#that got the best giggle out of me that I’ve had in awhile
shadow4-1 · 2 months
“Dying alone.” You hummed, running the brush through your horse’s hair. “Y’know, it’s been weighing on me.”
Price huffed out a soft breath and nuzzled his graying muzzle against your palm. You smiled at him, rubbing your knuckles over the soft fuzz of his snout. When you’d first got him he’d been a young workhorse too ornery for any ranch hand in the county. After doing some research, you figured out he was a European breed, one not meant for the rough hands of your fellow Americans. You’d gotten him cheap, and yet his training came at a ‘price’. It took awhile for you to learn his ins an outs but he quickly grew to become your favorite - as well as your oldest. He was the first member of your ranch after all.
“I’ve never wanted to look for a man. They’re so gross, Price.” You sighed, working a few tangles out of his short, dark mane. “They always say they want me for me, but really they just want the ranch.”
There was a short bark from the door of the barn. A black and white, muscular dog stood waiting for your command. You tsked at him and he slowly came trotting up to you, head low to the ground in a submissive posture. The closer he came, the more you noticed the white fur surrounding his eyes and snout - starting to gray like Price’s.
“C’mere Ghost.” You hummed.
The dog obliged and pressed the top of his head into your hand. Ghost was such a mutt. You’d picked him up as a pup from a mean roadside vendor. If you had to guess, he had some kind of German Shepherd in him. Maybe some Rottweiler or Pit Bull? You couldn’t be sure. But what you did know, is that -
“Aw, look at my best boy! You’re my best boy!” You baby talked, squishing his chunky face. Ghost just licked his lips in indignation but made no move to escape your hold. Price snorted loudly and pawed at the ground, upset that you stopped brushing his mane.
“Okay okay. I get it.” You laughed. “Let me just finish up here!”
There wasn’t any field tending that needed to be done, so you sent Price off to the fenced in pasture. Despite his age, he kicked up dirt and pranced about in delight. You smiled at the old horse before heading back to the barn. Ghost sat patiently outside, his metal tags glinting in the sunlight.
“Okay, boy. Show time.”
And just like that, all hell seemed to break loose. Ghost ran into the barn and started to bark. While usually subdued, this time his bark was loud and mighty. The sheep and cows stirred in their pens. The chickens squawked from their roosts. You threw open the barn with a mighty heave. And just like that, the animals were also let out into the fenced pasture.
The cows bounded out happily, their bells clanging. Then came the half dozen sheep and their young lambs, followed by a dozen assorted chickens. You sprinkled chicken feed and enjoyed the morning mayhem. A rooster made himself known from the pack by standing up straight, puffing out his chest, and crowing with so much might you thought he might hurt himself. You poured a bit of feed in your hand before crouching down.
“Here Johnny, Johnny.” You giggled, shaking your hand.
The large rooster strutted up to you with absolutely no fear. He ruffled his feathers and clucked at you before eating the feed right out of your hand. When he was done, he let you pet him. If you wanted to pick him up, you easily could’ve. Most mornings you spent with him on your hip. Despite how amazing of a rooster he was, he never got violent with you. Now, any other hired help, it was a different story. Come to think of it, none of your animals really worked for anyone else but you.
“Sorry Johnny.” You sighed, standing up and taking a step back. “Gotta trim-woah!”
Something hard nudged firmly against your rear. You regained your balance and looked behind you.
“Kyle!” You scolded. “Yes, yes! You’re going out to the pasture too!”
The large billy goat bleated at you and rubbed the top of his de-horned head against your hip, as if to scratch himself on your belt. With a soft pat to his head, you lead him through the pasture and farther into the green grass. It took him a minute, but after taking a glance at Price on the other end of the field, he began to run towards him. The two creatures met in the middle and began to play.
You weren’t entirely sure why those two got along so well, but they certainly did. Price playfully nipped at Kyle’s short tail. Kyle just bleated in excitement and tried to ram his head into the old horse’s leg. They were a funny little duo, that was certain.
And with that, you began to finish up your morning chores. You collected the eggs and the fresh milk from the gallon jugs in the barn. You cleaned up the stalls and polished Price’s riding tack. Once you made sure everyone had fresh food and water you decided to go inside and clean up. Today was an easy day. All you would be responsible for was to bring the animals back in as well as feed yourself.
You showered, dressed in a flowy white sundress, and headed outside. You sat out in the pasture, under the shade of the old oak tree and your floppy sun hat. This day was like no other. After enjoying a bowl of fruit and a glass of iced tea it didn’t take long for you to doze off in your favorite lawn chair.
You dreamed that you were taking Price back to the stables after a good ride around the ranch. It was late, and the southern heat was oppressive. You wiped the sweat off Price’s back with an old towel as your removed his tack.
“Y’know. Despite your age, y’ still give a girl a great ride.” You chuckled at the old horse. You rubbed his snout. He snorted at you and you giggled. “You have no clue what I’m talking about.”
With another laugh, you turned to the stall's gate. You opened it just enough to reach to the built in shelf next to it. You dug your hand into a small box and swiped a handful of sugar cubes from within it. You turned, hand outstretched to offer it to Price. Except, when you turned, there was no longer a horse.
Standing there, completely nude, was a human man.
You gasped in shock and took a step back, hitting the edge of the stall’s wall. He took a step forward, blue eyes glittering. He eyed the sugar cubes you now clutched tightly in your palm. He reached forward, prying them from your grip, before hungrily tossing them into his mouth. He ate them with no discomfort and even smiled as he swallowed them down.
“Thanks, Love.” He licked his lips, remnants of the glittery sugar still caught in his mustache.
“P-Price?” You squeaked.
“Who else would it be?”
You had half a mind to run, but you were so enamored with the thought that your precious horse could be a human. He stepped even farther forward, boxing you into the corner of the wooden stall. Your head hit the wall, making the various items hung up shudder from the impact. Price unhooked one of the ancient reins away from the top of your head before dropping it into the fresh hay at your feet. He admired his hands for a second and so did you.
“I-you-wh-what is going on?” You managed out. “This is some kind of joke, right?”
Price didn’t seem to hear you as he tried to get a feel for his own body. You watched in shock and arousal as he flexed his arm muscles and observed the firm ripples of his own chiseled abdomen. He petted down his belly and admired the thick curls that trailed over his cock. He gripped at it, tugged at it experimentally before seeming to realize something important.
“Ready for that ride, Love?”
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henry7931 · 2 months
Head Swap Short: My Dad’s Body At The Pool
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God this is embarrassing! I just know all of my friends are going to make fun of me.
I broke my leg about a week ago and I’ve been in bed for days now. I felt like I was going to miss most of the summer.
All of my friends texted me about coming to the pool today and I knew I had no way to go with the current state of my leg.
That’s when my dad stopped by my room and asked me how I was doing. I told him how bummed I am about being to go hang with my friends. That’s when offered to do a head swap with me.
Dad packed me a bag, we swapped heads, and I hurried to the pool.
As I started driving down the road, it felt kinda cool having my dad’s body on. He taller than me and pretty strong.
When I got to the pool, I headed to the locker room and started opening up the bag dad packed. I looked inside and saw only a freaking towel and a speedo!!!
But I’ve already made it this far, I looked around the locker room and saw that no one was around.
I pulled off my dad’s shorts only for his massive dick to come flopping out.
“Oh god! Everyone’s going to see his bulge.”
When I got outside I saw my friends… I took a deep breath and walked over confidently in my dad’s body.
“Holy crap Trevor! Is that your dad’s body?” said my friend Phillip.
“Yeah, it was the only way I could come.”
A couple of the guys laughed about the speedo for a little bit. But all around they thought it was kinda cool that I had my dad’s body on.
Even one of my friends Cameron told me he thought my dad was a dilf.
I’ve had a thing for Cameron for a while now but he’s never shown interest in me (at least until now). He even asked what I was doing after the pool. We ended up getting food after and went back to his house to hang.
We went up stairs and he started flirting with me hard.
“Bro, I don’t mean to be weird but it’s so hot seeing your cute head on top of your dad’s beefy bod.”
“You think haha,” I say back to him.
“Yeah man, I wouldn’t mind seeing it again all undressed,” he says winking at me.
I blushed and said, “I guess I can show it off again.”
I pulled off my dad’s shirt and shorts, all the way down to his underwear.
“Damn…” he says to me.
We go to his parent’s guess bedroom and I hop on top of the bed.
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“Trev, I’m so turned on right now. I don’t know how to ask you this but could I rub your dad’s body over?”
“Sure man!”
Cameron goes down to my dad’s big feet and starts rubbing them. It feels pretty good, I guess my dad’s hasn’t had anyone rub his feet in awhile.
All of the sudden, Cam does something that surprised me. He starts licking my dad’s feet.
I watched him be enthralled with them. It was so hot seeing a hot guy my age be so into something I’d never expect.
Cam, crawls up to my dad’s crotch and starts rubbing his inner thighs. I’m surprised that he hasn’t just gone for my dad’s junk yet.
My father’s dick is completely hard and leaking on his underwear.
Cam reaches up and twists my dad’s nipple which made me squeak a bit.
I’ve looks right at my dad’s crotch and back up at me— like he’s taking for my permission.
I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, I knew this wasn’t a boundary I was going to be able to come back from.
I nodded my head and Cameron pulled my dad’s briefs off. My father’s 11 inch hairy dick was now in my crushes hands.
He fondled dad’s big hairy balls and planted his noise right into dad’s taint.
He kisses his cock head a couple of times before he forced dad’s dick down his throat.
I ran dad’s hands through Cam’s curly brown hair while he gave me the best blow job ever.
Cam ran his free hand all over dad’s body, I was coming close.
“Cam I’m about to cum!”
Cam takes all of my dad’s load down his throat.
He says to me, “I want you to jerk me off with your dad’s big manly feet.”
I giggled and said, “okay!”
I used dad’s feet to stroke cam’s 8 inch dick listening to him moan. Cams feet were positioned right near me to touch. I rubbed them and while watching Cam get so much pleasure from a foot job.
Cam let out one last scream of a moan as he squirted all over my dad’s feet.
I watched him lick every inch of cum off of them.
He crawled up to me and we laid in bed together while I cuddled him.
“So are you bringing your dad’s body to the pool tomorrow?”
I grinned at him, “Now I am!”
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bigtreefest · 7 months
Touch My Butt
Pairing: Jake Jensen x reader one-shot
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Summary: Dating Jake is great, he’s such a gentleman
Word count: 1,506
Content/warnings: mostly fluff, is this what a meet-cute is?, allusions to smut if you squint, the lightest thigh grinding, adorkable awkward Jake, accidental pervy statements, butt-touching, I don’t think I used any pronouns (aka gn!reader), no use of Y/N
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write this for awhile, and it’s one of those things that came out pretty much exactly how I had it in my head, so that makes me really happy.
Who doesn’t love a hot nerd who doesn’t know he’s hot??
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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You and Jake had been going out for nearly a couple of months now. You had met originally at a coffee shop where he had complimented your pants, standing behind you as you both were waiting for your drinks.
“Hey, I really like your pants. So many pockets. And the buttons are really cool on the back ones, here.”
You slowly turned around, eyes trailing up from a slim waist to a broad chest, and eventually a pair of blue eyes, tucked behind glasses, just as they started to go wide with realization at what he had said.
“Oh my gosh, I-uh, not that I was looking at your back pockets on purpose, I mean- I didn’t mean to look at your butt at all- not at you at all”
His cheeks began to tinge red and his gaze was glued to the floor, scared to look back up at your eyes, worried for the confrontation that could come from his awkwardness and inability to read the room. His buff arm was rubbing the back of his neck, bicep bulging as you dipped your head in an attempt to meet his gaze.
You instantly giggled “It’s okay. I think I know what you’re trying to say. Thank you for the compliment, I really like these pants, too.”
You turned back around before you got the chance to embarrass yourself in front of the hot, dorky stranger just as your name was called. You grabbed your drink, turned and winked at him, and left to continue the errands on your list, heading to the grocery store.
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You were making your way through the produce aisles, figuring out which fruits and vegetables would be best for your meals for the next couple weeks when your eyes landed on the sign for an amazing deal on peaches.
You pushed your cart towards the display and grabbed a bag, examining for varying degrees of ripeness so you could have some sooner, and others wouldn’t peak until next week. Just then you heard the stray squeaky wheel of a cart stop behind you, thinking it was just another shopper going about their business until you heard a familiar voice.
“That’s a nice peach. You like peaches? Wait! No- I, uh, that wasn’t supposed to come out so creepy like that.”
You did your best to suppress a laugh as you paused your produce search and whipped around to see the man from the coffee shop bent at the waist with his head in his hands resting on the handle of his grocery cart. His frosted tips the only thing left on display to you.
“So, uh, is all you’re capable of doing…making allusions to my ass?”
From behind his hands, you heard a muffled “no” before he wiped his palms down his face and looked at you sheepishly. “I don’t know why that keeps happening. I really just wanted to start a conversation with you. And I promise I’m not stalking you either, I’m just out running errands today.”
“Wow, you really know how to convince a girl you’re not an axe murderer, that’s for sure.” Your eyebrows raised, but there was still a smile on your face. You believed him. He seemed genuine.
“I promise I’m not! And I promise I’ll never talk about your butt again” He bursted out, hopeful that he wasn’t blowing this. “Can I, um prove it to you? Over coffee? I mean- n-not now, obviously, you’ve still got your cup-”
“Yes.” In an attempt to save him from his adorable rambling you interjected. “Yes, I’d like to see you again, sure. In a more planned manner. But how about dinner? Tomorrow night?”
“Oh, yes, that’s perfect.” You watched as he stood up taller, shoulders back in a new-found cockiness, and grabbed a peach off the display. He tossed it up in the air and caught it in his hand a few times before you cleared your throat gently to get his attention again.
“So do you want to exchange numbers? So we can figure out the details later?” He went to reach for his phone, losing focus on the peach and fumbling it, grasping as it fell out of reach and you both watched it splat at his feet almost in slow motion.
He bent down and picked it up, placing the newly lopsided peach in his cart. “I, uh, I’ll pay for that.” He rubbed his neck again in embarrassment and looked down, scared to make eye contact. Sensing his nervousness to take another step and mess up again, you softly grabbed the phone from his hands and replaced it with your own. The two of you put your contacts into the other’s phone and handed them back.
“Ah, well, it’s nice to meet you officially,” you looked down at the new contact “…Jake. I’ll message you soon.” He was speechless and still red with embarrassment, so he just stood there and waved with a grin on his face as you left the produce and made your way to the frozens.
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Dinner with Jake was great once the two of you had loosened up a little. Conversation flowed easily and you were caught up in his charm that you were sure he didn’t even know he had. This led to another date later in the week at the science center, followed by three other dates the next week, until the two of you were at one another’s apartments each night of the following.
You truly enjoyed spending time together, but you could tell Jake was trying to keep some respectful distance. He’d hold your hand when you walked or drove together, or occasionally put his hand on the small of your back, but it rarely went past that, besides the occasional times where you’d smack his butt and he’d look at you with a playful warning glare. You couldn’t help yourself, it was just so plump. It didn’t necessarily seem to go the other way, though. The one time the two of you had come close to having a heated make out session, he left his hands on your waist while yours roamed through his hair. He did look delicious with it all messed up, though, pairing well with his fogged up, crooked glasses.
Besides that, he would sit on the opposite side of your small 3-seater couch from you, allowing your legs to be tangled, and not much more. That’s what was going on tonight. It was Friday and Jake had come over for a movie marathon. You hoped this would lead to being closer to him, but he seemed enthralled with what was on the screen.
You had gotten up to get snacks, and when you came back, you plopped yourself down right next to Jake, hip to hip. He didn’t seem to mind at all. Maybe he was just trying to do everything on your terms? You snuggled up against him, lifting his arm and placing it over your shoulder, and he let you, for the rest of the movie.
Once the credits began to roll, he groggily stretched and you looked over your shoulder and up at him through your eyelashes. He smirked back down at you. Oh man, how he loved that look. He leaned down do give you a peck. This was your opportunity to push it a little farther, so you shifted to straddle his thigh.
“Is this ok?” He looked up at you in response as his hands gravitated to your waist.
“Yeah, baby. It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
You placed a hand on his cheek. “If I’m so perfect, why don’t you touch me ever?”
He looked back at you intently, eyebrows furrowed. “What are you talking about? I’m touching you right now.”
You giggled and rolled your eyes playfully. “Yeah, respectfully. You always touch me respectfully.”
His cheeks tinged pink. “Yeah, uh, I want you to know I respect you. And that I’m not trying to sexualize you, especially after my accidental pervy statements when we first met.”
You smiled and shook your head at him, leaning down so your foreheads met as you squeezed his cheeks softly. “And I appreciate that, I really do. You’ve been nothing but a gentleman and I see the reverence in your gaze. I hope you see it in mine, too… And how many times do I have to tell you? I didn’t really think you were a perv” you giggled quietly, still meeting his gaze, “I found it endearing.”
You sat back up and lowered your hands to grab his wrists, guiding his palms to snake around your back and down lower over the back pockets of your jeans.
“And I want you to know, it’s okay to sexualize me a little bit. Touch. My. Butt.” You punctuated with pecks, before leaning in and kissing him hard. He returned the passion with a moan, kneading where you had placed his hands and you ground against him as your hands moved back up to tousle his hair.
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*screech* I love Jakey. Thank you for reading
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graceyappsalot · 6 months
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~best friend to lovers troupe 😍, no set gender 🫶🏻, Percy Jackson x reader, mentions of blood and an accident cut, swearing and two stupid idiots who obviously like each other.~. !!!NOT PROOF READ!!!
“Come on, Y/N, you have to actually try.” Percy spat out. “I am trying, this is just so boring and I don’t see a point in this.” You said while lunging forward at Percy with your sword in hand. “One day you could be in serious trouble, and… I don’t know if I’ll always be here to save you.” Percy mumbled out that last part but you still heard. Understanding why he now had been begging you to practice swordsmanship with him. “Oh..Well you can’t get rid of me so easily.” You exclaimed trying to lighten up the mood. Percy didn’t quite like that and sent a little sassy side eye your way. You laughed at your sassy best friend.
You look away for a split second but still going towards Percy as you two continue to fight with your swords. You watch as Grover falls off a boat into the lake. “OMG Percy look at- shit!” While you were distracted with laughing your ass of at Grover being stupid, Percy hadn’t taken notice of how distracted you were and accidentally caused you to fall over a boulder/rock. “Omg shit Y/N, are you okay?” He giggled out. “Are you seriously laughing right now.” Percy went over and helped you up looking for any clear injuries. “ you can’t blame me the way you fell is hilarious.” His eyes went wide. “What..why are you look at me like- Woah okay yup that’s a problem.” You say as you take notice of the sword embedded into your leg.”
“Hey guys! Uh hey Y/N you know you have a sword in your leg right?” Anna Beth stated walking into the mess you two created. “Oh my gosh, no I had no clue thanks annabeth.” You said with obvious sarcasm. The pain was finally starting to set in as you saw the blood fall from your leg. “Hey guys I’m feeling a little dizzy maybe I should go to the infirmary.” You tried taking a step forward and then……..It all went black
You wake up in the infirmary with Percy next to you sitting and Annabeth spewing questions at him “How did this even happen? You know what actually I don’t wanna know.” Percy laughed “Well actually this stupid ass wasn’t looking, well I mean technically it was my fault but like..?” You cough trying to make your presence known in the room “ I got a little distracted but, it’s technically groovers fault because he made me get distracted by falling into the lake.” Everybody started laughing. Luke walks in. “How did you even manage to get a sword stuck in your leg. You two idiots got me in trouble because I’m supposed to be in charge of keeping everyone safe.” Luke spat out obviously upset with you and Percy. “Whoops..?” You and Percy said simultaneously.
Everybody but Percy had left your room. “I’m sorry for laughing, I was actually super worried for you.” He said while avoiding eye contact. “It’s okay, I would have laughed at me too.” You grab his hand in hopes of him making eye contact. “I’m okay. I promise.” Percy looks up finally gazing into your eyes. You can tell how worried he had been. “Annabeth told me I should tell you this secret I’ve been keeping but, I don’t know how you will react.” You sit up yearning to know this so called secret “Tell me, you can trust me Percy, you’re my best friend.” That last sentence didn’t seem to make Percy so happy. “That’s the problem Y/N. I don’t wanna be your best friend anymore.” Taken back you removed your hand from his.
“Oh..” Percy shot up with worried eyes. “No, no, no that’s not what I meant.” “ what I meant was, I really like you, in a not friend way. I have for awhile..” you lunge at him and wrap your arms around him. “You stupid idiot. I’ve liked you since you first got here at camp.” You say.
Okay I don’t know how to end this so 😭😭😭 yeah that’s it. I tried to make this as good as possible but I’ll eventually make it better 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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toasttt11 · 8 months
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July 23, 2021
Grey walked through the packed house looking for Luke, she walked through the back door seeing his silhouette sitting out on the grass, she walked out quietly behind him sitting next to him on the grass, she leaned her head on his shoulder.
“Do you think he would be proud?” Luke choked out not even thinking how hard his draft day would be without a big piece of their family.
Grey closed her eyes soflty at the thought of her brother she gently grabbed Luke’s hand feeling the rough but soft calluses from all the years of hockey, “I like to think that Lijah is proud of no matter what we do as long as we are trying. But i do know that he is very proud of you today Luke.” Grey spoke passionately to Luke making sure to keep eye contact with her best friend.
“Thank you.” Luke sniffed slightly feeling a lot better something that’s always easy because of Grey.
“Stay with me in Jersey.” Grey blurted out the thought she has had for awhile, Luke eyes snapped back to her, “I know your going to Umich for a bit but when you come out to Jersey stay with me, i’ve got a lot of room for my best friend.” Grey having just bought a penthouse in New Jersey as Jersey was the perfect middle spot from her family and her career.
“Yeah of course, way better than staying with Jack.” Luke grinned widely as he chuckled making Grey laugh loudly leaning her forehead on Luke’s shoulder as she laughed. Luke arm naturally wrapped around her even closer holding her even close to him.
Luke swallowed nervously watching Grey look up at him with her beautiful eyes, his eyes flicked down to her lips before back to eyes, “Don’t hate me?” Luke soflty questioned as his other hand gently cupped her cheek leaning closer to her.
Grey sucked in a nervous breath biting her lip soflty as he got closer, “I could never.” She responded before leaning forward and doing the own thing she’s been dreaming of for years, she pressed her lips to his as her hand settled into his curls, Luke’s hand slid down her side to tightly but lovingly holding her waist.
They both gently pulled away from each other, their noses nudging each other, breathless chuckled leaving both of their lips.
“I’ve been waiting to do that for a long time.” Luke sheepishly admitted smiling at his best friend.
“Me too.” Grey let out a little laugh as she nudged his nose with hers, gently playing with one of his curls between her fingers.
“Be mine?” Luke soflty questioned looking nervous.
Grey let out a chuckle and fondly rolled her eyes, “I’ve always been yours Lu.”
Luke smiled pressing multiple kisses to her cheek, “Will you be my girlfriend officially Grey Olive Elizabeth Thompson?” Luke beamed at her.
Grey made a thinking face making Luke tickle her side, she giggled out, “Ok, Ok. Yes Luke Warren Hughes i’ll be your girlfriend.” Grey let out a sequel when Luke leaned forward making her gently fall back against the grass as his hand went to the back of her head, he was pressing rapidly kisses to her lips as she was giggling.
“EW MY EYES!” Jack walked out of the house dramatically gagged seeing his little brother and his honorary little sister, “Damn It! Couldn’t you guys wait another year!” Jack groaned dramatically as the two stopped kissing and looked at him.
Quinn walked out hearing Jack gagging and saw Luke and Grey holding each other closely and knew what happen, “You owe me my money!” Quinn smirked smugly.
“You bet on us.” Luke glared at his two brothers.
“What you two have been so obvious i was trying to get money out of it.” Jack smirked only shrugging before turning and going to walk inside, “Oh and make sure you use protection little brother.” Jack snicker as he continued waking in the house before hissing as Quinn smacked him in the back of the head.
Grey and Luke looked at each other before collapsing in a fit of laughter.
The stars over them that night shined brightly.
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thedeviltohisangel · 6 months
All The Things I Did (6): They Say All's Well That Ends Well
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a/n: greetings! some sweet morning after pillow talk, meeting col. harding and hypocrites in love coming your way this lovely evening. next chapter is gearing up to be a big one so I hope you guys enjoy a bit of cass' fallible side (which I would love to discuss more) in this way before she badasses her way through Berlin. I might have a secret Easter suprise up my sleeve so stay tuned. as usual, inbox is open for all our little blurb screaming we've doing and I have a Spook x Bucky playlist I am thinking of sharing if you guys are interested. Let me know your thoughts on this chapter, xoxo
When Cass finally stirred against his chest, pressing kisses against his heart and blinking slowly, John saw a flash of his future. Waking up with her in his arms. Watching the sunrise and kiss across her face gently. Getting to admire her wild hair and sleep warmed cheeks and the lazy smile that settled across her face as she got her first sight of him.
“Good morning,” she whispered as she stroked her fingers through his hair and obliged his puckered lips request for a kiss. “Have you been up for awhile?” John reached for his pants on the floor, producing a cigarette. 
“No. Was just admiring the view.” She plucked the lighter from his hand and brought it to his lips for him. “I’ve got to meet that goddamn CO first thing tomorrow.”
“Baby, it is tomorrow,” she giggled. His knuckles traced across her cheek lovingly.
“You’re so smart.” Cass rolled her eyes but kissed him again regardless. “You got any intel for me?” Her chin rested on his chest and his fingers tangled into her hair. 
“I met him in London before I got here. I think you two will get along. He’s a good pilot. Likes to have a fun time.” She kept out the specifics of his flirting and propositioning. No need to ruin the moment or start them off on the wrong footing. “Has a certain Clark Gable nature to him.” 
“Oh? Is that your type, Miss Cooper?” 
“My town is full of Rhett Butler’s. Didn’t have the best of luck with any of them.” Sadness flickered behind her eyes, maybe even hurt, and John wanted to throttle whoever was responsible. Cass lifted his wrist to look at his watch and groaned when she saw they would have to return to the real world soon. “I want to stay just like this. Forever.” 
“After all this is over,” he brushed his thumb over her lips, “we can. We will.” 
“You’ll come to my room when your day is over?” There was no reason a little slice of forever couldn’t start now. Besides, neither of them thought they would be able to sleep alone again after they had learned the solace of sleeping in the arms of each other. He inhaled his cigarette deeply.
“Counting down the seconds.” 
He couldn’t stop fidgeting with the buttons of his jacket as Colonel Harding was flipping through the file in front of him. John had driven Cass to her room, taking his time to bid her farewell, before heading straight to his meeting. Still drunk on whiskey or her, he wasn’t quite sure, but either way he was having trouble staying focused.
“You hungover, Major?”
“No, sir. That won’t come for a few more hours.” He wondered what Cass was doing right now. Certainly something more interesting. Certainly was looking beautiful while doing it. 
“Colonel Huglin didn’t think too much of your skills as an Air Exec.”
“Well, I didn’t think too much of-” John paused as a black and white photo fell from between the papers and onto his desk. It looked like Cass. His Cass. Except she wasn’t in her uniform. It looked like she was in a satin dress with diamonds framing her face. Something settled in the pit of his stomach. 
“Too much of his flying?” John met his gaze, entirely focused now. “Well, I’m not Colonel Huglin.”
“No. You’re not.” Harding followed his gaze down to the photograph and smiled.
“You’re familiar with Lieutenant Cooper?” He was looking at her wistfully and John’s fingers were twitching to snatch it from him. No other man should be looking at her like that besides him. 
“She’s quite the officer, sir. We’ve all been nothing but impressed by her work.” 
“She’s something, alright.” He tucked the photo away but John’s rage didn’t go away with it. His skin was hot and prickly. A base instinct to protect and preserve percolating at the surface. He was afraid if he opened his mouth, Gale’s upside down letter would be for nothing. There was a knock on the door which distracted him from his plotting thoughts for a moment. “In fact, that should be her.”
Cass’ head poked around the door and if she was surprised to see John, she didn’t show it. To be fair, more often than not, her face didn’t give away much. 
“Colonel. Major.” The door clicked softly behind her and John felt the whiskey from a few hours ago stir in his stomach as Harding stood in deference to her, motioning towards the chair to the Major’s left. “Sir, I was just hoping to discuss Berlin with you. Very briefly.”
“Berlin?” John couldn’t keep it in. Why on earth would she…oh.
“Lieutenant Cooper has been selected for a prestigious opportunity,” he offered around the cigar that was now in his mouth. 
“Prestigious may not be-”
“Cassandra-” And God, if she didn’t cringe herself as the familiar use of her full name whipped across John and onto her. “-I’ve heard about your work even before I got here. Seen it up close myself if you haven’t forgotten. You’re the right officer for the job.” Cass thinks she could feel John’s nostril flaring. Thinks the arm of the chair might break under his grip. Was surprised the tapping of his toes hadn’t worn a hole in the floor. She should have known he was the jealous type. 
“Lieutenant,” John emphasized her rank as he stood, “Colonel. I should go check on a few things before the day really starts.” And because he can’t help himself around her, and because he needed to let Harding know she was off limits, he kissed her cheek. “Come find me when you’re done.” Cass was frozen with her beating cheeks on full display as John adjusted his hat and disappeared out the door. 
“I thought you didn’t like pilots.”
“That’s a bit reductive, Colonel.” Her eyes drifted to the handwritten letter at the top of his pile. “Was I too late for the demotion ceremony?” He nodded.
“Major Egan is back to being a squadron commander, effectively immediately.” Colonel Harding had greeted him with the news. John had been elated. “But you wanted to talk about Berlin.” Cass nodded around the lump in her throat. She had come to tender her declination of the operation. It wasn’t worth the risk. Not when she was this close to having John in her life permanently. Not when she could have him on her arm when she went back to South Carolina. Not when he was so close to silencing those voices in her head.
“Actually, there’s nothing left to talk about. I’m grateful for the opportunity.” If he didn’t care, then why should she? What was the point of her safety if he had no regards for his own?
“Alright, then. I’ll leave you to your preparations.” She was resolved when she exited. Felt silly for even considering turning it down. Since when had she ever let a stupid boy navigate her life? Except John wasn’t just some stupid boy that had her dreaming of white picket fences and church on Sundays and sharing a lemonade on the back porch. John was a man and he was the man she was in love with. Why couldn’t it just be that simple?
“Well, there he is. I didn’t see you last night or this morning,” Gale said with a smile. “Thought maybe we’d lost you.” John hummed as he sat across from him and asked for a cup of coffee.
“I spent the night with Spook.”
“Did you now?” Gale thinks John looked like the cat that caught the canary. He could use his own deductive reasoning to figure out what the night entailed. “And?” He was asking if there had been any developments. If hearts had been laid bare and understandings had been reached. 
“And I’m still certain I’m in love with her. Same as I was yesterday when you asked me.”
“She say the same when you told her?” 
“Wouldn’t let me tell her,” he sighed, “told me if I said it and something happened to her on her next assignment, she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself.”
“Must be hard to finally be rebuked by a beautiful woman.” John rolled his eyes, knowing Gale was loving every moment of his plight. Finally, finally, Gale was able to witness John Egan unsure of his footing. The man who had no trouble flying a plane and dropping bombs and could dance with anyone or sing in a crowded social club. His best friend had met his match and he couldn’t be more elated to have the chance to witness it.
“New CO thinks she’s beautiful, too.” 
“And how did that come up?” he asked around a bite of his breakfast. 
“A picture of her fell out of a folder he was reading. Wasn’t her official photo, she wasn’t in uniform. Looked like she was all dolled up for something…” His voice faded towards the end as he remembered the way she had looked. It was akin to the feeling he had when she showed up in her red dress. Absolute adoration and curiosity at the image of her southern society side when he knew the other side so intimately well. The side that had a ring dish of bullets on her dresser. “He looked at her the way I would. I didn’t like it.”
“Now, what was it Cass said about the word like…”
“I detested it. Better?” Gale nodded his approval then caught a glance of the woman in question over John’s shoulder. 
“Was she this upset when you left her this morning?” 
“Upset?” He furrowed his brow and looked behind him to see what he was talking about. Her face was blank as she walked purposefully towards their table. John assumed it was something he did, he had a habit of fucking up, but damn if she didn’t look elegantly gorgeous stalking towards him like that. 
“You were up early this morning, Major Cleven.” John felt a shred of relief. “I can read upside down. Helping this one get himself demoted?” So maybe it was about John. 
“You got demoted?” Kidd chimed in from his spot at the end of table. “To what?”
“Squadron Commander. 418th. Sorry, Kidd.” 
“That’s fine. As long as I get my fort back.”
“About that…”
“You son of a bitch. I’m Air Exec?” Cass chuckled dryly. 
“You’re brimming with good news today, John.” Ah. So he did do something.
“Me getting back to flying is good news, Cass. I don’t know why that would upset you.” Gale held his breath. He wished he could coach John through this. Don’t question, try to understand. But Spook was a force to be reckoned with. He was happy to just spectate.
“I’m not upset. I’m…” She was struggling to find the word. The right word. Worried. Scared. Anxious. Her feelings encompassed all of it. There was no right word for the dread that she was feeling. Forever. Pulled right out from under her.
“I’m not upset about Berlin.”
“Well, maybe you should be.” Gale was half tempted to put a hand on John’s shoulder when he cocked an eyebrow and leaned towards her. Cass had crossed her arms over her chest defensively and the temperature was rising. He wished these two would stop using their brains to talk around their thoughts and feelings and just simply say them.
“And why’s that? Your job makes you happy. Leaves you with fulfillment. And you're goddamn good at it so why would I be upset?” God, her own reasons sounded so hollow in her mind. Sounded selfish and childish. Why wasn’t he raging at her? Fighting her to stand down. She knew how to handle that. How to fight back. This she did not know how to handle. 
“Because it’s dangerous.” There it was. She was mad he was back in danger. Why didn’t she just say that? 
“Then I just gotta trust you’ll come back to me, don’t I?” Gale crooked a smile but hid it quickly. “Just like how you have to trust that I’ll come back to you.” Truthfully, it would take an act of God to keep him from her. But trust was something she had been programmed to avoid in her line of work. 
“Trust,” she echoed with a defeated laugh. 
“You know, Cass, if this whole thing ended and there were only two pilots left in the sky, it’d be me and it’d be Buck. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“Don’t count on it,” Gale muttered as he slipped a toothpick between his lips. She was ready to make a comment about the level of trust Gale’s comment would instill in her when she caught a glimpse of Mary walking into the mess hall.
“Hi, Mary!” John greeted her happily. He had a soft spot in his chest for the secretary. She was the gatekeeper between him and Cass’ billet most mornings and, on occasion, his source of base gossip while he waited with his bouquet of flowers.
“Major Egan, I didn’t see you this morning.” 
“Sorry to disappoint,” John answered with a grin, “Lieutenant Cooper kept me preoccupied.”
“Ignore this helion, Mary. Did word from Mr. Foster arrive yet?” 
“Another secret admirer?” he asked with an annoyed tone. He wouldn’t have been surprised if Cass had admirers falling out of the woodwork. He couldn’t blame them. He just wanted to know how many he would be competing with. 
“Partner,” she replied stoically. 
“He just landed actually, ma’am. Was coming to get you before I went to welcome him.” 
“Thank you, Mary. I’ll be right there.” John took her hand from where it was crossed over her chest and brought it to his lips. 
“Am I still allowed to come find you when my day’s over?” He was really asking if she was angry enough over his decision to keep him at arm’s length. If he had undone all the goodwill they had built up. If last night now meant nothing at all to her. 
“You can’t expect me to sleep by myself, Major.” Not when William’s arrival meant she would be leaving in the morning. Not when she knew the 100th was going to take another run at Norway soon. Not when Gale was looking at her with a message behind his eyes that the only way for Bucky to make it through this was for her to be at his side. 
John stood and met her halfway in a kiss, savoring her proximity for just a moment longer until he pulled away. “Make sure Mary knows I’m sorry about this morning.”
“I will. Try to stay out of trouble the rest of the day. Keep an eye on him, Buck.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Cass let her fingers linger on John’s cheek before forcing herself to walk in the direction Mary had gone. 
“What do you think, Buck? I make a mistake asking for that demotion?” He turned back towards his friend. Maybe he should have stayed Air Exec, stayed safe, just like Cass had said. Maybe he should have said something about her going to Berlin.
“You’re a born leader, John. The men need you no matter if that’s here or up there.” 
“But, what if I need her? What if flying gets in the way of that?”
“Nothing could get in the way of the love you have for that girl, John.” The way Gale saw it, John hadn’t just been sent here to lead their boys through this, but to find Cass. To find his sense of purpose. His north star through all the fog. 
“Nothing except a fucking world war,” he muttered as he reached into his pocket for a cigarette. 
Maybe if he was flying, he could end this thing sooner. Maybe he could save her from whatever fate had her so rattled. If he could get them that future they wanted even a moment sooner, it would all be worth it. To have her safely in his arms away from bombs and secrets and the destruction that they both brought with them. 
But first she was going to Berlin and he was going to Norway and they were both fighting for that little future. A little future tucked away with green grass and sunshine and the laughter of the ones you love. 
Neither of them knew how much more blood would need to be shed to get there. How much pain the universe had in store for them. That their paths would separate and bring them back together many times over before they earned their peace. 
For now, John would settle for making it through tomorrow.
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moons-dunes · 1 year
For Kinktober- Prompt: Bathtub sex
Kinktober masterlist
A/N: So this is actually the first time in awhile that I’ve finished writing a proper smut fic, or anything really. I’ll be honest, I’m not super happy with how the first couple turned out but they do have redeeming qualities. Someone out there will probably enjoy them :)
18+ Only MDNI
Summary: You find yourself chilly in bed on a cool fall morning. Marc finds a way to warm you up.
Pairing: Marc Spector x Female Reader
WC: ~1.9k
This work contains: Bathtub sex (obvi), fingering (f!receiving), multiple orgasms (f!receiving), light nipple play, PiV sex, unprotected sex (don’t do this in real life, we can’t afford kids in this economy), hint of D/S dynamics, it’s pretty soft and fluffy overall, please let me know if I missed anything
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This was your favourite type of morning.
You and Marc were snuggled against each other in bed under the covers, with no need to rush into getting up. The nights got cooler as fall came, a perfect excuse to stay cuddled up throughout the night.
You had your head resting on Marc’s firm chest, one arm draped across him while the other rested beneath your head.
One of his hands was lazily petting your messy hair while his other arm held you against him, keeping his legs tangled with yours.
Despite how snug you were, you still found yourself to be a bit chilly.
You shifted your position a bit and slowly moved your arms until your hands found the bottom of his shirt, quickly glancing up at him to see he had his eyes closed. He didn’t suspect a thing.
You bit your bottom lip to hold back a smirk as you moved your cold hands under his warm shirt.
“Hey!” He yelped in surprise, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Much better,” you hummed innocently, attempting to get comfortable again.
Marc had other plans.
Within a second he had you on your back beneath him, holding your offensively cold hands on either side of your head while you tried your hardest to bite back a smile.
“What was that for?” He asked with a playful smirk, tilting his head a bit as his eyes stared into yours.
Under his intense gaze you cracked a grin for a moment, your chest shaking with the effort to not laugh out loud.
“I’m cold,” you responded with a small pout, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. “Because someone won’t turn up the thermostat.”
Marc snorted out a quick laugh, his head dropping in an attempt to hide his gorgeous smile.
“We’ll boil to death if we turn it up now!”
He was right of course, the daytimes were still hot. Didn’t mean you couldn’t bug him about it.
He let go of your wrists and sat upright, climbing out of bed with a tired groan.
“Come on,” he pulled you up too, and you shivered as your feet hit the cold floor. “Let's warm you up.”
You quirked a brow at him, liking where this was going.
He led you to the bathroom, and immediately got the faucet running. He held his hand under the stream of water until he was satisfied with the temperature, pouring in a little bit of bath foam under the running water.
You quickly stripped yourself of your pajamas and he did the same, not wasting any time.
He climbed into the tub, and got comfortable in the slowly rising bubbly water. You did the same, sitting between his legs and resting your back against his chest.
The warm water was immediately soothing, chasing the chill away. You let out a pleased sigh, letting the soft scent of vanilla fill your senses.
It didn’t take long for the water to rise to the desired level with both of you in the tub, and you leaned forward to turn off the faucet before leaning back into Marc.
“Better?” He cooed as his lips brushed against your ear, his arms wrapping around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Hm. I think I’m still a bit cold,” you teased with a smirk, tracing his hands with your fingers.
“Oh really?” He feigned surprise, moving his hands up slowly until they cupped your breasts. “What are we going to do about that?”
“Guess we’ll have to figure something out…” you trailed off, leaning farther back into him.
He started massaging your tits with the perfect amount of pressure, his lips brushing across the side of your neck. You let your head fall to the side, a quiet moan escaping as his dexterous fingers started to play with your sensitive nipples.
“You like that?” He asked with a chuckle, as if he didn't know already. You nod anyway, letting out a high pitched whine as he pinches a bit.
You could feel his hardening cock pressing against your backside, hot and heavy.
“Seems like you like it too, Spector,” you breathed out, making him hum against your neck.
You arched your back a bit to press your chest further into his strong hands as he teased your perky nipples, rolling them between his fingers.
Despite being submerged in water, you felt yourself getting wet. As the heat between your thighs started to build, you started bucking your hips a bit to try and get some friction.
“So needy, baby,” he purred right next to your ear, and his hot breath against your skin made you shudder. “I’ve barely even touched you yet and you’re already so desperate.”
It was true. You could already feel a devastating heat building within you, something that happened a lot with Marc.
He always seemed to know exactly how and where to touch you; how to make your body open up to him effortlessly. And you loved it, loved the effect he had on you.
He trailed his hands down, letting them disappear into the soapy water as they wandered your body.
You gasped loudly as his hand found your clit, his other arm tightening around your waist.
“There you go. Let me hear those pretty sounds,” he encouraged as he worked his talented fingers over you, and you threw your head back against his shoulder.
You bucked your hips up into his hand, making the warm water ripple around you.
He made a V with his fingers, rubbing them up and down around your sensitive bud.
You lurched against him as he rubbed you just right, sending a bolt of pleasure through you.
His thumb found your clit, his middle and ring finger brushing against your clenching hole.
“Marc, please,” you choked out, spreading your legs as far as the sides of the tub will allow.
“You don’t have to beg me today, honey,” he assured you, pressing an open mouthed kiss into the crook of your neck. “I’ve got you. Gonna open you up for me, okay?”
You nodded frantically, still grinding your hips towards his hand.
He pressed two fingers into you, holding you still with the arm he had across your middle.
He sunk his digits as deep as they would go in his current position, shifting both of you so you’re both submerged further into the rippling water.
The new position allowed you to open your legs a bit further, giving Marc’s fingers more room to work you open.
Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as he curled his fingers inside of you, finding the spot that made you see stars. He rubbed his fingers against your g-spot until you couldn’t hold back your moans anymore.
Between his thumb on your clit and his fingers working you open, you knew you weren’t going to last long.
“Baby, I-“ you choked out, interrupted by a moan as pleasure continues to rip through you.
“There’s my girl,” Marc praised you, moving his thumb faster. “Don’t hold back.”
You weren’t sure you could if you tried anyway.
He started thrusting his fingers in and out of you faster, continuing to whisper little praises in your ear.
One more curl of his talented fingers had you cumming around them, clenching down as your orgasm hits hard.
You were sure you were being loud, but in the moment you didn’t care. He fucked you with his fingers through your climax, his thumb continued to circling your clit.
You slumped back against him as the high passed, only barely registering when he took his fingers out of you.
“So good for me,” he murmured in your ear as you started to feel more grounded, your breathing evening out.
He shifted again, sitting more upright than before.
Through your slight haze, you felt his now fully hard cock pressing against your back.
You awkwardly but successfully managed to turn yourself around to face him, positioning yourself so you were straddling his lap.
You took in the sight of him, in awe of how absolutely gorgeous he looked. Drops of water decorated his olive skin, his dark eyes wide and full of desire.
Your hand grabbed his cock, lining him up with your entrance.
“Ready?” You asked through a shaky breath, running your hand up and down his length a couple times.
He gave you a quick silent nod as his hands grabbed your hips, helping you steady yourself over him.
You slowly lowered yourself down, letting out a deep groan as you felt him start to fill you up. Marc’s breath hitched for a second as he guided you down over him until he was fully sheathed inside of you, making your hands scramble to grab the sides of the tub for extra support.
“Fuck…” he grunted quietly, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment as you clenched around his thick length.
You started moving your hips with his gentle guidance, finding the perfect rhythm as water sloshed around you.
Marc found himself bucking his hips up into you, hitting that spot inside of you over and over again.
“Feels so good, baby,” he praised quietly, gripping your hips tighter. He helped you bounce up and down on his cock, his moans growing louder as you rode him faster.
You let go of the sides of the tub to grab his shoulders and bring him closer to you, pressing your lips to his eagerly.
Your nails slightly dug into his skin, making him groan into your mouth.
His gorgeous moans only spurred you on more, encouraging you to bounce on his cock faster and harder.
You felt your pussy clench around him as he hit the perfect spot with each thrust, already bringing you close to another orgasm.
You rolled your hips in the way you know he loved, trying to get him right on the edge with you.
You moved your lips from his, instead pressing heavy and desperate kisses to his jaw and neck. You easily found the spot right under his jaw that made him moan so beautifully, the sound he made was music to your ears.
Marc’s thrusts began to get sloppy as he felt himself getting close, his cock twitching inside of you.
“Marc…” you stuttered out as you pulled your lips back from his neck, your breathing picking up as you reached the edge.
“Me too,” he groaned as he buried his head into your shoulder, pulling you down onto his cock now. “Cum for me, baby.”
He held you still on top of him, his thrusts grew frantic and shallow as he came inside of you. His movements pushed you over the edge, and you squeezed around him as you reached your climax for the second time.
“Fuck, Marc!” You nearly screamed as he kept moving his hips, fucking you through your orgasm and his own. You were so sensitive, but it felt heavenly.
You felt your legs start to shake, and you fell half limp into Marc’s chest. Your arms tightened around his shoulders, digging your fingers into his skin desperately.
As he stilled his movements, both of you were breathing heavily. He brought his hands up to your waist, holding you against him as you both came down from the high.
You two sat like that in silence for a bit, tangled up in each other in the lukewarm water and breathing hard.
When you felt like you could move again, you slowly straightened yourself up, admiring the soft gleam in Marc’s eyes.
You lifted your hips carefully, letting out a small whine as his soft cock slipped out of you.
“Warm enough now?” He teased with a cocky smile, his hands running up and down your back in a soothing motion.
“Uhhh…” you pretended to contemplate his question, looking up at the ceiling for a second. “Maybe we can leave the thermostat turned down for a bit longer.”
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randonauticrap · 10 months
Say Yes
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Pairing ~ Jin Grandet x Reader
Word Count ~ 2.5k
Synopsis ~ Based on Jin's 18th Level Bond Story: Jin proposes a game to you in which no matter what question he asks you, you have to say "yes"... and you have to mean it. Appearances from the domestic affairs faction!
Author's Note ~ I've been absent for awhile, but it felt SO good to get back into writing for my favorite man. This is my first entry into @aquagirl1978's "A Series of Firsts" event, with my darling Jin and the prompt "First Kiss"! SO excited about my love finally getting his own feature in a fanfic writing event! <3
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“Man! What a meal.” Leon whooped as he settled into one of the plush chairs around the fireplace with a hand over his swollen stomach. 
“It was amazing, thank you Leon.” you said earnestly, moving inside the door to the sitting room after Yves and Licht. 
“Sure was.” a silken baritone voice rumbled from behind you and two large, firm hands settled on each of your shoulders, giving them a squeeze as he spoke. “It was so good that I got to hear this pretty little thing moan, and I’ve always wanted to hear that.” 
“Jin, god.” you muttered softly, the palm of your hand finding your forehead to hopefully hide the heat that had risen painfully to both of your cheeks. 
“Ooh, say that again, sweetheart, I liked the sound of it.” he chuckled deeply into your ear and your whole body shivered before you decidedly pulled away from him to avoid further embarrassment. You liked Jin, it was no secret; not to you, nor to the other princes of the domestic affairs faction. You were pretty sure that even Jin himself knew, which didn’t bode well for your little crush. After all, wouldn’t he have said something at this point if the feeling was mutual? But he kept on teasing you as usual, pulling you along on his little string, then letting you go. Internally you had groaned when you’d realized the irony of the beast and prey analogy, but if that wasn’t the best way to describe your situation, you had yet to discover it. 
“Jin!” Yves fumed, glaring at the 1st prince over the tray of sweets he carried in his arms. “Must you be so vile everywhere you go?” He set the tray down on the short table in front of the fireplace and dusted his hands off before plopping down next to Licht on the long, velvet couch. 
“Vile? Yves, you wound your older brother.” Jin feigned hurt, making a show of placing his palm over his heart. You giggled at their antics before you could stop yourself, and Jin sent a wink your way. With the giddy feeling that pooled in your lower belly at his small gesture, you decided that perhaps you needed a little something to drink. At this point, it couldn’t hurt; at least alcohol would help explain the near permanent blush coloring your face. 
"Anyone else want some?" You called out as you popped the champagne bottle open. 
"I'll take some!" Leon replied. "I'm not usually a champagne guy, but we're celebrating tonight, so count me in." You chuckled, pulling another glass from the stand that Yves had brought in from the kitchen and pouring two glasses. 
"You know what I prefer." Jin's sensual voice was so close to your ear that you jumped, spilling a little of the champagne on the table in front of you. He chuckled, sending sparks through you as the hairs on your arms and the back of your neck raised. The double entendre was not lost on you, even as he reached over you to get to the whiskey bottle; the defined muscles on his arm nearly close enough to your face to touch. You couldn't help but stare at the protruding veins on his forearm that snaked up and around to his bicep like a trail on a map, just begging to be followed. Even as he pulled his arm back to his own body, whiskey bottle in hand, your eyes followed the rippling muscles underneath his smooth skin. Nothing else in the room could possibly be as fascinating. 
Behind you, Leon coughed forcibly and thankfully awoke you from your hypnosis. You blinked, at last tearing your eyes away from the first prince to focus on salvaging yours and Leon's drinks. You had always been a master at nonchalance, so your inability to act composed around Jin was very new, and wholly unwelcome. It made you feel like a fish out of water: floundering on the hard ground and pitifully attempting to breathe in air that wasn't meant for you. 
Finally, you were able to take Leon his glass, and you perched next to Licht on the couch with your own, following Jin's motions in the chair next to you from the corner of your eye. He was so relaxed, his posture open and yet commanding all at once. A low simmering power radiated from him; a power he often disguised with seductive nuance. But you knew that the moment he decided to take charge, every other prince in the room would willingly fall in line behind him. He was the eldest, and though he did his best to disregard his position, the authority was there. 
Even so, he preferred to take the backseat, to work from the shadows, to let the other princes take the credit that was owed him, and you both admired and disfavored that. You wished he thought more of himself; like you do. You thought the world of Jin Grandet, in too many ways to count. It's why you'd fallen in love with him to begin with. He was kind, fiercely kind beneath his mask of indifference. He was loyal to a fault, and so intent on making a positive difference in the world without even rising to claim the glory that accompanied it. 
However, in that darkness is also where he hid. He hid his pain and his suffering, and buried his worth under years of guilt. The darkness befit him, but it also betrayed him. You saw it in his eyes sometimes; flashes of something he'd never allow his brothers to see… something only you had been given access to. It haunted him, and you wanted nothing more than to infiltrate his darkness with moonlight and stars. Sunlight was too bright for the likes of you and Jin; too blinding, too intimidating. But the moon shone light enough; light enough to expose the truth and still bring peace to his wounded heart. 
You brooded quietly over your drink while the princes chatted, slipping further and further into a warm, murky daze as the champagne filled your senses. You didn't even notice the eyes of the first prince on you until he broke through your silence. "Let's play a game." He clapped his hands together and you jumped, your focus pulling back to your current reality with a snap. "Belle, you first. No matter what I say, you have to answer "yes". If you say "no", you lose." 
"That's a terrible game." Licht muttered beside you, but you weren't paying attention. The room had a nice, fuzzy glow surrounding it, and Jin was looking at you so earnestly. How could you ever say no to him?
"Do I have to mean it every time I say yes?" You giggled, wriggling in your seat a little. 
"Yes." Jin said, setting his glass of whiskey down on the coffee table in front of him. 
"I thought it was my turn, Jin. Hehe" You teased, suddenly feeling a little lightheaded. 
"It is, sweetheart. That was just an example." He smirked, leaning towards you. He was still several feet away from you, but it suddenly felt like he was invading your space; taking the air you needed for himself. But it was pleasant, heady, and you leaned closer, happy to lose yourself in him. 
"Okay then," you challenged. "Hit me." 
"I'll start you off easy. Do you like Yves's sweets?"
A laugh bubbled forth from your lips. "Yes, of course! Anyone who doesn't just doesn't have taste buds." 
Yves squeaked and you turned your head to find his face red. "Thank you." He murmured, a soft, embarrassed smile on his face. 
"You're welcome, Yves." You chuckled, then turned back to Jin, whose gaze had never left you. "Easy peasy, next." 
"Alright, how about… do you enjoy Sariel's lessons?" 
You grimaced, recalling the particularly difficult one you'd had earlier this afternoon. "You're not playing fair, I told you about my day." You muttered under your breath and forced yourself to think back to last week when you did well on several of the assignments he'd given you, and the perfume Sariel had treated you to in return. "But yes, I enjoy them for the most part. Sariel is always nice enough to reward me with things when I do exceptionally well, and he doesn't have to do that."
Surprise as well as something you couldn't quite pin down colored Jin's features momentarily. "Sariel gets you gifts?" You nodded enthusiastically. 
"I'm wearing the perfume he got me right now!" You stuck your arm out to him, no longer shy as the alcohol blurred some of your senses. 
"Such a lightweight." Jin murmured softly, but there was no malice in it. He and Leon shared a look you didn't understand before Jin accepted your outstretched arm, wrapping his long fingers around your forearm, and leaned his face down to nuzzle his nose into your wrist. The gasp that escaped your lips was completely involuntary, but the sound mingled with Jin's quiet groan as he took in your scent mixed with the scent of the perfume, and you felt your face fully flush at the barely concealed eroticism of the moment you were sharing. 
"Smells good." He murmured, his eyes falling closed for only a few seconds before they pulled back open and trained on you. "But I could do better. I know some scents that would suit you perfectly." His voice was almost low enough to be a growl and a hot shiver ran through you, settling in your lower belly as he let your arm go and sat back in his chair. "Last question." His voice was quiet and measured, but you felt the emotion behind it, and you were suddenly nervous. 
"Do you have feelings for me?" 
All motion in the room ceased - even the flames in the fireplace seemed to halt their dance - and every eye fell on you. You gulped, knowing that what came next could either make you the happiest woman alive, or shatter your heart into a million unsavable pieces. Your heart thumped loudly in your ears as your panicked eyes met his focused ones. You had never seen him looking so intently at anything before, let alone you, and you fought to keep from squirming under his gaze. 
I guess it's now or never…
"Yes." You breathed softly, then before anyone had time to respond, you added quickly. "Your turn!" Jin's eyes widened in surprise at the turn of events, but you didn't give him any time to question it. "Will you ever admit your feelings for me?" 
The silence in the room stretched on, the air becoming even more tense now that Jin's question had been thrown back in his face. You sucked in a breath that didn't have nearly enough air in it as you waited for his answer, your eyes locked on each other with no indication of either party giving up. But after several torturous moments of silence, Jin's chest deflated, and his quiet murmur of "Yes" filled all of your senses like the oxygen you had been momentarily deprived of. 
"Well, I think it's time for us to wrap up here. Licht, Yves." Leon clapped his hands and ushered his brothers out of the room, throwing Jin another pointed look before closing the door behind himself. You never took your eyes off of him, not while Leon, Yves, and Licht had gotten up, and not when they left. You were too afraid that the mirage in front of you would disappear and you'd wake up in your cold bed after another beautiful dream. You also couldn't be too sure that what Jin was saying was what you wanted him to be saying, so you waited, anxious and yearning all at one time, for him to explain. 
"You know how I feel about falling in love…" Jin murmured quietly and your heart dropped. 
"Yes." You whispered, breaking eye contact in favor of staring at your feet. It already hurt. Your poor heart already hurt. 
"My simple plan to not fall in love, especially not with a commoner, has worked well for me for a really long time." He explained, and you nodded, still not looking at him. "It's always been easier to spend a night of fun with a woman and see her off the next morning with a satisfied smile on her face." Despite the fact that you knew this already, your gut twisted into jealous knots and tears sprang to your eyes. You blinked them away as best you could. Jin heaved a large sigh and rubbed his palm over his eyes. "But this plan sort of fell apart when I met you, see." 
For the first time since you both were alone, your eyes snapped up to his face. He was smiling sort of sadly, emotions dancing across his face in a distorted line as he measured his next words. "You're understanding, caring, sweet, fun, funny… you're incredible. I wanted to protect you from somebody like me, but I went and fell for you like the selfish ass I am." He buried his face in his hands and shook his head, and before you could stop yourself, you were standing up and taking the few steps that would erase all space between you.
You cupped your hands over his and lifted his face to meet his eyes. "I don't want protection from you, Jin. I want you." You whispered, thumbing his cheeks gently as he stared up at you. It happened quickly after that. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you into his lap, your legs straddling his muscular body, and leaned up to press his lips to yours, urgently deepening the kiss like he had been starving for you for ages and now that he had tasted you, would never be letting you go again. Your fingers twisted into his short chestnut locks and tugged as you moaned softly into his mouth, savoring him just as much. He pressed the tip of his tongue to your lips, seeking entrance, and you parted them willingly, allowing the newfound heat to overtake you. He grunted and squeezed your bottom with his large hands; only then did you realize you had been grinding onto his lap in your frenzy. 
You pulled away to catch your breath, pleased to find Jin as breathless as you. Stroking his hair, you bumped his nose with your own. "You know what my next question is, don't you, Jin?" You murmured teasingly onto his lips, and he smirked in response, his grip tightening on your ass.  "Yes." He purred, lifting you up in his arms as he stood. You yelped, then laughed, wrapping your legs around his middle and your arms firmly around his shoulders as he carried you out of the drawing room and back towards his own. "Good thing I like carrying you, sweetheart. Cause you won't be walkin' anywhere for awhile after tonight."
Tags for the Lovelies: @aquagirl1978 @rhodolitesroseforclavis @ikehoe @queengiuliettafirstlady @maries-gallery @nightghoul381 @judejazza @xbalayage @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @alvieeru @aria-chikage @tele86
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yourlocalmerchgirl · 4 months
Congrats on 100 followers 🥳 Could i please request Rafael Barba with enemies to lovers/smut? Maybe reader is a detective and they’re constantly butting heads over cases and they’re forced to work together on his office on a case to sort it out and things progress from there 😏
Anon! Thank you so much for this task! It was so nice to write someone thing for Barba again 🫶 I’m so sorry that it took me awhile to get this to you! I started one but didn’t like how it was coming out so I started over and came up with this. It’s a little different than you asked for it’s more lovers-enemies-lovers with smut and a healthy does of everyone’s favorite bestie Carisi! I really hope your enjoying it. If not I can try to write something else for you!
Warning: MDNI 18+ NSFW
Fighting, mentions of alcohol. Undefined age gap. Mentions of therapy. Reconnecting. Strong language. Unprotected P in v. Pet names
You were getting ready to go out, so excited to see your old friends. One of your best friends bands was touring and they were playing in the city tonight. You hadn’t seen any of them since the last time they came through and they called to ask if you’d come out and run their merch table for the night. Rafael wasn’t super happy about you going. With the types of cases he dealt with every day he always worried about you when you went out without him. You didn’t go out often like this unless you had friends coming through to visit.
“What’s the plan again?” he said for piece of mind.
“I’m walking to the venue now while it’s light out to meet up with everyone for a pre show dinner. Then Carisi is going to pick me up after since it’s right near the station and bring me home. If he doesn’t the band will bring me home or I’ll just walk to the station”
“You know I can come pick you up?”
“I know, I asked Carisi because I know you’ve been working so late and are stressed with work, so I’m just trying to let you rest”
“I’m not going to get any rest worrying about you”
“Rafa, I’m going to be fine. This isn’t my first time on earth” you giggled
“I’ve gotta get going to dinner, I love you!” You said as you stopped to give him a big hug and a kiss.
—————-time lapse————
The show had just started and you were all set up at the merch table.
9:30 Carisi: Hey, it’s been a quiet night so I’m out now. You want some company or I can come back later for you.
9:31 (Y/N): yea! Come check out the show, I think you’ll like it. You can help me sell merch!
9:32 (Y/N): I put your name on the guest list. So just give the door guy your name and they’ll let you in.
About 15 minutes later Sonny shows up, a couple drinks in hand. “This is awesome! Are these your friends?” He said excitedly. “I got you a drink if you’d like one”
“Sure, Thank you! My friends are up next”
You didn’t drink much but you, Rafael and Sonny went out for drinks sometimes so he knew what you drank.
Your friends band takes the stage and you guys are having a blast. After they played Carisi bought a round of drinks for the band and the two of you. You were so excited to see him having such a good time and you were excited to have people from both of your worlds together.
You guys were all hanging out around the merch table with the band and this guy comes up and starts talking to you.
“Are you here with anyone? Can I buy you a drink?”
With out thinking you reach for Carisi’s hand, who’s standing behind you. When you do he turns around and puts his arm around you while your still holding his other hand.
“Sorry I’m here with my boyfriend” you said
Carisi pips up with a “beat it pal she’s taken.”
The guy apologizes and walks away. Your thanking Carisi for going along with it when your hear someone yell “what the fuck is going on here” You turn around to see Rafael. “Why is your arm around her?!” He yelled.
“Rafael it’s not what you think, please don’t yell.” You said. You could feel your face turning beat red. Everyone was staring at what was going on.
“Well it certainly looks like you two have something going on behind my back”
“W-what? Rafa do you hear….”
“Get your stuff we’re leaving” he said cutting you off.
The car ride home was silent, neither of you said a word. You just sat there looking out the window not even looking at him. He barely put the car in park before you got out and headed inside to the elevator. He caught up to you while you were waiting for the elevator.
“So your not just not going to say anything?”
“I’m not doing this right now. I’m not going to get into a screaming match with you in the common areas of our building. It’s late, I’m not going to ruin anyone else’s night with this.”
Once inside our apartment he started in again. “So how long have you and Sonny had this thing going on?”
“There’s nothing going on with Sonny”
“Your really going to stand here and tell me that holding hands all cozy with my best friend is nothing?”
“It’s late and I’ve been drinking. I don’t really want to get into a screaming match with you over nothing right now. This guy was bothering me so I told him Sonny was my boyfriend. That’s literally all it is.”
“You expect me to believe that” he sneered
“Jesus Christ Rafa! I’m not fucking Sonny and Sonny is not fucking me! I was just trying to keep myself safe from someone who was bothering me, if you refuse to stop and think about things rationally and listen to me then that’s not my fucking problem.”
“If that’s true, then why the fuck was he there already? I though he was just giving you a ride home” he shouted with so much anger in his voice. The tone of his voice made your eyes well up with tears.
“He texted me part way threw and said it was a slow night, he was out early so he came to the show.
He just stared at you, like he didn’t believe you.
“I don’t know what you want me to fucking say Rafael if you don’t believe me ask Liv. We all know you love talking to her anyways.” You regretted it as soon as it left your lips. You didn’t mean for it to come out that way.
“Don’t ever fucking say that again he shouted before smashing the glass of scotch he had in his hand against the wall.
Compete shock rushed over your face. He had never done anything like that before.
He looked over at you to see you start trembling. You could feel your chest start to feel tight as a rush of dizziness followed right behind it. You knew you were having a panic attack.
“C-Cariño are you ok? I…I don’t know what came over me” his voice cracked.
You couldn’t get any words out, you just sat there trembling with you head in your hands trying to breath normal.
“Are you having a panic attack, let me help you Cariño”
Your head sprang up fast when you heard his foot steps getting closer to you.
“Don’t fucking come near me Rafa” you said putting your hand out to stop him.
He stopped dead in his tracks his eyes filled with tears and regret.
“I need to lay down, this is all to much for me right now, I need to relax so I can get this panic attack to subside.”
“Let’s go to bed” he said reaching out his hand for you.
“I…I’m more comfortable staying out here”
You curled up on the couch and stayed there until he finally shut off the lights and went to bed. You knew he would never be physical with you but the whole situation really shook you up. His wanting to protect you from the world was turning into jealously and it was escalating.
1:10am (Y/n): I’m really sorry about the situation tonight. I didn’t want any of that to happen. I was just trying to be safe.
1:11am Carisi: I’m very sorry too. I’ve never seen him like that before. Are you ok?
1:12 (Y/N): I’m really shook up, we got into a really bad argument once we got home. I really don’t think I can stay here right now. Do you think your brother in law would let you borrow his truck?
1:13 (Y/N): I don’t know where I’m going to go but Rafa and I need sometime apart.
1:15 Carisi: Stay here, you’ll have our own space and all the time you need to figure things out. I insist, I want you to be safe and feel safe. Can I ask did something happen? Did he hurt you? I’ll come there now.
1:15 (Y/N) I can’t do that to you, he already doesn’t believe that nothing was going on he might never speak to you again if I move in there. I don’t want to do that to you. No he didn’t hurt me.
1:16 Carisi: I’m not just his friend. Your my best friend as well. Your like my little sister and to me this is part of the promise I made him a long time ago that if he wasn’t around for any reason I’d do everything in my power to keep you safe.
As you wake up to a knocking on the door, you realize you must of finally let your body fall sleep. As you walk towards the door you hoped it wasn’t one of the neighbors that heard the fight last night. You didn’t even notice what time it was. You were still wearing last night clothes. You must of fallen a sleep in them. You catch your reflection in the mirror in the hallway. Your eyes were puffy and red from crying. You don’t bother checking the peep hole to see who it was. You open the door slowly to see Carisi standing there. “Shit shit shit is it already that time” you though to yourself. You hadn’t gotten any of your stuff ready. Looking down at your feet “I’m really sorry I have nothing ready yet, I woke up to you knocking on the door. I must of finally fallen asleep and not woken up when Rafael was getting ready for work.”
“It ok, I brought some boxes for you, I thought you might need some I don’t mind helping you”
You go into the bedroom and start packing up your clothes and personal items out of the bathroom while Carisi packed up your stuff from the rest of the house. Most stuff was Rafael’s or your stuff together so you didn’t have a ton of just your own stuff. The two of you finished packing and got the truck loaded up. “Go ahead down and I’ll be down in a minute, I want to leave a note for Rafa.”
I think it’s best for us to take a break and for me to not live here right now. I’m truly sorry for what was said on my part to upset you. You are my world but I need to figure out what’s best for me.
♥️ Cariño
The car ride to Carisi’s place was quiet. You were just so mentally and physically exhausted, your heart hurt and you really just didn’t know what to say.
You guys got everything all moved into the your new room, it would just take time to get settled. Carisi had gone out before he picked you up and bought you a bed so that would have one.
You were eating dinner in your room with the door shut. Not because you didn’t want to eat with Sonny but because you were trying to decompress from the last couple of days and just zone out without having to talk. You also didn’t want Sonny to see that you weren’t very hungry because you didn’t want him to worry.
You start To doze off when you hear Rafael’s voice talking to Sonny.
“Do you know where (Y/N) is? She moved her stuff out but I don’t know where she went.”
“She…she is here, but I’m not really sure if she wants to talk to you right now”
“What do you mean?”
“I should of known she was here, where is she? Is she in your bedroom?”
You here foot steps start to move around.
You open your door and step into the doorway.
“It’s ok Sonny I’ll talk to him….as you can see I’m here in my own room. Not in Sonny’s room because once again we’re not together.” You say with complete exhaustion in your voice.
Sonny goes into is room shutting the door to give you privacy but knowing he would come right out if things got heated.
“I got the note you left” he said talking it out of the pocket of his dress pants.
“If your not messing around with Carisi then why did you move in here?”
“Because I needed somewhere safe to live while I figure out what to do.”
Cutting him off as he started to speak.
“And before you start. I’m not saying it’s not safe at home. I’m saying we need some time apart to work on ourselves before we think about getting back together.”
“I-I just don’t get it. I don’t understand why you needed to move out and move in here if nothings going on. We can work things out.”
“If you don’t understand why you smashing a glass against the wall in our kitchen wouldn’t absolutely terrify for me, then I just don’t know what else to say to you. I shouldn’t of made the comment I did about Olivia. I admit that and I’m sorry that I said it, I regretted it the second that I did. But the anger in you voice and in your eyes that night when you threw that glass was scary. I’ve never seen that in you before. You got so heated about a situation you wouldn’t even let me explain to you. So I felt it was best to leave for a while. I love you so much Rafa, but the way our relationship has been functioning for a while now isn’t healthy for either one of us. We both need to work on ourselves if this is going to work. You need to work on not treating everyone in your life like there a victim from one of your cases. You need to trust people more and not work yourself to death constantly. That night I did something I’ve been doing since I first started going out to concerts with my friends, which was tell any guy that was being creepy or making me nervous that I was dating which ever guy friend I was there with so that they would back off or leave me alone. It’s simply something I’ve done to keep myself safe over the years.” By this point tears are streaming down your face. Sonny must hear you crying because he comes out of his room.
“It’s ok (Y/N) go into your room I’ll check on you when he leaves” he says softly before turning to Rafael.
“Think you should go Barba, the last few days have been a lot for the both of you.”
“I-I fucked up so bad Carisi”
“If she needs time and space then give her time and space. It’s apparent to anyone who sees you guys that you two are madly in love. You just need some time apart to work on yourselves and if meant to be, you guys will find yourselves back to each other. Until then I will keep my promise to you and keep her safe anyway I can and make sure she has what she needs.”
t felt good to be back home in Manhattan, you had been back and getting settled in for a week. You had been in (state or country) helping Casey after the birth of her baby and loss of her husband for the last nine months. But you came back when her mom was able to move out there with her. It’s was a nice cool fall day, your birthday was in a couple of days so you decided to go to your favorite coffee shop, grab a drink and wonder around. When you walked in your favorite baristas we’re excited to see you. “(Y/N) your back! Would you like your usual?!” One shouted. You pay and move to the pick up counter to wait for your order.
“Here’s your order (Y/N)” “Thank you, I can’t believe you guys remember my order” you say smiling from ear to ear.
As your putting your straw in your drink you hear a voice from behind you.
“Cariño is that you?”
You don’t even have to turn around to know who it is.
“Rafa!” You exclaim as you turn around with a smile, and without thinking you put arms open to give a hug.
He squeezes you tighter than he ever had before. The biggest smile across his face.
“I’m surprised to see you here” you say.
He blushes a little “ well I started coming here after you left to work on cases…it reminded me of you. I-I didn’t know you were back”
“ I’ve only been back for a week” you reply.
“Would you want to take our coffees and go for a walk around Central Park? I hear the trees are beautiful right now.” He asks nervously rubbing the back of his neck, something he always did when he was nervous.
You grab your stuff turn back around and reply “I would love that” unable to control your smile.
You underestimated how happy you would be to see him, to hear his voice.
“Ok, I’ll grab my stuff and we can go!”the smile never leaving his face.
“Shall we” he says holding his out hand to motion leaving.
“We shall”
He held the door open for you as you guys made your way to the park.
You two wonder around the park chatting. You start fawning over the colors of all the leaves.
He lets out a chuckle with a warm smile.
“What?” You reply chuckling yourself.
“You’re so cute when you get excited about something that you love. It always makes me happy seeing you so happy and filled with excitement about something.”
You blush not really sure what to say. You manage to softly say “Thank you” as you try to stop from completely turning red.
“I always loved our fall trips upstate to go to all the farm stands around your birthday, so we could get all the fall treats”
Him saying fall treats remind you that you have a apple hand pie still from the coffee shop in you purse.
“Well speaking of fall treats” you say pulling the hand pie out of your purse. You both bust out laughing about it.
“Want half?” You say as you break it is half.
“Your so damn funny” he says as he takes the half.
“What can I say I like to make people laugh.” You say teasing.
“Want to go sit by the water and watch the ducks?” You suggest
“Sure, I’d love too” he reply’s
You two find a bench to sit at away from everyone else.
“We’re you back home staying with family when you were away?”
“Oh Sonny didn’t tell you? I thought for sure he was telling everyone”
“No I didn’t ask him anything other than how you were, I didn’t want him to feel any pressure”
“No I was in (state or country) staying with Casey”
“I was out there helping her out with her new baby”
“Did her husband recover from his accident?”
“I can’t believe you remembered about his accident”
“No…no he didn’t….he passed a couple weeks after I-I…after I moved out” you said looking down at ground. It made you sad thinking about both events. Not wanting to be reminded of either. Tears started to slowly fall from your cheeks. You try to turn away so that he doesn’t see you, but he does. He reached his hand over gently whipping the tears from your face. You lean into his hand a little, you missed everything about him. He slides closer to you on the bench putting his hand on your thigh, hoping you meant to lean into his hand. You leaned your head down onto his shoulder. You both let out a comforting sigh at the same time. You lift
you head up to look at him.
“Cariño I am so sorry for everything that happened. I regret the the moment I ever started treating you like that. But most of all I regret the night I smashed that glass and scared you. I’ve thought about that moment and the look in your eyes since the day you left. I fucked up, I know I did, I’ll never forgive myself for that. But I’ve been working on myself to change for the better. After the way we left things with our final conversation, it made me realize how jaded work and all the cases were making me. I realized I truly was treating everyone in my life like victims in my cases. I was running myself ragged, not taking care of myself properly which made me on edge and angry all the time. I’ve started going to therapy every other week, a couple days a week I don’t work as late and if I am going to work late I’ve been trying to bring it home with me more or go the coffee shop instead of just going to the bar and doing it. Which in turn has made me cut back on drinking. I’ve missed you terribly (Y/n)”
“Oh Rafa I’ve missed you terribly too” you say reaching up to cup his face in your hand, caressing his cheek with your thumb.
“I’ve been really hard to work on myself too. I also started going therapy while I was out there. I found a therapist from here that would do virtual session so that when I came back I could still go. I’ve been focusing on trying not to hold things in until I snap and everything comes out wrong. It’s a work in progress but I’m trying hard. Some of the things I’ve said to you or the way I acted wasn’t fair and for that I’ll always feel guilty for.”
He puts his arm around you and pulls you close to him squeezing you tightly.
He puts his head in the crook of your neck, you could feel his warm breath lightly on your neck. You two stay like that for a few minutes melting into each others arms.
Your phone rings and you step aside to answer it. He hears you say, “I’ll be home for dinner, why are you being so weird” before saying bye see you soon as you hang up.
You walk back over to the bench and sit down.
“Your boyfriend?” He asks nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
You turn to him quickly while scrunching your face up at him.
“No you loser, it was just Carisi.” You say teasing. Followed by “I haven’t been seeing anyone” in a softer tone.”
The look of relief washed over his face.
“Me either” he said softly.
“Did you get invited to dinner at Sonny’s tonight by chance?”
“I did…” a puzzled look on his face.
“He’s up to something he’s been weird all week since I got back…I think he’s planning something for my birthday”
“ Yea I was under the impression that we were video chatting with you for you birthday”
“Who’s we?” You ask inquisitively.
He shrugs knowing he probably said to much but he was also equally confused.
4:15 Carisi: When you get here will you come in and get her to wait a a few minutes and then have her come in? It throws the plan all off you guys seeing each other lol. Everyone else doesn’t know she will be here and she doesn’t know everyone will be here it’s a surprise for her but there’s also a surprise for everyone.
4:25 Barba: she knows somethings up but sure I’ll get her to do that. Sorry, weren’t expecting to run into each other. But I have to say it’s so nice to see her.
He stands up from the bench, and holds out his hand. “Shall we? I’ll walk with you” he says, not wanting to be apart from you. He wanted to hold on to the feeling of being in your company again for the first time all over again.
You look up at him with a smile, the sun lit his face up perfectly. “I’d love that.” You say as you take his hand and stand to meet him. He quickly laces his fingers with yours causing you two to hold hands. You didn’t even flinch, it just felt right. You guys just strolling through the city holding hands making your way back to Carisi’s apartment. It felt as though time stopped and you two were the only people on the planet.
“Ok so Carisi wants me to go in, have you wait 10 minutes and then you come in. Don’t ask me why.”
“Hahaha ok”
So he goes inside, you hang out in the lobby of the building for 10 minutes then head up to the apartment.
You unlock the door and slowly open it to a dark apartment. You turn around shut the door and take your shoes off. As you turn back around all the lights flick on and everyone jumps out and shouts “Happy Birthday (Y/N)!!” Even though you knew something was going on, your completely surprised by the party. “Amanda, Liv, Finn, Rafa I can’t believe your all here!” You say starting to cry from pure joy, it had been so long since you had seen your friends. “Dodds and some of the rookies took over for the night so we could all come, we wouldn’t miss it for the world, we’ve all missed you.” Liv said but everyone echoed the same sentiment. Your excitedly catching up with everyone when there’s a knock at the door.
“(Y/N) you should answer the door.” Carisi says a smirk on his face.
“I swear to god Sonny, if this is going to embarrass be in front of everyone I’m gonna kill you!”
You open the door cautiously, knowing it could be one of those famous Sonny pranks. You’re completely shocked when you open the door.
“Oh my god, Nick!” You shout In excitement.
You hear everyone behind you “What?! Amaro’s here?”
Carisi shouts “Surprise everyone!”
“I can’t believe your here!” you say before he gives you the biggest hug.
“Well Carisi said you could use some cheering up, so I thought it was about time I made a visit back to visit everyone” he said happy to see all his old friends again.
You were as close to Nick as you are with Sonny, after all he’s the reason you have all these amazing people in your life. He’s the reason you met Rafael and ended up with him. You met Nick through a friend you made when you first moved to New York, she was dating one of his friends at the time and the 4 of you guys would get together sometimes. You and him hit it off quick and became fast friends. Nicks wife was in the army and overseas for a couple years and you were new to the city and didn’t really have many other friends, so you guys would hang out often on his days off to offset each other’s loneliness. One night when your best friend from home was in town visiting you, you ran into Nick out with the squad celebrating the end to a case with a drink. That was the night I met Rafael for the first time.
After taking a trip down memory lane in your mind you snap back to reality. You motion everyone to come in for a big group hug, you start tearing up as everyone is hugging each other. Amanda noticing your crying. “(Y/N) is everything alright?
“I’m fine, all of you guys are all the most amazing friends a girl to ask for. I’m so lucky to have all of you guys in myself. This is truly the best birthday ever. “
Everyone gathered around the table for a incredible Italian feast. Sonny cooked all your favorite Italian dishes. You had a couple drinks and just sat there taking in how good it felt to be surrounded by your friends again. Dinner wrapped up and everyone had cake and sang happy birthday. Liv and Amanda said there goodbyes as they had to go in and take over for Dodds. Sonny, Finn, Rafael and Nick set up to play a few games of cards.
You hang out with the guys for a little while while they were playing poker.
You stretch and yawn. “Well enjoy your poker and beers boys, I’m gonna go lay down and watch tv”
“You really outdid yourself Sonny, thank you so much for making this happen.” You say as you thank everyone for coming and say your good nights.
You put on your comfy shorts and top and curling up in bed, putting on one of your favorite comfort shows. You’re dozing off when you hear a knock at your bedroom door, you tilt you head up and sleepily say “come in.”
You watch the door open and see that it’s Rafael.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” he says rubbing the back of his neck.
“No it’s ok, I was just comfortable” you say shyly.
You pull the blankets back a little.
“Rafa, Will you lay with me and watch a movie?”
His face lights up. “Id love too Cariño”
Fin, Nick and Sonny watch him go into your room and shut the door.
“Saying goodbye my ass, those two are defiantly getting back together” Fin jokes.
“Is it ok if I get more comfortable and just wear my undershirt and my suite pants?”
“Of course it it is” you say moving over in the bed to make room for.
He climbs in the bed, gets comfortable and then puts his arm around you rubbing your back with his hand.
You slide down laying on your side and nestle you head on his chest with your arm around his stomach.
You tilt your head “is this ok? I can move if it’s not” You ask with nervousness in your voice.
“No this is ok, I-I missed this” he says kissing your forehead and pulling you in tighter.
You hand the remote to him “you want to pick the movie?”
He puts on one of your favorite movies you two like to watch together.
In this moment your so relaxed, the feeling of him softly rubbing his hand up and down your back and the smell of his cologne put you at ease. You missed everything about him. You dozed off for a couple minutes but you were awoken by him playing with your hair. You tilted your head back to look at him, giving him a cute sleepy smile.
“Your getting tired Cariño, should I go?”
“No it’s ok, don’t go” you barely got the words out of your mouth before he leaned down and kissed you passionately. You sat up, putting your hand behind his head kissing him back. He licked your bottom lip for entrance, which you granted him. Your tongues dance together, your whole body burned. His touch sent shivers down your spine, making you instantly wetter than you’ve been. He moved to kissing down your neck and along your collar bone. You let out a breathy moan in his ear, as you do he pulls you on top of him. You sit up straddling him, you can feel his rock hard cock underneath you. As you take your top off he runs his hands all over your body, exploring every inch of it. He sits up too, kissing down your neck and the top of your breasts as he reaches around you to unhook your bra. He slids it off your shoulders and down your arms before throwing it on the floor. He kisses all over your breasts before making his way to you nipples, licking, bitting and sucking on them. Your body is on fire and your panties are completely soaked, you needed his body.
You step down off the bed onto the floor. You motion for him to stand too, getting down on your knees when he does. You undo his pants and pull them down, taking out his rock hard cock. You tease him at first running your tongue all around his tip. He lets out a deep breathy “fuck” as you take the the rest of him in your mouth, he runs his hands through your hair, leaving his hand on the back of your head. Your sucking gets stronger as as your motion gets quicker, occasionally pulling back to just the tip to tease him.
You stand up and turn your back to him, bending over in front of him. Pulling down your shorts and panties giving him a show.
“You’re so fucking sexy” he says in a deep voice as he comes up behind you spanking you hard and grabbing a hand full of your ass.
You stand up and when you do he wraps his arms around you from behind pulling you up against him, his hard cock pressed against your ass. He starts rubbing your clit, you throw your head back moaning as he starts kissing your neck at the same time. “Fuck me Rafa, I can’t take it any longer” you moan out already ready to climax, your body burning from head to toe. He bends you over the side of the bed. Running his hands down your back and spanking you hard when he gets to your ass. You moan out in a long breathy moan, enjoying every second of it.
“Spread your legs for me” he says in his deep voice as he’s rubbing your ass. He teases you, rubbing the tip of his cock against your clit, before sliding inside of you. He grabs your hips as he pulls in and out of you, pushing deeper with every thrust.
“Mmm Rafa, I’m so close” you moan out.
“cum for me baby” he reply’s as he spanks your ass. His thrusts get faster as he reaches around you and starts rubbing you’re clit as he’s thrusting fast.
You push your self up with your arms arching your back. You start to feel your self release as you start to climax.
“Fuck Rafa, don’t stop I’m so close.” You scream as you moan out. As your muscles tighten and you climax all over his cock.
He moans thrusting all the way in before he pulls out, cumming all over your ass. It was something he liked to do, but he also did it because he didn’t know where you two stood and he didn’t know if you would want him to cum inside you. You slowly stand up trying to catch youre breath. He hugs you from behind kissing your shoulder and whispering, “I’ve really missed you.”
“I’ve really missed you too” you whisper back before you both climb back into bed.
“Come home, Cariño”
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leclerced · 6 months
in honour of the flowers i’ve been waiting 17,000 centuries for finally sprouting,,,,i need a domestic oscar (or even max) having a little garden and maybe he hides it from his partner cause he worries he’ll be judged but she finds out and is very 😁😁😁 ecstatic😁😁😁
waiting for seeds to sprout is like the worst feeling until they finally sprout n then its the best !! this made me think of the who cooked here meme soo .. this is lowkey a jokey blurb idk??
is the sixth date too early to invite a girl over for dinner? oscar’s not sure if there’s a specific time, moreso when you feel it’s right. he’s never had a girl over to his own place before. before, there was always the threat of roommates coming home when they were supposed to be away for the night. it’s been awhile since he dated, since he’s had someone to cook a meal for, and now he lives alone. he’s hoping she’ll like everything, appreciate the effort he put in. he baked bread and made pasta from scratch, used fresh herbs from his herb garden in it. he’s damn proud of himself when he finishes everything minutes before eight and sets the table. he’d gone out and bought a fancy dish to serve the pasta in, baked it so it’d stay warm for awhile.
he’s buzzing by the time he hears a knock on his door and nearly knocks over his dining chair in the rush to get to the door. oscar forces himself to slow down and pushes the chair in before slowly walking to the door. she has a pie in her hands, “i brought dessert! i know you said i didn’t need to-“
oscar takes the pie gratefully, “no, it’s perfect! i honestly hadn’t planned anything more than ice cream.”
she grins, “we can put them together, ice cream and pie are the perfect combo.” he returns it as she steps inside and takes her coat off, automatically hanging it on the coat rack in the corner.
he rests his free hand on her lower back and guides her towards his dining room. “nice to see you again, you look nice.”
she turns back to him and flutters her eyes, “you look nice too.” oscar put on a new shirt just before she arrived, a light blue button up. it was new and he was secretly hoping she’d like it when he picked it out. you have to pass through the kitchen to get to the dining room, and he hopes he didn’t miss any messes on the counter when wiping up. there’s a few pans in the sink but that can be excused, he just finished using them and is washing them after dinner with their dishes.
when she steps into the kitchen, a low noise leaves her throat. “who cooked here?”
“uh i did?” oscar tries not to sound hurt that she doesn’t think he can cook. like, does she think he paid someone to dirty up his dishes? wouldn’t he just order something in?
she giggles a little, “no i mean. why do you have an herb garden on your counter?”
he stares at the back of her head, trying to figure out if she’s joking or not. “to cook with?”
“did your ex like, leave it behind?” she sounds less joking this time.
he crosses his arms over his chest, unsure where this is going. “no, i started it during quarantine.”
“when your ex girlfriend was living with you?” he can’t read her, he can’t figure out what’s happening. what’s wrong with him having a little garden?
“no. i didn’t have a girlfriend. hence the herb garden.”
she laughs again and turns to face him, pressing a hand to his chest. “really? you just.. have an herb garden in your kitchen? that’s kinda hot. so you can actually… cook?”
he lets out a huff and cocks his head, “i told you i was cooking you dinner, you didn’t think i could cook?” why wouldn’t she believe him?
she shrugs, “guys have said that before and all i got was frozen pizza or some box meal. not like… a home cooked meal, made with herbs from a little garden.”
he wraps his arms around her and he coos. he’s okay with being the first, maybe hopefully the last. “well then, i hope it’s good. wanna go eat?” she nods quickly, pushing up on her toes to give him a quick peck, “you could burn it to a crisp and i’d just be happy you actually cooked it. wow, no one’s cooked for me before. that’s so sweet.” she spins away from him as she says the last bit, maybe to herself, and he can’t believe no one has ever cooked for her before. he wants to learn her favorite meals for her, cook them whenever she wants.
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
The ghost of you. Part 3. (Sully family x reader)
I have no words to describe the hidden feelings I feel all the time…I mean when I left Tuk and turned around I was so sure that me leaving and not taking her was good for her, I was even more convinced when I barley made it out of the journey on my way here. Awa'atlu is my new home…
Y/n wasn’t as social to the people in the village, she missed her home…she missed her sunshine. There was so many days that passed where she dreamt of her little girl. The only real relationship Y/n had was with her family, it took more than half her stay here for her to genuinely open up…tell them about her past, or at least what she wants to show…
Ronal and Tonowari tried to get the girl to open up, it had been 3 months since she came.
“that’s fine..if you don’t want to tell us yet we’ll wait..”
Y/n stood at her food, glad that Ao’nung and Tsireya left…and then she spoke right before they walked away.
“…there was a man that took care of me…when my parents didn’t. He was a one of the best warriors amongst his group and they all tried to make it out for the great or good but….it didn’t work. His name was Rey’akana, He taught me how to survive. He taught me how to shoot a gun.”
Ronal was far too intrigued to keep on going with the conversation so Tonowari spoke gently to the young girl who finally was telling a story..
“…what happened to him?”
“…he died. I was too young and too stupid to do anything right. He died because of me. I got him killed, it was my fault.”
“What? Oh darling don’t say that..”
“I’m…sorry, I’m just tired.”
Y/n got up slowly while the two adults watched by heartbroken. The poor child blamed herself all those years, she believed it was her who caused Rey’akana’s death. Y/n called herself a distraction to him…she killed him.
There are those night where I dream of both of them, together…
*Y/n’s dream*
We were sitting in a forest, letting the sunrise pass us as we watched Tuk play with the toys I got her.
I took him by the hand with tears in my eyes begging him to stay
“…you’re the only one who understands..”
“oh sunshine…she misses you…look at her.”
Both of us turned to Tuk, she stumbled to us happily giggling her entire way here….then it went black.
I still whistle out for her, I miss her so much. I never told anyone about her…I’ve only told Ao’nung. If I told them that I had abandoned a child…they would’ve figured they should’ve abandoned me to.
“What is that y/n,…why do you whistle?” I look away from the shore to look at Ao’nung, tears beginning to fall from guilt and sadness, frustrated at the fact that right now I was hoping it was Tuk In front of me..
“I always used to whistle out for Tuk when I needed to know where she was, if she was ok, just to hear her whistle back to me and now…I can’t hear her. I left her. I wasn’t strong enough to just- I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok Y/n, you are ok. Don’t be sorry. Y/n you must remember that you were just a kid raising your sister.”
“It wasn’t only me, I used to have Rey’akana.”
Ao’nung turned to me surprised and confused..
“You never mentioned him.”
“He took care of me for awhile. Every time I would look at Tuk, I could hear him in my head..helping me, guiding me.”
“He’s still with you. From the first time we met, right here..when your world was destroyed, you were a light in the darkness! Hope for a better world…hope for my world. I’m sure Tuk was the exact same if not more.”
The wiping of my tears went away when we heard sirens…a signal for new comers.
Curiosity flowed through my body, walking through the crowd catching a familiar shade of blue…and then I saw her.
I was lost in the crowd staring at her…she was so serious, distant. She was disconnected with anyone else…I lost my breath and started panicking, running back home.
It was only about 10 minutes when mother returned..
“Hey! Hey! Hey!…it’s ok, what’s wrong? What’s going on? You need to talk to me and you need to talk to me now. Now!”
It was a mixture of sternness and comfort, it still felt so…unfamiliar.
“I did something wrong and I couldn’t tell you.”
“Ok…what? Why?”
“Because I was afraid.”
“Afraid of what? Afraid you were going to get mad? Afraid you were going to get in trouble what?”
“Both i guess?..I-…I was afraid because I lied again, and because I didn’t come to you again. And because I messed up again…I thought that maybe that would mean that you didn’t want me anymore? Like you would just finally give up on me.”
“..i-is that family that just arrived are they..?…are they your parents and siblings?…what did you do Y/n? What happened when you left..something is missing.”
Ronal’s blood ran cold, terrified of her child’s next words.
“The little girl Tuk…she was..my sister but I raised her like my own child and I- I left her. I just thought that if I left on my own, it wouldn’t hurt as much as if she told me to go but it does..it hurts so much!”
It was so clear to Ronal…the child…her child was left with a burning open wound. She was still too young and closed up to understand…that it wasn’t her fault.
“Look at me! Nothing that you can do it is going to make us not want you! You hear me? Nothing. I am sure that Tuk will understand. You raised her like a mother…like your own, she will always want you and need you.”
The weight on my shoulders felt lifted, sobbing into my mother arms.
“..tomorrow. You can talk to her..maybe she’ll listen ok?…it’s ok. For now, you rest. I have seen the work you done for the village…listen to me when I tell you to rest, just this once.”
That was the night I finally did listen to her words, the fear was towering over me but I was ecstatic to finally see my sunshine, I dreamt of all the things I wish to tell her…
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype @zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll @abbersreads @tsireyak @neteyamforlife @aimsro @elegantkidfansoul @goodiesinthecloset21 @nikotokitaswife @bucky1235 @detectivesparrow @kikosaurscave @octavias-next-meat-bite @midnightliacr @waitingforanotherpart @marybrown234 @ssc7514 @destinylb @simp-erformarvelwomen @eirianna @ambria @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lv9su @luciddasher @dakotali @manohari @httpjiikook @snowywhiterose @tainted-artist4161 @fanboyluvr @bat1212 @deleted-1-800
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Chapter 9: For The Both Of Us
From: Bigger Houses Series
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Pairing: Mountain Ranger! Ari x Reader
Summary: Your mom comes to town to see your new house and chats with your long-term boyfriend
Word Count: 2,362
Content/Warnings: kissing, nudity under an apron, nervousness, a very important question, fluff, sweet words
A/N: It’s been awhile and I miss my sweet baby Ari. Hope you all enjoy. I’d love to hear your feedback in all forms!!
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
Below is the song which inspired this chapter. Very sweet and heartwarming and just makes me wish someone loved me like that.
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You stirred as the light of the sunrise reached your eyes and the smell of breakfast floated through the house. You stretched out to your side, feeling cool sheets where Ari once was and frowning at the emptiness even though it’s what you had expected it find.
You groaned as you rolled out of bed, your feet hitting the cold wooden floors shuffling over to the dresser to find a cozy pair of socks. You picked up Ari’s shirt from a chair, discarded the night before, and inhaled the comforting scent before walking out to the kitchen.
You were met by quite the sight: two pale ass cheeks hanging out of your apron. Your hands raced up to clap over your mouth as you let out a squeal at the sight. Ari spun around in alarm holding a spatula in his hand.
“What? Did something happen? Are you okay?” His eyes were searching around frantically for a hazard, something that might’ve scared you.
You moved a hand over your eyes and dramatically felt around for one of the stools at the kitchen island to pull it out and sit down. “I’ve been mooned!!”
Ari threw his head back in laughter before turning off the stove and setting down the utensil, waltzing over to your seat. He gently pried your hand away from your face, met with a giggle and your beautiful smile.
“C’mon, I thought you would’ve liked that view first thing in the morning.”
You shook your head, barely accepting the way he leaned in and planted a kiss on your hairline. “I would, but it’s so blinding. So…bright against the rest of you.”
He pulled back with fake offense as he went back to the cabinets to start pulling down plates. “Well what would you rather I do? I can tan naked in your back yard if you want me to even it out that badly.”
You graciously accepted the coffee he slid over to you before he turned back around to serve up breakfast, constantly glancing back at you as your eyes were glued to his rear. “Should I take your drool as a yes?”
You shook yourself back into focus and looked up to meet his mischievous eyes. “Um, no-I mean, not no? Just….um…not right now.”
He laughed at the way you still got flustered after all this time. He couldn’t blame you though, he probably would’ve done the same if that’s what he had woken up to. He presented your food and leaned against the counter to face you while the two of you ate.
You looked up at the clock above the stove as your eyes went wide. “Oh no, definitely not now. Ari, you’ve gotta get clothes on.”
Ari looked at you with a teasing grin. “My sweet Duchess, you live so far away from anything else, why would we possibly ever need clothes?”
You picked up your fork, shoveling food into your mouth, doing your best to quickly savor what Ari had gotten so much better at making. You nudged his plate towards him and gestured that he did the same. Ari went along with your silent demand, a confused look on his face, as you finally swallowed, prepared to talk.
“Because we have to pick my mom up from the airport in less than an hour and she’s staying here for a week.”
Ari’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he ate even faster, thoughts frantically racing through his mind.
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After breakfast at your place, Ari rushed home to his to get showered and changed while you did the same at home. You kept the house generally tidy, so all you had to do was wipe down the counters and straighten things. Ari was back before you knew it, parking his truck to the side of your driveway. You ran outside and tossed him the keys as you hopped into the passenger side of your SUV, Ari preparing to drive.
The two of you started down the mountain and towards the city, mostly quiet, matching the mid-morning misty air. Ari drove with one hand on the wheel, the other holding yours over the center console. You tore your gaze from the window and the passing trees, taking note of his clenched jaw and white knuckles.
“Bear, everything okay?”
Ari simply grunted and nodded, making a turn to get onto the highway and checking his blindspots as he removed his hand from yours to turn down the radio from its already low volume.
You shifted in your seat to face him, concerned since you’d rarely seen him like this. He only went silent when he was really stressed or angry. You knew it wasn’t the second one, or at least hoped it wasn’t.
“I’m really sorry. It totally slipped my mind that she was coming in today. I meant to tell you earlier in the week that she had a good deal on flights, but with how busy we both were, I missed the chance.”
It was true. Ari had had a string of overnight watch shifts and you were working ridiculous hours finishing up a project presentation, plus the two of you still didn’t technically live together. The first time you’d seen him all week was last night into this morning and you didn’t want to put more stress on him when he was already exhausted. He hummed and adjusted in his seat, muscles pushing at his collared shirt.
He took a deep breath before reaching for your hand again and sparing you a few quick glances between focusing on the road. He could see the way your eyebrows were furrowed and raised in concern.
“Angel, baby. I’m not upset. I’m just…a little nervous? I wish I would’ve known your mom was coming sooner. That way I could’ve prepared. Gotten her flowers. Maybe picked out a nicer outfit that wasn’t so old.”
You relaxed a little, squeezing his hand and pulling it up to your lips for a long kiss before looking him up and down. “I think you look great, Ari. She’s going to love you. You’ve already spoken to her on the phone dozens of times. And you know she’s never given a sign of dislike. It’ll be great. Nothing to be nervous about at all. I’m by your side now and I’ll be there the whole time.”
He spared you another glance and a soft smile before looking back to the road and giving a self-assuring nod. You could see the way his shoulders lowered slightly and his grip on the wheel loosened at your reassurance. He knew your mom liked him, he just didn’t know if she’d like the very important question he had planned to ask her.
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When the two of you pulled up to the airport, your mom was already waiting outside. Ari spotted her almost immediately and pulled the car to the curb, smoothly popping the trunk and jogging over to greet her behind you.
“Hi honey. It’s so good to see you. It’s been too long since I’ve been back here.” It really had been awhile. Sure, you’d gone home to visit a few times before, but this was the first time she’d been back since helping you move into your new place. You gave her a hug and a kiss before stepping out of the way, her eyes already on Ari.
She reached her arms up to his tall shoulders, pulling him in for a hug. “It’s so wonderful to see you, too, Ari. Handsome as ever and apparently very handy recently from what I can tell.”
Ari laughed and nodded, greeting your mom and giving her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing her bag and putting it in the trunk. You slid into the back, allowing your mom to take the front seat with Ari as he drove your car. You could see the surprise on her face at the gesture. You had never been one to allow someone else to drive this dear SUV ever since you had gotten it. She raised her eyebrows, but only for a second. Anyone else would’ve missed it, but you knew it seemed reminiscent of something. Perhaps the trust you put in Ari for something like this mirrored what you remember seeing between her and your dad in the earlier years of their marriage before everything went south. Perhaps it spoke to just how deeply you had confidence you could rely on each other. Whatever that look meant, though, she didn’t verbalize it, instead deciding to chat Ari’s ear off for the entire ride home about the new pergola he had just built for your garden that she was beyond excited to see.
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The afternoon consisted of you and Ari showing your mom around town to see all your favorite places that you’d grown so fond of over the time you’d been here. She raved about the quaint little town and fresh mountain air, as well as your home and how you’d truly settled in.
In the evening, your mother insisted she’d teach a couple family recipes to you and Ari before finally relaxing for the evening. Food was very evidently a love language passed down.
The three of you sat in the back yard around a campfire on a few log benches Ari had built for you recently, as well, as you talked and laughed, drinks in hand until you got up.
“All these drinks are catching up with me, so I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Can I get anyone refills?”
“Yes please, Duchess. Thank you so much.”
Both Ari and your mom smiled and nodded at you as you went to grab the empty vessels from their hands.
“Okay, I’ll be a few minutes. I’m probably gonna package up the leftovers, too, before I forget and leave it all out overnight. Will you guys be alright out here?”
You mom smiled and nodded again. “Of course we will, honey. Ari said he’s going to show me around your new garden. We can keep ourselves busy.”
You looked over to Ari to confirm and he gave a wink. “And of course, if you need any help, just text me and I’ll come up to meet you.”
You smiled and thanked them before backing away and ducking into the house.
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Upon your departure, Ari stood up and helped your mom off her bench before offering his arm for her to hook her hand around. She absolutely adored him and they got along so well.
He walked her through the small garden, showing her the small pergola, and the string bulb lights he had hung up to surprise you, along with your favorite flower he had hounded the hardware store to obtain for him just so you could have it planted here. She was absolutely charmed, but it was more than just that; she could see how deeply Ari cared for you and felt the change in the air when Ari took her to a bench at the edge of the garden. From there, he had a view of where you’d be walking through the doors soon so he could ensure the privacy of this conversation.
Ari’s heart was racing like hell and his hands shook. He did his best to fold them firmly in his lap and leaned an elbow on his knee to steady himself before looking up at your mom’s face. She rubbed his shoulder, an attempt of settling the nervousness and reassuring him with a small smile, not unlike the one you’d used so many times before. He took a deep breath, sat up, pushed his shoulders back, and started.
“Now that it’s just me and you, I wanted to talk for a few minutes. I’ve got something to get off my chest.”
She sat up and nodded for him to continue, his worried blue eyes shifting between hers. “I’m sure you already know, having been here before, but I’m just going to come out with it, I guess.”
Ari took another deep breath, eyes shifting towards the sliding glass door, still not seeing you, but smiling at the thought having to do with anything about you.
He looked back at your mom with a dopey grin on his face, although his eyes held an earnestness. “I’m in love with your daughter. And I have been since the very moment that I first saw her. I’d like to ask her a very important question, with your blessing, of course, and if she so chooses to take my hand, you can trust that I will love her more than enough, for the both of us.”
Your mother sat there for a second in contemplation over Ari’s words. They were strung together so beautifully and she could tell that he meant them with his whole being. He had no idea that this wasn’t news to her. She saw it on both sides. At her lack of response, though, Ari’s heart raced even faster and his palms got sweaty. He burst out with nervous babbles.
“I-I know that she’s your baby and you loved her first. But i-it’s true, for better or worse, I’ll treat her like I know you’ve always prayed someone would. You can trust when I say I’ll give her everything I can for the rest of my life. From now, to when she’s dressed in white and you’re giving her away, until my last breath. I’ll give her the world if I can.”
His chest was almost heaving as he panted through his nose, lips pressed together tightly with anxiousness for a response. His body was kicking into survival mode from the stress. He could see across the yard as you slid the glass door open with a smile on your face, walking over to two of your favorite people, the two you loved most. She easily took note of the way Ari’s shoulders eased at seeing you. She patted his knee before standing up to walk towards you a few steps when she turned back over her shoulder. She gave him a warm smile and nodded her head before saying a single word.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: gahhhhh. I love him, your honor. Fun fact: my family just told me that out of all of us, they think I’d be the most likely to elope. Lol bc I would in an instant if it were Ari.
Series Taglist: @patzammit @quebruv @hawkeyes-queen @identity2212 @jamneuromain @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @ronearoundblindly
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laughsinfandom · 2 years
Younger Adopted MC {M6 Headcanons + Mini Fic!}
“Hey I hope you are well, do you do plutonic fics like a teen mc who's kinda like a sibling to the main 6?”
Hello! Hopefully this is close to what you asked for… I’ve caught a cold from a friend of mine and it’s hitting me right in the gut so I’m sorry if some of these seem a bit off…
Thank you so much for requesting though! ❤️
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He often saw you about in the market place, after discovering your rather unique take on magic and interest in it. He decided to take you under his wing.
After awhile you both grew closer.
He kept an eye on you, gave you housing and food.
While you both practiced magic you’d attempt to toss small magical jolts towards Asra. Which resulted in a small, of course playful fight.
He would always win.
When you hurt yourself practicing magic he’d always attempt to heal it, if it went beyond his abilities he’d take you to whoever he could.
(Usually Julian but sometimes he’d rather just do it himself.)
“You know, you could just ASK to use my deck right?”
He had caught me, Tarot deck in hand. I grumble an apology as he looks at me. Giving him a huff I gently place the deck into his hand.
“I just wanted to see..” At my words he chuckles, a large smile now on his face.
“Again, you could have asked! Come on, I’ll show you.”
You perk up at his comment. “Wait really??” He gets a happy little pep in his step as he walks over to his usual spot at the table, he gestures for me to come with.
I happily hop out of my chair and walk over.
“I’ll even teach you how to use it properly, how’s that sound?”
🎭 Julian & Portia 🐈
You had taken an interest in medical work which landed you right in the clinic of a Dr. Devorak.
You followed him around as an understudy and he just enjoyed your company.
He slowly opened up and started to treat you much like his own sibling Portia.
Speaking of her—
Portia would often come by the clinic to drop off some goods or just to say hey to Julian, which you always loved to see her but you two also became really close
You would both giggle to each other and poke small jabs at Julian while he was scrunched away in his office
One day he walked in on you both laughing and he asked what it was about, you both still to this day have refused to tell him he had a rather interesting hole in his trousers.
The three of you would hang out and get into some trouble when the time was right-
Since Portia worked at the palace it was sort of easy to get in and out unnoticed, You and Julian would constantly attempt to scare Portia while she ran around the palace doing small errands for the Countess.
Which she hated.
You and Portia on the other hand would rearrange Julian’s lovely Leech collection.
Slowly start adding more and more small SHINY random objects within his office.
Malak would go bonkers
You and Portia would run as soon as you heard both Julian and the Bird start cawing at each other.
“Okay… one…two…threeeeee…NOW”
You and Portia Jumped out of the small closet within the Doctors office, both of you putting on your best scary face as the Lanky gentleman in front of you scrambled out of his chair, a loud scratchy scream vibrated the walls.
As he registered who was standing in front of him now he straightened out and put on a rather stern face.
“You two need to knock it off. One day i’ll-“
You cut him off with a laugh. “I’ll finally have to put my pirate combative skills to use!” His face went unchanged as you continued to mock him. Both you and Portia quickly fall to the floor attempting to catch whatever air you could back into your lungs.
Hearing footsteps coming towards you both you quickly look up to see Julian’s arms outstretched with sprawled out fingers, a very wicked grin on his features.
“That’s it.”
Portia gets the right idea first and quickly jumps up and books it out the office door, a loud “SORRY” can be heard as she runs away.
🐺 Muriel
Inanna was the first one to sniff you out, and once she got your scent there was no running
Muriel followed close beyond
They found you all curled up and cold in the forest
Inanna being absolutely fascinated with you
Muriel not so much
Inanna managed to convince him to bring you home and get you out of the rain
While you made a quick recovery you managed to worm your way into this mans brain
As the days went past you began shuffling around his hut, whatever you could find to entertain yourself was enough
You managed to make a small fort out of the furs he had and Inanna fell in love.
He would come home from collecting things out in the forest and he would be stumped to find you both curled into each other in the small fuzzy fort
You would almost constantly find some way to mess with Muriel, whether it be misplacing his whittling tools or hiding away somewhere in the hut to only be sniffed out by Inanna.
“Inanna Hush!” You whispered to the wolf, her tail only wagged faster and faster, a small happy yip falling from her mouth.
You were currently hiding away in the hut, underneath a pile of Fur. Muriel had been out all day and you wanted to play a small prank on him when he got home.
But Inanna was giving away your spot.
You heard loud heavy footsteps just outside the hut door and in a quick move of desperation you grab Inanna and pull her into the pile of furs with you.
“(Y/N)… Inanna?” Muriel low voice can be heard just barely against the furs. You felt Inanna tail begin to move against your leg and you quickly go to grab it, as you did so she licked your face.
You giggle as she continues to lick away at your face but your stomach sinks when the furs are pulled away from you.
Muriel stands before you, Furs in hand and a rather confused look on his face.
“What… are you two doing?”
Inanna jumps away and happily rubs against Muriels leg, another happy yip falling from her.
“Well… Ya see…I was supposed to scare you but, Inanna had different plans…” You huff.
👑 Nadia
You had been working as a palace worker for a while now, Nadia had taken a special interest in you-
She would often call upon you for small things, or even just to chat
The other palace workers were getting a bit jealous-
You seemed to be one of her favorites.
After a while she started treating you like a sibling-
Older sister dotting after their youngest sibling-
She would call you around the palace and ask for your assistance with personal matters or just to have tea with you
Your tea talks consisted of speaking about nobles, talking about new fashion that began popping up around the region-
Girl stuff
“Now darling you HAVE to try on this outfit it will be perfect for the dance!” Nadia handed you a rather beautiful ball gown, but with the large smile on her face you just chuckled.
She whipped back around and began rummaging through a small jeweled box, when you turn to place the out on the small chair next you, you heard a muffled laugh fall from the countess.
“Now with THIS, you’ll look absolutely stunning!” She turns around with a small dainty necklace, a very large grin plastered to her face.
“Nadia, are you sure?” At your question she nods and quickly turns you around to hook the necklace around you.
Knock Knock
Both you and Nadia turn to look at the door, the countess straightens up and she walks over. When she peaks her head out you laugh a bit as you catch sight of a rather large tea pot settled upon a tray.
When she grabs the tray and sends the servant away she happily walks back over and hands you a cup.
“Now let’s talk, These guests will have the most-“
“Horrendous haircuts?” You giggle at Nadia’s face. Her hand goes to cover her mouth as you see her attempt to hold back laughter.
“Well, yes actually.”
You both erupt into laughter.
The count had almost ignored you entirely at first.
When you managed to befriend his dogs however, he became rather interested.
He began to follow you around as you busied yourself around the palace
He would ask you to clean his pictures
Maybe go polish one of his statues
For behind who he was you always seemed to be so sassy towards him
“You know, I could have you executed..?”
“Oh yeah?”
“Well that’s a shame, if I die then there’ll be no one else to willingly polish your statues anymore.”
You Just grew on him
He would almost always come to you and complain about his day or talk about people and you just listened
You would make fun of him sometimes for his rather bratty attitude and he would always attempt to fight you for it.
For all his talk though he never did actually fight you.
“And THEN He had the NERVE to call me a-“
“Bratty child?”
“YES” Lucio’s voice reverberated off the walls of the room you were in, you were attempting to clean out this old novelty room but it was hard with the count constantly moving things and tossing and turning on the floor.
Much like a child.
“When are you gonna be done?”
“As soon as I’m done.”
Lucio groaned at your response and he sat up from the floor, you turn to look at him and you see him begin to look at the room rather intently.
“What’s the matter…?” You asked.
“This room needs more pictures of me.. or more so A picture of me.”
You couldn’t help but groan at his comment. But he was kind of right, almost every room in the palace had something that either looked like him or gave off his energy so this room was rather unique in the … non-lucio items that decorated its walls.
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milequaritchsslut · 2 years
Only friends right?
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Warnings: Swearing, smoking, teasing, yelling, angst
Summary: Lo’ak x best friend reader
“Get off me y/n” pushing you off his shoulder as he stood up walking away from you.
You moved back following your best friend to wherever he was going.
“I will not leave you alone until you tell me what is wrong!” You really meant that he was your best friend you weren’t just gonna let him be mad until you found out why.
You got no answer just a huff in response. You just rolled your eyes trying to figure out what was wrong with him. He got made easily maybe it was something you said to him. You realized he started to pick u his pace so you jogged up to him still trying to figure out what was wrong.
All of sudden he stopped turning to look at you with his face all scrunched up in annoyance and anger.
“You wanna know what would make me feel better y/n? You really wanna know?”
Crossing your arms you answered “yes I do Lo’ak”
“Shutting the fuck up and leaving me alone is what would make me feel better y/n just leave me alone god your annoying!”
Walking away from you just yelled back at him.
“Fine be like that then Lo’ak idgaf!” Rolling your eyes you just walked over to your family’s pod hoping to find your sister tsireya there. Walking in you found her chopping fruit by herself. Sitting down next to her you got met with a smile as she patted the mat to sit next to her.
“Was it Lo’ak again?” She didn’t even look up at you she already knew she right.
“Yes! He is so fucking annoying I just wanna smash his head in omg” picking up one of the fruits your sister had and grabbing a knife to start cutting. You and Lo’ak cares abt eachtoher very much but you two were known for your arguments. They were almost everyday now it wasn’t even about anything big you would just yell and argue about nothing. It would even become physical sometimes which resulted in your parents having to break you up.
“So what’d he do this time y/n” still cutting her fruit moving her already cut fruit to the side.
“We were just swimming together and he got out to sit down. He seemed mad so I asked and he said he was fine and then he just started yelling at me!” Huffing out your anger to your sister. She would always listen to you ramble on about anything and you would do the same to her. She was your sister she would stick by your side no matter what. You two sat in silence as she tried to figure out what to tell you this time.
“I’ve told you so many times y/n just stop hanging out with him!” You knew she was right but honestly if your being completely honest you couldn’t stay away from eachother you two had broke your friendship multiple times but you always came back to eachother. You’d been friends for about 2 years and you couldn’t just let that all go. It’s not like you hates eachother either and when you did get along you had an amazing time.
“We both know that’s not gonna work tsireya” letting out a giggle she knew you were right but at least she tried right?
“We’ll then idk what to say! Just try to get him to talk to you I guess” shrugging her shoulders in defeat.
“Yeah i know I’ll try later tonight” you and Lo’ak hung out at the beach to smoke every night no matter what. Even if you guys were in the middle of a disagreement you would always meet eachother there and eventually make up.
You had a little crush on him for awhile. You would never let anyone know that but you did make it kind of obvious your whole friend group knew. You and Lo’ak would hang out with Tsireya, Roxto, Aounug, Neteyam, Kiri, and Tuk. Kiri and Tsireya would always tease you about it privately making kissing noises whenever they caught you looking at Lo’ak. You just flipped them off or rolled your eyes.
That night you and your family had dinner. Sitting in the middle of your brother and sister. With your parents siting across the table from you. Looking up from your food you made eye contact with your mother
“So how are you and Lo’ak getting along these days y/n?” Everyone’s gaze hit you they all knew the answer but your mother was nosy so she wanted the details.
Trying to think of an answer as you were about to speak you were interrupted by your annoying brother.
“Lo’ak said you’ve been all over him lately” laughing at his own joke as he made kissing noises in your face. You just shoved his face away from you as you started to speak trying to defend yourself
“I was not! He is just being annoying right now that’s all” shifting your gaze down to your food hoping your parents would just switch the subject but wishful thinking right?
Your mother started to speak giving your father a look of concern
“Well maybe you two need a break all you two do is argue” Letting out a sigh hoping her oldest daughter would listen to her.
You thought about it but quickly rid the thought from your mind. You two would make up tonight like you always did so it would fine you thought.
“Can we please talk about something else?” You asked looking up at your parents.
Your father finally budged in letting you off the hook “So how is training with mother been tsireya?” Turning his attention to tsireya.
“Oh it’s been good I am learning quickly!” Smiling at her father
“She is right she will be an amazing tshaik for the people!” You sighed in relief happy you weren’t the subject of dinner tonight.
After dinner you helped your brother with the dishes excited to go meet Lo’ak. Handing you a dish he finally spoke
“So when are you gonna ask the sully boy out hm?” You just rolled your eyes kicking him in the ankle only getting a grunt and a kick back.
“Pls shut up Aounug😒” You hated how he would always tease you about anything.
“Oh come on I’m just joking y/n lighten up” as he cleaned off another dish and handing it to you. As he gave you the last dish you quickly dried it off and went to your part of the marui to grab your stash. Picking up your pillow you quickly grabbed the herb and walked out of your pod. Walking towards the beach you could feel the night breeze fondle with your tail almost tickling you. Letting out a giggle you picked up your pace towards the beach. Lo’ak was always there before you you didn’t mind it at all. You hated waiting on people especially if they were already late as it is.
Turning the corner to the beach you saw Lo’ak sitting down on the sand with his knees to his chin. Walking over you yelled his name causing him to look your way sending a smile your way. As you sat next to his crisscrossed you layed your supplies down getting your paper out.
“So are you gonna tell me why you were so mad?” Focusing on rolling you layed the herb on the paper pushing it together.
“It was just something I remembered from awhile ago” moving his gaze over to your working hands.
Rolling your eyes and rolling the herb up.
“What was it tho?” Licking the blunt.
Letting out a sigh he didnt wanna bring it up again. But he knew you’d listen to him so he finally let it out
“It was awhile ago but I just remeber my father telling me I was a disappointment to him and the family. Sorry I lashed out on you tho” Getting his lighter out that Norm gave to him awhile ago to let you light it.
“Lo’ak what your father thinks of you doesn’t matter just try your best like you always do” giving him the blunt to light.
“Yeah yeah I know it’s just annoying bro” letting out a sigh and inhaling the smoke
You understood what he felt since he talked about it a lot. You couldn’t do anything to make him think any different but you tried your best.
“I heard your father talking about finding you a mate” you let out taking the blunt from his hands and inhaling.
“Oh damn really?” Changing his gaze to face you.
He’d been thinking about it lately since his brother had finally found a girl he liked he also wanted a mate. He had his eyes on you but he never thought you’d reciprocate the feeling. So he just didn’t talk to it about anyone. He hated rejection and he knew it would ruin your whole friendship if you didn’t feel the same and he couldn’t let that happen. He cares about you too much.
“You like any of the girls here?” You didn’t want the answer to that. You knew he didn’t want you but there was no harm in asking right?
“Yeah there’s this one girl” taking the blunt out of your hand.
Your smile left your face at his response.
“Oh what’s her name?” Pls don’t answer pls tou thought.
“I don’t wanna say, but she’s amazing” you watched as his eyes lit up by just talking about her. You knew it wasn’t any of your friends because he hardly even talked to the other girls of the clan so you had no idea. Maybe it was tsireya she was beautiful it only made sense since they were good friends. But she didn’t like him like that she would’ve told you if she did.
“Cmon Lo’ak what’s her name? I promise my lips are sealed” you weren’t gonna tell anyone you wouldn’t do that to him you cared too much.
He couldn’t tell you who it was maybe he would just lie about it. Yeah that’d probably work, he couldn’t say it was tou it would ruin everything.
“Ok but do not tell anyone I’m serious y/n. It’s Tsireya” your mouth dropped. Your assumptions were right she was really pretty and kind so of course he picked her.
“Oh wow you guys would be perfect together you should talk to her more Lo’ak” they would not be perfect together tou thought he was only perfect for you and only you. But as long as he was happy is what you thought.
“Y-yeah you should like help me get with her y/n she is your sister” he hated lying to you but if that is what would keep you guys together then it was ok.
You just smiled and nodded at his suggestion. You guys talked for awhile until it got too dark to even see eachother. You waved bye and walked back to your marui. Moving the cloth out of your way you greeted your sister and layed down on your mat next to her.
Turning over to face you she smiled “so did you guys make up?”
Smiling back “yeah we did”
“That’s good y/n! Im gonna go to sleep good night”
“Alright good night Tsireya” turning around and closing your eyes.
This is gonna be a part one to a series guys lmk what you think!
Taglist: @nix-rose-q
152 notes · View notes
Always Been You
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Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels X F!Reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: use of (y/n) a few times, so much fluff it’s actually ridiculous, an asshole ex who slightly harasses reader, the use of the word ‘slut’ towards reader, a dash of angst, small town vibes, did I mention fluff?
Word Count: 3.7k
Author’s Notes: This idea has been sitting in my head for awhile and honestly this came out better than I expected. I love how simple this fic is but also just how fluffy it is. I’ve had it done for a few weeks but I’m trying to stretch out my works because I don’t have that many done at the moment. Thanks as always to @clint-aww-no-barton and I hope you all enjoy!!
ao3 link
The farmers market bustled as it always did. The Kentucky sun was hot, but the breeze kept it from being unbearable. This event had always been one of your favorite things about your hometown. All the locals came together to sell their passions, and it kept a smile on your face the entire time you were here. Your tote bag was already full of fresh fruit, vegetables, cookies, jam and local honey. A blueberry pie waited for you to pick up before you left, and now you made your way to get flowers.
  “Good morning (Y/N)!” Frank, the owner of the most beautiful flowers in the world, exclaimed.
  “Good morning Frank. How are you today?” You asked taking in the copious fragrances surrounding his stall.
  “Doing amazing. It’s a beautiful day and business is good!”
  “As it always is. How could it not be?! You have the best flowers in the world.”
  “Now I wouldn’t say that…”
  “Oh I do, often,” you gave him a smile from under your lashes.
  Frank’s wife use to be a florist, but after she passed he kept on selling flowers, just not in bouquets. You always got a fresh bunch for your room, every Saturday morning, when you were visiting your parents. You spotted the sunflowers you had been waiting on to bloom and smiled wide to yourself. You looked them over, trying to find the perfect ones.
  You would know that voice anywhere, in any universe, at any point in time. You turned and sure enough there he stood.
  “Jack?!” Both of you let face splitting smiles spread across your faces, as he stepped towards you.
  You met him halfway, and then his arms were around you. He engulfed you, as he always did. Not only with his stature, but with his scent. It sent your pulse pounding, and butterflies flapping their wings too quickly in your stomach.
  “What are you doing here?” You spoke, as the two of you stepped to the side out of people’s way.
  “I had some vacation, so I decided to come visit. Spend some time with the folks.”
  “New York still treating you right?” You asked, hoping he’d say no.
  “Still doesn’t feel like home, but it’s been alright.”
  That made your heart jump.
  “You look incredible,” he spoke as he gazed at you
  He took your hand and twirled you, pulling a giggle from you. Your sundress slightly coming up with the spin.
  “You don’t look so bad yourself Cowboy.”
  You both laughed at the nickname. It was never awkward with Jack. It didn’t matter if he’d been away for years or seconds, it was always the same easy feeling when you were around him. The two of you tried to stay in touch, texting every once in awhile but his job had him busy, and so did yours.
  “You want to walk the rest with me? I was going to grab some flowers real quick.”
  “Of course darlin’ but the flowers are on me.”
  Before you could even protest, he’d walked over to Frank’s booth. They began to catch up with each other, as Jack too, looked over the sunflowers. You smiled to yourself as he picked a few and paid for them. Frank tied them up and slipped them in his signature packaging. They said their goodbyes, and Frank gave you a wave which you returned as Jack made his way back over to you.
  “Thank you Jack,” you smiled as the two of you fell into step with each other.
  “No need to thank me darlin’,” he smiled down at you.
  The two of you walked through the market, stopping at a few more stalls. Everyone you stopped to talk to was glad to see Jack as well.
  “How is the job going?”
  “It’s going good! I got lucky with no summer classes to teach, so I’m back visiting for a while, and doing some tutoring while I’m here. Plus I help mom and dad with the ranch.”
  “That’s good. I’m glad it’s been going well for you. I knew you were perfect for that job when you got it.” You smiled up at him, meeting his eyes already on you. “I’m glad my parents are still holding down the ranch myself. Gives me something to do when I’m here.”
  “How long are you in town for?” The question you had dreaded asking him the moment you saw him.
  “Two weeks.”
  Just two weeks? That wasn’t enough. Not for you, but you tried not to show your disappointment and how your stomach sank. You swung by to pick up your pie, laughing as Jack bought one himself, before the two of you exited the market and into the parking lot.
  “Hey listen, um,” Jack rubbed the back of his neck, a familiar nervous habit. “I know the carnival is in town, and I was wondering if you might want to go, with me? For old times sake.”
  “Jack I would love to,” you smile brightened.
  “Perfect. I can come pick you up this evening around six?”
  “That sounds great!”
  “I would really like to buy you dinner, sometime while I’m in town as well.” His voice had softened, nerves clearly there.
  “Jack Daniels are you asking me on a date?” You turned to him in a bit of a teasing manner, but your smile was so wide your face hurt.
  “I reckon I am,” he chuckled as he looked down at you.
  “Well, I would love to.”
  “Great! Perfect. We can work that out later.”
  “Sounds good.”
  “Did you drive here?” Jack scanned the lot for your car.
  “No I walked.”
  “Can I give you a lift?”
  “You don’t have to Jack.”
  “I insist.”
  You gave him a nod and walked with him to his Bronco. You had always loved his car, and it was so fitting for him. He opened your door for you and tucked your things in a box in the back carefully, so nothing would fly away or get damaged. The only time he ever bothered to put the top on was when it rained, but as long as the skies were clear he always loved having the wind around him as he drove. You smiled at the memory of you teasing him about it once, during an unusual stretch of beautiful weather Kentucky had received one year. You looked over at him as he got in, and he caught your eyes. The two of you held eye contact for far too long, before you felt your face heat and you looked away.
  Jack started the car and soon took off for your parents ranch. You let the wind whip your hair around you, marveling in how amazing it felt. Not just the weather, but the freeing feeling of being sat next to Jack back in your hometown. You could never lie to a single person about your feelings for him. Ones that had never once left, even after he moved. The two of you never put a label on things, but it was always him you came back to. Both of you had dated other people, but no one ever made you feel the way Jack did. That sense of being safe, of being home. It crushed you when he left, but you made him swear to stay in touch, and never once did he fall back on his promise. You had always wondered if he felt the same, but deep down you suspected he did. The way he seemed to always find his way back to you too. It was like the two of you were magnets, only drawn to each other.
All too soon, Jack pulled into the long driveway of your parents home. You stayed here most summers, in your old bedroom your parents kept for you. They had told you when you left, that there was always a place for you here. Jack came to a stop and the two of you climbed out.
  “Is that the Jack Daniels?!” You heard your mom, who had stepped out of the house onto the large front porch.
  “Yes ma’am! How are you?”
  You watched as Jack walked, with your tote bag and packages, towards your mom to receive a hug. That was another point towards this man, your parents loved him. Truthfully both your families were friends, and everyone got along perfectly. You adored his parents and the feeling was mutual.
  “Well I’m doing wonderful! How are you, Mr. New York?”
  “Is that Jack I hear?” Your father rounded the house, wiping his hands on the bottom of his already dirty shirt.
  “Oh I’m doing well. Miss this place all the time. How are you, sir?”
  You watched the scene play out, everyone making some small talk.
 “Come in and have lunch with us sweetie.”
  “I, unfortunately, have to decline. We are having lunch as a family back at the big house but I’ll see y’all later tonight. I’ll come by a bit early, if that’s alright?” He turned to you.
  “Oh yes! That’s perfect! We can sit, have some pie and then head over to the carnival.”
  “I’ll see you then darlin’. Mr. & Mrs. (Y/L/N) it was really good to see y’all, and I’ll be back this evening.”
  “Drive careful,” you spoke softly, after goodbyes were exchanged, and you watched him climb in his car and leave down the drive.
  “The carnival huh?” You mom asked, and you smirked back at her.
  “Things are getting back to their natural order. Get me anything good at the market?” Your father spoke as he picked up your bags.
  His comment made your heart swell, and you looked back seeing the dust Jack had sent flying, settling.
  “Of course I did dad,” you smiled, as your mom wrapped her arm around your shoulder and the three of you walked inside.
  Things definitely felt more like home now.
  The day seemed to crawl by and you knew it was only because you were excited. You had changed into some light jeans and a cute, simple top. You were comfy but could fight the chill that came with the nights here. You exited your room, just as the doorbell rang through the house. You beat either of your parents to the door and opened it to Jack.
  “Hi,” you spoke with a wide smile that Jack mirrored. “Come in.”
  “Hey darlin’.” Jack spoke as he stepped inside.
  The sun was just starting to set behind the horizon as you closed the door, and you noted it knowing y’all couldn’t linger too long.
  “Y’all come to the kitchen!” Your mom called, and you let out a chuckle as the two of you made your way.
  Your dad was already sat down, like a kid waiting for his favorite meal, at the table. Jack joined him and the two of them fell into easy conversation as you went to help your mom.
  “You’ve been really happy since you got back this morning,” your mom smirked, elbowing you slightly as you gathered plates and cups.
  “I am,” your face heated.
  “Ain’t got nothing to do with a certain someone does it?”
  “Oh not at all,” you looked at her with a smirk, and the two of you let out low laughs.
  “Well you already know we both approve. We have for a long time. The two of you have danced around each other for years. You need to just go for it.”
  “I don’t know about the distance thing though.”
  “Honey if it’s meant to be, the two of you will make it work no matter what. Plus you work a job, that can easily move with you. There are literature positions to spare in New York. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to, but honey you light up when he’s around.”
  You studied your mom for a moment, before glancing over at Jack. He was still in deep conversation with your dad, but his eyes found yours, and you held them for a moment before looking away. A smile spread on your face once again.
  “You see? Plus he feels the same way.”
  “You don’t know that,” you spoke as you grabbed the pitcher of milk out of the fridge.
  “Oh honey. I do.” Your mom declared, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
  “He could have found someone up there.”
  “Jack’s a loyal man, he wouldn’t be sitting at our dinning room table about to take you on date if he had.”
  She turned to you, with plates balanced carefully in each hand. You looked at her and let out a sigh.
  “Just think about it. You have two weeks to figure it all out. But I wouldn’t let him go back without telling him how you feel.”
  She walked past you, and you knew she was right. You definitely knew you needed to just fess up to Jack, but the thought made your stomach flip. Mostly in fear that he didn’t really feel the same way. You let out a sigh as you turned with the glasses and pitcher. The four of you sat around and talked about life, as you ate pie and drank your milk. You glanced over at Jack once both of you were done.
  “You ready to go?”
  “If you are darlin’,” Jack smiled as he stood.
  “You kids go have fun. You know the rules at this point Jack.” You dad spoke as the rest of you stood.
  “Yes Sir.” Jack smiled as he shook your dad’s hand and then hugged your mom.
  Your mom gave you a look that spoke so many silent words, and you simply nodded before saying your goodbyes and leaving.
  The carnival was already in full swing as the two of you walked up. People bustled everywhere, bright lights from the rides shining, screams coming from some of the fast ones, and the smell only a carnival could carry. You and Jack went on several rides before you walked up to a ring throwing game.
  “Want me to win you something darlin’?” He smirked, as you both looked over the countless stuffed animals.
  “I’ll take that bear up there,” you pointed at one that was as brown as his eyes.
  “You got it. One teddy bear coming up.”
  Jack stepped up and took the rings from the guy behind the counter. You watched as he focused, concentrating carefully, before throwing the first ring, landing it easily. You pumped an arm but kept silent, trying not to distract him or celebrate too early. One after another Jack threw them true, until they were all on the highest bottles and you cheered. Jack told the guy which bear you wanted and when he handed it to you your smile grew impossibly bigger. Then you wrapped your arms around him.
  “Thank you Jack! That was incredible! I’m terrible at those things. I’ve never seen anyone do that well.”
  “Ahhh it ain’t nothing darlin’ and you’re very welcome.”
  One of your arms wrapped tight around the bear and the other fell to your side. You felt your fingers flutter against Jack’s, and the two of you looked at each other. With eyes locked he took your hand and laced your fingers within his. He squeezed slightly, and your face heated, but absolutely nothing could wipe the smile from your face. Or so you thought.
  “Well look who it is!”
  That voice made you freeze, your blood boil and a stone fall in the pit of your stomach. Lee Mason. Your ex, with a not so great breakup. You had tried, because he had been a decent guy, up until the end. When you finally confessed that the feelings were just not there, he’d turned into a complete asshole. Ever since then you had avoided him, and not once did it cross your mind that you might see him tonight. You knew, as he strolled up with his asshole friends in tow, that he was about to make a scene.
  “So is this city boy the reason you broke things off with me?” Lee sneered, as his eyes darted to your clasped hands.
  “I don’t think it’s any of your business anymore. I owe you nothing Lee.” You tried to be calm and not show any of the emotions swirling around inside.
  “How’s New York? City boy,” Lee spit the words at Jack, who's hand squeezed yours.
  You knew Jack was a mostly patient man, but the wrong person could flip a switch.
  “It’s perfect. Being a president of a billion dollar company and all. You know? Oh wait…”
  Your eyes widened and a smirk pulled at your lips as you glanced up at Jack, who kept his eyes glued to Lee.
  “Yeah whatever Daniels. You watch yourself with this slut. She’ll stab you in the back in a second,” Lee and his friends let out a laugh.
  The words shouldn’t have hurt but they did. Then Jack was stepping forward, your hand dropping from his.
  “What did you just call her?”
  “A slut,” Lee didn’t even hesitate.
  “I believe you should take that back, and watch your mouth when you talk about a lady.”
  You swore you could see the steam coming off Jack as he loomed over Lee. He was taller than Lee and could probably take him out with one single, not so hard, punch.
  “And what are you going to do about it?”
  Lee challenged Jack and his friends stepped up.
  “You might want to walk away now. I’d hate to make a scene and kick your asses in front of all these people.”
  You didn’t notice it until this second, when Jack slightly moved the leather jacket on his side. His whip that he carried with him just about everywhere hung on his belt loop. It was no secret to you who Jack really was, and what his work entailed. You knew what he was capable of. Even with Lee having no idea, he backed up keeping his eyes on Jack, as him and his friends walked away. They kept their eyes glued to each other until Lee was far enough away, and he turned around. You released a breath you had no idea you were holding.
  “You okay?” Jack turned to you, clearly worried.
  “I’m fine,” you spoke softly.
  “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”
  “Wait, are we going home?”
  The hurt had to be clear on your face, because Jack stepped close to you and took your hand.
  “No, we’re going to our spot.”
  You smiled softly and he pulled you out to the parking lot with him.
  The spot Jack mentioned was a cliff that the two of you discovered once, while driving around one afternoon. The two of you had spent hours on end out here, talking about life, eating, laughing, watching movies or even just sitting in the comfortable silence that always fell between the two of you.
  Jack parked and from the outlook you could still see the bright lights of the carnival, and you unbuckled, getting out. You stomach churned, wondering if Lee’s words had affected Jack’s mind in any way. You should know better at this point, but it had been a few years since the last time the two of you were together, and things change. You leaned carefully against the hood of the car and took in the view. The driver door shutting made your heart pound as Jack came to stand next to you.
  “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
  His words were so gentle, so worried. You needed to tell him. Your mom was right but first…
   “You didn’t believe what he said right?”
  Your voice shook and you silently cursed yourself.
  “What?” Jack was shocked at your question, and he reached over to pull at your hands where they’d been crossed against your chest. 
  “I would never in a million years think he was telling the truth. I know you, regardless of the distance and the time apart, I know you. He’s just an asshole who lost the best thing that ever happened to him. He must hate himself for not fighting for you.”
  You couldn’t have stopped the slight tears that sprung to life in your eyes, nor the smile on your face.
  “He meant nothing. None of them have.”
  “What do you mean?” Jack’s eyebrows pulled together and he cocked his head slightly.
  “Shit. Here goes nothing. None of them have mattered, because none of them have been who I truly want. Which is you, Jack. I’ve known it for a really long time, but I’m in love with you Jack Daniels.”
  There was silence, his eyes searched your face, the too long pause making your stomach sink. Then his hands were on your cheeks and his lips crashed against yours. It was the most electrifying feeling and you knew that this is what everyone talked about. The way Jack made you feel in the past, leading up to this moment. The moment the fireworks went off. The moment he confirmed every single thing you had felt all these years. He only pulled away when your lungs were screaming for air.
  “I take that as…”
  “I feel the same? Yes. I always have. It’s always been you. In every scenario, in every dream of my future it’s only you. I would do anything to make you mine, to make you happy, make this work.”
  “I would too,” your voice shook with pure happiness.
  “Then I guess I need to ask you properly then huh?” Jack smirked and you smiled, nodding your head. “Be mine. We will figure it all out, but if you say yes I’m never letting you go.”
  “Then yes. I never want you to let me go Jack.”
  He pulled you back into him, his arms around your waist and yours around his neck, lacing in the hair at the nape of his neck. You kissed him, knowing that this had been the answer to every question in your life. You had no idea what was to come, but none of it mattered as long as Jack was by your side.
Tagged: @jimmythegirl​ @arcadianempress​ @discogrrl​ @immundusspiritu​ @someplace-darker​ @thisis-theway​ @ohpedromypedro​ @scribbledghost​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @princess-and-pedro​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @littlevodka​ @all-hallows-evie​ @mack4676​ @perropascal​ @audreyshepbvrn​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @kaqua​ @novemberrain221​ @weasleywinchester​
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Babbbbbbe i have a request. So I just found out I have to get my wisdom teeth take out but apparently they are severely impacted so I have to go through surgery! Keep in mind I’ve never had surgery. Never in my life. So I’m scared tbh. I just need a fluffy fic with any of my comfort characters(James potter, Sirius black, Remus lupin, will turner, or Steve Harrington) whoever you think fits it best. But I need reassuring vibes and then funny vibes after like drugily flirting with them and then they tell us we are already married! And que happy song or dance from us! Pretty please. Because I have no one to take me and I’m terrified tbh…
Hon....I will give you the sweetest fic anyone has ever read....they will need their teeth filled after
Dear we are married
Pairing: Will Turner x Fem reader
Description: After too many drinks making you have courage you confess your love to Will and he surprises you with something you forgot
Warnings: Minor swearing
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You enjoyed being on land and occasionally having a good drink of water and ale in the tavern but also getting some time with your husband Will who you were sitting next to as you grew tipsy. Soon after losing count of how many drinks you had consumed you looked to will with a smile on your face as he laughed at Gibbs who was very drunk of his head falling out of a chair "God why do I feel like this every time I look at you?" he turns looking at you with his brow raised "Feel what?" you sigh taking another drink of ale hiccuping "I feel so safe, warm, in love, and mushy and I don't know what to say to you cause you won't feel the same" Elizabeth comes over as you talk laughing and shaking her head "Mr Turner is she saying what I believe she is saying?" Jack walks his way over watching you sway and hiccup in your chair putting his hat on you "Thanks jack". He looks at elizabeth and will then looking at you before putting his hat back on his head "Boy she is snoggered alright have fun lover boy" he walks away and sitting next to Gibbs drinking more rum as elizabeth walks away laughing as you give her a hug before she leaves going to the inn not far to sleep for the night "I feel the same my dear I always have" you smile big grabbing rum from behind the bar "Woo! Let's get married then might as well" he laughs loudly making you smile bigger as you sit down with the rum in between the two of you, helping you up as you head back to the ship going in his quarters as you tell him you should get married on the ship as he just laughs sweetly "Dear we are married have been for awhile now we got married on the beach" you look at him in shock "We are?!" he laughs even more as you lay down falling asleep with him next to you. You wake up feeling a bit rough from the ale going up deck shielding your eyes from the sun with one of will's hats as you go up where he was standing with elizabeth "Well look who's up" you wave at them as you get awake leaning your head on will's shoulders hearing gibbs laugh as he looks at you "What happened last night? Why do I feel like a big bag of shit? And where is my ring?" she giggles along with will chuckling as he turns to look at you "A lot of us got very wasted last night, you were very drunk, and your ring is on my neck so you wouldn't lose it you gave it to me before we went on land remember?" after you got more awake, putting your ring back on, and heard what he said you slowly start to remember everything that happened and two seconds later you looked at the two wide eyed "Oh my god how did I forget that and why was I that drunk?!" they both laugh as you hide your face in will's chest and jack comes up to hear what was going on "So our lass finally remembered the drunk stupor from last night eh" elizabeth nods while giggling and you flip jack off making will laugh more as he holds you.
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