, he skillfully maneuvers the van, swiftly turning it around before pressing down on the accelerator, and speeding away. He looks a little to the side, both hands still on the steering wheel, and sees her thighs dripping with water, still in her bikini.
"I wish I was my shirt sooo bad," Eddie joked, earning a laugh from the girl. She playfully hit his arm and retorted, 
"You're such an idiot." 
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xmissrogersx · 3 months
“Shit, i love this skirt” | Joel Miller
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tags: Post-Outbreak. Fluff. +18. Period issues.
a note from pris: i write this during my period, and all i want to say is I NEED A JOEL IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW.
my writing is entirely my own. Any adaptation and/or copy is forbidden.
i hope you are enjoying my stories! U help me a lot if you give me a ♡! All the love.
priscila’ masterlist
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-Do you have the same one but in another color?
“Count to 10, Paris" I said softly, otherwise I'm going to kill the stupid girl in front of me. One, two, three...
-It's a blanket they picked up on patrol, not a pair of Manolo Blahnik.
-What's that? -said the one next to her. You're kidding me, they must be in their 40's and have no idea what i just told them.
-Are you going to take it or not? -they looked at each other, causing me to take a breath and pick up my mental count and avoid exploding.
-Are you sure there isn't another color?
I could swear my eye twitched the moment I got up from my chair, which caused the others in the room to turn their gazes towards me.
-Hey…why don't we go outside, okay? -Maria approached me and pulled me out, preventing something worse from breaking out.
-Sorry, but i couldn't stand those two assholes anymore —I explained, putting my hand on my belly as I suddenly felt a cramp, making it obvious what was happening to me. I hated it when my period came. She put my hand on my lower back for support.
-Why didn't you tell me and stay home? I know it sucks when it happens, honey.
I nodded slightly, not ignoring the truth, although deep down I wanted to keep my job at Jackson.
-Does Joel know?
-No, no. I didn't want to worry him, he had the patrol with Tommy and if I told him he'd probably chain me to the bed and not let me out.
-As if you don't like it when he do that —she said, raising her eyebrow, provoking a laugh from both of them.
-Don't make me laugh, I feel like I'm going to fall over.
-Speaking of Rome —she nodded his head at the entrance.
Getting off his horse and cleaning his shotgun, he was wearing a T-shirt that clung to his body due to the heat of the incipient summer that was already approaching, along with pants that molded his strong legs. Even if they had shouted that they were attacking us this damn moment, I couldn't take my eyes off him.
-All mine...—Maria laughed softly when she saw my expression.
-You're so horny, girl —walking over to the Millers, but not before approaching Joel, who quickly raised his gaze to me. He walked away from them, and in big strides was already lifting me up in his arms.
-Why didn't you tell me, baby? —He locked his beautiful brown eyes in mine.
-I love you... very, very much —I smiled innocently.
-That's not going to work,pretty girl.
-I'm sorry, daddy —I whispered the latter in his ear and kissed his lobe, getting a growl from him and a little giggle from me.
We walked through the front door, where he deposited me on the living room couch and then kissed my forehead and went upstairs to prepare the bathtub, since the book I had read and under Mary's advice, the hot water helped the cramps in my belly.
Just for one second imagine for a minute this man with glasses on reading a manual about the female period. When I thought Joel couldn't be more attentive and gentle, I caught him in that situation.
-Hi, Paris —Ellie walk inside and set his backpack aside.
-Hi,cutie, how was school?
-I hate fractions, seriously, why the fuck do I want to know how to divide a cake, I just split it and that's it.
-First of all, language. Second, it's important that you know it, even if you don't believe it, it's useful for everyday life.
-Like what? -He frowned and I opened my mouth to answer, but no word could come out of my lexicon.
-You're right, they're not good for shit —I answered with a laugh from her.-Well, I'm going upstairs…
-¡Paris, your skirt! -she suddenly exclaimed. I turned my head to literally see the fabric covering my ass with a small red stain.
-¡La puta madre! ¡Shit, i love this skirt! it's my favorite, i was going to wear this for your presentation.
-We can wash it, Maria must have something or some weird substance to fix it.
My eyes glazed over at how worried she was about me. Just like her father. I wrapped my arms around her body, to which she reacted in kind. On the outside many times Ellie appeared to be a tough and somewhat coarse girl, but it was only because of the constant struggle she had gone through for the longest and shortest part of her life. She's just a kid.
-I know how bad it is when it happens to you, and you don't deserve it —she said with her face in my chest, her voice distressed.
-Relax, I'm fine —I whispered, stroking her hair —I couldn't be better, I have my family and that's all I need.
-Being a woman sucks, I wish I was half as brave as you —she looked up at me, to which I laughed to hug her tighter as I quickly denied.
-I don't agree, ¿you know why? Because we are intelligent, fearful, brave. You faced unimaginable things, Ellie, and every time you came out of it, you got stronger.
-She’s right.
We both turned around when we heard him. He walked towards us and wrapped us in his arms to lift us off the ground laughing in unison.
-Let go of me, I have to go, old man —she pulled out of his grip to run away.
-So...we have about, what, ¿2 hours for Ellie's play? —I frowned uncomprehendingly, to which he once again pulled me back to my feet —I brought chocolate almonds, just the way you like it.
Damn crazy hormones. Tears began to fall down my cheeks as if a waterfall was flowing down my face. He tried to calm me down but I put my hand on his lips, silencing him.
-Joel, please, you don't want to take me like that after you see me from behind —I said embarrased.
-You have nothing to be ashamed of, sweetheart. Actually, I like the way you looked at me when I came in from the raid —I opened my mouth wide.-You made me feel attractive —he said softly, to which I immediately brought our lips together.
God, I'd been holding back since this morning, points for holding back.
-Joel Miller, did you ever look in the mirror? —I stroked his mustache and beard.-Because I can assure you that Jackson's women do.
-I don't care, darlin'. The only one who can bring me to my knees is you. And I should also say that I've seen you get looks from more than one idiot at the bar.
I sighed and kissed his cheek. We went into the bedroom, and he put me down on the bed to bend down and start taking off my shoes.
-You're mine —he said kissing my thigh as he began to undress me, making me hold my breath. He wanted to etch into my skin that I belonged to him, now and always.
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constesplanetarium · 9 months
☼⚠︎ Yandere Stalker/Kidnapper x Gn! AFAB! Reader (Part 2)
Darkness rating ) 7/10: “Feel that shiver up your spine?”
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
part 1 is here!
my friend wanted me to write another one ;) SHAME HER NOT ME!!!!
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
This work contains potentially sensitive content to some. Please be careful.
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Violence, aggression, and drugging.
Word count: Around 1.8k
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“Say ‘aah��!” The piece of food stuck on the fork hits your lips, and you scowl at him. What if he poisoned it? Drugged it? It’s not like he’s afraid of drugging you since he’s done it before. He pouts and scoots his chair in front of you a bit closer to yours, his knees bumping into the front of your chair. The ropes around your wrists are getting more irritating, and at this point you would’ve preferred duct tape. Why the hell is he trying to be nice to you in the first place?
If he wanted to fuck you, just get on with it.
“Aw, c’mon baby, you know you have to eat.” You don’t even know his name. “I made it just for you! You don’t want to eat? Not at all?” It is a little tempting. The food looks and smells delicious, and he’s making it a point to hold the plate near you, so the steam goes all in your face. Luckily, your fear overrides the need to eat at the moment. “Pleaseee? It’s good, I promise it is! Look.” He stuffs the food in his mouth and starts to chew, not breaking eye contact with you for even a moment. He stabs up some more food onto the fork, and holds it up to your mouth again, wagging the fork around a bit, as if to entice you. He swallows the food he had just ate and smiles. “See? C’mon and take a bite.”
You glare at him and shake your head slowly, muttering a small curse about how you think about him and his food.
Honestly, his food can get thrown in the trash, and him too for all you care.
His smile drops on almost an instant. “Open your mouth.” He snaps, and you shake your head in a refusal. You’re not eating that shit.
The plates suddenly dropped onto your naked lap, the hot ceramic slowly stinging your skin as you wince. He aggressively grabs your face and shakes it side to side, the stinging getting even worse as you cry out in pain. “Look how nice I've been treating you, baby. I can be a lot more meaner than this, you know? Open your mouth.” The hot food is practically shoved in your mouth, the fork almost stabbing into your cheek. Your legs start to shake as you try to shove the scalding plate off, but he takes the plate off for you, only slightly. You guess he doesn’t want the food to spill. The ceramic still stings your skin as he holds it at an angle. “Chew it.” You almost don’t do what he asks, but you can see how angry he’s getting. He might stab you again if you aren’t careful. You start to chew the food, and it surprises you on how good it really tastes. But you aren’t going to give him that satisfaction.
His face shifts back to a smile and he sits back down in the chair. “Good, huh?” He slides the plate back into his hand, setting down a piece of cloth to prevent it from heating his lap up. His cold hand rubs your thigh affectionately, trying to comfort you from his own mistake. “I have to make sure you eat, okay? You were asleep for a… A while.” After that, he giggles and takes some more food on a fork, holding up to your mouth. “Aaah.” You open your mouth this time, and you get to watch his face light up as you start to chew. With some hesitance, you swallow and he nods. “Good job, baby! Eat it all up, okay?”
After your meal, he cleans your mouth with the cloth and plants a small kiss on your lips, walking back up the stairs for quite some time as you hear the water of the sink run. The light of the world above looks so distant now, and you already miss the feeling of waking up this morning in your own bed. You miss being able to walk free. You bite your tongue in an attempt to stop the tears from welling up in your eyes. The thought of him kissing your tears away is terrible. You’re able to pull yourself back together by the time he comes back down, locking the door behind him.
“Okay, baby, so I did some thinking while I was washing the dishes.” He chirps over, sitting in his chair. His hands are really fidgety. “It might be too early for this but,” Oh my god. What now? “I want to let you out of the chair, really, really bad.” With a small sigh, he gets up, holding you by the shoulders as he towers over you. “But I know you’re going to run away. I'm not stupid.” He frowns and leans down, kissing your forehead. “So let's do this.” He vanishes behind you for a few moments, rummaging through a drawer noisily. You can only imagine what he-
Oh my god. Oh.
It's a needle. A syringe. A fucking drug, oh my god, no way. Your voice comes out as a short sob and you choke up in fear as he flicks the syringe and pushes up, a small droplet forming of the clear liquid. What the hell is in there? What is it, what is it, what is it, what is it, what is it
“This’ll just make you feel a little sleepy and sluggish, so you can’t run.” He finally looks down at you and frowns. “Isn’t the chair uncomfy? You don’t want to come out and lay on the bed with me?” No, no, no, no, no, no, no, please oh my god. No way. You shake your head, everything crashing down on you at once. You stammer out a short, quiet refusal and he scowls. “Well, how am I supposed to take you out of the chair then? Hmm.”
After a few seconds of silence, he shakes his head and smiles. “Not the whole thing, just a little.” With a whisper and a kiss, he pushes the needle a bit in your arm and you tear your gaze away, breathing in and through your mouth as you try to calm down. He pulls out the needle after a bit of time and he waves the syringe in your face for a moment, and you get a look on how much is still in there. About half. At least he didn’t lie about that.
“It’ll just take a second to kick in.” He says in a sing-voice, walking behind you to grab something you don’t know. Ah, oh… You already feel funny. You don’t make an effort to fight back as he loosens the ropes at your wrists and ankles. You’re lifted off your feet as he carries you bridal-style to the bed in the corner, setting you down. Ugh.
You can barely think straight.
You feel him tie the ropes back around your wrists and ankles, but you can barely keep your eyes open to protest. The bed droops next to you, and you're met with a blurry sight as he lays down next to you, a book in hand. Did he take it from the drawer from your nightstand?
“Do you want me to read to you?” He says softly, rubbing your cheek affectionately. You can’t even respond. All he does is nod, and goes back to his book, flipping to the first page. “I’ll read you chapter by chapter every night. This is one of my favorites, a childhood book of mine.” He chuckles, and starts.
“‘Once I was six years old, I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called the True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest.’” He has such a nice voice. “‘It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing.’” He flips the book around and leans down, showing you the drawing. All you can see are the blurry shades of orange and gray of it, and you smile weakly in an attempt to please him. He adjusts himself and plants a warm kiss on your cheek, saying something that you can no longer comprehend, as you finally pass out, the softness of the pillow under your head becoming too overwhelmingly comfortable.
Your body takes a while to adjust to being awake again, your vision still a bit blurry. You hear some shuffling of someone far away and finally take in your surroundings properly. It looks like he decided that just wrapping your ankles wasn’t enough, and decided to wrap some extra rope around the bed frame too, keeping you in place. You watch him push the chair you were just in to a corner of the room, a song playing on a small radio on the dinner table. Sounds like it’s an old style jazz song.
… What’s his name?
“Hmm?” He turns around, and his face lights up at the sight of you again. “Oh, you’re awake! You fell asleep while I was reading, you know?” He says, trotting over to the radio as he shuts it off. "We'll have to start over tomorrow night, but it's not like we got far anyway." Luckily, it doesn't seem like he's mad. “Uhm, my name, my name…” Your eyes flicker up to his as he takes a seat next to you. It looks like he’s struggling to smile. “Just call me ‘Darling’ for now, okay? Or anything else you’d like.”
How about Idiot? Asshole? Dickhead? You scowl at the affectionate nickname he gave himself and snuggle your head back into your pillow, looking away. A small laugh and a kiss on your cheek lets you know he isn’t mad at your rejection. "Aww, you're so cute baby. I could just eat you." Because of yesterday's show, you aren't sure if he's joking or being serious.
“I love you, so, so much."
i wanna make the next part darker ;) expect smth crazy
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ilovebuckers5 · 5 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚ur so pretty ੈ✩‧₊˚
paige bueckers x reader
suggestive and explicit language
A/N: this is my first time writing on tumblr don't judge. also sorry it's so short im not used to writing one shots ESPECIALLY fluff.
My hair still hasn't cooperated with me yet. i've straightened it, curled it, crimped it, scrunched it, nothing has worked. i got more and more upset until i tossed my hair straightener on the counter and sat down against the bathroom wall.
call me dramatic but i was going to a very important meeting with some co workers i really didn't want to look like a hot mess. a couple tears rolled down my cheeks but i quickly wiped them away while sniffling. as i continued to sit there contemplating whether i should just not go or go with my natural hair. While a couple tears came down my cheeks followed by more and more and more... i heard the front door of my dorm unlock.
"Hun? you still here?"
Paige walked through the door shutting and locking it behind her. she set her duffel bag down and walked around the dorm looking for me. i stayed quiet so that paige wouldnt have to hear me crying. but she still found me in the bathroom leaning against the wall with only a bra and shorts on. she quickly kneeled down next to me and began to panic.
"baby whats wrong?" she said with heavy concern in her voice.
her hand wandered up to my cheek to wipe away a couple more tears that i hadnt gotten before. she took her other hand up to the small of my back and began rubbing it to comfort me. she looked up at the counter and saw that the straightener had knocked over a couple things. she stood up and set everything up straight before lifting me up from the floor. i stood infront of the mirror and stared at my half curly half straight hair and more tears started going down my face. suddenly i felt paiges arms wrap around my stomach and started rubbing my skin. i leaned back onto her shoulder. she placed a soft kiss on my cheek before pushing me back up. after i got my composure back in place i went to grab the straightener, forgetting that i didnt turn it off before having a break down. when i went to grab it i grabbed the heated part (which was at 450* degrees). once the heat came intact with my palm i let out a loud cry before tossing the straightener back on the counter again.
"FUCK!" i yell out and cover my mouth after realizing how loud i was.
"shit are you ok hun? come here run it under water."
paige took my wrist and guided me to the kitchen. she ran my hand under water as we just stared at eachother. i took the moment to silently observe paige and all her flawless features. her pinky lips. her icy blue eyes. and god her jawline. i was so lost in her beauty i forgot what i was doing and ended up getting my entire arm soaked with water.
"you ok beautiful?"" paige said smirking
i giggle a bit before answering
"ur so pretty paige."
paiges cheeks went red and she looked away. as paige was easily flustered i was easily falling even more inlove with her by the minute. a large smile grew on my mouth as i watched paige avoid eye contact. paiges face fell into her hands trying to cover her now completly reddened face. a couple laughs filled in the silence of embarassment that was lingering in the room. paige couldnt help but pull me into a long kiss. my heart started to flutter once i felt her soft lips pressed against mine. paige moved her hands to my back while mine were cupping the sides of her face. i felt her lips smile against mine. i slowly pulled away just to start placing softer kisses all over her face. her hand cradled my chin and pulled me away from her face. i noticed that her pupils were growing larger and larger the more she stared at me.
"i love you" paige said under her breath
we had been together for only 5 months but it already felt like ive known paige my entire life. neither of us have said i love you yet and i definintly didnt think that would happen now. my eyes widened a little but i tried to keep calm instead of folding into paiges arms and simply collapsing.
"i...love you too" i said hesitantly.
i knew that i loved her i dont know why it felt hesitant. actually paige was the first person ive loved for this long without something going wrong. she picked up my hands and held them in hers. her hands were slightly cold but it felt nice after burning mine.
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deep-space-netwerk · 8 months
please please please PLEASE share more on your Thoughts about gas giants!! i'd love to learn in a way that doesnt leave me baffled and half my brain leaking from my ears! you explained things so well in the psyche post and also i think things are generally more fun to learn from someone who is Excited To Share than from Published Research Papers where everything has been dried out For Professional Reasons- understandably so, mind, but i am not In The Field and dont know the terms lol
Okay it's taken me forever to get back to this but I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED.
Like other planets, it all starts with a disk made of gas and dust orbiting an infant star, called a protoplanetary disk. Like these in the Orion Nebula, discovered by the Hubble!
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To form terrestrial planets (rocky planets with relatively thin atmospheres like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars), the gas in the protoplanetary disk coalesces to form hundreds and hundreds of rocky bodies called planetesimals, about a kilometer across. These planetesimals collide, and form dozens of protoplanets about the size of the moon. The protoplanets then collide as well, and stabilize to form the solar system as we know it today.
But, in the case of gas giants, colliding protoplanets don't form fully-finished planets. Instead, they form a core, or a seed.
We think the only thing that determines whether a planet will be terrestrial or a gas giant is simply how far away from the sun it forms - that's it. As a new sun warms its evolving solar system, it heats up the material in the protoplanetary disk. Close to the sun, the disk gets hotter, and things like water and other ices melt and evaporate into gas, making them difficult for the protoplanets to gravitationally capture. However, further away, the icy compounds stay cold enough to remain solid and coalesce along with rocky particles.
That boundary in the solar system - where ices evaporate to gas on the sunward side, and remain solid on the other - is called the "Frost Line". In our solar system, the Frost Line is right between Mars and Jupiter.
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The protoplanets that form past the Frost Line turn into gas giant seeds, and are able to (kinda literally) snowball, picking up both rocky and icy material. With all that solid ice available, they grow far larger and far faster than planets in the inner solar system, and their gravity gets stronger and stronger. More gravity causes them to collect even MORE material until they're heavy enough to capture extremely lightweight elements like hydrogen and helium. Which, of course, makes them get even bigger and even heavier! Runaway growth!
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But weirdly, as we study more exoplanets (planets that orbit stars other than our sun), we keep finding these huge gas giants incredibly close to their stars! Like, even closer than Mercury is to ours, which is insane. These "Hot Jupiters" break so many rules - gas giants "should" only be able to form where ice stays frozen, but here they are up close and personal with their stars, like this artist's concept!
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It's possible that these planets are in the process of migrating closer to their stars, and we're managing to see them before they evaporate, but we just! Keep! Finding them!
One of my favorite parts of planetary science is how much we still have to learn. We'll think we have a pretty good idea of how things work out there, and then suddenly we'll find something that we can't explain. And there's an entire universe of weird shit - we've barely begun to scratch the surface!
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seuluv3 · 9 months
Space and Us | Y.J [teaser]
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yoo jimin x fem!reader
warnings: cursings, mentions of violence, making out, nudity, eventual smut
more to come...
a lil smth that i have been working on...idk when ill be done tho
you stared up at the sky as you let the hot tub water simmer against the skin, its warmth juxtaposing to the very cold nights of the planet they were occupying at the moment. God why the hell does Jinsoul live here, it's cold as shit!, you thought to yourself, at least she got this hot tub. you sinked yourself further into the hot tub until only your eyes were above water. The blueish moon shone brightly onto the land. It reminded you of the long nights on Earth where you and Jungeun would drink and look at the stars, wishing there was more time.
  “ What are you doing here at this hour?,” a deep, raspy voice had asked. “Wouldn’t you like to fucking know,” you replied, taking a long sip from your 5th bottle of beer that night. “I don’t mean to enrage you but it's late and you’re intoxicated. We're on a mission not a vacation.” “Why don't you suck on my ass huh Karina. Or maybe better suck my dick.”
    Silence filled the landscape and you thought you had won this battle. If you couldn't beat Karina in the brain or muscle department, you can beat her in being a jackass. But before you could break into a victory hum, a ruffle of clothes could be heard and as you turned to the left, there was Karina, undressing. “What the hell are you doing?!”
“Relaxing,” Karina responded, slipping into the tub in her sports bra and panties. 
Awkward silence filled the air as both looked anywhere but each other. What the hell does she think she is doing! You thought to yourself. You take sly glances at your bionic counterpart and can already feel your face heat up to that blush you loathe. Karina is stretching, practically flexing her muscles right in your face. You could see the intricate water drops slowly gliding down her already perfect skin, digging into the crevices of abs and pure buff seemingly crafted by God himself. You had enough of this so you decided, more correctly the booze in your system decided that you needed to say something.
“You know what… you are just hilarious Karina!” you huffed out.
“Pardon?” Karina turns slightly, facing you.
“ You think you can just come in here lecturing me about relaxing and then strip in front of me and flex that stupidly good body of yours? Well I had enough frankly.” you yelled and crossed her arms.
“Oh Really?”
Then Karina slowly made her way into your vicinity and you could swear that your face had the same complexion as tomato now. 
“Do I irritate you as much as you say I do?”
you sighed heavily.
“What about me makes you so enraged with me? I would like to know, (y/n).”
Karina continued her way across the hot tub until she was face to face with you, with just enough space to intimidate the hell of you: inebriated, frustrated, and now slightly horny.
“You know why you make me so mad? It’s everything about you. I hate your face, I hate your personality, I hate your body, I hate the way you use your powers to just shove it in my face, I hate how much you are seemingly loved by anyone and anything we meet, I hate how you make me feel-!,”
you ends your rant abruptly, realizing the words that just stumbled out you
you basically just confessed to the bastard.
As you cautiously looked back at Karina's face, it was once again that stoic manner that had continued to remain on the woman for as long as they knew each other. But you didn’t know whether it was the moonlight gleamingly down on them, or the blueish purple hue illuminating their skin in the warm bath, but Karina's eyes told a story different from her stoic nature. you honestly couldn’t put a name to it. 
“I see.”
And before you could acknowledge Karina's statement, a firm and wet hand reaches for the back of your head and you suddenly feels a pair of lips of your own. 
Is Karina fucking kissing me right now?!
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winchester-books · 2 years
Smoke Sesh
based on: obx
characters: jj x reader
warnings: mild lang
w/c: 700
summary: y/n and jj take an unplanned smoke break in the twinkie.
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You sat shoulder to shoulder against JJ in the Twinkie. John B, Pope, and Kie were still out surfing. You'd decided to take a break and grab some food from the Twinkie and enjoy it on the beach while watching your friends surf, but JJ had decided to join you on your walk. Then, JJ being JJ, had decided a smoke break was necessary once he got a whiff of weed from the van parked a few spots down.
After some complaining about wanting to go back to the beach that JJ ignored, you found yourself tossing him the lighter and sitting in the back of the van with him.
"This was exactly what I needed," he sighed, making himself more comfortable as he leaned back against the seat.
You made yourself busy mindlessly scrolling through instagram as you waited for JJ to satisfy his cravings.
He took another long inhale, smirking to himself as he tapped your shoulder to get your attention. The second you turned your head, you were met with a faceful of smoke as he blew it out into your face.
"Ugh, JJ," you groaned, waving your hand in front of your nose and trying to disperse the smoke, "Dude, I already told you I have to go to my Dad's tonight- he's gonna flip when I show up smelling like weed,"
Your stern look was only met from a shrug from the blonde boy, "Well, you already smell like it, so now you can smoke,"
"You suck," rolling your eyes, you grabbed the blunt from his already outreached hand. You didn't miss the way he intently watched as you brought it up to your mouth and inhaled slowly. You could barely hold it in before you started coughing it up, "Shit- ugh, strong," you choked out, still trying to get your bearings.
"Like it?" JJ grinned, taking it back and taking another drag as he tossed you a water bottle that you gratefully accepted. "It's my new creation," he said proudly, "I'm still working on a name though,"
You took another deep breath, already feeling it, “Well... It definitely gets the job done,”
He lifted the blunt to your lips again but you shook your head, rolling your eyes when he persisted, “JJ, my dad’s gonna be so mad,” you grabbed his wrist and he leaned closer, his gaze catching the way your fingers were gripping his arm.
“Come onnnn Y/N,” JJ whined, “who cares what your dad thinks,”
“You will when he grounds me for a month again,” you laughed, l up at him. You locked eyes with him, feeling your cheeks heat up and suddenly realizing just how close he was to you.
“Didn’t stop me from seeing you last time,” you could feel him smiling as he leaned forward, pressing soft kisses along your jaw and neck.
“J, everyone’s gonna wonder where we are- I was supposed to be back with food forever ago- agh!” You let out a small cry as JJ suddenly grabbed you by your shoulders and gently rolled over top of you, pinning you on the van floor and grinning down at you.
“Y/N, stop worrying so much,” he deadpanned, ignoring the way you rolled your eyes, “they’re surfing, okay? They probably don’t even realize we’re gone. And for your dad, just go swimming after this- it’ll get rid of most of the smell… you gotta stop stressing and live a little,”
You sighed, knowing he was right. It was so easy for you to get in your head, you were greatful for JJ’s carefree outlook on life that helped you find a balance.
“You gonna get off of me now so I can take another hit?”
JJ smirked, inhaling deeply from the joint and leaning down and putting his lips to yours. You instinctively sucked in as he exhaled the smoke from his mouth, immediately feeling the small rush.
JJ watched in awe as you exhaled the rest of the smoke, closing your eyes in bliss, “Shit, that was so hot,” he mumbled, leaning back down and pressing his mouth to yours for a kiss. Your hand made its way to the back of his hair and you pulled him in deeper.
He pulled away from you for a moment, looking down at you with a cocky grin, "What about the others?" he joked, mocking your concern from earlier, "We're supposed to get back-"
"Oh, just shut up and just kiss me,"
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uchihagods · 1 year
giving obito head first thing in the morning drabble under the cut <33 tw: consensual somno, blow/hand job, overstimulation, reader’s obsessed with bito’s cock, pretty much pwp.
IMPORTANT!… please, feel free to ignore if any of these topics trigger you; read at your own risk!
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your eyes fluttered open once the sun’s rays were bright enough to break into your shared room through the wide window that was located on your right, where a very sleepy obito was snoring slightly with his mouth parted; the sheet was barely covering his body due to all the movements your husband managed to do during the night, the fabric was gathered at his calves and you couldn’t comprehend how he wasn’t freezing to death since he was only wearing boxers as pajamas.
you rubbed your face before looking to your side, finding your dark-haired man’s tired expression. you leaned over him, touching his scarred cheek and kissing his nose; his features twitched cutely at the sensation. your gaze travelled downwards, admiring from his toned abs to his softened member inside his black underwear. you didn’t know if it was for his perfectly sculpted face or for the tempting bulge between his legs, but you were feeling the heat running through your veins and spreading into your core.
without being able to stop it, your hand enclosed his shaft above the clothes to give it a big squeeze, not missing the way his breath hitched almost instantly. you searched for any hint that could tell you he was starting to wake up, but now he just had his eyebrows slightly furrowed. you took it as a green light to continue your little exploration, slipping your hand under the fabric to touch his warm cock before pumping it once your palm was coated with your saliva.
obito moved, confused. “hmph,” he complained at the strange stimulation, thinking through his unconsciousness something was happening out there.
your strokes remained slow since, if you were going to be honest with your yourself, you were doing this more for your own pleasure than his. your husband was kinda aware of your obsession with his dick, and that was one of the reasons he accepted your request of sucking him off in the morning when you asked him not that long ago.
his reddened head was releasing translucid and tasty precum, converting your mouth in a watering mess at the thought of having him deep down your throat. you didn’t waste any more time, you lowered your body ‘till your face was in front of his now hard cock, giving his tip a quick lick and enjoying the sudden shake of his hips.
you welcomed half of his member inside your warm cavern, tenderly closing your puffy lips around his largeness and sucking it with passion. your fingers were holding his base while you lowered you head to take more of him, saliva dripping from your mouth and your throat closing deliciously around his tip.
“a-ah!” he twitched in your touch, eyes barely open and hands wandering on the mattress as to understand what was exactly happening in the real world. “fucking shit, god! mhm, y/n…”
you were too immersed in the way his salty skin tasted in your mouth that you didn’t even bother to separate from his dick to answer him, it was his fault for having the most delicious feast down there.
the fun was suddenly gone the moment obito guided your mouth away from his member by the light grip he had on your hair. —“h-honey, let me…” his voice hoarse due to his still sleepy state.
“obito.” you called him with an angry tone, “you don’t get to complain, so shut the fuck up.” you swallowed him once again, humming contently when his tip met with the back of your throat.
the dark-haired followed your instructions, caressing your cheek with his index finger while your head bobbed up and down at an amazing rhythm that was leaving him breathless. he whimpered quietly when you moved your tongue along his sack, taking a whole ball into your mouth.
you traced your way back up to his glistening head just in time to catch the first drops of his hot cum, that spurted everywhere on your face once he started releasing. your soft pillows enclosed his tip to milk him dry, welcoming the rest of his cum right onto your tongue.
“e-enough!” he pleaded when he felt your new sucks on his overstimulated cock begin to speed up.
“don’t you get it?” you asked tilting your head to the side while pumping his twitching shaft. “this isn’t about you at all, silly. i’m the one deciding when it really is enough.”
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plussizedreader · 7 months
Heat Wave (Bo Sinclair X Reader)
When a extreme heat wave comes through Ambrose and the AC broken, Bo gets an idea to cool each other off.
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(If this seems familiar, It's because I am rewriting a Bo piece I wrote a few years ago that I posted on my main account! I hope you all enjoy, please please let me know what you think!)
Warnings- Suggestive themes, no actual smut, but if you like this I will absolutely make a part two!
The day had actually been rather normal in Ambrose, quiet and lifeless, and extremely hot. Vincent was hard at work with another figure, which left you and Bo to yourselves, sweating your asses off. A fan blew full force in your shared room, though, it did very little against the Louisiana heat. While normally the house and most of the town would be nice and cool, the AC system had suddenly busted, at the peak of the heat wave. While Lester was in the tunnels, working on getting the air blowing, it left the rest of you hot, sweaty, and miserable. Now, you found yourself in bed, laying next to Bo, your head resting on his chest, your hair up in a ponytail, and an arm around Bo, the both of you motionless, save for the small shifting to try to get comfortable.
“God, how are the museum and figures handling this heat?” You grumbled, looking up at Bo, who only shrugged.
“I don’t know, ask Vinny, he has all that figured out.” He replied, running a hand through his sweat soaked hair, before he started to sit up, gently shoving you off of him, and sat up, glaring daggers at the shitty box fan that was sat up on a stand, blowing at full blast.
“Is that damn thing even blown’?” Bo groaned, sweat dripping down his face, and down his nose.
“You know it’s workin’ as hard as it can, that thing can only do so much!” You sat up as well, looking at Bo, who was now messing with the fan, more likely to break it than to actually fix it.
After a moment of poking around at the fan, and Bo smacking it a few times in frustration, the damned thing gave a final sputter and stopped spinning. You both groaned, Bo standing up, cursing up a storm. You both sat there for a moment, unsure of what to do now, before Bo stomped over to the wooden nightstand next to your shared bed and snatched his truck keys up.
“Get up. We gonna get out of this house.” He grunted, grabbing one of his many hats and shoving it onto his head before he stalked towards the doorway, and turning back to look at you expectantly. Taking a moment to stretch, you stood up, and followed him.
“I won’t argue with that, but where are we goin’?” You asked, following Bo out of the room and down the stairs, and eventually out of the house.
“Swimmin’. There’s a pond not too far out of town, and it’ll cool us down.” He said as ya’ll reached his truck, simply nodding in response.You pulled the door open and climbed in, slamming the door shut as he also climbed into the truck. The truck rumbled to life as you rolled your own window down as he drove off, the rushing air giving some relief to the two of you, as well as the truck ac blowing at full blast. The drive was rather short, and soon the two of you were sitting in front of the pond, the sun’s light reflecting off the pond’s surface. Without a word, Bo turned off the truck and got out of the truck, and immediately pulled his shirt off, revealing his toned body. You exited the truck next watching as he shed the shorts he wore, his bare ass out, before he waddled into the water. You stood there, amused as he turned to look back at you.
“Skinny dipping? Was this just an elaborate plan to get me naked?” You asked, still amused, as you crossed your arms over your large chest. He shrugged innocently, a shit eating grin on his face as he stood in the water.
“Not at first, but it’s a hell of a bonus while we cool off, ain’t it?” You smiled, and shook your head before you decided to join him. You stripped off your tank top and shorts, leaving yourself bare as you too walked into the water, swimming out to meet him. Taking a moment, you took a deep breath, and quickly, you dunked your head under the water, emerging and exhaling. You looked at Bo, smiling again.
“Damn good idea, I’d say.” You said after a moment of simply floating there in the water, enjoying the cool water that surrounded you. He looked at you with a lopsided grin, and shrugged. He swam closer to you, before he wrapped his arms around your waist underwater, squeezing the soft and voluminous flesh.
“Hm, ya’ know I tend to have those from time to time.” He said, before he leaned in and kissed your neck, nipping and sucking at it, as you sighed, allowing your head to roll to the side slightly. Bo never let up, moving downwards to your chest, his hands below the water continued to knead and squeeze the soft and ample body that he was just obsessed with.
“B-Bo… Bo if we keep going here we’ll end up drowning..” You gasped out after a moment, grabbing Bo’s hand to stall one of his hands, which was now resting high on your inner thigh, inching closer to your core. He groaned into your chest, but stopped.
“I hate when you’re right.” He removed his hands and lips from your body, and instead, before you had much time to react, his hands swept you up, and started carrying you out of the water, a startled cry that morphed into laughing as he brought you onto shore. Instead of dropping you, he continued to carry you back to the truck, and gently set you back inside. He quickly picked up your discarded clothes as you watched him, confused.
“Are we leaving? The bed of the truck is just fine with me!” Bo shook his head, pulling shorts back on, and tossed your clothes to you.
“And let it burn you? Nope, I ain’t gonna let that happen.” He shook, returning to the truck, and slamming his door shut. You wanted to roll your eyes but couldn’t.
“I hate it when you’re right.” You grumbled, before you shrugged back on your tank top, which now stuck to your wet skin. You went to pull your shorts back on but Bo stopped you, before he waved you over to him as he started the truck. You slid closer to him, up against his side. He started the truck, and pulled away from the pond. It was quiet for a moment, save for the sound of the AC, and the radio playing quietly.
“You gonna let me put my shorts back on?” You asked after a moment, watching Bo shake his head no.
“Oh no sweetheart, I plan to have a lot of fun with you, can’t have those getting in the way..”
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
Could you please do a JJ fic where someone is aggressively hitting on reader at a party and JJ gets very protective, then they go home and JJ is very possessive, marking reader up to show the world she’s his?
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“I suggest you back off before I start breaking fingers.” I jump at the sound of JJ’s voice. The Kook who is trying too hard stiffens but doesn’t evade my personal space. I try to move away but he only tightens the hold around my shoulders.
“Stop, JJ, it’s fine.” I say, hoping to ease the tension in hopes of avoiding a scene. Although causing a scene was kind of JJ’s thing.
“Yea, man, it’s fine.” The touchy Kook says with a flashy smile and JJ takes a step forward. Oh crap.
“It’s not fine. She doesn’t want you touching her so back the fuck off.” I look between the two men. One clearly an alpha male and the other who’s clearly never been told no in his life.
“What are you going to do about it, Pogue?” The Kook takes a step towards JJ, pushing his chest out while JJ nonchalantly turns the rings on his fingers outward.
“Would you like to find out?”
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“Ow! Stop touching me!” JJ whines like a little bitch as I clean the gash on his forehead in my tiny bathroom.
“You’re bleeding on my floor!” I whisper-yell, slapping a bandaid on for good measure.
“It’s not my fault!” JJ grumbles and I bite back a laugh. I’d seen JJ Maybank covered in bruises more often than not. This was probably nothing to him.
“It’s not mine either! You should’ve minded your own business.” I snap. I grab his hands to inspect them next but he pulls away with a warning look. He stands, towering over me in his boots whereas I’ve kicked off my shoes. My back hits the vanity as JJ’s chest grazes mine. His shirt had been ripped off in the fight so I could feel the heat radiating off his body. His very hot body.
“You are my business.” JJ snaps. His eyes flash to the mirror and I bite back a laugh as his eyes narrow at me.
“What is this shit? My Little Pony? Take it off.” JJ demands, pointing to the bandaid.
“Why? Afraid it’ll ruin your man card even more?” I tease, stepping out of the bathroom to get some air.
“Hey, I would’ve won that fight if I’d known he was a boxer beforehand.” JJ follows with the bandaid still on his forehead.
“Sounds like you would’ve tried to cheat.” I pop off, grabbing a beer from the fridge. JJ snatches it from me so I grab another with a dramatic eye roll. I take a drink of mine while watching him down his like water.
“There’s no such thing as cheating in fights.” JJ finally says from the other side of my kitchen island.
“Just sore losers, right?” I hide my smirk with the beer can and he shakes his head at me in warning.
“You should be thanking me! That guy would’ve tried to roofie you then dump your body.”
“Thanking you? For being a vag-block? Maybe I was trying to get lucky?” The beer can crunches in his hand and he rushes me. I frantically back away but he catches me, sitting me on the counter to stand between my bare, parted legs.
“Lucky, huh?” My throat tightens while my skin burns as he places a kiss against my throat, his hands resting on my thighs. His lips move up to my jaw and my eyes threaten to roll back.
“Where’s that smart mouth now? Just needed to be put in your place?” I turn my head so I’m looking him in the eye, our lips almost touching.
“It’s hard to take you seriously when you’re wearing a My Little Pony bandaid on your forehead.” My jab barely leaves my lips before he’s yanking me off the counter and bending me over the island. I gasp as my shorts and panties are yanked down to my feet and his warm hands massage my cheeks. Suddenly, his hand lands across my ass and I yelp, attempting to turn around but he pushes me back down.
“You want more? Keep mouthing off.��� JJ growls, spanking me again. I growl under my breath, lifting up on my toes as fire burns in my blood.
“Think you can take me? You couldn’t even beat Baby Gap.” I taunt and he spanks me again, harder. I blink back tears from the sting when his fingers suddenly dip between my thighs and circle my clit.
“Talk to Baby Gap or anyone else again and see what happens.” JJ warns, his thick fingers sinking inside me. I groan as my knees immediately feel weak and I grip the counter top. I know I’m soaked. The squelching wet sound only confirms it. “You’re my woman.”
Just as I’m about to cum or agree, he stops. I open my mouth to protest when he replaces his fingers with something much thicker. I choke on a moan just as he yanks me upright, a hand tight on my throat as he starts to fuck me.
“You’re awfully compliant now. Just needed to be stuffed with my cock.” I reach back and yank on his hair, unable to control the sounds leaving my lips.
“Fuck. You’re mine. You got that? Mine.” His teeth sink into my neck, biting down hard enough to bruise but not to hurt me. He was marking me. I whimper as he sucks the flesh into his mouth, his hips slamming mine into the island until it hurts.
“Oh, god. Oh, JJ!” I cry, my back plastered to his chest as my orgasm hits.
“That’s my girl. I love it when you scream my name.” He pushes me down on the island, lifting my leg to rest on the counter top as he keeps fucking me, reaching knew depths that have me cumming again too quickly.
“God, you’re so tight. I can’t hold back any longer.” JJ groans, a moment later he stills, no doubt spilling inside me. I didn’t care. I had an IUD.
I pant against the cool countertop before he pulls me upright and spins me around. My body starts giving away to exhaustion as I look up at him with heavy eyes. He was sexy with that post orgasm gaze. He cups my face gently and kisses my slack lips.
“I meant what I said. You’re mine.”
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odetodilfs · 1 year
Fixing the truck
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Now this fic is more based on game Joel Miller, so just a heads up, even if I prefer Pedro's Miller.
Request of @filifuck
Pairings: Joel Miller x m!reader Warnings: Just some sweat and some teasing, that's all.
Joel had spent all morning since 7 o clock fixed on his truck, trying to fix it of a leak or some sort, you were amazed how your boyfriend could spend so many hours fixing a car, and how he knew how they worked. But now it was 1pm and it was a very hot summer day, so you decided to bring him water and try to convince him to take a rest.
You walked to where he was working, and there he was, absolutely drenched in sweat, tired expression on his face, shirt that was about to start dripping if he didn’t take it off, “Hey darling” you said with a smile, lifting the glass of water towards him, he smiled and went over to you and leaned in to kiss you, “If you don’t wipe the sweat off your face I’m not kissing you” you crossed your arms and closed your eyes, “Hm, I find it hard to believe you’re saying that, considering you lick the sweat off my chest when we fuck,” he got you good there, you opened your mouth to speak, “Sh, it’s okay” he said, taking the water, and just as you let your guard down, he gave you a peck on the cheek, “Ugh, Joel!” you said, “I like to see you annoyed,” he smirked, “Well I like seeing you mad” you smirked back, “Hm, go ahead, try to make me mad baby,” “Well, I think you probably wouldn’t be strong enough to rip your shirt,” you said, you wanted him to unknowingly give you a show, “Oh, I can prove that right now…” he said, taking the collar in his hands and pulling.
He tensed his arms and somehow, a loud ripping sound followed, his muscles working overtime to break the wet fabric, the way his biceps bulged and the way even more sweat dripped from his head, until finally, he broke it, “Hm, you were saying?” he smirked at you, “That was… strangely hot” you were blushing, not sure if it was from the heat or from Joel or both, “Hm, turned you on huh?” “Yeah” you almost whimpered, you were so. Damn. Close to jumping on him, laying him down on the floor and riding his dick, but suddenly, he pinned you to a wall, and started rubbing your hard cock through your pants, “Definitely turned you on hm?” he smirked, you leaned in and kissed him hard on the lips, his soft beard against your face, “Joel- please-” “Shh- I know baby, I know” he said as he picked you up and placed you on the back of his pickup truck, “If the truck can take how fucking hard I’m about to fuck you baby, then it means it will be able to stand anything” he muttered against your neck, you whimpered at his words, his wet chest hair rubbing against your own chest.
“Shit, let me look for lube,” he said, finding a container of vaseline, “is this good enough?” he asked, he was so horny yet he still cared so much for your wellbeing.
“Fuck, Joel, yes- I need you in me” you moaned, you were desperate for his dick, “We’re rather eager today huh?” he asked as he smirked and positioned his dick to your ass, you didn’t care that his face had a few stains from fixing the car, that he was covered in a blanket of sweat, right there, he looked like the most beautiful man ever.
As you felt the head pop through your hole you moaned in pleasure, “You’re so big” you said as he finally got the last inch inside you, “You like that baby?” “Mhm” you said as he started thrusting inside you, stroking your walls and hitting just the right spot. He leaned in closer to you, his chest hair against your torso felt amazing and you were smearing precum all over his belly. He started humping you and grunting as the pleasure coursed through him, he kept kissing you as he fucked you, you constantly moaned into his mouth as he started thrusting harder and faster. It started to get slippery, as both of you became increasingly sweatier, Joel’s shoulders, which you were holding onto were becoming slippier and his thrusts only sped up, “J-Joel” you moaned, you knew how much it turned him on when you moaned his name, unable to say anything else. He just kissed you tenderly, acting like he wasn’t rearranging your guts in your lower half, “It’s okay baby- you’re taking me good- fuck-” he moaned as he thrust his head upwards in pleasure, a hiss following, just then, a drop of sweat landed on your belly, and as your legs started feeling like jello, you screamed his name as you shot cum between your sweat-soaked bodies, your cum getting all over his chest and belly hair.
This pushed Joel off the edge too, as his body tensed up and he cursed and unloaded inside you, “Fuck… that was amazing” he said, panting, still recovering, “It was… we need to do this more often” “Yeah,” he said as he smirked, “Lunch is ready by the way” you said, “Then let’s go, I’m done here anyway” he said as you started to dress up and leave, Joel being shirtless of course, as he had ripped his shirt up.
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