#that are all super developed
elodieunderglass · 2 months
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I haven’t watched Dungeon Meshi, but I always enjoy the dashboard osmosis experience and have a peculiar visual memory. Here is what I believe Dungeon Meshi to be mostly about. No complicating experiences with the text, or indeed character references, fed into this extremely clear vision, which I believe I torrented directly from the astral plane at the same time as the creator was logged on
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dinoserious · 10 months
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raging bolt get behind me
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
modern college au where model ivan comes home late after photoshoots and listens to till's demos for hours on repeat to wallow in his agony (the songs are always for mizi)
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kamapon · 1 year
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Shroud bros first meeting 💙💙 (sorry for the messy sketch! ( °Д °;))
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fishofthewoods · 2 months
Oh my god I woke up this morning and my Stardew Valley meta post had almost 150 notes????? Hello?????????? Anyways I started writing this last night because @moon-is-pretty-tonight left nice tags on the original so thank you so much!!
We know from the starting scenes of the game that the farmer's grandfather loved Stardew Valley. So why did he leave? Pelican Town is a good place to grow old; George and Evelyn are just fine. It's a fine place to raise a kid, but maybe he just wanted to raise his child closer to real schools and other children.
Or maybe, just maybe, he understood.
Was there a day when he was in his thirties where he looked at his friends and realized they weren't like him? That he could run faster than them, work longer, explore deeper into the hidden places of the valley?
Was there a day when he went to the wizard to ask him for help, for knowledge if nothing else? Did he learn then that his family was different? Special? Chosen? And how did he react? He couldn't possibly raise a child in the valley if they would be as strange and fey as him. He had to leave. There was no other way.
But years later, on his deathbed, did he regret that choice?
Is that why he gave the farmer the letter?
Is that why they went back home?
When the farmer steps off the bus that first day, the valley is still on the cusp of winter, just barely tipping over into spring. The flowers are starting to bloom, but a chill still hangs in the air. As soon as the farmer's boots touch the soil there's a change. The air gets warmer. The trees get greener. Not by too much, not all at once, but it changes.
The junimos watch the farmer as they do their work. They're new to farming, but take to it with frightening speed; their first batch of crops is perfect. None of the townsfolk tell them that parsnips don't normally grow in less than a week, that cauliflowers don't grow to be ten feet tall, that fairies don't visit when the sun goes down and grow potatoes and beans and tulips overnight. The junimos talk amongst themselves in their strange, wild language, and agree: this is the one. They're back. The valley recognizes its own, even when they've left for a generation. The farmers have come home.
Things change fast in the valley. The community center, empty and decrepit for so many years, is rejuvenated. (Lewis says it was abandoned only a few weeks after the farmer's grandfather left. Strange coincidence, he says, that it both came and went with the farmer's family.) The mines and the quarry, similarly abandoned, are explored for the first time in ages. The town becomes cleaner, brighter, more vibrant, happier.
And it is happier. Not just the environment, but the people. It's the talk of the town for weeks when Haley does her first closet purge. Leah's art show in the town square is a huge success. Shane's smiling for the first time since he moved to the valley. All of them, when asked, say it's all thanks to the farmer.
People love to ask why Lewis didn't fix the community center on his own. Why Willy never repaired the boat to ginger island. Why Abigail or Marlon never went down to fix the elevator in the mines, or why Clint didn't fix the minecarts.
But isn't it so much more interesting to ask how those things were there in the first place? How they got so broken down? If the stories the townspeople tell are true, the valley was once a beautiful place, flourishing and full of life; why did that change? When did it change?
Was it when the farmer's grandfather, the locus of the valley, its chosen representative, left town?
And if so, what happens when the farmer comes back?
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nopanamaman · 6 months
How long did it take for pafl as a whole to be written? whats your writing process like and do you have any tips? i personally struggle a bit with that sort of stuff haha and i think pafl is an awesome example of good writing
Thank you so much, I'm flattered!
It's a pretty hard question to answer haha
The actual concept for PAFL was brewing for a long while. The story and characters went through a lot of revisions over the years - all before I even made the first video in the series.
I think publicly putting the project in motion was what forced me to solidify how the story would progress and what the characters would be like.
When I just started it, the only things that were set in stone were the events of PAFL and Yura going to the Zone after Katya's capture. But by Punch it Punk, I've roughly laid out the plan for the whole rest of the story.
There have been some slight deviations since then. I have given more significance to certain secondary characters and have compeltely changed the ending. Plus, some details have - and will be - tweaked as the series goes on, because of course 19 year old me wouldn't think everything through perfectly.
Still, the general plan has stayed more or less consistent since the third song. Much more so than I expected it to lol
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kyurochurro · 6 months
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HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! here's a cozy lil drawing of Rosalina and he Lumas for the Christmas season :D 🎄💫
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muppetbyers · 2 years
it just feels like the duffers think that the height of non-conformity is being a nerd
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brookbee · 2 years
I think if Star Trek ever made spirk canon they should just mention it super offhand as if it’s common knowledge instead of making a big deal about it. Something said incredibly matter-of-fact like: “Captain Kirk and Spock were such a great command team that they got married, not everyone could be so lucky” and just move on
Like yeah, obviously they were together, what you never looked up their biographical information in the ship’s computer?
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grumpyghostdoodles · 5 months
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The Almighty Sheriff!
Save a horse, ride a cowboy~
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loftwinggoesmew · 2 months
The Underworld Saga? More like The Angst Saga. More like The "Ow The Edge" Saga. More like The "That Sh*t Hurted" Saga. More like The-
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loveaetingkids · 7 months
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(Like or reblog if you wanna use)
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chryblossomjjk · 9 months
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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starrysharks · 6 months
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charlotte and mr. cinnamon's big show! dec 31st! you're all invited!
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leqclerc · 2 years
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Charles speaking about Sebastian at the drivers’ press conference ahead of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2022 ↳ Q: Now Charles, if we could just kick off talking about your former teammate, Sebastian Vettel. What will you remember from your time together?
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